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A. Role Reversal

I. Words and Phrases

1. bacon 腌猪肉,熏猪肉

2. stroller (婴幼儿的)小推车

3. diaper 尿布

4. attorney 律师

5. deleterious 有害的

II. Questions

1. What are the traditional roles in a family?

Mom stays at home and dad goes out to bring home the bacon.

2. What are the findings from a major heart study?

Men who have been stay-at-home dads for at least 10 years have an 80% greater chance of dying from heart disease than those who traditionally work outside the home.

3. Why do these men stay at home baby-sitting their children?

Because their wives’ incomes are higher.

B. The Private Life of Plants (1)

Episode 1: Traveling

I. Words

1. dock 羊蹄

2. hazel 榛子

3. foxglove 毛地黄

4. bramble 悬钩子

5. earth-star 地星

6. bird-cage plant 角叶月

7. wood anemone / windflower银莲

8. spore 孢子

9. puffball 马勃菌

10. dandelion 蒲公英

II. Questions

2. Why we human beings are seldom aware of the dramas happening to plants?

We and plants live on a different time scale.

4. When we condense 3 months into 20 seconds, what dramatic changes of plants can we see?

The desolation of winter quickly warms into the riot of spring.

6. Why do bird-cage plants travel to find a new place?

The desert dunes are always moving and a sheltered site can suddenly become intolerably exposed.

10. How do the seeds of dandelions fly?

A special apparatus is needed by the seeds of dandelions to fly. Each seed of the dandelion is fitted with its own individual parachute.

C. Polar Bears

I. Words

1. walrus 海象

2. skinny 皮的,皮包骨的

3. jeopardize 危及,处于危险状况

4. ratify 批准,认可

5. protocol 条约,草案

II. Questions

3.What will happen in the Arctic Ocean in 100 years by the end of each summer if

the trend continues?

There will be no ice at all in the Arctic Ocean.

D. The Private Life of Plants (2)

Episode 2: Growing

I. Words

1. canopy 罩盖,天蓬

2. fern (蕨类植物)羊齿植物

3. pore 气孔

4. sapling 树苗

5. chestnut 栗子树,栗子

6. sycamore 枫树,梧桐

7. larch 落叶松

8. begonia 秋海棠

9. chlorophyll 叶绿素

10. photosynthesis 光合作用

11. mimicry 模拟;拟态12. shrivel 起皱纹

13. pebble 鹅卵

14. gravel 碎石子

15. nectar 甘露

16. caterpillar 毛毛虫

17. bogus 假的

18. passion flower 西番莲

19. mimosa 含羞草

20. carnivorous plants 食肉植物

II. Questions

4.What will happen to leaves if water lies on their surface?

It clogs up the pores. / It blocks the pores.

the examples given in this episode to explain how plants use mimicry to

defend themselves?

Pebble plants

Passion flowers

7.What is the dramatic solution a sensitive mimosa possesses to defend itself?

One touch makes it fold its leaflets; another tap, and it falls towards the ground.

the carnivorous plants given in this episode?

Flytrap Pitcher plants

E. Two Ozone Holes

I. Words

1. refractor 折射器

2. sunscreen 防晒霜

3. ultraviolet 紫外线

4. plankton 浮游生物

5. cataract 白内障

6. fluke 侥幸

7. aerosol 喷雾器,烟雾剂

8. coolant 冷却剂
