
8 AModule 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text.2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills , such as getting main idea and details, find facts etc。
Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article.2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph。
3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently。
Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland。
Language focus:1。
V ocabulary:1)article,dinosaur,exist,harmless,gentle,fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece,amusement,creat,character,deliver2)a long time before, as small as chicken,leave behind,the way to be happy,even happier,an amusement parkFunction:1。

8 A Module 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text.2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills , such as getting main idea and details, find facts etc.Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article.2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph.3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland.Language focus:1. V ocabulary:1) article, dinosaur, exist, harmless, gentle, fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece,amusement,creat,character,deliver2) a long time before, as small as chicken, leave behind, the way to be happy, evenhappier, an amusement parkFunction: 1. It sometimes sat on Walt’s desk while he was working.2. After leaving school and studying art at night, he sold newspapers anddelivered mail.Teaching aids:1. A recorder, a cassette2. S tudent’s book 8A page 74-77.Teaching steps:PRODEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation 1. Show someinteresting pictures.Ss enjoy somepictures aboutdinosaurs andDisneyland and soStudentswould liketo enjoy itwithon. classmatesand willmake theatmosphereofEnglish.Andwe can leadin the newwords.2. Learn new vocabularies e.g We went to anamusement park.Here Amusementmeans something thatgives peoplepleasures or fun.Character means aperson, animal in abook, play, film, etc.Ask studentsto learn toexpress themeaning inEnglishII. While- task procedure A.Encyclopaedia1.What is anenclopaedia?2.Think, say and learn3.Different types ofencyclopaedias4. In which volumes ofthe encyclopaedia ontheright would you findthe information listedbelow? Write thenumber of the volumefor each topic.5.Encyclopaedias ondifferent topics6.How to find theinformation we needB.Text DinosaursAn encyclopaedia is abook that gives youinformation about alot of different things.Have you got anencyclopaedia athome?Have you ever readan encyclopaedia inthe library?Do you know anytypes ofencyclopaedias?BrainsTyphoonsComputersWeatherKoreaarouse students’interest in thetopicDevelop theskill of usingencyclopaedias.Learn somenews wordsand phrasesand getfamiliar withpart of thetextThis is part ofthe skill ofpredicting, Itis good for Ssto make1.What do dinosaurs make you think of? Choose and think of some adjectives and tell your classmates about your ideas.2.Finish Reading A What do you know about?4.How much do you know about dinosaurs?5.Listen and fill in the blanks.6.Learn the text7.Surf the Internet8.StrategyWhen we meet some new words, sometimes we can know about their meanings by looking at the suffixes.C.Diogenes1.Search the Internet and find some information about Diogenes.2.Listen and fill in the blanks.3.Learn the text.4.Search the Internet again.D.Disney Walt1.Cartoon characters2.Who created thesecartoon characters?3.What else did Walt Disney create?4.How many Disneyland Park in the world? PandasWhen we use an encyclopaedia, weshould knowwhat kind ofinformation we needto look for first. Sometimes, we donot understand someimportant words (wecall them key words)in the sentences.Then we can look inan encyclopaedia andtry to find them.large, brave, fierce,small, shy, gentle,beautiful, powerful,harmful, ugly, weak,harmless.1. Ss try this quizalone.2. Check theiranswers.Say something aboutthem. If you do notknow much, you canask your classmatesfor help.May is listening tothe article aboutdinosaursintelligentguesses aboutwhat mightbe in thearticle.Develop theskill ofguessing andworking outthe likelymeaning of aword fromthe study ofits context.Get morepractice andlearn moreinformationabout thetopicDevelopstudents’abilities ofcreation,listening andreading andspeaking.Students canexpress theirideascompletelyand clearlyGet famliarwith part ofthe textthrough someexercisesHave areview of thewhole textthrough5.There will be another Disneyland park in Shanghai soon. What do you think it will be like?6.Listen and fill in the blanks.7.Put the sentences in the correct order.8.Surf the Internet9.What is your favourite cartoon character?E.Exercises1.Match the words with the pictures.2.Find words in the articles on page 75 to complete the following dialogue. The words must be similar in meaning to the words in brackets.3.Work in groups four to six. Look at the following words and make new words using the letters from some of the words in the checklist.prehension on CD-ROM. Listencarefully and help hercomplete thefollowing notes forher school project.1. Ask Ss to read thetext by themselvesand find out the newwords, and try toguess the meaningsby reading the wordsaround them so thatthey can know themain idea of the text.2. Read after the tape.3. Read the texttogether.4. Synopsis by paragraph.Surf the Internet andfind moreinformation aboutdinosaurs. Tell yourclassmates about thelives of dinosaurs onthe Earth.For example,harmful is anadjective whichmeans ‘causing harm’andharmless is also anadjective whichmeans ‘not causingharm’.Do you know themeanings ofreading andansweringquestions‘careful’, ‘careless’, ‘useful’, ‘useless’, ‘helpful’ and ‘helpless’?e.g.Where did he come from?Where did he live? 1. Ask Ss to read the text by themselves and find out the new words, and try to guess the meanings by reading the words around them so that they can know the main idea of the text.2. Read after the tape.3. Read the text together.Someone called Diogenes ‘a dog’. Surf the Internet and find more information about him and tell why people called him ‘a dog’.Once, Alexander the Great went to visit Diogenes. He offered to help Diogenes. What do you think Diogenes said? Give your reasons. Then surf the Internet to find the answers. Mickey MouseDonald Duck GoofySnow WhiteWalt Disney amusement park Surf the Internet and find more information about Mickey Mouse. Tell your classmates how Mickey Mouse came into being.Discuss in your groups and tell your classmates and give your reasons. Example: character act, are, art, cart, cat, race, rat, rate, reach, teach, tear, etc.createdeliverexistownharmfulfinally amusement park 1.May has made some notes below about the articles in the encyclopaedia, but some of the facts are wrong. Read the articles and correct May’s notes where necessary.2.May is making statements about some of thethings in the articles. If you agree with them, write A (agree). If you do notagree, write D (Disagree).III. Post-task activity 1.Act out the text.2.Peter is doing a quizabout the Society forthe Prevention ofCruelty to Animals.3.Have a debate.Select several groupsto act out thedialogue.Listen and circle thecorrect answer.The FOR side thinkswhatDiogenes said wasright and theAGAINST sidethinks that the way tobe happy is to own asmany things aspossible.Consolidatethe newknowledgepoint bypracting.IV. Assignment 1.Write a summaryabout dinosaurs.2.Write a summaryabout Diogenes.3.Write a summaryabout Walt Disney4.Workbook 8A, pages39, 40 and 41. Read and write. Go over theknowledgethey havelearned.教学反思:Second Period Grammar 1 Countable and uncountable nouns Language Targets: 1. The plural of most countable nouns.2. Use some countable nouns + of before uncountable nouns toshow amounts.Emotion Targets: Students try to express their ideas in English fluently. Language focus: 1. New words: t2. Functions:The plural of most countable nouns.Use some countable nouns + of before uncountable nouns toshow amounts.Materials: 1. Student’s Book 8A page 78.3. Cassette 8A4. Cassette playerTeaching steps:PRODEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation In English, we cancount some things,We call nouns likeelephants, stamps andGo over theknowledgee.g., elephants, stamps, cars.We cannot count other things, e.g., meat, water, music. cars countable nouns.We call nouns likemeat, water andmusic uncountablenouns.Most dictionaries usethe letters C and U totell if a noun iscountable or uncountable.they havelearned.II. While- task procedure 1.Countable nounsA countable nounrefers to something wecan count. Here aresome examples.2.To form the pluralform of most countablenouns,we add ‘-s’ to thesingular form.However, there aresome exceptions3.Uncountable nounsAn uncountable nounrefers to something wecannot count. Here aresome examples.4.We can also usesome countable nouns+ of beforeuncountable nouns toshow their amounts.5.ExercisesWe use ‘a’ or ‘an’before a singularcountable noun. If thenoun starts with avowel sound, we use‘an’.+s-y+ies+esO: +s or +es-f or –fe +vesUncountable nounscannot have pluralforms.a packet of salttwo cups of coffeethree bags of ricefour kilos of meatsix cartons of milk1. Read the sentencesbelow and decidewhether the nouns initalics are countableor uncountable. Maketwo lists in yournotebook.2. Read theseconversations andthen work inpairs to make similarconversations aboutthe pictures below.Use the words in thebox. Make themThe chartmay help thestudents learntheknowledgepints.It willimpress theSs a lot aboutwhat theyhave learntfor it’s veryuseful in theirwriting.Arouse Ss’interests andthey’reinterested innaming thecountablenouns and theuncountalbenouns.To practisemore aboutthe targetlanguagecorrectly.Developstudents’abilities ofcreation,listening andreading andsingular or plural as necessary. S1 (Timmy) asks the questions and S2 (June) answers. Thenchange parts and dothe conversationsagain.3.Jane has invitedsix people to a partyat herhome. Here is part ofthe shopping list thatshe wrote for thethings she needs.Look at the pictureand complete the list.The first one has beendone for you.Rita, May and Dannyare in a fast food restaurant. They eachchose somethingfrom the menu on theright. Look at theirpictures and completethe sentences witha(n) or some, and thenames of the foodand drinks. Put oneword in each blank.speaking.III. Post-task activity Imagine that you wentto the restaurant too.Work in pairs and telleach other what foodyou chose.Consolidateand showwhat the Sshave learnedby writing.IV. Assignment Workbook 8A, pages41 and 42. Go over the knowledge they have learned.教学反思:Third Period Grammar 2 Using another and the others Language Targets: 1. Using another and (the) other(s) to refer to something orsomething else.Emotion Targets: Students try to express their ideas in English fluently. Materials: 1. Cassette 8A and a cassette player2. Students’ book 8A 80Teaching steps:PRODEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation 1.IntroductionWe can use anotherand (the) other(s)torefer to something elseor someone else.We need another(=an extra one)computer. One is notenough for us.I do not like this pairof shoes. I am goingto get another(pair)(=a different pair).Students willshow interestin it and bemore lively.II. While- task procedure 1.Ask the students toread the chartcarefully.2.SummaryExplain to the studentsthat3.Exercisesother may be anadjective or apronoun. As anadjective it isinvariable; as apronoun it iscountable and has theplural form others.the other (singular)means the second oftwo.the other(s) meansthe remaining (ones).other(s) may simplymean different,additional, remaining.another means: a) anadditional one; b) adifferent one.1.Look at the picturesand complete thesentences withanother or (the)other(s).The chart willhelp Ssunderstandthese wordseasily..Help the Ss tomaste theuses of thesewords.III. Post-task activity plete thesentences with anotheror(the) other(s).I have threedaughters. One is anurse, __________ isa teacher and thethird is a worker.Don’t walk on thisstudents getinterested inEnglish.side of the road, walk on __________. This chemical is poisonous.