
一、选择题1、模拟信号解调的“门限效应”有可能出现在____ b ___信号的解调中: a 、DSB b 、AM c 、PM d 、SSB2、发端发送纠错码,收端译码器自动发现并纠正错误,传输方式为单向传输,这种差错控制的工作方式被称为: aa 、FECb 、ARQc 、IFd 、HEC3、设x(t)为调制信号,调相波的表示式为:cos(())c p t k x t ω+,则PM 调制方式的瞬时角频率偏差为: d ;瞬时角频率为: c ;瞬时相位为: aa 、()c p t k x t ω+b 、()p k x tc 、()c pdx t t k dt ω+ d 、()p dx t k dt4、码长n=7的汉明码,监督位应是: ba 、2位b 、3位c 、4位d 、5位5、设r 为接收机输入端信噪比,则2FSK 调制系统非相干解调的误码率计算公式为: ba 、12erfcb 、212re - c 、12erfc d 、12erfc6、在模拟调制当中,属于非线性调制的是: ca 、DSBb 、AMc 、FMd 、SSB7、发端发出检错码,收端译码器判决码组中有无错误出现,再把判决信号送回发端,发端根据判决信号将收端认为有错的消息重发到收端,直到正确接收为止。
这种差错控制的工作方式被称为:ba 、FECb 、ARQc 、IFd 、HEC8、码长n=15的汉明码,监督位应是:ca 、2位b 、3位c 、4位d 、5位9、收端把收到的消息原封不动地送回发端,发端把反馈回来的信息与原发送信息进行比较,并把二者不一致的部分重发到收端。
这种差错控制的工作方式被称为: c a 、FEC b 、ARQ c 、IF d 、HEC10、利用线性调制系统不失真的传输信号x(t),根据采用的调制方法不同,其对应的传输带宽之间的关系为:ba 、B DSB = B AM = B VSB = B SSBb 、B DSB = B AM >B VSB >B SSBc 、B DSB > B AM = B VSB > B SSBd 、B DSB >B AM > B VSB = B SSB11、一个频带限制在0到f x 以内的低通信号x(t),用f s 速率进行理想抽样,若要不失真的恢复x(t),要求f s 与f x 关系满足:aa 、1162s x f f ≥ b 、s x f f ≥ c 、2s x f f ≤ d 、s x f f ≤12、符号集为A 、B 、C 、D 、E ,相互独立,相应概率为12、14、18、116、116,其平均信息量为:da 、1.800bit/符号b 、1.825bit/符号c 、1.850bit/符号d 、1.875bit/符号13、对于线性调制,在发送端载波发射功率和调制信号功率等有关参数均相同的条件下,根据采用的调制方法不同,其对应的发送功率之间的关系为:ba 、S DSB > S AM > S VSB > S SSBb 、S AM > S DSB > S VSB > S SSBc 、S AM > S DSB > S SSB > S VSBd 、S DSB > S AM > S SSB > S VSB14、以下哪种编码与传输信号的极性无关:da 、多进值码b 、双极性归零码c 、单极性归零码d 、差分码15、设r 为接收机输入端信噪比,2PSK 调制系统相干解调的误码率计算公式为:da 、12erfcb 、212re - c 、12erfc d 、12erfc16、汉明码的最小码距为:ba 、2b 、3c 、4d 、517、设调制信号的最高截止频率为f x ,进行AM 调制,要使已调信号无失真地传输,AM 调制系统的传输带宽至少为:ba 、f xb 、2f xc 、3f xd 、4f x18、为了解决连0码而无法提取位同步信号的问题,人们设计了ca 、AMI 码b 、多进值码c 、HDB3码d 、差分码19、假设分组码的最小码距为5则它能检测误码的位数至少为:c ;纠正的误码位数至少为:a a 、2 b 、3 c 、4 d 、5 20、SSB 信号进行相干解调可获得的制度增益为:aa 、1b 、2c 、2/3d 、小于2/321、低频成分少,频带比较窄,另外即使有长连0码时也能提取位同步信号编码是:c a 、AMI 码 b 、多进值码 c 、HDB 3码 d 、差分码22、输入信噪比在___ a ____时,AM 信号的包络解调性能近似等于相干解调性能, a 、大信噪比 b 、小信噪比 c 、中信噪比 d 、任何值 23、如果将全“0”码编为HDB 3码其输出为:aa 、…-100-1+100+1-100-1 …b 、…-1000+1000-1000+1…c 、…+1000-1000+1000-1…d 、…-10000+10000-10000+1… 24、已知码元速率为400波特,则2ASK 的带宽为:ba 、400Hzb 、800Hzc 、1600Hzd 、3200Hz 25、通常6位偶监督码的信息位数为:da 、2b 、3c 、4d 、5 26、汉明码能够纠正的误码位数为:aa 、1b 、2c 、3d 、427、设r 为接收机输入端信噪比,2DPSK 调制系统差分解调的误码率计算公式为:ca 、12erfcb 、212re - c 、12r e - d 、12erfc28、以下哪一个码字属于码长为5的奇监督码ca 、10001b 、10010c 、10011d 、1010029、符号集为A 、B 、C 、D ,它们相互独立,相应概率为、、、,其中包含信息量最小的符号是:aa 、Ab 、Bc 、Cd 、D30、PCM 均匀量化信噪比随着________增大而增大。

第一部分(0609)一、单选题11.以下叙述正确的是(A)窗体的Name属性指定窗体的名称,用来标识一个窗体(B)窗体的Name属性值是显示在窗体标题栏中的文本(C)可以在运行期间改变窗体的Name属性的值(D)窗体的Name属性值可以空12.以下叙述中错误的是(A)打开一个工程文件时,系统自动装入与该工程有关的窗体文件(B)保存Visual Basic程序时,应分别保存窗体文件及工程文件(C)Visual Basic应用程序只能以解释的方式执行(D)窗体的Name属性值可以可空13.设a = 2,b = 3,c = 4,下列表达式的值是Not a <= c Or 4 * c = b ^ 2 And b <> a + c(A)-1(B) 1(C)True(D)False14.设有发下声明的用户定义类型:Type Studentnumber As Stringname As Stringage As IntegerEnd Type则以下正确引用该类型成员的代码是(A) = "李明"(B)Dim s As Student : = "李明"(C)Dim s As Type Student : ="李明"(D)Dim s As Type : = "李明"15.设a = 5,b = 6,c = 7,d = 8,执行下列语句后,x的值为x = IIf((a > b) And (c >b), 10, 20)(A)10(B)20(C)True(D)False16.执行以下程序段后,变量c$的值为a$ = "Visual Basic Programming"b$ = "Quick"c$ = b$ & UCase(Mid$(a$, 7, 6)) & Right$(a$, 12)(A)Visual BASIC Programming(B)Quick Basic Programming(C)QUICK Basic Programming(D)Quick BASIC Programming17.在窗体上画一个文本框(其名称为Text1)和一个标签(其名称为Label1),程序运行后,如果在文本框中输入指定的信息,则立即在标签中显示相同的内容。

小学英语语法专项训练:选择填空100题1.Tony is 14, Jim is 15.Tony is ______than Jim.A.youngerB. biggerC. older2.______is your birthday?A. WhereB. WhenC. What3.______is that? That’s Tom’s mother.A.WhatB. WhosC. Who4. Is your mother ______? Yes, she is.A. cookB. cookC. cooking5. This is peter. He’s ______A. tall and shortB. tall and youngC.young and old6.Where _____your sister last month? She ____in china.A. was ,wasB. were , wasC.were , is7.Look, some children ______our school!A. visitsB. visitC. are visiting8.Are you in china ______ January? Yes, I usually in china _____January.A.in, onB.in,inC.at ,in9.Was it ______yesterday? Yes, it was.A.snowB. cloudyC. rains10.My friend peter _____very well.A.swimB.runningC. sings11.The red bag is___,but it’s ______than the green one.A.big, smallB. heavier ,lightC.cheap , nicer12._______pens do you have ? I have nine.A.How manyB. How muchC.How old13.Mr Guo usually _____shorts in July.A.wearB. wearsC. wearing14. I ____at a green light .A.mustn’t walkB. can walkC. must stopping15. Let’s _____with the computer,Tom.A. playB.playsC. playing16.Don’t talk _______class.A.inB.atC. on17.Li Lei _____like fish, but his sister ______.A.don’tB. doesn’tC. aren’t18.My sisters ______play basketball after school.A. don’tB. doesn’tC. aren’t19.___your grandma and grandpa come from china? Yes,they ____A. Do, doesB. Does,doesC. Do, do20. Don’t ____in class. Let’s ______to the teacher.A.talking, listeningB.talks, listensC.talk , listen21.Is she ____TV now?A. watchB. washingC. watching22.____can I speak to Ann, please? ______A.Can , noB. May, of courseC. Must, ok23. I ____to the tape yesterday eveningAlook B.listen C.listened24. I have a ____coat, my brother has an____jacket.A.new ,oldB.clean, dirtyC. big , small25.Mrs Wu is a doctor, she works in a _____A.hospitalB. farmC.factory26._____you go shopping? No, I ______A.Are, aren’tB.Did, didn’tC. Does, doesn’t27.Look!Who ____in the playground?A.plays footballB. is playing footballC.played football28.We don’t go to school _____Monday _____Saturday .A. from, toB. in , onC.on, on29.Does john usually watch TV _____Friday evening?A.onB. atC. in30.We wear jakets and coats _____winter.A. onB. atC. in31.They have lunch ____their grandpa everyday.A.forB. ofC.of32. The ___of ___is the children’s day.A. one, JuneB. first , JulyC. first , June33.When is your birthday ? It’s ____the fifth of march.A. inB.onC. at34._____you at the party yesterday? Yes, I ____A.was, wasB. are, amC. were , was35.Can the women sing? Yes, ___can .A.theyB. sheC. you36.The house is _____the tree.A. in B. on C.under37.______is Beijing? It’s in north China.A.How longB. WhatC. Where38. I can’t _____, but I _____to Canada last year.A. fly, flewB. flew, flyC. see, saw39.My sister usually ____.She is ___now.A. cries, cryingB.cry, cryingC. cries , cried40.Peter usually plays football _____his friends.A. withB. forC. of41. She stayed ____Mary ___ten days.A. for, withB. with, forC. with, of42.We going _____ a trip now.A. toB.onC. for43. The ____of the week is _____A.first, MondayB. second, TuesdayC.third, Tuesday44.Where ____they ____just now?They go to the shopping mall.A. did, goB. do, goingC. are, going45.____your sister ____a ruler?A. Does, haveB. Do, hasC. Does, has46. I usually ride the bike after school ______Mondays.A.onB. inC.at47. Is your mother strong ____weak?A. andB. orC. but48. I get up ____7:00 every morning.A. inB. onC.at49.My friend likes ______A.running and swimmingB. cook and singC.run and dance50.Tom is ______than Ben.A. heavyB. heavyerC.heavier51. what are you doing? i________.a. eatb. can eatc. eatingd. am eating52. we are _________ books now.a. readingb. am readingc. readd. to read53. our teacher is ________ a red sweater .a. putting onb. put onc. wearsd. wear54. that boy isn’t ________ the teacher .a. listenb. listensc. listeningd. listening to55. it’s eight o’clock. jimmy’s parents __________ tv.a. is watchingb. are watchingc. watchd. to watch56. my mother is _____ a cake _____ my birthday.a. making ; tob. making ; forc. doing ; tod. doing ; for57. they are _______ these books in the box.a. putsb. putc. to putd. putting58. ____ you ___ the window? —yes, i am.a. do, cleanb. is, cleaningc. are, cleaningd. do, cleaning59. The red pen is much _____.A. niceB. niceerC. nicer60. There are many cars and people ____the road.A. withB. inC. on61. Who’s taller, _______?A. Liu Tao’s or Gao Shan’sB. Liu Tao or Gao ShanC. Gao Shan’s or Liu TaoD. Gao Shan or Liu Tao’s62.._____ fatter, Liu Tao or Gao Shan?A. whoseB. who’sC. WhoseD. Who’s63. Whose dog is bigger,_____?A. Liu Tao’s or Gao Shan’sB. Liu Tao or Gao ShanC. Gao Shan’s or Liu TaoD. Gao Shan or Liu Tao’s64. This is _____week of this term.A. nineB. the ninethC. ninthD. the ninth65. Are there two _____ on the table?A. boxB. boxsC. boxesD. boxse66. Here’s some _____ for you.A. grapesB. hamburgerC. glasses of milkD. milk67. _____ sun is bigger than _____ moon.A. /, /B. A, aC. the, theD. The, the68. We all had _____ nice time last Friday evening._____.A. /B. aC. anD. the69. Who is _____ girl behind _____ tree?A. a, aB. the, theC. a, theD. the, a70. Look at _____ old man.A. aB. anC. theD./71.You can play _____the clean dog after class.A.withB. inC. at72.Is your mother ______Huizhou? Yes, she is.A.liveB. goes toC.visiting73.Where _____you this morning? I _____at a meeting.A.were, wasB.are, amC.do, am74.Her brother is a policeman. He works in a _____A.post officeB.police stationC.office75.What’s the weather like today? It’s________A.rainB.windyC.sun76.Were you _____ Canada during the summer holiday?A.inB. onC. at77.Are you ______a good time ?A.haveB.hasC. having78.What do you have _____lunch?A.inB. forC.at79.Tom and Mary have bread and milk___the morning.A.inB. onC. at80.Does it ____in Guangzhou?A. rainingB.rainsC.rain81.The bank is _____my uncle’s home.A. next toB.inC.to82.How many _____are there under the tree?A. manB. womeC. woman83.Is you r bag big ____small?A. andB. orC. an84.______does Ben go to school? By bus.A. HowB.WhatC.Where85. There is _____ map of the world on _____ wall. _____ map is mine.A. a, a, AB. a, the, TheC. the, the, TheD. the, the, A86. There’re many _____ on the farm.A. fruitB. pianoesC. radiosD. childs87. Are there any _____ in the building.A. fruitB. pianoesC. radiosD. childs88. Mom, give me some ______.A. moneyB. moneysC. moneies89.This letter is _____my cousin .A.with, ofB. for, inC. with, for90. Thank you _______your books.A. ofB. forC. to91. Is Amy ____a picture? Yes, she is.A. drawingB. drivingC. draw92.________are they? 40 yuan.A.How manyB. How oldC. How much93. There are ____days in a week .A. twelveB. sevenC. two94.Where is shanghai? It’s in _____china.A.southB. northC. east95.The elephant is _______than the monkey.A. many biggerB. much lighterC. much heavier96.Mei Lan saw some boats ____ the river.A. inB. onC. at97. ------May I have some socks. please? ----Can I give you _______socks on the shelf?-----No,thank you. I’d like ______socks there. They look comfortable.A. that, thisB. this, thatC. those, theseD. these, those98. -------Would you like ______wine? -----No. thanks.A. someB. anyC. noD. the99. Hello, _________is Susan speaking .Can I speak to Andy. please?--------Hold on, please.A. sheB. thisC. thatD. it100.________do you like best, football., volleyball or baseball?A. WhoB. WhichC. WhatD. Why。

小升初练习1. What are your mother’s ______?A.hobbys B. hobbies C. Hobby2. Oh, my god! _____ a mess in the kitchen!A. WhatB. HowC. Isn’t3. I don’t like _______ ______ shopping.A. fish, andB. fishing, orC. fishing, and4. A small cloud has _______ water but a big cloud has a lot of water.A. a lot ofB. littleC. a little5. They saw many ______ in the picture.A. zebras and sheepB. zebra and sheepC. zebras and sheeps6. Some animals were _____ in the day time and _____ at night.A. sleep, wakeB. asleep, wakeC. asleep, awake7. ----I don’t want to eat anything. I’m not feeling well today.----______ I hope you’ll be better.A.It doesn’t matter.B. I’m sorry to hear that.C. Don’t go home.8. It’s hot ___ summer in Beijing.A. byB. inC. on9. I met Kate on _____ home yesterday.A. myB. hisC. me10. Bruce, look at your dirty shoes. You’d better _____ them right now.A. washedB. washC. to wash11. ----Can you sing the song in English?----No, I _____ .A. may notB. can’tC. mustn’t12. The doctor often tells him _____ more exercise.A. to takeB. takingC. taken13. ----What did you do last night?