九年级写作复习课公开课 新目标(PPT)5-3

Xuxiang Middle S。 【宾服】ī〈书〉动服从;归附。 【宾服】ī?〈方〉动佩服:你说的那个理,俺不~。 【宾馆】ī名招待来宾住宿的地 方。现指较大而设施好的旅馆。 【宾客】ī名客人(总称):迎接八方~。 【宾朋】ī名宾客;朋友:~满座。 【宾语】ī名动词的一种连带成分,一般在动 词后边,用来回答“谁?”或“什么?”例如“我找; / 笔趣阁小说阅读网;厂长”的“厂长”,“他开拖拉机”的“拖拉机”, “接受批评”的“批评”,“他说他不知道”的“他不知道”。有时候一个动词可以带两个宾语,如“教我们化学”的“我们”和“化学”。 【宾至如归】
īī客人到了这里就像回到自己的家一样,形容旅馆、饭馆等招待周到。 【宾主】ī名客人和主人:~双方进行了友好的会谈。 【彬】ī①[彬彬](īī)〈书〉 形文雅的样子:~有礼|文质~。②(ī)名姓。 【傧】(儐)ī[傧相](ī)名①古代称接引宾客的人,也指赞礼的人。②举行婚礼时陪伴新郎新娘的人: 男~|女~。 【斌】ī同“彬”。 【滨】(濱)ī①水边;近水的地方:海~|湖~|湘江之~。②靠近(水边):~海|~江。③(ī)名姓。 【缤】(繽) ī[缤纷](ī)〈书〉形繁多而凌乱:五彩~|落英(花)~。 【槟】(檳、梹)ī[槟子](ī?)名①槟子树,花红的一种,果实比苹果小,红色,熟后转 紫红,味酸甜带涩。②这种植物的果实。 【镔】(鑌)ī[镔铁](ī)名精炼的铁。 【濒】(瀕)ī①紧靠(水边):~湖|东~大海。②临近;接近:~ 危|~行。 【濒绝】ī动濒临灭绝或绝迹:~物种。 【濒临】ī动紧接;临近:我国~太平洋|精神~崩溃的边缘。 【濒死】ī动临近死亡:从~状态下抢救 过来。 【濒危】ī动接近危险的境地,指人病重将死或物种临近灭绝:病人~|~动物。 【濒于】ī动临近;接近(用于坏的遭遇):~危境|~绝望|~破 产。 【豳】ī古地名,在今陕西彬县、旬邑一带。也作邠。 【摈】(擯)〈书〉抛弃;排除:~诸门外|~而不用。 【摈斥】动排斥:~异己。 【摈除】动 排除;抛弃:~陈规陋习。 【摈弃】动抛弃:~旧观念。 【殡】(殯)停放灵柩;把灵柩送到埋葬或火化的地方去:出~|~车。 【殡车】名出殡时运灵
人教版新目标英语九年级Unit 7 单元话题写作课件

There lots of rules in my school .
For example , we must,
发表看法,表Βιβλιοθήκη 观点Keeping quiet is good for studying.
Practise writing
Rules of my school There are lots of rules in my school. For example, we can’t be late for school, and we are not allowed to leave school earlier. We must clean our classroom every morning. I think it is very necessary for us to keep it clean. And it is good for our health. We have to wear school uniforms every day. I think the uniforms are not fashionable .In my opinion, we should be allowed to choose our own clothes .We can not talk in the classroom. As far as I am concerned, keeping quiet is good for studying.
5、我热衷于跑步。 I am _s_e_ri_o_u_s __a_b_o_u_t running.

Word selection skills
Enrich vocabulary
Students need to accumulate sufficient vocabulary to be able to flexibly apply it in writing. Through reading, writing practice, and memory, students can gradually expand their vocabulary.
New Goal English Writing Course Courseware for Jun
目录 Contents
• Introduction • Fundamentals of Writing • Writing skills • Common Writing Problems and
Solutions • Writing Practice • Course Summary and Outlook
Common Writing Problems and Solutions
Vocabulary issues
Summary word
Insufficient vocabulary
Detailed description
Students often struggle to accurately express themselves in writing due to insufficient vocabulary, resulting in an article that is not rich and accurate enough.
Course structure
The course is divided into four main sections: basic writing, advanced writing, essay writing, and creative writing Each section covers a range of topics and skills to ensure comprehensive coverage of writing techniques

