二、常用术语1. 修辞手法- 比喻:用一个事物来暗示另一个事物,常用于形象化描绘。
- 比拟:将两个不同事物进行相似比较,用以突出一个事物的特点。
- 借代:用一个词来指代另一种相关事物,增加作品的意境。
- 排比:通过平行的结构和语句重复,使作品更加生动和有力。
- 对仗:通过押韵或平行语法结构的运用,使句子更加和谐与美感。
2. 诗体类型- 古诗:古代中国文学中的一种诗体,以五言或七言为最常见的体制。
- 词:古代文学中的韵文表达形式,以表达作者的个人感情为主。
- 绝句:一种四行诗,每行五、七个字,形式简洁。
- 律诗:古代又称骈体诗,有严格的字数限制和特定的格律要求。
3. 修辞格- 典型比喻:明确指出比喻对象和被比喻对象。
- 间接比喻:通过暗示来表达比喻。
- 拟人:将非人的事物赋予人的形象和行为。
- 擬音:模拟物体的声音,增加描写的形象感。
- 倍数:通过增加倍数的描写来强调或夸张某种特征。
4. 主题与意境- 自然景色:描绘自然景色,如山水、花草等,寄托情感和思考。
- 爱情:表达爱情的美好与痴迷,揭示人性中的情感纠葛。
- 思乡:表现对故乡的深情怀念和思恋之情。
- 心灵与哲思:思考生命、时间、道德和人生意义等抽象问题。
1. 文本(Text):指文学作品本身,包括小说、诗歌、戏剧等。
2. 语境(Context):指文学作品所处的历史、社会、文化背景等。
3. 意图(Intent):指作者的创作意图,即作者在创作过程中想要表达的思想、情感或主题。
4. 读者反应(Reader Response):指读者在阅读文学作品时所产生的感受、理解和评价。
5. 形式主义(Formalism):指将文学作品视为独立自足的文本,忽略其历史、社会和文化背景等外部因素。
6. 符号学(Semiotics):研究符号系统的科学,涉及语言、文字、图像等符号的生成、传播和解释。
7. 叙事学(Narratology):研究叙事作品的形式、结构和技巧的科学。
8. 接受美学(Reception Aesthetics):强调读者在阅读过程中的主体性和创造性,认为作品的意义是在读者的参与下生成的。
9. 结构主义(Structuralism):将文学作品视为一个整体,研究其内在的结构、关系和规律。
10. 后结构主义(Poststructuralism):对结构主义的批判和超越,强调个体主体性和文本的开放性。
2. 描写 - 指文本中对人物、物品、场景等进行具体生动的描述,展现出视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉等方面的细节。
3. 意象 - 指文本中使用形象的语言表达出来的抽象概念,如比喻、拟人等手法。
4. 比喻 - 指通过对两个事物的相似点进行比较,以达到给读者新的感受或理解的修辞手法。
5. 拟人 - 指将无生命的事物赋予人类的特征和行为,来表达作者的情感或增强作品的艺术效果。
6. 反讽 - 指通过说出与实际相反的话,以表达出作者的反感、批评或嘲讽。
7. 对比 - 指通过对两个相似或不同的事物进行对照,来突出文本中的主题、情感等。
8. 押韵 - 指文本中出现两个或多个音节相同的词汇,以增强诗歌、歌曲等的韵律美感。
9. 音律 - 指文本中音节的节奏、语调、音量等方面的组合,以产生艺术效果。
10. 主旨 - 指文本中的核心思想和主题,是作者所要表达的意义和观点。
- 1 -。
文学术语Terms in English Literature1.Allegory (寓言)A tale in verse or prose in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities.寓言,讽喻:一种文学、戏剧或绘画的艺术手法,其中人物和事件代表抽象的观点、原则或支配力。
2.Alliteration (头韵)Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial consonant sound within a line or a group of words.头韵:在一组词的开头或重读音节中对相同辅音或不同元音的重复。
3.Allusion (典故)A reference to a person, a place, an event, or a literary work that a writer expects the reader to recognize and respond to.典故:作者对某些读者熟悉并能够做出反映的特定人物,地点,事件,文学作品的引用。
4.Analogy (类比)A comparison made between two things to show the similarities between them.类比:为了在两个事物之间找出差别而进行的比较。
5. Antagonist (反面主角)The principal character in opposition to the protagonist or hero or heroineof a narrative or drama.反面主角:叙事文学或戏剧中与男女主人公或英雄相对立的主要人物。
6. Antithesis (对仗)The balancing of two contrasting ideas, words, or sentences.对仗:两组相对的思想,言辞,词句的平衡。
文学评论术语1. “人物塑造超立体,就像捏泥人,每个角度都精心雕琢。
2. “情节那叫一个跌宕起伏,像坐过山车似的。
3. “主题深度像挖井,越挖越有东西。
4. “环境描写逼真得像穿越了一样。
5. “语言风格像做菜,各有各的风味。
6. “象征手法用得妙啊,就像密码一样,解开了就别有洞天。
7. “叙事节奏把握得就像跳舞的节拍,恰到好处。
8. “视角独特得像从外星人的眼睛看地球。
文学术语Terms in English Literature1. A llegory ( 寓言)A tale in verse or prose in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities.寓言,讽喻:一种文学、戏剧或绘画的艺术手法,其中人物和事件代表抽象的观点、原则或支配力。
2. A lliteration ( 头韵)Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial consonant sound within a line or a group of words.头韵:在一组词的开头或重读音节中对相同辅音或不同元音的重复。
3. A llusion ( 典故)A reference to a person, a place, an event, or a literary work that a writer expects the reader to recognize and respond to.典故:作者对某些读者熟悉并能够做出反映的特定人物,地点,事件,文学作品的引用。
4. A nalogy ( 类比)A comparison made between two things to show the similarities between them.类比:为了在两个事物之间找出差别而进行的比较。
5. Antagonist ( 反面主角)The principal character in opposition to the protagonist or hero or heroine of a narrative or drama.反面主角:叙事文学或戏剧中与男女主人公或英雄相对立的主要人物。
6. Antithesis ( 对仗)The balancing of two contrasting ideas, words, or sentences.对仗:两组相对的思想,言辞,词句的平衡。
1.poetry(un), poem/verse韵文/诗,poet诗人,poetess/woman poet女诗人,poetic有诗意的1.1.epic 史诗, epic writer史诗作者1.2.narrative poem叙事诗1.3.lyric poem抒情诗, lyrical有抒情意味的1.3.1. ode颂,sonnet十四行诗, ballad民谣, folk song民歌 etc.1.4. canto诗章, stanza诗段, line诗行, couplet二行诗段, quatrain四行诗段,etc., rhyme scheme/pattern韵脚, meter/foot音步1.5.iambic抑扬格的,trochaic扬抑格,anapestic抑抑扬格的,etc.2.prose(un)散文, prose writer散文作者, prosaic枯燥乏味的2.1.fiction(un)小说, fictional 虚构的2.1.1. novel长篇小说, novelist小说家2.1.2. novelette/novella中篇小说2.1.3. short story短篇小说2.1.4.viewpoint叙事角,the first-person narrator第一人称叙事角, the third-person narrator第三人称叙事角, the omniscient narrator全知叙事角, character人物protagonist=hero or heroine主角(女主角),antagonist 反面人物, setting背景(包括地点和时间)2.2.mythology(un)神话, myth神话故事2.3.folk lore(un)民间文学,legend民间传说,folk tale民间故事,fairy tale童话,fable(短篇)寓言故事etc.2.4.essay杂文/散文, essayist杂文作家2.5.literary criticism文学批评, critic评论家2.6.biography传记, biographer传记作家,autobiography自传2.7.prose narrative叙事散文3.drama(un), play戏剧, dramatist/playwright剧作家, dramatic激动人心的3.1.verse drama诗体戏剧, prose drama散文体戏剧3.2. tragedy悲剧, tragedian悲剧作家, tragic 悲惨的3.3. comedy喜剧, comedian戏剧作家, comic/ comical 滑稽好笑的3.4. tragic-comedy悲喜剧3.4.1.act幕, scene场/故事发生地点, dramatis persona(e)戏剧人物, prologue序幕,epilogue尾声,soliloquy(monologue)独白,aside(旁白),stage direction舞台提示,conflict戏剧冲突,climax戏剧高潮,denouement结尾, enter(人物上场), exit (pl. exeunt)人物退场,clown丑角4. miscellany混合类4.1. literature (n.),文学 literary(a.)文学的,man of letters文学家,romance传奇,allegory有道德教化意义的寓言式作品,satire讽刺作品etc.。
