
Outline1. Introduction2. Development of English News Title2.1 History of English News Title2.2 Functions of English News Title2.2.1 Pointing Out the News Content2.2.2 Producing Attractive Effects.2.3 Differences between Chinese and English News Titles2.3.1 V ocabulary Similarities and Differences2.3.2 Tense Similarities and Differences2.3.3 Rhetoric Similarities and Differences2.3.4 Punctuation Mark Similarities and Differences3. Translation of English News Titles3.1 Literal Translation3.2 Free Translation3.3 Addition3.4 Omission3.5 Negation Translation3.6 Alliteration3.7 Making Use of the Advantage Chinese in Translation4. Conclusion[Abstract] English news titles play a special role in news reporting. Thus we should place special emphasis on the research of the characteristics and translation of English news titles. This thesis focuses on the study of English news titles in terms of their grammatical features and its translation. When it comes to translation, it tries to reproduce the functions of English news titles which requires translators’ agility and ingenuity in applying semantic and rhetorical devices. With grammatical and semantic exploration into the English news titles, such studies strive to benefit the readers in their understanding of what the editor wants to convey.[Key words] English news title; function; comparison; translations methods英语新闻标题及其翻译[摘要]标题在新闻报道中具有独特的地位。


从文化视角谈英语报刊新闻标题的汉译English: From a cultural perspective, the translation of English newspaper headlines into Chinese requires careful consideration of linguistic nuances, idiomatic expressions, and cultural references. When translating news headlines, it is essential to ensure that the intended tone, message, and impact are accurately conveyed to the target audience while maintaining cultural sensitivity. Additionally, cultural factors such as historical events, symbols, values, and beliefs must be taken into account to avoid misinterpretation or misunderstanding. The translation process involves not only linguistic skills but also a deep understanding of both the source and target cultures to effectively bridge any gaps in communication and convey the intended meaning of the news headline.中文翻译: 从文化视角来看,将英语报刊新闻标题翻译成中文需要认真考虑语言细微差别、习语表达和文化指涉。

1.“We will always be friends”: Biden and Trump finally part ways
2.The COVID-19 pandemic has killed more than 2 million people worldwide
3.China's first homegrown passenger jet, the C919, takes its maiden flight
introduces strict new measures to curb spread of new coronavirus
Capitol riots: What we know about the pro-Trump mob that stormed

Translation of headlines
3)冒号既表示“说”又替代“be” e.g. Yeltsin: Muslim Nations Call for End to Tension in Bosnia-Herzegovina 叶利钦说:穆斯林国家呼吁尽快结束 波黑紧张局势 Chinese Cooks: Masters at Turning Turnip into Flower 中国厨师技艺佳 掌中萝卜雕成花
Translation of headlines
四、灵活处理修辞差异。 英语标题寓意于某种修辞手段,而这种修辞手段在语 言转换中如与汉语难以契合,则不妨意译,即舍弃原来的 英语标题,按内容概括出合适的译文标题,切忌生搬硬套, 译成晦涩难懂的句子。同时适当照顾汉语新闻标题的特点, 多用动词、尾韵、对仗等修辞手段。如: 押韵:Desperate Need, Desperate Deed. 燃眉之急 非常行动。 典故:1990: Year Of Marco Polo Chic. 1990年:中国热的一年。 夸张:A Vow To Zip His Lips. 誓将守口如瓶。 双关:'Silent' Office Workers Demand To Be Heard. “不闻不问”的办公室员工 今后将不再不闻不问了。 比喻:Russian Reform Old Wine In New Bottle. 俄罗斯改革 新瓶装陈酒。
Translation of headlines
三、体现原文修辞特点 如果英语标题寓意于某种修辞手段,如双关、比喻、 押韵等,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难, 则应尽可能体现原标题的修辞特色。如: 押韵:After The Boom Everything Is Gloom. 繁荣过后,尽是萧条。(或译:繁荣好景不再,萧 条接应而来。) 双关:Soccer Kicks Off With Violence. 足球开踢 拳打脚踢 借用典故:Liberty Mother Of Invention. 自由是发明之母。 幽默:Accuser Accused. 原告没当成 反而成被告。 比喻:Middle East: A Cradle Of Terror. 中东 恐怖主义的摇篮

英语新闻标题的特点及其汉译(江南大学外国语学院,江苏无锡214122)胡莉萍英语新闻标题的特点及其汉译(江南大学外国语学院,江苏无锡214122)胡莉萍The child likes to nose into my drawer.(孩子老喜欢探看我抽屉里有什么东西。
)We nosed our way through the dense forest.(我们从密林中穿过。
)Ifthere is anythingwrongI can nose it out.(有什么问题我会觉察的),其中nose out相当于汉语的“嗅出来”。
英语中把船只、飞机等前面突出的部分也称作nose,如thenose of a car是“汽车车头”;the nose of a chisel是“凿尖”;pliers with a longnose是“长嘴钳”,所以会见到这样的句子:The ship nosed her way through the winding channel.(船小心驶过蜿蜒的海峡。
)The bulldozer nosed the rock off the road.(推土机把路上的石头推开)。
飞机起飞时机头向上是nose up;nose dive指飞机“俯冲”,现也指价格等的“猛跌”。

