
Outline1. Introduction2. Development of English News Title2.1 History of English News Title2.2 Functions of English News Title2.2.1 Pointing Out the News Content2.2.2 Producing Attractive Effects.2.3 Differences between Chinese and English News Titles2.3.1 V ocabulary Similarities and Differences2.3.2 Tense Similarities and Differences2.3.3 Rhetoric Similarities and Differences2.3.4 Punctuation Mark Similarities and Differences3. Translation of English News Titles3.1 Literal Translation3.2 Free Translation3.3 Addition3.4 Omission3.5 Negation Translation3.6 Alliteration3.7 Making Use of the Advantage Chinese in Translation4. Conclusion[Abstract] English news titles play a special role in news reporting. Thus we should place special emphasis on the research of the characteristics and translation of English news titles. This thesis focuses on the study of English news titles in terms of their grammatical features and its translation. When it comes to translation, it tries to reproduce the functions of English news titles which requires translators’ agility and ingenuity in applying semantic and rhetorical devices. With grammatical and semantic exploration into the English news titles, such studies strive to benefit the readers in their understanding of what the editor wants to convey.[Key words] English news title; function; comparison; translations methods英语新闻标题及其翻译[摘要]标题在新闻报道中具有独特的地位。

《新闻标题大全2018摘抄【英语新闻的标题语言】》摘要:(Are) in Pact on Electronics. (《美日就电子设备达成协议》),(The )Bankers (Keep) Silent As ( the ) Dollar Falls. (《美元价跌,银行家保持沉默》),of Petroleum Exporting Countries(欧佩克或石油输出国组织), IPR: Intellectual Property Rights(知识产权),CEO: Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官),Sino-US Ties Crucial. (《基辛格说中美关系至关重要》), China Cooks: Masters at Turning a Turnip into a Flower. (《中国厨师能把一个萝卜变成一朵花》)已发展成为全球性国际通用语的英语,在过去的20多年里,一直是中国开放政策的重要媒介之一。
英语新闻(journalistic English)指英文报刊上常见的各类文章,体裁多样,有新闻报道、新闻特写、广告、公报、述评、访谈……题材广泛,内容包罗万象。
[英美报刊] 英文新闻标题
![[英美报刊] 英文新闻标题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/205c2f8783d049649b665855.png)
India Mending Fences with Neighbors (=India Is Mending Fences with Neighbors) 印度正改善与邻国关系 Mainland Factory Output Booming (=Mainland Factory Output Is Booming) 大陆工厂产量正飞速增长 People Flow Hurting the Wall (=People Flow Is Hurting the Wall) 过多的人流正破坏长城
例如: LongLong-Term Plan to TCM (TCM =Traditional Chinese Medicine,中医) Medicine,中医) Quake Kills 11 in Western China (Quake=earthquake,地震) (Quake=earthquake,地震) IBM Sets Wireless Web Pacts for E-business E(IBM=International Business Machines Corporation,美国商用机器公司) Corporation,美国商用机器公司) Members’ Close Ties Emphasized Ahead of SCO Summit (SCO=Shanghai Co-operation CoOrganization,上海合作组织) Organization,上海合作组织) US seeks MIAs (MIA= Missing in Action,作战失 Action,作战失 踪人员) 踪人员)
Features of English News Titles
Lingusitic Features of English News Titles 大量使用简短词 灵活使用新词 大量使用缩略词

1.“We will always be friends”: Biden and Trump finally part ways
2.The COVID-19 pandemic has killed more than 2 million people worldwide
3.China's first homegrown passenger jet, the C919, takes its maiden flight
introduces strict new measures to curb spread of new coronavirus
Capitol riots: What we know about the pro-Trump mob that stormed


