
Book1Unit11.把你的分数加起来add up your scores2.为某事心烦be upset about sth3.(使某人)镇静下来calm sb. down4.关心be concerned about5.就某人而言as far as one’s concerned6.经历go through7.记下你的主意set down your ideas8.爱上一系列冒险故事fall in love with a series of adventure stories9.遭受寂寞之苦suffer from loneliness10.往B里加A add A to B11.因某事感谢某人be grateful to sb. for sth.12.故意伤害你hurt you on purpose13.迟迟不睡为了参加这个活动stay up late in order to join in the activity14.对打包很厌倦get tired of packing15.我想知道你是否和其他人相处得好I wonder if you can get along well with others.16.曾经一度我觉得很难很别人沟通。
There was a time when I found it hard to communicate with others.17.那是我第一次和明星面对面交谈。
It was the first time that I had talked to a star face to face.18.做某事没意思It is no pleasure doing sthUnit21.A不同于B A is different from B2.提出/想到一个好主意come up with a good idea3.据我们所知based on what we know4.现在at present5.充分利用make good/ full use of6.流利地说英语speak English fluently/fluent English speakers7.起到重要的作用play an important part in8.前者…;后者The former…;the latter...9.官方语言the official language10.这部电影以一部著名的戏剧为基础。

高考英语必修1~选修8词组词汇总结必修1 Unit 1 重点单词1. add vt.增加;添加;补充说 vi加;加起来;增添2. upset vt&vi.使不安;使心烦 adj.心烦意乱的;不适的;不舒服的3. ignore vt.不理睬;忽视4. calm adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的 vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇静5. concern vt.关系到;涉及 n. 关心;关注;(利害)关系6. cheat n.欺骗;骗子 vt.&vi.欺骗;骗取;欺诈;作弊7. list vt.列出8. share vt.分享;均分;分担 n.一份;份额9. series n.连续;系列10. crazy adj.疯狂的;狂热的11. purpose n.目的;意图12. dare vt.&. 敢;胆敢13. thunder n.雷;雷声 vi打雷;雷鸣14. entirely adv.完全地;全然地;整个地15. power n.能力;力量;权力16. according adv.依照17. trust vt.&vi.信任;信赖18. suffer vt.&vi遭受;忍受;经历.19. questionnaire n.调查表;问卷20. quiz n.测验;提问 vt. 对…进行测验21. situation n.情形;境遇;(建筑物等的)位置22. communicate vt.交际;沟通;传达(感情、信息等)23. habit n.习惯;习性重点短语1. calm down 平静下来;镇定下来2. be concerned about 关心;挂念3. make a list of 列出…4. be crazy about 对…着迷5. according to 根据…所说;按照6. get along with 与…相处;进展7. fall in love 相爱;爱上8. try out 试验;试用9. add up 合计10. set down 放下;记下;登记11. get sth. done 做…;使…被做;12. share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物13. go through 经历;经受;14. a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套15. on purpose 故意16. in order to 为了…17. join in 参加;加入18. communicate with 和…交流19. face to face 面对面地20. suffer from 遭受。

B o o k1词组Unit1 合计add up镇定下来calm down关心挂念be concerned about遛狗walk the dog经历经受go through记下放下set down一系列的一连串的 a series of故意on purpose对…着迷grow crazy about为了…in order to在黄昏时刻at dusk面对面地face to face不再no longer遭受患病suffer from自从…恢复recover from对…厌烦be tired of与…相处get along with爱上相爱fall in love with参加加入join in打包pack…up对某人有好处be good to sb让某事被做get sth done其他人的someone else’sUnit2在…中担任角色play a role in走近,上来come up例如…像这种such as比从前than ever before即使even if以…为基础be based on利用make use of与某人交流communicate with sb.随时间推移over time命令give a command从一处到另一处from one place to another相同的the same as标准英语standard English因为…because of在早期in the early days许多,若干 a number of….的数量,号码the number of信不信由你believe it or not没问题no problemUnit3梦想做某事dream of/ about doing说服某人做某事persuade sb to do投降屈服让步give in下定决心make up one’s mind关心惦记care about喜欢喜爱be fond of毕业于graduate from坚持一定要做某事insist on搭起帐篷put up one’s tent改变主意change one’s mine迫不及待的做某事cam hardly wait to do一方面另一方面for one thing, for another列出清单make a list of坚决的表情 a determined look使某人对某事感兴趣get sb interested in doing Unit4毁坏in ruins掘出发现dig out分发发出气味give out吹走blow away为…而自豪be proud of引进,引来bring in有时间做…have time to do许多大量的 a great number of成千上万thousands of代替instead of作为…出名be known as做某事很安全be safe for (doing) sth陷入陷在…下面be trapped in/ under演讲比赛the speaking competition邀请某人做某事invite sb to do sthUnit5积极从事be active in丧失勇气或信心lose heart失业out of work使充气,爆炸blow up当权,上台come to power乐于做某事be willing to do sth在…方面给某人建议advise sb on sth阻止某人做某事stop sb from doing事实上as a matter of fact把…投入监狱put…in prison被判处…be sentenced to实现…的梦想realize one’s dream ofdoing/ to do sth设立,建立set up反对同…作斗争fight against相信信任信仰believe in充当,担任work as用和平方式in a peaceful wayBook2 词组Unit1作为回报in return处于交战状态at war少于less than寻找in search for属于belong to值得做某事be worth doing而不是rather than用…装饰装修be decorate with充当担任serve as拆开take apart看重器重think highly of….的入口the entrance to世界的奇迹the wonders of the world与某人争论某事debate with sb about sth毫无疑问withou doubt风格奇特的be of the fancy style处理do with/ deal withUnit2代表stand for参加take part in与某人竞争compete with/against自愿做某事volunteer to do sth每四年every four years掌管负责in charge of准许做某事admit doing用…代替replace with也,又as well (as)一个接一个one after another值得做理应做deserve doing/ to be done与某人达成协议make a bargain身体锻炼physical exercise拾起顺便接送学会pick up手拉手hand in hand一组一套 a set of在古代in ancient times达到既定标准reach the agreed standard在…中起重要作用play an important role in为了…荣誉for the honour of与…结婚marry sbUnit31.共有共用in common2.依…..看,据….认为in one’s opinion3.从….时起from…on…4.结果as a result5.和…分享.. share…with..6.自从那时from then on7.和….交流communicate with8.人类human race 9.集合,聚集get together10.在….的帮助下with the help of11.看守监视watch out12.人工智能artificial intelligence13.单独独自by oneself14.走过过去流逝go by15.在某种程度上in a way16.弥补补足整理make up17.毕竟after all18.处理安排对付deal with19.如此…以至于so thatUnit4灭绝,绝种die out建立set up和平地安详地in peace在危险中in danger穿上衣服get dressed突然笑起来burst into laughter松了一口气in relief按照根据according to保护..使不受protect…from拍照take photos注意pay attention to形成come into being以至于,结果so that对…有影响have an effect on担心烦恼be concerned about结果as a result渴望做到long to do不知所措at a lossUnit5梦见,梦想dream of戏弄play jokes on打碎分裂break up分类sort out最重要首要above all由于差错by mistake对….说老实话be honest with大约or so偶然by chance坚持stick to取笑make fun of不超过not more than逐渐形成get to form以….为基础be based on对….认真be serious aboutBook3Unit1Phrases 发生take place纪念in memory of带领某人去lead…to ….盛装,打扮,装饰dress up诈骗,开玩笑play a trick on sb.因…感激某人be grateful to sb. For sth期望,期待,盼望look forward to好像as if/ though日夜,昼夜day and night和着音乐跳舞dance to the music覆盖be covered with玩得开心have fun with sb.出现出场turn up守信用,履行诺言keep one’s word和…结婚be/get married to动身去某地set off for提醒某人某事remind sb. of(to do)为…感到自豪be proud of用…装饰decorate.. with…因某事而钦佩某人admire sb. for sthUnit 2Phrases 对…厌倦be tired of侥幸做成…get away with说谎tell lies摆脱,除去get rid of谋生earn one’s living欠债in debt关心,在乎care about窥探spy on怒视glare at从事某方面的研究do research on sth.保持苗条stay slim向某人许诺make a promise to sb.避免做某事avoid doing sth.变成turn into进行锻炼take exercise一包糖果 a packet of sweet扔掉throw away大量的钱 a large amount of money从…中受益benefit from/ by减价,砍倒cut down把…和…联合起来combine…with…Unit3Phrases 打赌make a bet熟悉某人know sb. well事实上,实际上as a matter of fact盯着看stare at解释,说明account for领某人出去,进来show sb. out/ in写下某人点的菜take one’s order注意give attention to惹麻烦,陷入困境get into trouble允许某人做某事permit sb. to do朝前走,前进,往下说go ahead偶然地,意外地by accident放弃give up说实话to be honest关心,计较,在乎care about衣衫褴褛in rags关于至于,就…而言as for因…表彰某人honour sb. for sth. Unit 4Phrases 阻止prevent…from 及时in time依靠depend on变得高兴,振奋起来cheer up既然now that爆发break out冷却cool down与…不同be different from靠近get close to联合成为combine into下蛋lay eggs在…表面on one’s surface从…逃跑escape from也,还有…as well as把…变成,译成put…into把…看做think of… as…时间过去go byUnit 5Phrases 去旅行go on a trip定居平静下来settle down有…的天赋have a gift for在远处in the distance而不是rather than合计为figure out经历,通过go through在黎明时at dawn不到五天in less than five days远到as far as在面积上in size和某人进餐have dinner with向往,梦见dream of动身去某处leave for眺望look over记笔记make notes靠近海岸线on the coast用较小的字母in smaller letters采取行动take measureBook4M4Unit1WordsPhrases 对…感兴趣concern oneself with决心做be determined to do就某市与某人辩论argue with sb. Over/ aboutsth.为….做准备be intended for鼓励某人做某事inspire sb. To do sth引起某人的注意catch one’s eye查阅,参考,谈到refer to偶然遇见come across把…处死刑put…to death与…交流communicate with说服某人做某事argue sb. Into doing sth.被送到be delivered to轻视,看不起look down upon对…进行研究do research on计算出,想出work out仅次于,赶不上second to涌上心头,涌入脑海crowd in继续,坚持carry on离开,起程,出发move off碰巧,凑巧by chance尊敬某人have/show respect for Book 4 Unit 2Phrases 毕业于…graduate from寻找,搜寻search for多亏,由于thanks to摆脱除去rid…of对…感到满意be satisfied with过…的生活lead a …life而不是rather than计较,在意care about希望得到,渴望wish for怀有…的希望with the hope of导致,造成lead to没有…免除free from年复一年year after year装备,配备be equipped with沉思,想得出神be lost in thought盛产,富含be rich in担心,关心be concerned about坚持做某事insist on献身于…专心于devote to逐渐增强,建立开发build upM4Unit3Phrases 对…满足be content with穷的,缺少badly off挑出辨别出pick out切断断绝cut off主演担任主角star in寻找in search for被绊住be caught in情况更差worse off全世界throughout the world以…为背景be set in去野营go camping开某人的玩笑play jokes on sb.嘲笑取笑make fun of作为…而被铭记be remembered as在露天,在户外in the open air直到现在up to now有时候at times对…挑剔be particular about sth.M4Unit4Phrases 把某人介绍给…introduce sb to舒适快乐自由自在at ease保卫…以免defend against总的来说通常in general背对背弃turn one’s back to很可能…,有希望be likely to也,还as well上上下下up and down对…感兴趣be interested in对…好奇be curious about正视look sb in the eye丢脸lose face与…握手shake hands with向某人点头nod at sb向某人表示尊敬show respect for把…搞错,误解be wrong about向某人伸出手reach one’s hand outto相反on the contraryM4Unit5Phrases 提供给某人某物provide sb with sth满足某人的需要meet one’s need以…为根据be based on以…着名be famous for根据…模仿仿造be modeled after消遣,自我娱乐amuse oneself提前in advance恢复生气,活跃起来come to life提醒某人某事remind sb of sth不仅…而且not only…but also旅行go on a trip靠近get close to各种各样 a variety of难怪no wander连同…一起along with面对面地face to face模仿复制be modeled after Book5M5 unit1提出put forward得出结论draw a conclusion导致lead to有意义讲得通make sense观点态度看法point or view也,另外in addition将…和…联系起来link…to…除….之外apart from对某人严格要,对…严格的be strict with某人、某物应受责备be to blame被…控制be controlled by受感染become infected鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do sth结束come to an end信任信仰支持赞成believe in贡献给contribute toM5unit2由…组成consist of被分成be divided into指的是涉及到refer to也,再,又as well与…相连be joined with使某人吃惊的是to one’s surprise把…连接到…上get connected to睁大眼睛keep one’s eyes on代替take the place of列出(清单) make a list of在特殊的场合on special occasions为了纪念in memory of省去遗漏leave out损坏出故障break down展览展出on show捡起拾起pick up对..