闽教版六年级英语教案 第七册Lesson 13

闽教版六年级英语教案第七册Lesson 13
跨文化意识的渗透贯穿课的始末:学生自己查询Thanksgiving 的相关资料,初步感受感恩节的由来;在教师的引领下,学习感恩节食谱中的单词,在西餐桌旁学习课文;在师生共度感恩节的Party 中,感知西方餐桌文化。
闽教版小学英语三年级下册Unit 7 Clothes (1) Lesson 13教学设计

课题闽教版小学英语第二册 Unit 7 Clothes (1) Lesson 13课时 1课时班级三年级编写者一、教材内容分析本教材为闽教版小学英语第二册。
本节课要求学生学会服装新词汇如sweater,skirt,socks,shirt,shoes;以及学会新句子Put on your... . Take off your...; 同时让学生学唱童谣 I Like My Sweater. 此外,让学生学会用英语句子Your sweater is beautiful. I like your... .来赞美他人的服装。
二、教学目标(知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观)1. 教学知识与技能:(1)能听说读单词sweater,skirt,socks,shirt,shoes(2)能听懂会说句子Put on your... . Take off your...(3)学唱童谣I Like My Sweater2. 过程与方法:(1)通过多媒体教学,提高学生学习兴趣。
3. 情感、态度与价值观:(1)通过同桌合作等形式,培养学生的合作精神,并在合作学习中发现学习英语的乐趣。

Jobs英语教案及反思做好小学英语教案是小学英语老师备课的关键,下面店铺为大家带来Jobs英语教案及反思,供大家参考!Jobs英语教案:教学要求:1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写police officer,nurse,cook,doctor,bus driver, taxi driver, farmer, worker2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Is she a worker ? No, she isn’t. Is she a farmer ? Yes, she is .教学重点:能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写police officer,nurse,cook,doctor,bus driver, taxi driver, farmer, worker教学难点:能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Is she a worker ? No, she isn’t. Is she a farmer ? Yes, she is .教学准备:单词卡片,关于本课时的多媒体课件或人物用物品。
教学过程:Step 1 Sing the songgood morning to you.Step 2 Free talk1. Greetings (师生之间常规问好)2. Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Hi!/Hello!/ Nice to meet you. How are you?Step 3 Read and say1. Watch the cartoon and try to read the words: police officer,nurse,cook,doctor,bus driver, taxi driver, farmer, worker2. Read after the tape. 跟读,齐读、分组读Step 4 Games1. Flash the card.2. Bomb.3. What’s missing.Step 5 Chant.Step 6 Guessing game.作业设计:1. writer the new words.2. Copy and translate Part A.Jobs教学反思:本节课是Unit7 Jobs中的第一课,在教学活动中我充分运用了课件、图片、游戏、歌曲等多种教学手段来激发学生兴趣,由词到句,以旧引新,步步深入。
新闽教版英语六年级下册《unit 7 dream jobs》lesson13优秀教案(重点资料).doc

闽教版六年级英语下册教案Unit 7 Dream JobsLesson 13I.Teaching aims and demands :To demand Ss to hear and speak these words correctly:Dream, airhostess, cook, hour, differentTo demand Ss to hear and speak these sentences correctly:She wants to be an airhostess.An airhostess can help people and make the trip nice and happy.II.Teaching materials :tape recorder ; some cardsIII.Teaching steps :Step 1 Warm-up/ ReviewGreetingT: whose father is a mailman? Whose mother is a mailman? What’s your father’s job? What’s your mother’s job?Today we are going to learn about dream jobs. Unit 7 dream Jobs Lesson 13.1.Review some words: singer, dancer, farmer, worker, teacher, pilot, nurse, doctor, policeman.2.Ask and answer: What do you want to be? I want to be a…What does he/she want to be? He/ She wants to be a…Step 2 Learn to sayAirhostess---She wants to be an airhostess.An airhostess can help people and make the trip nice and happy.Hour---an hour, two hours, long hours.Different----different places, different jobs.Step 3 PracticeAsk the Ss to look and say with the teacherDivide the Ss into two groups to act out the two dialogsAsk two Ss to act out the dialogs for some times .Step 4 Look and sayListen to the tape & look at the English books and point to the pictures. Listen to the tape again & repeat.Step 5 Read and guessTick or cross on page 64Step 6 HomeworkListen to the tape & repeat for some times .Finish off the activity book of this Lesson .。
闽教版小学英语五年级 Jobs