英语新闻标题大全篇一:英语新闻标题常用词汇英语新闻标题常用词汇aid=assist(帮助,援助)alter=change or modify(改变)ask=inquire(询问)assail=denounce(谴责)axe=dismiss\reduce(解雇,减少)balk=impede(阻碍)ban=prohibit or forbid(禁止)bar=prevent(防止,阻止)bare=expose or reveal(暴露,揭露)blast=explode(爆炸)begin=commence(开始)bid=attempt(努力)bilk=cheat(欺骗)bolt=desert or abandon(放弃)boost=increase(增加,提高)check=examine(检查)claim=abuse the death of…(夺去……的生命) clash=disagree strong1y(发生分歧,争议)curb=control or restrict(控制)dip=decline or decrease(下降)ease=lessen(减轻,缓和)end=terminate(结束,中止)flay=criticize(批评)flout=insult(侮辱)foil=prevent from(阻止,防止)grill = investigate(调查)gut=destroy(摧毁)head=direct(率领)hold=arrest(逮捕)laud=praise(赞扬)lop=diminish(下降,减少)map=work out(制订)mark=celebrate(庆祝)name=appoint\nominate(命名,提名) moot=discuss(讨论)mull=consider(考虑)nab=arrest(逮捕)nip=defeat(击败)nix=deny\disapprove(否决,拒绝)opt=choose(选择)oust=expel(驱逐)peril=endanger(危害,危及)pledge=determine(发誓)plot=conspire(预谋,密谋策划)plunge=plummet(价格等)暴跌poise=ready for action(作好准备) probe=investigate(调查)raid =attack(进攻)rap =criticize(批评)rebuke=criticize(批评)rout=defeat completely(击溃,打垮) slay=murder(谋杀)soar=skyrocket(急剧上升)spur=encourage(激励,鞭策)swap=exchange(交流,交换)sway=influence(影响)trim=reduce(削减)vie=compete(竞争)vow=determine(决心,发誓)weigh=consider(考虑)woo=seek to win(争取,追求)常见诸报端的标题小词,以备不时之需:ace=champion(得胜者)aid=assistance(帮助)blast=explosion(爆炸)body=committee,commission (委员会)clash=controversy(机构)crash=collision(碰撞,坠毁)deal=agreement,transaction (协议,交易)dems=democrats(民主主义者,民主人士,民主党党员)envoy=ambassador(大使)fake=counterfeit(赝品,骗局)fete=celebration(庆祝)feud=strong dispute(严重分歧)flop=failure(失败)freeze=stabilization (冻结,平抑)glut=oversupply(供过于求)GOP=Grand 0ld Party(〈美国〉共和党)nod=approval(许可,批准)pact=agreement,treaty (条约,协议)poll=election,public opinion poll (投票选举,民意测验) probe=investigation(调查)pullout=withdrawal(撤退,撤离)rift=separation(隔离,分离)row=quarrel(争论,争议)set=ready(准备)snag=unexpected difficulty (意外障碍,意外困难)statement=dispute that cannot be settled(僵持,僵局) stance=attitude(态度)step=progress(进程,进步)strife=conflict(冲突,矛盾)ties=(diplomatic)relations (关系)一些常见诸英语报端的这类节缩词,供读者读报时对照、查考: Aussie=Australian(澳大利亚的)biz=business(商业)champ=champion(冠军)con=convict(罪犯)deli=delicatessen(熟食)expo=exposition(博览会)homo=homosexual(同性恋)lib=liberation(解放)pro=professional(专业的,职业的)rep=representative(代表)Russ=Russia(俄罗斯)Sec=secretary(秘书)chute=parachute(降落伞)copter=helicopter(直升机)nat’l=national(全国的)com’l=commercial(商业的,广告)c’tee=committee(委员会)C’wealth=Commonwealth(英联邦)telly=television(电视机)tech=technology(技术)pix=pictures(电影)vet=veteran(老兵,老手)vic=victory(胜利英语新闻标题中经常出现的缩写词主要分为三类:1、组织机构等专有名称,如上述例句中的CPPCC (全国政协)和PLO(巴解组织)。

1)北有煤海(暗含一般现在时) (2)明天必将美好(将来时) (3)十年后重访国外(省略主语,英语新闻标题不可以) (4)America Will Not Curb Arms for Israel(一般将来时) 美无意削减对以武器援助 (5)Women Are Becoming Experts at Home Repairs(进行时) 妇女正在成为家庭装修能手 From the above examples, we can see that the tense marker is obvious in English news headlines while in the Chinese news headlines the tense marker is not obvious.
Lexical difference From the point view of lexical, Chinese news headlines prefer to verbs while English news headlines prefer nouns. (1)开放 搞活 改革 致富(连用四个动词) (2)Britain “Flagship” Detention Center Abandoned (连用四个名词) In the first example, Chinese news headline uses four verbs. In the second example, English news headline uses four nouns.
英美报刊 Chapter_2_News_Headlines