有影响Have a…influence on/ upon在…影响下Under the influence of对…感到兴奋激动Be thrilled at / about / with 代替Take the place ofM5unit3拿起接受继续take up使某人想起remind sb. of看不见lose sight of瞥见catch sight of打扫横扫sweep up加速speed up向四面八方in all directions把…递给hand… to缺少新鲜空气lack of fresh air穿上,戴上put on小声地in whispers依靠取决于depend on遭受…之苦suffer from按上打开switch on安置下来Settle downM5u4独自靠自己on one’s own集中全神贯注于concentrate on因...职责控告accuse…of期待,盼望look forword to以防,万一in case (of)约会预约make an appointment专心于被吸引be absorbed in领先先于ahead of着手工作set to work应当理应be supposed to证实明确get… straight安排采访某人fix an interview with sb.于此同时in the meanwhileBook 5 Unit 5实施执行carry on对…感到骄傲be proud of反复多次over and over again榨出挤出squeeze out在适当的位置in place找到put one’s hands on受伤get injured有作用有影响make a difference在这种情况下in this situation点击触电electric shock逐步地step by step急救first aid粘在…上be stuck to被感染get infected切断cut off坚持,贴在…上stick to使…受到损害cause damage toBook6M6u1Phrases 许多大量scores of大量 a great deal of对…确信相信be convinced of企图做某事attempt to do脱离摆脱break away from在另一方面on the other hand代替取代take the place of集中聚焦focus on也,和…一样as well as浏览look through导致lead to宁愿would rather不但…而且not only… but also本人,活着in the fleshM6U2Phrases 给某人很深的印象give sb a deep impression构成make up受…欢迎be popular with把…递给pass … to把…翻译成translate into接受某人的建议take one’s advice放轻松别紧张take it easy用完run out of突然离开run away偶然地意外地by chance测试试验try out向往想要期待look forward toM6Unit3Phrases 由于due to设法做成某事manage to do sth不顾尽管即使in spite of代表支持stand for使某人开始start sb off换下中止取消be taken off对…有影响have an effect on习惯于be accustomed to对…做出决定decide on想要做feel like doing sth陷入染上get into身心健康be healthy in body andmind过两周的时间in two weeks’ time遗漏忽略leave out顺便问一下by the wayM6Unit4Phrases 把…比作compare to发生造成come about导致result in逐步建立build up继续keep on大体上基本上on the whole有影响有意义make a difference忍受容忍put up with只要as long as等等and so on温室效应green house effect用….来做make…from大量的large quantities of把….加到…上add … to对..有影响have an effect on平均on average代表on behalf of上升增长go upM6Unit5Phrases 全部焚毁burn to the ground一路向前make one’s way努力make an effort匆匆看一遍glance through变化改变vary…from保护…免于protect sb from冒险take a risk碰到meet with穿上,上演put on使某人大吃一惊take sb by surprise生育,生产give birth to对…感到吃惊be amazed at与…比较compare …with在黎明at down想象做某事imagine doing sth在远处in the distance有…的天赋have a gift for在惊恐之中in panic正要做某事be about to do Book7M7u1Phrases 换句话说in other words气不接下气out of breath总而言之all in all取笑make fun of一切顺利all the best特别in particular恼火get annoyed适应调整adapt to闲坐着sit around/ about梦想希望dream about克服困难overcome difficulties与…相似take dancing lessons不上课be similar to对…感到同情feel sorry一次at a time进入access to承担take onM7u2Phrases 考验test out打电话给ring up转向回转turn around不管别惹让…独自呆着leave…alone将…放在一旁set aside跌落,从…掉下来fall down寻找search for与某人关系暧昧have an affair with sb.经营商店run a store陪某人…去accompany sb to更确切的说or rather感到害怕feel alarmed掉落下降减少fall off吃惊的表情surprised look进行实验experiment with认真对待某人某物take sb./ sth seriously M7u3Phrases 在…前面ahead of于此同时in the meantime帮助help out乱七八糟的颠倒的upside down明白意识到be aware of吓死be scared to death举起,延迟,阻碍,支持住hold up撤回拉回pull…back反思,回想reflect on亲眼with one’s own eyes放开,松手let sb go一种濒危动物an endangered species错过做某事的机会miss the opportunity to do独居live alone动身回家set off for home发出let out使某人活着keep sb alive控制操纵have power overM7u4Phrases 收到…的信hear from渴望,极想.. be dying to偶然遇到come across伸出stick out完全变干dry out干涸dry up在困境中in need确定无疑for sure通过接通电话get through与…无关be relevant to参加participate in担任充当work as挨饿go hungry增加add up轮流take turns适应adjust to代表on behalf of占据take upM7u5Phrases 保持继续keep it up相适应相融合fit in习惯,对…适应get/ be used to就…而言as far as one is concerned无拘束感觉自在feel at home安顿下来settle in梦想dream about总结make a summary忙于be occupied with/in生化方式the way of life和…有共同之处in common with各种各样的 a variety of去观光to sightseeing同意某事approve ofBook8M8u1Phrases 用…办法借助于by means of谋生make a life某人想到occur to sb与…合作team up with画线标出mark out包括吸收take in许多 a great/ good many另外in addition除此以外at various times在不同时期of one’s own某人自己的of one’s own对….宣战declare war on多元文化的社会 a multicultural society M8u2Phrases 使沮丧cast down反对object to赞成支持in favour of一定注定会be bound to do不时偶尔from time to time使复生bring backe to life取得好结果取得成功偿清Pay off每次一个one at a time轮流做某事take turns to do sth回答reply on存在come into existence把…传给pass… on to基于,根据.. based on对…有巨大影响have a great impact on复制make a copy of一直始终all the time回顾look back on事实上as a matter of fact不同于Differ from在…方面不同Differ in承担一个任务Undertake a task/projectM8U3Phrases 给….打电话call up偶尔有时now and then开始着手set about以防万一in case交通堵塞traffic jam被踩出路来常规惯例Beaten track开始做set out的确事实上in truth不挂断紧紧握住稍等hang on次序颠倒发生故障out of order设法联系上做完通过get through回复电话ring back挂断电话ring off把…看做think of … as提出come up with另外in addition决定decede on / upon杂乱不堪in a mess忍受做某事bear to do/ doingM8u4Phrases 冒充pass… off as结识,与…相见make one’s acquaintance惊愕地in amazement就…来说从…角度in terms of带…进来show … in几天前the other day带走,取走take away在一次once more需要in need of逐渐模糊渐变fade out一大把 a handful of确信某事be convinced of涌进pour into/ out of保护shelter…from结果是come out伪装地in disguise把…归类classify…as…以…告终end in比…优秀be superior to原形毕露betray oneselfM8u4Phrases 不管不顾regardless of切碎cut up展望,向前看look ahead得出结论come to a conclusion与…类似be similar to领某人参观show sb. around御寒keep cold out高度赞扬think highly of最多至多不超过at most时而,不时地now and then收走,消除clear away走进走上前来come up禁不住做某事can’t help doing sth在意在乎care about拔出挖出pull out变成turn into总共总计in all…的替代品an alternative to可替代能源alternative energy使…免遭preserve sth from。

高中英语1-8册词组总结(全)人教版(总8页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Book1 词组Unit1 合计 add up镇定下来 calm down关心挂念 be concerned about遛狗 walk the dog经历经受 go through记下放下 set down一系列的一连串的 a series of故意 on purpose对…着迷 grow crazy about为了… in order to在黄昏时刻 at dusk面对面地 face to face不再 no longer遭受患病 suffer from自从…恢复 recover from对…厌烦 be tired of与…相处 get along with爱上相爱 fall in love with参加加入 join in打包 pack…up对某人有好处 be good to sb让某事被做 get sth done其他人的 someoneelse’sUnit2在…中担任角色 play a role in走近,上来 come up例如…像这种 such as比从前 than ever before即使 even if以…为基础 be based on利用 make use of与某人交流 communicate with sb.随时间推移 over time命令 give a command从一处到另一处 from one place to another相同的 the same as标准英语 standard English因为… because of在早期 in the early days许多,若干 a number of….的数量,号码 the number of信不信由你 believe it or not没问题 no problemUnit3梦想做某事 dream of/ about doing说服某人做某事 persuade sb to do投降屈服让步 give in下定决心 make up one’s mind关心惦记 care about喜欢喜爱 be fond of毕业于 graduate from坚持一定要做某事 insist on搭起帐篷 put up one’s tent改变主意 change one’s mine迫不及待的做某事 cam hardly wait to do一方面另一方面 for one thing, for another列出清单 make a list of坚决的表情 a determined look使某人对某事感兴趣get sb interested in doingUnit4毁坏 in ruins掘出发现 dig out分发发出气味 give out吹走 blow away为…而自豪 be proud of引进,引来 bring in有时间做… have time to do许多大量的 a great number of成千上万 thousands of代替 instead of作为…出名 be known as做某事很安全 be safe for (doing) sth陷入陷在…下面 be trapped in/ under演讲比赛 the speaking competition邀请某人做某事 invite sb to do sthUnit5积极从事 be active in丧失勇气或信心 lose heart失业 out of work使充气,爆炸 blow up当权,上台 come to power乐于做某事 be willing to do sth在…方面给某人建议 advise sb on sth阻止某人做某事 stop sb from doing事实上 as a matter of fact把…投入监狱 put…in prison被判处… be sentenced to实现…的梦想 realize one’sdream ofdoing/ to dosth设立,建立 set up反对同…作斗争 fight against相信信任信仰 believe in充当,担任 work as用和平方式 in a peaceful wayBook2 词组Unit1作为回报 in return处于交战状态 at war少于 less than寻找 in search for属于 belong to值得做某事 be worth doing而不是 rather than用…装饰装修 be decorate with充当担任 serve as拆开 take apart看重器重 think highly of….的入口 the entrance to世界的奇迹 the wonders of the world与某人争论某事 debate with sb about sth毫无疑问 withou doubt风格奇特的 be of the fancy style处理 do with/ deal withUnit2代表 stand for参加 take part in与某人竞争 competewith/against自愿做某事 volunteer to do sth每四年 every four years掌管负责 in charge of准许做某事 admit doing用…代替 replace with也,又 as well (as)一个接一个 one after another值得做理应做 deserve doing/ to be done与某人达成协议 make a bargain身体锻炼 physical exercise拾起顺便接送学会 pick up手拉手 hand in hand一组一套 a set of在古代 in ancient times达到既定标准 reach the agreed standard在…中起重要作用 play an important role in为了…荣誉 for the honour of与…结婚 marry sbUnit31.共有共用 in common2.依…..看,据….认为 in one’sopinion3.从….时起 from…on…4.结果 as a result5.和…分享.. share…with..6.自从那时 from then on7.和….交流 communicatewith8.人类 human race9.集合,聚集 get together10.在….的帮助下 with the helpof11.看守监视 watch out12.人工智能 artificialintelligence13.单独独自 by oneself14.走过过去流逝 go by15.在某种程度上 in a way16.弥补补足整理 make up17.毕竟 after all18.处理安排对付 deal with19.如此…以至于 so thatUnit4灭绝,绝种 die out建立 set up和平地安详地 in peace在危险中 in danger穿上衣服 get dressed突然笑起来 burst into laughter松了一口气 in relief按照根据 according to保护..使不受 protect…from拍照 take photos注意 pay attention to形成 come into being以至于,结果 so that对…有影响 have an effect on担心烦恼 be concerned about结果 as a result渴望做到 long to do不知所措 at a lossUnit5梦见,梦想 dream of戏弄 play jokes on打碎分裂 break up分类 sort out最重要首要 above all由于差错 by mistake对….说老实话 be honest with大约 or so偶然 by chance坚持 stick to取笑 make fun of不超过 not more than逐渐形成 get to form以….为基础 be based on对….认真 be serious about Book3Unit1Phrases 发生 take place纪念 in memory of带领某人去 lead…to ….盛装,打扮,装饰 dress up诈骗,开玩笑 play a trick on sb.因…感激某人 be grateful to sb. For sth期望,期待,盼望 look forward to好像 as if/ though日夜,昼夜 day and night和着音乐跳舞 dance to the music覆盖 be covered with玩得开心 have fun with sb.