
23 K ~39 Ca ~40 Mg ~24 Al ~27 Fe ~56 Cu ~64 Ag ~108 Zn ~65 Ba ~137 Mn ~55 Pb ~207 Ga ~70 2017-2018 学年度下学期第 7 周理综测试第 I 卷(选择题,共 126 分)可能用到的相对原子质量H ~1 O ~16 C ~12 N ~14 S ~32 F ~19 Cl ~35.5 Br ~80 I ~127 Si ~28 Na ~一、 选择题:本大题共 13 小题,每小题 6 分。
在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合 题目要求的。
1.据世界卫生组织称,南美洲新生儿小头症患者数量猛增,很大程度上与寨卡病毒有关,已经构成 了国际卫生紧急事件。
寨卡病毒是单股正链 RNA 病毒,是一种通过蚊虫进行传播的虫媒病毒,下列 关于该病毒的叙述正确的是 ( ) A.寨卡病毒的 R NA 位于其拟核中 B.人体可以通过浆细胞产生抗体清除该病毒 C.寨卡病毒的核酸彻底水解的产物是核糖核苷酸 D.可用含有各种营养物质的普通培养基大量培养该病毒2.生物多样性是共同进化的结果。
下列事实不属于共同进化的是()A .随着工业的发展,导致大量温室气体排放,全球气温升高B .随着光合生物的出现,大气中有了氧气,为好氧生物的出现创造了条件C .生活在草原上的斑马和猎豹都能迅速奔跑,是长期相互选择的结果D .4 亿年前形成了原始的陆生植物,随后出现了适应陆地生活的动物3.为了验证胚芽鞘尖端确实能产生促进生长的某种物质,用胚芽鞘和琼脂块等材料进行实验时, 对照实验的设计思路是( )A .完整胚芽鞘分别置于单侧光照射和黑暗条件下B .胚芽鞘尖端和未放过胚芽鞘尖端的琼脂块分别置于胚芽鞘切面的同侧C 未放过胚芽鞘尖端的琼脂块和放过胚芽鞘尖端的琼脂块分别置于胚芽鞘切面的同一侧D .胚芽鞘尖端和放过胚芽鞘尖端的琼脂块分别置于胚芽鞘切面的同一侧 4.下列有关教材实验的说法,正确的是( )A.证明 D NA 是遗传物质的经典实验中没有变异发生B.蔡斯、赫尔希的噬菌体侵染细菌实验不属于对比试验C.探究植物生长调节剂对扦插枝条生根作用的实验中无对照组D.观察线粒体、叶绿体、DNA 在细胞中的分布的实验材料分别是口腔上皮细胞、菠菜、洋葱5. 研究发现,线粒体促凋亡蛋白Smac 是细胞中一个促进细胞凋亡的关键蛋白。

2018年四川省棠湖中学高三年级周练数学(理科)考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I 卷(选择题 60分)一、单选题(本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分) 1.已知集合{}0ln <=x x A ,{}0<=x x B ,则 A.Φ=B AB.C.D.2.若复数则“”是“是纯虚数”的A. 充分不必要条件B. 必要不充分条件C. 充要条件D. 既不充分也不必要条件3.若,x y 满足约束条件20210 30x y x y x y -+≥⎧⎪+-≥⎨⎪-≥⎩,则2z x y =-的最小值是A. 73-B. 1-C. 0D. 1 4.执行如图所示的程序框图,则输出k 的值为A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 75.已知,m n 是两条不同的直线, αβ,是两个不同的平面,则下列命题正确的是 A. 若,m n αα,则m n B. 若,m ααβ⊥,则m β⊥C. 若,m mαβ,则αβ D. 若//,,m n m n αβ⊥⊂,则αβ⊥6.将函数)32sin()(π+=x x f 的图象向右平移ϕ个单位,得到的图像关于原点对称,则ϕ的最小正值为 A.6π B.3π C.π125 D.127π7.在中,内角,,的对边分别为,,,若的面积为,且,则( ) A.43-B.34-C.43D.348.若点P 是曲线2ln y x x =-上任意一点,则点P 到直线2y x =-的最小距离为A. 1B.C.D. 9.某四棱锥的底面为正方形,其三视图如图所示,则该四棱锥的 外接球的表面积为( )A.πB.π2C.π3D.π410.已知椭圆C 的方程为22221(0)x y a b a b+=>>,1F ,2F 是椭圆C 的两个焦点,点P 在椭圆C 上,且1230PF F ∠=︒,2190PF F ∠=︒,则椭圆C 的离心率A.B. C. D. 11.若nxx )2(3-()展开式的二项式系数和为32,则其展开式的常数项为A. 80B.80-C.160D.160-12.设函数x a ax x x f )2(ln )(2---=,若不等式0)(>x f 恰有两个整数解,则实数a 的取值范围是( )A. B. C. D.第II 卷(非选择题 90分)试题答案用0.5毫米黑色签字笔答在答题卡上,答在试卷上概不给分. 二、填空题(本大题共4个小题,每小题5分,共20分)13.分配4名水暖工去3个不同的民居家里检查暖气管道,要求4名水暖工部分配出去,并每名水暖工只能去一个居民家,且每个居民家都要有人去检查,那么分配的方案共有__________种(用数字作答).14.已知直线04=-+y ax 与02)23(=+++y a x 平行,则实数=a ________. 15.设抛物线的焦点为F ,准线为l .已知点C 在l 上,以C 为圆心的圆与y 轴的正半轴相切于点A .若,则圆的方程为____________ .16.在平面四边形中,,,,,则的最大值为__________.三、解答题(解答题必须有必要的推理和计算过程)17.已知a ,b ,c 分别为A B C ∆三个内角A ,B ,C 的对边,且满足acb C C +=+cos sin 3. (I )求A 的大小;(II )若ABC ∆为锐角三角形,且,求的取值范围.18.某企业有,两个分厂生产某种产品,规定该产品的某项质量指标值不低于130的为优质品.分别从,两厂中各随机抽取100件产品统计其质量指标值,得到如图频率分布直方图:(1)根据频率分布直方图,分别求出分厂的质量指标值的众数和中位数的估计值;(2)填写列联表,并根据列联表判断是否有的把握认为这两个分厂的产品质量有差异?(3)(i)从分厂所抽取的100件产品中,利用分层抽样的方法抽取10件产品,再从这10件产品中随机抽取2件,已知抽到一件产品是优质品的条件下,求抽取的两件产品都是优质品的概率;(ii)将频率视为概率,从分厂中随机抽取10件该产品,记抽到优质品的件数为,求的数学期望.附:19.如图1,在正方形中,是的中点,点在线段上,且.若将, 分别沿折起,使两点重合于点,如图2.(1)求证:平面;(2)求直线与平面所成角的正弦值20.设抛物线24y x =的焦点为F ,过点1,02⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭的动直线交抛物线于不同两点,P Q ,线段PQ 中点为M ,射线MF 与抛物线交于点A .(1)求点M 的轨迹方程; (2)求APQ ∆面积的最小值.21.已知函数R m x xmx x f ∈-+=,ln 2)(2. (1)求函数)(x f 的单调增区间; (2)若函数)(x f 有两个极值点,且,证明:.22.选修4-4:坐标系与参数方程在直角坐标系xOy 中,以坐标原点为极点,x 轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,曲线1C :cos 3ρθ=,曲线2C : 4cos ρθ=(02πθ≤<).(1)求1C 与2C 交点的极坐标;(2)设点Q 在2C 上, 23OQ QP =,求动点P 的极坐标方程.23.选修4-5:不等式选讲:已知函数,其中.(1)当2=a 时,求不等式的解集; (2)已知关于的不等式的解集为,求的值.2018年四川省棠湖中学高三年级周练数学(理科)参考答案1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.C13.36 14.21. 15. 16.17解:(I )因为,由正弦定理得:,即,,因为,所以,,即,因为,所以,解得(Ⅱ)由(I )知,又,所以,因为为锐角三角形,所以,且,即且由此得,;所以, 所以18.解:(1)分厂的质量指标值的众数的估计值为,设分厂的质量指标值的中位数的估计值为,则,解得.(2)列联表:由列联表可知的观测值为:,所以有的把握认为两个分厂的产品质量有差异.(3)(i)依题意,厂的100个样本产品利用分层抽样的方法抽出10件产品中,优质品有2件,非优质品有8件,设“从这10件产品中随机抽取2件,已知抽到一件产品是优质品”为事件,“从这10件产品中随机抽取2件,抽取的两件产品都是优质品”为事件,则,所以已知抽到一件产品是优质品的条件下,抽取的两件产品都是优质品的概率是.(ii)用频率估计概率,从分厂所有产品中任取一件产品是优质品的概率为0.20,所以随机变量服从二项分布,即,则.19.解:(1)证明:设正方形的边长为4,由图1知,,,,,,即由题意知,在图2中,,,平面,平面,且,平面,平面,. 又平面,平面,且,平面(2)解:由(1)知平面,则建立如图所示空间直角坐标系,过点作,垂足为,在中,, ,从而,,,,,.设平面的一个法向量为,则, 令,则,,.设直线与平面所成角为,则, .直线与平面所成角的正弦值为20.解:(1)设直线PQ 方程为12x ty =+,代入24y x =得2420.y ty --= 设()()1122,,P x y Q x y ,则124y y t+=,122y y =-,21241x x t +=+.∴212,22M t t ⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭.设(),M x y ,由212,{ 22,x t y t =+=消去t 得中点M 的轨迹方程为22 1.y x =-(2)设()00(0),FA FM A x y λλ=<,.∵()1,0F , 212,22M t t ⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭ ∴20121,{ 22.x t y t λλλ=-+= 由A 点在抛物线24y x =上,得()221212t λλλ-=-+. 又∵0λ<∴212t λ=-,点A 到直线PQ的距离d又12PQ y =-=所以, APQ ∆面积12S PQ d =⋅⋅=1-=设()()31,0f λλλλ-=<,有()()()22121'f λλλλ-+=,故()f λ在1,2⎛⎫-∞- ⎪⎝⎭上是减函数,在1,02⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭上是增函数,因此,当12λ=-时()f λ取到最小值.所以,APQ ∆21.解:(Ⅰ)由,得:设函数当时,即时,,,所以函数在上单调递增.当时,即时,令得,,当时,即时,在上,,;在上,,.所以函数在,上单调递增,在上单调递减.当时,即时,在上,,;在上,,.所以函数在上单调递减,在上单调递增.综上,当时,函数在上单调递增;当时,函数在,上单调递增,在上单调递减;当时,函数在上单调递减,在上单调递增.(Ⅱ)证明:∵函数有两个极值点,且,∴有两个不同的正根,∴∴.欲证明,即证明,∵,∴证明成立,等价于证明成立.∵,∴.设函数,求导可得. 易知在上恒成立, 即在上单调递增, ∴,即在上恒成立, ∴函数有两个极值点,且时,.22.解:(1)联立3,{ 4,cos cos ρθρθ==cos 2θ=±, ∵02πθ≤<, 6πθ=,ρ=6π⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭. (2)设(),P ρθ, ()00,Q ρθ且004cos ρθ=, 00,2πθ⎡⎫∈⎪⎢⎣⎭, 由已知23OQ QP =,得002,{ 5,ρρθθ== ∴24cos 5ρθ=,点P 的极坐标方程为10cos ρθ=, 0,2πθ⎡⎫∈⎪⎢⎣⎭. 23解:(1)当时, 当时,由得,解得; 当时,由得无解; 当时,由得,解得,故不等式的解集为.(2)令,则 由,解得,又知的解集为,所以于是解得.。

