



六年级语文上册第二单元测试题(A卷)一、读音和字形完全对的一组是()(2分)A 端详(xiánɡ)分享欧州恶劣B 刚劲(jìn)避免沮丧索绕C 藐视(miǎo)轰动先驱{}艰巨D 篇章(piān)堪测抚养凄凉答案:读音和字形完全对的一组是(C)二、读拼音在横线上写汉字,组成词语。


(4分)参考答案1.写颜色:绿油油金灿灿;2.写神情:喜滋滋笑眯眯; 3.写滋味:酸溜溜辣乎乎4.写外形:胖乎乎圆嘟嘟。



(6分)参考答案:1.古代人物:大禹、李白、王安石、商鞅; 2.现代英雄:雷锋、孔繁森、焦裕禄、袁隆平; 3.神话故事:女娲补天、精卫填海、夸父追日、愚公移山; 4.传统节日:端午节、春节、中秋节、重阳节五、给下面词语中红色的字选择最恰当的解释。

(4分)1.施工()A 给予B 施舍C 施行D 在物体上加某种东西2.复苏()A 重复B 转过去或转回来C 恢复D 再,又 3.寝不安席()A 安定B 平安C 安装D 存着,怀着4.百折不回()A 弯曲B 弄断C 损失D 折叠1.施工(C)2.复苏(D)3.寝不安席(A)4.百折不回(A)六、选词填空。











7.(3 分)综合展示厅

着破裂的颤声。 一个鸟巢.(cáo cháo)
从高高的树端掉下来,在地上滚了几滚,散.(sàn s

6.(3 分)按要求写句子。







1.What kind of movie will the speakers watch?A.An action movie.B.A comedy.2.What is the matter with the man?A.He tied in a wrong way.B.He is not fit to wear a tie.3.What do we know about the woman?A.She is not hungry.B.She doesn’t like bread.A.He’s sure to pass the test.B.He also thinks the test difficult.5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.A job position.B.A sales engineer.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。




6.What relation is the woman to Dr Carlton?B.His wife.C.His student.7.What will the man do next?A.Book a flight.B.Make an appointment.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。



