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SANYO 26英寸墙外冷暖机及热泵技术与服务手册说明书

SANYO 26英寸墙外冷暖机及热泵技术与服务手册说明书

TECHNICAL & SERVICE MANUALSTB0810C1STB0811C1STB1010C1STB1023C1STB1020C1STB1123C1STB1220C1STB0823H1SANYO 26˝ THROUGH THE WALL AIR CONDITIONERS & HEAT PUMPSTB0810C1 STB0811C1STB1010C1 STB1023C1STB1020C1 STB1123C1STB1220C1 STB0823H1Destination: U.S.A.HOW TO USE THIS MANUALThis manual is designed to help service personnel to understand basic functions, operation and possible troubles and their remedies on SANYO 26˝ Through The Wall Air Conditioner. You can use this manual both as a reference to find specific information about the capacity, construction of the unit, and as a source of information to help you set up and maintain the air conditioner. Please use this manual to make your work easier, keep the air conditioner functioning well, and keep your customer satisfied.Please read IMPORTANT ! precautional information on the previous page before you start actual work.SANYO 26˝ THROUGH THE WALL A/C MODEL IDENTIFICATIONSANYO 26˝ Through The Wall Air Conditioner is identified by a model number. Cooling or heating capacity, electrical information and special features included on the air conditioner are indicated on the model number.Table of ContentsPage 1.OPERATING RANGE (1)2.SPECIFICATIONS2-1.Unit Specifications (2)2-2.Major Component Specifications (4)2-3.Other Component Specifications (6)3.DIMENSIONAL DATA (7)4.REFRIGERANT FLOW DIAGRAM (8)5.PERFORMANCE DATA5-1.Cooling Capacity (9)5-2.Heating Capacity (17)6.ELECTRICAL DATA6-1.Electrical Characteristics (18)6-2.Electrical Wiring Diagrams (21)6-3.P.C.B.Ass'y (Printed Pattern) (27)7.TROUBLESHOOTING7-1.Check before and after troubleshooting (28)7-2.Air conditioner does not operate (29)7-3.Some part of air conditioner does not operate (31)7-4.Air conditioner operates, but abnormalities are observed (33)7-5.If a sensor is defective (34)8.CHECKING ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS8-1.Measurement of Insulation Resistance (35)8-2.Checking Motor Capacitor (36)8-3.Checking Fan Motor Winding (36)8-4.Checking Compressor Motor Winding (36)8-5.Checking Thermistor (36)9.DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE9-1.Removing Front Grille (37)9-2.Removing Wall Sleeve (37)9-3.Removing Electrical Component Box (37)9-4.Removing Electric Heater (38)9-5.Removing Blower Wheel (39)9-6.Removing Evaporator (39)9-7.Removing Condenser (40)9-8.Removing Propeller Fan (40)9-9.Removing Fan Motor (41)10.FUNCTION10-1.Room temperature Control (42)10-2.Defrosting Operation (Heating) (45)1.OPERATING RANGEs COOLING ONLY MODELModels STB0810C1STB1010C1STB1020C1STB1220C1s COOLING & ELECTRIC HEATING MODELModels STB0811C1STB1023C1STB1123C1s HEAT PUMP MODELModel STB0823H12.SPECIFICATIONS 2-1.Unit Specifications2-2.Major Component Specifications2-3.Other Component SpecificationsModels STB0810C1STB1010C1STB1020C1STB1220C1STB0811C1STB1023C1STB1123C1STB0823H1Room Thermostat YTB-2U136YTB-2U358 Model STB1020C1 STB0810C1STB0811C1 STB1023C1STB1220C1 STB1010C1 STB1123C1 Openrating temp.Cold°F ON: 65 / OFF: 61±3 (Diff: 4 Deg)Warm°F ON: 90 / OFF:86PTC Thermister (for compressor start up)PTH491A04AR470N500 Model STB0810C1 STB0811C1Resistance at 77°FΩ47±30%Relay (Heater)VC20A-115-S VC20A-230-S Model STB0811C1STB1023C1 STB1123C1 Coil rating AC115V , 60Hz AC208/230V , 60Hz Contact rating AC265V , 22A AC265V , 22AElectoric Heater Ass'y AH-H06S AH-H10S Model STB0811C1STB1023C1 STB0823H1STB1123C1 Heater Element Rating 1.22 kW , 115V 3.4 kW , 230VResistanceΩ 9.5±1.5% (at 68°F)13.6±1.5% (at 68°F)Watt Dinsty w/in28.913.2Dimension In Dia 3/8 , Leng 36Dia 3/8 , Leng 36 Heater Thermo.Type CS-7LOpenrating temp°F OFF : 122±5 / ON : 95±9 Fuse Type SF-152UOpenrating temp°F306±5Power Trnsformer ATR-J64ULN2Model STB0823H1Rating Primary AC220V , 60HzSecondary AC19V , 0.3AThermister (Room sensor)PBC-41E-S29Model STB0823H1Resistance at 32°F kΩ15±5%Thermister (Outdoor coil)PBC-41E-S14Model STB0823H1Resistance at 32°F kΩ15±5%4-way Valve (Solenoid coil)CHV-01AQ503UA1(Coil) / CHV-01U1(Valve) Model STB0823H1Coil raiting AC208/230V (60Hz) , 6W3.DIMENSIONAL DATAModels STB0810C1STB1010C1STB1020C1STB1220C1 STB0811C1STB1023C1STB1123C1STB0823H14.REFRIGERANT FLOW DIAGRAM Models STB0810C1STB1010C1STB1020C1STB1220C1 STB0811C1STB1023C1STB1123C1Model STB0823H15.PERFORMANCE DATA5-1.Cooling CapacityModel STB0810C1115 V Single phase 60 HzRATING CAPACITY8,200BTU/hAIR FLOW RATE270CFMEVAPORATOR CONDENSERENT. TEMP. °F (°C)OUTDOOR AMBIENT TEMP. °F( °C)W.B. D.B. 67 75 85 95 105 110(19.4) (23.9) (29.4) (35.0) (40.6) (43.3)TC8,2607,9007,5407,1806,7506,210CM0.600.650.700.750.790.8470 (21.1)SHC6,2606,1005,9405,7805,5805,3505973 (22.8)SHC7,3107,1506,9906,8306,6306,210(15.0)77 (25.0)SHC8,2607,9007,5407,1806,7506,21080 (26.7)SHC8,2607,9007,5407,1806,7506,21084 (28.9)SHC8,2607,9007,5407,1806,7506,21088 (31.1)SHC8,2607,9007,5407,1806,7506,210TC9,3508,4808,0907,7107,2506,670CM0.620.670.720.770.810.8670 (21.1)SHC5,1705,0104,8404,6804,4904,2606373 (22.8)SHC6,2206,0605,8905,7305,5405,310(17.2)77 (25.0)SHC7,2707,1106,9406,7806,5906,36080 (26.7)SHC8,3208,1607,9907,7107,2506,67084 (28.9)SHC8,8608,4808,0907,7107,2506,67088 (31.1)SHC8,8608,4808,0907,7107,2506,670TC9,4309,0208,610#8,2007,7107,090CM0.640.690.740.790.840.8970 (21.1)SHC4,0503,8903,7303,5703,3803,1506773 (22.8)SHC5,1004,9404,7804,6204,4304,200(19.4)77 (25.0)SHC6,1505,9905,8305,6705,4805,25080 (26.7)SHC7,2007,0406,8706,7206,5306,29084 (28.9)SHC8,2508,0907,9207,7707,5807,09088 (31.1)SHC9,3009,0208,6108,2007,7107,090TC10,0009,5609,1308,6908,1707,520CM0.660.710.760.820.860.9173 (22.8)SHC3,9703,8203,6603,5003,3203,0907077 (25.0)SHC5,0204,8604,7104,5504,3704,140(21.1)80 (26.7)SHC6,0705,9105,7605,6005,4205,19084 (28.9)SHC7,1206,9606,8106,6506,4706,24088 (31.1)SHC8,1708,0107,8607,7007,5207,290TC10,61010,1509,6709,1308,5407,950CM0.670.730.780.840.890.94 7377 (25.0)SHC3,8503,6903,5303,3603,1702,970(22.8)80 (26.7)SHC4,9004,7404,5804,4004,2204,02084 (28.9)SHC5,9505,7905,6305,4505,2605,07088 (31.1)SHC7,0006,8406,6806,5006,3106,120TC :Total Cooling Capacity (BTU/h)SHC :Sensible Heat Capacity (BTU/h)CM :Compressor Input (kW)Rating conditions (#Mark) areOutdoor Ambient Temp. 95°F (35°C) D.B.Model STB1010C1115 V Single phase 60 HzRATING CAPACITY10,200BTU/hAIR FLOW RATE270CFMEVAPORATOR CONDENSERENT. TEMP. °F (°C)OUTDOOR AMBIENT TEMP. °F( °C)W.B. D.B. 67 75 85 95 105 110(19.4) (23.9) (29.4) (35.0) (40.6) (43.3)TC10,2809,8309,3808,9408,3907,730CM0.800.870.93 1.00 1.06 1.1370 (21.1)SHC7,2207,0006,7906,5806,3206,0205973 (22.8)SHC8,2708,0507,8407,6307,3707,070(15.0)77 (25.0)SHC9,3209,1008,8908,6808,3907,73080 (26.7)SHC10,2809,8309,3808,9408,3907,73084 (28.9)SHC10,2809,8309,3808,9408,3907,73088 (31.1)SHC10,2809,8309,3808,9408,3907,730TC11,63010,55010,0709,5909,0108,290CM0.820.890.95 1.02 1.09 1.1570 (21.1)SHC6,1305,9105,7005,4905,2404,9306373 (22.8)SHC7,1806,9606,7506,5406,2905,980(17.2)77 (25.0)SHC8,2308,0107,8007,5807,3307,03080 (26.7)SHC9,2809,0608,8508,6308,3808,08084 (28.9)SHC10,33010,1109,9009,5909,0108,29088 (31.1)SHC11,03010,55010,0709,5909,0108,290TC11,73011,22010,710#10,2009,5908,820CM0.850.920.98 1.05 1.12 1.1970 (21.1)SHC5,0004,7804,5704,3604,1103,8106773 (22.8)SHC6,0505,8305,6205,4105,1604,860(19.4)77 (25.0)SHC7,0906,8806,6706,4606,2105,91080 (26.7)SHC8,1407,9307,7207,5107,2606,96084 (28.9)SHC9,1908,9808,7708,5608,3108,01088 (31.1)SHC10,24010,0309,8209,6109,3608,820TC12,43011,89011,35010,81010,1609,350CM0.870.94 1.01 1.08 1.15 1.2273 (22.8)SHC4,9004,6904,4804,2804,0403,7407077 (25.0)SHC5,9505,7405,5305,3305,0904,790(21.1)80 (26.7)SHC7,0006,7906,5806,3806,1405,84084 (28.9)SHC8,0507,8407,6307,4307,1906,89088 (31.1)SHC9,1008,8908,6808,4808,2407,940TC13,19012,62012,03011,35010,6309,880CM0.890.97 1.04 1.11 1.18 1.26 7377 (25.0)SHC4,7604,5504,3404,1003,8603,610(22.8)80 (26.7)SHC5,8105,6005,3905,1504,9004,65084 (28.9)SHC6,8506,6506,4406,2005,9505,70088 (31.1)SHC7,9007,7007,4907,2507,0006,750TC :Total Cooling Capacity (BTU/h)SHC :Sensible Heat Capacity (BTU/h)CM :Compressor Input (kW)Rating conditions (#Mark) areOutdoor Ambient Temp. 95°F (35°C) D.B.Model STB1020C1230 V Single phase 60 HzRATING CAPACITY9,700BTU/hAIR FLOW RATE270CFMEVAPORATOR CONDENSERENT. TEMP. °F (°C)OUTDOOR AMBIENT TEMP. °F( °C)W.B. D.B. 67 75 85 95 105 110(19.4) (23.9) (29.4) (35.0) (40.6) (43.3)TC9,7709,3508,9208,5007,9807,350CM0.760.820.880.940.97 1.0070 (21.1)SHC6,9806,7806,5806,3806,1405,8605973 (22.8)SHC8,0307,8307,6307,4307,1906,910(15.0)77 (25.0)SHC9,0808,8808,6808,4807,9807,35080 (26.7)SHC9,7709,3508,9208,5007,9807,35084 (28.9)SHC9,7709,3508,9208,5007,9807,35088 (31.1)SHC9,7709,3508,9208,5007,9807,350TC11,06010,0309,5709,1208,5707,890CM0.780.840.900.97 1.00 1.0270 (21.1)SHC5,8905,6905,4905,2905,0504,7606373 (22.8)SHC6,9406,7406,5406,3406,1005,810(17.2)77 (25.0)SHC7,9907,7907,5807,3907,1506,86080 (26.7)SHC9,0408,8408,6308,4408,2007,89084 (28.9)SHC10,0909,8909,5709,1208,5707,89088 (31.1)SHC10,49010,0309,5709,1208,5707,890TC11,15010,67010,180#9,7009,1208,390CM0.800.870.93 1.00 1.03 1.0670 (21.1)SHC4,7604,5604,3604,1603,9303,6506773 (22.8)SHC5,8105,6105,4105,2104,9804,700(19.4)77 (25.0)SHC6,8606,6606,4606,2606,0305,75080 (26.7)SHC7,9107,7107,5107,3107,0806,80084 (28.9)SHC8,9608,7608,5608,3608,1307,85088 (31.1)SHC10,0109,8109,6109,4109,1208,390TC11,82011,31010,80010,2809,6708,890CM0.830.890.96 1.03 1.06 1.0973 (22.8)SHC4,6704,4704,2804,0903,8603,5807077 (25.0)SHC5,7205,5205,3305,1404,9104,630(21.1)80 (26.7)SHC6,7706,5706,3806,1905,9605,68084 (28.9)SHC7,8207,6207,4307,2407,0106,73088 (31.1)SHC8,8708,6708,4808,2908,0607,780TC12,55012,00011,44010,80010,1109,400CM0.840.920.98 1.05 1.09 1.12 7377 (25.0)SHC4,5304,3404,1403,9203,6903,450(22.8)80 (26.7)SHC5,5805,3905,1904,9704,7404,50084 (28.9)SHC6,6306,4406,2406,0205,7905,55088 (31.1)SHC7,6807,4907,2907,0706,8406,600TC :Total Cooling Capacity (BTU/h)SHC :Sensible Heat Capacity (BTU/h)CM :Compressor Input (kW)Rating conditions (#Mark) areOutdoor Ambient Temp. 95°F (35°C) D.B.Model STB1220C1230 V Single phase 60 HzRATING CAPACITY11,500BTU/hAIR FLOW RATE270CFMEVAPORATOR CONDENSERENT. TEMP. °F (°C)OUTDOOR AMBIENT TEMP. °F( °C)W.B. D.B. 67 75 85 95 105 110(19.4) (23.9) (29.4) (35.0) (40.6) (43.3)TC11,59011,08010,58010,0709,4608,710CM0.920.99 1.06 1.14 1.21 1.2870 (21.1)SHC7,8807,6207,3707,1306,8306,4805973 (22.8)SHC8,9308,6708,4208,1807,8807,530(15.0)77 (25.0)SHC9,9809,7209,4709,2308,9308,58080 (26.7)SHC11,03010,77010,52010,0709,4608,71084 (28.9)SHC11,59011,08010,58010,0709,4608,71088 (31.1)SHC11,59011,08010,58010,0709,4608,710TC13,11011,89011,35010,81010,1609,350CM0.94 1.02 1.09 1.17 1.24 1.3170 (21.1)SHC6,7906,5306,2806,0405,7405,3906373 (22.8)SHC7,8407,5807,3307,0906,7906,440(17.2)77 (25.0)SHC8,8908,6308,3808,1407,8407,49080 (26.7)SHC9,9409,6809,4309,1908,8908,54084 (28.9)SHC10,99010,73010,48010,2309,9409,35088 (31.1)SHC12,04011,78011,35010,81010,1609,350TC13,22012,65012,070#11,50010,8109,950CM0.97 1.05 1.13 1.21 1.28 1.3570 (21.1)SHC5,6505,4005,1504,9004,6204,2606773 (22.8)SHC6,7006,4506,2005,9505,6705,310(19.4)77 (25.0)SHC7,7507,5007,2507,0006,7206,36080 (26.7)SHC8,8008,5508,3008,0507,7707,41084 (28.9)SHC9,8509,6009,3509,1008,8108,46088 (31.1)SHC10,90010,65010,40010,1509,8609,510TC14,02013,41012,80012,19011,46010,540CM 1.00 1.08 1.16 1.24 1.32 1.3973 (22.8)SHC5,5505,3005,0504,8104,5304,1907077 (25.0)SHC6,6006,3506,1005,8605,5805,230(21.1)80 (26.7)SHC7,6507,4007,1506,9106,6306,28084 (28.9)SHC8,7008,4508,2007,9607,6807,33088 (31.1)SHC9,7509,5009,2509,0108,7308,380TC14,88014,23013,56012,80011,98011,140CM 1.02 1.11 1.19 1.27 1.35 1.43 7377 (25.0)SHC5,3805,1404,8904,6204,3304,040(22.8)80 (26.7)SHC6,4306,1905,9405,6705,3805,09084 (28.9)SHC7,4807,2406,9906,7206,4306,14088 (31.1)SHC8,5308,2908,0407,7707,4807,190TC :Total Cooling Capacity (BTU/h)SHC :Sensible Heat Capacity (BTU/h)CM :Compressor Input (kW)Rating conditions (#Mark) areOutdoor Ambient Temp. 95°F (35°C) D.B.Model STB0811C1115 V Single phase 60 HzRATING CAPACITY8,000BTU/hAIR FLOW RATE250CFMEVAPORATOR CONDENSERENT. TEMP. °F (°C)OUTDOOR AMBIENT TEMP. °F( °C)W.B. D.B. 67 75 85 95 105 110(19.4) (23.9) (29.4) (35.0) (40.6) (43.3)TC8,0607,7107,3607,0106,5806,060CM0.590.640.680.730.790.8570 (21.1)SHC5,9705,8105,6505,4905,3005,0705973 (22.8)SHC6,9406,7806,6206,4606,2706,040(15.0)77 (25.0)SHC7,9107,7107,3607,0106,5806,06080 (26.7)SHC8,0607,7107,3607,0106,5806,06084 (28.9)SHC8,0607,7107,3607,0106,5806,06088 (31.1)SHC8,0607,7107,3607,0106,5806,060TC9,1208,2707,9007,5207,0706,500CM0.610.650.700.750.810.8770 (21.1)SHC4,9604,8004,6304,4704,2904,0506373 (22.8)SHC5,9305,7705,6105,4505,2605,030(17.2)77 (25.0)SHC6,9006,7406,5806,4206,2306,00080 (26.7)SHC7,8707,7107,5507,3907,0706,50084 (28.9)SHC8,6508,2707,9007,5207,0706,50088 (31.1)SHC8,6508,2707,9007,5207,0706,500TC9,2008,8008,400#8,0007,5206,920CM0.620.670.720.770.840.9070 (21.1)SHC3,9203,7503,6003,4403,2503,0206773 (22.8)SHC4,8904,7304,5704,4104,2203,990(19.4)77 (25.0)SHC5,8605,7005,5405,3805,2004,97080 (26.7)SHC6,8306,6706,5106,3506,1705,94084 (28.9)SHC7,8007,6407,4807,3307,1406,91088 (31.1)SHC8,7808,6108,4008,0007,5206,920TC9,7509,3308,9008,4807,9707,340CM0.640.690.740.800.860.9273 (22.8)SHC3,8403,6803,5303,3703,1902,9707077 (25.0)SHC4,8104,6604,5004,3504,1603,940(21.1)80 (26.7)SHC5,7905,6305,4705,3205,1304,91084 (28.9)SHC6,7606,6006,4406,2906,1105,88088 (31.1)SHC7,7307,5707,4207,2607,0806,850TC10,3509,9009,4308,9008,3407,750CM0.650.710.760.820.880.95 7377 (25.0)SHC3,7203,5703,4103,2303,0402,860(22.8)80 (26.7)SHC4,6904,5404,3804,2004,0203,83084 (28.9)SHC5,6605,5105,3505,1804,9904,80088 (31.1)SHC6,6406,4806,3206,1505,9605,770TC :Total Cooling Capacity (BTU/h)SHC :Sensible Heat Capacity (BTU/h)CM :Compressor Input (kW)Rating conditions (#Mark) areOutdoor Ambient Temp. 95°F (35°C) D.B.Model STB1023C1230 V Single phase 60 HzRATING CAPACITY9,500BTU/hAIR FLOW RATE250CFMEVAPORATOR CONDENSERENT. TEMP. °F (°C)OUTDOOR AMBIENT TEMP. °F( °C)W.B. D.B. 67 75 85 95 105 110(19.4) (23.9) (29.4) (35.0) (40.6) (43.3)TC9,5709,1608,7408,3207,8207,200CM0.740.800.860.920.96 1.0170 (21.1)SHC6,7006,5006,3006,1005,8605,5805973 (22.8)SHC7,6707,4707,2707,0706,8406,550(15.0)77 (25.0)SHC8,6408,4408,2408,0407,8107,20080 (26.7)SHC9,5709,1608,7408,3207,8207,20084 (28.9)SHC9,5709,1608,7408,3207,8207,20088 (31.1)SHC9,5709,1608,7408,3207,8207,200TC10,8309,8209,3808,9308,3907,720CM0.760.830.880.950.99 1.0370 (21.1)SHC5,6905,4905,2905,0904,8504,5706373 (22.8)SHC6,6606,4606,2606,0605,8305,540(17.2)77 (25.0)SHC7,6307,4307,2307,0306,8006,51080 (26.7)SHC8,6008,4008,2008,0007,7707,48084 (28.9)SHC9,5809,3709,1708,9308,3907,72088 (31.1)SHC10,2709,8209,3808,9308,3907,720TC10,93010,4509,980#9,5008,9308,220CM0.790.850.910.98 1.02 1.0770 (21.1)SHC4,6404,4404,2404,0403,8103,5306773 (22.8)SHC5,6105,4105,2105,0204,7904,500(19.4)77 (25.0)SHC6,5806,3806,1805,9905,7605,47080 (26.7)SHC7,5507,3507,1506,9606,7306,45084 (28.9)SHC8,5308,3208,1307,9307,7007,42088 (31.1)SHC9,5009,3009,1008,9008,6708,220TC11,58011,08010,57010,0709,4708,710CM0.810.870.94 1.01 1.05 1.1073 (22.8)SHC4,5504,3504,1603,9703,7403,4607077 (25.0)SHC5,5205,3305,1304,9404,7104,440(21.1)80 (26.7)SHC6,5006,3006,1005,9105,6905,41084 (28.9)SHC7,4707,2707,0806,8806,6606,38088 (31.1)SHC8,4408,2408,0507,8607,6307,350TC12,29011,76011,20010,5709,9009,210CM0.830.900.96 1.03 1.08 1.13 7377 (25.0)SHC4,4104,2204,0203,8003,5703,340(22.8)80 (26.7)SHC5,3805,1905,0004,7804,5404,31084 (28.9)SHC6,3606,1605,9705,7505,5205,28088 (31.1)SHC7,3307,1406,9406,7206,4906,250TC :Total Cooling Capacity (BTU/h)SHC :Sensible Heat Capacity (BTU/h)CM :Compressor Input (kW)Rating conditions (#Mark) areOutdoor Ambient Temp. 95°F (35°C) D.B.Model STB1123C1230 V Single phase 60 HzRATING CAPACITY11,300BTU/hAIR FLOW RATE250CFMEVAPORATOR CONDENSERENT. TEMP. °F (°C)OUTDOOR AMBIENT TEMP. °F( °C)W.B. D.B. 67 75 85 95 105 110(19.4) (23.9) (29.4) (35.0) (40.6) (43.3)TC11,38010,89010,4009,9009,3008,560CM0.900.98 1.04 1.12 1.19 1.2670 (21.1)SHC7,6107,3607,1106,8606,5706,2105973 (22.8)SHC8,5908,3308,0807,8307,5407,180(15.0)77 (25.0)SHC9,5609,3009,0508,8008,5108,16080 (26.7)SHC10,53010,28010,0209,7809,3008,56084 (28.9)SHC11,38010,89010,4009,9009,3008,56088 (31.1)SHC11,38010,89010,4009,9009,3008,560TC12,89011,68011,15010,6209,9809,190CM0.93 1.00 1.07 1.15 1.22 1.2970 (21.1)SHC6,6106,3506,1005,8505,5605,2006373 (22.8)SHC7,5807,3207,0706,8206,5306,170(17.2)77 (25.0)SHC8,5508,2908,0407,7907,5007,15080 (26.7)SHC9,5209,2709,0108,7708,4708,12084 (28.9)SHC10,49010,2409,9909,7409,4509,09088 (31.1)SHC11,47011,21010,96010,6209,9809,190TC13,00012,43011,870#11,30010,6209,770CM0.96 1.03 1.11 1.19 1.26 1.3370 (21.1)SHC5,5505,2905,0404,8004,5104,1606773 (22.8)SHC6,5206,2606,0205,7705,4805,130(19.4)77 (25.0)SHC7,4907,2406,9906,7406,4506,10080 (26.7)SHC8,4608,2107,9607,7107,4307,07084 (28.9)SHC9,4309,1808,9308,6908,4008,04088 (31.1)SHC10,41010,1509,9009,6609,3709,020TC13,77013,18012,58011,98011,26010,360CM0.98 1.06 1.14 1.22 1.30 1.3773 (22.8)SHC5,4505,2004,9504,7104,4304,0807077 (25.0)SHC6,4206,1705,9205,6805,4005,050(21.1)80 (26.7)SHC7,3907,1406,8906,6506,3706,02084 (28.9)SHC8,3608,1107,8707,6307,3406,99088 (31.1)SHC9,3309,0808,8408,6008,3107,970TC14,62013,98013,32012,58011,77010,950CM 1.00 1.09 1.17 1.25 1.33 1.41 7377 (25.0)SHC5,2905,0404,7904,5204,2303,940(22.8)80 (26.7)SHC6,2606,0205,7705,4905,2004,91084 (28.9)SHC7,2306,9906,7406,4606,1705,88088 (31.1)SHC8,2007,9607,7107,4307,1406,850TC :Total Cooling Capacity (BTU/h)SHC :Sensible Heat Capacity (BTU/h)CM :Compressor Input (kW)Rating conditions (#Mark) areOutdoor Ambient Temp. 95°F (35°C) D.B.Model STB0823H1230 V Single phase 60 HzRATING CAPACITY8,000BTU/hAIR FLOW RATE250CFMEVAPORATOR CONDENSERENT. TEMP. °F (°C)OUTDOOR AMBIENT TEMP. °F( °C)W.B. D.B. 67 75 85 95 105 110(19.4) (23.9) (29.4) (35.0) (40.6) (43.3)TC8,0607,7107,3607,0106,5806,060CM0.610.660.700.750.800.8570 (21.1)SHC5,9805,8105,6505,4905,3005,0705973 (22.8)SHC6,9506,7906,6306,4706,2706,040(15.0)77 (25.0)SHC7,9207,7107,3607,0106,5806,06080 (26.7)SHC8,0607,7107,3607,0106,5806,06084 (28.9)SHC8,0607,7107,3607,0106,5806,06088 (31.1)SHC8,0607,7107,3607,0106,5806,060TC9,1208,2707,9007,5207,0706,500CM0.620.670.720.770.820.8770 (21.1)SHC4,9604,8004,6404,4804,2904,0606373 (22.8)SHC5,9405,7705,6105,4505,2605,030(17.2)77 (25.0)SHC6,9106,7506,5806,4306,2406,00080 (26.7)SHC7,8807,7207,5607,4007,0706,50084 (28.9)SHC8,6508,2707,9007,5207,0706,50088 (31.1)SHC8,6508,2707,9007,5207,0706,500TC9,2008,8008,400#8,0007,5206,920CM0.640.690.740.800.850.9070 (21.1)SHC3,9203,7603,6003,4503,2603,0306773 (22.8)SHC4,8904,7304,5704,4204,2304,000(19.4)77 (25.0)SHC5,8705,7005,5505,3905,2004,97080 (26.7)SHC6,8406,6806,5206,3606,1705,95084 (28.9)SHC7,8107,6507,4907,3307,1506,92088 (31.1)SHC8,7808,6208,4008,0007,5206,920TC9,7509,3308,9008,4807,9707,340CM0.660.710.760.820.870.9273 (22.8)SHC3,8503,6903,5303,3803,2002,9707077 (25.0)SHC4,8204,6604,5104,3504,1703,950(21.1)80 (26.7)SHC5,7905,6305,4805,3205,1404,92084 (28.9)SHC6,7606,6106,4506,3006,1105,89088 (31.1)SHC7,7407,5807,4207,2707,0906,860TC10,3509,9009,4308,9008,3407,750CM0.670.730.780.840.900.95 7377 (25.0)SHC3,7303,5703,4103,2403,0502,860(22.8)80 (26.7)SHC4,7004,5504,3904,2104,0203,83084 (28.9)SHC5,6705,5205,3605,1805,0004,81088 (31.1)SHC6,6406,4906,3306,1505,9705,780TC :Total Cooling Capacity (BTU/h)SHC :Sensible Heat Capacity (BTU/h)CM :Compressor Input (kW)Rating conditions (#Mark) areOutdoor Ambient Temp. 95°F (35°C) D.B.5-2.Heating Capacity (Heat pump Performance)6.ELECTRICAL DATA6-1.Electrical CharacteristicsModel STB0810C1Outdoor Unit Complete UnitFan Motor CompressorPerformance at115V 1-phase 60HzRating Conditions Running Amps.A Input kW0.1450.7950.94 Full Load Conditions Running Amps.A 1.268.349.6Power Input kW0.1450.935 1.08Model STB1010C1Outdoor Unit Complete UnitFan Motor CompressorPerformance at115V 1-phase 60HzRating Conditions Running Amps.A 1.269.3410.6Power Input kW0.145 1.055 1.20 Full Load Conditions Running Amps.A 1.2611.0412.3Power Input kW0.145 1.255 1.40Model STB1020C1Outdoor Unit Complete UnitFan Motor CompressorPerformance at230 / 208V 1-phase 60HzRating Conditions Running Amps.A0.61/0.64 4.39/ 4.66 5.0/ 5.3Power Input kW0.142/0.1320.998/0.978 1.14/ 1.11 Full Load Conditions Running Amps.A0.61/0.64 4.99/ 5.26 5.6/ 5.9Power Input kW0.142/0.132 1.118/ 1.098 1.26/ 1.23Model STB1220C1Outdoor Unit Complete UnitFan Motor CompressorPerformance at230 / 208V 1-phase 60HzRating Conditions Running Amps.A0.61/0.64 5.49/ 5.96 6.1/ 6.6Power Input kW0.142/0.132 1.208/ 1.198 1.35/ 1.33 Full Load Conditions Running Amps.A0.61/0.64 6.29/ 6.96 6.9/7.6Power Input kW0.142/0.132 1.428/ 1.438 1.57/ 1.57Rating Conditions: Indoor Air Temperature 80°F (26.7°C) D.B. / 67°F (19.4°C) W.B.Outdoor Air Temperature 95°F (35°C) D.B.Full Load Conditions: Indoor Air Temperature 90°F (32.2°C) D.B. / 73°F (22.8°C) W.B.Outdoor Air Temperature 110°F (43.3°C) D.B.Model STB0811C1Outdoor Unit Complete UnitFan Motor CompressorPerformance at115V 1-phase 60HzRating Conditions Running Amps.A Input kW0.1450.7750.92 Full Load Conditions Running Amps.A 1.268.349.6Power Input kW0.1450.945 1.09Model STB1023C1Outdoor Unit Complete UnitFan Motor CompressorPerformance at230 / 208V 1-phase 60HzRating Conditions Running Amps.A0.61/0.64 4.39/ 4.66 5.0/ 5.3Power Input kW0.142/0.1320.978/0.958 1.12/ 1.09 Full Load Conditions Running Amps.A0.61/0.64 4.99/ 5.26 5.6/ 5.9Power Input kW0.142/0.132 1.128/ 1.088 1.27/ 1.22Model STB1123C1Outdoor Unit Complete UnitFan Motor CompressorPerformance at230 / 208V 1-phase 60HzRating Conditions Running Amps.A0.61/0.64 5.39/ 5.86 6.0/ 6.5Power Input kW0.142/0.132 1.188/ 1.178 1.33/ 1.31 Full Load Conditions Running Amps.A0.61/0.64 6.29/ 6.86 6.9/7.5Power Input kW0.142/0.132 1.408/ 1.408 1.55/ 1.54Rating Conditions: Indoor Air Temperature 80°F (26.7°C) D.B. / 67°F (19.4°C) W.B.Outdoor Air Temperature 95°F (35°C) D.B.Full Load Conditions: Indoor Air Temperature 90°F (32.2°C) D.B. / 73°F (22.8°C) W.B.Outdoor Air Temperature 110°F (43.3°C) D.B.Model STB0823H1COOLINGOutdoor Unit Complete UnitFan Motor CompressorPerformance at230 / 208V 1-phase 60HzRating Conditions Running Amps.A0.61/0.64 3.59/ 3.86 4.2/ 4.5Power Input kW0.142/0.1320.798/0.7880.94/0.92 Full Load Conditions Running Amps.A0.61/0.64 4.29/ 4.46 4.9/ 5.1Power Input kW0.142/0.1320.948/0.918 1.09/ 1.05Rating Conditions: Indoor Air Temperature 80°F (26.7°C) D.B. / 67°F (19.4°C) W.B.Outdoor Air Temperature 95°F (35°C) D.B.Full Load Conditions: Indoor Air Temperature 90°F (32.2°C) D.B. / 73°F (22.8°C) W.B.Outdoor Air Temperature 110°F (43.3°C) D.B.HEATINGOutdoor Unit Complete UnitFan Motor CompressorPerformance at230 / 208V 1-phase 60HzRating Conditions Running Amps.A0.61/0.64 3.39/ 3.66 4.0/ 4.3Power Input kW0.142/0.1320.738/0.7380.88/0.87 Full Load Conditions Running Amps.A0.61/0.64 4.09/ 4.51 4.7/ 5.2Power Input kW0.142/0.1320.898/0.888 1.04/ 1.02Rating Conditions: Indoor Air Temperature 70°F (21.1°C) D.B.Outdoor Air Temperature 47°F (8.3°C) D.B. / 43°F (6.1°C) W.B.Full Load Conditions: Indoor Air Temperature 80°F (26.7°C) D.B.Outdoor Air Temperature 75°F (23.9°C) D.B. / 65°F (18.3°C) W.B.6-2.Electrical Wiring DiagramsModelsSTB0810C1STB1010C1LAYOUT FOR ELECTRIC PARTSModel STB0823H1Model STB0823H1Capacitor (FM)VaristorCapacitor (CM)Power transformer Power pack control PCB Thermistor room temp.Main control switch Control switch temp.settingLAYOUT FOR ELECTRIC PARTSBEFORE OPENING THE BOXFan switchLidPower cordAFTER OPENING THE BOX6-3.P.C.B. Ass'y (Printed Pattern) POW–STBH (For model STB0823H1)7.TROUBLESHOOTING7-1.Check before and after troubleshooting7-1-1.Check power supply.q Check that voltage is in specified range (±10% of the rating).q Check that power is being supplied.7-1-2.Check lead wires and connectors.q Check that coating of lead wires is not damaged.q Check that lead wires and connectors are firmly connected.q Check that wiring is correct.7-2.Air conditioner does not operate.7-2-1.Circuit breaker trips (or fuse blows).A. When the circuit breaker is set to ON, it is tripped soon. (Resetting is not possible.)q There is a possibility of ground fault.q Check insulation resistance.If resistance value is 2MΩor less, insulation is defective (“NO”).NOTE1.If any poorly insulated part is found, exclude that part from circuit with other parts properly connected, and thenmeasure insulation resistance of entire air conditioner again to locate defective part.2.Replace defective part with new one.B. Circuit breaker trips in several minutes after turning the air conditioner on. q There is a possibility of short circuit.7-2-2.Neither fan motor nor compressor motor runs.A. Power is not supplied.B. Check "MODE selector" on the control panel.C. Check transformer.(Only for heat pump model)7-3.Some part of air conditioner does not operate. 7-3-1.Only fan does not run.7-3-2.Electric heater does not work.7-3-3.Only compressor unit does not run.A. Check setting temperature.B. Check compressor and electrical parts.NOT restart it immediately, as this7-4.Air conditioner operates, but abnormalities are observed. 7-4-1.Operation does not switch from HEAT to COOL (or COOL to HEAT).7-4-3.Excessive cooling or heating.。