高三周考英语试题第I卷(共105分)第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)1.一W0uld it bother you if I turned up the radio?一___________.Lisa is sleeping.A.That’s all right B.I’m afraid soC.I suppose not D.It doesn’t matter2.The book is of great value,but____can be enjoyed unless you digest it.A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything 3.You’d better pull your car to the side of the road if you_____answer a phone call.A.must B.will C.can D.may4.My daughter reads a lot of books,_____from contemporary novels to ancient poems.A.having ranged B.range C.ranging D.to range5.They_____a rise in salary with the prices of food,petrol and housing increasing every day.A.are expected B.expected C.expect D.are expecting 6.They regard it as their duty_______the best service to the customers.A.to provide B.providing C.provide D.Provided 7.Many cities in the world have been polluted heavily,_______Beijing is an example.A.for which B.in which C.from which D.of which 8.Children will act positively when they are praised,_____it is just a nod with smile.A.as though B.even if C.in case D.so that9.I’m afraid he is more of a talker than a doer,which is_______he never finishes anything.A.why B.when C.that D.where10.Scientists predict that by 2025,90%of all electronic communication______by mobile phone.A.will conduct B.will be conductedC.has conducted D.is conducted第二节完形填空(共30小题,1 l-20每小题1分,21-40每小题1.5分,满分40分)(I)I beheve in the power of forgiveness.It gives a chance,for some,to 11 for their previous mistakes.I have come to learn the true12 of forgiveness over the years through a personal 13 of mine.I was riding with my friend’s family in their car when we werehit by a driver,Eddy Jo who was so drunk.14,everyone survived,although I came away from the 15 badly injured.Nearly a decade later I am still in pain every day.In count,the judge 16 Eddy to twenty—five years in prison.I didn’t 17 the full extent of this when I was thirteen.I was 18 about how the ignorance of him had changed my life forever.As time went by,I began to think of Eddy in jail,away from his family,and how he must feel.I received letters from him,stating his 19 for his actions,and yet I couldn’t bring myself to answer.I was so overwhelmed with so many different emotions thatI didn’t know what to say.I have now 20 Eddy in my heart and have the courage to write to him.11.A.thank B.regret C.wishD.search12.A.impression B.character C.attitudeD.nature13.A.experience B.matter C.problemD.trouble14.A.Eventually B.Hopefully C.Thankfully D.Desperately15.A.car B.hospital C.courtD.accident16.A.expected B.gave C.sentencedD.ordered17.A.understand B.want C.remind D.doubt 18.A.concerned B.upset C.glad D.confused 19.A.anger B.excuse C.kindness D.guilt 20.A.ignored B.forgotten C.forgivenD.respected(II)One lunchtime when I was in the third grade will stay with me always.I had been 21 to be the princess in the school play,and for weeks my mother had painstakingly 22 my lines with me.But no matterhow easily I 23 them at home,as soon as I stepped onstage,every word 24 from my head.Finally.my teacher took me aside.She explained that she had written a narrator’s part to the play,and asked me to switch 25.Her words,26 delivered,still stung(刺耳),especially when I saw my 27 go to another girl.I didn’t tell my mother what had happened when I went home for lunch that day.But she 28 my unease,and instead of suggesting we practice my 29,she asked if I wanted to walk in the yard.It was a lovely spring day and the rose vine(枝条)was turning 30.We could see yellow dandelions(蒲公英)popping through the grass in bunches.I watched my mother 31 bend down by one of the clumps(丛),‚I think I’m going to 32 all these weeds.‚she said.‚From now on,we’ll have only roses in this garden.‛‚But I like dandelions.‛I 33.‚All flowers are beautiful—even dandelions.‛ My mother looked at me seriously.‚Yes,every flower gives 34 in its own way,doesn’t it?‛ She asked thoughtfully.‚And that is 35 of people too,‛she added.‚Not everyone can be a 36,but thereis no shame in that.‛Relieved that she had guessed my 37,I started to cry as I told her what had happened.‚But you will be a 38 narrator,‛she said,reminding me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her,‚The narrator’s part is as 39 as the part of the princess.‛Over the next few weeks,with her constant 40,I learned to take pride in the role.Lunchtimes were spent reading over my lines and talking about what I would wear.21.A.trained B.picked C.tested D.expected22.A.rewritten B.changed C.questioned D.practiced23.A.replaced B.selected C.delivered D.designed24.A.disappeared B.came C.failedD.shone25.A.seats B.roles C.tasksD.ideas26.A.secretlv B.exactlv C.fullyD.kindly27.A.goal B.duty C.part D.work 28.A.sensed B.ignored C.admitted D.controlled29.A.speeds B.skills C.1inesD.questions30.A.empty B.green C.dry D.soft 31.A.casually B.angrily C.joyfully D.proudly32.A.dig up B.give out C.turn over D.set down33.A.nodded B.cried C.addedD.sighed34.A.fortune B.heat C.favor D.pleasure35.A.true B.wise C.possible D.equal 36.A.director B.host C.princess D.king 37.A.trick B.pain C.joy D.anger38.A.beautiful B.thankful C.cheerful D.merciful39.A.strange B.useful C.exciting D.important40.A.challenge B.competition C.encouragement D. agreement第二部分阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)ANelson Mandela was a figure of international fame,and many details of his life and career were public knowledge.But here are some things you may not have known about him.In his youth,Mandela enjoyed boxing.Even during the 27 years he spent in prison,he would exercise every morning.‚I did not enjoy the violence of boxing so much as the science of it.Boxing is equal.I never did any real fighting after I entered politics.My main interest was in training,‛he wrote in his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom. Among the memorabilia in the Mandela Family Museum in Soweto,visitors call find the world championship belt given to Mandela by American boxer Sugar Ray Leonard.Rolihlahla Mandela was nine years old when a teacher at the primary Methodist school where he was studying, gave him an English name—Nelson—in accordance with the custom to give all school children Christian names.Rolihlahla is not a common name in South Africa.It means ‚troublemaker‛.His circumcision name was Dalibunga,meaning ‚founder of the Bunga‛.However, in South Africa,Mr Mandela was often called by his clan(宗族)name—Madiba—which South Africans used out of respect. After going underground because of his ANC activities,Mr Mandela’s ability to evade(躲避)the securities services earned him the nickname ‚the black Pimpernel‛,after the novel The Scarlet Pimpernel,about a hero with a secret identity.A fake(伪造的)passport in the name of David Motsamayi was used by Mr Mandela. He had disguised himself as a driver,a gardener and a chef in order to travel around the country unnoticed by the authorities.Mr Mandela studied law on and off for 50 years from 1939,failing about half the courseshe took.In August 1952,he and Oliver Tamboestablished South Africa’s first black law firm,Mandela and Tambo,in Johannesburg.He persevered to finally secure a law degree while in prison in 1989.41.Why did Nelson Mandela become a boxing fan?A.He enjoyed the violence of boxing. B.He wanted to take the championship.C.He desired to enjoy the training. D.He hoped to find a better job.42.Which of the following is true of Mandela’s name?A.His original name was not Nelson.B.His parents gave him the name—Nelson.C.Rolihlahla is a popular name in South Africa.D.Madiba was his Christian name.43.What made people call Mr Mandela‚the black Pimpernel‛? A.His ability to escape from being caught.B.His underground activities in ANC.C.His pressure given by the authorities.D.The novel’s hero with a secret identity.44.Mr Mandela made a fake passport to_____.A.travel around the country B.escape from the authorities C.disguise himself as an actor D.go abroad easily45.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.It took Mr Mandela over fifty years to get a law degree.B.Mr Mandela set up South Africa’s first law firm.C.Mr Mandela got his law degree after being released from prison.D.Mr Mandela was a determined person.BTraffic problems are an everyday concern in many cities,including Washington,DC.A growing number of Washingtonians are turning to bicycles to get to and from work.In fact,the number of commuters who use bicycles has doubled in the city since 2007.Ralph Buehler teaches urban planning at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,popularly known as Virginia Tech.He has written a book about urban biking,called ‚City Cycling‛. He says there is a reason why urban bike tiding is now becoming more popular.‚Over the last 60 to 70 years.cities in the U.S.have been adapted to the automobile.‛‚Most cities took advantage of the money coming for the interstate highway system,from the federal government,starting in 1956.There was a 90 percent federal match(补贴)so the cities only had to put up 10%.It was very tempting.‛In the years after World War Two,many Americans moved to suburban communities,just outside major cities,They decided to travel great distances to and from work in exchange for a home in the suburbs.Their cars became a symbol of freedom.But today,many people believe they can save money by living in the city.Greg Billing is with the Washington Area Bicyclist Association.‚When a person makes a change from 04 using a car to using a bike,they are saving anywhere between 8 or$9,000 a year.‛ Ralph Buehler says governments save money when people use bicycles.‚Building bicycling facilities is much cheaper than building and maintaining road facilities or public transport.‛Washington,DC has also taken steps to protect bike riders.It approved a safe passing law and created areas on the road between cars and bikes.The United States Census Bureau says 4%of the city’s workers ride to work by bike.The only city on the East Coast with more bike commuters is New York.46.What’s the best title of the text?A.Traffic problems are an everyday concern in many citiesB.Bicycling to work in Washington,DC grows in popularityC.Bikes result in new problems in Washington,DCD.Washington,DC has taken steps to protect bike riders 47.What can we know from Ralph Buehler’s statement?A.The federal government supported building public transport. B.Government invested a lot to build bicycling facilities.C.Cities didn’t use the money from the government wisely.D.Urban biking has been popular in the last 60 to 70 years.48.In the years after World War Two,many Americans prefer to_____. A.1ive in the city B.1ive in the suburbsC.travel great distances D.rent houses49.What do Ralph Buehler and Greg Billing agree with?A.Money can be saved when people use bicycles.B.Living in the city is much cheaper than in the country.C.Government should build more bicycling facilities.D.Road facilities and public transport develop rapidly now.50.What can we infer from the text?A.Traffic problems are the most severe in Washington,DC.B.4%of Washingtonians ride to work by bike in Washington,DC. C.Washington,DC concerns about the safety of bike riders.D. More cities on the East Coast have bike commuters.CImagine a school where there are no academic requirements,no curriculum,and no tests.Children have total contro1 of their education and are free to do what they want all day,every day.Sudbury Valley School in Framingham,Massachusetts has been operating this way since 1968.More than 30 schools worldwide have imitated the Sudbury model,and over 200 schools identify similarly as ‚democratic schools.‛These schools are designed based on the belief that children have an innate curiosity to learn and do best when they direct their own learning.Sudbury Vallev School admits anyone who wants to enroll(注册)between the ages of 4 and 18.Many parents send their kids froma young age because they believe that kids do best when they learn what they want to learn.Other students come to Sudbury because they had various issues in traditional school systems including rebellion,learning difficulties,and emotional problems.Sudbury is administered through a democratic process where every student and staff member has an equal vote.In fact,students outnumber staff 20 to 1.There’s no age segregation(差别);four-year-olds can hang out with teenagers.Many staff members are part time and have rich careers as historians,businessmen,psychologists,artists,among others.Learning is self-directed and occurs informally through having conversations,starting projects.reading for enjoyment,and playing games.If students are interested in a particular topic,they work with staff and other students to organize courses and find resources.The requirement for getting a high school diploma is to write an essay about how they are prepared t0 be an adult.95%of students graduate.90%of graduates end up going to college,better than the national average of 66%.Most graduates say that they benefited from a self-directededucation because they were more motivated than their peers,lacked fear of authority figures,and got a head start in their field of interest.They work hard at doing the things they love to do.51.From Paragraph 1,we can know that_____.A.there are curriculums and tests in the schoolB.children can control their education freely in the school C.the school has been a ‚democratic school‛ for 50 years D.the school thinks their children lack curiosity 52.Paragraph 2 mainly talks about_____.A.How parents send their children thereB.When parents send their children thereC.What children do in Sudbury Valley SchoolD.Why parents send their children there53.Which of the following shows the school is democratically managed?A.Students have the same right as staff in voting.B.There are as many students as staff members.C.The students are of the same age.D.All staff members work part-time.54.How can the students in Sudbury get their diploma?A.By having conversations. B.By reading for enjoyment.C.By playing games. D.By submitting a qualified paper.55.Most graduates’ attitude towards Sudbury Valley School’s education might be ____.A.unclear B.negative C.positive D.doubtfulDHow many hours do you spend sitting in a chair every day? Eight hours in the office plus three hours in front of the TV after work is the norm for many people.You probably don’t need an expert to tell you that sitting too much is not good for your health—from an increased risk of heart disease and obesity in the long term,to reduced cholesterol(胆固醇)maintenance in the short term,not to mention the strain on your neck and spine.To make matters worse,many researches show a good diet and regular exercise call’t reduce the negative effects of sitting too much.A 2010 study of nearly 9,000 Australians found that for eachadditional hour of television a person watched per day,the risk of dying rose by 11 percent.Another study tracked the health of 123,000 Americans between 1992 and 2006.The death rate for men who spent six hours or more per day sitting was about 20 percent higher than for men who sat for three hours or less.So what can we do about it? Health experts suggest we break up those many hours spent sitting with more hours spent standing.The BBC conducted a simple experiment with a group of 10 volunteers who usually spent most of the day sitting.They were asked to stand for at least three hours a day.The researchers took measurements Oil days when the volunteers stood,and when they sat around.When they looked at the data there were some striking differences,the BBC reported.Blood sugar leveled off much quicker on the days when the study subjects stood compared with the days they spent in a chair.Standing also burned more calories——about 50 calories an hour.A member said although doing exercise offers many proven benefits,our bodies also need the increase in muscle activity that standing provides.The researchers believe that even small adjustments,likestanding while talking on the phone,will help.56.The underlined word ‚norm‛in Paragraph 1 most probably means____.A.standard answer B.causeC.excuse D.reasonable explanation57.What bad effect does sitting too much have?A.A low risk of heart disease. B.Becoming too fat.C.Balanced cholesterol maintenance.D.Benefiting your neck and spine.58.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 4?A.Sitting is killing us.B.We should have a good diet.C.Watching TV does us no good.D.Women have higher death rate than men.59.What is the purpose of the experiment in the text?A.To help the 10 volunteers to lose weight.B.To find the difference between standing and sitting.C.To prove the benefit of standing.D.To teach us how to control blood sugar.60.What would be the best title for the text?A.Having regular exercise B.Standing up for healthC.Watching less TV D.Increasing muscle activityEGimmicky—and expensive—new gloves allow chatterboxes to take the term ‘handsfree’ to a new level—by talking into them as they make a call.The gloves are known as ‘Talk to the Hand’ and cost£1.000 a pair.They come with a speaker unit embedded(嵌入)into the thumb and a microphone built into the little finger that can be connected to any mobile handset using Bluetooth.Artist Sean Miles designed the gloves that double as a phone in part of his project that shows the possibilities of gadget(小机件)recycling.He combines gloves with parts from mobile handsets recycled through O2,which commissioned the project.Mobile phone users will be able to keep their hands warm while they chat without taking their phone out of their pocket or handbag.Mr Miles designed two pairs of the new gloves—one in pink and the other in brown and yellow.They will appear in an exhibition this July and visitors will be able to win the gloves.If demand is high,they will then be produced on a larger scale.O2 Recycle,which backs the project,estimates that there are already 70 million unused mobile handsets in the UK.The service pays those who recycle gadgets including phones,MP3 players and digital cameras.Designer Scan Miles,hopes his work will get people thinking about recycling.The 41-year-old said:‚I hope that my Talk to the Hand project will get people to think again about the waste created by not recycling gadgets.If a few more people recycle their gadgets rather than send them to landfill(垃圾场),I think this project will have fulfilled its aim.‛The Talk to the Hand mobile phone gloves are the second product in a series that O2 Recycle and Miles have created.Miles is now working on combining phones with handbags—so people don’t spend time rummaging(翻查)around in their bags to find a phone when it rings.61.For what purpose is the text written?A.To show the harmfulness of old handsets.B.To introduce Sean Miles’new designs.C.To warn people not to throw electronic waste.D.To ask more people to join O2 Recycle.62.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3?A.How the new gloves are designed. B.What the gloves are made of.C.Who designed the gloves. D.How O2 Recycle is managed.63.What can we learn about Talk to the Hand?A.It has been widely used at present.B.It has a pair of gloves that can function as a phone.C.It can be connected directly to any mobile handset.D.It is expensive but environment—friendly.64.Which of the following is true of O2 Recycle?A.It encourages people to recycle gadgets.B.It has recycled 70 million mobile handsets.C.It promotes the technology of IT.D.It is now recycling gadgets around the world.65.What is the passage mainly about?A.New mobiles that are fashionable.B.Sean Miles who set up a phone company.C.Outdated gadgets that can be used for recycling.D.New gloves that can be used for making phone calls.第II卷(共45分)第三部分书面表达(共两节,满分45分)第一节阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)阅读下面的短文,并根据文章后的要求答题。

