
制衣厂常用术语中英文对照表一)部门术语及常用词A.裁床:Cutting room1 纸样制作原理及方法:The methods & principle of pattern making2 排唛架方法:The methods of marker making3 YPD的计算及工厂唛架利用率:YPD calculation & marker use rate4 拉布及割布方法,工票之使用方法及功用:Methods & function of spreading & cutting5 裁剪日产量:Daily quantity of cutting6 裁单:Cutting ReportB.板房:Sample room1 裤子,恤衫的车缝工序:Understand the procedures of sewing pants and shirt2 熟识各个工序的称谓:Understand the name of various procedures3 熟识各个线缝的名称及功能:Understand thename and function in various seams4 了解缝1件衫所需的辅料:understand sub-materials used in a shirt5 熟识样板制造单:Understand sample order C.车缝车间1 熟识生产制造单:Understand the production order2 熟识整个生产线的工序安排:Understand the product line lay out3 各个工序的定价标准:Price standard of various process4 质量控制方法:Methods of quality control5 日产量:Daily product quantity6 常见的车缝设备:Work-aids sewing Machine & attachments7 常见的车缝疵点:Various types of sewing problemD.洗水厂Washing department1 洗水方法及不同的洗水特点:Washing type & various characteristic2 不同洗水的洗涤剂:Various chemical consumption for each type of garment wash3 如何控制洗水质量:Garment washing quality controlE.包装:Packing department1 包装工序的任务及要求:What propose with packing process2 包装方法:Types of packing:Stand-up packing:企装, Flat packing:扁装Semi stand packing: 铲装/半企装3 包装所需的辅料:What assembly will be used in packing4 包装机械设备:Packing equipment5 装箱方法:Methods of packing6 出货所需之文件:Shipping document7 如何控制包装质量:How to control packing quality二)制衣厂质量检查QC Quality control1.服装中-英名称衬衣Shirt/Blouse T-恤T-Shirt毛衣Sweat shirt 西装 Suit裤子Pants 牛仔裤Jeans喇叭裤子Bell bottom jeans 裙子Skirt外套Coat 连帽T-恤Parka运动衫Sports jacket 连衣裙Dress圆台裙Circular 百褶裙Gather Skirt 裤裙Flare Culottes Skirt 马甲 Vest背心Tank top 燕尾领Wing collar2.衣服部位中-英文名称前幅Front 后幅Back上级领Collar 下级领 Collar Band前筒Front Placket 钮子 Button stay 袋Pocket 担干 Yoke袖Sleeve 袖侧 Sleeve placket介英Cuff 裤头 Waist Band 耳仔Belt Loop 拉链贴Zipper catch拉链牌Zipper Fly 袋贴 PocketFacing前浪Front Rise 后浪 Back Rise 裤脚Leg Bottom 侧骨 Side Seam 袋口Pocket Mouth 袖叉 Sleeve Slit 机头Riser 明袋 Patch Pocket唇袋Jetted Pocket 袋盖 Pocket Flap插袋Cross Pocket 袋衬 Bearer袋布Pocket Bag 袖口贴Sleeve Band兜帽Hood 夹圈 Armhole 钮门Button Hole 凤眼 Eyelet Button Hole捆条圆领Crew neck3.制衣工序名称Garment Product Procedure纸样Pattern 唛架 Marker裁剪Cutting 绣花Embroidery样板Sample 车缝 Sewing洗水Washing 成衣染GarmentDye整烫Ironing 包装 Packing质量检查Quality Inspection 质量控制Quality Control石洗Stone Wash 化学洗Chemical Wash茶化洗Teast Wash 漂洗 Bleach Wash钮Button 线Thread唛头/商标Label 挂卡Hang tag贴纸Sticker 朴Interlining 胶袋Plastic/Poly bag 胶夹 Plastic Clip 拉链Zipper 橡根 Elastic Band肩垫Shoulder Pad 衬纸 Tissue Paper绅Drawstring 领蝴蝶Collar Butterflies领胶条Collar Stripe 纸箱(Paper)Carton(胶)针(Poly) Pins 检针济Sticker纸板Paper board 蝴蝶 Butterfly纸/胶领条Paper/Plastic collar band 尺码贴纸Size sticker插竹Collar stay 条形码Jancode/bar code4.车缝工序Sewing process埋夹close side seam 车唛 sew label 间线子口hem stitch seam 上间袖attach sleeve/topstitch sleeve打枣Tacking 接线 Joints 三)、布的中-英文名称1.梭织布Woven牛津纺Oxford 府绸 Poplin多臂提花Dobby斜纹Twill青年布Chambray 绒布 Flannel条格布gingham 泡泡纱Seersucker 灯芯绒Corduroy 卡其 Drill哔叽Serge 华达呢Gabercord 主身布Body fabric 撞布 Contrastfabric条格Check 斜纹 Stripe净色Solid 支数 warp count2.针织布Knit平纹布Jersey (Drop 1*1 Jersey/Lycry Jersey)珠地Pique (Twill Pique /Oxford pique /Athletic pique)双珠地Lacoste (Oxford Lacoste 牛津珠地)双面布Interlock (interlock pique /interlock jacquard 双面提花)毛圈布Terry ( twill French terry 法兰绒/Fleece 磨毛毛圈布)提花Jacquard (herringbone /bubble jacquard 泡泡提花布)罗纹Rib (mini waffle 十字罗纹/法式罗纹French rib)棉布Cotton fabric麻布Linen丝绸Silk毛Wool化学纤维Chemical fiber四)制单要求The requirement in production order 生产制单production order 样板制造单Sample order款号Style Number 客户Customer数量quantity 尺码Size spec.交货期Delivery 装箱要求Carton Requirement纸箱规格Carton Measurement 毛重Cross height净重Net height 说明Description目的地Final destination 颜色color 五)、其它样板Sample 货前板Pre-Production sample销售板Sales Sample 展览板Presentation sample批准板Approval sample 会议板Meeting Sample测试板Test sample 船头办Pre-shipment Sample六)布疵常见术语紧纱:Tight 断纱:Broken Yarn走纱:Misend / Mispick 抽纱:Yarn with Drawn针孔:Needle Holes 针路:Vertical Line横间:Horizontal Line 漏针:Dropped Stitch停机布痕:Stop Mark 幼纱:Yarn Thinning/Thin Yarn错花:Wrong Pattern or Wrong Structure飞花:Fly yarn 色差Shading染色Color fastness 粗纱Thick yarn 色纱Color yarn 织错纱Wrong pick end稀密路Filling bar 布纹弯曲不平Bowing 皱摺Crease 粗粒Slub起毛Hairy 织入杂物Gout起球Balling-up七)车缝常见术语跳线:Skip Stitch 用错原料:Wrong Material缝线散口:Run off 用错缝线:Incorrect Thread错唛:Wrong Label 破洞:Holes突咀:Excess Extension 不对称:Mismatched车着唛头:Sandwich Label 歪唛:Off Center or Side left/right尖位不尖:Pointed Area not Sharp 弯位不弯:Unsmooth Curve爆口:Open Seam 披苏:Loose Thread插竹歪:Crooked Collar Stay 领底松:Collar setting too Loose烂钮尖:Burst Collar Point 领尖不对条:Mismatched Collar Stripe错领型:Wrong Collar Shape 刀剪领:Scissoring露上领线:Thread Visible Outside 下级走样:Poor Banding领咀长短不定:Wrong Lapel Length 领错底面:Overturn Collar起耳子:Lock stitches-loop 断线:Broken Stitches落坑:Run off Stitch 积线球:Lumps of Thread藏色线:Trapped Color Thread 驳线不齐:Untidy Joined Stitching缝线阔窄:Uneven Seam 线路不美:Untidy Stitching皱:Pocking 露牙:Grinning走鸡:Miss Design Feature 大眼皮:Uneven seam高底袋:High/low pocket 筒起波浪:Fullness on Center Placket筒歪:Crooked Center Placket 担干谷:Fullness on Yoke前肩大小边:Crooked front Folding 欠返针:Miss Back tack唛头字母被盖:Hidden Wordings 子口反骨:Seam Overturn欠开骨:Without Press Open 裤咀歪:Distorted Waistband End大细唇:Uneven Lips 叠唇:Overlapped Lips裂唇:Open Lips 露朴:Exposure Interlining领咀朴空:Empty Collar Point 反光:Under ply Visible Outside突钮子:Extension of Right Fly Too Long长短领尖:Uneven Collar Point Length起角:Nose in Extension-Collar /Cuff上领黏边:Folded Edge on Collar Closing内领窝谷:Fullness on InsideAround Collar setting车唛不对折痕:not Following the Folded Mark of Label下级领高低:Crooked Collar Hi-Low/off Center Line布包朴过紧:Tightness of Interlining after Sewing领朴起泡:Bubbling/Delimitation Fused Collar扭:Twisted/Misaligned Underarm and Side Seam打褶Make dart八)中英文色泽名称对照表Amber 琥珀色Khaki 土黄色Amethyst 蓝紫色Leek Green 葱绿色Antique Bronze 古铜色Lilac淡紫色Brown 棕色Lemon 柠檬色Blue 蓝色Magenta 品红色Burgundy 红紫色Mooney 紫红色Bordeaux 红酱色Copper Brown 棕红色Maroon 酱紫色Brilliant Green 艳绿色Navy Blue 藏青色Black 黑色Orange 橙色Canary 嫩黄色Olive 橄榄色Clay 土灰色Pink 桃红色Salmon Pink橙红色/浅橙色Crimson 梅红色Plum 梅红色Pea Green 豆绿色Carmine 胭脂色Peacock 孔雀蓝Corinth 紫酱色Rubies 酱色Claret 枣红色Dark Blue 深蓝色Malachite Green 孔雀绿Fawn 淡黄褐Royal Blue 品蓝色Flesh Color 肉色Ruby 红玉色Fast Blue 坚牢色Sorrel 红棕色Golden Yellow 金黄色SkyBlue 湖蓝色Golden Brown 黄棕色Scarlet大红色Grass Green 草绿色Turquoise Blue 翠绿色Grey/Charcoal灰色Tangerine 桔红色Honey 蜜黄色Violet 紫色Isabella 淡黄色White(off white) 白色(米白)Jade Green 翠绿色Yellow 黄色Mastic 乳白色Red 红色九)物料名词:MATERIAL ITEMAttention Card 注意卡Buckle 字扣,铁扣Back end sticker 外箱检针济贴纸Plastic Butterfly 胶蝴蝶,胶托Button Mould 钮模Boxes 内箱B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)Button 钮Carton 外箱Inner Carton 内箱Division Pad 内插筒Shoulder Cotton Pad 棉织带Carton Tag 箱贴纸Plastic Clips 胶夹PL. Collar Support 胶领圈Paper Collar Stripe 纸领条Collar Stay 插竹Drawstring 棉绳Elastic Band 细橡根Embroidery Patch 绣花章Cum Tape 平橡根Herringbone Tape 人字带Hook and Eye 安全枢(银色)Plastic Hangers 胶衣架Hang Tag 挂卡Interlining 朴Jocker Tag 挂卡(For Tommy)Lace 丝带,花边Box end Label 内盒贴纸(For M&S)Content Label 成份唛Leather Disc 皮牌Exterior Label 旗唛(For ANF)Flag Label 旗唛,皮士唛Luggage Pin 胶针Item Label 旗唛Zipper Pull 拉链头Main Label 主唛Neck Label 领唛Country Origin Label 产地唛Pocket/Placket Label 袋唛/旗唛Label of Other 其它唛Size Label 西士唛Wash Care Label 洗水唛Yoke Label 担干唛Content/WC/SZ Label 成份/洗水/西士唛Metal Clip 叉字铁夹Magic Sticker 魔术贴Nylon Loop 尼龙捆条Nylon String 尼龙绳Small Poly bag 小胶袋Poly bag 胶袋Plastic Clip 胶夹Poly Envelope 胶袋(封口)Golden Field Pocket Fabric 高丰袋布Piece goods (Job costing) 工作用品Paper Belt (纸)腰带(装饰用)Pins 针Cowhide Pager 牛皮纸Plastic 胶针Paper Tag 纸牌Price Ticket (OCR) 价钱牌Ribbon 丝带Rectangle Clip 方型胶夹Rivet 铆钉Poly bag Sticker 胶袋贴纸Carton Sticker 外箱贴纸Sundries 杂物Safety Pins 扣针Shoulder Pad(Tape) 扁带Inner Box Sticker 内盒纸箱Hang tag Sticker 挂卡贴纸Plastic Shirt Band 胶领条Paper Shirt Band 纸领条Shirt Board 纸板Size Sticker 西士贴纸Sticker 贴纸Glee 胶Staple Wire 备用电线Silicon Wrappers 缎带Levis Tab 转移印花Tag Tin 胶针(用枪打)Tissue Paper 纸领条,衬纸Thread 线Twill Tape 斜纹带Waist Band 印字系带,纸腰带Waist Tag 腰牌Zipper 拉链Plastic Sticker 胶贴纸十)、车缝常用名词中英文对照Linking 缝合Folding 折Crease 折边Slacks side seam 边缝Lapped seam 叠缝Single lapped seam 单线叠缝Blind stitch felling 暗缝线Flat felled seam 折边缝线Back tuck 回针,往复针Double welt seam 双线针Bar tacking 加固针缝Bound seam 包缝Top stitch 边缘明线Pad stitch 衲缝Triple stitch 三针平车,三针直线缝Run stitch 平缝,缝合Run and Turn 回针缝合Run and Open 开口缝Blind over edging 下摆翻边缝Tucked seam 缝褶Dart sewing 省缝Double stitched seam 双线缝,双层缝合Twin needle stitch 针平缝Stitch and Run 头,反缝Wrapping button shank 绕扣线Straight buttonhole 平眼锁钮孔Piped seam 夹紧缝Single lapped seam at edge 单线打边缝Edge stitched seam 边缘缝Lapped seam 包缝Welt seam 咬口折边,折缝Feltings 双折边叠缝,对折缝Button holing 锁眼扣Button sewing 钉纽扣Rolled seam 包边缝Threefold seam 三折缝Fourfold seam 四折缝Fell seam 双折边缝EGMS 界面常用英文单词翻译一、Personal Information 人事资料Transaction 处理,办理Employee Master 雇员Employee No. 雇员编号Employee Name 姓名Rack No. 厂卡号Social Security No. 社会保险号Birth Certificate No. 出生证号Identity No. 身份证号Income Tax No. 纳税号Sex 性别Marital Status 婚姻状况Male 男Female 女No. of Children 子女数Date of Birth 出生日期Join Date 入厂日期Effective Join Date 生效日期Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入First Contract Date 第一次签合同日Date Leave 离职日期Home Address 家庭住址Area 地区Phone No. 电话号码Search Detail 查找细则Education Grade 学历Cutting Ticket No. 制单Description 描述Update 更新二、Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入Process 过程Transaction Date 工票日期Daily Allowance Entry 补贴输入Piece and time rate worker 时工和件工PO定单三、Daily Compensate Hour Entry (COM)补时工输入Supplementary 增补,追加Overtime Code 加班代号Cutting Ticket No. 制单号Daily production Ticket Adjustment Entry 工票修改界面Employee Status Control 雇员状况Quantity 数量Alter Prod Line 组别Compensate Hours Entry 补时工输入Factory PO 制单号Amount 金额Price 单价Payroll 工帐四、Payroll information : 工资资料Factory Code 工厂编号Section Code 部门Production Line Code 组别代码Operation Code(Op. Code)工序号Employee Type 雇员类别Job Level 工种级别Job Class 工种Pay Type 付款方式Cash 现金支付Labor Type 劳动力类型Direct 直接体力劳动Indirect 非直接体力劳动Remuneration Scheme 工资类别Monthly rated 月薪Option 属性Staff 职员Bank Branch Code 支行代号Basic Pay Amount 基本工资Daily Production Ticket Table Entry 工票输入界面Daily Production Ticket By Factory PO Entry 工票输入界面Piece rated 件薪Time rated 时薪Worker 工人Bank Code 银行代号Bank Account No 银行帐户号Employee Status 雇员状况五、Piece and Time Rate Worker :计时和计件工人Op. Code 工序编号Process Type 生产过程描述Cutting 裁床Sewing 车间Fusing 烫朴Washing 洗水Iron 烫部Packing 包装六、Daily Production Ticket Normal Entry :工票输入界面Production Ticket Normal Detail 工票输入细则Production Ticket Normal Header 工票输入表头Normal Quantity 原数Adjust Quantity 修改后的数Daily Production Ticket Supplementary Entry 追补工票输入界面Daily Compensate Hours Entry 补时工输入界面Daily Allowance Entry 补贴输入界面Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入界面Employee Group Setting 评分输入界面Group ID 组别Ratio Value 评分Total Hours 总出勤时间Normal 正常出勤时间OTx1.5 平时加班时间OTx 2 周六/日加班时间OTx3 法定假日加班时间Factory Suspend Hours 回工时间Absent 缺勤时间Leave Descrp. 请假描述Print 打印Report 汇总Data Entry Report 输入资料汇总Print Selection 打印区域Production Ticket (Normal ) Report 工票总结From Page No. 从第页To Page No. 到第页七、Monthly Pay Detail 月薪细则Bank Payment 银行支付Allowance Detail 补贴细则Salaries Detail 薪水细则Deduction Detail 扣减细则Over Time Payment 加班工资Compensation Detail 补时工细则八、Daily Production Ticket Inquire 工票查寻界面Factory PO 制单号Amount 金额Price 单价Query Result 查寻结果。

armhole夹圈assembling of front & back part前后幅合并assembling section合并部分attach collar上领attach label上商标attachment(车缝)附件back cover front后搭前back mid-armhole后背宽back stitch返针,回针backless dress露背装bar coded sticker条形码贴纸bargaining讨价还价bar-tack打枣baste假缝batilk蜡染bearer袋衬bearer & facing袋衬袋贴bedford cord.坑纹布,经条灯心绒bell bottom喇叭裤脚bellows pocket风琴袋belt腰带belt-loop裤耳bias cut斜纹裁,纵纹裁bifurcate分叉binder包边蝴蝶,滚边蝴蝶binding包边binding of slv. opening r折binding of top vent面叉包边binding tape包边binding/bound滚条blanket毛毯,地毯bleach漂白bleach spot漂白污渍bleeding洗水后褪色blend fibre混纺纤维blends混纺blind stitch挑脚线步blouse女装衬衫body pressing衫身熨烫body rise直浪bottom衫脚,下摆bottom vent of sleeve细侧bottoms下装box-pleated外工字褶boy's style fly / left fly男装钮牌,左钮牌braid织锦,织带branch分公司break stitches断线briefs男装紧身内裤brocade织锦,织带broken stitching断线bubbling起泡buckle皮带扣buckle-loop皮带扣bulk production大量生产bundle code扎号bundling执扎button钮扣button stand钮门搭位button-hole钮门/ 扣眼button-holing开钮门buttoning钉钮buttoning with button sewer用钉钮机钉钮c/b vent后中叉calico / gray clothes胚布canvas马尾衬,帆布cardboard纸板carded粗疏care label洗水唛cartonning装箱,入箱case pack label外箱贴纸cash pocket表袋casual wear便装catching facing钮子center back后中center crease fold中骨对折center crease line中骨线center front前中certified sub-contractor认可加工厂chain stitch m/c锁链车chain stitches锁链线步champray皱布chemise宽松服装chest/bust胸围chic时髦的,流行的circular knit圆筒针织布classic look经典款式classification分类clean finish还口clean finish of top vent面叉还口clean finish with 1/4" single needle1/4" 单针还口close fitting贴身close side seam埋侧骨coating外套大衣coin pocket表袋collar领子collar band下级领collar fall上级领collar notch领扼位collar point领尖collar stand下级领collar stay领插竹collection系列color shading色差combed精梳constructed specification结构细节continuous placket r折control of labor turnover劳工流失控制corduroy灯心绒cost sheet成本单cotton string棉绳covering stitching拉冚线步(600类)crease & wrinkly resistant finish防皱处理crease line折线crepe de-chine皱布cross crotch十字缝cross cut横纹裁crotch point浪顶点ctn. no.箱号cuff鸡英,介英cuff attaching to sleeve车鸡英到袖子上cuff vent/cuff opening袖侧cuffed bottom hem反脚,假反脚,脚级cuffless bottom平脚curved pocket弯袋cut & sewn切驳cutting piece裁片cutting piece numbering给裁片编号d.k. jacquard双面提花(针织)damage caused by needle针孔decorative stitching装饰间线delivery date落货期denier旦尼尔denim牛仔density密度design sketch设计图designed feature设计特征dimension尺寸、尺码dinner jacket晚礼服dirt stains after washing洗水后有污迹dirty spot污点discount / sales off打折dobby织花布double cuff双层鸡英double end双经double jetted pocket双唇袋double needle fell seam双针埋夹double pick双纬doubling并线dress coat礼服dressing room试衣间drilling钻孔位dry-cleaned干洗duck帆布dying染色easing容位edge stitching间边线edge trimmer修边器edge-finishing边脚处理edge-stitch dart边线褶edge-stitching w/ 1/16"宽1/16"的边线elastic橡筋elastic waistband is extension of body原身出橡筋裤头elbow width肘宽embroidery patch绣花章epaulet肩章evening gown set晚睡袍excellent style漂亮的款式excessive thread ends多余的线头executive wear行政装expiry date有效期export carton出口箱extension of waistband裤头搭咀eyelet凤眼fabric布料fabric construction布料结构fabric defects布疵fabric runs走纱fabric shading布料色差fabric swatch布办fabric width布封fabrication / fabric布料facing贴facing to out-side折向侧骨false fly暗钮牌false placket假明筒,假反筒fashion时装fell seam埋夹figure-clinging紧身的,贴身胸围filament长纤丝final appearance最终外观finished appearance完成后的外观fitting试身flameproof fabric防火布flannel法兰绒flare skirt喇叭裙flat machine平车flat seam平缝flax亚麻flow chart流程图fold and pack折叠包装,折装fold back facing原身出贴fold back hidden placket原身双层钮筒fold front edge折前幅边fold line折线fold pants折裤子fold pocket mouth折反袋口form and fold garment定型折衫frocks礼服front edge前幅边front mid-armhole前胸宽front opening前开口front panel前幅fully fashion sweater全成型毛衫fully opening全开口fur皮草fur garment裘皮服装furry毛皮制品fuse interlining粘衬fusible interlining粘朴fuzz balls起球gabardine斜纹呢garment成衣garment dye成衣染色garment finish成衣后处理garment sewing technology成衣工艺garment wash成衣洗水,普洗gathering碎褶girl's style fly / right fly女装钮牌,右钮牌glaced finish压光加工good taste高品味gr. wt.=gross weight毛重grading放码grain布纹gray cloth胚布grommet凤眼grown-on sleeve原身出袖half opening半开口handbag手袋handfeel手感handling执手hangdling time执手时间hanger衣架heavy fabric厚重面料hem衫脚,下摆hem cuff反脚hemming卷边,还口hemming with folder用拉筒卷边hemp大麻herringbone twill人字斜纹布hexagonal pocket六角袋hidden placket双层钮筒hidden bartack隐形枣high-waisted skirt高腰裙hip坐围hip pocket后袋hood height帽高horizontal plaid水平格incorrect linking错误的连接initial sample原办,初办inner extension搭咀内层in-seam内骨inspection检查inspiration灵感interlacing交织interlining衬,夹层interlining for facing贴粘衬interlock双面布(针织)inverted pleat内工字褶invoice发票iron overall body熨烫衫身iron spot烫痕jacquard提花jeans牛仔裤jersey平纹单面针织布join crotch埋小浪jute黄麻khaki卡其knit针织knitted rib collar针织罗纹领knots结头knowledge of material材料学l/c=letter of credit信用证l/g=letter of guarantee担保证labour cost劳工成本lace花边lacoste双珠地lapel襟贴laundry干洗layout排唛,排料leather皮革left cover right左搭右leggings开裆裤leisure style休闲款式leisure wear休闲服leisure wear show休闲装展示会license许可证light curved pocket微弯袋linen亚麻lining里布linking & cup seaming缝盆lock stitch平车线步looped fabric毛圈布looping起耳仔(疵点)loose button钮扣松散loosed thread causing grinning线太松导致起珠lustrous光泽machine maintenance机械保养magic tape魔术贴major defect大疵man-made fibre人造纤维manufacturer制造商mark buttonhole & button position标出钮门与钮扣的位置mark pocket position with template用纸板点袋位marker唛架marking mid-point of neck定领围中位mass production大批量生产match color配色material物料measurement尺寸melton领底绒mildrew resistant finish防霉处理missing parts漏裁片moth resistant finish防虫处理nail-button钉脚钮扣natural fibre天然纤维neck across/neck width领宽neck drop领深neck seam颈圈net wt.净重non-fusible interlining非粘朴non-woven fabric非织布/ 无纺布notch扼位off pressing终烫oil stain油污one piece double folded belt-loop一片双折裤耳one-piece dress连衣裙open seam开骨operation break down分工序out-seam外骨out-seam pkt.侧骨袋overall工作服overalls吊带裤overlap重叠overlapping a few stitching驳线overlock & blind-stitch折挑overlock w/ 5 threads五线锁边overlock with 5 threads五线锁边overtime working加班工作packing list包装单packing method包装方法panel knitting针织裁片pastel颜料patch pocket贴袋pattern纸样payment付款peach pocket杏形袋piece rate记件pieced on placket面车明筒pieced placket一片钮筒pile fabric毛圈布piping嵌边pique单珠地placket明筒plaid matching对格plaids / checks格仔布plain weave平纹梭织plants layout厂房布置pleat with single needle单针车褶pleats活褶pocket bag caught in bartack袋布被枣打到(疵点)pocket cover袋盖pocket creasing machine烫袋机pocket facing袋贴pocket flap袋盖pocket flasher袋卡pocket mouth袋口pocket opening袋口pocket-bag(裁好的)袋布pocketing(成卷的)袋布point shape belt-loop三尖裤耳polybag胶袋polywarp胶纸包position collar定领位post-wash handfeel洗水后手感preshrinking预缩press & opening seam烫开骨press open烫开骨pressing work in progress烫半成品print fabric印花布printing印花procedure程序production sketch生产图puckering沿缝线的皱褶quality control / qc质量控制quilting打缆,间棉raglan sleeve牛角袖raw edge散口ready-to-wear成衣regenerated fibre再生纤维resin finish树脂处理reverse side反面re-washing返洗rib罗纹rib tape扁带条ribbing罗纹right side of under-cuff下层鸡英的正面rined脱水rivet撞钉rough yarn粗纱round cornered cuff圆角介英round cornered extension圆形裤头搭咀round cornered pocket圆角袋rug地毯ruler shaped pocket曲尺袋run off stitching落坑线run-stitching运线s.k. jacquard单面提花(针织)safari-jacket猎装satin / sateen色丁seam缝骨seam allowance止口,子口,缝头seam broken缝骨爆裂seam construction缝型结构seam pucker缝骨起皱seam slippage散口seam twist缝骨扭selvedge / self-edge布边selvege布边serge / overlock及骨,锁边set in shoulder pad上肩垫set in sleeve上袖,绱袖sew buttonhole / buttonholing开钮门sew together bodice and its lining缝合衫身与里布,拼里sew welt pocket车唇袋sewing cuff车鸡英sewing sequence车缝工序sewn self fabric waistband原身出裤头shell fabric面料shiny(烫)起镜shipping carton出口箱shipping date落货期shipping marks箱唛shorts短裤should point肩点shoulder肩宽shoulder point肩点shrinkage缩水shrink-proof防缩shrink-resistant防缩处理side mark侧唛side panel侧幅,小身side seam侧骨silhouette轮廓single jetted pocket单唇袋single needle lockstitch m/c单针平车size assortment尺码分配size specification / size spec.尺码表sizing上浆skipped stitches跳线slacks松身裤slant cornered cuff斜角介英slant pocket斜插袋slashing pocket mouth开袋口sleeve衣袖sleeve length袖长sleeve opening袖口slim waist line修腰线slit叉snip notch剪扼位solid color单色solid color & solid size单色单码sorting分床分码special machine特殊机器,特种车splotches污迹spreading拉布spun yarn纺纱squared shaped pocket方角袋steam pressing stand蒸汽烫台stitch线步stitch down with pkt-bag车线连袋布stitch overlapping驳线stitch per inch / s.p.i.每英寸针数stitch type针步类型stitching & turning collar out车线后反领straight bottom直筒裤脚straight cut直纹裁straight pocket直插袋strap带条stripe matching对条striped (fabric)条子布stuffing填充物style款式suiting套装sweep下摆swimsuit泳装tab袢扣taffeta塔夫绸tape带条taper bottom萝卜裤脚taping镶边taps织带tba=to be advise待复terry cloth毛巾布textured yarn光亮纱线thigh脾围thread clips纱剪(剪线用)three pointed catching facing三尖钮子three pointed cuff三尖介英three pointed extension三尖裤头搭咀three pointed pkt. with two curved sides两边微弯三尖袋three points pocket三尖袋tipping镶边,唧边to be advise待复top collar面领top sleeve大袖top stitching间面线top vent叉的面层top vent of sleeve大侧tops上装top-stitching间面线top-stitching with double needle双针间面线total price总价towel毛圈布tricot经向斜纹毛织布trim front edge修剪前幅边缘trim or snip along curved seam沿弯位修剪trim thread剪线trimmings部件,衣服上的点缀物trousers裤子turn cuff out to the right side反出鸡英正面turned finish卷边tuxedo无尾燕尾服tweed毛绒布twill斜纹布twist leg扭脾扭脚under pressing中烫under sleeve小袖under vent/bottom vent叉的底层underarm seam袖底骨underlap placket下层明筒,三尖折的小袖叉underwear内衣uneven dying染色不均匀uneven hem衫脚不平均uneven plaids格仔不均匀unit price单价velcro魔术贴velvet天鹅绒velveteen仿天鹅绒venetian缩绒呢vent叉(有叠位)viscose rayon人造丝v-neck v形领窝vogue流行的,风尚的waist腰围waist tag腰卡waistband腰头waistband is extension of body原身裤头wales纵向线圈wardrobe某一季节那一类型的服装warehouse仓库warp / ends经纱warp knitted fabric经向针织布warp-knitting经编织物washing initial load头缸洗水washing instruction洗水指示washing streaks洗水痕water repellent防水处理waterproof fabric防水布wave stitching线步起波浪web网状物weft / picks纬纱weft-knitting纬编织物welt pocket西装袋,手巾袋woolen粗纺羊毛work ticket工票workmanship手工worsted精纺羊毛woven label织唛wrapseam包缝wrinkles起皱wrong type seam错误的缝骨类型yarn纱线zig-zag人字zig-zag stitches人字线步zipper fastener拉链系结物服装(衣领)英语词汇摘自: /dispbbs.asp?BoardID=2&ID=13532Arched collar 拱形领,外曲形领Bal collar 男风衣的小方领,传统的开关两用男风衣领子Band collar 带形领,立领,竖领,中装直领Belt collar 环带领Bertha collar 宽圆白花边领[披肩领]Bib collar (小孩)围涎式衣领,儿状领Bow collar 蝴蝶结领Button-down collar 领尖钉有钮扣的领子,扣结领Cape collar 披风领,披肩领Cascading collar 阶梯式领圈,波形领Chin collar 高竖领,筒形直领Chinese collar 中国旗袍领Closed collar 直领,竖领,立领,关门领Closed collar jacket 关门领短外衣,立领夹克衫Coat collar 大衣领collar (衣服的)领子,领圈collar band 领下盘,下领,领脚,领座collar button 领钮collar cloth 半硬领布,衣领布collar inlay 衣领插骨片collar lace 衣领花边collar leaf 领角衬布,领口片collar lining 领衬collar melton 衬领呢,领夹里粗呢collar stand 领高collar support 撑领圈,领衬collar twine 低级粗绳线collar vevelt 衣领绒[短而密的厚立绒]collarette (妇女服装)小领子[用花边、毛皮、珠饰等制],(妇女服装)装卸式领子collarless 无领collarless jacket 无领短上衣,无领夹克衫Convertible collar 两用领;开关领Dog collar 项圈形高竖领,高直领Double collar (针织套衫的)双重领,叠领Dutch collar 荷兰领[贴颈圆口小翻领,用于套衫]Eton collar 阔翻领[英国伊顿公学制服领式]Flat collar 平翻领,袒领Flat collar 平翻领,平领Giant collar 大领,巨型领Fur collar jacket 皮领短上衣Half roll collar 半平翻领Feed rock shaft collar 送布摆轴环Faraway collar 荡开领口[领盘远离颈部,宽大的衣领]High roll collar 高翻领Long point collar 长角领,长领,尖领Knit-shirt collar 针织衬衫领Frill collar 波浪形褶边领Low collar 中文名称:低领口,低敞领Jonny collar 小竖领,紧立领[高约2.5~4厘米]Funnel collar 漏斗形领Inside collar 衣领衬布,衣领衬里Looper shaft collar 套口机轴圈Horse shoe collar 马蹄领,u形领Long collar 长锭管[俗称洋枪管]Hill-collar 中文名称:高衣领Lace-collar blouse 花边领上衣Italian collar 意大利式衬衣领Mandarin collar 中装直领,小立领[中山装]Lace collar 花边领Mao collar 毛式领[中山服式衣领]Miter collar 斜角式拼接领Officer collar 军官服领,竖立领Notched roll collar 圆缺口领Notched collar 缺口(衣)领Open front collar 前开门领One-piece collar 一片领,上盘领Napoleon collar 拿破仑领[大翻领]Middy collar 海军领,水手领Petal collar 花瓣翻领[领缘呈花瓣状]Lapel collar 拨头领Reefer collar 紧高领Little girl collar (女式)小圆角领Milano collar 米兰诺式领Pointed collar 尖角领Off collar 一字领Over-turned collar 翻领Regular collar 通用领,常规领Notched lapel(=notched lapel collar) 缺口(衣)领[类似西装领],蟹角领,v形翻领Oversized collar 超大型领Polo collar 波罗领[半前开襟小翻领]Peter pan collar 彼得潘(女式)小圆翻领,小圆领Puritan collar 清教徒领[纯白大圆宽领]Roll collar 1.辊环,辊脊2.翻领[总称]Ruffled collar 褶边领,荷叶边领One collar 单片领Scarf collar 围巾式衣领Oblong collar 椭圆领,长方领Rippled collar 小裥波纹领Prussian collar 普鲁士领[直翻领]Open collar 敞开领Short point collar 短尖领Sailor collar 海员领Semi-soft collar 半软硬领Round collar 圆角领Standing collar 立领,直领,竖领Semi-stiff collar 半硬领Tulip collar 郁金香式领子Shirt collar 衬衫式领Soft collar 软领Stiff collar 硬领Stand collar jacket(=standing collar jacket) 竖领短外衣,中式领短外衣,军装领短外衣Turned-sown collar jacket 翻领短外衣Stand collar(=standing collar) 竖领,立领,中式领,学生服领Stand-away collar 宽立领[宽大而不贴颈的衣领]Tailored collar 西装领[将西装型的领子用于西装以外的服装时,称之为"西装领"] Turn-back collar (尖领角大)翻领Stand-up collar 竖领,高领Shawl collar 围巾式领Stole collar 围巾式卷领Ulster collar 厄尔斯特大衣领Sports collar [敞领]运动领Tuxedo collar 半正式礼服领,青果领,无尾礼服翻领[比一般西装领宽]Spare collar 备用领[与衣身分开制作,可以取下替换,故亦称"替换领"]Turtle collar 瓶颈领,长高领Three-way collar 三式领,三用领Tall collar 高领Wing collar 燕子领;妇女尖翻领;翼领Wide collar(=widespread collar) 阔福领,大八字领,宽展领Tie collar 领带领[兼有领带和领子的形状,多用于妇女服装] Top collar 领面Step collar 梯形领[西装领的一种,刻口剪成直角]Y oke collar 抵肩领,约克领Triangle collar 三角领Under collar 领里neck-collar stand; collar stand 领高《裁》Turn-down collar(=turn-over collar) 翻领collar BAND HEIGHT 下级领高collar POINT SPREAD 领尖距collar RAB 领袢collar POINT 领尖长A TTACH collar 上领UPPER collar HEIGHT 上级领高collar STAY领插竹其他常用词汇short in size 断码out of season 过季的on sale 换季leftover stock 库存尾货baggy patch pocke 立体贴袋htm "how to measure"(in guideline)flat knit 横机w/r waterproof防水处理px pricelead time 生产周期tarpulin 防水布flat lock 虾须线fleece 抓毛布,磨毛布(针织)waffle 华夫格(针织布)eyelet buttonhole sewing machine 圆头锁眼机rib stop 若隐若现的格子ring slub fully stretch cross-fire denim 双向竹节弹力牛仔antique wash / retro finishing 怀旧洗/ 怀旧处理rib 1*1 emerized 1*1起绒罗纹windproof sleeve openning 防风袖口gbp great britain pound 英镑easy care 免烫sequin 烫石rhin stone 烫石hand loom 手织样,指生产大货前,需打一小块布样,确认颜色,格型,效果beading 钉珠circular kniting machines 针织大圆机boxer 平脚裤/ 孖烟通pms 潘通色卡pressing cloth 水布(熨烫服装时覆盖在上面的布)press cloth of wool 熨烫服装用的较厚的垫布tailor\'s press board 烫凳(熨烫服装用的工具)egg pad 铁凳(熨烫肩部等部位的工具)clapper 拱形烫木(烫后袖缝、摆缝等的工具)tailor\'s hem 布馒头braces skirt 吊带裙roll 疋,一疋布就是一卷布press button 急钮,也叫五抓钮ring press button 圈面的急钮cap press button 带帽的急钮strik-off 印花打样, 是手刮样,用于针织印花面料打样中的称呼。

