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Unit2 What a day!教学设计


【主题】What a day!

【课时】第1课时:Story time; Checkout time


本部分以日记的形式记录了Yang Ling和朋友们周末一天在公园的活动。日记通过天气的不断变换,逐步推动活动的发展和人物心理的变化。


1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy;

2.能听懂、会说、会读Story time中的故事,及there was/were…



1.句型:It was …. /There was …. /We saw ….

2.词汇:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy表示天气的词;以及show, interesting, weather, become, high, sky等词汇。




Step 1: Warm-up/Lead-in


教师可带领学生再唱四年级下册Unit 5的歌曲A sunny day,然后就歌词和学生进行简单的问答,导入目标词汇。


S1: There is a man. He is short and fat.

S2: There is a man. He is tall and thin.

S3: There is a king. He is old and fat.

S4: There is a boy. He is cute and happy.

T: How’s the weather

Ss: It’s sunny.

T: What can you see on a sunny day

Ss: We can see the sun and a blue sky.

T: what can we do on a sunny day.

S1: We can fly kites in the park.

S2: We can go boating.

S3: We can have a picnic.

S4: We can go for an outing.

2. 问答导入


T: Where are the children

Ss: They’re in the park.

T: What are they doing in the park

Ss: They’re flying kites/running/playing football/having a picnic ...…

3. 动作三连拍,复习规则动词的过去式


S1: (先后做走路、跳舞和大笑三个动作)

S2: ...walked.

S3: ...danced.

S4: ughed.

4. 教唱新歌曲,引人目标词汇

教师可以利用本单元的Song time,设计教学活动,导入目标词汇。

Step 2: Presentation & Practice

1. 结合图片,教授目标词汇

教师通过简笔画或利用图片教授目标词汇cloudy, rainy, sunny和windy。教

师可以根据学生的实际情况,先呈现名词sun, cloud, rain, wind等,然后再给出它们的形容词形式。如:

T: (出示晴天的图片)What can you see in this picture

Ss: We can see the sun and a blue sky.

T: (板书sun) Right. It’s sunny. (板书sunny) On a sunny day, we can see the sun and a blue sky.

Ss: It’s sunny.

T: (出示多石天气的图片)What can you see in this picture Is there a blue sky

Ss: No, there isn’t.

T: (板书cloud) Right. There are lots of clouds in the sky. Some clouds are white. Some are black. It’s cloudy. (板书cloudy) On a cloudy day, we can’t see the sun and a blue sky. There a re lots of clouds on a cloudy day.

Ss: It’s cloudy.

T: (出示雨天的图片)Look. Is it cloudy

Ss: No.

T: (板书rain和rainy) It’s raining. On a rainy day, you can see the rain. Ss: It’s a rainy day.

T: (出示风筝飞在天上的图片)What can you see in the sky

Ss: There are many kites in the sky.

T: Yes, the kites are flying. How can they fly Can they fly on sunny/cloudy/ rainy days What can make them fly Yes, it’s the wind. Can we see the wind Ss: No.

T: We can’t see the wind, but we can feel it. Look at the trees and flowers. They’re

dan cing. Why It’s windy. On a windy day, trees are flowers are dancing. Ss: It’s windy.

2. 卡片游戏,操练目标词汇
