2019-2020学年人教版必修3 第二单元 第6课 文艺复兴和宗教改革 作业

”材料中“精神的新生”的本质内涵是() A.资产阶级文化的兴起B.西方人文精神的起源C.欧洲古典文艺的复兴D.理性之光照亮了欧洲解析:文艺复兴是西欧新兴资产阶级为冲破宗教神学束缚而进行的思想解放运动,与古希腊的人文主义本质不同,故其精神新生本质内涵是体现资产阶级要求,故A项正确;西方人文精神起源于古希腊的智者运动,故B项错误;欧洲古典文艺复兴,是打着复兴古典文化的旗号,宣传资产阶级主张,故C项不是其本质内涵,故C项错误;理性之光强调理性主义,体现的是欧洲的启蒙运动,故D项错误。
答案:C3.莎士比亚的戏剧《哈姆雷特》中的一段独白:“人是一件多么了不起的杰作!多么高贵的理性!多么伟大的力量!多么优美的仪表!多么文雅的举动!在行动上多么像一个天使!在智慧上多么像一个天神!宇宙的精华!万物的灵长!”对该材料的解读,正确的是() A.肯定人的欲望B.歌颂自然的人性C.揭露教会的贪腐D.提升人性的高尚与尊严解析:材料肯定人的价值,未体现肯定人的欲望,故A项错误;材料歌颂的是高贵的人性,并非自然的,故B项错误;材料未涉及教会,故C项错误;根据“杰作”“高贵”“伟大”“宇宙的精华”等词可知作者肯定人的价值,提升人性的高尚与尊严,故D项正确。

课时作业25:第6课 文艺复兴和宗教改革

这一现象反映了当时怎样的社会思潮()A.人文主义B.反对宗教信仰C.抨击封建制度D.复古主义答案 A解析“一些新设学校特别注重对学生德智体美的教育,古典文学和自然科学课程的地位明显提高”表明重视人的价值,这是人性的复苏,反映了人文主义的社会思潮,故A项正确。
这反映出《十日谈》()A.极力抨击僧侣的虚伪和奸诈B.极力倡导贫富平等C.蕴含着浓郁的人文主义思想D.宣扬人类一切向善答案 C解析根据材料“贫穷不会磨灭人的高贵品质”“高贵叫人丧失了志气”,人的高贵品质与贫富不存在必然的联系,突出地体现了关注“人”的一面,故C项正确。
”这句话的实质意义是()A.鼓励个人的奋斗B.反对封建的等级特权C.否定上帝的存在D.打破天主教精神枷锁答案 B解析“真正的贵族并非天生,而是自为的”,在当时意大利的社会生活中,才干、手段和金钱代替了出身门第,成为任何出身的人爬上社会高层的阶梯,实质是反对封建的等级特权,故B项正确。
这些成就的取得从本质上说明达·芬奇()抱银鼠的女子机械研究手稿生物学手稿A.创立了以实验事实为依据的近代科学B.达到人文精神和科学精神的统一C.反教会特权和专制君权、寻求思想解放D.成为新时代艺术与科学领域的巨人答案 B解析据材料可知,达·芬奇绘画及部分研究以人为主题,其绘画作品体现了人文精神,由“人体解剖、机械、妇女生理研究”等还可以看出达·芬奇相对广泛的研究领域和重视实践的科学精神,故B项正确。

