
Outline1. Introduction2. Development of English News Title2.1 History of English News Title2.2 Functions of English News Title2.2.1 Pointing Out the News Content2.2.2 Producing Attractive Effects.2.3 Differences between Chinese and English News Titles2.3.1 V ocabulary Similarities and Differences2.3.2 Tense Similarities and Differences2.3.3 Rhetoric Similarities and Differences2.3.4 Punctuation Mark Similarities and Differences3. Translation of English News Titles3.1 Literal Translation3.2 Free Translation3.3 Addition3.4 Omission3.5 Negation Translation3.6 Alliteration3.7 Making Use of the Advantage Chinese in Translation4. Conclusion[Abstract] English news titles play a special role in news reporting. Thus we should place special emphasis on the research of the characteristics and translation of English news titles. This thesis focuses on the study of English news titles in terms of their grammatical features and its translation. When it comes to translation, it tries to reproduce the functions of English news titles which requires translators’ agility and ingenuity in applying semantic and rhetorical devices. With grammatical and semantic exploration into the English news titles, such studies strive to benefit the readers in their understanding of what the editor wants to convey.[Key words] English news title; function; comparison; translations methods英语新闻标题及其翻译[摘要]标题在新闻报道中具有独特的地位。

• 2.句子式
• Don’t Cry for Me,England英格兰,别为我哭 泣/Who Brings the Beauty to You 她把美丽带给 人间 以上的这些标题通过直译将原题原文的信息直 接简明地传达给读者,既方便读者也不失忠顺.
• 英语新闻标题本身大多数浓缩简洁,理解时应该 把它隐含的意思成分还原。这样在翻译的过程中, 我们必须增补词语,以求完整地再现句子的意思 。
• No Bellas寥寥粉黛诺贝尔 • 因 bella既有“少女”的意思,又与文章呼应说明诺贝尔 奖的授予情况,即百年来鲜有女性得获诺贝尔奖的殊荣。 Bella同No一起谐Nobel的音,一语双关,意趣横生。
• X sports极限运动 • X sports的翻译正好运用了X表未知数的意思,简洁明快 地介绍了一项新颖独特的运动,译题用“极限”二字也恰 如其分的说明了原文涵义
• The Tide Rises,The Tide Falls潮涨潮落
• One Realt or Wearing Many Hats售楼“历险记” • One Realtor Wearing Many Hats”用到“mearing many hats”的成语, 直译便是“房产经纪人身兼多职”,文章里讲“他”带领顾客看房或 测试一会儿遇上大恶狗一会儿又摔上大跟头之类的奇妙“历险”。翻 译时也增补出这个极富中国文化色彩的词组,较大地刺激中国读者的 视野,并能引起强烈的悬念感和探究热情,进而增强了文章本身的可 读性。
• • • • • 对比 头韵 双关 谚语成语 仿拟引用
• Little Book’s Big Author写小文章的大作家

高中英语新闻报道范文及翻译(15篇) The storm bught people closer. We could have heard the stng wind at the door of Alabama. The dark clouds made the sky very dark.There was no light outside. It felt like a midnight TV news report that there was a heavy rain in the area. The neighbors were very busy.My father was coveng the window with wood chips. My mother was se that the flashlight and radio were working. She was still on the table After dinner, the rain be to hit the window violently.They ted to play card s. Howr, there was a seous storm outside, and Ben was hard to find fun. At first he couldn't sleep.Finally, in the early hos of the morning, when the wind gradually weakened, he woke up and the sun se. He and his family walked out of the house and found that the neighborhood was a mess, full of fallen trees, bken windows and garbage. They joined the ranks of the neighbors.中文翻译:暴风雨把人们拉近了距离,可以听到巴马州家门口强风,乌云使天空变得非常黑暗,外面没有灯光,感觉就像午夜电视新闻报道说,这一地区正下着一场大暴雨,邻居们都很忙,正在用木片遮住窗户在确保手电筒和收音机正常工作她还在桌上放了些蜡烛和火柴正在帮做晚饭晚饭晚饭后雨开始猛烈地打在窗户上,他们试图玩纸牌游戏,但是,外面发生了一场严重风暴,很难找到乐趣。