3.-Excuse me, could you tell me _____? -In five minutes. A. how soon will the film begin B. how soon the film will begin C. how long the film has been on D. how long has the film been on
尤为重要。 一、活动主题 魅力社团,炫动淄职 二、活动目的 展现学院社团风采及成果,丰富校园文 化生活,推动社 团健康 发展;发掘原 创思维 、 展示社团文化;推进素质教育,体现我院 特色;弘扬我 院的社 团文化,繁荣校 园文化 。 宣传学院社团工作及活动开展情况,让 更多人 了解学 院社团 的相关 情况,让 更多的 人 参与到社团工作和活动中来。扩大社 团工作 的知名 度,提高 社团的 地位,以 便丰富 同 学的课余生活。 三、活动地点:初赛暂定于南区c411和 c413,决 赛将于 南区报 告厅举 行。 四、活动时间 报名时间:XX年4月22日-4月28日 初赛时间:XX年5月4日
第4页/共2lly is very thirsty. What should she say?(小组讨论)
Could you please tell me… Excuse me, can you tell me… Pardon me, do you know… I wonder …
Yuemingzhu Hotel
Zhonghua Street(中华路) Heze West Bus station
Kelly gets to our school.
Kelly travels in Heze.
人教版新目标英语九年级Unit 14 单元话题写作课件

I remember meeting all of you in ... . I got good grades with the help of ... . Next year,I will be in senior high school. He is always ready to help others. I had some problems with ... Good luck to ...!
Try my best to __m__a_k_e__ ___g_re_a_t__ __p_ro_g_r_e_s_s .
__A_t_____ ___t_h_e ___ __s_a_m_e___ ___t_im__e__,I expect my school life is __c_o_l_o_rf_u_l . 3、明年我就要上高中了。我无法相信时间过得那么快。
Information Card
How long did Miss Bella teach (1)___T_w_o__y_e_a_rs______. the writer?
What does Miss Bella begin her classes with every day?
What was the writer think is so important in society?
She would (4)__t_h_u_m_b__u_p__to encourage us.
Unit 14 Section B 写作课优质课件 -九年级年级英语全一册课件(人教版新目标)

responsible for, be thirsty for, go by, make a mess, keep one’s cool,
guide sb. to do sth., put in more effort. 掌握句型:Explain how you feel about this person/event.
argued with my best Someone helped me
fwriiethnodu.Mmt yete.cllliansgsmmaetheifsooled
Read the short passage and fill in the chart.
One day, I sat in the classroom alone. Suddenly I saw Lisa’s new pen on her desk. What a beautiful pen! I really wanted to own it. Then I took the pen and put it in my schoolbag. While Lisa was looking for her pen, I was afraid and didn’t have the courage to tell her the truth. When I got home, I told my mother about the pen. She said I made a mistake and told me I should be honest and make up for it. Then I realized that I was wrong and felt very sorry, so I decided to give the pen back to Lisa and say sorry to her. The next day, I did so and Lisa forgave me. That’s the mistake I once made. It made me grow up and I learned the importance of honesty.
九年级写作复习课公开课 新目标(PPT)4-4

Xuxiang Middle School
(音较短):~,好吧。②表示明白过来(音较长):~,原来是你,怪不得看着面熟哇!③表示赞叹或惊异(音较长):~,伟大的祖国!|~,真没想 到他会取得这么好的成绩! 【啊】(阿、呵)?ɑ助①用在感叹句末,表示增强语气:多好的天儿~!|他的行为多么高尚~!②用在陈述句末,使句子带上 一层感情色彩:这话说得是~!|我也;郑州活动策划公司 郑州活动策划 郑州活动策划公司 郑州活动策划 ;没说你全错了~!③用 在祈使句末,使句子带有敦促或提醒意味:慢慢儿说,说清楚点儿~|你可别告诉小邓~!④用在疑问句末,使疑问语气舒缓些:他什么时候来~?|你吃
āichóu形悲哀忧愁:~的目光。 【哀辞】āicí〈书〉名哀悼死者的文章,多用韵文。 【哀悼】āidào动悲痛地悼念(死者):~死难烈士|表示沉痛的~。 【哀的美敦书】āidìměidūnshū名最后通牒。[哀的美敦,英ultimatum] 【哀告】āiɡào动苦苦央告:四处~。 【哀歌】āiɡē①动悲哀地歌唱:俯首~。 ②名哀伤的歌曲:一曲~。 【哀号】āiháo动悲哀地号哭。也作哀嚎。 【哀嚎】āiháo①动悲哀地嚎叫:饿狼~。②同“哀号”。 【哀鸿遍野】 āihónɡbiànyě比喻到处都是呻吟呼号、流离失所的灾民(哀鸿:哀鸣的大雁)。 【哀矜】āijīn〈书〉动哀怜。 【哀苦】āik
不吃~?⑤用在句中稍作停顿,让人注意下面的话:这些年~,咱们的日子越过越好啦。⑥用在列举的事项之后:书~,报~,杂志~,摆满了一书架。⑦ 用在重复的动词后面,表示过程长:乡亲们盼~,盼~,终于盼到了这一天。‖注意?“啊”用在句末或句中,常受到前一字韵母或韵尾的影响而发生不同的 变音,也可以写成不同的字。 【哎】āi叹①表示惊讶或不满意:~!真是想不到的事|~!你怎么能这么说呢!②表示提醒:~,我倒有个办法,你们大家 看行不行? 【哎呀】āiyā叹①表示惊讶:~!这瓜长得这么大呀!②表示埋怨、不耐烦、惋惜、为难等:~,你怎么来得这么晚呢!|~,你就少说两句 吧!|~,时间都白白浪费了|~,这事不好办哪! 【哎哟】āiyō叹表示惊讶、痛苦、惋惜等:~!都十二点了!|~!我肚子好疼!|~,咱们怎么没有 想到他呀! 【哀】āi①悲伤;悲痛:悲~|~鸣。②悼念:~悼|默~。③怜悯:~怜|~矜|~其不幸。④(āi)名姓。 【哀兵必胜】āibīnɡbìshènɡ 《老子》六十九章:“故抗兵相若,则哀者胜矣。”对抗的两军力量相当,悲愤的一方获得胜利。指受压抑而奋起反抗的军队,必然能打胜仗。 【哀愁】
人教新目标九年级英语Unit 13Section A writing 课件(共29张PPT).

