
Web设计与编程导论(双语)教案第一章:Web设计概述1.1 课程介绍介绍Web设计与编程导论的课程目标和内容。
1.2 Web设计的基本概念解释Web设计的定义和重要性。
1.3 Web设计的原则与方法介绍Web设计的基本原则,如一致性、可用性、导航等。
第二章:HTML与CSS基础2.1 HTML简介解释HTML的定义和作用。
2.2 CSS简介解释CSS的定义和作用。
2.3 布局和样式演示如何使用HTML和CSS创建基本的网页布局。
第三章:JavaScript基础3.1 JavaScript简介解释JavaScript的定义和作用。
3.2 操作DOM介绍DOM(文档对象模型)的概念。
3.3 事件处理介绍JavaScript中的事件处理机制。
第四章:Web设计与用户体验4.1 用户体验概述解释用户体验的定义和重要性。
4.2 界面设计介绍界面设计的基本原则,如布局、颜色和字体等。
4.3 交互设计解释交互设计的概念和重要性。
第五章:Web设计与编程最佳实践5.1 代码规范与可维护性强调代码规范的重要性。
5.2 兼容性与性能优化讨论Web设计的兼容性和性能优化问题。
5.3 网络安全与隐私保护介绍网络安全和隐私保护的基本概念。

Subject: Information Technology / Computer ScienceGrade Level: 7th-9th GradeDuration: 2 hoursObjective:- To introduce students to the basics of web page creation using HTML and CSS.- To enhance students' ability to design and publish simple web pages.- To encourage creativity and problem-solving skills in technology education.Materials:- Computers with internet access- Textbook or online resources on HTML and CSS- Code editors (e.g., Notepad++, Sublime Text)- Web browsers (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox)- Projector or smartboard for demonstration- Handouts with HTML and CSS syntax examplesActivities:1. Introduction (10 minutes)- Begin the lesson by explaining the importance of web design in the digital age.- Introduce the concept of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).- Discuss the role of web browsers in displaying web pages.2. Basic HTML Structure (15 minutes)- Project a sample HTML document on the screen.- Explain the basic structure of an HTML document, including the`<!DOCTYPE html>`, `<html>`, `<head>`, and `<body>` tags.- Discuss the purpose of each tag and how they work together to create a web page.- Provide students with a handout containing HTML syntax examples.3. Hands-on Practice with HTML (30 minutes)- Divide the class into pairs or small groups.- Instruct students to create a simple web page using the basic HTML structure provided.- Encourage students to add headings, paragraphs, and links to their web pages.- Circulate among the groups to offer guidance and answer questions.4. Introduction to CSS (15 minutes)- Introduce the concept of CSS and its role in styling web pages.- Explain how to link an external CSS file to an HTML document.- Discuss basic CSS properties such as `color`, `font-size`, and`background-color`.5. Hands-on Practice with CSS (30 minutes)- Instruct students to apply CSS styles to their HTML web pages.- Guide them on how to create a new CSS file and link it to their HTML document.- Encourage students to experiment with different CSS properties to customize their web pages.- Monitor students' progress and provide assistance as needed.6. Review and Demonstration (15 minutes)- Ask students to demonstrate their web pages to the class.- Encourage peer review and feedback.- Highlight the best practices and innovative designs.7. Publishing the Web Pages (10 minutes)- Explain the process of publishing web pages on the internet.- Provide instructions on how to use free web hosting services.- Encourage students to publish their web pages and share the URLs with their classmates.8. Conclusion (5 minutes)- Summarize the key points of the lesson.- Ask students to reflect on what they have learned and what they enjoyed about the activity.- Assign a homework task, such as creating a more complex web page or researching a topic related to web design.Assessment:- Observe students' participation and progress during the activities.- Evaluate the quality of the web pages created by each student.- Collect and review the published web pages to assess the students' understanding of HTML and CSS.Homework:- Students are required to create a more advanced web page using HTML and CSS, incorporating at least three different CSS properties.- They should also research a topic related to web design and include a section on their web page discussing what they learned.Note: Adjust the lesson plan as needed based on the students' prior knowledge and the available resources.。

Talking about security loopholesRichard S. Kraus reference to the core network security business objective is to protect the sustainability of the system and data security, This two of the main threats come from the worm outbreaks, hacking attacks, denial of service attacks, Trojan horse. Worms, hacker attacks problems and loopholes closely linked to, if there is major security loopholes have emerged, the entire Internet will be faced with a major challenge. While traditional Trojan and little security loopholes, but recently many Trojan are clever use of the IE loophole let you browse the website at unknowingly were on the move.Security loopholes in the definition of a lot, I have here is a popular saying: can be used to stem the "thought" can not do, and are safety-related deficiencies. This shortcoming can be a matter of design, code realization of the problem.Different perspective of security loo phole sIn the classification of a specific procedure is safe from the many loopholes in classification.1. Classification from the user groups:● Public loopholes in the software category. If the loopholes in Windows, IEloophole, and so on.● specialized software loophole. If Oracle loopholes, Apach e, etc. loopholes.2. Data from the perspective include :● could not reasonably be read and read data, including the memory of thedata, documents the data, Users input data, the data in the database, network,data transmission and so on.● designa ted can be written into the designated places (including the localpaper, memory, databases, etc.)● Input data can be implemented (including native implementation,according to Shell code execution, by SQL code execution, etc.)3. From the point of view of the scope of the role are :● Remote loopholes, an attacker could use the network and directly throughthe loopholes in the attack. Such loopholes great harm, an attacker can createa loophole through other people's computers operate. Such loopholes and caneasily lead to worm attacks on Windows.● Local loopholes, the attacker must have the machine premise accesspermissions can be launched to attack the loopholes. Typical of the local authority to upgrade loopholes, loopholes in the Unix system are widespread, allow ordinary users to access the highest administrator privileges.4. Trigger conditions from the point of view can be divided into:● Initiative trigger loopholes, an attacker can take the initiative to use the loopholes in the attack, If direct access to computers.● Passive trigger loopholes must be computer operators can be carried out attacks with the use of the loophole. For example, the attacker made to a mail administrator, with a special jpg image files, if the administrator to open image files will lead to a picture of the software loophole was triggered, thereby system attacks, but if managers do not look at the pictures will not be affected by attacks.5. On an operational perspective can be divided into:● File opera tion type, mainly for the operation of the target file path can be controlled (e.g., parameters, configuration files, environment variables, the symbolic link HEC), this may lead to the following two questions: ◇Content can be written into control, the contents of the documents can be forged. Upgrading or authority to directly alter the important data (such as revising the deposit and lending data), this has many loopholes. If history Oracle TNS LOG document can be designated loopholes, could lead to any person may control the operation of the Oracle computer services;◇information content can be output Print content has been contained to a screen to record readable log files can be generated by the core users reading papers, Such loopholes in the history of the Unix system crontab subsystem seen many times, ordinary users can read the shadow ofprotected documents;● Memory coverage, mainly for memory modules can be specified, writecontent may designate such persons will be able to attack to enforce the code (buffer overflow, format string loopholes, PTrace loopholes, Windows 2000 history of the hardware debugging registers users can write loopholes), or directly alter the memory of secrets data.● logic errors, such wide gaps exist, but very few changes, so it is difficult todiscern, can be broken down as follows : ◇loopholes competitive conditions (usually for the design, typical of Ptrace loopholes, The existence of widespread document timing of competition) ◇wrong tactic, usually in design. If the history of the FreeBSD Smart IO loopholes. ◇Algorithm (usually code or design to achieve), If the history of Microsoft Windows 95/98 sharing password can easily access loopholes. ◇Imperfections of the design, such as TCP / IP protocol of the three-step handshake SYN FLOOD led to a denial of service attack. ◇realize the mistakes (usually no problem for the design, but the presence of coding logic wrong, If history betting system pseudo-random algorithm)● External orders, Typical of external commands can be controlled (via the PATH variable, SHELL importation of special characters, etc.) and SQL injection issues.6. From time series can be divided into:● has long found loopholes: manufacturers already issued a patch or repairmethods many people know already. Such loopholes are usually a lot of people have had to repair macro perspective harm rather small.● recently discovered loophole: manufacturers just made patch or repairmethods, the people still do not know more. Compared to greater danger loopholes, if the worm appeared fool or the use of procedures, so will result in a large number of systems have been attacked.● 0day: not open the loophole in the private transactions. Usually such loopholes to the public will not have any impact, but it will allow an attacker to the targetby aiming precision attacks, harm is very great.Different perspective on the use of the loopholesIf a defect should not be used to stem the "original" can not do what the (safety-related), one would not be called security vulnerability, security loopholes and gaps inevitably closely linked to use.Perspective use of the loopholes is:● Data Perspective: visit had not visited the data, including reading and writing.This is usually an attacker's core purpose, but can cause very serious disaster (such as banking data can be written).● Competence Perspective: Major Powers to bypass or p ermissions. Permissionsare usually in order to obtain the desired data manipulation capabilities.● Usability perspective: access to certain services on the system of controlauthority, this may lead to some important services to stop attacks and lead to a denial of service attack.● Authentication bypass: usually use certification system and the loopholes willnot authorize to access. Authentication is usually bypassed for permissions or direct data access services.● Code execution perspective: mainly procedures for the importation of thecontents as to implement the code, obtain remote system access permissions or local system of higher authority. This angle is SQL injection, memory type games pointer loopholes (buffer overflow, format string, Plastic overflow etc.), the main driving. This angle is usually bypassing the authentication system, permissions, and data preparation for the reading.Loopholes explore methods mustFirst remove security vulnerabilities in software BUG in a subset, all software testing tools have security loopholes to explore practical. Now that the "hackers" used to explore the various loopholes that there are means available to the model are:● fuzz testing (black box testing), by constructing procedures may lead toproblems of structural input data for automatic testing.● FOSS audit (White Box), now have a series of tools that can assist in thedetection of the safety procedures BUG. The most simple is your hands the latest version of the C language compiler.● IDA anti-compilation of the audit (gray box testing), and above the sourceaudit are very similar. The only difference is that many times you can obtain software, but you can not get to the source code audit, But IDA is a very powerful anti-Series platform, let you based on the code (the source code is in fact equivalent) conducted a safety audit.● dynamic tracking, is the record of proceedings under different conditions andthe implementation of all security issues related to the operation (such as file operations), then sequence analysis of these operations if there are problems, it is competitive category loopholes found one of the major ways. Other tracking tainted spread also belongs to this category.● patch, the software manufacturers out of the question usually addressed in thepatch. By comparing the patch before and after the source document (or the anti-coding) to be aware of the specific details of loopholes.More tools with which both relate to a crucial point: Artificial need to find a comprehensive analysis of the flow path coverage. Analysis methods varied analysis and design documents, source code analysis, analysis of the anti-code compilation, dynamic debugging procedures.Grading loopholesloopholes in the inspection harm should close the loopholes and the use of the hazards related Often people are not aware of all the Buffer Overflow Vulnerability loopholes are high-risk. A long-distance loophole example and better delineation:●R emote access can be an OS, application procedures, version information.●open unnecessary or dangerous in the service, remote access to sensitiveinformation systems.● Remote can be restricted for the documents, data reading.●remotely important or res tricted documents, data reading.● may be limited for long-range document, data revisions.● Remote can be restricted for important documents, data changes.● Remote can be conducted without limitation in the important documents, datachanges, or for general service denial of service attacks.● Remotely as a normal user or executing orders for system and network-leveldenial of service attacks.● may be remote management of user identities to the enforcement of the order(limited, it is not easy to use).● can be remote management of user identities to the enforcement of the order(not restricted, accessible).Almost all local loopholes lead to code execution, classified above the 10 points system for:●initiative remote trigger code execution (such a s IE loophole).● passive trigger remote code execution (such as Word gaps / charting softwareloopholes).DEMOa firewall segregation (peacekeeping operation only allows the Department of visits) networks were operating a Unix server; operating systems only root users and users may oracle landing operating system running Apache (nobody authority), Oracle (oracle user rights) services.An attacker's purpose is to amend the Oracle database table billing data. Its possible attacks steps:● 1. Access pea cekeeping operation of the network. Access to a peacekeepingoperation of the IP address in order to visit through the firewall to protect the UNIX server.● 2. Apache services using a Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability direct accessto a nobody's competence hell visit.● 3. Using a certain operating system suid procedure of the loophole to upgradetheir competence to root privileges.● 4. Oracle sysdba landing into the database (local landing without a password).● 5. Revised target table data.Over five down for process analysis:●Step 1: Authentication bypass●Step 2: Remote loopholes code execution (native), Authentication bypassing ● Step 3: permissions, authentication bypass● Step 4: Authentication bypass● Step 5: write data安全漏洞杂谈Richard S. Kraus 网络安全的核心目标是保障业务系统的可持续性和数据的安全性,而这两点的主要威胁来自于蠕虫的暴发、黑客的攻击、拒绝服务攻击、木马。

