Air ConditioningYour car's air conditioning is a sealed system. Any major maintenance,such as recharging, should be done by a qualified technician. There are a couple of things you can do to make sure the air conditioning works efficiently.Periodically check the engine's radiator and air conditioning con-densers (located in the openings below the parking lights) for leaves,insects, and dirt stuck to the front surface. These block the air flow and reduce cooling efficiency. Use a light spray from a hose or a soft brush to remove them.The condenser and radiator fins bend easily. Only use a low-pressure spray or soft-bristle brush to clean them.Run the air conditioning at least once a week during the cold weathermonths. Run it for at least ten minutes while you are driving at a steady speed with the engine at normal operating temperature. This circu-lates the lubricating oil, contained in the refrigerant.If the air conditioning does not get as cold as before, have your dealer check the system. Recharge the system with Refrigerant HFC-134a (R-134a).(See Specifications on page 216.)Whenever you have the air condition-ing system serviced, make sure the service facility uses a refrigerant recycling system. This system captures the refrigerant for reuse.Releasing refrigerant into the atmos-phere can damage the environment.NOTICEAIR CONDITIONING CONDENSERSNOTICEEngine Belts, TiresEngine BeltsYou should check the condition of the two engine belts every sixmonths. Examine the edges of each belt for cracks or fraying. Check the tension of each belt by pushing on it at the point shown in the diagram.The belts should have the following "play" or deflection.Alternator belt:12 — 14 mm (0.47 — 0.55 in)Compressor belt:10 —12 mm (0.39 — 0.47 in)If you see signs of wear or looseness,have your dealer adjust or replace the belts.TiresTo safely operate your car, your tires must be the proper type and size, in good condition with adequate tread,and correctly inflated. The following pages give more detailed information on how and when to check air pres-sure, how to inspect your tires for damage, and what to do when your tires need to be replaced.TiresInflationKeeping the tires properly inflated provides the best combination of handling, tread life and riding com-fort. Underinflated tires wear un-evenly, adversely affect handling and fuel economy, and are more likely to fail from being overheated. Overin-flated tires can make your car ride more harshly, are more prone todamage from road hazards, and wear unevenly.We recommend that you visually check your tires every day and use the pressure gauge that came with your car to measure the air pressure at least once a month. If you think a tire might be low, check it immedi-ately.Check the pressure in the tires when they are cold. This means the car has been parked for at least three hours.If you have to drive the car before checking the tire pressure, the tires can still be considered "cold" if you drive less than 1.6 km (1 mile).If you check the pressure when the tires are hot (the car has been driven several miles), you will see readings 28 to 41 kPa (0.3 to 0.4 kg/cm 2,4 to 6psi) higher than the cold reading.This is normal. Do not let air out to match the specified cold pressure.The tire will be underinflated.Recommended Tire Pressures for Normal DrivingThe following chart shows therecommended cold tire pressures for most normal driving conditions and speeds. Tire pressures for high speed driving are the same as for normal driving (see page 222).Rear:The pressures are also given on the tire information label on the driver's door jamb.CONTINUEDFront:TiresUse the pressure gauge that came with your car every time you check the tires. This will make it easier for you to tell if a pressure loss is due to a tire problem and not due to a variation between gauges.Tubeless tires have some ability to self-seal if they are punctured. How-ever, because leakage is often very slow, you should look closely for punctures if a tire starts losing pressure.InspectionEvery time you check inflation, you should also examine the tires for damage, foreign objects, and wear.You should look for:Bumps or bulges in the tread or side of the tire. Replace the tire ifyou find either of these conditions.Cuts, splits, or cracks in the side of the tire. Replace the tire if you cansee fabric or tread.Excessive tread wear.Your car's tires have wear indicators molded into the tread. When the tread wears down to that point, you will see a 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) wide band running across the tread. This shows there is less than 1.6 mm(1/16 inch) of tread left on the tire. A tire that is this worn gives very little traction on wet roads. You should replace the tire if you can see the tread wear indicator in three or more places around the tire.MaintenanceIn addition to proper inflation, correct wheel alignment helps to decrease tire wear. You should get your car's wheel alignment checked every 