__________ are poisonous too.……IV. Assignment Workbook 8A, pages43 and 44. Go over the knowledge they have learned.教学反思:Fourth Period ListeningLanguage Targets:ing formulaic expressions to guess the meaning of a word.ing formulaic expressions to work entirely in English.ing formulaic expressions to practise the skill of scanning.Ability Targets:1.Develop the students’ listening skill.2.Gather and share information, ideas and language and so on.3.Students can express the instructions and statements about numbers.Emotion Targets:Students can know something about the famous place ‘The Memorial to Dr Sun Yat-senLanguage focus:1.V ocabulary: memorial, attraction, republic, hectare, governmentTeaching aids:1. A recorder, a cassette2. Students’ book 8A page 81PROCEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSE1.Pre-task preparation 1. Listening 1. This exercise presents students aquiz. First ,teach the Ss to understandsome new words in the listening.2. Explain the task to the students.Make sure they write a figure or oneword in each blank .3. Play the recording twice ifnecessary, and explain any problems.Develop thestudents’listeningskill.2. Review:Naming things1.We use nouns to name things.2.We can use this and these withnouns to show the things are nearus. We can use that and those withnouns to show the things arefurther away.3.We can count things. Countablenouns have plurals. Uncountablenouns do not have plurals. We canuse a or an before singularcountables but not beforeuncountables. We can use somewith both of them.Revise the basicuse of theimperativesentence.2.While-task procedure 1. Ss read them together.2. Ss complete the dialogues with this,that, these and those in pairs.Examine whetherSs have graspedthe nouns.2. Exercise B1 1.Read the sentences on Page 671. Ss read the sentences and make two lists of nouns in their notebook.2. Check the answers.3. Exercise B2 1. Ss read these conversations and thenwork in pairs to make similarconversations.2. Do pair-work.3.Post-task activities Homework: Workbook 8A, page 44. Studentsconsolidate thenew contents.教后感:Fifth Period Speaking Language Targets:1. To learn how to pronouce the endings of plural nounsAbility Targets:1. To be able to pronounce the endings of plural nouns correctly2. To be able to ask and answering questions by maintaining an interaction Emotion Targets:1. To be interested in cartoon charactersLanguage focus and difficult points:1. three common ways of pronoucing the endings of plural nouns./s/ /z/ /iz/3. Teaching Aids:1. Workbook 8A page822. Multi-mediaPROCEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation daily talk An apple a day keeps the doctor away.I like eating apples.I like to eat two apples a day.What do you think of the idea?an appletwo applesto show we use pluralforms of nounsII.While-task procedure 1. generalintroduction2. introduce thethree ways3. practice1. How do you read the followingthree words?boots, trees, watches/s/ /z/ /iz/ are the three commonways fo pronouncing the endings ofplural nouns2. 1) when a word ends in /p/ /f/ /t/ /k/or / /, the new ‘(e) s’ending ispronounced /s/.maps cooks boots2) when a word ends in a vowel soundor a voiced consonant sound ( expect //, / /, and / /), the new ‘ (e) s’ ending ispronounced /z/songs plays trees3) when a word ends in /s/ /z/ / // / / / or / /, the new ‘(e) s’ending is pronounced /iz/oranges boxes houses3. 1) Practise saying the singulars andplurals of these nouns. Take specialcare with the endings.an ant — ant san elephant — elephant sa park — park sa pilot — pilot sa plant — plant sa ship — ship sa dog — dog sa dream — dream san egg — egg sto get the generalknowledge of the ruleshave some practicea head — head sa character — character sa star — star sa box — box esa bridge — bridg esa rose — ros esa face — fac esa horse — hors esa beach — beach es2) Practise saying the following sentences.a. Ants on plants,Flies on dogs,Matches in boxes,Eggs from frogs.b. Stars in the sky,Roses on the floor,Walks in the park,Knocks on the door.3) Say whether the endings of the words are pronounced /s/, /z/ or /Iz/.III.Post-task activities speak up What is your favourite cartooncharacter? Tell your classmates aboutit and give some reasons.Work in pairs and tell your partnerabout your favourite cartooncharacter.p82have more practice教学反思:Sixth Period Writing Language Targets:1. to finishing writing a short story2. to write a compositon with information gainedAbility Targets:1. to be able to gather ideas and make them into a complete story2. to be able to find out missing information with the information ownedEmotion Targets:1. to get interested in telling storiesLanguage focus and difficult points:1. simple past tense2. some phrases: e.g. go for a walkTeaching Aids:1. Workbook 8A page 83 &842. Multi-mediaPROCEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation think about howto write a storywith the keywordsOne day, May saw the advertisementon the right in a newspaper. Shelooked up the three words in herencyclopaedia, thought for a few daysand then tried to write a story.give students to thinkabout the task bythemselves beforereading the samplewritingII.While-task procedure 1. read andthink2. think andwrite3. disscuss andcorrect4. read, checkand discuss5. read andreviewLook at the pictures on the right. HelpMay complete her story, using thewords in the box and the verbs inbrackets. Write what you think Sammydid with the money in the end.1. ask students to read through thestory without filling in the blanks2. ask students to read the story againand fill in the blanks3. after finishing the work, studentsdiscuss in groups and try to correcttheir mistakes.4. discuss the answers together whileshowing some picturesdicuss the possible endings5. students read the whole story bythemselves and after that, read thestory together to have a reviewto get the main idea ofthe storythink about the storyagain by thinking aboutthe missing wordstry to get more correctanswers throughdiscussionIII.Post-task activities 1. join wordsinto sentences2. put thesentences in thepassage to makeit make sense3. writing1. The sentences below are aboutEskimos. Put the words in brackets inthe correct order to complete them.a)___________________________________________________ (sharp, hunting, for,tools, they, use).b)___________________________________________________ (the, spring, go, Eskimos,fishing, in).c)Eskimos____________________________________________(Canada, Greenland, live,northern, in).d)Their______________________________________________(are, very, in the cold winter,important, boots).e)In their opinion,_____________________________________ (are, the,children, names, of, veryimportant).2. Put the sentences in a passage inthe correct place.(1)____ It is a world of snow and ice.Eskimos wear thick clothes of animalskins to keep themselves warm.(2)____ They keep their feet warm.(3)_____ They hunt sea animals in thesummer, hunt land animals in theautumn, and hunt seals under the icein the winter. (4)____ In the winter,they sing and dance a lot.Eskimos love children. (5)____ If achild is always ill, the parents willchange his or her name. It will stopcrying with the right name.to get some ideas aboutEskimospractise reading skillsand get furtherinformation aboutEskimostry to write acomposition with theinformation gainedthrough reading3. Now you are an Eskimo. Use theinformation in the first and the secondexercise to write a composition aboutEskimos. Use the following outlineand questions to help you.Para 1:I am an Eskimo. I want totell you about my life. (Introduceyourself and your topic.)Para 2: (Where do you live?)Para 3: (What kind of clothes doyou wear? Why?Para 4: (How do you make a livingin different seasons and what kind oftools do you use?)Para 5: (What is your family like?)教学反思:Seventh Period More Practice Language Targets:1. Using the simple past tense to write a short story.2. Revise some key items from the chapter.Ability Targets:1. Students learn to make a survey and write a report.2. Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Emotion Targets:Students can know more about the way to be happy and giant pandas. Language focus:1.V ocabulary: giant, upper, chubby, patch, clumsy, hind, cub2.Functions: A giant panda may eat as much as 9 kilos of food a day.Pandas are protected in China because they are rare. Teaching aids:Students’ book 8A page 85PROCEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSE1.Pre-task preparation Free talk Giant pandas Make the Ssinterested in thetopic.2.While-task procedure More practice1. Exercise A1. Read the passage and findnew words.2. The teacher helps Ss to knowthe meanings of those newwords.3. Ask Ss to complete thesentences.4. Check the answers.Briefly revise somenumbers from thechapter.2. Writing Show a piece of advertisement1.Ss read the advertisement.The teacher tells Ss thatDanny has joined thecompetition. But his storyhasn’t finished, let’s helphim.2.Ss try to complete the storyalone.3.Discuss with Ss in groups.4.Check the answers.Ss can consolidatethe text by doing thepassage.3.Post-task activities 1. More practice Ask Ss to collect informationabout one of the famous people.And then Ss tell their classmatessomething about him/her.Students consolidatethe new contents.Assignment Homework Find some information aboutother rareanimals in China. Write anencyclopaedia article tointroduce one of them教学反思:Eighth Period Progress file 5Language Targets: 1. To activate the knowledge to help the students understand thetext.2. Using formulaic expressions to guess the meaning of a word.3. Revise some key items from the chapter.Ability Targets: 1. Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article.2.Learners try to express their ideas in English fluently.3. Students should have the skill of using encyclopaedias Emotion Targets: 1. Students try to express their ideas in English fluently. Materials: 1.a record, a cassette,2.Student’s Book 8A page 86Teaching steps:PRODEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation V ocabularyUse the words in thebox to complete thesentences. Change theform if necessary.The little girl criedwhen she saw the__________ dog.I called your officebut __________answered.Do you know the__________ reasonwhy he was late?Scientists are tryingto deal with thisdifficult __________.__________ he isover 60, he still looksstrong and healthy.To motivatethe students’interest byasking somequestionsII. While- task procedure 1.GrammarWrite the correct formsof the nouns inbrackets.I have written downtheir different e-mail__________(address).Students willbe interestedin finding outthe words.本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!2.Circle the correct words. He lost his three __________ (key) on the way home.I saw some __________ (child) playing in the park.I would like to spread a/some jam on my bread.Salt is/are white. Please go and buy two loaf/loaves of bread.Can I have one/some bowl of rice, please?I do not like this pair of shoes. Will you please show me other/another pair? It took me ten minutes to swim to the other/another side of the river. Three people died in the big fire last night. Others/The others were all rescued.IV. Assignment Read and act out thetext. Go over the knowledge they have learned.教学反思:。