(每点2分,意思相近即可)7. D【解析】D项,多数网友并未给予孩子自主选择权”理解不准确,原文中“对于暑假怎么过才有意义,网友们意见不一,但愿意遵从孩子的意愿者不少”,说明有不少网友愿意遵循孩子意愿,给予孩子自主权。
8. BD【解析】A项,“以天津为例”错误,材料二的调查只是针对天津网友,且回收有效问卷203份,不能代表天津的整体情况。

1.Where does this conversation probably take place?A. In a bookstore.B. In a classroom.C. In a library.2.At what time will the film begin?A. 7:20.B. 7:15. 7:00.3.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. Their friend Jane.B. A weekend trip.C. A radio programme.4.What will the woman probably do?A. Catch a train.B. See the man off.C. Go shopping.5.Why did the woman apologize?A. She made a late delivery.B. She went to the wrong place.C. She couldn’t take the cake back.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)每段对话读两遍。
6.Whose CD is broken?A. Kathy’s.B. Mum’s.C. Jack’s.7.What does the boy promise to do for the girl?A, Buy her a new CD. B. Do some cleaning. C. Give her 10 dollars.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

理数周日测试6 一、选择题1.已知集合{}{}2,,1,0,2,3,4,8A x x n n Z B ==∈=-,则()R A B ⋂=ð( ) A. {}1,2,6 B. {}0,1,2 C. {}1,3- D.{}1,6- 2.已知i 是虚数单位,则2331i i i -⎛⎫-= ⎪+⎝⎭( )A. 32i --B. 33i --C. 24i -+D. 22i -- 3.已知2sin 3α=,则()3tan sin 2ππαα⎛⎫++= ⎪⎝⎭( ) A. 23-B. 23C.4.已知椭圆()222210x y a b a b+=>>的离心率为12,且椭圆的长轴与焦距之差为4,则该椭圆为方程为( )A. 22142x y +=B. 22184x y +=C. 221164x y +=D.2211612x y += 5.公元五世纪,数学家祖冲之估计圆周率π的值的范围是:3.1415926 3.1415927π<<,为纪念祖冲之在圆周率的成就,把3.1415926称为“祖率”,这是中国数学的伟大成就.某小学教师为帮助同学们了解“祖率”,让同学们从小数点后的7位数字1,4,1,5,9,2,6随机选取两位数字,整数部分3不变,那么得到的数字大于3.14的概率为( ) A.2831 B. 1921 C. 2231 D.1721 6.运行如图所示的程序,输出的结果为( )A. 8B. 6C. 5D.47.已知某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的表面积为( )A. 6πB. 8πC. 6π+6D.8π+48.已知直线1:1l y x =+与2:l y x m =+之间的距离为2,则直线2l 被圆()22:18C x y ++=截得的弦长为( )A. 4B.3C.2D.19.已知实数,x y 满足不等式组10201x y x y x -+≥⎧⎪+≥⎨⎪≤⎩,则目标函数3z x y =-的最大值为( )A.1B.2C.53 D. 7310.在边长为1的正ABC ∆中,点D 在边BC 上,点E 是AC 中点,若316AD BE =-,则BDBC=( ) A.14 B. 12 C. 34 D. 7811.已知定义在R 上的函数()f x ,满足()()()f m x f m x x R +=-∈,且1x ≥时,()22x n f x -+=,图象如图所示,则满足()2n mf x -≥的实数x 的取值范围是( ) A. []-1,3 B. 1322⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦, C. []0,2 D. 15,22⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦12.已知函数()()23sin cos 4cos 0f x x x x ωωωω=->的最小正周期为π,且()12f θ=,则2f πθ⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭( ) A. 52-B. 92-C. 112-D. 132- 二、填空题13.在正方体1111ABCD A BC D -中,点M 是11C D 的中点,则1A M 与AB 所成角的正切值为. 14.已知双曲线()222210,0x y a b a b-=>>的离心率为2,过双曲线的右焦点垂直于x 轴的直线被双曲线截得的弦长为m ,则ma=. 15.已知函数()()()()ln 0ln 0x x f x x x >⎧⎪=⎨--<⎪⎩,若()()()20,0f a f b a b =><,且224a b +的最小值为m ,则()22log mab +-=.16.已知ABC ∆的三个内角所对的边分别为,,a b c ,且cos cos 2cos b C c B a B +=,sin 3sin B A =,则a c=. 三、解答题17.(12分)已知等比数列{}n a 满足:112a =,且895618a a a a +=+. (1)求{}n a 的通项公式及前n 项和; (2)若n nb na =,求{}n b 的前n 项和n T .18.(12分)如图,三棱锥P ABC -中,PAB ABC ⊥平面平面,PA PB =,且AB PC ⊥.(1)求证:CA CB =;(2)若2,PA PB AB PC ====P ABC -的体积.19.(12分)某搜索引擎广告按照付费价格对搜索结果进行排名,点击一次付费价格排名越靠前,被点击的次数也可能会提高,已知某关键词被甲、乙等多个公司竞争,其中甲、乙付费情况与每小时点击量结果绘制成如下的折线图.(1)试根据所给数据计算每小时点击次数的均值方差并分析两组数据的特征;(2)若把乙公司设置的每次点击价格为x ,每小时点击次数为y ,则点(x ,y )近似在一条直线附近.试根据前5次价格与每小时点击次数的关系,求y 关于x 的回归直线ˆˆˆybx a =+.(附:回归方程系数公式:1221ˆˆˆ,ni ii nii x y nxybay bx xnx =-=-==--∑∑) 20.(12分)如图,直线10l y ++=与y 轴交于点A ,与抛物线()2:20C x py p =>交于P ,Q ,点B 与点A 关于x 轴对称,连接QB ,BP 并延长分别与x 轴交于点M ,N. (1)若PQ =,求抛物线C 的方程;(2)若3MN =,求BMN ∆外接圆的方程.21.(12分)已知函数()()2ln f x x axa R =+∈.(1)若()y f x =在2x =处的切线与x 轴平行,求()f x 的极值;(2)若函数()()1g x f x x =--在()0∞,+上单调递增,求实数a 的取值范围. 选考题22.(10分)选修4-4坐标系与参数方程以原点为极点,x 轴的正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,曲线C 的极坐标方程为()253cos28ρθ-=,直线l的参数方程为22x m t y ⎧=-⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩(其中t 为参数).(1)把曲线C 的极坐标方程化为普通方程;(2)若直线l 与曲线C 有两个公共点,求实数m 的取值范围.23.(10分)选修4-5不等式选讲 已知函数()12f x x x =-+.(1)关于x 的不等式()2f x <的解集为M ,且(),12m m M -⊆,求实数m 的取值范围; (2)求()()22g x f x x x =-+-的最小值,及对应的x 的取值范围. 附加题. 已知函数()()()2ln f x x g x ax bx a b ==-,、为常数.(Ⅰ)求函数()f x 在点()()1,1f 处的切线方程;(Ⅱ)当函数()2g x x =在处取得极值-2,求函数()g x 的解析式;(Ⅲ)当12a=时,设()()()h x f x g x=+,若函数()h x在定义域上存在单调减区间,求实数b的取值范围.河北衡水中学2018届高三数学复习 周日测答案1.【答案】C 【解析】由条件可知A 为偶数集,故(){}R 1,3A B =-I ð.2.【答案】B 【解析】()()()22231i 3i 3i i i 12i i 33i 1i 2轾--骣-÷犏ç-=+=-+=--÷ç÷犏ç桫+臌. 3.【答案】A 【解析】()()32tan sin tan cos sin 23p p a a a a a 骣÷ç++=-=-=-÷ç÷ç桫. 4.【答案】D 【解析】设椭圆的焦距为2c ,由条件可得12c a =,故2a c =,由椭圆的长轴与焦距之差为4可得()24a c -=,即2a c -=,所以,4a =,2c =,故22212b a c =-=,故该椭圆的方程为2211612x y +=.5.【答案】A 【解析】从1,4,1,5,9,2,6这7位数字中任选两位数字的不同情况有:14,11,15,19,12,16,41,45,49,42,46,59,52,56,92,96,26,51,91,21,61,54,94,24,64,95,25,65,29,69,62,共31种不同情况,其中使得到的数字不大于3.14的情况有3种不同情况,故所求概率为32813131-=. 6.【答案】D 【解析】所给程序的运行过程如下:1b =,3a =;2b =,7a =;3b =,15a =;4b =,31a =,不满足30a <,输出b 的值为4.7.【答案】C 【解析】由三视图可知,该几何体是一个圆柱的34,故表面积为()232123213664p p p ??创=+.8.【答案】A 【解析】由条件可知,直线1l 过圆心():1,0C -,则圆心C 到直线2l 的距离等于直线1l 与2l 之间的距离2,故直线2l 被圆C 截得的弦长为4. 9.【答案】B 【解析】不等式组表示的平面区域如下图中的阴影部分所示:且点12,33A 骣÷ç-÷ç÷ç桫,()1,2B ,()1,2C -,易得目标函数3z x y =-在点C 处取得最大值5.10.