网页制作Dreamweaver外文文献及翻译Dreamweaver 3.0 is the newest version of Dreamweaver-a tool for compiling web pages, introduced by Macromedia Company. Its feature is "what you see is what you get"-this is really a blessing for novice. Also, it has functions for web site management, facilitating design and management of multiple web sites. Fig. 1 is the interface when Dreamweaver 3. 0 is activated.1. A Brief Introduction of Dream weaverCompared with its predecessor Dreamweaver 2.0, Dreamweaver3.0 is more friendly and practical for use in its operating interface, and its function has been further improved. Readers will see it is so easy to create web pages, without writing any page of code to rapidly create dynamic HTML web pages, for example, cartoon and layers; and by using its object browser, it is also possible to create web pages applicable to various platforms and browsers with very good compatibility; and it is also possible to make use of Roundtrip HTML technology provided by Dreamweaver to control the source code generated by Dreamweaver with high precision.More significantly, Dreamweaver provides you with individualized space. Your can create your own object and command, revise menu and quick keys, or even create you own JavaScript to expand Dreamweaver. It is not exaggerated at all that Dreamweaver brings in unlimited space for you to create your web pages.2. A General Description of Dreamweaver Functions(1) documents foundation and useThe documents operation is the homepage manufacture foundation. Dreamweaver not only may found the blank documents and based on the template documents, but also may edit the HTML document which in other procedures founds, for example FrontPage and so on. Dream weaver has also provided the history (History) the kneading board. The historical kneading board has recorded the reader the history which operates in the documents window, it may help you to abolish or the repetition step, and greatly simplified the homepage manufacture process. Chart 2 has demonstrated one demonstration history kneading board method.* Joins the picture and the super linkA homepage only has the text is unable to attract the person, must in the documents China and Canada person other elements. The picture certainly is inevitable, form and ultra link also essential, is abundant can suffice fascinatingly.Dream weaver provided two kinds to insert the person picture the way. The reader may choose the menu to order Insert/Image; Also may select The super link is in the documents the most important part. Had it to be allowed freely to jump from a position to another weaver formidable function has provided the many kinds of links way possibility. The mostcommon link is between the documents link, this regarding Dream weaver said certainly is a cinch. Also may found the special link using Dream weaver, for example uses the E-Mail linking the homepage, in order to promptly gains the outside each kind of feedback information, this regarding a good website said is extremely important. Also may found the script link, moves the corresponding JavaScript script, thus realizes the corresponding operation.*Website managementThe website management is the Dream weaver essence are partial. Using Dream weaver, may facilitate quickly establishes the local website and the far-end website. Dream weaver may help user's to duplicate far-end server on far-end website on the local computer, constitution local website; Also may duplicate the local website on the far-end server, constitution far-end website. Dream weaver can maintain between the local website and far-end website content synchronization, guaranteed the user carries on the renewal with wishes fulfilled to the far-end website. It also may carry on the test to in the website link, discovers break and the mistake, and carries on the repair, guarantees the website structure the accuracy.Dynamic homepage manufactureThe newest standard HTML 4.0 languages the original will expand some brand-new domains, turned the true abbreviation will be DHTML). But JavaScript and the CSS language is in function formidable DHTML the most main part. CSS and the JavaScript coordination use, may extremely simply realize the homepage dynamic effect.(2) Dream weaver 3.0 new functionsDream the weaver 3.0 new characteristics strengthened the function, improved the website management, the permission user increase navigation fence (Navigation Bar), the picture map (Images Maps) and so on the element, causes the work flow, the user and expands Dream weaver.(a) HTML edition functionFast label editorCauses the user not to need to leave Dream the weaver documents window to be allowed fast to revise, the increase, to move the HTML label.HTML styleIn 3.0 may use the standard HTML label in Dream weaver which the multi- browsers supports to found the style (for instance label and label), but in the before edition, only could use the level to fold the style list (CSS).(c) Founds and the edition object and the page elementThe user may be allowed with ease to obtain the commonly used object in the object kneading board. 1662。

On site construction technology1 IntroductionThe development of network technology for today's global information exchange and sharing funding source in the establishment of contacts and provide more channels and possible. Homes will be known world affairs, according few keyboard or a few mouse clicks can be distant friends thousands of miles away exchanges, and online communications, Internet browsing, on-line interactive, e-commerce has become a modern part of people's lives. Internet era, has created the new people's work and lifestyle, the Internet, openness and sharing of information model, breaking the traditional mode of information dissemination many barriers for people with new opportunities. With computers and the advent of the information age, the pace of the advance of human society in gradually accelerated. In recent years the development of web design, fast people occupied.With the development of web design, a colorful online website together one scenic beauty. To design aesthetic and practical web site should be thoroughly master the building techniques. In building site, we analyzed the websites of objectives, contents, functions, structure, the application of more web design technology. 2 the definition of websit How definition of websitesWeb site identified the tasks and objectives, the building site is the most important issue. Why people will come to your website You have a unique service The first people to your website is to what They will come back All these issues must be taken into account when the site definition of the problem. Definition site to, first of all, the entire site must have a clear understanding of what the design should understand in the end, the main purpose of the mission, how to carry out the task of organization and planning. Second, to maintain the high-quality Web site. Many websites in the face of strong competition from high-quality product is the greatest long-term competitive advantage. An excellent Web site should have the following:1 users visit Web site is faster.2 attention to the feedback and updates. To update the content of the website and timely feedback the user's requirements;3 Home design to be reasonable. Home to the first impression left by visitors is important, the design must be attractive in order to have a good visual effect. The contents of the website and functionThe content of the web site is to be a new, fast, all three sides. The content of the website, including the type of static, dynamic, functional and things to deal with. Website content is determined in accordance with the nature of the site, in the design of the site, commercial websites, popular science site, company websites, teaching and exchange websites, the content and style are different. We have established websites with the nature of these types of sites are not the same. The structure website1 site structure;2 definition of navigation;3 Visual Design;4 framework and design pages. 3 Site Design and ImplementationWith increasing demands on design, high style, high-grade design work before gaining popularity. This also to the designers have put forward higher requirements, from this point of view, the plate design is to meet the requirements of the people should be and Health. The rapid development of science and technology, the Internet into millions of households, also produced a new design space, and a new web design an important part of the field of design. Excellent web design, we must have good creative, so that the audience can be difficult to shift attention long time, produce power. Layout is very important, through text, graphics space portfolio, can best express harmony with the United States. If you want to further understand website design, made separately from other web site's homepage, you need to have more like CSS, javascript, CGI, and other web design technology. In building on the site of the CSS, javascript and other web design technology. Application Design website CSS(1)What is CSS CSS is a style sheet stylesheet technology. Some of them called CSS Cascading Stylesheet.2 the combination of CSS and HTML form. Mode 1: The CSS content, as defined in the writing between the labels. Mode 2: CSS will be preserved as a separate text file, and then from labels to call.3 CSS the web site of examples. The web site pages, and increase the following definition so that the pages show with special effects. Application Design website javascriptjavascript and the emergence of making information between users is not only a display and browse the relationship, but to achieve a real-time,dynamic, cross-expression. Thus based on the CGI static HTML pages will be to provide dynamic real-time information, and customer response to the operation of the Web pages replaced. javascript scripting is satisfy this demand arising from the language. It's loved by extensive user. Many scripting language it is in a relatively good. and effectively achieve the combination of the computer network computing and network blueprint.4 Construction on the site ExperienceWith the popularity of the Internet, more and more government departments, companies and individuals aware of the need to have their own independent Web site. Below on the design and production sites on some of their own experience. After conducting systematic analysis End, we should carry out system design. Web page design similar to the development of software design, top-down, bottom-up and continuous updating, and other design methods. The main task is to design the content of the sites, including the website information organization structure, appearance, content block, navigation and links, directory structure design. System design is the site ready before the concrete realization of the website to further the realization of more specific requirements, the overall effect on the website, local details have a clearer idea. This entire process is the key site planning.Next is how to achieve their own Web site design issues. The realization of the site, I think the need to be considered in two parts: the realization website; Web servers can be achieved. In the process of achieving website, technology selection is very important. Former major use HTML language, the stronger the interactive website, the proposed use of ASP, JSP, PHP and other programming to help achieve,the more complex Web site may also have its own database. The latter is based on all kinds of different operating systems used Web server software installation and debugging. This stage is the whole process of the most important and most time-consuming part.When we completed the work, the need for website released. At this stage of the production on the website drawing to a close, the main task is to do a good job in the website release to the network, the web site for final modifications, testing, homepage can guarantee normal operation of the network.Published in the website after website to deal with various aspects of the tests, including the possibility of any different web browsers, different visitors have shown normal, ASP, JSP, PHP normal procedure can work, and so on. This stage is the website of trial operation period,the website at this time should be to make up for various shortcomings, the website will be more perfected.After a period of operation, the site entered the normal operation period, the main task is to update outdated information website, the visitor's message timely feedback to further improve the website, the introduction of new technologies constantly update website, visit web pages more quickly, more aesthetic appearance, Information Resources richer.Above is the establishment of the station to roughly follow the seven steps, seven steps are complementary, but can be the basis of ease of website and complexity of a weakening or strengthening appropriate link. In short, building a successful web site is not an easy task, it needs all-round consideration, the Composite various factors.5 concluding remarksWith the rapid development of Internet technology, in all walks of life have joined the industry to the Internet. Whether from the management side, or from a commercial point of view, the Internet can bring immense vitality. Internet to become a talented designer Shi new world. People will continue to explore, will be the site of the building in the application of new technologies in the web site.网站建设技术1 介绍网络技术的发展,为今天全球性的信息交流与资源共享和交往提供了更多的途径和可能;足不出户便可以知晓天下大事,按几下键盘或点几下鼠标可以与远在千里之外的朋友交流,网上通信、网上浏览、网上交互、网上电子商务已成为现代人们生活的一部分;Internet 时代, 造就了人们新的工作和生活方式,其互联性、开放性和共享信息的模式,打破了传统信息传播方式的重重壁垒,为人们带来了新的机遇;随着计算机和信息时代的到来,人类社会前进的脚步在逐渐加快;近几年网页设计发展,快得让人目不暇接;随着网页设计技术的发展,丰富多彩的网页成为网上一道亮丽的风景线;要想设计美观实用的网页就应该深入掌握网站建设技术;在建立网站时,我们分析了网站建立的目的、内容、功能、结构,应用了更多的网页设计技术;2 网站的定义如何定义网站确定网站的任务和目标,是建设网站所面临的最重要的问题;为什么人们会来到你的网站你有独特的服务吗人们第一次到你的网站是为了什么他们还会再来吗这些问题都是定义网站时必须考虑的问题;要定义网站,首先,必须对整个网站有一个清晰认识,弄清到底要设计什么、主要的目的与任务、如何对任务进行组织与规划;其次,保持网站的高品质;在众多网站的激烈竞争中,高品质的产品是长期竞争的最大优势;一个优秀的网站应具备:1用户访问网站的速度要快;2注意反馈与更新;及时更新网站内容、及时反馈用户的要求; 3首页设计要合理;首页给访问者留下的第一印象很重要,设计务必精美,以求产生良好的视觉效果;网站的内容和功能在网站的内容方面,就是要做到新、快、全三面;网站内容的类型包括静态的、动态的、功能的和事物处理的;确定网站的内容是根据网站的性质决定的,在设计政府网站、商业网站、科普性网站、公司介绍网站、教学交流网站等的内容和风格时各有不同;我们建立的网站同这些类型的网站性质均不相同;网站的结构1网站的结构; 2定义导航; 3可视化设计; 4设计框架和页面;3 网站的设计与实现随着人们对设计的要求越来越高,高格调,高品位的设计作品,才深受人们的欢迎;这也就给设计者们提出了更高的要求,从这个角度说,板式设计正是满足了人们的要求应需而生;科技的飞跃发展, 让Internet 走进了千家万户,也产生出新的设计领域空间,而网页设计成为新的设计领域的重要内容;优秀的网页设计,必须有好的创意,才能使观者视线久久难移,产生震撼力;版面设计是很重要的,通过文字、图形的空间组合,能最佳的表达出和谐与美;如果想进一步认识网页设计,做出有别于一般网站的网页,就需要掌握更多像CSS 、javascript 、CGI 等网页设计技术;在网站的建设中就应用了CSS 、Javascript 等网页设计技术;应用CSS 设计网页1 什么是CSS CSS 是一种样式表stylesheet技术;也有的人称之为层叠样式表 Cascading Stylesheet;2 CSS与HTML的结合方式;方式一:将所定义的CSS内容书写在这一对标签之间;方式二:将CSS内容单独保存为一个文本文件,再由标签来调用;3 CSS在网站中的应用事例;在网站中的页面,增加了以下的定义, 使页面有特殊的显示效果;应用Javascript 设计网页Javascript的出现使得信息和用户之间不仅只是一种显示和浏览的关系,而是实现了一种实时的、动态的、可交式的表达能力;从而基于CGI静态的HTML 页面将被可提供动态实时信息,并对客户操作进行反应的Web页面的取代;Javascript脚本正是满足这种需求而产生的语言;它深受广泛用户的喜爱;它是众多脚本语言中较为优秀的一种;与的结合有效地实现了网络计算和网络计算机的蓝图;4 关于网站建设的几点体会随着Internet的普及,越来越多的政府部门、公司和个人意识到需要拥有自己的独立网站;下面就设计和制作网站谈谈自己的一些体会;在进行完系统分析之后,我们就应该进行系统的设计;网页的设计类似于软件开发的设计,有自顶向下、自底向上和不断增补等设计方法;主要任务是网页内容的设计,包括网页的信息组织结构、外观、内容分块、导航与链接、目录结构等设计;系统设计是网站具体实现前的准备,对网页的实现进一步提出更具体的要求,对网页的整体效果、局部细节有更明确的设想;这个过程是整个网站规划中的关键;接下来就是如何将自己设计的网站实现的问题;对于网站的实现,我认为需要考虑两部分:网页的实现;Web服务器的实现;在网站实现的过程中,技术选型很重要;前者主要使用HTML语言,对于交互性较强的网站来说,建议采用ASP、JSP、PHP等编程来辅助实现,更为复杂的网站可能还会有自己的数据库;后者则用到各种基于不同操作系统的Web服务器软件的安装、调试;这个阶段是整个过程中最主要也最耗时的一部分;当我们完成了上述工作后,就需要进行网页发布了;到了这个阶段,网页制作就接近尾声,主要工作是把做好的网页发布到网络上,对网页作最后的修改、测试,保证网页能在网络上正常地运行;在网页发布以后,应对网页进行各个方面各种情况的测试,包括网页能否对任何不同的浏览器、不同的访问者都表现正常,ASP、JSP、PHP程序能否正常工作等等;这个阶段是网页的试运行期,此时应把网页的各种缺陷尽量弥补,使网页更加完善;经过一段时期的运行,网站就进入了正常运行期,主要工作是及时更新网页过时的信息,及时对访问者的留言做出反馈,进一步完善网页,不断采用新的技术更新升级网页,使网页的访问更迅速,外观更美观,信息资源更丰富;以上就是建站要大体遵循的七个步骤,这七个步骤是相辅相成的,但可根据网页的难易程度和复杂度适当增强或减弱某个环节;总之,建设一个成功的网站并非一件容易的事,它需要全方位考虑,综合各方面的因素;5 结束语随着Internet技术的突飞猛进,各行各业都在加入Internet的行业中来;无论从管理方面,还是从商业角度来看,Internet都可以带来无限生机;Internet成为了一个设计人员施才华的新天地;人们将不断探索,将网站建设中的新技术应用在网站中;。