The spread of the Renaissance in Europe -------Renaissance humanism Renaissance humanism was an intellectual movement in Europe of the laterMiddle Ages and the Early Modern period. The 19th-century German historian Georg Voigt (1827–91) identified Petrarch彼特拉克as the first Renaissance humanist. Paul Johnson agrees that Petrarch was "the first to put into words the notion that the centuries between the fall of Rome and the present had been the age of Darkness.‖ According to Petrarch, what was needed to remedy this situation was the careful study and imitation of the great classical authors. For Petrarch and Boccaccio薄伽丘, the greatest master was Cicero, whose prosebecame the model for both learned (Latin) and vernacular (Italian) prose.Once the language was mastered grammatically it could be used to attain the second stage, eloquence or rhetoric . This art of persuasion was not art for its own sake , but the acquisition of the capacity to persuade others — all men and women — to lead the good life. As Petrarch put it, 'it is better to will the good than to know the truth.' Rhetoric thus led to and embraced philosophy. Leonardo Bruni (c.1369–1444), the outstanding scholar of the new generation, insisted that it was Petrarch who ―opened the way for us to sh ow how to acquire learning," but it was in Bruni’s time that the word umanista first came into use, and its subjects of study were listed as five: grammar, rhetoric, poetry, moral philosophy, and history.‖The basic training of the humanist was to speak wel l and write . One of Petrarch’s followers, Coluccio Salutati(1331–1406) was made chancellor of Florence , "whose interests he defended with his literary skill. The Visconti of Milan claimed that Salutati’s pen had done more damage than 'thirty squadrons of Florentine cavalry .'‖ Contrary to a still widely current interpretation that originated in Voigt's celebrated contemporary, Jacob Burckhardt, and which was adopted wholeheartedly, especially by those moderns calling themselves "humanists", most specialists now do not characterize Renaissance humanism as a philosophical movement, nor in any way as anti-Christian or even anti-clerical. A modern historian has this to say: Humanism was not an ideological programme but a body of literary knowledge and linguis tic skill based on the ―revival of good letters,‖ which was a revival of a late-antique philology and grammar, This is how the word ―humanist" was understood by contemporaries, and if scholars would agree to accept the word inthis sense rather than in the sense in which it was used in the nineteenth century we might be spared a good deal of useless argument. That humanism had profound social and even political consequences of the life of Italian courts is not to be doubted. But the idea that as a movement it was in some way inimical to the Church, or to the conservative保守派social order in general is one that has been put forward for a century and more without any substantial proof being offered.The nineteenth-century historian Jacob Burckhardt, in his classic work, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, noted as a ―curious fact‖ that some men of the new culture were ―men of the strictest piety, or even ascetics苦行者.‖ If he had meditated more deeply on the meaning of the careers of such humanists as Abrogio Traversari (1386–1439), the General of the Camaldolese Order, perhaps he would not have gone on to describe humanism in unqualified terms as ―pagan异教徒,‖ and thus helped precipitate a century of infertile debate about the possible existence of somethi ng called ―Christian humanism‖ which ought to be opposed to ―pagan humanism.‖ --Peter Partner, Renaissance Rome, Portrait of a Society 1500–1559 The umanisti criticized what they considered the barbarous Latin of the universities, but the revival of the humanities largely did not conflict with the teaching of traditional university subjects, which went on as before.Nor did the humanists view themselves as in conflict with Christianity. Some, like Salutati, were the Chancellors of Italian cities, but the majority (including Petrarch) were ordained as priests, and many worked as senior officials of the Papal court. Humanist Renaissance popes Nicholas V, Pius II, Sixtu IV, and Leo X wrote books and amassed huge libraries.In the high Renaissance, in fact, there was a hope that more direct knowledge of the wisdom of antiquity, including the writings of the Church fathers, the earliest known Greek texts of the Christian Gospels福音书, and in some cases even the Jewish Kabbalah卡巴拉教, would initiate an harmonious new era of universal agreement. With this end in view, Renaissance Church authorities afforded humanists what in retrospect appears a remarkable degree of freedom of thought. One humanist, the Greek Orthodox Platonist Gemistus Pletho (1355–1452), based in Mystras, Greece (but in contact with humanists in Florence, Venice, and Rome) taught a Christianized version of pagan polytheism多神论.Back to the sourcesThe humanists' close study of Latin literary texts soon enabled them to discern historical differences in the writing styles of different periods. By analogy with what they saw as decline of Latin, they applied the principle of ad fontes, or back to the sources, across broad areas of learning, seeking out manuscripts of Patristic literature as well as pagan authors. In 1439, while employed in Naples at the court of Alfonso V of Aragon (at the time engaged in a dispute with the Papal States) the humanist Lorenzo Valla used stylistic textual analysis, now called philology, to prove that the Donation of Constantine, which purported to confer temporal powers on the Pope of Rome, was an 8th-century forgery. For the next 70 years, however, neither Valla nor any of his contemporaries thought to apply the techniques of philology to other controversial manuscripts in this way. Instead, after the fall of the Byzantine Empire to the Turks in 1453, which brought a flood of Greek Orthodox正教的refugees to Italy, humanist scholars increasingly turned to the study of Neoplatonism新柏拉图派哲学and Hermeticism赫耳墨斯神智学, hoping to bridge the differences between the Greek and Roman Churches, and even between Christianity itself and the non-Christian world. The refugees brought with them Greek manuscripts, not only of Plato and Aristotle , but also of the Christian Gospels, previously unavailable in the Latin West. After 1517, when the new invention of printing made these texts widely available, the Dutch humanist Erasmus, who had studied Greek at the Venetian printing house of Aldus Manutius, began a philological analysis of the Gospels in the spirit of Valla, comparing the Greek originals with their Latin translations with a view to correcting errors and discrepancies in the latter. Erasmus, along with the French humanist Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples, began issuing new translations, laying the groundwork for the Protestant新教徒Reformation. Henceforth Renaissance humanism, particularly in the German North, became concerned with religion, while Italian and French humanism concentrated increasingly on scholarship and philology addressed to a narrow audience of specialists, studiously avoiding topics that might offend despotic专制rulers or which might be seen as corrosive腐蚀的of faith. After the Reformation, critical examination of the Bible did not resume until the advent of the so-called Higher criticsm of the 19th-century German Tübingen school.ConsequencesThe ad fontes回到本源principle also had many applications. The re-discovery of ancient manuscripts brought a more profound and accurate knowledge of ancient philosophical schools such as Epicureanism享乐主义, and Neoplatonism, whose Pagan wisdom the humanists, like the Church fathers of old, tended, at least initially, to consider as deriving from divine revelation and thus adaptable to a life of Christian virtue. The line from a drama of Terence, Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto (or with nil for nihil), meaning "I am a man, I think nothing human alien to me", known since antiquity through the endorsement of Saint Augustine, gained renewed currency as epitomizing the humanist attitude. Better acquaintance with Greek and Roman technical writings also influenced the development of European science. This was despite what A. C. Crombie calls "a backwards-looking admiration for antiquity," in which Platonism stood in opposition to the Aristotelian concentration on the observable properties of the physical world. But Renaissance humanists, who considered themselves as restoring the glory and nobility of antiquity, had no interest in scientific innovation. However, by the mid-to-late 16th century, even the universities, though still dominated by Scholasticism, began to demand that Aristotle be read in accurate texts edited according to the principles of Renaissance philology, thus setting the stage for Galileo's quarrels with the outmoded habits of Scholasticism.Just as artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci — partaking of the Zeitgeist时代思潮though not himself a humanist —advocated study of human anatomy,nature, and weather to enrich Renaissance works of art, so Spanish-born humanist Juan Luis Vives (c. 1493–1540) advocated observation, craft, and practical techniques to improve the formal teaching of Aristotelian philosophy at the universities, helping to free them from the grip of Medieval Scholasticism 经院哲学. Thus, the stage was set for the adoption of an approach to natural philosophy, based on empirical observations经验主义and experimentation of the physical universe, making possible the advent of the age of scientific inquiry that followed the Renaissance. It was in education that the humanists' program had the most lasting results, their curriculum and methods:were followed everywhere, serving as models for the Protestant Reformers as well as the Jesuits. The humanistic school, animated by the idea that the study of classical languages and literature provided valuable information and intellectual discipline as well as moral standards and a civilized taste for future rulers, leaders, and professionals of its society, flourished without interruption, through many significant changes, until our own century, surviving many religious, political and social revolutions. It has but recently been replaced, though not yet completely, by other more practical and less demanding forms of education.Attitudes toward religionThe original signers of the first Humanist Manifesto of 1933, declared themselves to be religious humanists. Because in their view, traditional religions were failing to meet the needs of their day, the signers of 1933 declared it a major necessity to establish a religion that was a dynamic force to meet the needs of the day. (However, it should be noted that this "religion" did not profess a belief in any god.) Since then two additional Manifestos were written to replace the first. In the Preface of Humanist Manifesto宣言II, the authors Paul Kurtz and Edwin H. Wilson (1973) affirm that faith and knowledge a re required for a hopeful vision for the future. Manifesto II references a section on Religion and states traditional religion renders a disservice to humanity. Manifesto II recognizes the following groups to be part of their naturalistic philosophy: ―scientific,‖ ―ethical,‖ ―democratic,‖ ―religious,‖ and ―Marxist‖ humanism. In the 20th century and 21st century, members of Humanist organizations disagree as to whether Humanism is a religion. They categorize themselves in one of three ways. Religious humanists, in the tradition of the earliest Humanist organizations in the UK and US, saw Humanism as fulfilling the traditional social role of religion. Secular Humanists consider all forms of religion, including religious Humanism, to be superseded. In order to sidestep disagreements between these two factions recent Humanist proclamations define Humanism as a life stance; proponents of this view making up the third faction. Regardless of implementation, the philosophy of all three groups rejects deference to supernatural beliefs and addresses ethics without reference to them recognizing ethics as a human enterprise. It is generally compatible with atheism and agnosticism, but being atheist or agnostic does not make one a Humanist.。