8 A Module 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text。
2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills , such as getting main idea and details,find facts etc。
Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article。
2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph。
3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently。
Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland。
Language focus:1。
V ocabulary:1) article, dinosaur, exist, harmless,gentle, fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece,amusement,creat,character,deliver2)a long time before, as small as chicken,leave behind,the way to be happy, even happier, an amusement parkFunction: 1. It sometimes sat on Walt's desk while he was working.2。

8 AModule 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text.2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills , such as getting main idea and details, find facts etc。
Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article。
2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph.3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland。
Language focus:1. V ocabulary:1) article,dinosaur,exist,harmless,gentle,fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece,amusement,creat,character,deliver2)a long time before, as small as chicken,leave behind, the way to be happy, even happier, an amusement parkFunction:1. It sometimes sat on Walt’s desk while he was working。

8 A Module 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text.2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills , such as getting main idea and details, find facts etc。
Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article。
2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph。
3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently。
Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland。
Language focus:1. V ocabulary:1)article,dinosaur, exist,harmless, gentle,fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece,amusement,creat,character,deliver2)a long time before, as small as chicken,leave behind, the way to be happy,even happier, an amusement parkFunction: 1。

8 A Module 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text.2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills , such as getting main idea and details, find facts etc.Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article.2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph.3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland.Language focus:1. V ocabulary:1) article, dinosaur, exist, harmless, gentle, fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece,amusement,creat,character,deliver2) a long time before, as small as chicken, leave behind, the way to be happy, evenhappier, an amusement parkFunction: 1. It sometimes sat on Walt’s desk while he was working.2. After leaving school and studying art at night, he sold newspapers anddelivered mail.Teaching aids:1. A recorder, a cassette2. S tudent’s book 8A page 74-77.Teaching steps:PRODEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation 1. Show someinteresting pictures.Ss enjoy somepictures aboutdinosaurs andStudentswould liketo enjoy itDisneyland and so on. with classmates and will make the atmosphere of English.And we can lead in the new words.2. Learn new vocabularies e.g We went to anamusement park.Here Amusementmeans something thatgives peoplepleasures or fun.Character means aperson, animal in abook, play, film, etc.Ask studentsto learn toexpress themeaning inEnglishII. While- task procedure A.Encyclopaedia1.What is anenclopaedia?2.Think, say and learn3.Different types ofencyclopaedias4. In which volumes ofthe encyclopaedia ontheright would you findthe information listedbelow? Write thenumber of the volumefor each topic.An encyclopaedia is abook that gives youinformation about alot of different things.Have you got anencyclopaedia athome?Have you ever readan encyclopaedia inthe library?Do you know anytypes ofencyclopaedias?arouse students’interest in thetopic5.Encyclopaedias on different topics6.How to find the information we needB.Text Dinosaurs1.What do dinosaurs make you think of? Choose and think of some adjectives and tell your classmates about your ideas.2.Finish Reading A What do you know BrainsTyphoonsComputersWeatherKoreaPandasWhen we use an encyclopaedia, weshould knowwhat kind ofinformation we needto look for first. Sometimes, we donot understand someimportant words (wecall them key words)in the sentences.Then we can look inan encyclopaedia andtry to find them.large, brave, fierce,small, shy, gentle,beautiful, powerful,harmful, ugly, weak,harmless.1. Ss try this quizalone.Develop theskill of usingencyclopaedias.Learn somenews wordsand phrasesand getfamiliar withpart of thetextabout?4.How much do you know about dinosaurs?5.Listen and fill in the blanks.6.Learn the text7.Surf the Internet 2. Check theiranswers.Say something aboutthem. If you do notknow much, you canask your classmatesfor help.May is listening tothe article aboutdinosaurson CD-ROM. Listencarefully and help hercomplete thefollowing notes forher school project.1. Ask Ss to read thetext by themselvesand find out the newwords, and try toguess the meaningsby reading the wordsaround them so thatthey can know themain idea of the text.2. Read after the tape.3. Read the texttogether.4. Synopsis by paragraph.Surf the Internet andfind moreThis is part ofthe skill ofpredicting, Itis good for Ssto makeintelligentguesses aboutwhat mightbe in thearticle.Develop theskill ofguessing andworking outthe likelymeaning of aword fromthe study ofits context.8.StrategyWhen we meet some new words, sometimes we can know about their meanings by looking at the suffixes.C.Diogenes1.Search the Internet and find some information about Diogenes.2.Listen and fill in the blanks.3.Learn the text. information aboutdinosaurs. Tell yourclassmates about thelives of dinosaurs onthe Earth.For example,harmful is anadjective whichmeans ‘causing harm’andharmless is also anadjective whichmeans ‘not causingharm’.Do you know themeanings of‘careful’, ‘careless’,‘useful’, ‘useless’,‘helpful’ and‘helpless’?e.g.Where did he comefrom?Where did he live?1. Ask Ss to read thetext by themselvesand find out the newwords, and try toguess the meaningsby reading the wordsaround them so thatthey can know themain idea of the text.Get morepractice andlearn moreinformationabout thetopic4.Search the Internet again.D.Disney Walt1.Cartoon characters2.Who created thesecartoon characters?3.What else did Walt Disney create?4.How many Disneyland Park in the world?5.There will be another Disneyland park in Shanghai soon. What do you think it will be like? 2. Read after the tape.3. Read the texttogether.Someone calledDiogenes ‘a dog’.Surf the Internet andfind moreinformation abouthim and tell whypeople called him ‘adog’.Once, Alexander theGreat went to visitDiogenes. He offeredto help Diogenes.What do you thinkDiogenes said? Giveyour reasons. Thensurf the Internet tofind the answers.Mickey MouseDonald DuckGoofySnow WhiteWalt Disneyamusement parkDevelopstudents’abilities ofcreation,listening andreading andspeaking.6.Listen and fill in the blanks.7.Put the sentences in the correct order.8.Surf the Internet9.What is your favourite cartoon character?E.Exercises1.Match the words with the pictures.2.Find words in the articles on page 75 to complete the following dialogue. The words must be similar in meaning to the words in brackets.3.Work in groups four to six. Look at the following words and make new words using the letters from some of the words in the checklist. Surf the Internet andfind moreinformation aboutMickey Mouse. Tellyour classmates howMickey Mouse cameinto being.Discuss in yourgroups and tell yourclassmates and giveyour reasons.Example: characteract, are, art, cart,cat, race, rat, rate,reach, teach, tear,etc.createdeliverexistownharmfulfinallyamusement parkStudents canexpress theirideascompletelyand clearlyGet famliarwith part ofthe textthrough someexercisesprehension 1.May has madesome notes belowabout the articles inthe encyclopaedia,but some of the factsare wrong. Read thearticles and correctMay’s notes where necessary.2.May is makingstatements aboutsome of thethings in the articles.If you agree withthem, write A(agree). If you do notagree, write D (Disagree).Have areview of thewhole textthroughreading andansweringquestionsIII. Post-taskactivity1.Act out the text.2.Peter is doing a quizabout the Society forthe Prevention ofCruelty to Animals.3.Have a debate. Select several groupsto act out thedialogue.Listen and circle thecorrect answer.The FOR side thinkswhatDiogenes said wasright and theAGAINST sidethinks that the way tobe happy is to own asmany things aspossible.Consolidatethe newknowledgepoint bypracting.IV. Assignment 1.Write a summaryabout dinosaurs.2.Write a summary Read and write. Go over theknowledgethey haveabout Diogenes.3.Write a summaryabout Walt Disney4.Workbook 8A, pages39, 40 and 41.learned.教学反思:Second Period Grammar 1 Countable and uncountable nouns Language Targets: 1. The plural of most countable nouns.2. Use some countable nouns + of before uncountable nouns toshow amounts.Emotion Targets: Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Language focus: 1. New words: t2. Functions:The plural of most countable nouns.Use some countable nouns + of before uncountable nouns toshow amounts.Materials: 1. Student’s Book 8A page 78.3. Cassette 8A4. Cassette playerTeaching steps:PRODEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation In English, we cancount some things,e.g., elephants, stamps,cars.We cannot count otherthings, e.g., meat,water, music.We call nouns likeelephants, stamps andcars countable nouns.We call nouns likemeat, water andmusic uncountablenouns.Most dictionaries usethe letters C and U totell if a noun isGo over theknowledgethey havelearned.countable or uncountable.II. While- task procedure 1.Countable nounsA countable nounrefers to something wecan count. Here aresome examples.2.To form the pluralform of most countablenouns,we add ‘-s’ to thesingular form.However, there aresome exceptions3.Uncountable nounsAn uncountable nounrefers to something wecannot count. Here aresome examples.4.We can also usesome countable nouns+ of beforeuncountable nouns toshow their amounts.5.ExercisesWe use ‘a’ or ‘an’before a singularcountable noun. If thenoun starts with avowel sound, we use‘an’.+s-y+ies+esO: +s or +es-f or –fe +vesUncountable nounscannot have pluralforms.a packet of salttwo cups of coffeethree bags of ricefour kilos of meatsix cartons of milk1. Read the sentencesbelow and decidewhether the nouns initalics are countableor uncountable. Maketwo lists in yournotebook.2. Read theseconversations andthen work inpairs to make similarThe chartmay help thestudents learntheknowledgepints.It willimpress theSs a lot aboutwhat theyhave learntfor it’s veryuseful in theirwriting.Arouse Ss’interests andthey’reinterested innaming thecountablenouns and theuncountalbenouns.conversations about the pictures below. Use the words in the box. Make them singular or plural as necessary. S1 (Timmy) asks the questions and S2 (June) answers. Then change parts and do the conversations again.3.Jane has invited six people to a party at herhome. Here is part of the shopping list that she wrote for the things she needs. Look at the picture and complete the list. The first one has been done for you.Rita, May and Danny are in a fast food restaurant. They each chose something from the menu on the right. Look at their pictures and complete the sentences with a(n) or some, and the names of the food and drinks. Put one word in each blank. To practise more about the target language correctly. Develop students’ abilities of creation, listening and reading and speaking.III. Post-task activity Imagine that you wentto the restaurant too.Work in pairs and telleach other what foodyou chose.Consolidateand showwhat the Sshave learnedby writing.IV. Assignment Workbook 8A, pages41 and 42. Go over the knowledgethey havelearned.