出现出场 turn up守信用,履行诺言 keep one’s word和…结婚 be/get married to动身去某地 set off for提醒某人某事 remind sb. of (to do)为…感到自豪 be proud of用…装饰 decorate.. with…因某事而钦佩某人 admire sb.for sthUnit 2Phrases 对…厌倦 be tired of 侥幸做成… get away with说谎 tell lies摆脱,除去 get rid of谋生 earn one’s living欠债 in debt关心,在乎 care about窥探 spy on怒视 glare at从事某方面的研究 do research on sth.保持苗条 stay slim向某人许诺 make a promise to sb.避免做某事 avoid doing sth.变成 turn into进行锻炼 take exercise一包糖果 a packet of sweet扔掉 throw away大量的钱 a large amountof money从…中受益 benefit from/ by减价,砍倒 cut down把…和…联合起来 combine…with…Unit3Phrases 打赌 make a bet熟悉某人 know sb. well事实上,实际上 as a matter of fact盯着看 stare at解释,说明 account for领某人出去,进来 show sb. out/ in写下某人点的菜 take one’s order注意 give attention to惹麻烦,陷入困境 get into trouble允许某人做某事 permit sb. to do朝前走,前进,往下说 go ahead偶然地,意外地 by accident放弃 give up说实话 to be honest关心,计较,在乎 care about衣衫褴褛 in rags关于至于,就…而言 as for因…表彰某人 honour sb. for sth.Unit 4Phrases 阻止prevent…from及时 in time依靠 depend on变得高兴,振奋起来 cheer up既然 now that爆发 break out冷却 cool down与…不同 be different from靠近 get close to联合成为 combine into下蛋 lay eggs在…表面 on one’s surface从…逃跑 escape from也,还有… as well as把…变成,译成 put…into把…看做 think of…as…时间过去 go byUnit 5Phrases 去旅行 go on a trip定居平静下来 settle down有…的天赋 have a gift for在远处 in the distance而不是 rather than合计为 figure out经历,通过 go through在黎明时 at dawn不到五天 in less than five days远到 as far as在面积上 in size和某人进餐 have dinner with向往,梦见 dream of动身去某处 leave for眺望 look over记笔记 make notes靠近海岸线 on the coast用较小的字母 in smaller letters采取行动 take measure Book4M4Unit1WordsPhrases 对…感兴趣 concern oneself with决心做 be determined to do就某市与某人辩论 argue with sb.Over/ aboutsth.为….做准备 be intended for鼓励某人做某事 inspire sb.To do sth引起某人的注意 catch one’s eye查阅,参考,谈到 refer to偶然遇见 come across把…处死刑 put…to death与…交流 communicate with说服某人做某事 argue sb.Into doingsth.被送到 be deliveredto轻视,看不起 look downupon对…进行研究 do researchon计算出,想出 work out仅次于,赶不上 second to涌上心头,涌入脑海 crowd in继续,坚持 carry on离开,起程,出发 move off碰巧,凑巧 by chance尊敬某人 have/show respect forBook 4 Unit 2Phrases 毕业于… graduate from 寻找,搜寻 search for多亏,由于 thanks to摆脱除去 rid…of对…感到满意 be satisfiedwith过…的生活 lead a …life而不是 rather than计较,在意 care about希望得到,渴望 wish for 怀有…的希望 with the hopeof导致,造成 lead to没有…免除 free from年复一年 year after year装备,配备 be equipped with沉思,想得出神 be lost in thought盛产,富含 be rich in担心,关心 be concerned about坚持做某事 insist on献身于…专心于 devote to逐渐增强,建立开发 build upM4Unit3Phrases 对…满足 be content with穷的,缺少 badly off挑出辨别出 pick out切断断绝 cut off主演担任主角 star in寻找 in search for被绊住 be caught in情况更差 worse off全世界 throughoutthe world以…为背景 be set in去野营 go camping开某人的玩笑 play jokes on sb.嘲笑取笑 make fun of作为…而被铭记 be remembered as在露天,在户外 in the open air直到现在 up to now有时候 at times对…挑剔 be particular about sth.M4Unit4Phrases 把某人介绍给…introduce sb to舒适快乐自由自在 at ease保卫…以免 defend against总的来说通常 ingeneral背对背弃 turn one’s back to很可能…,有希望 be likely to也,还 as well上上下下 up anddown对…感兴趣 beinterested in对…好奇 becurious about正视 look sb in the eye丢脸 lose face与…握手 shake hands with向某人点头 nod at sb向某人表示尊敬 showrespect for把…搞错,误解 be wrongabout向某人伸出手 reachone’shand outto相反 on thecontraryM4Unit5Phrases 提供给某人某物 provide sb with sth满足某人的需要 meet one’s need以…为根据 be based on以…著名 be famous for根据…模仿仿造 be modeled after消遣,自我娱乐 amuseoneself提前 in advance恢复生气,活跃起来 come tolife提醒某人某事 remind sb of sth不仅…而且 notonly…but also旅行 go on a trip靠近 get close to各种各样 a variety of难怪 no wander连同…一起 alongwith面对面地 face to face模仿复制 bemodeled afterBook5M5 unit1提出 put forward得出结论 draw a conclusion导致 lead to有意义讲得通 make sense观点态度看法 point or view也,另外 in addition将…和…联系起来 link…to…除….之外 apart from对某人严格要,对…严格的 be strict with某人、某物应受责备 be to blame被…控制 be controlled by受感染 becomeinfected鼓励某人做某事 encourage sbto do sth结束 come to an end信任信仰支持赞成 believein贡献给 contribute to M5unit2由…组成 consist of被分成 be divided into指的是涉及到 refer to也,再,又 as well与…相连 be joined with使某人吃惊的是 to one’s surprise把…连接到…上 get connected to睁大眼睛 keep one’s eyes on代替 take the place of列出(清单) make a list of在特殊的场合 on special occasions为了纪念 in memory of省去遗漏 leave out损坏出故障 break down展览展出 on show捡起拾起 pick up对..有影响 Have a…influence on/ upon 在…影响下 Under the influence of 对…感到兴奋激动 Be thrilled at /about / with代替 Take the place ofM5unit3拿起接受继续 take up使某人想起 remind sb. of看不见 lose sight of瞥见 catch sight of打扫横扫 sweep up加速 speed up向四面八方 in all directions把…递给 hand… to缺少新鲜空气 lack of fresh air穿上,戴上 put on小声地 in whispers依靠取决于 depend on遭受…之苦 suffer from按上打开 switch on安置下来 Settle downM5u4独自靠自己 on one’s own集中全神贯注于 concentrate on因...职责控告 accuse…of期待,盼望 look forword to以防,万一 in case (of)约会预约 make an appointment专心于被吸引 be absorbed in领先先于 ahead of着手工作 set to work应当理应 be supposed to证实明确 get… straight安排采访某人 fix aninterview with sb.于此同时 in the meanwhileBook 5 Unit 5实施执行 carry on对…感到骄傲 be proud of反复多次 over and over again榨出挤出 squeeze out在适当的位置 in place找到 put one’s hands on受伤 get injured有作用有影响 make adifference在这种情况下 in thissituation点击触电 electric shock逐步地 step by step急救 first aid粘在…上 be stuck to被感染 get infected切断 cut off坚持,贴在…上 stick to使…受到损害 cause damage to Book6M6u1Phrases 许多大量 scores of大量 a great deal of对…确信相信 be convinced of企图做某事 attempt to do脱离摆脱 break away from在另一方面 on the other hand代替取代 take the place of集中聚焦 focus on也,和…一样 as well as浏览 look through导致 lead to宁愿 would rather不但…而且 not only… but also本人,活着 in the fleshM6U2Phrases 给某人很深的印象 give sb a deep impression构成 make up受…欢迎 be popular with把…递给 pass … to把…翻译成 translate into接受某人的建议 take one’s advice放轻松别紧张 take it easy用完 run out of突然离开 run away偶然地意外地 by chance测试试验 try out向往想要期待 look forward toM6Unit3Phrases 由于 due to设法做成某事 manage to do sth不顾尽管即使 in spite of代表支持 stand for使某人开始 start sboff换下中止取消 be takenoff对…有影响 have aneffect on习惯于 beaccustomed to对…做出决定 decide on想要做 feel like doing sth陷入染上 get into身心健康 be healthyin body andmind过两周的时间 in twoweeks’ time遗漏忽略 leave out顺便问一下 by the way M6Unit4Phrases 把…比作 compare to发生造成 come about导致 result in逐步建立 build up继续 keep on大体上基本上 on thewhole有影响有意义 make adifference忍受容忍 put upwith只要 as long as等等 and so on温室效应 greenhouse effect用….来做make…from大量的 largequantities of把….加到…上 add … to对..有影响 have an effect on平均 onaverage代表 on behalf of上升增长 go upM6Unit5Phrases 全部焚毁 burn tothe ground一路向前 make one’s way努力 make aneffort匆匆看一遍 glancethrough变化改变 vary…from保护…免于 protect sb from冒险 take a risk碰到 meet with穿上,上演 put on使某人大吃一惊 take sb by surprise生育,生产 give birth to对…感到吃惊 be amazed at与…比较compare …with在黎明 at down想象做某事 imaginedoing sth在远处 in thedistance有…的天赋 have a gift for在惊恐之中 in panic正要做某事 be about to doBook7M7u1Phrases 换句话说 in other words气不接下气 out of breath总而言之 all in all取笑 make fun of一切顺利 all the best特别 in particular恼火 get annoyed适应调整 adapt to闲坐着 sit around/ about梦想希望 dream about克服困难 overcome difficulties与…相似 take dancing lessons不上课 be similar to对…感到同情 feel sorry一次 at a time进入 access to承担 take onM7u2Phrases 考验 test out打电话给 ring up转向回转 turn around不管别惹让…独自呆着leave…alone将…放在一旁 set aside跌落,从…掉下来 fall down寻找 search for与某人关系暧昧 have an affair with sb.经营商店 run a store陪某人…去 accompany sb to更确切的说 or rather感到害怕 feel alarmed掉落下降减少 fall off吃惊的表情 surprised look进行实验experiment with认真对待某人某物 take sb./ sth seriouslyM7u3Phrases 在…前面 ahead of 于此同时 in the meantime帮助 help out乱七八糟的颠倒的 upside down明白意识到 be aware of吓死 be scared to death举起,延迟,阻碍,支持住 hold up撤回拉回 pull…back反思,回想 reflect on亲眼 withone’s own eyes放开,松手 let sb go一种濒危动物 an endangered species错过做某事的机会 miss the opportunity to do独居 live alone动身回家 set offfor home发出 let out使某人活着 keep sb alive控制操纵 have power overM7u4Phrases 收到…的信 hear from渴望,极想.. be dying to偶然遇到 come across伸出 stick out完全变干 dry out干涸 dry up在困境中 in need确定无疑 for sure通过接通电话 get through与…无关 be relevant to参加 participate in担任充当 work as挨饿 go hungry增加 add up轮流 take turns适应 adjust to代表 on behalf of占据 take upM7u5Phrases 保持继续 keep it up相适应相融合 fit in习惯,对…适应 get/ be used to就…而言 as far as one is concerned无拘束感觉自在 feel at home安顿下来 settle in梦想 dream about总结 make a summary忙于 be occupied with/in生化方式 the way of life和…有共同之处 in common with各种各样的 a variety of去观光 to sightseeing同意某事 approve ofBook8M8u1Phrases 用…办法借助于 by means of谋生 make a life某人想到 occur to sb与…合作 team up with画线标出 mark out包括吸收 take in许多 a great/ good many另外 in addition除此以外 at various times在不同时期 of one’s own某人自己的 of one’s own对….宣战 declare war on多元文化的社会 a multicultural societyM8u2Phrases 使沮丧 cast down反对 object to赞成支持 in favour of一定注定会 be bound to do不时偶尔 from time to time使复生 bring backe to life取得好结果取得成功偿清Pay off每次一个 one at a time轮流做某事 take turns to do sth回答 reply on存在 come into existence把…传给 pass… on to基于,根据.. based on对…有巨大影响 have a great impact on复制 make a copy of一直始终 all the time回顾 look back on事实上 as a matter of fact不同于 Differ from在…方面不同 Differ in承担一个任务 Undertake atask/projectM8U3Phrases 给….打电话 call up偶尔有时 now and then开始着手 set about以防万一 in case交通堵塞 traffic jam被踩出路来常规惯例Beaten track开始做 set out的确事实上 in truth不挂断紧紧握住稍等 hang on次序颠倒发生故障 out of order设法联系上做完通过 get through回复电话 ring back挂断电话 ring off把…看做 thinkof … as提出 come up with另外 in addition决定 decede on / upon杂乱不堪 in a mess忍受做某事 bear to do/ doingM8u4Phrases 冒充 pass… off as 结识,与…相见 make one’s acquaintance惊愕地 in amazement就…来说从…角度 in terms of带…进来 show … in几天前 the other day带走,取走 take away在一次 once more需要 in need of逐渐模糊渐变 fade out一大把 a handful of确信某事 be convinced of涌进 pour into/ out of保护 shelter…from结果是 come out伪装地 in disguise把…归类 classify…as…以…告终 end in比…优秀 be superior to原形毕露 betray oneself M8u4Phrases 不管不顾 regardless of 切碎 cut up展望,向前看 look ahead得出结论 come to a conclusion与…类似 be similar to领某人参观 show sb. around御寒 keep cold out高度赞扬 think highly of最多至多不超过 at most时而,不时地 now and then收走,消除 clear away走进走上前来 come up禁不住做某事 can’t help doing sth在意在乎 care about拔出挖出 pull out变成 turn into总共总计 in all…的替代品 an alternative to可替代能源 alternative energy使…免遭 preserve sth from。

