高考英语二轮专项 语法填空题型词性转换名词形容词和副词和比较等级

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best ____________(good) he has ever got.
解析:句意:Andy 对这个玩具很满意。这是他得到过的最 好的。 “Sth. is+the+形容词最高级+sb.has/have done.”为固定 句型。
10.(2015· 安徽卷)They gave money to the old people's home
21. (2017· 课标全国卷Ⅰ)As a result, people will eat more food
worse to try to make up for that something missing. Even ____________
(bad), the amount of fast food that people eat goes up.
解析:句意:我是如此感激那些志愿者,因为他们帮助我快 乐地结束了令我极不愉快的那一天。 设空处作表语, be grateful to 对……感激的。
considerate 7.(2015· 福建卷)It was ____________(consider) of Michael to
inform us of his delay in case we got worried.
解析:句意:仅仅在 Steve Jobs 去世 5 年后,智能手机就在 销售上打败了传统的个人电脑。 设空处应该用形容词形式修饰后 面的名词。
5 . (2016· 浙江卷 )A sudden stop can be a very frightening
especially experience , ____________(especial)if you are travelling at high
解析:句意:突然停止有时会是很可怕的经历,尤其是在你 高速行进时。设空处需用副词修饰 if 引导的状语从句,故答案 为 especially(尤其)。
grateful 6.(2015· 安徽卷)I'm so ____________(gratitude) to all those
volunteers because they helped my terrible day end happily.
13. (2017· 课标全国卷Ⅲ)She is determined to carry on with her
education ____________(educate) .
解析:句意:她决定要继续学业。形容词性物主代词后面跟 名词,故填 education。
14 . (2017· 课 标 全 国 卷 Ⅲ )She has turned down several
overweight and heart disease.
解析:句意:这种趋势有些非计划的副作用,如超重和心脏 病。 side effect 表示 “ 副作用 ” ,为可数名词,根据 such as overweight and heart disease 可知, 副作用有多种, 故填复数形式。
解析:句意:然而,小心不要走极端。设空处在系动词 be 后,作表语,故用形容词。
3.(2017· 课标全国卷Ⅱ)Steam engines were used to pull the
fairly carriages and it must have been ____________ (fair)unpleasant for
greater ____________(great) and less importance.
解析: 句意: 如果你在工作中感到有压力, 你应该后退一步, 识别出重要的和不重要的。 根据此句中的 less, 可知应该用 great 的比较级和 less 并列。
技法一 分析句子成分,破解词性转换 (1)看到提示词在名词前作定语、 在系动词后作表语, 或在宾 语后作宾语补足语,要想到用形容词。 (2)看到提示词修饰动词、形容词、副词,或整个句子作状语 时,要想到用副词。 (3)看到提示词作主语或宾语或者在冠词(a/an/the)、 形容词性 物主代词(my/his/their 等)、指示代词(this/that)、名词所有格后, 要想到用名词。
(electric)bill on time,as late payments may affect your credit.
解析:句意:按时交电费很重要,因为晚交电费可能会影响 你的信誉。 名词作定语时, 常用其单数形式, 故答案为 electricity。
19 . (2016· 江 苏 卷 )—Can you tell us your recipe for happiness ____________ (happy) and a long life? —Living every day to the full,definitely.
17.(2017· 江 苏 卷 )The disappearance of dinosaurs is not necessarily caused by astronomical incidents.But alternative explanations ____________(explain)are hard to find.
on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists to explore the outer space.
解析:句意:在宇宙中的其他行星上可能存在生命,这一直 鼓舞着科学家们探索外太空。设空处在句中作主语,故填名词。 possibility 可能,可能性,其后为 that 引导的同位语从句。
16.(2017· 课标全国卷Ⅰ)This trend,which was started by the medical community(医学界) as a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended
effects side____________(effect)such
12.(2018· 江苏卷)Try to understand what's actually happening assumption instead of acting on the ____________(assume) you've made.
解析:句意:要努力去弄明白实际上正在发生的事,而不要 根据自己的假设就采取行动。根据语境和设空处前的定冠词 the 可知此处要用所给单词的名词形式。
personally either ____________(personal) or through their companies.
解析: 句意: 他们要么是亲自给敬老院钱要么是通过公司给 敬老院钱。设空处修饰动词 gave,故用副词形式。
热点2 名词辨析及词形变化
possibility 11. (2018· 天津卷)The ____________(possible) that there is life
解析: 句意: ——你能告诉我们你幸福、 长寿的诀窍吗?—— 确切地说,就是充实地度过每一天。介词后需用名词形式, happiness 作“幸福”讲为不可数名词,故答案为 happiness。
热点3 形容词、副词比较级 20.(2018· 课标全国卷Ⅰ)According to a review of evidence in
解析:句意:迈克尔考虑得非常周到,他告诉我们他将耽搁 一些时间,以防我们担心。It is+adj.+of sb. to do sth. 是固定用 法,某人做……怎么样。
8.(2015· 湖北)Even though the conference hall is near his apartment , he has to hurry a little if he wants to be
解析: 句意: 更糟糕的是, 人们所吃的快餐的量会上升。 even worse 更糟糕的是, 此句与上句提到的情况相比较, 故用比较级。
22. (2016· 课标全国卷Ⅱ)If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work,you should take a step back and identify(识别) those of
词性转换(名词、形容词和副词) 和比较等级
热点1 形容词、副词的辨析及词形变化 1.(2018· 江苏卷)Despite the poor service of the hotel,the
reluctant manager is ____________(reluctance) to invest in sufficient training
carrots ____________ (carrot)and was about to throw them away.
解析:句意:去年十月,Lena Pahlsson 在打理瑞典莫拉的 花园时, 拨出了一小把胡萝卜, 并将要把它们扔掉。 根据 a handful of 可知,设空处应该用复数形式,因此用 carrots。
解析:句意:恐龙灭绝未必是由天体事故造成的,但是也很 难找到其他的解释。 设空处在此处作句子的主语, 要用其名词形 式。根据谓语动词 are 可知此处要用名词的复数形式。
electricity 18.(2016· 浙江卷)It is important to pay your____________
punctual ____________(punctuality) .
解析:句意:尽管会议厅在他的公寓附近,可是如果他想按 时到达的话也要稍微快一点。设空处作表语,故填 punctual。
9 . (2015· 四 川 卷 )Andy is content with the toy.It is the
the passengers,with all the smoke and noise.
解析:修饰形容词 unpleasant 需用副词形式,故填 fairly。
4 . (2017· 江苏卷 )Only five years after Steve Jobs' death ,
conventional (convention)PCs in sales. smartphones defeated ____________
invitations (invitation)to star at shows in order to concentrate on ____________
her studies.
解析:句意:为了专心学习,她拒绝了几个在走秀中担任主 角的邀请。根据 several 可知,此处应该填复数形式。
15.(2017· 浙江卷)Last October,while tending her garden in Mora , Sweden , Lena Pahlsson pulled out a handful of small
longer a medical journal, runners live three years ____________ (long) than
解析:句意:根据一本医学杂志上对证据的评价,跑步者比 不跑步的人多活三年。句中的 than 是比较级的标志,故填 long 的比较级 longer。
for his staff.
解析:句意:尽管这家宾馆的服务质量很糟糕,但是宾馆经 理还是不愿意在给员工足够的培训方面投资。 设空处作表语, 根 据提示词可知本空填 reluctant。
2.(2017· 课标全国卷Ⅰ)However,be ____________ (care)not careful to go to extremes.Like anything,it is possible to have too much of both.