(见多媒体课件第12 屏)①叙述种类:顺叙、倒叙、插叙、补叙等。
(见多媒体课件第13 屏)④抒情类:直接抒情(直抒胸臆),间接抒情(借景抒情,寓情于景,托物言志);情景交融,情景相生,情因景生,以景衬情,以乐写哀,以哀写乐等。
1. 诗歌体裁:
- 诗:表达情感、描绘景物和抒发思想的文学形式。
- 词:以短小精悍的形式表达情感的文学形式。
- 曲:以歌唱为主的文学形式。
- 赋:以描写或抒发感情为主的文学形式。
2. 修辞手法:
- 比喻:用一种事物来比喻另一种事物,以增强表达的艺术性和形象性。
- 拟人:赋予非人物以人的特征和行为,增加情感共鸣。
- 夸张:夸大事物的特征或程度,以增强表达的效果。
- 排比:通过列举相同结构的词语或短语来加强表达的力度。
3. 修辞格:
- 对偶:用相同或相似的词语、短语或句子结构来表达对立或相反的意思。
- 反问:用疑问句的形式来表达肯定或否定的意思。
- 押韵:在诗歌中使用相同或相似的音韵来增加韵律感。
4. 现象:
- 平仄:指汉字的声调高低变化。
- 押韵:在诗歌中使用相同或相似的音韵来增加韵律感。
- 韵律:诗歌中的节奏和音乐感。
5. 文学流派:
- 唐诗:盛行于唐朝的诗歌形式,以七言绝句为主要形式。
- 宋词:盛行于宋朝的短小精悍的诗歌形式。
- 元曲:盛行于元朝的戏剧形式,以曲子和对白相结合的形式。
17 .含蓄与含混。含蓄是把似乎无限的意味隐含或蕴蓄在有限的话语中,使读者从有限中体味无限。含混,也称歧义、复义或多义等,则是指看似单义而确定的话语却蕴蓄着多重而不确定的意义空间,令读者回味无穷。比较而言,两者的不同在于:含蓄突出表达上的“小”中蓄“大”,含混则偏重阐释上的“一”中生“多”。但两者在实质上又是一致的:它们共同揭示出文学本文的话语系统具有丰富的意义生成可能性,即话语蕴藉特性。
21 .创作动机。创作动机是驱使作家投入文学创造活动的一股内在动力。
22 .艺术构思。艺术构思是作家在材料积累和艺术发现基础上,在创作动机指导下,以心理活动和艺术概括方式,创造完整的意象系列的思维过程。它是文学创造过程最实际、最紧张、也最重要的阶段。
23 .回忆与沉思。回忆是艺术构思的重要机制之一,它指积极地和有意义地从记忆中提取信息的心理过程。沉思则是在寂静和独处中对某个中心意念或意象加以深沉思索的心理过程。
12 .审美无功利性。这是由德国美学家康德提出的概念,认为审美具有不指向实际利益满足的特性。文学中的审美无功利性,是指作家或读者的创作或欣赏活动不指向直接的实际利益满足的特性。
13 .直觉。直觉,这里指审美直觉,是主体对于对象的不依赖概念而获得的瞬间领悟。
14 .文学的审美意识形态性质。这是对文学活动的特殊性质的概括,指文学是一种交织着无功利与功利、形象与理性、情感与认识等综合特性的话语活动。
37 .象征主义文学。象征主义文学是 19 世纪 70 年代兴起于欧洲的文学思潮,主张文学是作家的情感或理智的间接暗示的产物。代表人物有法国诗人马拉美、魏尔伦和兰波等。象征主义突出暗示性和朦胧性,主张以主观意识的客观对应物来暗示主观意识,建造一个寓意深长的符号世.即兴与推敲。即兴与推敲是物化阶段的两种不同操作方式,也是作品定型的两种不同手段。即兴是作家因外在刺激或内在冲动的作用而在文字操作过程中迅速创造出作品的情形。推敲是作家反复选择、调动词句以求准确和妥贴地把心象物化为定型作品的文字操作情形。即兴与推敲其实是同一操作过程的两个不同的侧面,不可绝对地分开。
1. Allegory is a tale in verse or prose in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities.寓言是写成诗歌或散文形式的小故事其中人物、事件和场景代表抽象的观点或道德品质。
2. Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial consonant sound within a Line or a group of words.头韵是指在一行或一组词中第一个重读辅音的重复。
3. Allusion is reference to a person, a place, an event, or a literary work that a writer expects the reader to recognize and respond to.典故是作者对某些读者熟悉并能够作出反应的特定人物、地点、事件、文学作品的引用。
4. Analogy is a comparison made between two things to show the similarities between them.类比是为了在两个事物之间找出相似之处而进行的比较5. Antagonist is the principal character in opposition to the protagonist or hero or heroine of a narrative or drama.反面主角是叙事文学或戏剧中与男女主人公或正面人物相对立的主要人物6. Antithesis: the balancing of two contrasting ideas, words, or sentences.对仗指两组相对的思想、言辞、词句的平衡。
文学术语1 反讽又称倒反法、反语,英文名irony,为说话或写作时一种带有讽刺意味的语气或写作技巧,单纯从字面上不能了解其真正要表达的事物,而事实上其真正原本的意义正好是字面上所能理解的意涵的相反,通常需要从上下文或语境来了解其用意。
其特征主要有:1 偏重于表现主观理想,抒发强烈的个人感情;2 描写自然风光,歌颂大自然;3 酷爱描写中世纪和以往的历史;4 重视民间文学,尤其是中世纪民间文学。
其代表是布莱克、华兹华斯《抒情歌妖姬》、科勒律治、拜伦、雪莱《西风颂》、普希金、贝多芬《第五交响曲》、肖邦、雨果《悲惨世界》、欧文《睡谷传说》、麦尔维尔《白鲸》、司格特《艾凡赫》、屈原《离骚》、李白《将进酒》、郭沫若3 清教主义清教主义起源于英国,在北美得以实践和发展。
续后汉书 文学领域术语
1. 乐府:唐代文学中指由乐府诗人及其徒弟所创作的传统民歌体裁,主要特征是音乐性强,用语简洁,感情淳朴。
2. 诗经:儒家经书之一,收录了先秦时期的诗歌,具有极高的文学价值,是古代文学的重要组成部分。
3. 古文:古代的文言文体,主要用于政治、哲学、史学等领域的文献或著作。
4. 骈文:骈体文学的简称,是汉代文学中的一种文体,以对仗的形式写作,形式复杂,讲究音律和韵律。
5. 律诗:唐代文学中的一种诗歌形式,分为五言律诗和七言律诗,对韵律和格律有严格的规定。
6. 楹联:又称对联,是中国古代文学艺术中的一种形式,由两句相对的短句组成,常用于门额、墙壁等处。
7. 绝句:唐代文学中的一种短诗体裁,由四行组成,每行五、七个字,形式简洁,意境深远。
8. 律呈长安图:唐代白居易创作的一首长诗,表现了长安城的壮丽景象,具有
9. 赋:古代文学中的一种散文体裁,以描写景物、描写人物为主,以虚实生动、文气磅礴、言辞华丽为特征。
10. 辞赋:汉代文学中的一种文体,又称赋,是一种散文抒情体裁,注重描写景物、表现情感,代表作品有《离骚》、《天问》等。
大体来说,解构阅读是一种揭露文本结构与其西方形上本质(Western metaphysical essence)之间差异的文本分析方法。
文学术语汇编(考研用)11. Literature of the absurd: (荒诞派文学)2. Theater of the absurd: (荒诞派戏剧)3. Black comedy or black humor: (黑色幽默)文学术语汇编24. Aestheticism or the Aesthetic Movement(唯美主义):5. Allegory(寓言):6. Fable(寓言):7. Parable(寓言):(注意以上三个词在汉语中都翻译成语言,但是内涵并不相同,不要搞混)8. Alliteration(头韵): 9. Consonance 10. Assonance11. Allusion (典故)12. Ambiguity(复义性):文学术语汇编313. Antihero(反英雄):14. Antithesis(对照):15. Archaism(拟古):16. Atmosphere(氛围):文学术语汇编417. Ballad(民谣):18. Climax:19. Anticlimax(突降):20. Beat Generation(垮掉一代):文学术语汇编521. Biography(传记):22. Autobiography(自传):23. blank verse (无韵诗,素体诗(不押韵的五音步诗行))24. A parody(模仿)文学术语汇编625. Celtic Revival also known as the Irish Literary Renaissance (爱尔兰文艺复兴)26. Characters(人物)27. Chivalric Romance (or medieval romance) (骑士传奇或中世纪传奇)28. Comedy:(喜剧)29. Farce (闹剧)30. Confessional poetry(自白派诗歌)31. Critical Realism:(批判现实主义)32. Drama: (戏剧)文学术语汇编733. Dramatic Monologue:(戏剧独白)34. Elegy(哀歌或挽歌):35. Enlightenment(启蒙运动):36. Epic(史诗):37. Epiphany:(顿悟)38. Epithet: (绰号,诨名)39. Essay:(散文)40. Euphemism(委婉语): 41. Expressionism(表现主义):42. Free verse(自由体诗):文学术语汇编843. Gothic novel:44. Graveyard poets(墓园派诗人):45. Harlem Renaissance(哈莱姆文艺复兴):46. Heroic Couplet(英雄双韵体)47. Hyperbole(夸张):49. Imagism(意象派):50. Irony(反讽):51. Local Colorism(地方色彩)52. Lyric(抒情诗):。