小学英语五年级Lesson 13. JobsT:Good afternoon, everyone.Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Chen.T: Nice to see you.Ss: Nice to see you, too.T: Sit down please.Ss: Thank you.T:welcome to our English class.T: I’m your English teacher, Miss C.展示teache r的单词卡片,T: teacher Ss: ~ T: teach Ss: ~ 卡片贴黑板上。
T: teacher is my job, job means “职业”。
Today we are going to talk about jobs. (带读jobs)展示玩具:“hello, I’m Puppy, I like my teachers, I want to be a teacher. ”重复一遍:“I want to be a teacher.”板书:I want to be a 。
(跟着老师隔空写一遍)T: Ok, look there, follow me,跟我读: I want to be a teacher. (两遍)1)T: You please. S1: I want to be a teacher. T: Thank you. Good.2) T: Please. S2: I want to be a teacher. T: Thank you.3) T: Please. S3: I want to be a teacher. T: Well done.T: now, please look at the screen. Can you sing the song: The more we get together? Ss: Yes. T: Very good. So, let’s have a relax and sing the song.T: It sounds great. 你们唱得真棒。

闽教小学英语五年级下册Unit 7 JobsLesson 13南平市建瓯第一小学叶梅燕章节名称闽教小学英语五年级下册Unit 7 Jobs Lesson 13计划学时 1学习内容分析本课是闽教英语五年级下册第七单元Jobs,第13课,为一课时。
教学目标知识与技能:1.学生能够听、说、读单词:worker, singer, dancer, farmer,policeman,doctor, pilot, nurse, because。
2.学生能够较熟练地听、说、读句型:What do you want to be? I want to be a ....3.学生能运用所学句型询问他人的理想职业或说说自己的理想职业。
教学重点解决措施重点:掌握表示职业的8个单词及句型What do you want to be? I want to be a …措施:worker, singer, dancer, farmer:以旧引新教学词汇,加强新旧知识的内在联系,通过已学的动词,导出该职业的名词,实际有效的记忆单词的方式。
policeman,doctor, pilot, nurse:以活动教学词汇——谜语猜词,以猜词导出新词,结合多种方式操练。

teacher,nurse,singer,dancer,farmer,worker,policeman,do ctor,pilot及询问别人职业Whatdoyouwanttobe?的句子,这些都为本课的教学打下了基础。
词:teacher,nurse,singer,dancer,farmer,worker,policeman ,doctor,pilot。
Dream,airhostess,cook,hour,different(3)、掌握句型:Shewantstobeanairhostess.Anairhostesscanhelppeopleandm akethetripniceandhappy. 2、能力目标:能听懂并理解Learntosay的对话。
闽教版 Unit7 Jobs Lesson 13

Unit 7 Jobs Lesson 13教材分析:本课是第七单元第十三课,主要涉及的语言是有关职业的名称以及询问和叙述某人的职业等。
课时安排:2个课时第一课时一、教学目标:1.能听、说、认读单词:pilot,nurse,farmer,worker,doctor,policeman, singer, dancer。
初步了解句子: What do you want to be? I want to be a …2.通过课堂游戏和练习能够了解英语工作的问法3.能够用英语交流询问工作,促进朋友间的感情。
二、教学重点:单词pilot,nurse,farmer,worker,doctor,policeman, singer, dancer。
三、教学难点:What do you want to be? I want to be a …四、教具准备:磁带,录音机,单词卡片:Tape recorder; some caps of the policemen, nurses and workers;some cards and caps of jobs.五、教学流程:Ⅰ.Warming up1. Greetings.2. Free talk.T:What’s your name? What’s your hobby?Ⅱ.Lead in and Presentation1.T:Look. Who is he/she? He's Zhou Jielun. He's a singer.She's Yang Liping. She's a dancer.Singer and dancer are their jobs(职业).Today we're going to learna new lesson. Unit 7 Jobs Lesson 132.Learn the word :job(工作).Ⅲ.New Lesson1.Learn the words :teacher, singer, dancer, farmer, worker, doctor,nurse pilot,policeman①T: I’m a teacher. Show the card and review the word,teach teachersing singerdance dancerfarm farmerwork worker②Look at the cards: doctor,nurse,pilot,policemanThe level of sound:one high,another low.Who’s fast:T is in Chinese,Ss are in English. Then reverses.③Practice the words, two by two.④Game:Red FlagStudents play different roles.Teacher say the occupation, and the student must hold the red flag.The slow reaction of the student lose2.Learn the sentences :What do you want to be? I want to be a …①T:Now look. These are jobs. We have learned so many words about jobs. Now, please tell me: What do you want to be? I want to be a … .②Clap and say.What do you want to be?I want to be a …3.Look and say on page 62-63Listen the tape,and try to ask and answer the job.Ⅳ.PracticeSs practice the new words and sentences in pairsⅤ.Sum upToday we learned about jobs. Can you read them all?If you don’t know how tochat, you can try to start from the jobs.Ⅵ. Homework1.Read the Page 62-63.2.Practice with your deskmate.3.Do the survey on page 64.Ⅶ. Blackboard DesignUnit 7 Jobs Lesson 13What do you want to be?nurse/doctor/pilot/policeman六、作业布置:Read the Page 62-63.Practice with your deskmate.Do the survey on page 64.第二课时一、教学目标:1.听懂会说单词:because,以及句型:What do you want to be?I want to be a….2.通过游戏和活动学习能够流利的谈论工作。