【答案】C 【解析】设AB =uu u r a ,AC =uuu r b ,BD BC l =uu u r uu u r,则()()1AD AB BD l l l =+=+-=-+u u u r u u u r u u u r a b a a b ,12BE AE AB =-=-u u u r u u u r u u u r b a ,则()()()()()()2211111312221133131142416AD BE l l l l l l l l l 骣÷ç轾?-+?=-?-+÷ç臌÷ç桫=-+-+=-=-uuu r uu u r a b b a a b a b故34l =,即34BD BC =. 11.【答案】B 【解析】由条件可知,()f x 的图象关于直线1x =对称,结合()()()f m x f m x x +=-?R 可得1m =,而()11f =,即221n -+=,解之得2n =,由()2n m f x -≥可得()12f x ≥,当1x ≥时,由22122x -+≥,解之得32x ≤,所以,312x ≤≤,再结合对称性可得x 的取值范围是13,22轾犏犏臌.12.【答案】B 【解析】()()2353sin cos 4cos sin 22cos22sin 2222f x x x x x x x w w w w w w j =-=--=--,其中4sin 5j =,3cos 5j =,由()12f q =可得()sin 21wq j -=,即()f x 关于x q =对称,而2x p q =+与x q =的距离为12个周期,故sin 212p w q j 轾骣÷ç犏+-=-÷ç÷ç犏桫臌,所以,592222f p q 骣÷ç+=--=-÷ç÷ç桫. 13.【答案】2【解析】11MA B Ð即为1A M 与AB 所成角,取11A B 中点N ,连接MN ,则11MN A B ^,则111tan 2MNMA B A N?=. 14.【答案】6【解析】设双曲线的焦距为2c ,则2ca=,即2c a =,则b =2x c a==代入双曲线可得2b y a =?,故22b m a =,所以,2226m b a a==.15.【答案】3【解析】由()()()20,0f a f b a b =><可得()ln ln 2a b =--,即21ab -=,∴12ab =-,则2242242a b a bab +?=≥,当且仅当122ab a b ìïï=-ïíïï=-ïî,即112a b ì=ïïïíï=-ïïî时,224a b +取得最小值2.故()22212log 2log 32m ab +=+=.16.cos cos 2cos b C c B a B +=及正弦定理可得sin cos sin 2sin cos B C Ccos B A B +=,即()sin 2sin cos B C A B +=,而()sin sin 0A B C =+>,∴1cos 2B =.由sin 3sin B A =可得3b a =,由余弦定理可得2222cos b a c ac B =+-,即2229a a c ac =+-,解之得a c=(舍去负值). 17.【解析】(1)设{}n a 的公比为q ,由895618a a a a +=+可得318q =,∴12q =,∴12n n a =,∴11112211212n n n S 骣÷ç-÷ç÷ç桫==--.(5分) (2)由(1)可得2n n n b =,则231232222n n nT =++++L ① 所以,2341112322222n n nT +=++++L ②由①-②可得2311111111111222112222222212n n n n n n n n n T +++骣÷ç-÷ç÷ç桫+=++++-=-=--L , 所以,222n nn T +=-.(12分) 18.【解析】(1)取AB 的中点O ,连接PO ,PC .∵PA PB =,∴PO AB ^, ∵AB PC ^,PC PO P =I ,PC ,PO Ì平面POC , ∴AB ^平面POC ,又∵OC Ì平面POC ,∴AB OC ^, 而O 是AB 的中点,∴CA CB =.(6分)(2)∵平面PAB ^平面ABC ,PO Ì平面PAB ,平面PAB I 平面ABC AB =, ∴PO ^平面ABC,由条件可得PO =OC =.则11222ABC S AB OC =?创V ∴三棱锥P ABC -的体积为:1133ABC V S PO =?V .(12分)19.【解析】(1)由题图可知,甲公司每小时点击次数为9,5,7,8,7,6,8,6,7,7,乙公司每小时点击次数为2,4,6,8,7,7,8,9,9,10. 甲公司每小时点击次数的平均数为:9578768677710x +++++++++==甲,乙公司每小时点击次数的平均数为:24687789071091x +++++++++==乙.甲公司每小时点击次数的方差为:()()222222122212140 1.210S 轾=+-+??+?犏臌甲;乙公司每小时点击次数的方差为:()()()22222222153******** 5.410S 轾=-+-+-+??+?犏臌乙,由计算已知,甲、乙公司每小时点击次数的均值相同,但是甲的方差较小,所以,甲公司每小时点击次数更加稳定.(6分)(2)根据折线图可得数据如下:则3x =, 5.4y =,则5152215 1.4i i i ii x y xy b x n x=-=-==-åå$, 1.2a =$, ∴所求回归直线方程为: 1.4 1.2y x =+$.(12分)20.【解析】(1)由2102y x py++=ï=ïî可得220x p ++=, 设点()11,P x y ,()22,Q x y,则()280p D=->,即1p >,12x x +=-,122x x p =,故12PQ x =-=.由2p =(舍去负值), ∴抛物线C 的方程为24x y =.(5分)(2)设直线BN ,BM 的斜率分别为1k ,2k 点,21221111212111111122222x y x p x x x x x p k x x px px p-----=====,22222221221222221122222x y x p x x x x x p k x x px px p-----=====, ∴120k k +=.直线BN 的方程为:11y k x =+,直线BM 的方程为:21y k x =+,则11,0N k 骣÷ç÷-ç÷ç÷桫,21,0M k 骣÷ç÷-ç÷ç÷桫,则12211211k k MN k k k k -=-==,由120k k +=可得12k k =-,∴1212k k =,∴1k =2k =120k k <,故tan tan BNM BMN ??, 即BMN V 是等腰三角形,且1OB =,则BMN V 的外接圆的圆心一定在y 轴上,设为()0,t ,由圆心到点M ,B 的距离相等可得()2221t t -=+桫,解之得16t =-,外接圆方程为22149636x y 骣÷ç++=÷ç÷ç桫.(12分) 21.【解析】(1)∵()2ln f x x ax =+,∴()()120f x ax x x ¢=+>, 由条件可得()11402f a ¢=+=,解之得18a =-, ∴()21ln 8f x x x =-,()()()()2211044x x f x x x x x --+¢=-=>, 令()0f x ¢=可得2x =或2x =-(舍去)当02x <<时,()0f x ¢>;当2x >时,()0f x ¢<即()f x 在()0,2上单调递增,在()2,+?上单调递减,故()f x 有极大值()12ln 22f =-,无极小值(5分) (2)()2ln 1g x x ax x =+--,则()()2121210ax x g x ax x x x-+¢=+-=> 设()221h x ax x =-+,①当0a =时,()1x g x x-¢=-,当01x <<时,()0g x ¢>, 当1x >时,()0g x ¢<,即()g x 在()0,1上单调递增,在()1,+?上单调递减,不满足条件;②当0a <时,()221h x ax x =-+是开口向下的抛物线,方程2210ax x -+=有两个实根,设较大实根为0x .当0x x >时,有()0h x <,即()0g x ¢<,∴()g x 在()0,x +?上单调递减,故不符合条件(8分)③当0a >时,由()0g x ¢≥可得()221h x ax x =-+在()0,+?上恒成立,故只需()0010400h a a ìïïïï-ïï-ïíïïD >ïïïï>ïî≥≤或0D ≤,即101041800a a a ìïïïïïïïíïï->ïïïï>ïî≥≤或1800a a ì-ïïíï>ïî≤,解之得18a ≥. 综上可知,实数a 的取值范围是1,8轹÷ê+?÷÷êøë.(12分) 22.【解析】(1)方程()253cos28r q -=可化为()22532cos 18r q 轾--=犏臌,即22243cos 4r r q -=,把222c o s x x y r r q ìï=+ïíï=ïî代入可得()222434x y x +-=,整理可得2214x y +=.(5分)(2)把x m y ìïï=-ïïïíïïï=ïïî代入2214x y +=可得225280t m -+-=,由条件可得()()2220280m D =--->,解之得m -<即实数m的取值范围是(-.(10分)23.【解析】(1)当1x ≤时,不等式()2f x <可变为()122x x --+<,解之得1x <,∴1x <;当1x >时,不等式()2f x <可变为()122x x -+<,解之得1x <,∴x 不存在. 综上可知,不等式()2f x <的解集为(),1M =-?.由(),12m m M -?,可得12121m m m ì<-ïïíï-ïî≤,解之得103m <≤,即实数m 的取值范围是10,3轹÷ê÷÷êøë.(5分)(2)()()()()2212121g x f x x x x x x x =-+-=-+----=≥,当且仅当()()120x x --≤,即12x ≤≤时,()g x 取得最小值1,此时,实数x 的取值范围是[]1,2.(10分)附加题(1)1y x =-(2)()2122g x x x =-(3)()2,b ∈+∞ 试题解析:(Ⅰ)由()ln f x x =(0x >),可得()1'f x x =(0x >), ∴()f x 在点()()1,1f 处的切线方程是()()()111y f f x '-=-,即1y x =-,所求切线方程为1y x =-. (Ⅱ)∵又()2g x ax bx =-可得()2g x ax b '=-,且()g x 在2x =处取得极值2-. ∴()()20,22,g g '⎧=⎪⎨=-⎪⎩可得40,422,a b a b -=-=-⎧⎨⎩解得12a =,2b =. 所求()2122g x x x =-(x R ∈). (Ⅲ)∵()()()21ln 2h x f x g x x x bx =+=+-,()21x bx h x x -+'=(0x >). 依题存在0x >使()210x bx h x x-+'=<,∴即存在0x >使210x bx -+<, 不等式210x bx -+<等价于1b x x >+(*) 令()1x x x=+λ(0x >),∵()()()221111(0)x x x x x x λ+-'=-=>. ∴()x λ在()0,1上递减,在[)1,+∞上递增,故()[)12,x x x=+∈+∞λ, ∵存在0x >,不等式(*)成立,∴2b >,所求()2,b ∈+∞.。