air pollution
water pollution
noise pollution
air pollution water pollution
noise pollution light pollution waste pollution land deser
Part Writing 3 an ar
As a student representative学生代表, you're asked to write a letter to the city mayor about the environmental problems and your suggestions.
Here are six ways to help
environmental pollution.
Tip 1 Use public transportation
Tip 2 源.
Save resources资Байду номын сангаас
Tip 3 Don't drop litter everywhere.
Tip 4 Use reusable things instead of plastic things.
Unit 13
We're trying to save the earth!
Teaching aims:
Goal 1 Knowing about pollution Goal 2 Talking about how to protect Goal 3 Learning how to environment write
初中英语写作公开课(九年级) PPT课件 图文

• But now, the roads were so wide, and there are more and more kinds of food to satisfy people’s needs. And now, each family has telephones, TVs, computers and so on.
education transportation
Living condition
Next, draw up an outline.
Title题目: Great changes in my Hometown
Brainstorm for the body (正文)
Working tools Living condition
a. Changes in living conditions. b. Changes in working tools. C. Changes in education.
The Changes in My Hometown
• I am Li Ming, today I have interviewed my grandmother. She has lived in my hometown for more than seventy years. She has seen the changes in my hometown herself.

A note asking for sick leave
Dear Miss Liu, I’m sorry to tell you that I’m not feeling well today. I have a bad cold , and the doctor told me to1 stay in bed for two days , so I can’t go to school today, I hope I will be better 1 tomorrow and be back to school soon 1 1 you. Thank Yours _______
Task 2: Write a telephone message
From: _______________ To: ______________
Date: _______________ Time: _____________ Message:__________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Hu Wei
Good bye!
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
June 25
Dear Mr Wu,
I’m sorry that I can’t go to school today.I had an accident yesterday while I was playing volleyball. I fell down and broke my right leg. My cousin took me to hospital. The doctor said that I had to rest my leg for a few days.
新目标九年级专题 写作课件

The outline of a letter
Dear earthman How are you? I'm writing to say what I worry about.
main part
First :have more factories and cars Secondly:cut down too many trees Thirdly:pour waste into rivers or lake
write a letter
(save the earth)
Chen Jingyun Wujin Middle School
Teaching procedure
present:a letter to give advice(1)
write a letter
groupwork: a letter to give advice(2) read,speak and listen
• waste into rivers or lakes.Water in the river is quite dirty. You haven’t enough clean water to drink in cities. • In a word, you are in ⑦dangerous. It’s very necessary and important ⑧save the earth. I think if everyone ⑨will try his best to do something, the world will become much more beautiful , and your life will be better and better. • • ⑽
Unit 11 Section B 3a写作课优质课件 九年级年级英语全一册(人教版新目标)

helping others
jump up and ... person, down with / for one of the greatest things
in life
getting good grades on an exam
be on cloud nine (极其快乐;乐不
inspire (激励) me to keep studying hard
I failed in an English competition in Grade 8. It made me sad.
What happened next?
3a Think of some experiences that made you feel very happy or sad.
Tell your partner about them. Use the following ideas to help you.
• winning/losing a competition • getting good/bad grades on an exam • performing something well/badly in front of a big group of people • getting into a fight with your best friend • your first trip outside your hometown
How does it make you feel when you ...?
win a competition
perform something well in front of a big group of