2. Tense
英语新闻标题中常用的动词时态主要有三种: 一般现
在时、现在进行时和一般将来时。 对于正在发生的事态或动作,英语新闻标题采 用“Be +现在分词”这一形式,但其中“Be” 又通常省略。 因此,剩下的ing分词便在新闻标题中直接表示正在进 行的动作或正在发展 的事态。例如: BBC Considering Starting Global Television Service (BBC is Considering Starting (the) Global Television Service) Deposits, Loans Rising In Shanghai. (Deposits And Loans Are Rising In Shanghai)
2. Tense
标题中动词的将来时: 1)will+动词原形 Next Century will Challenge Law of
Land 2)更多采用“be+动词不定式”,其中be通 常省略, 以节省标题字数。即动词不定式 在英语新闻标题中可 直接表示未来动作。 例如: Romania to Buy Iran Oil at $35 a Barrel =>Romania is to Buy Iran Oil at $35 a Barrel Largest Chinese Trade Delegation to Visit US in Nov. => Largest Chinese Trade Delegation is to Visit US in Nov.
1. A Global Poll Shows Fashion Models are “Too Thin” (全球调查:时装模特“太瘦”) 2. What Does the Declining Registration Rate for the Post-

二、新闻一:《英国首相宣布脱欧计划》1. 标题:英国首相宣布脱欧计划2. 时间:2020年1月21日3. 内容摘要:英国首相宣布,英国将于2020年1月31日正式脱离欧盟。
4. 词汇摘抄:- Brexit:英国脱欧- Prime Minister:首相- European Union:欧盟- Withdrawal Agreement:脱欧协议- Trade deal:贸易协议5. 句子摘抄:- The Prime Minister announced that the UK will officially leave the European Union on January 31, 2020.- The government will strive to ensure that the withdrawal process is carried out smoothly.三、新闻二:《美国新冠疫情持续蔓延》1. 标题:美国新冠疫情持续蔓延2. 时间:2020年3月14日3. 内容摘要:美国新冠疫情持续蔓延,确诊病例已超过10万。
4. 词汇摘抄:- COVID-19:新冠病毒- Pandemic:大流行- Emergency declaration:国家紧急状态- Lockdown:封锁- International cooperation:国际合作5. 句子摘抄:- The number of confirmed cases in the United States has exceeded 100,000.- The government has declared a national emergency and implemented lockdown measures to contain the spread of the virus.- The United States is actively seeking international cooperation to combat the pandemic.四、新闻三:《巴西总统感染新冠病毒》1. 标题:巴西总统感染新冠病毒2. 时间:2020年3月27日3. 内容摘要:巴西总统感染新冠病毒,成为全球首位确诊的总统。
英文新闻标题的例子 包括引用

首先,让我们来看一个非常典型的引用型新闻标题,这是一篇关于一名名将退役的报道,“Farewell to a legend: Kobe Bryant's last game”. 在这个标题中,引用了“Farewell to a legend”这句话来表达对科比布莱恩特的敬意,同时也强调了这场比赛的重要性。
其次,我们来看一个利用动词的现在分词的新闻标题,这是一篇关于飓风伊玛丽的报道,“Hurricane Irma continues pounding Florida”. 这个标题中,动词的现在分词“pounding”表示伊玛丽正在一直猛烈袭击佛罗里达州,强调了事件的实时性和紧迫性。
最后,我们来看一个采用问句的新闻标题,这是一篇关于贸易战的报道,“Is a trade war inevitable between China and the US?”这个标题中,采用了问句的形式,引发读者的思考和关注,同时也表达了作者的观点和态度。