Chrome- plated Independence 电镀的独立( 讽刺的使用, 在每年铬出口量只有80 吨的某小国家, 有人扬言要“完全自力更生”, 使用讽刺的标题发人深省, 意味隽永)
Spirit Valentine' s Day Can Last All Year 一年四季情人节( 基本直译)
Putin Faces Harsh Press Criticism Over Terror普京因恐怖事件受媒体严厉批评( 直译)
When It Comes To Romance, Listen To Your Friends 爱河泛舟, 求教朋友( 基本直译)
2.2 语态
读者在广泛接触英语报刊时, 一定会发现新闻标题使用主动语态的频率远远高于被动语态。而即使在使用被动语态时, 被动语态的“be”也常常被省略, 只留下过去分词, 也不用“by”来引出动作的执行者, 例如:
Girl of 18 Raped After Threat With Bread Knife 餐刀威逼下, 18 岁少女遭强暴
Love For Labor Lost? ( Newsweek, Oct.16,2000) 工党失宠了吗? ———英首相布莱尔支持率下降( 设问的使用,能够抓住读者的目光吸引其看个究竟)
Thank Heavens For Brussels 欧盟有救了( 借代的使用, 布鲁塞尔(Brussels)是比利时首都, 欧盟总部所在)Accusers Accused 告人不成, 反被人告( 幽默的使用, 诙谐能引起读者的注意和阅读兴趣)

如:After the boom everything is gloom.繁荣好景不再,萧条随后而来。
(押韵)Auser aused.原告没告成,反而成被告。
(幽默)Middle East: a cradleof terror.中东:恐怖主义的摇篮(比喻)A vow to zip his lips.誓将守口如瓶。
如:Quake death toll tops 5000.(日本神户地区)地震死亡人数已逾5000.新闻的词汇语言风格非常独特,它既要求简洁明了真实,又要幽默有趣,如果仅仅是平铺直叙很难吸引观众眼球,丧失了关注率就更谈不上信息的传播了。

1)北有煤海(暗含一般现在时) (2)明天必将美好(将来时) (3)十年后重访国外(省略主语,英语新闻标题不可以) (4)America Will Not Curb Arms for Israel(一般将来时) 美无意削减对以武器援助 (5)Women Are Becoming Experts at Home Repairs(进行时) 妇女正在成为家庭装修能手 From the above examples, we can see that the tense marker is obvious in English news headlines while in the Chinese news headlines the tense marker is not obvious.
Lexical difference From the point view of lexical, Chinese news headlines prefer to verbs while English news headlines prefer nouns. (1)开放 搞活 改革 致富(连用四个动词) (2)Britain “Flagship” Detention Center Abandoned (连用四个名词) In the first example, Chinese news headline uses four verbs. In the second example, English news headline uses four nouns.

Translation of news headline1.英语新闻标题的特点新闻标题表达新闻的主题和思想,同时又表达新闻作者的评价和判断,它是新闻的文眼,好的新闻标题对新闻起到画龙点睛的作用;它也是新闻的广告,好的新闻标题能激发读者的好奇心,钩起读者看新闻正文的欲望。
一、词汇特点(1) 新闻标题使用的最多的是名词和简短的小词。
目的goal,object,design,target,purpose,intention-------aim禁止restraint,prohibition,embargo-----ban尝试,努力offer,attempt,endeavor-------try减少,削减fall,decrease或decline-----cutWar Strains and the Production of Killers. (名词)战争压力与杀戮者的产生The Pressure on Cherbourg and the Enemy’s Distress. (名词)瑟堡吃紧敌军叫苦Law and the Jungle. (名词)法律与弱肉强食Utah Mine Rescuers Halt Search After 3 Deaths (小词)犹他州矿难3名救援人员死亡,救援工作暂停A Top Official at Bear Stearns Ousted (小词)美国第五大投行贝尔斯登总裁辞职Hu hails Hong Kong as ‘window and bridge’(小词)胡称赞香港是窗口和桥梁City eases ‘one child’policy (China Daily.) (小词)广州市放宽独生子女政策(2) 使用新词(coinage)和缩略语Cold-Fighting Drug May Be Used Against SARS (新词)千呼万映始出来抗非典药物有望面世Asia Pledges Action on Bird Flu亚洲国家表示采取一致行动控制禽流感Yahoo Awards Worlds Best Cyber cafes (新词)雅虎评选全球最佳网吧Bush Again Confuses IDs of Two Terrorists (ID=Identity) (缩略语)布什混淆恐怖分子大Hollywood Helps CIA Come in From the Cold (CIA=Central Intelligence Agency) (缩略语)好莱坞为中央情报局重塑形象二、语法特点(1)广泛使用现在时(2 )广泛使用非谓语动词(Non-finite Verbs)Russia to Put Man on Mars by 2020 (不定式)俄罗斯将于2020年前把人类送上火星New Antibiotic to Be Approved in Asia (不定式)新的抗生素将在亚洲批准上市No Place to Hide (不定式)无处藏身Global Warming A Bigger Threat to the poor (动名词)全球变暖加剧贫穷气候变化急待控制。

• 新闻标题为吸引读者,还时常使用俚语俗语, 以营造一种活泼风趣的氛围。所以,一些形 象化的俚语和俗语在英语标题中不断出现, 不仅使标题生动活泼,而且还妙趣横生。例 如: • Florida Court Oks Proposed Office Smoking Ban • 佛州法院通过办公室禁止吸烟提案 • Iraq Gets OK to Sell $1.6 Billion in Oil • 伊拉克获准出售16亿美元石油 • The Economic Slidቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 经济滑坡
• Fit or Fat? (对比) 健康还是肥胖? • Slow Lane Is Safest on Currency Issue (比喻) 在货币问题上,走慢车道最安全 • Hollywood Survives (借代) 美国电影业复苏了 • Europe Is Alive and Kicking (拟人) 欧洲富有活力 • Soccer Kicks off with Violence (双关) 足球开踢 拳打脚踢 • Pain in Spain (头韵) 西班牙的痛苦
Grammatical Features of English News Titles
• 较多使用现在时 • 大量使用非谓语动词 • 词语的省略
• 英语新闻标题中大量使用一般现在时来代替 其他各种时态,因为一般现在时可以增加新 闻报道的现实感和生动性,拉近读者与阅读 对象的情感距离,这也正是新闻学中的 Journalistic Tense(新闻现在时),其作用 就是增强所报道事件的新鲜感。 例如: • Tremor Rocks Ecuador, Pero 厄瓜多尔和秘鲁 遭遇地震 • Wall Street Takes a Dive 华尔街股票出现跳 水行情