课时作业(四十七) 文艺复兴和宗教改革作业时间:月日1.文艺复兴运动中,人文主义者将新文化的创造寄托并落实到大力倡导人的伟大与尊严,人的价值与力量,以及人的自由、平等权利与世俗欲求。
这实际上是提倡( ) A.极端的个人主义B.以人为中心的理念C.反对王权和神权D.主权在民的主张答案:B 解析:本题考查文艺复兴。
题干信息“人的伟大与尊严,人的价值与力量”并非“极端的个人主义”,故A项错误;材料本质是强调以人为中心的精神,即人文主义精神,故B项正确;文艺复兴并不反对王权,故C项错误;“主权在民”是启蒙思想的内容,故D 项错误。
对此的正确理解应是,该著作( ) A.主张进行宗教改革B.提倡追求物质享受C.强调了人的价值D.批判了封建君主制答案:C 解析:本题考查文艺复兴。
由此可知,莎士比亚( )A.理性主义灵魂改变人类的命运B.代表英国文学艺术最高成就C.倡导的人文精神影响深远D.显示工业时代人定胜天的豪情答案:C 解析:本题考查莎士比亚。
与世俗之风的紧密联系意味着人文主义( )A.号召人们追求现世幸福和物质享受B.倡导精神世界的信仰与永生C.深刻反映了社会各阶层的现实需求D.明确提出反对天主教的统治答案:A 解析:本题考查文艺复兴。
人教版九年级历史上册 第14课 文艺复兴运动 作业设计

A. 达·芬奇——《最后的晚餐》
B. 但丁——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》
C. 莎士比亚——《神曲》
D. 薄伽丘——《蒙娜丽莎》
A. 宗教神学的兴起
B. 古代希腊罗马文化的复兴
C. 是一场资产阶级的新文化运动
D. 封建专制的复兴
文艺复兴只是形式上采取复兴古代希腊罗马文化的方式,它是一场反映欧洲新兴资产阶级要求的思想解放运动B只是采用的方式;AD 是文艺复兴反对的内容,故选C。