闽教版小学英语第二册Unit 7 Clothes(1) Lesson 13各位领导、老师下午好,今天我说课的内容是闽教版小学英语第二册Unit 7Clothes(1) Lesson 13。
主要教学服装词汇:sweater, skirt, socks, shirt, shoes,及脱穿衣物的句型:Put on your shoes. Take off your hat.等。
(二)教学目标1.知识目标:(1)掌握服装单词:sweater, skirt, socks, shirt, shoes, hat.(2)学习句型:Put on your….Take off your…(3)学习如何赞美别人的衣服及如何回应。
2.能力目标:能根据实际情景运用put on和take off表示穿脱衣物。
(三)教学重难点:依据以上对教学内容和教学目标的分析以及小学生的认知规律,我确定本课的重点:(1)能听说认读衣服单词: sweater, skirt, socks, shirt, shoes, hat。
(2)能熟练运用句子Put on your…. Take off your…难点:在实际情境中能正确运用所学单词、句型谈论服装。

Unit 7 Home(l) Lesson 13Teaching aims & requirements:Words: kitchen, bathroom dining room, sitting room, bedroom, study, cook, wash Expressions: Put the food and the kettle in the kitchen.Where are they? They are in the....What are they doing? They are....Function: talking about the layout of the home.Emotional education:Teaching aids:New word cards: bedroom, bathroom, dining room, sitting room, kitchen, study, cook, wash.New word pictures: bedroom, bathroom, dining room, sitting room, kitchen, study,cook, wash.Pictures: food, kettle, soap, fruit, computer, bed, cupPPTTeaching procedures:I Warm up & lead in:1: Greeting2: Lead inT播放PPT上的鱼的图I田i问:T: Whet are they? Ss: They are fish.T: What's your favorite fish? Ss: The red/blue/orange/.. .one・T: I also like the orange one .It is so cute ・T: Do you know where do fish live? Ss: In the sea・T: Yes, you are so cleve匚Fish live in the sea. So, the fish's home is in the sea.T播放PPT上鸟的图画问:T: What are they? Ss: They are birds.T: Where are the birds• home? Ss: In the tree.T: Yes・ The birds, home is in the tree・T播放PPT上房子的图画问:T: What's this? Ss: It's a house.T: Yes, it,s a very nice house・ We also call it home. Home is a nice place for all of us.So, today we are going to learn sth. about home・Firstly, let's enjoy a very nice rhyme about home: Home Is a Nice PlaceThe fish live in the sea.The birds live in the tree.Home is a nice placeFor a child like me.II Presentation:I,teach the new words: bedroom, bathroom, sitting room, dining roomT播放房I、可布局的平面图问:T: What's this? This is the layout of a house. There are many rooms in this house・ Now let^s go to have a look one by one・T播放床铺的图片:T: Whafs this?Ss: It's a bed.T: Yes, it is a bed. Where should we put the bed?Ss: In the bedroom.T: Yes, we should put the bed in the bedroom.升降调+chant练习(T手拿bedroom的词卡)T: bedroom, bedroom、put the bed in (he bedroom.SI, please chant after me. (T 将bedroom 写在黑板上)Gl, chant after me. (T 将bedroom 词卡贴在黑板上)The whole class chant after me.T播放肥皂的图片:T: Whafs this?Ss: IFs soup・(T 要预防有些学生说成:It is a soap.要纠正:It is soup./ It is a bar of soap.)T: Yes, it is a bar of soap・ Where should we put the soap?Ss: In the bathroom.T: Yes, we should put the soap in the bathroom.升降调+chant练习(T手拿bathroom的词卡)T: bathroom, bathroom, put the bed in the bathroom.All the boys, please chant after me. (T 将bathroom 写在黑板上)All the girls chant after me. (T 将bathroom 词卡贴在黑板上)The whole class chant after me.T播放TV & tea的图片:T: Whafs this?Ss: It's a TV. It's tea.T: Where should we put the TV & tea?Ss: In the sitting room.T: Yes, we should put the TV & lea in the sitting room.升降调+chant练习(T手拿sitting room的词卡)Any volunteer who chant it correctly will win one star for his or her group・Any volunteer want to have a try?(对表现好的学生给予肯定:Good job./ Great.AVell done…对表现不够理想的学生:It doesn't matter. Anyway, good try.并给表现好的学生所在的组加上星星。
U7 Lesson13

