Structure of English News__ Reporting

Structure of English News Reporting (英语新闻报道的结构)1 What makes news?(新闻的构成特点)---- proximity 接近性,地域性----- prominence 重要性,显著性-----timeliness 及时性,实效性-----impact 影响,效果-----conflict and controversy 冲突和争议性-----uniqueness 独特性---human interest 人情味(报纸杂志新闻中)2 the components of news英语新闻报道在写作形式上和中文新闻报道可以说完全不一样,通常采用“倒金字塔”结构,即新闻写作按照新闻事件的重要性依次排列。
A news story may include:(1)Headline 标题(4)Dateline 电头(可省略)(2)Lead 导语(3)The body 主体(5)The closing paragraph (可省略)Most news stories have a very clear style. They give the main points at the top in the headline and the lead paragraph. The body of the story then adds details, statements and comments from people involved in the story, plus any background the writer feels in necessary.3 Headline (大写标题) (Phrase headline;Sentence headline)揭示新闻内容的简明醒目的文字,是新闻内容的概括U.S. ATTACKED (from New York Times)A Day of Terror (Washington Post)Day of Terror (The Dallas Morning News)Terror Strikes Heart of US (From China Daily)A headline is a sentence, phrase, word, or group of words set in large, bold type on a newspaper front page or above a body of text on any page of a newspaper or magazine. The purpose of a headline is to attract attention and usually to encourage the reading of the following copy. Headlines may be written in bold, and are written in a much larger size than the article text. Headline conventions include normally using present tense, omitting forms of the verb “to be” in certain contexts, and removing short articles like “a” and “the”.Headlines pack a great deal of information into a limited space, so a good headline is usually simple and direct.France boosting U.N. troops--- France will send a total of 2,000 soldiers for the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon.Air marshals to casual------- Air marshal will be allowed to dress the way they want.(1) Sentence headlines and phrase headlinesThere are two types of headlines. Some news stories use sentence headlines while others are shortened by omitting certain words.Sentence headlines:Apple Recalls Laptop BatteriesFrance Will Send Troops To Southern LebanonPluto’s demotion rocks our worldFire damages a famous landmark in Russia9 Die in Hostage CrisisChina revises criminal law1/2 disagree inheritance taxPhrase headlines:New Call For Ban On Junk Food AdsExtinction of 31 Bird Species PreventedArmy Reviewing Casualty ReportsA Thaw between India and ChinaPlastic Surgeries Urged 整容手术受鼓励(2) The function of news headlines: hint, lead attract, beautify提示(hint)、导向(lead)、吸引(attract)、美化(beautify)(3)Grammatical and lexical characteristics of news headlinesEllipsis; tense; voice; abbreviations and acronyms; extensive use of nouns and midget words; punctuation; rhetoric devicesA Ellipsis(省略)A headline may------ omit articles (a, an, the) as much as possible------ omit the verb “to be” wherever possible----- omit the auxiliary verbs-----omit the possessive pronouns------ omit the conjunctions, e.g. andPlane Crash Kills 18 on board (A plane crash kills 18 on board)Forecast of Turkey earthquake accurate(The forecast of Turkey earthquake is accurate)China, France set up partnership(China and France set up partnership)China: an Engine for RecoveryEgypt to turn desert into parks (Egypt is to turn desert into parks)Global environmental protection to be discussed in London (Global environmental protection is to be discussed in London)Lushan (is) listed on World HeritageSuccessful launching (is) applaudedJapan’s run for UN (is) criticized人称代词和语法引导词的省略Teenager kills (his) father(Is there) cure for cancer?B Tense (时态)Most headlines use the present tense despite the fact that they generally describe past events. The present tense gives the subject a sense of freshness and immediacy, making it more interesting to read. It can give prominence to the happened event, shortening the distance between the readers and the reading object. The present tense used in press i s called “journalistic present tense ”(1)Killer bees injure 60 at burialMexico city-killer bees disrupted the burial of a man in the western Mexican state of Nayarit on Tuesday and stung 60 people, official news agency Notimex reported…….(2) Iran arrests 98 policemenTeheran-Iranian security forces have arrested 98 policemen for their role in a brutal raid on a student dormitory which led to riots in the capital last month, Iran’s police chief said in remarks published yesterday……(3) PLA speeds technical innovationThe Chinese army is developing new technology for its battle tanks to allow them to go through water to improve their use as assault vehicles.(4) Charity party raises RMB 130mBut when the time of the action or event is given, or when the writer wants to convey a special affection, the past tense is sometimes used.Oil Price Soared 20% in OctoberChang Hsueh-liang passed away in USIn phrase headlines, infinitives are sometimes used to indicate a future action or event and present participles used to indicate an action or event that is under wayMore rural Chinese to benefit(will benefit) from basic living allowance systemEurope to send(will send) thousands of troops to Lebanon(1)Efforts to promote standard ChineseChina has launched a survey on the utilization of the Chinese language and characters across the country in an effort to promote the use of standard Chinese, or Putonghua.Arafat to meet opposition leaderRamallah. West Bank-Palestinian President Yasser Arafat will hold reconciliation talks this month with a leader of the Damascus-based radical group, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), a DFLP official said.Success of Tokyo will benefit HKHONG KONG (Xinhua)---- Hong Kong will benefit from the emergence of Tokyo as a financial centre in Asia, said a senior vice president of the Bank of America.(2) Promoting high-techBeijing customs is taking active steps to promote Zhongguancun High-tech development area. East Asia’s tourism recovering from crisisMANILA (Xinhua)---- After being severe ly hit by a financial crisis, East Asia’s tourism industry is beginning to pick up, and the pace is expected to quicken in the months ahead with the regional economy continuously turning around.C Voice (语态)一般来说,英文报纸标题偏于采用主动语态,。