house. In comparison, other thermostats’ measurements are largely limited to the area in which they’ re installed (安装).
If you live in a smaller place, that’s no big deal; the ecobee3 still has distinct advantages. It is touch-enabled and more spacious, making it less annoying when you want to enter a WiFi password, see
15. What did James Dean do at college in California?
A. He first acted in plays. B. He did more stage acting. C. He got seriously into acting.
16. What do we know about James Dean?
convenient—provided you pick up a couple more remote sensors. Yes, it gets pretty expensive at that
point, but having those gives you effective control over the temperature in different rooms around your
A. She refuses to watch the dog.
B. She doesn’t like walking the dog.

2017—2018 学年度第5周理综周测第Ⅰ卷(选择题共126分)选择题:本题共8小题,每小题6分。
在每小题给出的四个选项中,14~18 只有一个选项是正确的;19~21 至少有两项是正确的。
14 如图所示,a、b 是两个匀强磁场边界上的两点,左边匀强磁场的磁感线垂直纸面向里,右边匀强磁场的磁感线垂直纸面向外,两边的磁感应强度大小相等.电荷量为2e 的带正电的质点M以某一速度从a点垂直磁场边界向左射出,与静止在b点的电荷量为e的带负电的质点N相撞,并粘合在一起,不计质点M 和质点N 的重力,则它们在磁场中的运动轨迹是()A.B.C.D.15 假设地球可视为质量均匀分布的球体;已知地球表面重力加速度在两极的大小为g0,在赤道的大小为g;地球自转的周期为T,则在地球赤道上空绕地球近地飞行的卫星的线速度为()16.质量M=1kg 的长木板置于水平地面上,木板与地面间的动摩擦因数 0.1 。
木板上放有质量分别为m A=2kg 和m B=1kg 的A、B 两物块,A、B 与木板间的动摩擦因数分别为2 0.3、3 0.5 ,水平恒力F作用在物块A上,如图所示。
则()17 如图所示为远距离输电的原理图,升压变压器的变压比为m,降压变压器的变压比为n ,输电线的电阻为 R ,升压变压器和降压变压器均为一理想变压器,发电机输出的电 压恒为 U ,若由于用户的负载变化,使电压表 V 2 的示数减小了△U ,则下列判断正确的是()A .电流表 A 2 的示数增大了B .电流表 A 1 的示数增大了C .电压表 V 1 的示数减小了△UD .输电线损失的功率增加了18.用波长为 4×10﹣7m 的紫光照射某金属,发出的光电子垂直进入 3×10﹣4T 的匀强磁 场中,光电子所形成的圆轨道的最大半径为 1.2cm (电子电荷量 e =1.6×10﹣19C ,其质量 m=0.91×10﹣30kg ).则下列说法正确的是()A .紫光光子的能量可用 E =h 计算B .光电子的最大初动能可用 E k =计算C .该金属发生光电效应的极限频率约 4.75×1013 HzD .该金属发生光电效应的极限频率约 4.75×1015 Hz19 如图甲所示,倾角30 的光滑斜面固定在水平面上,自然伸长的轻质弹簧一端固 定在斜面底端的挡板上.一质量为 m 的小球,从离弹簧上端一定距离的位置静止释放, 接触弹簧后继续向下运动.小球运动的 v -t 图象如图乙所示,其中 O A 段为直线,AB 段 是与 O A 相切于 A 点的平滑曲线,BC 是平滑曲线,不考虑空气阻力,重力加速度为 g .关 于小球的运动过程,下列说法正确的是:( )A. 小球在 t 时刻所受弹簧弹力等于 1 mgB2B. 小球在 t 时刻的加速度大于1 gC2C. 小球从 t C 时刻所在的位置由静止释放后,能回到出发点D. 小球从 t A 时刻到 t C 时刻的过程中重力势能的减少量等于弹簧弹性势能的增加量 20 如图甲所示,倾角为 37°的粗糙斜面上方有一垂直纸面向里,磁感应强度大小 B =1T 的有界匀强磁场区域.现有一正方形闭合线框从斜面上某处静止释放,线框共有 n 匝,电阻为 10Ù ,质量为 2kg .线框的 v ﹣t 图象如图乙所示,则下列说法正确的是(sin37°=0.6,cos37°=0.8)( ) A .线框与斜面的动摩擦因数为 0.5B .线圈的匝数 n=20C .磁场的宽度为 2mD .线圈通过磁场过程中产生的焦耳热为 8J21。

衡水中学2018届高三数学上学期周测一轮复习试卷(理科有答案)2017-2018学年度高三一轮复习周测卷(一)理数一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.下列说法正确的是()A.0与的意义相同B.高一(1)班个子比较高的同学可以形成一个集合C.集合是有限集D.方程的解集只有一个元素2.已知集合,则()A.B.C.D.3.设命题“”,则为()A.B.C.D.4.已知集合,则集合()A.B.C.D.5.设,则“”是“”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件6.设,若是的充分不必要条件,则实数的取值范围是()A.B.C.D.7.已知命题有解,命题,则下列选项中是假命题的为()A.B.C.D.8.已知集合,则集合不可能是()A.B.C.D.9.设,若是的充分不必要条件,则实数的取值范围是()A.B.C.D.10.已知命题,命题.若命题且是真命题,则实数的取值范围为()A.B.C.D.11.对于任意两个正整数,定义某种运算“*”,法则如下:当都是正奇数时,;当不全为正奇数时,,则在此定义下,集合的真子集的个数是()A.B.C.D.12.用表示非空集合中的元素个数,定义,若,且,设实数的所有可能取值集合是,则()A.4B.3C.2D.1二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分,将答案填在答题纸上)13.已知含有三个实数的集合既可表示成,又可表示成,则等于.14.已知集合,若是的充分不必要条件,则实数的取值范围为.15.已知集合,若,则实数的所有可能取值的集合为.16.下列说法中错误的是(填序号).①命题“,有”的否定是“,有”;②若一个命题的逆命题为真命题,则它的否命题也一定为真命题;③已知,若为真命题,则实数的取值范围是;④“”是“”成立的充分条件.三、解答题(本大题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)17.已知集合.(1)分别求;(2)已知集合,若,求实数的取值范围.18.(1)已知关于的方程有实根;关于的函数在区间上是增函数,若“或”是真命题,“或”是真命题,“且”是假命题,求实数的取值范围;(2)已知,若是的必要不充分条件,求实数的取值范围.19.集合.(1)若集合只有一个元素,求实数的值;(2)若是的真子集,求实数的取值范围.20.已知函数的值域是集合,关于的不等式的解集为,集合,集合.(1)若,求实数的取值范围;(2)若,求实数的取值范围.21.已知函数的定义域为,集合.(1)若,求实数的值;(2)若,使,求实数的取值范围.22.已知是定义域为的奇函数,且当时,,设“”.(1)若为真,求实数的取值范围;(2)设集合与集合的交集为,若为假,为真,求实数的取值范围.试卷答案一、选择题1-5:DDBCA6-10:BBDAA11、12:CB二、填空题13.-114.15.16.①③④三、解答题17.解:(1)∵,即,∴,∴,∵,即,∴,∴,∴,;(2)由(1)知,若,当为空集时,,当为非空集合时,可得,综上所述,实数的取值范围为.18.解:(1)若真,则,∴或,若真,则,∴,由“或”是真命题,“且”是假命题,知、一真一假,当真假时:;当假真时:.综上,实数的取值范围为;(2),∴,∴,∴实数的取值范围为.19.解:(1)根据题意知集合有两个相等的实数根,所以或-1;(2)根据条件,知,是的真子集,所以当时,,当时,根据(1)将分别代入集合检验,当时,,不满足条件,舍去;当时,,满足条件.综上,实数的取值范围是.20.解:(1)因为,所以在区间上单调递增,所以,所以. 由,可得,即,所以,所以.又因为,所以.所以,解得,所以实数的取值范围为.(2)由,解得,所以.因为,①当,即时,,满足;②当,即时,,所以,解得,又因为,所以,综上所述,实数的取值范围为.21.解:(1),因为,所以,且,所以.(2)由已知,得,所以或,解得或,所以实数的取值范围为.22.解:(1)∵函数是奇函数,∴,∵当时,,∴函数为内的增函数,∵,∴,∴.若为真,则,解得.∴实数的取值范围是. (2),若为真,则.∵为假,为真,∴一真一假. 若真假,则;若假真,则.综上,实数的取值范围是.。