《文艺复兴运动》作业设计方案一、教学目标:1. 了解文艺复兴运动的起源和发展历程。
2. 掌握文艺复兴运动对欧洲文化和艺术的影响。
3. 分析文艺复兴运动对当代社会的启迪和影响。
二、教学内容:1. 文艺复兴运动的定义和特点。
2. 文艺复兴运动在意大利的兴起和发展。
3. 文艺复兴运动在欧洲其他国家的传播和影响。
4. 文艺复兴运动对欧洲文化、艺术和科学的影响。
5. 文艺复兴运动对当代社会的启迪和影响。
三、教学重点和难点:1. 文艺复兴运动的定义和特点。
2. 文艺复兴运动在意大利的兴起和发展。
3. 文艺复兴运动对欧洲文化、艺术和科学的影响。
四、教学方法:1. 讲授法:通过教室讲解、PPT展示等方式介绍文艺复兴运动的相关知识。
2. 讨论法:组织学生进行小组讨论,探讨文艺复兴运动对当代社会的启迪和影响。
3. 案例分析法:通过分析文艺复兴运动时期的代表作品和人物,深入了解其影响和意义。
五、教学过程设计:第一课时:文艺复兴运动的定义和特点1. 介绍文艺复兴运动的定义和特点。
2. 分析文艺复兴运动的背景和起源。
3. 讨论文艺复兴运动对欧洲文化和艺术的影响。
第二课时:文艺复兴运动在意大利的兴起和发展1. 分析文艺复兴运动在意大利的具体表现和影响。
2. 讲解文艺复兴运动时期的代表人物和作品。
3. 小组讨论:探讨文艺复兴运动对意大利文化和艺术的影响。
第三课时:文艺复兴运动在欧洲其他国家的传播和影响1. 钻研文艺复兴运动在欧洲其他国家的传播和影响。
2. 分析文艺复兴运动对欧洲各国文化和艺术的影响。
3. 案例分析:比较不同国家文艺复兴运动的特点和影响。
第四课时:文艺复兴运动对当代社会的启迪和影响1. 总结文艺复兴运动对当代社会的启迪和影响。
2. 分析文艺复兴运动对摩登文化、艺术和科学的影响。
3. 学生展示:组织学生展示对文艺复兴运动的理解和感悟。
六、作业要求:1. 撰写一篇1000字以上的文章,探讨文艺复兴运动对当代社会的启迪和影响。

字 体 设 计
晚期有圆厅别墅等,文艺复兴建筑 由意大利兴起,影响到法国、英国、 德国、西班牙以及整个欧洲,各国 的文艺复兴建筑各有特色。
佛罗伦萨主教堂(亦称圣 玛利亚大教堂)之穹顶。 标志着意大利文艺复兴建 筑史开始的是佛罗伦萨主 教堂的穹顶。它由伯鲁涅 列斯基设计。在设计中综 合了古罗马形式与哥特式 结构,幵加以创新,实现 了这一开拓新时代特征的 杰作。其结构采用骨架, 穹面分里外两层,中间是 空的。俗称“内外两层皮” 结构。穹窿内径42m,高 30余米,架在高12m的八 角形鼓座上。运用鼓座的 方法又来自拜占庭。鼓座 使穹顶完全表现出来,总 高107m,成为整个城市轮 廓线的中心。
1451 --1457.作者米开洛佐。 被认为意大利第一座真正的文艺复兴庄园,更像 中世纪城堡,壕沟,塔楼。 眺望城市风光,庄园前设置精心布置的花园—— 阿尔伯蒂的标准。斯传》,在壁画创作 中显示了他的智慧、体现了他的艺术风格。画面上金、银、青等色彩的穻 插使用,使整个壁画绚烂多彩。画中人物形体的塑造和中世纪骑士风度的 刻画,显示他已经超越了哥特样式的樊篱,具有独特的艺术风貌。
在达· 芬奇的艺术遗产中,大量的素描习作 也颇值得重视,这些素描和他的正式作品一 样,同样达到了极高的水平,被誉为素描艺 术的典范。其特点是:观察入微,线条刚柔 相济,尤善于利用疏密程度不同的斜线,表 现光影的微妙变化,他的每一件作品都以素 描作基础。
结合法国地形平坦的条件,布置大片水渠和水池, 形成以规模宏大为特色的园林风格,把古典主义 追求人工美,在均衡匀称、井然有序和变化中寻 求统一的造园原则用于园林设计中,形成了以几 何形布局为主要特征的法国古典主义园林艺术。
1431年建成的佛罗伦萨主教堂的穹顶,是文 艺复兴建筑的第一朵报春花。 文艺复兴建筑最明显的特征是扬弃中世纪时期 的哥特式建筑风格,重新采用古希腊罗马时期 的柱式构图要素,因为古典柱式构图体现着和 谐和理性,幵且同人体美有相通之处。
《第14课 人性的崛起——文艺复兴美术》作业设计方案

《人性的崛起——文艺复兴美术》作业设计方案(第一课时)一、作业目标:1. 学生对文艺复兴美术的历史背景、重要人物和作品有基本的了解;2. 学生能够运用视觉语言和技巧,描述并表达自己对文艺复兴美术的理解;3. 提高学生的观察力、思考力和创新力,培养其审美情趣和艺术鉴赏能力。
二、作业内容:1. 绘制一幅文艺复兴时期的美术作品(可以是历史教材中的名作,也可以是自己的创意创作),并附上简短的说明文字,阐述自己对作品的理解和感受;2. 阅读一本关于文艺复兴美术的书籍,并写一篇不少于300字的读书笔记,总结书中主要内容和自己的感悟;3. 搜集并整理关于文艺复兴时期的重要人物及其作品的资料,制作一份简单的PPT,向同学们介绍文艺复兴美术的发展历程和主要成就。
三、作业要求:1. 作业应独立完成,不得抄袭;2. 绘制作品需按照自己的理解和感受进行创作,不得模仿教材中的作品;3. 读书笔记和PPT的制作需按照规范要求,保证质量和美观;4. 提交作业的时间和形式应按照教师要求进行,如纸质版或电子版;5. 作业应体现学生的思考和创新,注重理论与实践的结合。
四、作业评价:1. 教师根据学生的作业质量和提交情况进行评价,给出相应的分数;2. 评价标准包括作品的质量、阅读笔记的深度、PPT的制作水平等;3. 对于优秀作品,教师可组织学生互相观摩和学习,以提高学习效果。
五、作业反馈:1. 学生可根据教师评价和同学的建议,对自己的作业进行修改和完善;2. 教师可通过交流、指导等方式,帮助学生更好地完成作业和提高自己的艺术素养;3. 鼓励学生积极参与作业评价和反馈过程,共同促进美术课程的学习和提高。
作业设计方案(第二课时)一、作业目标1. 深入理解文艺复兴美术的人文精神,了解艺术家如何通过艺术作品表达人性、自由、理性和进步的理念。
高考历史总复习 第35讲 文艺复兴和宗教改革课时作业