----I did my homework and _____ TV.A. watchB. watchedC. will watch14. The Whites _____ many places of interest since they come to China.A. have visitedB. will visitC. visited15. I’m hungry. Please bring me some ______ .A. kitesB. cakesC. boxes16. Most of the children enjoy ______ computer games.A. playB. playingC.played17. This is Miss Gao. She ___ your new teacher.A. beB. amC. is18. Look! Lucy is ___ a new red dress. She is beautiful today.A. withB. put onC. in19. ----_______? ----My bike is broken.A. what is itB. What is wrong with youC. Where is it20. There are so many people in the shop. You must _____ your things.A. look atB. look afterC. put away21. I have two good pen friends. One is an American, ______ is in England.A. the otherB. another oneC. another22. ----____ are his football clothes? ---- Under the bed.A. WhereB. WhoC. What23. These are _____. You can buy a pair for your mother.A. woman sockB. women sockC. women socks24. ----She must be in red. ---- No, ______ . She wears a green coat.A. she isB. she must notC. I don’t think so25. The coat ____ the wall isn’t Kate’s. It’s ____ .A. on; hisB. to; mineC. in; he26. Here are some flowers ____ our best wishes.A. toB. withC. for27. ----When is ____? ----September the tenth.A. Teacher’s DayB. The Teachers’ DayC. The Teacher’sDay28. This is Susan King. We usually call her ______.A. Miss SusanB. Mrs SusanC. Miss King29. ----_____ are you going there? ---- On foot.A. WhereB. WhyC. How30. What are you going to do ____ this afternoon?A. inB. onC. /31. I’m going to ____ Uncle Wang ____ Tuesday.A. look at; /B. see; /C. see; on32. She can’t ride a bike. She ______ school on foot.A. must get toB. has to get toC. has to go to33. Granny Li often ____ the children stories.A. speaksB. talksC. tells34. The shop is about _____ away from here.A. two hundreds metersB. two hundred metersC. two hundred meter35. ----I’m sorry. I can’t help you with your English.----Thank you _______ .A. very muchB. all the timeC. at all.36. My sister does well ____ Computer Studies.A. onB. atC. in37. Su Hai’s father is __ engineer, her mother is ____ doctor.A. a; theB. an; aC. a;/38. How many ____ are there in your School?A. classB. classesC. library39. These books are ____. Hers are in ____ schoolbag.A. my; herB. mine; herC. mine she40. There ____ a piano and two chairs in the music room.A. areB. isC. have41. The girl in green dances ______ than the girl in blue.A. wellB. bestC. better42. Mrs Green is ____ mother. They are _____ .A. Lucy and Lily’s; twinsB. Lucy’s and Lily’s; twinsC. Lucy’s and Lily’s; twin43. What about something ____?A. eatB. drinkC. to eat44. ----_____ is your new English teacher?----The man under the tree, he is with Miss Gao.A. WhereB. WhichC. Whose45. Turn ___ the TV. I want to see the old film.A. onB. offC. to46. It’s good to be in _____ in summer.A. blackB. whiteC. orange47. my father _______ English now.A. readsB. readingC. is reading48. Five and seven _____ twelve.A. beB. areC. is49. ---- ______ , please. ----It’s eight o’clock.A. What’s thisB. What is the timeC. What about it50.----______ Yang Ling like football? ----Yes, she ____.A. Does; doesB. Do; doC. Do ;does51. Look, the boy can ____ .A. skatingB. skateC. skates52. ----Do you like ______ chess? ----Yes, I do.A. playingB. playsC. play53 I have ___ uncle. He is __ Australian.A. an; aB. a, theC. an, /54. ____ the children _____ to the teacher now?A. Are, listenB. Are, listeningC. Do, listen55. _____ any oranges in the fridge?A. Is thereB. HasC. Are there56. Can you write a letter ____ Japanese.A. withB. inC. by57. ________ come from _____ . They speak _____.A. America, American, FrenchB. Americans, America, EnglishC. America, America, English58. ----_______? ----Yes, please. I would like a kilo of fish.A. What do you wantB. what do you want to buyC. Can I help you59. They want ________ .A. four cup of teaB. four cups of teasC. four cups of tea60. ________ like skating very much.A. I and brotherB. My brother and meC. My brother and I61. My brother often ___ TV ___ Sunday evening.A. watch, inB. watches, onC. watches, in62. Throw the frisby like this. _____ throw it like that.A. NotB. Doesn’tC. Don’t63. The basket is heavy. Let me ____ you ___ it.A. to help, to carryB. help, carryingC. help, carry64. Excuse me, what’s the time __ your watch?A. withB. inC. by65. The word “fish” has ___ “f”. A. an B. / C. a66. It’s cold here, please ____ window. A. open a B. close a C. close the67. You and I ___ boys. A. am B. are C. be68. I have a _______ . A. paper B. orange C. basketball69. I always drink milk every morning but I ____ yesterday.A. didn’tB. don’tC. doesn’t70. The second day of a week is ____. A. Sunday B. Tuesday C. Monday71. You are too young ___ do that A. to B. for C. goes72. I’m taller ____ Tom. A. or B. then C. than73. There are ____ in a year. A. twelve monthes B. twelve months C. twelve month74. Everyone _____ an apple. A. want B. wants C. wanting75. It’s too small. Give me a ____ one, please. A. bigger B. biger C. biggest76. My mother is ____ in our family. A. busier B. busiest C. the busiest77. There are many bananas __ the tree. A. in B. on C. of78. Please don’t stand behind ____. A. I B. me C. mine79. I am on a plane. I am looking _____ the window. A. into B. out of C. from80. ----____ is your home from the school? ----Only a few kilometers.A. How muchB. how farC. How long81. There ___ a football game on TV this afternoon and I’m going to ___ it.A. is going to have, watchB. is going to be, watchC. has, see82. ----Is lily a girl’s name?---- Yes, ____. ---Thank you ----_____.A. all right, That’s all right.B. that’s right., That’s all right.C. all right, All right.83. Did he ____ you yesterday? A. watch B. saw C.see84. Will you please _____ dancing with me this afternoon? A. go B. to go C. going85. They haven’t seen each other ___ twenty years. A. for B. since C. before86. He is running __ fast ___ nobody can catch up with him.A. too/toB. so a / thatC. so/that87. He succeeded ____ across the river. A. swim B. in swimming C. to swim88. It’s your turn ____ a song now. A. sing B. is sing C. to sing89. Have you any questions ___ ? A. asking B. ask C.to ask90. You can find of this kind of book ___ in the shop and in the bookstore.A. eitherB. not onlyC. both91. Can you ___ me ___ ? A. borrow/ your hands B. give / a hand C. lend /with hands92. They will go there ___ plane. A. on B. with C. by93. It’s about _____ walk. A. fifteen minutes’s B. fifteen minutes’ C. a quarter minutes’s94. Washington D.C. is __ city in the United States.A. very most importantB. most importantC. the most important95. New York is ___ than Washington D.C. A. very bigger B. more bigger C. much bigger96. Alaska is colder than ____ in the U.S. A. any state B. any other state C. any other states97. China is one of _____ countries in the world. A. strong B. stronger C. the strongest98. People come by train ,car and ship to ___ there.A. enjoy oneselfB. enjoy themselfC. enjoy themselves 99. Have you ___ there before ? A. gone B. been C. been to100. people have visited the Great Wall .A. HundredsB. Two hundreds ofC. HundredsAnswers:1~10 BABCACBBAB11~20 BABABBCCBB21~30 AACCABBCCB31~40 CCCBBCBBBB41~50 CACAABCCBA51~60 BCCBCBBCCC61~70 BCCCACBCAC71~80 ACBBACABBB81~90 BBCAACBCCC91~100 BCBCCBCCBC3. B. fishing, or C. fishing, and13. ----What did you do last night?----I did my homework and _____ TV.方框里的补上89. to ask 前加C100. C. hundreds 后加of。
中考英语选择填空 精编100题(附答案)

中考英语选择填空精编100题( )1.Granny looked for her book, but she couldn’t find it _____.A. somewhereB. everywhereC. anywhereD. nowhere ( )2.-When did you ______the book to the library? -Yesterday afternoon.A. borrowB. lendC. giveD. return ( )3.The man took away the dictionary but did not ______.A. pay itB. pay for itC. cost itD. spend it ( )4. English teachers often encourage the students _______ English aloud.A. readB. readingC. to readD. readed ( )5.-______he ever ______abroad ?-No, never.A. Did, goB. Is, beenC. Has, beenD. Has, gone ( )6. How long may I ______ the history books?A. keepB. lendC. borrowD. return ( )7. She______ an English teacher.A. uses toB. used toC. use to beD. used to be ( )8. One day the librarian ______ an idea.A. came upB. came withC. came up withD. came up to ( )9. Now her lost books are usually______ the library.A .returnedB .returned to C. paid D. paid to ( )10. My hobby is ______all kinds of coins.A. to collectB. collectingC. to pick upD. picking up ( )11. Can you ______who has lost the watch?A. look forB. look upC. findD. find out ( )12. My postcard is still on the desk. Why ______you ______it ?A. haven't , postedB. didn't, postC. wasn't postingD. won't, post ( )13. The man ____France will give us a talk ____his country.A. from, onB. of, inC. of, aboutD. from, of ( )14. He is too old to ______the name of that book.A. pick upB. think ofC. come upD. fill in( )15. Someone is knocking at the door. It ____my mother. It's time for her to be back.A. can beB. may not beC. must beD. mustn’t be ( )16. I don’t know where Mr. White has gone. You’d better ask ____.A. else somebodyB. other somebodyC. somebody elseD. anybody else ( )17. When he saw a ticket on the ground, he stopped ____.A. to pick it upB. pick it upC. to pick up itD. pick up it( )18. He says that he will ______to me in three days.A. return the moneyB. return back the moneyC. get the money backD. pay back the money( )19. Father ______the city of New York three days ago.A. leaveB. left toC. left offD. left for( )20. Tom ______ there for 10 months since he ______ back to his hometown.A. has lived, getsB. has lived, gotC. lived, goD. lived, has got ( )21. ______ is one of the water sports.A. Water-skiB. Water-skiingC. Water-skingD. Watering-skiing ( )22. The film is very ___. Tom is very ____.A. exciting, excitedB. excited, excitingC. exciting, excitingD. excited, excited ( )23. ____the weather will be like tomorrow, we II go surfing.A. No matter howB. No matter what'sC. No matter whatD. No matter if ( )24. The river near our village is about ____long.A. three-hundreds-metresB. three-hundred-metreC. three-hundred-metresD.three hundred metres( )25. He has not had a night ____for two weeks, but he still feels ____.A. off, happyB. away, happilyC. off, happilyD. away, happy ( )26. It makes him ____.A. feel angrilyB. feel angryC. to feel angryD. feeling angry ( )27. It's ____good food that we all like it very much.A. so aB. such aC. soD. such( )28. When you ____the street, you must look first.A. acrossB. go crossC. crossD. goes across( )29. Look! Mrs. Green is talking ____the students of Class I on the ground.A. amongB. in the middle ofC. betweenD. at( )30. Her teacher thinks ____other.A. highB. highlyC. wellD. good( )31. Lei Feng is the ____of all the people in China.A. prideB. proudC. pridefulD. proudly ( )32.---Have you finished your homework_____? ---No, not_____.A. already , alreadyB. yet , yetC. already , yetD.yet, already ( )33. Neither you or he ______ Hawaii before.A. has gone toB. have gone toC. have been toD. has been to ( )34. Xi'an is very famous ______Terra Cotta Warriors.A. toB. ofC. inD. for( )35. Bruce has lived here ______last year.A. /B. forC. beforeD. since( )36. Waikiki is one of the best beaches ______ surfing in Honolulu.A. toB. forC. withD. in( )37. I've never ______ him before.A. heard ofB. hear fromC. heard toD. hear of ( )38. They were very proud______ their daughter.A. forB. ofC. withD. about ( )39. Then he slowed ______ as the wind became stronger and the waves higher.A. underB. below C .down D .slowly ( )40. All of us except him _______ to Beijing.A. have goneB. has goneC. have beenD. has been ( )41.How long has Jim ____ at this school?A. arrivedB. comeC. studiedD. gone( )42. The little girl is afraid of ____ at night.A. goB. goesC. goingD. went( )43. As soon as he ____, he will write to me.A. arrives atB. arrivesC. reachesD. gets( )44. The teacher is ____ with what we did.A. pleasedB. pleaseC. pleasureD. pleasant ( )45. ____ will he be back? In a week.A. How longB. How soonC. How oftenD. How many ( )46. I have to do my homework for ______ every day.A. one and half hourB. one and a half hourC. one and half hoursD. one and a half hours( )47. Who draw ______ Jack?A. so well asB. as well asC. so better thanD. as good as ( )48. The girl had a short rest and did her homework ______ she reached home.A. afterB. beforeC. whenD. since( )49. We have known each other ______ we were young.A. forB. sinceC. afterD. before ( )50. They ______ very busy last month.A. areB. wereC. beD. have been ( )51. There ______ a park near our school since two years ago.A. isB. wasC. has beenD. will be ( )52. Lucy is very free. Look, she ______ a model ship.A. makesB. madeC. has madeD. is making ( )53. Many students in our class ______ glasses over their eyes in class.A. put onB. dressC. wearD. get dressed ( )54. What do you think we should ________ improve our environment?A. doB. toC. do forD. do to( )55. They've found a way to ______ that waste thing.A. doB. do withC. throwD. move away ( )56. We find the book very ______.A. interestB. interestingC. interestsD. interested ( )57. She has _____ finished her lunch, but she hasn't washed her bowls ______.A. already, yetB. just, alreadyC. already, justD. just, yet ( )58. Uncle Wang has been here ______ ten years ago.A. forB. sinceC. inD. at( )59. They went to London ______ just over five months.A. forB. sinceC. beforeD. when( )60. The weather was ______ it is today.A. not as wetter asB. not wetter thanC. more wetter thanD. wetter as( )61. The little boy was ________with the big boy because he was ____words to him. A. fond, speaking B. angry, saying C. angry, talking D. friendly, telling ( )62. Lucy, please don't play with fire. __________.A. How can you say like that?B. It's right.C. It doesn't matter.D. Sorry, I won't do it again.