GMDSS设备课后问答题 整理版
本提纲为航海1417 白兴超整理,仅供航海1417-141C班适用。
GMDSS就是从何时开始全面实施得?GMDSS全称为global maritime distress and safety system,就就是全球海上遇险与安全系统得缩写。
该系统主要由卫星通信系统—INMARSAT (海事卫星通信系统) 与COS-PAS/SARSAT(极轨道卫星搜救系统)、地面无线电通信系统(即海岸电台)以及海上安全信息播发系统三大部分构成。
第三卷主要内容:介绍无线电气象业务、航行警告和MSI播发情况(包括NAVTEX和NAVAREA )。
3.试述VHF CH6/CH13/CH16/CH70的功能和使用。
①CH16 156.8MHz。
②CH6 主要用于遇险现场搜救协调的船与飞机之间的通信。
③CH13 为航行安全通信频道,主要用于船舶间的航行安全通信,因此国际航行的船舶在该通道上值守。
④CH70(156.525MHz)VHF DSC遇险与安全频率。
1.____是船舶电台的呼号A. 9VGB. BAAD1C. XSF26D. BOAD2.电台工作日志,国内各类来往电报保管期为____A. 半年/一年B. 一年/二年C. 一年/半年D. 二年/一年3.气象报告和航行警告的保管期为____A. 半年B. 三个月C. 一年D. 二年4.GMDSS船舶无线电人员需每天至少提供____无线电时间信号以修正船舶天文钟A. 一次B. 二次C. 三次D. 四次5.现场通信使用无线电话频率应选择____A. 156.8MHzB. 2182KHzC. 2174.5KHzD. A和B6.DSC遇险呼叫中, 如通信方式使用无线电话,应选择____A. 2187.5/2177.0KHZB. 2187.5/2182.0KHZC. 2187.5/4177.5KHZD. 2187.5/2174.5KHZ7.____不是DSC遇险呼叫频率和无线电话遇险通信频率A. 6312.0/6215.0B. 2187.5/2182.0C. 8414.5/8376.5D. 12577/12290.08.船舶在A2海区遇险使用DSC报警,频率应为____A. 2182KHzB. 2174.5KHzC. 2191KHzD. 2187.5KHz9.当航空器参与协调救助作业时可使用的频率____A. 3023KHzB. 5680KHzC. 156.8MHzD. A、B、C均是10.使用无线电传进行现场通信频率应是____A. 2174.5KHzB. 2182.0KHzC. 2187.5KHzD. CH16频道11.____是用于海岸电台以FEC方式发送MSI的频率A. 8291KHzB. 8376.5KHzC. 8415KHzD. 8416.5KHz12.使用中频进行国际DSC常规呼叫时应选择____频率A. 458.5/455.5KHZB. 2187.5/2187.5KHZC. 4208.0/4219.5KHZD. 6312.5/6331.0KHZ13.____不是DSC遇险呼叫频率A. 2187.5KHzB. 2182.0KHzC. 8414.5KHzD. 4207.5KHz14.救生艇手提式VHF双向无线电话,必须具备____频道A. CH6B. CH16C. CH70D. CH1315..国际上规定VHF 6频道用于____A. 无线电遇险和安全通信B. 船舶雾航避让,防台联系C. 船-船有关航行安全的通信D. 船舶与航空器之间进行协调搜救行动通信16.在GMDSS中,要求VHF无线电话设备应能在____频道上发送和接收DSC信息A. 6B. 13C. 16D. 7017..救生艇手提式双向无线电话工作频道要求____A. VHFCH16和至少另外一个频道B. VHFCH16和至少另外二个频道C. VHFCH16和至少另外一个单工频道D. VHF任意二个频道18.船岸台进行ARQ通信时,工作频率应选用____A. 非成对频率B. 指定的成对频率C. 自定任选频率D. A. B. C均是19.在GMDSS中,使用NBDP设备进行遇险通信的频率应是____A. 收、发频率相同B. 收、发频率不同C. 发射频率高于接收频率D. 接收频率高于发射频率20.在NBDP遇险通信中,对干扰电台强制静默使用信号_____A. SILENCE MAYDAYB. SEELONCE MAYDAYC. SEELONC EFINID. SILENCE FEENEE21.无线电话遇险通信中,遇险通信结束恢复正常工作使用信号_____A. SILENCE FINIB. SEELONCE FEENEEC. SEELONCE FINID. SILENCE FEENEE22.无线电传遇险通信中,恢复正常工作使用信号_____A. QUMB. SEELONCE FEENEEC. SEELONCE MAYDAYD. SILENCE FINI23._____是海岸电台的呼号A. 9VG98B. XSFC. XSG26D. A、B、C都是24.组成海岸电台呼叫识别的结构为____A. 0MIDX5X6X7X8X9B. 00MIDX6X7X8X9C. 000MIDX7X8X9D. MIDX4X5X6X7X8X925.水上移动业务识别为041234500是船舶电台标识的____A. 区域型式B. 国内型式C. 全球型式D. 成组呼叫识别26.水上识别数字(MID)的首位数是6代表的区域是____A. 非洲B. 南美洲C. 欧洲D. 大洋洲27.____是我国船舶电台的MMSIA. 047735000B. 004122100C. 412123000D. 21944257328.MMSI标识由____数字组成A. 三位B. 五位C. 七位D. 九位29.水上移动业务标识(MMSI)为412345670是船舶电台的____A. 国内型式B. 区域型式C. 全球型式D. 群呼型式30.海上移动业务识别中,中国的海上识别码(MID)为____A. 085B. 086C. 581D. 41231.____是INMARSAT-B站海上移动业务识别码(IMN)A. 341234610B. 441234650C. 1570174D. 41254181032.海事卫星水上移动业务识别码结构为TX1X2…Xk,其中T是用于区分海事卫星不同的系统,当T为0时表示为____A.A标准移动业务B. A标准群呼C. B标准移动业务D. A标准特别业务33.____应是C船站的IMNA. 1570152B. 441210810C. 004212100D. 41212300034.在我国的陆上用户电传应答码中,我国的国家标识用____表示A. CHINAB. CHNC. CND. CY35.无线电话遇险信号由____组成A. PANPANB. SOSC. MAYDAYD. SECURITE36.无线电传的紧急信号是____A. PANPANB. PANPAN三次C. XXXD. XXX三次37.在GMDSS中,无线电话的安全信号是由____组成的A. SECURITEB. PANPANC. MAYDAYD. XXX38.船舶在HF/DSC上收到DSC遇险报警,____后仍无海岸电台发射收妥承认,则该船台应进行遇险报警转播。
英语阅读500题(单项选择题)1.IMO has decided决定that all ships over 300TGt must be fitted with a NA VTEX receiver______ .IMO在什么时候决定300总吨以上必须配备NA VTEX接收机。
A. by 01 Feb 1992B. by 01 Aug 1993C. between 01 Feb 1992 and 01 Feb 1999D. before 01 Feb 19922.GMDSS is to provide ______ with reliable可靠的communication .GMDSS提供给--所有客船和300总吨及以上货船在海上航行--的可靠通信。
A. all large passenger vesselsB. freighters of more than 300gt in coastal watersC. all passenger ships and cargo ships engaged in international-voyagesD. all passenger ships and cargo ships of 300gt upwards in open sea3.The complying遵从vessels can transmit ship-to-shore distress alerts by at least ______ .这个遵守船舶(公约船)能发送船到岸遇险报警至少通过--两套分开和独立设备方法,使用不同的无线电通信业务。
A. One means, whether satellite or terrestrial techniquesB. Two means,途径whether无论satellite or terrestrial techniquesC. Two separate and independent独立的means, each using different radio communication servicesD. Two means, such as MF DSC and HF DSC4.The quality of the message can be affected 受到影响by ___ .信息的质量会受--气候--影响。
1.船台应答岸台(船台)的操作程序1将收发信机谐波至适度的dsc频率上2编辑dsc电文---格式符(单呼)---地址(mmsi)---挑选类别(常规或船舶业务)---挑选随后的通信方式(j3e或f3e/g3e或f1baqr 或f1bfec)----随后的工作频率(道)----如果是呼叫另一船台,应指明要求通信的频率或频道,如果是呼叫岸台,不应指明要求通信的频率或频道,而一般由岸台在其dsc确认中指明一个空闲的工作频道)---序列终止符(通常为rq)3挑选dsc应答频率,在证实应答频率上没其它的dsc应答后,展开dsc应答。
海上无线电 GMDSS 习题集汇总
A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 52. 在无线电波的几种传播方式中,最稳定可靠的是()传播。
A. 天波B. 地波C. 空间波D.电离层波3. 以下最适合以地波进行传播的是()波段信号。