部编版八年级语文上册第二单元测试卷A卷及答案一.选择题(每题3分,共15分)1.下列词语中,加粗字的注音全都正确的一项是( ).(3分)A.停滞(zhì)气量(liáng)琐屑(suǒ)蓬头垢面(gòu)B.束缚(fú)愚钝(dùn)溺爱(nì)襟怀坦白(jīn)C.幽默(yōu)禁锢(gù)犀利(xī)一望无垠(yín)D.黝黯(yǒu)儒学(rú)竹楣(méi)虎头燕颔(hán)2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是( ).(3分)A.广漠器宇翻来覆去郁郁寡欢B.凄残酒肆无可置疑孤苦伶仃C.宽恕尴尬黯然失色家徒四璧D.奥秘生疏粗制滥造习以为长3.下面的词语,从词性上分类正确的一项是( )(3分)①传播②治理③脸庞④推测⑤酒肆⑥慰勉⑦愚钝⑧宽阔⑨窒息⑩懒惰A.①②⑤/③⑥⑦⑧/④⑨⑩B.③⑤/①②④⑥⑨/⑦⑧⑩C.①③⑤⑦/②④⑥⑧/⑨⑩D.①②⑤⑥⑨/③⑦⑧/④⑩4.下列句子中,加粗词语使用恰当的一项是( ).(3分)A.美国总统特朗普已明确表示,将继续实行美国对北约和跨大西洋盟友关系的承诺.B.家风是一个家庭或家族长期以来形成并传播的道德操守和处世方法.C.作为中国人,我们既要有文化自信,不妄自菲薄;又要有全球视野,不盲目乐观.D.峰会之后,全国各地的游客趋之若鹜,纷纷前往南山路观赏火树银花的世界.5.下列说法不正确的一项是( ).(3分)A.《藤野先生》主要记叙了鲁迅在日本留学时的一段经历,主要赞扬了他的一腔爱国之情.B.《回忆我的母亲》是朱德写的一篇回忆性文章,描写了中国传统社会中一位既普通又伟大的母亲.C.《列夫·托尔斯泰》一文中作者对托尔斯泰的外貌描写,除了运用夸张外,还运用了大量的比喻,有的句子是夸张和比喻连用,将托尔斯泰的形貌与深邃的内心世界极为形象地展示在读者面前.D.《美丽的颜色》记述了居里夫妇提取镭元素的工作情景,全文以"极端的艰苦"与"极大的快乐"贯穿始终,表现了居里夫人热爱科学.痴迷于科学.献身于科学的伟大精神.二.阅读下文,回答问题.(20分)回望钱学森卞毓方①一次,是在中科院一位朋友的办公室.我去时,朋友在欣赏一卷《钱学森手稿》.这一套手稿,分两卷,五百多页,是从钱学森早期的手稿中遴选出来的.我拿过来翻了翻,与其说是手稿,不如说是艺术品.无论是中文.英文,大字.小字,计算.图表,都工工整整,一丝不苟,连一个小小的等号,也长短有度,中规中矩.钱学森的手稿令我想到王羲之的《兰亭集序》.张择端的《清明上河图》,进而想到他的唯美人格.如是我闻:在美国期间,钱学森仅仅为了解决一道薄壳变形的难题,研究的手稿就累积了厚厚一大摞,在工作进展到五百多页时,他自我感觉是:"不满意!"直到八百多页时,他才长舒一口气.他把手稿装进牛皮纸信封,在外面标明"最后定稿",继而觉得不妥,又在旁边添上一句:"在科学上没有最后!"②对我来说,印象最为深刻的,是他如下的几句老实话.回顾学生时代,钱学森明白无误地告诉人们:"我在北京师大附中读书时算是好学生,但每次考试也就是八十多分;我考取上海交大,并不是第一名,而是第三名;在美国的博士口试成绩也不是第一等,而是第二等."八十多分,第三名,第二等,这哪里像公众心目中的天才学子!然而,事实就是事实,钱学森没有避讳,倒是轮到世人惊讶,因为他们已习惯了把大师的从前和卓越.优异画等号.③钱学森的天才是不容置疑的.麻省理工的学子对他佩服不已.有一回,钱学森正在黑板上解一道十分冗长的算式,有个学生问了另一个与此题目无关但也十分困难的问题,钱学森起初不予理会,继续在黑板上写算式."光是能在脑袋中装进那么多东西,就已经够惊人了,"一位叫作哈维格的学生回忆,"但是更令我们惊叹的是,他转过身来,把另一个复杂问题的答案同时也解答出来!他怎么能够一边在黑板上计算一个冗长算式,而同时又解决另一同样繁复的问题,真是令我大惑不解!"④天才绝对出自勤奋.钱学森在加州理工的一位犹太籍的校友回忆:"一个假日的一大早,我在学校赶功课,以为整栋楼里只有我一个人,所以把留声机开得特别响.乐曲进入高潮时,有人猛力敲我的墙壁.原来我打扰到钱学森了.后来他送我最新论文,算是对曾经向我大吼大叫表示歉意."⑤关于归国后的钱学森,这里补充一个细节.你注意过钱学森的履历表吗?他先担任国防部五院院长,然后改任副院长.这事不合常规,怎么官越做越小?难道犯了什么错误?不是的.原来,钱学森出任院长时,只有45岁,年富力强,正是干事业的好时光.但是院长这职务是一把手,什么都得管.钱学森不想把精力耗费在这些琐事上,就主动打报告,辞去院长职务,降为副院长.这种胸怀与情操,很少有人能与之匹敌.⑥钱学森有着十分粗犷而任性的另一面.他当年的学生们回忆,他上课总要迟到几分钟,正当大家猜测他今天是否会缺席时,他快速冲进教室,二话不说,抓起粉笔就在黑板上写开了,直到用细小而工整的字迹填满所有的黑板为止.有一次,一个学生举手说:"第二面黑板上的第三个方程式,我看不懂."钱学森不予理睬.另一个学生忍不住问:"怎么,你不回答他的问题吗?"钱学森硬邦邦地说:"他只是在叙述一个事实,不是提出问题."又有一次,一个学生问钱学森:"你刚才提供的方法是否万无一失?"钱学森冷冷地瞪了他一眼,说:"只有笨蛋才需要万无一失的方法."期末考试,钱学森出的题目极难,全班差不多都吃了零蛋.学生有意见,找上级的教授告状.钱学森对此回答:"我又不是教幼儿园!这是研究所!"⑦还有更加不近人情的描述:钱学森在校园中是个神秘人物.除了上课,教师和学生都只偶尔在古根海姆大楼跟他擦肩而过.他总是把自己关在研究室里,学生跑去请教问题,他随便一句"看来没问题嘛",就把他们打发走.有时他完全封闭自己,不论谁去敲门,哪怕是事先约好的,他也会大吼一声:"滚开!"⑧以上细节,恐怕都是真实的.大师就是大师,无一例外充满个性色彩.这样的大师也更加令人喜爱.1.这篇传记从哪些方面介绍了钱学森?请分条概括.(5分)2.按要求完成以下两个小题.(5分)(1)"朋友在欣赏一卷《钱学森手稿》"一句中,作者为什么使用"欣赏"这个词语?(2)请从描写的角度赏析第⑥段中画线的句子.3.钱学森回国后曾担任国防部五院院长,后来却主动请求辞去院长职务,担任副院长,原因是什么?这表现了他怎样的品质?(5分)4.文章第②段写道:"对我来说,印象最为深刻的,是他如下的几句老实话."谈谈你从文中钱学森的那几句"老实话"中获得了什么启示.(5分)三.根据提示填空.(10分)1.__________,志在千里.烈士暮年,__________.2.__________,终岁常端正.3.八方各异气,__________.4.__________,闲暇辄相思.5.默写《登幽州台歌》作者:__________四.阅读下面一篇文章,回答问题.(15分)远行的童年记忆①又是麦浪翻滚时,遥望金色的麦田,麦客撞开了我渐行渐远的童年记忆的大门.②天刚刚有些微弱的光亮,那些头顶草帽.手持镰刀.挑着简单行囊的麦客便侯鸟似的穿梭在乡村的道路上了.布鞋的吧嗒声带着一路风尘,随着麦香的气息惊扰了乡村的美梦.天大亮时,村子中心的磨盘前巴聚集了好多麦客.男人头戴草帽,女人脖子上搭条毛巾.他们衣着简朴,操着生硬的外地口音,有父子兄弟,也有夫妻相随,看起来都很壮实.有雇主过来了,他们便簇拥上前,谈好价钱的人跟着走了,剩下的人则继续等待.③村子地处川道,家家户户都有七八亩地,人口多的甚至上十亩.一响太阳两阵风,麦子瞬间成熟.若不及时收割,一场风雨就有可能让一年的收成打了水漂.家家户户都很心急,男女老少齐上阵,忙不过来的人家便去请麦客.父亲在煤矿上工作,不能回来,奶奶便张罗着叫麦客帮忙.经过一番比较,特会算计的奶奶相中了一对夫妻,每亩价格比别人少两元钱.奶奶说,女人割麦没有男人快,可是心细,两亩地少四元钱,划算.④母亲把夫妻俩带到地头,指出地界就去忙了,只留下我照看.天很热,男人和女人捋下袖子和裤腿,全副武装,弓着腰,低着头,飞快地挥,舞着镰刀.男人在前边开道,边割边做捆绳;女人紧跟其后,边割边捆.随着有节奏的唰唰声响,麦子便一排排倒在脚踝前,用脚一勾.镰一挟,便成一抱麦子,三缠两绕后干净利索地绑出一个半人高的大麦捆来.躲在地头树下乘凉的我,只能看到两个猫着腰的背影在麦田里掘土机似的前进.在他们身后,湿气尚未散尽的新鲜麦茬如海岸线般不断延长.田野里没有一丝风,太阳越来越高.刺眼的阳光如麦芒般扎到人身上,火辣辣的,疼得难受.蝉也不叫了,不知躲到哪儿乘凉去了.虽然他们一个戴着草帽,一个头顶毛巾,但后背的衣服却湿透了一层又一层,割麦的速度也明显慢了下来.⑤奶奶颠着小脚到地里送水来了.看着地里麦茬很低,麦穗拾得干净,奶奶露出了满意的笑容,招呼他们到地头吃馍喝水.当男人摇着草帽扇风,女人扯下头上的毛巾擦汗时,我发现,原本眉清目秀的两个人,此时脸上黑一道儿白一溜儿,衣服上也爬满了麦芒和灰尘.⑥"婶子,你家的麦穗又大又长,颗粒饱满,估计亩产能上八百斤."男人的话让奶奶眉开眼笑.⑦"都是老天爷帮忙,风调雨顺,麦子才长得这么好."奶奶说.⑧女人顺着奶奶的话头说:"这么大的地,这么好的麦子,够你们家吃几年呢,可比我们山里强多了."⑨原来男人和女人来自深山人家.山大沟深地薄,田地少,多种玉米少有麦子.每到收麦时,他们便出山当麦客,挣个生计.⑩午饭,奶奶给做的凉面,按照男人的要求送到地里.吃完饭,麦客夫妻俩继续割麦.中午的太阳最毒,但麦杆更脆更易割.于是,金色的麦海在麦客挥舞的镰刀下不断地后退着.