( )63. We don't know If it _____. If it_____, we won' t go out for a walk.A. rains, will rain,B. rains, rainsC. will rain, will rainD. will rain, rains ( )64. It's difficult _____your sound because the noise is too high.A. to listenB. to knowC. to learnD. to hear( )65. He says ____he will be back soon.A. whenB. whatC. thatD. where( )66. He told a very ____story about his life in America.A. liveB. livingC. livelyD. life( )67. If you don't get up early, you' II ____the bus.A. not missB. missC. catchD. lost( )68. How long ____it ___to go there by train?A. do, takeB. does, takeC. does, spendD. does, play ( )69. A young man practised ______ English with Mr Green.A. speakB. speakingC. to speakD. speak in( )70. She says she can get to Tian’anmen from Wangfujing by bike_____ ten minutes.A. afterB. inC. beforeD. about( )71. We should help her when she is ________.A. in troubleB. in a troubleC. in the troubleD. in troubles ( )72. The policeman kept the thief ________ for four hours.A. standingB. to standC. to sitD. siting( )73. I want to visit England ______.A. if it possibleB. as soon possibleC. as soon as possibleD. if possible( )74. They ______Hong Kong twice.A. have gone toB. have been toC. have been inD. have gone in( )75. I have never seen _____film before.A.a so interestingB.a such interestingC.so a interestingD. such an interesting ( )76. Everyone went to the zoo last Sunday ______Jim.A. butB. notC. exceptD. besides( )77. What ______just now?A. was happenedB. were happenedC. happenedD. happens( )78. If you miss so many lessons, you must fall behind ____ classmates.A.anotherB.the othersC.otherD.the other( )79. ______ did Lin Tao say about Mount Emei?A. WhatB. HowC. WhenD. Why( )80. I’m afraid ______ you may be late.A. whenB. thatC. whyD. how( )81. I ______ able to sing any song but this one.A. mayB. canC. amD. would( )82. Everybody is here _______ Jim Green.A. asB. withC. onD. except( )83. Which of these do you think is ____ useful invention?A.the moreB.the second moreC.mostD.the second most ( )84. Do you know where ______ from?A. he comeB. he comesC. did he comeD. does he came ( )85. Our teacher saw us ______ on the desks and went out of the classroom.A. to sitB. satC. sitingD. sitting( )86. I______ maths and science.A. interestB. am interestingC. am interestedD. am interested in ( )87. Linda will look after the children _____ we’re away.A. thatB. duringC. whileD. where( )88. David was born _____.A.since twenty years agoB.for twenty yearsC.twenty years agoD.just over twenty years( )89.Mike _____ his homework three hours ago.A. finishedB. has finishedC. is finishingD.is going to finish ( )90.--____ have you been at this factory? --I've been here since 1993.A.WhenB.How longC.What timeD.How often ( )91.Allan cut the big birthday cake _____ small pieces.A. asB. toC. intoD. in( )92.When he was a child, he was always _______ out new ideas.A. tryB. tryingC. takingD. tried( )93Were you born ______May 21,1974?A. inB. onC. fromD. at( )94.It’s very kind ____ you _____lend your bike to me.A. of, toB. for, inC. for, toD. of, in( )95.I have two pens. One is red, ________ is black.A. otherB. anotherC. the otherD. the others ( )96.“______ do you write to your parents ?”“Once a month.”A. How longB. How muchC. How farD. How often ( )97.He asked who was _______ in your class.A. the oldestB. oldestC. olderD. the older( )98.The teacher told us ______ Exercise 1 in our exercise books.A. doB. to doC. doingD. does( )99.I found _____ very difficult to learn maths well.A. whatB. itC. thatD. this( )100.I' m ______ to trouble you.A. gladB. afraidC. fearD. sorry单项选择答案:(1-20): 1-5. CDBCC 6-10 ADCBA 11-15 DAABC 16-20 CADDB (21-40): 21-25 BACDA 26-30 BDCBB 31-32 ABDDD 36-40 BABCC (41-60):41-45 CCBAB 46-50 DBCBB 51-55 CDCDB 56-60 BABAB (61-80):61-65 BDDDC 66-70 CBBBB 71-75 AACBD 76-80 CCDAB (81-100):81-85CDDBD 86-90 CCCAB 91-95 CDBAC 96-100 DABBD。

一、选择合适的数字填空1. 132 ÷ __ = 222. 7 x __ = 703. 45 ÷ 9 = __4. 3 x __ = 245. 56 ÷ __ = 7二、填空使等式成立6. 18 + __ = 32 - 27. 24 - 9 = __ + 58. 3 x __ = 15 + 69. 12 ÷ 2 + 3 = __ - 410. 7 + 5 x __ = 42三、填入合适的大于、小于或等于的符号11. 12 __ 2012. 30 __ 3013. 15 __ 1014. 8 __ 515. 9 __ 9四、填空使等式成立16. __ cm = 1 m17. __ minutes = 1 hour18. 1 km = __ m19. __ days = 1 week20. 1 year = __ months五、填空使等式成立21. 8 + 3 = 2 x __22. 30 - 19 = __ + 123. 6 x __ = 30 - 1024. __ ÷ 3 = 12 - 425. 50 - 20 = 5 x __六、填入合适的数值26. 15 more than 42 is __.27. 35 less than 68 is __.28. The sum of 12 and 8 is __.29. The difference between 50 and 32 is __.30. Double 18 is __.七、填入合适的分数31. 1/3 + 1/3 = __32. 3/4 - 1/4 = __33. 2/5 x 1/2 = __34. 5/6 ÷ 2/3 = __35. 3/8 + __ = 1/2八、填空使等式成立,并写出解释36. 4 + 8 = __ + 4 (关系:加法交换律)37. 5 x 6 = 30 ÷ __ (关系:乘法和除法互逆原理)38. 1/4 + 3/4 = __ (关系:分数相加)39. 8 x 0 = 0 x __ (关系:乘法零元素)40. 3/5 x __ = 1 (关系:分数的倒数)九、填入合适的数字,使等式成立41. 1 + 6 ÷ 2 = __42. 17 - 5 x 2 = __43. 25 ÷ 5 + 3 = __44. 2 x 6 - 3 = __45. 3(2 + __) = 3 x 5十、填入合适的数字,使等式成立46. 72 ÷ __ = 1247. 45 - 2 x __ = 3148. 4 x 7 - __ = 1349. __ x 8 + 7 = 7150. 30 + __ ÷ 5 = 36十一、填入合适的数字或符号,使等式成立51. 52 ÷ 13 = __ ÷ 452. 24 - 8 = 6 x __53. 15 - 4 x 3 = __ - 1054. 5 x __ + 6 = 2655. __ ÷ 2 + 4 = 9十二、填入合适的数字或符号,使等式成立56. 6 ÷ __ = 257. __ x 8 = 4058. 15 ÷ __ = 359. __ x 3 = 1260. 25 + 15 = __ - 15十三、填入合适的数字或符号,使等式成立61. 9 - __ = 2 x 362. __ x 4 = 2463. 7 ÷ __ = 164. __ x 9 = 6365. 30 + __ = 40十四、填入合适的数字或符号,使等式成立66. 4 ÷ __ = 267. 16 ÷ 4 = __ x 268. 5 + __ = 869. 15 - 7 = __ x 270. 1 + __ = 5十五、填入合适的数字或符号,使等式成立71. 25 ÷ 5 x 3 = __72. 8 + __ ÷ 4 = 1073. __ x 4 ÷ 8 = 174. 48 ÷ 8 - __ = 575. __ ÷ 2 + 6 = 12十六、填入合适的数字或符号,使等式成立76. 18 ÷ 6 = __ ÷ 377. __ x 10 = 9078. 27 ÷ __ = 979. __ x 5 = 3580. 30 ÷ 5 = __ ÷ 1十七、填入合适的数字或符号,使等式成立81. __ x 4 ÷ 2 = 1282. 15 + __ ÷ 5 = 1883. __ ÷ 8 x 2 = 284. 24 ÷ 3 - __ = 385. __ ÷ 4 + 7 = 14十八、填入合适的数字或符号,使等式成立86. 2 x __ ÷ 3 = 487. 20 + __ ÷ 4 = 2588. __ ÷ 6 x 4 = 489. 8 ÷ 4 - __ = 190. __ ÷ 2 + 5 = 10十九、填入合适的数字或符号,使等式成立91. 32 ÷ __ x 4 = 1692. 12 + __ ÷ 6 = 1493. __ ÷ 2 x 3 = 994. 24 ÷ 3 - __ = 695. __ ÷ 4 + 8 = 12二十、填入合适的数字或符号,使等式成立96. __ x 5 ÷ 8 = 597. 18 + __ ÷ 6 = 2098. __ ÷ 10 x 8 = 899. 36 ÷ 6 - __ = 3100. __ ÷ 2 + 4 = 9通过做这100道填空题,学生们可以巩固对五年级数学知识的理解,提高解题能力和思维能力。

选择填空专项练习1.Every four years, ______people watch the Olympic Games.A. million ofB. millions ofC. two millionsD. two millions of2.In our class, ______of the students ______ girls.A. three-fifths; areB. three-fifth ; isC. three-fifth ; areD. three -fifths, is3.Shenzhen is ______the south of China.A. inB. onC. toD. at4.She usually takes a shower_______8.00_______the evening.A. from ; inB. from; ofC. at ; inD. at; of5.Tim was born ______the 2nd_____June,1995.A. on ; ofB. on; inC. in; ofD. in ; in6.Alice is learning ______French. She is sure French is _____useful language.A. / ; anB. /; aC. the; aD. the; an7.---I feel a bit hungry. ---Why don’t you have ______bread?A. anyB. someC. littleD. a8.Ann put on a new dress and looked at _____in the mirror.A. herB. hersC. sheD. herself9.--How do you get _____ school? ---_______bus. My home is far _____ school.A. to; By; fromB. by; To; awayC. at; At; fromD. on; At; away10.I will wait _____you _____the bus station this afternoon.A. for ; atB. with; itC. for ; inD. of ; at11.I hear he is ill in hospital. You’d better go _____see him at once.A. soB. orC. andD. but12.All the food ______ready now. Help yourselves, please.A. isB. amC. areD. be13.Everyone knows that these kinds of jeans _____in the USA.A. is makingB. makesC. madeD. are made14.Everything______to grow in spring every year.A. beginB. beginsC. is beginningD. will begin15.We should be ______to people.A. friendB. friendsC. friendlyD. a friend16.---What’s your father? ----_______.A. He is a firemanB. He is niceC. He is cookingD. He works in a shop17.Sue is working very _____ recently.A. goodB. fineC. hardlyD. hard18.--____shall we meet at the park?---What about half past eight?A. WhatB. WhenC. WhereD. Which19.Take exercise every day, ______you’ll become stronger and healthier.A. orB. andC. butD. while20.Look at the clouds in the sky! I guess it _____later on.A. is going to rainB. rainingC. rainsD. rained21.—There should be ______”h” in the word “hour”.---You’re right. And_____ “h” is the first letter of the word.A. a; theB. an; anC. an; theD. the; the22.He read something interesting in today’s newspaper, _____he ?A. doesn’tB. didn’tC. isn’tD. wasn’t23.--_____do you go to the cinema? ---Once a week.A. How manyB. How oftenC. How soonD. How long24.She will give the book to you when she ______you tomorrow.A. will seeB. seesC. seeD.saw25.---Does Mary enjoy ______a kite? ---Yes. Look! She is enjoying _____on the grass.A. flying; herselfB. to fly; themselvesC. flying; themselvesD. to fly; herself26.—What time does your father leave home?---______half past six _____every morning.A. At;/B. In;/C. On; inD. At; in27. It ______rains in London, so you’d better take an umbrella with you when you go out.A. neverB. alwaysC. seldomD. sometimes28.I like listening to music, _____my sister doesn’t think it’s interesting.A. soB. andC. butD. because29.My mother isn’t at home today, ______I have to _____my little brother.A. or; look forB. and; look atC. so; look afterD. but; look up30.---______the young man work as a doctor in that hospital? ---_______.A. Is; Yes, he isB. Does; No, he isn’tC. Is; No, he isn’tD. Does; Yes, he does31.Sometimes I talk about football with my classmates ______to school.A. on my wayB. by the wayC. in the wayD. in this way32.How long did it _______you from here to school?.A. payB. spendC. costD. take33.—How often do you visit your grandfather? ---________.A. In three daysB. Once a weekC. Last SundayD. Two days ago34. Peter ___________to university after he leaves school.A. goesB. goC. will goD. went35.I hope I can ______ soon.A. hear of youB. hear of your letterC. hear from your letterD. hear from you36.My mother is ______science teacher, and my father is ______ architect.A. a ; anB. a; aC. an; theD. an; an37.---______is ten plus ten? ----Ten plus ten is twenty..A. How manyB. How muchC. What isD. Both B and C38.You should _____your mother ____housework in your free time.A. help; to doB. help; doingC. to help; doD. to help; to do39.Write your names on the piece of paper, _____the student in the last row.A. start fromB. starting fromC. to start fromD. to starting from40.Tom thinks _____easy _____the work in two days.A. it; finishB. that; to finishC. it; to finishD. that; finish41.---What about______? ----But you just borrowed 100 yuan from me yesterday.A. lend some money meB. lending me some moneyC. lending some money for meD. to lend some money to me42.Tomorrow is Lucy’s ______ birthday.A. twelfthB. the twelfthC. twelveD. the twelve43.---_______did you _____the new computer?---Nearly 3,000 yuan.A. How much; takeB. How many; costC. How many; spend onD. How much; pay for44.—When did you visit China? ---_____.A. In two yearsB. Two years agoC. For two yearsD. Two years.45.Subtract3_______9,and______is it?A. by; whatB. with; how muchC. from; whatD. by; how many46.I saw the train ______into the station and then the passengers______.A. came; get offB. come; got offC. come; getting offD. come; get off47._____late for class again.A. Don’tB. NotC. Don’t beD. Not be48.The story _____about fifty years ago.A. happened toB. happenedC. takes placeD. took place of49.The old man can make nine _____ yuan a month by selling empty bottles.A. hundred ofB. hundreds ofC. hundredD. hundreds50.---When will you ______ Shenzhen?---We will _____there at about 10:00 this evening.A. arrive in; arrive atB. arrive at; arriveC. arrive in; arriveD. arrive; arrive in51.There______a basketball game on TV tomorrow evening.A. is going to haveB. will beC. will haveD. are52.---I’m thirsty. Could I drink______? ---No, the doctor said you shouldn’t drink______.A. something; somethingB. anything; anythingC. something; anythingD. anything; something53.---You’d better ____me before 9:00._______I will be busy.---Ok.A. not call; MaybeB. not calling; MaybeC. don’t call; ProbablyD. not calling; Probably54.---Stop _____any noise. ____ is knocking at the door. ---Who can it be?A. making; AnyoneB. to make; AnyoneC. to make; SomeoneD. making; Someone55.---Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon?---________.But I have a lot of homework to do.A. Yes, I’d love toB. No, thanksC. Yes, I wouldD. No, I wouldn’t56.---Would you like ______orange juice? ---No ,thanks. I would like ______ milk.A. any; someB. some; someC. some; anyD. any; any57.Don’t forget _____me ____the letter.A. helping; postB. to help; postC. helping; to postD. to help; posted58.Please_____the invitation as soon as possible.A. answer toB. to answerC. replyD. reply to59.