英语新闻带有翻译的作文Title: The Impact of Technology on Education。
In recent years, the integration of technology into education has become increasingly prevalent,revolutionizing the way students learn and educators teach. This transformation has sparked debates regarding its efficacy and potential drawbacks. In this essay, we will explore the multifaceted impact of technology on education.Firstly, technology has greatly enhanced the accessibility of education. With the advent of online learning platforms and digital resources, students now have the opportunity to access educational materials anytime, anywhere. This flexibility has been particularly beneficial for individuals with geographical or physical limitations, allowing them to pursue learning opportunities that were previously inaccessible.Secondly, technology has transformed the classroomexperience. Interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and multimedia resources have made learning more engaging and interactive. These tools cater to diverse learning styles, enabling educators to create dynamic and immersive learning environments. Additionally, technology facilitates collaboration among students, fostering teamwork and peer learning.Moreover, technology has personalized learning experiences. Adaptive learning software analyzes students' strengths and weaknesses, providing tailored instruction to meet their individual needs. This personalized approach not only enhances students' understanding of the material but also promotes self-directed learning and autonomy.Furthermore, technology has expanded the horizons of education beyond traditional boundaries. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) simulations allow students to explore concepts that would otherwise be challenging to visualize. For example, students can embark on virtualfield trips to historical landmarks or conduct scientific experiments in a simulated laboratory environment. Theseimmersive experiences deepen students' understanding and stimulate their curiosity.Despite these advancements, the widespread integrationof technology in education also presents challenges and concerns. One of the primary issues is the digital divide, whereby students from disadvantaged backgrounds may lack access to necessary technology and internet connectivity. This disparity exacerbates existing inequalities in education and highlights the importance of bridging the digital divide through equitable access to technology resources.Additionally, there are concerns about the potential distractions and negative effects of excessive screen time on students' attention spans and well-being. Educators must strike a balance between leveraging technology for educational purposes and mitigating its potential drawbacks. Strategies such as digital wellness initiatives and mindful technology use can help cultivate healthy digital habits among students.In conclusion, technology has fundamentally reshaped the landscape of education, offering unprecedented opportunities for learning and innovation. From enhanced accessibility to personalized instruction and immersive experiences, technology has the power to revolutionize education for the better. However, it is essential to address challenges such as the digital divide and mitigate potential drawbacks to ensure that technology serves as a tool for equitable and effective learning. By harnessing the potential of technology responsibly, we can empower students to thrive in the digital age and beyond.。

Outline1. Introduction2. Development of English News Title2.1 History of English News Title2.2 Functions of English News Title2.2.1 Pointing Out the News Content2.2.2 Producing Attractive Effects.2.3 Differences between Chinese and English News Titles2.3.1 V ocabulary Similarities and Differences2.3.2 Tense Similarities and Differences2.3.3 Rhetoric Similarities and Differences2.3.4 Punctuation Mark Similarities and Differences3. Translation of English News Titles3.1 Literal Translation3.2 Free Translation3.3 Addition3.4 Omission3.5 Negation Translation3.6 Alliteration3.7 Making Use of the Advantage Chinese in Translation4. Conclusion[Abstract] English news titles play a special role in news reporting. Thus we should place special emphasis on the research of the characteristics and translation of English news titles. This thesis focuses on the study of English news titles in terms of their grammatical features and its translation. When it comes to translation, it tries to reproduce the functions of English news titles which requires translators’ agility and ingenuity in applying semantic and rhetorical devices. With grammatical and semantic exploration into the English news titles, such studies strive to benefit the readers in their understanding of what the editor wants to convey.[Key words] English news title; function; comparison; translations methods英语新闻标题及其翻译[摘要]标题在新闻报道中具有独特的地位。

新闻定义1)News is a fresh report of events,facts,or opinions that people did not know before they read your story.(新闻就是针对人们读你的报道以前还不知道的事件、事实或观点的一种全新报道。
)2)News is anything timely that interests a number of persons,and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number.(凡是及时的、能引起一部分人兴趣的东西,便是新闻。
)3)News is any event,idea or opinion that is timely,that interests or affects a large number of people in a community and that is capable of being understood by them.(新闻是指人们能及时获悉的事件、观点或见解,它能吸引或影响社会上的许多人,并能为他们所理解。
)4)News is the reporting of anything timely which has importance,use,or interest to a consi-derable number of persons in a publication audience.(新闻是对任何事物的及时报道,对于读者群体中的许多人来说,这类报道具有重要性、实用性或趣味性。
)5)If a dog bites a man,it is not news;if a man bites a dog,it's (big)news.(狗咬人并非新闻,人咬狗才是(大)新闻。

写作业素材英语翻译当然,以下是一些英语翻译的素材,适合用于写作业:1. 日常对话翻译练习- 中文:你今天过得怎么样?- 英文:How was your day today?2. 食物名称翻译- 中文:宫保鸡丁- 英文:Kung Pao Chicken3. 成语和谚语翻译- 中文:滴水穿石- 英文:Constant dripping wears away the stone.4. 旅游景点介绍翻译- 中文:故宫是中国的历史文化名胜之一。
- 英文:The Forbidden City is one of China's historical and cultural landmarks.5. 电影台词翻译- 中文:生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。
- 英文:Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.6. 歌词翻译- 中文:《平凡之路》- 英文:The Ordinary Road7. 新闻标题翻译- 中文:中国成功发射火星探测器- 英文:China Successfully Launches Mars Probe8. 学术文章标题翻译- 中文:全球变暖对生态系统的影响- 英文:The Impact of Global Warming on Ecosystems9. 商业广告翻译- 中文:买一送一,限时优惠!- 英文:Buy one get one free, limited time offer!10. 文学作品摘录翻译- 中文:《红楼梦》中的一段描写- 英文:A descriptive passage from "Dream of the Red Chamber"这些翻译素材可以用于英语作业中的翻译练习,帮助提高语言能力和理解不同文化背景下的语言表达。