【新闻一】欧洲杯期间谨防足球流氓原文British football supporters have a particularly bad reputation so much so nine crimes that only applied to the sport have been enforced. Elsa Ali finds find out why fans are given the red card. Scenes like these are not uncommon during football matches. Despite British football fans and hooliganism being considered synonymous abroad, fans here say that the troublemakers are few and because of them, that fans are all being treated like criminals. The sort of numbers that we're dealing with here 38 million people were attending football matches last season,and there were eighteen hundred and seventy arrests that sort of all that's a tiny tiny number. So most football matches are trouble-free,arrest free. There's a few bad apples they need to be targeted, but the behavior of fans is good. There are nine football-only crimes which wouldn't be considered a criminal offence if committed anywhere outside of a football stadium. They include encroaching on the pitch,drinking in view of the pitch or even reselling or giving away a ticket. And if those weren't enough, fans are also subjected to special powers. Football banning orders can impose restrictions such as not going within three miles of a football stadium on match days. Requirements to report to the police station at designated times or even surrendering your passport when your club or country are playing abroad. But The Home Office told us evidence shows the legislation has proved effective. Levels of football disorder have been significantly reduced since the introduction of football banning orders in 2000. But the policing is always proportional. Some fans feel like they're being unfairly targeted by government legislation forced by police forces up and down the country. We're here in Millwall whose supporters say they're routinely harassed by the authorities week in week out. Sometimes it starts before the trouble starts you know. They're trying to keep people in check sometimes it can cause more alceration. I have a lot of respect for the police. Because they have a lot of tough job to do in these day. It's not their fault. Sometimes they're told what to do by other people. At the end of the day, people are just trying to watch a football game. And I think we gave more than most things. Indeed several of the Millwall fans that we spoke to concede that they have a bad reputation. It was their supporters we saw at the beginning of the piece fighting with Barnsley fans during the recent League One play-off final at Wembley. But what if the police start arresting people for slightly less a crimes. As we were celebrating, I got pulled out a crowd and you know I was arrested for common assault. Many football fans might have a problem sinking their teeth into laws being used for seemingly bizarre charges. But it's a tough time for police aroundfootball supporters after the recent hillsboro ruling and worries about terrorism are heightened as the Euro Tournament kicks off in France this week. There is no doubt there will be on the highest alert. so maybe leave the inflatable sharks at home. Elsa Ali London.翻译英国球迷风可谓臭名昭著,执法部门对此制定了九项足球犯罪。

1.“We will always be friends”: Biden and Trump finally part ways
2.The COVID-19 pandemic has killed more than 2 million people worldwide
3.China's first homegrown passenger jet, the C919, takes its maiden flight
introduces strict new measures to curb spread of new coronavirus
Capitol riots: What we know about the pro-Trump mob that stormed

Translation of headlines
3)冒号既表示“说”又替代“be” e.g. Yeltsin: Muslim Nations Call for End to Tension in Bosnia-Herzegovina 叶利钦说:穆斯林国家呼吁尽快结束 波黑紧张局势 Chinese Cooks: Masters at Turning Turnip into Flower 中国厨师技艺佳 掌中萝卜雕成花
Translation of headlines
四、灵活处理修辞差异。 英语标题寓意于某种修辞手段,而这种修辞手段在语 言转换中如与汉语难以契合,则不妨意译,即舍弃原来的 英语标题,按内容概括出合适的译文标题,切忌生搬硬套, 译成晦涩难懂的句子。同时适当照顾汉语新闻标题的特点, 多用动词、尾韵、对仗等修辞手段。如: 押韵:Desperate Need, Desperate Deed. 燃眉之急 非常行动。 典故:1990: Year Of Marco Polo Chic. 1990年:中国热的一年。 夸张:A Vow To Zip His Lips. 誓将守口如瓶。 双关:'Silent' Office Workers Demand To Be Heard. “不闻不问”的办公室员工 今后将不再不闻不问了。 比喻:Russian Reform Old Wine In New Bottle. 俄罗斯改革 新瓶装陈酒。
Translation of headlines
三、体现原文修辞特点 如果英语标题寓意于某种修辞手段,如双关、比喻、 押韵等,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难, 则应尽可能体现原标题的修辞特色。如: 押韵:After The Boom Everything Is Gloom. 繁荣过后,尽是萧条。(或译:繁荣好景不再,萧 条接应而来。) 双关:Soccer Kicks Off With Violence. 足球开踢 拳打脚踢 借用典故:Liberty Mother Of Invention. 自由是发明之母。 幽默:Accuser Accused. 原告没当成 反而成被告。 比喻:Middle East: A Cradle Of Terror. 中东 恐怖主义的摇篮

