



Beats耳机系列比较及购买参考▲Dr.dreBeats Pro<专业耳机>Beats Pro这款耳机,是最贵最专业的,外观看上去很大很Strong,粗略的可以把它说成的是Studio的终极增强版。

低音的效果非常厉害,外观上看上去一眼就可以认出来是Beats Pro,这款Beats Pro的特点就是可以把听筒旋转(可以看到黑色的Beats Pro)Pro的做工非常完美,附送的不是盒子,而是袋子。

参考价:¥4350~5000;Beats Studio<众星之选>▲Beats Studio说到Beats Studio,就是大家经常说道的“录音师”。

因为很多监制音乐的都选用了这个耳机,价格偏中,音质也接引于Beats Pro.所以许多监制都选用了这款耳机来进行一个监听。

这个耳机和Beats Pro 都是需要安装电池并且打开耳机的开关才可以使用的,因为安装电池也是为了供他们的特点:“主动降噪“来供应电力。

现在在网上购买的大多数Studio都是旧版的Studio.新版和旧版的Studio区别就是在耳机上面有没有Monster的标志,如果有就是旧版了,相反就是新版的Studio.参考价:¥2600~3000这款耳机我觉得是一款不错的耳机,如果你的资金足够就建议你直接入手Studio.Beats Wireless<无线耳机>▲Beats Wireless这款耳机可以说是一个Solo或者Solo HD的无线版,没有Studio和Pro的主动降噪功能。


参考价格:¥2400~3000Beats Solo & Solo HD<低端耳机>有人会问到,Solo 和Solo HD有什么分别,首先在外面上,Solo是磨砂面,而Solo HD烤漆光面。

Solo和Solo HD令外一个区别就是Solo是普通版,HD是加强版。



BeatsPowerbeatsPro持久续航的无线耳机Beats Powerbeats Pro:续航能力超乎期待的无线耳机随着科技的不断发展,人们对于耳机的需求也日益增加。