课题闽教版小学英语第二册Unit 7 Clothes (1) Lesson 13课时1课时班级三年级编写者陈星一、教材内容分析本教材为闽教版小学英语第二册。
本节课要求学生学会服装新词汇如sweater,skirt,socks,shirt,shoes;以及学会新句子Put on your... . Take off your...; 同时让学生学唱童谣 I Like My Sweater. 此外,让学生学会用英语句子Your sweater is beautiful. I like your... .来赞美他人的服装。
二、教学目标(知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观)1. 教学知识与技能:(1)能听说读单词sweater,skirt,socks,shirt,shoes (2)能听懂会说句子Put on your... . Take off your... (3)学唱童谣I Like My Sweater2. 过程与方法:(1)通过多媒体教学,提高学生学习兴趣。
3. 情感、态度与价值观:(1)通过同桌合作等形式,培养学生的合作精神,并在合作学习中发现学习英语的乐趣。

Unit7 Jobs Lesson 1Good morning. (要自我介绍么) Today I’m going to talk about lesson 1 taken from Fujian Education Press, Book 2. My paper would be divided into 7 parts.Now, let’s come to the first part: analysis of the teaching material.Part Ⅰ Analysis of the Teaching Material 说教材Ⅰ My understanding of the materialLesson 1 is about different kinds of jobs. After studying this lesson, it is hoped that the Ss will be able to talk about their ideal career.2. Lesson 1 plays a very important part in Volume 6. It provides the words and sentences of occupations, and it also encourages the Ss to express themselves in daily life. In this lesson, Ss can also improve their listening, reading and speaking abilities.Part 2 Teaching aims and demands说目标1.Aims on the knowledge:1)The Ss can listen, read and say the new words.2)To enable the Ss to understand and speak, “What do you want tobe……?I want to be a---.Because---"2. Aims on the ability:1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking,reading andacting2) To use these new words and expression in real situations.3) To develop the Ss’ ability of communication and innovation.3. Aims on the emotion:1) To foster the Ss’ consciousness of good cooperation and propercompetition.2) To stimulate Ss' interest in learning English.3) To educate the Ss' to study hard and set a life goal for futurejobs.Part3.Teaching key and difficult points:重难点1.Key points:To help the Ss listen, read and say the sentences and master the new words.2.Difficult point:To help the Ss express the new sentences in real situation.Part 4 Teaching aids:Multimedia, tape recorder, and cardsPart 5 Analysis of the Teaching Methods说教法Based on the New English Course Standard and the teaching material, I'll adopt the following teaching methods to support my teaching: Tasked-based teaching, communicative approach, situational teaching and games. Besides, the teaching material is arranged from easy to difficult, from known to unknown. I also want to use real objects and pictures to arouse the Ss' interest in learning English..Part 6 Students' Learning Methods说学法By studying this lesson, the Ss have learned to arrange their learning activities in an orderly way and step by step. That is to prepare lessons before class, participate in activities in class, and review in time after class.Part 7 Teaching Procedures and purposes of my designing说过程Before the class, I'll divide the whole class into four groups to make a competition in the class. At the end of the class, the best group can get a box of little stars.Step1 Warming-up1.Greetings.2.Sing a song "A Happy Song"(The purpose is to create a better English learning atmosphere for the Ss, focus their attention in the class and lead in the topic naturally.)Step2 Presentation1.Learn the new words.(1)Draw a picture of nurse and lead in the topic.(T: I'm a teacher. You are students. (Review the words, teacher and student.)But when I was a child, I wanted to be a nurse.(2)Teach the word "nurse", using high and low voice.(3)Show the pictures of the jobs and make Ss learn the newwords.(pilot,farmer,singer,worker,policeman, doctor)(4)Ask Ss to read the new words after me for several times.(5)Play a game "Drive the train" to practice the new words. The best group can get two little stars.(Purpose: This is to enable every student to practice the new word.)2. Learn the sentence patterns.(1)Write down the new sentence patterns and explain them.----What do you want to be?----I want to be a-------Because---(2)Let Ss practice the sentence patterns in pairs.(3)Learn the text1)With the help of CAI to present the dialogue. Set a situation to help Ss understand what Peter and Li Hong are talking about.2) Play a game--Rushing to answer.Play the video again and lead Ss to answer the following questions: What does Peter want to be? Why?(细节需要体现?)What does Li Hong want to be? Why?(Give the best group 3 little stars) 3) Play it a third time. Let the Ss listen and imitate the dialogue. (Purpose: CAI can provide a real situation for Ss to understand the dialogue, and it also improves Ss' speaking and listening abilities.Step 3 Practice1.Finish the second part "Look and say".Divide the Ss into 4 groups to have a competition. Find out which group is the best.2.After 5 mins, each group is supposed to send a pair to present it. (Purpose: Task-based teaching is used here to develop Ss' sense of cooperation and proper competition.)Step 4 ConsolidationFinish the third part "Ask and answer" Find out which group finishes better and faster.(Purpose: To consolidate the learnt knowledge.)Step 5 Homework1.Review the new words and sentences.2.Do a survey "What do your classmates want to be?"Part 7 Blackboard DesignUnit7 JobsNursepilot What do you want to be?I want to be a---Because----THANKS FOR LISTENING!。