Produce the design of the tool and realize automaticallyon the basis of JSP webpageIt is an important respect that Internet uses that Web develops technology, and JSP is the most advanced technology that Web is developed , it is present Web developer's first-selected technology. But because JSP has relatively high expectations for Web developer, a lot of general Web developers can not use this advanced technology . The discussion produces the design of the tool and realizes automatically on the basis of JSP webpage of the template and label storehouse, put forward concrete design philosophy and implementation method .With the popularization of WWW (World Wide Web ), the technology of the dynamic webpage is developed rapidly too. From original CGI (Common Gateway In-terface ) to ASP (Active Server Page ), have met the webpage developer to the demand for developing technology of the dynamic webpage to a certain extent. But no matter CGI or ASP have certain limitation, for instance, consuming to resources of the server of CGI, ASP can only be used etc. with Microsoft IIS, all these have limited scope of application of the technology, have hindered their popularization greatly. The vast page developers all look forward to a kind of unified page and develop technology earnestly, characteristic that this technology there should be:①Have nothing to do with the operating platform, can run on any Web or the application program server ;②Show the logic and page of application program that separates ; ③Offer codes to put in an position, simplify and develop the course based on interactive application program of Web.JSP (Java Server Page ) technology is designed and used for responding to the request that like this. JSP is developed technology by the new webpage that Sun MicroSystem Company put out in June of 1999, it is that Web based on Java Serv-let and the whole Java system develops technology, and Servlet2. Expansion of 1API. Utilize this technology, can set up advancedly , safely and stepping dynamic websites of the platform .Java is the future mainstream to develop technology , have a lot of advantages . JSP is Java important application technology on Internet/Intranet Web , get extensive support and admit, it can conbine with various kinds of Java technology together intactly , thus realize very complicated application.As a kind of technology of development based on text , taking showing as centre, JSP has offered all advantages of Java Servlet. Logic function in order to make sure and showing the function was separated , JSP can already work with JavaBeans , Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB ) and Servlet . The developer of JSP can finish the work that majority and website's logic are correlated with through using JavaBeans , EJB and Servlet , and only assign the work shown to JSP page to finish. Content and show advantage that logic separate lie in , upgrade person , page of appearanceneedn't understand Java code , the personnel upgrading Javas needn't be experts who design webpage either. This can define Web template in JSP page with Javas , in order to set up websites made up of a page with similar appearance. Java completion data offer, have Java code among template, this mean template these can write by one HTML person is it maintain to come.JSP develops technology as the webpage of the mainstream at present, has the following characteristics:(1) Separate the formulation and showing of the content : Using JSP technology, the page developer of Web can use HTML or XML identification to design and format the final page . Use JSP identification or bound foot turn into dynamic content of page actually (whether content according to is it come change to ask). Produce logic of content of the identification and JavaBeans package , truss up of the little script encapsulation, all scripts run in the end of the server. If key logic among identification and JavaBeans, then other people, such as Web administrative staff and page designer encapsulation, can edit and use JSP page , and does not influence the formulation of the content .(2) Emphasize the reusable package : Most JSP pages depend on the reusable one, the package stepping the platform finish more complicated treatment with required application program. Benefitting from the independence of operating platform of Java, the developer can be very convenient to share and exchange and carry out the ordinary package that operated, or make these packages used by more users. The method based on package has accelerated the total development course, the efficiency of improving the project and developing wholly greatly.Though JSP is powerful, it requires the webpage developer should be quite familiar with Java. There are still relatively few Java programmers now, for general webpage developer, the grammar of JSP is more difficult to grasp . So, need a kind of webpage developing instrument and offer commonly used JSP application to general webpage developer, is it understand general page develop developer of technology (HTML ) can use strong function of JSP too only to let.Systematic design object and main technology of use:(1)Design objectSystem this design object for understand but HTML understand general webpage developer of JSP offer a webpage developing instrument at all only, enable them to follow the systematic file, use the daily function of JSP through the label, produce one finally and only include static HTML and dynamic JSP webpage of JSP label.(2)Main technologyThis system is in the design, consider using the technology of the template and JSP label to realize mainly.1、Technology of the templateThe technology of the template is widely applied to various kinds of development and application system. It produces some commonly used frame structure in advance , uses the family to choose the template from the template storehouse conveniently according to the needs of one's own one, is it is it put up to go again by oneself to need , save construction period in user , facilitate use of user. In this system , classify the page according to the function type , sum up the commonly used page type, produce the template storehouse.2、Storehouse technology of the labelIn JSP, movements can create and visit the language target of the procedure and influence the element exported and flowed. JSP has defined six standard movements. Except six standard movement these, user can define own movement finish the specific function. These movements are known as the customer movement, they are the reusable procedure module . Through movement these, programmer can some encapsulation stand up too display function of page in JSP page, make the whole page more succinct and easier to maintain. In a JSP page, movements were transfered through the customer label in these customers. And the label storehouse (Tag Library ) is the set of the customer label.JSP label storehouse is that one kind produces the method based on script of XML through JavaBeans. It is one of the greatest characteristics of JSP. Through the label storehouse , can expand JSP application unrestrictedly , finish any complicated application demand.JSP label storehouse has the following characteristic:①Easy to use: The labels in JSP and general HTML marks are totally the same in appearance, it is as convenient as ordinary HTML mark to use.②The easy code is paid most attention to: Every label in the label storehouse can finish certain function . Define ready to eat one label storehouse , is it pack one Jar file the label storehouse to need only, then only need use this label storehouse in other systems afterwards, needn't develop codes again , has raised the system and developed efficiency greatly, have reduced the development cost.③The easy code is safeguarded: All application logic is encapsulated in label processor and JavaBeans, all labels concentrate on a label storehouse. If need to upgrade codes or need to revise the function on a webpage, only need to revise the corresponding label. Maintain way in unison through this kind , it is unnecessary in each webpage is it is it fix to act as to get onning, have reduce the work load safeguarded greatly, has economized the cost of safeguarding.④The easy system is expanded : If need to add the new function to the system , only need to define a new label to finish this function, do not need to do any change to other respects of thesystem. Can inherit JSP normal characteristics of various fields in the label storehouse. Can expand and increase the function of JSP unrestrictedly like this, and does not need to wait for the appearance of the next edition JSP .Systematic composition and realizing:(1)The system making upThis system is made up of four parts mainly:1、The database joins some: This system supports several daily databases , including Oracle, Sybase, MSSQLServer, MySQL and DB2, use JDBC and database to link to each other according to database type and database name , user name , password that users offer that users choose.2、The basic form of system produces some: After joining with the database , produce the basic form TC-Tables and TC-Columns of two systems according to the user name linking to each other with the database , TC-Tables form includes English name , Chinese name and some attribute of form belonging to this user in this database , for instance can revise , can inquire about ; The Chinese and English name of the row and some other attribute that TC-Columns form includes belonging to all forms of this user's in this database . For instance can show , can inquire about . Basic information of the database that these basic forms of two systems provide to user's institute for use in the course of development of the whole system.3、The template is chosen to produce some with the webpage: This part is a key part of a system. It includes two pieces of sub module .①The template is chosen some: The system offers the template to user and chooses the interface, let users choose the templates used from the template storehouse according to the need.②The template is dealt with some: According to template that user choose, system transfer designated template deal with module is it punish to go on to these template. When dealing with the label that the procedure meets in the template, offer the mutual interface to user, let user input parameter for designated label , prove system validity of label that user input. Finished the formulation of JSP page systematically finally.Webpage preview is with revising some: After the webpage was produced out, the system has offered a webpage preview window and code to user and looked over that revises the window. Through this preview window, users can look at the result of JSP page produced out in advance . If user static result of respect in page very satisfied, user can through code look over revise window revise HTML code of code. If users have further demands for the static result of the page, the system has also offered a piece of interface which transfers DreamWeaver editing machine to user, users can use it to carry on further modification and perfection to the static result of JSP page that is produced out .(2)Systematic realization1、Realization of the template storehouse and label storehouseThe planning and design of the label storehouse are essential in the whole system design, efficiency that the degree and system that are put in an position have operated that its relation has reached codes. Its planning should follow the following principle .(1) Should try one's best little including static HTML among label. To general user, the label is transparent. Users can not look over and revise labels . If include too many static HT-ML sentence in the label , will influence the modification and perfection of user's static result to the page, limit the use of the label.(2) Try one's best to raise the paying most attention to degree of the code. Is it is it is it is it is it is it get to JSP public JSP out to withdraw to use to try one's best to classify to go on to use, form labels. Do not use and realize this application repeatedly in each label . While revising and perfecting to using like this , only need to revise this label, maintenance of the easy code.(3) Facilitate users' use. While designing the label storehouse , should fully consider users' operating position , it can very easy and understanding and using labels conveniently to use the family.①Definition of the label storehouse: Define a label storehouse, must define a label storehouse and describe the file (TLD ) at first . This is a file of script based on XML, have defined the edition of XML in this file , codes used, the edition , name and definition and parameter of all labels included in this storehouse of the label storehouse of the edition of the label storehouse , JSP used describe, including the name of the label, corresponding Javas of label, description information of the label ,etc..②Realization of the label: One label first special Java type, this each must inherit TagSupports , this each is in javax. servlet. jsp. Define in tagext bag . In the labels, the parameter which includes this label initializes the subject treatment method (Handler ) of method (Set/Get ) , label and method available for making the first class label to adjust,etc..③Realization of the template : A template is that one contains JSP file that labels quoted . In order to quote the labels defined in the template , must introduce the label storehouse at first .<%@taglib uri=“tag.tld”prefix=“ctag”%>Among them uri appoints the label storehouse to describe the route of the file ; Prefixes used when prefix appoints to quote labels.While quoting the designated label in the template , use the designated prefix while introducing the label storehouse, appoint the name of the label; It is the parameter assignment of the label.2、Systematic development environmentWhat this systematic subject procedure making is used is JBuilder 6 of Borland Company. 0, it is Front-Page2000 of Microsoft Company that the template is developed and used, what the label storehouse is developed and used is UltraEdit editing machine, what JDK is adopted is JDK1.4. The system testing environment is JRun3. 0.Java future mainstream to develop language, and Java using JSP will become major technology that Web will be developed in the future too mainly at Web. This system has adopted the label storehouse , one of the biggest characteristics of JSP, enable the general Web developer to use JSP strong dynamic page function conveniently too, develop JSP dynamic Web page of the modern techniques. Because this system adopts Java to develop, can run under the operating system of any support graphic interface , have realized complete having nothing to do with the platform. This system is easy to expand and perfect. Can consider offering the interface to user afterwards , will use the family to expand the template storehouse and label storehouse by oneself, strengthen the systematic function further.List of references:[1] Cay S. Horstmann,Gary Cornell. Java 2 key technology (CoreJava 2 ) [M ]. Beijing: Publishing house of the mechanical industry.[2] Bruce Eckel. Java programming thought (Thinking in Java ) [M ]. Beijing: Publishing house of the mechanical industry.[3] Joseph L. Weber. Java 2 programming is explained in detail (Using Java 2) [M ]. Beijing: Electronic Industry Press.[4] Borland Company. Building Applications with JBuilder.基于JSP网页自动生成工具的设计与实现Web开发技术是Internet应用的一个重要方面,而JSP又是Web开发的最先进的技术,是当前Web开发人员的首选技术。

danah m. boyd, Nicole B. Ellison
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Volume 13, Issue 1, pages 210–230, October 2007
While we use the term “social network site” to describe this phenomenon, the term “social networking sites” also appears in public discourse, and the two terms are often used interchangeably. We chose not to employ the term “networking” for two reasons: emphasis and scope. “Networking” emphasizes relationship initiation, often between strangers. While networking is possible on these sites, it is not the primary practice on many of them, nor is it what differentiates them from other forms of computer-mediated communication (CMC).
What makes social network sites unique is not that they allow individuals to meet strangers, but rather that they enable users to articulate and make visible their social networks. This can result in connections between individuals that would not otherwise be made, but that is often not the goal, and these meetings are frequently between “latent ties” (Haythornthwaite, 2005) who share some offline connection. On many of the large SNSs, participants are not necessarily “networking” or looking to meet new people; instead, they are primarily communicating with people who are already a part of their extended social network. To emphasize this articulated social network as a critical organizing feature of these sites, we label them “social network sites.”