临近黄昏,整整两亩麦子全被割完.⑪夜风扫去了一天的燥热,满天星斗点亮了夜空.村子中心的磨盘旁,结算完工钱的麦客们聚集于此休息.男人们袒着晒得黝黑的胸脯,有的磨镰刀,有的吸早烟,有的倚靠着麦秸堆打起响亮的鼾声来.女人们又恢复了爱热闹的天性,你一言我一语地拉起了家常.很快,这些技术过硬.勤劳肯干的麦客又要追着麦子成熟的气息,奔走在一个又一个乡村.⑫当现代机械碾碎麦客的足迹,当镰刀成为陈列在展馆的纪念物时,有多少人还能记得麦客这个行当?而我存留于童年的麦客记忆,也已经蒙满灰尘,远行四十年了.(有删改)(1)请简要概括这对麦客夫妻的人物形象.(3分)(2)请简要分析选文第④段中加线句子的表达作用.(3分)(3)选文第⑧段女人的话,表现了她怎样的情感?(3分)(4)选文第⑨段的作用是什么?(3分)(5)选文表达了作者怎样的思想感情?(3分)五.仿写:要求句式一致,内容连贯.(5分)若要有明亮的眼睛,请多看到别人的长处;若要有姣好的面容,请多展露真诚的微笑;__________,__________;若要有宽广的胸怀,请多接纳别人的忠言.六.阅读下面文字,根据要求完成相关题目.(5分)日前,腾讯推出"成长守护平台"微信公众号,家长绑定孩子的QQ号及微信号,即可查看孩子的游戏时间.消费记录,甚至还可以设置禁止一些游戏.如果孩子不听话,家长还可以一键禁止所有游戏.某班对此开展了一次综合性学习活动——"我看‘成长守护平台’",请你参加讨论并简要陈述看法.七.生活中,总有些人或物牵动着我们的心,让我们时常想念.请以"想念"为话题,自拟题目,写一篇作文,不少于600字.(50分)答案以及解析一.选择题1.答案:C解析:A.气量liàng;B.束缚fù;D.虎头燕颔hàn2.答案:A解析:B.残—惨;C.璧—壁;D.长—常3.答案:B解析:①动词;②动词;③名词;④动词;⑤名词;⑥动词;⑦形容词;⑧形容词;⑨动词;⑩形容词.4.答案:C5.答案:A解析:赞杨了藤野先生的正直热忱.严谨治学和博大胸怀,抒发了作者对藤野先生的怀念之情.二.答案:1.严谨认真.永不满足的治学精神;实事求是的态度;不容置疑的才能;勤奋的特点;淡泊名利的胸怀与情操;粗犷而任性的个性.2.(1)作者认为《钱学森手稿》可以被称为艺术品了,使用"欣赏"这个词语表达了他对钱学森一丝不苟的治学精神的赞叹.(2)这句话运用动作描写,"冲""抓""写"三个动作充分体现了钱学森粗犷而任性的一面.3.他想有更多的时间从事科研工作.这表现了他对科学事业的热爱以及淡泊名利的精神品质.4.①学生时代的学习成绩并不能说明一个人将来能否成才;②伟人也是人,不必为尊者讳,更不必把伟人神化;③诚实是一个人最可贵的品质.解析:1.本题考查概括内容的能力.概括内容的前提是对文章内容有准确的理解,对文章的写作思路有清晰的判断.在此基础上还应注意两点:①尽可能用原文中的词语作归纳,尽可能用原文中的重要词语组织答案,可以防止归纳得不准确;②防止要点遗漏,要点遗漏,答案便不完整,防止的方法就是对相关文字作层次分析.文章第①段写了钱学森严谨认真.永不满足的治学精神;第②段写了他实事求是的态度;第③段写了他不容置疑的才能;第④段写了他勤奋的特点;第⑤段写了他淡泊名利的胸怀与情操;第⑥段写了他粗犷而任性的个性.据此作答即可.2.题(1)考查品析词语的表达效果的能力.答题时,可以结合语境,从"欣赏"一词的基本含义入手,理解此处"欣赏"的对象,由此分析人物精神.作者情感.题(2)考查赏析句子的能力.答题时,可以根据题干提示,确定赏析的角度——人物描写;再抓住句中的动作描写进行分析,由此把握人物的性格特点.3.本题考查筛选信息.概括人物品质的能力.第一问,可以先找出答题的范围——第⑤段,抓住"这事不合常规,怎么官越做越小?难道犯了什么错误",由此从下文中筛选.提取重要信息即可.第二问,基于上述的分析,扣住"这种胸怀与情操,很少有人能与之匹敌"概括即可.4.本题考查阐述感悟启示的能力.答题时,只要是从文中钱学森的那几句话中得出的合理启示,都是符合要求的.三.答案:1.老骥伏枥; 壮心不已; 2.冰霜正惨凄; 3.千里殊风雨; 4.农务各自归; 5.陈子昂前不见古人,后不见来者.念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下!解析:易错字:"骥""枥""殊""怆".四.答案:(1)生活俭朴.善良厚道.勤劳肯干.技术过硬.(2)运用了比喻的修辞手法和环境描写,生动形象地写出了天气的炎热,衬托出麦客夫妻在烈日下劳作的艰辛.(3)表现了女人对奶奶家丰收的称赞和羡慕之情.(4)第⑨段属于插叙,交代麦客夫妻出来当麦客的原因.(5)表达了对麦客品质的赞美和对远去的童年生活的怀恋.解析:(1)本题考查概括人物形象的能力.对人物形象的分析,主要通过人物的言行.事迹,获得对人物的身份.性格特征.思想倾向,道德品质等方面的准确认识.注意梳理文中写麦客夫妻的相关情节:一是奶奶相中一对夫妻,他们每亩地比别人少收两元;二是夫妻二人配合默契,干活干净利落;三是夫妻二人和奶奶的对话;四是男人让奶奶送午饭到地里,趁着中午麦秆容易割,顶着烈日干活;五是黄昏时刻,他们收割完整整两亩麦子.从这些情节中概括出关键词作答即可.文中第⑪段"技术过硬""勤劳背干"等词语也可以用在答案中. (2)本题考查赏析文章语言之炼句的能力.先要指出本句运用的写作手法,然后结合文章内容进行具体阐释,最后再分析其表达效果.(3)本题考查把握人物情感的能力.所谓"言为心声",文章中人物的语言可以鲜明地展示人物的性格,生动地表现人物的思想感情,深刻地反映人物的内心世界.从第⑧段中两个"这么"可以感受到女人的称赞与羡慕之情.(4)本题考查分析重点语段的作用的能力.答题时要注意从内容和结构两个方面进行分析.首先,明确第⑨段所写的内容:交代麦客夫妻出来当麦客的原因.从叙述的顺序上来说,前两段写"女人"与奶奶的对话,本段不是事件的延续,而是插叙的内容.(5)本题考查分析作者的思想感情的能力.答案一定要紧扣文章主旨.文章开头以对童年的回忆引入,结尾又以童年的麦客记忆收束,作者一方面是想赞美劳动人民的勤劳善良,另一方面又表达了对远去的童年生活的怀恋.五.答案:示例:若要有聪明的头脑,请多学习别人的优点六.答案:示例一:反对(或不需要)"成长守护平台"."成长守护平台"实际上是监视学生玩游戏,对孩子不信任.家长要与孩子多沟通,培养他们的自制力,而不是"一键禁止".示例二:赞成(或需要)"成长守护平台".中小学生缺乏自觉性,容易沉迷网络,需要外力严格约束."成长守护平台"解决了家长的后顾之忧,真正守护着孩子的成长.七.答案:[优秀例文]想念的味道从日出到日落,从睡梦到清醒,心中的想念早已泛滥.哥哥,我无时无刻不在想念你.想念你的笑容,想念你曾给予我的温暖.那种温暖就像我生命中的春天,使我心花怒放,使我努力向前.可是你已经不在我身边,我唯有想念你,才能享受到莫名的快乐,可是想念的味道又是多么苦涩!当我再次踏入家门时,已没有了你迎接时的笑容,因为你正在另一个城市为论文而奋笔疾书;当我再次把电视节目切换到《喜羊羊与灰太狼》的时候,耳旁已没有了你耐心的规劝,因为你正在另一个城市为工作到处奔波.于是我每天都在想念你,想念你的笑容与话语.每当我想念你时,一种酸楚的感觉不断涌来,那种苦涩的味道回荡在心田.想念的味道,好苦.每当我坐在电脑前痴狂一般上网时,你总会用各种办法把我赶下电脑桌,然后叫我去写已经堆成山的作业,而现在即使我在电脑前玩一天一夜,也不会再有人像你那样督促我了.当我因不满客人而耍脾气时,你总会在我的背后狠狠地捶一下,可是现在任我对客人如陌生人一样冰冷时,身边陪伴我的也只有空气.如今你远在他乡,为自己的未来而奋斗.可我却依然想念你对我的严肃与批评.心里酸酸的,真是别有一番滋味在心头呀,想念的味道,好酸.还记得那年冬天,我突然发高烧,爸爸妈妈不在家,最后是你顶着刺骨的寒风为我买来了退烧药.还记得那次逛街,过马路时突然有一辆加速行驶的车开过来.你马上跑过来推开我,幸亏车及时刹住.但你推开我时的画面仍时时浮现在我的脑海中.我想念你,想念你对我的关心与呵护.每当我回忆起这些温馨的画面时,心里总会有甜甜的感动.想念的味道,好甜.我愿把我想念的美好藏在心里,品尝想念的味道,尽管有苦.有酸.有甜.但是,对哥哥的想念已成为我心中永恒的财富,将激励我永远向前.[点评]本文从味觉的角度拟题构思,结合具体事例写出了想念的三种味道——苦.酸.甜,让人耳目一新.全文以"想念的味道"为线索贯穿始终,首尾呼应,使得行文思路清晰,结构完整.小作者在描写每一种想念的味道时,分别选取了两件日常小事,点点滴滴都体现了哥哥对自己的关心和爱护,突出了主题.解析:[写作指导]本次写作训练是话题作文.首先要围绕话题"想念"明确写作对象,可以是一个让你牵挂的人,也可以是一件你曾经拥有的物品,然后选择一两件典型的事例进行具体生动的描述,来表明让你想念的原因,进而突出主题.写人,可以写自己熟悉的.亲近的,而现在不在自己身边的家人.同学或朋友,想想有哪些事最能体现让你想念的原因,在生活.学习.做人等方面他们给过你怎样的教益或影响;写物,可以写你曾经拥有过的,有着特殊意义的一个玩具.一件衣服.一本书,甚至是承载着你童年快乐的故乡.老屋等,要写出该物的来历.特征,它在你的成长过程中对你有着怎样的意义,等等.组织材料时,一定要有一条线索贯穿始终,使得文章有条理.。