在无线耳机市场中,Beats Powerbeats Pro凭借其出色的续航能力和出众的音质表现,成为了人们的首选。

一、超长续航能力Beats Powerbeats Pro以其令人瞩目的超长续航能力而备受赞誉。


此外,Powerbeats Pro的充电盒还可以为耳机提供额外的充电次数,使续航时间延长至多达24小时。


二、更智能的充电方式除了长久的续航能力外,Beats Powerbeats Pro还引入了更智能的充电方式。



三、舒适稳固的佩戴体验Beats Powerbeats Pro采用了耳塞式设计,为用户提供了更舒适和稳固的佩戴体验。



四、卓越的音质表现作为知名的音频品牌,Beats Powerbeats Pro不仅具备出色的续航能力和舒适的佩戴体验,还提供了卓越的音质表现。



总结:Beats Powerbeats Pro以其持久续航的特点成为了无线耳机市场的翘楚。



Report for BeatsLou ShiyuHistoryIn the world of headphones and speakers, Beats by Dr. Dre are well-known, even though the company is relatively young. The idea of the company came from the collaboration between Andre Young and Jimmy Iovine. Andre Young, better known as Dr. Dre, is a hip-hop artist and famous producer. Jimmy Iovine is also a producer and the chairman of Interscope Geffen A&M Records. Dr. Dre was approached to back Dr. Dre branded sneakers, but Iovine suggested speakers instead. Both men wanted to bring back the experience that music has to offer which had been lost due to a decline of audio quality. The company was established in 2006, and it released its first pair of headphones in 2008. Today, Beats offers a variety of sound systems, high-quality headphones, and operates a digital music service. Beats headphones include models such as, Pro, Studio, Wireless, Mxr, Solo (HD), and Executive. For earphones, Beats offers Tour, Powerbeats, Heartbeats, and Urbeats. The types of speakers offered by Beats include the Pill, the Beatbox, and the Beatbox Portable.Beats by Dre has one storefront located in New York, New York, which was opened in 2011. Even though this is the company’s only store, Beats prod ucts are sold by number of other retailer whether in their stores or on their online sites. Some of these stores include Best Buy, Target, Nordstrom, Brookstone, and Walmart. In order to promote its products, Beats by Dre has used several celebrities, mainly popular artists. Musicians such as Nicki Minaj,, Lady Gaga, and Justin Bieber all have promoted the brand. Famous athletes, like Lebron James, also promote Beats products. These types of endorsements help create the strong brand image that Beats by Dre possesses.Mission Statement“The company's mission is to provide a superior end-to-end music experience - with headphones, devices and services - so fans feel the emotion and hear the music the way artists intended it tosound from the studio.”Beats by Dre is a well-known company providing customers a variety of headphones, earphones, and sound systems. Beats promotes the idea of music being an experience with the proper audio equipment. The company sells its products at one storefront, online, and through other authorized retailers.In the future, Beats hopes to keep its strong brand image. Beats wants its customers to continue associating the company with high-quality products. Through the development of new products, Beats by Dre could also reach out to different target audiences in the future.Beats by Dre’s main customers are music lovers. This group consists of people who enjoy listening with high-quality audio, aspiring artists and producers, and people in the music business. Beats customers pay higher prices than others, but they feel that owning a Beats product sets them apart and shows their appreciation for music.In terms of capabilities, Beats by Dre can expand its reach by opening more retail stores. While the products are sold in other authorized retailers, Beats storefronts can express the company’s brand image more clearly than the other retailers.To further the business, Beats by Dre wants to incorporate two new ideas. The first idea consists of a rental service for airplane flights. The second idea offers customers the option to personalize their Beats products.SWOT AnalysisStrengthsBrand name: Named after the successful and famous, music producer, Dr. Dre. The use of Dr. Dre’s name helps create a brand image for the customer that suggests Beats products are the best for those producing music.Product quality: Beats by Dr. Dre is manufactured by the well-known brand called Monster. Monster’s cable and technologies has been proven to the consumer s, thus, Beats by Dr. Dre will be recognizing as a high performance and quality headphone. The design is innovative and fashionable.Product line: Beats product line includes headphones, earphones, speakers and audios with various models and colors to choose from.Multiple distribution channels: Beats distribution channels include online shopping, a retail store, and merchandise stores such as Best Buy.Product placement: The Beats by Dr. Dre headphone sets are marketed throughout the music industry by music professionals and well-known musicians. Also, Beats is trusted by music producers and fashion designers. Beats products have been used in several music videos for artists like Lady Gaga.The products are also loved by celebrities:WeaknessesPrice: The brand positioning is towards high-end, thus the average price for a set of headphone is about $150, compare to other brand which their average price will be around $80. As the result, the costs for the consumers will inevitably be high.Market share: For competitive brand such as Sony and Panasonic, they have different types of product for different market. For example, they have noise canceling headphones similar with Bests by Dr.Dre retailing price from $100- 300, however, they also have ordinary headphones start from $15-100. Beats currently don’t have headphones under $100 that may appeal to individuals that are on a budget.OpportunitiesProduct line extension: Beats need to extend to a larger market like home theatre experience and high-en d audios to meet customer’s needs. Similarly with the continuous progression of the Apple’s iPods, Beats should look to create new products in order to offer its customers different and newer options.Corporation with Car Company: By providing cars with high performance audio systems, Beats can reach out to a larger market.Marketing and PR: Beats can improve their PR skills by hosting evening parties with celebrities to improve brand awareness. Beats can also do more marketing campaigns to strengthen the brand impact.Expand international market: With the influence of Hip-Pop music and American celebrities, Bests is more and more well-known out of Unites States. This is a great opportunity for Beats to start promoting outside the United States and gain market share from foreign countries.ThreatsTechnology advancement: With the constant development of technology, Beats by Dre may be threatened.If there is a new type of technology that other manufactures have and Beats do not have, it will be a huge problem for them.Competition: There are several other companies that make similar products to Beats. Some companies include Sony and Senheisser. Many of these competitors have lower prices than Beats by Dre, which causes further problems. Beats will always have to compete with other companies with their similar products and lowers prices.PR with celebrities: Beats uses several celebrities and artists to promote its brand. If any of these individuals gain bad publicity, it may reflect poorly on the company. If the celebrity has a negative image within the media, customers may think that Beats by Dre accepts the bad behavior portrayed by the individual. This would affect the company’s image and possibly sales.1st IdeaSpecific ItemBeats brand has limited styles of headphones. There are two categories: earphones and headphones, simply means in-ear phones and on-ear phones. There are four different kinds of phones under the earphone category and six different kinds of phones under the headphone category. All the earphones do not require battery and some of the headphones do require battery. The phones that will be available to rent on the airplane will not be those that require battery. After considering the characteristics of all the earphones and headphones, the company should provide one kind of phone from each category to serve the rental market. We do not want to provide more choices to the customers because: 1. It takes time to introduce the characteristics of every phone 2. It just makes it hard for customers to make a choice with so many options. It makes it simpler to choose just between either earphones or headphones. Under the earphone category we will provide our customer s with “urBeats.” T he main characteristic of this earphone is its durability. The sounds are guaranteed under our brands, so to save cost for both customers and our company urBeats is the best choice. This earphone is described as “Grid-Iron Touch” on our official website and it offers customers a relatively cheap price. Under the headphone category we will provide our customers “Executive”. Beats Executive is made for travel. The headphones provide customers with very good sound quality and it is lightweight and comfortable to wear. It also helps to reduce the jet engine noise.PricingThe rental price will be based on the products original prices, and also will be based on flight hours (or in other words, how long will you use the headphones or earphones). The retail price for urBeats is $99.95 and for Beat Executive the price is $299.95. The rental price of each phone will be less than 10% of the original price to make sure customers think it is worth it to rent. The price that will be charged if the flight duration is around 6 hours (half hour is allowed)is $ 4.95 for the urBeats and $ 8.95 for Beats Executive. If the flight duration is 6.5 hours we will still charge the same price as the 6 hour flights. If the flight duration is more than 6 but less than 14 hours (far international flights) the rental price of urBeats is $ 9.95 and Beats Executive is $ 17.95. We will follow the 95 cents strategy for the rental market to make the price look less but still with 95 cents profits.AdvertisingTo advertise and introduce the new rental option for flights to customers, we will post advertisements on the official Beats website. Pamphlets will also be available within the stores where Beats are sold(eg: BestBuy). These outlets will help introduce the new rental policy“w hen you are flying with a plane.” Also there will be advertising through media like television. The ad may include a line such as “phones rental is available, check it out now!” at the end of the television commercial to give customers an impact that “Beats will rent their phones?” This will help attract customers and encourage them to get further information about the flight rental market. By contacting airport advertising departments, ads can also be placed within the airports on plasma screens. Shuttle buses will also be used by placing advertisements on the outside of the shuttle to introduce the new service to potential customers.Store DesignThe rental service will be available through different airlines. First we will collaborate with airplane companies rather than have our own store at airport. It is very expensive if we need to reach our target market. The cost of renting stores at different airports will be so expensive and will only reach a limited number of customers. Some airports have many terminals. Assume the rental store is located at terminal 3 of an airport and a customer is by terminal 1. Althoughhe/she knows that Beats has a rental service at terminal 3, he/she most likely will not go all theway to terminal 3 just for a rental phone. However, by indentifying the major airports within the United States through research, the service can also be provided within existing airport stores. This then allows customers to get the products from both the airport stores and on the planes. One purpose of the airport stores is to provide customers a way to try the products and get their feedback. Another purpose is to advertise our band. By working with airplane companies and making deals with them, the plane attendants can help reach the customers and provide our products to them.Visual MerchandisingAs mentioned above, the service will only have two products available for customers to rent during their flights. In order to present the products, pamphlets will be printed out and placed in the back of the seats on plane for customers. These pamphlets will introduce the products to the customers and help them decide whether they want to rent earphones or headphones. A POS machine will be needed during this process. Both the earphones and the headphones will have numbers on them to identify with one and another. Customers will need to use credit card for the rental service of either kind of phones; cash will not be accepted. When customers use their