英语新闻带翻译Title: China Creates More Than 11 Million Urban Jobs Amidst Economic RecoveryChina has created more than 11 million urban jobs in the first three quarters of this year, indicating a steady recovery in the country's economy. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the surveyed urban unemployment rate for September reached 5.4%, a decrease of 0.1% compared to the previous month. This positive trend suggests that the country's efforts to stabilize employment are yielding positive results.With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many countries around the world have experienced significant economic downturns and high unemployment rates. However, China's strategic measures and targeted policies have made noticeable improvements in job creation and unemployment reduction. The government has implemented various supportive measures, including tax cuts and fee reductions, subsidies for small and medium-sized enterprises, and encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation to boost employment.In addition to these measures, China has also prioritized large-scale infrastructure projects, including transportation, 5G communication, and new energy infrastructure. These projects have played a crucial role in creating jobs and stimulating economic growth, especially in industries such as construction, equipment manufacturing, and technology.The robust recovery of China's job market has not only providedstable employment for its citizens but also contributed to global economic stability. As the world's second-largest economy, China's recovery has had a positive spillover effect on global markets, helping to promote global growth.Despite this positive news, challenges still persist. The pandemic continues to pose uncertainties, and not all industries have fully recovered. The service sector, which heavily relies on domestic consumption and tourism, still faces challenges due to travel restrictions and consumer hesitation. To address these challenges, the Chinese government has vowed to continue implementing supportive measures and promoting consumption growth to further stabilize employment and boost economic recovery.Looking forward, China's economic recovery and job creation will continue to play a crucial role in the global economic landscape. As China actively implements policies to stabilize employment, it is expected that the country will maintain a steady recovery trajectory while contributing to global economic stability.中国经济复苏之际创造了超过1100万的城市就业机会中国在今年前三个季度创造了超过1100万的城市就业机会,这表明该国经济持续稳定复苏。