制衣厂常用术语中英文对照表一)部门术语及常用词A.裁床:Cutting room1 纸样制作原理及方法:The methods & principle of pattern making2 排唛架方法:The methods of marker making3 YPD的计算及工厂唛架利用率:YPD calculation & marker use rate4 拉布及割布方法,工票之使用方法及功用:Methods & function of spreading & cutting5 裁剪日产量:Daily quantity of cutting6 裁单:Cutting ReportB.板房:Sample room1 裤子,恤衫的车缝工序:Understand the procedures of sewing pants and shirt2 熟识各个工序的称谓:Understand the name of various procedures3 熟识各个线缝的名称及功能:Understand the name and function in various seams4 了解缝1件衫所需的辅料:understand sub-materials used in a shirt5 熟识样板制造单:Understand sample orderC.车缝车间1 熟识生产制造单:Understand the production order2 熟识整个生产线的工序安排:Understand the product line lay out3 各个工序的定价标准:Price standard of various process4 质量控制方法:Methods of quality control5 日产量:Daily product quantity6 常见的车缝设备:Work-aids sewing Machine & attachments7 常见的车缝疵点:Various types of sewing problemD.洗水厂Washing department1 洗水方法及不同的洗水特点:Washing type & various characteristic2 不同洗水的洗涤剂:Various chemical consumption for each type of garment wash3 如何控制洗水质量:Garment washing quality controlE.包装:Packing department1 包装工序的任务及要求:What propose with packing process2 包装方法:Types of packing:Stand-up packing:企装, Flat packing:扁装Semi stand packing: 铲装/半企装3 包装所需的辅料:What assembly will be used in packing4 包装机械设备:Packing equipment5 装箱方法:Methods of packing6 出货所需之文件:Shipping document7 如何控制包装质量:How to control packing quality二)制衣厂质量检查QC Quality control1.服装中-英名称衬衣Shirt/Blouse T-恤T-Shirt毛衣Sweat shirt 西装 Suit裤子Pants 牛仔裤Jeans喇叭裤子Bell bottom jeans 裙子Skirt外套Coat 连帽T-恤Parka运动衫Sports jacket 连衣裙Dress圆台裙Circular 百褶裙Gather Skirt裤裙Flare Culottes Skirt 马甲 Vest背心Tank top 燕尾领Wing collar2.衣服部位中-英文名称前幅Front 后幅Back上级领Collar 下级领 Collar Band前筒Front Placket 钮子 Button stay袋Pocket 担干 Yoke袖Sleeve 袖侧 Sleeve placket介英Cuff 裤头 Waist Band耳仔Belt Loop 拉链贴Zipper catch拉链牌Zipper Fly 袋贴 Pocket Facing前浪Front Rise 后浪 Back Rise裤脚Leg Bottom 侧骨 Side Seam袋口Pocket Mouth 袖叉 Sleeve Slit机头Riser 明袋 Patch Pocket唇袋Jetted Pocket 袋盖 Pocket Flap插袋Cross Pocket 袋衬 Bearer袋布Pocket Bag 袖口贴Sleeve Band兜帽Hood 夹圈 Armhole钮门Button Hole 凤眼 Eyelet Button Hole 捆条圆领Crew neck3.制衣工序名称Garment Product Procedure纸样Pattern 唛架 Marker裁剪Cutting 绣花 Embroidery样板Sample 车缝 Sewing洗水Washing 成衣染Garment Dye整烫Ironing 包装 Packing质量检查Quality Inspection 质量控制Quality Control石洗Stone Wash 化学洗Chemical Wash茶化洗Teast Wash 漂洗 Bleach Wash钮Button 线Thread唛头/商标 Label 挂卡 Hang tag贴纸Sticker 朴Interlining胶袋Plastic/Poly bag 胶夹 Plastic Clip拉链Zipper 橡根 Elastic Band肩垫Shoulder Pad 衬纸 Tissue Paper绅Drawstring 领蝴蝶Collar Butterflies领胶条Collar Stripe 纸箱(Paper)Carton (胶)针(Poly) Pins 检针济Sticker纸板Paper board 蝴蝶 Butterfly纸/胶领条Paper/Plastic collar band 尺码贴纸Size sticker 插竹Collar stay 条形码Jan code/bar code 4.车缝工序Sewing process埋夹close side seam 车唛 sew label间线子口hem stitch seam 上间袖attach sleeve/topstitch sleeve打枣Tacking 接线 Joints三)、布的中-英文名称1.梭织布Woven牛津纺Oxford 府绸 Poplin多臂提花Dobby斜纹Twill青年布Chambray 绒布 Flannel条格布gingham 泡泡纱Seersucker灯芯绒Corduroy 卡其 Drill哔叽Serge 华达呢Gabercord主身布Body fabric 撞布 Contrast fabric条格Check 斜纹 Stripe净色Solid 支数 warp count2.针织布Knit平纹布Jersey (Drop 1*1 Jersey/Lycry Jersey)珠地Pique (Twill Pique /Oxford pique /Athletic pique)双珠地Lacoste (Oxford Lacoste 牛津珠地)双面布Interlock (interlock pique /interlock jacquard 双面提花)毛圈布Terry ( twill French terry 法兰绒/Fleece 磨毛毛圈布)提花Jacquard (herringbone /bubble jacquard 泡泡提花布)罗纹Rib (mini waffle 十字罗纹/法式罗纹French rib)棉布Cotton fabric麻布Linen丝绸Silk毛Wool化学纤维Chemical fiber四)制单要求The requirement in production order生产制单production order 样板制造单Sample order 款号Style Number 客户Customer数量quantity 尺码Size spec.交货期Delivery 装箱要求Carton Requirement纸箱规格Carton Measurement 毛重Cross height净重Net height 说明Description目的地Final destination 颜色color五)、其它样板Sample 货前板Pre-Production sample销售板Sales Sample 展览板Presentation sample批准板Approval sample 会议板Meeting Sample测试板Test sample 船头办Pre-shipment Sample六)布疵常见术语紧纱:Tight 断纱:Broken Yarn走纱:Misend / Mispick 抽纱:Yarn with Drawn针孔:Needle Holes 针路:Vertical Line横间:Horizontal Line 漏针:Dropped Stitch停机布痕:Stop Mark 幼纱:Yarn Thinning/Thin Yarn错花:Wrong Pattern or Wrong Structure飞花:Fly yarn 色差Shading染色Color fastness 粗纱Thick yarn色纱Color yarn 织错纱Wrong pick end稀密路Filling bar 布纹弯曲不平Bowing皱摺Crease 粗粒Slub起毛Hairy 织入杂物Gout起球Balling-up七)车缝常见术语跳线:Skip Stitch 用错原料:Wrong Material缝线散口:Run off 用错缝线:Incorrect Thread错唛:Wrong Label 破洞:Holes突咀:Excess Extension 不对称:Mismatched车着唛头:Sandwich Label 歪唛:Off Center or Side left/right尖位不尖:Pointed Area not Sharp 弯位不弯:Unsmooth Curve爆口:Open Seam 披苏:Loose Thread插竹歪:Crooked Collar Stay 领底松:Collar setting too Loose烂钮尖:Burst Collar Point 领尖不对条:Mismatched Collar Stripe错领型:Wrong Collar Shape 刀剪领:Scissoring 露上领线:Thread Visible Outside 下级走样:Poor Banding领咀长短不定:Wrong Lapel Length 领错底面:Overturn Collar起耳子:Lock stitches-loop 断线:Broken Stitches落坑:Run off Stitch 积线球:Lumps of Thread藏色线:Trapped Color Thread 驳线不齐:Untidy Joined Stitching缝线阔窄:Uneven Seam 线路不美:Untidy Stitching皱:Pocking 露牙:Grinning走鸡:Miss Design Feature 大眼皮:Uneven seam高底袋:High/low pocket 筒起波浪:Fullness on Center Placket筒歪:Crooked Center Placket 担干谷:Fullness onYoke前肩大小边:Crooked front Folding 欠返针:Miss Back tack唛头字母被盖:Hidden Wordings 子口反骨:Seam Overturn欠开骨:Without Press Open 裤咀歪:Distorted Waistband End大细唇:Uneven Lips 叠唇:Overlapped Lips裂唇:Open Lips 露朴:Exposure Interlining领咀朴空:Empty Collar Point 反光:Under ply Visible Outside突钮子:Extension of Right Fly Too Long长短领尖:Uneven Collar Point Length起角:Nose in Extension-Collar /Cuff上领黏边:Folded Edge on Collar Closing内领窝谷:Fullness on Inside Around Collar setting车唛不对折痕:not Following the Folded Mark of Label下级领高低:Crooked Collar Hi-Low/off Center Line布包朴过紧:Tightness of Interlining after Sewing 领朴起泡:Bubbling/Delimitation Fused Collar扭:Twisted/Misaligned Underarm and Side Seam打褶Make dart八)中英文色泽名称对照表Amber 琥珀色Khaki 土黄色Amethyst 蓝紫色Leek Green 葱绿色Antique Bronze 古铜色Lilac 淡紫色Brown 棕色Lemon 柠檬色Blue 蓝色Magenta 品红色Burgundy 红紫色Mooney 紫红色Bordeaux 红酱色Copper Brown 棕红色Maroon 酱紫色Brilliant Green 艳绿色Navy Blue 藏青色Black 黑色Orange 橙色Canary 嫩黄色Olive 橄榄色Clay 土灰色Pink 桃红色Salmon Pink橙红色/浅橙色Crimson 梅红色Plum 梅红色Pea Green 豆绿色Carmine 胭脂色Peacock 孔雀蓝Corinth 紫酱色Rubies 酱色Claret 枣红色Dark Blue 深蓝色Malachite Green 孔雀绿Fawn 淡黄褐Royal Blue 品蓝色Flesh Color 肉色Ruby 红玉色Fast Blue 坚牢色Sorrel 红棕色Golden Yellow 金黄色Sky Blue 湖蓝色Golden Brown 黄棕色Scarlet 大红色Grass Green 草绿色Turquoise Blue 翠绿色Grey/Charcoal灰色Tangerine 桔红色Honey 蜜黄色Violet 紫色Isabella 淡黄色White(off white) 白色(米白) Jade Green 翠绿色Yellow 黄色Mastic 乳白色Red 红色九)物料名词:MATERIAL ITEMAttention Card 注意卡Buckle 字扣,铁扣Back end sticker 外箱检针济贴纸Plastic Butterfly 胶蝴蝶,胶托Button Mould 钮模Boxes 内箱B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)Button 钮Carton 外箱Inner Carton 内箱Division Pad 内插筒Shoulder Cotton Pad 棉织带Carton Tag 箱贴纸Plastic Clips 胶夹PL. Collar Support 胶领圈Paper Collar Stripe 纸领条Collar Stay 插竹Drawstring 棉绳Elastic Band 细橡根Embroidery Patch 绣花章Cum Tape 平橡根Herringbone Tape 人字带Hook and Eye 安全枢(银色)Plastic Hangers 胶衣架Hang Tag 挂卡Interlining 朴Jocker Tag 挂卡(For Tommy)Lace 丝带,花边Box end Label 内盒贴纸(For M&S) Content Label 成份唛Leather Disc 皮牌Exterior Label 旗唛(For ANF)Flag Label 旗唛,皮士唛Luggage Pin 胶针Item Label 旗唛Zipper Pull 拉链头Main Label 主唛Neck Label 领唛Country Origin Label 产地唛Pocket/Placket Label 袋唛/旗唛Label of Other 其它唛Size Label 西士唛Wash Care Label 洗水唛Yoke Label 担干唛Content/WC/SZ Label 成份/洗水/西士唛Metal Clip 叉字铁夹Magic Sticker 魔术贴Nylon Loop 尼龙捆条Nylon String 尼龙绳Small Poly bag 小胶袋Poly bag 胶袋Plastic Clip 胶夹Poly Envelope 胶袋(封口)Golden Field Pocket Fabric 高丰袋布Piece goods (Job costing) 工作用品Paper Belt (纸)腰带(装饰用)Pins 针Cowhide Pager 牛皮纸Plastic 胶针Paper Tag 纸牌Price Ticket (OCR) 价钱牌Ribbon 丝带Rectangle Clip 方型胶夹Rivet 铆钉Poly bag Sticker 胶袋贴纸Carton Sticker 外箱贴纸Sundries 杂物Safety Pins 扣针Shoulder Pad(Tape) 扁带Inner Box Sticker 内盒纸箱Hang tag Sticker 挂卡贴纸Plastic Shirt Band 胶领条Paper Shirt Band 纸领条Shirt Board 纸板Size Sticker 西士贴纸Sticker 贴纸Glee 胶Staple Wire 备用电线Silicon Wrappers 缎带Levis Tab 转移印花Tag Tin 胶针(用枪打)Tissue Paper 纸领条,衬纸Thread 线Twill Tape 斜纹带Waist Band 印字系带,纸腰带Waist Tag 腰牌Zipper 拉链Plastic Sticker 胶贴纸十)、车缝常用名词中英文对照Linking 缝合Folding 折Crease 折边Slacks side seam 边缝Lapped seam 叠缝Single lapped seam 单线叠缝Blind stitch felling 暗缝线Flat felled seam 折边缝线Back tuck 回针,往复针Double welt seam 双线针Bar tacking 加固针缝Bound seam 包缝Top stitch 边缘明线Pad stitch 衲缝Triple stitch 三针平车,三针直线缝Run stitch 平缝,缝合Run and Turn 回针缝合Run and Open 开口缝Blind over edging 下摆翻边缝Tucked seam 缝褶Dart sewing 省缝Double stitched seam 双线缝,双层缝合Twin needle stitch 针平缝Stitch and Run 头,反缝Wrapping button shank 绕扣线Straight buttonhole 平眼锁钮孔Piped seam 夹紧缝Single lapped seam at edge 单线打边缝Edge stitched seam 边缘缝Lapped seam 包缝Welt seam 咬口折边,折缝Feltings 双折边叠缝,对折缝Button holing 锁眼扣Button sewing 钉纽扣Rolled seam 包边缝Threefold seam 三折缝Fourfold seam 四折缝Fell seam 双折边缝EGMS 界面常用英文单词翻译一、Personal Information 人事资料Transaction 处理,办理Employee Master 雇员Employee No. 雇员编号Employee Name 姓名Rack No. 厂卡号Social Security No. 社会保险号Birth Certificate No. 出生证号Identity No. 身份证号Income Tax No. 纳税号Sex 性别Marital Status 婚姻状况Male 男Female 女No. of Children 子女数Date of Birth 出生日期Join Date 入厂日期Effective Join Date 生效日期Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入First Contract Date 第一次签合同日Date Leave 离职日期Home Address 家庭住址Area 地区Phone No. 电话号码Search Detail 查找细则Education Grade 学历Cutting Ticket No. 制单Description 描述Update 更新二、Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入Process 过程Transaction Date 工票日期Daily Allowance Entry 补贴输入Piece and time rate worker 时工和件工PO 定单三、Daily Compensate Hour Entry (COM)补时工输入Supplementary 增补,追加Overtime Code 加班代号Cutting Ticket No. 制单号Daily production Ticket Adjustment Entry 工票修改界面Employee Status Control 雇员状况Quantity 数量Alter Prod Line 组别Compensate Hours Entry 补时工输入Factory PO 制单号Amount 金额Price 单价Payroll 工帐四、Payroll information : 工资资料Factory Code 工厂编号Section Code 部门Production Line Code 组别代码Operation Code(Op. Code)工序号Employee Type 雇员类别Job Level 工种级别Job Class 工种Pay Type 付款方式Cash 现金支付Labor Type 劳动力类型Direct 直接体力劳动Indirect 非直接体力劳动Remuneration Scheme 工资类别Monthly rated 月薪Option 属性Staff 职员Bank Branch Code 支行代号Basic Pay Amount 基本工资Daily Production Ticket Table Entry 工票输入界面Daily Production Ticket By Factory PO Entry 工票输入界面Piece rated 件薪Time rated 时薪Worker 工人Bank Code 银行代号Bank Account No 银行帐户号Employee Status 雇员状况五、Piece and Time Rate Worker :计时和计件工人Op. Code 工序编号Process Type 生产过程描述Cutting 裁床Sewing 车间Fusing 烫朴Washing 洗水Iron 烫部Packing 包装六、Daily Production Ticket Normal Entry :工票输入界面Production Ticket Normal Detail 工票输入细则Production Ticket Normal Header 工票输入表头Normal Quantity 原数Adjust Quantity 修改后的数Daily Production Ticket Supplementary Entry 追补工票输入界面Daily Compensate Hours Entry 补时工输入界面Daily Allowance Entry 补贴输入界面Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入界面Employee Group Setting 评分输入界面Group ID 组别Ratio Value 评分Total Hours 总出勤时间Normal 正常出勤时间OTx1.5 平时加班时间OTx 2 周六/日加班时间OTx3 法定假日加班时间Factory Suspend Hours 回工时间Absent 缺勤时间Leave Descrp. 请假描述Print 打印Report 汇总Data Entry Report 输入资料汇总Print Selection 打印区域Production Ticket (Normal ) Report 工票总结From Page No. 从第页To Page No. 到第页七、Monthly Pay Detail 月薪细则Bank Payment 银行支付Allowance Detail 补贴细则Salaries Detail 薪水细则Deduction Detail 扣减细则Over Time Payment 加班工资Compensation Detail 补时工细则八、Daily Production Ticket Inquire 工票查寻界面Factory PO 制单号Amount 金额Price 单价Query Result 查寻结果。