新闻报道英语作文格式1.新闻通讯的第一句往往为全文的中心句(topic sentence),因此这个句子中主要讲清what (事件), when (时间), where (地点) 和who (人物),而在下文则要补充事件的过程和细节,往往包括why(目的或原因)和how(具体过程)等。
2.注意新闻类型题材的一些常用语,如It is reported that..., As is reported..., According to the report...; It is estimated that...等。
【写作内容】A possible version:The H1N1 flu broke out in Mexico in April this year and it has spread quickly to many countries in the world. To our disappointment, by the afternoon on August 30 , 80 confirmed cases of H1N1 flu had been reported in a school in He’nan province,resulting in the fact that all the middle schools there had to delay the new term. Fortun ately, it is estimated by the experts that the death rate of the H1N1 flu virus is lower than 1%, still lower when compared with that of SARS and bird flu. The best way they give the public to prevent it is to wash hands more often,drink more water and have enough sleep.With the help of our government, we believe that we are able to win the battle against the disease.二、大河中学(Dahe High School)近期举行了一次登山活动。

新闻报道的倒金字塔结构(Inverted Pyramid Structure)是一种常见的新闻写作方式,它将最重要的信息放在文章开头,然后逐渐向下展开,呈现逐渐细节化的内容。
1. 标题(Headline):标题应简明扼要地概括新闻内容,吸引读者的注意力。
2. 引导段(Lead Paragraph):引导段是新闻报道的开头部分,也是最重要的部分。
3. 主体段落(Body Paragraphs):接下来的几个段落会逐渐展开并提供更多细节。
4. 支撑性细节(Supporting Details):在主体段落中,逐步提供支撑性细节,如事件的过程、涉及的人物、相关背景信息等。
5. 结尾段(Conclusion):新闻报道的结尾段通常是较少重要的细节和背景信息,可以提供一些额外的信息或观点,或总结整个新闻报道。


• 硬新闻关系到国计民生以及人们切身利益 的新闻。包括党和国家的重大方针、政策的 制定和改变,时局变化,市场行情,股市涨 落,银根松紧,疾病流行,天气变化,重大 灾难事故等等。这类新闻为人们的政治、经 济、工作、日常生活的决策提供依据。
• Soft news is a term for all the news that isn’t time-sensitive(时效性), including profiles of
• This upside down triangle serves as a guide for how you include information in the story.
• Using the inverted pyramid means starting with the most important information, then giving the next most important information and so on.
• DENVER, Colorado (AP) A lightning strike at a golf course driving range Saturday killed a man and injured his 16-year-old son, a fire department spokeswoman said
A. Identify news categories
• the nature of the reported events 1. hard news 2. soft news
• Hard news is how journalists refer to news of the day. It is a chronicle of current events / incidents and is the most common type of news printed on the front page of a typical newspaper.