DF-G系列第三章操作和排除故障项目页次3-1总则 ................................................................................................................................ 3-1 3-2清洗机身润滑系统 ........................................................................................................ 3-2 3-3冷却水要求 .................................................................................................................... 3-3 3-3.1 充水冷却系统 .................................................................................................... 3-43-3.2 调节冷却水系统............................................................................................. 3-4 3-4润滑机身和运动部件 ................................................................................................. 3-4 3-4.1 油压和油温..................................................................................................... 3-53-4.2 油过滤器......................................................................................................... 3-6 3-5润滑气缸 ..................................................................................................................... 3-6 3-6初次启动和试车 ........................................................................................................ 3-11 3-6.1 有润滑气缸的试车步骤................................................................................ 3-113-6.2 无油润滑气缸试车步骤................................................................................3-123-6.3注油流量...........................................................................................................3-123-6.4 开车前的检查................................................................................................3-13 3-7压缩机运行 ................................................................................................................3-14 3-7.1 操作气动盘车动力缸....................................................................................3-14 3-8安全停车回路 ............................................................................................................3-14 3-9操作记录 ....................................................................................................................3-15 3-10日常操作和维护保养检查 ......................................................................................3-15 3-10.1 小时检查......................................................................................................3-153-10.2 日检查(每8小时)..................................................................................3-153-10.3 月检查..........................................................................................................3-163-10.4 维护停车(每3年或根据经验和操作条件缩短时间)..........................3-163-10.5 周期性检查(根据经验和操作条件而定)..............................................3-16 3-11较长时期停车 ..........................................................................................................3-17 3-11.1 长时间停车保护措施..................................................................................3-17 3-12排除故障 ..................................................................................................................3-183-1总则本章内容应由操作和维修保养人员仔细地阅读,在初开车之前就必须彻底理解压缩机安全和高效操作的有关要求。



