- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Option Explicit
Dim n, nn, pr, po As Single
Dim tr, pa, s, d, vh, kkk As Single
Dim pab, e, paa, pad, pac As Single
Dim tt, T, yy, fa, X, Y, ta As Single
Dim nv, n1, tc, jx, pc, fx As Single
Dim l, vc, Va, gc, gh, g0 As Single
Dim vcx, r, lo, A, mt, m1, m2, u0, u As Single
Dim khu, cv1, cv2, tz, ccc, hu, qq, aaa, bbb As Single
Dim l8, n2, pz, H, tb, pi1, pi, φx, φ, p As Single
Dim fi, pm, nm, ni, gi, ne, pe, ge, nne, i, v, pb, pcx, vbx, pbx As Double
Dim aa(50), ylsgb As Single
Private Sub Command4_Click()
Picture1.ForeColor = vbGreen
Picture1.DrawWidth = 1.5
Picture1.Scale (-0.1, 99)-(1, -10)
Picture1.Line (0, 0)-(0, 95) 'y轴
Picture1.Line (0, 0)-(0.95, 0) 'x轴
Picture1.Line (0.93, 1)-(0.95, 0)
Picture1.Line (0.93, -1)-(0.95, 0)
Picture1.Line (0.015, 94)-(0, 95)
Picture1.Line (-0.015, 94)-(0, 95)
For i = 1 To 9 Step 1
Picture1.Line (0, i * 10)-(0.015, i * 10)
Picture1.Line (0.1 * i, 0)-(0.1 * i, -1)
Picture1.CurrentX = -0.1: Picture1.CurrentY = 10 * i + 3: Picture1.Print i * 10
Picture1.CurrentX = 0.1 * i - 0.04: Picture1.CurrentY = -3: Picture1.Print "0" & i * 0.1 Next i
Picture1.CurrentX = 0: Picture1.CurrentY = 95: Picture1.Print " P (atm)"
Picture1.CurrentX = 0.8: Picture1.CurrentY = 10: Picture1.Print "V (L)"
If vh = 0 Then
MsgBox "请先输入参数,并计算", 0, "提示": GoTo q
End If
vc = vh / e
Dim X As Single: Dim pcx, vcx As Single
Picture1.DrawWidth = 1.3
Picture1.Line (vc, 10 * po)-(0.9, 10 * po)
Picture1.Line (vc, po)-(vc, 88)
Picture1.DrawWidth = 1.5
Picture1.ForeColor = vbYellow
For X = v To vc Step -0.0001
vcx = X
pcx = pa * (v / vcx) ^ n1
Picture1.PSet (vcx, pcx)
Next X
Picture1.Line (vcx, pcx)-(vc, pz)
Dim vbx, pbx As Single
Picture1.Line (vc, pz)-(vc * p, pz): vc = vc * p
For X = vc To v Step 0.0001
vbx = X
pbx = pz * ((vc / vbx) ^ n2)
Picture1.PSet (vbx, pbx)
Next X
Picture1.Line (vbx, pbx)-(v, pa)
Picture1.DrawWidth = 1
Picture1.ForeColor = vbRed
Picture1.CurrentX = 0.1: Picture1.CurrentY = 8: Picture1.Print "po"
Picture1.CurrentX = 0.02: Picture1.CurrentY = 20: Picture1.Print "vc"
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
s = Val(Text2.Text): d = Val(Text4.Text)
n = Val(Text1.Text): po = Val(Text15.Text) / 10:
e = Val(Text5.Text): tt = Val(Text17.Text): fa = Val(Text18.Text): r = Val(Text2.Text)
l = Val(Text31.Text) / 3.14 / ((d / 2) ^ 2)
gc = Val(Text11.Text): gh = Val(Text12.Text): g0 = Val(Text8.Text)
A = Val(Text19.Text): mt = Val(Text20.Text): fi = Val(Text9.Text): i = Val(Text3.Text)
n1 = Val(Text14.Text): n2 = Val(Text33.Text)
pr = Int(1000 * 10.8 * po) / 1000: tr = 350 / (1.2 / Log(n) * Log(10) + 0.005 * (e - 3) + 0.01 * (fa - 1)): hu = 42500 '柴油机暂时先赋的值