12months or 24,000 km (15,000 miles).INDICATOR LOCATIONMARKSTREAD WEARINDICATORSThe tires were properly balanced by the factory, They may need to be rebalanced at some time before they are worn out. Have your dealer check the tires if you feel a consistentvibration while driving. A tire should always be rebalanced if it is removed from the wheel for repair.Make sure the installer balances the wheels when you have new tires installed. This increases riding comfort and tire life. Your car'soriginal tires were dynamic or "spin"balanced at the factory. For best results, have the installer perform a dynamic balance.Improper wheel weights can damage your car's aluminum wheels. Use only genuine Acura wheel weights for balancing.Tire RotationYou should not rotate your NSX's tires. The front wheels are 16"diameter and the rear wheels are 17"so they cannot be rotated front-to-rear. The original-equipment tires on your NSX have a unidirectional tread pattern, so they cannot be rotated side-to-side.Replacing Tires and Wheels The tires that came with your car were selected to match the perfor-mance capabilities of the car while providing the best combination of handling, ride comfort, and long life.If a tire becomes damaged, you should replace it, not repair it. Arepaired tire will have lower perform-ance limits.You should replace them with radial tires of the same size, load range,speed rating, and maximum cold tire pressure rating (as shown on the tire's sidewall). Mixing radial and bias-ply tires on your car can reduce its braking ability, traction, and steering accuracy.CONTINUEDNOTICETiresIt is best to replace all four tires at the same time. If that is not possible or necessary, then replace the two front tires or the two rear tires as a pair. Replacing just one tire can seriously affect your car's handling.If you ever need to replace a wheel,make sure the wheel's specifications match those of the original wheel that came on your car. Replacement wheels are available at your Acura dealer.Wheels and Tires Wheels:Front - 16 x 7 JJ Rear- 17 x 8 1/2 JJ Tires:Front - 215/45ZR16Rear- 245/40ZR17See Tire Information on page 221 for additional information about tire and wheel size designations. See page 222 for information about DOT Tire Quality Grading.Winter TiresYou should mount winter tires on your NSX before winter starts (be-fore consistent sub-freezing tempera-tures). Change back to "summer"tires after winter weather has stopped.Use winter tires on all four wheels.The performance capabilities of the winter tires may not be the same as your car's original-equipment tires.Check with the tire dealer for maxi-mum speed recommendations.Tire ChainsMount snow chains on your car when warranted by driving conditions or required by local laws. Make sure the chains are the correct size for your tires. Use greater caution whendriving with snow chains on snow or ice. They may have less-predictable handling than good winter tires without chains. Some snow chains may damage the car's tires, wheels,suspension and body. Consult your Acura dealer before purchasing any type of chains for your NSX.。
汽车空调采暖系统故障检修学习手册1.5.1 采暖系统的功用采暖系统也称暖风系统,在汽车空调系统中,采暖是重要的功能之一。
1.5.2 采暖系统的类型按热源不同,汽车空调采暖系统常见的可分为二种类型:余热式采暖系统与独立式采暖系统。
1.5.3 余热水暖式采暖系统1.工作原理余热水暖式采暖系统工作原理如图1-98所示。
汽车空调系统维护学习手册1.1.1 汽车空调的功能 (2)1.1.2 汽车空调的特点 (4)1. 汽车空调的安装 (4)2. 汽车空调的动力 (4)3. 汽车空调的制冷制热能力大 (4)4. 受发动机工况影响 (5)5. 受汽车本身结构影响 (5)6. 汽车空调的取暖方式 (5)1.1.3 汽车空调技术的发展 (5)1.1.4 汽车空调系统的组成 (6)1. 制冷系统 (6)2. 加热系统 (6)3. 通风系统 (6)4. 操纵控制系统 (6)5. 空气净化系统 (6)1.1.5 汽车空调系统的分类 (6)1.1.6 制冷技术基础 (7)1. 温度 (7)2. 湿度 (8)3.压力与真空度 (9)4.汽化与冷凝 (10)5.饱和温度和饱和压力 (10)6.热的传递 (11)7.显热与潜热 (11)8.制冷能力与制冷负荷 (12)1.1.7 制冷剂与冷冻机油 (12)1.制冷剂 (12)2.冷冻机油 (14)1.1.8 汽车空调系统的维护内容 (16)1.1.9汽车空调维护时的检查方法 (18)1.听制冷系统运行时是否有异常声音 (18)2.看冷凝器是否清洁或变形 (18)3.手摸管路和各部件温度是否过高 (19)4.进一步检查 (20)1.1.1 汽车空调的功能汽车空调即车内空气调节,是指对车内的温度、湿度及空气的清洁度进行调节控制。
1. 调节车内温度车内温度是指车内空气的冷热程度。
暖风装置与空调系统位置索引位置索引大体系统A6E0W011 鼓风机总成(参考U-14鼓风机拆卸/安装)(参考U-14鼓风机拆解/装配)2空气滤清器(参考U-15空气滤清器拆卸/安装)(参考U-15空气滤清器检查)3空调总成(参考U-15空调组件拆卸/安装)(参考U-18空调组件拆解/装配)4后加热管路(参考U-23后加热管路拆卸/安装)5空调压缩机(参考U-23空调压缩机拆卸/安装)6冷凝器(参考U-24冷凝器拆卸/安装)(参考U-24冷凝器检查)7暖风水管8制冷剂风道路(参考U-25制冷剂风道路拆卸/安装)U-3位置索引操纵系统A6E2W01手动空调全自动空调U-4位置索引U-5位置索引手动空调U-6位置索引1 进气调节器(内外循环调节)(参考U-30进气调节器(内外循环调节)拆卸/安装)(参考U-30进气调节器(内外循环调节)检查)2 空气混合调节器(参考U-31空气混合调节器拆卸/安装)(参考U-32空气混合调节器检查)全自动空调U-7制冷剂处置A6E9W01·在处置进程中,操作人员应该注意幸免吸入空调制冷剂或润滑剂汽化物。
长期暴露在空调环境下,操作人员的眼睛、鼻子和喉咙容易受到刺激,另外,从环境阻碍角度考虑,在从空调系统中排放R-134a 时,咱们建议利用能够回收、再循环、从头充用型设备。
·关于R-134a 效劳设备,或利用紧缩空气的汽车空调系统,由于某些空气和R-134a 的混合物在压力升高时,有可能发生燃烧,因此,建议不要进行加压检查或泄漏情形查验。