英语新闻标题的特点及其汉译(江南大学外国语学院,江苏无锡214122)胡莉萍英语新闻标题的特点及其汉译(江南大学外国语学院,江苏无锡214122)胡莉萍The child likes to nose into my drawer.(孩子老喜欢探看我抽屉里有什么东西。
)We nosed our way through the dense forest.(我们从密林中穿过。
)Ifthere is anythingwrongI can nose it out.(有什么问题我会觉察的),其中nose out相当于汉语的“嗅出来”。
英语中把船只、飞机等前面突出的部分也称作nose,如thenose of a car是“汽车车头”;the nose of a chisel是“凿尖”;pliers with a longnose是“长嘴钳”,所以会见到这样的句子:The ship nosed her way through the winding channel.(船小心驶过蜿蜒的海峡。
)The bulldozer nosed the rock off the road.(推土机把路上的石头推开)。
飞机起飞时机头向上是nose up;nose dive指飞机“俯冲”,现也指价格等的“猛跌”。

Chrome- plated Independence 电镀的独立( 讽刺的使用, 在每年铬出口量只有80 吨的某小国家, 有人扬言要“完全自力更生”, 使用讽刺的标题发人深省, 意味隽永)
Spirit Valentine' s Day Can Last All Year 一年四季情人节( 基本直译)
Putin Faces Harsh Press Criticism Over Terror普京因恐怖事件受媒体严厉批评( 直译)
When It Comes To Romance, Listen To Your Friends 爱河泛舟, 求教朋友( 基本直译)
2.2 语态
读者在广泛接触英语报刊时, 一定会发现新闻标题使用主动语态的频率远远高于被动语态。而即使在使用被动语态时, 被动语态的“be”也常常被省略, 只留下过去分词, 也不用“by”来引出动作的执行者, 例如:
Girl of 18 Raped After Threat With Bread Knife 餐刀威逼下, 18 岁少女遭强暴
Love For Labor Lost? ( Newsweek, Oct.16,2000) 工党失宠了吗? ———英首相布莱尔支持率下降( 设问的使用,能够抓住读者的目光吸引其看个究竟)
Thank Heavens For Brussels 欧盟有救了( 借代的使用, 布鲁塞尔(Brussels)是比利时首都, 欧盟总部所在)Accusers Accused 告人不成, 反被人告( 幽默的使用, 诙谐能引起读者的注意和阅读兴趣)

下面是店铺给大家整理的英语作文新闻报道范文及翻译,供大家参阅! 英语作文新闻报道范文及翻译:铁路旅客手指被夹自动门不得不跟随高铁列车一起跑Video footage shows a man forced to run alongside amoving high speed train after getting his fingerclamped between one of the doors.视频显示一名男子手指被夹自动门,不得不跟随高铁列车跑起来。
The video was filmed on May 15 at a station inChangzhou, east China's Jiangsu province, accordingto the People's Daily Online.视频拍摄于5月15号江苏常州站,人民网报道。
After some time, the man manages to pull his fingeraway from the closed doors.一会之后,这名男子成功的将手指挣脱开来。
In the footage the man can be seen moving along with the train.从视频中可以看出男子和列车一起跑了起来。
According to Xinmin, the man boarded the wrong train thinking it was the G7080 train.据称男子上错车,以为那是G7080列车。
As soon as he realised his mistake, he tried to exit the train.意识到自己上错车后,他立马走出车门。
However as he left in a hurry, he got a finger on his left hand trapped in the automatic doors.然而在他匆忙下车时,他左手手指被夹在了自动门里。