班级学号姓名__________________________◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆装◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆订◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆线◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ 部编版六年级上册语文 第二单元综合测试卷A (满分 100分 测试时间 90分钟) 书写正确、整洁、美观4分,书写一般2分,书写有待提高0—1分一、用“ √ ”给加点的字选择正确的读音。

(6分) 1. 在这子弹(d àn t án)纷飞的战场,他还有兴致弹(d àn t án) 奏曲子,很让人感动。

2.在柜子里,只(zh ǐ zh ī)有这样 一 只(zh ǐ zhī)绣花鞋,别的什么也没有。

3.他轻轻地转(zhuǎn zhu àn) 动开关,拿出了部队转(zhu ǎn zhuàn) 移路线图。


(8分)gu àn chu ānzh ào yàow ěi zhu āngy ǐn b ì b ào zh à m àn y án hu ì b ào xu ān g ào 三、给加点字选择正确的解释。

(填序号)(4分) 典:①标准,法则;②典故;③典礼;④主持。


( ) 2.开国大典的每一声炮响后,全场就响起一阵雷鸣般的掌声。

( ) 融:①融化;②融合,调和;③流通。


( )4.广场上的人们热爱领袖的心情融成一阵热烈的欢呼。


(6分)近义词:惊叹—— ( ) 浑浊—— ( ) 屹立—— ( )反义词:汇集—— ( ) 微弱—— ( ) 朦胧—— ( )五、照样子,写词语。

(6分)热乎乎(ABB 式 ) 横七竖八(含数字)一碧千里(描写“绿”)六、按要求写句子。



“部编”小学上册语文第二单元测验卷(有答案)考试时间:80分钟(总分:110)A卷一、综合题(共计100题)1. 放学后,我和朋友们一起去____(kē)田里捉知了。

答案:科2. 拼音填字:每当夜晚来临,月亮升起,星星也(______)(xiàn) 露出它们的笑脸。

3. 我们的班级有____个同学。

答案:三十4. 宇宙中有多少种元素?A. 100B. 118C. 200D. 数千5. 造句:她的房间里有__________书,__________玩具都整齐地摆放着。

6. 在可见光谱中,哪个颜色的光波最短?A. 红色B. 橙色C. 蓝色D. 紫色7. 妈妈给我讲了一个____故事。

答案:有趣的8. 我们要保持良好的____。

答案:习惯9. 我们要爱护____,不让它受污染。

答案:环境10. 清晨的公园里,_______伴随着鸟鸣,十分宁静。

(答案:露水)11. 我们应该_______,尊重每一个人的意见和选择。

(答案:包容)12. 每当我感到疲惫,就会去_______,恢复精力。

(答案:休息)13. 今天的课程内容非常____。

答案:丰富14. 书包里有我的____和书本。

答案:文具15. 小朋友们在课间____。

答案:玩耍16. 阅读理解填空题:小朋友们在寒假里一起_______,做手工,增进了彼此的友谊。

17. 我们应该多做____。

答案:运动18. 老师告诉我们,保持____(xīn)态度是成功的关键。

答案:心19. 我们一起去____动物园吧!答案:参观20. 宇宙的边界在哪里?A. 无限远B. 有明确边界C. 尚未确定D. 随时间变化21. 宇宙的温度在什么情况下会升高?A. 大爆炸后B. 微生物出现C. 行星形成D. 星星爆炸22. 月球的表面为什么有很多陨石坑?A. 因为没有大气层保护B. 它很小C. 它的引力强D. 有人居住过23. 下列哪个不是行星?A. 土星B. 火星C. 冥王星D. 太阳24. 长安古意,_______千年一瞬。













A.①④③②⑤⑥B.⑥①④⑤②③C.①④⑤②③⑥D.⑥①④③②⑤4.下列说法不正确的一项是( )。






第二单元测试卷答案(A卷)一、选择题1. A2. C3. B4. D5. A二、填空题1. 根据题目所给的语境,正确填写单词:environment2. 根据语法规则,应填写动词的过去式:visited3. 根据句子结构,应填写形容词的最高级:most beautiful4. 根据上下文,应填写名词的复数形式:photos5. 根据固定搭配,应填写:in the future三、阅读理解1. 根据文章第一段,答案为:C2. 根据文章第二段,答案为:A3. 根据文章第三段,答案为:D4. 根据文章第四段,答案为:B5. 根据文章最后一段,答案为:C四、完形填空1. 根据上下文,应填入:which2. 根据句子结构,应填入:had3. 根据语境,应填入:impressed4. 根据固定搭配,应填入:influenced5. 根据文章内容,应填入:success五、翻译题1. 将下列句子翻译成英文:我们计划下个月去北京旅游。

(答案:We plan to travel to Beijing next month.)2. 将下列句子翻译成中文:The book is so interesting that I can't put it down.(答案:这本书非常有趣,我放不下它。











(3分)p_____ p_____b_____蓬.松浮萍.哺.育_____y x_____ q_____水源.嗅.觉腔.调2.给多音字选择正确读音。

(填序号)(4分)①xuán ②xuàn(1)旋风()旋转()①sā②sǎ(2)撒种() 撒手()①zāng②zàng(3)心脏() 脏话()①zhēng②zhèng(4)正好() 正月()3.辨字组词。


(12分)líng mǐn pāxiàtuózhòngjīhuìgèxìng xiōng měng5.写出加点词语的近义词。

(6分)(1)它屏息凝视..,一连就是几个钟头,非把老鼠等出来不可!( )(2)它什么都怕,总想藏起来。


( )(3)在那广阔..的沙漠中,生活着许多骆驼。

( )(4)我们要保护..黄河,我们的母亲河。

( )(5)猫的性格很古怪..。

( )(6)青蛙是游泳专家..。

( )6.按要求写句子。

(4分)(1)要想取得好成绩,不刻苦学习怎么行?(改为陈述句)________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ (2)路边的笼子里有一只可爱的小猫。

(缩句)________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ (3)叔叔语重心长的话打动了我。



小学上册英语第二单元测验卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.When I was younger, my favorite toy was a ________ (玩具名). I played with it every day until it broke. Then, I felt very ________ (形容词).2.I can ________ my toys.3. A substance that donates electrons is called a ______ agent.4. A __________ is a mixture of liquids that do not mix well.5.Many countries have _______ that connect them.6.The chemical formula for ammonium chloride is _______.7. A __________ is a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land masses.8.The ________ (城市景观) changes over time.9.Did you ever see a _______ (小老鼠) in your house?10. A __________ is a natural elevation of the Earth's surface.11. A __________ is a geological structure formed by erosion.12.The _____ (拼图) is colorful and fun.13.World War II ended in _______. (1945年)14.The ______ is a key part of the food chain.15.The _______ (海龟) swims in the ocean.16.What do we call the frozen form of water?A. IceB. SnowC. SteamD. Rain答案: A17.The coffee is too ___. (strong)18.I want to ________ (inspire) others.19.The ________ (event) promotes creativity.20.The kitten is ______ on my lap. (sitting)21.What do we use to keep our food cold?A. OvenB. StoveC. RefrigeratorD. Microwave答案: C22.The girl is very ________.23.The _____ (花瓶) holds flowers.24. A frog's color helps it hide from ______ (捕食者).25. A strong electrolyte dissociates completely in ______.26.How many wheels does a car have?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5答案:C 427. A __________ is a famous city for its festivals.28.My __________ (玩具名) is a great __________ (名词) for my imagination.29.The sun helps flowers to ______ (开放).30.I like _______ (与人交谈) in different languages.31.My cousin is very __________ (幽默的) and funny.32.In a saturated solution, the solute cannot _____ any further at a specific temperature.33.My friend is a _____ (摄影师) who has a gallery.34.The ancient Greeks believed in the importance of ________ (教育).35.What do you call the person who teaches in a school?A. PrincipalB. TeacherC. StudentD. Parent答案: B36.__________ are essential for plant growth.37.My mom is my caring _______ who always supports me.38.What do you call the distance around a circle?A. DiameterB. RadiusC. CircumferenceD. Area答案: C39.__________ are used in pharmaceuticals for their healing properties.40.Can you ___ (help) me?41.The chemical formula for copper(II) sulfate is ______.42.The Earth's crust is made up of many different ______ types.43.The flowers are very ___. (pretty, ugly, big)44. A plant’s _____ (生命周期) includes germination, growth, and reproduction.45.What do you call a place where books are kept?A. LibraryB. MuseumC. TheaterD. Gym答案: A46.What is the name of the city where the Statue of Liberty is located?A. Washington D.C.B. New York CityC. Los AngelesD. Chicago答案: B47.The beach is _______ (非常漂亮)。