credit card to rent the earphones, attendants may need another device like a laptop or a similar system to record the last 4 digits of the cards with the number on the headphone together. This will make it easier when customers return the earphones to the attendants after they have arrived at their destination because we will still be able to check if there are any damages to earphones or loss of the earphones. If the earphones are lost, then we will charge the original price of the lost earphones on Beats website from the credit card, which was recorded together with the earphone’s number. If there is a damage we will check thedamage and charges will be depends on the damages. Beats will make sure to provide customers good quality earphones (clean and no damage) on flights. There will be extra or back-up earphones on each airplane to make sure the quality of the earphones is kept up to standards for each customer.2nd IdeaBeats by Dre is a new service in the market targeted at music lovers and the innovative. The Beats range of headphones is attributed to its high quality sound. Designed by one of the best music producers (Dr Dre), these headphones are intended to allow users to enjoy music as it was intended. The fact that these headphones receive the endorsement of celebrities puts them on high demand.According to Vaishali, a retail mix is a method of combining different retail variables in an alternative to achieve a high marketing strategy. The aim of this strategy is to attract more customers. Such variables include aspects such as specific items, pricing, advertising, store design and visual merchandising.A comprehensive SWOT analysis of the headphones reveals certain aspects that are important to the development of this retail mix. The headphones have a reputation. This reputation revolves around the pure sound quality that the headphones produce and popularity among young people especially college students and workplace newbies and celebrities. This builds strong sense of trust for customers. However, the price of the headphones is quite prohibitive to most individuals.One new service we are going to offer is personalization. Personalization is the process of adding words, numbers, colors, designs and other characters onto existing models of electronicproducts of Beats through engraving, embroidery, different ways of assembly or other personalization techniques. This allows customers to create exclusively designed headphones or speakers with names, dates, poems, sentiments or any other message to make it unique and memorable. The customization service would make Beats products meaningful as gifts when customers have needs to send gifts to others.Specific ItemBasically, we recommend for Beats to provide two specific personalized services, which are changing colors and engraving. When customers browse the official website of Beats, an added section called “personalization” will appear on the site to introduce features and pricing of this new service and direct customers to online shopping.One headphone has separate parts being assembled together. However, for existing headphones of Beats, every headphone body is painted with one color and customers can only select one color for one headphone. Whatever the unpopular color you choose, you are able to find the exactly same product that others are using. For those who are not necessarily professional towards music but proud of their sense of taste, they have a strong personality and the desire for specially designed product for themselves. Beats is likely to lose attention from them due to the lack of customization service and the widespread popularity among the public that makes Beats common. By customizing headphones online, people are able to create their own headphones with various colors for each part of the product and the logo on the headphone as well. Moreover, people are able to select the color of the cables that come with the headphones. There are eight basic colors available at present, which are black, red, white, dark blue, light blue, green, purple and pink. Beats can offer more colors if the personalization reaches expectation and makes profits. After designing a colorful headphone, customers aredirected to the final step to type whatever they want to be engraved on the headphones. Beats will engrave words on the body by laser, which is permanent. In order to achieve more flexible customization, three positions can be selected from to display the engraving, which are the left side, right side, and the top of the frame of the headphone.Beats also sells speakers and earphones. Considering that speakers have lower demand than headphones and earphones are too tiny to hold different colors and words on one body, we will first implement the customization service for headphones only. Then after some time we will evaluate feedback to decide on later actions.PricingPersonalized headphones would be priced higher than existing models that are available online and in-store. This is a result of complex technology for painting different colors. Additional laser engraving technology and intensive labor effort of handling the task and assembling is also needed. On the other side, the main aim of a business is to sell its product. Since the target market of Beats are music lovers from 18 to 34 years old, primarily males, who are urban, hip and tech-savvy, high prices are likely to prevent them from purchasing Beats and direct them to Beats’ competitors. The final price is based on h ow many colors the customer is selecting for the headphone. If the customer picks a light blue headphone and only changes the blue logo to red, the sales price would be lower than changing the logo’s color to red as well as changing the color of the surface on the left side to black. The pricing range is between 10% to 15% more depends on models of headphones and their original prices.The engraving feature is free since it is already an advantage compared to competitors of Beats. Hopefully this will attract a cluster of customers away from its competitors. The engraving makes Beats headphones a unique and desirable gift for oneself, for friends, and forfamily members. For the purpose of appealing to more customers, the engraving service is free at the beginning and then waits for market response. If it attracts enough customers and increases sales figures by large amounts, Beats can price the service for several dollars to make more profits.AdvertisingBeats seldom runs television commercials, so magazines that feature music and the fashion industry would be selected as the media for Beats to advertise its new services. For example, Nylon Guys, GQ, Men’s Vogue, Vibe and Billboard are good choices to display Beats advertisement. Specific samples with different colors and engraved words are needed to be showed in print ads to exhibit the sense of trend and innovation. The engraved words are designed to be moving, inspiring or creative to impress and persuade readers.Outdoor advertising is the other major media tool Beats should use. Effective channels to promote a new service for the company of electronics would be digital billboards, bus advertising, and street furniture, which can reach the public easily and are relatively long-lasting compared to other outdoor channels.Store DesignA place designed for the personalization service will be planned, of which the area is based on size of the store, within Beats’ existing stores. Upon this, the store should be situated where its targeted clients have no problem venturing. An interactive television screen on the wall will play an introduction of how to personalize the headphones and produce samples of the customized products. Two or more helpful salespersons are there to promote the new service. The retail mix has to ensure that it has enough staff to run the store and to interact with clients. Clients are fundamental in facilitating the success of the business. Catering to their needsguarantees the survival of the business in the volatile environment. Also, various types of personalized models will be exhibited in the area, and customers can make a purchase if they don't want to spend time designing by themselves. In this case, these personalized headphones are sold as ordinary headphones but with higher retailing prices. Drawing in new customers is fundamental to the success of the business. Posters featuring customization services will be shown in the door-way of the store to catch attention of passing people.Visual MerchandisingSuccessful visual merchandising has the ability to maximize sales. Various samples of headphones with distinctive designed styles will be displayed in the show window to attract attention and engage passing people. On the opposite side of the door way, a magnified model is hung from the ceiling by a string so that it can rotate around to show the product in 3-Dimensional degrees. It is creative and eye-catching to motivate people to walk in and increases the possibility of them making a purchase.In the personalization area, pictures of people’s upper body are shown on the wall, which indicates that they are enjoying the music and customized headphones are hung on the position of their ears, which makes it look like they are wearing headphones. Customers can freely take the headphones down and try them with media players.Effective marketing for the store will see its sales increase and the store achieving its objectives. As is with any business organization, the main objective is to make profits. It can achieve this through different marketing strategies among them direct marketing which involves directly reaching out to customers. Retail mixing is a profitable opportunity that allows the observation of different customers and analyzing it to maximize on profits by offering products that suit them.Conclusions & RecommendationsBeats by Dre are very high quality headphones, but the only thing that makes the customers choose other brands like Sony and Sennheiser over Beats is that Beats are very expensive. The Beats in-ear headphones start from $99.99 and the over-the-ear headphones start from $199.99, whereas Sony and Sennheiser have in-ear headphones starting from $19.99 and over-the-ear headphones starting from $39.99. Beats should make a line of headphones that are less expensive.Beats should also offer customization of headphones in terms of coloring and engraving. Currently websites such as customize these headphones according to the requirements of the customer.Another suggestion for Beats is that they should allow the customers to exchange their old beats headphones for newer models, because these headphones are so expensive, it should allow its customers to get them exchanged for an appropriate price depending on the model and the condition of their old headphones.Beats by Dre are known because of Dr. Dre. It is important that the brand has its own identity. It should be known for the quality and design of the headphones and not because Dr. Dre is associated with the brand. So, Beats should promote the brand for the high quality of sound that it provides.Also, Beats by Dre are not widely available internationally. In the United States, they are very easily available, whereas in some countries like India, they are not easily available. Because of this, people end up buying headphones from other brands like Bose and Bang and Olufsen, which are far more expensive than Beats. Also, people do not know about Beats inthese countries because they see them only in the music videos. Beats should, therefore, be promoted by the local artists, like they are promoted here in the United States.Works CitedSanburn, Josh. "How Dr. Dre Made $300 Headphones a Must-Have Accessory." TIME Business & Money. Time, Inc., 16 Jan. 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2013.</2013/01/16/how-dr-dre-made-300-headphones-a-must-have-accessory/>.AuthorStream. . 26 May 2011. 20 April 2013.</Presentation/Mirdu-1033530-retail-marketing-mix/>. D, Vaishali. Retail Mix. 24 August 2011. 20 April 2013. </?Retail-Mix&id=6516084>.Edriaan, Koening and Media Demand. Chron. n.d. 20 April 2013.</purpose-retailing-mix-17933.html>.Management Study Guide. . n.d. 20 April 2013.</marketing-mix.htm>.McGraw Hill. The World of Retailing. McGraw Hill, n.d.Martin, Andrew J. "Headphones With Swagger (and Lots of Bass)." The New York Times. The New York Times, 20 Nov. 2011. Web. 14 Apr. 2013.</2011/11/20/business/beats-headphones-expand-dr-dres-business-world.html?pagewanted=1>."CCT322Beats - Part Two - SWOT." N.p., n.d. Web. 2013.</Part Two - SWOT>.</on/></>。



