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Vinegar-Soaked Egg: A Magical Science Experiment.

Have you ever wondered how vinegar can transform a regular egg into a bouncy, rubbery egg? Well, let me tell you all about this magical science experiment!

First, gather all the materials you will need: a raw egg, a glass or jar, and some vinegar. Make sure the glass or jar is big enough to fully submerge the egg.

Now, carefully place the egg into the glass or jar. Then, pour enough vinegar into the glass or jar to completely cover the egg. It's important to note that the vinegar should be white distilled vinegar, as it contains acetic acid, which is key to the experiment.

Next, let the egg soak in the vinegar for at least 24

hours. During this time, the vinegar will start to dissolve the eggshell. You may notice bubbles forming around the egg, which is a sign that a chemical reaction is taking place.

After 24 hours, carefully remove the egg from the vinegar. You will notice that the eggshell has become soft and rubbery, and can even be easily peeled off. This is because the acetic acid in the vinegar has reacted with the calcium carbonate in the eggshell, breaking it down.

Now, here comes the fun part! Hold the egg a few inches above a table or hard surface, and gently drop it. Instead

of cracking like a regular egg, it will bounce! This happens because the egg has become more elastic due to the removal of the shell. It's like a magic trick!