Book1Unit1合add up定下来calm down关心挂念be concerned about遛狗walk the dog受go through下放下set down一系列的一串的a series of故意on purpose⋯ 着迷grow crazy about了⋯in order to在黄昏刻at dusk面面地face to face不再no longer遭受患病suffer from自从⋯恢复recover from⋯be tired of与⋯相get along with上相fall in love with参加加入join in打包pack⋯ up某人有好be good to sb某事被做get sth done其他人的someone else’sUnit2在⋯ 中担任角色play a role in走近,上来come up例如⋯ 像种such as比从前than ever before即使even if以⋯基be based on利用make use of与某人交流communicate with sb.随推移over time命令give a command从一到另一from one place to another相同的the same as准英standard English因⋯because of在早期in the early days多,若干 a number of⋯.的数量,号the number of信不信由你believe it or not没no problemUnit3梦想做某事dream of/ about doing服某人做某事persuade sb to do投降屈服步give in下定决心make up one’s mind关心care about喜喜be fond of于graduate from持一定要做某事insist on搭起篷put up one’s tent改主意change one’s mine迫不及待的做某事cam hardly wait to do一方面另一方面for one thing, for another列出清make a list of决的表情 a determined look使某人某事感趣get sb interested in doing Unit4坏in ruins掘出dig out分出气味give out吹走blow away⋯而自豪be proud of引,引来bring in有做⋯have time to do多大量的 a great number of成千上万thousands of代替instead of作⋯出名be known as做某事很安全be safe for (doing) sth陷入陷在⋯ 下面be trapped in/ under演比the speaking competition邀某人做某事invite sb to do sthUnit5极从事be active in失勇气或信心lose heart失out of work使充气,爆炸blow up当,上台come to power于做某事be willing to do sth在⋯方面某人建advise sb on sth阻止某人做某事stop sb from doing事上as a matter of fact把⋯投入put⋯in prison被判⋯be sentenced to⋯的梦想realize one’s dreamof doing/ to do sth立,建立set up反同⋯ 作斗争fight against相信信任信仰believe in充当,担任work as用和平方式in a peaceful way Book2Unit1作回in return于交状at war少于less than找in search for属于belong to得做某事be worth doing而不是rather than用⋯装装修be decorate with充当担任serve as拆开take apart看重器重think highly of⋯.的入口the entrance to世界的奇迹the wonders of the world与某人争某事debate with sb about sth毫无疑withou doubt格奇特的be of the fancy style理do with/ deal withUnit2代表stand for参加take part in与某人争compete with/against自愿做某事volunteer to do sth每四年every four years掌管in charge of准做某事admit doing用⋯代替replace with也,又as well (as)一个接一个one after another得做理做deserve doing/ to be done与某人达成make a bargain身体physical exercise拾起便接送学会 pick up手拉手hand in hand一一套 a set of在古代in ancient times达到既定准reach the agreed standard在⋯中起重要作用play an important role in了⋯荣誉for the honour of与⋯婚marry sbUnit31.共有共用in common2.依⋯..看,据⋯ .in one’s opinion3. 从⋯.起from ⋯ on⋯4.果as a result5. 和⋯分享 ..share⋯ with..6.自从那from then on7. 和⋯.交流communicate with8.人human race9.集合,聚集get together10. 在⋯ .的帮助下with the help of 11.看守watch out12.人工智能artificial intelligence13.独独自by oneself14. 走去流逝go by15. 在某种程度上in a way16. 弥足整理make up17.竟after all18.理安排付deal with19.如此⋯ 以至于sothatUnit4,种die out建立set up和平地安地in peace在危中in danger穿上衣服get dressed突然笑起来burst into laughter松了一口气in relief按照根据according to保 ..使不受protect⋯ from拍照take photos注意pay attention to形成come into being以至于,果so that⋯ 有影响have an effect on担心be concerned about果as a result渴望做到long to do不知所措at a lossUnit5梦,梦想dream of弄play jokes on打碎分裂break up分sort out最重要首要above all由于差by mistake⋯ .老be honest with大or so偶然by chance持stick to取笑make fun of不超not more than逐形成get to form以⋯ .基be based on⋯ .真be serious aboutBook3Unit1Phrases 生take place念in memory of某人去lead⋯ to ⋯ .盛装,打扮,装dress up允某人做某事permit sb. to do,开玩笑play a trick on sb.朝前走,前,往下go ahead因⋯感激某人be grateful to sb. For sth偶然地,意外地by accident期望,期待,盼望look forward to放弃give up好像as if/ though to be honest日夜,昼夜day and night关心,,在乎care about和着音跳舞dance to the music衣衫in rags覆盖be covered with关于至于,就⋯而言 as for玩得开心have fun with sb.因⋯ 表彰某人honour sb. for sth.出出turn up Unit 4守信用,履行言keep one’s word Phrases阻止prevent⋯ from和⋯婚be/get married to及in time身去某地set off for依靠depend on提醒某人某事remind sb. of ( to do)得高,振起来cheer up⋯ 感到自豪be proud of既然now that用⋯装decorate.. with⋯爆break out因某事而佩某人admire sb. for sth冷却cool downUnit 2与⋯不同be different from Phrases⋯倦be tired of靠近get close to 幸做成⋯get away with合成combine intotell lies下蛋lay eggs 脱,除去get rid of在⋯表面on one’s surface生earn one’s living从⋯逃跑escape from欠in debt也,有⋯as well as关心,在乎care about把⋯ 成,成put⋯ into探spy on把⋯看做think of ⋯ as⋯怒glare at去go by从事某方面的研究do research on sth.Unit 5保持苗条stay slim Phrases去旅行go on a trip向某人make a promise to sb.定居平静下来settle down避免做某事avoid doing sth.有⋯的天have a gift for成turn into在in the distance行take exercise而不是rather than一包糖果 a packet of sweet合figure out扔掉throw away,通go through大量的 a large amount of money在黎明at dawn从⋯中受益benefit from/ by不到五天in less than five days 减价,砍倒cut down到as far as把⋯和⋯ 合起来combine⋯ with ⋯在面上in sizeUnit3和某人餐have dinner with Phrases打make a bet向往,梦dream of 熟悉某人know sb. well身去某leave for事上,上as a matter of fact眺望look over着看stare at笔make notes解,明account for靠近海岸on the coast某人出去,来show sb. out/ in用小的字母in smaller letters写下某人点的菜take one’s order采取行take measure注意give attention to Book4惹麻,陷入困境get into trouble M4Unit1Words主演担任主角star inPhrases⋯感趣concern oneself with找in search for 决心做be determined to do被住be caught in就某市与某人argue with sb. Over/情况更差worse offabout sth.全世界throughout the world ⋯ .做准be intended for以⋯背景be set in鼓励某人做某事inspire sb. To do sth去野go camping引起某人的注意catch one’s eye开某人的玩笑play jokes on sb.,参考,到refer to嘲笑取笑make fun of偶然遇come across作⋯ 而被be remembered as把⋯死刑put⋯ to death在露天,在外in the open air与⋯交流communicate with直到在up to now服某人做某事argue sb. Into doing sth.有候at times被送到be delivered to⋯ 挑剔be particular about sth.,看不起look down upon M4Unit4⋯ 行研究do research on Phrases把某人介⋯introduce sb to算出,想出work out舒适快自由自在at ease次于,赶不上second to保⋯以免defend against 涌上心,涌入海crowd in的来通常in general,持carry on背背弃turn one’s back to 离开,起程,出move off很可能⋯ ,有希望be likely to碰巧,凑巧by chance也,as well尊敬某人have/show respect for上上下下up and down Book 4 Unit 2⋯ 感趣be interested in Phrases 于⋯graduate from⋯ 好奇be curious about 找,搜search for正look sb in the eye 多,由于thanks to lose face脱除去rid ⋯of与⋯握手shake hands with ⋯ 感到意be satisfied with向某人点nod at sb⋯ 的生活lead a ⋯ life向某人表示尊敬show respect for 而不是rather than把⋯搞,解be wrong about,在意care about向某人伸出手reach one’s hand 希望得到,渴望wish for out to有⋯ 的希望with the hope of相反on the contrary致,造成lead to M4Unit5没有⋯免除free from Phrases提供某人某物provide sb with sth 年复一年year after year足某人的需要meet one’s need 装,配be equipped with以⋯根据be based on沉思,想得出神be lost in thought以⋯着名be famous for盛,富含be rich in根据⋯模仿仿造be modeled after 担心,关心be concerned about消遣,自我amuse oneself持做某事insist on提前in advance献身于⋯ 心于devote to恢复生气,活起来come to life逐增,建立开 build up提醒某人某事remind sb of sthM4Unit3不⋯而且not only ⋯ but also Phrases⋯足be content with旅行go on a trip 的,缺少badly off靠近get close to挑出辨出pick out各种各 a variety of切断断cut off怪no wander同⋯一起along with面面地face to face模仿复制be modeled after Book5M5 unit1提出put forward得出draw a conclusion致lead to有意得通make sense点度看法 point or view也,另外in addition将⋯ 和⋯ 系起来link ⋯ to⋯除⋯.之外apart from某人格要,⋯格的 be strict with某人、某物受be to blame被⋯控制be controlled by受感染become infected鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do sth束come to an end信任信仰支持成 believe in献contribute toM5unit2由⋯成consist of被分成be divided into向四面八方把⋯缺少新空气穿上,戴上小声地依靠取决于遭受⋯之苦按上打开安置下来M5u4独自靠自己集中全神注于因 ...控告期待,盼望以防,万一会心于被吸引先先于着手工作当理明确安排采某人于此同Book 5 Unit 5in all directionshand⋯ tolack of fresh airput onin whispersdepend onsuffer fromswitch onSettle downon one’s ownconcentrate onaccuse⋯ oflook forword toin case (of)make anappointment beabsorbed in ahead ofset to workbe supposed toget⋯ straightfix an interview with sb.in the meanwhile指的是涉及到refer to也,再,又as well与⋯相be joined with使某人吃惊的是to one’s surprise把⋯接到⋯上get connected to大眼睛keep one’s eyes on代替take the place of列出 (清 )make a list of在特殊的合on special occasions了念in memory of省去漏leave out坏出故障break down展展出on show起拾起pick up..有影响 Have a⋯ influence on/ upon在⋯影响下Under the influence of⋯感到激Be thrilled at / about / with 代替Take the place ofM5unit3拿起接受take up使某人想起remind sb. of看不lose sight of瞥catch sight of打横sweep up加速speed up Book6M6u1Phrases施行⋯感到傲反复多次榨出出在适当的位置找到受有作用有影响在种情况下点触逐步地急救粘在⋯上被感染切断持,在⋯ 上使⋯受到害多大量大量⋯确信相信企做某事脱离脱在另一方面carry onbe proud ofover and over againsqueeze outin placeput one’s handson get injuredmake adifference in thissituation electricshock step bystep first aidbe stuck toget infectedcut offstick tocause damage toscores ofa great deal of beconvinced ofattempt to dobreak away fromon the other hand代替取代take the place of集中聚焦focus on也,和⋯ 一as well aslook through致lead to宁愿would rather不但⋯而且not only ⋯ but also本人,活着in the fleshM6U2Phrases 某人很深的印象give sb a deep impression 构成make up受⋯迎be popular with把⋯pass ⋯ to把⋯翻成translate into接受某人的建take one’s advice放松take it easy用完run out of突然离开run away偶然地意外地by chancetry out向往想要期待look forward toM6Unit3Phrases由于due to法做成某事manage to do sth不尽管即使in spite of代表支持stand for使某人开始start sb off下中止取消be taken off⋯有影响have an effect on于be accustomed to⋯做出决定decide on想要做feel like doing sth陷入染上get into身心健康be healthy in bodyand mind两周的in two weeks ’time漏忽略leave out便一下by the wayM6Unit4Phrases把⋯比作compare to生造成come about致result in逐步建立build upkeep on大体上基本上on the whole有影响有意make a difference忍受容忍put up with只要as long as等等and so on温室效green house effect用⋯ .来做make⋯ from大量的large quantities of把⋯ .加到⋯上add ⋯ to..有影响have an effect on平均on average代表on behalf of上升增go upM6Unit5Phrases全部焚burn to the ground一路向前make one’s way努力make an effort匆匆看一遍glance through化改vary⋯ from保⋯免于protect sb from冒take a risk碰到meet with穿上,上演put on使某人大吃一惊take sb by surprise生育,生give birth to⋯ 感到吃惊be amazed at与⋯比compare ⋯ with在黎明at down想象做某事imagine doing sth在in the distance有⋯的天have a gift for在惊恐之中in panic正要做某事be about to doBook7M7u1Phrases句in other words气不接下气out of breath而言之all in all取笑make fun of一切利all the best特in particular火get annoyed适整adapt to坐着sit around/ about梦想希望dream about克服困overcome difficulties与⋯相似take dancing lessons不上be similar to⋯感到同情feel sorry一次at a time入access to承担take onM7u2Phrases考test out打ring up流take turns向回turn around适adjust to不管惹⋯独自呆着leave⋯alone代表on behalf of将⋯放在一旁set aside占据take up跌落,从⋯掉下来fall down M7u5找search for Phrases保持keep it up与某人关系昧have an affair with sb.