4.新闻价值(News Value):新闻报道应该具有一定的新闻价值,即能够引发读者的兴趣和关注。

• 软新闻:人情味较浓的社会新闻(社会花 边新闻、娱乐新闻、体育新闻、服务性新闻 等),形式上通俗,注重趣味性。它没有明 确的时间界定,多属于延缓性新闻,无时间 的紧迫性。它和人们的切身利益无多大关 系,向受众提供娱乐、开阔眼界、增长知 识、陶冶情操。
• the content of the reported events
2. News is anything timely that interests a number of persons, and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number. 凡是及时的、能引起一部分人兴趣的东西, 便是新 闻。而最好的新闻则是那种能够激起最大多数人最 大兴趣的东西。
• the issuing medium of the reported events
e.g. print news, broadcast news, TV news, online news, etc.
B. Identify news styles
There are mainly four news styles which are (1) news reporting (消息报道 ) (2) feature (特写) (3)editorial (社论) (4)advertisement (广告)

以下是一篇符合倒三角结构的英语新闻范文:Major Earthquake Hits California, Causing Widespread DamageA powerful earthquake rocked California early morning today, causing significant damage and leaving residents in shock. The tremor, measured at a magnitude of 7.4 on the Richter scale, struck at approximately 3:45 a.m. local time.The epicenter of the earthquake was located near the town of San Juan, where several buildings collapsed and roads were severely damaged. Initial reports indicate that several injuries have been reported, but no fatalities have been confirmed at this time.Emergency services are on the scene, working to rescue trapped residents and provide medical assistance to the injured. The Red Cross has also set up shelters for those displaced by the disaster.The earthquake has disrupted power supplies in several areas, and phone lines are also down in some parts of the region. Officials are urging residents to stay indoors and avoid damaged areas until further notice.The National Earthquake Information Center is monitoring the situation and expects aftershocks to continue in the coming hours. Residents are advised to remain vigilant and prepared for further tremors.This earthquake is the latest in a series of seismic events that have occurred in California in recent years, highlighting the need for continued vigilance and preparation for such disasters.这篇新闻首先以标题突出了最重要的信息——加利福尼亚州发生大地震。

1. 标题(Headline):标题应该简洁、吸引人,并概括报道的主要内容。
2. 日期(Date):在标题下方或旁边注明报道的日期。
3. 导语(Lead Paragraph):导语应概述整篇报道的核心内容,引导读者继续阅读。
4. 背景(Background):提供与报道主题相关的背景信息,帮助读者更好地理解事件或趋势。
5. 主体(Body):详细阐述报道的主要内容,包括事件的时间、地点、人物、经过和结果等。
6. 结尾(Conclusion):总结报道的主要观点或提出建议,也可以提供一些与报道相关的额外信息或引用。
7. 引用(Quotes):在报道中引用相关人士的话语,以增加报道的可信度和说服力。
8. 附加信息(Additional Information):可以提供一些与报道相关的补充资料或链接,以便读者深入了解。

- 1 -。

1. 标题(Headline):标题应简洁明确,能够准确地概括新闻内容,吸引读者阅读的兴趣。
2. 导语(Lead):导语是新闻的开篇部分,也是最能吸引读者注意
导语通常包括5W1H(Who, What, When, Where, Why, How)的要素。
3. 正文(Body):正文是对新闻事件进行详细报道的部分。
4. 结尾(Conclusion):结尾对新闻事件进行总结性陈述,重申新

• 新闻报道的基本结构: • headline、lead、body、 • dateline(位于标题下,报纸写明的发稿日 期及地址)、byline(位于标题下,署名)
• 新闻写作由于记者写作风格不同,文体结构无定格。但大 体上说新闻文体的主体结构是由标题、导语、正文三部分 组成。 • 标题(headline):浓缩概括全文的中心实质问题。 用来说明消息内容,通常以醒目的文字出现在消息之上的 简短文字,能简明扼要地向读者揭示新闻的主要内容,使 其在最短的时间内获取最多的信息。 • 导语(lead or introduction):通常为文章的第一段。 文章的第一段提供主要话题和最主要的事实。它是新闻文 体区别于其他文体的特有概念。通常包含5W和1H. • 正文(body):在导语的基础上,引入更多的与主题 相关的事实,使之更加详实、具体,并展开评论,进而得 出结论。
• • • • • • • •
Healthcare 医疗保健 grievance 抱怨,委屈 Soaring 高耸的,不断上升的 asset 资产 Medical care 医疗护理 property财产,所有权 Commercialization 商品化 respondent应答者 Outweigh 超过,胜过 incline to 趋向,倾向于 Inflation 通货膨胀 ascribe to 归因于 The State Statistics Bureau 国家统计局 The All-China Federation of Trade Unions 中华 全国总工 hype 大肆宣传 • Civil Affairs 民政局 premiere 首映 • Negligible 微不足道的 tot up 合计 • Pension system 退休金制度