文学术语汇编11.Literature of the absurd: (荒诞派文学) The term is applied to a number of works in drama and prose fiction which have in common the sense that the human condition is essentially absurd, and that this condition can be adequately represented only in works of literature that are themselves absurd. The current movement emerged in France after the Second World War, as a rebellion against essential beliefs and values of traditional culture and traditional literature. They hold the belief that a human being is an isolated existent who is cast into an alien universe and the human life in its fruitless search for purpose and meaning is both anguish and absurd.2.Theater of the absurd: (荒诞派戏剧) belongs to literature of the absurd. Two representatives of this school are Eugene Ionesco, French author of The Bald Soprano (1949) (<秃头歌女>), and Samuel Beckett, Irish author of Waiting for Godot (1954) (<等待戈多>). They project the irrationalism, helplessness and absurdity of life in dramatic forms that reject realistic settings, logical reasoning, or a coherently evolving plot.3.Black comedy or black humor: (黑色幽默) it mostly employed to describe baleful, naïve, or inept characters in a fantastic or nightmarish modern world playing out their roles in what Ionesco called a “tragic farce”, in which the events are often simultaneously comic, horrifying, and absurd. Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 (美国著名作家约瑟夫海勒<二十二条军规>) can be taken as an example of the employment of this technique.文学术语汇编24. art for art’s sake: or the Aesthetic Movement(唯美主义): it began to prevail in Europe at the middle of the 19th century. The theory of “art for art’s sake” was first put forward by some French artists. They declared that art should serve no religious, moral or social purpose. The two most important representatives of aestheticists in English literature are Walt Pater and Oscar Wilde.5. Allegory(寓言): a tale in verse or prose in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities, such as John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Prog ress. An allegory is a story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning.6. Fable(寓言): is a short narrative, in prose or verse, that exemplifies an abstract moral thesis or principle of human behavior. Most common is the beast fable, in which animals talk and act like the human types they represent. The fables in Western cultures derive mainly from the stories attributed to Aesop, a Greek slave of the sixth century B. C.7. Parable(寓言): is a very short narrative about human beings presented so as to stress analogy with a general lesson that the narrator is trying to bring home to his audience. For example, the Bible contains lots of parables employed by Jesus Christ to make his flock understand his preach.8. Alliteration(头韵): the repetition of the initial consonant sounds. In Old English alliterative meter, alliteration is the principal organizing device of the verse line, such as in Beowulf.9. Consonance is the repetition of a sequence of two or more consonants but with a change in the intervening vowel, such as “live and love”.10. Assonance is the repetition of identical or similar vowel, especially in stressed syllables, in a sequence of nearby words, such as “child of silence”.11. Allusion (典故)is a reference without explicit identification, to a literary or historical person, place, or event, or to another literary work or passage. Most literary allusions are intended to be recognized by the generally educated readers of the author’s time, b ut some are aimed at a specialgroup.12. Ambiguity(复义性): Since William Empson(燕卜荪)published Seven Types of Ambiguity (《复义七型》), the term has been widely used in criticism to identify a deliberate poetic device: the use of a single word or expression to signify two or more distinct references, or to express two or more diverse attitudes or feeling.