A.长波B. 中波C. 短波D. 超短波4. 以下最适合以空间波进行传播的是()波段信号。
A.长波B. 中波C. 短波D. 超短波5. 以下最适合以天波进行传播的是()波段信号。
A.长波B. 中波C. 短波D. 超短波6. 在GMDSS中,中频的工作频率范围是()。
A. 1.6-4MHzB. 4.0-27.5MHzC. 30-60MHzD. 156-174MHz7. 在GMDSS中,高频的工作频率范围是()。
A. 1.6-4MHzB. 4.0-27.5MHzC. 30-60MHzD. 156-174MHz8. 在GMDSS中,甚高频的工作频率范围是()。
A. 1.6-4MHzB. 4.0-27.5MHzC. 30-60MHzD. 156-174MHz9. 无线电通信系统中,一般有()调制方式。
A.调幅B. 调频C. 调相D. A、B、C都是。
10. 对调幅、单边带、调频无线电话通信的带宽作比较,应是()。
A. 调幅>单边带>调频B. 调频>单边带>调幅C. 调幅>调频>单边带D. 调频>调幅>单边带11. 单边带接收机中,从中频信号中还原音频信号所应采用的电路是()。
A. 幅度检波器B. 同步(乘积)检波器C. 鉴频器D. 鉴相器12. GMDSS的首要功能是()。
GMDSS设备课后问答题 整理版
本提纲为航海1417 白兴超整理,仅供航海1417-141C班适用。
GMDSS是从何时开始全面实施的?GMDSS全称为global maritime distress and safety system,就是全球海上遇险与安全系统的缩写。
该系统主要由卫星通信系统—INMARSAT (海事卫星通信系统) 和COS-PAS/SARSAT(极轨道卫星搜救系统)、地面无线电通信系统(即海岸电台)以及海上安全信息播发系统三大部分构成。
1. 什么是VHF无线电通信?VHF无线电通信是指在频率范围为30MHz至300MHz之间进行的无线电通信。
2. 什么是GMDSS系统?GMDSS(全球海上遇险和安全系统)是国际海事组织(IMO)制定的一套全球海上通信和导航系统,旨在提高船舶遇险时的求救效率和航海安全水平。
3. 如何使用VHF无线电呼叫其他船舶?使用VHF无线电呼叫其他船舶时,首先要设置正确的工作频率和呼叫方式。
然后,按下PTT(Push To Talk)按钮,说出船舶的名称和自己的呼号。
4. 如何使用VHF无线电进行紧急呼叫?在紧急情况下,使用VHF无线电进行呼叫时,首先要选择正确的紧急频道(通常为频道16)。
5. 如何进行VHF无线电通信的监听?进行VHF无线电通信的监听时,应选择正确的工作频率,并将接收器调至相应频率。
6. 什么是EPIRB?EPIRB(紧急位置指示无线电信标)是一种用于发射紧急信号的设备,主要用于船舶遇险时的求救。
7. 如何使用EPIRB进行求救?使用EPIRB进行求救时,首先要确保EPIRB的电源开关打开,并将其放置在船舶上易于寻找的位置。
Marine Radio Communication ServiceExercise BookletZhou fengShanghai Maritime UniversitySection-A: General Information and System Overview. Key Topic #1: Fundamental Concepts:1A1 What is the fundamental concept of the GMDSS?A. GMDSS utilizes automated systems and satellite technology to improve emergency communications for the world’s shipping industry.B. It is intended to automate and improve existing digital selective calling procedures and techniques.C. It is intended to provide more effective but lower cost commercial communications.D. It is intended to provide compulsory vessels with a collision avoidance system when they are operating in waters that are also occupied by non-compulsory vessels.1A2 The primary purpose of the GMDSS is:A. Allow more effective control of SAR situations by vessels.B. Automate and improve emergency communications for the world's shipping industry.C. Provide additional shipboard systems for more effective company communications.D. Effective and inexpensive communications.1A3 What is the basic concept of GMDSS?A. Shoreside authorities will rely on reports from nearby vessels to become aware of Distress alerts.B. Shoreside authorities and vessels can assist in a coordinated SAR operation only after the correct chain of DSC relays takes place.C. SAR authorities ashore can be alerted to a Distress situation & shipping in the vicinity can be requested to participate in SAR operations.D. SAR authorities ashore wait to have EPIRB Distress alerts confirmed by satellite follow-on communications.1A4 GMDSS is primarily a system based on:A. Ship-to-ship Distress communications using MF or HF radiotelephony.B. VHF digital selective calling from ship to shore.C. Distress, Urgency and Safety communications carried out by the use of narrow-band direct printing telegraphy.D. The linking of search and rescue authorities ashore with shipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in Distress or in need of assistance.1A5 What is the responsibility of compulsory GMDSS vessels?A. Every vessel must be able to perform communications functions essential for its own safety and the safety of other vessels.B. Vessels must transmit a DSC distress relay upon receipt of a DSC distress alert.C. Only the vessels closest to a Distress incident must render assistance.D. Vessels must immediately acknowledge all DSC distress alerts.1A6 GMDSS is required for which of the following?A. All vessels capable of international voyages.B. SOLAS Convention ships of 300 gross tonnage or more.C. Vessels operating outside of the range of VHF coast radio stations.D. Coastal vessels of less than 300 gross tons.Answers - 1A1 - A 1A2 - B 1A3 - C 1A4 - D 1A5 - A 1A6 - BSection-A: General Information and System Overview. Key Topic #2: Equipment Systems:2A1 Which GMDSS system utilizes terrestrial radio techniques?A. F-77B. Inmarsat-CC. GPSD. VHF-MF-HF-DSC2A2 What equipment utilizes satellite communications?A. Inmarsat-CB. VHF-MF-HFC. NAVTEXD. SART2A3 What equipment is used in or near the survival craft?A. NAVTEXB. EPIRBC. FathometerD. COSPAS-SARSAT2A4 What equipment is programmed to initiate transmission of Distress alerts and calls to individual stations?A. NAVTEXB. GPSC. DSC ControllerD. DSC