教学反思:Third Period Grammar 2 Using another and the others Language Targets: 1. Using another and (the) other(s) to refer to something orsomething else.Emotion Targets: Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Materials: 1. Cassette 8A and a cassette player2. Students’ book 8A 80Teaching steps:PRODEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation 1.IntroductionWe can use anotherand (the) other(s)torefer to something elseor someone else.We need another(=an extra one)computer. One is notenough for us.I do not like this pairof shoes. I am goingto get another(pair)(=a different pair).Students willshow interestin it and bemore lively.II. While- task procedure 1.Ask the students toread the chartcarefully.2.SummaryExplain to the studentsthatother may be anadjective or apronoun. As anadjective it isinvariable; as apronoun it iscountable and has theplural form others.the other (singular)The chart willhelp Ssunderstandthese wordseasily..Help the Ss tomaste theuses of thesewords.3.Exercises means the second of two.the other(s) means the remaining (ones). other(s) may simply mean different, additional, remaining. another means: a) an additional one; b) a different one.1.Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with another or (the) other(s).III. Post-task activity plete thesentences with anotheror(the) other(s).I have threedaughters. One is anurse, __________ isa teacher and thethird is a worker.Don’t walk on thisside of the road, walkon __________.This chemical ispoisonous.__________ arepoisonous too.……students getinterested inEnglish.IV. Assignment Workbook 8A, pages43 and 44. Go over the knowledge they have learned.教学反思:Fourth Period ListeningLanguage Targets:ing formulaic expressions to guess the meaning of a word.ing formulaic expressions to work entirely in English.ing formulaic expressions to practise the skill of scanning.Ability Targets:1.Develop the students’ listening skill.2.Gather and share information, ideas and language and so on.3.Students can express the instructions and statements about numbers.Emotion Targets:Students can know something about the famous place ‘The Memorial to Dr Sun Yat-senLanguage focus:1.V ocabulary: memorial, attraction, republic, hectare, governmentTeaching aids:1. A recorder, a cassette2. Students’ book 8A page 81PROCEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSE1.Pre-task preparation 1. Listening 1. This exercise presents students aquiz. First ,teach the Ss to understandsome new words in the listening.2. Explain the task to the students.Make sure they write a figure or oneword in each blank .3. Play the recording twice ifnecessary, and explain any problems.Develop thestudents’listeningskill.2. Review: Naming things 1.We use nouns to name things.2.We can use this and these withnouns to show the things are nearus. We can use that and those withnouns to show the things arefurther away.3.We can count things. Countablenouns have plurals. Uncountablenouns do not have plurals. We canuse a or an before singularcountables but not beforeuncountables. We can use somewith both of them.Revise the basicuse of theimperativesentence.2.While-task procedure1. Ss read them together.2. Ss complete the dialogues with this,that, these and those in pairs.Examine whetherSs have graspedthe nouns.2. Exercise B11.Read thesentences onPage 671. Ss read the sentences and make twolists of nouns in their notebook.2. Check the answers.3. Exercise B2 1. Ss read these conversations and thenwork in pairs to make similarconversations.2. Do pair-work.3.Post-task activities Homework: Workbook 8A, page 44. Studentsconsolidate thenew contents.教后感:Fifth Period SpeakingLanguage Targets:1. To learn how to pronouce the endings of plural nounsAbility Targets:1. To be able to pronounce the endings of plural nouns correctly2. To be able to ask and answering questions by maintaining an interactionEmotion Targets:1. To be interested in cartoon charactersLanguage focus and difficult points:1. three common ways of pronoucing the endings of plural nouns./s/ /z/ /iz/3. Teaching Aids:1. Workbook 8A page822. Multi-mediaPROCEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation daily talk An apple a day keeps the doctor away.I like eating apples.I like to eat two apples a day.What do you think of the idea?an appletwo applesto show we use pluralforms of nounsII.While-task procedure 1. generalintroduction2. introduce thethree ways3. practice1. How do you read the followingthree words?boots, trees, watches/s/ /z/ /iz/ are the three commonways fo pronouncing the endings ofplural nouns2. 1) when a word ends in /p/ /f/ /t/ /k/or / /, the new ‘(e) s’ending ispronounced /s/.maps cooks boots2) when a word ends in a vowel soundor a voiced consonant sound ( expect //, / /, and / /), the new ‘ (e) s’ ending ispronounced /z/songs plays trees3) when a word ends in /s/ /z/ / // / / / or / /, the new ‘(e) s’ending is pronounced /iz/oranges boxes houses3. 1) Practise saying the singulars andplurals of these nouns. Take specialcare with the endings.an ant — ant san elephant — elephant sa park — park sa pilot — pilot sa plant — plant sa ship — ship sa dog — dog sa dream — dream sto get the generalknowledge of the ruleshave some practicean egg — egg sa head — head sa character — character sa star — star sa box — box esa bridge — bridg esa rose — ros esa face — fac esa horse — hors esa beach — beach es2) Practise saying the following sentences.a. Ants on plants,Flies on dogs,Matches in boxes,Eggs from frogs.b. Stars in the sky,Roses on the floor,Walks in the park,Knocks on the door.3) Say whether the endings of the words are pronounced /s/, /z/ or /Iz/.III.Post-task activities speak up What is your favourite cartooncharacter? Tell your classmates aboutit and give some reasons.Work in pairs and tell your partnerabout your favourite cartooncharacter.p82have more practice教学反思:Sixth Period WritingLanguage Targets:1. to finishing writing a short story2. to write a compositon with information gainedAbility Targets:1. to be able to gather ideas and make them into a complete story2. to be able to find out missing information with the information ownedEmotion Targets:1. to get interested in telling storiesLanguage focus and difficult points:1. simple past tense2. some phrases: e.g. go for a walkTeaching Aids:1. Workbook 8A page 83 &842. Multi-mediaPROCEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation think about howto write a storywith the keywordsOne day, May saw the advertisementon the right in a newspaper. Shelooked up the three words in herencyclopaedia, thought for a few daysand then tried to write a story.give students to thinkabout the task bythemselves beforereading the samplewritingII.While-task procedure 1. read andthinkLook at the pictures on the right. HelpMay complete her story, using thewords in the box and the verbs inbrackets. Write what you think Sammyto get the main idea ofthe story2. think and write3. disscuss and correct4. read, check and discuss5. read and review did with the money in the end.1. ask students to read through thestory without filling in the blanks2. ask students to read the story againand fill in the blanks3. after finishing the work, studentsdiscuss in groups and try to correcttheir mistakes.4. discuss the answers together whileshowing some picturesdicuss the possible endings5. students read the whole story bythemselves and after that, read thestory together to have a reviewthink about the storyagain by thinking aboutthe missing wordstry to get more correctanswers throughdiscussionIII.Post-task activities 1. join wordsinto sentences2. put thesentences in thepassage to makeit make sense1. The sentences below are aboutEskimos. Put the words in brackets inthe correct order to complete them.a)___________________________________________________ (sharp, hunting, for,tools, they, use).b)___________________________________________________ (the, spring, go, Eskimos,fishing, in).c)Eskimos____________________________________________(Canada, Greenland, live,northern, in).d)Their______________________________________________(are, very, in the cold winter,important, boots).e)In their opinion,_____________________________________ (are, the,children, names, of, veryimportant).to get some ideas aboutEskimos3. writing 2. Put the sentences in a passage inthe correct place.(1)____ It is a world of snow and ice.Eskimos wear thick clothes of animalskins to keep themselves warm.(2)____ They keep their feet warm.(3)_____ They hunt sea animals in thesummer, hunt land animals in theautumn, and hunt seals under the icein the winter. (4)____ In the winter,they sing and dance a lot.Eskimos love children. (5)____ If achild is always ill, the parents willchange his or her name. It will stopcrying with the right name.3. Now you are an Eskimo. Use theinformation in the first and the secondexercise to write a composition aboutEskimos. Use the following outlineand questions to help you.Para 1:I am an Eskimo. I want totell you about my life. (Introduceyourself and your topic.)Para 2: (Where do you live?)Para 3: (What kind of clothes doyou wear? Why?Para 4: (How do you make a livingin different seasons and what kind oftools do you use?)Para 5: (What is your family like?)practise reading skillsand get furtherinformation aboutEskimostry to write acomposition with theinformation gainedthrough reading教学反思:Seventh Period More PracticeLanguage Targets:1. Using the simple past tense to write a short story.2. Revise some key items from the chapter.Ability Targets:1. Students learn to make a survey and write a report.2. Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Emotion Targets:Students can know more about the way to be happy and giant pandas.Language focus:1.V ocabulary: giant, upper, chubby, patch, clumsy, hind, cub2.Functions: A giant panda may eat as much as 9 kilos of food a day.Pandas are protected in China because they are rare.Teaching aids:Students’ book 8A page 85PROCEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSE1.Pre-task preparation Free talk Giant pandas Make the Ssinterested in thetopic.2.While-task procedure More practice1. Exercise A1. Read the passage and findnew words.2. The teacher helps Ss to knowthe meanings of those newwords.3. Ask Ss to complete thesentences.4. Check the answers.Briefly revise somenumbers from thechapter.2. Writing Show a piece of advertisement1.Ss read the advertisement.The teacher tells Ss thatDanny has joined thecompetition. But his storyhasn’t finished, let’s helphim.2.Ss try to complete the storyalone.3.Discuss with Ss in groups.4.Check the answers.Ss can consolidate the text by doing the passage.3.Post-task activities 1. More practice Ask Ss to collect informationabout one of the famous people.And then Ss tell their classmatessomething about him/her.Students consolidatethe new contents.Assignment Homework Find some information aboutother rareanimals in China. Write anencyclopaedia article tointroduce one of them教学反思:Eighth Period Progress file 5Language Targets: 1. To activate the knowledge to help the students understand thetext.2. Using formulaic expressions to guess the meaning of a word.3. Revise some key items from the chapter.Ability Targets: 1. Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article.2.Learners try to express their ideas in English fluently.3. Students should have the skill of using encyclopaedias Emotion Targets: 1. Students try to express their ideas in English fluently. Materials: 1.a record, a cassette,2.Student’s Book 8A page 86Teaching steps:PRODEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation V ocabularyUse the words in thebox to complete thesentences. Change theform if necessary.The little girl criedwhen she saw the__________ dog.I called your officebut __________answered.Do you know the__________ reasonwhy he was late?Scientists are tryingto deal with thisdifficult __________.__________ he isover 60, he still looksstrong and healthy.To motivatethe students’interest byasking somequestionsII. While- task procedure 1.GrammarWrite the correct formsof the nouns inbrackets.I have written downtheir different e-mail__________(address).He lost his three__________ (key) on2.Circle the correct words. the way home.I saw some__________ (child)playing in the park.I would like to spreada/some jam on mybread.Salt is/are white.Please go and buytwo loaf/loaves ofbread.Can I have one/somebowl of rice, please?I do not like this pairof shoes. Will youplease show meother/another pair?It took me tenminutes to swim tothe other/anotherside of the river.Three people died inthe big fire last night.Others/The others were allrescued.Students willbe interestedin finding outthe words.IV. Assignment Read and act out thetext. Go over the knowledge they have learned.教学反思:。