(1) 机组的启动和停车控制;
(2) 电机电流及进气密度的控制;
(3) 排气压力控制;
(4) 进气节流控制模式;
(5) 间歇性空重车控制模式;
在英文手册第四章中,详尽列出须定期更换的易损件的规格及数量。正常 的维护和库存最低数量的易损件,可使机组维护快捷、紧急抢修的时间极大 地缩短,增加企业生产能力,减少损失,提高效率。
客户向本公司购买备件时,应详细提供以下资料: (1) 设备的型号、系列号或订单合同号;(可参照压缩机的铭牌) (2) 正常维护保养所需备件的明细表及编号; (3) 所需备件名称及数量; (4) 客户自己的详细地址、电话及联系人;
第一章 概述
第二章 设备的安装



目录绪言第一章控制系统的功能1.1基本功能1.2特殊功能1.3安全保护功能1.4可选功能第二章控制系统的组成与安装控制系统的组成控制系统的安装第三章液晶界面操作及参数说明概述键操作说明液晶显示流程图及参数说明窗口及操作说明机房选层操作第四章系统的调试与运行通电前的检查通电和检查系统参数设定慢车试运行井道自学习运行快车试运行电梯舒适感调试平层精度的调整端站安装位置的确定第五章 LED显示说明LED显示定义LED故障说明附件一异步电机控制柜安川616G5、676GL5-JJ变频器参数附件二异步电机控制柜安川G7A变频器参数设置表附件三异步电机控制柜科比(KEB)变频器参数设置表版附件四异步电机控制柜富士G11UD变频器参数设置表附件五故障代码及说明附录六微机板LED故障显示说明绪言SANYO5000-2007电梯控制系统是日本三洋电梯有限公司最新推出的智能化更高、功能更强、调试与维护更方便的高技术产品。








第一节 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
序言 说明书的范围 总的资料 压缩机的安全预防措施 一般说明 废料副产品
第二节 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5
技术数据 一般资料 正常运行情况 压缩机数据 紧固力距 结构材料
第三节 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6
安装 安全注意点 安装要求 运转与开箱 安装步骤 投入运行的准备工作 投运步骤
标准 WH40H3N BELLISS & MORCOM 往复式压缩机 (装在你的压缩机上的常规零件的细节请参阅所附的补充。)
安全通知 装置的不正确运行与维护可能会造成伤亡。只有持有授权“工作许可 证”的有能力的工作人员才能在这一装置上操作或工作。同时,这些工作人 员必须在上岗操作以前已通读并理解这本说明书,必须遵守国家劳动立法部 门的有关健康与安全的条文以及现场安全规定。
凡 Allen 动力工程公司 Hamworthy Belliss & Morcom 提供的压缩机 与附
实施保证的索赔(则可用我们的保证索赔)形式文件号 CM4F(共两页)进行索
(2) 得到这本手册



选型日期: 年 月 日

系 制冷剂充入量
7 排气温度
8 吸气温度
9 供电电压(运转时) 额定电压±10%
压缩机出口10cm以内位置的排气 管温度(C-SB型)
压缩机机体上的铜管内排气温度 保护器的检测温度(C-SC型)
应无由于液体吸入而引 压缩机入口 30cm 以内位置的吸气

1 制冷剂 2 蒸发温度范围
R22(符合日本JIS K1517标准)
0.20~0.62MPa(G) 0.10~0.69MPa(G)



>8?<B:=.51340,产品样本*-.540,62+/特点轻量紧凑设计高效率高可靠性低噪声低振动C-SC C-SBC-SB系列剖面图C-SC系列剖面图技术参数适用于欧洲和中国的电源制式*1表示该型号压缩机带均油管接口 *2 表示该型号压缩机带油位传感器接口测试条件R22 R407C℉ ℉ 冷凝温度 54.4 130 54.4 130 蒸发温度 7.2 45 7.2 45 液体温度 46.1 115 43.8 115 吸气温度18.365 18.3 65* R407C 的冷凝温度和蒸发温度按中间温度法技术参数适用于北美的电源制式测试条件R22/R410A R407C ℉℉冷凝温度 54.4 130 54.4 130 蒸发温度 7.2 45 7.2 45 液体温度 46.1 115 43.8 115 吸气温度18.36518.365* R407C 的冷凝温度和蒸发温度按中间温度法技术参数适用于日本的电源制式*1表示该型号压缩机带均油管接口*2 表示该型号压缩机带油位传感器接口测试条件R22R407C ℉ ℉冷凝温度 54.4 130 54.4 130 蒸发温度 7.2 45 7.2 45 液体温度 46.1 115 43.8 115 吸气温度 18.3 65 18.365* R407C 的冷凝温度和蒸发温度按中间温度法C-SB系列配线图C-SC系列配线图C-SB系列外形尺寸C-SC系列外形尺寸C-SC603H8HC-SC753H8HC-SC903H8HR22系列使用标准与使用极限*在超出本标准书的范围内进行商品设计时另行商定G表压其他注意事项1.压缩机在开封状态下请勿放置15分钟以上2.请勿压缩空气3.在真空状态下请勿通电4.充入制冷剂后应运转23秒使运动部件充分润滑5.搬运时请勿倾斜和滑落6.请勿划伤保护漆7.作为一条规定生产日期之后12个月内应完成安装8.当第6项压缩机停机时的低限不能保持时需要加装曲轴箱加热器9.运转时各相间的电压偏差应在额定电压的2%以内10.请勿反向旋转11.过滤网应安装在吸气及回油系统侧R407C系列使用标准与使用极限*在超出本标准书的范围内进行商品设计时另行商定G表压其他注意事项1.压缩机在开封状态下请勿放置15分钟以上2.请勿压缩空气3.在真空状态下请勿通电4.搬运时请勿倾斜和滑落5.请勿划伤保护漆6.作为一条规定生产日期之后12个月内应完成安装7.当第6项压缩机停机时的低限不能保持时需要加装曲轴箱加热器8.运转时各相间的电压偏差应在额定电压的2%以内9.请勿反向旋转10.过滤网应安装在吸气及回油系统侧一般事项下列事项适用于大连三洋压缩机有限公司DSA 制造的高温用涡旋压缩机1压缩机外观涂装 压缩机机体表面喷涂成黑色 2 压缩机说明压缩机铭牌包含如下项目压缩机代号 压缩机型号 电源电压频率相数制冷剂名称 所使用的冷冻油的名称及充入量制造日期 制造编号3 记号的使用说明 压缩机代号压缩机型号。