Scanning Watch Receiver2A5 What system provides accurate vessel position information to the GMDSS equipment?A. COSPAS-SARSATB. EPIRBC. GPSD. Inmarsat-B2A6 Which of these can be used to receive MSI?A. SARTB. EPIRBC. Inmarsat-BD. NAVTEXAnswers: 2A1 - D 2A2 - A 2A3 - B 2A4 - C 2A5 - C 2A6 - DSection-A: General Information and System Overview. Key Topic #3: Sea Areas:3A1 Which of the following regions lie outside Sea Areas A1, A2, and A3?A. Sea Areas only apply to Inmarsat footprint areas.B. Sea Area A3-I Inmarsat coverage and Sea Area A3-S HF SITOR (NBDP) coverage.C. Sea Area A4D. There are no additional Sea Areas.3A2 What sea area is defined as being within range of a shore-based MF station that provides for continuous DSC alerting?A. Coastal watersB. Sea area A3C. Sea area A1D. Sea area A23A3 If a vessel is engaged in local trade and at no point in its voyage travels outside the range of a VHF shore station with continuous DSC alerting then the vessel is operating in what area?A. Sea area A1B. Coastal and international zonesC. Inland and coastal watersD. Sea areas A1 and A23A4 What is defined as an area, excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the coverage of an Inmarsat geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available?A. Ocean Area Regions AOR-E, AOR-W, POR or IORB. Sea Area A3C. Sea Area A4D. Coastal and Inland Waters3A5 SITOR (NBDP) equipment is a partial or alternate carriage requirement under GMDSS for vessels operating in which sea area(s)?A. A1B. A3 and A4C. A1 and A2D. A1, A2, A3 and A43A6 What is defined as the area within the radiotelephone coverage area of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available as defined by the IMO regulation for GMDSS?A. Ocean Area Regions AOR-E, AOR-W, POR or IORB. Sea Area A2C. Sea Area A1D. Coastal and Inland WatersAnswers: 3A1 - C 3A2 - D 3A3 - A 3A4 - B 3A5 - B 3A6 - C4A1 Which of the following is a functional or carriage requirement for compulsory vessels?A. A compulsory vessel must carry at least two (2) FCC licensed GMDSS Radio Operators in all sea areas as well as a GMDSS Maintainer in sea areas A3 & A4.B. A compulsory vessel must satisfy certain equipment carriage requirements based on the intended sea area of operation.C. A compulsory vessel must be able to transmit and respond to Distress alerts and carry only one (1) FCC licensed GMDSS Radio Operator in sea areas A1 & A2.D. None of these answers are correct.4A2 Which GMDSS communication functions must all compulsory vessels be capable of performing to meet International Maritime Organization requirements?A. Distress alerting and receipt of Maritime Safety Information via Inmarsat for all vessels intending to operate in Sea Area A4.B. Distress alerting and receipt of MSI in Sea Areas A1, A2, A3, and A4 regardless of the vessel's intended area of operation.C. Distress alerting, general communications and receipt of Maritime Safety Information in the vessel's intended area of operation.D. General communications via Inmarsat and receipt of Maritime Safety Information via Enhanced Group Calling in Sea Area A4.4A3 GMDSS-equipped ships will be required to perform which of the following communications functions?A. Distress alerting, MSI, SAR and on-scene communications & receipt of satellite alerts from other vessels.B. SAR and on-scene communications, Bridge-to-Bridge and general radio communications, MSI and relay of satellite alerts from other vessels.C. Bridge-to-Bridge and general radio communications, RDF of EPIRB homing signals, Distress alerting and MSI.D. Transmit distress alerts, SAR and on-scene communications, MSI, Bridge-to-Bridge and general radio communications.4A4 What equipment can be used to receive Maritime Safety Information?A. NAVTEX, EGC receiver or HF SITOR (NBDP).B. EGC receiver, Inmarsat B or F77 terminal.C. HF SITOR (NBDP), Inmarsat B or NAVTEX.D. All of these answers are correct.4A5 Which of the following are required GMDSS functions?A. Bridge-to-Bridge communications, reception of weather map facsimile broadcasts, SAR communications.B. Reception of weather map facsimile broadcasts, receiving company email, On-scene communications.C. Reception of VHF weather channels, On-scene communications, general communicationsD. Bridge-to-Bridge communications, general communications, SAR communications.4A6 Which of the following are required GMDSS functions for vessels?A. Transmit and receive locating signals, general communications and SAR communications.B. Transmit