8 A Module 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text。
2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills , such as getting main idea and details,find facts etc.Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article.2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph。
3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently。
Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland。
Language focus:1。
V ocabulary:1)article,dinosaur,exist, harmless,gentle,fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece,amusement,creat,character,deliver2)a long time before,as small as chicken, leave behind, the way to be happy,even happier,an amusement parkFunction: 1。

8 A Module 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text。
2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills , such as getting main idea and details,find facts etc。
Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article。
2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph。
3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland。
Language focus:1. V ocabulary:1)article, dinosaur,exist, harmless,gentle, fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece, amusement,creat,character,deliver2) a long time before,as small as chicken,leave behind,the way to be happy,even happier,an amusement parkFunction:1。

8 A Module 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text.2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills , such as getting main idea and details, find facts etc.Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article。
2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph。
3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently。
Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland。
Language focus:1. V ocabulary:1)article,dinosaur,exist, harmless,gentle,fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece, amusement,creat,character,deliver2)a long time before, as small as chicken,leave behind, the way to be happy, even happier, an amusement parkFunction:1。

上海牛津英语8A教案M2U5(总21页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除8 A Module 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up! Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text.2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills , such as getting main idea and details, find facts etc.Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article.2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph.3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently. Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland.Language focus:1. Vocabulary:1) article, dinosaur, exist, harmless, gentle,fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece,amusement,creat,character,deliver2) a long time before, as small as chicken, leave behind, the wayto be happy, even happier, an amusement parkFunction: 1. It sometimes sat on Walt’s desk while he was working.2. After leaving school and studying art at night, he soldnewspapers and delivered mail.Teaching aids:1. A recorder, a cassette2. S tudent’s book 8A page 74-77.Second Period Grammar 1 Countable and uncountable nounsLanguage Targets: 1. The plural of most countable nouns.2. Use some countable nouns + of before uncountablenouns to show amounts.Emotion Targets: Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Language focus: 1. New words: t2. Functions:The plural of most countable nouns.Use some countable nouns + of before uncountablenouns to show amounts.Materials: 1. Student’s Book 8A page 78.3. Cassette 8A4. Cassette playerThird Period Grammar 2 Using another and the othersLanguage Targets: 1. Using another and (the) other(s) to refer tosomething or something else.Emotion Targets: Students try to express their ideas in Englishfluently.Materials: 1. Cassette 8A and a cassette player2. Students’ book 8A 80Fourth Period ListeningLanguage Targets:ing formulaic expressions to guess the meaning of a word.ing formulaic expressions to work entirely in English.ing formulaic expressions to practise the skill of scanning. Ability Targets:1.Develop the students’ listening skill.2.Gather and share information, ideas and language and so on.3.Students can express the instructions and statements aboutnumbers.Emotion Targets:Students can know something about the famous place ‘The Memorial to Dr Sun Yat-senLanguage focus:1.Vocabulary: memorial, attraction, republic, hectare, government Teaching aids:1. A recorder, a cassette2. Students’ book 8A page 81Fifth Period SpeakingLanguage Targets:1. To learn how to pronouce the endings of plural nounsAbility Targets:1. To be able to pronounce the endings of plural nouns correctly2. To be able to ask and answering questions by maintaining an interactionEmotion Targets:1. To be interested in cartoon charactersLanguage focus and difficult points:1. three common ways of pronoucing the endings of plural nouns. /s/ /z/ /iz/3. Teaching Aids:1. Workbook 8A page822. Multi-mediaSixth Period WritingLanguage Targets:1. to finishing writing a short story2. to write a compositon with information gainedAbility Targets:1. to be able to gather ideas and make them into a complete story2. to be able to find out missing information with the information ownedEmotion Targets:1. to get interested in telling storiesLanguage focus and difficult points:1. simple past tense2. some phrases: e.g. go for a walkTeaching Aids:1. Workbook 8A page 83 &842. Multi-mediaSeventh Period More Practice Language Targets:1. Using the simple past tense to write a short story.2. Revise some key items from the chapter.Ability Targets:1. Students learn to make a survey and write a report.2. Students try to express their ideas in English fluently. Emotion Targets:Students can know more about the way to be happy and giant pandas. Language focus:1.Vocabulary: giant, upper, chubby, patch, clumsy, hind, cub2.Functions: A giant panda may eat as much as 9 kilos of food aday.Pandas are protected in China because they are rare. Teaching aids:Students’ book 8A page 85Eighth Period Progress file 5Language Targets: 1. To activate the knowledge to help the studentsunderstand the text.2. Using formulaic expressions to guess the meaning of a word.3. Revise some key items from the chapter.Ability Targets: 1. Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article.2.Learners try to express their ideas in English fluently.3. Students should have the skill of using encyclopaediasEmotion Targets: 1. Students try to express their ideas in Englishfluently.Materials: 1.a record, a cassette,2.Student’s Book 8A page 86。