亲爱的同学:这份试卷将再次记录你的自信、沉着、智慧和收获,我们一直投给你信任的目光……学习资料专题第35讲文艺复兴和宗教改革(时间:45分钟)一、选择题1.下列文艺复兴时期的作品对应错误的是( )A.薄伽丘——意大利人文主义者B.《哈姆雷特》——文艺复兴初期“三杰”的代表作C.《十日谈》——批判了贵族的等级观念D.《神曲》——但丁创作2.“青春是多么美丽啊!但是,留不住这似水年华!得欢乐时且欢乐吧,谁知明天有没有闲暇。
歌曲中蕴含了( )A.蒙昧主义 B.禁欲主义C.人文主义 D.理性主义3.他们提出“我是人,人的一切特性我是无所不有”的口号,他们非常不满教会对精神世界的控制,他们歌颂人的智慧和力量,赞美人性的完美与崇高,他们追求“人”的本能发挥,追求真善美的动力。
材料中的“他们”( )A.倡导“人是万物的尺度”B.力图推翻罗马天主教会统治C.以“人性”反对“神性”D.描绘未来社会的“政治蓝图4.但丁在《神曲》中说:“造福世界的罗马,向来有两个太阳,分别照明两条路径,尘世的路径和上帝的路径。
”对此解读正确的是( )A.罗马以法律精神造福世界B.两条路径代指政权和教权C.但丁抨击尘世生活的腐败D.文艺复兴照亮了两条路径5.如图是1490年米开朗琪罗为罗马圣彼得大教堂创作的大理石群雕像《哀悼基督》。
作品表明作者意在( )第5题图A.歌颂真实自然的人性 B.刻画耶稣的英雄形象C.宣扬上帝的精神权威 D.倡导灵魂得救的观念6.意大利史学家布鲁尼(1369~1444)认为:历史是人自己的历史,人性和人的心理是历史发展的原因所在,必须排除上帝决定人类历史的观点。
这反映了( )A.宗教改革在意大利取得突破B.神学丧失对历史研究的影响C.史学领域出现人文主义思潮D.文艺复兴在意大利进入高潮7.宗教改革把基督教的宗教理想与平凡的现实生活和谐地统一起来,将神性与人性融为一体,图一到图二的变化所体现的最大社会意义在于( )图一天主教会主张图二路德派主张第7题图A.人文精神得到广泛传播 B.否定了教会权威C.人们开始摆脱宗教信仰 D.引发了启蒙运动8.1522年,马丁·路德在“致基督教徒贵族的公开信”中提出:每人皆为教士,有权照他个人之判断以及个人的理解解释《圣经》。

胃 16 世纪欧洲主要的社会思潮
14. 文艺复兴时期的思想大师,把人文主义当作自己的旗帜,他们颂扬“人”蔑视“神”;
A. 天主教成为封建势力精神统治堡垒
B. 资产阶级要求自身的政治经济地位
A. 《神曲》 B. 《哈姆雷特》 C. 《最后的晚餐》
D. 《马可 ?波罗行纪》
5. 人文主义思潮的主要观点是 ( )
A. ①②③
C. ①②④
D. ①③④
A. ①②③
B. ②③④
C. ①③④
D. ①②③④
13. 人文主义思想的实质是(
A. 肯定人的价值,注重人性的思想
B. 提倡个人主义的思想
不需要教会的烦琐仪式。 上帝的恩典是上帝给人的礼物, 只有上帝才能赦免罪人。 信徒得救不
靠行为,全凭信 仰。要得救上天堂, 不靠教会或行善, 更不靠赎罪券。 ──《路德选集》
材料四: 人生下来就是自由的, 人可以说是自由的动物。 那么, 人民的自由虽可用法律加
以保障, 但它原是天所赐予的, 为任何人所必不可少。 如果有人不取这天所赐予的自由, 那就


《文艺复兴运动》作业设计方案一、教学目标:1. 了解文艺复兴运动的起源和发展背景;2. 掌握文艺复兴运动对欧洲文化的影响;3. 能够分析文艺复兴运动对当代社会的启迪。
二、教学内容:1. 文艺复兴运动的定义和特点;2. 文艺复兴运动在意大利的兴起及对欧洲的传播;3. 文艺复兴运动对文学、艺术、科学等领域的影响;4. 文艺复兴运动的意义和影响。
三、教学重点:1. 文艺复兴运动的定义和特点;2. 文艺复兴运动对欧洲文化的影响;3. 文艺复兴运动的意义和影响。
四、教学方法:1. 讲授相结合的教学方法;2. 图片、视频、PPT等多媒体辅助教学。
五、教学过程:1. 导入(5分钟):通过图片展示文艺复兴运动的一些代表作品,引发学生对文艺复兴运动的兴趣;2. 讲授(30分钟):详细介绍文艺复兴运动的定义、特点、起源和发展过程;3. 分组讨论(15分钟):让学生分成小组,讨论文艺复兴运动对当代社会的启迪;4. 展示与总结(10分钟):每组向全班展示讨论结果,老师进行总结;5. 作业安置(5分钟):安置作业,要求学生写一篇关于文艺复兴运动的小结。
六、教学评判:1. 学生参与度:通过讨论和展示环节,评判学生的参与度;2. 作业评判:评判学生写的小结,看是否达到了教学目标。
七、拓展延伸:1. 可以邀请专家进行讲座,深入探讨文艺复兴运动;2. 组织参观博物馆或美术馆,感受文艺复兴运动的艺术魅力。
《第14课 人性的崛起——文艺复兴美术》作业设计方案