—Who taught you English?----_________!I learned it all by myself.A. EverybodyB. AnybodyC. SomebodyD. Nobody60.If Tom ______to the party next Sunday, I_____ him to sing a song for us.A. will come; will inviteB. comes; am going to inviteC. comes; inviteD. will come; invites61.---When will you finish _____your homework?---Don’t always urge(催促) me! You made me ______another mistake.A. to do; makeB. doing; to makeC. doing; makeD. to do; to make62.The plane was flying ____the clouds.A. onB. in front ofC. aboveD. next tost Saturday, Mrs Green went to the market, _____some bananas and then visited her cousin.A. boughtB. buyingC. to buyD. buy64._______my decision about that thing.A. There isB. These areC. Here areD. Here is65.---__________ ---That’s a good idea.A. Let’s call the police.B. What about calling the police?C. We had better call the police.D. All of the above.66.---When I passed by the office, I saw your father _____with our English teacher.---My father? What could they_____?A. talk; talk withB. talking; talk aboutC. to talk; talk aboutD. talk; talk with67.Jenny will be back ______ an hour, but Tom will return _______ one o’clock.A. in; afterB. after; afterC. in; inD. in; at68.Now class, please turn to ________and read after me..A. Page 100B. page 100C. 100 pageD. 100 pages69.He said he would come back _____an hour, but he came back ____three days.A. in; inB. after; inC. at; afterD. in; after70.---I lost my new bike. ---Your mother ____angry with you after knowing that.A. willB. is going to beC. wasD. is71.There is a picture ____the wall, and some trees are _____the picture.A. on; inB. in; inC. in; onD. on; on72._______open the door when a stranger knocks at the door.A. Don’tB. Won’tC. NotD. Not73.About____of the workers in the factory are young people.A. second thirdB. second thirdsC. two thirdsD. two third74.We can deal with this matter _____many ways.A. atB. onC. inD. by75.They arrived _____Beijing ____the morning of May 25.A. at; onB. in; inC. at; inD. in; on76.My father ____while he was watching TV just now.A. fell asleepB. went to bedC. sleptD. was sleep77.---______Jenny? ----There was something wrong ____her leg.A. What’s wrong with; onB. What’s the matter with; inC. What happened to; withD. How was; of78.______my suggestions for your plan.A. Here isB. This isC. There areD. Here are79.---Why did you make me ____the truth at the meeting?---Because you could hurt your best friend.A. stop to tellB. stop tellingC. to stop tellingD. to stop to tell80.---Let’s have dinner at that restaurant after school. ---____.A. Shall we?B. You’re welcomeC. Good ideaD. That’s ok81.Mrs Smith has ________.A. a 8 years old boyB. a 8-year-old boyC. an 8-year-old boyD. a 8 years old boy82.Thank you _____me to your birthday party.A. to inviteB. inviteC. for invitingD. to inviting83.There are _______chapters in this textbook. _______is the easiest..A. nine; The ninthB. the nine ; The ninthC. nine; the ninethD. ninth; The nine84.---______is it from the shop to the bus station? ---It’s three minutes’ walk.A. How longB. How muchC. How farD. How soon85.______coat do you like better ,the blue one or the red one?A. WhatB. WhichC. ThatD. This86.Coke Cola is one of _____in summer.A. most popular drinkB. most popular drinksC. the more popular drinkD. the most popular drinks87.Miss Li teaches ____English. We are all interested in _____ lessons.A. our; sheB. our; herC. us; sheD. us; her88.______is great _____your call at the moment.A. It; getB. That; to getC. It; to getD. That; get89.Michael showed_________.A. his new shoes for meB. his new shoes to meC. his new shoes meD. me to his new shoes90.---Why do you answer my phone after so long a time? ---Sorry, I ______it just now.A. don’t hearB. heardC. didn’t hearD. heare and help me! I really don’t know _____the hard work.A. how to do withB. what to deal withC. how to deal withD. to do what with92.The game is very ______,and lots of people ____playing it.A. interesting; are keen onB. interested; are keen onC .keen; are interested in D. keen; are interesting in93.A clock has no feet ______legs. A clock has no eyes _______no ears.A. or; andB. and; orC. or; orD. and; and94.---Why did you leave before finishing ______the classroom yesterday afternoon?---______I didn’t feel well.A. clean; AndB. cleaning; BecauseC. cleaning; ButD. to clean; So95.---Did you see my purse, Mom? I can’t _____it anywhere.----Why don’t you _____it under your bed?A. find; look forB. look for; look forC. see; findD. find out; see96.Mrs Green has five children ,and her ____child is _____ now.A. five; eight years oldB. fifth; eight years oldC. five; eight-years-oldD. fifth; eight-year-old97.There is going to ________a class meeting in our class this afternoon.A. isB. beC. hasD. have98.I find my answer ______.Can I _____it with you?A. right; helpB. wrong; checkC. right; askD. wrong; argue99.Walk______the bridge, and you will find the________ Middle School.A. on; NO. SevenB. in; SevenC. across; SeventhD. cross; Seventh 100.I enjoy ____football matches with my best friends, and we’d like _____ them.A. watch; discussingB. watching; to discussC. to watch; to discussD. watching; discussKeys1-5 BAACA 6-10 BBDAA 11-15 CADBC 16-20 ADBBA21-25 CBBBA 26-30ABCCD 31-35 ADBCD 36-40 ADABC41-45 BADBC 46-50 DCBCC 51-55 BCADA 56-60 BBDDB61-65 CCADD 66-70 BAADB 71-75 AACCD 76-80 ACDBC81-85 CCACB 86-90 DDCBC 91-95 CAABA 96-100 BBBCB。

一年级上册数学重要知识点练习100题题型:选择题、填空题、计算题一、选择题(每题4分,共50分)1. 下列数字中,最大的是:A. 8B. 6C. 32. 5 + 7 = ?A. 9B. 11C. 123. 6 - 3 = ?A. 2B. 3C. 44. 下列哪个是一个正方形?A. B. C.5. 7比5多几个?A. 2B. 3C. 46. 小明有3个苹果,小红给了他2个橘子,现在小明一共有几个水果?A. 3B. 4C. 57. 这是一个圆,圆内的人是什么?A. 小孩B. 大人C. 机器人A. 2B. 3C. 49. 下列哪个是一个矩形?A. B. C.10. 4 + 5 = ?A. 7B. 8C. 911. 这个图形中,有几个三角形?A. 1B. 2C. 312. 10比8多几个?A. 1B. 2C. 313. 下列哪个是一个圆形?A. B. C.14. 有6个苹果,小明吃了2个,还剩几个?A. 2B. 4C. 615. 4 - 1 = ?A. 2B. 3C. 4...二、填空题(每题3分,共30分)2. 从1数到10,应该数几个数?3. 用线段AB表示距离,下列哪个长度最长?4. 4 + 2 = ___5. 3 - ___ = 16. 下面画面中共有___个正方形。
7. 把下面的图形填上合适的图形名称:○(圆形)、□(正方形)、△(三角形)8. 姐姐有8本书,弟弟有4本书,他们一共有___本书。
9. 把下面的图形填上合适的图形名称:⬜(长方形)、◻(正方形)、⬛(长方形)10. 减法:3 - ___ = 0...三、计算题(每题6分,共20分)1. 用竖式计算:16 + 23 = ___2. 小明有8块糖,他吃了5块,还剩几块?3. 用竖式计算:12 - 4 = ___4. 有5个苹果,小明给了小红2个,小明还剩几个?5. 把下面的图形按照个数填上数字:○○○○○○这些圆的总个数是:___...注意事项:1. 每道题都要给出正确答案;2. 等号、加号、减号、乘号、除号请使用正确的符号;3. 完成题目后,请核对答案,确保正确无误。

中考英语选择填空精编100题3-中考英语试题、初中英语中考试卷、模拟题、复习资料-初中英语试卷-试卷下载---------------------------------------英语选择填空精编100题(三)()1. More and more foreigners want to _______their companies in Zhejiang.A. clean upB. look upC. pick upD. open up()2. Can I ______your dictionary? --Sony, I'm using it.A. borrowB.lendC. keepD. return()3. _______ me carefully, boys and girls. Can you _____ me clearly.9A. Listen to, hear fromB. Hear, listen toC. Hear, hearD. Listen to, hear()4. Let the children go away. They're making to much _______ here.A. noiseB. voiceC. soundsD. songs()5. The students put down their pens when the teacher_____ them to stop writing.A. saidB. spokeC. toldD. talked()6. He ________ living in the country to the city.A. likesB. prefersC. enjoysD. loves()7. Many girls like __________ skirts in summer.A.wearingB. dressingC. inD. putting on()8. If you don' t know a word, you can ________ the word in a dictionary.A. look upB. look downC. look overD.look out( )9. Mr Li would like to _________us an interesting story.A. tellB. talkC. sayD. speak()10. _________ away the old books and __________ me that new one.A. Bring, bringB. Bring, takeC. Take, takeD. Take, bring()11.-- I' m going to school now, Mum, Bye.-- Just a minute. It's cold outside, _________ your coat, please.A. Put onB. Take offC. Put upD. Take down()12. It is better to teach a man to fish than ________ him fish.A. to giveB. givingC. to findD. finding()13. This TV set is too loud, will you please _________?A. turn down itB. turn it downC. to turn it downD. to turn down it()14. It will be warmer tomorrow. The temperature will _________ again.A. fall belowB. goupC. stay aboveD. keep on()15. Dick isn't here. He _________ the cinema.A. has gone toB. has been toC. has been awayD. has been with()16. --What's your ________ name, please?--Robert Thomas Brown, but you can call me Mr Brown.A. familyB. givenC. firstD. full()17. --People now can know what' s happening in the world quickly.--You're right. With the help of computers, news can ______ every comer of the world.A. getB. arriveC. returnD. reach()18. Ann is so careful that shealways goes over her exercises to _______ there are no mistakes.A. look forB.make sureC. find outD.think about()19.--Where's Tom?--He's left a _______ saying that he hassomething to do.A. excuseB. sentenceC.newsD. message()20. I bought a new dictionary and it ________ me 30 yuan.A. paidB. spentC. tookD.cost()21 .The car ________ and stopped at the red traffic lights.A. got onB. got offC. slowed downD. picked up()22. You can _______ what is happening in the world by the Internet.A. touchB.makeC. hearD. learn()23.--_________ you good luck in the new year. -- The same to you.A. HopeB. WentC. WishD. Like()24.--_________! The traffic is moving fast! -- Thanks, I will.A. StopB. Look outC.WatchD. Don't move()25.-- DO you still have a headache, Bill?--No, it's _________. I'm all right now, mum.A. droppedB. runC. leftD.gone()26. He's so careless that he always _______ his school things at home.A. forgetsB. leavesC. putD. buys()27. -- What a day! It's mining again. We can't go hiking tomorrow.-- Don' t worry. It won't __________ long.A. dropB. rainC. goD. last()28. No one except Jack and Tom ________ the meeting.A. are late'B. werelate for C. was latefor D. is late( )29.--How much ________ this pairof trousers? - Ten dollars _______ enough.A. are, isB. is, areC. are, areD.is, is()30. Every table and every chair _______ made of wood.A. isB. areC. wereD. be()31. _______ of the teachers inour school is 118, _________ of them are women teachers.A. The number, first fourthB. The number, one fourthC. A number, one secondD. A ,number,three quarters()32. Fish and chips _______ the most popular take- away food in England.A. areB. isC. wereD. was()33. Neither he nor I _________ from Canada, we are from Australia.A.isB. areC. amD. be()34. There __________ some milk and some bananas on the table.A. isB. areC. haveD. has()35. Maths _______ my favourite subject.A. beB. isC. amD. are()36. Andy has _______ for five years. Five years _________ a long time.A. come back home, isB. come back home, areC. been at home, isD. been at home, are()37. A boy with two dogs _______ when the earthquake rocked the city.A. were sleepingB. is asleepC. was sleepingD. areasleep()38. Both Kate and I _________ ready for the picnic now.A. is notB. isgetting C.are gettingD. am getting()39. Our knowledge of computers ________ growing all the time.A. beB. isC. areD. were()40.A number of sheep _________ seen by us when we passed the field..A. isB. areC. wasD. were()41. He has never visited the Great Hall of the people, _________?A. hasn't heB. hasheC. doesD. doesn't he()42. _______ is the population of China?A. How muchB. How manyC. How many peopleD. What()43. She thinks she can get there on time, ________ she?A. canB. doesn'tC. can'tD. does()44. -- You seem to like sweets. --________,I buy sweets every week.A. So do IB. So I doC. So am ID. So I am()45. ________ wonderful music it is! I like it very much.A. WhatB. How aC. What aD. How( )46. _________ picture books in class,please.A. Not readB. NoreadC. Not readingD. Don't read()47. --Is Jim at school today? -- No, he's at home ______ he has a bad cold.A. becauseB. ifC. thoughD. until()48. -- You are not going out today, are you? --_______ I want to go shopping.A. Yes, I'mB. No, I'mnot C. Yes, I am D. No, I am()49. The teacher asked me ________ I needed any help.A. whetherB.thatC. whatD. which()50.-- The problem is too difficult, can you show me ______ , WangLe? -- Sure.A. what to work it outB. what to work out itC. how to work it outD. how to work out it()51. I want to know if they _________the spring sports meeting next month. If they _______ it, I must get ready forA. hold, will hold.B. will hold, holdC. hold, holdD. will hold, will hold()52. I'll let you know as soon as he _________.A. comes backB. will come backC. is coming backD. come back()53. Our teacher told us the earth ________ round the sun all the time.A. movedB. travelsC. goingD. circle()54. She asked me ________.A.where did I live B. where didyou live C. where I lived D. I lived where()55. Could you tell me _________?A. how old is your sonB. that he will come here soon.C. whether is it fine tomorrow.D. who is going to speak at the meeting()56. We bought Granny apresent,_______ she didn' t like it.A. butB. andC. orD. so()57. Kentucky is the state _________ Lincoln was born in.A. whenB. whereC.