制衣厂常用术语中英文对照表欧阳歌谷(2021.02.01)一)部门术语及常用词A.裁床:Cutting room1 纸样制作原理及方法:The methods & principle of pattern making2 排唛架方法:The methods of marker making3 YPD的计算及工厂唛架利用率:YPD calculation & marker use rate4 拉布及割布方法,工票之使用方法及功用:Methods & function of spreading & cutting5 裁剪日产量:Daily quantity of cutting6 裁单:Cutting ReportB.板房:Sample room1 裤子,恤衫的车缝工序:Understand the procedures of sewing pants and shirt2 熟识各个工序的称谓:Understand the name of various procedures3 熟识各个线缝的名称及功能:Understand the name and function in various seams4 了解缝1件衫所需的辅料:understand sub-materials used in a shirt5 熟识样板制造单:Understand sample orderC.车缝车间1 熟识生产制造单:Understand the production order2 熟识整个生产线的工序安排:Understand the product line lay out3 各个工序的定价标准:Price standard of various process4 质量控制方法:Methods of quality control5 日产量:Daily product quantity6 常见的车缝设备:Work-aids sewing Machine & attachments7 常见的车缝疵点:Various types of sewing problemD.洗水厂Washing department1 洗水方法及不同的洗水特点:Washing type & various characteristic2 不同洗水的洗涤剂:Various chemical consumption for each type of garment wash3 如何控制洗水质量:Garment washing quality controlE.包装:Packing department1 包装工序的任务及要求:What propose with packing process2 包装方法:Types of packing:Stand-up packing:企装, Flat packing:扁装Semi stand packing: 铲装/半企装3 包装所需的辅料:What assembly will be used in packing4 包装机械设备:Packing equipment5 装箱方法:Methods of packing6 出货所需之文件:Shipping document7 如何控制包装质量:How to control packing quality二)制衣厂质量检查QC Quality control1.服装中-英名称衬衣Shirt/Blouse T-恤T-Shirt毛衣Sweat shirt 西装 Suit裤子Pants 牛仔裤Jeans喇叭裤子Bell bottom jeans 裙子Skirt外套Coat 连帽T-恤Parka运动衫Sports jacket 连衣裙Dress圆台裙Circular 百褶裙Gather Skirt 裤裙Flare Culottes Skirt 马甲 Vest背心Tank top 燕尾领Wing collar 2.衣服部位中-英文名称前幅Front 后幅Back上级领Collar 下级领Collar Band 前筒Front Placket 钮子 Button stay袋Pocket 担干 Yoke袖Sleeve 袖侧 Sleeve placket 介英Cuff 裤头 Waist Band耳仔Belt Loop 拉链贴Zipper catch拉链牌Zipper Fly 袋贴 Pocket Facing前浪Front Rise 后浪 Back Rise裤脚Leg Bottom 侧骨 Side Seam袋口Pocket Mouth 袖叉 Sleeve Slit机头Riser 明袋 Patch Pocket唇袋Jetted Pocket 袋盖 Pocket Flap插袋Cross Pocket 袋衬 Bearer袋布Pocket Bag 袖口贴Sleeve Band兜帽Hood 夹圈 Armhole钮门Button Hole 凤眼 Eyelet Button Hole 捆条圆领Crew neck3.制衣工序名称Garment Product Procedure纸样Pattern 唛架 Marker裁剪Cutting 绣花 Embroidery样板Sample 车缝 Sewing洗水Washing 成衣染Garment Dye整烫Ironing 包装 Packing质量检查Quality Inspection 质量控制Quality Control石洗Stone Wash 化学洗Chemical Wash茶化洗Teast Wash 漂洗 Bleach Wash钮Button 线Thread唛头/商标Label 挂卡 Hang tag贴纸Sticker 朴Interlining胶袋Plastic/Poly bag 胶夹 Plastic Clip拉链Zipper 橡根 Elastic Band肩垫Shoulder Pad 衬纸 Tissue Paper绅Drawstring 领蝴蝶Collar Butterflies领胶条Collar Stripe 纸箱(Paper)Carton (胶)针(Poly) Pins 检针济Sticker纸板Paper board 蝴蝶 Butterfly纸/胶领条Paper/Plastic collar band 尺码贴纸Size sticker 插竹Collar stay 条形码Jan code/bar code 4.车缝工序Sewing process埋夹close side seam 车唛 sew label间线子口hem stitch seam 上间袖attach sleeve/topstitch sleeve打枣Tacking 接线 Joints三)、布的中-英文名称1.梭织布Woven牛津纺Oxford 府绸 Poplin多臂提花Dobby斜纹Twill青年布Chambray 绒布 Flannel条格布gingham 泡泡纱Seersucker灯芯绒Corduroy 卡其 Drill哔叽Serge 华达呢Gabercord主身布Body fabric 撞布 Contrast fabric条格Check 斜纹 Stripe净色Solid 支数 warp count2.针织布Knit平纹布Jersey (Drop 1*1 Jersey/Lycry Jersey)珠地Pique (Twill Pique /Oxford pique /Athletic pique)双珠地Lacoste (Oxford Lacoste 牛津珠地)双面布Interlock (interlock pique /interlock jacquard 双面提花)毛圈布Terry ( twill French terry 法兰绒/Fleece 磨毛毛圈布)提花Jacquard (herringbone /bubble jacquard 泡泡提花布)罗纹Rib (mini waffle 十字罗纹/法式罗纹French rib)棉布Cotton fabric麻布Linen丝绸Silk毛Wool化学纤维Chemical fiber四)制单要求The requirement in production order生产制单production order 样板制造单Sample order 款号Style Number 客户Customer数量quantity 尺码Size spec.交货期Delivery 装箱要求CartonRequirement纸箱规格Carton Measurement 毛重Cross height净重Net height 说明Description目的地Final destination 颜色color五)、其它样板Sample 货前板Pre-Production sample销售板Sales Sample 展览板Presentation sample批准板Approval sample 会议板Meeting Sample 测试板Test sample 船头办Pre-shipment Sample六)布疵常见术语紧纱:Tight 断纱:Broken Yarn走纱:Misend / Mispick 抽纱:Yarn with Drawn针孔:Needle Holes 针路:Vertical Line横间:Horizontal Line 漏针:Dropped Stitch停机布痕:S top Mark 幼纱:Yarn Thinning/Thin Yarn错花:Wrong Pattern or Wrong Structure飞花:Fly yarn 色差Shading染色Color fastness 粗纱Thick yarn色纱Color yarn 织错纱Wrong pick end稀密路Filling bar 布纹弯曲不平Bowing皱摺Crease 粗粒Slub起毛Hairy 织入杂物Gout起球Balling-up七)车缝常见术语跳线:Skip Stitch 用错原料:Wrong Material缝线散口:R un off 用错缝线:Incorrect Thread错唛:Wrong Label 破洞:Holes突咀:Excess Extension 不对称:Mismatched车着唛头:S andwich Label 歪唛:Off Center or Side left/right尖位不尖:P ointed Area not Sharp 弯位不弯:Unsmooth Curve爆口:Open Seam 披苏:Loose Thread插竹歪:Crooked Collar Stay 领底松:Collar setting too Loose烂钮尖:Burst Collar Point 领尖不对条:Mismatched Collar Stripe错领型:Wrong Collar Shape 刀剪领:Scissoring露上领线:T hread Visible Outside 下级走样:PoorBanding领咀长短不定:Wrong Lapel Length 领错底面:Overturn Collar起耳子:Lock stitches-loop 断线:Broken Stitches落坑:Run off Stitch 积线球:Lumps of Thread藏色线:Trapped Color Thread 驳线不齐:Untidy Joined Stitching缝线阔窄:U neven Seam 线路不美:Untidy Stitching皱:Pocking 露牙:Grinning走鸡:Miss Design Feature 大眼皮:Uneven seam高底袋:High/low pocket 筒起波浪:Fullness on Center Placket筒歪:Crooked Center Placket 担干谷:Fullness on Yoke前肩大小边:Crooked front Folding 欠返针:Miss Back tack唛头字母被盖:Hidden Wordings 子口反骨:Seam Overturn欠开骨:Without Press Open 裤咀歪:Distorted Waistband End大细唇:Uneven Lips 叠唇:Overlapped Lips裂唇:Open Lips 露朴:Exposure Interlining领咀朴空:E mpty Collar Point 反光:Under ply Visible Outside突钮子:Extension of Right Fly Too Long长短领尖:U neven Collar Point Length起角:Nose in Extension-Collar /Cuff上领黏边:F olded Edge on Collar Closing内领窝谷:F ullness on Inside Around Collar setting车唛不对折痕:not Following the Folded Mark of Label下级领高低:Crooked Collar Hi-Low/off Center Line布包朴过紧:Tightness of Interlining after Sewing 领朴起泡:B ubbling/Delimitation Fused Collar扭:Twisted/Misaligned Underarm and Side Seam打褶Make dart八)中英文色泽名称对照表Amber 琥珀色Khaki 土黄色Amethyst 蓝紫色Leek Green 葱绿色Antique Bronze 古铜色Lilac 淡紫色Brown 棕色Lemon 柠檬色Blue 蓝色Magenta 品红色Burgundy 红紫色Mooney 紫红色1Bordeaux 红酱色Copper Brown 棕红色Maroon 酱紫色Brilliant Green 艳绿色Navy Blue 藏青色Black 黑色Orange 橙色Canary 嫩黄色Olive 橄榄色Clay 土灰色Pink 桃红色Salmon Pink橙红色/浅橙色Crimson 梅红色Plum 梅红色Pea Green 豆绿色Carmine 胭脂色Peacock 孔雀蓝Corinth 紫酱色Rubies 酱色Claret 枣红色Dark Blue 深蓝色Malachite Green 孔雀绿Fawn 淡黄褐Royal Blue 品蓝色Flesh Color 肉色Ruby 红玉色Fast Blue 坚牢色Sorrel 红棕色Golden Yellow 金黄色Sky Blue 湖蓝色Golden Brown 黄棕色Scarlet 大红色Grass Green 草绿色Turquoise Blue 翠绿色Grey/Charcoal灰色Tangerine 桔红色Honey 蜜黄色Violet 紫色Isabella 淡黄色White(off white) 白色(米白) Jade Green 翠绿色Yellow 黄色Mastic 乳白色Red 红色1九)物料名词:MATERIAL ITEMAttention Card 注意卡Buckle 字扣,铁扣Back end sticker 外箱检针济贴纸Plastic Butterfly 胶蝴蝶,胶托Button Mould 钮模Boxes 内箱B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)Button 钮Carton 外箱Inner Carton 内箱Division Pad 内插筒Shoulder Cotton Pad 棉织带Carton Tag 箱贴纸Plastic Clips 胶夹PL. Collar Support 胶领圈Paper Collar Stripe 纸领条Collar Stay 插竹Drawstring 棉绳Elastic Band 细橡根Embroidery Patch 绣花章1Cum Tape 平橡根Herringbone Tape 人字带Hook and Eye 安全枢(银色)Plastic Hangers 胶衣架Hang Tag 挂卡Interlining 朴Jocker Tag 挂卡(For Tommy)Lace 丝带,花边Box end Label 内盒贴纸(For M&S) Content Label 成份唛Leather Disc 皮牌Exterior Label 旗唛(For ANF)Flag Label 旗唛,皮士唛Luggage Pin 胶针Item Label 旗唛Zipper Pull 拉链头Main Label 主唛Neck Label 领唛Country Origin Label 产地唛Pocket/Placket Label 袋唛/旗唛Label of Other 其它唛Size Label 西士唛1Wash Care Label 洗水唛Yoke Label 担干唛Content/WC/SZ Label 成份/洗水/西士唛Metal Clip 叉字铁夹Magic Sticker 魔术贴Nylon Loop 尼龙捆条Nylon String 尼龙绳Small Poly bag 小胶袋Poly bag 胶袋Plastic Clip 胶夹Poly Envelope 胶袋(封口)Golden Field Pocket Fabric 高丰袋布Piece goods (Job costing) 工作用品Paper Belt (纸)腰带(装饰用)Pins 针Cowhide Pager 牛皮纸Plastic 胶针Paper Tag 纸牌Price Ticket (OCR) 价钱牌Ribbon 丝带Rectangle Clip 方型胶夹Rivet 铆钉1Poly bag Sticker 胶袋贴纸Carton Sticker 外箱贴纸Sundries 杂物Safety Pins 扣针Shoulder Pad(Tape) 扁带Inner Box Sticker 内盒纸箱Hang tag Sticker 挂卡贴纸Plastic Shirt Band 胶领条Paper Shirt Band 纸领条Shirt Board 纸板Size Sticker 西士贴纸Sticker 贴纸Glee 胶Staple Wire 备用电线Silicon Wrappers 缎带Levis Tab 转移印花Tag Tin 胶针(用枪打)Tissue Paper 纸领条,衬纸Thread 线Twill Tape 斜纹带Waist Band 印字系带,纸腰带Waist Tag 腰牌Zipper 拉链Plastic Sticker 胶贴纸十)、车缝常用名词中英文对照Linking 缝合Folding 折Crease 折边Slacks side seam 边缝Lapped seam 叠缝Single lapped seam 单线叠缝Blind stitch felling 暗缝线Flat felled seam 折边缝线Back tuck 回针,往复针Double welt seam 双线针Bar tacking 加固针缝Bound seam 包缝Top stitch 边缘明线Pad stitch 衲缝Triple stitch 三针平车,三针直线缝Run stitch 平缝,缝合Run and Turn 回针缝合Run and Open 开口缝Blind over edging 下摆翻边缝Tucked seam 缝褶Dart sewing 省缝Double stitched seam 双线缝,双层缝合Twin needle stitch 针平缝Stitch and Run 头,反缝Wrapping button shank 绕扣线Straight buttonhole 平眼锁钮孔Piped seam 夹紧缝Single lapped seam at edge 单线打边缝Edge stitched seam 边缘缝Lapped seam 包缝Welt seam 咬口折边,折缝Feltings 双折边叠缝,对折缝Button holing 锁眼扣Button sewing 钉纽扣Rolled seam 包边缝Threefold seam 三折缝Fourfold seam 四折缝Fell seam 双折边缝EGMS 界面常用英文单词翻译一、Personal Information 人事资料Transaction 处理,办理1Employee Master 雇员Employee No. 雇员编号Employee Name 姓名Rack No. 厂卡号Social Security No. 社会保险号Birth Certificate No. 出生证号Identity No. 身份证号Income Tax No. 纳税号Sex 性别Marital Status 婚姻状况Male 男Female 女No. of Children 子女数Date of Birth 出生日期Join Date 入厂日期Effective Join Date 生效日期Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入First Contract Date 第一次签合同日Date Leave 离职日期Home Address 家庭住址Area 地区Phone No. 电话号码Search Detail 查找细则Education Grade 学历Cutting Ticket No. 制单Description 描述Update 更新二、Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入Process 过程Transaction Date 工票日期Daily Allowance Entry 补贴输入Piece and time rate worker 时工和件工PO 定单三、Daily Compensate Hour Entry (COM)补时工输入Supplementary 增补,追加Overtime Code 加班代号Cutting Ticket No. 制单号Daily production Ticket Adjustment Entry 工票修改界面Employee Status Control 雇员状况Quantity 数量Alter Prod Line 组别Compensate Hours Entry 补时工输入Factory PO 制单号Amount 金额Price 单价Payroll 工帐四、Payroll information : 工资资料Factory Code 工厂编号Section Code 部门Production Line Code 组别代码Operation Code(Op. Code)工序号Employee Type 雇员类别Job Level 工种级别Job Class 工种Pay Type 付款方式Cash 现金支付Labor Type 劳动力类型Direct 直接体力劳动Indirect 非直接体力劳动Remuneration Scheme 工资类别Monthly rated 月薪Option 属性Staff 职员Bank Branch Code 支行代号Basic Pay Amount 基本工资Daily Production Ticket Table Entry 工票输入界面Daily Production Ticket By Factory PO Entry 工票输入界面Piece rated 件薪Time rated 时薪Worker 工人Bank Code 银行代号Bank Account No 银行帐户号Employee Status 雇员状况五、Piece and Time Rate Worker :计时和计件工人Op. Code 工序编号Process Type 生产过程描述Cutting 裁床Sewing 车间Fusing 烫朴Washing 洗水Iron 烫部Packing 包装六、Daily Production Ticket Normal Entry :工票输入界面Production Ticket Normal Detail 工票输入细则Production Ticket Normal Header 工票输入表头Normal Quantity 原数Adjust Quantity 修改后的数Daily Production Ticket Supplementary Entry 追补工票输入界面Daily Compensate Hours Entry 补时工输入界面Daily Allowance Entry 补贴输入界面Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入界面Employee Group Setting 评分输入界面Group ID 组别Ratio Value 评分Total Hours 总出勤时间Normal 正常出勤时间OTx1.5 平时加班时间OTx 2 周六/日加班时间OTx3 法定假日加班时间Factory Suspend Hours 回工时间Absent 缺勤时间Leave Descrp. 请假描述Print 打印Report 汇总Data Entry Report 输入资料汇总Print Selection 打印区域Production Ticket (Normal ) Report 工票总结From Page No. 从第页To Page No. 到第页七、Monthly Pay Detail 月薪细则Bank Payment 银行支付Allowance Detail 补贴细则Salaries Detail 薪水细则Deduction Detail 扣减细则Over Time Payment 加班工资Compensation Detail 补时工细则八、Daily Production Ticket Inquire 工票查寻界面Factory PO 制单号Amount 金额Price 单价Query Result 查寻结果。

制衣行业专有名词英文翻译62009-03-17 11:15:34| 分类:个人日记|字号订阅制衣厂常用术语中英文对照表一)部门术语及常用词A. 裁床:Cutting room1 纸样制作原理及方法:The methods & principle of pattern making2 排唛架方法:The methods of marker making3 YPD的计算及工厂唛架利用率:YPD calculation & marker use rate4 拉布及割布方法,工票之使用方法及功用:Methods & function of spreading & cutting5 裁剪日产量:Daily quantity of cutting6 裁单:Cutting ReportB.板房:Sample room1 裤子,恤衫的车缝工序:Understand the procedures of sewing pants and shirt2 熟识各个工序的称谓:Understand the name of various procedures3 熟识各个线缝的名称及功能:Understand the name and function in various seams4 了解缝1件衫所需的辅料:understand sub-materials used in a shirt5 熟识样板制造单:Understand sample orderC.车缝车间1 熟识生产制造单:Understand the production order2 熟识整个生产线的工序安排:Understand the product line lay out3 各个工序的定价标准:Price standard of various process4 质量控制方法:Methods of quality control5 日产量:Daily product quantity6 常见的车缝设备:Work-aids sewing Machine & attachments7 常见的车缝疵点:Various types of sewing problemD.洗水厂: Washing department1 洗水方法及不同的洗水特点:Washing type & various characteristic2 不同洗水的洗涤剂:Various chemical consumption for each type of garment wash3 如何控制洗水质量:Garment washing quality controlE.包装:Packing department1 包装工序的任务及要求:What propose with packing process2 包装方法:Types of packing3 包装所需的辅料:What assembly will be used in packing4 包装机械设备:Packing equipment5 装箱方法:Methods of packing6 出货所需之文件:Shipping document7 如何控制包装质量:How to control packing quality二)GFG: Golden Field Garment质量检查QC: Quality control1.服装中-英名称衬衣Shirt Blouse T-恤: T-ShirtPOLO Shirt 毛衣Sweat shirt裤子Pants 牛仔裤Jeans喇叭裤子Bell bottom jeans 裙子Skirt 外套Coat 连帽T-恤Parka运动衫Sports jacket 连衣裙Dress圆台裙Circular 百褶裙Gether Skirt 裤裙Flare Culotte Skirt 马甲Vest背心Tank top 西装Suit2.衣服部位中-英文名称前幅Front 后幅Back上级领Collar 下级领Collar Band前筒Front Placket 钮子Button stay 袋Pocket 担干Yoke袖Sleeve 袖侧Sleeve placket介英Cuff 裤头Waist Band耳仔Belt Loop 拉链贴Zipper catch 拉链牌Zipper Fly 袋贴Pocket Facing 前浪Front Rise 后浪Back Rise裤脚Leg Bottom 侧骨Side Seam袋口Pocket Mouth 袖叉Sleeve Slit机头Riser 明袋Patch Pocket唇袋Jetted Pocket 袋盖Pocket Flap插袋Cross Pocket 袋衬Bearer袋布Pocket Bag 袖口贴Sleeve Band兜帽Hood 夹圈Armhole钮门Button Hole 凤眼Eyelet Button Hole捆条圆领Crew neck3.制衣工序名称Garment Product Procedure PPC: Production Plan Control纸样Pattern 唛架Marker裁剪Cutting 绣花Embroidery样板Sample 车缝Sewing洗水Washing 成衣染Garment Dye整烫Ironing 包装Packing质量检查Quality Inspection 质量控制Quality Control 石洗Stone Wash 化学洗Chemical Wash茶化洗Teast Wash 漂洗Bleach Wash钮Button 线Thread唛头Label 挂卡Hand tap贴纸Sticker 朴Interlining胶袋Plastic bag 胶夹Plastic Clip拉链Zipper 橡根Elastic Band肩垫Shoulder Pad 衬纸Tissue Paper绅Drawstring 领蝴蝶Collar Butterflies领胶条Collar Stripe 纸箱Paper Carton针Pins三)布的中-英文名称1. 梭织布Woven牛津纺Oxford 府绸Poplin青年布Chambray 绒布Flannel条格布gingham 泡泡纱Seersucker灯芯绒Corduroy 卡其Drill哔叽Serge 华达呢Gabercord2.针织布Knit平纹布Jersey (Drop 1*1 Jersey/Lycry Jersey)珠地Pique (Twill Pique /Oxford pique /Athletic pique)双珠地Lacoste (Oxford Lacoste 牛津珠地)双面布Interlock (interlock pique /interlock jacquard 双面提花) 毛圈布Terry ( twill french terry 法兰绒/Fleece 磨毛毛圈布) 提花Jacquard (herringbone /bubble jacquard 泡泡提花布)罗纹Rib (mini waffle 十字罗纹/法式罗纹French rib)棉布Cotton fabric麻布Linen丝绸Silk毛Wool化学纤维Chemical fiber四)制单要求The requirement in production order生产制单production order 样板制造单Sample order 款号Style Number 客户Customer数量quantity 尺码Size spec.交货期Delivery 装箱要求Carton Requirement纸箱规格Carton Measurement 毛重Cross height净重Net height 说明Description目的地Final destination 颜色color五)其它样板Sample 货前板Pre-Production sample销售板Sales Sample 展览板Presentation sample批准板Approval sample 会议板Meeting Sample测试板Test sample六)布疵常见术语紧纱:Tight 断纱:Yarn Broken走纱:Missing Course 抽纱:Yarn with Drawn针孔:Needle Holes 针路:Verticial Line横间:Horizontal Line 漏针:Dropped Stitch停机布痕:Stop Mark 幼纱:Yarn Thinning/Thin Yarn错花:Wrong Pattern or Wrong Structure七)车缝常见术语跳线:Skip Stitch 用错原料:Wrong Material缝线散口:Run off 用错缝线:Incorrect Thread错唛:Wrong Label 破洞:Holes突咀:Excess Extension 不对称:Mismatched车着唛头:Sandwich Label 歪唛:Off Center or Side left/right尖位不尖:Pointed Area not Sharp 弯位不弯:Unsmooth Curve爆口:Open Seam 披苏:Loose Thread插竹歪:Crooked Collar Stay 领底松:Collar setting too Loose车唛不对折痕:not Following the Folded Mark of Label下级领高低:Crooked Collar Hi-Low/off Center Line烂钮尖:Burst Collar Point 领尖不对条:Mismatched Collar Stripe错领型:Wrong Collar Shape 刀剪领:Scissoring长短领尖:Uneven Collar Point Length 起角:Nose in Extension-Collar /Cuff露上领线:Thread Visible Outside 下级走样:Poor Banding领咀长短不定:Wrong Lapel Length 领错底面:Overturn Collar上领黏边:Folded Edge on Collar Closing 内领窝谷:Fullness on Inside Around Collar setting起耳子:Lock stitches-loop 断线:Broken Stitches落坑:Run off Stitch 积线球:Lumps of Thread藏色线:Trapped Color Thread 驳线不齐:Untidy Joined Stitching 缝线阔窄:Uneven Seam 线路不美:Untidy Stitching布包朴过紧:Tightness of Interlining after Sewing露朴:Exposure Interlining 领咀朴空:Empty Collar Point领朴起泡:Bubbling/Delimination Fused Collar皱:Pucking 走鸡:Miss Design Feature反光:Underply Visible Outside 露牙:Grinning扭:Twisted/Misaligned Underarm and Side Seam高底袋:High/low pocket 筒起波浪:Fullness on Center Placket 筒歪:Crooked Center Placket 担干谷:Fullness on Yoke前肩大小边:Crooked front Folding 欠返针:Miss Back tack唛头字母被盖:Hidden Wordings 子口反骨:Seam Overturn欠开骨:Without Press Open 裤咀歪:Distorted Waistband End突钮子:Extension of Right Fly Too Long 大细唇:Uneven Lips 裂唇:Open Lips 叠唇:Overlapped Lips八)中英文色泽名称对照表英文中文英文中文Amber 琥珀色Khaki 土黄色Amethyst 蓝紫色Leek Green 葱绿色Antique Bronze 古铜色Lilac 淡紫色Brown 棕色Lemon 柠檬色Blue 蓝色Magenta 品红色Burgundy 红紫色Muney 紫红色Bordeaux 红酱色Copper Brown 棕红色Maroon 酱紫色Brilliant Green 艳绿色Navy Blue 藏青色Black 黑色Orange 橙色Canary 嫩黄色Olive 橄榄色Clay 土灰色Pink 桃红色Crimson 梅红色Plum 梅红色Pea Green 豆绿色Carmine 胭脂色Peacock 孔雀蓝Corinth 紫酱色Rubine 酱色Claret 枣红色Red 红色Dark Blue 深蓝色Malachite Green 孔雀绿Fawn 淡黄褐Royal Blue 品蓝色Flesh Color 肉色Ruby 红玉色Fast Blue 坚牢色Sorrel 红棕色Golden Yellow 金黄色Sky Blue 湖蓝色Golden Brown 黄棕色Scarlet 大红色Grass Green 草绿色Turquoise Blue 翠绿色Grey 灰色Tangerine 桔红色Honey 蜜黄色Violet 紫色Isobella 淡黄色White 白色Jade Green 翠绿色Yellow 黄色Mastic 乳白色九)物料名词:MATERIAL ITEM Attention Card 注意卡Buckle 字扣,铁扣Back end sticker 外箱检针济贴纸Plastic Butterfly 胶蝴蝶,胶托Button Mould 钮模Boxes 内箱B.Support 胶托(FOR M&S)B.Support 胶托(FOR M&S)Button 钮Carton 外箱Inner Carton 内箱Division Pad 内插筒Shoulder Cotton Pad 棉织带Carton Tag 箱贴纸Plastic Clips 胶夹Plastic Collar Support 胶领圈Paper Collar Stripe 纸领条Collar Stay 插竹Drawstring 棉绳Elastic Band 细橡根Embroidery Patch 绣花章Cum Tape 平橡根Herringbone Tape 人字带Hook and Eye 安全枢(银色)Plastic Hangers 胶衣架Hang Tag 挂卡Interlining 朴Jocker Tag 挂卡(For Tommy)Lace 丝带,花边Box end Label 内盒贴纸(For M&S) Content Label 成份唛Leather Disc 皮牌Exterior Label 旗唛(For ANF)Flag Label 旗唛,皮士唛Luggage Pin 胶针Item Label 旗唛Zipper Pull 拉链头Main Label 主唛Neck Label 领唛Country Origin Label 产地唛Pocket/Placket Label 袋唛/旗唛Label of Other 其它唛Size Label 西士唛Wash Care Label 洗水唛Yoke Label 担干唛Content/WC/SZ Label 成份/洗水/西士唛Metal Clip 叉字铁夹Magic Sticker 魔术贴Nylon Loop 尼龙捆条Nylon String 尼龙绳Small Polybag 小胶袋Polybag 胶袋Plastic Clip 胶夹Poly Envelope 胶袋(封口)Golden Field Pocket Fabric 高丰袋布Piece goods (Job costing) 工作用品Paper Belt (纸)腰带(装饰用)Pins 针Cowhide Pager 牛皮纸Plastic 胶针Paper Tag 纸牌Price Ticket (OCR) 价钱牌Ribbon 丝带Rectangle Clip 方型胶夹Rivet 铆钉Polybag Sticker 胶袋贴纸Carton Sticker 外箱贴纸Sundries 杂物Safety Pins 扣针Shoulder Pad (Tape) 扁带Inner Box Sticker 内盒纸箱Hang tag Sticker 挂卡贴纸Plastic Shirt Band 胶领条Paper Shirt Band 纸领条Shirt Board 纸板Size Sticker 西士贴纸Sticker 贴纸Glee 胶Staple Wire 备用电线Levis Tab 标签(For Levis)heat Transfer 转移印花Tag Tin 胶针(用枪打)Tissue Paper 纸领条,衬纸Thread 线Twill Tape 斜纹带Waist Band 印字系带,纸腰带Waist Tag 腰牌Zipper 拉链Plastic Sticker 胶贴纸关于针织品的名词术语 1.1 针织物 1.1.1 纬编针织物weft-knitted fabric 用纬编针织机编织,将纱线由纬向喂入针织机的工作针上,使纱线顺序地弯曲成圈,并相互穿套而形成的圆筒形或平幅形针织物,1.1.2 经编针织物warp-knitted fabric 用经编针织机编织,采用一组或几组经向平行排列的纱线,在经编机的所有工作针上同时进行成圈而形成的平幅形或圆筒形针织物, 1.1.3 单面针织物single knit,single jersey 在针织机上以单针筒或单针床织成的针织物,1.1.4 双面针织物double knit,double jersey 双针筒或双针床针织机织成的针织物,1.1.5 纬平针织物plain knit 采用纬编平针组织编织的针织物,1.1.6 罗纹针织物rib knit 采用罗纹组织编织的针织物,1.1.7 双罗纹针织物interlock fabric 采用双罗纹组织编织的针织物,1.1.8 双反面针织物purl fabric,links-Iink fabric 采用双反面组织的针织物,1.1.9 集圈针织物tuck fabric 采用集圈组织的针织物,1.1.10 起绒针织物rasied knit,knitted fleece 表面起绒,具有绒层或毛茸外观的针织物,1.1.11 长毛绒针织物high pile knitted fabric 纤维毛条或毛纱与地纱一起喂入编织成圈,表面呈现较长绒毛的针织物,1.1.12 毛圈针织物terry knitted fabric 由地组织线圈和拉长的沉降弧延展线或衬垫纱线等在表面形成毛圈的针织物。