《人性的崛起——文艺复兴美术》作业设计方案(第一课时)一、作业目标通过本次作业,学生应达到以下目标:1. 理解文艺复兴美术的主要特点和贡献,提高对艺术与文化历史的认识;2. 通过课堂讨论和个人创作,深入了解文艺复兴时期的美术风格和主题;3. 培养观察力和审美能力,提高艺术素养。
二、作业内容1. 阅读推荐书目:学生需阅读与文艺复兴美术相关的推荐书目,了解文艺复兴时期的历史背景、美术风格和主题。
2. 小组讨论:学生需组织小组讨论,围绕文艺复兴美术的特点、重要画家及其作品进行讨论,深入理解这一时期的艺术风格和主题。
3. 个人创作:学生需选择文艺复兴美术中的一种风格或主题,进行绘画或手工艺创作,以表达对该时期艺术的感受和理解。
4. 搜集资料:学生需搜集文艺复兴时期的其他美术作品和相关资料,了解该时期美术的多样性和发展脉络。
三、作业要求1. 作业应围绕文艺复兴美术展开,要求有明确的主题和创作意图;2. 作业形式可以是绘画、手工艺品、摄影或其他形式;3. 小组讨论需记录讨论过程和观点,以便后续评价;4. 提交作业的时间和形式需在课前通知,确保所有学生都能按时完成。
四、作业评价1. 评价标准:评价学生作业应考虑以下因素:对文艺复兴美术的理解程度、创作质量、观察力和审美能力等。
2. 评价方式:评价将采用教师评价、小组互评和自我评价相结合的方式进行。
3. 成绩运用:作业成绩将纳入课程最终成绩,以反映学生的课堂参与度和对文艺复兴美术的理解程度。
五、作业反馈1. 反馈方式:教师将对每个学生的作业进行评价,并以反馈的形式进行交流和指导。
2. 反馈内容:反馈将包括对作业的优点和不足的评估,以及针对问题的建议和指导。

二、作业内容1. 课前准备:学生需收集关于文艺复兴时期的重要画家及其代表作的资料,如达·芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎》、米开朗基罗的《大卫像》等,并预习课本中关于文艺复兴时期美术的介绍。
2. 艺术鉴赏:学生在课堂上展示所收集的资料,并针对每幅作品进行简短的赏析,阐述作品的主题、风格、技法等特点。
3. 作品分析:教师选取一两幅代表性作品进行详细分析,引导学生从构图、色彩、线条等角度探讨作品的创作手法和艺术价值。
4. 创作实践:学生根据所学知识,选择一个主题进行创作,可以是人物肖像或场景描绘,要求体现文艺复兴时期的人文精神和艺术特色。
三、作业要求1. 学生在创作过程中需注意构图、色彩、线条等基本要素的运用,力求表现出文艺复兴时期美术的特点。
2. 作品应具有主题性,能够反映人性觉醒和人文精神,同时要注重细节的刻画和表现力的展现。
3. 作业需在规定时间内完成,并按照教师的要求进行整理和提交。
4. 学生在提交作业时需附上作品的创作说明,包括创作灵感、构图思路、色彩搭配等方面的内容。
四、作业评价1. 教师根据学生的作品进行评分,评分标准包括作品的构图、色彩、线条运用,主题表达和人文精神的体现等方面。
2. 教师对学生的作品进行点评,指出作品的优点和不足,并提出改进建议。
3. 教师将优秀作品进行展示,供全班同学学习和借鉴。
五、作业反馈1. 教师根据学生的作业完成情况和课堂表现,进行针对性的辅导和指导,帮助学生解决在作业过程中遇到的问题。
2. 学生根据教师的反馈和建议,对作品进行修改和完善,提高自己的美术鉴赏能力和艺术创作能力。
高中历史 26 文艺复兴和宗教改革强化作业 新人教版必修3

【成才之路】2013-2014学年高中历史 2-6 文艺复兴和宗教改革强化作业新人教版必修3时间:45分钟满分80分一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分。
意大利最早出现文艺复兴且取得辉煌成就的根本原因是( ) A.资本主义萌芽首先在意大利出现B.意大利有得天独厚的人才优势C.意大利有大量古希腊罗马文化的遗存D.资产阶级强烈要求反对封建制度解析:经济基础决定上层建筑,资本主义萌芽的出现才是文艺复兴兴起的根本原因。
这表明他们强调对古典的学习和研究( )A.只是与人的世俗生活相关B.只是与人的宗教生活相关C.可以显著提升个人的素质D.须符合对古典的传统阐释解析:首先注意,这句话的提出者信奉人文主义思想,然后分析“成为上帝造物中的最优秀者”即主张通过研究学习古典文化,提高自己的文化水平和思想道德素质,进而成为优秀人物。
由此可确定C 项符合题意。
答案:C3.彼特拉克说:“有人对野兽、飞禽和鱼类的事情知道得很多……而对人的本性一无所知,不知道我们从何处来,往何处去,以及为什么生活,这到底有什么好处?”这体现了他( )A.提倡人性,关注人生B.呼吁人们爱惜大自然C.主张信仰即可得救D.公开向封建制度挑战解析:彼特拉克的话体现了鲜明的人文主义色彩,反映了他要求人们关注人性和人生。
这些画与传统绘画的本质区别在于这些画( )A.不再以宗教人物为题材B.体现了生命的真实C.反映了资产阶级对现实生活的追求D.对黑暗社会进行了批判解析:卡拉瓦乔把现实生活中的“苹果”提高到与宗教神学中的“圣母”同等重要的地位,表明画家淡化宗教神学,追求现实生活的幸福,反映了新兴资产阶级对现实生活的追求。
文艺复兴史 作业