高校平面设计专业网页设计课程专业英语教学案例High Education Web Design Course Teaching Case in English for Graphic Design MajorIntroduction:In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet and digital technology, web design has become an essential skill for graphic designers. As a result, it is crucial for universities to provide comprehensive and professional teaching in web design for students majoring in graphic design. This article aims to present a teaching case for the web design course in English for the graphic design major at a university.I. Course Overview:The web design course is an integral part of the curriculum for students majoring in graphic design. It aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to design visually appealing and user-friendly websites. The course spans one semester and consists of both theoretical lectures and practical exercises.II. Course Objectives:1. To introduce students to the fundamentals of web design, including layout, color theory, typography, and user experience.2. To familiarize students with industry-standard web design software and tools.3. To enable students to apply their design skills to create responsive and engaging websites.4. To develop students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities in the context of web design.5. To enhance students' English language proficiency through lectures, discussions, and project presentations.III. Teaching Methods:1. Lectures: The course starts with lectures that cover the theoretical aspects of web design. These lectures are interactive and include visual aids, multimedia presentations, and real-world examples to enhance students' understanding.2. Demonstration: In addition to lectures, the instructor provides live demonstrations of various design techniques and software tools, allowing students to observe and learn in real-time.3. Hands-on Exercises: Students will have ample opportunities to practice their skills through a series of hands-on exercises. These exercises include designing web layouts, creating navigation menus, and implementing interactive elements.4. Group Projects: To foster teamwork and collaboration, students will be assigned group projects that entail designing complete websites. Each group will be responsible for developing a concept, creating wireframes, designing visuals, and coding the website.5. Critiques and Feedback: Throughout the course, students will receive constructive feedback on their individual and group projects. This will help them identify areas for improvement and refine their design skills.IV. Assessment:1. Assignments: Regular assignments will be given to assess students' understanding and application of the concepts taught in class.2. Exams: Periodic exams will evaluate students' knowledge of web design theory, software proficiency, and understanding of industry best practices.3. Group Project Evaluation: The group projects will be evaluated based on creativity, functionality, adherence to design principles, and overall presentation.4. Participation: Active participation in class discussions, critiques, and presentations will be taken into account when determining the final grade for the course.V. Resources:1. Textbooks and Online Resources: A list of recommended textbooks and online resources will be provided to supplement the course material and assist students in further exploration of web design principles.2. Software and Tools: Access to industry-standard web design software and tools will be made available to students, either through computer labs or through remote access.Conclusion:The web design course in English for the graphic design major plays a crucial role in preparing students for the demands of the modern design industry. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge, practical exercises, and project-based learning, students will develop the necessary skills and competencies to excel in web design. This teaching case provides a framework for universities to deliver effective and comprehensive web design education to graphic design students.。

Web设计与编程导论(双语)教案单位:信息学院电子商务系编写:聂笑一时间:2006年课时:24节01 ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――内容:绪论(Introduction)教学目的:通过web发展的历史,让同学们准确了解web的过去、现在和未来;对比web1.0与web2.0,介绍web2.0衍生的当今流行的技术种类,让同学们从宏观上掌握web的技术分类和了解当前技术潮流的同时,激发对课程的兴趣。
教学方法:讲授法结合谈话法、案例法参考书目与资料:什么是Web 2.0 Tim O'ReillyWeb2.0与社区Web开发技术史话Web应用的发展简史Web标准与网站重构xml基础教学过程:(一)自我介绍和教材介绍(二)推荐参考书目(三)讲授新课绪论(共两课时)的课堂教学实施过程共分五步。
STEP 1:Internet Pioneers(J.C.R. Licklider 、Larry Roberts、Tim Berners-Lee)STEP 2:History of WebGeneralized Markup LanguageStandard Generalized Markup LanguageHyperText Markup LanguageeXtensible Markup LanguageSTEP 3:Web1.0 vs Web2.0STEP 4:What is Web 2.0?(1)IM:Instant Messenger(2)Blog:Weblog(3)Podcasting(4)P2P:peer-to-peer(5)SNS:Social Network Service(6)Wiki(7)Bookmark(8)RSS:Really Simple Syndication / Rich Site Summary(9)Ajax:Asynchronous JavaScript and XMLSTEP 5:Web standards(1)Structure(2)Presentation(3)Behavior教学后记:通过Internet先驱者的事迹给同学一个深刻鲜明的印象,让同学们感悟到了坚持不懈的重要性;通过个人的亲生经历和英语趣事激发了同学们对英语学习热情,达到了同学们对进行双语教学产生认同感的目的。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译专业计算机科学与技术学生姓名王岩班级B计算机081学号0810704124指导教师唐拥政信息工程学院Network layered priority mapping theoryAbstract In the early days of the Internet layered design,the information between layers did not exchange in large amount frequently.With the rapid growth of the Internet,the emergence of many technologies such as service data partition,multi-connection and multi-path has made it possible to frequently exchange complex information between layers.With regard to these changes,this paper introduces“network layered priority mapping(NLPM)”for future Internet development.The NLPM aims to maximize the satisfaction of the Internet users.The NLPM is designed to differentiate priority of the information on different layers and integrate the information using priority mapping.With NLPM, network services can be delivered more efficiently;network utilization such as the utilization of connection,path and channel can also be improved.Model analysis,NS simulation and prototype implementation have proved the efficiency of NLPM.1IntroductionLayered structure is the basic design method of Internet.In the early days of Internet,the interaction between the layers was simple in view of the poor network infrastructure on low layer and the simple service on high layer.Besides,there was no unified form for the interaction between layers as the initial layering was ad hoc model.As new network services are constantly emerging and growing more and more complex,the simple layered design cannot meet the demand of future network development. Therefore there have emerged service partition,multi-connection,multi-path,and multi-channel on different Internet layers.For the application layer,the network services are growing diversified while the content of services is growing increasingly complex.As a result,one network service usually consists of a number of logically independent components.Partition of the complex service will improve service robustness and flexibility.For the transport layer,a service with multi-connection is needed as theservice can be partitioned into many different types of partitioned-services. Multi-connection can ensure the efficiency of the end-to-end transmission for different types of partitioned-services.Besides,it can flexibly support the service partition and improve the transmission throughput.For the network layer,many new technologies on network access are emerging with the explosive increase of Internet users.These technologies enable end-to-end multi-path communication and provide more options for high layer multi-connection.For the link layer,different network uses different physical channel.To support themulti-networks,terminals need to switch between differentchannels.The above-mentioned technologies show that significant changes have occurred on every layer of theInternet structure.Two of the most significant changes are multi-connection and end-to-end multi-path.Service partition relies on multi-connection;multi-channel is closely interconnected with multi-path.Plenty of studies have shown that the current TCP throughput is too low relative to available bandwidth provided by lower layer[1].The advent of multi-connection has greatly improved the throughput.There have been a lot of researches on multi-connection and these researches can be divided into three categories:design of multi-connection protocol[1,2],multi-connection applications[3,4]and theoretical analysis of multi-connection performance[5,6].End-to-end multi-path is an emerging research.At the time TCP was designed,multi-path of end hosts was beyond the ken of research in view of the expensive network interface devices.With rapid economic development,the increasing emphasis on end-to-end transfer efficiency has brought multi-path in the purview of transport layer [7–9].Multi-connection and end-to-end multi-path transfer have been widely researched as illustrated above.But these researches have their limitations because they did not fully consider the needs of users. For example,current multi-connection researches simply partition service data into blocks with fixed size[1,4];current multi-path researches only randomly choose one available path to send application data without consideration in how to partition the service data efficiently and how to optimize the path to maximize the satisfaction of users.Moreover,as far as we know,no research has yet combined multiconnect technology and multi-path technology.In response to the above-mentioned limitations of current researches,this paper introduces NLPM based on the current Internet layered design.NLPM uses satisfaction of users as evaluation criteria.Its key idea is to standardize the description of the Internet layer information(such as partitionedservice,connection and path)with matrix and to process the exchange of information between layers with mapping.With this new design,the network services can be delivered more efficiently and the utilization of network can be improved.Finally,it is worth mentioning that the new generation network research is the most popular topicnowadays,such as3G, 4G,NGN,NGI,source address validation architecture[10]and university network[11].As an interface technology research between network layers,the work of this paper can be applied to the current and other new generation network researches given its strong scalability.2Network layered priority mapping2.1Satisfaction of usersThe Internet is designed for users and hence the satisfaction of users should be the key criteria to evaluate the Internet technology.We can formulate such evaluative criteria in utility function[12].Let the vector s describe the service delivered to the i’th user si,containing all relevant measures of the delivered service.Then we make the utility function Ui map the service into the satisfaction of users. With this formulation,the goal of network design can be converted to maximizing the sum of the utilities.We call this quantity V the total utility of an architecture V= i Ui(si).Shenker[12]found that traditional Internet data services were elastic traffic.According to this traffic character,the utility of service is the monotonically increasing function of network capability,such as bandwidth.The marginal utility decreases as network capability increases.This is the character of concave function and we deem utility function as concave function in the paper.2.2Design thought of NLPMNLPM is the instantiation of“mapping”in Internet.Its core idea is to differentiate the priority of network information on different layers and combine the information by priority mapping so that the Internet service can be delivered more efficiently.Like a“mapping”,NLPM has three elements:image, inverse image and mapping function.Image and inverse image represent the network information. Mapping function includes mapping form and mapping mechanism.Mapping form gives the number of the image and inverse image,such as one-to-one,one-to-many,many-to-one and many-to-many. Mapping mechanism integrates the network information on different layers by optimizing the network connection and path.2.3Mapping form modelMapping function includes mapping form and mapping mechanism.In this section,we focus on mapping form and in subsection2.4we will analyze the mapping mechanism.The form of mapping function is based on the0-1mapping matrix.We will illustrate as follows the role and significance of the0-1mapping matrix in NLPM.Firstly,the position of 1 which is determined by its subscript,in the matrix represents the correspondence between image and inverse image.In the0-1mapping matrix,the column represents image and the row represents inverse image.Secondly,the0-1mapping matrix can represent mapping form.If there are more than one 1 s in some column vector,there exists a many-to-one mapping.If there are more than one 1 s in some row vector,there exists a one-to-many mapping.Take the two mapping matrixes in previous section as an example.All vectors in the rows and columns in matrix A have one 1 ,so the mapping is one-to-one.The first column and the second rowvector of matrix H have two 1 s,so the mapping is many-to-many.Finally,the weightα={1,2,3,...} for 1 represents the mapping priority.There are two 1 s in thesecond row of H,representing that there are two paths for one connection.2.4Mapping function modelAfter obtaining a mapping form according to a specific service,we turn to the analysis of the mapping mechanism.We apply the following six queueing models to analyze the mapping mechanism of current network and NLPM.M1is the current multi-connection single-path model,which can be consideredan M/M/1queue with multiple non-priority customers.M2is the priority multi-connection single-path model,which can be considered an M/M/1queue with multiple priority customers.M3is the non-priority multi-connection multi-path model,which can be considered an M/M/N queue with multiple non-priority customers.M4is the binding priority multi-connection multi-path model,which can be considered multiple independent M/M/1queues.Like M4,M5is used here only to show a different binding relationship.M6is the optimal priority multi-connection multi-path model,which can be considered an M/M/N queue with multiple priority customers.2.5Application of mapping functionThis section gives an application of the mapping function,an application in data retransmission for connection-oriented transport protocol.The mapping form is one-to-many and the mapping mechanism is based on the priority of retransmission time.In[13]we show another application of mapping function which deals with the path selection problem.2.6Image and inverse image modelWe have analyzed the mapping function in the above sections.Now we analyze the other two elements of NLPM,image and inverse image.New network information such as partitioned-service, multi-connection,and multi-path is used by NLPM as the image and inverse image for mapping.Based on optimization theory and traffic control theory,this section analyzes the value model of image and inverse image in NLPM.NLPM aims to maximize the utility of users while taking the limitation of the network capability into account.We demonstrate this by the example of how NLPM overcomes the limitation of path bandwidth.This section models the mapping from partitioned-service(inverse image) to multi-path(image),and the mapping is connected by multi-connection.The value of inverse image is the sending rate assigned to some service,and the value of image is the bandwidth assigned to some path which sends service data.Let sets P(S)and P(sn)represent the paths for service S andpartitioned-service sn∈S,respectively.Let S(p)and SN(p)represent the service and partitioned-service(both of which use the path p),respectively.Then we getP(S)={P(s1),P(s2),...,P(sn)},S(p)={S1(p),S2(p),...,SN(p)},where p∈P(sn)if and only if sn∈SN(p).That is,p is the path used by partitioned-service sn if and only if sn is the partitioned-service using path p.Based on the two mapping models in subsection2.2,the product of two0-1mapping matrixes A and H can represent the mapping from service to path,as shown in Figure2.3AnalysisofNLPMmodel3.1Analysis of queueing modelTo better demonstrate the merits of NLPM,we made a numerical comparison between different queueing models of subsection2.4.We letλ1=0.3,λ2=0.1,μ1=0.9andμ2=0.5.Table2shows the results.(For comprehensive analysis,we also made the comparison whenλ1<λ2[13].)From Table2, we can see that NLPM can decrease the mean service time for data packets with high priority.For example,models M2and M6are smaller than models M1and M3,respectively.The optimal model M6 has the least mean service time.However,the binding priority models M4and M5are inefficient due to their inflexible path using.3.2Combining optimization and queueingTo combine optimization model and queueing model for comprehensive analysis,we need a variable used in both optimization model and queueing model.We choose the transmission time of service data packet in optimization model,which is also the packet service time in queueing model.This is the intersection of optimization model and queueing model.So the utility function will be restricted by packets arrival rate.(Because the packet service time is restricted by packets arrival rate in queueing theory.)4Simulation and analysisWe present the following four simulation experiments to show how NLPM improves the utilization of network.The simulation was based on CMT-SCTP module of NS2-2.31which supports multi-path. The simulation topology included two terminals Host0and Host1.Between these two terminals there were twoindependent paths.Each path had0.5M bandwidth and200ms propagation delay.The multi-connection implementation was based on multi-stream of SCTP.The simulation applied prioritymapping like model.M6so that the subsequent data with high priority could occupy existing data with low priority.We allotted StreamID and StreamID Priority to different types of data;smaller StreamID Priority means higher priority.We used three streams in the experiments.Stream0had StreamID Priority0;stream1and stream2both had StreamID Priority1.The start time of streams0,1and2were 0.5,0.6and0.7s,respectively.Utility can be improved either by increasing physical bandwidth or by applying priority with fixed bandwidth.As shown in the first experiment,NLPM applies the latter to improve utility.Figure3shows the throughout with and without priority mapping.The throughout under both scenarios were almost the same in the first experiment.The second experiment shows that priority mapping can shorten the submitting time.Let the sending rate of stream0be50K and the other two streams both be2000K.Figure4shows the arrival time and the submitting time of stream0with and without priority mapping.With priority,stream0can be submitted faster.The third experiment shows that priority mapping can improve throughout with fixed sending rate.Let the sending rates of streams0,1and2be950,1000and1000K,respectively.Figures5and6show thethroughout with and without priority mapping.We can see that higher priority improves thethroughout of stream0.The fourth experiment shows the dynamic sending rate does not prevent priority mapping from improving the throughout.We kept the sending rates of streams1and2fixed and increased the sending rate of stream0from500to950K in steps of50K.Figures7and8show the throughout with and without priority mapping.Note that there are several inflections for all of the streams in Figures7and8, because the overall throughput of three streams depends on the size of all the sending windows on different paths.When the sending rate of one stream changes,the throughput of other streams will change too.5Implementation and analysisTo show the effect of NLPM on improving the satisfaction of users,we implemented a web browser which supports user preference by modifying Apache server and Firefox browser.The transport protocol of the new browser used SCTP,which was extended in our experiment by several functions such as logical multi-connection with priority,multi-path based on SCTP multi-home,path priority based on bandwidth estimate and multi-thread supported by SCTP.The topology included three network devices:Apache server(Apache2.0.55),Web browser client(Firefox1.6)and WAN simulator(Nistnet 2.0.12).The server and client both had two network interface cards which made up two paths.WAN simulator was used to connect the server and client,and configure the two paths between them.Thegood path was configured with50ms delay and3Mbps bandwidth while the bad one was configured with100ms delay and1Mbps bandwidth.In the following three experiments,the client requested from the server a web page,which included six pictures:52.4KB(p1),52.4KB(p2),303.9KB(p3),303.9 KB(p4),862B(p5)and862B(p6).If not specified,the default sending order is p1,p2,p3,p4,p5and p6 in the following experiments.The first experiment was based on model M3,in which no priority was assigned to different types of service data.Therefore the service data was sent through a randomly-selected path.Figure9shows the experiment results.The total transmission time was5.44s. It took longer time to send p4than p5though p4was sent earlier,because p4has larger size than p5.The second experiment was based on models M4/M5.For both models,important data was assigned higher priority so that it can be sent earlier through a better path than other data.But due to the inflexible path using,the overall utilization is lower than that in model M3.Figure10shows that the total transmission time is longer in the second experiment than in the first experiment because of inflexible path using.The third experiment was based on optimal model M6.The important data was assigned higher priority as in the second experiment but with three different priorities as follows.The first priority from high to low was p5,p6,p3,p4,p1and p2.The second was p5,p6,p1,p2,p3and p4.The third was p3,p4,p1,p2, p5and p6.Figures11–13show the results under different priorities.We can find that it took less time to send the pictures with higher priority and the total transmission time did not increase compared to model M3.Therefore the overall utility of users improved.In addition to the above findings,another finding worth mentioning is that the total efficiency will reach the highest when the picture with bigger size was assigned higher priority.Figure13shows the shortest overall transmission time.The reason is that sending the bigger-sized picture can increase the utilization of paths.6ConclusionsThe utility function describes users’satisfaction which is an important evaluative criteria for Internet design.The paper presents how NLPM can improve the satisfaction of users.The core design thought of NLPM is to introduce priority to some emerging internet techniques such as service data partition, multiconnectionand multi-path,and then combine these techniques with mapping.Analysis and experimentshave proved that NLPM could better serve the users with high priority while maintaining the overall efficiency of all users.网络分层优先级映射理论抽象的网络分层初期,信息层之间没有大量频繁的交流。