小学上册英语第二单元测验卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do we call the area of land that is always wet?A. DesertB. MarshC. GrasslandD. Forest答案:B.Marsh2.Certain plants can ______ (生存) in low-nutrient soils.3. A _____ (小鸟) builds a nest.4.The Great Fire of London occurred in the year _______.5.I enjoy ______ (与同学一起) studying together.6.The _______ (Suez Canal) connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea.7.The _____ (computer/tablet) is useful.8.The bee pollinates _______ (植物) to help them grow.9.She is making a ___. (sandwich)10.The study of how landscapes evolve is part of ______ science.11.What is the capital city of Russia?A. MoscowB. St. PetersburgC. KazanD. Novosibirsk答案: A12.An endothermic process absorbs ______.13.Which animal has a pouch for carrying its young?A. KangarooB. ElephantC. BearD. Lion答案:A14.We need to _______ (珍惜) our resources.15.Gardening can also provide an opportunity for mindfulness and ______. (园艺还可以提供正念和放松的机会。



小学上册英语第二单元真题试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.We have a ______ (丰富的) variety of activities at school.2.The chemical symbol for copper is _______.3.The chocolate is ___ (melted).4.The _____ of the moon affects the ocean tides.5.The music is _______ and cheerful.6.The _______ of an object can be tested by measuring its inertia.7.I like to _______ (visit) historical sites.8.The fire is _______ (crackling) in the fireplace.9.What is the main source of light during the day?A. MoonB. StarsC. SunD. Fire答案:C10.The _____ (kiwi) is a fruit.11.My dad teaches me how to ________ (骑自行车) in the park. I feel very ________ (开心).12.The pelican has a big _______ (嘴巴).13.My favorite ________ (机器人) toy can talk and dance.14.__________ are used to make plastics and synthetic materials.15. A ______ (观赏植物) can beautify any space.16.Which animal can live both in water and on land?A. FishB. ReptileC. AmphibianD. Bird答案:C17.He is a mechanic, ______ (他是一名机械师), who fixes cars.18.What do we call a group of elephants?A. HerdB. PackC. TroopD. Gaggle答案: A19.I enjoy _____ (fishing/hunting) in the summer.20.My brother is a great ________.21.I saw a _______ (小皮卡丘) in the park.22.古代的________ (records) 帮助我们理解人类的发展。



小学上册英语第二单元全练全测(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1 A snail moves very ______.2 What is the process of changing from a caterpillar to a butterfly called?A. BreedingB. BloomingC. MetamorphosisD. Germination答案:C. Metamorphosis3 Understanding the role of plants in the ecosystem can promote better ______ practices. (了解植物在生态系统中的作用可以促进更好的保护实践。

)4 What do you call a young walrus?A. CalfB. PupC. KitD. Fawn答案:A5 The ice cream truck is ______ (coming) down the street.6 The ______ (根) anchor the plant in the ground.7 What do we call a story that is made up?A. Non-fictionB. BiographyC. FictionD. History答案:C8 The gecko can climb walls due to its _________ (脚).9 What do you call a person who studies plants?A. BotanistB. ZoologistC. ChemistD. Geologist10 How many sides does a hexagon have?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8答案:B11 Sound waves can be classified as longitudinal or ______.12 The capital of the Philippines is ________.13 My grandmother makes the best __________. (蛋糕)14 A ______ (海豹) can dive deep into the ocean.15 The stars are ______ tonight. (bright)16 Animals that live in the Arctic are adapted to ______ weather.17 The rabbit hops in the _________. (草地)18 What is the main language spoken in the USA?A. SpanishC. EnglishD. German19 What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?A. GoldB. IronC. DiamondD. Silver答案: C20 The ________ (imagination) is powerful.21 What is the capital of the Netherlands?a. Amsterdamb. Rotterdamc. The Hagued. Utrecht答案:a22 What do we call the process of turning a liquid into a gas?A. MeltingB. FreezingC. EvaporationD. Condensation23 The hedgehog curls into a _________. (球)24 We made a ________ house for birds.25 A solid has a definite _______ and volume.26 What is the name of the plant that grows in deserts?B. CactusC. RoseD. Oak答案: B27 What is the name of the famous artist known for his "The Creation of Adam"?A. MichelangeloB. Leonardo da VinciC. RaphaelD. Titian答案: A28 A concentrated solution has a high ratio of solute to _______.29 The tree is _______.30 A _______ is an important part of the ecosystem.31 The teacher encourages _____ (团队合作) in class.32 What is the name of the famous chocolate brand known for its bars?A. Hershey'sB. CadburyC. LindtD. Mars答案:A33 landfill) is where waste is buried. The ____34 Which planet has the highest mountain?A. VenusB. MarsD. Jupiter35 What do we call the process of buying and selling goods?A. TradeB. CommerceC. BusinessD. Economy答案: B36 A sunflower turns towards the __________ (阳光).37 The movement of tectonic plates can create ______ such as mountains and valleys.38 The ______ (花香) of roses is delightful.39 I have a toy _______ that can swim in water.40 We attend ________ (school) every day.41 What is the opposite of "day"?A. MorningB. AfternoonC. NightD. Evening答案: C42 My favorite TV show is ________ (喜剧).43 The Earth's surface is influenced by both human and ______ factors.44 The ________ (城市) skyline is impressive.45 The chemical symbol for silver is ______.46 What do you call the natural satellite that orbits Earth?A. StarC. MoonD. Comet答案:C47 Many fruits come from flowering ________ (植物).48 What is the process of changing from a liquid to a gas called?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. SublimationD. Melting答案: A49 The capital of Lesotho is __________.50 Certain plants can ______ (改善土壤质量).51 What is the name of the famous river in Egypt?A. NileB. AmazonC. MississippiD. Yangtze答案:A52 My favorite animal is a _____. (dolphin)53 What is the color of a typical fire truck?A. BlueB. YellowC. RedD. White54 What do you call the person who studies stars?A. ScientistB. AstronomerC. BiologistD. Geologist答案:B55 What do you call the process of water turning into vapor?A. FreezingB. MeltingC. EvaporationD. Condensation56 Many stars are born in stellar _______.57 The chemical process of respiration converts glucose into ______.58 The ________ likes to hide under rocks.59 I want to ______ (explore) new places.60 An element's atomic mass is the total number of ______.61 A _______ (小燕子) builds its nest under the roof.62 I see a ___ in the sky. (plane)63 Did you see a _______ (小蜜蜂) working in the garden?64 A ______ (青蛙) can be found in ponds and marshes.65 The discovery of America is attributed to ________ (哥伦布).66 The chemical formula for calcium hydroxide is _____.67 The _______ (鲸鱼) sings beautiful songs.68 My mom loves to __________ (参加) family gatherings.69 A reaction can be classified as endothermic if it absorbs ______.70 Whenever we face challenges, we support each other. If I have a problem, I know I can always talk to ______. They give the best advice and always cheer me up.71 I usually drink ________ with my lunch.72 What is the name of the famous volcano in Italy?A. Mount FujiB. Mount VesuviusC. Mount St. HelensD. Mount Kilimanjaro答案: B. Mount Vesuvius73 A ____ is known for its adorable appearance and playful nature.74 Rabbits dig _______ (洞) in the ground.75 We have ________ (家庭作业) to do tonight.76 What do you call a person who travels into space?A. AstronautB. PilotC. EngineerD. Scientist答案: A. Astronaut77 The chemical symbol for argon is ______.78 What do you call a story that is made up?A. FictionB. Non-fictionC. BiographyD. History答案: A79 Do you like ______ (猫) or ______ (狗) more?80 A hydrocarbon consists only of hydrogen and ______.81 What do we call the time when leaves fall from trees?A. WinterB. SpringC. SummerD. Fall82 A ______ (植物的生产) can support community needs.83 She is ___ her lunch. (eating)84 She is _______ (listening) to music.85 What is the name of the famous artist known for his surrealist paintings?A. Salvador DalíB. Pablo PicassoC. Vincent van GoghD. Claude Monet86 The atomic number of an element tells you the number of _____ it has.87 A solution with a pH greater than is called a ______.88 We go ______ (购物) for groceries every week.89 What do you call a machine used to measure temperature?A. BarometerB. ThermometerC. AltimeterD. Hygrometer答案:B90 Insects have ______ legs.91 My dad loves to go fishing at the ____ (lake).92 My cat has a favorite _______ (玩具).93 What is the term for a large body of saltwater?A. RiverB. SeaC. OceanD. Lake答案:C94 We have a ______ (丰富的) program for students.95 The koala eats _________ (桉树) leaves.96 Oxidation is a reaction involving the loss of _____.97 At school, I have many friends. We often play __________ together during recess. My best friend is __________. We enjoy __________ and __________ after school.98 小猩猩) is very intelligent. The ___99 The __________ (密西西比河) played a crucial role in American history.100 My mom enjoys __________ (参加) family gatherings.。