The worksWorks of the Renaissance, concentration reflected the humanistic ideas: advocate individual character liberation, against the medieval asceticism and religion; Promote science culture against obscurantism, get rid of the bondage of the church on people's thoughts; Certain human rights against theocracy, dismissed as theology and scholastic philosophy foundation of all authority and the traditional doctrine; Support centralized, against the feudal regime, it is the main ideas of humanism. Among them, the representative works include: Dante's the divine comedy, boccaccio'sdecameron, Machiavelli's the prince, rabelais "giant" and so on.Renaissance art is praised the beauty of human body, argues that the proportions of the human body is one of the world's most harmonious, and apply it to the construction, a series of still with religious story as the theme of the painting, sculpture, but performance is ordinary scene, god will pull to the ground.Humanists began to use the method of studying classical literature study the bible, the bible translation cost national language, lead to the rise of the religious reform movement.Humanism to secular contempt of heaven, as reason to replace the revelation, "people" is the creator of the secular life and certainly enjoy, performance requirements of literature and art thoughts and feelings of the people, science and human welfare, education to develop one's personality, requires the thoughts and feelings of the people and the wisdom liberated from the bondage of theology. Advocate individual character freedom, thus played a great progress in the development of the history.Western Europe in the middle ages is a special "dark age". Christian church became the spiritual pillar of the feudal society at that time, it has established a set of stricthierarchy, and take god as absolute authority. Literature, art, philosophy and all have to follow the Christian classic - the teachings of the bible, who are not violated, otherwise, the inquisition to sanctions against him, and even put to death. The bible says, "our ancestors Adam and eve. Because they disobeyed god ban, steal to eat the forbidden fruit of the garden, and thus have sinned a great sin, and from then on, they are coming to the world." Church tells people to pardon next life to enjoy happiness in this life. Under the control of the church, lifeless medieval literature and art, and no progress of science and technology. The spread of the black death in Europe, also contributed to the panic in people's mind, make people began to doubt the absolute authority of religious theology.Late medieval, capitalism germination under various conditions grows, the Italian first in EuropeAppear. Bud of capitalism is the product of the commodity economy development to a certain stage, the commodity economy is through the market to run, and the preferred on the market clinch a deal, bargaining, signing of choose and buy, after is consider about voluntary behavior, this is the embodiment of freedom, of course, if you want to have the "freedom" have the freedom of the private ownership of the means of production, and all these free premise is common people's freedom. As Italy calls for people's freedom, stale Europe needs a new advocate of free movement of thought.Of the emergence of bud of capitalism made it possible for the movement of thought. The prosperity of urban economy, make the huge success wealth businessmen, factory owners, and bankers believe that personal value and strength, a more innovative and enterprising and winning spirit of adventure, versatile and elegant learned of widely respected by the people. It provides profound for the beginning of the Renaissance material basis and appropriate social environment.In ancient Greece and Rome, the achievements of literature and art is very high, and people can freely published various academic thoughts, this is in sharp contrast to and the darkness of the middle ages. 14 century, due to the invasion of the Muslim Ottoman empire, the eastern Roman (Byzantine) of many scholars, with a large number of ancient Greek and Roman art treasures and literature, history, philosophy, such as books, flee to Western Europe asylum. (also there is a saying is the 3 times crusade (although the third fall by the wayside) brought back souvenirs, they found these books are on the road, just moved back to hide in the basement of the church, was found after, marveling at the art of ancient Rome, literature, etc., and began to spread, intentions to the achievements of ancient Rome then) some of the eastern Roman scholar in Florence, Italy did a call "the Greek institute" school, teaching Greece brilliant history of civilization and culture, etc. With the brilliant achievements after the creation of bud of capitalism, people pursuit of spiritual world is the same. As a result, many western scholars want to restore the ancient Greek and Roman culture and art. The requirement is like a spring breeze, slowly through the whole Western Europe. The rise of the Renaissance movement.起源Most historians believe, expounds on the concept of the Renaissance from Florence in the late 13th century, especially in Dante (1265-1321), petrarch works (1304-1374) and (1267-1337) chaudhry's draw for the birth of the era. Some scholars very clearly presented the starting time of the Renaissance, one of them is put forward in 1401 lorenzo ji berti and filippobrunelleschi the two genius sculptor competition of the cathedral of Florence baptistery contract for sign of bronze. While other scholars believe, is an artist and polymath (including brunelleschi, auspicious berti, that would be more ROM and massa Joe and others) in order to obtain the art creation competition generally, entrusted by the arouse the creativity of the Renaissance. However, for the Renaissance in Italy, occurred in the time of the reason, academic circles still have controversy; Accordingly, there are many theories to explain the origin of the Renaissance.