美芬日芬墨芬贝斯的区别-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述:美芬、日芬、墨芬和贝斯都是极具口碑和市场影响力的品牌。











1.2 文章结构本篇文章将重点讨论美芬、日芬、墨芬和贝斯四种产品的区别。


















但是,背一罐洗发水回来,也实在是太重了……Product Evaluation产品评测26款世界顶级耳机测评各有特点文/本刊记者 李颖2016年4月,美国权威杂志Consumer Reports 综合了世界销量佳,口碑好的各大耳机品牌,由来自美国《国家检测与调查中心》的专家检测了包括松下铁三角,高斯,三星,索尼,森海塞尔, Bose, beats,JVC等19个品牌26款耳机产品。


16款头戴式耳机坊间流传“论降噪耳机,有且仅有B.O.S.E.”,这的确没错,不过综合评分方面,索尼 M D R-100ABN,三星 Level Over两款无线头戴式耳机相对Bose QC25更为出众。

此次检测,推荐购买综合评分最高的六款耳机:索尼M D R-100ABN,三星Level Over,BoseQC25,美国狄芬尼提Symphony 1Executive ,PSB Speaker M4U 2。



• 李美圣(Mr.Noel Lee)先生攻读于美国著 名学府加州理工大学电子工程专业,本人 热爱音乐、爱摆弄音响器材。在实践中他 发现用不同的线材连接音响器材会产生不 同的音效,用导电系数高及一定方法制造 出来的线材会获得优异的传输性能,从而 开创了一个崭新的行业。而人们也就懂得 了线材在整个音响系统中的重要性。“魔 声”公司经过二十多年的发展,已开发生 产了3000多种各种线材,应用于各类电子 器材特别是音响器材中。
• ● 音乐+手机=永远的最佳搭档?

音乐手机一直以来就是各大厂商的必争之地,从早期的 西门子到诺基亚,每一个时代都会有标志性的音乐手机系 列出现。并且,iPhone的成功同样是建立在本身音乐播 放器领域的优势。Beats Electronics技术团队的优势在 于对音效与调音上的经验,此前与惠普的合作已经看出了 在笔记本音箱的提升表现。而在当今3D显示、拍照的噱 头都还没有普及的情况下,主打音质是一个靠谱的道路, 毕竟有成功案例在先。
• ● 争夺年轻市场 • 根据ZDC调查结果显示,HTC手机用户中从事技术支持 /维护职业的用户比例最大,为15.7%,与苹果iPhone手 机用户职业以销售为主的状况不同。ZDC认为这跟HTC手 机注重技术、注重功能创新有直接关系。
• ZDC调研中心调查报告 • 魔声系列耳机的主要用户群在30岁以下 的年轻人,依托于Interscope GeffenA&M Records唱片公司旗下的流行艺人, 更加巩固了潮流耳机地位。Interscope Records属于环球唱片旗下,是主打前沿 流行乐坛的唱片公司,名下签约艺人114名, 包括50cent、昆西琼斯、Eminem这些大 牌。
魔声旗下附属厂牌Beats By Dr.Dre被称为 是魔声 “最时尚、潮流的一面”。其大胆用色 与时尚设计,加上名人加持,使其受到不 少年轻人的青睐。魔声耳机是主推base的, 所以喜欢hifi的发烧友可能会有所失望。



2019更值得买的T W S真无线耳机盘点记者/ 王媛媛2019年是TWS耳机(真无线耳机)行业快速崛起的一年,TWS耳机在从蓝海变成红海的过程中,我们见证了很多品牌的诞生。







优点:缺点:蓝牙版本较低,按键功能过于简单,无音量控制续航短,3个小时完全不够用,每天都要充几次电舒适度有待提高,耳撑稍稍有点硬,佩戴时需要不时调整自动开启,自动连接,开盒即连,非常便捷Apple H1芯片,链接稳定迅速,信号给力佩戴舒适,智能降噪,通话效果好不同苹果设备间可以无缝对接开放式设计,隔音效果差,嘈杂环境下使用体验差没有专业防水,只有普通防水,进水会影响使用寿命稳固性有待提高,剧烈跳跃等运动容易掉苹果AirPods 2苹果AirPods 2 算是TWS耳机的先驱,它带动了整个耳机市场的变革。

Airpods 2代是今年上半年推出的,相比于1代,2代的提升一直备受争议。



缺点:优点:特别企划音质好得没话说,狂虐99%的真无线蓝牙耳机蓝牙信号连接稳定,延迟做得也很不错佩戴稳固性高,不易脱落,有专门的APP配合使用采用先进蓝牙5.0版本,信号连接稳定带有专业IPX5级防水,佩戴稳固性高,适合运动场景坐拥专业的声学技术,音质效果非常不错森海塞尔Momentum True Wireless森海塞尔,传统HiFi耳机品牌之一,拥有悠久的历史,其产品以优越的音质在耳机市场上独树一帜。



银贝斯t1200参数1.引言1.1 概述银贝斯t1200是一款具有先进技术和卓越性能的乐器设备。

















1. 引言引言部分主要对整篇文章进行概述,包括对银贝斯t1200的简要介绍以及本文的目的和结构。

1.1 概述在此部分,将对银贝斯t1200做一个简要的介绍。



1.2 文章结构本文主要分为三个部分来进行介绍和分析。





录音师(Beats Studio)佩戴舒适感:★★★★★音质:★★★★质感:★★★★录音师作为魔声中的核心产品,有着很高的性价比.它主动降噪功能强劲,能够阻挡飞机引擎级的噪音。

使用一对 7号电池的降噪技术,阻挡噪音的同时放大音量,持续为你提供强劲音质,让佩戴者原汁原味的感受音乐之美.低频下潜深,有着强烈的轰头感,可谓是动感十足.仿佛就像拳击手的重拳打在你耳膜上一样.有力度,有深度,又有速度和弹性.它颜色靓丽,共有9种基本配色,依次为:黑,白,红,宝蓝色,玫红色,紫色,绿色,银色,橙色.并配有2根魔声专用线,一根为带麦对录线,.3.5mmDJ转接头耳机收纳包等其余配件.舒适控制音量和暂停播放.一根为不带麦的对录线.佩戴舒适而言,录音师的佩戴舒适感也是顶级的.我给他5颗星的佩戴舒适度.总而言之,戴上他,这个世界属于你.短语总结:Beats Studio 耳机缔造专业级音质,为专业人士和音乐发烧友等人而设。