相适相融合fit in商店run a store,⋯适 get/ be used to陪某人⋯去accompany sb to就⋯而言as far as one is concerned 更确切的or rather无拘束感自在feel at home感到害怕feel alarmed安下来settle in掉落下降减少fall off梦想dream about吃惊的表情surprised look make a summary行experiment with忙于be occupied with/in真待某人某物take sb./ sth seriously生化方式the way of lifeM7u3和⋯ 有共同之in common withPhrases在⋯前面ahead of各种各的 a variety of 于此同in the meantime去光to sightseeing帮助help out同意某事approve of乱七八糟的倒的upside down Book8明白意到be aware of M8u1吓死be scared to death Phrases用⋯法借助于 by means of起,延,阻碍,支持住 hold up生make a life撤回拉回pull ⋯ back某人想到occur to sb反思,回想reflect on与⋯合作team up with眼with one ’s own eyes画出mark out放开,松手let sb go包括吸收take in一种危物an endangered species多 a great/ good many做某事的机会 miss the opportunity to do另外in addition独居live alone除此以外at various times身回家set off for home在不同期of one’s own出let out某人自己的of one’s own使某人活着keep sb alive⋯ .宣declare war on控制操have power over多元文化的社会 a multicultural societyM7u4M8u2Phrases收到⋯的信hear from Phrases使沮cast down 渴望,极想 ..be dying to反object to偶然遇到come across成支持in favour of伸出stick out一定注定会be bound to do完全干dry out不偶from time to time干涸dry up使复生bring backe to life在困境中in need取得好果取得成功清确定无疑for sure Pay off通接通get through每次一个one at a time与⋯无关be relevant to流做某事take turns to do sth参加participate in回答reply on担任充当work as存在come into existence挨go hungry把⋯pass⋯ on to增加add up基于,根据 ..based on⋯ 有巨大影响have a great impact on原形露betray oneself复制make a copy of M8u4一直始all the time Phrases 不管不regardless of回look back on切碎cut up事上as a matter of fact展望,向前看look ahead不同于Differ from得出come to a conclusion 在⋯方面不同Differ in与⋯似be similar to承担一个任Undertake a task/project某人参show sb. aroundM8U3御寒keep cold out Phrases⋯.打call up高度think highly of 偶有now and then最多至多不超at most开始着手set about而,不地now and then以防万一in case收走,消除clear away交通堵塞traffic jam走走上前来come up被出路来常例禁不住做某事can’thelp doing sthBeaten track在意在乎care about 开始做set out拔出挖出pull out的确事上in truth成turn into不挂断握住稍等hang on共in all次序倒生故障out of order⋯的替代品an alternative to法系上做完通get through可替代能源alternative energy回复ring back使⋯免遭preserve sth from挂断ring off把⋯看做think of ⋯ as提出come up with另外in addition决定decede on / upon乱不堪in a mess忍受做某事bear to do/ doingM8u4Phrases 冒充pass⋯ off as,与⋯相make one’s acquaintance惊愕地in amazement就⋯来从⋯角度 in terms of⋯ 来show ⋯ in几天前the other day走,取走take away在一次once more需要in need of逐模糊fade out一大把 a handful of确信某事be convinced of涌pour into/ out of保shelter⋯ from果是come out装地in disguise把⋯classify ⋯ as⋯以⋯告end in比⋯秀be superior to。

高考英语必修1~选修8词组词汇总结必修1 1 重点单词1. .增加;添加;补充说加;加起来;增添2. .使不安;使心烦 .心烦意乱的;不适的;不舒服的3. .不理睬;忽视4. .平静的;镇静的;沉着的 .(使)平静;(使)镇静5. .关系到;涉及 n. 关心;关注;(利害)关系6. n.欺骗;骗子 .欺骗;骗取;欺诈;作弊7. .列出8. .分享;均分;分担 n.一份;份额9. n.连续;系列10. .疯狂的;狂热的11. n.目的;意图12. . 敢;胆敢13. n.雷;雷声打雷;雷鸣14. .完全地;全然地;整个地15. n.能力;力量;权力16. .依照17. .信任;信赖18. 遭受;忍受;经历.19. n.调查表;问卷20. n.测验;提问 . 对…进行测验21. n.情形;境遇;(建筑物等的)位置22. .交际;沟通;传达(感情、信息等)23. n.习惯;习性重点短语1. 平静下来;镇定下来2. 关心;挂念3. a 列出…4. 对…着迷5. 根据…所说;按照6. 与…相处;进展7. 相爱;爱上8. 试验;试用9. 合计10. 放下;记下;登记11. . 做…;使…被做;12. . . 和某人分享某物13. 经历;经受;14. a 一连串的;一系列;一套15. 故意16. 为了…17. 参加;加入18. 和…交流19. 面对面地20. 遭受。
必修1 2 重点单词1. . 包括;包含2. .国际的;世界的3. n.本国人;本地人.本地的;本国的4. .近代的;现代的;时髦的5. n.文化;文明6. .实际上;事实上7. .现在的;出席的;到场的8. 统治;支配;管辖9. n.使用;用法;词语惯用法10. n.本身;本体;身份11. n.政府12. n. 命令;指令;掌握.命令;指挥;支配13. .请求;要求14. .复述;重述15. .有礼貌的;客气的16. n.标准;规格 .标准的;第一流的17. .辨认出;承认;公认18. n.口音;腔调;重音19. n.方向;指导;(常用复数)指示;说明书20. n.街区;块;木块;石块重点短语1. a () 在。

人教版高中英语必修一 -----选修8短语必修一Unit 1 Friendship1) be good to对 .友好2)add up 共计3)get sth done 使被做4)calm down 镇定下来5) have got to不得不6)be concerned about 关心;惦念7)make a list of列出8)share sth with sb和某人分享某物9)go through 经历;仔细检查10)hide away 暗藏;隐蔽11)set down 放下;记下12) a series of 一系列;一套13)be crazy about 对着迷14)on purpose 成心15)in order to/ so as to 为了16)face to face 当面地17)according to 依照;依照所说18)get along with 与相处19)pack up 整理,打理行装20)have trouble with sb/sth 同某人闹建议;做有困难21) fall in love相爱22)try out 试验;试用23)join in 参加〔活动〕24)communicate with sb 和交留25)look to sth 注意,留神某事26)cheat sb (out) of sth 欺诈某人某物27)have the/a habit of doing sth 有做的习惯28)be ignorant of无知的Unit2 English around the world1)in ways 在方面2)be different from 与不相同3) play a role/ part (in)在中起作用;扮演一个角色;参加4)play an important role/part 在 ..中起重要作用5)because of 由于;由于6)such as 比方7)come up (vi) 走进;上来;发生;被谈论8)come up with 提出 e 9)at the end of 在末期10)even if/ though 即使11)be based on 在 ...基础上12)close to 距离近13) make (good/ full) use of〔好好/充足〕利用14)change into 把变成15)the same as 与相同的16)at present 目前17)as a rule 平常;照例18)be present at 在席;出席19)carry out a rule 履行规那么20)be absent from 缺席21)provide sth to sb / provide sb with sth给某人供给某物22)at sb ’ s request应某人的要求23)have a command of 掌握24)give commands 命令25) request that(should)+v原形26)in one direction 朝一个方向27)as we know 正如我们所知Unit3 Travel Journal1)dream of/ about doing sth 梦想做某事2)graduate from 从毕业3)persuade sb not to do sth= persuade sbout of doing sth 说服某人不做某事4)get sb interested in 使某人对感兴趣5)insist on (one ’ s) sth/ doing必然sth要;坚持要6)the best way of doing sth/ the best wayto do sth 干某事的最好方法7)attitude to/ toward(s) 对态度8)care about 忧虑,关心 care for 喜欢,照料9)change one ’ s mind改变想法10) to my mind = in my opinion我的看法11)make up one ’ s mind to do信心干某事12)give in (to) 投诚;信服;退步13)give in (vt) 上交14)give up doing sth 放弃15)as usual 像平常相同16)sth be familiar to sb 某事为某人所熟悉17)sb be familiar with sth 某人熟悉某事18)can ’ t wait/ can hardly wait to do sth 迫不及待想干某事19)for one thing for another〔用来引出某事的原因〕一那么二那么20)take one ’breaths away 使某人大吃一惊Unit4 Earthquakes1)have time to do 有时间做某事2)happen to do 碰巧做某事3)shake hands with sb 握手4)burst into tears/ laughter5)burst out crying/laughing6)突然哭 /笑起来7)in ruins 成为废墟8)blow away 吹走、刮走9)fall down 倒塌10)be pleased to do 愿意做某事11)make/ give a speech 公布演说12)依照来判断13)dig out 挖掘14) a great/ large number of =a greatmany/good 大量的15)be trapped in/ under 陷入/ 陷在下面16)have sb do sth= make sb do sth= let sbdo sth 让某人做某事17)come to an end (vi) = put/ bring sth toan end = put/ bring an end to sth 结束某事18)be proud of / take pride in 以而自豪19)invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事20)think little of对谈论低21)think highly of对谈论高22)seventy-five percent23)give out 发出〔气味等〕;发散;耗尽24)give away 赠予;泄露25)agree on sth 完成一致建议Unit51)lose heart 丧失勇气2)be worried about 担忧3)be sentenced to 被判处4) be out of work = lose one失’业s job5)be equal to 相等的,相同的6)as a matter of fact = in fact = actually事实上7)blow up 充气,爆炸8)set up 成立,创立;设置,竖起9)send up 发射,使上涨10) set about 着手做某事 (set about doingsth)11)go up 上涨,增添;被兴建12)set off 出发,出发13)set out 摆设,摆出;开始〔 set out to dosth〕14) be active in = take an active part in积极参加,在爽朗15)keep sb from doing sth 阻拦某人做某事16)die from 死于〔外因〕17)die of 死于〔内因如:饥饿,寒冷,疾病等〕18)put sb in prison= throw sb into prison=send sb to prison 把投入牢狱19)advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事20) advice 不能数 a piece of advice21)fight for 为争取而斗争22)fight against 为反对而斗争23)fight with 同并肩作战 / 同斗争24)have problems/ difficulty/ trouble withsth 做某事有困难25)work out 算出26) be willing to do sth乐于做某事27)realize one ’ s dream of实现的梦想28)break the law 违反罪律29)come to power 当权,登台必修二Unit1 Cultural relics1)in search of = in the search for 搜寻2)decorate sth with 用装饰3)decorate for 为装饰4)belong to 属于5)in return for 作为回报,作为报答〔原因〕6)no doubt 无疑地,很可能7)without (a) doubt 无疑地8)beyond doubt 毫无疑问 (常作插入语 )9)in doubt 感觉思疑的10)be worth doing sth 值得做某事11)take apart 翻开12)apart from 除了之外都,除去13)in evidence 明显的,不问可知的14)at the entrance to 去的入口15)in the fancy style 流行式样16)at war 处于开战状态17)cultural relics 文化遗产18)develop an interest in 培养对的兴趣19)be used to do sth 被用来做某事20) in fact =as matter of fact事实上21)agree with sb 赞成某人的看法22)rather than 而不是23)to one’s surprise 令某人感觉吃惊Unit2 The Olympic Game1)compete with/ against 与进行竞争2)compete for 为而竞争3)take part in 参加,参加〔 +活动〕4)stand for 代表,象征,表示5)stand out 突出,惹眼6)on a regular basis 有规律地7)admit (to) doing 成认做某事8)admit sb/sth to be 成认某人 /某事是9)be admitted as 作为被接受10)be admitted to/into 获准进入11) replace B with/by A用A代替B12)replace sb/sth 代替13)= take the place of sb/sth14)= take one’s place15)charge (sb) some money for sth 为某事(向某人 )要价16)take charge of 负责17)free of charge 免费18)in charge of 主管19) in the charge of 在某人的主管之下=in one ’s charge=under one’s charge20)bargain with sb about/over sth 和某人讨价还价21)make/reach a bargain with sb 与某人完成协22)one after another 陆续地,一个接一个地23)difference between and 和之间的差异24)find out about 发现,查明,弄清25)used to do sth 过去常常做某事26)be/get used to doing 习惯于做某事27)reach the standard 抵达标准28)change one’s mind 改变想法29)ask sb for help 向某人求助30)promise sb to do 赞成 (某人 ) 做31)pick up 拾起,捡起32)be allowed to do sth 被赞成做某事33)be build for 被建筑 (立 )34)take responsibility for 为负责35)on purpose 成心Unit3 Computer1)from now/today/then/that time on 自现在起 /今天 /那时 / 那时起2)go by 经过,依照,作为指南3)(time) go by ( 岁月 )流逝4)go through 受到5)as a result 结果,因此6)as a result of 作为的结果7)without result 毫无结果8) result from = lie in因引起9)achieve one’s goal 实现某人的目标10)set a goal 设定一个目标11)personally speaking 就个人而言12) in a way = in one way在某种程度上13)in no way 一点也不,决不14)in the/one’s way 挡道的,阻截人的15)all the way 素来,重新至尾16)on the/one’s way 凑近,在进行中,在路上17)by the way 顺便说18)in this way 用这种方式19)in any way 在任何方面20)lead the way 领路,领路21)lose one’s way 迷路22)make one’s way 前往,去23)arise