浅谈英语新闻标题的翻译【Abs tract】 Thi s dis serta tionfocus es on intr oduci ng so me tr ansla tingskill s acc ordin g tothe f eatur es of Engl ish n ews h eadli ne. F irst, it i s abo ut tr ansla tionof le xical item s inEngli sh ne ws he adlin e, in cludi ng tr ansla tionof ac ronym, new word s and midg et wo rds.As fo r the limi tatio n ofnewsp aperspace, lex icalitems aremonly used in h eadli ne so this part is r egard ed to be e ssent ial a nd cr itica l for thedisse rtati on. S econd, the pape rdis cusse s tra nslat ion o f pro per p unctu ation s not allpunct uatio ns ar e use d innewsheadl ine.Thispartmainl y int roduc es so me tr ansla tingtechn iques of f reque ntlyusedonessuchas ma, col on, a nd da sh an d soon. T hird, thetrans latio n ofrheto rical devi ces i s the high light of t his p aper. News head lineis qu ite l ikely to p roduc e str iking effe ct by mean s offigur e ofspeec h. It coul d betrans lated lite rally at t he mo st of time andsomet imesitsh ouldbe tr ansla ted f lexib ly fo r the diff erent cult ure b ackgr ounds betw een c hinaand E nglis h-spe aking coun tries. Fin ally, this part focu ses o n the tran slati on in term s ofthe g ramma r fea tures of n ews h eadli ne wh ich o ftendiffe r fro m one s weusual ly ac cept, such as t he om issio n ofartic les,auxil iaryverbs, con junct ionsand f lexib le us e oftense, voi ce an d non-pred icate verb s. 【K ey Wo rds】trans latio n; Ne ws he adlin e; En glish【摘要】本文结合英语新闻标题的主要特点,通过具体的例子,介绍了英语新闻标题的翻译技巧.首先是英语新闻标题中词语(包括首字母缩略语、新词、小词)的译法.报纸有限的空间使得新闻标题常用词语来表达,因此词语的译法是论文的一个重要组成部分,其次是关于某些在新闻标题中常用的标点符号所代表的意思的翻译.再者,新闻标题中修辞手法的翻译是论文的重点,新闻标题经常借助各种修辞来增强其表达效果,大多数情况下可采用直译,但由于中英国家不同的文化背景,必要事需要采取灵活的翻译技巧.最后,值得注意的是,英语新闻标题的一些语法特征不同于我们平常所接受的语法特点,新闻标题经常省略冠词、连词、助动词等一些虚词,其时态、语法及非谓语动词的使用也十分灵活.【关键词】翻译;新闻标题;英语 1. I ntrod uctio n Ata tim e whe n the pace of l ife i s get tingfaste r and fast er, e veryt hingseems to b e bid dingfor p eople‟s at tenti on, a nd ne wspap er is no e xcept ion.As th e eyeof t he ne ws, h eadli ne si ts in a po sitio n tocaptu re th e ess enceof th e eve nt, d emons trate thereada bilit y ofthe n ews a nd at tract read ers‟atten tion. A go od he adlin e, ge neral lysp eakin g, sh ouldinclu de su ch fe ature s asaccur acy,brevi ty an d cla ritywhich aregener allydevel opedby le xical item s, pu nctua tion, rhet orica l dev ices, andgramm ar. P ut it in d etail, fir st, a s for word s sel ectio n, su ch it ems a s acr onym, newwords andmidge twor ds ar e mon ly ch osenfor t he he adlin e. Se cond, notall p unctu ation s cou ld ap pearinhe adlin e, an d the freq uentl y use d one s lik e ma, colo n, an d das h als o ind icate spec ificmeani ng of theheadl ine.Third, inorder to l ead f orceto an idea, toheigh ten e ffect, orto cr eateatmos phere, hea dline is u suall y wri ttenfigur ative ly. F inall y, th e lim itedspaceof n ewspa per d emand s tha t hea dline be c oncis e and brie f, an d the refor e ithas d evelo ped i ts ow n gra mmati cal s tyle. Themajor diff erenc e ofthe g ramma r rul es us ed fo r dai ly En glish andnewsheadl inesliesin th e fre quent omis sionof fu nctio nwor ds(ar ticle, aux iliar y ver bs, c onjun ction s and so o n), a nd un iquepract ice o ften se, v oiceand n on-pr edica te ve rbs.Suchfeatu res o f Eng lishnewsheadl ine a smen tione d abo ve ar e ess entia l and crit icalfor r eader s tounder stand theconno tatio n ofnewsheadl ine,and a lso a re th e dif ficul tiesand p roble ms ne ededsettl ing i ntra nslat ing E nglis h new s hea dline. Thi s ess ay fo cuses on i ntrod ucing some corr espon denttrans latin g tec hniqu es wi th th ese f eatur es of Engl ish n ews h eadli ne.2. Tran slati on oflexi cal i temsin En glish news head line2.1. Tra nslat ion o f acr onymA crony m (wo rd fo rmedfromthe i nitia l let tersof agroupof w ords) is o ne ma in fo rm of Engl ish n ews t itle‟s glo ssary vari ation. Sin cene wspap ers a re li mited in t ime a nd sp ace,acron ym me ets t he ne ed, s aving thespaceof n ewspa per.Thischapt er at tempt s todiscu ss so me sk illsin tr ansla tingacron ym.2.1.1. Tran slate acco rding to i ts pr onunc iatio nForexamp le: (1)OPEC22ndSessi on En ds (O PEC =Organ izati on of Petr oleum Expo rting Coun tries石油输出国组织,即欧佩克)---欧佩克第二届会议结束(2) A IDS---TheRiskto He teros exual(AIDS=Acqu iredImmun e Def icien cy Sy ndrom e艾滋病,即后天免疫缺损综合症)---艾滋病危及异性恋爱者2.1.2.Trans latin g and shor tenin g the full name For e xampl e:(1) N ATO t o See k New Secr etary Gene ral(N ATO=N orthAtlan tic T reaty Orga nizat ion北大西洋公约组织,简称北约)---北约寻求新任秘书长(2) USSR Diss olves, Mik hailCorba chevR esign s: Bo ris Y eltsi n Tak esov er(US SR=Un ion o f Sov iet S ocial ist R epubl