育才中学高2018级高三周末考试理科综合300分,考试时间150分钟可能用到的相对原子质量O-16 S-12 Na-23 Cu-64 Y-89 Br-80 Ba137第1卷(选择题共126分)一、选择醒(本题共13个小题每小顾6分,共78分在每小题给出的四个选项中只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.以下与细胞相关的说法,正确的是A从动植物细胞的区别来看,有大液泡的值物细胞没有大液泡的是动物细胞B.人和动物细在无氧条件下也能分解有机物,释放能量,并产生二氧化碳C大肠杆菌的端粒DNA随细胞分裂次数增加而变短D细胞的衰老对生物个体发育有积极意义2.分析下列甲、乙、丙三图,说法正确的是:A.若图甲曲线表示阴生植物光合作用速率受光照强度的影响,则阳生植物的曲线与此比较,b点向左移,c点向右移B.图乙中t 2℃左右时植物净光合作用强度最大C.若图丙代表两类色素的吸收光谱,则f代表胡萝卜素D.用塑料大棚种植蔬菜时,应选用蓝紫色或红色的塑料大棚3.孟德尔在探索遗传规律时,运用了“假说-演绎法”,下列相关叙述中不正确的是()A. “生物性状是有遗传因子决定的,体细胞中遗传因子成对存在,配子中遗传因子成单个存在.受精时雌雄配子随机结合”属于假说内容B. “F1(Dd)能产生数量相等的两种配子(D:d=1:1)”属于推理内容C. “测交实验”是对推理过程及结果的检测D. “一对相对性状的遗传实验和结果”不属于“假说-演绎法”的内容4.一雌蜂和一雄蜂交配产下 F1,F1中雌雄个体交配产下的 F2中,雄蜂的基因型有 AD、Ad、aD、ad 四种,雌蜂的基因型也有 AaDd、Aadd、aaDd、aadd 四种,则亲本基因型是()A. aadd,ADB. aaDd,AdC. Aadd,adD. AaDd,Ad5.下列有关免疫的叙述,正确的是()A. 吞噬细胞只能参与非特异性免疫B. 效应T细胞分泌的淋巴因子,可导致靶细胞裂解,该过程属于细胞凋亡C. 体液中的溶菌酶清除细菌属于非特异性免疫的第二道防线D. 免疫活性物质都是由淋巴细胞产生的,并且都具有特异性6.如图表示在某生态系统中,a、b、c三个种群数量变化相互关系,下列描述正确的是()A. a肯定是生产者,b肯定是初级消费者B. a→b→c构成一条食物链C. a与b、b与c为捕食关系D. a与c为竞争关系7.如图表示在某生态系统中,a、b、c三个种群数量变化相互关系,下列描述正确的是()A. a肯定是生产者,b肯定是初级消费者B. a→b→c构成一条食物链C. a与b、b与c为捕食关系D. a与c为竞争关系8. 下列实验操作方法正确的是A.欲除去乙烷中混有的乙烯可选用酸性KMnO4溶液洗气B.使用萃取的方法可提纯粗苯甲酸C.欲区分苯和甲苯,分别取少量样品价足量KMnO4溶液,振荡,KMnO4溶液褪色为甲苯,反之为苯D.欲确定溴乙烷中含有溴原子,加入适量NaOH溶液后加热,待溶液冷却后滴加AgNO3溶液,若生成淡黄色沉淀即可确定9. 固体A的化学式为NH3,它的所有原子的最外层都符合相应稀有气体的最外电子层结构,则下列有关说法不正确的是A.1mol NH3中含5N A个N-H键(N A表示阿伏加德罗常数)B.NH3中既有共价键又有离子键C.NH5的电子式为D.它与水反应的离子方程式为NH 4++H2O NH3·H2O+H2↑10. 有机物有多种同分异构体,其中属于酯类且氯原子直接连接在苯环上的同分异构体有多少种(不考虑立体异构)A.19种B. 9种C. 15种D. 6种11. 根据离子方程式[ ]+XO3-+6H+=3X2+3H2O判断,下列说法正确的是A.X2的电子式为B.X位于元素周期表中第VA族C.X元素原子的最外层有7个电子D.X可能位于元素周期表中第二周期12. 下图表示在催化剂作用下将X和Y合成具有生物活性的物质Z,W是中间产物(R1、R2均为烃基)。

5.这个人下一步想做什么?a . go for ABI kiride . b . playbasket . c . release at home .每项1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白在每个对话或独白之后,有几个项目。
12.这个人在和谁说话?a .女警察b .过路人c .店主听第9段,回答问题13至16。

可能用到的相对原子质量:H—1 C—12 N—14 O—16 Si—28 S—32 Cr—52 Mn—55第Ⅱ卷(选择题,共21小题,共126分)一、选择题:本题共13小题,每小题6分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。
1.下列有关细胞结构和功能的叙述,错误的是( )A. 细胞间进行信息交流时不一定需要细胞膜上的受体参与B. 核仁与核糖体的形成有关,但有核糖体的细胞不一定有核仁C. 某些低等植物细胞在有丝分裂前期有两个互相垂直的中心体D. 水生植物丽藻细胞可通过主动运输积累K +,体现了生物膜的功能特性2.将若干长度、生理状况相同的鲜萝卜条均分为四组,分别置于清水和物质的量浓度相同的三种溶液中,实验结果如图。
下列叙述错误的是( )A. 清水组中萝卜条长度增加较少的原因是细胞壁的伸缩性较小B. 蔗糖溶液中的萝卜条不能恢复原长度是因为细胞不吸收蔗糖C. 实验说明萝卜细胞吸收甘油的速率比吸收葡萄糖快D. 45min 时,甘油组、葡萄糖组的细胞液浓度都与实验前相等3.右图是胰液分泌的调节过程,下列说法错误的是( )A. 小肠通过分泌激素A 可与胰腺细胞进行信息交流B. 胰腺分泌胰液是神经一体液调节的结果C. 能直接促进胰腺分泌胰液的信号物质有激素A 和激素B 两种D. 通过神经B 和神经A 的调节比通过激素A 或激素B 的调节速度快姓 名准考证号4.下表是真核生物细胞核内三种RNA聚合酶的主要功能,下列说法错误的是()名称RNA聚合酶ⅠRNA聚合酶ⅡRNA聚合酶Ⅲ主要功能合成rRNA 合成mRNA 合成tRNA三种均以为模板合成B. 三种酶发挥作用形成的产物均可参与翻译过程C. RNA聚合酶的合成场所与其发挥作用的场所相同D. 任何一种RNA聚合酶活性变化都会影响其它两种酶的合成5.下列对现代生物进化理论的叙述,错误的是()A.地理隔离和生殖隔离都会使种群间的基因不能交流B. 自然选择使种群基因频率发生定向改变C. 突变和重组只是提供了生物进化的原材料,不能决定生物进化的方向D. 没有地理隔离就不可能产生生殖隔离6.下图是某生态农场生产流程示意图,有关说法合理的是()A. 该生态系统中有3个营养级B. 合理使用农家肥可提高流经该生态系统的总能量C. 该生态系统引入食用菌、蚯蚓后大大提高了能量传递效率D. 除草、治虫的目的是提高生态系统的抵抗力稳定性7.下列关于有机物的说法中,正确的一组是()①“乙醇汽油”是在汽油里加入适量乙醇而成的一种燃料,它是一种新型化合物①汽油、柴油和植物油都是碳氢化合物,完全燃烧只生成CO2和H2O①石油的分馏、煤的气化和液化都是物理变化。

高三数学周考试题(理科) 2018、8、16一、选择题:本大题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1、若0n >,则232n n +的最小值为 ( ) A . 2 B .4 C .6 D .82、下列命题中正确的是( )A .1y xx =+的最小值是2 B .2y =的最小值是2C .()4230y x x x =-->的最大值是2-D .()4230y x x x=-->的最小值是2-3、若实数m,n,x,y 满足m 2+n 2=1,x 2+y 2=3,则mx+ny 的最大值是A .2B .5C .3D .434、设x >0,y >0,M=y x y x +++2,N=yyx x +++22,则M 、N 的大小关系是( )A .M >NB .M <NC .M≥ND .M≤N 5、若不等式|ax+2|<6的解集为(-1,2),则实数a 等于A .8B .2C .4D .-6、下列各式中,最小值等于2的是( )A .x y y x +B .4522++x x C .1tan tan θθ+ D .22x x-+7、若(,1)x ∈-∞,则函数22222x x y x -+=-有( )A .最小值1B .最大值1C .最大值1-D .最小值1-8、设不等的两个正数,a b 满足3322a b a b -=-,则a b +的取值范围是( ) A .(1,)+∞ B .4(1,)3 C .4[1,]3D .(0,1)9、设,,a b c R +∈,且1a b c ++=,若111(1)(1)(1)M a b c=---,则必有( ) A .108M ≤<B .118M ≤< C .18M ≤< D .8M ≥10、若,a b R +∈,且,a b M≠=N =M 与N 的大小关系是 A .M N > B .M N < C .M N ≥ D .M N ≤ 11、若log 2x y =-,则x y +的最小值是( )A . 2233B .3323C .233 D .32212、若1x >,则函数21161xy x x x =+++的最小值为( ) A .16 B .8 C .4 D .非上述情况二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分. 13、若存在实数x 使|||1|3x a x -+-≤成立,则实数a 的取值范围是 .14、不等式|5||3|10x x -++≥的解集是 .15、已知集合{}1|349,|46,(0,)A x R x x B x R x t t t ⎧⎫=∈++-≤=∈=+-∈+∞⎨⎬⎩⎭,则集合A B ⋂=________.16、设,x y R ∈,且0xy ≠,则222211()(4)x y y x ++的最小值为 .三、解答题:本大题共5小题,共14*5=70分,解答应写出文字说明或演算步骤. 17、设a 、b 是非负实数,求证:。

x 2 bx 1 0 ,∴即存在 x 0 使 x2 bx 1 0 , x
1 (*) x
不等式 x 2 bx 1 0 等价于 b x 令 x x
1 x 1 x 1 1 ( x 0) . (x 0) ,∵ ' x 1 2 x x2 x
1 时,设 h x f x g x ,若函数 h x 在定义域上存在单调减区间,求实数 2
b 的取值范围.
理数周测 6
附加题 (1 ) y x 1 (2 ) g x
1 2 x 2 x (3) b 2, 2
1 2, , x
∴ x 在 0,1 上递减,在 1, 上递增,故 x x ∵存在 x 0 ,不等式(*)成立,∴ b 2 .所求 b 2,
试题解析:(Ⅰ)由 f x lnx ( x 0 ), 可得 f பைடு நூலகம் x
1 ( x 0 ), x
∴ f x 在点 1, f 1 处的切线方程是 y f 1 f ' 1 x 1 ,即 y x 1 ,所求切线方程为
y x 1.
1 2 . x 2x ( x R ) 2
所求 g x
x 2 bx 1 1 2 (Ⅲ)∵ h x f x g x lnx x bx , h ' x ( x 0 ). x 2
依题存在 x 0 使 h ' x
(Ⅱ)∵又 g x ax bx 可得 g ' x 2ax b ,且 g x 在 x 2 处取得极值 2 .