一、(选择题)总分:30分(1分/题)1、What is the name of the famous ancient structure in Egypt?A, The ColosseumB, The Great WallC, The PyramidsD, The Acropolis2、What do you use to write?A, ScissorsB, PencilC, RulerD, Eraser3、What is the English translation of "兄弟"?A, BrotherB, SisterC, CousinD, Friend4、What does "亚洲象" mean in English?A, African elephantB, Asian elephantC, Indian elephantD, Mammoth5、The flowers are blooming in spring. What season is it?A, WinterB, SummerC, FallD, Spring6、Which part of the plant is often green and flat?中文解释:植物的哪个部分通常是绿色而扁平的?A, LeafB, StemC, Root7、单项选择。

8、Which word means "to take care of someone"? A, NeglectB, CareC, IgnoreD, Abandon9、Which type of environment do cacti thrive in?中文解释:仙人掌适合哪种环境?A, WetB, ColdC, Dry10、What is the main ingredient in pancakes? A, FlourB, SugarC, ButterD, Eggs11、What is the English word for "镜子"?A, WindowB, MirrorC, GlassD, Lens12、Which one is a type of tree?A, OakB, FlowerC, Grass13、What is the most common pet in the world?A, DogB, CatC, Fish14、Which part of the plant produces flowers?中文解释:植物的哪个部分产生花?A, RootsB, StemC, Leaves15、What is the English word for "发型"?A, HairstyleB, HaircutC, HairdoD, Both A and C16、What do we call a plant that is not native to an area?中文解释:我们称不属于某个地区的植物为?A, Invasive speciesB, Native speciesC, Endemic species17、What do we call the outer layer of bark on a tree?我们称树的树皮外层为?A, Outer barkB, Inner barkC, CambiumD, Heartwood18、What does "植物资源管理" mean in English?A, Plant resource managementB, Agricultural managementC, Environmental managementD, Ecological management19、What is the name of the exercise that strengthens the heart? A, Strength trainingB, Aerobic exerciseC, Flexibility trainingD, Balance training20、What is the best way to prevent getting sick?A, Wash handsB, Eat junk foodC, Skip exerciseD, Stay indoors二、(听力题)总分:50分(1分/题)1、听力填空题:He ___ (not/like) wearing a tie.2、听力填空题:We ___ (go) to the farmers' market tomorrow.3、听力填空题:The wind ___ (blow) through the trees.4、听力填空题:He ___ (play) in the band.5、What do you call a small, bright light in the sky at night?A, StarB, PlanetC, MoonD, Comet6、What is the name of the holiday celebrated on July 4th in the USA? A, ThanksgivingB, Independence DayC, Memorial DayD, Labor Day7、听力填空题:We ___ (watch) TV last night.8、What is the opposite of light?A, BrightB, DarkC, ClearD, Heavy9、听力填空题:She ___ (not/see) her friends after school.10、What do you call the place where you live?A, HouseB, TreeC, CarD, School11、听力默写填空:A _____ (lion) is strong.12、听力填空题:She ___ (not/see) her teacher last week.13、听力填空题:He ___ (not/want) to play outside.14、听力填空题:We ___ (celebrate) New Year’s Eve together.15、What is the name of the famous artist known for painting the Mona Lisa? A, Van GoghB, PicassoC, Da VinciD, Michelangelo16、What is a baby cat called?A, PuppyB, KittenC, CubD, Foal17、听力填空题:I ___ (visit) my friend this weekend.18、What is the name of the chemical element with the symbol O?A, OxygenB, HydrogenC, CarbonD, Nitrogen19、听力填空题:She ___ (not/eat) meat.20、What do you use to write on paper?A, BrushB, PencilC, ForkD, Spoon三、(填空题\连线题)总分:30分(1分/题)1、填空题:A ________ (海龟) migrates over long distances.2、填空题:The ________ (蓝鸟) is often seen in trees.3、填空题:The ______ (植物保护意识) is essential for advocacy.4、填空题:The ________ (刺猬) rolls into a ball for protection.5、填空题:The ______ (生态系统评估) can guide management.6、填空题:The ______ (土壤功能) is crucial for ecosystems.7、填空题:A ________ (花栗鼠) is often seen in urban areas.8、填空题:A ______ (植物适应能力研究) informs breeding.9、填空题:The ________ (狼) is a skilled hunter.10、We _____ to the park every weekend.A, goB, goesC, goneD, going。



小学上册英语第二单元测验试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the weather phenomenon characterized by strong winds and rain?A. DroughtB. HurricaneC. EarthquakeD. Flood答案: B2.________ (种植) requires patience and care.3.We are going to ___ a carnival. (visit)4.My favorite hobby is ________ (摄影) because I love capturing special moments.5.Kinetic energy is the energy of ______.6.What is the name of the famous superhero who is also a billionaire?A. BatmanB. Iron ManC. Wonder WomanD. Captain America答案:B7.My aunt lives _____ the city. (near)8.I love to watch videos about _________ (玩具) on the internet.9.I think that sharing experiences can strengthen our __________.10.The __________ (社会责任感) drives positive change.11.The ____ lounges in the sun and enjoys the warmth.12.Which unit is used to measure temperature?A. MeterB. LiterC. CelsiusD. Gram答案: C13. A ________ (植物观察笔记) records findings.14.The _______ (小豹) is very fast when it hunts.15.My mom is a __________ (职业导师).16.The rabbit hops very ___ (quickly).17.We are making ______ (friends) at school.18.Which month has Halloween?A. JanuaryB. FebruaryC. OctoberD. December答案: C19.The clouds are _____ in the sky. (floating)20. A ________ is very colorful and pretty.21. A _____ (frond) is a leaf of a fern.22.The clock is ________ on the wall.23.He is my good _____ (伙伴).24.In _____ (印度尼西亚), you can find many islands.25.Listen and number.听录音排序。



小学上册英语第二单元全练全测(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The _____ (草地) is green.2.My teacher teaches us . (我的老师教我们。