Beats Studio 头戴式耳机是Beats by Dr. Dre 的标志性旗舰产品。

主动降噪功能令Studio 耳机拥有独一无二的输出和性能,戴上他,这个世界属于你.Solo hd(独奏高清)佩戴舒适感:★★音质:★★质感:★★Solo hd 其实是录音师简化版.从外观而言,它比录音师小了一圈.因此有很多新人误认为这就是录音师.它也缺少了录音师的降噪.音质上也简化了不少.个人认为,性价比不高.相比这几百块而言,还不如去买录音师.当然了,客户有他们的需求.该款的亮点是:轻便,小巧,便于出门携带.音质上虽然没有录音师那么强劲,但也可算是有点特色. 1.由于单元缩小了,低频不会有录音师那么强劲,当然解析也更清晰了.不太喜欢听低频强劲的歌曲的客户可以让他们选择这款.同样配有两根对录线,一根为带麦对录线,舒适控制音量和暂停播放.一根为不带麦的对录线.佩戴舒适度并没有录音师好.由于耳机弹性海绵缩小了,佩戴时会有相对的压迫感.它共有8种基本配色:黑色,白色,红色,宝蓝色,绿色,玫红色,天蓝色,紫色.特殊配色为官方限量版贾斯丁碧波儿的磨砂紫色.短语总结:Beats Solo hd 轻轻,便捷.PS:如果非要说解析好,我也加上吧。

Beats 单耳耳机 Solo HD 用户指南说明书

Beats 单耳耳机 Solo HD 用户指南说明书

MARQUE :BEATSREFERENCE : CASAR SOLO HDCT W V2 CODIC : 1351907Solo HD User Guide9SONNIVEAU SONORE (dB)EFFET Murmure30Très silencieux Bureau calme50-60Les niveaux sonores confortables sont inférieurs à 60 dB Aspirateur,sèche-cheveux70Intrusif ; interfère avec les conversations téléphoniques Mixeur de cuisine 85-9085 dB est le niveau auquel lesdommages auditifs (8 heures)commencentCamion de ramassage des ordures ménagères, bétonnière 100Il est recommandé de ne pass’exposer plus de 15 minutes sansprotection à des sons entre90 et 100 dBTronçonneuse, perceuse/marteau-perforateur 110Une exposition régulière à desniveaux sonores supérieurs à 100 dBpendant plus d’1 minute risqued’entraîner une perte auditivepermanenteConcert de rock (varie)110-140Le seuil de douleur commenceautour de 125 dB * T ableau provenant de /health/education/teachers/pages/common_sounds.aspxCe tableau des décibels (dB) compare des sons courants avec leurs risques potentiels de dommage auditif.“…. En général, une personne peut écouter un iPod sans problème pendant 4,6 heures par jour à 70 % du volume.”“…. il est extrêmement important de connaître les niveaux sonores et la durée d’écoute.”D’après Proftez au maximum de votre appareil et proftez d’une écoute exceptionnelle à des niveaux sûrs. Nos écouteurs vous permettent d’entendre plus de détails à des niveaux sonores plus bas que jamais.Utilisation en toute sécuritéN’utilisez pas vos écouteurs lorsque c’est dangereux,– par exemple en conduisant, en traversant la rue, lorsque vous êtes occupé à autre chose ou dans un environnement où vous devez faire attention à ce qui se passe autour de vous.Il est dangereux et même illégal, dans la plupart des cas, de conduireavec des écouteurs, car cela diminue votre capacité d’entendre les sonsà l’extérieur du véhicule, comme le klaxon d’une voiture ou les sirènes desvéhicules de secours. Évitez d’utiliser vos écouteurs lorsque vous conduisez. Utilisez plutôt un transmetteur FM pour écouter vos appareils mobiles.Apprenez à ajuster un niveau d’écoute sûr et découvrez d’autres directives de sécurité importantes de la Consumer Electronics Association sur et de la Deafness Research Foundation sur .10Lecture ou pause d’une chanson ou d’une vidéo : Appuyez sur le bouton central et relâchez. Appuyez à nouveau pour reprendre.Faites un saut avant ou arrière sur la prochaine chanson ou vidéo : Appuyez deux fois rapidement sur le bouton central pour faire un saut avant. Appuyez trois fois rapidement pour faire un saut arrière.Faites un balayage avant ou arrière dans une chanson ou une vidéo : Appuyez deux fois rapidement sur le bouton central, puis maintenez ladeuxième pression pour balayer avant. Relâchez quand vous voulez arrêterle balayage. Pour faire un balayage arrière, appuyez trois fois sur le bouton central en maintenant la troisième pression.Accepter ou terminer un appel : Appuyez une fois sur le bouton central, puis relâchez pour répondre. Répétez pour terminer l’appel.Refuser un appel entrant : Appuyez sur le bouton central et maintenez pendant deux secondes, puis relâchez. Deux bips sonores vous indiquent que l’opération a réussi.Commande vocale : Appuyez sur le bouton central et maintenez appuyé jusqu’à ce que l’activation vocale démarre. Les fonctionnalités varient selon les appareils.Contrôler le volume : Appuyez sur le bouton supérieur pour augmenterle volume. Appuyez sur le bouton inférieur pour réduire le volume. Les fonctionnalités varient selon les appareils.12。



尽管外形紧凑,Beats Pill同样可以发出澎湃的声音。 轻松享受清脆透亮的高音和深沉浑厚的低音,不论您在 哪个房间。 绝对便携 适合摆放在任何地方。Beats Pill轻巧方便,因此不会 拖慢您的脚步,而且外形足够小巧,可以轻松装入随您 出门的任何包袋。便携盒附带方便的扣环,因此您可将 其挂在背包上。 蓝牙会议 接听电话Beats Pill拥有蓝牙功能和内置麦克风,因此 可以方便地进行通话,享受前所未有的通话音质。
IM Accessory Solutions
IM Accessory Solutions
IM Accessory Solutions
IM Accessory Solutions
便携式头戴-SOLO HD高清晰版
一款时尚便携的头戴式耳机,相比SOLO有更清晰的声音度,外 观靓丽,低音强劲。
IM Accessory Solutions
IM Accessory Solutions



2、BeatsX earphones
Powerbeats3 Wireless earphones.
The perfect wireless companion. With up to 8 hours of battery life and Fast Fuel charging, these earphones let you experience authentic, clear sound throughout yrbeats Pro earphones
Built to revolutionize your workouts. With zero wires to hold you back, you’ll always have your music to
motivate you.
Fuel multiple workouts, and elevate your training with powerful, dynamic sound and up to 12 hours of battery
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About us Productions
About Us
Beats by Dr. Dre (Beats) is a leading audio brand founded in 2006 by Dr. Dre and Jimmy . Through its family of premium consumer headphones, earphones, and speakers, Beats has introduced an entirely new generation to the possibilities of premium sound entertainment. The brand’s continued success helps bring the energy, emotion, and excitement of playback in the recording studio back to the listening experience for music lovers worldwide.