A. Their favorite food.B. The weekend plan.C. The woman ’s trip. 3. Where is the woman now?A. In Ireland.B. In Spain.C. In Thailand.2018届衡水中学高三下学期第6周周考英语试卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选 项。
听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
每段对话仅读一 遍。
1. Who will the speakers have dinner with?A. The man ’s father.B. The woman ’s sister.C. The man ’s mother.2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?4. What still needs to be done? A. Having a first team practice. B. Collecting money.C.Handing out the schedules.5. Why can ’t the woman sleep at night? A. The baby keeps crying. B. Her mother moved in recently. C. She is not used to her new role as a mother.第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项 中选出最佳选项。
听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各 小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。
湖北省黄冈市黄冈中学2018届高三上学期周末测试数学试题2018-8-27 含解析

黄冈中学2018届高三(上)周末测试题理科数学(3)一、选择题(本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个 选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1. 设随机变量服从正态分布()2,9N ,若()(2)P c P c ξξ>=<-,则c 的值是 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 【答案】C【解析】因为222c c +-=⨯,所以3c =. 2. 已知集合21{|20},{|lg}1xA x x xB x y x-=--<==+,在区间(3,3)-上任取一实数x ,则x A B ∈的概率为A .18B .14 C .13 D .112【答案】C【解析】因为(1,2),(1,1),(1,1)A B A B =-=-=-的区间长度为2,区间(3,3)-的长度为6,所以概率为13.3. 从正六边形的6个顶点中随机选择4个顶点,则以它们作为顶点的四边形是矩形的概率等于 A .110 B .18 C .16D .15【答案】D 【解析】46315P C ==. 4. 已知函数()()2ln 1f x x =+的值域为{0,1},则满足这样条件的函数的个数为 A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 【答案】C【解析】令()0f x =解得0x =;令()1f x =解得x =.所以定义域有三种. 5. 2321(2)x x+-展开式中的常数项为 A .8- B .12- C .20- D .20 【答案】C 【解析】因为236211(2)()x x x x +-=-,所以6621661()(1)r r r r r r r T C x C x x--+=-=-,令3r =,所以常数项为336(1)20C -=-.6. 函数32()f x x ax x =++在()0,+∞内有两个极值点,则实数a 的取值范围是( )A .()0,+∞B .(C .(),0-∞D .(,-∞【答案】D【解析】因为函数32()f x x ax x =++在()0,+∞内有两个极值点,说明导函数2'()321f x x ax =++在()0,+∞内有两个零点,故003a ∆>⎧⎪⎨->⎪⎩,故选D.7. 某微信群中甲,乙,丙,丁,戊五名成员同时抢4个红包,每人最多抢一个红包,且红包全被抢光,4个红包中有两个2元,两个3元(金额相同视为相同红包),则甲乙两人都抢到红包的情况有A . 36种B . 24种C . 18种D . 9种 【答案】C【解析】甲乙两人都抢到红包有三种情况:①都抢到2元红包,有23C 种;②都抢到3元红包,有23C 种;③一个抢到2元,一个抢到3元,有1223C A 种,故总共有18种情况.8. 从数集{1,2,,9}⋅⋅⋅中随机依次无放回地随机抽取三个数,在已知第一个数字最小的前提下,第二个数最大的概率为 A .19B .16 C .13 D .12【答案】D【解析】事件A 表示第一个数最小,事件B 表示第二个数最大,假设取出三个数,,a b c ,则()222N A A ==,()1N AB =,所以()()1()()()2N AB P AB P B A P A N A ===. 9.若函数2(2)()m xf x x m-=+的图象如图所示,则m 的范围为A .(1,2)-B .(0,1)C .(0,2)D .(1,2) 【答案】D【解析】由图可知,函数()f x 的定义域为R ,所以0m >;又因为x →+∞时,()0f x >,所以20m ->,即2m <;又因为函数()f x 为奇函数,所以0x >时,2(2)2()m x mf x m x m x x--==++,所以()f x在(上单调递增,)+∞1>,所以1m >.综上m 的取值范围为()1,2.10. 已知函数()112()log 421x x f x +=-+的值域是[)0,+∞,则它的定义域可以是A .(]0,1B .()0,1C .(],1-∞D .(],0-∞【答案】A【解析】由函数()f x 的值域为[)0,+∞可得:104211x x +<-+≤,所以()20211x <-≤,所以0x <或01x <≤.11. 若函数()121sin 21x x f x x +=+++,在区间[](),0k k k ->上的值域为[],m n ,则m n +等于A. 0B. 2C. 4D. 6 【答案】C 【解析】()()221221sin 3sin 2121x x x f x x x +-=++=-+++,()()2223sin 3sin 2112xx x f x x x -⨯-=-+-=--++,且()()4f x f x +-=,所以()f x 是以点()0,2为对称中心,所以其最大值与最小值的和4m n +=.12. 设函数()()()222ln 2f x x a x a =-+-,其中0x >,R a ∈,存在0x 使得()045f x ≤成立, 则实数a 的值是 A .15 B .25 C .12D .1【答案】A【解析】函数()f x 可以看作是动点2(,ln )M x x 与动点(,2)N a a 之间距离的平方,动点2(,ln )M x x 在函数2ln y x =的图象上,(,2)N a a 在直线2y x =的图象上,问题转化为求直线上的动点到曲线的最小距离,由2ln y x =得,22y x'==,解得1x =.所以曲线上点(1,0)M 到直线2y x =的距离最小,最小距离d ==4()5f x ≥根据题意,要使()045f x ≤,此时(,2)N a a 恰好为垂足,由2021112MN a a k a a -===---,解得15a =.二、填空题(本大题共4个小题,每小题5分,共20分,把正确答案填在题中横线上.) 13. 已知函数()lg f x x =,若()1f ab =,则22()()f a f b +=______. 【答案】2【解析】22lg()1,()()2lg()2ab f a f b ab =+==14. 只用1,2,3三个数字组成一个四位数,规定这三个数字必须同时使用,且同一数字不能相邻出现,这样的四位数有 个. 【答案】18【解析】12232318C A C =. 15. 投掷骰子3次,记每次得到的点数为()1,2,3i a i =,则三次点数和为8的概率 为 . 【答案】772【解析】1238a a a ++=的正整数解有27C 种,所以概率为2737672C =.16. 已知函数2()2f x x ax a =-+在(1,1)-有零点,则a 的取值范围是_______.【答案】(]1,0-【解析】220x ax a -+=,2(2)x a x =-,22x a x =-,令2()2x g x x =-,则2(4)()(2)x x g x x -'=-()g x ∴的值域为(1,0]-∴ 10a -<≤.三、解答题(本大题共6个小题,共70分,解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.) 17. (本小题满分10分)已知函数()2()log 2f x x =-的定义域为D . (1)求D ;(2)若函数22()2g x x mx m =+-在D 上存在最小值2,求实数m 的值.【解析】(1)[)201,210x D x ->⎧⇒=⎨-≥⎩;(2)①若2m -≥,即2m ≤-时,()g x 在区间[)1,2上递减,无最小值; ②若12m <-<,即21m -<<-时,2min ()()22g x g m m =-=-≠; ③若1m -≤,即1m ≥-时,2min ()(1)122g x g m m ==+-=,解得1m =. 综上所述,1m =. 18. (本小题满分12分)2.5PM 是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物,也称为可入肺颗粒物.我国 2.5PM 标准采用世卫组织设定的最宽界限,即 2.5PM 日均值在35微克/立方米以下空气质量为一级;在35微克/立方米~70微克/立方米之间空气质量为二级;在75微克/立方米以上空气质量为超标.某市环保局从市区今年7月每天的 2.5PM 监测数据中,按系统抽样方法抽取了某6天的数据作为样本,其监测值如下茎叶图所示. 茎 叶 2 6 3 0 6 4 4 5 0 6(1)根据样本数据估计今年7月份该市区每天 2.5PM 的平均值和方差; (2)从所抽样的6天中任意抽取三天,记ξ表示抽取的三天中空气质量为二级的天数,求ξ的分布列和数学期望. 【解析】(1)因为263036445060246+++++=,则246416x ==. 222222(2641)(3041)(3641)(4441)(5041)(6041)822-+-+-+-+-+-=, 则28221376s ==. 估计今年7月该市区每天 2.5PM 的平均值为41微克/立方米,方差为137.(2)从茎叶图知,所抽样的6天中有2天空气质量为一级,有4天空气质量为二级, 则ξ的可能取值为1,2,3.其中1242361(1)5C C P C ξ⋅===,2142363(2)5C C P C ξ⋅===,34361(3)5C P C ξ===. 所以ξ的分布列为1311232555E ξ=⨯+⨯+⨯=.19. (本小题满分12分)已知1n a n =+,n N *∈.等式()()()()1022020122022111x x b b x b x b x ++=+++++⋅⋅⋅++,其中01220,,,,b b b b ⋅⋅⋅为实常数. (1)求13519b b b b +++⋅⋅⋅+;(2)求1224361020a b a b a b a b +++⋅⋅⋅+的值. 【解析】(1)因为()()()()1022020122022111x x b b x b x b x ++=+++++⋅⋅⋅++,令100122002x b b b b =⇒=+++⋅⋅⋅+①,令1001232022x b b b b b =-⇒=-+-+⋅⋅⋅+②, ①减②可知:135190b b b b +++⋅⋅⋅+=; (2)()()()()()()101022420201210101010102211111x x x C C x C x C x ++=++=+++++⋅⋅⋅++()()()22001220111b b x b x b x =+++++⋅⋅⋅++,比较可知210(1,2,3,,10)nn b C n ==⋅⋅⋅, 所以123910122436102010101010102341011a b a b a b a b C C C C C +++⋅⋅⋅+=+++⋅⋅⋅++①,又987110122436102010101010101098211a b a b a b a b C C C C C +++⋅⋅⋅+=+++⋅⋅⋅++②, ①加②可得()()129101010102122212222212286S C C C =++⋅⋅⋅++=-+=,所以12243610206143a b a b a b a b +++⋅⋅⋅+=. 20. (本小题满分12分)设32()f x ax bx cx =++的极小值为2-,其导函数'()y f x =的图像是经过点(1,0),(1,0)- 开口向上的抛物线. (1)求()f x 的解析式;(2)若2m ≠-,且过点(1,m )可作曲线()y f x =的三条切线,求实数m 的取值范围. 【解析】(1)2'()32f x ax bx c =++,且'()y f x =的图像经过点(1,0),(1,0)-,∴2(1)1033(1)13b b a cc a a ⎧-+=-⎪=⎧⎪⇒⎨⎨=-⎩⎪-⨯=⎪⎩, ∴3()3f x ax ax =-, 由导函数图像可知函数()y f x =在(,1)-∞-上单调递增,在(1,1)-上单调递减, 在(1,)+∞上单调递增,∴()(1)32f x f a a ==-=-极小值,解得1a = . ∴3()3f x x x =-. (2)设切点为(x 0, y 0),由题设知x 0≠1,则切线斜率可表示为01m y k x -=-和0()k f x '=,所以2000331m y x x -=--,又30003y x x =-,即3320000033333m x x x x x -+=-++-, ∴320002330(1)x x m x -++=≠, 要有三条切线,则上述关于x 0的方程应有三个不同的实数根,令32000()233()g x x x m x R =-++∈,则要0()g x 与x 轴有三个交点(且交点坐标01x ≠),即0()g x 的极大值与极小值的乘积小于零,由2000()660g x x x '=-=得00,x = 或0 1.x = 且当0(,0)x ∈-∞和0(1,)x ∈+∞时0()0g x '>;当0(0,1)x ∈时,0()0g x '<, ∴0()g x 在x 0=0, x 0=1处分别取得极大值m +3和极小值m +2.由(3)(2)032m m m ++<⇒-<<-,(此时显然有x 0=1不可能是方程的根) 故m 的取值范围是()3,2--. 21. (本小题满分12分)翡翠市场流行一种赌石“游戏规则”:翡翠在开采出来时有一层风化皮包裹着,无法知道其内的好坏,须切割后方能知道翡翠的价值,参加者先缴纳一定金额后可得到一块翡翠石并现场开石验证其具有的收藏价值.某举办商在赌石游戏中设置了甲、乙两种赌石规则,规则甲的赌中率为23,赌中后可获得20万元;规则乙的赌中率为()0001P P <<,赌中后可得30万元;未赌中则没有收获.每人有且只有一次赌石机会,每次赌中与否互不影响,赌石结束后当场得到兑现金额.(1)收藏者张先生选择规则甲赌石,收藏者李先生选择规则乙赌石,记他们的累计获得金额数为X (单位:万元),若30X ≤的概率为79,求0P 的大小; (2)若收藏者张先生、李先生都选择赌石规则甲或选择赌石规则乙进行赌石,问:他们选择何种规则赌石,累计得到金额的数学期望最大? 【解析】(1)由已知得收藏者张先生赌中的概率为23,收藏者李先生赌中的概率为0P ,且两人 赌中与否互不影响.记“这2人的累计获得金额数为30X ≤(单位:万元)”的事件为A ,则事件A 的对立事件为“50X =”. 因为02(50)3P X P ==,所以027()1(50)139P A P X P =-==-=,求得013P =. (2)设收藏者张先生、李先生都选择规则甲赌中的次数为1X ,都选择规则乙赌中的次数 为2X ,则这两人选择规则甲累计获奖得金额的数学期望为()120E X ,选择规则乙累计获奖 得金额的数学期望为()230E X .由已知可得,1202~(2,),~(2,)3X B X B P ,所以()143E X =,()202E X P =,从而()()118020203E X E X ==,()()220303060E X E X P ==, 若()()122030E X E X >,则080603P >,解得0409P <<; 若()()122030E X E X <,则080603P <,解得0419P <<; 若()()122030E X E X =,则080603P =,解得049P =. 综上所述,当0409P <<时,他们都选择规则甲进行赌石时,累计得到金额的数学期望最大;当0419P <<时,他们都选择规则乙进行赌石时,累计得到金额的数学期望最大; 当049P =时,他们都选择规则甲或规则乙进行赌石时,累计得到金额的数学期望相等.22. (本小题满分12分) 已知函数()()x f x xe x R -=∈(1)求函数()f x 的单调区间和极值;(2)如果12x x ≠,且12()()f x f x =,证明122x x +>. 【解析】(1)()(1)x f x x e -'=-,令()0f x '=解得1x =,列表如下:所以()f x 在(,1-∞)内是增函数,在(1,+∞)内是减函数, 函数()f x 在1x =处取得极大值1(1)f e=; (2)证明:令()()2g x f x =-,得()()22x g x x e -=-,令()()()F x f x g x =-,即2()(2)x x F x xe x e --=+-,于是22'()(1)(1)x x F x x e e --=--. 当1x >时,220x ->,从而2-210x e ->,又0x e ->,所以()0F x '>,从而函数()F x 在[)1,+∞是增函数,又-1-1(1)0F e e =-=,所以1x >时,有()()10F x F >=,即()()f x g x >. ①若12121212(1)(1)0,()(),1,x x f x f x x x x x --=I ===≠由()及则与矛盾; ②若12121212(1)(1)0,1()(),.x x f x f x x x x x -->==≠由()及得与矛盾; 根据①②得1212(1)(1)0,1, 1.x x x x --<<>不妨设由(2)可知,2()f x >2()g x ,则2()g x =2(2)f x -,所以2()f x >2(2)f x -,从而1()f x >2(2)f x -. 因为21x >,所以221x -<,又由(1)可知函数()f x 在区间(-∞,1)内是增函数,所以1x >22x -,即12x x +>2.。
衡水中学2018届学期高三周日测试(第 5 周)