制衣厂常用术语中英文对照表一)部门术语及常用词 A. 裁床:Cutting room 1 纸样制作原理及方法:The methods amp principle of pattern making 2 排唛架方法:The methods of markermaking 3 YPD 的计算及工厂唛架利用率:YPD calculation amp marker use rate 4 拉布及割布方法,工票之使用方法及功用:Methods amp function of spreading amp cutting 5 裁剪日产量:Dailyquantity of cutting 6 裁单:Cutting Report B.板房:Sample room 1 裤子,恤衫的车缝工序:Understand the procedures of sewing pants and shirt 2 熟识各个工序的称谓:Understand thename of various procedures 3 熟识各个线缝的名称及功能:Understand the name and functionin various seams 4 了解缝1 件衫所需的辅料:understand sub-materials used in a shirt 5 熟识样板制造单:Understand sample order C.车缝车间1 熟识生产制造单:Understand theproduction order 2 熟识整个生产线的工序安排:Understand the product line lay out 3 各个工序的定价标准:Price standard of various process 4 质量控制方法:Methods of quality control 5日产量:Daily product quantity 6 常见的车缝设备:Work-aids sewing Machine amp attachments 7常见的车缝疵点:Various types of sewing problem D.洗水厂: Washing department 1 洗水方法及不同的洗水特点:Washing type amp various characteristic 2 不同洗水的洗涤剂:Variouschemical consumption for each type of garment wash 3 如何控制洗水质量:Garment washingquality control E.包装:Packing department 1 包装工序的任务及要求:What propose withpacking process 2 包装方法:Types of packing 3 包装所需的辅料:What assembly will be usedin packing 4 包装机械设备:Packing equipment 5 装箱方法:Methods of packing 6 出货所需之文件:Shipping document 7 如何控制包装质量:How to control packing quality 二)GFG:Golden Field Garment 制衣厂EEL: Esquel Enterprise Limited 质量检查QC: Quality control1.服装中-英名称衬衣Shirt Blouse T-恤: T-Shirt POLO Shirt 毛衣Sweat shirt 裤子Pants牛仔裤Jeans 喇叭裤子Bell bottom jeans 裙子Skirt 外套Coat 连帽T-恤Parka 运动衫Sports jacket 连衣裙Dress 圆台裙Circular 百褶裙Gether Skirt 裤裙Flare Culotte Skirt马甲Vest 背心Tank top 西装Suit 2.衣服部位中-英文名称前幅Front 后幅Back 上级领Collar 下级领Collar Band 前筒Front Placket 钮子Button stay 袋Pocket 担干Yoke袖Sleeve 袖侧Sleeve placket 介英Cuff 裤头Waist Band 耳仔Belt Loop 拉链贴Zippercatch 拉链牌Zipper Fly 袋贴Pocket Facing 前浪Front Rise 后浪Back Rise 裤脚LegBottom 侧骨Side Seam 袋口Pocket Mouth 袖叉Sleeve Slit 机头Riser 明袋Patch Pocket唇袋Jetted Pocket 袋盖Pocket Flap 插袋Cross Pocket 袋衬Bearer 袋布Pocket Bag袖口贴Sleeve Band 兜帽Hood 夹圈Armhole 钮门Button Hole 凤眼Eyelet Button Hole 捆条圆领Crew neck 3.制衣工序名称Garment Product Procedure PPC: Production Plan Control纸样Pattern 唛架Marker 裁剪Cutting 绣花Embroidery样板Sample 车缝Sewing 洗水Washing 成衣染Garment Dye 整烫Ironing 包装Packing 质量检查Quality Inspection 质量控制Quality Control 石洗Stone Wash化学洗Chemical Wash 茶化洗Teast Wash 漂洗Bleach Wash 钮Button 线Thread 唛头Label 挂卡Hand tap 贴纸Sticker 朴Interlining胶袋Plastic bag 胶夹Plastic Clip 拉链Zipper 橡根Elastic Band 肩垫Shoulder Pad 衬纸Tissue Paper 绅Drawstring 领蝴蝶Collar Butterflies 领胶条Collar Stripe 纸箱PaperCarton 针Pins 三)布的中-英文名称1. 梭织布Woven 牛津纺Oxford 府绸Poplin 青年布Chambray 绒布Flannel 条格布gingham 泡泡纱Seersucker 灯芯绒Corduroy 卡其Drill 哔叽Serge 华达呢Gabercord 2.针织布Knit 平纹布Jersey Drop 11 Jersey/LycryJersey 珠地Pique Twill Pique /Oxford pique /Athletic pique 双珠地Lacoste OxfordLacoste 牛津珠地双面布Interlock interlock pique /interlock jacquard 双面提花毛圈布Terry twill french terry 法兰绒/Fleece 磨毛毛圈布提花Jacquard herringbone /bubblejacquard 泡泡提花布罗纹Rib mini waffle 十字罗纹/法式罗纹French rib 棉布Cottonfabric 麻布Linen 丝绸Silk 毛Wool 化学纤维Chemical fiber 四)制单要求Therequirement in production order 生产制单production order 样板制造单Sample order 款号Style Number 客户Customer 数量quantity 尺码Size spec. 交货期Delivery 装箱要求Carton Requirement 纸箱规格Carton Measurement 毛重Cross height 净重Net height 说明Description 目的地Final destination 颜色color 五)其它样板Sample 货前板Pre-Production sample 销售板Sales Sample 展览板Presentation sample 批准板Approvalsample会议板Meeting Sample 测试板Test sample 六)布疵常见术语紧纱:Tight 断纱:Yarn Broken 走纱:Missing Course 抽纱:Yarn with Drawn 针孔:Needle Holes 针路:VerticialLine 横间:Horizontal Line 漏针:Dropped Stitch 停机布痕:Stop Mark 幼纱:YarnThinning/Thin Yarn 错花:Wrong Pattern or Wrong Structure 七)车缝常见术语跳线:SkipStitch 用错原料:Wrong Material 缝线散口:Run off 用错缝线:Incorrect Thread 错唛:WrongLabel 破洞:Holes 突咀:Excess Extension 不对称:Mismatched 车着唛头:Sandwich Label歪唛:Off Center or Side left/right 尖位不尖:Pointed Area not Sharp 弯位不弯:UnsmoothCurve 爆口:Open Seam 披苏:Loose Thread 插竹歪:Crooked Collar Stay 领底松:Collarsetting too Loose 车唛不对折痕:Following the Folded Mark of Label 下级领高低:not CrookedCollarHi-Low/off Center Line 烂钮尖:Burst Collar Point 领尖不对条:Mismatched CollarStripe 错领型:Wrong Collar Shape 刀剪领:Scissoring 长短领尖:Uneven Collar Point Length起角:Nose in Extension-Collar /Cuff 露上领线:Thread Visible Outside 下级走样:PoorBanding 领咀长短不定:Wrong Lapel Length 领错底面:Overturn Collar 上领黏边:FoldedEdge on Collar Closing 内领窝谷:Fullness on Inside Around Collar setting 起耳子:Lockstitches-loop 断线:Broken Stitches 落坑:Run off Stitch 积线球:Lumps of Thread 藏色线:Trapped Color Thread 驳线不齐:Untidy Joined Stitching 缝线阔窄:Uneven Seam 线路不美:Untidy Stitching 布包朴过紧:Tightness of Interlining after Sewing 露朴:Exposure Interlining领咀朴空:Empty Collar Point 领朴起泡:Bubbling/Delimination Fused Collar 皱:Pucking 走鸡:Miss Design Feature 反光:Underply Visible Outside 露牙:Grinning 扭:Twisted/MisalignedUnderarm and Side Seam 高底袋:High/low pocket 筒起波浪:Fullness on Center Placket 筒歪:Crooked Center Placket 担干谷:Fullness on Yoke 前肩大小边:Crooked front Folding 欠返针:Miss Back tack 唛头字母被盖:Hidden Wordings 子口反骨:Seam Overturn 欠开骨:Without Press Open 裤咀歪:Distorted Waistband End 突钮子:Extension of Right Fly Too Long大细唇:Uneven Lips 裂唇:Open Lips 叠唇:Overlapped Lips 八)中英文色泽名称对照表英文中文英文中文Amber 琥珀色Khaki 土黄色Amethyst 蓝紫色Leek Green 葱绿色Antique Bronze 古铜色Lilac 淡紫色Brown 棕色Lemon 柠檬色Blue 蓝色Magenta 品红色Burgundy 红紫色Muney 紫红色Bordeaux 红酱色Copper Brown 棕红色Maroon酱紫色Brilliant Green 艳绿色Navy Blue 藏青色Black 黑色Orange 橙色Canary 嫩黄色Olive 橄榄色Clay 土灰色Pink 桃红色Crimson 梅红色Plum 梅红色Pea Green 豆绿色Carmine 胭脂色Peacock 孔雀蓝Corinth 紫酱色Rubine 酱色Claret 枣红色Red 红色Dark Blue 深蓝色Malachite Green孔雀绿Fawn 淡黄褐Royal Blue 品蓝色Flesh Color肉色Ruby 红玉色Fast Blue 坚牢色Sorrel 红棕色Golden Yellow 金黄色Sky Blue 湖蓝色Golden Brown 黄棕色Scarlet 大红色Grass Green 草绿色Turquoise Blue 翠绿色Grey灰色Tangerine 桔红色Honey 蜜黄色Violet 紫色Isobella 淡黄色White 白色JadeGreen 翠绿色Yellow 黄色Mastic 乳白色九)物料名词:MATERIAL ITEM Attention Card注意卡Buckle 字扣,铁扣Back end sticker 外箱检针济贴纸Plastic Butterfly 胶蝴蝶,胶托Button Mould 钮模Boxes 内箱 B.Support 胶托(FOR MampS)B.Support 胶托(FOR MampS)Button 钮Carton 外箱Inner Carton 内箱Division Pad 内插筒Shoulder Cotton Pad 棉织带Carton Tag 箱贴纸Plastic Clips 胶夹PL.Collar Support 胶领圈Paper Collar Stripe 纸领条Collar Stay 插竹Drawstring 棉绳Elastic Band 细橡根Embroidery Patch 绣花章CumTape 平橡根Herringbone Tape 人字带Hook and Eye 安全枢(银色)Plastic Hangers 胶衣架Hang Tag 挂卡Interlining 朴Jocker Tag 挂卡(For Tommy)Lace 丝 ū?Box endLabel 内盒贴纸For MampS Content Label 成份唛Leather Disc 皮牌Exterior Label 旗唛(For ANF)Flag Label 旗唛,皮士唛Luggage Pin 胶针Item Label 旗唛Zipper Pull 拉链头Main Label 主唛Neck Label 领唛Country Origin Label 产地唛Pocket/Placket Label 袋唛/旗唛Label of Other 其它唛Size Label 西士唛Wash Care Label 洗水唛Yoke Label担干唛Content/WC/SZ Label 成份/洗水/西士唛Metal Clip 叉字铁夹Magic Sticker 魔术贴Nylon Loop 尼龙捆条Nylon String 尼龙绳Small Polybag 小胶袋Polybag 胶袋Plastic Clip 胶夹Poly Envelope 胶袋(封口)Golden Field Pocket Fabric 高丰袋布Piecegoods Job costing 工作用品Paper Belt (纸)腰带(装饰用)Pins 针Cowhide Pager 牛皮纸Plastic 胶针Paper Tag 纸牌Price Ticket OCR 价钱牌Ribbon 丝带Rectangle Clip方型胶夹Rivet 铆钉Polybag Sticker 胶袋贴纸Carton Sticker 外箱贴纸Sundries 杂物Safety Pins 扣针Shoulder PadTape 扁带Inner Box Sticker 内盒纸箱Hang tag Sticker 挂卡贴纸Plastic Shirt Band 胶领条Paper Shirt Band 纸领条Shirt Board 纸板Size Sticker 西士贴纸Sticker 贴纸Glee 胶Staple Wire 备用电线Silicon Wappes 缎带Levis Tab 标签(For Levis)heat Transfer 转移印花Tag Tin 胶针(用枪打)Tissue Paper 纸领条,衬纸Thread 线Twill Tape 斜纹带Waist Band 印字系带,纸腰带Waist Tag 腰牌Zipper 拉链Plastic Sticker 胶贴纸总公司Head Office 分公司Branch Office 营业部Business Office 人事部Personnel Department 人力资源部Human Resources Department 总务部General Affairs Department 财务部General Accounting Department 销售部Sales Department 促销部Sales Promotion Department 国际部International Department 出口部Export Department 进口部Import Department 公共关系Public Relations Department 广告部Advertising Department 企划部Planning Department 产品开发部Product Development Department 研发部Research and Development DepartmentRampD 秘书室Secretarial Pool 采购部Purchasing Department 工程部Engineering Department 行政部Admin. Department 人力资源部HR Department 市场部Marketing Department 技术部Technolog Department 客服部Service Department 行政部: Administration财务部Financial Department 总经理室、Direcotor or President 副总经理室、Deputy Director or Vice president 总经办、General Deparment 采购部、Purchase amp Order Department 工程部、Engineering Deparment 研发部、Research Deparment 生产部、Productive Department 销售部、Sales Deparment 广东业务部、GD Branch Deparment 无线事业部、Wireless Industry Department 拓展部Business Expending Department 物供部、Supply Department B&D business and development 业务拓展部Marketing 市场部Sales 销售部HR 人力资源部Account 会计部PR people relationship 公共关系部OFC Office 但不常见/ OMB Office of Management and Budget 办公室Finance 财务部MKTG Marketing 市场部RampD Research amp Development 研发部MFG Manufacturing 产品部Administration Dept. 管理部Purchasing Dept 采购部Chairman/President Office // Gerneral Manager office or GM office 总经理办公室Monitor amp Support Department 监事会Strategy Research 战略研究部一)部门术语及常用词A. 裁床:Cutting room1 纸样制作原理及方法:The methods amp principle of pattern making2 排唛架方法:The methods of marker making3 YPD 的计算及工厂唛架利用率:YPD calculation amp marker use rate4 拉布及割布方法,工票之使用方法及功用:Methods amp function of spreading amp cutting5 裁剪日产量:Daily quantity of cutting6 裁单:Cutting ReportB.板房:Sample room1 裤子,恤衫的车缝工序:Understand the procedures of sewing pants and shirt2 熟识各个工序的称谓:Understand the name of various procedures3 熟识各个线缝的名称及功能:Understand the name and function in various seams4 了解缝1 件衫所需的辅料:understandsub-materials used in a shirt5 熟识样板制造单:Understand sample orderC.车缝车间1 熟识生产制造单:Understand the production order2 熟识整个生产线的工序安排:Understand the product line lay out3 各个工序的定价标准:Price standard of various process4 质量控制方法:Methods of quality control5 日产量:Daily product quantity6 常见的车缝设备:Work-aids sewing Machine amp attachments7 常见的车缝疵点:Various types of sewing problemD.洗水厂: Washing department1 洗水方法及不同的洗水特点:Washing type amp various characteristic2 不同洗水的洗涤剂:Various chemical consumption for each type of garment wash3 如何控制洗水质量:Garment washing quality controlE.包装:Packing department1 包装工序的任务及要求:What propose with packing process2 包装方法:Types of packing3 包装所需的辅料:What assembly will be used in packing4 包装机械设备:Packing equipment5 装箱方法:Methods of packing6 出货所需之文件:Shipping document7 如何控制包装质量:How to control packing quality二)GFG: Golden Field Garment 制衣厂EEL: Esquel Enterprise Limited质量检查QC: Quality control1.服装中-英名称衬衣Shirt Blouse T-恤: T-ShirtPOLO Shirt 毛衣Sweat shirt裤子Pants 牛仔裤Jeans喇叭裤子Bellbottom jeans 裙子Skirt外套Coat 连帽T-恤Parka运动衫Sports jacket 连衣裙Dress圆台裙Circular 百褶裙Gether Skirt裤裙Flare Culotte Skirt 马甲Vest背心Tank top 西装Suit2.衣服部位中-英文名称前幅Front 后幅Back上级领Collar 下级领Collar Band前筒Front Placket 钮子Button stay袋Pocket 担干Yoke袖Sleeve 袖侧Sleeve placket介英Cuff 裤头Waist Band耳仔Belt Loop 拉链贴Zipper catch拉链牌Zipper Fly 袋贴Pocket Facing前浪Front Rise 后浪Back Rise裤脚Leg Bottom 侧骨Side Seam袋口Pocket Mouth 袖叉Sleeve Slit机头Riser明袋Patch Pocket唇袋Jetted Pocket 袋盖Pocket Flap插袋Cross Pocket 袋衬Bearer袋布Pocket Bag 袖口贴Sleeve Band兜帽Hood 夹圈Armhole钮门Button Hole 凤眼Eyelet Button Hole捆条圆领Crew neck3.制衣工序名称Garment Product ProcedurePPC: Production Plan Control纸样Pattern 唛架Marker裁剪Cutting 绣花Embroidery样板Sample 车缝Sewing洗水Washing 成衣染Garment Dye整烫Ironing 包装Packing质量检查Quality Inspection 质量控制Quality Control石洗Stone Wash 化学洗Chemical Wash茶化洗Teast Wash 漂洗Bleach Wash钮Button 线Thread唛头Label 挂卡Hand tap贴纸Sticker 朴Interlining胶袋Plastic bag 胶夹Plastic Clip拉链Zipper 橡根Elastic Band肩垫Shoulder Pad衬纸Tissue Paper绅Drawstring 领蝴蝶Collar Butterflies领胶条Collar Stripe 纸箱Paper Carton针Pins三)布的中-英文名称1. 梭织布Woven牛津纺Oxford 府绸Poplin青年布Chambray 绒布Flannel条格布gingham 泡泡纱Seersucker灯芯绒Corduroy 卡其Drill哔叽Serge 华达呢Gabercord2.针织布Knit平纹布Jersey Drop 11 Jersey/Lycry Jersey珠地Pique Twill Pique /Oxford pique /Athletic pique双珠地Lacoste Oxford Lacoste 牛津珠地双面布Interlock interlock pique /interlock jacquard 双面提花毛圈布Terry twill french terry 法兰绒/Fleece 磨毛毛圈布提花Jacquard herringbone /bubble jacquard 泡泡提花布罗纹Rib mini waffle 十字罗纹/法式罗纹French rib棉布Cotton fabric麻布Linen丝绸Silk毛Wool化学纤维Chemical fiber四)制单要求The requirement in production order生产制单production order 样板制造单Sample order款号Style Number 客户Customer数量quantity 尺码Size spec.交货期Delivery 装箱要求Carton Requirement纸箱规格Carton Measurement 毛重Cross height净重Net height 说明Description目的地Final destination 颜色color五)其它样板Sample 货前板Pre-Production sample销售板Sales Sample 展览板Presentation sample批准板Approval sample 会议板Meeting Sample测试板Test sample六)布疵常见术语紧纱:Tight 断纱:Yarn Broken走纱:Missing Course 抽纱:Yarn with Drawn针孔:Needle Holes 针路:Verticial Line横间:Horizontal Line 漏针:Dropped Stitch停机布痕:Stop Mark 幼纱:Yarn Thinning/Thin Yarn错花:Wrong Pattern or Wrong Structure七)车缝常见术语跳线:Skip Stitch 用错原料:Wrong Material缝线散口:Run off 用错缝线:Incorrect Thread错唛:Wrong Label 破洞:Holes突咀:Excess Extension 不对称:Mismatched车着唛头:Sandwich Label 歪唛:Off Center or Side left/right尖位不尖:Pointed Area not Sharp 弯位不弯:Unsmooth Curve爆口:Open Seam 披苏:Loose Thread插竹歪:Crooked Collar Stay 领底松:Collar setting too Loos.。

制衣厂常用术语中英文对照表一)部门术语及常用词A.裁床:Cutting room1 纸样制作原理及方法:The methods & principle of pattern making2 排唛架方法:The methods of marker making3 YPD的计算及工厂唛架利用率:YPD calculation & marker use rate4 拉布及割布方法,工票之使用方法及功用:Methods & function of spreading & cutting5 裁剪日产量:Daily quantity of cutting6 裁单:Cutting ReportB.板房:Sample room1 裤子,恤衫的车缝工序:Understand the procedures of sewing pants and shirt2 熟识各个工序的称谓:Understand the name of various procedures3 熟识各个线缝的名称及功能:Understand the name and function in various seams4 了解缝1件衫所需的辅料:understand sub-materials used in a shirt5 熟识样板制造单:Understand sample orderC.车缝车间1 熟识生产制造单:Understand the production order2 熟识整个生产线的工序安排:Understand the product line lay out3 各个工序的定价标准:Price standard of various process4 质量控制方法:Methods of quality control5 日产量:Daily product quantity6 常见的车缝设备:Work-aids sewing Machine & attachments7 常见的车缝疵点:Various types of sewing problemD.洗水厂 Washing department1 洗水方法及不同的洗水特点:Washing type & various characteristic2 不同洗水的洗涤剂:Various chemical consumption for each type of garment wash3 如何控制洗水质量:Garment washing quality control E.包装:Packing department1 包装工序的任务及要求:What propose with packing process2 包装方法:Types of packing:Stand-up packing:企装, Flat packing:扁装Semi stand packing: 铲装/半企装3 包装所需的辅料:What assembly will be used in packing4 包装机械设备:Packing equipment5 装箱方法:Methods of packing6 出货所需之文件:Shipping document7 如何控制包装质量:How to control packing quality 二)制衣厂质量检查 QC Quality controlB.服装中-英名称衬衣Shirt/Blouse T-恤T-Shirt毛衣Sweat shirt 西装Suit裤子Pants 牛仔裤Jeans喇叭裤子 Bell bottom jeans 裙子Skirt外套Coat 连帽T-恤Parka运动衫Sports jacket 连衣裙Dress圆台裙Circular 百褶裙Gather Skirt裤裙Flare Culottes Skirt 马甲Vest背心Tank top 燕尾领Wing collar C.衣服部位中-英文名称前幅Front 后幅Back上级领Collar 下级领Collar Band 前筒Front Placket 钮子Button stay 袋Pocket 担干Yoke袖Sleeve 袖侧Sleeve placket介英Cuff 裤头Waist Band 耳仔Belt Loop 拉链贴Zipper catch 拉链牌Zipper Fly 袋贴Pocket Facing前浪Front Rise 后浪Back Rise裤脚Leg Bottom 侧骨Side Seam袋口Pocket Mouth 袖叉Sleeve Slit 机头Riser 明袋Patch Pocket 唇袋Jetted Pocket 袋盖Pocket Flap 插袋Cross Pocket 袋衬Bearer袋布Pocket Bag 袖口贴Sleeve Band兜帽Hood 夹圈Armhole钮门Button Hole 凤眼Eyelet Button Hole捆条圆领 Crew neckD.制衣工序名称 Garment Product Procedure 纸样Pattern 唛架Marker裁剪Cutting 绣花Embroidery 样板Sample 车缝Sewing洗水Washing 成衣染Garment Dye整烫Ironing 包装Packing质量检查 Quality Inspection 质量控制Quality Control石洗Stone Wash 化学洗Chemical Wash 茶化洗Teast Wash 漂洗Bleach Wash 钮Button 线Thread唛头 /商标Label 挂卡Hang tag贴纸Sticker 朴Interlining胶袋Plastic/Poly bag 胶夹Plastic Clip 拉链Zipper 橡根Elastic Band 肩垫Shoulder Pad 衬纸Tissue Paper 绅Drawstring 领蝴蝶Collar Butterflies领胶条Collar Stripe 纸箱(Paper)Carton(胶)针(Poly) Pins 检针济Sticker纸板Paper board 蝴蝶Butterfly纸/胶领条 Paper/Plastic collar band 尺码贴纸Size sticker插竹Collar stay 条形码Jan code/bar codeE.车缝工序 Sewing process埋夹close side seam 车唛sew label间线子口hem stitch seam上间袖attachsleeve/topstitch sleeve打枣Tacking 接线Joints三)、布的中-英文名称1.梭织布 Woven牛津纺Oxford 府绸Poplin多臂提花Dobby斜纹Twill青年布Chambray 绒布Flannel条格布gingham 泡泡纱Seersucker灯芯绒Corduroy 卡其Drill哔叽Serge 华达呢Gabercord主身布Body fabric撞布Contrast fabric条格Check 斜纹Stripe净色Solid 支数warp count2.针织布 Knit平纹布Jersey (Drop 1*1 Jersey/Lycry Jersey)珠地Pique (Twill Pique /Oxford pique /Athletic pique)双珠地Lacoste (Oxford Lacoste 牛津珠地)双面布Interlock (interlock pique /interlock jacquard 双面提花)毛圈布Terry ( twill French terry 法兰绒 /Fleece 磨毛毛圈布)提花Jacquard (herringbone /bubble jacquard 泡泡提花布)罗纹Rib (mini waffle 十字罗纹/法式罗纹 French rib)棉布Cotton fabric麻布Linen丝绸Silk毛Wool化学纤维Chemical fiber四)制单要求 The requirement in production order生产制单production order 样板制造单Sample order款号Style Number 客户Customer 数量quantity 尺码Size spec.交货期Delivery 装箱要求Carton Requirement纸箱规格Carton Measurement 毛重Cross height净重Net height 说明Description目的地Final destination 颜色color 五)、其它样板Sample 货前板Pre-Production sample销售板Sales Sample 展览板Presentation sample批准板Approval sample 会议板Meeting Sample测试板Test sample 船头办Pre-shipment Sample六)布疵常见术语紧纱:Tight 断纱:Broken Yarn走纱:Misend / Mispick 抽纱:Yarn with Drawn针孔:Needle Holes 针路:Vertical Line 横间:Horizontal Line 漏针:Dropped Stitch 停机布痕:Stop Mark 幼纱:Yarn Thinning/Thin Yarn错花:Wrong Pattern or Wrong Structure飞花:Fly yarn 色差Shading染色Color fastness 粗纱Thick yarn色纱Color yarn织错纱Wrong pick end 稀密路Filling bar 布纹弯曲不平 Bowing皱摺Crease 粗粒Slub起毛Hairy 织入杂物Gout起球Balling-up七)车缝常见术语跳线:Skip Stitch 用错原料:Wrong Material 缝线散口:Run off 用错缝线:Incorrect Thread错唛:Wrong Label 破洞:Holes突咀:Excess Extension 不对称:Mismatched车着唛头:Sandwich Label 歪唛:Off Center or Side left/right尖位不尖:Pointed Area not Sharp 弯位不弯:Unsmooth Curve爆口:Open Seam 披苏:Loose Thread插竹歪:Crooked Collar Stay 领底松:Collar setting too Loose烂钮尖:Burst Collar Point 领尖不对条:Mismatched Collar Stripe错领型:Wrong Collar Shape 刀剪领:Scissoring露上领线:Thread Visible Outside 下级走样:Poor Banding领咀长短不定:Wrong Lapel Length 领错底面:Overturn Collar起耳子:Lock stitches-loop 断线:Broken Stitches落坑:Run off Stitch 积线球:Lumps of Thread藏色线:Trapped Color Thread 驳线不齐:Untidy Joined Stitching缝线阔窄:Uneven Seam 线路不美:Untidy Stitching皱:Pocking 露牙:Grinning走鸡:Miss Design Feature 大眼皮:Uneven seam高底袋:High/low pocket 筒起波浪:Fullness on Center Placket筒歪:Crooked Center Placket 担干谷:Fullness on Yoke前肩大小边:Crooked front Folding 欠返针:Miss Back tack唛头字母被盖:Hidden Wordings 子口反骨:Seam Overturn欠开骨:Without Press Open 裤咀歪:Distorted Waistband End大细唇:Uneven Lips 叠唇:OverlappedLips裂唇:Open Lips 露朴:Exposure Interlining领咀朴空:Empty Collar Point 反光:Under ply Visible Outside突钮子:Extension of Right Fly Too Long长短领尖:Uneven Collar Point Length 起角:Nose in Extension-Collar /Cuff上领黏边:Folded Edge on Collar Closing内领窝谷:Fullness on Inside Around Collar setting车唛不对折痕:not Following the Folded Mark of Label下级领高低:Crooked Collar Hi-Low/off Center Line布包朴过紧:Tightness of Interlining after Sewing领朴起泡:Bubbling/Delimitation Fused Collar扭:Twisted/Misaligned Underarm and Side Seam 打褶Make dart八)中英文色泽名称对照表Amber 琥珀色Khaki 土黄色Amethyst 蓝紫色Leek Green 葱绿色Antique Bronze 古铜色Lilac 淡紫色Brown 棕色Lemon 柠檬色Blue 蓝色Magenta 品红色Burgundy 红紫色Mooney 紫红色Bordeaux 红酱色Copper Brown 棕红色Maroon 酱紫色Brilliant Green 艳绿色Navy Blue 藏青色Black 黑色Orange 橙色Canary 嫩黄色Olive 橄榄色Clay 土灰色Pink 桃红色Salmon Pink橙红色/浅橙色Crimson 梅红色Plum 梅红色Pea Green 豆绿色Carmine 胭脂色Peacock 孔雀蓝Corinth 紫酱色Rubies 酱色Claret 枣红色Dark Blue 深蓝色Malachite Green 孔雀绿Fawn 淡黄褐Royal Blue 品蓝色Flesh Color 肉色Ruby 红玉色Fast Blue 坚牢色Sorrel 红棕色Golden Yellow 金黄色Sky Blue 湖蓝色Golden Brown 黄棕色Scarlet 大红色Grass Green 草绿色Turquoise Blue 翠绿色Grey/Charcoal灰色Tangerine 桔红色Honey 蜜黄色Violet 紫色Isabella 淡黄色White(off white) 白色(米白)Jade Green 翠绿色Yellow 黄色Mastic 乳白色Red 红色九)物料名词:MATERIAL ITEMAttention Card 注意卡Buckle 字扣,铁扣Back end sticker 外箱检针济贴纸Plastic Butterfly 胶蝴蝶,胶托Button Mould 钮模Boxes 内箱B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)Button 钮Carton 外箱Inner Carton 内箱Division Pad 内插筒Shoulder Cotton Pad棉织带Carton Tag 箱贴纸Plastic Clips 胶夹PL. Collar Support 胶领圈Paper Collar Stripe 纸领条Collar Stay 插竹Drawstring 棉绳Elastic Band 细橡根Embroidery Patch 绣花章Cum Tape 平橡根Herringbone Tape 人字带Hook and Eye 安全枢(银色)Plastic Hangers 胶衣架Hang Tag 挂卡Interlining 朴Jocker Tag 挂卡(For Tommy)Lace 丝带,花边Box end Label 内盒贴纸(For M&S) Content Label 成份唛Leather Disc 皮牌Exterior Label 旗唛(For ANF)Flag Label 旗唛,皮士唛Luggage Pin 胶针Item Label 旗唛Zipper Pull 拉链头Main Label 主唛Neck Label 领唛Country Origin Labe l 产地唛Pocket/Placket Label袋唛/旗唛Label of Other 其它唛Size Label 西士唛Wash Care Label 洗水唛Yoke Label 担干唛Content/WC/SZ Lab el 成份/洗水/西士唛Metal Clip 叉字铁夹Magic Sticker 魔术贴Nylon Loop 尼龙捆条Nylon String 尼龙绳Small Poly bag 小胶袋Poly bag 胶袋Plastic Clip 胶夹Poly Envelope 胶袋(封口)Golden Field Pocket Fabric 高丰袋布Piece goods (Job costing) 工作用品Paper Belt (纸)腰带(装饰用)Pins 针Cowhide Pager 牛皮纸Plastic 胶针Paper Tag 纸牌Price Ticket (OCR) 价钱牌Ribbon 丝带Rectangle Clip 方型胶夹Rivet 铆钉Poly bag Sticker 胶袋贴纸Carton Sticker 外箱贴纸Sundries 杂物Safety Pins 扣针Shoulder Pad(Tape) 扁带Inner Box Sticker 内盒纸箱Hang tag Sticker 挂卡贴纸Plastic Shirt Band 胶领条Paper Shirt Band 纸领条Shirt Board 纸板Size Sticker 西士贴纸Sticker 贴纸Glee 胶Staple Wire 备用电线Silicon Wrappers 缎带Levis Tab 转移印花Tag Tin 胶针(用枪打)Tissue Paper 纸领条,衬纸Thread 线Twill Tape 斜纹带Waist Band 印字系带,纸腰带Waist Tag 腰牌Zipper 拉链Plastic Sticker 胶贴纸十)、车缝常用名词中英文对照Linking 缝合Folding 折Crease 折边Slacks side seam 边缝Lapped seam 叠缝Single lapped seam 单线叠缝Blind stitch felling 暗缝线Flat felled seam 折边缝线Back tuck 回针,往复针Double welt seam 双线针Bar tacking 加固针缝Bound seam 包缝Top stitch 边缘明线Pad stitch 衲缝Triple stitch 三针平车,三针直线缝Run stitch 平缝,缝合Run and Turn 回针缝合Run and Open 开口缝Blind over edging 下摆翻边缝Tucked seam 缝褶Dart sewing 省缝Double stitched seam 双线缝,双层缝合Twin needle stitch 针平缝Stitch and Run 头,反缝Wrapping button shank 绕扣线Straight buttonhole 平眼锁钮孔Piped seam 夹紧缝Single lapped seam at edge 单线打边缝Edge stitched seam 边缘缝Lapped seam 包缝Welt seam 咬口折边,折缝Feltings 双折边叠缝,对折缝Button holing 锁眼扣Button sewing 钉纽扣Rolled seam 包边缝Threefold seam 三折缝Fourfold seam 四折缝Fell seam 双折边缝EGMS 界面常用英文单词翻译一、Personal Information 人事资料Transaction 处理,办理Employee Master 雇员Employee No. 雇员编号Employee Name 姓名Rack No. 厂卡号Social Security No. 社会保险号Birth Certificate No. 出生证号Identity No. 身份证号Income Tax No. 纳税号Sex 性别Marital Status 婚姻状况Male 男Female 女No. of Children 子女数Date of Birth 出生日期Join Date 入厂日期Effective Join Date 生效日期Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入First Contract Date 第一次签合同日Date Leave 离职日期Home Address 家庭住址Area 地区Phone No. 电话号码Search Detail 查找细则Education Grade 学历Cutting Ticket No. 制单Description 描述Update 更新二、Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入Process 过程Transaction Date 工票日期Daily Allowance Entry 补贴输入Piece and time rate worker 时工和件工PO 定单三、Daily Compensate Hour Entry (COM)补时工输入Supplementary增补,追加Overtime Code加班代号Cutting Ticket No. 制单号Daily production Ticket Adjustment Entry工票修改界面Employee Status Control雇员状况Quantity数量Alter Prod Line组别Compensate Hours Entry补时工输入Factory PO制单号Amount金额Price单价Payroll工帐四、Payroll information : 工资资料Factory Code工厂编号Section Code部门Production Line Code组别代码Operation Code(Op. Code)工序号Employee Type雇员类别Job Level工种级别Job Class工种Pay Type付款方式Cash现金支付Labor Type劳动力类型Direct直接体力劳动Indirect非直接体力劳动Remuneration Scheme工资类别Monthly rated月薪Option属性Staff职员Bank Branch Code支行代号Basic Pay Amount基本工资Daily Production Ticket Table Entry工票输入界面Daily Production Ticket By Factory PO Entry工票输入界面Piece rated件薪Time rated时薪Worker工人Bank Code银行代号Bank Account No银行帐户号Employee Status雇员状况五、Piece and Time Rate Worker :计时和计件工人Op. Code工序编号Process Type生产过程描述Cutting裁床Sewing车间Fusing 烫朴Washing洗水Iron 烫部Packing包装六、Daily Production Ticket Normal Entry :工票输入界面Production Ticket Normal Detail 工票输入细则Production Ticket Normal Header工票输入表头Normal Quantity原数Adjust Quantity修改后的数Daily Production Ticket Supplementary Entry追补工票输入界面Daily Compensate Hours Entry补时工输入界面Daily Allowance Entry补贴输入界面Daily Deduction Entry扣减输入界面Employee Group Setting评分输入界面Group ID组别Ratio Value评分Total Hours总出勤时间Normal正常出勤时间OTx1.5平时加班时间OTx 2周六/日加班时间OTx3法定假日加班时间Factory Suspend Hours回工时间Absent 缺勤时间Leave Descrp. 请假描述Print 打印Report 汇总Data Entry Report 输入资料汇总Print Selection 打印区域Production Ticket (Normal ) Report 工票总结From Page No. 从第页To Page No. 到第页七、Monthly Pay Detail 月薪细则Bank Payment 银行支付Allowance Detail 补贴细则Salaries Detail 薪水细则Deduction Detail 扣减细则Over Time Payment 加班工资Compensation Detail 补时工细则八、Daily Production Ticket Inquire 工票查寻界面Factory PO 制单号Amount 金额Price 单价Query Result 查寻结果。