1、Australian doctors perform pioneering heart transplants澳大利亚医生进行突破性心脏移植Pioneering heart transplant surgery announced Friday in Australia may lead to a new option for patients awaiting transplants by boosting the number of donor hearts available.周五澳大利亚宣布了一项具有突破性的心脏移植手术,通过提升可用的捐赠的心脏的数量,给了等待心脏移植手术的患者一个新的选择。
Doctors at St. Vincent's Hospital in Sydney said they performed three successful transplants of hearts that had naturally stopped beating in the donor, rather than using the typical method of removing donor hearts from patients who are brain-dead but still have cardiovascular function.在悉尼的圣文森特医院的医生表示,他们完成了三起成功的心脏移植手术,通过使用三个已经停止跳动的捐赠心脏,而不是使用典型的方法,即:从那些自然脑死亡的,但心脏仍有心血管功能的捐赠患者身上移植心脏。
2、Teacher spends two days as a student and is shocked at what she learns一个老师花了两天的时间跟随学生并被她所了解到的的感到震惊Do teachers really know what students go through? To find out, one teacher followed two students for two days and was amazed at what she found. Her report is in following post, which appeared on theblog of Grant Wiggins, the co-author of “Understanding by Design” and the author of “Educative Assessment” and numerous articles on education. A high school teacher for 14 years, he is now the president of Authentic Education, in Hopewell, New Jersey, which provides professional development and other services to schools aimed at improving student learning. You can read more about him and his work at the AE site.老师真的知道学生经历了什么吗?为了找到答案,一个老师跟随了两个学生两天,被自己所发现的惊讶了。

1)北有煤海(暗含一般现在时) (2)明天必将美好(将来时) (3)十年后重访国外(省略主语,英语新闻标题不可以) (4)America Will Not Curb Arms for Israel(一般将来时) 美无意削减对以武器援助 (5)Women Are Becoming Experts at Home Repairs(进行时) 妇女正在成为家庭装修能手 From the above examples, we can see that the tense marker is obvious in English news headlines while in the Chinese news headlines the tense marker is not obvious.
Lexical difference From the point view of lexical, Chinese news headlines prefer to verbs while English news headlines prefer nouns. (1)开放 搞活 改革 致富(连用四个动词) (2)Britain “Flagship” Detention Center Abandoned (连用四个名词) In the first example, Chinese news headline uses four verbs. In the second example, English news headline uses four nouns.

本科生毕业论文设计中英新闻标题翻译作者姓名:王群指导教师:杨丽华所在学部:外语学部专业:英语班级(届):2009届3班二〇一三年四月二十二On the Translation of Chinese and English News HeadlinesByWang QunSupervisor Prof. Yang LihuaA ThesisSubmitted to the Foreign LanguagesSchoolIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsAt Hebei Normal UniversityContentsAbstract (English) (ii)Abstract (Chinese)............................................................................................. iii Introduction (1)Chapter 1 Brief Introduction of English News Headlines (3)1.1 Definition of English News Headlines (3)1.2 Functions of English News Headlines (4)1.3 Features of English News Headlines (6)Chapter 2 Comparison Between Chinese and English News Headlines (10)2.1 Differences between Chinese and English News Headlines (10)2.2 Similarities between Chinese and English News headlines (15)Chapter 3 Translation of English News Headlines (16)3.1 Difficulties of English News Headlines Translation (16)3.2 A Brief Review on Translation Criteria (17)3.3 Criteria of English News Headlines Translation (18)3.4 Strategies and Tactics of English News Headlines Translation (20)Conclusion (2)5 Bibliography (26)AbstractWith deepening of the reform and opening up policy and entry into the WTO ,the Chinese are eager to know the world. A large number of information is transmitted by news media especially news reports.The essential part of news report is headline. Sometimes people don‘t have enough time to read the whole news from the beginning to the end, most readers would like to know as much as they can in the shortest time. Therefore , it can be concluded that the headline plays a very important role on news reporting, and we must pay more attention to the translation of news headline.This paper mainly introduces some translating skills according to the features of English news headlines. There are three parts in this paper. In chapter one, it introduces the definition, function, classification and features of English news headline. In chapter two, it introduces the differences and similarities between English and Chinese news headlines. The problems appeared in English news headline translation are introduced in the last chapter. In the end of this paper, it has a conclusion of the content .To sum up, this paper hopes to find a appropriate way of English news headline translation by discussing of the features, functions and the criteria of English news headline translation.Key words: journalistic English; headlines; features; criteria; translationtactics摘要随着改革开放的进一步深化以及中国加入世界贸易组织,中国与西方国家的交流与联系也越来越频繁。