文学术语汇编313. Antihero(反英雄):the chief character in a modern novel or play whose character is totally different from the traditional heroes. Instead of manifesting largeness, dignity, power, or heroism, the antihero is petty, passive, ineffectual or dishonest. For example, the heroine of Defoe’s Moll Flanders is a thief and a prostitute.14. Antithesis(对照):(a figure of speech)An antithesis is often expressed in a balanced sentence, that is, a sentence in which identical or similar syntactic structure is used to express contrasting ideas. For example, “Marriage has many pains, but celibacy(独身生活)has no pleasures.” by Samuel Johnson obviously employs antithesis.15. Archaism(拟古):the literary use of words and expressions that have become obsolete in the common speech of an era. For example, the translators of the King James Version of Bible gave weight and dignity to their prose by employing archaism.16. Atmosphere(氛围): the prevailing mood or feeling of a literary work. Atmosphere is often developed, at least in part, through descriptions of setting. Such descriptions help to create an emotional climate to establish the reader’s expectations and attitudes.文学术语汇编417. Ballad(民谣):it is a song, transmitted orally, which tells a story. It originated and was communicated orally among illiterate or only partly literate people. It exists in many variant forms. The most common stanza form, called ballad stanza is a quatrain in alternate four- and three-stress lines; usually only the second and fourth lines rhyme. Although many traditional ballads probably originated in the late Middle Age, they were not collected and printed until the eighteenth century.18. Climax:as a rhetorical device it means an ascending sequence of importance. As a literary term, it can also refer to the point of greatest intensity, interest, or suspense in a story’s turning point. The action leading to the climax and the simultaneous increase of tension in the plot are known as the rising action. All action after the climax is referred to as the falling action, or resolution. The term crisis is sometimes used interchangeably with climax.19. Anticlimax(突降):it denotes a writer’s deliberate drop from the serious and elevated to the trivial and lowly, in order to achieve a comic or satiric effect. It is a rhetorical device in English. 20. Beat Generation(垮掉一代):it refers to a loose-knit group of poets and novelists, writing in the second half of the 1950s and early 1960s, who shared a set of social attitudes – antiestablishment, antipolitical, anti-intellectual, opposed to the prevailing cultural, literary, and moral values, and in favor of unfettered self-realization and self-expression. Representatives of the group include Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac and William Burroughs. And most famous literary creations produced by this group should be Allen Ginsberg’s long poem Howl and Jack Kerouac’s On the Road.文学术语汇编521. Biography(传记):a detailed account of a person’s life written by another person, such a s Samuel Johnson’s Lives of the English Poets and James Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson.22. Autobiography(自传):a person’s account of his or her own life, such as Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography.23. Blank verse(无韵体): Verse written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. It is the verse form used in some of the greatest English poetry, including that of William Shakespeare and John Milton. 24. A parody(模仿)imitates the serious manner and characteristic features of a particular literary work, or the distinctive style of a particular author, or the typical stylistic and other features of a serious literary genre, and deflates the original by applying the imitation to a lowly or comically inappropriate subject.