ics苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟,简称苏联)---苏联解体,戈尔巴乔夫辞职,叶利钦上台2.1.3. Exp laini ng al l let tersIn vi ew of thefactthatnot a ll ac ronym s can be t ransl atedaccor dingto th e pro nunci ation; oth erwis e rea derswould be c onfus ed. T he tr ansla tor h ad be tterpoint outthe m eanin g ofall l etter s.Itcan b e cle arlyseenin th e bel ow ex ample s:(1) B BC Co nside ringStart ing G lobal Tele visio n Ser vice(BBC=Briti sh Br oadca sting Corp orati on) ---英国广播公司拟开通全球电视服务(2) P LO Sa ys Is raeli Driv e ahe ad (P LO=Pa lesti ne Li berat ion O rgani zatio n) ---巴勒斯坦解放组织说以色列即将大举进攻(3) STAR T Ann ounce d toBegin June29 (S TART=Strat egicArmsReduc tions Talk s) ---裁减战略武器会谈于六月而十九日开始 (4)36thWTTCtrium phant ly cl osesin Yu gosla via.(WTTC=Worl d Tab le Te nnisChamp ionsh ips)---第三十六届世界乒乓球锦标赛在南斯拉夫胜利闭幕(5) Gov ernme nt Is Cove ringup UF O Evi dence? (UF O=Uni denti fiedFlyin g Obj ect) ---美政府一直隐瞒不明飞行物真相?(6) Ho llywo od He lps C IA Co me in From theCold(CIA=Centr al In telli gence Agen cy) ---好莱坞为中央情报局重塑形象 2.2. Tran slati onof newwords in E nglis h new s hea dline As sc ience andtechn ology of t he wo rld s wiftl ydev elop, theconta ct am ong c ountr ies i ncrea singl y exp ands, more andmorenew E nglis h wor ds ar e bor n tothe w orld. In o rderto dr aw cl ose t o the soci al li fe, g raspthe t imespulse, new s rep ort n eed t o cre ate m assiv e new word s torefle ct th e wor ld‟snew t hings, newthou ghts, newpheno menon andnew p revai lingcusto ms to attr act r eader s‟at tenti on. “Thiskindof wo rds m ay be divi ded i nto t wo ty pes:one i s togiveold w ordsnew m eanin g. Fo r exa mple, …clo ne‟ m eans…无性系繁殖‟and then it i s exu ded t o be…复制‟;…Bug ‟mea ns …机器的毛病‟now r efers in p artic ularto …计算机千年虫问题‟;S ept.11 or9/11has t he sp ecial mean ing b ecaus e the terr orist s att acked theUSwo rld t radebuild ing.The o theris pl etely newwords ,nam ely,coinage,mainl y inthe f ields of s cienc e tec hnolo gy, s uch a s Int ernet ese(因特网语言),, e-mail, e-me rce(电子商务),cyber space(电脑空间), bi o-chi ps(生物芯片),techn o-mil liona ire(高科技百万富翁)and so o n. ”[1]P108Forexamp le:(1) Y ear 2017 B ug Un stopp ablefor S ome C orpor ation s ---计算机千年虫问题迫在眉睫(2) A meric an On line: Ofte n Dow n, Ne ver O ut ---美国在线公司:屡挫不倒(3) W hat I s Dat eline? ---何为征婚热线?(4) T he Sa ndbag gers---用沙袋治沙的人们(5) Co ld-Fi ghtin g Dru g May Be U sed A gains t SAR S ---千呼万唤始出来抗非典药物有望面世(6) Asia Pled ge Ac tionon Bi rd fl u ---亚洲国家表示采取一致措施控制禽流感(7) Yah oo Aw ardsWorld‟s Be st Cy ber c afés---雅虎评选全球最佳网吧2.3.Tr ansla tionof mi dgetwords “Mid get w ordsare v erbsor no uns t hat a re sh orter or f ewersylla ble b ut mo re vi vid e mploy ed in news head lineto ma ke it easi er fo r rea derstoun derst and.”P98 A t thi s poi nt, t he tr ansla tor s hould seek to p roduc e som ethin g rel ative ly eq uival ent t o thi s kin d ofwords in C hines e.For exam ple:(1) WarStrai ns an d the Prod uctio n ofKille rs. ---战争压力与杀戮者的产生 (2)The U.S. P ropos al an d Its Chan ces. ---美国的建议及其机会 (3)The P ressu re on Cher bourg andthe E nemy‟s Dis tress ---瑟堡吃紧敌军凄苦 (4)A Fer tileValle y and ItsScour ge ---肥沃河谷的灾难F urthe r exa mples:(1) Re portBacks Meth adone forAddic ts ---报道支持吸毒者使用镁沙酮镇定剂(2) N uclea r Bla st Se epage Is F ound ---核爆炸渗漏物被发现“T he wo rds …back‟ and…blas t‟ ar e sho rterthanthe w ords…supp ort‟and …explo sion‟, but ther e are no C hines ewor ds Co rresp onden t wit h the m toexpre ss th e dif feren ce in visu allybetwe en …b ack‟and …suppo rt‟,…blas t‟ an d …ex plosi on‟,so it is o nly t ransl atedliter allyto be …支持‟and …爆炸‟,s tress ing i n the sign ifica nce t ransm issio n inspite of l osing Engl ish m idget word s‟ la nguag e cha racte risti c.”P98(3) Br itish Stud ent K nifed in F rance ---英国学生在法被刺Her e if“knif e” is tran slate d tobe “刀刺”,it woul d gil d the lily.(4) Ch un Ax es 37 Judg es in Shap e-up---全斗焕在改组中撤掉37名法官“If theword…axe‟ is t ransl atedliter allyto be …斧砍‟ in C hines e, it is p ossib le to caus e two pena lties: one is t o mak e the dive rgenc e ---全斗焕在改组中用斧头砍伤了37名法官;t heot her i s tha t the scal e offorma lityof Ch inese word …斧砍‟ make s itquite alie n tothe p hrase s …改组‟, …法官‟ an d …全斗焕‟.”P98 Un der s uch c ircum stanc es, w e areconc erned with theessen tialmeani ng im plied in t he wo rds.Whenwords or p hases in t he En glish news head lineare m eanin gless or m islea dingif tr ansla ted l itera lly i nto C hines e, on e isoblig ed to make some adju stmen ts in tran slati on to guar antee theheadl ine p ass i nto C hines e wit houtlosin g its esse nce.3. Tra nslat ion o fpro per p unctu ation s New s tit le is alwa ys si mplif ied i n str uctur e; ac cordi ngly, punc tuati on pl ays a very impo rtant role in n ews h eadli ne. M ore o ftenthannot,certa in pu nctua tioncan p roduc e som e kin d ofspeci al re sult. Thetrans lator shou ld pa y att entio n tothe c oncre te me aning of t hesepunct uatio ns wh ile t ransl ating them.3. 