每日英语新闻摘抄2023标题:每日英语新闻摘抄2023正文:1. 'China launches new initiative to promote green energy' China has recently launched a new initiative aimed at promoting the use of green energy sources. The government plans to invest heavily in renewable energy projects, such as wind and solar power, to reduce the country's reliance on fossil fuels. This initiative aligns with China's commitment to combating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060.2. 'Global leaders gather for G20 summit on economic recovery'The annual G20 summit kicked off today, with global leaders gathering to discuss strategies for economic recoverypost-pandemic. Key topics on the agenda include vaccine distribution, international trade, and sustainable development. With the participation of major economies, such as the United States, China, and the European Union, the summit is expected to pave the way for a more inclusive and resilient global economy.3. 'New breakthrough in cancer research offers hope forpatients'Scientists have made a significant breakthrough in cancer research, offering new hope for patients around the world. A team of researchers has discovered a novel treatment method that targets cancer cells specifically, minimizing damage to healthy cells. Clinical trials have shown promising results, with patients experiencing improved survival rates and reduced side effects. This breakthrough could potentially revolutionize cancer treatment and improve the quality of life for millions of people.4. 'Technology giants collaborate to combat online misinformation'In an unprecedented move, major technology giants have joined forces to combat the spread of online misinformation. Companies like Facebook, Google, and Twitter have developed a comprehensive strategy to identify and flag false information, particularly related to public health and elections. By sharing resources and expertise, these companies aim to create a safer and more reliable online environment for users worldwide.5. 'Youth-led climate protests sweep across the globe' Inspired by the activism of young climate activist Greta Thunberg, youth-led climate protests have erupted in citiesaround the world. Students and young adults are demanding urgent action from governments and corporations to address the climate crisis. These protests serve as a powerful reminder of the younger generation's determination to fight for a sustainable future and hold decision-makers accountable for their actions.6. 'Space exploration enters a new era with private missions'Private space exploration has taken a significant leap forward with the launch of several missions by commercial companies. SpaceX, Blue Origin, and other private companies have successfully sent astronauts and satellites into space, marking a new era in human spaceflight. This development not only opens up opportunities for scientific research and technological advancements but also paves the way for space tourism and potential colonization of other celestial bodies.总结:2023年的每日英语新闻摘抄涵盖了多个领域的关键事件和科技突破。
新闻英语 (2)

In short, it has 4 functions:
1.summarizing the story
2.arousing the reader’s interest
3.beautifying the newspaper page
4.indicating how much importance
N. Y. Officials Want More DNA Samples
纽约市官员需要更多DNA 样本
US, DPRK resume talks on nuke issue 美国和朝鲜民主主义共和国恢复核武器问题
的会谈 Australia’s GDP growth outlook improves 澳大利亚国内生产总值稳定增长 Record SAR admissions to mainland universities 香港学生北上升学人数倍增
பைடு நூலகம்
eg:Next Century Will Change The Law Of Land. 动词的将来时更多地用动词不定式表达 be +to do(省be) eg:Largest Chinese Trade Delegation To Visit US in Nov. Trade delegation: 贸易代表团
Be + doing (省be)
IT Sector Growing Fast 信息技术行业增长迅速 BBC Considering Starting Global Television Service 英国广播公司正在考虑开展全球电视业务 Deposits, Loans Rising In Shanghai 上海储蓄与贷款额见升

英文版的新闻报道【篇一:新闻稿模板英文版】常见的四类英文新闻稿类型及写作模版要点(一)企业社会责任/赞助类csr-sponsorship新闻稿标题: [company] to team with [partner] to [event goal](这样的新闻稿标题模板,让读者清晰得了解新闻的事件。
)典型新闻稿举例:(1)mary j blige joins forces with belvedere vodka and (red)(tm) to help save lives(2)moet chandon and filmaid asia announces the power of film gala正文feb. 23, 2012 /prnewswire-asia/—[company name], a leader in [industry], is joiningforces with [partner name] to help [event goal] by [event details]. proceeds from the event will go towards the [foundation/charity name] which will[foundation/charity goal].(首先对活动的主要元素做一阐述)[more event details participants](更多关于活动的细节以及参与者整个活动的主线内容和参与者,用以体现活动性质和主题内容)[quote from participant/partner](活动参与者或合作方的引语,从而侧面讲述活动的内容)[company quote](主办方对举办这次活动的介绍或引语,提升主办方的形象)[partner boiler](合作方的简介,提升活动的形象)[company boiler](对公司进行简介,再次加深公司的形象)[contact details](联系方式)新产品发布类new product新闻稿标题[company] releases [product name] to [product function](新闻稿标题有公司名、产品名,以及主要产品功能等元素,不仅主题明确,也有助于 seo)典型新闻稿举例:(1)wondershare unveils powersketch iphone app; turns any image into a sketchmasterpiece – free for 5 days(2)adfonic brings rich media mobile ads to the mass market正文beijing, feb. 23, 2012 /prnewswire-asia/ — [company name], a leader in [industry], has unveiled [new product], a [product description].(开头必定是新闻要素。