Web设计与编程导论(双语)教案第一章:Web设计与编程简介1.1 课程概述介绍Web设计与编程的基本概念探讨Web设计与编程的重要性解释Web设计与编程的应用范围1.2 教学目标理解Web设计与编程的基本概念了解Web设计与编程的重要性掌握Web设计与编程的应用范围1.3 教学内容Web设计与编程的定义与区别Web设计与编程的应用领域Web设计与编程的发展趋势1.4 教学方法讲授与案例分析相结合互动讨论与小组合作实践操作与演示1.5 教学资源教材:Web设计与编程导论演示文稿网络资源1.6 教学评估课堂参与度与讨论小组合作项目课后作业与小测验第二章:HTML与CSS基础2.1 课程概述介绍HTML与CSS的基本概念探讨HTML与CSS在Web设计中的作用解释HTML与CSS的基本语法与使用方法2.2 教学目标理解HTML与CSS的基本概念掌握HTML与CSS在Web设计中的应用熟悉HTML与CSS的基本语法与使用方法2.3 教学内容HTML与CSS的定义与区别HTML与CSS的基本语法与使用方法HTML与CSS的常用标签与选择器2.4 教学方法讲授与案例分析相结合互动讨论与小组合作实践操作与演示2.5 教学资源教材:HTML与CSS基础演示文稿网络资源2.6 教学评估课堂参与度与讨论小组合作项目课后作业与小测验第三章:JavaScript基础3.1 课程概述介绍JavaScript的基本概念探讨JavaScript在Web设计中的作用解释JavaScript的基本语法与使用方法3.2 教学目标理解JavaScript的基本概念掌握JavaScript在Web设计中的应用熟悉JavaScript的基本语法与使用方法3.3 教学内容JavaScript的定义与作用JavaScript的基本语法与使用方法JavaScript的核心对象与函数3.4 教学方法讲授与案例分析相结合互动讨论与小组合作实践操作与演示3.5 教学资源教材:JavaScript基础演示文稿网络资源3.6 教学评估课堂参与度与讨论小组合作项目课后作业与小测验第四章:响应式Web设计4.1 课程概述介绍响应式Web设计的基本概念探讨响应式Web设计的重要性解释响应式Web设计的技术实现4.2 教学目标理解响应式Web设计的基本概念掌握响应式Web设计的重要性熟悉响应式Web设计的技术实现4.3 教学内容响应式Web设计的定义与作用媒体查询的使用方法弹性布局与网格系统的应用4.4 教学方法讲授与案例分析相结合互动讨论与小组合作实践操作与演示4.5 教学资源教材:响应式Web设计演示文稿网络资源4.6 教学评估课堂参与度与讨论小组合作项目课后作业与小测验第五章:Web编程实践5.1 课程概述介绍Web编程实践的基本概念探讨Web编程实践的重要性解释Web编程实践的技术实现5.2 教学目标理解Web编程实践的基本概念掌握Web编程实践的重要性熟悉Web编程实践的技术实现5.3 教学内容Web编程实践的定义与作用常见的Web编程框架与库实践项目与案例分析5.4 教学方法讲授与案例分析相结合互动讨论与小组合作实践操作与演示5.5 教学资源教材:Web编程实践演示文稿网络资源5.6 教学评估课堂参与度第六章:网站规划与设计6.1 课程概述介绍网站规划与设计的基本概念探讨网站规划与设计的重要性解释网站规划与设计的技术实现6.2 教学目标理解网站规划与设计的基本概念掌握网站规划与设计的重要性熟悉网站规划与设计的技术实现6.3 教学内容网站规划与设计的定义与作用用户体验设计与用户界面设计网站布局与配色原则6.4 教学方法讲授与案例分析相结合互动讨论与小组合作实践操作与演示6.5 教学资源教材:网站规划与设计演示文稿网络资源6.6 教学评估课堂参与度与讨论小组合作项目课后作业与小测验第七章:网站开发流程与工具7.1 课程概述介绍网站开发流程与工具的基本概念探讨网站开发流程与工具的重要性解释网站开发流程与工具的技术实现7.2 教学目标理解网站开发流程与工具的基本概念掌握网站开发流程与工具的重要性熟悉网站开发流程与工具的技术实现7.3 教学内容网站开发流程的定义与作用常见的网站开发工具与框架版本控制与协同工作7.4 教学方法讲授与案例分析相结合互动讨论与小组合作实践操作与演示7.5 教学资源教材:网站开发流程与工具演示文稿网络资源7.6 教学评估课堂参与度与讨论小组合作项目课后作业与小测验第八章:Web安全性与伦理8.1 课程概述介绍Web安全性与伦理的基本概念探讨Web安全性与伦理的重要性解释Web安全性与伦理的技术实现8.2 教学目标理解Web安全性与伦理的基本概念掌握Web安全性与伦理的重要性熟悉Web安全性与伦理的技术实现8.3 教学内容Web安全性的定义与作用常见的安全威胁与防护措施Web伦理与法律问题8.4 教学方法讲授与案例分析相结合互动讨论与小组合作实践操作与演示8.5 教学资源教材:Web安全性与伦理演示文稿网络资源8.6 教学评估课堂参与度与讨论小组合作项目课后作业与小测验第九章:Web项目管理9.1 课程概述介绍Web项目管理的基本概念探讨Web项目管理的重要性解释Web项目管理的技术实现9.2 教学目标理解Web项目管理的基本概念掌握Web项目管理的重要性熟悉Web项目管理的技术实现9.3 教学内容Web项目管理的定义与作用项目规划与执行项目团队管理与沟通9.4 教学方法讲授与案例分析相结合互动讨论与小组合作实践操作与演示9.5 教学资源教材:Web项目管理演示文稿网络资源9.6 教学评估课堂参与度与讨论小组合作项目课后作业与小测验第十章:Web设计与编程的未来趋势10.1 课程概述介绍Web设计与编程的未来趋势探讨Web设计与编程的发展方向解释Web设计与编程对未来的影响10.2 教学目标理解Web设计与编程的未来趋势掌握Web设计与编程的发展方向熟悉Web设计与编程对未来的影响10.3 教学内容Web设计与编程的未来趋势新兴技术及其应用Web设计与编程的职业前景10.4 教学方法讲授与案例分析相结合互动讨论与小组合作实践操作与演示10.5 教学资源教材:Web设计与编程的未来趋势演示文稿网络资源10.6 教学评估课堂参与度与讨论小组合作项目课后作业与小测验第十一章:Web图形设计11.1 课程概述介绍Web图形设计的基本概念探讨Web图形设计的重要性解释Web图形设计的技术实现11.2 教学目标理解Web图形设计的基本概念掌握Web图形设计的重要性熟悉Web图形设计的技术实现11.3 教学内容Web图形设计的定义与作用色彩、字体与图标设计动效与多媒体元素的运用11.4 教学方法讲授与案例分析相结合互动讨论与小组合作实践操作与演示11.5 教学资源教材:Web图形设计演示文稿网络资源11.6 教学评估课堂参与度与讨论小组合作项目课后作业与小测验第十二章:前端性能优化12.1 课程概述介绍前端性能优化基本概念探讨前端性能优化的重要性解释前端性能优化的技术实现12.2 教学目标理解前端性能优化的基本概念掌握前端性能优化的重要性熟悉前端性能优化的技术实现12.3 教学内容前端性能优化的定义与作用性能评估与监测工具优化策略与最佳实践12.4 教学方法讲授与案例分析相结合互动讨论与小组合作实践操作与演示12.5 教学资源教材:前端性能优化演示文稿网络资源12.6 教学评估课堂参与度与讨论小组合作项目课后作业与小测验第十三章:Web APIs与数据交互13.1 课程概述介绍Web APIs与数据交互的基本概念探讨Web APIs与数据交互的重要性解释Web APIs与数据交互的技术实现13.2 教学目标理解Web APIs与数据交互的基本概念掌握Web APIs与数据交互的重要性熟悉Web APIs与数据交互的技术实现13.3 教学内容Web APIs的定义与作用常用的Web API及其应用场景数据交互与请求处理13.4 教学方法讲授与案例分析相结合互动讨论与小组合作实践操作与演示13.5 教学资源教材:Web APIs与数据交互演示文稿网络资源13.6 教学评估课堂参与度与讨论小组合作项目课后作业与小测验第十四章:Web开发工具与环境14.1 课程概述介绍Web开发工具与环境的基本概念探讨Web开发工具与环境的重要性解释Web开发工具与环境的技术实现14.2 教学目标理解Web开发工具与环境的基本概念掌握Web开发工具与环境的重要性熟悉Web开发工具与环境的技术实现14.3 教学内容Web开发工具的定义与作用集成开发环境(IDE)与代码编辑器自动化构建与部署工具14.4 教学方法讲授与案例分析相结合互动讨论与小组合作实践操作与演示14.5 教学资源教材:Web开发工具与环境演示文稿网络资源14.6 教学评估课堂参与度与讨论小组合作项目课后作业与小测验第十五章:Web设计与编程的综合实践15.1 课程概述介绍Web设计与编程的综合实践基本概念探讨Web设计与编程的综合实践的重要性解释Web设计与编程的综合实践的技术实现15.2 教学目标理解Web设计与编程的综合实践的基本概念掌握Web设计与编程的综合实践的重要性熟悉Web设计与编程的综合实践的技术实现15.3 教学内容Web设计与编程的综合实践的定义与作用实践项目的设计与开发流程项目部署与维护15.4 教学方法讲授与案例分析相结合互动讨论与小组合作实践操作与演示重点和难点解析本文主要介绍了Web设计与编程导论的十五个章节,涵盖了从Web 设计与编程的基本概念、HTML与CSS基础、JavaScript基础,到网站规划与设计、网站开发流程与工具、Web安全性与伦理、Web 项目管理、Web设计与编程的未来趋势等内容。

本科生外文译文课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能够理解并掌握外文课文中的主要知识点,包括专业词汇、语法结构和文章组织。
2. 学生能够准确翻译外文课文,理解其深层含义,并能进行相关领域的知识拓展。
3. 学生能够对外文课文进行批判性阅读,分析文章的论证方式和逻辑结构。
技能目标:1. 学生能够运用所学翻译技巧,对外文课文进行准确、流畅的翻译。
2. 学生能够通过小组讨论、课堂展示等形式,提高自己的表达能力和团队合作能力。
3. 学生能够运用批判性思维,对外文课文进行深入分析,提高自己的思辨能力。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生能够增强对所学专业的兴趣和热情,培养自主学习的能力。
2. 学生能够尊重不同文化背景,培养跨文化交际的意识。
3. 学生能够通过外文译文的学习,拓宽国际视野,增强国家意识和责任感。
二、教学内容本课程教学内容主要包括以下几部分:1. 外文课文翻译基本技巧:包括词汇、语法、句型结构等方面的翻译方法,以及翻译过程中的常见问题与对策。
2. 外文课文分析与解读:对教材中的精选文章进行深度剖析,理解文章的论证方式、逻辑结构和作者观点。
3. 批判性阅读与思考:培养学生对外文课文进行批判性思考,分析文章的优点和不足,提高学生的思辨能力。
4. 跨文化交际能力培养:通过对比分析中外文化差异,提高学生在实际翻译中的跨文化交际能力。