8 A Module 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text.2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills , such as getting main idea and details, find facts etc.Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article。
2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph.3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently。
Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland.Language focus:1. V ocabulary:1) article,dinosaur, exist,harmless, gentle, fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece,amusement,creat,character,deliver2)a long time before, as small as chicken, leave behind,the way to be happy, even happier,an amusement parkFunction:1。

8 A Module 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text.2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills , such as getting main idea and details,find facts etc.Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article。
2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph.3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland.Language focus:1. V ocabulary:1)article, dinosaur, exist, harmless,gentle,fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece, amusement,creat,character,deliver2)a long time before,as small as chicken, leave behind, the way to be happy, even happier,an amusement parkFunction:1. It sometimes sat on Walt’s desk while he was working。

8 AModule 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text.2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills ,such as getting main idea and details, find facts etc。
Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article.2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph.3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland.Language focus:1。
V ocabulary:1)article,dinosaur,exist, harmless, gentle,fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece, amusement,creat,character,deliver2) a long time before,as small as chicken, leave behind, the way to be happy, evenhappier,an amusement parkFunction:1。

8 A Module 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text。
2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills ,such as getting main idea and details, find facts etc.Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article.2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph。
3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently。
Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland。
Language focus:1. V ocabulary:1) article, dinosaur,exist, harmless,gentle,fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece,amusement,creat,character,deliver2) a long time before, as small as chicken,leave behind, the way to be happy,even happier, an amusement parkFunction: 1。

8 A Module 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text。
2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills ,such as getting main idea and details, find facts etc。
Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article.2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph.3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland。
Language focus:1. V ocabulary:1) article,dinosaur, exist, harmless, gentle,fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece,amusement,creat,character,deliver2) a long time before,as small as chicken,leave behind, the way to be happy,even happier, an amusement parkFunction: 1. It sometimes sat on Walt's desk while he was working.2. After leaving school and studying art at night, he sold newspapers anddelivered mail.Teaching aids:1。