from/out of sth 因某事物而产生24)deal with 办理,安排,与做买卖25)watch out 小心,留神26)in one’s opinion 以某人的看法27)with the help of 在的帮助下28)traffic signals 交通信号灯29)be filled with 充满,填满30)have sth in common with 与有共同之处31)to one’s advantage 对某人有利32)consider sb as/to be 考虑做为33)consider doing sth 考虑做某事34) as time went by 随着时间的推移 = withtime going by35)help sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人36)provide sb with sth 把某物供给给某人37)play against 抗衡Unit4 Wildlife protection1)decrease from to 从减少到2)decrease to 减少到3)decrease by + % 减少了百分之4)die out 消亡5)die of/from 因而死 (内因 of,外因 from)6)die away (声音,风等 )逐渐消逝,暂停7)in danger (of) 在危险中8)out of danger 出险9)burst into laughter =burst out laughing10)protect from保护不受(危害)11)protect sb from doing sth 阻拦某人做某事12)protect from/against 防范13)stop sb from doing sth 阻拦某人做某事14)have an effect on 对产生影响15)come into effect 开始奏效16)succeed in doing sth 成功地做某事17)out of employ 失业18)employ oneself in 忙于,从事19)do harm to 对有害20)according to 依照,视而定21)long before 早在从前许久22)before long 不久今后23)come into being 产生,出生,成立= come into existence = come into force24)bring into being 使生产,使形成25)come into power 开始执政,登台26)come into effect 奏效27)come into fashion 开始流行28)be sure of 确信,保证29)be/feel sure about 对有掌握30)make sure of 保证,确定31)make sure (that)确实,证明32)in relief 如释重任33)pay attention to 注意34)show mercy to 对表示怜悯35)long to do sth 希望做某事36)run after 追赶37)improve the environment 改进环境Unit5 Music1)live a happy life 过着幸福的生活2)breathe a deep breath 深深地吸了一口气3)dream of/about 梦想,向往,希望4)earn a living 生活5)earn one’s living (by) ( 靠 ) 生活6)in cash 用现金7)in surprise/in peace 吃惊地 / 宁静地8)in order/in harmony 有序地 /友好地9)play jokes/tricks on 开玩笑,愚弄10)rely on/upon sth/sb 相信某事 /依赖某人11) be/get familiar to/with熟悉,与熟悉起来12)break up 分手,解散,破裂13)break out 突然发生,爆发14)break into 突然闯进15)break down 打破16)break through 打破,强行穿过17)break away from 走开18)sort out 优选出,分清,整理19)be confident of/about/in 对有信心 t20)have confidence in对有信心21)enjoy success 享受成功22)enjoy oneself 过得快乐23)enjoy + doing sth 喜欢做某事24)above all 最重要的是,特别是25)after all 毕竟,终归,终归26)in all 总合,总计27) first of all第一28)to be honest =to be frank 爽快的说29)to be sure/to be short 无疑地 /简言之30) to sum up/to tell the truth概括地说/说实话31)attach to 使与相。

人教版新课标1-8册词组大全高一英语必修1短语Unit 1 Friendship1. 把…加起来1. add upadd up toadd sth. to sth.2.calm down3.be concerned about4.have got to (do sth.)5.go through6.hide away7.a series of8.set down9.suffer from10. get along (well) with11. fall in love12. be crazy about / on13. be crazy for14. according to15. join in16. so … that…17. face to face18. on purposeUnit 2 English Around The World1. play an important part/ role in2. because of3. in some ways4. native language5. even if/though6. communicate with sb7. be based on8. be present at9. come up10.get/be close to11.make use of12.a large number of13.the number of14.such as15.believe it or not16.have fun17.make a request18.give commands19.solve problems 21. an English- speaking countryUnit 3 Travel Journal1. dream of/about doing sth2. graduate from…3. persuade sb to do sth4. persuade sb not to do sth5. arise one’s interest in sth6. the best way to do sth7. insist on doing sth8. insist (that) sb (should) do sth9. change one’s mind10. at an altitude of…11. make up one’s mind to do sth12.give in to sb13. pass through deep valleys14. as usual15.encourage sb to do sth16.make camp17.put up a tent18.can hardly wait to do sth19.For one thing,…..For another,….20.be familiar with …21.be familiar to sb22.set a record23.break a record24.record sth25.say “Hello” to sb26.see the world through somebody else’s eyes Unit 4 Earthquakes1. shake hands2. as usual3. break out4. right away5. a number of6. to the north of7. put up8. be proud of9. judging from10.be known ase out of12.too---to---13.give out14.be trapped under the ruins15.instead of16.in honour of17.tens of thousands of18.more than19.fall down20.at an end22. dig outUnit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero1 put …into prison2 in fact, as a matter of fact,3 fight against4 come to power5 break the law6 without pay7 lose heart8 be active in9 be willing to do something 10 be out of work11 be stopped from doing something12 answer violence with violence13 show somebody over some place14 be in good health15 blow up16 ask for17 be in trouble18 die for19 advise somebody to do something20 in reward for21 set up22. be sentenced to高一英语必修2 词组归纳总结Unit 1 Cultural Relics文化遗产1. look into 调查2. insist on/upon sth/doing 坚持做,坚决做3. belong to 属于4. get /be lost ; be missing 迷路,丢失5. do with 处理;对付6. in search of ;in the/one’s search for寻找7. be used to do sth. 被用来做某事8. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事9. be made into . . . 被制成;be made of /from 用…制成(看得见原材料/看不见原材料)be made for 为…制作be made up of由…组成10. be of +抽象名词=be+该词的形容词“be of +名词(词组)”表示主语的某种形状或特征be of a(n) / the / the same “属于, 归于”be of the size / weight / height / age / colour / kin d…11. work of amber art 琥珀艺术品.12. as a gift of 作为…的礼物13. in return 作为报答14. become part of 成为…的一部分15. serve as 充当,用作16. add…to…添加…到…17. great wonders of the world 世界上的伟大奇迹18. be at war处于交战状态19. less than少于20. no doubt 毫无疑问21. remain a mystery 仍然是个迷22. take apart 拆开23. rather than 胜于, 而不是25. tell the truth说实话26. pretend to do sth假装做某事27. give an example from your own life举一个你生活中的例子28. think highly of 看重,重视29. search for =look for30. agree with sb.同意某人的意见31.情态动词(could /might /must /should) +have done表示对过去发生的事情的推测,批评,反悔等意思32. have sth. done 表示“请人做某事”“使遭遇某种(不幸的)事情”Unit 21 take part in/join in 参加2 the spirit of 精神、宗旨、灵魂3 used to 过去常常4 find out 查明,找出5 every four years 每四年,每隔三年6 two sets of 两套,两组7 allow sb. in(out)允许进入(出去);8 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事(不能说allow to do)9 allow doing sth. 允许干某事。

高考英语必修1~选修8词组词汇总结必修1 Unit 1 重点单词1. add vt.增加;添加;补充说vi加;加起来;增添2. upset vt&vi.使不安;使心烦adj.心烦意乱的;不适的;不舒服的3. ignore vt.不理睬;忽视4. calm adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇静5. concern vt.关系到;涉及n. 关心;关注;(利害)关系6. cheat n.欺骗;骗子vt.&vi.欺骗;骗取;欺诈;作弊7. list vt.列出8. share vt.分享;均分;分担n.一份;份额9. series n.连续;系列10. c razy adj.疯狂的;狂热的11. p urpose n.目的;意图12. d are vt.&v.aux. 敢;胆敢13. t hunder n.雷;雷声vi打雷;雷鸣14. e ntirely adv.完全地;全然地;整个地15. p ower n.能力;力量;权力16. a ccording adv.依照17. t rust vt.&vi.信任;信赖18. s uffer vt.&vi遭受;忍受;经历.19. q uestionnaire n.调查表;问卷20. q uiz n.测验;提问vt. 对…进行测验21. s ituation n.情形;境遇;(建筑物等的)位置22. c ommunicate vt.交际;沟通;传达(感情、信息等)23. h abit n.习惯;习性重点短语1. calm down 平静下来;镇定下来2. be concerned about 关心;挂念3. make a list of 列出…4. be crazy about 对…着迷5. according to 根据…所说;按照6. get along with 与…相处;进展7. fall in love 相爱;爱上8. try out 试验;试用9. add up 合计10. s et down 放下;记下;登记11. g et sth. done 做…;使…被做;12. s hare sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物13. g o through 经历;经受;14. a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套15. o n purpose 故意16. i n order to 为了…17. j oin in 参加;加入18. c ommunicate with 和…交流19. f ace to face 面对面地20. s uffer from 遭受。

高考英语必修1~选修8词组词汇总结必修1 Unit 1 重点单词1. add vt.增加;添加;补充说vi加;加起来;增添2. upset vt&vi.使不安;使心烦adj.心烦意乱的;不适的;不舒适的3. ignore vt.不理睬;无视4. calm adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的vt.&vi.〔使〕平静;〔使〕镇静5. concern vt.关系到;涉及n. 关心;关注;〔利害〕关系6. cheat n.欺骗;骗子vt.&vi.欺骗;骗取;欺诈;作弊7.8. share vt.分享;均分;分担n.一份;份额9. series n.连续;系列10. crazy adj.疯狂的;狂热的11. purpose n.目的;意图12. dare vt.&v.aux. 敢;胆敢13. thunder n.雷;雷声vi打雷;雷鸣14. entirely adv.完全地;全然地;整个地15. power n.才能;力量;权利16.17. trust vt.&vi.信任;信赖18. suffer vt.&vi遭受;忍受;经历.19. questionnaire n.调查表;问卷20. quiz n.测验;提问vt. 对…进展测验21. situation n.情形;境遇;〔建筑物等的〕位置22. communicate vt.交际;沟通;传达〔感情、信息等〕23. habit n.习惯;习性重点短语1. calm down 平静下来;镇定下来2. be concerned about 关心;挂念3. make a list of 列出…4. be crazy about 对…着迷5. according to 根据…所说;按照6. get along with 与…相处;进展7. fall in love 相爱;爱上8. try out 试验;试用9. add up 合计10. set down 放下;记下;登记11. get sth. done 做…;使…被做;12. share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物13. go through 经历;经受;14. a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套15. on purpose 成心16. in order to 为了…17. join in 参加;参加18. communicate with 和…交流19. face to face 面对面地20. suffer from 遭受。

2010高考英语必修1~选修8词组词汇大总结必修1 Unit 1 重点单词1. add vt.增加;添加;补充说vi加;加起来;增添2. upset vt&vi.使不安;使心烦adj.心烦意乱的;不适的;不舒服的3. ignore vt.不理睬;忽视4. calm adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇静5. concern vt.关系到;涉及n. 关心;关注;(利害)关系6. cheat n.欺骗;骗子vt.&vi.欺骗;骗取;欺诈;作弊8. share vt.分享;均分;分担n.一份;份额9. series n.连续;系列10. crazy adj.疯狂的;狂热的11. purpose n.目的;意图12. dare vt.&v.aux. 敢;胆敢13. thunder n.雷;雷声vi打雷;雷鸣14. entirely adv.完全地;全然地;整个地15. power n.能力;力量;权力17. trust vt.&vi.信任;信赖18. suffer vt.&vi遭受;忍受;经历.19. questionnaire n.调查表;问卷20. quiz n.测验;提问vt. 对…进行测验21. situation n.情形;境遇;(建筑物等的)位置22. communicate vt.交际;沟通;传达(感情、信息等)23. habit n.习惯;习性重点短语1. calm down 平静下来;镇定下来2. be concerned about 关心;挂念3. make a list of 列出…4. be crazy about 对…着迷5. according to 根据…所说;按照6. get along with 与…相处;进展7. fall in love 相爱;爱上8. try out 试验;试用9. add up 合计10. set down 放下;记下;登记11. get sth. done 做…;使…被做;12. share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物13. go through 经历;经受;14. a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套15. on purpose 故意16. in order to 为了…17. join in 参加;加入18. communicate with 和…交流19. face to face 面对面地20. suffer from 遭受。

