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Book 1 Module 1-2 基础过关(教师版)

Ⅰ. V ocabulary:

1.尴尬的adj. embarrassed

2.描述n. description

3.令人印象深刻的adj. impressive

4.信息n. information

5.热心的adj. enthusiast ic

6.流利的adj. fluent

7.消失vi. disappear

8.制度、体系n. system

9.令人失望的adj. disappointing

10.立即、立刻adv. imme diately

11.聪明的adj. intelligent

12.纪律n. discipline

13.有组织的adj. organized

14.假期n. vacation

15.放松n. relaxation

16.复习vt. revise

17.精力充沛的adj. energetic

18.指示、说明n. instruction

19.逃避vt. avoid

20.完全地adv. completely

21.欣赏、感激vt. appreciate

22.有耐心的adj. patient

23.文学n. lit erature

24.同样地adv. similarly

25.行为n. behavior

26.技术n. technology

27.流利n. fluency

28.翻译vt. traslate

29.态度n. attitude 30.尊敬、敬重vt./ n. respect

Ⅱ. Phrases: (下划线为该短语必用单词)

1.令某人吃惊的是to one’s amazement

2.在某人的指导下under one’s instruction

3.和某人吵架have words with sb.

4.和某人交谈have a word with sb.

5.被分成be divided into

6.难以言表beyond words

7.开始着手做get down to

8.反对object to

9.与…相似be similar to

10.导致、造成result in

11.习惯做…get used to doing

12.贡献…给… devote…to…

13.也适用于be true of

14.调查look int o

15.尊敬,敬仰look up to

16.总之in a word

17.一点也不像nothing like

18.坚持stick to

19.因为as a result of

20.确定、查清make sure

21.对某人耐心be patient with

22.承认做过admit having done

23.宁愿做…不愿做… would rather do..than do…

24.逃避做某事avoid doing

25.对某人严格be strict with

26.向某人问好send one’s respects to

27.上大学go to college

28.因为某事敬重某人respect sb. for sth.

29.过去常常做used to

30.给某人留下印象leave/ make an impression on sb.

Key sentences:


T his town covers an area of 10 square kilometers.


There was an amazed look on her face when she saw the amazing snake.(amaze)


Henry is very smart, but he doesn’t work hard in his lessons. So it is with Mary.


After the ea rthquake, he waited for the rescue team with patience.


Although he was admitted into a key university, his parents couldn’t afford the tuition.

6. 消息传来,德国队打败巴西,夺得此次世界杯冠军。

Word came that German got the championship in this FIFA World Cup, having beaten Brazil.


This tree is three time as high as that tree.

= This tr ee is three times higher than that tree.

8.= This tree is three times the height of that tree.


T eachers in our school have a positive attitude toward their work.

10. 如果你能把音乐关小些,我会非常感谢的。

I would appreciate it if you could turn the music down.

11. 令他高兴的是,他的英语在一点点地进步。

To h is joy, he made progress in English bit by bit.

12. 我真希望那天你没有把钱借给她。

I would rather you hadn’t lent any money to her that day.

13. He worked so hard that his boss promised that he would raise his pay.

So hard did he work that his boss promised that he would raise hi s pay.

14. He told us so interesting a story that all of us laughed.

He told us such an interesting story that all of us laughed.

15. 你能来参加我们的婚礼我们真的很感激。

We really appreciated your coming to our wedding cer emony.


He failed in the driving test. In other words, he had to pass it once again.

17. 你继续努力学习,是很有把握成功的。

You are sure to succeed if you go on working hard.

18. 注意力完全集中(focus/ concent rate)在学习上,他根本没注意到地震发生了。

With his attention focused on his study, he didn’t notice that that earthquake had happened.

19. Immediately I got to the bus stop, the bus went away.

= The moment I got to the bus stop, the bus went away.

20. = No sooner had I got to the bus stop than the bus went away.