Beats耳机分析报告一、概述Beats耳机是一款由美国音乐家兼制作人Dr. Dre与电商巨头苹果公司合作开发的高端耳机品牌,其音质和时尚设计备受青睐。


二、产品特点1. 高品质音效:Beats耳机采用先进的音频技术和材料,提供卓越的音质体验。


2. 时尚外观:Beats耳机以时尚的外观设计而闻名。


3. 舒适佩戴:Beats耳机注重舒适性,采用柔软的耳罩和轻便的材料,使用户能够长时间佩戴而不感到不适。


4. 无线连接:部分Beats耳机支持蓝牙无线连接,提供更便捷的使用体验。


三、市场竞争1. 市场份额:Beats耳机在高端耳机市场占据较大的市场份额,成为竞争对手难以逾越的槛。

其品牌知名度和高质量的声音表现为其竞争力之一2. 品牌影响力:Beats耳机凭借其与音乐与娱乐界名人的合作和广告宣传,建立了强大的品牌影响力。


3. 技术创新:随着科技的不断发展,市场上不断涌现出新的耳机品牌与产品。


四、未来发展趋势1. 对话音频市场的拓展:随着智能助手技术的成熟,使用耳机进行语音交互的需求不断增加。


2. 增强现实技术应用:增强现实技术在音频领域的应用前景广阔。





到1950年,Beyerdynamic推出了全球首只立体声耳机——DT48S,至60多年后的今天,耳机经历了不到百年的发展,但是影响了一大批人!包括中国很多80、90后群体,从随身听、mp3到智能机,耳机带给每个人是不同阶段的成长与感受!如今世界范围的耳机品牌非常之多,竞争也非常激烈,怎样选择一款合适的耳机?下来跟随雨打排行网一起了解下十大最受关的耳机品牌排行榜一、硕美科 G9231、人体工学设计佩戴舒适弹性圆弧皮头带和半包封闭式设计能够适应不同的头形,佩戴牢固舒适;耳机头梁内外侧都有皮革材料包裹,能有效减轻头部负担2、简约大气凸现科技感造型简约大气,在酷黑当中点缀着醒目的红,凸显强烈科技感,在稳重的设计中加入一抹红色质感出众,而且经典的外形设计曲线流畅、弧度优美3、优质耳套效果更明显采用优质皮耳套,触感舒适、密封性好,确保低音效果;佩戴轻便舒适,头带可拉伸调节,佩戴时轻松调试,即可达到人体最舒适的角度二、BEATS Tour1、由格莱美获奖者Dr.Dre音频专家团队共同研制,利用先进的微型扬声器扬声器设计和动力隔离技术隔绝了噪音,以专利的FluxTube磁路驱动特制合金线圈配合下,实现高性能的声音表现,能够传递更高清晰度的音乐2、耳机线部分特别采用了duraflex的耐用线新专利技术,多层螺旋包裹结构实现超级耐用且手感佳,解决线身缠绕等问题3、专有的驱动程序技术加以Beats的线材连接形成Beats专有音效系统,让每首音乐都带着强劲有力低音和疯狂的感觉,给您新的音乐体验4、集成ControlTalk线控和MIC,您不仅能享受如Beats by Dr. Dre Tour一样美妙的聆听体验,您还可以享受其内置的方便使用的魔声ControlTalk(通话控制),ControlTalk为您提供位于耳机线上的控制设置来控制音乐播放,以及进行高品质免提通话5、完美兼容苹果等系列产品,可以便捷地对音乐播放进行控制,如音量、播放/暂停以及音轨追踪,此外高品质的麦克风和隔噪的耳机令您和通话方能够更加清晰地听到彼此三、AKG K4201、经典外形设计,哑光的塑料外壳质感出色,美观而不惹眼,蓝灰色的配色低调内敛,气质十足2、轻量化设计重量仅105克,可折叠的头梁和可翻转的耳罩在不用时能有效减小耳机体积,方便您携带外出3、采用40毫米发音单元、32欧姆阻抗和125分贝灵敏度让您用MP3和音乐手机可以轻松推动,开放式的设计令声音表现更加自然4、可调节的头梁和做工精细的海绵耳机垫圈为您带来舒适的佩戴感,避免长时间佩戴造成的夹耳朵的不适感5、耳机标配收纳包,当您将耳机折叠后可轻松放入收纳包中,有效保护携带状态下的耳机四、拜亚动力 DT2351、改进版的轻巧型封闭式耳机,具有更宽广的频率响应范围,提供自然、纯净的声音表现2、舒适的天鹅绒耳机衬垫保证长时间使用也无不适感3、单边接线让你有更大的活动空间4、声音特点低音有力、中高频平衡、音色自然长柄硬麦设计灵敏度高,极大保证用户通话交流的质量;可160°曲轴旋转结构紧凑,专为语音聊天、麦霸以及游戏发烧人士设计5、音质更强劲内置40mm高保真扬声器,能够产生浑厚低音效果,高规格硬件配置,音质表现更为保真、强劲五、森海塞尔 CX200 STREET II1、创新的方便手指调整的外形让佩戴更轻松、更舒适(附带不同尺码的耳垫)2、强力、低音驱动的立体声,很高的被动式环境噪声阻抑3、为MP3播放器、iPod、iPhone、CD播放器和便携游戏机优化设计,对称(等长)的耳机线六、歌德 SR80i1、SR80i最为突出的就是其较易驱动的特性,在1000元左右的耳机中是为数不多的不使用耳机放大器就能发出相当不错声音的产品2、SR80i加强了细节和低频表现,优化了线圈的线材,使得SR80的声场更加开放,进入真正的HiFi级殿堂3、在保持了应有的解析力的前提下,SR80i的声音唯美、圆润,音色温暖耐听,低频力度极其强悍,就犹如美国粗旷的牛仔一样七、舒尔 SE2151、SE215隔音耳机是一款入门级舒尔SE耳机,采用动圈式驱动单元,声音细节表现细腻饱满、低音强劲2、耳机借助柔软弹性耳塞套消除多达90%的背景噪音,无论您是在舞台上、火车里、或是正在街头或健身,都能专注于您的音乐,同时您可以调低音量保护听力3、配有耐用的Kevlar加强型线缆易于更换和定制,可塑形线材套件可确保佩戴稳固,绕耳式设计可固定线缆4、镀金MMCX接口配有锁扣装置,可以360度旋转佩戴舒适。