Structure of the News Report 新闻报道的结构The inverted pyramid(倒金字塔法) & the chronological style(时间顺序法)绝大多数的新闻都会采取倒金字塔法,这种结构的特点是按新闻内容的重要性递减的顺序安排全文段落:将最重要、最精彩、最吸引人的事实放在最前面,一般称为导语;其次的放在后面,依次排列,最次要的置于末尾。
The inverted pyramid is a metaphor used by journalists and other writers to illustrate the placing of the most important information first within a text. It is the most widely preferred method in writing news stories.The "inverted" or upside-down"pyramid" can be thought of as a simple triangle with one side drawn horizontally at the top and the body pointing down. The widest part at the top represents the most substantial, interesting, and important information the writer means to convey, illustrating that this kind of material should head the article, while the tapering lower portion illustrates that other material should follow in order of diminishing importance. It is sometimes called a "summary news lead" style.The format is valued because readers can leave the story at any point and understand it, even if they don't have all the details. It also allows less important information at the end to be more easily removed by editors so the article can fit a fixed size.Other styles are also used in news writing, including the "anecdotal lead," which begins the story with an eye-catching tale or anecdote rather than the central facts; and the Q&A, or question-and-answer format.'Who,' 'when', 'where', 'what' and 'how' are addressed in the first paragraph. As the article continues, the less important details are presented. An even more pyramid-conscious reporter or editor would move two additional details to the first two sentences: That the shot was to the head, and that it was expected to prove fatal. The transitional sentence about the Grants suggests that less-important facts are being added to the rest of the story.News Lead 新闻导语The structure of the news from VOA generally consists of the news lead, body, and the background information, in which the first two parts are necessary. News lead is the first sentence in each piece of news, the key sentence that domains the whole news and conveys important information.新闻导语的特点是简明扼要,突出要素,大都会交代人物who、时间when、地点where、事件what,关于时间的前因后果why/how放在导语后,即本体中作进一步报道。

If you insist, you will shine. Time is an invincible weapon. It can gather arms and sand into towers, making theimpossible in life possible.同学互助一起进步(页眉可删)英语新闻稿格式英语新闻稿格式【1】新闻写作由于记者写作风格不同,文体结构无定格。
五个W和一个H(When? Where? Who? What? Why? 和How?)是构成一则完整消息不可缺少的要素。
直接的消息报道或纯消息报道一般采用“倒金字塔形式”(the Inverted Pyramid Form),其特点是按新闻报道最重要的`五个W和一个H头重脚轻地安排材料,把新闻的高潮和结论放在最前面的导语里,然后以事实的重要性递减的顺序来安排(in the order of descending importance)材料。
为了帮助读者了解这种倒金字塔式结构,请见西方新闻学著作中的图表说明:The Inverted Pyramid FormIntroduction containing most important or most interesting information 导语(包括最重要或最吸引人的消息)为了帮助读者了解这种倒金字塔式结构,请见西方新闻学著作中的图表说明:The Inverted Pyramid FormIntroduction containing most important or most interesting information 导语(包括最重要或最吸引人的消息)首先要注意消息报道导语(第一段)里的“电头”(dateline)“FILADELFIA, Colombia(AP)”即“美联社发自哥伦比亚费拉达菲亚的消息”。