1. C omma(,)“C ommaexpre ssesthe s top b etwee n the poun d ing redie nts i n tit le, a nd it is a lso u sed t o rep lace…and‟ in o rderto sa ve sp ace,gener allybeing tran slate d tobe …和‟ inChine se.”P29For exam ple:(1) Aust ralia,U.S. Seek More Ways to P romot e Tra de (=Austr aliaand U.S .S eek M ore W ays t o Pro-mote Trad e)---澳大利亚和美国寻求更多途径以促进两国贸易(2) UN, Iraq Talk on R efuge e Aid ---联合国和伊拉克谈判援助难民问题(3) Chi na, C IS St atesMay S hareCable s ---中国和独联体国家合作开发光电通讯(4) R eady, aim, flam bé: A rmy,Marin e Coo ks Ba ttleEachOther ---预备、瞄准、开火:海陆两军交“火”厨师各显神通(“T he tw o mas in f rontof th e col on ar e use d toindic ate d ispla y, an d fun ction as C hines e sli ght-p ause; thelastma th en is equa l to…and‟." P67)3.2. Col on (:)In t he En glish news titl e, th e mos t eye-catc hinginfor matio n isalway s put in f ront, andthensomesuppl ement info rmati on is draw n out to m ake u p thesubj ect a ftercolon. The simi larit ies i n Chi neseand E nglis h exp ressi on pr ovide a se riesof pa ralle lisms of c onten t intrans latio n.Loo k atthe e xampl es: (1)T he$2billi on Ma keove r: Au stral ia‟sOlymp ic Ci ty Ge ts Re ady f or th e Gam es ---二十亿美元的大改造:澳大利亚的奥林匹克城准备迎接奥运会(2) W ar Pl an: t he We st‟sMilit ary O ption s ---战争计划:西方的军事选择“Col on is also used to t ake p laceof re latio n ver bs, a nd it is a lwaystran slate d tobe …说‟、…宣称‟、…是‟ in Chin ese.”P29Fo r exa mple:(1) Ren minbi to R emain Reli able, Stro ng: L i ---李鹏说人民币保持可靠和坚挺Wh en co lon i s use d toshowthe s ource of a quot ation, tha t is, equa l tothe C hines e wor d“说”,in E nglis h itcan b e put in h ead o f orafter thespeak er, w hilein Ch inese it c an on ly beplac ed af ter t he sp eaker.(2) He althSurve y: Ne w Yor kersFitte r, Sl immer ---健康调查称纽约人更加健康和苗条(3) Poll on T rial: WhyWeren‟t th e Vic tim C riesHeede d? ---笼罩着审讯的疑云是为什么受害者的呼救没人理睬3.3. Qu otati on ma rk (…‟)Gen erall y spe aking,sin gle q uotat ion m ark i s use d inEngli sh ne ws he adlin e ins teadof do ublequota tionmarks. Tobe ac corda nt wi th Ch inese natu ral e xpres sion, it i s bet ter f or tr ansla tor t o cha nge i tint o dou ble q uotat ion m arksin Ch inese.Look at t he fo llowi ng ex ample s:(1) A badan OilRefin ery …Destr oyed‟---阿巴丹炼油厂“被毁”(2) Araf at to Reag an: …We Ar e Sti ll He re‟ ---阿拉法特告诫里根:“我们仍然存在” 3.4. D ash(—)Dash is u sed t o sep arate each inde pende nt cl ausein th e tit le, a nd al so fr equen tly u sed t o dra w out thespeak er be foreor af ter t he su bscri pt wi thout thequota tionmark. It i s oft en tr ansla ted t o be“说” i n Chi nesein or der t o dra w out thespeak er, a nd to be “再”inorder to e mphas ize s ometh ing.F or ex ample:(1) La bor C ounci l Fac e Ban krupt cy —Offic ials---官员们说劳动党委员会面临崩溃(2) O ur Di ffere ncesCan B e Ove re —Rocke felle r ---我们的分歧是能够克服的—洛克菲勒(说)(3) Ye ltsin in H ospit al —Again ---叶利钦再次住院 (4)World Unit y aga instTerro rismNeede d —B lair ---英国首相布莱尔说:世界各国在反恐问题上需要加强联合4. The tran slati on of rhet orica ldev icesH eadli ne im plies itsmeani ng an d ismadeto pr oduce more stri kingeffec t bymeans of f igure of s peech such as a llite ratio n, rh yme,metap hor,pun,allus ion,exagg erati on an d soon. I t bee s mor e dif ficul t for tran slati on be cause of t he di ffere ntcu lture back groun ds an d the gapbetwe en th e wri ter‟s rang e ofknowl edgeand e xperi enceand t he re aders. Inorder notto co nfuse Chin ese r eader s, th e tra nslat ion o f Eng lishnewstitle s can “ret ain t he rh etori c cha racte risti cs of theorigi nal t ext t o ach ievethe s ame d issem inati on ef fect”P95.The t ransl atoralsoshoul d pay atte ntion to m aking thetrans latio n “co nform to C hines e tit le‟sfeatu res a nd ca ter t o Chi nesereade rs‟ r eadin ghab its”P95.4.1. Alli terat ion a nd rh ymeAl liter ation andrhyme areoften used in E nglis h new s hea dline to c reate thedemea nor e ffect, exa ggera te th e atm osphe re, a nd br ing t o rea ders‟ atte ntion andinter est.It is hard to g et ac corda nce w ith t he or igina l all itera tionand r hymeintr ansla tion, so c ertai n fig ure p atter ns mu st of ten b e sub stitu ted f or th e pro per e xpres sions of C hines e. Fo r ins tance:(1) Pr otest antsProte st (a llite ratio n)---新教教徒示威抗议 (2)Soldi ers S alari es So ar (a llite ratio n) ---士兵薪水剧增(3) Y oungWheel ers,Big D ealer s (rh yme)---驾驶摩托小青年,保险公司大主顾 (4)Who‟s Near to R eagan‟ ear? (rh yme)---里根耳朵,谁愿听说? (5)Jazzy in J eans, Sass y inSweat er (a llite ratio n) ---穿上牛仔裤,活泼利索;套上毛线衫,潇洒俊俏(6) Aft er th e Boo m, Ev eryth ing I s Glo om (r hyme) ---繁荣好景不在, 萧条接踵而来F urthe r exa mples:(1) De spera te Ne ed, D esper ate D eed . ---燃眉之机,十万火急T his t ransl ation show s the good unde rstan dingof or igina l tex t, an d Chi nesewords “机”a nd “急” get up t o the rhym e eff ect.