2.重要参数3.各系统阐明请参阅6235LC流程图3.1 气体系统低压氧气,经吸入滤清器过滤,再经各级压缩及冷却后,送入后装置。








SANYO电器制造有限公司 AHX0952型号空调商品说明书

SANYO电器制造有限公司 AHX0952型号空调商品说明书

FILE NO. PAC-0479N O T I C EPLEASE ADD THIS NOTICE TO THE MANUALS LISTED BELOW. CATEGORY : Air Conditioner DATE : November.2006 MODEL: AHX0952REF.No. : PL 833828 DESTINATION : USA ISSUE No.: 1THE REASON OF CHANGE.. A : MisprintB : Quality ReliabilityC : StandardizationD : Design ChangeE : Addition of Missing PartsF : Parts CompatibilityParts ListAir Conditioner INDOOR UNITA HX0952Made in JapanR EFERENCE No.PL 833828-01KeyNo.Part No.Description Q'ty Reference No.* 1 623 189 4968 Heat Exch Ass'y 1 854-0-4124-559002 623 175 2213 Strainer Ass'y 1 854-0-4522-29100 * 3 623 175 2251 Solenoid Control Valve UKV-18D31 1 854-2-4548-202004 623 178 3767 Strainer Ass'y 1 854-0-4522-302005 623 189 4951 Capillary Tube 1 854-2-4237-485006 623 189 4944 Capillary Tube 1 854-2-4237-486007 623 189 4937 Capillary Tube 1 854-2-4237-487008 623 189 4920 Capillary Tube 1 854-2-4237-488009 623 201 6352 Cabinet Plate 1 854-2-1105-431H210 623 189 5026 Cabinet Plate 1 854-2-1105-4310111 623 201 6345 Insulation 1 854-2-1413-406H212 623 189 5002 Plate Partition Blower 1 854-2-2505-2690113 623 189 4999 Side Cover Ass'y, Left 1 854-2-1107-761H114 623 189 4982 Side Cover Ass'y, Right 1 854-2-1108-479H115 623 178 3958 Support Fan Motor 2 854-2-2516-3840116 623 189 4975 Support Fan Motor 1 854-2-2516-4060117 623 201 1791 Joint Drain 1 854-2-2334-2021018 623 189 5040 Mounting Plate 2 854-2-1136-2300119 623 000 0735 Eyelet 1 3-9041-0150020 623 171 4891 Hook Plate 4 854-2-1130-2610121 623 201 6369 Packing 4 854-2-1362-32110 * 22 623 175 2206 Magnetic Coil(PMV) UKV-U030E 1 1FA-4-L8A0-30500 * 23 623 171 4877 Thermistor Ass'y(E1) PBC-41E-AS4 1 854-0-5259-64600 * 24 623 176 0157 Thermistor Ass'y(E3) PBC-41E-AS12-1 1 854-0-5259-74100 * 25 623 178 5624 Thermistor(BL) KTEC-35-S103-2 1 1FA-4-V2E0-2700026 623 054 6073 Insulation Tube 1 852-2-4514-2860027 623 081 5254 Insulation, Thermostat 1 854-2-4312-1200028 623 160 8206 Insulation Special 1 854-2-2411-2411029 623 201 6376 Insulation Special 1 854-2-2411-5681030 623 090 0172 Mounting Rubber, Tube 1 854-2-4315-1610031 623 192 9929 Spacer SPRF-10 2 854-2-2349-2170032 623 132 0078 Mounting Thermostat 1 852-2-5303-1920133 623 201 1777 Elec. Wiring Diagram 1 8FA-2-5250-0560034 638 020 7220 Vibration Insulation 1 854-2-2475-1720035 623 189 5095 Mounting Plate,Evaporator 1 854-2-2303-39101 * 36 623 189 5088 Switch Ass'y FS-0218-103 1 8FA-0-5152-02000 * 37 623 201 6390 Motor Pump Ass'y 1 8FA-0-5264-0420038 638 004 9523 Cushion Rubber 3 854-2-2318-1380039 623 171 4778 Clip 1 854-2-2315-1070040 623 201 6383 Cover Plate 1 854-2-2342-857H2 NOTE:Metal and plastic parts will be supplied basicallywith necessary heat insulation pads or packing.Each key number with an asterisk (*) means therecommended service parts.KeyNo.Part No.Description Q'ty Reference No.41 623 189 5118 Elec Component Box Ass'y 1 854-0-5311-04401* 42 623 311 6990 Controller Ass'y CR-UMHX0762 1 854-9-9536-05711 * 43 623 179 0444 Fuse BET5A 1 1FJ-4-S3A0-00500 * 44 623 171 4884 Thermistor Ass'y(TA) KTEC-35-S98 1 854-0-5259-64500 * 45 623 177 7124 Terminal Base HP-T3041-C3E4-S 1 1FA-4-J3A0-2390046 623 192 9912 Spacer SPRH-10 4 854-2-2349-2160047 623 027 4990 Bushing 1 800-2-5337-1790048 623 160 1450 Blower Casing 1 854-2-2506-19210* 49 623 201 6413 Fan Motor DK8-63E280HB 1 1FA-4-M4A0-13400 * 50 623 160 1351 Fan Ass'y 1 854-0-2501-2273051 623 160 1474 Blower Casing 1 854-2-2506-1931052 623 189 5149 Cover Plate 1 854-2-2342-8560153 623 178 3880 Cover,ponent Box 1 854-0-5304-58401* 54 623 201 6406 Drain Pan Ass'y 1 854-0-2301-647H155 623 189 5125 Drain Hose 1 854-2-4297-2090056 623 171 4839 Clip 1 854-2-2315-1080157 623 171 4907 Packing 1 854-2-1362-19500* 58 623 179 1502 P.C.B. Ass'y FIL-XDR94GXH56 1 8FA-0-5178-1940059 623 097 1677 Spacer SPLSN-6 4 851-2-5366-0380060 623 201 6444 Mounting Plate 1 854-2-2362-1680161 623 201 6437 Packing 1 854-2-2370-0110062 623 201 6420 Cover Terminal 1 854-2-5305-21801* 63 638 010 7827 Fuse BET6.3A 1 1FJ-4-S3A0-00600 623 201 1050 Operation Manual 1 854-6-4189-83700 NOTE:Metal and plastic parts will be supplied basicallywith necessary heat insulation pads or packing.Each key number with an asterisk (*) means therecommended service parts.For Parts or Service Assistance please contact your local Sanyo HVAC Contractor or DistributorUnited States: SCS, HVAC Solutions Canada: Sanyo Canada Inc.Web: Web: Parts:********************.comParts/Service:**************.comService:**********************.comJan / '10 Printed in Japan。



日本三洋的专业技术人员 超过70位制冷工程专业人才 国家人事部批准的博士后流动工作站
大连三洋研发中心 共设5层 占地面积约12000平方米 2006年6月8日正式启动
Copyright© SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 2007
1、最多由6台压缩机头并联组成 2、提供多种可选控制方式 3、高度可靠的回油控制方式 4、管路集成的设计更加方便了安装 与维修
Copyright© SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 2007
第二部分 分类介绍
Copyright© SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 2007
◆ 采用双机头并联, 可实现三级能力调节,调节范围 (0~50%~100%) ; ◆ 适应负荷变化,节能。
60~120HP 室内型半封闭中央机组 (适用于大型冷库)
50~240HP 双级变频低温螺杆机组 (适用于大型低温冷库 和速冻设备)
10~100HP 风冷冷凝器
Copyright© SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 2007



Copyright© SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 2007
•所有权性质: 合资企业 •投资比率: 55% 三洋电机株式会社 (日本) 40% 大连冰山集团 (中国) 5% 双日株式会社(日本) • 资产总额: 95亿 日元 • 公司开业日: 1995年10月18日 • 员工人数: 2000人 (至2007年底) •建筑面积: 71,000 平方米
三洋压缩机使用 要点介绍
大连三洋压缩机有限公司 2010.3
三洋全球 大连三洋压缩机有限公司 三洋研发中心
三洋电机株式会社设计制造的 世界上最大的太阳能电池
目前的客户 半封闭产品 中国市场的领先地位
Copyright© SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 2007
Copyright© SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 2007
焊接 ※ 焊接材料:推荐使用银铜焊条(银45%)。 ※ 使用氮气保护。 ※ 避免焊枪火焰烧到端子或排气管根部而造 成泄漏。
案例说明:吸气管根部因焊接时油漆膜被破坏,导致 使用过程中压缩机吸气口根部锈蚀,存在故障 隐患。
• • • • • • • • • •
现场安装 焊接 气密检查 抽真空和制冷剂充注 防止反转、回液 气分的设计 电线的选择 启停周期 推荐的保护装置 其他注意事项
Copyright© SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 2007



1 制冷剂
2 蒸发温度范围
3 冷凝温度范围 4 压缩比
R22(符合日本JIS K1517标准)
备注 压力指吸气压力
14 压缩机内油面
15 异常升压/降压
压力上升:3.00MPa(G)以下 压力下降:0.03MPa(G)以上
高压开关设定值 低压开关设定值
16 水份
17 不凝性气体
制冷回路中不凝性气体要求在1%(容积比)以下 残留氧气要求在0.1%(容积比)以下
46.0 [1.811] 37.0 [1.457]
38 [1.496]
46 [1.811]
10 [0.394]
19 [0.748]
Part Code M-5101-DSB Name Mounting Parts Listing
Part Code D-0202-DSB Name Packing Dimensions



Electronics R elated Products GuideAs the need for automation and labor saving increases, the number of small motors, which are key to theirimplementation, is also expected to increase. For the cases that requires high reliability, such as for robots, we can make proposals that are optimized for the operating environment.Electronics SectorDC Motor & Induction MotorMotors consume 50% of the world’s electricity and increased miniaturization, rotation speed, and e ciency are progressing in response to demand for further increases in functionality. With these changes, the adhesives used require heat resistance and high strength.Electronics SectorBrushless-DC MotorSmart phones that are now essential goods for daily living are composed of alot of electronic components and modules and lots of glue.Attachment of a cover panel to a display panel with a UV-curable sheet-likeadhesive enables a screen to be easily watched, and use of a low-temperaturecurable/UV-curable sealant for a case can produce “waterproof and drip-proof”devices.In addition, ThreeBond's sealants and adhesives contribute to making smart phonesand their electronic components and modules thinner and more sophisticated. Electronics SectorSmartphoneby little due to downsizing.ThreeBond's sealants and adhesives can meet all needs.adhesives that cure fast at low temperature are needed to shorten theA lot of adhesives are used for the mechanical components of cameras including a single lens re ex camera. As the design of a camera has been smaller and thinner, UV-LED light source-curable adhesives are needed in order to bond a di erent type of material to another, to reduce the amount of heat applied to materials, and to reduce power consumption in camera manufacturing processes.ThreeBond develops and manufactures adhesives that are the most appropriate to a customer's manufacturing processes and provide such products on a global basis.Electronics SectorDigital CameraDigital CameraPentaprismGlass and resin lensStrobeAF sensorApplication Pentaprism xing Product ThreeBond 3030 SeriesCure conditionUV curingCharacteristics1. High adhesion to resin materials (PC, PPS, etc.)2. Flexible3. Adhesion to di erent materials Application Bonding of lenses Product ThreeBond 3017 Series ThreeBond 3020BCure conditionUV curingCharacteristics1. High strength of adhesion to materials di cult to bond (ole n-based)2. Good surface curability3. Less distortion (TB 3017 Series)Application AF sensor xing Product ThreeBond 1535 Series ThreeBond 3017 SeriesCure conditionMoisture curing / UV curingCharacteristics1. Good impact resistance2. Adhesion to di erent materials3. Shadow-zone curing possible (TB 1535 Series)Application Strobe periphery xing Product ThreeBond 1535 Series ThreeBond 3164DCure conditionMoisture curing / UV curingCharacteristics1. Good impact resistance2. Adhesion to di erent materials3. Shadow-zone curing possible Image sensorApplication Image sensor xing Product ThreeBond 3036 Series ThreeBond 3114 SeriesCure condition UV curing Characteristics1. Low cure shrinkage2. Low linear expansion coe cient3. High adhesive strength Case / Lens mountApplication Waterproof / Dustproof Product ThreeBond 3081 Series ThreeBond 3166Cure condition* CIPG (Cured In Place Gasket)UV curing (CIPG)Characteristics1. Low compression permanent distortion2. Flexibility3. Reworkable Application Heat dissipation Product ThreeBond 1225 Series ThreeBond 2955 SeriesCure conditionMoisture curingCharacteristics1. High thermal conductivity (1.59 to 4.8W/m•K)2. Low outgassing (TB 2955 Series)3. Low molecular weight cyclic siloxane reduced product Image stabilizer unitApplication Vibration absorption Product ThreeBond 3168ECure conditionUV curingCharacteristics1. High and low temperature resistance2. Soft gel3. Vibration absorbability * ThreeBond is abbreviated to TB.In recent years, increasing awareness of global security has been accompanied by spreading adoption of surveillance cameras as a deterrent to crime and terrorism.For many years, our UV-curable resin has contributed to security cameras, mainly to the adhesive application for optical parts.Increasing numbers of pixels in recent years have brought an increasing need for “thermal conductivity” as protection against overheating, and for “Sealants” as waterproo ng and protection from insects.Electronics SectorSurveillance Cameraconferences as telework becomes more prevalent, so production levels areincreasing signi cantly. Furthermore, as earphones become more expensive,consumers expect them to last longer, so adhesives must improve productivitythrough “fast curing” and high reliability with a focus on “impact resistance”.Wireless Earphone As automation advances as a substitute for the ve senses of humanbeings, adoption of these devices is expected to further increase. AtThreeBond, we propose the optimal products for sensors and MEMSdevices that require high reliability.Sensor / MEMS DeviceStations for 5G communication are starting to be set up everywhere, evenoutdoors, so adhesives must be incredibly reliable to ensure operationcontinues despite weather conditions. Our lineup includes case sealants,thermally conductive materials used to protect electronic substrates fromheat and more.Electronics Sector5G Base Station The spread of 5G communications has greatly increased the amountof data ying around the world. As for optical transceivers needed forhigh-speed communications, we have a wide range of products,mainly UV resins and heat-conducting materials for parts requiringprecision xation.Electronics SectorOptical TransceiverViscosity comparison[Cyanoacrylate Adhesives]Viscosity comparison[UV Curing Resins]Viscosity comparison[Epoxy resin] Electronics SectorProduct map by viscosity / hardnessWatch our video to see viscosity imagesElectronics SectorAdhesive selection table by materialApplication Equipmentas the equipment to apply and pressure feed them to maximize their performance.As a manufacturer with full knowledge of sealants and adhesives, ThreeBond enables to reduce cost and improve developing such equipment.To provide further added value for customers, ThreeBond has been making e orts to develop and sell the equipment that incorporates new application and pressure feeding technologies.Tank for 250g/1kg bottle or can (TG1-T)Dispense valve (HPNV-50)Pressure feed controller (coater S4)Small capacity precision type ofManual application cartridge pump (ACB-20)Pump for pails (PBIII)+Constant-velocity discharge head ( xed-quantity booster)Air gun for sealant- Lineup of products for improvement of productivity and workability - The RTM and RTM-H Series enable products that meet customer requirements to be designed and manufactured.- A lineup of devices that can handle small-amount and large-amount sealants and adhesives is available.- They are suitable for the bead application of solvent-volatilization-type and moisture-curable-type liquid gaskets.- Dispensers that can apply a xed quantity of a sealant and an adhesive without waste are available.- A unit that can reduce the amount of a remaining liquid agent in a pail is available as an option. (Some conditions must be met.)* ACB...Automatic Cartridge Booster * PCB...Power Cartridge Booster * RTM...Rotary Transfer Motor* RTA-H...Rotary Transfer Air-motor by HandApplicationTB1100, TB1300 seriesSingle-component xed-quantity booster ( xed-quantity booster) Application Equipment Sector- Lineup of products for improvement of productivity and workability - Applicators suitable to a wide range of adhesives, such as solvent-volatilization type, moisture-curable type, and aqueous pressure-sensitive type, can be selected.- Application of an instantaneous adhesive that is di cult to handle is automated, which enables a work environmentand application quality to be improved.* LVCT-AC...Low Viscosity Cartridge Tank - Automatic Connection * HPNV-50...Pressure Needle Valve - Type 50* DPB-40...Diaphragm Power Booster* TDV...Triple Diaphragm ValveApplicationTB1500 seriesCartridge-type tank (TC2)Dispensing valve (HPNV-50)Controller for pressure (coater S4)Desktop robot (RT7 Series) Application Equipment Sector- Lineup of products for improvement of productivity and workability - Applicators are available for each of the single-component type and the two-component type.- The two-component type can be set, according to a mixing ratio.* CIPG...Cured in Place GasketSingle-acting pump for pails (PBIII-45)This is a high-pressure feeding pump for automatic application. When it isApplication Equipment Sector- UV-curing type, anaerobic-curing type, and moisture-curing type Applicators for each of the above types are available.- Auxiliary equipment needed for the process from application to curing is available.- Equipment suitable for CIPG application (design of a special-purpose machine)Cartridge-type tank (TC2)Dispensing valve (HPNV-50)Controller for pressure (coater S4)Desktop robot (RT7 Series)Application Equipment SectorAK2022035 22 • 11 • SK。