)3.The invention of electricity transformed ________ (科技).4.My brother has a _____ of marbles. (bag)5.The ancient Greeks competed in athletic contests at the ________.6.I can ______ (为未来做准备) with education.7.I have a ______ of new crayons. (box)8.ers open up at _____ (早晨). Some flo9. A chemical reaction can produce a gas, heat, or ______.10.Every evening, I help my parents ______ (做家务). It teaches me to be responsible and ______ (勤劳).11.Mount Everest is located in the ________ (喜马拉雅山).12.The ancient Greeks engaged in ________ to promote harmony.13.The ice is ___. (slippery)14.________ (植物生态监测) provides critical data.15.Ancient Greece is famous for its __________ (哲学家).16.peak) of a mountain is its highest point. The ____17.The ancient civilization of Greece is known for its _______. (哲学)18.What is the value of 2^3 (2 cubed)?A. 4B. 6C. 8D. 10答案:C19.The reaction of vinegar and baking soda produces ______.20.I have _____ (two) pets.21.The stars are ___ (shining) brightly tonight.22.What is the capital of Iceland?A. ReykjavikB. OsloC. HelsinkiD. Stockholm答案: A23.The ______ is a skilled sculptor.24. A __________ (无机化合物) does not primarily contain carbon.25.Listen “√”or “x”.(听录音,打钩或者画叉)26.What is the name of the large body of saltwater?A. LakeB. RiverC. OceanD. Pond答案:C27.The War of was fought between the USA and ________.28.Solutions can be concentrated or ______.29. A dolphin communicates using ________________ (声音).30.Which of these is a classic children's book?A. Moby DickB. The Great GatsbyC. Charlotte's WebD. War and Peace答案:C31.What is the capital of Thailand?A. BangkokB. PhuketC. Chiang MaiD. Pattaya答案:A32.My ________ (玩具名称) is an astronaut toy.33.The __________ is a vast grassland area in Africa. (草原)34.In a physical change, the substance's _____ does not change.35. A ferret's playful nature makes it a popular ________________ (宠物).36.The gazelle can leap very _________ (远).37. A barracuda is a fast and fierce ______ (鱼).38.What do we call the time of day when the sun rises?A. MorningB. EveningC. NightD. Afternoon答案:A39.The _____ can have many moons orbiting it.40.The __________ affects climate and weather patterns.41.The ______ (果树) produces apples in autumn.42.I see a ___ at the store. (toy)43.The flowers are ________ (五颜六色).44.The ancient civilization of ________ is known for its mathematical innovations.45.What is the name of the famous American civil rights leader known for his "I Havea Dream" speech?A. Malcolm XB. Martin Luther King Jr.C. Nelson MandelaD. Rosa Parks答案: B46.The cat is very ___ (playful) today.47. A __________ is a mixture that can be separated by centrifugation.48.The _____ (ball) is bouncing.49.Read and colour.(读一读,涂色。



小学上册英语第二单元测验卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A solution that contains a small amount of solute is called ______.2.These are some examples of _____ (本土植物) in our area.3.I can make unique creations with my ________ (玩具名称).4.My dad _____ the car every Saturday. (washes)5.I feel excited when I go to ________.6.The ______ (种植者) enjoys gardening.7.I like to help out in my ______ (社区) by volunteering at local events. It feels goodto give back.8.The density of water is _______ grams per cubic centimeter.9.I want to _____ (go/stay) home.10.My friend is __________ (非常有帮助).11.The __________ was a major conflict in the history of the United States. (越南战争)12._____ (秋天) changes the colors of leaves.13.The _____ (小鸟) builds a nest high in the branches.14.What do you call a person who studies the environment?A. EcologistB. BiologistC. ChemistD. Geologist答案: A15.I want to ________ (understand) the lesson.16.What do we call the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution?A. Bill of RightsB. Declaration of IndependenceC. Articles of ConfederationD. Preamble答案:A17. A ______ has a very keen eyesight.18.The seal claps its flippers when ______ (开心).19.The cookies are ___. (fresh)20.Which animal says "meow"?A. DogB. CatC. CowD. Bird答案:B Cat21. A sound wave is a type of ______ wave.22.My sister is an ______. She draws beautiful pictures.23.The reactant that is completely used up in a reaction is the _____.24.Fossils are found in ______ rocks, which form from layers of sediment.25.选择合适的选项,补全对话。



2024年01版小学英语第二单元测验试卷考试时间:90分钟(总分:140)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 填空题:I feel ______ when I read books.2. 听力题:Many minerals are essential for __________.3. 听力题:A chemical reaction can produce _____ and esters.4. 填空题:I enjoy making _______ (手工艺品). It lets me be _______ (形容词) and creative.5. 选择题:What is the shape of a stop sign?A. CircleB. TriangleC. SquareD. Octagon6. 听力题:I want to learn how to ______ (skate) on ice.7. 填空题:The butterfly flaps its wings ______ (优雅).8. 选择题:What is the freezing point of water?A. 0 degrees CelsiusB. 100 degrees CelsiusC. 50 degrees CelsiusD. 25 degrees CelsiusMy friend loves to create __________ (艺术品) at home.10. 听力题:The minerals found in rocks can determine their ______.11. re of plants can also enhance your connection to ______.(照顾植物可以增强你与自然的联系。