and receive general communications, transmit Distress Alerts by at least one means, MSI.C. Transmit and receive locating signals, send MSI to other ships via EGC, Bridge-to-Bridge communications.D. Transmit and receive SAR communications, transmit Distress Alerts by at least one means, Bridge-to-Bridge communications.Answers: 4A1 - B 4A2 - C 4A3 - D 4A4 - A 4A5 - D 4A6 - A5A1 Which statement is true regarding a vessel equipped with GMDSS equipment that will remain in Sea AreaA1 at all times?A. The vessel must be provided with a radio installation capable of initiating the transmission of ship-to-shore Distress alerting from the position from which the ship is normallynavigated. B. VHF DSC alerting may be the sole means of Distressalerting.C. HF or MF DSC may satisfy the equipment requirement.D. HF SSB with 2182 kHz automatic alarm generator may satisfy the equipment requirement.5A2 What statement is true regarding the additional equipment carriage requirement imposed for the survival craft of vessels over 500 gross tons?A. Additional carriage of two radio equipped lifeboatsaft. B. A second radar transponder is required.C. Four additional portable VHF radios are required.D. The ability to communicate in all modes with any shore station.5A3 Vessels operating in which sea area(s) are required to carry either Inmarsat or HF equipmentor a combination thereof under GMDSS?A. All sea areasB. A4C. A3D. A15A4 Within a single sea area, what is the primary reason GMDSS imposes carriage requirements for different radio subsystems?A. Redundancy in duplicating all operational functions in the event of a system failure.B. Different subsystems are required to meet the specific equipment carriage requirements ofnational authorities.C. GMDSS vessels must be equipped to communicate in all modes with coast radio stations.D. The combined capabilities of redundant subsystems mitigate the risk of a single point of failure.5A5 If operating within Ocean Area A1, and outside of NAVTEX coverage, a GMDSS-equipped vesselmust carry:A. Equipment capable of reception of Maritime Safety Information by the Inmarsat enhanced group call system, or HF SITOR (NBDP).B. A GPS receiver.C. Equipment capable of maintaining a continuous DSC watch on 2187.5kHz. D. An Inmarsat-B terminal.5A6 What is the equipment carriage requirement for survival craft under GMDSS?A. At least three SCT units and two SARTs on every cargo ship between 300-500 gross tons and the same on all passenger ships regardless of tonnage.B. At least three SCT units and two SARTs on every passenger ship and cargo ships of 500 gross tonsand upwards.C. At least two radar transponders must be carried on every cargo ship of 300-500 gross tons and tworadar transponders (one for each side) of every passenger ship regardless of tonnage.D. All cargo vessels above 300 gross tons and every passenger ship regardless of tonnage must carry three SCT units and two SARTs.Answers: 4A1 - B 4A2 - C 4A3 - D 4A4 - A 4A5 - D 4A6 - ASection-C: F.C.C. Rules & Regulations: Key Topic #16: License and Personnel Requirements:16C1 Which FCC license meets the requirement to serve as a GMDSS operator?A. General Radiotelephone Operator’s License.B. GMDSS Radio Operator’s LicenseC. Marine Radio Operator’s Permit.D. GMDSS Radio Maintainer’s License.16C2 Which of the following statements concerning GMDSS Radio Operator requirements is false?A. Each compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators at all times while at sea.B. Each compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators at all times while at sea and may elect to carry a GMDSS Radio Maintainer as well.C. All communications involving Safety of life at sea must be logged as long as the compulsory vessel was not involved in such communications.D. While at sea, adjustments to, and the maintaining of, GMDSS equipment may be performed by the GMDSS Radio Operator as long as the work is supervised by an on-board licensed GMDSS Radio Maintainer.16C3 Which FCC license meets the requirements to perform or supervise the performance of at-sea adjustments, servicing, or maintenance which may affect the proper operation of the GMDSS station?A. General Radiotelephone Operator’s License with Shipboard RADAR endorsement.B. Marine Radio Operator’s Permit or GMDSS Maintainer’s license.C. GMDSS Radio Operator’s license or Marine Radio Operator’s Permit.D. GMDSS Operator’s/Maintainer’s license or GMDSS Maintainer’s license.16C4 Which statement is false regarding the