制衣厂常用术语中英文对照表一)部门术语及常用词A.裁床:Cutting room1 纸样制作原理及方法:The methods & principle of pattern making2 排唛架方法:The methods of marker making3 YPD的计算及工厂唛架利用率:YPD calculation & marker use rate4 拉布及割布方法,工票之使用方法及功用:Methods & function of spreading & cutting5 裁剪日产量:Daily quantity of cutting6 裁单:Cutting ReportB.板房:Sample room1 裤子,恤衫的车缝工序:Understand the procedures of sewing pants and shirt2 熟识各个工序的称谓:Understand the name of various procedures3 熟识各个线缝的名称及功能:Understand the name and function in various seams4 了解缝1件衫所需的辅料:understand sub-materials used ina shirt5 熟识样板制造单:Understand sample orderC.车缝车间1 熟识生产制造单:Understand the production order2 熟识整个生产线的工序安排:Understand the product line lay out3 各个工序的定价标准:Price standard of various process4 质量控制方法:Methods of quality control5 日产量:Daily product quantity6 常见的车缝设备:Work-aids sewing Machine & attachments7 常见的车缝疵点:Various types of sewing problemD.洗水厂 Washing department1 洗水方法及不同的洗水特点:Washing type & various characteristic2 不同洗水的洗涤剂:Various chemical consumption for each type of garment wash3 如何控制洗水质量:Garment washing quality controlE.包装:Packing department1 包装工序的任务及要求:What propose with packing process2 包装方法:Types of packing:Stand-up packing:企装, Flat packing:扁装Semi standpacking: 铲装/半企装3 包装所需的辅料:What assembly will be used in packing4 包装机械设备:Packing equipment5 装箱方法:Methods of packing6 出货所需之文件:Shipping document7 如何控制包装质量:How to control packing quality二)制衣厂质量检查 QC Quality controlB.服装中-英名称衬衣Shirt/Blouse T-恤T-Shirt毛衣Sweat shirt 西装Suit裤子Pants 牛仔裤Jeans喇叭裤子Bell bottom jeans 裙子Skirt外套Coat 连帽T-恤Parka运动衫Sports jacket 连衣裙Dress圆台裙Circular 百褶裙Gather Skirt裤裙Flare Culottes Skirt 马甲Vest背心Tank top 燕尾领Wing collarC.衣服部位中-英文名称前幅Front 后幅Back上级领Collar 下级领 Collar Band前筒Front Placket 钮子Button stay袋Pocket 担干Yoke袖Sleeve 袖侧Sleeve placket介英Cuff 裤头Waist Band耳仔Belt Loop 拉链贴Zipper catch拉链牌Zipper Fly 袋贴Pocket Facing前浪Front Rise 后浪Back Rise裤脚Leg Bottom 侧骨Side Seam袋口Pocket Mouth 袖叉Sleeve Slit机头Riser 明袋Patch Pocket唇袋Jetted Pocket 袋盖Pocket Flap插袋Cross Pocket 袋衬Bearer袋布Pocket Bag 袖口贴Sleeve Band兜帽Hood 夹圈Armhole钮门Button Hole 凤眼Eyelet Button Hole 捆条圆领Crew neckD.制衣工序名称 Garment Product Procedure纸样Pattern 唛架Marker裁剪Cutting 绣花Embroidery样板Sample 车缝Sewing洗水Washing 成衣染Garment Dye整烫Ironing 包装Packing质量检查Quality Inspection 质量控制Quality Control石洗Stone Wash 化学洗Chemical Wash茶化洗Teast Wash 漂洗Bleach Wash钮Button 线Thread唛头 /商标Label 挂卡Hang tag贴纸Sticker 朴Interlining胶袋Plastic/Poly bag 胶夹Plastic Clip拉链Zipper 橡根Elastic Band肩垫Shoulder Pad 衬纸Tissue Paper绅Drawstring 领蝴蝶Collar Butterflies领胶条Collar Stripe 纸箱(Paper)Carton (胶)针(Poly) Pins 检针济Sticker纸板Paper board 蝴蝶Butterfly纸/胶领条Paper/Plastic collar band 尺码贴纸Size sticker插竹Collar stay 条形码Jan code/bar code E.车缝工序 Sewing process埋夹close side seam 车唛sew label间线子口hem stitch seam上间袖attachsleeve/topstitch sleeve打枣Tacking 接线Joints三)、布的中-英文名称1.梭织布 Woven牛津纺Oxford 府绸Poplin多臂提花Dobby斜纹Twill青年布Chambray 绒布Flannel条格布gingham 泡泡纱Seersucker灯芯绒Corduroy 卡其Drill哔叽Serge 华达呢Gabercord主身布Body fabric撞布Contrast fabric条格Check 斜纹Stripe净色Solid 支数warp count2.针织布 Knit平纹布Jersey (Drop 1*1 Jersey/Lycry Jersey)珠地Pique (Twill Pique /Oxford pique /Athletic pique)双珠地Lacoste (Oxford Lacoste 牛津珠地)双面布Interlock (interlock pique /interlock jacquard 双面提花)毛圈布Terry ( twill French terry 法兰绒 /Fleece 磨毛毛圈布)提花Jacquard (herringbone /bubble jacquard 泡泡提花布)罗纹Rib (mini waffle 十字罗纹/法式罗纹 French rib)棉布Cotton fabric麻布Linen丝绸Silk毛Wool化学纤维Chemical fiber四)制单要求 The requirement in production order生产制单production order 样板制造单Sample order款号Style Number 客户Customer数量quantity 尺码Size spec.交货期Delivery 装箱要求Carton Requirement纸箱规格Carton Measurement 毛重Cross height 净重Net height 说明Description目的地Final destination 颜色color五)、其它样板Sample 货前板Pre-Production sample销售板Sales Sample 展览板Presentation sample批准板Approval sample 会议板Meeting Sample测试板Test sample 船头办Pre-shipment Sample六)布疵常见术语紧纱:Tight 断纱:Broken Yarn走纱:Misend / Mispick 抽纱:Yarn with Drawn针孔:Needle Holes 针路:Vertical Line横间:Horizontal Line 漏针:Dropped Stitch停机布痕:Stop Mark 幼纱:Yarn Thinning/Thin Yarn错花:Wrong Pattern or Wrong Structure飞花:Fly yarn 色差Shading染色Color fastness 粗纱Thick yarn色纱Color yarn织错纱Wrong pick end稀密路Filling bar 布纹弯曲不平Bowing皱摺Crease 粗粒Slub起毛Hairy 织入杂物Gout起球Balling-up七)车缝常见术语跳线:Skip Stitch 用错原料:Wrong Material缝线散口:Run off 用错缝线:Incorrect Thread错唛:Wrong Label 破洞:Holes突咀:Excess Extension 不对称:Mismatched车着唛头:Sandwich Label 歪唛:Off Center or Side left/right尖位不尖:Pointed Area not Sharp 弯位不弯:Unsmooth Curve爆口:Open Seam 披苏:Loose Thread插竹歪:Crooked Collar Stay 领底松:Collar setting too Loose烂钮尖:Burst Collar Point 领尖不对条:Mismatched Collar Stripe错领型:Wrong Collar Shape 刀剪领:Scissoring露上领线:Thread Visible Outside 下级走样:Poor Banding领咀长短不定:Wrong Lapel Length 领错底面:Overturn Collar起耳子:Lock stitches-loop 断线:Broken Stitches落坑:Run off Stitch 积线球:Lumps of Thread藏色线:Trapped Color Thread 驳线不齐:Untidy Joined Stitching缝线阔窄:Uneven Seam 线路不美:Untidy Stitching皱:Pocking 露牙:Grinning走鸡:Miss Design Feature 大眼皮:Unevenseam高底袋:High/low pocket 筒起波浪:Fullness on Center Placket筒歪:Crooked Center Placket 担干谷:Fullness on Yoke前肩大小边:Crooked front Folding 欠返针:Miss Back tack唛头字母被盖:Hidden Wordings 子口反骨:Seam Overturn欠开骨:Without Press Open 裤咀歪:Distorted Waistband End大细唇:Uneven Lips 叠唇:Overlapped Lips裂唇:Open Lips 露朴:Exposure Interlining领咀朴空:Empty Collar Point 反光:Under ply Visible Outside突钮子:Extension of Right Fly Too Long长短领尖:Uneven Collar Point Length起角:Nose in Extension-Collar /Cuff上领黏边:Folded Edge on Collar Closing内领窝谷:Fullness on Inside Around Collar setting车唛不对折痕:not Following the Folded Mark of Label下级领高低:Crooked Collar Hi-Low/off Center Line布包朴过紧:Tightness of Interlining after Sewing领朴起泡:Bubbling/Delimitation Fused Collar 扭:Twisted/Misaligned Underarm and Side Seam打褶Make dart八)中英文色泽名称对照表Amber 琥珀色Khaki 土黄色Amethyst 蓝紫色Leek Green 葱绿色Antique Bronze 古铜色Lilac 淡紫色Brown 棕色Lemon 柠檬色Blue 蓝色Magenta 品红色Burgundy 红紫色Mooney 紫红色Bordeaux 红酱色Copper Brown 棕红色Maroon 酱紫色Brilliant Green 艳绿色Navy Blue 藏青色Black 黑色Orange 橙色Canary 嫩黄色Olive 橄榄色Clay 土灰色Pink 桃红色Salmon Pink橙红色/浅橙色Crimson 梅红色Plum 梅红色Pea Green 豆绿色Carmine 胭脂色Peacock 孔雀蓝Corinth 紫酱色Rubies 酱色Claret 枣红色Dark Blue 深蓝色Malachite Green 孔雀绿Fawn 淡黄褐Royal Blue 品蓝色Flesh Color 肉色Ruby 红玉色Fast Blue 坚牢色Sorrel 红棕色Golden Yellow 金黄色Sky Blue 湖蓝色Golden Brown 黄棕色Scarlet 大红色Grass Green 草绿色Turquoise Blue 翠绿色Grey/Charcoal灰色Tangerine 桔红色Honey 蜜黄色Violet 紫色Isabella 淡黄色White(off white) 白色(米白) Jade Green 翠绿色Yellow 黄色Mastic 乳白色Red 红色九)物料名词:MATERIAL ITEMAttention Card 注意卡Buckle 字扣,铁扣Back end sticker 外箱检针济贴纸Plastic Butterfly 胶蝴蝶,胶托Button Mould 钮模Boxes 内箱B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)Button 钮Carton 外箱Inner Carton 内箱Division Pad 内插筒Shoulder Cotton Pad棉织带Carton Tag 箱贴纸Plastic Clips 胶夹PL. Collar Support 胶领圈Paper Collar Stripe 纸领条Collar Stay 插竹Drawstring 棉绳Elastic Band 细橡根Embroidery Patch 绣花章Cum Tape 平橡根Herringbone Tape 人字带Hook and Eye 安全枢(银色)Plastic Hangers 胶衣架Hang Tag 挂卡Interlining 朴Jocker Tag 挂卡(For Tommy)Lace 丝带,花边Box end Label 内盒贴纸(For M&S) Content Label 成份唛Leather Disc 皮牌Exterior Label 旗唛(For ANF)Flag Label 旗唛,皮士唛Luggage Pin 胶针Item Label 旗唛Zipper Pull 拉链头Main Label 主唛Neck Label 领唛Country Origin Labe l 产地唛Pocket/Placket Label袋唛/旗唛Label of Other 其它唛Size Label 西士唛Wash Care Label 洗水唛Yoke Label 担干唛Content/WC/SZ Lab el 成份/洗水/西士唛Metal Clip 叉字铁夹Magic Sticker 魔术贴Nylon Loop 尼龙捆条Nylon String 尼龙绳Small Poly bag 小胶袋Poly bag 胶袋Plastic Clip 胶夹Poly Envelope 胶袋(封口)Golden Field Pocket Fabric 高丰袋布Piece goods (Job costing) 工作用品Paper Belt (纸)腰带(装饰用)Pins 针Cowhide Pager 牛皮纸Plastic 胶针Paper Tag 纸牌Price Ticket (OCR) 价钱牌Ribbon 丝带Rectangle Clip 方型胶夹Rivet 铆钉Poly bag Sticker 胶袋贴纸Carton Sticker 外箱贴纸Sundries 杂物Safety Pins 扣针Shoulder Pad(Tape) 扁带Inner Box Sticker 内盒纸箱Hang tag Sticker 挂卡贴纸Plastic Shirt Band 胶领条Paper Shirt Band 纸领条Shirt Board 纸板Size Sticker 西士贴纸Sticker 贴纸Glee 胶Staple Wire 备用电线Silicon Wrappers 缎带Levis Tab 转移印花Tag Tin 胶针(用枪打)Tissue Paper 纸领条,衬纸Thread 线Twill Tape 斜纹带Waist Band 印字系带,纸腰带Waist Tag 腰牌Zipper 拉链Plastic Sticker 胶贴纸十)、车缝常用名词中英文对照Linking 缝合Folding 折Crease 折边Slacks side seam 边缝Lapped seam 叠缝Single lapped seam 单线叠缝Blind stitch felling 暗缝线Flat felled seam 折边缝线Back tuck 回针,往复针Double welt seam 双线针Bar tacking 加固针缝Bound seam 包缝Top stitch 边缘明线Pad stitch 衲缝Triple stitch 三针平车,三针直线缝Run stitch 平缝,缝合Run and Turn 回针缝合Run and Open 开口缝Blind over edging 下摆翻边缝Tucked seam 缝褶Dart sewing 省缝Double stitched seam 双线缝,双层缝合Twin needle stitch 针平缝Stitch and Run 头,反缝Wrapping button shank 绕扣线Straight buttonhole 平眼锁钮孔Piped seam 夹紧缝Single lapped seam at edge 单线打边缝Edge stitched seam 边缘缝Lapped seam 包缝Welt seam 咬口折边,折缝Feltings 双折边叠缝,对折缝Button holing 锁眼扣Button sewing 钉纽扣Rolled seam 包边缝Threefold seam 三折缝Fourfold seam 四折缝Fell seam 双折边缝EGMS 界面常用英文单词翻译一、Personal Information 人事资料Transaction 处理,办理Employee Master 雇员Employee No. 雇员编号Employee Name 姓名Rack No. 厂卡号Social Security No. 社会保险号Birth Certificate No. 出生证号Identity No. 身份证号Income Tax No. 纳税号Sex 性别Marital Status 婚姻状况Male 男Female 女No. of Children 子女数Date of Birth 出生日期Join Date 入厂日期Effective Join Date 生效日期Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入First Contract Date 第一次签合同日Date Leave 离职日期Home Address 家庭住址Area 地区Phone No. 电话号码Search Detail 查找细则Education Grade 学历Cutting Ticket No. 制单Description 描述Update 更新二、Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入Process 过程Transaction Date 工票日期Daily Allowance Entry 补贴输入Piece and time rate worker时工和件工PO 定单三、Daily Compensate Hour Entry (COM)补时工输入Supplementary增补,追加Overtime Code加班代号Cutting Ticket No. 制单号Daily production Ticket Adjustment Entry工票修改界面Employee Status Control雇员状况Quantity数量Alter Prod Line组别Compensate Hours Entry补时工输入Factory PO制单号Amount金额Price单价Payroll工帐四、Payroll information : 工资资料Factory Code工厂编号Section Code部门Production Line Code组别代码Operation Code(Op. Code)工序号Employee Type雇员类别Job Level工种级别Job Class工种Pay Type付款方式Cash现金支付Labor Type劳动力类型Direct直接体力劳动Indirect非直接体力劳动Remuneration Scheme工资类别Monthly rated月薪Option属性Staff职员Bank Branch Code支行代号Basic Pay Amount基本工资Daily Production Ticket Table Entry工票输入界面Daily Production Ticket By Factory PO Entry工票输入界面Piece rated件薪Time rated时薪Worker工人Bank Code银行代号Bank Account No银行帐户号Employee Status雇员状况五、Piece and Time Rate Worker :计时和计件工人Op. Code工序编号Process Type生产过程描述Cutting裁床Sewing车间Fusing 烫朴Washing洗水Iron 烫部Packing包装六、Daily Production Ticket Normal Entry :工票输入界面Production Ticket Normal Detail 工票输入细则Production Ticket Normal Header工票输入表头Normal Quantity原数Adjust Quantity修改后的数Daily Production Ticket Supplementary Entry追补工票输入界面Daily Compensate Hours Entry补时工输入界面Daily Allowance Entry补贴输入界面Daily Deduction Entry扣减输入界面Employee Group Setting评分输入界面Group ID组别Ratio Value评分Total Hours总出勤时间Normal正常出勤时间OTx1.5平时加班时间OTx 2周六/日加班时间OTx3法定假日加班时间Factory Suspend Hours回工时间Absent 缺勤时间Leave Descrp. 请假描述Print 打印Report 汇总Data Entry Report 输入资料汇总Print Selection 打印区域Production Ticket (Normal ) Report 工票总结From Page No. 从第页To Page No. 到第页七、Monthly Pay Detail 月薪细则Bank Payment 银行支付Allowance Detail 补贴细则Salaries Detail 薪水细则Deduction Detail 扣减细则Over Time Payment 加班工资Compensation Detail 补时工细则八、Daily Production Ticket Inquire 工票查寻界面Factory PO 制单号Amount 金额Price 单价Query Result 查寻结果。
制衣术语 English

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------制衣术语English制衣术语第一部分一、上装部位: 1、前身肩缝: shoulder seam 领嘴: notch 门襟: closing 门襟止口:front edge 搭门:front overlap 扣眼: buttonhole 眼距: buttonhole spacing 袖窿: armhole 驳头: lapel 平驳头: notch 戗驳头: peak lapel 胸部: chest 腰节: waist line 摆缝: side seam 里襟: under lap 底边: hem 串口: gorge 假眼: mock button hole 驳口: roll line 单排扣: single breasted 双排扣: double breasted 止口圆角:front cut 前后披肩:front or back shoulder cape 扣位:button placement 滚眼: bound button hole 前过肩: front yoke 门襟翻边:placket 领省: neckline dart 前腰省: front waist dart 肋省: underarm dart 横省: side dart 前肩省: front shoulder dart 肚省: fish dart 前身通省:front open dart 刀背缝: princess seam 服装部件前后肩连接的部位领底口末端至门里襟止口的部位锁眼的衣片门襟的边沿门里襟叠在一起的部位扣钮的眼孔扣眼间的距离绱袖的部位门里襟上部翻折部位与上领片的夹角呈三角形缺口的方角驳头驳角向上形成尖角的驳头衣服前胸丰满处衣服腰部最细处袖窿下面由前后身连接的缝钉钮的衣片衣服下部的边沿部位领面与驳头面缝合处不开眼口的装饰用扣眼驳头翻折部位里襟钉一排钮扣门里襟各钉一排钮扣门里襟下部的圆头覆盖在肩部前后的部件钮扣的位置用面料做的扣眼1/ 31连接前身与肩缝合的部件外翻的门襟边领窝部位的省道衣服前身腰部的省道衣服两侧腋下处的省道腋下摆缝处至胸部的省道前身肩部的省道大袋口部位的横省从肩缝到下摆的开刀缝弯形的开刀缝GEG 企管部1---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 2、后身总肩: across back shoulder 后过肩: back yoke 背缝:center back seam 背叉: vent 摆叉: side vent 后搭门: back overlap 领窝: neck line 后领省: back neck dart 后肩省: back shoulder dart 后腰省: back waist dart 后身通省:back open dart 二、上装部件 1、领倒挂领: turned-down collar 中山服领:Zhongshan collar 尖领: pointed collar 衬衫领: shirt collar 圆领: peter pen collar 青果领: shawl collar 燕子领: wing collar 荷叶边领:ruffled collar 两用领: convertible collar 方领: square collar 中式领: mandarin collar 立领: stand collar 海军领: sailor collar 扎结领: tie collar 圆形领口:round neckline 方形领口:square neckline V 形领口:V-neckline 一字形领口:boat neckline 鸡心形领口:sweetheart neckline 底领:collar band 领上口: roll line 领下口: collar neckline 领里口: collar stand 领外口: style line 领豁口: notch从左肩端至右肩端的部位连接后身与肩缝合的部件后肩中间缝合的缝子背缝下部开叉摆缝下部开叉门里襟开在后背处前后肩与领子缝合的部位后领窝处呈八字形的省道后身肩部的省道后身腰部的省道从肩缝到下摆的开刀缝领角向下的领型由底领、翻领组成,领角成八字形的领型领角呈尖形的领型由上领、下领组成,衬衣专有的领型。

制衣术语 English

制衣术语第一部分服装部件一、上装部位:1、前身肩缝: shoulder seam 前后肩连接的部位领嘴: notch 领底口末端至门里襟止口的部位门襟: closing 锁眼的衣片门襟止口:front edge 门襟的边沿搭门: front overlap 门里襟叠在一起的部位扣眼: buttonhole 扣钮的眼孔眼距: buttonhole spacing 扣眼间的距离袖窿: armhole 绱袖的部位驳头: lapel 门里襟上部翻折部位平驳头: notch 与上领片的夹角呈三角形缺口的方角驳头戗驳头: peak lapel 驳角向上形成尖角的驳头胸部: chest 衣服前胸丰满处腰节: waist line 衣服腰部最细处摆缝: side seam 袖窿下面由前后身连接的缝里襟: under lap 钉钮的衣片底边: hem 衣服下部的边沿部位串口: gorge 领面与驳头面缝合处假眼: mock button hole 不开眼口的装饰用扣眼驳口: roll line 驳头翻折部位单排扣: single breasted 里襟钉一排钮扣双排扣: double breasted 门里襟各钉一排钮扣止口圆角:front cut 门里襟下部的圆头前后披肩:front or back shoulder cape 覆盖在肩部前后的部件扣位: button placement 钮扣的位置滚眼: bound button hole 用面料做的扣眼前过肩: front yoke 连接前身与肩缝合的部件门襟翻边:placket 外翻的门襟边领省: neckline dart 领窝部位的省道前腰省: front waist dart 衣服前身腰部的省道肋省: underarm dart 衣服两侧腋下处的省道横省: side dart 腋下摆缝处至胸部的省道前肩省: front shoulder dart 前身肩部的省道肚省: fish dart 大袋口部位的横省前身通省:front open dart 从肩缝到下摆的开刀缝刀背缝: princess seam 弯形的开刀缝总肩: across back shoulder 从左肩端至右肩端的部位后过肩: back yoke 连接后身与肩缝合的部件背缝: center back seam 后肩中间缝合的缝子背叉: vent 背缝下部开叉摆叉: side vent 摆缝下部开叉后搭门: back overlap 门里襟开在后背处领窝: neck line 前后肩与领子缝合的部位后领省: back neck dart 后领窝处呈八字形的省道后肩省: back shoulder dart 后身肩部的省道后腰省: back waist dart 后身腰部的省道后身通省:back open dart 从肩缝到下摆的开刀缝二、上装部件1、领倒挂领: turned-down collar 领角向下的领型中山服领:Zhongshan collar 由底领、翻领组成,领角成八字形的领型尖领: pointed collar 领角呈尖形的领型衬衫领: shirt collar 由上领、下领组成,衬衣专有的领型。