例5. Super-ior Dan Shows His Class 超级丹展现完美实力 略显夸张,使读者好奇于具体内容,想要探索林丹 究竟是如何超级和完美。以下例子也属于这一范畴: A big fat Mexican wedding
Oscars chiefs promise ‘bold, risky’ show 今年奥斯卡要“大变脸” New parenting roles in US 经济差华尔街奶爸大增 例6. Unhappiness has risen in the past decade 物质富足,快乐“缩水” 满足目的语读者的心理和生存需求。
改译1:Never too old to marry
改译2:Never too old to love
例2. 泥塑人生
原译:Clay sculpture gives prisoners hope for new life
改译:Shaping new lives into art
4. 引语 中文引述新闻人物讲话时许多记着更喜欢
带有感情色彩的词汇,如“强调、指出、指示 说、提出”等。虽然英语中“说”的相似表达
法也 不少,如 address, emphasize, affirm, analyze, assert, argue等,但“said 和spoke” 最常见,因为这两词准确、中立,能不偏不倚 地表达说话人的动作和意思。
改译:Tianjin native Feng Jicai is a well-known writer, artist and scholar. He has also long held a passion for traditional culture---ranging from his efforts in the 1990s to preserve urban cultural heritages---to his work on preserving culture in rural areas. His latest artistic endeavor involved coordinating art from across the globe.

• 新闻标题为吸引读者,还时常使用俚语俗语, 以营造一种活泼风趣的氛围。所以,一些形 象化的俚语和俗语在英语标题中不断出现, 不仅使标题生动活泼,而且还妙趣横生。例 如: • Florida Court Oks Proposed Office Smoking Ban • 佛州法院通过办公室禁止吸烟提案 • Iraq Gets OK to Sell $1.6 Billion in Oil • 伊拉克获准出售16亿美元石油 • The Economic Slidቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 经济滑坡
• Fit or Fat? (对比) 健康还是肥胖? • Slow Lane Is Safest on Currency Issue (比喻) 在货币问题上,走慢车道最安全 • Hollywood Survives (借代) 美国电影业复苏了 • Europe Is Alive and Kicking (拟人) 欧洲富有活力 • Soccer Kicks off with Violence (双关) 足球开踢 拳打脚踢 • Pain in Spain (头韵) 西班牙的痛苦
Grammatical Features of English News Titles
• 较多使用现在时 • 大量使用非谓语动词 • 词语的省略
• 英语新闻标题中大量使用一般现在时来代替 其他各种时态,因为一般现在时可以增加新 闻报道的现实感和生动性,拉近读者与阅读 对象的情感距离,这也正是新闻学中的 Journalistic Tense(新闻现在时),其作用 就是增强所报道事件的新鲜感。 例如: • Tremor Rocks Ecuador, Pero 厄瓜多尔和秘鲁 遭遇地震 • Wall Street Takes a Dive 华尔街股票出现跳 水行情

Outline1. Introduction2. Development of English News Title2.1 History of English News Title2.2 Functions of English News Title2.2.1 Pointing Out the News Content2.2.2 Producing Attractive Effects.2.3 Differences between Chinese and English News Titles2.3.1 V ocabulary Similarities and Differences2.3.2 Tense Similarities and Differences2.3.3 Rhetoric Similarities and Differences2.3.4 Punctuation Mark Similarities and Differences3. Translation of English News Titles3.1 Literal Translation3.2 Free Translation3.3 Addition3.4 Omission3.5 Negation Translation3.6 Alliteration3.7 Making Use of the Advantage Chinese in Translation4. Conclusion[Abstract] English news titles play a special role in news reporting. Thus we should place special emphasis on the research of the characteristics and translation of English news titles. This thesis focuses on the study of English news titles in terms of their grammatical features and its translation. When it comes to translation, it tries to reproduce the functions of English news titles which requires translators’ agility and ingenuity in applying semantic and rhetorical devices. With grammatical and semantic exploration into the English news titles, such studies strive to benefit the readers in their understanding of what the editor wants to convey.[Key words] English news title; function; comparison; translations methods英语新闻标题及其翻译[摘要]标题在新闻报道中具有独特的地位。