文学术语汇编625. Celtic Revival also known as the Irish Literary Renaissance (爱尔兰文艺复兴)identifies the remarkably creative period in Irish literature from about 1880 to the death of William Butler Yeats in 1939. The aim of Yeats and other early leaders of the movement was to create a distinctively national literature by going back to Irish history, legend, and folklore, as well as to native literary models. The major writers of this movement include William Butler Yeats, Lady Gregory, John Millington Synge and Sean O’Casey and so on.26. Characters(人物)are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from the dialogues, actions and motivations. E. M. Forster divides characters into two types: flat character, which is presented without much individualizing detail; and round character, which is complex in temperament and motivation and is represented with subtle particularity.27. Chivalric Romance (or medieval romance) (骑士传奇或中世纪传奇)is a type of narrative that developed in twelfth-century France, spread to the literatures of other countries. Its standard plot is that of a quest undertaken by a single knight in order to gain a lady’s favor; frequently its central interest is courtly love, together with tournaments fought and dragons and monsters slain. It stresses the chivalric ideals of courage, loyalty, honor, mercifulness to an opponent, and elaborate manners.28. Comedy:(喜剧)in general, a literary work that ends happily with a healthy, amicable armistice between the protagonist and society.29. Farce (闹剧)is a type of comedy designed to provoke the audience to simple and hearty laughter. To do so it commonly employs highly exaggerated types of characters and puts them into improbable and ludicrous situations.30. Confessional poetry(自白派诗歌)designates a type of narrative and lyric verse, given impetus by Robert Lowell’s Life Studies, which deals with the facts and intimate mental and physical experiences of the poet’s own li fe. Confessional poetry was written in rebellion against the demand for impersonality by T. S. Elliot and the New Criticism. The representative writers of confessional school include Robert Lowell, Anne Sexton and Sylvia Plath and so on.31. Critical Realism:(批判现实主义)The critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the fouties and in the beginning of fifties. The realists first and foremost set themselves the task of criticizing capitalist society from a democratic viewpoint and delineated the crying contradictions of bourgeois reality. But they did not find a way to eradicate social evils. Representative writers of this trend include Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thackeray and so on.32. Drama:(戏剧)The form of composition designed for performance in the theater, in whichactors take the roles of the characters, perform the indicated action, and utter the written dialogue. (The common alternative name for a dramatic composition is a play.)文学术语汇编733. Dramatic Monologue:(戏剧独白)a monologue is a lengthy speech by a single person. Dramatic monologue does not designate a component in a play, but a type of lyric poem that was perfected by Robert Browning. By using dramatic monologue, a single person, who is patently not the poet, utters the speech that makes up the whole of the poem, in a specific situation at a critical moment. For example, Robert Browning’s famous poem “My Last Duchess” was written in dramatic monologue.34. Elegy(哀歌或挽歌):a poem of mourning, usually over the death of an individual. An elegy isa type of lyric poem, usually formal in language and structure, and solemn or even melancholy in tone.35. Enlightenment(启蒙运动):The name applied to an intellectual movement which developed in Western Europe during the seventeenth century and reached its height in the eighteenth. The common element was a trust in human reason as adequate to solve the crucial problems and to establish the essential norms in life, together with the belief that the application of reason was rapidly dissipating the remaining feudal traditions. It influenced lots of famous English writers especially those neoclassic writers, such as Alexander Pope.36. Epic(史诗):it is a long verse narrative on a serious subject, told in a formal and elevated style, and centered on a heroic or quasi-divine figure on whose actions depends the fate of a tribe, a nation, or the human race.37. Epiphany:(顿悟)In the early draft of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, James Joyce employed this term to signify a sudden sense of radiance and revelation that one may feel while perceiving a commonplace object. “Epiphany” now has become the standard term for the description, frequent in modern poetry and prose fiction, of the sudden flare into revelation of an ordinary object or scene.38. Epithet(移就): as a term in criticism, epithet denotes an adjective or adjectival phrase used to define a distinctive quality of a person or thing. This method was widely employed in ancient epics. For