2、能运用所学改写‘The signs in the park’的歌词,并在伴奏下唱出一首属于自己的歌。
其教学步骤如下:激趣导入→复习9个公共标志〔以读、说为主〕→唱歌‘The signs in the park’→复习句型〔以说、写为主〕→拓展练习→改写歌词。
说教学过程:一、激趣导入:〔演示由十几张公共场所及公共标志图片所组成的小短片〕看完请学生说说你看到了些什么?由此引出课题:Unit 2 Public signs【配上了音乐的小短片能一下子吸引学生的注意力,并营造一种轻松、欢快的学习气氛,加上色彩艳丽的各种图案直观的显示了课文的内容,自然的将学生们带入学习内容中。
Unit7 Jobs Lesson13导学案

Unit7 Jobs Lesson13教材:闽教版五年级下册课题:Jobs 课型:新授课School:前楼中心小学Teacher:朱莲春Class:五年一班一、学习目标1、我会听说、认读单词:worker, singer, dancer, farmer, policeman, doctor, pilot, nurse, why, because。
2、我能够听懂会说:What do you want to be? I want to be a ....并能够在实际情景中应用。
二、课前预习三、时间预设复习5’-----小组学习10’-----展示10’-----当堂检测5’四、学习导航:Step1:Warming up1.Greeting2.Say and do.3.Free talk.Step2: Presentation1.导入新课。
2.Learn the new words: worker, singer, dancer, farmer, policeman, doctor,pilot, nurse, why, because。
(3)展示读Step3:Learning and cooperation1.话题导入,引出课题:Jobs.2.Learn the sentences : What do you want to be? I want to be a ....3.小组学习课文(1)找出不懂的词汇与句型。
(3)组内操练(齐读或分角色)Step4:Showing time1.Group work.(展示,加分)Step5: Consolidation1.Activity book---Finish the part 4and part 6.Step6: EvaluationWho is the winner?Step7: Homework.1.Review the new words and sentences.2.Do a survey "What do your classmates want to be?"3.Finish the activity book part 1 and4.。
五年级英语下册 unit7 Lesson13(1)教案 闽教版