SANYO Electric Biomedical Co.,Ltd.版权所有日本付印目录安全操作预防措施P. 2使用注意事项P. 6环境条件P. 7保存箱部件P. 8 控制面板和键盘P.10 安装安装场所P.11安装P.12 选购件温度记录仪P.13辅助冷却装置P.15独立内门P.15保存架P.16 启动设备P.17温度设定保存室温度P.18键锁定功能P.18报警温度设定P.19 报警和安全功能P.20报警自动恢复时间设置P.21远距离报警端子P.22设备状态监视P.23压缩机延时启动时间更改P.24门报警延时时间更改P.25日常保养清洁保存箱P.26清洗冷凝器过滤网P.26内壁除霜P.27更换电池P.27 故障排除P.28设备报废处理P.28充电电池回收P.29规格P.30性能P.32安全检查单P.33本手册包括有重要的安全规定,请用户务必遵照执行。










△△ 此电器罩盖只能由合格的工程师或维修服务人员移开。






中间补气涡旋压缩机使用手册 大连三洋压缩机有限公司1. 技术背景......................................................................................32. 压缩机命名规则..........................................................................33. 系统运行流程..............................................................................44. 压缩机运行范围..........................................................................55. 配套附件清单..............................................................................71. 技术背景普通涡旋压缩机在低蒸发温度下运行时,会发生吸气比容增大、压比升高,排气温度快速升高等问题,造成压缩机性能急剧下降和制热量不足以及难以运行,为解决这一问题,开发了带有中间补气功能的涡旋压缩机。



2. 压缩机命名规则在涡旋压缩机的设计开发、改进工作中,需要对新的压缩机型号命名。



补气涡旋压缩机命名规则如下(补气压缩机系列代号见表1):C - SB R 120 H 38 Q1 2 3 4 5 61—— 涡旋B系列压缩机2—— 标准R22机型3—— 公称冷冻能力= 60Hz 公称冷冻能力(W)/ 1004—— 用途:高温用5—— 电制:三相B8 50Hz 380,415V / 60Hz 440,460V6—— 开发代号:补气系列表1 补气压缩机系列代号马力/HP 型号3.5 C-SBR120H38Q4 C-SBR145H38Q5 C-SBR180H38Q8 C-SCR295H38Q10 C-SCR370H38Q3.系统运行流程压缩机图1 压缩机设计系统运行流程图该设计系统的运行流程如图1所示,压缩机排出的高温、高压制冷剂气体,经冷凝器将热量传递给载热介质后变为液体,从冷凝器出来的高压制冷剂液体经储液器,通过干燥过滤器、视液镜后分为两路,主路的制冷剂液体直接进入经济器内,辅路的制冷剂液体先经过一个电磁阀,再经过膨胀阀节流降压后变为气液混合物后也进入经济器内,二者在经济器中产生热交换,辅路的制冷剂液体吸热后变为气体后被压缩机的辅助进气口吸入,主路的制冷剂放热变为过冷液体经膨胀阀节流降压后进入蒸发器。



第五章DF-G系列常用数据说明页次表5-1 DF-G系列技术参数.............................................................................................................. 5-1表5-2DF-G系列零部件尺寸........................................................................................................ 5-2表5-3DF-G系列零部件材料........................................................................................................ 5-2表5-4DF-G系列运行参数............................................................................................................ 5-2表5-5 DF-G系列机身润滑油规格................................................................................................ 5-3表5-6标准扭矩表............................................................................................................................... 5-5表5-7扭矩扳手值............................................................................................................................... 5-5表5-8液压上紧值............................................................................................................................... 5-6表5-9DF-G装配间隙..................................................................................................................... 5-6表5-10气缸镜面磨损量..................................................................................................................... 5-7表5-11镜面/缸套表面粗糙度............................................................................................................ 5-7表5-12最大允许活塞环侧隙............................................................................................................. 5-8表5-13最大允许活塞环端开口值..................................................................................................... 5-8表5-14最大允许活塞杆磨损............................................................................................................. 5-8表5-15最大允许活塞杆锥度............................................................................................................. 5-9表5-16最大允许活塞杆不圆度......................................................................................................... 5-9表5-17密封环/刮油环侧隙................................................................................................................ 5-9表 5-18 公制螺纹标准扭矩表……………………………………………………………………5-10表5-1 DF-G系列技术参数注1:额定功率随气缸结构、操作工况以及负荷最大气缸在曲轴上某一拐设置的位置而变化,因而对于给定的压缩机其在特定的工况下许可的功率既可能高于也可能低于额定功率。



15 表示输出功率
3.7 kw 4.5 kw
5.5 kw 7.5 kw 9 kw 10.5 kw 15 kw
5 HP 6 HP
7.5 HP 10 HP 12.5 HP 15 HP 20 HP
55 75 90 105 150
• C-LN15M8H
M 中・低温 低 温
压缩机的设置以水平 方向为原則、但根据 使用情况有的商品被 放置在路面上时、要 求在这个倾斜角以内
・压缩机在开放状态下,请勿放置15分以上。 ・请勿压缩空气。 ・从高压和低压两侧进行抽真空,请从冷凝器出口进行液态制冷剂的充注。 ・在真空状态下请勿通电。 ・请勿将压缩机当作真空泵使用。 ・搬运时请勿倾斜或滑落。 ・使用的环境温度要求在 40℃以下。 ・推荐安装气液分离器(要求可以收容制冷剂封入量的50%以上,尽可能在接近压缩机的地 方设置)。 ・建议在膨胀阀和储液罐之间安装电磁阀。 ・要焊接辅阀的压缩机机型,为了保护密封垫、密封圈,请 从压缩机上卸掉辅阀,并且一边冷却一边焊接。
• 2)带走摩擦热,使摩擦表面温度不致过高 。 • 3)润滑油充满在气缸与活塞之间的间隙的 摩擦表面之间,增强了密封作用。 • 4)带走磨屑,改善摩擦表面的工作情况。 两种类型。 • 制冷压缩机的润滑方式可分为压力润滑和 飞溅式润滑两种类型。
• 压力润滑是利用油泵产生一定的油压,通过 输油通道将润滑油送到各摩擦表面。 • 压力润滑有离心油泵润滑和齿轮油泵润滑两 种(三洋压缩机为齿轮油泵)。 • 油压差设定在(0.6--1.5)×105Pa范围内。 • 润滑油在曲轴箱中要保持一定的油面高度 • 油过多时,就会进入系统,减少制冷量,增 加功耗,严重时会发生油击