Air Conditioning SystemYour car's air conditioning is a sealed system. Any majormaintenance, such as recharging,should be done by a qualified technician. There are a couple of things you can do to make sure the air conditioning works efficiently.Periodically check the engine's radiator and air conditioningcondenser for leaves, insects, anddirt stuck to the front surface.These block the air flow and reduce cooling efficiency. Use a light spray from a hose or a soft brush to remove them.The condenser and radiator fins bend easily. Only use a low-pressure spray or soft-bristle brush to clean them.Run the air conditioning at least once a week during the cold weather months. Run it for at least 10 minutes while you are driving at a steady speed with the engine at normal operatingtemperature. This circulates the lubricating oil contained in the refrigerant.If the air conditioning does not get as cold as before, have your dealer check the system.Recharge the system withRefrigerant HFC-134a (R-134a).See Specifications on page 199.Whenever you have the air conditioning system serviced,make sure the service facility uses a refrigerant recyclingsystem. This system captures the refrigerant for reuse. Releasing refrigerant into the atmosphere can damage the environment.MaintenanceAIRCONDITIONING CONDENSERNOTICENOTICEEngine Belts, TiresEngine BeltsCheck the condition of the two engine belts. Examine the edges of each belt for cracks or fraying.Check the tension of each belt by pushing on it with your thumb midway between the pulleys.The belts should have the following "play" or deflection.Alternator belt:(on cars without A/C)0.41—0.49 in. (10.5—12.5 mm)(on cars with A/C)0.31—0.41 in. (8.0—10.5 mm)Power steering belt:0.51—0.63 in. (13.0—16.0 mm)If you see signs of wear or looseness, have your dealer adjust or replace the belts.TiresTo safely operate your car, your tires must be the proper type and size, in good condition with adequate tread, and correctly inflated. The following pages give more detailed information on how and when to check air pressure,how to inspect your tires for damage, and what to do when your tires need to be replaced.InflationKeeping the tires properly inflated provides the bestcombination of handling, tread life and riding comfort.Underinflated tires wear unevenly, adversely affecthandling and fuel economy, and are more likely to fail from being overheated. Overinflated tires can make your car ride more harshly,are more prone to damage from road hazards, and wear unevenly.MaintenancePOWER STEERING BELTALTERNATOR BELTTiresWe recommend that you visually check your tires every day and use a gauge to measure the air pressure at least once a month.If you think a tire might be low,check it immediately. Remember to check the spare tire at thesame time you check all the other tires.Check the pressure in the tires when they are cold. This means the car has been parked for at least three hours. If you have to drive the car before checking the tire pressure, the tires can still be considered "cold" if you drive less than one mile (1.6 km).If you check the pressure when the tires are hot (the car has been driven several miles), you will see readings four to six PSI higher than the cold reading. This is normal. Do not let air out to match the specified cold pressure. The tire will be underinflated.Recommended Tire Pressures for Normal DrivingThe following chart shows the recommended cold tire pressures for most normal driving conditions and speeds. Tirepressures for high speed driving are shown on page 203.These pressures are also given on the tire information label on the driver's doorjamb.You should get your own tire pressure gauge and use itwhenever you check your tire pressures. This will make it easier for you to tell if a pressure loss is due to a tire problem and not due to a variation between gauges.MaintenanceTIRE INFORMATION LABELTiresTubeless tires have some ability to self-seal if they are punctured.However, because leakage is often very slow, you should look closely for punctures if a tire starts losing pressure.InspectionEvery time you check inflation,you should also examine the tires for damage, foreign objects, and wear.You should look for:Bumps or bulges in the tread or side of the tire. Replace the tire if you find either of these conditions.Cuts, splits, or cracks in the side of the tire. Replace the tire if you can see fabric or cord.Excessive tread wear.Your car's tires have wearindicators molded into the tread.When the tread wears down to that point, you will see a 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) wide band running across the tread. This shows there is less than 1/16 inch(1.6 mm) of tread left on the tire.A tire that is this worn gives very little traction on wet roads. You should replace the tire if you can see the tread wear indicator in three or more places around the tire.MaintenanceIn addition to proper inflation,correct wheel alignment helps to decrease tire wear. You should get your car's wheel alignment checked every 12 months or 15,000 miles (24,000 km).The tires were properly balanced by the factory. They may need to be rebalanced at some time before they are worn out. Have your dealer check the tires if you feel a consistent vibration while driving. A tire should always be rebalanced if it is removed from the wheel for repair.MaintenanceINDICATOR LOCATION MARKSTREAD WEARINDICATORSTiresMake sure the installer balances the wheels