radio operator requirements for a GMDSS-equipped ship station?A. Maintaining a record of all incidents connected with the radio-communications service that appear to be of importance to Safety of life at sea is not required.B. One of the qualified GMDSS radio operators must be designated to have primary responsibility for radio- communications during Distress incidents.C. A qualified GMDSS radio operator, and a qualified backup, must be designated to perform Distress, Urgency and Safety communications.D. While at sea, all adjustments or radio installations, servicing or maintenance of such installations that may affect the proper operation of the GMDSS station must be performed by, or under the supervision of, a qualified GMDSS radio maintainer.16C5 Which of the following are personnel, functional, or equipment FCC requirements of the GMDSS?A. One FCC licensed GMDSS radio operator in sea areas A1 & A2, two FCC licensed GMDSS radio operators in sea areas A3 & A4 and equipment carriage based on intended sea area of operations.B. Distress alerting and response, two USCG STCW GMDSS watchstanders, equipment carriage based on intended sea area of operations.C. Equipment carriage reduced for sea areas A3 & A4, Distress alerting and response and two FCC licensed GMDSS radio operators.D. Equipment carriage based on intended sea area of operations, distress alerting and response and two FCC licensed GMDSS radio operators.16C6 How many GMDSS radio maintainers must be carried aboard a compulsory vessel if the At-Sea maintenance method is used?A. One regardless of sea area of operation.B. Two in Sea Areas A3 and A4.C. Two in Sea Area A1.D. None of these answers are correct.Answers: 16C1 - B 16C2 - C 16C3 - D 16C4 - A 16C5 - D 16C6 - ASection-C: F.C.C. Rules & Regulations: Key Topic #16: Reserve Source of Energy:17C1 Which statement is false regarding the GMDSS requirement for ship sources of energy?A. The reserve sources of energy need to supply independent MF and HF radio installations at the same time.B. At all times while the vessel is at sea, a sufficient supply of electrical energy to operate the radio installations and charge any batteries which may be part of the reserve source of energy is required.C. An uninterruptible power supply or other means of ensuring a continuous supply of electrical power to all GMDSS equipment that could be affected by normal variations and interruptions of ship's power is required.D. If a vessel’s position is constantly required for the proper performance of a GMDSS station, provisions must be made to ensure position information is uninterrupted if the ship’s source of main or emergency energy fails.17C2 What is the meaning of “Reserve Source of Energy”?A. High caloric value items for lifeboat, per SOLAS regulations.B. Power to operate the radio installation and conduct Distress and Safety communications in the event of failure of the ship's main and emergency sources of electrical power.C. Diesel fuel stored for the purpose of operating the powered survival craft for a period equal to or exceeding the U.S.C.G. and SOLAS requirements.D. The diesel fueled emergency generator that supplies AC to the vessel’s Emergency power bus.17C3 Which term describes the source of energy required to supply the GMDSS console with power if the ship’s source of main or emergency energy fails?A. Emergency powerB. Ship's emergency diesel generatorC. Reserve Source of EnergyD. Ship's standby generator17C4 What characteristics describe the GMDSS Reserve Source of Energy (RSE)?A. Supplies independent HF and MF installations at the same time.B. Cannot be independent of the propelling power of the ship.C. Must be incorporated into the ship's electrical system.D. Must be independent of the ship's electrical system when the RSE is needed to supply power to the GMDSS equipment.17C5 What is the requirement for emergency and reserve power in GMDSS radio installations?A. Compulsory ships must have emergency and reserve power sources for radio communications.B. An emergency power source for radio communications is not required if a vessel has proper reserve power (batteries).C. A reserve power source is not required for radio communications.D. Only one of the above is required if a vessel is equipped with a second 406 EPIRB as a backup means of sending a Distress alert.17C6 Which of the following terms is defined as a back-up power source that provides power to radio installations for the purpose of conducting Distress and Safety communications when the vessel's main and emergency generators cannot?A. Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG)B. Reserve Source of Energy (RSE)C. Reserve Source of Diesel Power (RSDP)D. Emergency Back-up Generator (EBG)Answers: 17C1 - A 17C2 - B 17C3 - C 17C4 - D 17C5 - A 17C6 - BSection-C: F.C.C. Rules & Regulations: Key Topic #18: Equipment Testing:18C1 Under GMDSS, a compulsory VHF-DSC radiotelephone installation must be tested at what minimum intervals at sea?A. Annually, by a representative of the FCC.B. At the annual SOLAS inspection.C. MonthlyD. Daily18C2 Which statement concerning the testing of a compulsory radiotelephone station is false?A. Calling the USCG on VHF CH-16 or 2182.0 kHz is the most effective method.B. Tests may be accomplished by using the equipment for normal business.C. A daily test is necessary unless the equipment was used for routine traffic.D. The test may not interfere with communications in progress and must wait or be suspended if a request to do so is made.18C3 While underway, how frequently is the DSC controller required to be tested?A. Once a weekB. Once a dayC. Twice a weekD. Once a month18C4 At sea, all required equipment (other than Survival Craft Equipment) must be proven operational by:A. Testing at least every 48 hours.B. Weekly testing of all S.C.E. and other compulsory equipment.C. Daily testing or daily successful use of the equipment.D. Daily testing of the S.C.E. and weekly tests of the other equipment.18C5 The best way to test the MF-HF SITOR (NBDP) system is:A. Make a radiotelephone call to a coast station.B. Initiate an ARQ call to demonstrate that the transmitter and antenna are working.C. Initiate an ARQ call to a Coast Station and wait for the automatic exchange of answerbacks.D. Initiate an FEC call to demonstrate that the transmitter and antenna are working.18C6 The best way to test the Inmarsat-C terminal is:A. Send a message to a shore terminal and wait for confirmation.B. Send a message to another ship terminal.C. If the “Send” light flashes, proper operation has been confirmed.D. Compose and send a brief message to your own Inmarsat-C terminal.Answers: 18 - D 18C2 - A 18C3 - B 18C4 - C 18C5 - C 18C6 - D19C1 A vessel certified for service in Sea Area A3 is required to maintain a watch on:A. VHF Channel 70, MF Frequency 2182.0 kHz, HF on 8414.5 kHz and one other HF DSC frequency.B. MF Frequency 2187.5 kHz, HF on 8414.5 kHz and one other HF DSC frequency, HF on 4125.0 kHz.C. VHF Channel 70, MF Frequency 2187.5 kHz, HF on 8414.5 kHz and one other HF DSC frequency.D. VHF Channel 16, VHF Channel 70, MF Frequency 2187.5 kHz, HF on 8414.5 MHz and HF 4177.5 MHz.19C2 A vessel certified for service in Sea Area A-2 is required to maintain watch on:A. 2174.5 kHzB. 2182.0 kHzC. 2738.0 kHzD. 2187.5 kHz19C3 What are the mandatory DSC watchkeeping bands/channels?A. 8 MHz HF DSC, 1 other HF DSC, 2 MHz MF DSC and VHF Ch-70.B. 2 MHz MF DSC, 8 MHz DSC, VHF Ch-16 and 1 other HF DSC.C. VHF Ch-70, 2 MHz MF DSC, 6 MHz DSC and 1 other HF DSC.D. VHF Ch-70, 2 MHZ MF DSC, 4 MHZ DSC and 8 MHz DSC.19C4 Proper watchkeeping includes the following:A. Monitoring all required frequencies in the proper mode, setting the DSC scanner to 2 MHz, 4 MHZ and 8 MHz for ships in the vicinity, notifying the Master of any Distress alerts.B. After silencing an alarm all displays and/or printouts are read, monitoring all required frequencies in the proper mode, notifying the Master of any Distress alerts.C. Notifying the Master of any Distress alerts, setting the DSC scanner to 2 MHz, 4 MHZ and 8 MHz for ships in the vicinity, monitoring all required frequencies in the proper mode.D. Setting the DSC scanner only to the mandatory 2 MHz & 8 MHz, maintain continuous watch on 2182.0 kHz or 4125.0 kHz, notify the Master of any Distress traffic heard.19C5 Proper watchkeeping includes the following:A. Understanding normal operational indicators, setting the DSC scanner frequencies to minimize alarms, maintaining a proper log.B. Maintaining a proper GMDSS radio station log, understanding normal operational indicators, responding to and comprehending alarms.C. Responding to and comprehending alarms, logging out of Inmarsat-C terminals while at sea, maintaining a proper GMDSS radio station log.D. Maintaining a proper GMDSS radio station log, setting the DSC scanner frequencies to minimize alarms, logging out of Inmarsat-C terminals while at sea.19C6 Which is true concerning a required watch on VHF