) 填空题:Taking p12. 听力题:The _____ (sky/ground) is clear.13. 选择题:How many bones are there in the human body?A. 206B. 215C. 195D. 25014. 选择题:What do you call the process of making bread?A. BakingB. BoilingC. FryingD. Grilling15. 听力题:My uncle is a skilled ____ (blacksmith).16. 填空题:My brother is my best _______ (我哥哥是我最好的_______).17. 填空题:My sister is a passionate __________ (科学爱好者).18. 听力题:A rock that forms when minerals crystallize from a solution is called an ______ rock.19. 填空题:The _____ (灌溉) method can affect crop yields.20. 填空题:________ (植物保护协会) works for conservation.A rabbit has long _____ and big ears.22. 选择题:What do we call the outer layer of the Earth?A. CoreB. MantleC. CrustD. Inner core答案:C23. public engagement) encourages participation in decision-making. 填空题:The ____24. 填空题:My cousin is a __________ (摄影师) and takes beautiful photos.25. 听力题:We will go ______ to see the fireworks. (out)26. 选择题:What is the largest animal in the ocean?A. SharkB. DolphinC. WhaleD. Octopus答案:C27. 填空题:The ant has a strong _______ (合作) ability.28. 听力题:A __________ is a famous site for camping.29. 听力题:The ______ is known for her research in science.30. 听力题:The _____ (运动员) practices hard.31. 填空题:I like to play dress-up with my toy ____. (玩具名称)32. 听力题:The boiling point of water is _______ degrees Celsius.Combustion is a chemical reaction that produces _______. (热和光)34. 选择题:What is the capital city of Zambia?A. LusakaB. NdolaC. KitweD. Livingstone答案: A35. 填空题:A _____ (气候适应) helps plants survive in extreme weather.36. 选择题:What do you call the process of making a cake?A. CookingB. BakingC. FryingD. Boiling答案:B37. 填空题:I have a favorite ______ (颜色), which is blue because it reminds me of the sky.38. 听力题:A ______ is a large mass of rock that rises high above the ground.39. training session) builds capacity. 填空题:The ____40. ed their ______ (皮肤). 填空题:Snakes s41. 选择题:What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work with electricity?A. Thomas EdisonB. Nikola TeslaC. Alexander Graham BellD. Albert Einstein42. 填空题:The __________ (经济策略) influence growth.The capital of Malaysia is ________ (吉隆坡).44. 选择题:What do we call the fluffy white substance that falls from the sky in winter?A. RainB. HailC. SnowD. Sleet答案: C45. 选择题:What do we call a story based on real events?A. FictionB. Non-fictionC. FantasyD. Myth答案: B46. 选择题:Which animal is known for its long neck?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. LionD. Kangaroo47. 填空题:The __________ is a significant geological feature in South America. (安第斯山脉)48. 听力题:I want to be a ___ (scientist/artist).49. 选择题:Which vegetable is orange and long?A. PotatoB. CarrotC. BroccoliD. Cucumber50. 选择题:What do you call a person who repairs computers?A. TechnicianB. EngineerC. ProgrammerD. Developer答案:AI want to _____ (make) a cake.52. 选择题:What do we call the study of the human body and its functions?A. BiologyB. AnatomyC. PhysiologyD. Medicine答案: B53. 听力题:A ____ is often used in research and is very curious.54. 听力题:The process of changing from a solid to a gas without becoming liquid is called _______.55. 听力题:The symbol for uranium is _______.56. 填空题:My mom helps me with my __________. (学习)57. 听力题:I need a ________ (friend) to talk to.58. 选择题:Which animal is known as the "King of the Jungle"?A. ElephantB. LionC. TigerD. Bear59. 选择题:What is the term for the slow movement of continents caused by tectonic forces?A. Continental DriftB. Plate TectonicsC. Geological ShiftD. Earth Movement60. 选择题:What is the name of the famous ancient structure in Egypt?A. Great WallB. PyramidsC. ColosseumD. Stonehenge答案:B61. 选择题:What do you call a person who climbs mountains?A. ClimberB. MountaineerC. HikerD. Explorer答案:B62. 选择题:What do we call a baby frog?A. TadpoleB. FryC. CubD. Kit答案:A63. 填空题:A _____ is a large area of flat land in the countryside.64. 选择题:What do we call a young llama?A. CalfB. KidC. FoalD. Pup答案:A. Calf65. 填空题:My birthday is in _______ (八月).66. 填空题:The ________ (植物生长) is affected by light.67. 选择题:What do we call a large body of salt water?A. RiverB. LakeC. OceanD. Pond答案:C68. 选择题:What do we call the study of the Earth's physical features?A. GeographyB. GeologyC. CartographyD. Ecology答案: A. Geography69. 填空题:The _____ (种类) of plants varies greatly.70. 选择题:What is the capital of Italy?A. VeniceB. RomeC. FlorenceD. Milan71. 填空题:The __________ (植物的适应) mechanisms are amazing to observe.72. 填空题:I saw a _____ (猴子) swinging through the trees.73. 听力题:A dwarf planet is smaller than a ______ planet.74. 填空题:The sky is _______ at sunset.75. 听力题:The _____ can be used to navigate at sea.76. 听力题:The teacher gave us ___. (homework)77. 听力题:An astronaut travels into ______.78. 听力题:A ______ is a systematic method for collecting data.79. 听力题:The process of distillation separates liquids based on differences in _______ points.80. 填空题:My favorite drink is ________ (橙汁) for breakfast.Fermentation is a process that converts sugars into ______.82. 听力题:The __________ provides habitat for many organisms.83. 听力题:The ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics to ________.84. 听力题:The _____ (grape) is juicy.85. 选择题:Where do we go to borrow books?A. LibraryB. SchoolC. ParkD. Store86. 听力题:The sky is _____ (blue/green) today.87. 填空题:I enjoy sharing my experiences with my toy ________ (玩具名称).88. 听力题:They _____ (are/is) my neighbors.89. 听力题:The __________ is known for its ancient temples.90. 选择题:What is the primary color of grass?a. Blueb. Greenc. Yellowd. Red答案:b91. 选择题:What do you call the frozen form of water?A. IceB. SnowC. HailD. SlushThe teacher, ______ (老师), guides us in our studies.93. 听力题:I love ______ (chocolate) cake.94. 听力题:Water is called a universal _______ because it dissolves many substances.95. 选择题:What do we call a person who repairs plumbing?A. ElectricianB. PlumberC. MechanicD. Carpenter96. 选择题:What is the capital of Bhutan?A. ThimphuB. ParoC. PunakhaD. Phuentsholing97. 听力题:The sun is _____ (shining/raining).98. 听力题:A chemical reaction can be observed through changes in ______.99. 填空题:My friend has a ______ dog. (我的朋友有一只______狗。

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àn shùn xùtián xiěshēnɡmǔ

b()m ()()()n ()()()h j ()x ()()sh ()z ()()()w
xuéxíshùn kǒu liūzhǎnɡwòde pīn dúɡuīzé

j q x三兄弟,和ü相拼把点去。

小ü小ü有礼貌,见到j q x就脱帽。

j q x真稀奇,从不和u做游戏。

j ü()q ü()
x ü()
zhào yànɡzi xuǎn yīn jié

guāguɑqiāzhuās ō
ǜǚx j u ǔù
例:r u o (ruo )shuō(sh)(u)(ō)q i ā()jù()()
g u ɑ()suō()()()
zh u ā()xǔ()()
bǎzhěnɡtǐrèn dúyīn jiésònɡhuíjiā

üzhi wu i q guɑri
shūci xu yu mɑy
kàn tútián shēnɡmǔ

w l h d k sh s z zh
ēǒu ǎi ōu
én i íiu
kàn túxuǎn yīn jiéxiězài kuòhào lǐ

héhuāmóɡu xīɡuāpínɡɡuǒ
xiěchūduìyìnɡde zhěnɡtǐrèn dúyīn jié

s ()z ()r ()zh ()ch ()sh ()zài pínɡɡuǒxiàtián shànɡhàn zìde pīn yīn



zài hénɡxiàn shànɡtián shànɡshēnɡmǔ

xiǎo huánɡīxiǎo hēi ī
huān huān ǐǐzài ìǐ

páo pɑo ǔzhuōzhuo chónɡ
qīnɡcǎo ìshànɡzuòyóu ì

dúyīn jiézǔjùzi

1.ài wǒbàbɑmāmɑ。

2.dàmǐxiǎo mǎtuó。

àn shùn xùtián xiěshēnɡmǔ

b (p)m (f)(d)(t)n (l)(g)(k)h
j (q)x (zh)(ch)sh (r)z (c)(s)(y)w
xuéxíshùn kǒu liūzhǎnɡwòde pīn dúɡuīzé

j q x三兄弟,和ü相拼把点去。

小ü小ü有礼貌,见到j q x就脱帽。

j q x真稀奇,从不和u做游戏。

j ü(ju)q ü(qu)
x ü(xu)
zhào yànɡzi xuǎn yīn jié

guāguɑqiāzhuās ō
ǜǚx j u ǔù
例:r u o (ruo)shuō(sh)(u)(ō)q i ā(qiā)jù(j)(ǜ)
g u ɑ(guɑ)suō(s)(u)(ō)
zh u ā(zhuā)xǔ(x)(ǚ)bǎzhěnɡtǐrèn dúyīn jiésònɡhuíjiā

üzhi wu i q guɑri shūci xu yu mɑy
zhi wu ri
ci yu
kàn tútián shēnɡmǔ

w l h d k sh s z zh
kēdǒu hǎi ōu
wén zi shíliu kàn túxuǎn yīn jiéxiězài kuòhào lǐ

héhuāmóɡu xīɡuāpínɡɡuǒ
(xīɡuā)(móɡu)xiěchūduìyìnɡde zhěnɡtǐrèn dúyīn jié

s (si)z (zi)r (ri)zh (zhi)ch (chi)sh (shi)
zài pínɡɡuǒxiàtián shànɡhàn zìde pīn yīn

ch ē l è d ú gu ò x ǐ f ú d ì

弟 洗 车 乐 过 服
z ài h én ɡ xi àn sh àn ɡ ti án sh àn ɡ sh ēn ɡ m ǔ
九、在 横 线 上 填 上 声 母。

xi ǎo hu án ɡ j ī xi ǎo h ēi j ī
小 黄 鸡, 小 黑 鸡,
hu ān hu ān x ǐ x ǐ z ài y ì q ǐ
欢 欢 喜 喜 在 一 起。

p áo p ɑo t ǔ zhu ō zhuo ch ón ɡ
刨 刨 土, 捉 捉 虫,
q īn ɡ c ǎo d ì sh àn ɡ zu ò y óu x ì
青 草 地 上 做 游 戏。

x ǐ d ì
d ú
ch ē
gu ò l è
f ú
dúyīn jiézǔjùzi

1.ài wǒbàbɑmāmɑ
wǒài bàbɑmāmɑ。

bàbɑmāmɑài wǒ。

2.dàmǐxiǎo mǎtuó
xiǎo mǎtuódàmǐ。