when you have new tires installed. This increases riding comfort and tire life. Your car's original tires were dynamic or "spin" balanced at the factory.For best results, have the installer perform a dynamic balance.Improper wheel weights can damage your car's aluminum wheels. Use only genuine Honda wheel weights for balancing.To help increase tire life anddistribute wear more evenly, you should have the tires rotated every 7,500 miles (12,000 km).Move the tires to the positions shown in the chart each time they are rotated.Replacing Tires and WheelsThe tires that came with your car were selected to match theperformance capabilities of the car and provide the bestcombination of handling, ridecomfort, and long life. You should replace them with radial tires of the same size, load range, and speed rating. Mixing radial and bias-ply or bias-belted tires on your car can reduce its braking ability, traction, and steering accuracy.MaintenanceNOTICETire RotationFRONTTiresWheels and Tires Wheel:U.S. EX15 x 5 1/2 JJ (AL)U.S. LX, Canada EX 15 x 5 1/2 JJ Tire:195/60 R15 88HSee Tire Information on page 202for additional information about tire and wheel size designations.See page 203 for information about DOT Tire Quality Grading.Winter DrivingTires that are marked "M + S" or "All Season" on the sidewall have an all-weather tread design. They should be suitable for most winter driving conditions. Tires without these markings aredesigned for optimum traction in dry conditions. They may not provide adequate performance in winter driving. For the best performance in snowy or icyconditions, you should install snow tires or tire chains. They may be required by local laws under certain conditions.MaintenanceTiresSnow TiresIf you mount snow tires on your Honda, make sure they are radial tires of the same size and load range as the original tires. Mount snow tires on all four wheels to balance your car's handling in all weather conditions. Keep in mind the traction provided by snow tires on dry roads may not be as high as your car's original equipment tires. You should drive cautiously even when the roads are clear. Check with the tire dealer for maximum speed recommendations.Tire ChainsMount snow chains on your car when warranted by driving conditions or required by local laws. Make sure the chains are the correct size for your tires.Install them only on the front tires. If metal chains are used,they must be SAE class "S." Cable type traction devices can also be used.When installing chains, follow the manufacturer's instructions and mount them as tightly as you can.Drive slowly with chains installed.If you hear the chains contacting the body or chassis, stop and tighten them. If they still make contact, slow down until it stops.Remove the chains as soon as you begin driving on cleared roads.Chains of the wrong size or that are improperly installed can damage your car's brake lines,suspension, body, and wheels.Stop driving if you hear thechains hitting any part of the car.MaintenanceNOTICE。
6.1 控制器按键说明1 自动运行(AUTO)按键2 关闭空调(OFF)按键3 制冷(A/C)按键4 升高设置温度按键5 降低设置温度按键6 前出风大小指示7 自动控制(AUTO)指示8 进风模式指示9 制冷指示10 出风模式指示11 除霜/除雾指示12后出风大小指示13设置温度指示14出风模式切换按键15进风模式切换按键16风机调速按键功能切换17降低风速按键18提高风速按键7.制冷剂和润滑油7.1HFC134a制冷剂的管理——R-134a 制冷剂具有很强的挥发性.一滴制冷剂粘在皮肤上, 可能造成冻伤.因此,进行制冷剂工作时,必须戴上手套.——为了保护眼睛,进行制冷剂工作时,必须戴上护目镜.如果制冷剂进入眼睛,应立即用清水清洗.—— R-134a 储存容器为高压容器.因此,严禁储存在温度高的地方.随时检查制冷剂储存场所温度是否在52℃以下.——使用电子检漏仪检查制冷剂的渗漏状态。
.. ..杰狮系列汽车空调使用、维护、保修手册三电贝洱汽车空调Shanghai Sanden Behr Automotive Air Conditioning Co., Ltd.目录一、致用户书 (3)二、空调系统结构简介 (6)三、汽车空调器定期检查和维护 (10)四、主要故障模式维修说明 (15)五、易损件清单 (25)致用户书. . . .感您使用三电贝洱汽车空调的产品!在您维修本公司产品前,请仔细阅读本手册,如有疑问,请与本公司联系。
. . . .6、在下列情况下,维修人员应与本公司联系:(1)该空调系统与本手册不一致时。
360 371 380 976 1060 1700
1-1/2” 1-1/2”
391 364 376 384 396 500
8.5 8 8.5 15
16 15 16
白油 Sontex 200LT(现场可替代:3GS)
3.48 40
4.43 40
3 72
3 72
3.3 72
6.6 95
电源 安装方式 形式 个数 型号 运行功率 运行电流 风 马达 扇 电机绝缘等级 电机防护 等级 转数 风量(M~3/H) 电容(μF) 内置保护 风扇外径 产地 水泵型号 电机功率( KW) 机外扬程 (M) 水 绝缘等级 泵 防护等级 额定转速 水流量 L/H 产地 3420 4320 MHI403 0.55 28 MHI403 0.55 25 560 560 900 6000*2 8 900 6000*2 8 FB056-6EA 0.37x2 1.7x2 106-70-6 FB056-6EA 0.37x2 1.7x2 106-70-6
2 涡旋式
连接方式 能力调节 润滑油量类型 润滑油量 L
Cooling System, Windshield Washers10. Turn off the engine. Check the level in the radiator, add coolant if needed. Install the radiator cap,tighten it fully.11. Fill the reserve tank to the MAX mark. Install the reserve tank cap.Windshield WashersCheck the level in the windshield washer reservoir at least monthly during normal usage. In bad weather,when you use the washers often,check the level every time you stop for fuel.The windshield washer reservoir is located behind the right headlight.Check the reservoir's fluid level by removing the cap and looking inside.Fill the reservoir with a good-quality windshield washer fluid. Thisincreases the cleaning capability and prevents freezing in cold weather.Do not use engine antifreeze or a vinegar/water solution in the windshield washer reservoir.Antifreeze can damage your car's paint, while a vinegar/water