Ch-16?A. When a vessel is in an A1 sea area and subject to the Bridge-to-Bridge act and in a VTS system, a watch is required on Ch-16 in addition to both Ch-13 and the VTS channel.B. It is not compulsory at all times while at sea until further notice, unless the vessel is in a VTS system.C. When a vessel is in an A1 sea area and subject to the Bridge-to-Bridge act and in a VTS system, a watch is not required on Ch-16 provided the vessel monitors both Ch-13 and the VTS channel.D. It is not always compulsory in sea areas A2, A3 and A4.20C1 Which of the following statements meets requirements for 47 CFR 80 Subpart-W?A. GMDSS Radio Logs may not be retained aboard compulsory vessels in an electronic file (e.g., word processing) format.B. GMDSS Radio Logs must contain entries of all Distress and Urgency communications affecting your own ship.C. GMDSS Radio Logs must be retained aboard compulsory vessels for a period of at least 90 days in their original form.D. Entries in the GMDSS Radio Log are only required for communications within the vessel's intended Sea Area of operation.20C2 Which of the following statements is false?A. Key letters or abbreviations may be used in GMDSS Radio Logbooks if their meaning is explained.B. Urgency communications may need to be entered in the GMDSS radio log.C. Distress communications heard do not require entries if the vessel did not participate in SAR activity.D. Log entries of VHF Safety broadcasts are not required.20C3 Where should the GMDSS radio log be kept on board ship?A. Captain's officeB. Sea cabinC. Anywhere on board the vessel.D. At the GMDSS operating position.20C4 How long must the radio log be retained on board before sending it to the shoreside licensee?A. At least 30 days after the last entry.B. At least one year after the last entry.C. At least two years after the last entry.D. At least 90 days after the last entry.20C5 Which statement concerning radio log archival by the station licensee is false?A. Retain for two years if there are no Distress entries.B. Logs related to an investigation may not be destroyed without specific authorization.C. Retain for three years if there are Distress entries.D. Retain for one year unless there are Distress or Urgency entries.20C6 Which of the following logkeeping statements is false?A. Entries of all company communications using GMDSS satellite equipment are required.B. Entries relating to pre-voyage, pre-departure and daily tests are required.C. A summary of all Distress communications heard and Urgency communications affecting the station’s own ship. Also, all Safety communications (other than VHF) affecting the station’s own ship must be logged.D. Entries related to failures of compulsory equipment are required.Section-D: DSC & Alpha-Numeric ID: Key Topic #21: Call Signs and SELCALs21D1 A typical call sign for a large container ship under Chinese Flagwould be:A. KBZYB. WBX1469C. NADND. KPH21D2 What would the number 1090 indicate?A. A ship DSC MMSI number.B. A coast station SITOR (NBDP) SELCAL number.C. A coast station DSC MMSI number.D. A ship station SITOR (NBDP) SELCAL number.21D3 Which one of the following is a ship station SELCAL?A. 1104B. 1502352C. 11243D. 023*******21D4 Which of the following is the call sign for a U.S.C.G. coast station?A. NERKB. KPHC. WCCD. NMN21D5 What type of station would be assigned the call sign WAB2174?A. Tug boatB. Container shipC. Passenger shipD. Bulk Tanker21D6 What number will a ship station use to identify itself using SITOR (NBDP)?A. Four digit SELCAL.B. Five digit SELCAL or 9 digit SELCAL number identical to MMSI.C. 9 digit Inmarsat-B I.D. number.D. 9 digit Inmarsat-C I.D. number.Answers: 21D1 - A 21D2 - B 21D3 - C 21D4 - D 21D5 - A 21D6 - BSection-D: DSC & Alpha-Numeric ID: Key Topic #22: MMSI- MID and Ship Station I.D. Numbers: 22D1 What is the MID?A. Mobile Identification NumberB. Marine Indemnity DirectoryC. Mobile Interference DigitsD. Maritime Identification Digits22D2 How many digits are in the MID (Maritime Identification Digits)?A. 3B. 7C. 9D. 1022D3 What does the MID (Maritime Identification Digits) signify?A. Port of registryB. NationalityC. Gross tonnageD. Passenger vessel22D4 Which of the following numbers indicates a CHINA flag shipstation?A. 036627934B. 243537672C. 412426791D. 00338231522D5 Which of the following MMSI numbers indicates a CHINA flag shipstation?A. 412326890B. 033609991C. 303236824D. 25732681922D6 Which of the following numbers indicates a ship station MMSI?A. 003372694B. 