1. Extent of the applicationThis specification is applied to the SANYO Lithium Ion Battery of the abovementioned type for a Scanner of D ongguan JN Electronics Co., Ltd..2. Battery Classification and Type2.1 Battery Classification SANYO Lithium Ion Battery2.2 Battery Type UF103450P (with Fuse)3. Nominal SpecificationsItem Specification Remark3.1 Nominal Capacity 1880mAh 0.376A discharge3.2 Nominal Voltage 3.7V 0.376A discharge3.3 End Voltage 3.0V3.4 Charging Current (Std.) 1.88A 0 ~ +40℃3.5 Charging Voltage4.20V Tolerance is ±0.03V3.6 Charging Time (Std.) 3hours3.7 Discharging Current (Std.) 0.94A -20 ~ +60℃3.8 Discharging Current (Max.)※1 2.00A 0 ~ +40℃3.9 Internal Resistance less than 100mΩAC Impedance 1kHz3.10 Weight less than 40g3.11 Surroundings less than 1month -20 ~ +50℃Temperature range less than 3months-20 ~ +40℃for shipped battery less than 1year -20 ~ +20℃Percentage of recoverable capacity80%※2※1 Maximum discharge current as a single cell state is as above stated. However after assembling to the battery pack, there is the limitation of maxi mum discharge current because of protection circuit and protection device.※2 Percentage of recoverable capacity= (discharging time after storage / Initial discharging time)×100Discharging time is measured by the disc harge at 0.376A to 3.0V end voltage after fully charged according to specification at approximately 25℃.No. Date Remark No.Date Remark(0) 20/May/’10 Issue(Tentative) (b)(a) (c)Mobile Energy Company4. Electrical CharacteristicsItem Test Method Criterion4.1 ChargeFull ChargeThe charger supply 1.88A constant current untilbattery voltage reaches 4.20V, then be changed atconstant voltage of 4.20V while tapering the chargecurrent. Charging time is 3.0 hours in all.①Within 1hour after fully charged, discharge at0.376A continuously down to 3.0V end voltage.300min. or more4.2 Capacity②Within 1hour after fully charged, discharge at0.94A continuously down to 3.0V end voltage.108min. or more4.3 Cycle Life A battery unit shall be repeated 500charge/discharge cycles, charged at CC-CV(1.88A-4.20V) for 3.0hours, discharged at 0.94A to3.0V end voltage. After 500cycles, dischargingtime is measured as s pecified in paragraph 4.2②.64min. or more①Within 1hour after fully charged at 20℃, a battery unit is stored at 0℃. Discharge time is measured by discharging at 0.94A continuously down to 3.0V end voltage. 70min. or more4.4 Temperature②Within 1hour after fully charged at 20℃,a batteryunit is stored at 60℃. Discharge time ismeasured by discharging at 0.94A continuouslydown to 3.0V end voltage.100min. or more①After fully charged, stored for 10days at 60℃and rested at room te mperature for 1hour. Discharge time is meas ured by discharging at 0.94A continuously down to 3.0V end voltage. 70min. or more4.5 Full ChargedState StorageThen next discharge time is measured asspecified in paragraph 4.2 ②.90min. or more②After fully charged, stored for 20days at 60℃and rested at room temperature for 1hour.Discharge time is meas ured by discharging at0.94A continuously down to 3.0V end voltage.60min. or moreThen next discharge time is measured asspecified in paragraph 4.2 ②.80min. or more4.6 Full DishargedState Storage After fully charged and discharged as specified inparagraph 4.2 ②, then store for 20days at 60℃and rest at room temperature for 1hour.Discharging time is measured as specified inparagraph 4.2 ②.100min. or more4.7 Drop The cell is freely dropped 6 times from a height of1m onto a flat surface of hard wood.No electrical changeSTANDARD TEST CONDITIONS:The battery used for the test mentioned above should be new one delivered a week before at most. The test s hall be performed at 25±2℃, 65±5%. It is allowed however to test at 45~85%humidity, as long as there is no big differ ence in test results. The battery used for the test without residual capacity indicator. T he grade of voltmeter and ammeter used in the test shall be higher than class 0.5 adopted in JIS C 1102(Electric Indicator).5. Design, ConstructionA battery unit shall be of the design, constr uction and physical dimensions shown in theattached drawing. (Drawing No. NUF103450P-45601)6. AppearanceThere shall be no practical damage such as cons picuous liquid electrolyte leakage, flaw electrolyte leakage, flaw, rust, dirt, and deformation. The battery must have marketability.7. ShipmentThe battery shall be shipped in about 30% charged state.It is not specified more t han 30% capacity remain at D ongguan JN Electronics Co., Ltd., because of self discharge.8. Precautions on Design of Scanner, Charger and Battery Pack8-1. Precautions on Design of Scanner and charger.①Charge・A battery must be charged with constant current-constant voltage.・In case of UF103450P, charge current must be below 2.0A/cell.・Charging voltage must be set 4.20V/cell.Concerning charge voltage tole rance of charger, charging voltage must be set below4.23V/cell. Even if the charge could be out of order, charge voltage of charger should notbe above 4.30V/cell.・Have pre-charge system in charger.In case of a battery voltage is below 3.0V, a battery should be c harged with pre-charge that current is below 0.188A. Then a battery voltage reach over 3.0V, standard charge starts. And if a battery voltage never reach to 3.0V in spec ified period (timer), charger stop charging.・Have full charge detection in charger.By timer, current detection and open circuit voltage detection, charger detects fullcharge. When charger detect full charge, charger stop charging.・ Do not use the continuous char ging (trickle charging) method.・Charger should start charging at temperature range 0~40℃②Discharge・Max discharge current is 2.0A/cell at 0~40℃.③ Over-discharge・Do not over-discharge a battery below 2.0V/cell.④Battery position in Scanner and charger.・To avoid degradation of battery performance by heat, a battery should set the place apart from heat generating electronic parts inside Scanner and charger.8-2. Precautions on Battery Pack Design.①Battery pack Shape, Mechanism and Material・Do not make the shape which easy connect to other chargers exclusive of charger.・Do not make the shape and mechanism whic h easy use another equipment exclusive of Scanner and charger.・Do not make the terminal shape which easy caus e short circuit by metal object such as necklaces, hairpins, etc. And further, have ov er current protection function to prevent outer short circuit.・Do not make the terminal shape and mechanism which connect reverse to equipment.・ Do not make the shape and mechanism whic h static electricity and water easy go through the battery pack inside.・Make the shape and mechanism which can ins pect protection circuit function (specified paragraph 8-2②) before the battery pack makes completely.・Fix cells with mold case by rib, tape, gl ue etc., but do not make damage cells (especially sealing part) by rib or sharp part of mold case.In case of the battery pack is struck by har d shock or vibration, the battery pack has possibility to cause leakage, smoke, explosion.・SANYO requests to use the gl ue for the welding of cases. If the ultra sonic is used for welding of cases, SANYO will not accept any responsibility for any defects. (In case of ultra sonic welding, SANYO recommends to c heck the functional quality after using the process of ultra sonic welding to insure the performance and reliability.)② Protection CircuitHave protection circuit function which is de scribed below inside battery pack, to insure safety of battery in case of misuse.・Overcharge ProtectionAt the voltage range 4.24~4.30V/cell by charge, overcharge protection should work. Then charge current shall be shut down.・Over discharge ProtectionAt the voltage range 2.20~2.40V/cell, over discharge protection should work.Then discharge current shall be shut down and consumption current is below 1μA.・Over discharge Current ProtectionWhen discharge current exceed about 2.0A, ov er discharge current protection should work. Then over discharge current shall be shut down.③Electric circuit・ To avoid to discharge duri ng storage, design the low cons umption current electronic circuit(e.g. Protection circuit, fuel gauge, etc) inside battery pack.④Battery connection・Do not solder onto a battery in order to avoid a damage on the battery.Weld spot welding lead plate onto battery, and solder lead wire or lead plate.⑤Precautions on label・ Write maker’s name, trade mark, maker’s nation, model number and precautions on label.Precautions are based on chapter 14.Write the precaution manual based on chapter 14.9. Storage Condition9-1 Storage Temperature and Humidity・Store the battery at temperature range -20~+40℃, low humidity and no corrosive gas atmosphere.・No condensation on the battery.Mobile Energy Company9-2 Long Period Storage・In case of long period storage (more than 3 m onths), store the battery at temperaturerange -20~+20℃, low humidity, no corrosive gas atmosphere.And in this case, charge condition of the bat t ery is Sanyo shipment charge state ordischarge state.・No condensation on the battery.10. Precautions on Handling Lithium Ion CellsIn term of shipping and assembling the battery pack, this chapter describes precautions on handling Sanyo lithium ion cells, which are assembled for Scanner’s battery packs by Dongguan JN Electronics Co., Ltd. This battery pack consists of UF103450P.10-1 Precautions on series connection of cell・When the cells are connected in series, use same lot number, same shipping charge date and same capacity rank cells, and use within 20mV voltage difference.*Lot number, shipping charge date and capacit y rank are on carton label when SANYO shipping for series.10-2 Precautions on terminals of cell・Do not over-stress or rotate at positive terminal plate and negative cap.By over-stress, it has possibility to remove the welding point and cause leakage.10-3 Inspection Before Shipment of The Battery pack・ About all battery pack, inspect voltage, internal impedance and function of protection circuit before shipment.10-4 Packing and shipping cells・When cells are re-shipped to assembling fact ory, make enough attention the packing to avoid stress by shipping.Sanyo recommends the same package shipped from Sanyo when re-shipping.Even if after open package, when re-shipping, use the same parts and materials from Sanyo for re-packing.10-5 Abnormal cell・Do not use abnormal cell which has damages by shipping stress, drop, short or something else, and which gives off electrolyte odor.11. Exemption from Warrantee・Sanyo will not be responsible for trouble occu rred by handling outside of the precautions in this specification.・Sanyo will not be responsible for trouble occu rred by matching electric circuit, battery pack, Scanner and charger.・Sanyo will be exempt from warrantee any defect cells during assembling afteracceptance.12. Other Remarks・If there are problems in this specification, Sanyo can consider to change specification after discussion.・About the things not covered by this specification, Sanyo will have discussion.・ Do not use this cell for other models or equipment.13. Standard Charging Method(1) The battery voltage fall to about 0V by stor age. If the battery is rapidly charged at thisstate, FET of a protection circuit ma y generate heat. The charger must have thepre-charge system.(2) Pre-charge current of charger should be approximatel y 0.188A. When the batteryvoltage becomes 3.0V, standard charge should be started. When the battery voltage is less than 3.0V even after the set period of timer, charging should be stopped.(3) Rapid charge is 1.88A-4.20V (Constant current-constant voltage).Charging should be suspended when the time, OCV or current is certain value.(4) The maximum current of the cell is 2.0A. Charging current of ch arger must not exceed2.0A/cell.(5) The battery could be swelled by cont inuous charging, especially under the hightemperature atmosphere.Therefore, do not use the continuous charging (trickle charging) method or the short term re-charging (supplementary charging) method.14. Safety InstructionProhibition Points on HandleThe battery pack includes the flammable objects such as the organic solvent. If the handling is missed there will be possibility that the battery rupture flames or ho t, or it will cause the deterioration or damage of battery. Please obser ve the following prohibitive matters. And also, add the protection device the equipment for fear that the trouble would affect the battery by the abnormality of equipment. In addition, ment ion the following matters as "Prohibition Points on Handle" in the instruction manual of the equipment.!Danger1. Disassemble and Reconstruction"Do not disassemble or reconstruct battery"The battery pack has safety function and protecti on circuit to avoid the danger. If they have serious damage, it will cause the generating heat, smoke, rupture or flame.2. Short-circuit"Do not short-circuit battery"Do not connect the + and - terminals with metals (such as wire). Do not carry or store the battery with metal objects (such as wire, necklace or hairpins). If the battery isshort-circuited, excessive large current will flow and then the generating heat, smoke, rupture or flame will occur. And also, it causes generating heat at metals.3. Incineration and Heating"Do not incinerate or heat the battery"These occur the melting of insulator, damage of gas release vent or safety function,or ignition on electrolyte. Above mentioned matters cause the generating heat, smoke, rupture or flame.4. Use nearby Heated Place"Do not use or leave battery nearby fire,stove or heated place(more than80℃)"In case that separator made of polymer is melted by high temperature, the internalshort-circuit occurs in individual cells and then it causes the generating heat, smoke, rupture or flame. In addition, do not use the battery under the heated place (more than 80℃) for same reason.5. Immersion"Do not immerse the battery in water or sea water,or get it wet"If the protection circuit included in the battery is broken, the battery will be charged at extreme current or vo ltage and the abnormal chemical reaction occurs in it. And then it causes the generating heat, smoke, rupture or flame.6. Charge nearby heated place"Do not charge battery nearby the fire or under the blazing sun"If the protection circuit to avoid the danger wor ks under high temperature or it is broken, the battery will be charged at abnormal current (or voltage) and abnormal chemical reaction will occur. It causes the generating heat, smoke, rupture or flame.7. Charger and Charge Condition"Do use the specified charger and observe charging requirement"If the battery is charged with unspecified c ondition (under high temperature over the regulated value, excessive high voltage or cu rrent over regulated va lue, or remodeled charger), there are cases t hat it will be overcharged or t he abnormal chemical reaction will occur in cells. It causes the generating heat, smoke, rupture or flame.8. Penetration"Do not drive a nail into the battery,strike it by hammer,or tread it"As the battery might be broken or deformed and t hen it will be short-circuited, it causes the generating heat, smoke, rupture or flame.9. Impact"Do not give battery impact or throw it"The impact might cause leakage, heat, smoke, rupt ure, and/or fire of cell in the battery. And also if the protection circuit in the battery is broken, the battery will be charged at abnormal voltage or current, and abnormal chemical reaction might occur. It might cause leakage, heat, smoke, rupture, and/or fire.10. Deformation"Do not use the battery with conspicuous damage or deformation"It causes the generating heat, smoke, rupture or flame.11. Soldering"Do not make the direct soldering on battery"As the insulator is melted by heat or the gas release vent (or safety function) is broken, it causes the generating heat, smoke, rupture or flame.12. Reverse Charge and Overdischarge"Do not reverse polarity(and terminals)"On charging, the battery is reverse-char ged and abnormal chemical reaction occurs. And also, there may be case that unexpected large current flows on discharging. These cause the generating heat, smoke, rupture or flame.13. Reversed Polarity Use"Do not reverse-charge or reverse-connect"The battery has polarity. In case the battery is not connected with charger or equipment smoothly, do not force them to connect and do check polarity of battery. If the battery is connected to opposite polarity with charger, it will be reverse-charged and abnormal chemical reaction will occur. It causes the generating heat, smoke, rupture or flame.14. Connect Battery To the Plug"Do not connect battery to the plug socket or car-cigarette-plug"Added high voltage to the battery, the excessive cu rrent will flow in it and then it will cause the generating heat, smoke, rupture or flame.15. Inappropriate Use For Other Equipment"Do not use battery for other equipment"If the battery is used for unspecified equipm ent, it will deteriorate its performance and cycle-life. At worst, abnormal curr ent will flow or battery may generate heat, smoke, rupture or flame.Mobile Energy Company16. Leakage"Do not touch a leaked battery directly"In case the leaked electrolyte gets into eyes, wash them with fresh water as soon as possible without rubbing eyes. And then, see a doctor immediately.If leave damaged eyes undone, it will cause eye-trouble.!Warning1. Mixed Use"Do not use Lithium ion battery in mixture"Do not use Lithium ion battery with the primary batteries or secondary batteries whose capacity or kinds or maker is different. If do that, the battery will be discharged or charged excessively in use. And it may cause the generating heat, smoke,rupture or flame because of the abnormal chemical reaction in cells.2. Ingestion"Keep the battery away from babies"Keep the little battery out of the reach of babies in order to avoid troubles by Swallowing. In case of swallowing the battery, see a doctor immediately.3. Charging Time"Do not continue to charge battery over specified time"If the battery is not finished charging over regulated time, le t it stop charging. There is possibility that the battery might generate heat, smoke, rupture or flame.4. Store"Do not get into a microwave or a high pressure container"It causes the generating heat, smoke, rapture or flame because of a sudden heat or damage of sealing condition of battery.5. Leakage"Do not use a leaked battery nearby fire"If the liquid leaks from the battery (or the batte ry gives out bad smell), let the battery leave from flammable objects immediately. Unless do that, the electrolyte leaked from battery will catch fire and it will cause the smoke, flame or rupture of it.6. Rust, Changing color and Deformation"Do not use an abnormal battery"In case the battery has bad smell or is generat ed its changing color or deformation or causes something wrong in using (includes charging and storage), let it take out from equipment or charger and do not use it. If an abnormal battery is used, it will generate heat, smoke, rupture or flame.File No UF103450-769Mobile Energy CompanyBattery System Development Management Department!Caution1. Use under strong sunshineDo not use or leave the battery under the blazing sun(or in heated car by sunshine).The battery may generate heat, smoke or flame. A nd also, it might cause the deterioration of battery's characteristics or cycle life.2. Static ElectricityThe battery pack has the protection circuit to avoid the danger. Do not use nearby the place where generates static electricity (more t han 100V) which gives damage to the protection circuit. If the protection circuit were broken, the battery would generat e smoke, rupture or flame.3. Charging Temperature RangeCharging temperature r ange is regulated between 0℃ and 40℃. Do not charge the battery out of recommended temperatur e range. Charging out of recommended range might cause the generating heat or serious dam age of battery. And also, it might cause the deterioration of battery's characteristics and cycle life.4. ManualPlease read the manual before using t he b attery and let it keep after reading.And also, please reread if neccesary.5. Charging MethodPlease read the manual of specified charger about charging method.6. First time useWhen the battery has rust, bad smell or someth ing abnormal at first-time-using, do not use the equipment and go to bring the battery to the shop which it was bought.7. Used by childrenIn case younger children use the battery, their parents teach how to use batteries according to the manual with care. And also, when children are using the batteries, pay attention to use it according to that or not.8. Keep Battery away from childrenKeep the battery out of the reach of younger c hildren. And also, using the battery, pay attention to be taken out it from the charger or equipment by little children.9. LeakageIf the skin or cloth is smeared with liquid from the battery, wash with fresh water.It may cause the skin inflammation.File No UF103450-769Mobile Energy CompanyBattery System Developm ent Management Department15. Warranty Period of BatteryThe warranty period of a battery is for one year after shipment. However, if a battery causes unusual operation within this period,SANYO will replace by a new battery for free as long as it is clear that the cause of the failure is in the battery manufacturing process and the battery has not been used in the abnormal condition.16. Requirement for Safety AssuranceFor the sake of safety assurance, please discuss the equipment d esign, its system and protection circuit of Lithium ion battery with SANYO in advance.And also, consult SANYO about the high rate current, rapid charge and special application such as extreme condition and / or environment.17.Effectiveness of This Specification①This specification has effectiveness for 6 months.②In case of Dongguan JN Electr onics Co., Ltd. receives permanent specification, pleaseabrogate or send back this specification to SANYO.③The standardized figure stated in this s pecification is tentative value.File No UF103450-769Mobile Energy CompanyBattery System Development Management Department。