solution can damage the windshield washer pump.Use only commercially-available windshield washer fluid.MaintenanceRESERVE TANKLEVEL GAUGENOTICETransmission OilAutomatic TransmissionCheck the fluid level with the engine at normal operating temperature.1. Park the car on level ground. Shut off the engine.2. Remove the dipstick (yellow loop)from the transmission and wipe it with a clean cloth.3. Insert the dipstick into the transmission.4. Remove the dipstick and check the fluid level. It should be between the upper and lower marks.5. If the level is below the lower mark, add fluid into the tube to bring it to the upper mark. Use Honda Premium Formula Auto-matic Transmission Fluid or an equivalent DEXRON ® II Auto-matic Transmission Fluid (ATF)only.6. Insert the dipstick back in thetransmission. Make sure the notch fits in the dipstick guide and the dipstick is down all the way.The transmission should be drained and refilled with new fluid every 24months or 48,000 km (30,000 miles),whichever comes first. Shorten this to every 12 months or 24,000 km (15,000 miles) under severe driving conditions (see page 134).MaintenanceDIPSTICKUPPER MARKLOWER MARKTransmission Oil, Brake and Clutch Fluid5-speed Manual TransmissionCheck the oil level a couple of mi-nutes after shutting off the engine.Make sure the car is on level ground.Remove the transmission filler bolt.The oil level should be up to the edge of the bolt hole. Feel inside the bolt hole with your finger. If you do not feel any oil, slowly add oil until it starts to run out of the hole. Reinstall the filler bolt and tighten it securely.Only use an API Service SF or SG grade motor oil with a viscosity of SAE10W-30 or 10W-40.The transmission should be drained and refilled with new oil every 24months or 48,000 km (30,000 miles),whichever comes first. Shorten the service interval to every 12 months or 24,000 km (15,000 miles) under severe driving conditions (see page 134).Brake and Clutch FluidCheck the fluid level in the reser-voirs monthly. There are three reser-voirs. They are:Brake fluid reservoirClutch fluid reservoir (manual transmission only)ABS reservoirThe brake fluid in the brake and Anti-lock brake systems should be replaced every 2 years or 48,000 km (30,000 miles), whichever comes first.MaintenanceFILLER BOLTCorrectlevelBrake and Clutch FluidBrake SystemThe fluid should be between the MIN and MAX marks on the side of the reservoir. If the level is at or below the MIN mark, it is anindication that your brake system needs attention. Have the brake system inspected for leaks or worn brake pads.If you add brake fluid to bring it up to the MAX mark, use Genuine Honda Brake Fluid or an equivalent from a sealed container that ismarked DOT3 or DOT4 only. Brake fluid marked DOT5 is not compatible with your car's braking system.Anti-lock Brake SystemThe fluid should be between the MIN and MAX marks on the side of the reservoir. If it is at or below the MIN mark, it indicates a possible problem in the ABS. Have the dealer inspect the system and add fluid.MaintenanceMAXMINMAXMINBrake and Clutch Fluid, Power SteeringClutch SystemThe fluid should be between the MIN and MAX marks on the side of the reservoir. If it is not, add brake fluid to bring it up to that level. Use the same DOT3 or DOT4 brake fluid from a sealed container specified for the brake system.Low fluid level can indicate a leak in the clutch system. Have this system inspected as soon as possible.Power SteeringYou should check the fluid level in the power steering reservoirmonthly. Check the level when the engine is cold. Look at the side of the reservoir. The fluid should be between the UPPER LEVEL and LOWER LEVEL. If it is below the LOWER LEVEL, add power steering fluid to the UPPER LEVEL.CONTINUEDMaintenanceMAX MINLOWER LEVELUPPER LEVEL。
杰狮系列汽车空调使用、维护、保修手册三电贝洱汽车空调Shanghai Sanden Behr Automotive Air Conditioning Co., Ltd.目录一、致用户书··3二、空调系统结构简介··6三、汽车空调器定期检查和维护··10四、主要故障模式维修说明··15五、易损件清单··25致用户书感您使用三电贝洱汽车空调的产品!在您维修本公司产品前,请仔细阅读本手册,如有疑问,请与本公司联系。
故障 排 脒 检 修 时 , 先 将 起 动 开 关 置 于 ON
档 ,此 时 充 电指 示 灯 不 亮 ,但 电 压 表 指 示 电 压 大 约
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柄 使 发动 机 熄 火 , 断开 起 动 开 关 ,拆 下 交 流 发 电机
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址 ) 。
后 .两 者 必 须 通 过 VAG1 5 5 1进 行 匹 配 ,否 则 汽 车 将 不 能 正 常 起 动 匹 配 步 骤 为 : 1 ( 式 代 码 :快 模