example, in Homer’s epic, the epithet like “the wine-dark sea” can be found everywhere.39. Essay:(散文)any short composition in prose that undertakes to discuss a matter, express a point of view, persuade us to accept a thesis on any subject, or simply entertain. The essay can be divided as the formal essay and the informal essay (familiar essay).40. Euphemism(委婉语): An inoffensive expression used in place of a blunt one that is felt to be disagreeable or embarrassing, such as “pass away” instead of “die”41. Expressionism(表现主义):a German movement in literature and the other arts which was at its height between 1910 and 1925 – that is, in the period just before, during, and after WWⅠ. The expressionist artist or writer undertakes to express a personal vision – usually a troubled or tensely emotional vision – of human life and human society. This is done by exaggerating and distorting. We recognize its effects, direct or indirect, on the writing and staging of such plays as Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman as well as on the theater of the absurd.42. Free verse(自由体诗):Like traditional verse, it is printed in short lines instead of with the continuity of prose, but it differs from such verse by the fact that its rhythmic pattern is notorganized into a regular metrical form – that is, into feet, or recurrent units of weak and strong stressed syllables. Most free verse also has irregular line lengths, and either lacks rhyme or else uses it only occasionally. Walt Whitman is a representative who employed this poem form successfully.文学术语汇编843. Gothic novel:(哥特式小说)It is a type of prose fiction. The writers of this type of fictions mostly set their stories in the medieval period and in a Catholic country, especially Italy or Spain. The locale was often a gloomy castle. The typical story focused on the sufferings imposed on an innocent heroine by a cruel villain. This type of fictions made bountiful use of ghosts, mysterious disappearances, and other supernatural occurrences. The principle aim of such novels was to evoke chilling terror and the best of this type opened up to the fiction the realm of the irrational and of the perverse impulses and nightmarish terrors that lie beneath the orderly surface of the civilized mind. Some famous novelists liked to employ some Gothic elements in their novels, such as Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights.44. Graveyard poets(墓园派诗歌): A term applied to eighteenth-century poets who wrote meditative poems, usually set in a graveyard, on the theme of human mortality, in moods which range from pensiveness to profound gloom. The vogue resulted in one of the most widely known English poems, Thomas Gray’s “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”.45. Harlem Renaissance(哈莱姆文艺复兴):a period of remarkable creativity in literature, music, dance, painting, and sculpture by African-Americans, from the end of the First World War in 1917 through the 1920s. As a result of the mass migrations to the urban North in order to escape the legal segregation of the American South, and also in order to take advantage of the jobs opened to African Americans at the beginning of the War, the population of the region of Manhattan known as Harlem became almost exclusively Black, and the vital center of African American culture in America. Distinguished writers who were part of the movement included Langston Hughes and Jean Toomer. The Great Depression of 1929 and the early 1930s brought the period of buoyant Harlem culture –which had been fostered by prosperity in the publishing industry and the art world – effectively to an end.46. Heroic Couplet(英雄双韵体)refers to lines of iambic pentameter which rhyme in pairs: aa, bb, cc, and so on. The adjective “heroic” was applied in the later seventeenth century because of the frequent use of such couplets in heroic poems and dramas. This verse form was introduced into English poetry by Geoffrey Chaucer. From the age of John Dryden through that of Samuel Johnson, the heroic couplet was the predominant English measure for all the poetic kinds; some poets, including Alexander Pope, used it almost to the exclusion of other meters.47. Hyperbole(夸张):this figure of speech called hyperbole is bold overstatement, or the extravagant exaggeration of fact or of possibility. It may be used either for serious or ironic or comic effect.48. Understatement(轻描淡写):this