缩写词又称首字母缩略词,全部用大写字母拼成,从而代替一 组冗长复杂的词或词组。这样,既节省版面,又提示新闻内容, 使人读来简洁易记,还可使版面编排减少沉闷之感。例如: CPPCC Head Meets Returned Overseas Students In Beijing. (CPPCC=The Chinese People‘s Political Consultative Conference中国人民政治协商会议) 全国政协主席在京接见归 国留学生。 Aids Victims Surging In Us. (Aids=Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome:后天免疫缺损综合症,即“艾滋病”) 美“艾滋病”患者激增。 PLO Says Big Israeli Drive Ahead. (PLO=Palestine Liberation Organization:巴勒斯坦解放组织) 巴解组织称以色列即将大举进攻。
其实,新闻标题使用动词主动语态的频率远远超过被动语态。 因为从修辞学角度而言,主动语态比被动语态更加生动多彩且 富有感染力,所表达的意义更为直接,或更具有说服力,使读 者感到真实可信,读来朗朗上口,流利自然。英语新闻标题只 有在事件或动作的接受者比执行者更重要时才使用被动语态, 突出强调宾语部分,以引起读者注意。这是因为读者读报时的 心理状态同看书或查阅资料时的情况不尽相同。人们往往是在 就餐时或上班途中、候车、饭后用茶等较空闲时看报的,阅读 时思想往往不是完全集中的。只有当他们看到一条特别能引起 他们兴趣的标题时,才会把注意力全部集中起来,全神贯注的 看下去。因此,英语新闻标题有时为突出动作的承受者通常采 用被动语态,目的在于抓住读者的注意力。 例如:请比较一下两个新闻题目,哪个更吸引读者? 500 Reported Killed In S. Korean Building Collapse Collapse Claims 500 Lives In S.Korea

例如下面这几行标题,不管是硬新闻还是软新闻标题,都含有一个动词:High tax levels “driving away foreign investors”Bush acknowledges Viet Nam parallelNigerian plane crashes with over 100 aboardMyles Quin likes to collect stuff-most of all good yarnsThe City cultivates a thriving poetry corner out of The Waste Land如果缺乏动词,新闻标题会显得单调、千篇一律,例如:Bill Gates and the MicrosoftAmerican views on China这两则标题显得大而空泛,华而不实,没有提供关于新闻具体内容的实际信息,应该尽量避免这种写法。
因此,要尽量避免使用“ask”这类平淡的动词和表达含糊的混合动词,例如“American government gives views on Mexican’s racism”,如果报道对象“American government”在谴责“Mexican’s racism”时用了很有力很明确的语句,那么就应该避免“gives views”这种含糊的写法。