-whoD. which()58. ________ he was veryill, he still went on working..A. BecauseB.ForC. ThoughD. /()59. The farmer was verythankful to the doctor ______ treated his son.A. whatB. whichC. whoD. whose()60. Here are the photos _______in Beijing.A. who are takenB. thattook C. which I wastaken D. that were taken()61.-- How beautiful yourskirt is!--____________.A. Oh, noB. Idon't think so C. You arewelcome D. Thank you()62.m I can help you withyour English. --_____________.A. You are a good manB. You are so kindC. That' s very kind of youD. That' s right()63.-- Hi, Lucy. We won thematch yesterday. --_________!A. CongratulationsB.Excuse me C. No problem D. Never mind ()64. -- Happy New Year! --_________A. Thank youB. So are youC. The same to youD. I!mhappu, too()65 .-- Will you be freetomorrow? --___________A. OKB. Yes, I amC. I have noidea D. All right()66.-- Don't play footballin the classroom. --___________.A. No, I don' t.B. Sorry, we won't do it again.D. Why don' t we.9D. Yes, we won' t do it again.()67. -- What's the datetoday? --___________A. It's a fine dayB. It's FridayC. It's on Christmas DayD. It'sJune 26tb()68 .--Would you give mesome water,9 --____________A. Yes, I wouldB. CertainlyC. No,thanks D. Yes,please.()69. -- Thanks for asking meto your party. --__________A. Never mindB. Don't say soC. My pleasureD. Yes, please()70. -- Excuse me, ____________to the nearest bookshop, please?-- Go straight and take the second turning on the left.A. where the way isB. which the way isC. where is the wayD. which is the way()71 .-- Bob, would you liketo come to our dinner party? --__________A. Yes, I wouldB. Yes, I' d love toC. No, I wouldn' tD. No, I don't go()72.-- Is Mr Smith reallyvery ill? --________. He's inhospital.A. I don't think soB. No,he isn't C. I hope so D. I'm afraid so()73.-- Hello! Is that MrWang speaking? --Yes,____________?A.who' s that B. who areyou C. I' m speaking D. I' m Mr Wang()74. --_______________?-- Orange, I think.A.What is itB. How is the foodC.What colour do you think it isD. Is there any fruit around here()75. -- Oh, no, we've missedthe 8 o'clock train!--________ . There's another one in half an hour.A.You're right B. That's allright C. You're welcome D.Don' t worry()76.-- Which do you prefer,oranges or apples?-- __________ . I' d likebananas.A. Yes, bothB. Neither,thank you C. Sure, I would D. No, please()77. -- How do you get onwith your classmates?--____________A. Very wellB. WelldoneC. That's OKD.I'm well()78.--____________? -- We are looking for a pair of sports shoes.A. What do you doB. What do you likeC. Can I help youD. Do you need help()79.-- My brother fell offthis bike and hurt his leg. --____________A. That's too badB. He may be too carelessC. He should be carefulD. Sorry to hear that()80. -- What are you goingto do next Sunday? --_____________A. I' m sorryB. Hereyou are C. I' ve no idea D. That' s all right()81.It’s about fifty _______from here to my school.A. minutes’ walkB. minute walkC. minute’s on footD. minutes’ on foot()82.Hurry up, please. Thereis only _____ time left.A. a littleB. littlec. a fewD. few()83.The Changjiang River islonger than _____ in China.A. all the riversB.any river c. any otherriver D. any other rivers()84.The Brown flew toKunming __ a sunny morning.A. onB. inC.forD. at()85.We found it difficult_______ there on time.A. getb. to get C. getting D. got()86. Don’t spend _______time on computer games.A.too much B.much too C.too many D. manytoo()87. _____ Chinese peopleare ______ hardworking people.A./,/B. a,/C. The,theD. the,a()88. I’d like to have a niceroom _______.A.liveb. to live C. to livein d. livein()89. Can you tell me________?A.what arethey doing that for B.whythey are doing forC.why arethey doing that D.what they are doing that for()90. To a doctor, the mostimportant thing is _______.A. to save b.saving C.to saving D.saved()91. Three years _______a long time for us students.A. areB.beC. isD. have been()92. The film __________ forten minutes when we got to the cinema.A. had already been onB. hadalready begunC. have already been onD. have already begun()93. I’m sorry to have keptyou ________ for a long time.A. wait b. towait c. waiting D. to be waiting()94. The number of thepeople in the world ______ growing faster and faster.A. isb. are C.haveD. were()95. We should do ______ the teacher told us.A. becauseB. like c. as d.since()96. This book is worth_________.A. to read it b. readingit C. reading D. to read()97. Not only his parentsbut also his sister ________ the museum.A. are going toB. isgoing to c. are going D. is going()98. Our English teacher has__________ son.A. a 8-year-oldB. an 8-years-oldC. a8-years-old D. an 8-year-old()99. Please _______ when thetrain leaves.A. look b.find outC. findD.look for()100.She read the letterloudly ________ all the families could hear.A. becauseB. sinceC.whenD. so that1-10: DADAC BAAAD11-20: AABBA DDBDD21-30: CDCBD BDCDA31-40: BBCAB CCCBD41-50: BDCBA DACAC51-60: BABCD ADCCD61-70: DCACC BDBCD71-80: BDACDBACDC81-90: ABCAB ADCDA91-100:CACAC CBDBD感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!。

4.32×0.7 () 4.3251.62÷3.8 () 51.620.06×1.2 ()0.06A÷0.1 () A2、两个因数的积是5.8,如果一个因数扩大5倍,另一个因数不变,积是();甲数除以乙数商是5.8,如果甲数不变,乙数缩小5倍,商是()。
如果被除数扩大10倍 除数缩小10倍 商是( )。
5.把8.0996四舍五入保留两位小数约是( )。
12.一个三位小数用四舍五入法取近似值是3.4,这个三位小数最小是()13.把一个小数的小数点向右移动1位后,比原来的数大了1.8,原来这个数是()14. 把一个小数的小数点向右移动2位后,比原来的数大了19.8,原来这个数是()15. 把一个小数的小数点向左移动2位后,比原来的数小了2.97,原来这个数是()16.一个两位小数去掉小数点后,比原来大了3.96,这个小数原来是()17、当一个因数扩大到它的a倍,另一个因数扩大到它的b倍,积就扩大到它的()。

A.多谐振荡器B.单稳态触发器C.施密特触发器D.J K触发器4、编码器(A)优先编码功能,因⽽(C)多个输⼊端同时为1。
A、基本RS触发器B、主从RS触发器C、同步RS触发器D、边沿D触发器6、某触发器的状态转换图如图所⽰,该触发器应是( C )A. J-K触发器B. R-S触发器C. D触发器D. T触发器7、⼗进制数6在8421BCD码中表⽰为-------------------------------------------------( B )A.0101B.0110C. 0111D. 10008、在图所⽰电路中,使__AY 的电路是---------------------------------------------( A )A. ○1B. ○2C. ○3D. ○49、接通电源电压就能输出矩形脉冲的电路是------------------------------------------( D )A. 单稳态触发器B. 施密特触发器C. D触发器D. 多谐振荡器10、多谐振荡器有-------------------------------------------------------------------------------( C )A. 两个稳态B. ⼀个稳态C. 没有稳态D. 不能确定11、已知输⼊A、B和输出Y的波形如下图所⽰,则对应的逻辑门电路是-------( D )A. 与门B. 与⾮门C. 或⾮门D. 异或门12、下列电路中属于时序逻辑电路的是------------------------------------------------------( B )A. 编码器B. 计数器C. 译码器D. 数据选择器13、在某些情况下,使组合逻辑电路产⽣了竞争与冒险,这是由于信号的---------( A )A. 延迟B. 超前C. 突变D. 放⼤14、电路和波形如下图,正确输出的波形是-----------------------------------------------( A )A. ○1B. ○2C. ○3D. ○415.在何种输⼊情况下,“与⾮”运算的结果是逻辑0。

选择题精编100题1.It’s very______you to get the tickets______the World Cup.A.for,ofB.of,forC.of,toD.to,for2.How many teachers are there in your school?______,I think.But I don’t know the exact number.A.hundredB.HundredsC.Hundreds ofD.Hundreds or thousands3.Will you stay for lunch?Sorry,______.My brother is coming to see me.A.I mustn’tB.I can’tC.I needn’tD.I won’t4.When he was there,he______go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.A.wouldB.shouldC.had betterD.might5.There______no hurry,need there?A.need beB.need to beC.doesn’tD.needs6.______the sports meeting might be put off.Yes,it all depends on the weather.A.I’ve been toldB.I’ve toldC.I’m toldD.I told7.Shirley______a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it.A.has writtenB.wroteC.had writtenD.was writing8.We don’t allow______in this room.A.smokingB.to smokeC.people smokingD.people to smoking9.I haven’t got a chair______.Will you make room for me?A.to sitB.to sit inC.for sittingD.sitting on10.“Are you from America?”“No,neither of us.”A.eachB.bothC.allD.neither11.She______his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.A.looked forB.looked upC.looked afterD.looked like12.Every morning,WE are asked______taken our temperatures.A.if we haveB.if have weC.if we hadD.if had we13.I will give______students______minutes for them to finish their exerciseA.the other;other fiveB.the other;another fiveC.other;five moreD.other;more five14.I called you just now,but you weren’t in.Sorry,I______the reading room.A.was inB.have gone toC.studiedD.had been to15.The family___at the lunch table when someone came to tell them what had happened at___.A.were sitting;Mr BrownB.were sitting;Mr Brown’sC.was sitting;Mr BrownD.was sitting;Mr Brown’s16.Have you______your father recently?No.He doesn’t often write to me.A.heard aboutB.heard ofC.heard fromD.got from17.______did you sleep last night?I was reading too late to fall asleep.A.How longB.WhyC.How soonD.How18.Has Jack finished his homework yet?I’ve no idea,But he______it the whole afternoon.A.would doB.was doingC.didD.had done19.He’s never stolen anything before,______he?______.It’s his third time to be taken to police station.A.hasn’t;YesB.is;YesC.has;YesD.has;No20.I will spend as much time as I______the lesson.A.can go overB.can to go overC.can going overD.go over21.______you the truth,she knows nothing about it.A.To tellB.TellingC.TellD.Told22.The old man walked in the street,______.A.followed by his sonB.followed his sonB.and following his son D.and followed by his son23.Jim’s family went to visit______family last night.A.Miss Sun’sB.the Suns’C.the WhiteD.Miss Suns’24.They stopped______and______out to play when they______the bell ring or rest.A.working;went;heardB.work;to go;C.working;go;hearingD.working;going;heard25.I am going to Qingdao and stay there for a week.______you are there,would you please buy some books for me?A.IfB.WhileC.SinceD.As soon as26.That woman has a bag in her right hand.What’s in her______hand?A.anotherB.otherC.oneD.The other27.Could you give me______second chance please?A.anB./C.theD.a28.Black,______father of______Tom,lost his new watch.A./,/B.the,theC.the,/D/,the29.Do you know Susan’s address?Yes.She lives()201,Dongchang Road,Liaocheng City.A.inB.atC.alongD.on30.What do you think of the report on the UFO?Great!Many students were interested in it and they kept on standing______the end of the meetingA.untilB.inC.onD.about31.The book______you want is on the desk.Which of the following isn’t right?A.thatB.whichC./D.it32.I’ll never forget the days______we spent together in the country.A.whichB.on whichC.when D,on that33.Is that book______he borrowed on Friday?A.thatB.whichC.the oneD.who34.The number of people who______cars of their own is increasing.A.hasB.haveC.there isD.there are35.The first school______we visited yesterday is not far from here.A.thatB.whichC.to whichD.where36.I have the same pen______.A.which you haveB.as yoursC.that you areD.as you37.The train______she was traveling was five minutes late.A.thatB.on thatC.by whichD.on which38.The teacher said______wanted to go to the cinema must be there before6:00,A.those whoB.thatC.whoD.which39.______has questions is welcome to ask.A.WhoB.AnyoneC.ThoseD.Anyone who40.Tom is one of the people who______they are now.A.fromB.likeC.withD.as41.The teacher asked______students to do homework ourselves.A.theB.hisC.some42.______either you or I good at drawing?A.AmB.AreC.IsD.Do43.The room______as a meeting room.ed to being usedB.was used to being useded to be usedD.was used to be used44.The boy was seen______the piano at9yesterday evening.A.to playB.playC.playingD.playedst month Miss Han______a doctor.A.married withB.married toC.was married withD.got married to46.It’s time for Meimei and______to the Palace Museum.A.I goingB.I to goC.me goingD.me to go47.______a year does your school have sports meeting?Twice a year.A.How oftenB.How soonC.How longD.How many times48.There are four pairs of socks to______,but the woman doesn’t know______to buy.A.choose from;whichB.choose from;whatC.choose;whichD.choose;what49.It is in1960______Chinese first put out flag on Mount Qomolangma.A.whenB.thatC.whichD.in which50.The old men who gave away lots of money______highly of at yesterday’s meeting.A.spokeB.spokenC.was spokenD.were spokenC C B A A AD A B B11~20B A A A B C D B C A21~30A A A A B B D A B A31~40D A C B A D D A D D41~50D B C C D D D A B D51.I’m afraid I won’t come______7and9.I will be at work then.A.untilB.betweenC.duringD.for52.Butter and cheese______in price.A.has gone upB.is gone upC.have gone upD.are gone up53.______neither you nor he enjoy fast food?A.DoB.DoesC.IsD.Are54.In our country every boy and every girl______the right to education.A.hasB.haveC.isD.are55.A man of words and not of deeds______a garden full of weed.A.likeB.likesC.is likeD.are like56.Would you like some coffee?Yes,please.By the way,do you have any milk?I prefer coffee______milk.A.fromB.withC.toD.for57.These Germans want to have some______for supper,so they decide to catch______now.A.fish;manyB.fishes;muchC.fish;muchD.fishes;many58.What do you think of his surfing?Oh,no one does______.A.goodB.wellC.betterD.best59.Aren’t you tired,Kate?