figure of speech deliberately represents something as very much less in magnitude or importance than it really is, or is ordinarily considered to be. The effect is usually ironic.49. Imagism(意象派):it was a poetic vogue that flourished in England, and even more vigorously in America, between the years 1912 and 1917. It was planned and exemplified by a group of English and American writers in London, partly under the influence of the poetic theory of T. E.Hulme, as a revolt against the sentimental and mannerish poetry at the turn of the century. The typical Imagist poetry is written in free verse and undertakes to be as precisely and tersely as possible. Meanwhile, the Imagist poetry likes to express the writers’ momentary impression of a visual object or scene and often the impression is rendered by means of metaphor without indicating a relation. Most famous Imagist poem, “In a Station of the Metro”, was written by Ezra Pound. Imagism was too restrictive to endure long as a concerted movement, but it influenced almost all modern poets of Britain and America.50. Irony(反讽):This term derives from a character in a Greek comedy. In most of the modern critical uses of the term “irony”, there remains the root sense of dissembling or hiding what is actually the case; not, however, in order to deceive, but to achieve rhetorical or artistic effects. 51. Local Colorism(地方色彩)was a literary trend belonging to Realism. It refers to the detailed representation in prose fiction of the setting, dialect, customs, dress and ways of thinking and feeling which are distinctive of a particular region. After the Civil War a number of American writers exploited the literary possibilities of local color in various parts of America. The most famous representative of local colorism should be Mark Twain who took his hometown near the Mississippi as the typical setting of nearly all his novels.52.Lyric(抒情诗):in the most common use of the term, a lyric is any fairly short poems consisting of the utterance by a single speaker, who expresses a state of mind or a process of perception, thought and feeling.53 回答问题Romanticism: In the most abstract terms, Romanticism may be regarded as the triumph of the values of imaginative spontaneity, visionary originality, wonder, and emotional self-expression over the classical standards of balance, order, restraint, proportion, and objectivity. Its name derives from romance, the literary form in which desires and dreams prevail over everyday realities.54 Byronic hero, characteristic of or resembling *Byron or his poetry; that is, contemptuous of and rebelling against conventional morality, or defying fate, or possessing the characteristics of Byron's romantic heroes, or imitating his dress and appearance; as *Meredith describes it, 'posturing statuesque pathetic'; or in the words of *Macaulay, 'a man proud, moody, cynical, with defiance on his brow, and misery in his heart, a scorner of his kind, implacable in revenge, yet capable of deep and strong affection'.55 回答问题Realism stressed 'sincerity' as opposed to the 'liberty' proclaimed by the Romantics; it insisted on accurate documentation, sociological insight, an accumulation of the details of material fact, an avoidance of poetic diction, idealization, exaggeration, melodrama, etc.; and subjects were to be taken from everyday life, preferably from lower-class life. This emphasis clearly reflected the interests of an increasingly positivist and scientific age.。
1. 大师作品(Masterpiece):指一部被广泛认为是某个时代或领域中最杰出的文学作品。
2. 经典作品(Classic):指具有普遍认可的文学价值,长期被广泛传诵和阅读的文学作品。
3. 文化资本(Cultural Capital):指所拥有的社会文化资源,如教育背景、艺术修养、社会地位、文化知识等。
4. 文学规范(Canon):指被广泛认可为某个时代或领域中最重要的文学作品或作家的集合。
5. 文学典籍(Literary Canon):指被广泛认可为某个文学领域中最重要的文学作品或作家的集合。
6. 文学流派(Literary Movement):指在某个时期或地域内,具有共
7. 文学批评(Literary Criticism):指对文学作品进行评价和分析的学术研究领域。
8. 畅销书(Bestseller):指在市场上销售极好的书籍,通常与商业利益相关。
9. 高雅文学(High Culture):指被认为是具有高度艺术价值和知识性的文学作品和艺术形式。
10. 大众文化(Popular Culture):指被广泛传播和消费的文化形式,如流行音乐、电影、电视节目等。
汉文 文学领域术语
1. 小说:一种长篇故事性文学作品,通常由多个章节组成。
2. 散文:不受诗歌形式限制的散文性文学作品。
3. 诗歌:用韵律和格律进行表达的文学作品。
4. 戏剧:包括话剧、音乐剧、舞台剧等形式的戏曲表演艺术形式。
5. 长篇小说:指字数较多、情节丰富、主题深刻的小说。
6. 短篇小说:指字数较少、情节简单但精炼、主题突出的小说。
7. 叙事诗:一种通过叙述故事内容来表达思想和情感的诗歌形式。
8. 抒情诗:一种通过表达感情和情感来表达思想和主题的诗歌形式。
9. 唐诗:指唐代(公元618年至907年)时期创作的诗歌作品。
10. 宋词:指宋代(公元960年至1279年)时期创作的词作品,以抒发情感为主要特点。
1. “主题”,就像一部作品的灵魂啊!比如,它那奇幻又深刻的主题,不正是让我们沉浸其中的原因吗?
2. “人物形象”,这可是作品的血肉呀!像孙悟空,那鲜明独特的形象,谁能不记得呢?