Unit 7 JobsLesson 13Ⅰ教学目标:1、知识目标:⑴掌握词汇: teacher, worker, singer, dancer, farmer, policeman,doctor, pilot, nurse, because1⑵掌握句型: What do you want to be? I want to be a ....2、技能目标:能运用所学句型询问他人的理想或说说自己的理想。
Ⅱ教学重点:1、掌握表示职业的9个单词2、掌握句型What do you want to be? I want to be a …及其运用3、让学生能用所学单词和句型相互询问各自的理想。
Ⅲ教学难点:1、单词pilot, nurse, policeman, doctor的发音2、句型Why? Because…的学习及掌握Ⅳ教学用具:录音机、单词卡若干Ⅴ教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1、Greetings.2、 Free talk.T: Hello, boys and girls. I’m Ms Zhao. I’m new here. What’s your name? What’s your hobby?S: My name is …. I like ….T: I like listening to music. I like Zhou Jielun’s songs.Step 2 Lead in and Presentation1、课件出示介绍学生熟悉的人物:周杰伦、杨丽萍。
T:Look. Who is he/she? He's Zhou Jielun. He's a singer. She's Yang Liping. She's a dancer. Singer and dancer are their jobs(职业).Today we're going to learna new lesson. Unit 7 Jobs Lesson 132、揭示课题并板书,同时教授单词jobs。
Jobs 教案 教学设计

教案Jobs一、教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说单词和词组street cleaner, fireman, spaceman, put out fires, save people in fires, fly rockets into space, hard-working, brave, strong2. 能听懂、会说、会运用句型He/She likes his/her job because …3. 通过阅读学习如何通过笔录了解他人的职业并进行谈论,了解课文以外更多职业。
2. 引导学生整体阅读课文对话,理解课文细节信息。
二、教学重难点:1. 能听懂、会说、会运用句型He/She likes his/her job because …2 通过笔录学习学会如何就他人的职业进行谈论和叙述。
3. 对高年级学生英语学习方法的指导。
三、教学过程:Step One: Lead-in1 . Self-introduction(教师自我介绍)The teacher introduces herself using a rhyme and chats with the students. 〔设计说明〕:教师通过自编歌谣介绍自己,师生相互熟悉,活跃气氛,铺垫生词exciting,because2. Talk about the things the students like(谈论学生喜爱的食物、动物等以及原因)The teacher asks about what the students like and why. The students try to say what they like using ‘I like…because…’〔设计说明〕:通过韵律诗铺垫本课难点句式,引导学生运用I like …because …谈论自己喜爱的食物、动物等。

教学难点:1.学生能够正确运用“he is”和“she is”进行不同性别职业的介绍。
Step 2: 展示课件 (10分钟)1.通过PPT展示职业名称,并读出相应的发音。
Step 3: 听力训练 (15分钟)1.播放录音材料,学生听音选择正确的职业名称。
Step 4: 句型练习 (10分钟)1.引导学生运用“he is”和“she is”进行职业介绍。
Step 5: 创意练习 (15分钟)1.将学生分成小组,每个小组选择一种职业。
六年级英语下册 Unit 7 Lesson 13课件 闽教版