简洁(brief)、准确(accurate)、抢眼(eye-catching )是新闻标题翻译的宗旨,力求在汉译时兼顾三个方面:准确理解标题、领悟其妙处、适当照顾译文特点、增强可读性;重视读者的接受能力。
押韵:押韵包括元韵(Assonance )和头韵(alliteration )等。
元韵“是指连续几个词重复同一个或近似的元音,求取悦耳效果的辞格”,而头韵读来则很有节奏感,如“Decision and Division ”就是利用头韵来加快句子的节奏,让读者读起来朗朗上口。
拟人:拟人(Personification )]使句子更加生动、形象,让读者产生一种亲切感。
如:Lonely gibbon from Zhuhai seeking loving wife (September 21,2005China Daily )在此标题中,长臂猿被赋予了人的情感:孤独(1onely );以及人的行为方式:寻找爱妻(seeking loving wife )。
译文:《珠海一孤独长臂猿苦寻爱妻》反语:反语(Irony )旨在通过发笑达到讽刺的目的。
如:Chr one —Plated Independence这则新闻标题嘲弄的是一个每年只能生产出80万吨铬的小国扬言要完全独立。
译文:《铬板式的独立—年产80万吨铬的小国扬言要完全独立》设问:设问(Rhetoric Question )就是“用疑问句的方式增强语言表达效果的一种修辞方式。