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但是又是为了强调某种时间信息如是情已经过去, 标题可采用过去时态, 例如:It Was a Good Barn 昔时, 它曾是一做好谷仓
2.2 语态
读者在广泛接触英语报刊时, 一定会发现新闻标题使用主动语态的频率远远高于被动语态。而即使在使用被动语态时, 被动语态的“be”也常常被省略, 只留下过去分词, 也不用“by”来引出动作的执行者, 例如:
再次, 英语新闻标题为追求简介常使用缩略语和数字, 例如:
NBC' s President Robert Wright seeks Big Acquisitions, Ventures for the Network.“强有力的伙伴”+“可观的投资”- 罗伯特董事长为NBC 网络扩展而奔走。
王娟1 薛楠2 杨郭婷1
( 1 巢湖学院公外部, 安徽巢湖238000)
( 2 西北大学外国语学院, 陕西西安710127)
摘要: 新闻标题是新闻的眼睛, 也是新闻的重要组成部分。本文以新闻标题在措词、语法和修辞等方面的特点为切入点, 进而从三个方面提出英语新闻标题的翻译策略: ( 一) 直译或基本直译; ( 二) 意译; ( 三) 采用翻译权衡手法。通过对英语新闻标题特点的研究及对其翻译策略的透析, 以期对新闻翻译工作者英语新闻标题的翻译提供可鉴之策, By Their Colours You Show Know Them 欧洲色彩时尚( 意译, 点明文章内容)
Girl of 18 Raped After Threat With Bread Knife 餐刀威逼下, 18 岁少女遭强暴
Van Gogh' s Recovered After Theft 梵高名画窃而复得
主动语态在英语新闻标题中的广泛使用, 从修辞学的角度而言, 是因为主动语态比被动语态更加丰富多彩, 而且更富有感染力, 其所表达的意义更为直接, 更具有说服力, 使读者能切身体会到其真是可信性, 读起来琅琅上口, 流利自然。英语新闻标题只有在事件或动作的接受者比执行者更重要时才使用被动语态, 突出强调宾语部分, 引起读者注意。
其次, 英语新闻标题中还多使用“时髦词”(Vogue Words) 。“新”是新闻的生命, 同时也是新闻语言的生命。这是由新闻的本质所决定的。新闻报道要放开眼界、与时俱进, 将一切新事物、新现象、新思想、新潮流通过各种新闻媒介传播给广大受众。首先就反映在新闻标题上。英语新闻中的时髦词美不胜举, 例如:
英语新闻标题用词一般不多和英语标题倾向于对某一内容作“重点化”处理不求面面俱到这两点决定了其一般比较精炼简短。而汉语新闻标题追求“全面性”和汉语一词一意, 使得汉语标题用词相对较多。所以, 在汉译标题时, 可以结合汉语新闻标题的特点, 适当增加一些词语, 使标题形式更加趋于汉语化, 意义更趋完整, 例如:
1 措词
在英语中, 新闻标题称为"headlines", 居于新闻报道主体内容之上, 在报刊杂志中, 其版面空间是相当宝贵的, 应当尽量以最小的篇幅容纳最大的信息量, 这就对英语新闻标题的措词提出了很高的要求。
首先, 英语新闻标题中广泛使用名词和简短小词(midget words) 。为节省笔墨和空间, 标题中的虚词( 又是包括系动词be) 被省去, 剩下的主要是实词, 特别是名词。而名词具有很强的表意功能, 信息量大, 同时又具有广泛的语法兼容性(grammaticality), 它可以充当多种词类, 如形容词、动词、副词等的角色, 也可以以简约明了的形式和结构表达完整句法概念, 例如:
My Husband Is A Man In A Woman' s World泡在女人堆里的男人
如果英语标题寓意于某种修辞手段, 如双关、比喻、押韵等, 翻译成汉语之后中国读者也能同样感受得到, 则尽可能体现原标题的修辞特点, 不能保持原修辞格时, 可换用其它修辞格或采用意译。
英语新闻标题中常见的缩写很多, 可分为三类:
1) 组织机构专有名词, 例如:WTO( 世界贸易组织) , NPC( 全国人民代表大会) , UN( 联合国)
2) 常见事物的名称, 例如:AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome后天免疫缺损综合症UFO: Unidentified Flying Object 不明飞行物, 飞碟
Some Kids Are Orchids 血案的反思( 意译, 点明文章的内容)
Believing The Believers 人类的信仰( 意译,指明作者的意图)
3.3 采用翻译权衡手法
有时当一些英语新闻标题因修辞手法, 或因文化及语言差异, 在汉语中难以表达其微妙意义时, 不妨根据英语新闻标题的字面意思结合新闻内容翻译出合适的汉语标题, 可采用如下方法:
力求用有限的文字来表达清楚新闻的内容,英语新闻标题除了使用名词之外, 还偏爱选用那些短小精悍或字母较少的词。这些短小易懂、形象生动的措词不仅能增强新闻的简洁性和可读性, 而且还能调解美化版面节约篇幅, 例如:
aid = assistance( 帮助)
body = committee/commission( 机构, 委员会)
Husband And Wife Team Unlock New Gene
Secret 夫妻联手解开新的基因奥秘
French Culture Is In Doldrums 法国文化颓然不振
Two Beirut Hostages To Go Free 贝鲁特最后两名人质“获释在望”
blast = explode( 爆炸)
ban = prohibit/forbid( 禁止)
end = terminate( 结束, 中止)
nod = approval ( 批准, 同意)
poll = election poll/public opinion poll ( 选举民意调查、民意测验)
The Columbine Tapes 影带惊魂
The Population surprise 人口下降( the decrease of the population surprises people)
Superkids? 超级儿童之谜(can supermen creat superkids?)
2.3 修辞
修辞是用准确生动的语言文字表达思想感情的技巧。为求形式的新颖以吸引读者, 英语新闻标题经常使用修辞手法。例如:
UK Writers Fly High on World Book Day 英国作家在世界图书日独领风骚(使用形象语言)
Top Iranian Reformist Says U.S. Iran In SecretTalks (China Daily May 9, 2002) 伊朗高层改革家: 美以举行秘密会谈(引语的使用, 当事人或权威人士的话给读者以真实感)
Liberty Mother Of Invention (借用典故) 自由是发明之母( 保持原修辞格)
Middle East: A Cradle Of Terror (比喻) 中东: 恐怖主义的摇篮( 保持原修辞格)
在汉译标题时可适当采用对仗、押韵、成语甚至文言用语, 是标题的翻译更加出彩, 例如:使国内读者能用新闻的眼睛更好地观望世界。
关键词: 英语新闻标题; 眼睛; 特点; 翻译策略
中图分类号: H31 文献标识号: A 文章编号: 1672- 2868( 2007) 05- 0082- 05
新闻一般由标题、导语、主体、背景和结尾组成。新闻可以没有导语和背景, 但是不能没有标题。标题对于新闻就像眼睛对于人一样重要, 它是新闻内容的集中和概括, 它用简约的文字浓缩了新闻报道中最精华、最值得关注的内容。人们说: “题好一半文”, 这正强调了新闻标题的重要性, 如同做事, 英语有谚云: “A good beginning ishalf the battle.”一则好的新闻标题能给新闻报道锦上添花, 起到画龙点睛吸引受众注意力的作用。
西方一些报纸较早重视新闻标题的使用。美国报纸在南北战争其间已经普遍采用多行标题,有的报纸关于林肯被刺消息的标题多达十七行。英国报纸学习美国报纸的编辑方法, 在报道普法战争时也已经使用多行标题, 有的报纸关于法军溃败的报道标题则有十行之多。在国际报道中, 英语新闻占了相当大的比重, 而标题又被视作英语新闻报道全文的精炼概括。为了吸引读者的关注, 编辑们往往采用各种手法以提升新闻标题的吸引力。而这同时也给英语新闻标题的翻译带来了不少挑战, 新闻翻译工作者需要对英语新闻标题的特点进行深层次把握, 同时运用各种翻译技巧和理论将原英语新闻标题的形、神、韵, 用汉语原汁原味地呈现在中国读者的面前。
Courage Knows No Gender( 拟人) 勇气不分男女( 意译)
After The Boom, Everything Is Gloom (押韵)繁华好景不再, 萧条接踵而来( 保持原修辞格)
Soccer Kicks Off Violence (双关) 足球开踢拳打脚踢( 保持原修辞格)
Year 2000 Bug Unstoppable for some companies.
American Online: Often down, Never Out.
美国在线: 屡挫不败。
时髦词语是时代的产物, 是社会经济变革和科学技术革命的结晶。一类是旧词赋新意, 如:copy( 复制) , mouse( 鼠标) , web( 网站) 等。另一类是新词, 如: com, e- mail, e- commerce( 电子商务) ,cyberbank( 网上银行) , cyberchat( 网上聊天) 等。