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空调系统设备使用、维护、保养及维修手册指南目录目录 (1)操作说明.............................................................1 日常操作要求..................................................1.1每天工作(适用于所有机电设备)...........................2 制冷系统操作..................................................3供热系统操作...................................................3.1操作流程.................................................4新风处理机及空调处理机操作.....................................4.1 新风处理机操作..........................................5 排风机及新风机操作.............................................5.1 防排烟系统操作..............................................6 风机盘管操作...................................................维护、保养及维修说明.................................................1 维修前说明.....................................................2 例行维修及检查要求.............................................2.1 水泵.....................................................1)每月一次工作..............................................2)每季一次工作...............................................3)每半年一次工作.............................................4)每年一次工作...............................................5)维修记录表................................................2.2热交换器.................................................1)每月一次工作..............................................2)每季一次工作..............................................3)每半年一次工作............................................4)每年一次工作..............................................2.3 新风处理机及空调处理机...................................1)每月一次工作..............................................2)每季一次工作..............................................3)每半年一次工作............................................4)每年一次工作..............................................2.4风机(带起动箱类).......................................1)每月一次工作..............................................2)每季一次工作...............................................3)每半年一次工作.............................................4)每年一次工作...............................................2.5离心式制冷机.............................................1)每月一次工作..............................................2)每季一次工作...............................................3)每半年一次工作.............................................4)每年例行的维修及检查要求...................................2.6 风机盘管.................................................1)每月一次的工作............................................2)每季一次的工作............................................3)每半年一次的工作..........................................4)每年一次的工作.............................................2.7电动机/控制屏............................................1)每月一次的工作............................................2)每季一次的工作............................................3)每半年一次的工作..........................................4)每年一次的工作............................................2.8冷却塔...................................................1)每月一次检查..............................................2)每季一次检查...............................................3)每半年一次检查.............................................4)每年一次检查...............................................2.9水处理系统...............................................1)每月一次的工作............................................2)每季一次的工作............................................2)每半年一次的工作..........................................2)每年一次的工作.............................................2.10油漆....................................................安全保险.............................................................1电气事故的防护措施.........................................2机械事故的防护措施.........................................3火灾和爆炸事故的防护措施...................................4化学事故的防护措施.........................................5急救及意外报告.............................................操作说明1 日常操作要求在参看竣工图纸、系统图、自控接线及原理图、电控图、设备表等的同时,还必须阅此说明,方能操作此空调系统,确保操作无误。
Air Conditioning System (Optional)Your car's air conditioning is a sealed system. Any major maintenance,such as recharging, should be done by a qualified technician. You can do a couple of things to make sure the air conditioning works efficiently.Periodically check the engine's radiator and air conditioningcondenser for leaves, insects, and dirt stuck to the front surface. These block the air flow and reduce cooling efficiency. Use a light spray from a hose or a soft brush to remove them.The condenser and radiator fins bend easily. Only use a low-pressure spray or soft-bristle brush to clean them.Run the air conditioning at least once a week during the cold weather months. Run it for at least ten minutes while you are driving at a steady speed with the engine at normal operating temperature. This circulates the lubricating oil con-tained in the refrigerant.If the air conditioning does not get as cold as before, have your dealer check the system. Recharge the system with Refrigerant HFC-134a (R-134a). (See Specifications on page 187.)Whenever you have the air conditioning system serviced, make sure the service facility uses a refrigerant recycling system. This system captures the refrigerant for reuse. Releasing refrigerant into the atmosphere can damage the environment.AIR CONDITIONING CONDENSERNOTICENOTICEDrive Belts, Timing BeltDrive BeltsCheck the condition of the two or three drive belts. Examine the edges of each belt for cracks or fraying.Check the tension of each belt by pushing on it with your thumb midway between the pulleys.The belts should have the following "play" or deflection.Alternator belt:8.0 — 10.5 mm (0.31 — 0.41 in)Power steering belt:10.5 — 14.0 mm (0.41 — 0.55 in)On cars with Air ConditioningCompressor belt:7.5 — 9.5 mm (0.30 —0.37 in)If you see signs of wear or looseness,have your dealer adjust or replace the belts.Timing