我们来看看Beats Solo3 Wireless耳机。


它采用了最新的Apple W1芯片,可以轻松地连接到苹果设备上,同时也支持其他蓝牙设备。


Beats Solo3 Wireless耳机还具有舒适的耳罩和耳带,可以长时间戴着而不感到不适。

我们来看看Beats Studio3 Wireless耳机。

这款耳机是一款高端耳机,采用了最新的Pure Adaptive Noise Cancelling技术,可以在不同环境中提供出色的噪音消除效果。

它还采用了Apple W1芯片,可以提供高质量的音质和无缝的无线连接。

Beats Studio3 Wireless耳机的电池寿命长达22小时,可以提供长时间的音乐播放,而快速充电功能只需10分钟即可提供3小时的播放时间。


第三,我们来看看Beats Powerbeats Pro耳机。




Beats Powerbeats Pro耳机还具有防水和防汗功能,可以在运动时使用而不必担心受到损坏。





beatsstudio2说明书Beats Studio2说明书第一部分:产品概述Beats Studio2是一款高品质的无线耳机,旨在为用户提供卓越的音频体验。


Beats Studio2具有出色的音质和强大的噪音消除功能,使您能够沉浸在音乐的世界中,无论您身在何处。

第二部分:产品特点1. 高品质音质:Beats Studio2采用先进的声学技术,提供清晰、逼真的音质表现。


2. 强大的噪音消除功能:Beats Studio2配备了先进的主动噪音消除技术,能够有效地屏蔽外界噪音的干扰,让您沉浸在纯净的音乐环境中。


3. 轻便舒适的设计:Beats Studio2采用轻巧的设计,携带方便。


4. 长时间续航:Beats Studio2内置高容量的电池,支持长达20小时的续航时间。


5. 便捷的操作控制:Beats Studio2耳机上配备了一系列简洁易用的控制按钮,让您可以方便地调节音量、切换歌曲、接听电话等,提供更便捷的操作体验。

第三部分:产品细节1. 蓝牙连接:Beats Studio2支持蓝牙4.0版本,可以与各种蓝牙设备快速、稳定地连接,无需繁琐的配对步骤。

2. 环绕音效:Beats Studio2采用先进的环绕音效技术,让您身临其境地感受音乐的魅力。


3. 内置麦克风:Beats Studio2内置高质量的麦克风,支持高清通话,让您在通话过程中声音清晰、无干扰。

4. 可折叠设计:Beats Studio2可折叠设计,方便携带。

蜂鸟电子Beats Studio3无线头戴器使用说明说明书

蜂鸟电子Beats Studio3无线头戴器使用说明说明书

Turn your headphones on or offPress and hold the power button for 1 second.Set up and use your Studio Wireless headphonesLearn how to connect, charge, and use your Studio Wireless headphones with your devices.33Pair your headphonesIf you turn your headphones on and the indicator light turns on but doesn't flash, yourheadphones are already paired with a device. In that case, follow the steps to connect to a different device.Pair with an iPhone that uses iOS 11 or later1. On your iPhone, go to Settings > Bluetooth and make sure that Bluetooth is turned on.2. Press the power button on your headphones for 1 second.3. Hold your headphones within 2 inches of your unlocked iPhone. After a few seconds,your iPhone asks you to connect.4. Follow the instructions on your iPhone.Pair with your Mac or another device that uses Bluetooth1. Press the power button on your headphones for 5 seconds. When the five Fuel Gaugelights flash, your headphones are discoverable.2. Go to the Bluetooth settings on your device. For example, on your Mac, choose Apple( ) menu > System Preferences, then click Bluetooth. Make sure that Bluetooth is turned on.3. Select your headphones from the list of discovered Bluetooth devices.Your headphones automatically pair with your other devices that are signed in to iCloud and using iOS 11 or later, macOS Sierra or later, or watchOS 3 or later.Connect to a different Apple deviceYour headphones automatically reconnect to the last device you used with them. To connect to another device, follow these steps.Connect your headphones to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch1. Go to Settings > Bluetooth.2. Tap the name of your headphones in the list.Connect to other devices1. Go to the Bluetooth settings on your device. For example, on your Mac, click theBluetooth icon in the menu bar.2. Select your headphones from the list of Bluetooth devices. If you don't see yourheadphones in the list, press and hold the power button on your headphones for 5seconds.Charge your headphonesPlug your headphones into a power source using the included micro USB cable. As theheadphones charge, the five Fuel Gauge lights flash. When your headphones are fullycharged, all five lights remain lit.Your headphones provide up to 22 hours of playback from 90 minutes of charging, and up to40 hours when you turn off Pure ANC. And with Fast Fuel, your headphones provide up to 3hours of playback from a 10-minute charge.Check how much charge your headphones haveTo check the battery level, make sure your headphones are turned on, then tap the power button on your headphones and watch the five Fuel Gauge lights on the right earcup.Use your headphonesLearn how to play music, change the volume, use Siri, answer calls, and cancel noise.PlayUse the b button on the left earcup, or use the center button on the RemoteTalk cable in wired mode.To pause or play a track, press once.To skip to the next track, press twice. To skip backward, press three times.To scan forward through a track, press twice and hold on the second press. To scanbackward through a track, press three times and hold on the third press.Change the volumeTo control the playback volume or call volume, use the volume buttons above and below theb button on the left earcup. Or you can use the volume buttons on the RemoteTalk cable.Answer callsUse the b button on the left earcup, or use the center button on the RemoteTalk cable.To answer or end a call, press once.To answer a second incoming call and put the first call on hold, press once. When two calls are active, this switches between calls.To reject an incoming call, press and hold for 1 second.To stop listening through your headphones and send the call to the phone, press twice.Ask SiriTo activate Siri on your iOS device or the voice-command feature on another device, use theb button on the left earcup or use the center button on the RemoteTalk cable. Press and holduntil you hear a chime, then say what you need.Siri features might vary by country or region.Turn Pure ANC on or offPure ANC turns on each time you turn on your Beats Studio Wireless, reducing external noise3during playback. To turn Pure ANC on or off, double-press the power button while yourheadphones are connected to your device.UpdateIf you pair your headphones with an iPhone that uses iOS 11 or later, your headphones automatically update to the latest firmware.If your headphones aren't paired with an iPhone that uses iOS 11 or later, you can use the Beats firmware updater.Learn moreRead about Pure ANC (Pure Adaptive Noise Cancelation).Was this helpful?。



购买了一个耳机,型号为:Beats Studio 3 Wireless。








最后要提到的是,Beats Studio 3 Wireless耳机的蓝牙连接功能也
非常不错,采用了苹果AirPods和Beats Solo连接技术,完全可以实现