8 A Module 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text.2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills , such as getting main idea and details, find facts etc.Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article.2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph.3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland.Language focus:1. V ocabulary:1) article, dinosaur, exist, harmless, gentle, fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece,amusement,creat,character,deliver2) a long time before, as small as chicken, leave behind, the way to be happy, evenhappier, an amusement parkFunction: 1. It sometimes sat on Walt’s desk while he was working.2. After leaving school and studying art at night, he sold newspapers anddelivered mail.Teaching aids:1. A recorder, a cassette2. S tudent’s book 8A page 74-77.Teaching steps:PRODEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation 1. Show someinteresting pictures.Ss enjoy somepictures aboutdinosaurs andStudentswould liketo enjoy itDisneyland and so on. with classmates and will make the atmosphere of English.And we can lead in the new words.2. Learn new vocabularies e.g We went to anamusement park.Here Amusementmeans something thatgives peoplepleasures or fun.Character means aperson, animal in abook, play, film, etc.Ask studentsto learn toexpress themeaning inEnglishII. While- task procedure A.Encyclopaedia1.What is anenclopaedia?2.Think, say and learn3.Different types ofencyclopaedias4. In which volumes ofthe encyclopaedia ontheright would you findthe information listedbelow? Write thenumber of the volumefor each topic.An encyclopaedia is abook that gives youinformation about alot of different things.Have you got anencyclopaedia athome?Have you ever readan encyclopaedia inthe library?Do you know anytypes ofencyclopaedias?arouse students’interest in thetopic5.Encyclopaedias on different topics6.How to find the information we needB.Text Dinosaurs1.What do dinosaurs make you think of? Choose and think of some adjectives and tell your classmates about your ideas.2.Finish Reading A What do you know BrainsTyphoonsComputersWeatherKoreaPandasWhen we use an encyclopaedia, weshould knowwhat kind ofinformation we needto look for first. Sometimes, we donot understand someimportant words (wecall them key words)in the sentences.Then we can look inan encyclopaedia andtry to find them.large, brave, fierce,small, shy, gentle,beautiful, powerful,harmful, ugly, weak,harmless.1. Ss try this quizalone.Develop theskill of usingencyclopaedias.Learn somenews wordsand phrasesand getfamiliar withpart of thetextabout?4.How much do you know about dinosaurs?5.Listen and fill in the blanks.6.Learn the text7.Surf the Internet 2. Check theiranswers.Say something aboutthem. If you do notknow much, you canask your classmatesfor help.May is listening tothe article aboutdinosaurson CD-ROM. Listencarefully and help hercomplete thefollowing notes forher school project.1. Ask Ss to read thetext by themselvesand find out the newwords, and try toguess the meaningsby reading the wordsaround them so thatthey can know themain idea of the text.2. Read after the tape.3. Read the texttogether.4. Synopsis by paragraph.Surf the Internet andfind moreThis is part ofthe skill ofpredicting, Itis good for Ssto makeintelligentguesses aboutwhat mightbe in thearticle.Develop theskill ofguessing andworking outthe likelymeaning of aword fromthe study ofits context.8.StrategyWhen we meet some new words, sometimes we can know about their meanings by looking at the suffixes.C.Diogenes1.Search the Internet and find some information about Diogenes.2.Listen and fill in the blanks.3.Learn the text. information aboutdinosaurs. Tell yourclassmates about thelives of dinosaurs onthe Earth.For example,harmful is anadjective whichmeans ‘causing harm’andharmless is also anadjective whichmeans ‘not causingharm’.Do you know themeanings of‘careful’, ‘careless’,‘useful’, ‘useless’,‘helpful’ and‘helpless’?e.g.Where did he comefrom?Where did he live?1. Ask Ss to read thetext by themselvesand find out the newwords, and try toguess the meaningsby reading the wordsaround them so thatthey can know themain idea of the text.Get morepractice andlearn moreinformationabout thetopic4.Search the Internet again.D.Disney Walt1.Cartoon characters2.Who created thesecartoon characters?3.What else did Walt Disney create?4.How many Disneyland Park in the world?5.There will be another Disneyland park in Shanghai soon. What do you think it will be like? 2. Read after the tape.3. Read the texttogether.Someone calledDiogenes ‘a dog’.Surf the Internet andfind moreinformation abouthim and tell whypeople called him ‘adog’.Once, Alexander theGreat went to visitDiogenes. He offeredto help Diogenes.What do you thinkDiogenes said? Giveyour reasons. Thensurf the Internet tofind the answers.Mickey MouseDonald DuckGoofySnow WhiteWalt Disneyamusement parkDevelopstudents’abilities ofcreation,listening andreading andspeaking.6.Listen and fill in the blanks.7.Put the sentences in the correct order.8.Surf the Internet9.What is your favourite cartoon character?E.Exercises1.Match the words with the pictures.2.Find words in the articles on page 75 to complete the following dialogue. The words must be similar in meaning to the words in brackets.3.Work in groups four to six. Look at the following words and make new words using the letters from some of the words in the checklist. Surf the Internet andfind moreinformation aboutMickey Mouse. Tellyour classmates howMickey Mouse cameinto being.Discuss in yourgroups and tell yourclassmates and giveyour reasons.Example: characteract, are, art, cart,cat, race, rat, rate,reach, teach, tear,etc.createdeliverexistownharmfulfinallyamusement parkStudents canexpress theirideascompletelyand clearlyGet famliarwith part ofthe textthrough someexercisesprehension 1.May has madesome notes belowabout the articles inthe encyclopaedia,but some of the factsare wrong. Read thearticles and correctMay’s notes where necessary.2.May is makingstatements aboutsome of thethings in the articles.If you agree withthem, write A(agree). If you do notagree, write D (Disagree).Have areview of thewhole textthroughreading andansweringquestionsIII. Post-taskactivity1.Act out the text.2.Peter is doing a quizabout the Society forthe Prevention ofCruelty to Animals.3.Have a debate. Select several groupsto act out thedialogue.Listen and circle thecorrect answer.The FOR side thinkswhatDiogenes said wasright and theAGAINST sidethinks that the way tobe happy is to own asmany things aspossible.Consolidatethe newknowledgepoint bypracting.IV. Assignment 1.Write a summaryabout dinosaurs.2.Write a summary Read and write. Go over theknowledgethey haveabout Diogenes.3.Write a summaryabout Walt Disney4.Workbook 8A, pages39, 40 and 41.learned.教学反思:Second Period Grammar 1 Countable and uncountable nouns Language Targets: 1. The plural of most countable nouns.2. Use some countable nouns + of before uncountable nouns toshow amounts.Emotion Targets: Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Language focus: 1. New words: t2. Functions:The plural of most countable nouns.Use some countable nouns + of before uncountable nouns toshow amounts.Materials: 1. Student’s Book 8A page 78.3. Cassette 8A4. Cassette playerTeaching steps:PRODEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation In English, we cancount some things,e.g., elephants, stamps,cars.We cannot count otherthings, e.g., meat,water, music.We call nouns likeelephants, stamps andcars countable nouns.We call nouns likemeat, water andmusic uncountablenouns.Most dictionaries usethe letters C and U totell if a noun isGo over theknowledgethey havelearned.countable or uncountable.II. While- task procedure 1.Countable nounsA countable nounrefers to something wecan count. Here aresome examples.2.To form the pluralform of most countablenouns,we add ‘-s’ to thesingular form.However, there aresome exceptions3.Uncountable nounsAn uncountable nounrefers to something wecannot count. Here aresome examples.4.We can also usesome countable nouns+ of beforeuncountable nouns toshow their amounts.5.ExercisesWe use ‘a’ or ‘an’before a singularcountable noun. If thenoun starts with avowel sound, we use‘an’.+s-y+ies+esO: +s or +es-f or –fe +vesUncountable nounscannot have pluralforms.a packet of salttwo cups of coffeethree bags of ricefour kilos of meatsix cartons of milk1. Read the sentencesbelow and decidewhether the nouns initalics are countableor uncountable. Maketwo lists in yournotebook.2. Read theseconversations andthen work inpairs to make similarThe chartmay help thestudents learntheknowledgepints.It willimpress theSs a lot aboutwhat theyhave learntfor it’s veryuseful in theirwriting.Arouse Ss’interests andthey’reinterested innaming thecountablenouns and theuncountalbenouns.conversations about the pictures below. Use the words in the box. Make them singular or plural as necessary. S1 (Timmy) asks the questions and S2 (June) answers. Then change parts and do the conversations again.3.Jane has invited six people to a party at herhome. Here is part of the shopping list that she wrote for the things she needs. Look at the picture and complete the list. The first one has been done for you.Rita, May and Danny are in a fast food restaurant. They each chose something from the menu on the right. Look at their pictures and complete the sentences with a(n) or some, and the names of the food and drinks. Put one word in each blank. To practise more about the target language correctly. Develop students’ abilities of creation, listening and reading and speaking.III. Post-task activity Imagine that you wentto the restaurant too.Work in pairs and telleach other what foodyou chose.Consolidateand showwhat the Sshave learnedby writing.IV. Assignment Workbook 8A, pages41 and 42. Go over the knowledgethey havelearned.教学反思:Third Period Grammar 2 Using another and the others Language Targets: 1. Using another and (the) other(s) to refer to something orsomething else.Emotion Targets: Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Materials: 1. Cassette 8A and a cassette player2. Students’ book 8A 80Teaching steps:PRODEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation 1.IntroductionWe can use anotherand (the) other(s)torefer to something elseor someone else.We need another(=an extra one)computer. One is notenough for us.I do not like this pairof shoes. I am goingto get another(pair)(=a different pair).Students willshow interestin it and bemore lively.II. While- task procedure 1.Ask the students toread the chartcarefully.2.SummaryExplain to the studentsthatother may be anadjective or apronoun. As anadjective it isinvariable; as apronoun it iscountable and has theplural form others.the other (singular)The chart willhelp Ssunderstandthese wordseasily..Help the Ss tomaste theuses of thesewords.3.Exercises means the second of two.the other(s) means the remaining (ones). other(s) may simply mean different, additional, remaining. another means: a) an additional one; b) a different one.1.Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with another or (the) other(s).III. Post-task activity plete thesentences with anotheror(the) other(s).I have threedaughters. One is anurse, __________ isa teacher and thethird is a worker.Don’t walk on thisside of the road, walkon __________.This chemical ispoisonous.__________ arepoisonous too.……students getinterested inEnglish.IV. Assignment Workbook 8A, pages43 and 44. Go over the knowledge they have learned.教学反思:Fourth Period ListeningLanguage Targets:ing formulaic expressions to guess the meaning of a word.ing formulaic expressions to work entirely in English.ing formulaic expressions to practise the skill of scanning.Ability Targets:1.Develop the students’ listening skill.2.Gather and share information, ideas and language and so on.3.Students can express the instructions and statements about numbers.Emotion Targets:Students can know something about the famous place ‘The Memorial to Dr Sun Yat-senLanguage focus:1.V ocabulary: memorial, attraction, republic, hectare, governmentTeaching aids:1. A recorder, a cassette2. Students’ book 8A page 81PROCEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSE1.Pre-task preparation 1. Listening 1. This exercise presents students aquiz. First ,teach the Ss to understandsome new words in the listening.2. Explain the task to the students.Make sure they write a figure or oneword in each blank .3. Play the recording twice ifnecessary, and explain any problems.Develop thestudents’listeningskill.2. Review: Naming things 1.We use nouns to name things.2.We can use this and these withnouns to show the things are nearus. We can use that and those withnouns to show the things arefurther away.3.We can count things. Countablenouns have plurals. Uncountablenouns do not have plurals. We canuse a or an before singularcountables but not beforeuncountables. We can use somewith both of them.Revise the basicuse of theimperativesentence.2.While-task procedure1. Ss read them together.2. Ss complete the dialogues with this,that, these and those in pairs.Examine whetherSs have graspedthe nouns.2. Exercise B11.Read thesentences onPage 671. Ss read the sentences and make twolists of nouns in their notebook.2. Check the answers.3. Exercise B2 1. Ss read these conversations and thenwork in pairs to make similarconversations.2. Do pair-work.3.Post-task activities Homework: Workbook 8A, page 44. Studentsconsolidate thenew contents.