030356328C. 3384672D. 623944326Section-D: DSC & Alpha-Numeric ID: Key Topic #23: MMSI; Group and Coast Station I.D. Numbers:23D1 A DSC call is received from a station with a MMSI number of 003669991. What type of station made the call?A. A vessel operating in Sea Area A3.B. A group ship stationC. A China. coast stationD. An Intercoastal vessel23D2 A valid MMSI number for a DSC call to a specific group of vessels is:A. 003664523B. 338462941C. 003036483D. 03032793123D3 A MMSI 030346239 indicates what?A. Group MMSIB. Inmarsat-C I.D. numberC. Coast stationD. Ship station23D4 Which of the following statements concerning MMSI is true?A. Coast station MMSI numbers have 9 digits starting with 4.B. All MMSI numbers are 9 digits and contain an MID.C. Ship station MMSI numbers can be 7 digits or 9 digits depending on the Inmarsat terminal.D. Group MMSI numbers must begin with 2 zeros.23D5 Which of the following statements concerning MMSI is false?A. All Coast Station MMSI must begin with 2 zeros.B. All Coast Station MMSI must begin with the MID then 2 zeros.C. A group call must begin with a single zero followed by the MID.D. The first 3 digits of a ship MMSI comprise the MID.23D6 Which of the following statements concerning MMSI is true?A. All ship station MMSI must begin with a single zero and include the MID.B. All group station MMSI must begin with the MID.C. None of these answers are correct.D. All Coast Station MMSI must be 9 digits and begin with the MID and then two zeros.。
5、人工DSC呼叫和确认操作程序1、船台呼叫岸台或另一船台:1)首先将收发信机调谐到适当的DSC频率上;2)根据设备使用说明书,按以下序列编辑DSC电文:—— 格式符(selective/all ships/group/area))—— 输入海岸电台或另一船台的MMSI码;—— 选择类别(常规或船舶业务);—— 选择随后的通信方式(RT/ARQ/FEC));—— 如果是呼叫另一船台,应指明要求通信的频率或频道,如果是呼叫岸台,不应指明要求通信的频率或频道,而一般由岸台在其DSC确认中指明一个空闲的工作频道;3)在确认呼叫频率上没有其它的DSC呼叫后,船舶电台操作员可进行DSC呼叫。
大连海事通信考研真题答案一、导论题1. 解决通信问题是海事工作的重要任务之一。
二、无线电通信题2. 请简述无线电通信中的频率调制技术以及各种调制方法的应用场景。
答:频率调制(Frequency Modulation,FM)是指通过改变载波信号的频率来传输信息的技术。
常见的调制方法有调频(FrequencyModulation,FM)、调幅(Amplitude Modulation,AM)和调相(Phase Modulation,PM)。
三、卫星通信题3. 请简述卫星通信中的极地轨道和地球同步轨道的特点及其应用领域。
海上无线电 GMDSS 习题集
A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 52. 在无线电波的几种传播方式中,最稳定可靠的是()传播。
A. 天波B. 地波C. 空间波D.电离层波3. 以下最适合以地波进行传播的是()波段信号。
A.长波B. 中波C. 短波D. 超短波4. 以下最适合以空间波进行传播的是()波段信号。
A.长波B. 中波C. 短波D. 超短波5. 以下最适合以天波进行传播的是()波段信号。
A.长波B. 中波C. 短波D. 超短波6. 在GMDSS中,中频的工作频率范围是()。
A. 1.6-4MHzB. 4.0-27.5MHzC. 30-60MHzD. 156-174MHz7. 在GMDSS中,高频的工作频率范围是()。
A. 1.6-4MHzB. 4.0-27.5MHzC. 30-60MHzD. 156-174MHz8. 在GMDSS中,甚高频的工作频率范围是()。
A. 1.6-4MHzB. 4.0-27.5MHzC. 30-60MHzD. 156-174MHz9. 无线电通信系统中,一般有()调制方式。
A.调幅B. 调频C. 调相D. A、B、C都是。
10. 对调幅、单边带、调频无线电话通信的带宽作比较,应是()。
A. 调幅>单边带>调频B. 调频>单边带>调幅C. 调幅>调频>单边带D. 调频>调幅>单边带11. 单边带接收机中,从中频信号中还原音频信号所应采用的电路是()。
A. 幅度检波器B. 同步(乘积)检波器C. 鉴频器D. 鉴相器12. GMDSS的首要功能是()。
1.试述MF/HF SSB发射机的三次搬频,高中频方案。
2)发射机第一载频为1.4MHZ,经边带滤波器选取下边带;第二载频为43.6MHZ,带通滤波器选取和频,得到工作频率为45MHZ的下边带;第三载频为45~75MHZ,滤波器选取差额,输出为0~30MHZ 的上边带。
2.简述406MHz EPIRB遇险报警的路由。
答:406MHZ的无线电示位标发出的遇险报警信号被COSPSA\SARSAT 卫星接受处理,处理后的信号在1544.5MHZ卫星下行线路频率上转发给陆上的LUT。
接收到询问信号时,发出声响;而且当雷达离SART较远时,只有RADAR 天线指向SART,SART应答才发出声响;当距离逐渐变近时,雷达波旁瓣也能询问SART,SART发出的声响逐渐变成连续;(2)SART 的发光指示装置:SART 处于接收状态时,指示灯以2s为一个周期闪0.5s停1.5s。
5、人工DSC呼叫和确认操作程序1、船台呼叫岸台或另一船台:1)首先将收发信机调谐到适当的DSC频率上;2)根据设备使用说明书,按以下序列编辑DSC电文:—— 格式符(selective/all ships/group/area))—— 输入海岸电台或另一船台的MMSI码;—— 选择类别(常规或船舶业务);—— 选择随后的通信方式(RT/ARQ/FEC));—— 如果是呼叫另一船台,应指明要求通信的频率或频道,如果是呼叫岸台,不应指明要求通信的频率或频道,而一般由岸台在其DSC确认中指明一个空闲的工作频道;3)在确认呼叫频率上没有其它的DSC呼叫后,船舶电台操作员可进行DSC呼叫。
GMDSS主要有哪些功能?2、GMDSS划分为哪⼏个分系统?各分系统船⽤的通信设备主要有哪些?3、GMDSS的海区是如何划分的?如何理解海区的概念?海区划分的⽬的是什么?4.在各海区航⾏的船舶⼀旦遇险应采⽤什么通信⼿段实现船⾄船、船⾄岸的遇险报警?5.根据船舶所航⾏的海区,应按怎样的标准配备GMDSS通信设备?6.按照SOLAS公约的要求,GMDSS船⽤设备维修保障⽅案有哪⼏种形式?对于航⾏在A1、A2海区以及A3、A4海区的船舶应怎样选择维修⽅案?7.GMDSS⽆线电通信⼈员的证书有⼏种?8.岸台或岸站在GMDSS中的作⽤主要有哪些?第⼗⼀章1、什么是海上移动业务识别码,⽔上识别数字,各种海上移动业务识别码有什么特点?3、船舶电台接收海岸电台DSC常规呼叫时,操作员应该如何操作?4、海岸电台,船舶电台,陆地⽤户的NBDP(窄带直接印字电报)应答码是如何构成的?5.NBDP常规呼叫前,操作员需要做什么准备?6、请简述船到岸,岸到船,船舶之间ARQ通信的⼿动呼叫和⾃动呼叫程序?7 、什么情况下,NBDP业务会采⽤FEC模式通信8、什么是电台呼号?船舶电台,海岸电台呼号是如何组成的?10、假设育龙号⼤幅,通过⼴州话台阶⼀个电话138********,呼叫⼯作流程?12、什么是通报表?通报表是如何发出的?13.MF/HF/VHF 收发设备的维护保养?14.DSC终端的检查与测试15.NBDP终端的维护保养第⼗⼆章1..Inmarsat-C系统的业务种类有哪些?2、简述Inmarsat-C系统电传/⽂本传真/低速数据/船⾄船通信业务的通信程序。
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参考答案:单频呼叫尝试模式:在MF、HF或VHF频带中的某一个频率上,连续发送5次DSC遇险呼叫;多频呼叫尝试模式:在MF和HF频带中的多个遇险频率上轮流发送DSC 遇险呼叫。
九、简述VHF DSC发生误报警应采取的措施。
(2)打开收发信机,并把频率设定在VHF CH16
十、简述MF DSC发生误报警应采取的措施。
十一、简述HF DSC发生误报警应采取的措施。
十三、NA VTEX报文格式中,技术编码B1B2B3B4分别表示何意?
参考答案:B1表示发射台的识别符,B2表示电文种类,B3 B4表示电文编号。
十四、NA VTEX报文的优先等级有哪几种?
参考答案:A1A2海区:NA VTEX,A3:EGC,A4:HF NBDP。