______.I like going shopping.A.Not at allB.I’m so sorryC.You’re welcomeD.Yes,of course60.Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.______A.I don’tB.I won’tC.I can’tD.I haven’t61.John plays football______,if not better than David.A.as wellB.as well asC.so wellD.so well as62.Naturally,after I told her what to do,my daughter______go and do the oppsite!A.mayB.canC.mustD.should63.______Yancheng today is more beautiful now.Mr.Jackson said he would visit it______ fourth time.A.The;/B.The;theC./;aD.The;a64.To tell you the truth,I became a college student at15.______.A.You must beB.Thank goodnessC.You don’t say soD.It doesn’t matter65.Excuse me,can you show me______to run the machine?A.whatB.ifC.whetherD.where66.Today some newly-produced mobile phones can take pictures______a camera.A.asB.forC.likeD.of67.I felt it is right______you should know.A.whetherB.andC.thatD.how68.A fool has gained nothing from the time______,for he______nothing.A.passing;has paidB.passed;has been paidC.passing;has been paidD.passed;has paid69.This kind of T-shirt is______.A.easily worn outB.easy worn outC.easy to worn outD.easily to be worn out70.Jim’s father said to him,“I hope you______what I______you to buy.A.didn’t forget,toldB.not to gorget,have toldC.won’t forget,have toldD.haven’t forgotton,will tell71.English people______use Mr before a man’s first name.A.neveruallyC.oftenD.sometimes72.I enjoy learning English______it takes me a lot of time.A.unlessB.thoughC.becauseD.for73.I wonder______you would like to come to my birthday party.A.thatB.whetherC.that ifD.that whether74.All the teachers thought_______of the hard-working student.A.highlyB.manyC.goodD.more75.A third of the population of the city_______their own cars.A,has B.have C.had D.is76.His bag is nicer than_______in his calss.A,any other student B.the other students’ C.any other students D.any student’s77.He_______a good plan which we all argeesA.thought hardB.thought outC.thought more ofD.thought about78.I think swimming can make me very_______.A.goodB.healthfortableD.well79.The buses_______over2thousand people a day.A.takeB.bringC.carryD.sent80.The coductor kept_______hot water to us.A.giveB.bringC.takingD.giving81.It’s your turn to be on duty._______A.So am IB.So it isC.So I amD.So it is82.The TV needs9).A.to repairB.repairedC.being repairedD.to be repaired83.They are_______there.A.nearB.to nearC.near toD.nearly84.The boy said he wouln’t eat_______.A.any longerB.no longerC.any more D,no more85.Nobaby noticed the thief slip into the shop,because the lights happened to_______.A.put outB.turn out aC.give outD.go out86.The days are short,_______it is noe December.A.becauseB.forC.goesD.want87.The education in China has developed_______these days.A.quickB.highC.highlyD.wildly88.Will you tell me a story?OK.Shall I_______it in English or in Chinese?A.tell,tellB.speak,tellC.tell,speakD.tell,say89.The lady is always_______in white at the party.A.wearingB.dressingC.wornD.dressed]90.They_______3000English words by the end of next month.A.learnedB.had learnedC.will learnD.have learned91.Mr.Black,some boys are going to flight.You’d better_______the police.A.send forB.send toC.look forD.look over92.Many()trees must be planted every year.A.thousandB.thousand ofC.thousands ofD.thousand93.The post office is not far from here.It’s only ten()by bike.A.minuteB.minutesC.minute’sD.minutes’94.She doesn’t know the school,but it’s()to be quite a good one.A.toldB.spokenC.talkedD.said95.You must leave here now()your mother can get some more rest.A.becameB.thoughC.so thatD.so96.Lucy,()all your things on the desk.A.puts awayB.put awayC.takes awayD.take away97.(At the doctor’s)It’s nothing serious,doctor?No,().A.you’ll be all right soonB.You won’t be all right soonB.There’s some trouble with you D.It’s very serious98.We can’t buy()much mutton with()little money.A.so,muchB.such,soC.so,soD.such,such99.There is()W in the word woman,and()M is the third letter of the word.A.a;anB.an;/C.an;theD.a;the100.Need he come a little earlier?Yes,he().A.canB.mustC.needD.needn’t51~60B C A A C B A C A B61~70B C D C D C B D A C71~80A A B A B B B D C D81~90B D D C D B C A D C91~100C C B D C D A C D B。

17、已知菱形 ABCD,∠A=72°,将它分割成如图(2)所示的四个等
腰三角形,则∠1,∠2,∠3,的度数分别是( )
A、36°,54°,36° B、18°,54°,54°
C、18°,36°,36° D、54°,18°,72°
A. 2 2 2 B. 2 5 C. 2 6
D. 6
2.如图,有一圆形展厅,在其圆形边缘上的点 A 处安装了一台监视器,它的监控角度是 65 .为了监控
整个展厅,最少需在 圆形边缘上共.安.装.这样的监视器( )
A.5 台
B.4 台
C.3 台
D.2 台
3.已知二次函数 y1=x2-x-2 和一次函数 y2=x+1 的两个交点分别
则 y 的最大值为(
13. 美术课上,老师要求同学们将右图所示的白纸只沿虚线剪开,用裁开的纸片和白纸上的阴影部份围成 一个立体模型,然后放在桌面上,下面四个示意图中,只有一个符合上述要求,那么这个示意图是( )
1.以下五家银行行标中,既是中心对称图形又是轴对称图形的有 ( )
x a
12、(本题每一空格 1 分)
242+ ( 1 ) 2 24
2×24× ,

九年级英语用词的适当形式填空100题1. I want______(buy) a book.2. Sunday is _______ (1) day of a week.3. He'd like _______ (go) with Tom.4. They all enjoy _______ (speak) English.5. This story is as _________ (interest) as that one.6. Do you finish ________ (read) this story book?7. He is much __________ (athletic).8. This coat is really _________ (beautiful).9. Thanks for _______ (ask) me.10. My father bought ____ (I) a new watch.11. Can you help Tom? He needs some _____ (help).12. Let the cat ______ (go) out now.13. We decide _____ (go)shopping tomorrow.14. Hi. look! I can _________ (fly) the kite now.15. They _____ (be) also students five years ago.16. They ___________ (exercise) at the moment.17. Sandy is an ______ (usual) girl.18. I have to _______ (visit) my best friend Lin. tomorrow.19. How ______Tom often _________ (get to) there?20. When spring comes. it gets ________ and _______ (long).21. When ______ he ______ (have) lunch yesterday?22. I always like ______ (make) _______(friend) with others.23. They are ________ (friend) to us.24. The cat has four ______ (foot).25. The students enjoy __________ (read) English stories.26. thanks for ______ (ask) me.27. The baby has two _______( tooth) now.28. Ann didn't come to school because of her _________ (ill)29. Which do you like _______(well),carrots or tomatoes?30. One of his ______ ( foot) _______ (be) hurt.31. He studies very hard. but his _________(speak)doesn't improve.32. You should take the medicine ___________ ( two) a day.33. _________ is the fourth day of a week.34. _______ your brother and you _______ (have) any questions?35. You'd better ________ ( not forget) send me an e-mail.36. As soon as I went to bed. I fell ________ (sleep).37. I felt _____(tire) after a long walk.38. It's important ________ (learn) the language.39. You will be possibly _____ (wake) if you drink dark tea before you go to bed.40. I had no time ________(have) my breakfast.41. It is easier ______(say) it than ______(do) it.42. There ______________ (be) a football match tomorrow.43. We'll have to sweep the floor before mother ____________(come) back.44. Do you like going ___________ (ride)?45. Look,he __________(wait) for his brother.46. Yesterday. we _______(win) the first in the _______(run) race.47. ________(final),the old mother cried.48. I have a stomachache. I don't feel like ______ (eat) anything.49. Please stop _______(have) a rest if you feel tired.50. I want to learn how ________( run) quickly.51. I ______ (go) to bed until I finished my homework yesterday.52. Beijing is a good place _________(go) sightseeing.53. She plans ________ (study) English.54. Mom wants me ________ (eat) more.55. There ________________ (be) a Monkeys Show in a minute.56. How about _________ (shop)?57. A number of students always ________ (study) hard.58. Look out! The train ______________ (leave).59. Would you like me ________ (go) with you ?60. Which subject do you like ________(well). Chinese. maths or History?61. Mr Tang teaches __________(our) maths.62. I want to go home __________ (help) my mother.63. ---Can you help me _________ the dog? ---I _________ (feed) now, Mom.64. Zhang Bing's ________(write) is very good.(write)65. I won't come late any ________ (much).66. Tom doesn't like his __________ (old) brother.67. The old woman is walking ________(slow).68. Spring is the _______(good) time of the year.69. Mrs King has much __________(much) money than Mrs Lee.70. The little boy is _________ (interest) in the ____________(interest) story.71. Please be _____________(careful) next time, May.72. I have to _______(keep) the room clean. or Mum will be _________(happy).73. The teachers tell us ___________(not be) late for school.74. Today is very ____________(cloud), so I stay at home.75. I didn't know you ______ (be) here.76. We ________ (stay) on the farm for a long time.77. I hope you all enjoy _________ (you) on New Year Day.78. Paul is very funny. He often makes us _______ (laugh).79. One of them ______ (be) Chinese.80. It's important for us __________ (learn) English well.81. Please _______(not go) out, it's raining hard outside.82. Keep quiet, I ___________ (read) a newspaper.83. How many ________ (visit) are there on the bus?84. I don't want you ________ (go) out at night.85. It's time for lunch. Let's stop ___________ (have) it.86. We went on _________(study) after we had a short rest.87. Every year,many ________(foreign) come to China.88. Have you finished _________(read) the book yet?89. You must practise _________(speak) English with your classmates every day.90. All the students know __________(hand) in homework on time is necessary.91. Last week I went to my ________(aunt) house to teach her how to send e-mail.92. Look! Two ________(monkey) are fighting for food over there.93. Ann is the __________(win) of the Photo Competition this year.94. Li Jie is used to ________(study) with his cousins in America.95. They were very ________(surprise) at the news.96. Doctors often tell us _________(drink) more water every day.97. The teacher left the classroom _________(angry) without ________(say) a word.98. We will have the meeting at the ________(twelve) floor.99. Sanya is famous for its _________(love) beaches.100. It’s good for your health to give up ________(smoke).答案: 1.to buy 2. the first 3. to go 4. speaking 5.interesting 6. reading 7. more athletic 8. beautiful 9. asking 10. me 11 help 12. go 13. to go 14. fly 15. were 16. are exercising 17. unusual 18. visit 19. dose…get to 20. longer…longer 21. did…have 22.making friends 23. friendly 24. feet 25. reading 26. asking 27. teeth 28. illness29. better 30. feet…was 31. speaking 32. twice 33. Wednesday34. Do…have 35. not forget to 36. asleep 37. tired 38. to learn39. to wake 40. to have 41. to say…to do 42. will be 43. comes44. riding 45. is waiting 46. won…running 47. Finally48. eating 49. to have50. to run 51. didn’t go 52. to go 53. to study 54. to eat 55.will be 56. shopping 57. study 58. is leaving 59. to go60. best 61. us 62. to help 63. (to) feed…am feeding 64. writing 65. more 66. elder 67. slowly 68. best 69. more 70. interested…interesting 71. more careful 72. keep…unhappy 73. not to be 74. cloudy 75. were76. have stayed 77. yourselves 78. laugh 79. is 80. to learn81. not go82. am reading 83. visitors84. to go 85. to have 86. studying87. foreigners 88. reading89. speaking90. handing91. aunt’s92. monkeys93. winner 94. studying95. surprised96. to drink 97. angrily…saying98.twelfth 99. lovely100. smoking中考选择填空精编200题(2)86.—Excuse me, where’s the West Hill Farm, please ?—Go the forest and the foot of the mountain you will find it .A.through, atB.across, atC.through, underD. past, under87._____noisy children ! Go and ask them to keep quiet.A.HowB.WhatC.What aD.How a88.I’d like to go abroad for further study, but I _____afford it.A .don’t B.wasn’t able to C.can’t D. am not89.Mr Green living in China though he was born in London.A.would likeB.wantsC.hatesD.enjoys90.—Here is a piece of paper for you !—Oh, thanks. It’s for me to write a long letter on.A.big enoughB.enough bigC. small enoughD.enough small91.---Shall we leave for home now?---No, I ______ here until Tom comes back.A .won’t wait B.will leave C.will wait D. won’t stay92.---Excuse me,but do you know the way to the hospital,please?---Sorry, I don’t know, _____.A.too B .neither C .either D .also93.—You’d better work too hard like this.—I see. You mean working too hard makes one tired and ill.A.notB.don't C .not to D.won’t94.—Football by the British at the beginning of last century.—That’s probably why football is one of the most popular games in England.A.was inventedB. inventedC.was inventingD.invents95---I tried to make Kate ______ her mind, but I found it hard .----Well,I saw you_______ that when I went past.A.change, doB. change , doingC.to change, doD. changes,doing96.—Must we move to the next room ?