教后感:Fifth Period SpeakingLanguage Targets:1. To learn how to pronouce the endings of plural nounsAbility Targets:1. To be able to pronounce the endings of plural nouns correctly2. To be able to ask and answering questions by maintaining an interactionEmotion Targets:1. To be interested in cartoon charactersLanguage focus and difficult points:1. three common ways of pronoucing the endings of plural nouns./s/ /z/ /iz/3. Teaching Aids:1. Workbook 8A page822. Multi-mediaPROCEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation daily talk An apple a day keeps the doctor away.I like eating apples.I like to eat two apples a day.What do you think of the idea?an appletwo applesto show we use pluralforms of nounsII.While-task procedure 1. generalintroduction2. introduce thethree ways3. practice1. How do you read the followingthree words?boots, trees, watches/s/ /z/ /iz/ are the three commonways fo pronouncing the endings ofplural nouns2. 1) when a word ends in /p/ /f/ /t/ /k/or / /, the new ‘(e) s’ending ispronounced /s/.maps cooks boots2) when a word ends in a vowel soundor a voiced consonant sound ( expect //, / /, and / /), the new ‘ (e) s’ ending ispronounced /z/songs plays trees3) when a word ends in /s/ /z/ / // / / / or / /, the new ‘(e) s’ending is pronounced /iz/oranges boxes houses3. 1) Practise saying the singulars andplurals of these nouns. Take specialcare with the endings.an ant — ant san elephant — elephant sa park — park sa pilot — pilot sa plant — plant sa ship — ship sa dog — dog sa dream — dream sto get the generalknowledge of the ruleshave some practicean egg — egg sa head — head sa character — character sa star — star sa box — box esa bridge — bridg esa rose — ros esa face — fac esa horse — hors esa beach — beach es2) Practise saying the following sentences.a. Ants on plants,Flies on dogs,Matches in boxes,Eggs from frogs.b. Stars in the sky,Roses on the floor,Walks in the park,Knocks on the door.3) Say whether the endings of the words are pronounced /s/, /z/ or /Iz/.III.Post-task activities speak up What is your favourite cartooncharacter? Tell your classmates aboutit and give some reasons.Work in pairs and tell your partnerabout your favourite cartooncharacter.p82have more practice教学反思:Sixth Period WritingLanguage Targets:1. to finishing writing a short story2. to write a compositon with information gainedAbility Targets:1. to be able to gather ideas and make them into a complete story2. to be able to find out missing information with the information ownedEmotion Targets:1. to get interested in telling storiesLanguage focus and difficult points:1. simple past tense2. some phrases: e.g. go for a walkTeaching Aids:1. Workbook 8A page 83 &842. Multi-mediaPROCEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation think about howto write a storywith the keywordsOne day, May saw the advertisementon the right in a newspaper. Shelooked up the three words in herencyclopaedia, thought for a few daysand then tried to write a story.give students to thinkabout the task bythemselves beforereading the samplewritingII.While-task procedure 1. read andthinkLook at the pictures on the right. HelpMay complete her story, using thewords in the box and the verbs inbrackets. Write what you think Sammyto get the main idea ofthe story2. think and write3. disscuss and correct4. read, check and discuss5. read and review did with the money in the end.1. ask students to read through thestory without filling in the blanks2. ask students to read the story againand fill in the blanks3. after finishing the work, studentsdiscuss in groups and try to correcttheir mistakes.4. discuss the answers together whileshowing some picturesdicuss the possible endings5. students read the whole story bythemselves and after that, read thestory together to have a reviewthink about the storyagain by thinking aboutthe missing wordstry to get more correctanswers throughdiscussionIII.Post-task activities 1. join wordsinto sentences2. put thesentences in thepassage to makeit make sense1. The sentences below are aboutEskimos. Put the words in brackets inthe correct order to complete them.a)___________________________________________________ (sharp, hunting, for,tools, they, use).b)___________________________________________________ (the, spring, go, Eskimos,fishing, in).c)Eskimos____________________________________________(Canada, Greenland, live,northern, in).d)Their______________________________________________(are, very, in the cold winter,important, boots).e)In their opinion,_____________________________________ (are, the,children, names, of, veryimportant).to get some ideas aboutEskimos3. writing 2. Put the sentences in a passage inthe correct place.(1)____ It is a world of snow and ice.Eskimos wear thick clothes of animalskins to keep themselves warm.(2)____ They keep their feet warm.(3)_____ They hunt sea animals in thesummer, hunt land animals in theautumn, and hunt seals under the icein the winter. (4)____ In the winter,they sing and dance a lot.Eskimos love children. (5)____ If achild is always ill, the parents willchange his or her name. It will stopcrying with the right name.3. Now you are an Eskimo. Use theinformation in the first and the secondexercise to write a composition aboutEskimos. Use the following outlineand questions to help you.Para 1:I am an Eskimo. I want totell you about my life. (Introduceyourself and your topic.)Para 2: (Where do you live?)Para 3: (What kind of clothes doyou wear? Why?Para 4: (How do you make a livingin different seasons and what kind oftools do you use?)Para 5: (What is your family like?)practise reading skillsand get furtherinformation aboutEskimostry to write acomposition with theinformation gainedthrough reading教学反思:Seventh Period More PracticeLanguage Targets:1. Using the simple past tense to write a short story.2. Revise some key items from the chapter.Ability Targets:1. Students learn to make a survey and write a report.2. Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Emotion Targets:Students can know more about the way to be happy and giant pandas.Language focus:1.V ocabulary: giant, upper, chubby, patch, clumsy, hind, cub2.Functions: A giant panda may eat as much as 9 kilos of food a day.Pandas are protected in China because they are rare.Teaching aids:Students’ book 8A page 85PROCEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSE1.Pre-task preparation Free talk Giant pandas Make the Ssinterested in thetopic.2.While-task procedure More practice1. Exercise A1. Read the passage and findnew words.2. The teacher helps Ss to knowthe meanings of those newwords.3. Ask Ss to complete thesentences.4. Check the answers.Briefly revise somenumbers from thechapter.2. Writing Show a piece of advertisement1.Ss read the advertisement.The teacher tells Ss thatDanny has joined thecompetition. But his storyhasn’t finished, let’s helphim.2.Ss try to complete the storyalone.3.Discuss with Ss in groups.4.Check the answers.Ss can consolidate the text by doing the passage.3.Post-task activities 1. More practice Ask Ss to collect informationabout one of the famous people.And then Ss tell their classmatessomething about him/her.Students consolidatethe new contents.Assignment Homework Find some information aboutother rareanimals in China. Write anencyclopaedia article tointroduce one of them教学反思:Eighth Period Progress file 5Language Targets: 1. To activate the knowledge to help the students understand thetext.2. Using formulaic expressions to guess the meaning of a word.3. Revise some key items from the chapter.Ability Targets: 1. Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article.2.Learners try to express their ideas in English fluently.3. Students should have the skill of using encyclopaedias Emotion Targets: 1. Students try to express their ideas in English fluently. Materials: 1.a record, a cassette,2.Student’s Book 8A page 86Teaching steps:PRODEDURE CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation V ocabularyUse the words in thebox to complete thesentences. Change theform if necessary.The little girl criedwhen she saw the__________ dog.I called your officebut __________answered.Do you know the__________ reasonwhy he was late?Scientists are tryingto deal with thisdifficult __________.__________ he isover 60, he still looksstrong and healthy.To motivatethe students’interest byasking somequestionsII. While- task procedure 1.GrammarWrite the correct formsof the nouns inbrackets.I have written downtheir different e-mail__________(address).He lost his three__________ (key) on2.Circle the correct words. the way home.I saw some__________ (child)playing in the park.I would like to spreada/some jam on mybread.Salt is/are white.Please go and buytwo loaf/loaves ofbread.Can I have one/somebowl of rice, please?I do not like this pairof shoes. Will youplease show meother/another pair?It took me tenminutes to swim tothe other/anotherside of the river.Three people died inthe big fire last night.Others/The others were allrescued.Students willbe interestedin finding outthe words.IV. Assignment Read and act out thetext. Go over the knowledge they have learned.教学反思:。
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上海牛津英语8A教案M2U58 A Module 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1.To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text.2.To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills , such as getting main idea and details, find facts etc.Ability Targets:1.Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article.2.Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph.3.Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland.Language focus:1. Vocabulary:1) article, dinosaur, exist, harmless, gentle, fierce,,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece,amusement,creat,character,deliver2) a long time before, as small as chicken, leave behind, the way to be happy, evenhappier, an amusement parkFunction: 1. It sometimes sat on Walt’s desk while he was working.2. After leaving school and studying art at night, he sold newspapers anddelivered mail.Teaching aids:1. A recorder, a cassette2. S tudent’s book 8A page 74-77.Second Period Grammar 1 Countable and uncountable nouns Language Targets: 1. The plural of most countable nouns.2. Use some countable nouns + of before uncountable nouns to showamounts.Emotion Targets: Students try to express their ideas in English fluently. Language focus: 1. New words: t2. Functions:The plural of most countable nouns.Use some countable nouns + of before uncountable nouns to showamounts.Materials: 1. Student’s Book 8A page 78.3. Cassette 8A4. Cassette playerThird Period Grammar 2 Using another and the others Language Targets: 1. Using another and (the) other(s) to refer to something orsomething else.Emotion Targets: Students try to express their ideas in English fluently. Materials: 1. Cassette 8A and a cassette player2. Students’ book 8A 80Fourth Period ListeningLanguage Targets:ing formulaic expressions to guess the meaning of a word.ing formulaic expressions to work entirely in English.ing formulaic expressions to practise the skill of scanning. Ability Targets:1.Develop the students’ listening skill.2.Gather and share information, ideas and language and so on.3.Students can express the instructions and statements about numbers. Emotion Targets:Students can know something about the famous place ‘The Memorial to Dr Sun Yat-senLanguage focus:1.Vocabulary: memorial, attraction, republic, hectare, government Teaching aids:1. A recorder, a cassette2. Students’ book 8A page 81Fifth Period Speaking Language Targets:1. To learn how to pronouce the endings of plural nouns Ability Targets:1. To be able to pronounce the endings of plural nouns correctly2. To be able to ask and answering questions by maintaining an interaction Emotion Targets:1. To be interested in cartoon charactersLanguage focus and difficult points:1. three common ways of pronoucing the endings of plural nouns./s/ /z/ /iz/3. Teaching Aids:1. Workbook 8A page822. Multi-mediaSixth Period WritingLanguage Targets:1. to finishing writing a short story2. to write a compositon with information gainedAbility Targets:1. to be able to gather ideas and make them into a complete story2. to be able to find out missing information with the information owned Emotion Targets:1. to get interested in telling storiesLanguage focus and difficult points:1. simple past tense2. some phrases: e.g. go for a walk Teaching Aids:1. Workbook 8A page 83 &842. Multi-mediaSeventh Period More Practice Language Targets:1. Using the simple past tense to write a short story.2. Revise some key items from the chapter.Ability Targets:1. Students learn to make a survey and write a report.2. Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Emotion Targets:Students can know more about the way to be happy and giant pandas. Language focus:1.Vocabulary: giant, upper, chubby, patch, clumsy, hind, cub2.Functions: A giant panda may eat as much as 9 kilos of food a day. Pandas are protected in China because they are rare. Teaching aids:Students’ book 8A page 85Eighth Period Progress file 5Language Targets: 1. To activate the knowledge to help the students understand thetext.2. Using formulaic expressions to guess the meaning of a word.3. Revise some key items from the chapter.Ability Targets: 1. Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article.2.Learners try to express their ideas in English fluently.3. Students should have the skill of using encyclopaedias Emotion Targets: 1. Students try to express their ideas in English fluently. Materials: 1.a record, a cassette,2.Student’s Book 8A page 86。