外文资料JavaServer Pages OverviewJavaServer Pages (JSP) technology enables Web developers and designers to rapidly develop and easily maintain, information-rich, dynamic Web pages that leverage existing business systems. As part of the Java technology family, JSP technology enables rapid development of Web-based applications that are platform independent. JSP technology separates the user interface from content generation, enabling designers to change the overall page layout without altering the underlying dynamic content.Benefits for DevelopersIf you are a Web page developer or designer who is familiar with HTML, you can: Use JSP technology without having to learn the Java language: You can use JSP technology without learning how to write Java scriplets. Although scriptlets are no longer required to generate dynamic content, they are still supported to provide backward compatibility.Extend the JSP language: Java tag library developers and designers can extend the JSP language with "simple tag handlers," which utilize a new, much simpler and cleaner, tag extension API. This spurs the growing number of pluggable, reusable tag libraries available, which in turn reduces the amount of code needed to write powerful Web applications.Easily write and maintain pages: The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) expression language is now integrated into JSP technology and has been upgraded to support functions. The expression language can now be used instead of scriptlet expressions.JSP Technology and Java ServletsJSP technology uses XML-like tags that encapsulate the logic that generates the content for the page. The application logic can reside in server-based resources (such as JavaBeans component architecture) that the page accesses with these tags. Any and all formatting (HTML or XML) tags are passed directly back to the response page. By separating the page logic from its design and display and supporting a reusable component-based design, JSP technology makes it faster and easier than ever to build Web-based applications.JavaServer Pages technology is an extension of the Java Servlet technology. Servlets are platform-independent, server-side modules that fit seamlessly into a Web server framework and can be used to extend the capabilities of a Web server with minimal overhead, maintenance, and support. Unlike other scripting languages, servlets involve no platform-specific consideration or modifications; they are application components that are downloaded, on demand, to the part of the system that needs them. Together, JSP technology and servlets provide an attractive alternative to other types of dynamic Web scripting/programming by offering: platform independence; enhanced performance; separation of logic from display; ease of administration; extensibility into the enterprise; and, most importantly, ease of use.Today servlets are a popular choice for building interactive Web applications.Third-party servlet containers are available for Apache Web Server, Microsoft IIS, and others. Servlet containers are usually a component of Web and application servers, such as BEA WebLogic Application Server, IBM WebSphere, Sun Java System Web Server, Sun Java System Application Server, and others.Community BackgroundThe JSP specification is the product of industry-wide collaboration with industry leaders in the enterprise software and tools markets, led by Sun Microsystems. Sun has made the JSP specification freely available to the developer community, with the goal that every Web server and application server will support the JSP interface. JSP pages share the "Write Once, Run Anywhere" advantages of Java technology. JSP technology is a key component in the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition, Sun's highly scalable architecture for enterprise applications.JSP Technology in the Java EE 5 PlatformThe focus of Java EE 5 has been ease of development by making use of Java language annotations that were introduced by J2SE 5.0. JSP 2.1 supports this goal by defining annotations for dependency injection on JSP tag handlers and context listeners. Another key concern of the Java EE 5 specification has been the alignment of its webtier technologies, namely JavaServer Pages (JSP), JavaServer Faces (JSF), and JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL).The outcome of this alignment effort has been the Unified Expression Language (EL), which integrates the expression languages defined by JSP 2.0 and JSF 1.1.The main key additions to the Unified EL that came out of tbe alignment work have been:A pluggable API for resolving variable references into Java objects and for resolving the properties applied to these Java objects,Support for deferred expressions, which may be evaluated by a tag handler when needed, unlike their regular expression counterparts, which get evaluated immediately when a page is executed and rendered, andSupport for lvalue expression, which appear on the left hand side of an assignment operation. When used as an lvalue, an EL expression represents a reference to a data structure, for example: a JavaBeans property, that is assigned some user input.The new Unified EL is defined in its own specification document, which is delivered along with the JSP 2.1 specification.Thanks to the Unified EL, JSTL tags, such as the JSTL iteration tags, can now be used with JSF components in an intuitive way.Java Servlet Technology OverviewServlets are the Java platform technology of choice for extending and enhancing Web servers. Servlets provide a component-based, platform-independent method for building Web-based applications, without the performance limitations of CGI programs. And unlike proprietary server extension mechanisms (such as the Netscape Server API or Apache modules), servlets are server- and platform-independent. This leaves you free to select a "best of breed" strategy for your servers, platforms, and tools.Servlets have access to the entire family of Java APIs, including the JDBC API to access enterprise databases. Servlets can also access a library of HTTP-specific calls and receive all the benefits of the mature Java language, including portability, performance, reusability, and crash protection.Today servlets are a popular choice for building interactive Web applications. Third-party servlet containers are available for Apache Web Server, Microsoft IIS, and others. Servlet containers are usually a component of Web and application servers, such as BEA WebLogic Application Server, IBM WebSphere, Sun Java System Web Server, Sun Java System Application Server, and others.You might want to check out the latest information on JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology. JSP technology is an extension of the servlet technology created to support authoring of HTML and XML pages. It makes it easier to combine fixed or static template data with dynamic content. Even if you're comfortable writing servlets, there are several compelling reasons to investigate JSP technology as a complementto your existing work.JavaBeansJavaBeans technology is the component architecture for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE). Components (JavaBeans) are reusable software programs thatyou can develop and assemble easily to create sophisticated applications. JavaBeans technology is based on the JavaBeans specification.The Bean BuilderThe Bean Builder is a simple component assembler that demonstrates the visual construction of applications using component assembly mechanisms.JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF)JAF lets you take advantage of standard services to: determine the type of an arbitrary piece of data; encapsulate access to it; discover the operations availableon it; and instantiate the appropriate bean to perform the operation(s).The Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is a standard that defines an environment forthe development and deployment of enterprise applications. It reduces the cost and complexity of developing multitier enterprise applications as it provides amultitier distributed application model. In other words, it is inherently distributed and therefore the various parts of an application can run on different devices.Web applications developed using JavaServer Pages (JSP) may require some interaction with J2EE services. For example, a web-based inventory control system may need to access J2EE's directory services to gain access to a database. Or you may want touse Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) in your application.This article presents a brief overview of J2EE, then it shows how to: Describe J2EE services in a Web Deployment Descriptor (web.xml)Reference J2EE servicesAccess and use J2EE services from JSPsOverview of J2EEThe J2EE is a standard platform for the development and deployment of enterprise applications. The architecture of J2EE, which is component-based, makes developingenterprise applications easy because business logic is organized into reusable components and the underlying service is provided by J2EE in the form of a container for every component type. Think of a container as the interface between the component and the low-level functionality that supports the component. Therefore, before an application client component can be executed, it must be configured as a J2EE service and deployed into its container.J2EE promotes the development of multitier applications in which the web container hosts web components that are dedicated to handling a given application's presentation logic, and responds to requests from the client (such as the web browser). The EJB container, on the other hand, hosts application components that respond to requests from the web tier as shown in Figure 1.Figure 1: Multitier ApplicationsApplications that use this architecture are implicitly scalable. This architecture decouples the accessing of data from end-user interactions, and encourages component-based code reusability. At the web tier, J2EE promotes the use of JSPs for the creation of dynamic content for Web clients.Custom Tags and J2EEJ2EE has a lot to offer to Web application developers and the JSP custom tag developer. As you can see from Table 1 above, it has a rich set of standard APIs for sending email, accessing databases, parsing XML documents, and so on. Your Web applications can benefit greatly from these APIs. For example, you can write a JSP custom tag for sending email that can be used easily by Web content developers who are not familiar with Java. If you are not familiar with JSP custom tags, their benefits, and how to create them, please refer to Developing JSP Custom Tags.外文资料译文Javaserverpages概况Javaserverpages(jsp)技术,使Web开发人员和设计师可以快速开发和易于维护,利用现有的业务系统的动态网页使信息丰富。

外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:Computer Knowledge & Technology, 2013,12(1):31-41英文原文Web design and productionM SiegelAbstractThe paper will study and discuss methods and tools for personal web page design and production. Based on the introduction of web design and production language, we focused on using JavaScript as a tool language for actual web page design and production. We used object-based JavaScript language, the use of internal object systems, and WEB page information interaction—window and framework. Describe it in detail and use specific examples for verification.Keywords: web page production, web design, software, html1 IntroductionWith the advent of the 21st century, people feel more and more deeply that the role of computers in life and work is more and more important. More and more professions need computer application skills. Mastering the need for computers is a career, but also the need for career development. Web design and production is a concrete manifestation of computer capabilities. This chapter mainly introduces related knowledgeof web design.1.1 Web Design OverviewA website is a way for companies to provide information (including products and services) to users and netizens. It is an infrastructure and information platform for companies to develop e-commerce. It is impossible to leave e-commerce (or just use a third-party website) to talk about e-commerce. . The company's web site is called the “Internet Trademark” and is also part of the company's intangible assets. The website is an important window on the Internet to promote and reflect corporate image and culture.1.2 Elements of Web DesignThe two major elements of web design are: overall style and color matching. First, determine the overall style of the siteChapter 2 Application of HTML Web Design Technology2.1 HTML language introductionHTML (HyperText Mark-up Language) is a hypertext markup language or hypertext markup language. It is the most widely used language on the Internet and the main language constituting webpage documents.HTML text is descriptive text composed of HTML commands. HTML commands can describe text, graphics, animations, sounds, forms, links, and so on. The structure of HTML includes two parts: the head andthe body. The head describes the information needed by the browser, and the body contains the specific content to be explained.2.1.1 Features of HTML LanguageHTML document production is not very complicated and powerful. It supports the inlaying of files in different data formats. This is one of the reasons for the popularity of the WWW. The features of the HTML language are as follows:1. Simplicity: The HTML version upgrade adopts a superset method, which is more flexible and convenient.2. Extensibility: The extensive use of HTML language has brought about enhanced functions, increased identifiers, and other requirements. HTML takes the form of sub-elements to provide guarantees for system expansion.3, platform independence. Although PCs are popular, there are plenty of other machines using MAC and so on. HTML can be used on a wide range of platforms, which is another reason why WWW is prevalent.2.1.2 HTML language editing softwareWrite it, too. However, use .htm or .html as an extension when saving, so that the browser can interpret it.2. Semi-WYSIWYG software, this software can greatly improve the development efficiency, it can enable you to make Homepage in a veryshort time, and you can learn HTML, this type of software mainly has HOTDOG, as well as domestic Software webpage workshop.3, WYSIWYG software, using the most extensive editor, you can completely do not know HTML knowledge to make web pages.2.2.3 JavaScript Technology Used in Web DesignOne, JavaScript OverviewJavaScript is an object-based and event-driven scripting language with safe performance. The purpose of using it is to implement linking multiple objects in a Web page together with HTML hypertext markup language and Java scripting language (Java applets) to interact with Web clients. This allows you to develop client applications and more. It is implemented by embedding or loading in the standard HTML language. Its appearance has made up for the shortcomings of the HTML language. It is a compromise between Java and HTML. It has the following basic features:1, is a scripting languageJavaScript is a scripting language that uses small blocks to program. Like other scripting languages, JavaScript is also an interpreted language that provides an easy development process.Its basic structure is very similar to that of C, C++, VB, and Delphi. But unlike these languages, it needs to be compiled first, but it is interpreted line by line during the execution of the program. It iscombined with HTML tags to make it easier for users to use.2, based on the language of the object.JavaScript is an object-based language that can be viewed as an object-oriented one. This means it can use the objects that it has already created. Therefore, many functions can come from the interaction of methods and scripts in the script environment.3, simplicityThe essence of HTML is text, which requires the interpretation of the browser. The HTML editor can be roughly divided into three types: 1. The basic editing software, which can be written using WINDOWS's own notebook or writing, of course, if you use WPS The simplicity of compiling JavaScript is mainly reflected in: First, it is a simple and compact design based on Java basic statements and control flow, which is a very good transition for learning Java. Second, its variable types are weakly typed and do not use strict data types.4, securityJavaScript is a security language. It does not allow access to the local hard disk. It does not store data on the server. It does not allow the modification or deletion of web documents. Information browsing or dynamic interaction can only be achieved through the browser. This effectively prevents data loss.5, dynamicJavaScript is dynamic. It can respond directly to user or customer input without going through a Web service program. It responds to the user's response in an event-driven manner. The so-called event-driven refers to an action that is performed by performing an operation in a Home Page. It is called an "Event". For example, pressing a mouse, moving a window, selecting a menu, etc. can all be considered events. When an incident occurs, it may cause a corresponding event response.6, cross-platformJavaScript is dependent on the browser itself, regardless of the operating environment, as long as it can run the browser's computer, and the JavaScript browser can be executed correctly. In order to achieve the "write once, travel the world" dream. In fact, the most outstanding thing about JavaScript is that you can do a lot of things with very small programs. Without high-performance computers, the software requires only a word processing software and a browser. It does not require a WEB server channel and can do everything through its own computer.In short, JavaScript is a new description language that can be tethered to HTML documents. The JavaScript language can respond to user's demand events (such as form input) without using any network to transfer data back and forth, so when a user enters a data, it does not pass it to the server (server). ) Processing, and then returned to the process, and can be directly handled by the client's application.The third chapter WEB page information interaction - form and frameTo realize the dynamic interaction of web pages, you must master more complex knowledge about form objects and frame objects.3.1 Form BasicsThe form object allows the designer to interact with the client user using different elements in the form, but without having to first perform data input, the behavior of the Web document can be changed dynamically.3.1.1 Form objectForm: It forms the basic element of a Web page. Usually a Web page has a form or several windows, using the Forms[] array to access different forms.3.1.2 Form Object MethodsThere is only one --submit() method for the form object. The main function of this method is to submit the form information. 3.1.3 Form Object PropertiesThe attributes of the window object mainly include the following: elements name action target encoding method. In addition to Elements, several others reflect the state of the corresponding attribute in the identity of the form, which is usually a single form identifier; elements are often an array of values for multiple form elements.3.1.4 Accessing a Form ObjectAccessing a form object in JavaScript can be implemented in two ways: (1) by accessing the formIn the properties of the form object, you must first specify the name of the form, and then you can access the form with the following ID: document.Mytable().(2) access the form through an arrayIn addition to using the form name to access the form, you can use the array of form objects to access the form object. However, it should be noted that because the form object is provided by the browser environment, the array index provided by the browser environment is from 0 to n.3.1.5 Prerequisites for Reference FormsThe condition for reference to a form in JavaScript is that the form must be created on the page with an identifier and the defined form part is placed before the reference.3.2 The basic elements in the formThe basic elements in the form consist of buttons, radio buttons, check buttons, submit buttons, reset buttons, text boxes, and so on. To access these basic elements in JavaScript, you must implement an array subscript or window element name that corresponds to a specific form element. Each element is primarily referenced by its attributes ormethods.3.3 FrameworkThe main function of the Frames Frames is the "split" window, so that each "small window" can display different HTM L files. Different frames can interact with each other. This means that different frames can exchange messages and data. For example: Suppose you have opened two frames. The first frame shows the book's directory. The second frame shows the chapter's specific content.The framework can divide the screen into different areas. Each area has its own URL. Frames[] array objects can be used to access different frameworks. In fact, the frame object itself is also a kind of window, which inherits all the features of the window object and possesses all the attributes and methods. The use of the framework of the specific instructions3.4 Framework AccessEarlier we introduced using document.forms[] to access different elements in a single form. To access different elements of a multiframe in a frame, you must use the Frames property in the window object. The Frames property is also an array. It has one item for each sub-frame in the parent frameset.3.5 Summary of this chapterThis chapter mainly introduces the main functions and uses of thebasic elements in the framework. The use of JavaScript scripts can be very convenient and flexible to implement more complex information interaction of Web pages. This is not what the HTML markup language can provide. Y ou can see from it that JavaScript is a good tool for the Web to involve people.中文译文网页设计与制作作者M Siegel摘要本文将对个人网页设计与制作的方法、工具等展开研究和探讨。