—No, you . You may still live here if you like.A.mustn’tB.don’tC.don’t have toD.won’t97.I find interesting to play games with children.A.thatB.howC.whatD.it98. are useful animals.A.CowB.PigC.PandaD. Sheep99.Be careful when the street.A.to crossB.crossC.you crossD.you’ll cross100.Take your time, you’ll make another mistake.A .then B.and C. if D. or101.This place is really well worth ______ a second time.A.to visitB.visitsC.visitingD.visited102----I’m ______ in what _____ you.----Well,don’t follow suit. Just do what you like.A. interesting,interestsB.interested ,interestsC.interest,interestsD.interest,interesting103. ---I think he lives _____ No.386 West St.---Are you sure ¬¬¬¬_____ that?A. at ,/B. in ,ofC. in ,aboutD. at ,of104.Saddam and his followers ______ from Baghdad before the air raids took place.A.had escapedB.has escapedC.was escapingD.escape105. ---Have you finished your work yet?---No,not yet. I think it’ll take _____ ten minutesA.anotherB.otherC.othersD.more106.If you want to prevent yourself from catching diseases, you must keep your living environment _______.A.cleanB.to cleanC.cleaningD.dirty107. ---How long have you been away from your hometown?---______two years ago.A.SinceB.ForC.InD.From108.George W.Bush encourages the US soldiers to fight _______ their own country. A.with B.against C.for D.about109.The earthquake victims _______ in the hospitals.A. are well treatedB. are taken good careC. treatedD. are well treating110.---Tom won the first prize in the competition.---He ______ it because he is the most hard-working student.A.needsB.deservesC.is sure ofD.should get111.Most of the deserts ______ to be covered with bushes and trees.edB.were usedeD.got used112.The hospital is doing its best to____the patients with the best treatment and services.A.offerB.giveC.provideD.serve113.Many SARS patients _______ and are allowed to leave the hospitals.A.have been healedB.have healedC.are healedD.healed114. Listen,can you hear someone ______ for help?A.to cryB.cryC.cryingD.cries115.The beautiful scenery ______ tourists to Guilin from the world over.A. attractsB. attacksC. causesD. catches116.The PRC was ______ on October 1st 1949.A.foundB.findC.foundingD.founded117. ____the help of the computer, information can ____every corner of the world quickly.A.With, arriveB. With, reachC.Under, arriveD. Under,reach118.My mother ______ a second-hand camera for me.A.gaveB.showedC.passedD.bought119.--- How _____ do you think the war will come to a stop?---I’m not sure, maybe in another month’s time.A. longB. soonC. oftenD. far120. The boy put his money in his inside pocket,_______he?A. doesn’tB. didn’tC.won’tD.isn’t121.He used the money he first made _____ a used bike for himself.A.buyingB.buyC. to buyD.bought122.Here’s a shirt of Size 70. Would you please try_____?A.on itB.try out itC.try it onD.try it out123.This pair of socks is worn out.I’ll have to buy a new ______.A.oneB.onesC.pairD.pairs124.---_____is your father?---A doctor in a local hospital..A.WhoB.WhereC.HowD.What125.The Smiths live in ______ building. They use a lift to go up and down.A.a 8-storyB.a 8-storiesC.an 8-storiesD.an 8-story126.No matter _____ you do, you must do it as well as possible.A.whatB.howC.whenD.where127.We like him not only because he teaches us _____but aslo he treats us ______.A.good,friendlyB.good,kindlyC.well,friendlyD.well,kindly128.My father prefers to stay at home rather than ______ on May Day.A.travelB.to travelC. travellingD.travels129. ---The rain came to a stop the night before.The fields are still full of water.---It _____ for nearly a week.A. had rainedB. has rainedC. would rainD. was raining130.The moonlight shone ______ the window and fell on my bed.A.fromB.onC.throughD.across131.--- Could you please tell me the way to the station?---Sorry,I’m a stranger too.You ______ ask the policeman over there.A.mustB.mayC.needD.should132.You’ve made ______ mistakes this time than ever before.A.fewB.litlleC.fewerD.less133.Travelling by air is ______ more expensive than by train even though the air tickets are on discount(打折).A.veryB.a lot ofC.manyD.far134.Though the price of the camera is OK, ______ I don’t think I’ll take it.A.butB.andC.yetD.so135.The city is trying to ______ the living environment of the people.A.improveB.riseC.liftD. increase136.---What was the score of the match? Did you beat them?---________. We lost to the girls.A.Sorry, I don’t knowB.I don’t want to talk about itB.It’s a secret D.Don’t ask me137.--______ is the population of the town?---Over 20,000 .And a third of the population ____ workers of the car factory.A. What, areB. How many , areC. What , isD. How many, is138---Alice,why didn’t you come here yesterday?---I ____ , but my son suddenly fell ill and I had to take him to the hospital.A.hadB.didC.was going toD.didn’t139.---Could I speak to Tom, please?---Sorry, he isn’t here at the moment. He _______Hangzhou on business .A.went toB.has gone toC.goes toD.has been to140.---Good luck to you _____ your trip!---Thank you _____ your kind words.A.to, forB.with, toC. with, forD. to, for141.---So many kinds of shirts! I really don’t know _____.A. what to buyB.which to buyC.to buy whichD. to choose which142.By the time I got to the check-out, I realized that I had _____ my purse at my office.A.forgottenB.leftidD.put143.Don’t shout in public, my boy, please,______?A.won’t youB.don’t youC.do youD.will you144.---My computer doesn’t work at all.---Don’t worry.I think I can put it ______for you.A.wellB.rightC.goodD.up145.I turned back only to find myself ______ by a group of beggars.A.followB.followingC.to followD.followed146.As soon as the _____news came into our ears,we all cheered and became ______.A. exciting , excitingB.excited, .excitedC. exciting, excitedD. excited, exciting 147.The American soldiers are _______the country over for Saddam and his followers.A. searchingB. lookingC. searching inD. finding148.Nobody told us _____ to go there.149.It doesn’t ______ whether the cat is white or black, as long as (只要) it catches the mouse. A.work B.mind C.matter D.mean150.---You _____ be very tired after the long flight.---Yeah, though I am tired, I feel excited and happy.A. mustB. probablyC. can’tD.can151.The price of the jacket is not too_____ and its colour is OK.I’ll take it.A.cheapB.lowC. expensiveD.high152.All except Tom have passed the exam because he _____ lots of classes.A.leftB.forgotC.missedD.lost153.---Does Tom write more______ than Larry?---Yes.He is a ______ writer than Larry.A.neatly, neaterB.neatly, more neatlyC.neat,neaterD.neat, more neatly154.Tom ______to many places of interest since he moved to China with his family.A.traveledB.travelsC.has traveledD.will travel155.We ______ allowed to leave school until the summer holidays start.A. aren’tB. will beC. wouldn’t beD. won’t be156.Why did you buy the jacket ____ you didn’t like it?A.sinceB.thatC.whichD./157.I _____ in Shanghai since I was a child.ed to liveB.livedC.have livedD.live158.There are _____more people in Class 2 than in Class 1.A.manyB.a lot ofC.a littleD.much159.---Is that man an ______?---Do you mean the one who’s wearing a different T-shirt?A. AmericanB. EnglishC.AustraliaD.India160.---When did Tom leave for Britain?---He’s _____ for two weeks.A.leftB.goneC.been awayD.leaving161.I’ve ______ the house since I moved here.162.---Do you mind my asking you a personal question?--_____, any questions are welcome.A.NeverB.SureC.Of courseD.Yes163.What interesting ______! The wrong answer is:A.deerB.sheepC.newsD.animal164.I looked out and found the ground ______ with white snow.A.coveredB.coveringC.to coverD.is covered165.I _____ I would win the first prize of the competition.A.wishB.hopeC.thinkD.believe166.--Would you please pass the message on to Tom?---________.A.I’d likeB. I’ll be glad toC.That would be fineD.It’s a pleasure167.About 20 firemen were killed in the fire which broke______in Y ueyang,Hunan Province last week.A.downB.intoC.outD.in168.The mountain fire wasn’t ______ until the next day.A.put offB.put upC.put outD.put down169.The man is very ill.A doctor must be ______right now.A.sent forB.sent upC.sent toD.sent out170.My memory is not good enough. Could I have a piece of paper to _____ your e-mail address on?A.put awayB.put intoC.put downD.put up171.His parents died when he was very young, so he was ______ by his uncle.A.brought upB.grown upC.got upD.risen172.I’ll never ______what I’m doing, even though many people think it impossible for me to make it.A.give inB.give toC.give outD.give up173.More and more people have lost their jobs and become ______.A.richB.strongC.fragilezy174.The moon _____ the earth and it is our satellite.A.circlesB.movesC.turnsD.goes175.This room is used ______ a reading room.A.asB.forC.byD.in176.Edison is said to_____the first telephone.A.findB.discoverC.inventD.found177.--Are you getting on well with Tom?---Not very well, but we used to be friends. The more I know him,_____ I like him.A. the moreB. the lessC. the little D .the least178.Bob, _____ sure to come to the meeting early tomorrow!A.isB.makeC.beD.makes179.I told the truth to my parents _______ they wouldn’t worry about me any more.A.andB.orC.so thatD.that180.The population of China is lager than _____ of India.A.thatB.thisC.the oneD.it181.The girl ______ red plays the piano well. She is often invited to give performances by TV and radio stations.A.onB.withC.inD.wearing182.My friend was riding too fast and ______ the wall. Luckily he was not badly hurt.A. knocked atB.put intoC.crashedD. knocked into183.He died and was buried(葬) in the mountain village _____ he was born.A.thatB.whichC.whereD./184.The book _____by the young writer sells well. It is popular among middle school students. A.was written B.writing C.wrote D.written185.______ great fun to walk in the rain it will be!A.WhatB.HowC.What aD.How a186.You’ll deserve to fail again _______you try your best.A.ifB.becauseC.afterD.unless187. China's first spaceman, Yang Liwei, with Shenzhou V ______successfully to earth onThursday morning after more than 21 hours’ travel along the earth's orbit.A. returned backB.arrivedC.reachedD.returned188. --- Will he be able to come back tomorrow?---- I’m afraid not. He told me that he ____ come back until his holiday ended.A. won’tB. wouldn’tC. didn’tD. would189--The boy was _____ frightened to see the animals _______ he couldn’t move.-- In fact, they don’t attack people unless they are cornered.A. too, toB. so, thatC. very, thatD. such ,that190.--How often do you phone your family?---________.A.sometimeB.sometimesC.some timeD.some times191.How happy we are ______ each other here away from home!A.seeingB.to seeC.seenD.meeting192.Poul doesn’t have to be made ______.He always works hard.A.to learnB.learnC.learningD.learns193.He is so fat that the chair is not large enough for him to_____.A.sitB.sit onC.sit downD.take a seat194.It takes my daughter about an hour to practice playing _____piano after ____ supper every day.A.the,theB.the,/C./,/D./,the195.His wife died and ______ him nothing but two sons.A.offeredB.gaveC.sentD.left196.Look______!There’s a train coming.A.atB.outC.aroundD.over197.Tom hasn’t phoned us for a long time. What do you suppose _____ to him?A.was happeningB.to happenC.has happenedD.happened198.--Do you know Jim quarreled with his wife?--I don’t know. _____.A.I don’t care alsoB. So do IC. Neither do ID.too199.Congratulations _____ you _____winning the competition!A.to,onB.for,forC.for,onD.to,on200.My boys!You are too shy. You should have more confidence in ______.A. youB. yourselvesC. yourselfD.themselvesWe’re looking forward to your success!86-90ABCDA 91-95CCAAB 96-100CDDCD 101-105CBDAA 106-110AACAB 111-115ACACA 116-120DBDBB 121-125CCCDD 126-130ADAAC 135-140BACBC 141-145BBDBD 146-150CABCA 151-155DCACD 156-160ACAAC161-165DADAA166-170BCCAC 171-175ADCCA 176-180CBBCA 181-185CDCDA 186-190DDBBB 191-195BABBD 196-200BCCAB。