制衣厂常用术语中英文对照表一)部门术语及常用词A.裁床:Cutting room1 纸样制作原理及方法:The methods & principle of pattern making2 排唛架方法:The methods of marker making3 YPD的计算及工厂唛架利用率:YPD calculation & marker use rate4 拉布及割布方法,工票之使用方法及功用:Methods & function of spreading & cutting5 裁剪日产量:Daily quantity of cutting6 裁单:Cutting ReportB.板房:Sample room1 裤子,恤衫的车缝工序:Understand the procedures of sewing pants and shirt2 熟识各个工序的称谓:Understand the name of various procedures3 熟识各个线缝的名称及功能:Understand the name and function in various seams4 了解缝1件衫所需的辅料:understand sub-materials used ina shirt5 熟识样板制造单:Understand sample orderC.车缝车间1 熟识生产制造单:Understand the production order2 熟识整个生产线的工序安排:Understand the product line lay out3 各个工序的定价标准:Price standard of various process4 质量控制方法:Methods of quality control5 日产量:Daily product quantity6 常见的车缝设备:Work-aids sewing Machine & attachments7 常见的车缝疵点:Various types of sewing problemD.洗水厂Washing department1 洗水方法及不同的洗水特点:Washing type & various characteristic2 不同洗水的洗涤剂:Various chemical consumption for each type of garment wash3 如何控制洗水质量:Garment washing quality controlE.包装:Packing department1 包装工序的任务及要求:What propose with packing process2 包装方法:Types of packing:Stand-up packing:企装, Flat packing:扁装Semi stand packing: 铲装/半企装3 包装所需的辅料:What assembly will be used in packing4 包装机械设备:Packing equipment5 装箱方法:Methods of packing6 出货所需之文件:Shipping document7 如何控制包装质量:How to control packing quality二)制衣厂质量检查QC Quality control1.服装中-英名称衬衣Shirt/Blouse T-恤T-Shirt毛衣Sweat shirt 西装 Suit裤子Pants 牛仔裤Jeans喇叭裤子Bell bottom jeans 裙子Skirt外套Coat 连帽T-恤 Parka运动衫Sports jacket 连衣裙Dress圆台裙Circular 百褶裙Gather Skirt裤裙Flare Culottes Skirt 马甲 Vest背心Tank top 燕尾领Wing collar2.衣服部位中-英文名称前幅Front 后幅Back上级领Collar 下级领 Collar Band前筒Front Placket 钮子 Button stay袋Pocket 担干 Yoke袖Sleeve 袖侧 Sleeve placket介英Cuff 裤头 Waist Band耳仔Belt Loop 拉链贴Zipper catch拉链牌Zipper Fly 袋贴 Pocket Facing前浪Front Rise 后浪 Back Rise裤脚Leg Bottom 侧骨 Side Seam袋口Pocket Mouth 袖叉 Sleeve Slit机头Riser 明袋 Patch Pocket唇袋Jetted Pocket 袋盖 Pocket Flap插袋Cross Pocket 袋衬 Bearer袋布Pocket Bag 袖口贴Sleeve Band兜帽Hood 夹圈 Armhole钮门Button Hole 凤眼 Eyelet Button Hole 捆条圆领Crew neck3.制衣工序名称Garment Product Procedure纸样Pattern 唛架 Marker裁剪Cutting 绣花 Embroidery样板Sample 车缝 Sewing洗水Washing 成衣染Garment Dye整烫Ironing 包装 Packing质量检查Quality Inspection 质量控制Quality Control 石洗Stone Wash 化学洗Chemical Wash茶化洗Teast Wash 漂洗 Bleach Wash钮Button 线Thread唛头/商标L abel 挂卡 Hang tag贴纸Sticker 朴Interlining胶袋Plastic/Poly bag 胶夹 Plastic Clip拉链Zipper 橡根 Elastic Band肩垫Shoulder Pad 衬纸 Tissue Paper绅Drawstring 领蝴蝶Collar Butterflies领胶条Collar Stripe 纸箱(Paper)Carton (胶)针(Poly) Pins 检针济Sticker纸板Paper board 蝴蝶 Butterfly纸/胶领条Paper/Plastic collar band 尺码贴纸Size sticker 插竹Collar stay 条形码Jan code/bar code 4.车缝工序Sewing process埋夹close side seam 车唛 sew label间线子口hem stitch seam 上间袖attachsleeve/topstitch sleeve打枣Tacking 接线 Joints三)、布的中-英文名称1.梭织布Woven牛津纺Oxford 府绸 Poplin多臂提花Dobby斜纹Twill青年布Chambray 绒布 Flannel条格布gingham 泡泡纱Seersucker灯芯绒Corduroy 卡其 Drill哔叽Serge 华达呢Gabercord主身布Body fabric 撞布 Contrast fabric条格Check 斜纹 Stripe净色Solid 支数 warp count2.针织布Knit平纹布Jersey (Drop 1*1 Jersey/Lycry Jersey)珠地Pique (Twill Pique /Oxford pique /Athletic pique)双珠地Lacoste (Oxford Lacoste 牛津珠地)双面布Interlock (interlock pique /interlock jacquard 双面提花)毛圈布Terry ( twill French terry 法兰绒/Fleece 磨毛毛圈布)提花Jacquard (herringbone /bubble jacquard 泡泡提花布)罗纹Rib (mini waffle 十字罗纹/法式罗纹French rib)棉布Cotton fabric麻布Linen丝绸Silk毛Wool化学纤维Chemical fiber四)制单要求The requirement in production order生产制单production order 样板制造单Sample order 款号Style Number 客户Customer数量quantity 尺码Size spec.交货期Delivery 装箱要求Carton Requirement纸箱规格Carton Measurement 毛重Cross height净重Net height 说明Description目的地Final destination 颜色color五)、其它样板Sample 货前板Pre-Production sample销售板Sales Sample 展览板Presentation sample批准板Approval sample 会议板Meeting Sample测试板Test sample 船头办Pre-shipment Sample六)布疵常见术语紧纱:Tight 断纱:Broken Yarn走纱:Misend / Mispick 抽纱:Yarn with Drawn针孔:Needle Holes 针路:Vertical Line横间:Horizontal Line 漏针:Dropped Stitch停机布痕:Stop Mark 幼纱:Yarn Thinning/Thin Yarn错花:Wrong Pattern or Wrong Structure飞花:Fly yarn 色差Shading染色Color fastness 粗纱Thick yarn色纱Color yarn 织错纱Wrong pick end稀密路Filling bar 布纹弯曲不平Bowing皱摺Crease 粗粒Slub起毛Hairy 织入杂物Gout起球Balling-up七)车缝常见术语跳线:Skip Stitch 用错原料:Wrong Material缝线散口:Run off 用错缝线:Incorrect Thread错唛:Wrong Label 破洞:Holes突咀:Excess Extension 不对称:Mismatched车着唛头:Sandwich Label 歪唛:Off Center or Side left/right尖位不尖:Pointed Area not Sharp 弯位不弯:Unsmooth Curve爆口:Open Seam 披苏:Loose Thread插竹歪:Crooked Collar Stay 领底松:Collar setting too Loose烂钮尖:Burst Collar Point 领尖不对条:Mismatched Collar Stripe错领型:Wrong Collar Shape 刀剪领:Scissoring 露上领线:Thread Visible Outside 下级走样:Poor Banding领咀长短不定:Wrong Lapel Length 领错底面:Overturn Collar起耳子:Lock stitches-loop 断线:Broken Stitches落坑:Run off Stitch 积线球:Lumps of Thread藏色线:Trapped Color Thread 驳线不齐:Untidy Joined Stitching缝线阔窄:Uneven Seam 线路不美:Untidy Stitching皱:Pocking 露牙:Grinning走鸡:Miss Design Feature 大眼皮:Uneven seam高底袋:High/low pocket 筒起波浪:Fullness on Center Placket筒歪:Crooked Center Placket 担干谷:Fullness on Yoke前肩大小边:Crooked front Folding 欠返针:Miss Back tack唛头字母被盖:Hidden Wordings 子口反骨:Seam Overturn欠开骨:Without Press Open 裤咀歪:Distorted Waistband End大细唇:Uneven Lips 叠唇:Overlapped Lips裂唇:Open Lips 露朴:Exposure Interlining 领咀朴空:Empty Collar Point 反光:Under ply Visible Outside突钮子:Extension of Right Fly Too Long长短领尖:Uneven Collar Point Length起角:Nose in Extension-Collar /Cuff上领黏边:Folded Edge on Collar Closing内领窝谷:Fullness on Inside Around Collarsetting车唛不对折痕:not Following the Folded Mark of Label下级领高低:Crooked Collar Hi-Low/off Center Line布包朴过紧:Tightness of Interlining after Sewing领朴起泡:Bubbling/Delimitation Fused Collar 扭:Twisted/Misaligned Underarm and Side Seam打褶Make dart八)中英文色泽名称对照表Amber 琥珀色Khaki 土黄色Amethyst 蓝紫色Leek Green 葱绿色Antique Bronze 古铜色Lilac 淡紫色Brown 棕色Lemon 柠檬色Blue 蓝色Magenta 品红色Burgundy 红紫色Mooney 紫红色Bordeaux 红酱色Copper Brown 棕红色Maroon 酱紫色Brilliant Green 艳绿色Navy Blue 藏青色Black 黑色Orange 橙色Canary 嫩黄色Olive 橄榄色Clay 土灰色Pink 桃红色Salmon Pink橙红色/浅橙色Crimson 梅红色Plum 梅红色Pea Green 豆绿色Carmine 胭脂色Peacock 孔雀蓝Corinth 紫酱色Rubies 酱色Claret 枣红色Dark Blue 深蓝色Malachite Green 孔雀绿Fawn 淡黄褐Royal Blue 品蓝色Flesh Color 肉色Ruby 红玉色Fast Blue 坚牢色Sorrel 红棕色Golden Yellow 金黄色Sky Blue 湖蓝色Golden Brown 黄棕色Scarlet 大红色Grass Green 草绿色Turquoise Blue 翠绿色Grey/Charcoal灰色Tangerine 桔红色Honey 蜜黄色Violet 紫色Isabella 淡黄色White(off white) 白色(米白) Jade Green 翠绿色Yellow 黄色Mastic 乳白色Red 红色九)物料名词:MATERIAL ITEMAttention Card 注意卡Buckle 字扣,铁扣Back end sticker 外箱检针济贴纸Plastic Butterfly 胶蝴蝶,胶托Button Mould 钮模Boxes 内箱B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)Button 钮Carton 外箱Inner Carton 内箱Division Pad 内插筒Shoulder Cotton Pad 棉织带Carton Tag 箱贴纸Plastic Clips 胶夹PL. Collar Support 胶领圈Paper Collar Stripe 纸领条Collar Stay 插竹Drawstring 棉绳Elastic Band 细橡根Embroidery Patch 绣花章Cum Tape 平橡根Herringbone Tape 人字带Hook and Eye 安全枢(银色)Plastic Hangers 胶衣架Hang Tag 挂卡Interlining 朴Jocker Tag 挂卡(For Tommy)Lace 丝带,花边Box end Label 内盒贴纸(For M&S) Content Label 成份唛Leather Disc 皮牌Exterior Label 旗唛(For ANF)Flag Label 旗唛,皮士唛Luggage Pin 胶针Item Label 旗唛Zipper Pull 拉链头Main Label 主唛Neck Label 领唛Country Origin Label 产地唛Pocket/Placket Label 袋唛/旗唛Label of Other 其它唛Size Label 西士唛Wash Care Label 洗水唛Yoke Label 担干唛Content/WC/SZ Label 成份/洗水/西士唛Metal Clip 叉字铁夹Magic Sticker 魔术贴Nylon Loop 尼龙捆条Nylon String 尼龙绳Small Poly bag 小胶袋Poly bag 胶袋Plastic Clip 胶夹Poly Envelope 胶袋(封口)Golden Field Pocket Fabric 高丰袋布Piece goods (Job costing) 工作用品Paper Belt (纸)腰带(装饰用)Pins 针Cowhide Pager 牛皮纸Plastic 胶针Paper Tag 纸牌Price Ticket (OCR) 价钱牌Ribbon 丝带Rectangle Clip 方型胶夹Rivet 铆钉Poly bag Sticker 胶袋贴纸Carton Sticker 外箱贴纸Sundries 杂物Safety Pins 扣针Shoulder Pad(Tape) 扁带Inner Box Sticker 内盒纸箱Hang tag Sticker 挂卡贴纸Plastic Shirt Band 胶领条Paper Shirt Band 纸领条Shirt Board 纸板Size Sticker 西士贴纸Sticker 贴纸Glee 胶Staple Wire 备用电线Silicon Wrappers 缎带Levis Tab 转移印花Tag Tin 胶针(用枪打)Tissue Paper 纸领条,衬纸Thread 线Twill Tape 斜纹带Waist Band 印字系带,纸腰带Waist Tag 腰牌Zipper 拉链Plastic Sticker 胶贴纸十)、车缝常用名词中英文对照Linking 缝合Folding 折Crease 折边Slacks side seam 边缝Lapped seam 叠缝Single lapped seam 单线叠缝Blind stitch felling 暗缝线Flat felled seam 折边缝线Back tuck 回针,往复针Double welt seam 双线针Bar tacking 加固针缝Bound seam 包缝Top stitch 边缘明线Pad stitch 衲缝Triple stitch 三针平车,三针直线缝Run stitch 平缝,缝合Run and Turn 回针缝合Run and Open 开口缝Blind over edging 下摆翻边缝Tucked seam 缝褶Dart sewing 省缝Double stitched seam 双线缝,双层缝合Twin needle stitch 针平缝Stitch and Run 头,反缝Wrapping button shank 绕扣线Straight buttonhole 平眼锁钮孔Piped seam 夹紧缝Single lapped seam at edge 单线打边缝Edge stitched seam 边缘缝Lapped seam 包缝Welt seam 咬口折边,折缝Feltings 双折边叠缝,对折缝Button holing 锁眼扣Button sewing 钉纽扣Rolled seam 包边缝Threefold seam 三折缝Fourfold seam 四折缝Fell seam 双折边缝EGMS 界面常用英文单词翻译一、Personal Information 人事资料Transaction 处理,办理Employee Master 雇员Employee No. 雇员编号Employee Name 姓名Rack No. 厂卡号Social Security No. 社会保险号Birth Certificate No. 出生证号Identity No. 身份证号Income Tax No. 纳税号Sex 性别Marital Status 婚姻状况Male 男Female 女No. of Children 子女数Date of Birth 出生日期Join Date 入厂日期Effective Join Date 生效日期Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入First Contract Date 第一次签合同日Date Leave 离职日期Home Address 家庭住址Area 地区Phone No. 电话号码Search Detail 查找细则Education Grade 学历Cutting Ticket No. 制单Description 描述Update 更新二、Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入Process 过程Transaction Date 工票日期Daily Allowance Entry 补贴输入Piece and time rate worker 时工和件工PO 定单三、Daily Compensate Hour Entry (COM)补时工输入Supplementary 增补,追加Overtime Code 加班代号Cutting Ticket No. 制单号Daily production Ticket Adjustment Entry 工票修改界面Employee Status Control 雇员状况Quantity 数量Alter Prod Line 组别Compensate Hours Entry 补时工输入Factory PO 制单号Amount 金额Price 单价Payroll 工帐四、Payroll information : 工资资料Factory Code 工厂编号Section Code 部门Production Line Code 组别代码Operation Code(Op. Code)工序号Employee Type 雇员类别Job Level 工种级别Job Class 工种Pay Type 付款方式Cash 现金支付Labor Type 劳动力类型Direct 直接体力劳动Indirect 非直接体力劳动Remuneration Scheme 工资类别Monthly rated 月薪Option 属性Staff 职员Bank Branch Code 支行代号Basic Pay Amount 基本工资Daily Production Ticket Table Entry 工票输入界面Daily Production Ticket By Factory PO Entry 工票输入界面Piece rated 件薪Time rated 时薪Worker 工人Bank Code 银行代号Bank Account No 银行帐户号Employee Status 雇员状况五、Piece and Time Rate Worker :计时和计件工人Op. Code 工序编号Process Type 生产过程描述Cutting 裁床Sewing 车间Fusing 烫朴Washing 洗水Iron 烫部Packing 包装六、Daily Production Ticket Normal Entry :工票输入界面Production Ticket Normal Detail 工票输入细则Production Ticket Normal Header 工票输入表头Normal Quantity 原数Adjust Quantity 修改后的数Daily Production Ticket Supplementary Entry 追补工票输入界面Daily Compensate Hours Entry 补时工输入界面Daily Allowance Entry 补贴输入界面Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入界面Employee Group Setting 评分输入界面Group ID 组别Ratio Value 评分Total Hours 总出勤时间Normal 正常出勤时间OTx1.5 平时加班时间OTx 2 周六/日加班时间OTx3 法定假日加班时间Factory Suspend Hours 回工时间Absent 缺勤时间Leave Descrp. 请假描述Print 打印Report 汇总Data Entry Report 输入资料汇总Print Selection 打印区域Production Ticket (Normal ) Report 工票总结From Page No. 从第页To Page No. 到第页七、Monthly Pay Detail 月薪细则Bank Payment 银行支付Allowance Detail 补贴细则Salaries Detail 薪水细则Deduction Detail 扣减细则Over Time Payment 加班工资Compensation Detail 补时工细则八、Daily Production Ticket Inquire 工票查寻界面Factory PO 制单号Amount 金额Price 单价Query Result 查寻结果。

制衣厂常用术语中英文对照表令狐文艳一)部门术语及常用词A.裁床:Cutting room1 纸样制作原理及方法:The methods & principle of pattern making2 排唛架方法:The methods of marker making3 YPD的计算及工厂唛架利用率:YPD calculation & marker use rate4 拉布及割布方法,工票之使用方法及功用:Methods & function of spreading & cutting5 裁剪日产量:Daily quantity of cutting6 裁单:Cutting ReportB.板房:Sample room1 裤子,恤衫的车缝工序:Understand the procedures of sewing pants and shirt2 熟识各个工序的称谓:Understand the name of various procedures3 熟识各个线缝的名称及功能:Understand the name and function in various seams4 了解缝1件衫所需的辅料:understand sub-materials used in a shirt5 熟识样板制造单:Understand sample orderC.车缝车间1 熟识生产制造单:Understand the production order2 熟识整个生产线的工序安排:Understand the product line lay out3 各个工序的定价标准:Price standard of various process4 质量控制方法:Methods of quality control5 日产量:Daily product quantity6 常见的车缝设备:Work-aids sewing Machine & attachments7 常见的车缝疵点:Various types of sewing problemD.洗水厂 Washing department1 洗水方法及不同的洗水特点:Washing type & various characteristic2 不同洗水的洗涤剂:Various chemical consumption for each type of garment wash3 如何控制洗水质量:Garment washing quality control E.包装:Packing department1 包装工序的任务及要求:What propose with packing process2 包装方法:Types of packing:Stand-up packing:企装, Flat packing:扁装 Semi stand packing: 铲装/半企装3 包装所需的辅料:What assembly will be used in packing4 包装机械设备:Packing equipment5 装箱方法:Methods of packing6 出货所需之文件:Shipping document7 如何控制包装质量:How to control packing quality二)制衣厂质量检查 QC Quality controlB.服装中-英名称衬衣Shirt/Blouse T-恤T-Shirt毛衣Sweat shirt 西装Suit裤子Pants 牛仔裤Jeans喇叭裤子 Bell bottom jeans 裙子Skirt外套Coat 连帽T-恤Parka运动衫Sports jacket 连衣裙Dress圆台裙Circular 百褶裙Gather Skirt裤裙Flare Culottes Skirt 马甲Vest背心Tank top 燕尾领Wing collarC.衣服部位中-英文名称前幅Front 后幅Back上级领Collar 下级领Collar Band前筒Front Placket 钮子Button stay袋Pocket 担干Yoke袖Sleeve 袖侧Sleeve placket介英Cuff 裤头Waist Band耳仔Belt Loop 拉链贴Zipper catch拉链牌Zipper Fly 袋贴Pocket Facing前浪Front Rise 后浪Back Rise裤脚Leg Bottom 侧骨Side Seam袋口Pocket Mouth 袖叉Sleeve Slit机头Riser 明袋Patch Pocket唇袋Jetted Pocket 袋盖Pocket Flap插袋Cross Pocket 袋衬Bearer袋布Pocket Bag 袖口贴Sleeve Band兜帽Hood 夹圈Armhole钮门Button Hole 凤眼Eyelet Button Hole捆条圆领 Crew neckD.制衣工序名称 Garment Product Procedure纸样Pattern 唛架Marker裁剪Cutting 绣花Embroidery样板Sample 车缝Sewing洗水Washing 成衣染Garment Dye整烫Ironing 包装Packing质量检查 Quality Inspection 质量控制Quality Control 石洗Stone Wash 化学洗Chemical Wash茶化洗Teast Wash 漂洗Bleach Wash钮Button 线Thread唛头 /商标Label 挂卡Hang tag贴纸Sticker 朴Interlining胶袋Plastic/Poly bag 胶夹Plastic Clip拉链Zipper 橡根Elastic Band肩垫Shoulder Pad 衬纸Tissue Paper绅Drawstring 领蝴蝶Collar Butterflies 领胶条Collar Stripe 纸箱(Paper)Carton (胶)针(Poly) Pins 检针济Sticker纸板Paper board 蝴蝶Butterfly纸/胶领条 Paper/Plastic collar band 尺码贴纸Size sticker插竹Collar stay 条形码Jan code/bar code E.车缝工序 Sewing process埋夹close side seam 车唛sew label间线子口hem stitch seam上间袖attachsleeve/topstitch sleeve打枣Tacking 接线Joints三)、布的中-英文名称1.梭织布 Woven牛津纺Oxford 府绸Poplin多臂提花Dobby斜纹Twill青年布Chambray 绒布Flannel条格布gingham 泡泡纱Seersucker灯芯绒Corduroy 卡其Drill哔叽Serge 华达呢Gabercord主身布Body fabric撞布Contrast fabric 条格Check 斜纹Stripe净色Solid 支数warp count2.针织布 Knit平纹布Jersey (Drop 1*1 Jersey/Lycry Jersey)珠地Pique (Twill Pique /Oxford pique /Athletic pique)双珠地Lacoste (Oxford Lacoste 牛津珠地)双面布Interlock (interlock pique /interlock jacquard 双面提花)毛圈布Terry ( twill French terry 法兰绒 /Fleece 磨毛毛圈布)提花Jacquard (herringbone /bubble jacquard 泡泡提花布)罗纹Rib (mini waffle 十字罗纹/法式罗纹French rib)棉布Cotton fabric麻布Linen丝绸Silk毛Wool化学纤维Chemical fiber四)制单要求 The requirement in production order生产制单production order 样板制造单Sample order款号Style Number 客户Customer数量quantity 尺码Size spec.交货期Delivery 装箱要求Carton Requirement纸箱规格Carton Measurement 毛重Crossheight净重Net height 说明Description 目的地Final destination 颜色color五)、其它样板Sample 货前板Pre-Production sample销售板Sales Sample 展览板Presentation sample批准板Approval sample 会议板Meeting Sample测试板Test sample 船头办Pre-shipment Sample六)布疵常见术语紧纱:Tight 断纱:Broken Yarn走纱:Misend / Mispick 抽纱:Yarn with Drawn针孔:Needle Holes 针路:Vertical Line横间:Horizontal Line 漏针:Dropped Stitch停机布痕:Stop Mark 幼纱:Yarn Thinning/Thin Yarn错花:Wrong Pattern or Wrong Structure飞花:Fly yarn 色差Shading染色Color fastness 粗纱Thick yarn色纱Color yarn织错纱Wrong pick end稀密路Filling bar 布纹弯曲不平 Bowing皱摺Crease 粗粒Slub起毛Hairy 织入杂物Gout起球Balling-up七)车缝常见术语跳线:Skip Stitch 用错原料:Wrong Material缝线散口:Run off 用错缝线:Incorrect Thread错唛:Wrong Label 破洞:Holes突咀:Excess Extension 不对称:Mismatched车着唛头:Sandwich Label 歪唛:Off Center or Side left/right尖位不尖:Pointed Area not Sharp 弯位不弯:Unsmooth Curve爆口:Open Seam 披苏:Loose Thread插竹歪:Crooked Collar Stay 领底松:Collar setting too Loose烂钮尖:Burst Collar Point 领尖不对条:Mismatched Collar Stripe错领型:Wrong Collar Shape 刀剪领:Scissoring露上领线:Thread Visible Outside 下级走样:Poor Banding领咀长短不定:Wrong Lapel Length 领错底面:Overturn Collar起耳子:Lock stitches-loop 断线:Broken Stitches落坑:Run off Stitch 积线球:Lumps of Thread藏色线:Trapped Color Thread 驳线不齐:Untidy Joined Stitching缝线阔窄:Uneven Seam 线路不美:Untidy Stitching皱:Pocking 露牙:Grinning走鸡:Miss Design Feature 大眼皮:Uneven seam高底袋:High/low pocket 筒起波浪:Fullness on Center Placket筒歪:Crooked Center Placket 担干谷:Fullness on Yoke前肩大小边:Crooked front Folding 欠返针:Miss Back tack唛头字母被盖:Hidden Wordings 子口反骨:Seam Overturn欠开骨:Without Press Open 裤咀歪:Distorted Waistband End大细唇:Uneven Lips 叠唇:Overlapped Lips裂唇:Open Lips 露朴:ExposureInterlining领咀朴空:Empty Collar Point 反光:Under ply Visible Outside突钮子:Extension of Right Fly Too Long长短领尖:Uneven Collar Point Length起角:Nose in Extension-Collar /Cuff上领黏边:Folded Edge on Collar Closing 内领窝谷:Fullness on Inside Around Collar setting车唛不对折痕:not Following the Folded Mark of Label下级领高低:Crooked Collar Hi-Low/off Center Line布包朴过紧:Tightness of Interlining after Sewing领朴起泡:Bubbling/Delimitation Fused Collar扭:Twisted/Misaligned Underarm and Side Seam打褶Make dart八)中英文色泽名称对照表Amber 琥珀色Khaki 土黄色Amethyst 蓝紫色Leek Green 葱绿色Antique Bronze 古铜色Lilac 淡紫色Brown 棕色Lemon 柠檬色Blue 蓝色Magenta 品红色Burgundy 红紫色Mooney 紫红色Bordeaux 红酱色Copper Brown 棕红色Maroon 酱紫色Brilliant Green 艳绿色Navy Blue 藏青色Black 黑色Orange 橙色Canary 嫩黄色Olive 橄榄色Clay 土灰色Pink 桃红色Salmon Pink橙红色/浅橙色Crimson 梅红色Plum 梅红色Pea Green 豆绿色Carmine 胭脂色Peacock 孔雀蓝Corinth 紫酱色Rubies 酱色Claret 枣红色Dark Blue 深蓝色Malachite Green 孔雀绿Fawn 淡黄褐Royal Blue 品蓝色Flesh Color 肉色Ruby 红玉色Fast Blue 坚牢色Sorrel 红棕色Golden Yellow 金黄色Sky Blue 湖蓝色Golden Brown 黄棕色Scarlet 大红色Grass Green 草绿色Turquoise Blue 翠绿色Grey/Charcoal灰色Tangerine 桔红色Honey 蜜黄色Violet 紫色Isabella 淡黄色White(off white) 白色(米白)Jade Green 翠绿色Yellow 黄色Mastic 乳白色Red 红色九)物料名词:MATERIAL ITEMAttention Card 注意卡Buckle 字扣,铁扣Back end sticker 外箱检针济贴纸Plastic Butterfly 胶蝴蝶,胶托Button Mould 钮模Boxes 内箱B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)Button 钮Carton 外箱Inner Carton 内箱Division Pad 内插筒Shoulder Cotton Pad棉织带Carton Tag 箱贴纸Plastic Clips 胶夹PL. Collar Support 胶领圈Paper Collar Stripe 纸领条Collar Stay 插竹Drawstring 棉绳Elastic Band 细橡根Embroidery Patch 绣花章Cum Tape 平橡根Herringbone Tape 人字带Hook and Eye 安全枢(银色)Plastic Hangers 胶衣架Hang Tag 挂卡Interlining 朴Jocker Tag 挂卡(For Tommy)Lace 丝带,花边Box end Label 内盒贴纸(For M&S) Content Label 成份唛Leather Disc 皮牌Exterior Label 旗唛(For ANF)Flag Label 旗唛,皮士唛Luggage Pin 胶针Item Label 旗唛Zipper Pull 拉链头Main Label 主唛Neck Label 领唛Country Origin Labe l 产地唛Pocket/Placket Label袋唛/旗唛Label of Other 其它唛Size Label 西士唛Wash Care Label 洗水唛Yoke Label 担干唛Content/WC/SZ Lab el 成份/洗水/西士唛Metal Clip 叉字铁夹Magic Sticker 魔术贴Nylon Loop 尼龙捆条Nylon String 尼龙绳Small Poly bag 小胶袋Poly bag 胶袋Plastic Clip 胶夹Poly Envelope 胶袋(封口)Golden Field Pocket Fabric 高丰袋布Piece goods (Job costing) 工作用品Paper Belt (纸)腰带(装饰用)Pins 针Cowhide Pager 牛皮纸Plastic 胶针Paper Tag 纸牌Price Ticket (OCR) 价钱牌Ribbon 丝带Rectangle Clip 方型胶夹Rivet 铆钉Poly bag Sticker 胶袋贴纸Carton Sticker 外箱贴纸Sundries 杂物Safety Pins 扣针Shoulder Pad(Tape) 扁带Inner Box Sticker 内盒纸箱Hang tag Sticker 挂卡贴纸Plastic Shirt Band 胶领条Paper Shirt Band 纸领条Shirt Board 纸板Size Sticker 西士贴纸Sticker 贴纸Glee 胶Staple Wire 备用电线Silicon Wrappers 缎带Levis Tab 转移印花Tag Tin 胶针(用枪打)Tissue Paper 纸领条,衬纸Thread 线Twill Tape 斜纹带Waist Band 印字系带,纸腰带Waist Tag 腰牌Zipper 拉链Plastic Sticker 胶贴纸十)、车缝常用名词中英文对照Linking 缝合Folding 折Crease 折边Slacks side seam 边缝Lapped seam 叠缝Single lapped seam 单线叠缝Blind stitch felling 暗缝线Flat felled seam 折边缝线Back tuck 回针,往复针Double welt seam 双线针Bar tacking 加固针缝Bound seam 包缝Top stitch 边缘明线Pad stitch 衲缝Triple stitch 三针平车,三针直线缝Run stitch 平缝,缝合Run and Turn 回针缝合Run and Open 开口缝Blind over edging 下摆翻边缝Tucked seam 缝褶Dart sewing 省缝Double stitched seam 双线缝,双层缝合Twin needle stitch 针平缝Stitch and Run 头,反缝Wrapping button shank 绕扣线Straight buttonhole 平眼锁钮孔Piped seam 夹紧缝Single lapped seam at edge 单线打边缝Edge stitched seam 边缘缝Lapped seam 包缝Welt seam 咬口折边,折缝Feltings 双折边叠缝,对折缝Button holing 锁眼扣Button sewing 钉纽扣Rolled seam 包边缝Threefold seam 三折缝Fourfold seam 四折缝Fell seam 双折边缝EGMS 界面常用英文单词翻译一、Personal Information 人事资料Transaction 处理,办理Employee Master 雇员Employee No. 雇员编号Employee Name 姓名Rack No. 厂卡号Social Security No. 社会保险号Birth Certificate No. 出生证号Identity No. 身份证号Income Tax No. 纳税号Sex 性别Marital Status 婚姻状况Male 男Female 女No. of Children 子女数Date of Birth 出生日期Join Date 入厂日期Effective Join Date 生效日期Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入First Contract Date 第一次签合同日Date Leave 离职日期Home Address 家庭住址Area 地区Phone No. 电话号码Search Detail 查找细则Education Grade 学历Cutting Ticket No. 制单Description 描述Update 更新二、Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入Process 过程Transaction Date 工票日期Daily Allowance Entry 补贴输入Piece and time rate worker 时工和件工PO 定单三、Daily Compensate Hour Entry (COM)补时工输入Supplementary增补,追加Overtime Code加班代号Cutting Ticket No. 制单号Daily production Ticket Adjustment Entry工票修改界面Employee Status Control雇员状况Quantity数量Alter Prod Line组别Compensate Hours Entry补时工输入Factory PO制单号Amount金额Price单价Payroll工帐四、Payroll information : 工资资料Factory Code工厂编号Section Code部门Production Line Code组别代码Operation Code(Op. Code)工序号Employee Type雇员类别Job Level工种级别Job Class工种Pay Type付款方式Cash现金支付Labor Type劳动力类型Direct直接体力劳动Indirect非直接体力劳动Remuneration Scheme工资类别Monthly rated月薪Option属性Staff职员Bank Branch Code支行代号Basic Pay Amount基本工资Daily Production Ticket Table Entry工票输入界面Daily Production Ticket By Factory PO Entry工票输入界面Piece rated件薪Time rated时薪Worker工人Bank Code银行代号Bank Account No银行帐户号Employee Status雇员状况五、Piece and Time Rate Worker :计时和计件工人Op. Code工序编号Process Type生产过程描述Cutting裁床Sewing车间Fusing 烫朴Washing洗水Iron 烫部Packing包装六、Daily Production Ticket Normal Entry :工票输入界面Production Ticket Normal Detail 工票输入细则Production Ticket Normal Header工票输入表头Normal Quantity原数Adjust Quantity修改后的数Daily Production Ticket Supplementary Entry追补工票输入界面Daily Compensate Hours Entry补时工输入界面Daily Allowance Entry补贴输入界面Daily Deduction Entry扣减输入界面Employee Group Setting评分输入界面Group ID组别Ratio Value评分Total Hours总出勤时间Normal正常出勤时间OTx1.5平时加班时间OTx 2周六/日加班时间OTx3法定假日加班时间Factory Suspend Hours回工时间Absent 缺勤时间Leave Descrp. 请假描述Print 打印Report 汇总Data Entry Report 输入资料汇总Print Selection 打印区域Production Ticket (Normal ) Report 工票总结From Page No. 从第页To Page No. 到第页七、Monthly Pay Detail 月薪细则Bank Payment 银行支付Allowance Detail 补贴细则Salaries Detail 薪水细则Deduction Detail 扣减细则Over Time Payment 加班工资Compensation Detail 补时工细则八、Daily Production Ticket Inquire 工票查寻界面Factory PO 制单号Amount 金额Price 单价Query Result 查寻结果。