【新闻一】欧洲杯期间谨防足球流氓原文British football supporters have a particularly bad reputation so much so nine crimes that only applied to the sport have been enforced. Elsa Ali finds find out why fans are given the red card. Scenes like these are not uncommon during football matches. Despite British football fans and hooliganism being considered synonymous abroad, fans here say that the troublemakers are few and because of them, that fans are all being treated like criminals. The sort of numbers that we're dealing with here 38 million people were attending football matches last season,and there were eighteen hundred and seventy arrests that sort of all that's a tiny tiny number. So most football matches are trouble-free,arrest free. There's a few bad apples they need to be targeted, but the behavior of fans is good. There are nine football-only crimes which wouldn't be considered a criminal offence if committed anywhere outside of a football stadium. They include encroaching on the pitch,drinking in view of the pitch or even reselling or giving away a ticket. And if those weren't enough, fans are also subjected to special powers. Football banning orders can impose restrictions such as not going within three miles of a football stadium on match days. Requirements to report to the police station at designated times or even surrendering your passport when your club or country are playing abroad. But The Home Office told us evidence shows the legislation has proved effective. Levels of football disorder have been significantly reduced since the introduction of football banning orders in 2000. But the policing is always proportional. Some fans feel like they're being unfairly targeted by government legislation forced by police forces up and down the country. We're here in Millwall whose supporters say they're routinely harassed by the authorities week in week out. Sometimes it starts before the trouble starts you know. They're trying to keep people in check sometimes it can cause more alceration. I have a lot of respect for the police. Because they have a lot of tough job to do in these day. It's not their fault. Sometimes they're told what to do by other people. At the end of the day, people are just trying to watch a football game. And I think we gave more than most things. Indeed several of the Millwall fans that we spoke to concede that they have a bad reputation. It was their supporters we saw at the beginning of the piece fighting with Barnsley fans during the recent League One play-off final at Wembley. But what if the police start arresting people for slightly less a crimes. As we were celebrating, I got pulled out a crowd and you know I was arrested for common assault. Many football fans might have a problem sinking their teeth into laws being used for seemingly bizarre charges. But it's a tough time for police aroundfootball supporters after the recent hillsboro ruling and worries about terrorism are heightened as the Euro Tournament kicks off in France this week. There is no doubt there will be on the highest alert. so maybe leave the inflatable sharks at home. Elsa Ali London.翻译英国球迷风可谓臭名昭著,执法部门对此制定了九项足球犯罪。
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English News Title and Its TranslationOutline1. Introduction2. Development of English News Title2.1 History of English News Title2.2 Functions of English News Title2.2.1 Pointing Out the News Content2.2.2 Producing Attractive Effects.2.3 Differences between Chinese and English News Titles2.3.1 Vocabulary Similarities and Differences2.3.2 Tense Similarities and Differences2.3.3 Rhetoric Similarities and Differences2.3.4 Punctuation Mark Similarities and Differences3. Translation of English News Titles3.1 Literal Translation3.2 Free Translation3.3 Addition3.4 Omission3.5 Negation Translation3.6 Alliteration3.7 Making Use of the Advantage Chinese in Translation4. ConclusionEnglish News Title and Its Translation[Abstract] English news titles play a special role in news reporting. Thus we should place special emphasis on the research of the characteristics and translation of English news titles. This thesis focuses on the study of English news titles in terms of their grammatical features and its translation. When it comes to translation, it tries to reproduce the functions of English news titles which requires translators’agility and ingenuity in applying semantic and rhetorical devices. With grammatical and semantic exploration into the English news titles, such studies strive to benefit the readers in their understanding of what the editor wants to convey.[Key words] English news title; function; comparison; translations methods英语新闻标题及其翻译[摘要]标题在新闻报道中具有独特的地位。
[关键词] 英语新闻标题; 作用; 分类; 对比; 翻译方法1 IntroductionWhat is the title? A title of a piece of news usually printed in large type and devised to summarize, gives essential information, or interests readers in reading the news content . Naturally readers buy newspapers in order to keep posted on daily happenings. However, today’s English newspapers are getting fatter with a great number of pages. Therefore, many readers have formed the habit of scanning titles, which makes possible rapid news comprehension. Thus one of the most important purposes of titles is to inform readers quickly, which means that a well-designed title immediately tells them the gist of the accompanying story. Nothing is more important than packaging the product. A piece of news and its titles resemble the product and the packaging respectively.Only when the titles grasp the attention of the readers, the whole page can obtain vitality. So we say a final requirement of titles is to stimulate the reader’s artistic sense. Therefore, news people need to make sure that English title forms are set to beautify the layout of the newspaper and thus to interest readers in the stories.2. Development of English News Title2.1 History of English News TitleThe history of English news title is long and it can be divided into three phases. English news titles were originated in the Qing Dynasty. The characteristic of embryo is long and complex. The second stage of news title begins with the characteristic of diversity in the 19th century 70's. The third stage is from 20th century to nowadays and has the feature of concise and simplicity. In a word, the translation of English news title experienced the process from complexity to simplicity.2.2 Functions of English News TitleThe news title is the fundamental part of any piece of news. In a time when it’s harder to get people’s