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选择填空精编100题(九年级、初三)宁波万里国际学校中学陈宁 3150401 .---We’ll do what we can ____English well this term.---It’s high time for you to work hard.A.studyB.to studyC.be studiedD.be studying2..----I don’t think your team can beat theirs.----____.But we could if Lin Tao were on the team.A. No,we can’tB.Yes ,we can’tC. Yes,we canD.No, we can3.---Have you finished your work yet?---No,not yet. I think it’ll take _____ ten minutesA.anotherB.otherC.othersD.more4. Roy made several kites ,but _____ of them can fly high in the sky.A. neitherB.noneC. allD.most5.---Will you be back ____ five in the afternoon?---I’m not sure ,maybe later than that.A.inB.beforeC.forD.until6.---I’m sorry to have kept you waiting long.---Never mind. I ____ here for only a few minutes.A. have beenB.have comeC. have arrivedD.waited7. ---You seem to like sweets.----_______ .That’s probably why I’m becoming fatter and fatter.A.So I doB.So do IC.So am ID.So I am.8.With the help of the computer, information can ____every corner of theworld swiftly.A. getB. reachC. arriveD. return9.The children ______ not to play with the fire .A. are often toldB. tellC. are tellingD.told10.---May I go out with you tomorrow ?---If your job ______by then.A. has been finishedB.finishC.will be finishedD.will finish11.---Will you please show me how to operate the new machine?---Sure. It’s a piece of cake.Now let me tell you _____ to do first.A.whatB.howC.whetherD.which12---My trousers are______ .---I’ll buy you a new pair .A.wore outB. worn outC.wearing outD.sold out13.---What do you think of these two books?---_____ of them are interesting. And I’ve read them several times.A.BothB.NeitherC. NoneD.Either14.---The artist has got _____ much work to do that he hardly has time to help his wifewith the housework.---That’s true.Even on Sundays he is busy with his work.A.tooB.soC.veryD.such15.---How long ____ you ____a fever?---Ever since last night.A.have ,gotB.have ,hadC.have ,caughtD.did , have16 .---I think he lives _____ No.386 West St.---Are you sure _____ that? You’d better make sure.A.at ,/B.in ,ofC.in ,aboutD.at ,of17.---The rain came to a stop the night before.The fields are still full of water.---It _____ for nearly a week.A.has rainedB.had rainedC.would rainD.was raining18.---He seems _____ ill.Shall we take him to the hospital right now?---I don’t think it matters.Maybe he’s caught a bit of a cold.A.terribleB.terriblyC.evenD.to be terrible19.---Would you like ___ some fruit?---No thanks. I don’t feel like _____ anything now.A.to have ,to eatB.having ,to eatC.having ,eatingD.to have , eating20.---This is really a wonderful party with interesting people and great food .---I’m glad you are _____A.liking itB.enjoying yourself.C.at the partyD. are loving21.---You’ve dropped _____ “s’’ in the word “acros’’---Oh, ____ letter “s’’ should be doubled like this “across’’.A.a ,aB.an ,aC.a ,thaD.the ,the22.----The pen writes well though it doesn’t cost much.---- Let me have a try. So _____.A.it isB.it doesC.does itD.is it23.---The smell in the room is really terrible .---You said it .Let’s keep all the windows _____ .A.closed .B.openC.openingD.to open24.---____ the Internet _____ in your school?---Yes ,but the computer in our office has often broken down.A.Is,usedB.Is,usingC.Does ,useD.Has ,used25.---Do you often get on-line?----Yes.I ______ most of my time on it .It’s a good way to kill time.A.costB.spendC.payD.take26.---Did Tom’s parents go to the meeting yesterday?----Yes,____ of them did ,but ____ spoke.A.each,none B.both ,none C.neither,both D.both,neither27.---I eat _____ vegetabes and ______ meat than I did last year.----That’s why you’re getting fatter .A. fewer,moreB.more,lessC.less,moreD.many ,much28.---_____ is the population of the town?---Over 20,000 .And a third of the population ____ workers of the car factory.A. What, areB.How many ,areC.What, isD.How many,is29.----I tried to make Kate ______ her mind,but I found it hard .-----Well,I saw you_______ that when I went past.A. change, doB.changes,doingC.to change, doD. change , doing30.---Sorry .I am late.---It doesn’t matter.The meeting ______ for just several minutesA.has begunB.has startedC.has been onD.had been on31.----I feel tired and sleepy.----Why not stop _____?A.to workB.to have a restC.having a restD.to go on with your work32.---Did you notice the boy come in ?----No ,I didn’t because I _______A.had watchedB.have watchedC.was watchingD.am watching33.----Could you tell me _____? I must find him.----Sorry .I have no idea.But he was here just now .A.where Tom wasB.where has Tom goneC.where can I find Tom.D.where Tom is34.----Shall I tell Mike about it ?----No,you _____. He’s been already toldA.mustn’tB.can’tC.don’tD.needn’t35.---Alice,why didn’t you come here yesterday?---I ____ ,but my son suddenly fell ill and I had to take him to the hospital.A.hadB.didC.was going toD.didn’t36.----I’m ______ in what _____ you.----Well,don’t follow suit. Just d o what you like.A. interesting,interestsB.interested ,interestsC.interest,interestsD.interest,interesting37.----I’m too busy_______ to my family often.----Why not call them instead ?A.writingB.to writeC.writtenD.write38.----______ pres ent you’ve bought for me!----I’m glad you like it.A.How aB.What aC.HowD.What39.---This is no-smoking zone.Can’t you see the sign?----Oh ,sorry.I ______ it.A.haven’t seenB.won’t seeC.don’t seeD.didn’t see40.----Will you please let me have a look at the photos taken in the States ?-----Sure .I’ll _____ them here to school tomorrow.A.takeB.carryC.getD.bring41---Look at ____ animal. It’s interesting.---Which one do you mean? ____ black one with a long tail?A.an,TheB.an ,AnC.the,TheD.the, An42---What happened to Tom?---He was crossing the street ____ a motorbike hit him from behind.A.whileB.whenC.untilD.because43---Dad,what’s the sea like?---Well,it’s large and full of water.It covers about _____ of the earth.A.one thirdB.three quarterC.three-fourthD.three quarters44---Go and ask the waiter how much_____.----Don’t worry.It has been _____.A.does the meal cost,paid forB.the meal costs, paidC.the meal spends,paidD.the meal costs,paid for45---Does the child need any help ?----No.He is old enough to _____ himself.A.put onB.wearC.dressD.take care46---There can be no life on the earth without water.----That’s right.Water _____ everywhere.A. needsB.is needingC.is neededD.needed47---Were you late ____the meeting?---No,I arrived there ten minutes______ the meeting started.A. for,beforeB.at, beforeC.for ,tillD.at ,after48---Excuse me,but I don’t think you can take photos here.----Sorry I ____ this is no-photo zone.A. don’t knowB.didn’tC.have no ideaD.have’t known49---How many English words had you learned _____ the end of last term? ----Aound 2000,but I’ve forgotten most of them.A.byB.atC.toD.on50.---Are you learning art now during your spare time?----No.I’ve stoppped _____ Chinese medicine instead.A. to learnB.learningC.learnD.studying51.---What did you ____ just now?----I _____ you if you could follow me.A.say,saidB.speak,askedC.speak,saidD.say,asked52.---Do you like ____ a teacher?---- Sure.But my parents ____ me to be a doctor when I was a young girl..A.to be,hopedB.being,hopedC.being,wishedD.to be ,wish53.---Mom,I’ve got a fever.---So_____.How did you catch it?A.have youB.you haveC.have ID.did I54.---Something must be done to stop the farmers cutting down the forests.----I agree with you .If we ____, a lot more good land will be gone with them.A.won’tB.aren’tC.don’tD.mustn’t55.---Did you _____ the first place of the league match?---Of course we did. We _____ all the other teams.A. beat,beatB.beat ,wonC.win, wonD.win,beat.56.---Why not borrow some money from your friends?----But I know _____ of the people here except you.A.eitherB.noneC.allD.no one57.---What he enjoys _____ great and interesting.----Yes,____ it’s dangerous.A.sounds,butB.to sound ,butC.sounds,soD.to sound ,so58.----What are you going to do tomorrow?-----I’m not sure. I____ make a trip to Hanzhou with my girl friend.A.mayB.maybeC.willD.must59.---- Did you finish _____ the book?---- Yes ,I did. Thanks ____ your dictionary,I had a better understanding of it.A.reading,forB.reading,toC.to read, forD.to read ,to60.----How ____ is it from here Ningbo to Xi’an?----It’s about two ____ flight.A.long, hour’sB.far,hour’sC.long, hours’D.far, hours’61.---Why did you come back so late today ?----Because it heavily when the meeting was over. We had to wait until it came to a stop.A was rainingB is rainingC rainedD rains62.----Would you like to give us a talk sometime next week ?----Sure. But what subject should I _____ ?A talkB talk about c talk withD talk to63.---People never use Mr, Mrs or Miss before their first names, do they ?--- , they use them before their family names.A Yes, they don’t .B Yes, they do.C No, they don’t.D No, they do.64.---Are your parents living with you in China ?---Yes. They here with my family.A are allB are bothC all areD both are65.----May I go out and play this afternoon?----No,you _____ .Work comes firstA. needn’tB. mustn’t C . won’tD. don’t66.---What happened to him ?---Oh, he off his bike and his legs.A falls, hurtsB fell, hurtC felt, hurtD fell, breaks67.----Would you like some tea, please ?----Yes, I prefer tea sugar.A toB forC withD than68.----Would you please make the child any more ?---Well, I just wanted him not to play with the chalk.A don’t, cryB not, to cryC don’t, to cryD not, cry69.----What useful book !---Yes, it is. But I find it difficult for me to read.A an, veryB a, tooC an, tooD a, quite70.---Maths isn’t as as Chinese.---I agree with you. I think Chinese is than any other subject.A easy, easierB easier, easierC easy, easiestD hard, the most difficult71.---Mum, will you take me to the park tomorrow?---If it rainy.A won’tB doesn’tC isn’tD won’t be72.----Did you stop hello to Mrs Smith ?----No, I didn’t see her when she went past.A sayingB saidC sayD to say73.---Why do n’t you go to the lecture-room and listen to the talk?---I hear there isn’t in it.A something newB new anythingC anything newD nothing new74.----I did badly in the long jump.---- .A CongratulationsB That’s greatC Well doneD Bad Luck75. Miss Liu asked Tom to read the new words and students to listen to him.A otherB the othersC othersD the other76.---Do you know the rusult of the race?---Yes. The winner is a boy Lin Feng from Class 4.A 100-metres, calledB 100-metre, callingC 100-metre, calledD 100-metres, named77. The weather here is quite different that of my hometown.A fromB withC thanD as78. My father me to be a doctor, but my mother doesn’t agree him.A wishes, toB wishes, withC hopes, with Dwants, to79.----Don’t play the dangerous game any more.----Sorry! I do it again.A can’tB don’tC won’tD mustn’t80.---English is difficult subject. I even want to drop it.---You’d better not. I’ll help you it.A quite a, withB a quite, withC a very, forD very a, with81.—Does the man need operation at once, Doctor Li ?—Yes, only small one. But the sooner, the better.A an, aB a, aC an, theD ×, ×82.—I hear a traffic accident happened yesterday. Was it terrible ?—Yes. A car fell over and all the people in it were badly hurt. But luckily, of them were killed.A neitherB noneC everyD both83.—You can hardly swim, can you ?—. But my mother says she’ll teach me during my summer holiday.A Yes, I can’t.B No, I can.C No, I can’t.D Yes, I can.84.—Do you think there are new words in this unit ?—Yes, that’s right. I’ll first.A too much, look them upB too many, look up themC much too, look them upD too many, lookthem up85.—You must what I have done for you before you leave.—Well, how much does it ? Is 100 dollars enough ?A pay for, costB pay, spendC spend, pay forD pay, cost86.—Excuse me, where’s the West Hill Farm, please ?—Go the forest and the foot of the mountain you will find it .A through, atB across, atC through, underD past, under87 noisy children ! Go and ask them to keep quiet.A HowB WhatC What aD How a88.The policeman asked him . when the accident happened.A what was he doingB what did he doC what he was doingD what he did89.Mr Green living in China though he was born in London.A would likeB wantsC hatesD enjoys90.—Here is a piece of paper for you !—Oh, thanks. It’s for me to write a long letter on.A big enoughB enough largeC small enoughD enough samll91.The United States up its satellite until January 31,1958.A sentB didn’t sendC hasn’t sentD wasn’t sent92.—When shall we go to see him in the hospital ?—Oh, I nearly forget. What about this afternoon as soon as we _____our work?A will finishB are finishedC finishD are going to93.—You’d better work too hard like this.—I see. You mean too hard makes one tired and ill.A not, workB don‘t, workingC don’t, to workD not, working94.—Football by the British at the beginning of last century.—That’s probably why football is one of popular games in England.A was invented, the mostB invented, moreC was invented, moreD invented, the most95.—Do you know the city of Ningbo well ?—Of course I do. I’ve here for nearly 3 years.A comeB beenC arrivedD got96.—Must we move to the next room ?—No, you . You may still live here if you like.A mustn’tB don’tC don’t have toD won’t97.I find interesting to play games with children.A thatB howC whatD it98. are useful animals.A CowB PigC PandaD Sheep99.Be careful when the street.A to crossB crossC you crossD yo u’ll cross100.Take your time, you’ll make another mistake.A thenB andC ifD or。