3. “情节”,这不就是故事的脊梁嘛!里那跌宕起伏的情节,多吸引人啊!
4. “语言风格”,这简直是作品的外衣呀!张爱玲那细腻华丽的语言风格,多有魅力啊!
5. “意象”,如同作品中的闪光点!古诗中那些美妙的意象,不就是让我们陶醉的所在吗?
6. “象征”,那可是蕴含深意的密码呀!中的红高粱不就象征着生命力吗?
7. “叙事视角”,这是观察故事的眼睛呢!用独特的视角,让我们看到了不一样的世界。
8. “结构”,就像是建筑的框架呀!一部好作品的结构肯定是精巧的,不是吗?
9. “氛围”,是作品的独特气场呀!恐怖小说营造的那种紧张氛围,真让人毛骨悚然!
10. “寓意”,这可是作品的深层内涵呢!里的寓意,多给人启发啊!
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allegory a story which teaches a lesson because the people and places in it stand for other ideas. an example is john bunyan’s pilgrim’s progress(see page 67).alliteration repeating a sound or a letter, especially at the beginning of words, in poetry:e.g.(see page 8).“five m iles m eandering with a m az y m otion…”assonance repeating a vowel sound, often in the middle of words, in poetry:e.g. p a le/br a ve.autobiography the written account of a person’s own life (see page 136)ballad originally a song for dancers, then in mediaeval times a simple poem with short stanzas telling a story. some romantic poets of the 19th century also wrote ballads (see page 91).biography the written account of someone else’s life (see page 61).blank verse any verses, especially iambic pentameters (see metre), that do not rhyme. used by marlowe, shakespeare, milton and many other poets, this is the most characteristic english form (see page 23).caricature a way of drawing or writing which makes the special features of a person or group stronger, so that they are ridiculous.chorus in greek drama the chorus watched the action of the play and told the story. the modern meaning can be simply a group of people other than the hero or heroine.chronicle a history of events year by yearclassic a. work as a great work b. ancient greek and latin literature c. writing influence by ancient greek and latincomedy something that is funnycouplet two lines of verse that rhymecrisis the most important part of a playdiary a written record of daily lifedrama a. any kind of work to be performed on the stage .b. something exciting or importantedition the printing of the bookelision leaving out a vowel or a syllable, or running 2 vowels togetherellipsis leaving out words which give the full senseepic a long narrative poem in the grand styleelegy a poem of mourning for someoneepigram a short, funny, sharp poem or remarkepilogue an ending, or an extra part after the end of a book or a playepitaph sth. written on a tombstoneessay a short prose workfantasy an imaginative work , no basis in the real lifefarce a comedy, with ridiculous plotfiction a work invented by the writer, with characters and events are imaginaryfairy tale(story) a popular story told to childrenfoot a unit of sound in verse, in which there is on stressed syllable, one or more unstressed syllables free verse verse in which the lines can vary in length without strict metreheroic couplet a pair of lines in iambic pentametre that rhymeheroic play a grand play in restoration periodhexametre a line of verse with 6 metrical feetiambic抑扬格of metrical foot consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable or a short syllable followed by a long syllablepentametre五音步诗行a line of verse consisting of five metrical feetidiom an expression of saying sth. that is typical of a language at a certain timeidyll a short, descriptive, sentimental poem with a pastoral themeimage a word pictureimagery using images such as metaphors or similes to produce an effect in the readers’ imaginationirony sth. that has a second meaning intended by the writer, often the oppositelegend a story, usually one that has come down to us from ancient timeslyric a. a poem b. lyrics is often used in pop songsmasque dramatic entertainment with dancing and musicmelodrama a play or a story in which events and feelings are diliberately overdonemetaphor a way of describing sth. by saying that it is like sth.metaphysical poetry the poetry of john donne and others in 17th centurymetre formal rhythm in lines of verse. the verse line is divided into feet which contain different rhythms and stressesmiracle playsmystery plays drama of the late medieval times, with religious themesmonologue a speech by one personmorality plays drama of the 15th century, using arguments between different values, such as youth, deathnarrative the telling of a storynaturalism trying to be as real as possiblenovel a book-length storyode a poem, grand lyric poem in praise of sb. or sth.onomatopoeia using the sounds of words in poetry, cuckooparody imitating something in such a way as to make the original thing seem ridiculouspastoral style based on an ideal picture of country lifepicaresque style of novels and stories based on the adventures of men who are often wicked and lovableplot a set of events, or story linepreface an introductionprose written language in its usual formpun play on wordsrealism showing life as it really isrhyme two or more words with the same sound(韵脚), e.g. love and doverhythm see metre, metre is the formal rhythm of verseromance a love story, with love and adventureromantic the writers in england between 1790 and 1830 are known as romantic poets and authorssatire a work which tries to show how foolish sb. or sth. issimile a way of describing sth by saying that it is like sth elsesonnet a poem o f14 lines with a fixed formstanza a group of verse lines with a rhyme patternstructure the plan of a work, especially a novel or a playstyle a way of writingsymbol sth. that has a deeper meaningtragedy sth. that is very bad or sadunity three unities were important in the classical drama, the unities of time, place and actionverse a. a general word for all kinds of poetry b. a single line of poetry c. a group of lines in a songwit using language in a clever and funny way。