attention, good writers always spend too much time and creative energy working on their titles, because they know that the title is one of the most important parts of their work. According to Bruce H. Westley, from the standpoint of the reader, newspaper titles serve the following purposes: 2.2.1 Pointing Out the News ContentNews titles summarize the news content, so the news content can be reflected by the titles alone. By glancing over them, the readers will know whatthe story is about. Readers can quickly locate the parts that interest him mostly by following the sequence of the news points line by line. Titles rank the importance of stories by the size of the print and placement on the page. And titles can convey the relative significance of the news.2.2.2 Producing Attractive EffectsNews titles are essential to attract the reader’s attention. General speaking, two methods are used. First, the consistent use of familiar title structure gives the newspaper a relatively familiar and welcome nature. Secondly, English news title is trying to make good use of the front page of a newspaper, especially in electronic media. All of that can help attract the public’s attention. The front page plays the most important role of attracting the eyeballs of the readers well. Since newspapers are usually sold on the newsstands with just the top-half of the paper showing to the passengers, reporters of newspapers try every means to make the banner titles across the top of the page attractive enough to be a crowd-stopper (Westley 1972).2.3 Differences between Chinese and English News TitlesUnderstanding the similarities and differences between the Chinese and English news titles are carrying on the accurate translation. Any thing has its general character and its individuality. The Chinese and English news title is not exceptional. Directness and factuality are the two most prominent general characters. But the different language cultural context and the news tradition enable the Chinese and English title to have their own clear characteristics.2.3.1 Vocabulary Similarities and DifferencesIn most cases both English titles and Chinese titles share similarities in the vocabulary usage. First, in the news titles they both use shrinks and concise words (In Chinese we often used “armed police”, “Political Consultative Conference”, “WTO”, “Security Council” and so on. In English UN, UK, USA, NATO, WTO, NASA EU) “Minor term”is the popular word usage and the fashionable word usage in English news titles. Second, both enjoy using popular words. Third, both enjoy using stylish words. For example:(1) 全球瞩目A股巨震,暴跌难阻股民入市热情(2) MP demands probe into MoD bungles (MP=Member of Parliament; MoD=ministry ofDefense(3) 越来越多的人在聚会时喜欢“k歌”(K song is stylish word)(4) American Online; Often Down, Never Out (Online is stylish word)The first two examples use the popular terms and the last two ones use the stylish word.Differences:Judging from vocabulary, the Chinese news title is fond of using several verbs together, but the English news title is fond of using several noun words together. English news often uses short words and some initials or acronyms which are printed in large type, Such as EEC short for European Economic Community.(5) 开放搞活改革致富(6) Britain “Flagship” Detention Center Abandoned(7) 武船再助“神舟”飞天(“武船”指武昌造船厂)(8) A 2nd LI Priest Removed (LI=Long Island)The first example shows Chinese title uses four verbs together, while the second one shows English title uses four nouns together. That’s the difference lying in the Chinese and English news title in the vocabulary usage.2.3.2 Tense Similarities and DifferencesEnglish and Chinese news titles all massively use the phrase title. In Chinese we commonly use verb-object phrase, noun phrase and so on. In English we commonly use non-localization minor sentence (for example participial phrase, Infinitive phrase and gerund phrase), adjective phrase, and preposition phrase and so on. Translation may happen according to respective characteristic transformation. E.g.(9) Five Ways to Be Romantic(10) Helping the Homeless to Help Themselves(11) US carmakers ready to cut output.(12) 走向美好明天的江西.(13) 变化中的股市(14) 中国与发展In the above English news titles, the first uses the infinitive phrase, the second uses the gerund phrase and the third uses the adjective phrase. In the Chinese news titles, the first uses two verb-object, the last one uses noun -verb.When we read English news title we will find English news titles often use simple present tense, present progressive tense and simple future tense, whose sign is obvious. However, you will find Chinese news titles often use presenttense and progressive tense. Who tense sign is not obvious (Peter, Newmark 2001).For example:(15) French Culture Is the Doldrums法国文化颓然不振(16) China is growing strong.中国正在发展壮大.(17) China had an earth-shaking change.中国发生了一个翻天覆地的变化(18) 中国自然资源丰富.(19) 总理会见了受难群众(20) 中国法律将更加完善.(21) 圆满取得了成功.From the above examples we can find the first four examples use general present tense, general future tense, and present progressive tense, general past tense individually, and have obvious tense signs. The last ones use general present tense, the present tense replace past tense, future tense, past tense. But they have no obvious tense signs.2.3.3 Rhetoric Similarities and DifferencesBoth English and Chinese news title use the ordinary rhetoric, such as metaphor and hyperbole. It can attract more readers and make the news more clear and colorful.(22) Dam work brings flood of debate(23) 孩子是祖国的花朵(24) Graying Armies March to Defend Social Security(25) 一落千丈The first and second examples use the metaphor. The rest uses the hyperbole. The above two kinds of rhetoric are often used in English and Chinese news titles.As for the rhetoric, English-Chinese news title style is respectively different. The Chinese news title highly values a literary talent especial in antithesis and controls rhyme. The English news title is insipid and pays more attention to the fact. The usage of rhetoric lattice is limited. It often uses literary quotation, allegory, personification, harmonic tone, alliteration, repetition, word or phrase with double meaning, changing the order of rhetoric. Chinese news titles often use parallelism, overlapping, swing, aphorism, antithesis, comparison, word or phrase with double meanings. Some rhetoric is respectively for English institute such as alliteration and swings.(26) Protestant Protest(27) Grammy Apple of New York’s Eye?(28) The Scent of Descent(29) 名言草,实言人。