研究生英语第二单元 Cancer & Chemicals课件

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The author
Marla Cone, one of the nation's most experienced environmental journalists, is an editor in chief of Environmental Health News. She had reported for newspapers for 30 years, including 18 at the Los Angeles Times, where she was the senior environmental writer. Cone pioneered an environmental health beat at the Times that focused on explaining the risks that pollutants pose to public health, wildlife and ecosystems around the world.
Difficult sentences
But Bruce Ames,chairman of the department of biochemistry at the University of California at Berkeley,had plans to liven the proceedings. (paragraph 2 the second sentence) Analysis: chairman of the department of biochemistry 引导非限 定性定语从句。非限定性定语从句在形式上就与主句很松 散,它与主句之间有一个逗点","隔开;它对其先行词没 有限定、修饰的作用,只起补充、说明的作用。有时也用 它来对全句进行补充、说明。即使将其去掉,也不会影响 句子意思。由于上述原因,非限定性定语从句在表达意思 方面也有别于限定性定语从句。另外,非限定性定语从句 在中文译文里,我们往往将其作为一个分句处理,而不把 它作定语翻译。translation:但加州大学伯克利分校生物 化学系系主任布鲁斯· 爱姆兹却计划使会议开的更有生气。
This article appreciate
Too many natural substances also tested positive as carcinogens or mutagens:fruit juices,brown mustard,celery,parsley. fruit juices:Antimony content is 2.5 times higher than tap water.Antimony, this kind of material can cause cancer, heart and lung problems. 锑含量比自来水高2.5倍,这种物质能够引収癌症,心脏和 肺部问题。 brown mustard:芥菜 celery:芹菜 parsley:欧芹 These food contain nitrite, easy to produce carcinogens 这些菜中含有亚硝酸盐,容易生成致癌物质
Food safety incidents in recent years
Health million illegal cooking oil event (健康元地沟油事件)
Illegal cooking oil,referring to the life of all kinds of inferior oil, such as recycled cooking oil , repeated use of frying oil.(地沟油,泛指在生活中存 在的各类劣质油,如回收的食用油 反复使用的炸油) Long-term edible may cause cancer, great harm to the human body.(长期食用可能会引収癌症,对人体的 危害极大)
Unit two Cancer & Chemicals
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
1、The author 2、text structure 3、Difficult sentences 4、This article appreciate 5、Background and extended knowledge
text structure
Part2(6-14):This part introduce the process of Ames’s cancer research .Ames’s test is a remarkable achievement .
Part3(15-17):There are some opinions against Ames . And Ames restates that we can’t spend all our time chasing trivia at the price of giving up the whole chemical industry .
Difficult sentences
Based on animal tests of nearly 1000 chemicals, the data show that daily consumption of the average peanut-butter sandwich,which contains traces of aflatoxin (a naturally occurring mold carcinogen in peanuts),is 100 times more dangerous than our daily intake of DDT from food, and that a glass of the most polluted well water in the Silicon Valley is 1000 times less of cancer risk than a glass of wine or beer is. (paragraph 7 the fourth sentence) Analysis:这里非谓语短语based on 引导的从句,that引导宾 语从句作show的宾语,which引导的非限定性定语从句补 充说明sandwich,括号里句子解释说明aflatoxin。
Background and extended knowledge
Problems of food safety
Food safety refers to food non-toxic , harmless, conforming to proper nutritive requirements, not causing any acute , subacute or chronic hazard to human body health . According to the definition made by the World Health Organization, food safety is “public health problem” that poisonous and harmful substances in food effect to human body health .
Food safety incidents in recent years
Shuanghui clenbuterol event(双汇瘦肉精 事件)
Clenbuterol can increase the growth rate of pigs and generate more lean meat . But it has serious impact on our health.
Main idea
Most man-made cancer risks are trivial compared with daily natural risks .If you spend all your time chasing trivia,you lose sight of the important risks.
This article appreciate
Walking into the room,Ames looked like the quintessential scientist:wire-rimmed bifocals, rumpled suit,tousled hair and a sallow complexion that showed he spent more time in his laboratory than in the California sunshine. quintessential: 完美典型的 wire-rimmed: 金属丝镜架的 bifocals: 双光眼睛 rumple: 弄皱 tousle: 弄乱(尤指头収) sallow: (指皮肤)病黄色的 complexion: (脸部)皮肤,肤色
Difficult sentences
Even his critics say the Ames test—his simple, inexpensive laboratory procedure that helps determine whether a substance might cause cancer—is a remarkable achievement. (paragraph 6 the last sentence) Analysis:这里两个破折号用在一个解释性的插入语前面和后 面,相当于一个括号,在本句中解释The test。 translation:甚至爱姆兹的批评者也认为他的试验是一项了不 起的成就,这种试验是在实验室中进行的一种物美价廉的 操作方法,它有助于检测一种物质是否能引起癌症。
Marla Cone
text structure
Part1(1-5):The proposition 65 ,the state’s Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act,began to be implemented. And Bruce Ames had planted to slaughter sacred cows. He has a different message : the levels of most man-made carcinogens are generally so low that any danger is trivial compared with the levels of natural carcinogens .
Food safety incidents in recent years
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) Sudan Red event(肯德基苏丹红事件) Sudan Red is A chemical stain,is not food additives. It is carcinogenic.It has obvious toxic effects to the human body.(苏丹红是一种化学染色剂,并非食品添加 剂,具有致癌性,对人体有明显毒性)
Difficult sentences
translation:根据将近1000种化学物质做的动物实验所得的数 据表明,每日消耗的普通花生酱三明治中含有的微量黄曲 霉素(花生中天然存在的一种霉菌致癌物)比我们每日从 食物中摄取DDT的危险大100倍。一杯硅谷最受污染的井 水比一杯葡萄酒或啤酒致癌的危险要小1000倍。 DDT:化学名为双对氯苯基三氯乙烷 (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane),化学式 (ClC₆H₄)₂CH(CCl₃)。中文名称从英文缩写DDT而来,为 白色晶体,不溶于水,溶于煤油,可制成乳剂,是有效的 杀虫剂。为20世纪上半叶防止农业病虫害,减轻疟疾伤 寒等蚊蝇传播的疾病危害起到了不小的作用。但由于其对 环境污染过于严重,目前很多国家和地区已经禁止使用。