英语新目标初三作文课件As the sun sets on another school year, I stand at the threshold of a new journey. The English language, once a mere subject, has now become my gateway to a world of endless possibilities.Each day, I immerse myself in the rich tapestry of English literature, from the classic tales of Shakespeare to the modern narratives of J.K. Rowling. The words on the pages are no longer just letters; they are the keys to a kingdom of knowledge and imagination.My new goal is to not only master the language but to wield it with the finesse of a native speaker. I aim to articulate my thoughts with clarity and eloquence, to express my emotions with depth and sincerity, and to communicate with the world in a language that unites us all.In the classroom, I engage in lively debates, practice my pronunciation with precision, and expand my vocabulary with zeal. Outside the classroom, I converse with friends, watch English movies, and listen to songs that help me grasp the nuances of the language.I am determined to overcome the challenges that come my way. When I stumble upon unfamiliar words or complex grammar, I do not shy away. Instead, I embrace them as opportunities to grow and to learn.As I progress, I envision myself standing before an audience, delivering a speech that resonates with passion and conviction. I see myself writing essays that inspire and persuade, and I dream of one day translating the beauty of my native language into English for others to appreciate.This year, my English journey will be one of dedication, perseverance, and above all, enjoyment. For it is through the love of learning that we truly unlock the doors to our potential.In conclusion, my new target for English is not just about achieving high scores or accolades. It is about embracing the language as a means to connect, to create, and to contribute to the global community. With every word I learn and every sentence I construct, I am building a bridge to a future that is as boundless as the language itself.。
人教【最新】目标九年级上册英语课件:专题八 书面表达(共18张PPT).ppt

• 14、Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other famous sights. If I'd gone alone, I couldn't have seen nearly as much, because I wouldn't have known my way about.
THE END 17、一个人如果不到最高峰,他就没有片刻的安宁,他也就不会感到生命的恬静和光荣。2021/1/122021/1/122021/1/122021/1/12
• 9、春去春又回,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,日子像桃子一样甜蜜。 2021/1/122021/1/12Tuesday, January 12, 2021
• 10、人的志向通常和他们的能力成正比例。2021/1/122021/1/122021/1/121/12/2021 5:06:00 PM • 11、夫学须志也,才须学也,非学无以广才,非志无以成学。2021/1/122021/1/122021/1/12Jan-2112-Jan-21 • 12、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。2021/1/122021/1/122021/1/12Tuesday, January 12, 2021 • 13、志不立,天下无可成之事。2021/1/122021/1/122021/1/122021/1/121/12/2021
九年级写作复习课公开课 新目标(PPT)5-2