In short, it has 4 functions:1. Summarizing the story2. Arousing the reader`s interest3. Beautifying the newspaper page4. Indicating how much importance each news item has(一)标题的类型(省略、时态、语态)英语新闻标题可按形式与意义进行分类。
根据形式分类1.左齐头式标题(Flush Left Headline)IMFWillHaveSay2.通栏式标题(Banner Headline)又叫做头号大标题House Passes Obama Plan to Cut Taxes3.阶梯式标题(Drop Form Headline)形态美观,赏心悦目F.B.I. Agrees to CeaseIts Illegal SurveillanceOf the Research Institute4.倒金字塔式标题(Inverted Pyramid Headline)Factory WalkoutThreat OverSacking5. 双标题\复合式标题(Double Headline)此类标题通常出现在对重大事件的报道中,其形式为两行标题,有主标题与副标题。
Example 1:Expected to go to USCastro to Free Thousands of PrisonersExample 2:It Isn`t the Cow That Are MadIt`s the People That Are Going Mad6.转页式标题(Jump Head Headline)Example:Pentagon PlansSystem to FightRussia Satellites(Original)U.S. Plans WeaponAgainst Satellites(Jump Head)根据意义分类直接类标题(Straight Headline)此类标题开门见山,直接告诉我们报道的主题,是最常见的标题形式,也非常易于理解。
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5. If a dog bites a man, it is not news; if a man bites a dog, it's (big) news. 狗咬人并非新闻,人咬狗才是(大)新闻。 ……
News is an account of what is happening around us. It may involve current events, new initiative or ongoing projects or issues. But news is not only about what’s taking place of the day, it also concerns background analysis, opinions, human interest stories, etc.
Who is involved? Who made a scientific discovery? Who’s speaking at a forum? Who made the donation? Who organized the new staff group? (Not just names, but titles and brief backgrounds if necessary.)
• 硬新闻关系到国计民生以及人们切身利益 的新闻。包括党和国家的重大方针、政策的 制定和改变,时局变化,市场行情,股市涨 落,银根松紧,疾病流行,天气变化,重大 灾难事故等等。这类新闻为人们的政治、经 济、工作、日常生活的决策提供依据。
Байду номын сангаас
• Soft news is a term for all the news that isn’t time-sensitive, including profiles of people, programs or organizations, etc.
Why is the story newsworthy? Tell readers why they should care. Who will be affected by this news and how? In other words, what distinguishes the story or event from others? How usually describes the manner in which the action occurs.
e.g. economic news, political news. Sports news, entertainment news, technology news, obituary, etc. • the region of the reported events e.g. international news, domestic news, local news, etc.
• By EMMA ROSS, AP Medical Writer BANGKOK, Thailand-Asia’s bird flu death toll rose to 12 with the announcement Monday of two additional deaths, while China said it suspected the virus has reached poultry in one of its most remote corners • When Monday, • Where Thailand • What Bird flu death toll rose to 12 • Who Thailand and China
• NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Teenagers who spend 3 hours a day or more in front of the television are at risk of developing sleeping problem later in life, new research reports. • Who Teenagers • What Teenagers may develop sleep problems • When Later in their life • How • Spending three hours or more in front of TV
A. Identify news categories
• the nature of the reported events 1. hard news 2. soft news
• Hard news is how journalists refer to news of the day. It is a chronicle of current events / incidents and is the most common type of news printed on the front page of a typical newspaper.
B. The 5 “W’s” and the H News articles, especially a hard news story, always include the essentials—who, what, where, when, why and how. Good news writing attempts to answer all the basic questions about any particular event in the first two or three paragraphs.
3. News is any event, idea or opinion that is timely, that interests or affects a large number of people in a community and that is capable of being understood by them. 新闻是指人们能及时获悉的事件、观点或见解, 它能吸引或影响社会上的许多人,并能为他们所 理解。 4. News is the reporting of anything timely which has importance, use, or interest to a considerable number of persons in a publication audience. 新闻是对任何事物的及时报道,对于读者群体中 的许多人来说,这类报道具有重要性、实用性或 趣味性。
• DENVER, Colorado (AP) A lightning strike at a golf course driving range Saturday killed a man and injured his 16-year-old son, a fire department spokeswoman said • When Saturday • Where At a golf course • Who A man and his son • What Lightning killed the man and injured his son
新闻导语是新闻报道开头的第一段文字,也是最重 要的部分,通常是标题的展开形式,记者必须把新 闻时间的主要情节用一两句化概括在新闻导语的第 一段里。这是新闻报道的精华所在。按照新闻报道 的要求,导语尽可能回答5个W和一个H即What (何事)、Who(何人)、Where(何地)、Why (为何)和How(如何)。这个观点曾被西方新闻 界视为金科玉律,但是由于新闻导语趋于愈来愈 短,因此,新闻导语现在一般未必包含所有的新闻 要素,而是突出其中最重要的新闻要素,其他要素 可放在以下的段落。
• the issuing medium of the reported events e.g. print news, broadcast news, TV news, online news, etc.
B. Identify news styles
There are mainly four news styles which are
• 软新闻:人情味较浓的社会新闻(社会花 边新闻、娱乐新闻、体育新闻、服务性新闻 等),形式上通俗,注重趣味性。它没有明 确的时间界定,多属于延缓性新闻,无时间 的紧迫性。它和人们的切身利益无多大关 系,向受众提供娱乐、开阔眼界、增长知 识、陶冶情操。
• the content of the reported events
• In a soft news story , however , the lead should present the subject of the story by allusion (暗示; 引喻 ) . This type of opening is somewhat literary (文学的 ). Like a novelist (小说家) , the role of the writer is to grab the attention of the reader.
What is the nature of the news story or event? Is it about a scientific discovery, an economic conference, a delivered speech, a heavy flood or casualty in the Middle East? Where is the news or event taking place? When will (or did) the event take place? What time and date is the event, or when will someone be available for an interview if needed?