网页设计外文翻译外文原文Source: Web Page Design Using JavaScriptTHE BASICSJA V ASCRIPT uses a subset of the programming language JA V A to provide a high level of interactivity on a web page. JavaScripts are stored within an HTML document and are interpreted by the web browser.JavaScripts may be located within the HTML code at the point in the page where they are to appear on the screen or they may be written using functions. Functions are small subprograms that are stored between the head tags of an HTML document and are called on to be executed when a particular event occurs.Whether the script is stored between the head tags or within the body of the HTML document, it must be enclosed in script tags. Also, a set of HTML comment tags are typically used inside the script tags so that older browsers that do not support JavaScript will ignore the script and continue to process the page without errors.Following is an example of the script and comment tags:<script language="javascript"><!--Include JavaScript Code Here//--></script>Be aware that JavaScript is case sensitive...the difference between a working script and an error message can be one capital letter.ALERT BOXESTo pop up an alert box include the following line of code inside of script tags in the body of your HTML document. Please note that the processing of the page will stop until the viewer responds to the alert box.alert ("Place the text to be displayed in the alert box between these quotes.")Other types of pre-made dialog boxes are available such as the prompt and confirm boxes. In order to take full advantage of the features of these dialog boxes you must write more JavaScript code which can use the values that are returned by the dialog boxes.The following statements will pop up a dialog box that requires a yes or no answer (OK or Cancel). If the answer is OK then the variable named answer has a value of true and if the answer is Cancel then the variable named answer has a value of false. You canthen use an if statement in the JavaScript code to respond appropriately.var answer = confirm ("Are you sure you want to quit?")if (answer==true){window.close()}The following code will pop up a dialog box that asks the user to enter some sort of information. If the user clicks OK the information they entered is stored in the variable. The second set of quotation marks inside of the prompt statement make the contents of the text box blank when the dialog box is displayed.var response = prompt ("What is your name?" ,"")document.write ("<font size=7 color=red face=arial>Hello " + response + "!") Notice that in the last two examples the window and document objects were used. Window refers to the browser window and document refers to the page being displayed. The use of a dot after the name of the object allows actions to be performed on that object or properties of that object to be modified. In this next example, the navigator object is referenced in order to display the browser name and version.alert ("You are using " + navigator.appName + " version " + navigator.appVersion + ".")POP-UP WINDOWSAn additional browser window may be opened using a simple JavaScript. The open method contains three parts as in the following example: the name of the document or url of the web site to be displayed in the new window, the name that may be used to refer to the browser window (requires more code than is shown here), and the properties of the new window. Please note that the properties are all listed in one set of quotation marks and are separated by commas.open ("myfile.html", "mywin", "height=200, width=200, titlebar=false")The following properties may be used to control the appearance of the new window:WRITING FUNCTIONSFunctions are small subprograms that are located within script tags between the head tags of an HTML document. Functions are executed when they are called by name from an event handler within the body of an HTML document.The basic structure of a function is as follows:function NameOfFunction( ){Include JavaScript Code Here}EVENT HANDLERSThe following example demonstrates the use of event handler onclick as well as the use of styles to control the appearance of buttons. Note that instead of using type=submit for the button the code simply says type=button. Copy and paste this entire set of code in to a new document and test it out.<html><head><title>Sample</title><style type="text/css">#bigbutton {background-color : yellow; font-family : arial; color : blue;font-size :18px; height : 50px; border-width : 0.2cm; border-color : red} </style></head><body><form name=myform><input type=button name=mybutton id=bigbutton value="CLICK ME!"onclick="window.location=''"></form></body></html>Changing the code for the button to read onclick="myfunction( )" will result in exactly the same thing as the previous example if the following function is included in a script between the head tags. Typically, you would write a function only if the event required more than one thing to happen.function myfunction( ){window.location = ""}The following are some of the event handlers that exist in javascript:Table1-2 event handlers that exist in javascriptonfocus onblur onselect onchangeonsubmit onclick onmouseover onmouseoutonload onunload onabort onerroronreset onkeypress onkeyup onmousedownonmousemove onmouseup onmove onresize POP-UP MENUSPop-Up Menus can be quickly created by using the select tag as it was used in forms to create a drop down list. Set the value of each of the options in the select tag to the url of the new page to be displayed. Use the onchange event handler to set the location of the window to the selected value in the drop down list. For example, if the form is named myform, the select tag is named mychoices, and the value of each option is a url then the statement window.location = document.myform.mychoices.value will take you to the new page that was selected from the drop down list.By default only one item in a list is displayed by a select statement until the viewer clicks on the down arrow to expose the rest of the list. To display more that one item at atime (and create a text box with a vertical scrollbar) include the size attribute in the select tag. For example, size=5 will display the first five items in the list and add a vertical scroll bar to the box if there are more than 5 items in the list.MOUSEOVERSA mouseover refers to the effect that occurs when the properties of an object are changed if the mouse is positioned over the top of the object and then again if the mouse is removed from the object. The quickest way to generate a mouseover is to use the onmouseover and onmouseout event handlers in a form of in-line style.Visit the style section of the DHTML page of this web site to see an example of mouseovers used with text as an in-line style. Any style property that applies to a particular object can be changed as the result of a mouseover.Performing mouseovers with a graphic is not much different than with text. When the desired event occurs (onmouseover, onmouseout) change the source of the graphic as in the example that follows:<img src="pic1.jpg" onmouseover="src='pic2.jpg'" onmouseout="src='pic1.jpg'"> SCROLLING TEXTSince the marquee tag is only supported by Internet Explorer it is a good idea to avoid it as much as possible and use a JavaScript to generate scrolling text instead. With this JavaScript it is also quite easy to place the scrolling text on the status bar instead of in the document itself by using window.status as the destination for the message. The following function will generate a scrolling message in a text box named mymessagebox which is part of a form named myform. The event handler onload must also be used in the body tag to call the function when the page loads.var message = "This is a test... "var position = 0function mymessage( ){document.myform.mymessagebox.value=message.substring(position, message.length) +message.substring(0, position)position = position + 1if (position > message.length){position = 0}window.setTimeout("mymessage( )", 300)}DATES AND TIMESDates and times are often displayed on web pages to indicate when a page was last updated, when a page was loaded, or to display a countdown to a particular event. Displaying the date and time of the last update is a good practice to get in to for all of your pages because frequent updates are one sign of a quality site. The date/time stamp lets the viewer know how recent the information is and therefore provides one indication of validity. To display the date and time of the last update (the last time the document was saved) use the following one line inside of script tags:document.write ("This page last updated " + stModified)To display the current time and date on a web page you must declare a variable of type Date ( var now = new Date). The variable can then be used to access various parts of the date and time including day of the week, month, day of the month, year, hours (in military time), minutes, and seconds. Assuming that now is the variable declared of type Date the following table describes how to access the parts of the date and time. Each of the function calls may be used in a document.write statement to display the result.One way to convert the numbers for the month and day of week in to words is touse if statements. Using a lot of if statements is not the most efficient way to display the words, but it is the method that requires the least amount of programming knowledge. Examine the following example. Notice the condition that follows the word if is in parentheses and that a double equal sign is used for the comparison. A single equal sign will actually make the condition true no matter what so January would always be displayed.if (now.getMonth( ) == 0)document.write ("January")The following function would display a working clock if your page contained a form called myform which contained a text box named mybox and the function was called using the onload event handler in the body tag. More code would need to be added to assure that the minutes and seconds always used two digits.function myclock( ){var now = new Datedocument.myform.mybox.value=now.getHours( )+":"+now.getMinutes( )+":"+now.getSeconds( )window.setTimeout ("myclock( )",1000)}To display a countdown to a future date, you will need two variables of type new Date. One of them will need to be set to the date that you are targeting with your countdown. The declarations would look as follows if you were going to count down to New Year's Day.var now = new Datevar then = new Date("January 1, 2002")The variable now in the above example actually holds the number of milliseconds that have passed since the computer started counting until now. The variable then in the above example actually holds the number of milliseconds that will have passed between the time the computer started counting and January 1, 2002. By subracting the two amounts and storing the answer in a new variable you will know the number of milliseconds between now and your target date. With a little division, this number can be converted to the number of days between now and your target date. In order to display the result as an integer, you will need to use the Math.ceil function as in the following example which uses the variable numdays to hold the number of days to be displayed. Ceil is short for ceiling which implies that the number will be rounded up tothe nearest whole number.document.write("Only " + Math.ceil(numdays) + " days until New Year's!")INTERACTIVE FORMSForms can be used for a lot more than just submitting information through email. Forms can be made to perform all sorts of actions when buttons are clicked.中文翻译出处:使用JavaScript设计网页基础JavaScript使用编程语言Java的一个子集在网页上提供高层次的交互。

Subject: Computer Science / Information TechnologyGrade Level: 7th – 9th GradeDuration: 2课时 (1 hour per class)Objective:To introduce students to the basics of web design, including HTML, CSS, and the use of web development tools. Students will learn how to create simple web pages and understand the importance of web design principles in creating user-friendly and visually appealing websites.Materials:- Computers with internet access- Textbooks or online resources on HTML and CSS- Code editors (e.g., Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text)- Projector or smartboard for demonstration- Handouts or slides with lesson content- Evaluation forms or rubrics for student projectsLesson Outline:Class 1: Introduction to Web Design and HTMLWarm-up (10 minutes):- Begin with a brief discussion about what students already know about the internet and websites.- Ask students to share their favorite websites and why they like them.Introduction (10 minutes):- Explain the importance of web design and how it affects user experience.- Introduce the concept of HTML as the backbone of web pages.Activity 1: HTML Basics (20 minutes):- Use the projector to demonstrate basic HTML tags (e.g., `<h1>`, `<p>`, `<a>`, `<img>`, `<div>`, `<span>`).- Guide students through creating a simple HTML document.- Encourage students to experiment with different tags to see how they affect the layout of their web pages.Class 1 Conclusion (10 minutes):- Review the main points covered in the lesson.- Assign a homework task to practice HTML coding at home.Class 2: CSS and Web Design PrinciplesWarm-up (10 minutes):- Briefly review the HTML basics from the previous class.- Ask students to share their homework experiences and any challenges they faced.Introduction to CSS (10 minutes):- Explain what CSS is and how it works with HTML to style web pages.- Introduce the concept of selectors and properties in CSS.Activity 2: CSS Basics (20 minutes):- Demonstrate how to apply CSS styles to HTML elements.- Guide students through creating a styled web page using CSS.- Discuss web design principles such as contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity.Group Project (30 minutes):- Divide students into small groups.- Assign each group a simple web design project, such as creating a portfolio page or a school event announcement.- Provide guidelines on the project requirements and encourage students to use their new HTML and CSS skills.Class 2 Conclusion (10 minutes):- Conclude the lesson by reviewing the key concepts of web design and CSS.- Highlight the importance of user experience in web design.- Provide feedback on the group projects.Homework:- Students should complete their assigned web design project using HTML and CSS.- Encourage students to share their projects with the class for peer review.Evaluation:- Assess students’ understanding of HTML and CSS through their group projects.- Evaluate the students’ ability to apply web design principles in their projects.- Provide constructive feedback on the projects and encourage students to continue exploring web design.Additional Resources:- Online tutorials and resources for HTML and CSS- Web design forums and communities for further learning- Examples of well-designed websites for inspirationNote:This template can be adapted to fit different learning styles and time constraints. Teachers may choose to extend the activities or include additional topics such as responsive design, JavaScript, or web accessibility.。