衡水中学2018届学期高三周日测试(第 5 周)本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。
考试时间120 分钟。
第一卷(选择题)第一部分听力(共两节,满分20 分)第一节(共5 小题;每小题1 分,满分5 分)听下面5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1.When is the weather report?A. At 8:35.B. At 9:00.C. At 9:25.2.What does the man need?A. A new computer.B. A new keyboard.C. A new mouse.3.Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At a wedding.B. At a birthday party.C. At a baby shower.4.What does the man say about his new job?A. It’s very stressful.B. It’s a position in a bank.C. The pay isn’t that satisfying.5.What does the man think the woman should do?A. Completely rewrite her paper.B. Remove the marked places.C. Make a few corrections.第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分)听下面5 段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。
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2017年周考英语试卷本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分, 满分120分,考试用时90分钟。
AApple SeedsCirculation: 1 Year,9 IssuesCover Price: MYM44.55Price For You: MYM 33.95Product Description: Apple Seeds is an award winning magazine filled with stories for kids aged from 7 to 9. The cover is very soft, providing durability(耐用性) that allows each issue to be enjoyed for many years to come. Besides, there is a big surprise for you—it’s being sold at a more favorable discount than usual.Better LifeCirculation: 1 Year, 12 IssuesCover Price: MYM44.55Price For You: MYM 15.00Product Description: Designed for those who have a strong interest in personal lifestyle, Better Life is America’s complete home and family service magazine. It offers help with food, recipes, decorating, building, gardening, family health, money management, and education.Humor TimesCirculation: 1 Year, 12 IssuesCover Price: MYM36.00Price For You: MYM 11.95Product Description: Humor Times Magazine is for those who love to laugh! Full of cartoons and humor columns, it shows up in your mailbox once a month and keeps you smiling all year round! In today’s world, you need a reason to laugh. So let’s find it in Humor Times.News ChinaCirculation: 1 Year, 12 IssuesCover Price: MYM 47.88Price for You: MYM 19.99Product Description: News China Magazine is the English edition of China Newsweek. The magazine covers the latest Chinese domestic news in politics, business, society, environment, culture, sports and travels, etc. It is the first comprehensive news magazine for readers interested in China.21. What is the purpose of the text?A. To tell us why these magazines popular.B. To help us make right decisions.C. To advise us to subscribe the magazines.D. To encourage us to contribute articles to the magazines.22. Better Life can probably help you in .A. making your house beautifulB. ordering food from restaurantsC. finding interesting stories for your kidsD. learning about sports and travels23. Which magazine may best help relieve your work stress?A. Apple Seeds.B. Better Life.C. Humor Times.D. News China.BIt was a bad time for me. I was low emotionally and tired physically. Probably because of this I hadn’t shaved for a few days. Also, because I had been doing some repairs at my daughter’s house, I was dressed quite scruffily. Boarding the bus to go home I saw it was almost full so I found a rail to lean against.That was when a young woman, sitting with her child, stood up and offered me her seat. “Wow!”I thought. Out loud I said, “Do I look that old and tired?”She replied,” You look like you’ve had a tough day.” I thanked her sincerely and stayed standing.A moment later a man rose from his seat at the back of the bus and made his way towards me, squeezing past several people on the way. Then he told me about his addiction problems, asked my advice, and just chatted about life for a few minutes. Then he went back to his seat, very random!Watching him go, I also looked at the bus-load of people between me and his seat. He hadn’t chosen to talk to those strangers. He chose to talk to this stranger, for whatever it meant to him and whatever comfort it brought him. Why?That’s when it occurred to me. I must have looked like I had been where he was.I probably looked like a man who would understand a difficult life. I was humbled and uplifted at the same by the realization that even when we are at our lowest we can still help others—if we look like we might be able to meet them where they live or walk a while in their world.24. Why did the young woman offer her seat to the writer?A. Because she thought the writer looked very old.B. Because the writer looked very friendly.C. Because the writer looked humorous.D. Because the writer looked exhausted.25. What can we learn about the man from Paragraph 3?A. He was an acquaintance of the writer.B. He felt familiar with the writer.C. He might take drugs heavily.D. He lacked confidence in life.26. The underlined words “his stranger” in Paragraph 4 probably refers to “”.A. the young womanB. one passengerC. the writerD. the driver27. Which of the following may be the best title for the text?A. Unusual Appearance Interests Strangers.B. Meet Them Where They Live.C. Small Take a Difference.D. Accept What They Are.CImagine that 7 out of 10 working Americans got fired tomorrow. What would they all do? It’s hard to believe it would happen. But that is what the industrial revolution did to the labor force of the early 19th century.Two hundred years ago, 70 percent of American workers lived on the farm. Today automation has eliminated all but one percent of their jobs, replacing them with machines. But these workers did not sit, doing nothing. Instead, automation created hundreds of millions of jobs in completely new fields. Those who once farmed were then working in factories that produced farm equipment, cars, and other industrial products.It may be hard to believe, but before the end of this century, 70 percent of today’s jobs will likely be replaced by automation. Yes, dear reader, even you will have your job taken away by machines. In other words, robot replacement is just a matter of time. First, speedy robots being able to lift 150 pounds all day long will carry boxes, sort them, and load them onto trucks. Fruit and vegetable picking will continue to be robotized until no humans pick outside of specialty farms. Next, work of cleaning in offices and schools will be taken over by late-night robots. The trucks will be driven by robots.We need to let robots take over. They will do jobs we have been doing, and do them much better than we can. They will do jobs we can’t do at all. They will do jobs we never imagined even needed to be done, and they will help us discover new jobs for ourselves and new tasks that expand who we are. They will let us focus on becoming more human than we were.28. What happened in the early 19th century?A. Some working Americans in factories got fired.B. Jobless workers had no choice but to sit there doing nothing at all.C. Many American workers had to leave factories to work on the farm.D. The industrial revolution caused many Americans to lose their jobs.29. How does the author support the underlined statement in Paragraph 3?A. By giving advice.B. By giving examples.C. By following the order of time.D. By explaining cause and effect.30. How does the author feel about robots taking over our jobs?A. Afraid.B. Happy.C. Puzzled.D. Angry.31. What does the author want to tell us in the text?A. Why robots should take over our jobs.B. 70% of working Americans will be jobless.C. The industrial revolution led to the automation.D. Robots will do more things for us to live better.DIn many countries, schools have long summer holidays, with shorter holidays in between. However, a new report suggests shortening school holidays to stop children forgetting what they have learnt during the long summer break. Instead of threeschool terms, it says, there should be five eight-week terms. And there should be just four weeks off in the summer, with a two-week break between the other terms.Sonia Montero has two children at primary school and works full-time. She supports the idea. “The kids,” she says, “have much longer holidays than me and I can’t afford to take several weeks off work, so I need someone to take care of them. But nobody wants the work in the summer months — they all have holidays of their own.”Not surprisingly, some young people disagree. Student Jason Panos says “It’s a stupid idea. I would hate staying at school in the summer. It’s unfair, too. The people who suggest this had long school holidays when they were young, but now they want to stop us enjoying the summer. The kids in Spain and America have much longer holidays than here, but they don’t forget everything they’ve learnt in a few months.”Nadia Salib agrees. “Sure,” she says, “the first week at school after the summer is never easy, but you soon get back into it. The real problem round here is that kids get bored after so many weeks out of school, and then some of them start causing trouble. But the answer is to give them something to do, not make everyone stay in school longer.”32. Why is Sonia in support of shorter school holidays?A. She doesn’t get any summer holidays in her job.B. She is worried that her children will forget what they’ve learnt.C. She can’t afford to pay someone to look after her children.D. She can’t get anyone to look after her childr en in summer.33. What does Jason say about long summer holidays?A. They can help children forget about school.B. Schools in other countries don’t have them.C. These days many older people have them too.D. They have little influence on children’s education.34. What does Nadia say about young people on summer holidays?A. They would like to spend more time at school.B. Long holidays are very bad for their education.C. They need something to do to enrich themselves.D. Long holidays should be shortened to stop them causing trouble.35. Which of the following statements best explains the text?A. It has been decided that summer holidays should be shortened.B. Students are angry that school holidays have been changed.C. Some people want to change school holidays but not everyone agrees.D. Teenagers are worried that they will be busy during summer holidays.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。