发展In the 14th century, with the workshop handicraft industry and the development of commodity economy, capitalist relations has gradually formed within the European feudal system; Politically, a feudal regime has caused widespread discontent, national consciousness began to awaken, European countries shows the strong desire for national united of the masses. Thus also began to appear on culture and art reflect the interests of the emerging capitalist powers and the requirements of the new period. Think of the rising bourgeoisie medieval culture is a step backward, and the Greek and Roman classical culture is developed the model of light, they try to revival of classical culture, and theso-called "Renaissance" is actually a unprecedented liberation and creation of knowledge and spirit. On the surface is to restore the progressive ideas of ancient Rome, is actually on the spirit of innovation of the rising bourgeoisie.Italy is in a state of city forest at that time, the city is an independent orsemi-independent state, namely the polis, after the 14th century cities gradually from a republic to dictatorship. Dictator indulge in pleasures, believe in the neoplatonism, hope to get rid of the shackles of religious asceticism, vigorously protect artists depiction of secular life. Meanwhile the religious activism of st. Francis, is trying to reject the scholasticism of orthodox religious praise the beauty of nature and the human spirit value. The Vatican also towards corruption, successive Pope hedonic scale than secular dictators, they also in protecting artists, allowing art deviation from orthodox religious dogma. Philosophy, science development in gradually towards a more relaxed atmosphere, also brewing a prelude to the reformation.重要贡献Middle ages many achievements contribute to The Times of symbol of rebirth. One is to restore the interest in learning. Oxford University's first college was founded in 1264. In 1400, more than 50 universities in Europe. Of the ancient Arab save formerly was translated into Latin, through these ancient literature, education and atmosphere to encourage debate. Europeans in the holy land, Sicily and Spain, are in contact with the arabs, and to find many treasures, such as the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid's writings, until the 19th century is European standard mathematics teaching material. The arabs also spread the idea of the new digital system, decimal and the concept of zero, and these concepts are developed in India. By around 1450, the propagation speed of learning more to speed up the pace with the invention of the printing press.The second important contribution is the standard of living has increased, especially in large commercial city in Italy. The Crusades to europeans eye-opening, to a snapshot of the wealth of the east, especially the silk, spices and cotton. Venice, Genoa, Florence and other city businessman, are scrambling to obtain trade between Europe and the eastern Mediterranean. These businessmen from commercial activities after superfluous wealth has been accumulated, and began to the art to beautify their home town and city. Sculpture, painting, architecture, music, poetry and literature found a new way to show interesting topics, detachment from the ancient times has been the dominant religious subjects. They generally describe daily life, knights and adventure story line, the European culture and thus become more human nature, there is less religious elements.The development of the technology are also be updated, more efficient goods and services arises at the historic moment. Manufacturing, agriculture, trade and navigation technology improvement and development, beyond the ancient into sharplyJust. Desire to encourage the creation of profit and explore. As the recession of the noble disappearing, middle-class merchants and craftsmen began to fight for equal political rights with their economic power.In the 1500 s, European countries have already led the world in many important science and technology. Europeans through exploration of the world, looking for trade routes, the protestant reformation and Europe itself constantly political competition and the release of energy, also let the area occupies an important position in the centuries.Is generally believed that the Renaissance began in the 14th century Italy (a word comes from the Renaissance Italian Rinascimento, meaning a regeneration or renewal), since the late 15th century, spread to Western Europe, in the 16th century reached for her best. In 1550, vasari, in his biography of the lives of formal use it as the name of the new culture. The term by the French transliteration as the Renaissance, after the 17th century by European countries. In the 19th century, western historiography circle further use it as the floorboard of the 14 to 16 century in western culture. Western historians used to think that it is the revival of the ancient Greek and Roman culture and art.主要影响资本的原始积累:文艺复兴运动首先作为一场弘扬新兴资产阶级文化的思想解放运动,在传播过程中为早期的资本主义萌芽发展奠定了深厚基础,也同时为早期的资产阶级积累了原始财富。
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10、英国“大学才子派”作家中成就最突出的是 __________。
A.浪漫主义文学 B.人文主义文学
C.古典主义文学 D.启蒙运动文学
A.基督教精神 B.理性主义
C.对“人”的肯定 D.平等、博爱思想
A.十四行诗 B.抒情诗
C.温柔的新体诗 D.无韵诗
A.民间故事集 B.长篇传奇
C.框架结构的短篇小说集 D.抒情诗集
A.《伽拉苔亚》 B.《奴曼西亚》
C.《惩恶扬善故事集》 D.《堂·吉诃德》
A.他对社会的冷嘲热讽 B.他企图恢复过时的骑士精神
C.他立志铲除人间罪恶却屡遭失败 D.他为崇高理想而献身的伟大精神
9、桑丘·潘沙当堂·吉诃德的侍从的目的是( )。
A.呐喊助威 B.奋力上前拦阻
C.大声提醒那是风车 D.尾随而上
事后,他( )
12、《坎特伯雷故事集》的作者是( )。
C.田园小说 D.流浪汉小说
A.具有强烈反封建意识的爱情悲剧 B.理想与现实的矛盾的悲剧
A.表现野心、贪婪的丑恶性 B.用宽恕与和解来调和矛盾C.争取个人幸福,反对封建婚姻 D.对资本主义金钱作用的揭露与批判17、莎士比亚的《雅典的泰门》是一出()。
A.具有强烈反封建意识的爱情悲剧 B.理想与现实的矛盾的悲剧
C.揭露资本主义金钱作用的悲剧 D.气氛最阴暗、可怖的悲剧18、莎士比亚晚期传奇喜剧的思想特征是()。
C.野心与贪婪 D.邪恶与善良