BeltThe timing belt should normally be replaced at the intervals shown in the maintenance schedule.Replace this belt at 60,000 miles (U.S.)or 100,000 km (Canada) if you regu-larly drive your car in one or more of these conditions:In very high temperatures (over 110°F,43°C).In very low temperatures (under — 20°F, — 29°C).POWER STEERING BELTALTERNATOR BELTCOMPRESSOR BELTTiresTo safely operate your car, your tires must be the proper type and size, in good condition with adequate tread,and correctly inflated. The following pages give more detailed information on how and when to check airpressure, how to inspect your tires for damage and wear, and what to do when your tires need to be replaced.InflationKeeping the tires properly inflated provides the best combination of handling, tread life and riding comfort. Underinflated tires wear unevenly, adversely affect handling and fuel economy, and are more likely to fail from being overheated.Overinflated tires can make your car ride more harshly, are more prone to damag e from road hazards, and wear unevenly.We recommend that you visually check your tires every day. If you think a tire might be low, check it immediately with a tire gauge.Use a gauge to measure the airpressure at least once a month. Even tires that are in good condition may lose one to two psi per month.Remember to check the spare tire at the same time you check all the other tires.Check the pressure in the tires when they are cold. This means the car has been parked for at least three hours. If you have to drive the car before checking the tire pressure,the tires can still be considered "cold" if you drive less than 1 mile (1.6 km).CONTINUEDTiresIf you check the pressure when the tires are hot (the car has been driven several miles), you will see readings 4 to 6 psi (0.3 to 0.4 kgf/cm 2, 30 to 40kPa) higher than the cold reading.This is normal. Do not let air out to match the specified cold pressure.The tire will be underinflated.You should get your own tirepressure gauge and use it whenever you check your tire pressures. This will make it easier for you to tell if a pressure loss is due to a tire problem and not due to a variation between gauges.Recommended Tire Pressures for Normal DrivingThe following chart shows therecommended cold tire pressures for most normal driving conditions and speeds. Tire pressures for high speed driving are shown on page 189.The compact spare tire pressure is:420 kPa (4.2 kgf/cm 2, 60 psi)These pressures are also given on the tire information label on the driver's doorjamb.Tubeless tires have some ability to self-seal if they are punctured.However, because leakage is often very slow, you should look closely for punctures if a tire starts losing pressure.TiresInspectionEvery time you check inflation, you should also examine the tires for damage, foreign objects, and wear.You should look for:Bumps or bulges in the tread or side of the tire. Replace the tire if you find either of these conditions.Cuts, splits, or cracks in the side of the tire. Replace the tire if you can see fabric or cord.Excessive tread wear.Your car's tires have wear indicators molded into the tread. When the tread wears down to that point, you will see a 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) wide band running across the tread. This shows there is less than 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) of tread left on the tire. A tire that is this worn gives very little traction on wet roads. You should replace the tire if you can see the tread wear indicator in three or more places around the tire.MaintenanceIn addition to proper inflation,correct wheel alignment helps to decrease tire wear. If you find a tire is worn unevenly, have your dealer check the wheel alignment.The tires were properly balanced by the factory. They may need to be rebalanced at some time before they are worn out. Have your dealer check the tires if you feel a consis-tent vibration while driving. A tire should always be rebalanced if it is removed from the wheel for repair.CONTINUEDINDICATOR LOCATION MARKSTREAD WEAR INDICATORSTiresMake sure the installer balances the wheels when you have new tires installed. This increases riding comfort and tire life. Your car'soriginal tires were dynamic or "spin"balanced at the factory. For best results, have the installer perform a dynamic balance.Tire RotationTo help increase tire life and distribute wear more evenly, you should have the tires rotated every 7,500 miles (12,000 km). Move the tires to the positions shown in the chart each time they are rotated.When shopping for replacement tires, you may find that some tires are "directional." This means they are designed to rotate only in one direction. If you use directional tires,they should be rotated only front-to-back.Replacing Tires and Wheels The tires that came with your car were selected to match the perform-ance capabilities of the car while providing the best combination of handling, ride comfort, and long