Unit 7 Dream Jobs 话题:职业 语法:一般现在时单数第三人称 的谓语形式 功能:谈论理想中的未来职业
Lesson 13
1.Learn to say. 本课用陈述的形式谈论第三人 称的Amy的理想中的职业,一 方面复习有关职业的单词,导 入新的单词 airhostess, 另一 方面复习单数第三人称的谓语 形式。
You made my day!
Different style Nhomakorabeacooks
Rush hour
An airhostess can help people
and make the trip nice and happy. 空姐能够帮助乘客,使旅途温 馨愉快。
An airhostess has to work long hours. 空姐上班得工作很长的 时间。
Read and guess. pilot nurse teacher airhostess worker Read. Tick or cross. day and night 日日夜夜 Sometimes he works on holidays. 有时候他节假日上班
Thank you
•1、书籍是朋友,虽然没有热情,但是非常忠实。2022年3月2日星期三2022/3/22022/3/22022/3/2 •2、科学的灵感,决不是坐等可以等来的。如果说,科学上的发现有什么偶然的机遇的话,那么这种‘偶然的机遇’只能给那些学有素养的人,给那些善于独 立思考的人,给那些具有锲而不舍的人。2022年3月2022/3/22022/3/22022/3/23/2/2022 •3、书籍—通过心灵观察世界的窗口.住宅里没有书,犹如房间里没有窗户。2022/3/22022/3/2March 2, 2022 •4、享受阅读快乐,提高生活质量。2022/3/22022/3/22022/3/22022/3/2
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Unit7 Jobs Lesson 1Good morning. (要自我介绍么) Today I’m going to talk about lesson 1 taken from Fujian Education Press, Book 2. My paper would be divided into 7 parts.Now, let’s come to the first part: analysis of the teaching material.Part Ⅰ Analysis of the Teaching Material 说教材Ⅰ My understanding of the materialLesson 1 is about different kinds of jobs. After studying this lesson, it is hoped that the Ss will be able to talk about their ideal career.2. Lesson 1 plays a very important part in Volume 6. It provides the words and sentences of occupations, and it also encourages the Ss to express themselves in daily life. In this lesson, Ss can also improve their listening, reading and speaking abilities.Part 2 Teaching aims and demands说目标1.Aims on the knowledge:1)The Ss can listen, read and say the new words.2)To enable the Ss to understand and speak, “What do you want tobe……?I want to be a---.Because---"2. Aims on the ability:1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking,reading andacting2) To use these new words and expression in real situations.3) To develop the Ss’ ability of communication and innovation.3. Aims on the emotion:1) To foster the Ss’ consciousness of good cooperation and propercompetition.2) To stimulate Ss' interest in learning English.3) To educate the Ss' to study hard and set a life goal for futurejobs.Part3.Teaching key and difficult points:重难点1.Key points:To help the Ss listen, read and say the sentences and master the new words.2.Difficult point:To help the Ss express the new sentences in real situation.Part 4 Teaching aids:Multimedia, tape recorder, and cardsPart 5 Analysis of the Teaching Methods说教法Based on the New English Course Standard and the teaching material, I'll adopt the following teaching methods to support my teaching: Tasked-based teaching, communicative approach, situational teaching and games. Besides, the teaching material is arranged from easy to difficult, from known to unknown. I also want to use real objects and pictures to arouse the Ss' interest in learning English..Part 6 Students' Learning Methods说学法By studying this lesson, the Ss have learned to arrange their learning activities in an orderly way and step by step. That is to prepare lessons before class, participate in activities in class, and review in time after class.Part 7 Teaching Procedures and purposes of my designing说过程Before the class, I'll divide the whole class into four groups to make a competition in the class. At the end of the class, the best group can get a box of little stars.Step1 Warming-up1.Greetings.2.Sing a song "A Happy Song"(The purpose is to create a better English learning atmosphere for the Ss, focus their attention in the class and lead in the topic naturally.)Step2 Presentation1.Learn the new words.(1)Draw a picture of nurse and lead in the topic.(T: I'm a teacher. You are students. (Review the words, teacher and student.)But when I was a child, I wanted to be a nurse.(2)Teach the word "nurse", using high and low voice.(3)Show the pictures of the jobs and make Ss learn the newwords.(pilot,farmer,singer,worker,policeman, doctor)(4)Ask Ss to read the new words after me for several times.(5)Play a game "Drive the train" to practice the new words. The best group can get two little stars.(Purpose: This is to enable every student to practice the new word.)2. Learn the sentence patterns.(1)Write down the new sentence patterns and explain them.----What do you want to be?----I want to be a-------Because---(2)Let Ss practice the sentence patterns in pairs.(3)Learn the text1)With the help of CAI to present the dialogue. Set a situation to help Ss understand what Peter and Li Hong are talking about.2) Play a game--Rushing to answer.Play the video again and lead Ss to answer the following questions: What does Peter want to be? Why?(细节需要体现?)What does Li Hong want to be? Why?(Give the best group 3 little stars) 3) Play it a third time. Let the Ss listen and imitate the dialogue. (Purpose: CAI can provide a real situation for Ss to understand the dialogue, and it also improves Ss' speaking and listening abilities.Step 3 Practice1.Finish the second part "Look and say".Divide the Ss into 4 groups to have a competition. Find out which group is the best.2.After 5 mins, each group is supposed to send a pair to present it. (Purpose: Task-based teaching is used here to develop Ss' sense of cooperation and proper competition.)Step 4 ConsolidationFinish the third part "Ask and answer" Find out which group finishes better and faster.(Purpose: To consolidate the learnt knowledge.)Step 5 Homework1.Review the new words and sentences.2.Do a survey "What do your classmates want to be?"Part 7 Blackboard DesignUnit7 JobsNursepilot What do you want to be?I want to be a---Because----THANKS FOR LISTENING!。