制衣厂常用术语中英文对照表一)部门术语及常用词A.裁床:Cutting room1 纸样制作原理及方法:The methods & principle of pattern making2 排唛架方法:The methods of marker making3 YPD的计算及工厂唛架利用率:YPD calculation & marker use rate4 拉布及割布方法,工票之使用方法及功用:Methods & function of spreading & cutting5 裁剪日产量:Daily quantity of cutting6 裁单:Cutting ReportB.板房:Sample room1 裤子,恤衫的车缝工序:Understand the procedures of sewing pants and shirt2 熟识各个工序的称谓:Understand the name of various procedures3 熟识各个线缝的名称及功能:Understand the name and function in various seams4 了解缝1件衫所需的辅料:understand sub-materials used in a shirt5 熟识样板制造单:Understand sample orderC.车缝车间1 熟识生产制造单:Understand the production order2 熟识整个生产线的工序安排:Understand the product line lay out3 各个工序的定价标准:Price standard of various process4 质量控制方法:Methods of quality control5 日产量:Daily product quantity6 常见的车缝设备:Work-aids sewing Machine & attachments7 常见的车缝疵点:Various types of sewing problemD.洗水厂 Washing department1 洗水方法及不同的洗水特点:Washing type & various characteristic2 不同洗水的洗涤剂:Various chemical consumption for each type of garment wash3 如何控制洗水质量:Garment washing quality control E.包装:Packing department1 包装工序的任务及要求:What propose with packing process2 包装方法:Types of packing:Stand-up packing:企装, Flat packing:扁装 Semi stand packing: 铲装/半企装3 包装所需的辅料:What assembly will be used in packing4 包装机械设备:Packing equipment5 装箱方法:Methods of packing6 出货所需之文件:Shipping document7 如何控制包装质量:How to control packing quality 二)制衣厂质量检查 QC Quality control1.服装中-英名称衬衣Shirt/Blouse T-恤T-Shirt毛衣Sweat shirt 西装Suit裤子Pants 牛仔裤Jeans喇叭裤子 Bell bottom jeans 裙子Skirt外套Coat 连帽T-恤Parka运动衫Sports jacket 连衣裙Dress圆台裙Circular 百褶裙Gather Skirt裤裙Flare Culottes Skirt 马甲Vest背心Tank top 燕尾领Wing collar 2.衣服部位中-英文名称前幅Front 后幅Back上级领Collar 下级领Collar Band前筒Front Placket 钮子Button stay袋Pocket 担干Yoke袖Sleeve 袖侧Sleeve placket 介英Cuff 裤头Waist Band耳仔Belt Loop 拉链贴Zipper catch拉链牌Zipper Fly 袋贴Pocket Facing前浪Front Rise 后浪Back Rise裤脚Leg Bottom 侧骨Side Seam袋口Pocket Mouth 袖叉Sleeve Slit机头Riser 明袋Patch Pocket唇袋Jetted Pocket 袋盖Pocket Flap插袋Cross Pocket 袋衬Bearer袋布Pocket Bag 袖口贴Sleeve Band兜帽Hood 夹圈Armhole钮门Button Hole 凤眼Eyelet Button Hole捆条圆领 Crew neck3.制衣工序名称 Garment Product Procedure纸样Pattern 唛架Marker裁剪Cutting 绣花Embroidery样板Sample 车缝Sewing洗水Washing 成衣染Garment Dye整烫Ironing 包装Packing质量检查 Quality Inspection 质量控制Quality Control石洗Stone Wash 化学洗Chemical Wash 茶化洗Teast Wash 漂洗Bleach Wash钮Button 线Thread唛头 /商标Label 挂卡Hang tag贴纸Sticker 朴Interlining胶袋Plastic/Poly bag 胶夹Plastic Clip拉链Zipper 橡根Elastic Band肩垫Shoulder Pad 衬纸Tissue Paper绅Drawstring 领蝴蝶Collar Butterflies领胶条Collar Stripe 纸箱(Paper)Carton (胶)针 (Poly) Pins 检针济Sticker纸板Paper board 蝴蝶Butterfly纸/胶领条 Paper/Plastic collar band 尺码贴纸 Size sticker插竹Collar stay 条形码Jan code/bar code4.车缝工序 Sewing process埋夹close side seam 车唛sew label间线子口hem stitch seam 上间袖attachsleeve/topstitch sleeve打枣Tacking 接线Joints三)、布的中-英文名称1.梭织布 Woven牛津纺Oxford 府绸Poplin多臂提花Dobby斜纹Twill青年布Chambray 绒布Flannel条格布gingham 泡泡纱Seersucker灯芯绒Corduroy 卡其Drill哔叽Serge 华达呢Gabercord主身布Body fabric 撞布Contrast fabric 条格Check 斜纹Stripe净色Solid 支数warp count2.针织布 Knit平纹布Jersey (Drop 1*1 Jersey/Lycry Jersey)珠地Pique (Twill Pique /Oxford pique /Athletic pique)双珠地Lacoste (Oxford Lacoste 牛津珠地)双面布Interlock (interlock pique /interlock jacquard 双面提花)毛圈布Terry ( twill French terry 法兰绒 /Fleece 磨毛毛圈布)提花Jacquard (herringbone /bubble jacquard 泡泡提花布)罗纹Rib (mini waffle 十字罗纹/法式罗纹 French rib)棉布Cotton fabric麻布Linen丝绸Silk毛Wool化学纤维 Chemical fiber四)制单要求 The requirement in production order生产制单 production order 样板制造单Sample order款号Style Number 客户Customer数量quantity 尺码Size spec.交货期Delivery 装箱要求Carton Requirement纸箱规格Carton Measurement 毛重Cross height 净重Net height 说明Description目的地Final destination 颜色color五)、其它样板Sample 货前板Pre-Production sample销售板Sales Sample 展览板Presentation sample批准板Approval sample 会议板Meeting Sample测试板Test sample 船头办Pre-shipment Sample六)布疵常见术语紧纱:Tight 断纱:Broken Yarn走纱:Misend / Mispick 抽纱:Yarn with Drawn针孔:Needle Holes 针路:Vertical Line横间:Horizontal Line 漏针:Dropped Stitch停机布痕:Stop Mark 幼纱:Yarn Thinning/Thin Yarn错花:Wrong Pattern or Wrong Structure飞花:Fly yarn 色差Shading染色Color fastness 粗纱Thick yarn色纱Color yarn 织错纱Wrong pick end 稀密路Filling bar 布纹弯曲不平Bowing皱摺Crease 粗粒Slub起毛Hairy 织入杂物Gout起球Balling-up七)车缝常见术语跳线:Skip Stitch 用错原料: Wrong Material 缝线散口:Run off 用错缝线:Incorrect Thread错唛:Wrong Label 破洞:Holes突咀:Excess Extension 不对称:Mismatched车着唛头:Sandwich Label 歪唛:Off Center or Side left/right尖位不尖:Pointed Area not Sharp 弯位不弯:Unsmooth Curve爆口:Open Seam 披苏:Loose Thread插竹歪:Crooked Collar Stay 领底松: Collar setting too Loose烂钮尖:Burst Collar Point 领尖不对条:Mismatched Collar Stripe错领型:Wrong Collar Shape 刀剪领:Scissoring露上领线:Thread Visible Outside 下级走样:Poor Banding领咀长短不定:Wrong Lapel Length 领错底面:Overturn Collar起耳子:Lock stitches-loop 断线:Broken Stitches落坑:Run off Stitch 积线球:Lumps of Thread 藏色线:Trapped Color Thread 驳线不齐:Untidy Joined Stitching缝线阔窄:Uneven Seam 线路不美:Untidy Stitching皱:Pocking 露牙:Grinning走鸡:Miss Design Feature 大眼皮: Uneven seam高底袋:High/low pocket 筒起波浪: Fullness onCenter Placket筒歪:Crooked Center Placket 担干谷:Fullness on Yoke前肩大小边:Crooked front Folding 欠返针:Miss Back tack唛头字母被盖:Hidden Wordings 子口反骨:Seam Overturn欠开骨:Without Press Open 裤咀歪:Distorted Waistband End大细唇:Uneven Lips 叠唇:Overlapped Lips 裂唇:Open Lips 露朴:Exposure Interlining领咀朴空:Empty Collar Point 反光:Under ply Visible Outside突钮子:Extension of Right Fly Too Long长短领尖:Uneven Collar Point Length 起角:Nose in Extension-Collar /Cuff上领黏边:Folded Edge on Collar Closing内领窝谷:Fullness on Inside Around Collar setting车唛不对折痕:not Following the Folded Mark of Label下级领高低:Crooked Collar Hi-Low/off Center Line布包朴过紧:Tightness of Interlining after Sewing领朴起泡:Bubbling/Delimitation Fused Collar扭:Twisted/Misaligned Underarm and Side Seam 打褶Make dart八)中英文色泽名称对照表Amber 琥珀色Khaki 土黄色Amethyst 蓝紫色Leek Green 葱绿色Antique Bronze 古铜色Lilac 淡紫色Brown 棕色Lemon 柠檬色Blue 蓝色Magenta 品红色Burgundy 红紫色Mooney 紫红色Bordeaux 红酱色Copper Brown 棕红色Maroon 酱紫色Brilliant Green 艳绿色Navy Blue 藏青色Black 黑色Orange 橙色Canary 嫩黄色Olive 橄榄色Clay 土灰色Pink 桃红色Salmon Pink橙红色/浅橙色Crimson 梅红色Plum 梅红色Pea Green 豆绿色Carmine 胭脂色Peacock 孔雀蓝Corinth 紫酱色Rubies 酱色Claret 枣红色Dark Blue 深蓝色Malachite Green 孔雀绿Fawn 淡黄褐Royal Blue 品蓝色Flesh Color 肉色Ruby 红玉色Fast Blue 坚牢色Sorrel 红棕色Golden Yellow 金黄色Sky Blue 湖蓝色Golden Brown 黄棕色Scarlet 大红色Grass Green 草绿色Turquoise Blue 翠绿色Grey/Charcoal灰色Tangerine 桔红色Honey 蜜黄色Violet 紫色Isabella 淡黄色White(off white) 白色(米白)Jade Green 翠绿色Yellow 黄色Mastic 乳白色Red 红色九)物料名词:MATERIAL ITEMAttention Card 注意卡Buckle 字扣,铁扣Back end sticker 外箱检针济贴纸Plastic Butterfly 胶蝴蝶,胶托Button Mould 钮模Boxes 内箱B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)Button 钮Carton 外箱Inner Carton 内箱Division Pad 内插筒Shoulder Cotton Pad 棉织带Carton Tag 箱贴纸Plastic Clips 胶夹PL. Collar Support 胶领圈Paper Collar Stripe 纸领条Collar Stay 插竹Drawstring 棉绳Elastic Band 细橡根Embroidery Patch 绣花章Cum Tape 平橡根Herringbone Tape 人字带Hook and Eye 安全枢(银色)Plastic Hangers 胶衣架Hang Tag 挂卡Interlining 朴Jocker Tag 挂卡(For Tommy)Lace 丝带,花边Box end Label 内盒贴纸(For M&S)Content Label 成份唛Leather Disc 皮牌Exterior Label 旗唛(For ANF)Flag Label 旗唛,皮士唛Luggage Pin 胶针Item Label 旗唛Zipper Pull 拉链头Main Label 主唛Neck Label 领唛Country Origin Label 产地唛Pocket/Placket Label 袋唛/旗唛Label of Other 其它唛Size Label 西士唛Wash Care Label 洗水唛Yoke Label 担干唛Content/WC/SZ Label 成份/洗水/西士唛Metal Clip 叉字铁夹Magic Sticker 魔术贴Nylon Loop 尼龙捆条Nylon String 尼龙绳Small Poly bag 小胶袋Poly bag 胶袋Plastic Clip 胶夹Poly Envelope 胶袋(封口)Golden Field Pocket Fabric 高丰袋布Piece goods (Job costing) 工作用品Paper Belt (纸)腰带(装饰用)Pins 针Cowhide Pager 牛皮纸Plastic 胶针Paper Tag 纸牌Price Ticket (OCR) 价钱牌Ribbon 丝带Rectangle Clip 方型胶夹Rivet 铆钉Poly bag Sticker 胶袋贴纸Carton Sticker 外箱贴纸Sundries 杂物Safety Pins 扣针Shoulder Pad(Tape) 扁带Inner Box Sticker 内盒纸箱Hang tag Sticker 挂卡贴纸Plastic Shirt Band 胶领条Paper Shirt Band 纸领条Shirt Board 纸板Size Sticker 西士贴纸Sticker 贴纸Glee 胶Staple Wire 备用电线Silicon Wrappers 缎带Levis Tab 转移印花Tag Tin 胶针(用枪打)Tissue Paper 纸领条,衬纸Thread 线Twill Tape 斜纹带Waist Band 印字系带,纸腰带Waist Tag 腰牌Zipper 拉链Plastic Sticker 胶贴纸十)、车缝常用名词中英文对照Linking 缝合Folding 折Crease 折边Slacks side seam 边缝Lapped seam 叠缝Single lapped seam 单线叠缝Blind stitch felling 暗缝线Flat felled seam 折边缝线Back tuck 回针,往复针Double welt seam 双线针Bar tacking 加固针缝Bound seam 包缝Top stitch 边缘明线Pad stitch 衲缝Triple stitch 三针平车,三针直线缝Run stitch 平缝,缝合Run and Turn 回针缝合Run and Open 开口缝Blind over edging 下摆翻边缝Tucked seam 缝褶Dart sewing 省缝Double stitched seam 双线缝,双层缝合Twin needle stitch 针平缝Stitch and Run 头,反缝Wrapping button shank 绕扣线Straight buttonhole 平眼锁钮孔Piped seam 夹紧缝Single lapped seam at edge 单线打边缝Edge stitched seam 边缘缝Lapped seam 包缝Welt seam 咬口折边,折缝Feltings 双折边叠缝,对折缝Button holing 锁眼扣Button sewing 钉纽扣Rolled seam 包边缝Threefold seam 三折缝Fourfold seam 四折缝Fell seam 双折边缝EGMS 界面常用英文单词翻译一、Personal Information 人事资料Transaction 处理,办理Employee Master 雇员Employee No. 雇员编号Employee Name 姓名Rack No. 厂卡号Social Security No. 社会保险号Birth Certificate No. 出生证号Identity No. 身份证号Income Tax No. 纳税号Sex 性别Marital Status 婚姻状况Male 男Female 女No. of Children 子女数Date of Birth 出生日期Join Date 入厂日期Effective Join Date 生效日期Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入First Contract Date 第一次签合同日Date Leave 离职日期Home Address 家庭住址Area 地区Phone No. 电话号码Search Detail 查找细则Education Grade 学历Cutting Ticket No. 制单Description 描述Update 更新二、Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入Process 过程Transaction Date 工票日期Daily Allowance Entry 补贴输入Piece and time rate worker 时工和件工PO 定单三、Daily Compensate Hour Entry (COM)补时工输入Supplementary 增补,追加Overtime Code 加班代号Cutting Ticket No. 制单号Daily production Ticket Adjustment Entry 工票修改界面Employee Status Control 雇员状况Quantity 数量Alter Prod Line 组别Compensate Hours Entry 补时工输入Factory PO 制单号Amount 金额Price 单价Payroll 工帐四、Payroll information : 工资资料Factory Code 工厂编号Section Code 部门Production Line Code 组别代码Operation Code(Op. Code)工序号Employee Type 雇员类别Job Level 工种级别Job Class 工种Pay Type 付款方式Cash 现金支付Labor Type 劳动力类型Direct 直接体力劳动Indirect 非直接体力劳动Remuneration Scheme 工资类别Monthly rated 月薪Option 属性Staff 职员Bank Branch Code 支行代号Basic Pay Amount 基本工资Daily Production Ticket Table Entry 工票输入界面Daily Production Ticket By Factory PO Entry 工票输入界面Piece rated 件薪Time rated 时薪Worker 工人Bank Code 银行代号Bank Account No 银行帐户号Employee Status 雇员状况五、Piece and Time Rate Worker :计时和计件工人Op. Code 工序编号Process Type 生产过程描述Cutting 裁床Sewing 车间Fusing 烫朴Washing 洗水Iron 烫部Packing 包装六、Daily Production Ticket Normal Entry :工票输入界面Production Ticket Normal Detail 工票输入细则Production Ticket Normal Header 工票输入表头Normal Quantity 原数Adjust Quantity 修改后的数Daily Production Ticket Supplementary Entry 追补工票输入界面Daily Compensate Hours Entry 补时工输入界面Daily Allowance Entry 补贴输入界面Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入界面Employee Group Setting 评分输入界面Group ID 组别Ratio Value 评分Total Hours 总出勤时间Normal 正常出勤时间OTx1.5 平时加班时间OTx 2 周六/日加班时间OTx3 法定假日加班时间Factory Suspend Hours 回工时间Absent 缺勤时间Leave Descrp. 请假描述Print 打印Report 汇总Data Entry Report 输入资料汇总Print Selection 打印区域Production Ticket (Normal ) Report 工票总结From Page No. 从第页To Page No. 到第页七、Monthly Pay Detail 月薪细则Bank Payment 银行支付Allowance Detail 补贴细则Salaries Detail 薪水细则Deduction Detail 扣减细则Over Time Payment 加班工资Compensation Detail 补时工细则八、Daily Production Ticket Inquire 工票查寻界面Factory PO 制单号Amount 金额Price 单价Query Result 查寻结果。

制衣行业专有名词英文翻译62009-03-17 11:15:34| 分类:个人日记 |字号订阅制衣厂常用术语中英文对照表一)部门术语及常用词A. 裁床:Cutting room1 纸样制作原理及方法:The methods & principle of pattern makingb5E2RGbCAP2 排唛架方法:The methods of marker making3 YPD的计算及工厂唛架利用率:YPD calculation & marker use rate4 拉布及割布方法,工票之使用方法及功用:Methods & function of spreading & cuttingp1EanqFDPw5 裁剪日产量:Daily quantity of cutting6 裁单:Cutting ReportB.板房:Sample room1 裤子,恤衫的车缝工序:Understand the procedures of sewing pants and shirtDXDiTa9E3d2 熟识各个工序的称谓:Understand the name of various proceduresRTCrpUDGiT3 熟识各个线缝的名称及功能:Understand the name and function in various seams5PCzVD7HxA4 了解缝1件衫所需的辅料:understand sub-materials used ina shirtjLBHrnAILg5 熟识样板制造单:Understand sample orderC.车缝车间1 熟识生产制造单:Understand the production order2 熟识整个生产线的工序安排:Understand the product line lay out3 各个工序的定价标准:Price standard of various process4 质量控制方法:Methods of quality control5 日产量:Daily product quantity6 常见的车缝设备:Work-aids sewing Machine & attachments7 常见的车缝疵点:Various types of sewing problemD.洗水厂: Washing department1 洗水方法及不同的洗水特点:Washing type & various characteristicxHAQX74J0X2 不同洗水的洗涤剂:Various chemical consumption for each type of garment washLDAYtRyKfE3 如何控制洗水质量:Garment washing quality controlE.包装:Packing department1 包装工序的任务及要求:What propose with packing process2 包装方法:Types of packing3 包装所需的辅料:What assembly will be used in packing4 包装机械设备:Packing equipment5 装箱方法:Methods of packing6 出货所需之文件:Shipping document7 如何控制包装质量:How to control packing quality二)GFG: Golden Field Garment质量检查 QC: Quality control1.服装中-英名称衬衣 Shirt Blouse T-恤: T-ShirtPOLO Shirt 毛衣 Sweat shirt裤子 Pants 牛仔裤 Jeans喇叭裤子 Bell bottom jeans 裙子 Skirt外套 Coat 连帽T-恤 Parka运动衫 Sports jacket 连衣裙 Dress圆台裙 Circular 百褶裙 Gether Skirt裤裙 Flare Culotte Skirt 马甲 Vest背心 Tank top 西装 Suit2.衣服部位中-英文名称前幅 Front 后幅 Back上级领 Collar 下级领 Collar Band前筒 Front Placket 钮子 Button stay袋 Pocket 担干 Yoke袖 Sleeve 袖侧 Sleeve placket介英 Cuff 裤头 Waist Band耳仔 Belt Loop 拉链贴 Zipper catch拉链牌 Zipper Fly 袋贴 Pocket Facing前浪 Front Rise 后浪 Back Rise裤脚 Leg Bottom 侧骨 Side Seam袋口 Pocket Mouth 袖叉 Sleeve Slit机头 Riser 明袋 Patch Pocket唇袋 Jetted Pocket 袋盖 Pocket Flap插袋 Cross Pocket 袋衬 Bearer袋布 Pocket Bag 袖口贴 Sleeve Band兜帽 Hood 夹圈 Armhole钮门 Button Hole 凤眼 Eyelet Button Hole 捆条圆领 Crew neck3.制衣工序名称 Garment Product Procedure PPC: Production Plan Control纸样 Pattern 唛架 Marker裁剪 Cutting 绣花 Embroidery样板 Sample 车缝 Sewing洗水 Washing 成衣染 Garment Dye整烫 Ironing 包装 Packing质量检查 Quality Inspection 质量控制 Quality Control 石洗 Stone Wash 化学洗 Chemical Wash茶化洗 Teast Wash 漂洗 Bleach Wash钮 Button 线 Thread唛头 Label 挂卡 Hand tap贴纸 Sticker 朴 Interlining胶袋 Plastic bag 胶夹 Plastic Clip拉链 Zipper 橡根 Elastic Band肩垫 Shoulder Pad 衬纸 Tissue Paper绅 Drawstring 领蝴蝶 Collar Butterflies领胶条 Collar Stripe 纸箱 Paper Carton针 Pins三)布的中-英文名称1. 梭织布 Woven牛津纺 Oxford 府绸 Poplin青年布 Chambray 绒布 Flannel条格布 gingham 泡泡纱 Seersucker灯芯绒 Corduroy 卡其 Drill哔叽 Serge 华达呢 Gabercord2.针织布 Knit平纹布 Jersey (Drop 1*1 Jersey/Lycry Jersey>珠地Pique (Twill Pique /Oxford pique /Athletic pique>Zzz6ZB2Ltk双珠地 Lacoste (Oxford Lacoste 牛津珠地>双面布 Interlock (interlock pique /interlock jacquard 双面提花>dvzfvkwMI1毛圈布 Terry ( twill french terry 法兰绒 /Fleece 磨毛毛圈布>提花 Jacquard (herringbone /bubble jacquard 泡泡提花布>罗纹 Rib (mini waffle 十字罗纹/法式罗纹 French rib>棉布 Cotton fabric麻布 Linen丝绸 Silk毛 Wool化学纤维 Chemical fiber四)制单要求 The requirement in production order生产制单 production order 样板制造单 Sample order款号 Style Number 客户 Customer数量 quantity 尺码 Size spec.交货期 Delivery 装箱要求 Carton Requirement纸箱规格 Carton Measurement 毛重 Cross height净重 Net height 说明 Description目的地 Final destination 颜色 color五)其它样板 Sample 货前板 Pre-Production sample销售板 Sales Sample 展览板 Presentation sample批准板 Approval sample 会议板 Meeting Sample测试板 Test sample六)布疵常见术语紧纱:Tight 断纱:Yarn Broken走纱:Missing Course 抽纱:Yarn with Drawn针孔:Needle Holes 针路:Verticial Line横间:Horizontal Line 漏针:Dropped Stitch停机布痕:Stop Mark 幼纱:Yarn Thinning/Thin Yarn错花:Wrong Pattern or Wrong Structure七)车缝常见术语跳线:Skip Stitch 用错原料:Wrong Material缝线散口:Run off 用错缝线:Incorrect Thread错唛:Wrong Label 破洞:Holes突咀:Excess Extension 不对称:Mismatched车着唛头:Sandwich Label 歪唛:Off Center or Side left/rightrqyn14ZNXI尖位不尖:Pointed Area not Sharp 弯位不弯:Unsmooth Curve爆口:Open Seam 披苏:Loose Thread插竹歪:Crooked Collar Stay 领底松:Collar setting too LooseEmxvxOtOco车唛不对折痕:not Following the Folded Mark of Label下级领高低:Crooked Collar Hi-Low/off Center Line烂钮尖:Burst Collar Point 领尖不对条:Mismatched Collar StripeSixE2yXPq5错领型:Wrong Collar Shape 刀剪领:Scissoring长短领尖:Uneven Collar Point Length 起角:Nose in Extension-Collar /Cuff6ewMyirQFL露上领线:Thread Visible Outside 下级走样:Poor Banding领咀长短不定:Wrong Lapel Length 领错底面:Overturn Collar上领黏边:Folded Edge on Collar Closing 内领窝谷:Fullness on Inside Around Collar settingkavU42VRUs起耳子:Lock stitches-loop 断线:Broken Stitches落坑:Run off Stitch 积线球:Lumps of Thread藏色线:Trapped Color Thread 驳线不齐:Untidy Joined Stitchingy6v3ALoS89缝线阔窄:Uneven Seam 线路不美:Untidy Stitching布包朴过紧:Tightness of Interlining after Sewing露朴:Exposure Interlining 领咀朴空:Empty Collar Point领朴起泡:Bubbling/Delimination Fused Collar皱:Pucking 走鸡:Miss Design Feature反光:Underply Visible Outside 露牙:Grinning扭:Twisted/Misaligned Underarm and Side Seam高底袋:High/low pocket 筒起波浪:Fullness on Center PlacketM2ub6vSTnP筒歪:Crooked Center Placket 担干谷:Fullness on Yoke前肩大小边:Crooked front Folding 欠返针:Miss Back tack唛头字母被盖:Hidden Wordings 子口反骨:Seam Overturn欠开骨:Without Press Open 裤咀歪:Distorted Waistband End突钮子:Extension of Right Fly Too Long 大细唇:Uneven Lips0YujCfmUCw裂唇:Open Lips 叠唇:Overlapped Lips八)中英文色泽名称对照表英文中文英文中文Amber 琥珀色 Khaki 土黄色Amethyst 蓝紫色 Leek Green 葱绿色Antique Bronze 古铜色 Lilac 淡紫色Brown 棕色 Lemon 柠檬色Blue 蓝色 Magenta 品红色Burgundy 红紫色 Muney 紫红色Bordeaux 红酱色 Copper Brown 棕红色Maroon 酱紫色 Brilliant Green 艳绿色Navy Blue 藏青色 Black 黑色Orange 橙色 Canary 嫩黄色Olive 橄榄色 Clay 土灰色Pink 桃红色 Crimson 梅红色Plum 梅红色 Pea Green 豆绿色Carmine 胭脂色 Peacock 孔雀蓝Corinth 紫酱色 Rubine 酱色Claret 枣红色 Red 红色Dark Blue 深蓝色 Malachite Green 孔雀绿Fawn 淡黄褐 Royal Blue 品蓝色Flesh Color 肉色 Ruby 红玉色Fast Blue 坚牢色 Sorrel 红棕色Golden Yellow 金黄色 Sky Blue 湖蓝色Golden Brown 黄棕色 Scarlet 大红色Grass Green 草绿色 Turquoise Blue 翠绿色Grey 灰色 Tangerine 桔红色Honey 蜜黄色 Violet 紫色Isobella 淡黄色 White 白色Jade Green 翠绿色 Yellow 黄色Mastic 乳白色九)物料名词:MATERIAL ITEMAttention Card 注意卡Buckle 字扣,铁扣Back end sticker 外箱检针济贴纸Plastic Butterfly 胶蝴蝶,胶托Button Mould 钮模Boxes 内箱B.Support 胶托<FOR M&S)B.Support 胶托<FOR M&S)Button 钮Carton 外箱Inner Carton 内箱Division Pad 内插筒Shoulder Cotton Pad 棉织带Carton Tag 箱贴纸Plastic Clips 胶夹Plastic Collar Support 胶领圈Paper Collar Stripe 纸领条Collar Stay 插竹Drawstring 棉绳Elastic Band 细橡根Embroidery Patch 绣花章Cum Tape 平橡根Herringbone Tape 人字带Hook and Eye 安全枢<银色)Plastic Hangers 胶衣架Hang Tag 挂卡Interlining 朴Jocker Tag 挂卡<For Tommy)Lace 丝带,花边Box end Label 内盒贴纸(For M&S> Content Label 成份唛Leather Disc 皮牌Exterior Label 旗唛<For ANF)Flag Label 旗唛,皮士唛Luggage Pin 胶针Item Label 旗唛Zipper Pull 拉链头Main Label 主唛Neck Label 领唛Country Origin Label 产地唛Pocket/Placket Label 袋唛/旗唛Label of Other 其它唛Size Label 西士唛Wash Care Label 洗水唛Yoke Label 担干唛Content/WC/SZ Label 成份/洗水/西士唛Metal Clip 叉字铁夹Magic Sticker 魔术贴Nylon Loop 尼龙捆条Nylon String 尼龙绳Small Polybag 小胶袋Polybag 胶袋Plastic Clip 胶夹Poly Envelope 胶袋<封口)Golden Field Pocket Fabric 高丰袋布Piece goods (Job costing> 工作用品Paper Belt <纸)腰带<装饰用)Pins 针Cowhide Pager 牛皮纸Plastic 胶针Paper Tag 纸牌Price Ticket (OCR> 价钱牌Ribbon 丝带Rectangle Clip 方型胶夹Rivet 铆钉Polybag Sticker 胶袋贴纸Carton Sticker 外箱贴纸Sundries 杂物Safety Pins 扣针Shoulder Pad (Tape> 扁带Inner Box Sticker 内盒纸箱Hang tag Sticker 挂卡贴纸Plastic Shirt Band 胶领条Paper Shirt Band 纸领条Shirt Board 纸板Size Sticker 西士贴纸Sticker 贴纸Glee 胶Staple Wire 备用电线Levis Tab 标签<For Levis)heat Transfer 转移印花Tag Tin 胶针<用枪打)Tissue Paper 纸领条,衬纸Thread 线Twill Tape 斜纹带Waist Band 印字系带,纸腰带Waist Tag 腰牌Zipper 拉链Plastic Sticker 胶贴纸关于针织品的名词术语 1.1 针织物 1.1.1 纬编针织物weft-knitted fabric 用纬编针织机编织,将纱线由纬向喂入针织机的工作针上,使纱线顺序地弯曲成圈,并相互穿套而形成的圆筒形或平幅形针织物, 1.1.2 经编针织物 warp-knitted fabric 用经编针织机编织,采用一组或几组经向平行排列的纱线,在经编机的所有工作针上同时进行成圈而形成的平幅形或圆筒形针织物, 1.1.3 单面针织物 single knit,single jersey 在针织机上以单针筒或单针床织成的针织物,1.1.4 双面针织物double knit,double jersey 双针筒或双针床针织机织成的针织物, 1.1.5 纬平针织物plain knit 采用纬编平针组织编织的针织物, 1.1.6 罗纹针织物rib knit 采用罗纹组织编织的针织物, 1.1.7 双罗纹针织物interlock fabric 采用双罗纹组织编织的针织物, 1.1.8 双反面针织物purl fabric,links-Iink fabric 采用双反面组织的针织物, 1.1.9 集圈针织物 tuck fabric 采用集圈组织的针织物,1.1.10 起绒针织物 rasied knit,knitted fleece 表面起绒,具有绒层或毛茸外观的针织物, 1.1.11 长毛绒针织物 high pile knitted fabric 纤维毛条或毛纱与地纱一起喂入编织成圈,表面呈现较长绒毛的针织物, 1.1.12 毛圈针织物 terry knitted fabric 由地组织线圈和拉长的沉降弧延展线或衬垫纱线等在表面形成毛圈的针织物。

