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Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998
按劳分配 distribution according to work
按比例就业 employment by ratio
罢工 strike
保障水平 level of security
保值增值 maintenance and appreciation of values 备案 putting on record
变更劳动合同 alternation of labor contract
病假工资 sick leave pay
补充保险 supplementary insurance
补充养老保险 supplementary old-age insurance 补充医疗保险 supplementary medical insurance 补助金 subsidy
哺乳期 lactation period
不在岗职工 off-duty workers
部分积累模式 partial accumulation model
财政补贴 financial subsidy
财政投入 financial input
参保 participation in social insurance scheme
参保人 the insured
残疾人就业保障金 employment security fund for the disabled
差额缴拨 partial payment and allocation
产假 maternity leave
产期 puerperal period
产业关系 industrial relations
常规监督 regular supervision
城市居民最低生活保障制度 scheme of guaranteeing minimum living standards for urban residents 城乡二元结构 dual economic structure of urban and rural areas
城镇登记失业率 urban registered unemployment rate
城镇失业率 urban unemployment rate
城镇职工基本医疗保险制度 basic medical insurance system for urban employees
持证上岗 employment with certificates
充分就业 full employment
非全日制劳动人员 part-time workers
促进就业 employment promotion
大病统筹 social pooling for catastrophic disease
大额医疗费用补助 subsidy for big amount of medical expenditure
代扣代缴 withhold and remit
带薪年休假 paid annual leave
待遇给付 payment of benefit
当期结余 current surplus
地方财政补贴 local financial subsidy
地方性法规 local laws and regulations
第三人 third party
吊销许可证书 revoke license
订立劳动合同 conclude labor contracts
定点药店 designated pharmacy
定点医疗机构 designated medical institution
定额控制 quota control
定期存款 fixed tern deposit
定向培训 designated training
多层次医疗保障体系 multi-level medical security system
恩格尔系数 Engel Coefficient
发放机构 institution being responsible for the payment
法定退休年龄 statutory retirement age
法定休假日 statutory holiday
法律关系主体 subjects of legal relations
法律关系客体 objects of legal relations
法律监督 legal supervision
法律解释 legal interpretation
法律事实 legal fact
法律适用 application of law
法律效力 force of law
法律责任 legal liability
反欺诈 anti-fraudulence
非本人意愿中断就业employment termination against one’s own wills
非定额经济补偿疾病津贴 non-fixed sickness cash benefits
非全日制用工 part-time employment
非营利性医疗机构 non-profit medical institutions
非正规就业 non-standard employment
费率调整 adjustment of contribution rate
费用结算 settling accounting of fees
费用审核 expense audit
分娩 childbirth
风险管理 risk management
风险准备金 reserve fund of risk
服务型企业 service enterprise
浮动工资 floating wage
抚恤金 dependant allowance
辅助器具配置机构 deploying department for auxiliary instruments 付费方式 method of payment
负债 in debt
复查鉴定 re-assessment
复合型技术人才 interdisciplinary talent
覆盖率 coverage rate
岗位工资制 post wage system
岗位技能工资制 job-and-skill-related wage system
高级技师 senior technician
个人储蓄性养老保险 old-age insurance by personal savings
个人缴费比例 ratio of individual contribution