总之,这款Beats Studio 3 Wireless耳机是一款非常耐用且性价比

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IM Accessory Solutions
IM Accessory Solutions
挂耳式耳机 –双动力 Powerbeats 代 版
勒布朗的最爱,特殊挂耳设计,防止运动脱落。双单元 驱动,带来充沛动力 1. 专为运动员设计。 柔软的耳塞夹确保Powerbeats耳机牢牢固定在耳朵上,无论您 的运动有多激烈。防汗材料以及各种大小耳塞套确保您时刻感到 舒适。 2. 更清澈的声音,更浑厚的低音。
IM Accessory Solutions
全覆盖式耳机-混音师 Mixr
著名DJ David Guetta操刀设计,集轻盈坚固于一体。可 旋转耳罩方便监听
1.专业级音质。 可以让聚会上的每个人听到。Beats Mixr系列DJ头戴式耳机可以 在超高音量情况下输出极为浑厚的低音。适合专业DJ为派对暖场 2. 专为DJ打造。 旋转式耳杯可以旋转到耳后,然后再旋转回原位,以实现完全的 隔音效果。采用双头输入和菊链接头,因此很方便就能将您在聆 听的内容与他人分享。 3. 异常坚固。 Beats Mixr头戴式耳机旨在应对DJ工作的严苛条件,这意味着耳 机的外壳必须足够柔软,同时又需要足够坚固以便承受DJ的高负 荷使用。超软头带同样采用超轻材质制成,方便折叠打包,以便 随DJ飞赴下一个地点。
Powerbeats耳机是唯一一款在每个耳塞内部含有两个扬声器的 Beats by Dr. Dre耳塞产品。这意味着您可以获得清脆透亮的高 音和清晰浑厚的低音。
3. 安全第一。 Powerbeats耳机采用特别设计,可以在任何情况下发出清晰的 低音,同时保留环境噪音,确保您在路上跑步时的安全。 4. 遥控耳机线。 您可以通过耳机线调节音乐或者寻找喜欢的歌曲。无需在锻炼时 掏出MP3播放器。
IM Accessory Solutions
IM Accessory Solutions
入耳式耳机- urBeats
1.高光涂层,时尚靓丽 2.耳机可折叠,轻巧便携 3.更高清晰度,聆听更多细节 4.集成线控和麦克,可支持手机通话
IM Accessory Solutions
白色: D70A019
绿色:以防止意外震动和恼人噪音 干扰您的聆听体验。 不论是将urBeats精心收纳,还是随手扔进包里,您都无需 担心耳机受到损坏或者磨损。
4. 5.
可在播放音乐和接听电话之间轻松切换。无需摘下耳机,或 者像对讲机那样使用手机。 不论您如何仔细地卷绕,耳机线和口袋似乎就是一对冤家。 因此我们重新设计了线缆,确保其超级柔软,同时不会缠结 。
IM Accessory Solutions
IM Accessory Solutions
便携式头戴-SOLO HD高清晰版
一款时尚便携的头戴式耳机,相比SOLO有更清晰的声音度,外 观靓丽,低音强劲。
尽管外形紧凑,Beats Pill同样可以发出澎湃的声音。 轻松享受清脆透亮的高音和深沉浑厚的低音,不论您在 哪个房间。 绝对便携 适合摆放在任何地方。Beats Pill轻巧方便,因此不会 拖慢您的脚步,而且外形足够小巧,可以轻松装入随您 出门的任何包袋。便携盒附带方便的扣环,因此您可将 其挂在背包上。 蓝牙会议 接听电话Beats Pill拥有蓝牙功能和内置麦克风,因此 可以方便地进行通话,享受前所未有的通话音质。
1. 自带独立功放,数码产品轻松推动 2. 主动降噪,隔绝噪音影响 3. 音质出彩,低音出众而不突兀 4. 经典时尚的外形设计 5. 集成线控麦克风
6. 长达20小时的可充电电池。带自动开关功能及 清晰易懂的电量计
7. 新款线条更为流畅,采用简洁的弧线和光滑的 表面,而且看不到任何螺丝。在原款耳机的基 础上减少了13%的重量,并为其配备了更轻、 更坚固、更舒适的头带。
IM Accessory Solutions
IM Accessory Solutions
IM Accessory Solutions
创办于2008年,作为传奇艺人和制作人Dr. Dre以及Interscope Geffen A&M Records唱片 公司董事长Jimmy Iovine的心血结晶,Beats是 一个全球领先的优质音响产品品牌,誓为消费者 加强他们生活中的音响体验。 它也是一系列BeatsTM by Dr. Dre™高质量 耳机、Beats Audio™高清音响系统以及MOG数 码音乐服务的母公司。 公司的使命是为乐迷提供卓越、就如身处录 音室听音乐的音乐体验。公司也透过与其他知名 品牌如惠普、克赖斯勒集团及HTC手机的合作伙 伴关系,帮助提升此音乐体验。

尽管尺寸小巧,Beatbox Portable扬声器将清 脆激昂的高音和深沉浑厚的低音送到家中的每 个角落。它还是无线的,因而无需为线缆烦恼 。 改变手机上播放的歌曲。 当然也可以是你的笔记本电脑,或者30米范围 内任何开启蓝牙功能的设备。Beatbox Portable支持SBC、APT-X以及AAC蓝牙协议 ,这意味着您总能获得远超大多数蓝牙设备的 高品质声音。 绝对便携。 如果您有电源插座或6节“D”电池,您就可以 摆放在任何地方。握住把手,带着走吧。
IM Accessory Solutions
IM Accessory Solutions
全覆盖式耳机- 新录音师 New Studio
全世界最著名的头戴式耳机经过重新设计,以全新 形象亮相。新款更轻盈、更性感、更舒适,同时拥 有精确的声音、主动式降噪、20小时可充电电池以 及RemoteTalk™等先进功能。
IM Accessory Solutions
蓝牙无线头戴式耳机- SOLO HD Wireless
在Solo HD基础上整合了蓝牙功能,方便快捷,是出行的 最佳选择
1.高光涂层,时尚靓丽 2.耳机可折叠,轻巧便携 3.使用超精度的钛涂层驱动单元 4. 支持无线蓝牙,可以和手机,电脑等轻松进行无 线蓝牙连接。 5.赠送连接线,以备紧急之需
IM Accessory Solutions
IM Accessory Solutions
全覆盖式耳机-行政执行官 Executive
Beats针对商务人士推出的产品,无论是会议 室,还是喧嚣的飞机上,主动降噪功能让你轻 松享受音乐
IM Accessory Solutions
全覆盖式耳机-录音师专业版 Pro 版
录音师的专业版本,Beats旗舰级产品,音质出色,适合音质 发烧友及专业人士
1. Beats旗舰耳机 2. 轻巧的铝合金机体,轻巧耐用,金属结构不引 起共鸣及其他干扰 3. 专利的双组输入/输出电缆端口 4. 专利的声音驱动技术及设计,提供绝佳音质 5. 提供录音室级监听 ,超精准的频率响应,是录 音,混音及播放的利器
IM Accessory Solutions
粉色: D70A006
IM Accessory Solutions
轻巧的便携式扬声器,派对随你而行。Beats Pill无线扬声器支持 无线和蓝牙功能,因此您可以播放连接设备上的音乐或者接听电 话。Beats Pill扬声器外形小巧,可以直接放在手心,却可以带来 令人惊叹的澎湃声音。 小身材,大声音。
Pro New Studio
IM Accessory Solutions
Beats 产品定位