Xuxiang Middle School
〈口〉动板着脸,表示不高兴:他绷着脸,半天一句话也不说。 【琫】〈书〉刀鞘上端的饰物。 【?】同“琫”。 【鞛】同“琫”。 【泵】①名吸入和排 出流体的机械,能把流体抽出或压入容器,也能把液体提送到高处。通常按用途不同分为气泵、水泵、油泵。②动用泵压入或抽出:~入|~出|~油。 [英] 【迸】①动向外溅出或喷射:打; 书法培训机构加盟 书法培训机构加盟 ;铁时火星儿乱~|潮水冲来,礁石边上~起乳白色的 浪花◇沉默了半天,他才~出一句话来。②突然碎裂:~裂|~碎。 【迸发】动由内而外地突然发出:一锤子打到岩石上,~了好些火星儿◇笑声从四面八 方~出来。 【迸溅】动向四外溅:火花~|激流冲击着岩石,~起无数飞沫。 【迸裂】动破裂;裂开而往外飞溅:山石~|脑浆~。 【蚌】蚌埠(),地 名,在安徽。 【绷】(綳、繃)①动裂开:西瓜~了一道缝儿。②〈口〉副用在“硬、直、亮”一类形容词的前面,表示程度深:~硬|~直|~脆|~亮。 【绷瓷】(~儿)名表面的釉层有不规则碎纹的瓷器。这种碎纹是由于坯和釉的膨胀系数不同而形成的。 【甏】〈方〉名瓮;坛子:酒~。 【镚】(鏰)见 下。 【镚儿】〈口〉名镚子。 【镚子】?〈口〉名原指清末不带孔的小铜币,十个当一个铜元,现在把小形的硬币叫钢镚子或钢镚儿。也叫镚儿。 【镚子儿】 〈方〉名指极少量的钱:~不值|一个~也不给。 【蹦】动跳:欢~乱跳|皮球一拍~得老高|他蹲下身子,用力一~,就~了两米多远◇他嘴里不时~出 一些新词儿来。 【蹦蹦儿戏】名评剧的前身。参看页〖评剧〗。 【蹦床】名①一种体育器械,外形像床,有弹性。②体育运动项目之一。运动员在蹦床上完 成跳跃、翻腾、旋转等动作。 【蹦跶】?ɑ动蹦跳,现多比喻挣扎:秋后的蚂蚱,~不了几天了。 【蹦迪】动跳迪斯科舞。 【蹦高】(~儿)动跳跃:乐得 直~儿。 【蹦极】名一种体育运动,用一端固定的有弹性的绳索绑缚在踝部从高处跳下,身体在空中上下弹动。也叫蹦极跳。[英g] 【蹦极跳】名蹦极。 【蹦跳】动跳跃:他高兴得~起来。 【屄】ī名阴门的俗称。 【逼】(偪)ī①动逼迫;给人以威胁:威~|寒气~人|形势~人|为生活所~。③动强迫索 取:~租|~债。③靠近;接近:~视|~近。④〈书〉狭窄:~仄。 【逼宫】ī动指大臣强迫帝王退位。也泛指强迫政府首脑辞职或让出权力。 【逼供】ī 动用酷刑或威胁等手段强迫受审人招供:严刑~。 【逼和】ī动逼平(多用于棋类比赛)。 【逼婚】ī动用暴力或威胁The Simple Present Tense
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弊 端
观 点
1.现象 1. In my opinion, we should learn to use
2. our smart-phones properly, and we 3. should refuse to be phubbers
2.弊端 2. With the development of the Internet, smart-
(1.eat with family
2.get together with friends
3.be busy doing\ cross the
4.the relationship with 5.cause traffic accidents 6.be bad for/get in the way of…
新目标初三英语写作课 课件
1.好好利用手机。(make good use of) We’d better make good use of smart-phones. We can use them at proper time and proper situations 2.面对面的交流胜过网上交流。 ( face-to-face conversation)
I like English very much. (√)
. He knows a lot. ( Good! ) He knows a lot although he is very young. ( Better! )
1.认真审题, 理清思路。
本篇文章应分为几段,每段都写什么? 应选用哪种时态?第几人称?
(2015,烟台)随着互联网的发展,智能手机(smart-phone)已 被广泛使用。我们身边的“低头族(phubber)”随处可见。请根据图 中所示,结合表格所提供的信息,以“Refuse to be phubbers”写 一篇120词左右的短文。
_______________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ______________________________________
_______________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________
Face-to-face conversation is better than chatting online.
Structures: In my opinion… I think/believe…
(firstly, secondly, besides, what's more, finally… On the one hand, on the other hand… not only…but also)
有些同学“抄袭作业或不锻炼身体”的现象屡 见不鲜,写一篇分析原因、危害、解决办法和 自己的态度的英语作文 。
病因是指破坏人体阴阳平衡而导致疾病发生的原因, 又称为治病因素。 病因分为内因、外因、不内外因。 外因:风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火 内因:七情内伤、饮食施宜、劳逸适度
Your opinions
(1.make good use of 2.face-to-face conversation, )
In my opinion, We should…We’d better… I think/believe…
Exchange your article with your partner , then underline the beautiful sentences and circle the mistakes.
phones are widely used among people.
3.观点 3.Being phubbers has some disadvantages.
Don’t eat fast. I love China.
Don’t 几点建议I:very
eat, like
faEsnt!gI lliosvhe.(c×hin) a(瓷器).
Some advice for you!
• 1.用最熟悉、最有把握的句型,短语。 • 2.用英语思维来表达。 • 3.语句要通顺,层次要清楚,上下连贯很重
Put down the phones, give more time to our families .
A组:继续改写本节课作文,使它更加完美。 B组:利用本节课所学方法,针对近段时间班上
(2015,烟台)随着互联网的发展,智能手机(smart-phone)已 被广泛使用。我们身边的“低头族(phubber)”随处可见。请根据图 中所示,结合表格所提供的信息,以“Refuse to be phubbers”写 一篇120词左右的短文。
要求:1. 短文须包含所有信息,语句通顺、意思连贯,可适当 发挥;2. 题目与开头已给出,不计入总词数。
参考词汇:1. eat with family 2. cause traffic accidents
3. face-to-face conversation 4. make good use of
Refuse to be phubbers
With the development of the Internet, smart-phones are widely used among people. Phubbers can be seen here and there.