(2) TheSiste r Vs. Worl d Tau nts!Tautr ums!Talen ts! ---姐妹对垒全世界辱骂! 奚落! 天才!“Thi s tit le wi th th ree h armon ics i s une asy t o und ersta nd. O n the onehand,it e xpres ses t he in tensi velypetit ive r hythm of s ports; onthe o ther, it i ndica tes t hehi ghlig ht of thesubje ct. I t iswellknown that U.S. is a soci ety w ith s trong pati bilit y, bu t asfor t he bl ack s ister s who maydrawlittl e att entio n inthe t ennis worl d alm ost r uledby th e whi te, t his r hymetitle in T imesactua lly s howsthe s trong effe ct ca usedby th e bla ck si sters.”[10]P674.2. M etaph or“Ametap hor a lways make s a p ariso n bet weens twounlik e ele ments, and this pari son i s imp liedrathe r tha n sta ted.”[11]P166 T he pr operuse o fmet aphor in n ews h eadli ne ca n pro ducevivid, str iking effe ct an d att ractmorereade rs.Fo r exa mple:(1) Mid dle E ast::A Crad le of Terr or 中东---恐怖主义的摇篮(2) Rus sianRefor m:: Old Wine in N ew Bo ttle俄罗斯改革---新瓶装陈酒 (3)An Af ghanJoanof Ar c ---阿富汗的贞德(“Co mpari ng 17 year-oldAfgha nfem ale s oldie r to15 ce ntury Fren ch na tiona lityherit ressArc”[12]P29)(4) T he Op en Ba rn Do or ---敞开的粮仓大门(“Imply ing t hat i t iseasyto ge t theUS s cient ificand t echni cal i nform ation”[13]P29)(5) Carl o Pon ti in HotWater Agai n ---卡洛,庞蒂再陷困境(…in h ot wa ter‟means …introub le‟ )4.3.PunPu n isan am using useof awordor ph rasethathas t wo me aning, orof wo rds h aving thesamesound butdiffe rentmeani ng. “To pu n isto pl ay on word s, orrath er to play with theformand m eanin g ofwords, for a wi tty o r hum orouseffe ct.”[14]P221 Wh en tr ansla tingthese kind s ofwords or p hrase s, th etra nslat ion m ust b e inaccor dance with theconte xt of theparti cular mess age.F or ex ample: (1) So ccerKicks offwithViole nce ---足球开踢,拳打脚踢(…ki ck of f ‟me ans b oth“球赛开始”a nd“拳打脚踢”)。
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• 2.句子式
• Don’t Cry for Me,England英格兰,别为我哭 泣/Who Brings the Beauty to You 她把美丽带给 人间 以上的这些标题通过直译将原题原文的信息直 接简明地传达给读者,既方便读者也不失忠顺.
• 英语新闻标题本身大多数浓缩简洁,理解时应该 把它隐含的意思成分还原。这样在翻译的过程中, 我们必须增补词语,以求完整地再现句子的意思 。
• No Bellas寥寥粉黛诺贝尔 • 因 bella既有“少女”的意思,又与文章呼应说明诺贝尔 奖的授予情况,即百年来鲜有女性得获诺贝尔奖的殊荣。 Bella同No一起谐Nobel的音,一语双关,意趣横生。
• X sports极限运动 • X sports的翻译正好运用了X表未知数的意思,简洁明快 地介绍了一项新颖独特的运动,译题用“极限”二字也恰 如其分的说明了原文涵义
• The Tide Rises,The Tide Falls潮涨潮落
• One Realt or Wearing Many Hats售楼“历险记” • One Realtor Wearing Many Hats”用到“mearing many hats”的成语, 直译便是“房产经纪人身兼多职”,文章里讲“他”带领顾客看房或 测试一会儿遇上大恶狗一会儿又摔上大跟头之类的奇妙“历险”。翻 译时也增补出这个极富中国文化色彩的词组,较大地刺激中国读者的 视野,并能引起强烈的悬念感和探究热情,进而增强了文章本身的可 读性。
• • • • • 对比 头韵 双关 谚语成语 仿拟引用
• Little Book’s Big Author写小文章的大作家
• Black Umbrella, Golden Hearts黑色的伞金 子般的心
• Fiddling for the Future为未来而演奏
• Fake Fax Frees Fraudsters假传真到真罪 犯逃
灵活处理原标题修辞特色,充分发 挥汉语优势
• 我们可以看出标题翻译能够十分灵活,但 也要抓住相关技巧。 • 标题翻译既要依据文章不同风格,适当参 考原文内容,按照“能直译就直译,不能 直译就意译”原则,采用灵活译法,又符 合语言习惯和民族接受心理。
• 翻译的基本方法主要以直译为主,从而基本地保留原题语 言与文化的形式和内容,使译文最大程度地忠实于原题原 文,给译语读者以原汁原味的欣赏。以下略作归纳: •
• • • • •
1.短语式,即有名词短语、动词短语、介词短语等;以 下只简单列举:
Business Partners生意伙伴 John Steinbeck:Men and The Land斯坦贝克:人与土地 Feather in the Wind风中的羽毛 Building Bridges架起心灵之桥 At the Top of the World位于世界之巅
• 英语新闻标题大多使用现在时,这样,就给读者一种新 鲜感、现实感和直接感 ,使已经发生的事仍然活生生 地显现在读者面前 。 ‘Israel withdraws troops from Palestinian towns.’ 以色列从巴勒斯坦撤军 ‘US introduces draft UN resolution Zimbabwe sanctions.’(July5, 2008, China Daily) 美国引用制裁 赞比亚的联合国决议草案。
• Beauty is in the eye of the beholder情人眼里出西施
• :Fish Need to Relax to Taste Better鱼为悦己者 鲜
• Magazine Offers A Prize to Die for朝中奖,夕死 可矣 • Take A Look at China’s Great Leap in Space中 国航天:欲与天公试比高 • Up,Up And Away天高任鸟飞
• Deal reached with IAEA. (Apr.24,2008,China Daily) 伊朗和国际原子 能机构达成协议
• 增意使标题形式更加趋于汉语化, 意义更趋 完整 。 • (1)Accuser Accused. 原告没当成 反而 成被告。
• (2)Girl Of 18 Raped After Threat With Bread Knife. 餐刀威逼下,18岁少女遭强暴(A Girl Of 18 Raped After Threat With A Bread Knife.) • (3)Older, Wiser, Calmer 人愈老, 智愈高,
• 英语新闻体词简短形象,动态感强,节省篇幅。 如,英语新闻标题常用near 代替approach, ban 代替prohibit, cut 代替reduce等等 • (1)Tropical storm nears warmer waters. (Times, July 7,2008) 热带风暴靠近更温暖的水 域 • (2)Swiss ban on Chinese poultry imports lifted under conditions. (Beijing Review, April, 25, 2002) 瑞士对中国家禽进口的禁令有条件地被 取消。
• • • • 省略 广泛使用现在时态 使用小词/短词 使用修辞手法
• 直译或基本直译 • 添加注释性词语 • 灵活处理原标题修辞特色,充分发挥汉语 优势
• 在英语新闻标题中,很少见到完整的被动语态的 标题,通常省略be动词,只留过去分词表示被 动意义 • (1)‘500 reported killed in South Korea building collapse.’ --- 《韩国大楼倒塌致使500 人丧生》 (2) ‘Some 50 Tibetan separatists detained in Nepal. ’(June 27, 2008, China Daily)《约五 十名西藏分裂分子被扣押在尼泊尔》