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选型日期: 年 月 日

系 制冷剂充入量
定涡旋 动涡旋
上轴承 曲轴 下轴承
电源端子 电动机
图 1-1 C-SB 型涡旋压缩机的剖面图 图 1-1 C-SB 型涡旋压缩机的剖面图
电动机用壳体热装固定,上下轴承焊接在壳体上,上轴承上固定有压缩机部分(定涡旋、动 涡旋等)。另外,电动机的引出线贯穿壳体部分(接线座)采用玻璃密封式气密端子。 1.1.2 C-SC 型涡旋压缩机
1.3.1 使用冷冻机油种类
SAY56T 或相当油 FV68S
R410A FV68S 醚类油(PVE)
R134A FV68S 醚类油(PVE)
1.3.2 冷冻机油的作用
冷冻机油有以下作用: 1) 降低机械磨擦、减少磨损的润滑及减振作用 2) 吸收磨擦热的冷却作用
大连三洋涡旋压缩机 技术手册
1 大连三洋涡旋压缩机的基本规格
1.1 压缩机的基本结构
1.2 压缩机的设计压力
1.3 冷冻机油
1.4 电机
1.5 电控部件
1.6 涡旋压缩机的使用标准与极限
1.7 涡旋压缩机的选型(选型表)
1.8 机组测试数据表
1.2 压缩机的设计压力
压缩机的设计压力为高压侧 3.0MPa(表压),低压侧 1.6MPa(表压)。系统的设计应低于设计 压力。
1.3 冷冻机油
为获得高可靠性,我公司压缩机使用了高低温特性都极为优良的专用冷冻机油,这种冷冻机 油含有消泡剂,具有热稳定性和极好的耐负荷性。
1.5 电控部件
请在规定的使用环境温度下,正确地使用指定的电控部件。 请按照接线图正确地连接电装部件。接线错误或者接触不良,都有可能造成过热或烧毁事故。 并且,连接导线请选用能承受最大电流的类型。
(电线的许可电流,请参照表 1-1) 另:连接压缩机的导线要避免和压缩机壳体接触,并使用耐热导线。 1.5.1 电线的选定 压缩机启动时会有很大的电流流过,从而造成电压下降,因电压降的过大有时可能造成压缩 机启动困难,所以,根据电动机启动电流时,推荐 2 项的电线规格选定表 (1)系统型式 见图 1-3 1)一体型系统和商用系统
(1)内部温控器(装在压缩机内部) 为防止高负荷运转,电磁开关不良,抱轴等引起的过电流,或者因电机温度上升引起的电机 烧毁等,压缩机内装有内部温控器。 内部温控器安装在三相电机的中性接点上,发生异常时,通过同时切断三相来保护电机。 它通过电流、温度、电流+温度三种方式动作。 在做系统测试时,请确认在贵公司的极限条件时,也不会造成热保护器动作。 (2)电磁开关 通称电磁开关是以控制压缩机运转、停止为目的的开闭器,安装时要保持垂直,如果安装错 误,会造成接点压弹簧压力发生变化,产生噪声、造成缺相运转。 对于内部装有直接断电保护器的压缩机的机型,不需要加过载保护器。
1.1 压缩机的基本结构
大连三洋压缩机有限公司生产的涡旋压缩机产品包括 C-SB(3.5~6HP)和 C-SC(8~12HP) 两个系列。 1.1.1 C-SB 型涡旋压缩机
见图 1-1 C-SB 型涡旋压缩机的剖面图 本机为内部高、低压式全封闭型结构的电动压缩机,通过高低压隔板使上部成为高压,下部 成为低压。压缩机为立式,电机位于下侧,压缩机在上侧。
图 1-3 系统型式 图 1-3 系统形式
表 1-1 电线尺寸选定表
启动电流 (A)
配线规格(㎜ 2) 图 1-3 中记号①或者记号①+②(耐热温度 60℃以上)
记号③(耐热温度 120℃ 以上)
5m 以内 10m 以内 15m 以内 20m 以内 30m 以内 50m 以内
注 1.在超出本标准书的范围内进行商品设计时,另行商定。
1.7 大连三洋涡旋压缩机的选型
【大连三洋涡旋压缩机 选型表】
(请在所选项目上画圈,并记入必要事项) 选型信息
3) 曲轴箱加热器的通电 至少在压缩机运转 5 小时前通电。
(7) 高压开关 可在高压压力异常上升时使压缩机停机,动作压力请设定在 3.0MPa 以下。
1.6 使用标准·使用极限
使用标准值:适用于常用条件下(日本 JIS C9612、与 JIS C9612 相关的标准、过载、低温
规定封入量的70%以上(C-SC型: 8~12HP)
制冷回路中不凝性气体要求在1%(容积比)以下 抽 真 空 24hr 时 以 后 真 空 度 应 在
2 系统组装及维修时的注意事项
3 空调设计
3.1 空调的设计基础
3.1.1 冷凝压力和蒸发压力
3.1.2 过冷度
3.1.3 过热度
3.1.4 排气温度
3.1.5 气液分离器
3.1.6 制冷剂的充注量
3.2 电器配线
4 故障诊断
5 市场常见问题的说明
1 大连三洋涡旋压缩机的基本规格
起的冲刷音(不增加电 管温度
10 供电电压(启动时) 额定电压85%以上
11 启停周期
运转时间:至少应使油回到指定油位所需的时间 1周期:10min
停止时间:至少应使高低压达到平衡所需的时间 停止时间:以3min左右为标准

220 以下 ↑

50.0 80.0

240 以下 ↑

(3)有关接地的注意事项 压缩机中装有本公司确认的电机保护装置,但电机保护装置并不是在所有情况下都能起到保
护作用。由于种种原因,电机有时也可能有损伤,所以一定在成品、机器等上设置接地部件,安 装时请务必接地。 1.5.2 电器部件
3 冷凝温度范围
+30~+65℃ 1.09~2.60MPa(G)
+68℃ 2.78MPa(G)
压缩机设计压力 (高压部)3.0MPa(G)
4 压缩比
5 电动机绕组温度
6 压缩机外壳底部温度 上限:90℃以下 下限:比蒸发压力相对饱和温度高12℃以上(运转 时) 比环境温度高11℃以上(停机时)
90 以下 ↑


100 以下 ↑


110 以下 ↑

120 以下 5.5

↑22.0 30.0 Nhomakorabea↑

140 以下 ↑

160 以下 ↑


180 以下 ↑

38.0 60.0
200 以下 8.0

7 排气温度
8 吸气温度
9 供电电压(运转时) 额定电压±10%
压缩机出口10cm以内位置的排气 管温度(C-SB型)
压缩机机体上的铜管内排气温度 保护器的检测温度(C-SC型)
应无由于液体吸入而引 压缩机入口 30cm 以内位置的吸气
1m 以下
20 以下 2.0
30 以下 ↑



40 以下 ↑


50 以下 ↑

14.0 22.0

60 以下 ↑

70 以下 3.5