life.You should replace them with radial tires of the same size, load range,speed rating, and maximum cold tire pressure rating (as shown on the tire's sidewall). Mixing radial and bias-ply tires on your car can reduce its braking ability, traction, and steering accuracy.FrontFront(For Non-directional Tires and Wheels)(For DirectionalTires and Wheels)Tiresand may cause the system to work in-consistently.See Tire Information on page 188 for additional information about tire and wheel size designations. See page 189 for information about DOT Tire optimum traction in dry conditions.They may not provide adequate performance in winter driving.For the best performance in snowy or icy conditions, you should install snow tires or tire chains. They may be required by local laws under certain conditions.CONTINUEDvehicle responsibility.help decisions provided information manual.to you course,possible hazards maintaining your will find this important safety information in a v on the vehicle.preceded by a safety alert three signal words:,,or such as Important Safety Re Safety Precautions.such as Driver and Passenger how to use this vehicle correctly entire book is filled with important safety infor carefully.These signal words mean:Safety Labels Safety Messages Safety Headings Safety Section Instructions DANGER WARNING ii You WILL be KILL HURT if you don’t You CAN be KILLE HURT if you don’t You CAN be HUR instructions.TiresSnow TiresIf you mount snow tires on your Honda, make sure they are radial tires of the same size and load range as the original tires. Mount snow tires on all four wheels to balance your car's handling in all weather conditions. Keep in mind the traction provided by snow tires on dry roads may not be as high as your car's original equipment tires. You should drive cautiously even when the roads are clear. Check with the tire dealer for maximum speed recommenda-tions.Tire ChainsMount snow chains on your car when warranted by driving condi-tions or required by local laws. Make sure the chains are the correct size for your tires. Install them only on the front tires. If metal chains are used, they must be SAE class "S".Cable type traction devices can also be used.When installing chains, follow the manufacturer's instructions and mount them as tightly as you can.Drive slowly with chains installed. If you hear the chains contacting the body or chassis, stop and tighten them. If they still make contact, slow down until it stops. Remove the chains as soon as you begin driving on cleared roads.Chains of the wrong size or that are improperly installed can damage your car's brake lines, suspension, body, and wheels. Stop driving if you hear the chains hitting any part of the car.NOTICELightsCheck the operation of your car's exterior lights at least once a month.A burned out bulb can create an unsafe condition by reducing your car's visibility and the ability to signal your intentions to other drivers.Check the following:Headlights (low and high beam)Parking lights Taillights Brake lightsHigh-mount brake light Turn signals Back-up lightsHazard light function License plate light Side marker lightsDaytime running lights (Canadian models)If you find any bulbs are burned out,replace them as soon as possible.Refer to the chart on page 187 to determine what type of replacement bulb is needed.Headlight AimingThe headlights were properly aimed when your car was new. You should check their aim if you regularly carry heavy items in the trunk. Each head-light assembly has horizontal and vertical adjustment indicators. These are set to their "0" positions after the headlights are aimed at the factory.To check these settings:1. Make sure the fuel tank is full.Park the car on level ground.2. The driver or someone whoweighs the same should be sitting in the driver's seat for all checks and adjustments.Load the trunk with the items you normally carry.CONTINUED。
h――前挡风玻璃除霜/除雾出风口i――前车窗玻璃除霜/除雾出风口j——方向可调式中央和侧出风口k——脚部出风口图2-1驾驶室供暖通风除霜2. 1故障诊断(表1)2.2暖风加热器和暖风控制水阀的维修拆装精心整理--- 拆去前蒸发器芯体及膨胀阀、管路;――拆下连接在暖风上的进水管和出水管;――拧下螺钉,拆下暖风水管控制阀,然后从后壳体上拆下散热器;――检查暖风散热器是否有堵塞、碰伤、裂纹,若有近修复或更换芯体;――检查暖风控制法是否能正常工作,若有问题进行更换;――检查维修完毕,按照拆卸相反的顺序装配暖风散热器和控制水阀;――装配完成后,按照要求加发动机冷却液,并排去冷却液回路中的空气。
h——前挡风玻璃除霜/除雾出风口i——前车窗玻璃除霜/除雾出风口j——方向可调式中央和侧出风口k——脚部出风口图2-1 驾驶室供暖通风除霜2.1故障诊断(表1)2.2暖风加热器和暖风控制水阀的维修拆装——拆去前蒸发器芯体及膨胀阀、管路;——拆下连接在暖风上的进水管和出水管;——拧下螺钉,拆下暖风水管控制阀,然后从后壳体上拆下散热器;——检查暖风散热器是否有堵塞、碰伤、裂纹,若有近修复或更换芯体;——检查暖风控制法是否能正常工作,若有问题进行更换;——检查维修完毕,按照拆卸相反的顺序装配暖风散热器和控制水阀;——装配完成后,按照要求加发动机冷却液,并排去冷却液回路中的空气。
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6.1控制器按键说明1自动运行(AUTO)按键2关闭空调(OFF)按键3制冷(A/C)按键4升高设置温度按键5降低设置温度按键6前出风大小指示7自动控制(AUTO)指示8进风模式指示9制冷指示10出风模式指示11除霜/除雾指示12后出风大小指示13设置温度指示14出风模式切换按键15进风模式切换按键16风机调速按键功能切换17降低风速按键18提高风速按键7.制冷剂和润滑油7.1HFC134a制冷剂的管理——R-134a制冷剂具有很强的挥发性.一滴制冷剂粘在皮肤上,可能造成冻伤.因此,进行制冷剂工作时,必须戴上手套.——为了保护眼睛,进行制冷剂工作时,必须戴上护目镜.如果制冷剂进入眼睛,应立即用清水清洗. ——R-134a储存容器为高压容器.因此,严禁储存在温度高的地方.随时检查制冷剂储存场所温度是否在52℃以下.——使用电子检漏仪检查制冷剂的渗漏状态。
真空泵内部有磁性单向阀,当完全抽空空调系统及真空泵开关转到“O F F”时,磁性阀打开,允许大气进入表座,以防真空泵里的油气回吸到空调系统。