河北科技师范学院本科毕业设计外文翻译 Overview院(系、部名称:数学与信息科技学院专业名称:网络工程学生姓名:张三学生学号:0913080104指导教师:张三2011年 11月 21日河北科技师范学院教务处制 and the .NET Framework is part of Microsoft's overall .NET framework, which contains a vast set of programming classes designed to satisfy any conceivable programming need. In the following two sections, you learn how fits within the .NET framework, and you learn about the languages you can use in your pages.The .NET Framework Class LibraryImagine that you are Microsoft. Imagine that you have to support multiple programming languages—such as Visual Basic, JScript, and C++. A great deal of the functionality of these programming languages overlaps. For example, for each language, you would have to include methods for accessing the file system, working with databases, and manipulating strings.Furthermore, these languages contain similar programming constructs. Every language, for example, can represent loops and conditionals. Even though the syntax of a conditional written in Visual Basic differs from the syntax of a conditional written inC++, the programming function is the same.Finally, most programming languages have similar variable data types. In most languages, you have some means of representing strings and integers, for example. The maximum and minimum size of an integer might depend on the language, but the basic data type is the same.Maintaining all this functionality for multiple languages requires a lot of work. Why keep reinventing the wheel? Wouldn't it be easier to create all this functionality once and use it for every language?The .NET Framework Class Library does exactly that. It consists of a vast set of classes designed to satisfy any conceivable programming need. For example,the .NET framework contains classes for handling database access, working with the file system, manipulating text, and generating graphics. In addition, it contains more specialized classes for performing tasks such as working with regular expressions and handling network protocols.The .NET framework, furthermore, contains classes that represent all the basic variable data types such as strings, integers, bytes, characters, and arrays.Most importantly, for purposes of this book, the .NET Framework Class Library contains classes for building pages. You need to understand, however, that you can access any of the .NET framework classes when you are building your pages.Understanding NamespacesAs you might guess, the .NET framework is huge. It contains thousands of classes (over 3,400. Fortunately, the classes are not simply jumbled together. The classes ofthe .NET framework are organized into a hierarchy of namespaces.ASP Classic NoteIn previous versions of Active Server Pages, you had access to only five standard classes (the Response, Request, Session, Application, and Server objects. , in contrast, provides you with access to over 3,400 classes!A namespace is a logical grouping of classes. For example, all the classes that relate to working with the file system are gathered together into the System.IO namespace.The namespaces are organized into a hierarchy (a logical tree. At the root of the tree is the System namespace. This namespace contains all the classes forthe base data types, such as strings and arrays. It also contains classes for working with random numbers and dates and times.You can uniquely identify any class in the .NET framework by using the full namespace of the class. For example, to uniquely refer to the class that represents a file system file (the File class, you would use the following:System.IO.FileSystem.IO refers to the namespace, and File refers to the particular class.NOTEYou can view all the namespaces of the standard classes in the .NET Framework Class Library by viewing the Reference Documentation for the .NET Framework.Standard NamespacesThe classes contained in a select number of namespaces are available in your pages by default. (You must explicitly import other namespaces. These default namespaces contain classes that you use most often in your applications:System—Contains all the base data types and other useful classes such as those related to generating random numbers and working with dates and times.System.Collections—Contains classes for working with standard collection types such as hash tables, and array lists.System.Collections.Specialized— Contains classes that represent specialized collections such as linked lists and string collections.System.Configuration— Contains classes for working with configuration files (Web.config files.System.Text—Contains classes for encoding, decoding, and manipulating the contents of strings.System.Text.RegularExpressions— Contains classes for performing regular expression match and replace operations.System.Web—Contains the basic classes for working with the World Wide Web, including classes for representing browser requests and server responses.System.Web.Caching—Contains classes used for caching the content of pages and classes for performing custom caching operations.System.Web.Security—Contains classes for implementing authentication and authorization such as Forms and Passport authentication.System.Web.SessionState—Contains classes for implementing session state.System.Web.UI— Contains the basic classes used in building the user interface of pages.System.Web.UI.HTMLControls— Contains the classes for the HTML controls.System.Web.UI.WebControls— Contains the classes for the Web controls..NET Framework-Compatible LanguagesFor purposes of this book, you will write the application logic for your pages using Visual Basic as your programming language. It is the default language for pages (and the most popular programming language in the world. Although you stick to Visual Basic in this book, you also need tounderstand that you can create pages by using any language that supports the .NET Common Language Runtime. Out of the box, this includes C# (pronounced See Sharp, (the .NET version of JavaScript, and the Managed Extensions to C++.NOTEThe CD included with this book contains C# versions of all the code samples.Dozens of other languages created by companies other than Microsoft have been developed to work with the .NET framework. Some examples of these other languages include Python, SmallTalk, Eiffel, and COBOL. This means that you could, if you really wanted to, write pages using COBOL.Regardless of the language that you use to develop your pages, you need to understand that pages are compiled before they are executed. This means that pages can execute very quickly.The first time you request an page, the page is compiled into a .NET class, and the resulting class file is saved beneath a special directory on your server namedTemporary Files. For each and every page, a corresponding class file appears in the Temporary Files directory. Whenever you request the same page in the future, the corresponding class file is executed.When an page is compiled, it is not compiled directly into machine code. Instead, it is compiled into an intermediate-level language called Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL. All .NET-compatible languages are compiled into this intermediate language.An page isn't compiled into native machine code until it is actually requested by a browser. At that point, the class file contained in the Temporary Files directory is compiled with the .NET framework Just in Time (JIT compiler and executed.The magical aspect of this whole process is that it happens automatically in the background. All you have to do is create a text file with the source code for your page, and the .NET framework handles all the hard work of converting it into compiled code for you.ASP CLASSIC NOTEWhat about VBScript? Before , VBScript was the most popular language for developing Active Server Pages. does not support VBScript, and this is good news. Visual Basic is a superset of VBScript, which means that Visual Basic has all the functionality of VBScript and more. So, you have a richer set of functions and statements with Visual Basic.Furthermore, unlike VBScript, Visual Basic is a compiled language. This means that if you use Visual Basic to rewrite the same code that you wrote with VBScript, you can get better performance.If you have worked only with VBScript and not Visual Basic in the past, don't worry. Since VBScript is so closely related to Visual Basic, you'll find it easy to make the transition between the two languages.NOTE Microsoft includes an interesting tool named the IL Disassembler (ILDASM with the .NET framework. You can use this tool to view the disassembled code for any of the classes in the Temporary Files directory. It lists all the methods and properties of the class and enables you to view the intermediate-level code.This tool also works with all the controls discussed in this chapter. For example, you can use the IL Disassembler to view the intermediate-level code for the TextBox control (located in a file named System.Web.dll. 和 .NET Framework是微软.NET框架总体战略的一部分。
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外文资料JavaServer Pages OverviewJavaServer Pages (JSP) technology enables Web developers and designers to rapidly develop and easily maintain, information-rich, dynamic Web pages that leverage existing business systems. As part of the Java technology family, JSP technology enables rapid development of Web-based applications that are platform independent. JSP technology separates the user interface from content generation, enabling designers to change the overall page layout without altering the underlying dynamic content.Benefits for DevelopersIf you are a Web page developer or designer who is familiar with HTML, you can: Use JSP technology without having to learn the Java language: You can use JSP technology without learning how to write Java scriplets. Although scriptlets are no longer required to generate dynamic content, they are still supported to provide backward compatibility.Extend the JSP language: Java tag library developers and designers can extend the JSP language with "simple tag handlers," which utilize a new, much simpler and cleaner, tag extension API. This spurs the growing number of pluggable, reusable tag libraries available, which in turn reduces the amount of code needed to write powerful Web applications.Easily write and maintain pages: The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) expression language is now integrated into JSP technology and has been upgraded to support functions. The expression language can now be used instead of scriptlet expressions.JSP Technology and Java ServletsJSP technology uses XML-like tags that encapsulate the logic that generates the content for the page. The application logic can reside in server-based resources (such as JavaBeans component architecture) that the page accesses with these tags. Any and all formatting (HTML or XML) tags are passed directly back to the response page. By separating the page logic from its design and display and supporting a reusable component-based design, JSP technology makes it faster and easier than ever to build Web-based applications.JavaServer Pages technology is an extension of the Java Servlet technology. Servlets are platform-independent, server-side modules that fit seamlessly into a Web server framework and can be used to extend the capabilities of a Web server with minimal overhead, maintenance, and support. Unlike other scripting languages, servlets involve no platform-specific consideration or modifications; they are application components that are downloaded, on demand, to the part of the system that needs them. Together, JSP technology and servlets provide an attractive alternative to other types of dynamic Web scripting/programming by offering: platform independence; enhanced performance; separation of logic from display; ease of administration; extensibility into the enterprise; and, most importantly, ease of use.Today servlets are a popular choice for building interactive Web applications.Third-party servlet containers are available for Apache Web Server, Microsoft IIS, and others. Servlet containers are usually a component of Web and application servers, such as BEA WebLogic Application Server, IBM WebSphere, Sun Java System Web Server, Sun Java System Application Server, and others.Community BackgroundThe JSP specification is the product of industry-wide collaboration with industry leaders in the enterprise software and tools markets, led by Sun Microsystems. Sun has made the JSP specification freely available to the developer community, with the goal that every Web server and application server will support the JSP interface. JSP pages share the "Write Once, Run Anywhere" advantages of Java technology. JSP technology is a key component in the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition, Sun's highly scalable architecture for enterprise applications.JSP Technology in the Java EE 5 PlatformThe focus of Java EE 5 has been ease of development by making use of Java language annotations that were introduced by J2SE 5.0. JSP 2.1 supports this goal by defining annotations for dependency injection on JSP tag handlers and context listeners. Another key concern of the Java EE 5 specification has been the alignment of its webtier technologies, namely JavaServer Pages (JSP), JavaServer Faces (JSF), and JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL).The outcome of this alignment effort has been the Unified Expression Language (EL), which integrates the expression languages defined by JSP 2.0 and JSF 1.1.The main key additions to the Unified EL that came out of tbe alignment work have been:A pluggable API for resolving variable references into Java objects and for resolving the properties applied to these Java objects,Support for deferred expressions, which may be evaluated by a tag handler when needed, unlike their regular expression counterparts, which get evaluated immediately when a page is executed and rendered, andSupport for lvalue expression, which appear on the left hand side of an assignment operation. When used as an lvalue, an EL expression represents a reference to a data structure, for example: a JavaBeans property, that is assigned some user input.The new Unified EL is defined in its own specification document, which is delivered along with the JSP 2.1 specification.Thanks to the Unified EL, JSTL tags, such as the JSTL iteration tags, can now be used with JSF components in an intuitive way.Java Servlet Technology OverviewServlets are the Java platform technology of choice for extending and enhancing Web servers. Servlets provide a component-based, platform-independent method for building Web-based applications, without the performance limitations of CGI programs. And unlike proprietary server extension mechanisms (such as the Netscape Server API or Apache modules), servlets are server- and platform-independent. This leaves you free to select a "best of breed" strategy for your servers, platforms, and tools.Servlets have access to the entire family of Java APIs, including the JDBC API to access enterprise databases. Servlets can also access a library of HTTP-specific calls and receive all the benefits of the mature Java language, including portability, performance, reusability, and crash protection.Today servlets are a popular choice for building interactive Web applications. Third-party servlet containers are available for Apache Web Server, Microsoft IIS, and others. Servlet containers are usually a component of Web and application servers, such as BEA WebLogic Application Server, IBM WebSphere, Sun Java System Web Server, Sun Java System Application Server, and others.You might want to check out the latest information on JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology. JSP technology is an extension of the servlet technology created to support authoring of HTML and XML pages. It makes it easier to combine fixed or static template data with dynamic content. Even if you're comfortable writing servlets, there are several compelling reasons to investigate JSP technology as a complementto your existing work.JavaBeansJavaBeans technology is the component architecture for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE). Components (JavaBeans) are reusable software programs thatyou can develop and assemble easily to create sophisticated applications. JavaBeans technology is based on the JavaBeans specification.The Bean BuilderThe Bean Builder is a simple component assembler that demonstrates the visual construction of applications using component assembly mechanisms.JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF)JAF lets you take advantage of standard services to: determine the type of an arbitrary piece of data; encapsulate access to it; discover the operations availableon it; and instantiate the appropriate bean to perform the operation(s).The Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is a standard that defines an environment forthe development and deployment of enterprise applications. It reduces the cost and complexity of developing multitier enterprise applications as it provides amultitier distributed application model. In other words, it is inherently distributed and therefore the various parts of an application can run on different devices.Web applications developed using JavaServer Pages (JSP) may require some interaction with J2EE services. For example, a web-based inventory control system may need to access J2EE's directory services to gain access to a database. Or you may want touse Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) in your application.This article presents a brief overview of J2EE, then it shows how to: Describe J2EE services in a Web Deployment Descriptor (web.xml)Reference J2EE servicesAccess and use J2EE services from JSPsOverview of J2EEThe J2EE is a standard platform for the development and deployment of enterprise applications. The architecture of J2EE, which is component-based, makes developingenterprise applications easy because business logic is organized into reusable components and the underlying service is provided by J2EE in the form of a container for every component type. Think of a container as the interface between the component and the low-level functionality that supports the component. Therefore, before an application client component can be executed, it must be configured as a J2EE service and deployed into its container.J2EE promotes the development of multitier applications in which the web container hosts web components that are dedicated to handling a given application's presentation logic, and responds to requests from the client (such as the web browser). The EJB container, on the other hand, hosts application components that respond to requests from the web tier as shown in Figure 1.Figure 1: Multitier ApplicationsApplications that use this architecture are implicitly scalable. This architecture decouples the accessing of data from end-user interactions, and encourages component-based code reusability. At the web tier, J2EE promotes the use of JSPs for the creation of dynamic content for Web clients.Custom Tags and J2EEJ2EE has a lot to offer to Web application developers and the JSP custom tag developer. As you can see from Table 1 above, it has a rich set of standard APIs for sending email, accessing databases, parsing XML documents, and so on. Your Web applications can benefit greatly from these APIs. For example, you can write a JSP custom tag for sending email that can be used easily by Web content developers who are not familiar with Java. If you are not familiar with JSP custom tags, their benefits, and how to create them, please refer to Developing JSP Custom Tags.外文资料译文Javaserverpages概况Javaserverpages(jsp)技术,使Web开发人员和设计师可以快速开发和易于维护,利用现有的业务系统的动态网页使信息丰富。