人教版新课标1-8册词组大全高一英语必修1短语Unit 1 Friendship1. 把…加起来总计共达把……加到……里2. 平静/ 镇静下来3. 关心/ 挂念(某人/ 某事)4. 应该/ 有责任做某事5. 经历/ 经受……;穿过;浏览6. 躲/ 藏起来7. 一连串/ 一系列的8. 写下/ 记下9. 受痛苦/ 受损失/ 受折磨10. 和某人(很好地)相处11. 爱上某人/ 某物12. 对……着迷13. 渴望某物/ 迷恋某人14. 按照,根据……15. 参加(游戏/ 活动)等16. 如此……以至于……17. 面对面18. 有目的地/ 特意(做某事)Unit 2 English Around The World1起着重要的作用2因为,由于3在某些方面4母语5即使6与某人交流7基于…,以…为基础8出席9走近,上来10接近于11利用12大量的13….的数目14例如15信不信由你16玩得开心17请求18命令19解决问题20一个讲英语的国家Unit 3 Travel Journal梦想做某事1毕业于(某大学)2说服某人做某事3说服别人不要做某事4使某人对某事感兴趣5做某事的最好方式6坚持做某事7坚持要某人做某事8改变主意9在…的高度10下定决心做某事11向某人屈服12穿过深谷13像往常一样14鼓励某人做某事15扎营16搭帐篷17迫不及待做某事18首先其次19对熟悉20为某人所熟悉21创纪录22破纪录23把记录下来24向某人问候从别人眼中看世界Unit 4 Earthquakes1.握手----2.照常3.爆发4.立刻,马上5.大量的,许多的6.在---的北边7.搭起,建造8.为---而自豪9.由---来判断10.作为---而闻名11.从---出来12.太---而不能---13.分发,发出(气味等)14.被困在废墟中15.代替,而不是16.纪念---,向---表示敬意17.数以万计的18.超过,不仅19.掉下,倒塌20.结束,终结21.挖掘,发现Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero1.把……送进监狱----2.事实上3.同……作斗争4上台5犯法6无偿的7失去信心_8在活跃9乐意做某事10失业11被阻止做某事12以暴制暴13领某人参观某地14健康状况良好15爆炸16要求得到17处于不幸中18为什么而死19建议某人做某事20作为什么的报酬21设立,建立(指建立机构,组织等)22被判处……徒刑Unit One Friendship1. add upadd up toadd sth. to sth.2.calm down3.be concerned about4.have got to (do sth.)5.go through6.hide away7.a series of8.set down9.suffer from10. get along (well) with11. fall in love12. be crazy about / on13. be crazy for14. according to15. join in16. so … that…17. face to face18. on purposeUnit 2 English Around The World1. play an important part/ role in2. because of3. in some ways4. native language5. even if/though6. communicate with sb7. be based on8. be present at9. come up10.get/be close to11.make use of12.a large number of13.the number of14.such as15.believe it or not16.have fun17.make a request18.give commands19.solve problems21. an English- speaking countryUnit 3 Travel Journal1. dream of/about doing sth2. graduate from…3. persuade sb to do sth4. persuade sb not to do sth5. arise one’s interest in sth6. the best way to do sth7. insist on doing sth8. insist (that) sb (should) do sth9. change one’s mind10. at an altitude of…11. make up one’s mind to do sth12.give in to sb13. pass through deep valleys14. as usual15.encourage sb to do sth16.make camp17.put up a tent18.can hardly wait to do sth19.For one thing,…..For another,….20.be familiar with …21.be familiar to sb22.set a record23.break a record24.record sth25.say “Hello” to sb26.see the world thro ugh somebody else’s eyes Unit 4 Earthquakes1. shake hands2. as usual3. break out4. right away5. a number of6. to the north of7. put up8. be proud of9. judging from10.be known ase out of12.too---to---13.give out14.be trapped under the ruins15.instead of16.in honour of17.tens of thousands of18.more than19.fall down20.at an end22. dig outUnit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero1 put …into prison2 in fact, as a matter of fact,3 fight against4 come to power5 break the law6 without pay7 lose heart8 be active in9 be willing to do something10 be out of work11 be stopped from doing something12 answer violence with violence13 show somebody over some place14 be in good health15 blow up16 ask for17 be in trouble18 die for19 advise somebody to do something20 in reward for21 set up22. be sentenced to高一英语必修2 词组归纳总结Unit 1 Cultural Relics文化遗产1. look into 调查2. insist on/upon sth/doing 坚持做,坚决做3. belong to 属于4. get /be lost ; be missing 迷路,丢失5. do with 处理;对付6. in search of ;in the/one’s search for寻找7. be used to do sth. 被用来做某事8. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事9. be made into . . . 被制成;be made of /from 用…制成(看得见原材料/看不见原材料)be made for 为…制作be made up of由…组成10. be of +抽象名词=be+该词的形容词“be of +名词(词组)”表示主语的某种形状或特征be of a(n) / the / the same “属于, 归于”be of the size / weight / height / age / colour / kind…11. work of amber art 琥珀艺术品.12. as a gift of 作为…的礼物13. in return 作为报答14. become part of 成为…的一部分15. serve as 充当,用作16. add…to…添加…到…17. great wonders of the world 世界上的伟大奇迹18. be at war处于交战状态19. less than少于20. no doubt 毫无疑问21. remain a mystery 仍然是个迷22. take apart 拆开23. rather than 胜于, 而不是25. tell the truth说实话26. pretend to do sth假装做某事27. give an example from your own life举一个你生活中的例子28. think highly of 看重,重视29. search for =look for30. agree with sb.同意某人的意见31.情态动词(could /might /must /should) +have done表示对过去发生的事情的推测,批评,反悔等意思32. have sth. done 表示“请人做某事” “使遭遇某种(不幸的)事情”Unit 21 take part in/join in 参加2 the spirit of 精神、宗旨、灵魂3 used to 过去常常4 find out 查明,找出5 every four years 每四年,每隔三年6 two sets of 两套,两组7 allow sb. in(out)允许进入(出去);8 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事(不能说allow to do)9 allow doing sth. 允许干某事。

高考英语必修1~选修8词组词汇总结必修1 Unit 1 重点单词1.add vt.增加;添加;补充说vi加;加起来;增添2.upset vt&vi.使不安;使心烦adj.心烦意乱的;不适的;不舒服的3.ignore vt.不理睬;忽视4.calm adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇静5.concern vt.关系到;涉及n. 关心;关注;(利害)关系6.cheat n.欺骗;骗子vt.&vi.欺骗;骗取;欺诈;作弊7.list vt.列出8.share vt.分享;均分;分担n.一份;份额9.series n.连续;系列10.crazy adj.疯狂的;狂热的11.purpose n.目的;意图12.dare vt.&v.aux. 敢;胆敢13.thunder n.雷;雷声vi打雷;雷鸣14.entirely adv.完全地;全然地;整个地15.power n.能力;力量;权力16.according adv.依照17.trust vt.&vi.信任;信赖18.suffer vt.&vi遭受;忍受;经历.19.questionnaire n.调查表;问卷20.quiz n.测验;提问vt. 对…进行测验21.situation n.情形;境遇;(建筑物等的)位置municate vt.交际;沟通;传达(感情、信息等)23.habit n.习惯;习性重点短语1.calm down 平静下来;镇定下来2.be concerned about 关心;挂念3.make a list of 列出…4.be crazy about 对…着迷5.according to 根据…所说;按照6.get along with 与…相处;进展7.fall in love 相爱;爱上8.try out 试验;试用9.add up 合计10.set down 放下;记下;登记11.get sth. done 做…;使…被做;12.share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物13.go through 经历;经受;14. a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套15.on purpose 故意16.in order to 为了…17.join in 参加;加入municate with 和…交流19.face to face 面对面地20.suffer from 遭受。

midwestern adj. 中西部的
△conquer vt. 征服;占领
because of 因为;由于
African adj. 非洲的;非洲人的;非洲语
建议收藏下载本文,以便随时学习! native adj. 本国的;本地的
n. 本地人;本国人
Spanish adj. 西班牙的;西班牙人的;西
△Nazi n. 纳粹党人
exactly adv. 确实如此;正是;确切地
adj. 纳粹党的
disagree vi. 不同意
set down 记下;放下;登记
grateful adj. 感激的;表示谢意的
series n. 连续;系列
dislike n. & vt. 不喜欢;厌恶
a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套 join in 参加;加入
flame n. 火焰;光芒;热情
stubborn adj. 顽固的;固执的
beneath prep. 在……下面
organize vt. 组织;成立
△Laos n. 老挝(东南亚国家)
care about 关心;忧虑;惦念
△Laotian n. 老挝人
△detail n. 细节;详情
adj. 老挝(人)的
建议收藏下载本文,以便随时学习! schedule n. 时间表;进度表
△yak n. 牦牛
vt. 为某事安排时间
pillow n. 枕头;枕垫
fond adj. 喜爱的;慈爱的;宠爱的
midnight n. 午夜;子夜
be fond of 喜爱;喜欢
at midnight 在午夜
shortcoming n. 缺点
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Book1 词组Unit1 合计add up镇定下来calm down关心挂念be concerned about遛狗walk the dog经历经受go through记下放下set down一系列的一连串的 a series of故意on purpose对…着迷grow crazy about为了…in order to在黄昏时刻at dusk面对面地face to face不再no longer遭受患病suffer from自从…恢复recover from对…厌烦be tired of与…相处get along with爱上相爱fall in love with参加加入join in打包pack…up对某人有好处be good to sb让某事被做get sth done其他人的someone else’sUnit2在…中担任角色play a role in走近,上来come up例如…像这种such as比从前than ever before即使even if以…为基础be based on利用make use of与某人交流communicate with sb.随时间推移over time命令give a command从一处到另一处from one place to another相同的the same as标准英语standard English因为…because of在早期in the early days许多,若干 a number of….的数量,号码the number of信不信由你believe it or not没问题no problemUnit3梦想做某事dream of/ about doing说服某人做某事persuade sb to do投降屈服让步give in下定决心make up one’s mind关心惦记care about喜欢喜爱be fond of毕业于graduate from坚持一定要做某事insist on搭起帐篷put up one’s tent改变主意change one’s mine迫不及待的做某事cam hardly wait to do一方面另一方面for one thing, for another列出清单make a list of坚决的表情 a determined look使某人对某事感兴趣get sb interested in doing Unit4毁坏in ruins掘出发现dig out分发发出气味give out吹走blow away为…而自豪be proud of引进,引来bring in有时间做…have time to do许多大量的 a great number of成千上万thousands of代替instead of作为…出名be known as做某事很安全be safe for (doing) sth陷入陷在…下面be trapped in/ under演讲比赛the speaking competition邀请某人做某事invite sb to do sthUnit5积极从事be active in丧失勇气或信心lose heart失业out of work使充气,爆炸blow up当权,上台come to power乐于做某事be willing to do sth在…方面给某人建议advise sb on sth阻止某人做某事stop sb from doing事实上as a matter of fact把…投入监狱put…in prison被判处…be sentenced to实现…的梦想realize one’s dreamof doing/ to do sth 设立,建立set up反对同…作斗争fight against相信信任信仰believe in充当,担任work as用和平方式in a peaceful way Book2 词组Unit1作为回报in return处于交战状态at war少于less than寻找in search for属于belong to值得做某事be worth doing而不是rather than用…装饰装修be decorate with充当担任serve as拆开take apart看重器重think highly of….的入口the entrance to世界的奇迹the wonders of the world与某人争论某事debate with sb about sth毫无疑问withou doubt风格奇特的be of the fancy style处理do with/ deal withUnit2代表stand for参加take part in与某人竞争compete with/against自愿做某事volunteer to do sth每四年every four years掌管负责in charge of准许做某事admit doing用…代替replace with也,又as well (as)一个接一个one after another值得做理应做deserve doing/ to be done与某人达成协议make a bargain身体锻炼physical exercise拾起顺便接送学会pick up手拉手hand in hand一组一套 a set of在古代in ancient times达到既定标准reach the agreed standard在…中起重要作用play an important role in为了…荣誉for the honour of与…结婚marry sbUnit31.共有共用in common2.依…..看,据….认为in one’s opinion3.从….时起from…on…4.结果as a result5.和…分享.. share…with..6.自从那时from then on7.和….交流communicate with8.人类human race9.集合,聚集get together10.在….的帮助下with the help of 11.看守监视watch out12.人工智能artificial intelligence13.单独独自by oneself14.走过过去流逝go by15.在某种程度上in a way16.弥补补足整理make up17.毕竟after all18.处理安排对付deal with19.如此…以至于so thatUnit4灭绝,绝种die out建立set up和平地安详地in peace在危险中in danger穿上衣服get dressed突然笑起来burst into laughter松了一口气in relief按照根据according to保护..使不受protect…from拍照take photos注意pay attention to形成come into being以至于,结果so that对…有影响have an effect on担心烦恼be concerned about结果as a result渴望做到long to do不知所措at a lossUnit5梦见,梦想dream of戏弄play jokes on打碎分裂break up分类sort out最重要首要above all由于差错by mistake对….说老实话be honest with大约or so偶然by chance坚持stick to取笑make fun of不超过not more than逐渐形成get to form以….为基础be based on对….