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5. =remember well
4. =kind
6. =very easily
5. =be asked to
7. =laugh at
6. =be not interested in=be not attracted to
8. =think
7. =tell…to others
9. =speech
8. =think
fashioned=unfashionable 4. =kind 5. =be asked to 6. =be not interested in=be not attracted to 7. =tell…to others 8. =think 9. =not accept 10.=have a journey 11.=help sb. 12.=have difficulty 13.=at last 14.=own
10. =success
9. =not accept
11. =about
10.=have a journey
12. =right now
11.=help sb.
13. =believe(in)
12.=have difficulty
14. =fact
13.=at last
15. =intelligent people 14.=own
1. 乐事;快事 2. 避免 3. 服从;遵守 4. 让某人失望
5. 单凭记忆;能背诵 6. 轻而易举 7. 跟某人开玩笑 8. 认为;觉得 9. 演讲 10. 成就;成绩 11. 大约 12. 此刻;当时 13. 相信;信任 14. 事实,真相 15. 聪明的人 16. 我不知道
1. =decide 2. =to another country 3. =not popular =unpopular=old
5. be invited to=be asked to
5. 被邀请做某事
6. have no interest in=be not interested inHale Waihona Puke Baidube6. 对…没有兴趣
not attracted to
7. share=tell…to others
7. 分享
8. suppose=think
13. 最终
14. 个人的;私人的
1. =happy thing=joy 1. =decide
2. =keep away from
2. =to another country
3. =follow
3. =not popular =unpopular=old
4. =make sb. disappointed fashioned=unfashionable
8. 认为
9. refuse=not accept
9. 拒绝
10.take a trip=have a journey
10. 去旅行
11.give sb. a hand=help sb.
11. 帮助某人
12.have trouble=have difficulty
12. 在…有困难
13.finally=at last
disappointed 5. learn by heart=remember well 6. without difficulty=very easily 7. play a joke on=laugh at 8. consider=think 9. lecture=speech 10. achievement=success 11. around=about 12. at the moment=right now 13. trust=believe(in) 14. truth=fact 15. mind=intelligent people 16. I have no idea=I don’t know
1. make a decision=decide
1. (做)决定
2. abroad=to another city
2. 在国外
3. out of date=not popular =unpopular=old 3. 过时的
4. type=kind
4. 类型;种类
16. =I don’t know
1. embarrassed=shy=ashamed 2. suggest=advise 3. none of one’s business=have nothing to do 4. hear from sb.=receive a letter from sb. 5. though=although 6. awful=bad 7. regret=feel sorry 8. hate=doesn’t like very much 9. mad=very angry 10.fail=not pass 11.none=not any 12.on a diet=lose some weight 13.out of place=not suitable 14.laugh at=make fun of=make jokes about 15.feel ashamed of=feel sorry for 16.drive sb. mad=make sb. crazy 17.arrive at= get to 18.sit down=take a seat 19.looks=appearances
1. doubt=feel unsure=wonder=be not sure=be not certain=don’t believe 2. truth=fact 3. certain=sure 4. correct=right 5. fill…with=be full of… 6. seem=appear 7. run over=flow over 8. send to prison=in jail 9. solve=work out=find the correct answer 10.be happy with=be satisfied with=be pleased with 11.take part in=join in 12.unusual=special 13.fast=quickly 14.be amazed at=surprised 15.send=give
1. 不能确定
2. 真相;实情 3. 确定的;肯定的 4. 正确的 5. 用…把…填满 6. 好像;似乎 7. 溢出 8. 把…关进监狱 9. 解决
11.参加 12.不寻常的;特殊的 13.快的 14.对…感到惊讶 15.发送/给
1. pleasure=happy thing=joy 2. avoid=keep away from 3. obey=follow 4. let sb. down=make sb.
1. 尴尬的;害羞的 2. 建议 3. 不关某人的事 4. 收到某人的来信 5. 尽管 6. 很坏的 7. 后悔 8. 讨厌 9. 很生气 10. 不及格 11. 没有的 12. 节食 13. 格格不入的 14. 嘲笑 15. 感觉羞愧 16. 让某人受不了 17. 到达 18. 坐下 19. 相貌