认真be serious aboutBook3Unit1Phrases 发生take place纪念in memory of带领某人去lead…to ….盛装,打扮,装饰dress up诈骗,开玩笑play a trick on sb.因…感激某人be grateful to sb. For sth期望,期待,盼望look forward to好像as if/ though日夜,昼夜day and night和着音乐跳舞dance to the music覆盖be covered with玩得开心have fun with sb.出现出场turn up守信用,履行诺言keep one’s word和…结婚be/get married to动身去某地set off for提醒某人某事remind sb. of(to do)为…感到自豪be proud of用…装饰decorate.. with…因某事而钦佩某人admire sb. for sthUnit 2Phrases 对…厌倦be tired of侥幸做成…get away with说谎tell lies摆脱,除去get rid of谋生earn one’s living欠债in debt关心,在乎care about窥探spy on怒视glare at从事某方面的研究do research on sth.保持苗条stay slim向某人许诺make a promise to sb.避免做某事avoid doing sth.变成turn into进行锻炼take exercise一包糖果 a packet of sweet扔掉throw away大量的钱 a large amount of money从…中受益benefit from/ by减价,砍倒cut down把…和…联合起来combine…with…Unit3Phrases 打赌make a bet熟悉某人know sb. well事实上,实际上as a matter of fact盯着看stare at解释,说明account for领某人出去,进来show sb. out/ in写下某人点的菜take one’s order注意give attention to惹麻烦,陷入困境get into trouble允许某人做某事permit sb. to do朝前走,前进,往下说go ahead偶然地,意外地by accident放弃give up说实话to be honest关心,计较,在乎care about衣衫褴褛in rags关于至于,就…而言as for因…表彰某人honour sb. for sth. Unit 4Phrases 阻止prevent…from 及时in time依靠depend on变得高兴,振奋起来cheer up既然now that爆发break out冷却cool down与…不同be different from靠近get close to联合成为combine into下蛋lay eggs在…表面on one’s surface从…逃跑escape from也,还有…as well as把…变成,译成put…into把…看做think of… as…时间过去go byUnit 5Phrases 去旅行go on a trip定居平静下来settle down有…的天赋have a gift for在远处in the distance而不是rather than合计为figure out经历,通过go through在黎明时at dawn不到五天in less than five days远到as far as在面积上in size和某人进餐have dinner with向往,梦见dream of动身去某处leave for眺望look over记笔记make notes靠近海岸线on the coast用较小的字母in smaller letters采取行动take measureBook4M4Unit1WordsPhrases 对…感兴趣concern oneself with 决心做be determined to do就某市与某人辩论argue with sb. Over/about sth.为….做准备be intended for鼓励某人做某事inspire sb. To do sth引起某人的注意catch one’s eye查阅,参考,谈到refer to偶然遇见come across把…处死刑put…to death与…交流communicate with说服某人做某事argue sb. Into doing sth.被送到be delivered to轻视,看不起look down upon对…进行研究do research on计算出,想出work out仅次于,赶不上second to涌上心头,涌入脑海crowd in继续,坚持carry on离开,起程,出发move off碰巧,凑巧by chance尊敬某人have/show respect for Book 4 Unit 2Phrases 毕业于…graduate from寻找,搜寻search for多亏,由于thanks to摆脱除去rid…of对…感到满意be satisfied with过…的生活lead a …life而不是rather than计较,在意care about希望得到,渴望wish for怀有…的希望with the hope of导致,造成lead to没有…免除free from年复一年year after year装备,配备be equipped with沉思,想得出神be lost in thought盛产,富含be rich in担心,关心be concerned about坚持做某事insist on献身于…专心于devote to逐渐增强,建立开发build upM4Unit3Phrases 对…满足be content with穷的,缺少badly off挑出辨别出pick out切断断绝cut off主演担任主角star in寻找in search for被绊住be caught in情况更差worse off全世界throughout the world以…为背景be set in去野营go camping开某人的玩笑play jokes on sb.嘲笑取笑make fun of作为…而被铭记be remembered as在露天,在户外in the open air直到现在up to now有时候at times对…挑剔be particular about sth. M4Unit4Phrases 把某人介绍给…introduce sb to舒适快乐自由自在at ease保卫…以免defend against总的来说通常in general背对背弃turn one’s back to很可能…,有希望be likely to也,还as well上上下下up and down对…感兴趣be interested in对…好奇be curious about正视look sb in the eye丢脸lose face与…握手shake hands with向某人点头nod at sb向某人表示尊敬show respect for把…搞错,误解be wrong about向某人伸出手reach one’s handout to相反on the contraryM4Unit5Phrases 提供给某人某物provide sb with sth满足某人的需要meet one’s need以…为根据be based on以…著名be famous for根据…模仿仿造be modeled after消遣,自我娱乐amuse oneself提前in advance恢复生气,活跃起来come to life提醒某人某事remind sb of sth不仅…而且not only…but also旅行go on a trip靠近get close to各种各样 a variety of难怪no wander连同…一起along with面对面地face to face模仿复制be modeled after Book5M5 unit1提出put forward得出结论draw a conclusion导致lead to有意义讲得通make sense观点态度看法point or view也,另外in addition将…和…联系起来link…to…除….之外apart from对某人严格要,对…严格的be strict with某人、某物应受责备be to blame被…控制be controlled by受感染become infected鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do sth结束come to an end信任信仰支持赞成believe in贡献给contribute toM5unit2由…组成consist of被分成be divided into指的是涉及到refer to也,再,又as well与…相连be joined with使某人吃惊的是to one’s surprise把…连接到…上get connected to睁大眼睛keep one’s eyes on代替take the place of列出(清单) make a list of在特殊的场合on special occasions为了纪念in memory of省去遗漏leave out损坏出故障break down展览展出on show捡起拾起pick up对..有影响Have a…influence on/ upon在…影响下Under the influence of对…感到兴奋激动Be thrilled at / about / with 代替Take the place ofM5unit3拿起接受继续take up使某人想起remind sb. of看不见lose sight of瞥见catch sight of打扫横扫sweep up加速speed up向四面八方in all directions把…递给hand… to缺少新鲜空气lack of fresh air穿上,戴上put on小声地in whispers依靠取决于depend on遭受…之苦suffer from按上打开switch on安置下来Settle downM5u4独自靠自己on one’s own集中全神贯注于concentrate on因...职责控告accuse…of期待,盼望look forword to以防,万一in case (of)约会预约make an appointment专心于被吸引be absorbed in领先先于ahead of着手工作set to work应当理应be supposed to证实明确get… straight安排采访某人fix an interview with sb.于此同时in the meanwhileBook 5 Unit 5实施执行carry on对…感到骄傲be proud of反复多次over and over again榨出挤出squeeze out在适当的位置in place找到put one’s hands on受伤get injured有作用有影响make a difference在这种情况下in this situation点击触电electric shock逐步地step by step急救first aid粘在…上be stuck to被感染get infected切断cut off坚持,贴在…上stick to使…受到损害cause damage toBook6M6u1Phrases 许多大量scores of大量 a great deal of对…确信相信be convinced of企图做某事attempt to do脱离摆脱break away from在另一方面on the other hand代替取代take the place of集中聚焦focus on也,和…一样as well as浏览look through导致lead to宁愿would rather不但…而且not only… but also本人,活着in the fleshM6U2Phrases 给某人很深的印象give sb a deep impression 构成make up受…欢迎be popular with把…递给pass … to把…翻译成translate into接受某人的建议take one’s advice放轻松别紧张take it easy用完run out of突然离开run away偶然地意外地by chance测试试验try out向往想要期待look forward toM6Unit3Phrases 由于due to设法做成某事manage to do sth不顾尽管即使in spite of代表支持stand for使某人开始start sb off换下中止取消be taken off对…有影响have an effect on习惯于be accustomed to对…做出决定decide on想要做feel like doing sth陷入染上get into身心健康be healthy in bodyand mind过两周的时间in two weeks’ time遗漏忽略leave out顺便问一下by the wayM6Unit4Phrases 把…比作compare to发生造成come about导致result in逐步建立build up继续keep on大体上基本上on the whole有影响有意义make a difference忍受容忍put up with只要as long as等等and so on温室效应green house effect用….来做make…from大量的large quantities of把….加到…上add … to对..有影响have an effect on平均on average代表on behalf of上升增长go upM6Unit5Phrases 全部焚毁burn to the ground一路向前make one’s way努力make an effort匆匆看一遍glance through变化改变vary…from保护…免于protect sb from冒险take a risk碰到meet with穿上,上演put on使某人大吃一惊take sb by surprise生育,生产give birth to对…感到吃惊be amazed at与…比较compare …with在黎明at down想象做某事imagine doing sth在远处in the distance有…的天赋have a gift for在惊恐之中in panic正要做某事be about to do Book7M7u1Phrases 换句话说in other words气不接下气out of breath总而言之all in all取笑make fun of一切顺利all the best特别in particular恼火get annoyed适应调整adapt to闲坐着sit around/ about梦想希望dream about克服困难overcome difficulties与…相似take dancing lessons不上课be similar to对…感到同情feel sorry一次at a time进入access to承担take onM7u2Phrases 考验test out打电话给ring up转向回转turn around不管别惹让…独自呆着leave…alone将…放在一旁set aside跌落,从…掉下来fall down寻找search for与某人关系暧昧have an affair with sb.经营商店run a store陪某人…去accompany sb to更确切的说or rather感到害怕feel alarmed掉落下降减少fall off吃惊的表情surprised look进行实验experiment with认真对待某人某物take sb./ sth seriously M7u3Phrases 在…前面ahead of于此同时in the meantime帮助help out乱七八糟的颠倒的upside down明白意识到be aware of吓死be scared to death举起,延迟,阻碍,支持住hold up撤回拉回pull…back反思,回想reflect on亲眼with one’s own eyes放开,松手let sb go一种濒危动物an endangered species错过做某事的机会miss the opportunity to do独居live alone动身回家set off for home发出let out使某人活着keep sb alive控制操纵have power overM7u4Phrases 收到…的信hear from渴望,极想.. be dying to偶然遇到come across伸出stick out完全变干dry out干涸dry up在困境中in need确定无疑for sure通过接通电话get through与…无关be relevant to参加participate in担任充当work as挨饿go hungry增加add up轮流take turns适应adjust to代表on behalf of占据take upM7u5Phrases 保持继续keep it up相适应相融合fit in习惯,对…适应get/ be used to就…而言as far as one is concerned无拘束感觉自在feel at home安顿下来settle in梦想dream about总结make a summary忙于be occupied with/in生化方式the way of life和…有共同之处in common with各种各样的 a variety of去观光to sightseeing同意某事approve ofBook8M8u1Phrases 用…办法借助于by means of谋生make a life某人想到occur to sb与…合作team up with画线标出mark out包括吸收take in许多 a great/ good many另外in addition除此以外at various times在不同时期of one’s own某人自己的of one’s own对….宣战declare war on多元文化的社会 a multicultural society M8u2Phrases 使沮丧cast down反对object to赞成支持in favour of一定注定会be bound to do不时偶尔from time to time使复生bring backe to life取得好结果取得成功偿清Pay off每次一个one at a time轮流做某事take turns to do sth回答reply on存在come into existence把…传给pass… on to基于,根据.. based on对…有巨大影响have a great impact on复制make a copy of一直始终all the time回顾look back on事实上as a matter of fact不同于Differ from在…方面不同Differ in承担一个任务Undertake a task/projectM8U3Phrases 给….打电话call up偶尔有时now and then开始着手set about以防万一in case交通堵塞traffic jam被踩出路来常规惯例Beaten track开始做set out的确事实上in truth不挂断紧紧握住稍等hang on次序颠倒发生故障out of order设法联系上做完通过get through回复电话ring back挂断电话ring off把…看做think of … as提出come up with另外in addition决定decede on / upon杂乱不堪in a mess忍受做某事bear to do/ doingM8u4Phrases 冒充pass… off as结识,与…相见make one’s acquaintance惊愕地in amazement就…来说从…角度in terms of带…进来show … in几天前the other day带走,取走take away在一次once more需要in need of逐渐模糊渐变fade out一大把 a handful of确信某事be convinced of涌进pour into/ out of保护shelter…from结果是come out伪装地in disguise把…归类classify…as…以…告终end in比…优秀be superior to原形毕露betray oneselfM8u4Phrases 不管不顾regardless of切碎cut up展望,向前看look ahead得出结论come to a conclusion与…类似be similar to领某人参观show sb. around御寒keep cold out高度赞扬think highly of最多至多不超过at most时而,不时地now and then收走,消除clear away走进走上前来come up禁不住做某事can’t help doing sth在意在乎care about拔出挖出pull out变成turn into总共总计in all…的替代品an alternative to可替代能源alternative energy使…免遭preserve sth from。