制衣厂常用术语中英文对照表一)部门术语及常用词A.裁床:Cutting room1 纸样制作原理及方法:The methods & principle of pattern making2 排唛架方法:The methods of marker making3 YPD的计算及工厂唛架利用率:YPD calculation & marker use rate4 拉布及割布方法,工票之使用方法及功用:Methods & function of spreading & cutting5 裁剪日产量:Daily quantity of cutting6 裁单:Cutting ReportB.板房:Sample room1 裤子,恤衫的车缝工序:Understand the procedures of sewing pants and shirt2 熟识各个工序的称谓:Understand the name of various procedures3 熟识各个线缝的名称及功能:Understand the name and function in various seams4 了解缝1件衫所需的辅料:understand sub-materials used in a shirt5 熟识样板制造单:Understand sample orderC.车缝车间1 熟识生产制造单:Understand the production order2 熟识整个生产线的工序安排:Understand the product line lay out3 各个工序的定价标准:Price standard of various process4 质量控制方法:Methods of quality control5 日产量:Daily product quantity6 常见的车缝设备:Work-aids sewing Machine & attachments7 常见的车缝疵点:Various types of sewing problemD.洗水厂 Washing department1 洗水方法及不同的洗水特点:Washing type & various characteristic2 不同洗水的洗涤剂:Various chemical consumption for each type of garment wash3 如何控制洗水质量:Garment washing quality controlE.包装:Packing department1 包装工序的任务及要求:What propose with packing process2 包装方法:Types of packing:Stand-up packing:企装, Flat packing:扁装 Semi stand packing: 铲装/半企装3 包装所需的辅料:What assembly will be used in packing4 包装机械设备:Packing equipment5 装箱方法:Methods of packing6 出货所需之文件:Shipping document7 如何控制包装质量:How to control packing quality二)制衣厂质量检查 QC Quality controlB.服装中-英名称衬衣Shirt/Blouse T-恤T-Shirt毛衣Sweat shirt 西装Suit裤子Pants 牛仔裤Jeans喇叭裤子 Bell bottom jeans 裙子Skirt外套Coat 连帽T-恤Parka运动衫Sports jacket 连衣裙Dress圆台裙Circular 百褶裙Gather Skirt 裤裙Flare Culottes Skirt 马甲Vest背心Tank top 燕尾领Wing collar C.衣服部位中-英文名称前幅Front 后幅Back上级领Collar 下级领Collar Band 前筒Front Placket 钮子Button stay 袋Pocket 担干Yoke袖Sleeve 袖侧Sleeve placket介英Cuff 裤头Waist Band 耳仔Belt Loop 拉链贴Zipper catch 拉链牌Zipper Fly 袋贴Pocket Facing前浪Front Rise 后浪Back Rise裤脚Leg Bottom 侧骨Side Seam袋口Pocket Mouth 袖叉Sleeve Slit 机头Riser 明袋PatchPocket唇袋Jetted Pocket 袋盖Pocket Flap 插袋Cross Pocket 袋衬Bearer袋布Pocket Bag 袖口贴Sleeve Band兜帽Hood 夹圈Armhole钮门Button Hole 凤眼Eyelet Button Hole捆条圆领 Crew neckD.制衣工序名称Garment ProductProcedure纸样Pattern 唛架Marker裁剪Cutting 绣花Embroidery样板Sample 车缝Sewing洗水Washing 成衣染Garment Dye整烫Ironing 包装Packing质量检查 Quality Inspection 质量控制Quality Control石洗Stone Wash 化学洗Chemical Wash 茶化洗Teast Wash 漂洗Bleach Wash 钮Button 线Thread唛头 /商标Label 挂卡Hang tag贴纸Sticker 朴Interlining胶袋Plastic/Poly bag 胶夹PlasticClip拉链Zipper 橡根Elastic Band肩垫Shoulder Pad 衬纸Tissue Paper绅Drawstring 领蝴蝶Collar Butterflies领胶条Collar Stripe 纸箱(Paper)Carton(胶)针(Poly) Pins 检针济Sticker纸板Paper board 蝴蝶Butterfly纸/胶领条 Paper/Plastic collar band 尺码贴纸Size sticker插竹Collar stay 条形码Jan code/bar codeE.车缝工序 Sewing process埋夹close side seam 车唛sew label间线子口hem stitch seam上间袖attachsleeve/topstitch sleeve打枣Tacking 接线Joints三)、布的中-英文名称1.梭织布 Woven牛津纺Oxford 府绸Poplin多臂提花Dobby斜纹Twill青年布Chambray 绒布Flannel条格布gingham 泡泡纱Seersucker灯芯绒Corduroy 卡其Drill哔叽Serge 华达呢Gabercord主身布Body fabric撞布Contrast fabric条格Check 斜纹Stripe净色Solid 支数warp count 2.针织布 Knit平纹布Jersey (Drop 1*1 Jersey/Lycry Jersey)珠地Pique (Twill Pique /Oxford pique /Athletic pique)双珠地Lacoste (Oxford Lacoste 牛津珠地)双面布Interlock (interlock pique /interlock jacquard 双面提花)毛圈布Terry ( twill French terry 法兰绒/Fleece 磨毛毛圈布)提花Jacquard (herringbone /bubble jacquard 泡泡提花布)罗纹Rib (mini waffle 十字罗纹/法式罗纹French rib)棉布Cotton fabric麻布Linen丝绸Silk毛Wool化学纤维Chemical fiber四)制单要求 The requirement in production order生产制单production order 样板制造单Sample order款号Style Number 客户Customer数量quantity 尺码Size spec.交货期Delivery 装箱要求Carton Requirement纸箱规格Carton Measurement 毛重Crossheight净重Net height 说明Description目的地Final destination 颜色color 五)、其它样板Sample 货前板Pre-Production sample销售板Sales Sample 展览板Presentation sample批准板Approval sample 会议板Meeting Sample测试板Test sample 船头办Pre-shipment Sample六)布疵常见术语紧纱:Tight 断纱:Broken Yarn 走纱:Misend / Mispick 抽纱:Yarn with Drawn针孔:Needle Holes 针路:Vertical Line 横间:Horizontal Line 漏针:Dropped Stitch停机布痕:Stop Mark 幼纱:YarnThinning/Thin Yarn错花:Wrong Pattern or Wrong Structure飞花:Fly yarn 色差Shading染色Color fastness 粗纱Thick yarn色纱Color yarn织错纱Wrong pick end稀密路Filling bar 布纹弯曲不平 Bowing皱摺Crease 粗粒Slub起毛Hairy 织入杂物Gout起球Balling-up七)车缝常见术语跳线:Skip Stitch 用错原料:WrongMaterial缝线散口:Run off 用错缝线:Incorrect Thread错唛:Wrong Label 破洞:Holes突咀:Excess Extension 不对称:Mismatched车着唛头:Sandwich Label 歪唛:Off Center or Side left/right尖位不尖:Pointed Area not Sharp弯位不弯:Unsmooth Curve爆口:Open Seam 披苏:Loose Thread插竹歪:Crooked Collar Stay 领底松:Collar setting too Loose烂钮尖:Burst Collar Point 领尖不对条:Mismatched Collar Stripe错领型:Wrong Collar Shape 刀剪领:Scissoring露上领线:Thread Visible Outside 下级走样:Poor Banding领咀长短不定:Wrong Lapel Length 领错底面:Overturn Collar起耳子:Lock stitches-loop 断线:Broken Stitches落坑:Run off Stitch 积线球:Lumps of Thread藏色线:Trapped Color Thread 驳线不齐:Untidy Joined Stitching缝线阔窄:Uneven Seam 线路不美:Untidy Stitching皱:Pocking 露牙:Grinning走鸡:Miss Design Feature 大眼皮:Uneven seam高底袋:High/low pocket 筒起波浪:Fullness on Center Placket筒歪:Crooked Center Placket 担干谷:Fullness on Yoke前肩大小边:Crooked front Folding 欠返针:Miss Back tack唛头字母被盖:Hidden Wordings 子口反骨:Seam Overturn欠开骨:Without Press Open 裤咀歪:Distorted Waistband End大细唇:Uneven Lips 叠唇:Overlapped Lips裂唇:Open Lips 露朴:Exposure Interlining领咀朴空:Empty Collar Point 反光:Under ply Visible Outside突钮子:Extension of Right Fly Too Long长短领尖:Uneven Collar PointLength起角:Nose in Extension-Collar /Cuff上领黏边:Folded Edge on Collar Closing内领窝谷:Fullness on Inside Around Collar setting车唛不对折痕:not Following the Folded Mark of Label下级领高低:Crooked Collar Hi-Low/off Center Line布包朴过紧:Tightness of Interlining after Sewing领朴起泡:Bubbling/Delimitation Fused Collar扭:Twisted/Misaligned Underarm and Side Seam打褶Make dart八)中英文色泽名称对照表Amber 琥珀色Khaki 土黄色Amethyst 蓝紫色Leek Green 葱绿色Antique Bronze 古铜色Lilac淡紫色Brown 棕色Lemon 柠檬色Blue 蓝色Magenta 品红色Burgundy 红紫色Mooney 紫红色Bordeaux 红酱色Copper Brown 棕红色Maroon 酱紫色Brilliant Green 艳绿色Navy Blue 藏青色Black 黑色Orange 橙色Canary 嫩黄色Olive 橄榄色Clay 土灰色Pink 桃红色Salmon Pink橙红色/浅橙色Crimson 梅红色Plum 梅红色Pea Green 豆绿色Carmine 胭脂色Peacock 孔雀蓝Corinth 紫酱色Rubies 酱色Claret 枣红色Dark Blue 深蓝色Malachite Green 孔雀绿Fawn 淡黄褐Royal Blue 品蓝色Flesh Color 肉色Ruby 红玉色Fast Blue 坚牢色Sorrel 红棕色Golden Yellow 金黄色Sky Blue 湖蓝色Golden Brown 黄棕色Scarlet 大红色Grass Green 草绿色Turquoise Blue 翠绿色Grey/Charcoal灰色Tangerine 桔红色Honey 蜜黄色Violet 紫色Isabella 淡黄色White(off white)白色(米白)Jade Green 翠绿色Yellow 黄色Mastic 乳白色Red 红色九)物料名词:MATERIAL ITEMAttention Card 注意卡Buckle 字扣,铁扣Back end sticker 外箱检针济贴纸Plastic Butterfly 胶蝴蝶,胶托Button Mould 钮模Boxes 内箱B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)Button 钮Carton 外箱Inner Carton 内箱Division Pad 内插筒Shoulder Cotton Pad棉织带Carton Tag 箱贴纸Plastic Clips 胶夹PL. Collar Support 胶领圈Paper Collar Stripe 纸领条Collar Stay 插竹Drawstring 棉绳Elastic Band 细橡根Embroidery Patch 绣花章Cum Tape 平橡根Herringbone Tape 人字带Hook and Eye 安全枢(银色)Plastic Hangers 胶衣架Hang Tag 挂卡Interlining 朴Jocker Tag 挂卡(For Tommy)Lace 丝带,花边Box end Label 内盒贴纸(For M&S)Content Label 成份唛Leather Disc 皮牌Exterior Label 旗唛(For ANF)Flag Label 旗唛,皮士唛Luggage Pin 胶针Item Label 旗唛Zipper Pull 拉链头Main Label 主唛Neck Label 领唛Country Origin Labe l 产地唛Pocket/Placket Label袋唛/旗唛Label of Other 其它唛Size Label 西士唛Wash Care Label 洗水唛Yoke Label 担干唛Content/WC/SZ Lab el 成份/洗水/西士唛Metal Clip 叉字铁夹Magic Sticker 魔术贴Nylon Loop 尼龙捆条Nylon String 尼龙绳Small Poly bag 小胶袋Poly bag 胶袋Plastic Clip 胶夹Poly Envelope 胶袋(封口)Golden Field Pocket Fabric 高丰袋布Piece goods (Job costing) 工作用品Paper Belt (纸)腰带(装饰用)Pins 针Cowhide Pager 牛皮纸Plastic 胶针Paper Tag 纸牌Price Ticket (OCR) 价钱牌Ribbon 丝带Rectangle Clip 方型胶夹Rivet 铆钉Poly bag Sticker 胶袋贴纸Carton Sticker 外箱贴纸Sundries 杂物Safety Pins 扣针Shoulder Pad(Tape) 扁带Inner Box Sticker 内盒纸箱Hang tag Sticker 挂卡贴纸Plastic Shirt Band 胶领条Paper Shirt Band 纸领条Shirt Board 纸板Size Sticker 西士贴纸Sticker 贴纸Glee 胶Staple Wire 备用电线Silicon Wrappers 缎带Levis Tab 转移印花Tag Tin 胶针(用枪打)Tissue Paper 纸领条,衬纸Thread 线Twill Tape 斜纹带Waist Band 印字系带,纸腰带Waist Tag 腰牌Zipper 拉链Plastic Sticker 胶贴纸十)、车缝常用名词中英文对照Linking 缝合Folding 折Crease 折边Slacks side seam 边缝Lapped seam 叠缝Single lapped seam 单线叠缝Blind stitch felling 暗缝线Flat felled seam 折边缝线Back tuck 回针,往复针Double welt seam 双线针Bar tacking 加固针缝Bound seam 包缝Top stitch 边缘明线Pad stitch 衲缝Triple stitch 三针平车,三针直线缝Run stitch 平缝,缝合Run and Turn 回针缝合Run and Open 开口缝Blind over edging 下摆翻边缝Tucked seam 缝褶Dart sewing 省缝Double stitched seam 双线缝,双层缝合Twin needle stitch 针平缝Stitch and Run 头,反缝Wrapping button shank 绕扣线Straight buttonhole 平眼锁钮孔Piped seam 夹紧缝Single lapped seam at edge 单线打边缝Edge stitched seam 边缘缝Lapped seam 包缝Welt seam 咬口折边,折缝Feltings 双折边叠缝,对折缝Button holing 锁眼扣Button sewing 钉纽扣Rolled seam 包边缝Threefold seam 三折缝Fourfold seam 四折缝Fell seam 双折边缝EGMS 界面常用英文单词翻译一、Personal Information 人事资料Transaction 处理,办理Employee Master 雇员Employee No. 雇员编号Employee Name 姓名Rack No. 厂卡号Social Security No. 社会保险号Birth Certificate No. 出生证号Identity No. 身份证号Income Tax No. 纳税号Sex 性别Marital Status 婚姻状况Male 男Female 女No. of Children 子女数Date of Birth 出生日期Join Date 入厂日期Effective Join Date 生效日期Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入First Contract Date 第一次签合同日Date Leave 离职日期Home Address 家庭住址Area 地区Phone No. 电话号码Search Detail 查找细则Education Grade 学历Cutting Ticket No. 制单Description 描述Update 更新二、Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入Process 过程Transaction Date 工票日期Daily Allowance Entry 补贴输入Piece and time rate worker 时工和件工PO定单三、Daily Compensate Hour Entry (COM)补时工输入Supplementary增补,追加Overtime Code加班代号Cutting Ticket No. 制单号Daily production Ticket Adjustment Entry工票修改界面Employee Status Control雇员状况Quantity数量Alter Prod Line组别Compensate Hours Entry补时工输入Factory PO制单号Amount金额Price单价Payroll工帐四、Payroll information : 工资资料Factory Code工厂编号Section Code部门Production Line Code组别代码Operation Code(Op. Code)工序号Employee Type雇员类别Job Level工种级别Job Class工种Pay Type付款方式Cash现金支付Labor Type劳动力类型Direct直接体力劳动Indirect非直接体力劳动Remuneration Scheme工资类别Monthly rated月薪Option属性Staff职员Bank Branch Code支行代号Basic Pay Amount基本工资Daily Production Ticket Table Entry工票输入界面Daily Production Ticket By Factory PO Entry工票输入界面Piece rated件薪Time rated时薪Worker工人Bank Code银行代号Bank Account No银行帐户号Employee Status雇员状况五、Piece and Time Rate Worker :计时和计件工人Op. Code工序编号Process Type生产过程描述Cutting裁床Sewing车间Fusing 烫朴Washing洗水Iron 烫部Packing包装六、Daily Production Ticket Normal Entry :工票输入界面Production Ticket Normal Detail 工票输入细则Production Ticket Normal Header工票输入表头Normal Quantity原数Adjust Quantity修改后的数Daily Production Ticket Supplementary Entry追补工票输入界面Daily Compensate Hours Entry补时工输入界面Daily Allowance Entry补贴输入界面Daily Deduction Entry扣减输入界面Employee Group Setting评分输入界面Group ID组别Ratio Value评分Total Hours总出勤时间Normal正常出勤时间OTx1.5平时加班时间OTx 2周六/日加班时间OTx3法定假日加班时间Factory Suspend Hours回工时间Absent 缺勤时间Leave Descrp. 请假描述Print 打印Report 汇总Data Entry Report 输入资料汇总Print Selection 打印区域Production Ticket (Normal ) Report 工票总结From Page No. 从第页To Page No. 到第页七、Monthly Pay Detail 月薪细则Bank Payment 银行支付Allowance Detail 补贴细则Salaries Detail 薪水细则Deduction Detail 扣减细则Over Time Payment 加班工资Compensation Detail 补时工细则八、Daily Production Ticket Inquire 工票查寻界面Factory PO 制单号Amount 金额Price 单价Query Result 查寻结果。
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*作者:温德殿*作品编号:644150029945889663877822创作日期:2020年12月20日实用文库汇编之制衣厂常用术语中英文对照表一)部门术语及常用词A.裁床:Cutting room1 纸样制作原理及方法:The methods & principle of pattern making2 排唛架方法:The methods of marker making3 YPD的计算及工厂唛架利用率:YPD calculation & marker use rate4 拉布及割布方法,工票之使用方法及功用:Methods & function of spreading & cutting5 裁剪日产量:Daily quantity of cutting6 裁单:Cutting ReportB.板房:Sample room1 裤子,恤衫的车缝工序:Understand the procedures of sewing pants and shirt2 熟识各个工序的称谓:Understand the name of various procedures3 熟识各个线缝的名称及功能:Understand the name and function in various seams4 了解缝1件衫所需的辅料:understand sub-materials used in a shirt5 熟识样板制造单:Understand sample orderC.车缝车间1 熟识生产制造单:Understand the production order2 熟识整个生产线的工序安排:Understand the product line lay out3 各个工序的定价标准:Price standard of various process4 质量控制方法:Methods of quality control5 日产量:Daily product quantity6 常见的车缝设备:Work-aids sewing Machine & attachments7 常见的车缝疵点:Various types of sewing problemD.洗水厂Washing department1 洗水方法及不同的洗水特点:Washing type & various characteristic2 不同洗水的洗涤剂:Various chemical consumption for each type of garment wash3 如何控制洗水质量:Garment washing quality controlE.包装:Packing department1 包装工序的任务及要求:What propose with packing process2 包装方法:Types of packing:Stand-up packing:企装, Flat packing:扁装Semi stand packing: 铲装/半企装3 包装所需的辅料:What assembly will be used in packing4 包装机械设备:Packing equipment5 装箱方法:Methods of packing6 出货所需之文件:Shipping document7 如何控制包装质量:How to control packing quality二)制衣厂质量检查QC Quality control1.服装中-英名称衬衣Shirt/Blouse T-恤T-Shirt毛衣Sweat shirt 西装Suit裤子Pants 牛仔裤Jeans喇叭裤子Bell bottom jeans 裙子Skirt外套Coat 连帽T-恤Parka运动衫Sports jacket 连衣裙Dress圆台裙Circular 百褶裙Gather Skirt裤裙Flare Culottes Skirt 马甲Vest背心Tank top 燕尾领Wing collar2.衣服部位中-英文名称前幅Front 后幅Back上级领Collar 下级领Collar Band前筒Front Placket 钮子Button stay袋Pocket 担干Yoke袖Sleeve 袖侧Sleeve placket介英Cuff 裤头Waist Band耳仔Belt Loop 拉链贴Zipper catch拉链牌Zipper Fly 袋贴Pocket Facing前浪Front Rise 后浪Back Rise裤脚Leg Bottom 侧骨Side Seam袋口Pocket Mouth 袖叉Sleeve Slit机头Riser 明袋Patch Pocket唇袋Jetted Pocket 袋盖Pocket Flap插袋Cross Pocket 袋衬Bearer袋布Pocket Bag 袖口贴Sleeve Band兜帽Hood 夹圈Armhole钮门Button Hole 凤眼Eyelet Button Hole 捆条圆领Crew neck3.制衣工序名称Garment Product Procedure纸样Pattern 唛架Marker裁剪Cutting 绣花Embroidery样板Sample 车缝Sewing洗水Washing 成衣染Garment Dye整烫Ironing 包装Packing质量检查Quality Inspection 质量控制Quality Control石洗Stone Wash 化学洗Chemical Wash茶化洗Teast Wash 漂洗Bleach Wash钮Button 线Thread唛头/商标Label 挂卡Hang tag贴纸Sticker 朴Interlining胶袋Plastic/Poly bag 胶夹Plastic Clip拉链Zipper 橡根Elastic Band肩垫Shoulder Pad 衬纸Tissue Paper绅Drawstring 领蝴蝶Collar Butterflies 领胶条Collar Stripe 纸箱(Paper)Carton (胶)针(Poly) Pins 检针济Sticker纸板Paper board 蝴蝶Butterfly纸/胶领条Paper/Plastic collar band 尺码贴纸Size sticker插竹Collar stay 条形码Jan code/bar code 4.车缝工序Sewing process埋夹close side seam 车唛sew label间线子口hem stitch seam上间袖attachsleeve/topstitch sleeve打枣Tacking 接线Joints三)、布的中-英文名称1.梭织布Woven牛津纺Oxford 府绸Poplin作者:温德殿作品编号:644150029945889663877822创作日期:2020年12月20日多臂提花Dobby斜纹Twill青年布Chambray 绒布Flannel条格布gingham 泡泡纱Seersucker灯芯绒Corduroy 卡其Drill哔叽Serge 华达呢Gabercord主身布Body fabric撞布Contrast fabric条格Check 斜纹Stripe净色Solid 支数warp count2.针织布Knit平纹布Jersey (Drop 1*1 Jersey/Lycry Jersey)珠地Pique (Twill Pique /Oxford pique /Athletic pique)双珠地Lacoste (Oxford Lacoste 牛津珠地)双面布Interlock (interlock pique /interlock jacquard 双面提花)毛圈布Terry ( twill French terry 法兰绒/Fleece 磨毛毛圈布)提花Jacquard (herringbone /bubble jacquard 泡泡提花布)罗纹Rib (mini waffle 十字罗纹/法式罗纹French rib)棉布Cotton fabric麻布Linen丝绸Silk毛Wool化学纤维Chemical fiber四)制单要求The requirement in production order生产制单production order 样板制造单Sample order 款号Style Number 客户Customer数量quantity 尺码Size spec.交货期Delivery 装箱要求Carton Requirement纸箱规格Carton Measurement 毛重Cross height 净重Net height 说明Description目的地Final destination 颜色color五)、其它样板Sample 货前板Pre-Production sample销售板Sales Sample 展览板Presentation sample批准板Approval sample 会议板Meeting Sample测试板Test sample 船头办Pre-shipment Sample六)布疵常见术语紧纱:Tight 断纱:Broken Yarn走纱:Misend / Mispick 抽纱:Yarn with Drawn针孔:Needle Holes 针路:Vertical Line横间:Horizontal Line 漏针:Dropped Stitch停机布痕:Stop Mark 幼纱:Yarn Thinning/Thin Yarn错花:Wrong Pattern or Wrong Structure飞花:Fly yarn 色差Shading染色Color fastness 粗纱Thick yarn色纱Color yarn织错纱Wrong pick end稀密路Filling bar 布纹弯曲不平Bowing皱摺Crease 粗粒Slub起毛Hairy 织入杂物Gout起球Balling-up七)车缝常见术语跳线:Skip Stitch 用错原料:Wrong Material缝线散口:Run off 用错缝线:Incorrect Thread错唛:Wrong Label 破洞:Holes突咀:Excess Extension 不对称:Mismatched车着唛头:Sandwich Label 歪唛:Off Center or Side left/right尖位不尖:Pointed Area not Sharp 弯位不弯:Unsmooth Curve爆口:Open Seam 披苏:Loose Thread插竹歪:Crooked Collar Stay 领底松:Collar setting too Loose烂钮尖:Burst Collar Point 领尖不对条:Mismatched Collar Stripe错领型:Wrong Collar Shape 刀剪领:Scissoring露上领线:Thread Visible Outside 下级走样:Poor Banding领咀长短不定:Wrong Lapel Length 领错底面:Overturn Collar起耳子:Lock stitches-loop 断线:Broken Stitches落坑:Run off Stitch 积线球:Lumps of Thread藏色线:Trapped Color Thread 驳线不齐:Untidy Joined Stitching缝线阔窄:Uneven Seam 线路不美:Untidy Stitching 皱:Pocking 露牙:Grinning走鸡:Miss Design Feature 大眼皮:Uneven seam高底袋:High/low pocket 筒起波浪:Fullness on Center Placket筒歪:Crooked Center Placket 担干谷:Fullness on Yoke前肩大小边:Crooked front Folding 欠返针:Miss Back tack唛头字母被盖:Hidden Wordings 子口反骨:Seam Overturn欠开骨:Without Press Open 裤咀歪:Distorted Waistband End大细唇:Uneven Lips 叠唇:Overlapped Lips裂唇:Open Lips 露朴:Exposure Interlining领咀朴空:Empty Collar Point 反光:Under ply Visible Outside突钮子:Extension of Right Fly Too Long长短领尖:Uneven Collar Point Length起角:Nose in Extension-Collar /Cuff上领黏边:Folded Edge on Collar Closing内领窝谷:Fullness on Inside Around Collar setting车唛不对折痕:not Following the Folded Mark of Label下级领高低:Crooked Collar Hi-Low/off Center Line布包朴过紧:Tightness of Interlining after Sewing领朴起泡:Bubbling/Delimitation Fused Collar扭:Twisted/Misaligned Underarm and Side Seam打褶Make dart八)中英文色泽名称对照表Amber 琥珀色Khaki 土黄色Amethyst 蓝紫色Leek Green 葱绿色Antique Bronze 古铜色Lilac 淡紫色Brown 棕色Lemon 柠檬色Blue 蓝色Magenta 品红色Burgundy 红紫色Mooney 紫红色Bordeaux 红酱色Copper Brown 棕红色Maroon 酱紫色Brilliant Green 艳绿色Navy Blue 藏青色Black 黑色Orange 橙色Canary 嫩黄色Olive 橄榄色Clay 土灰色Pink 桃红色Salmon Pink橙红色/浅橙色作者:温德殿作品编号:644150029945889663877822创作日期:2020年12月20日Crimson 梅红色Plum 梅红色Pea Green 豆绿色Carmine 胭脂色Peacock 孔雀蓝Corinth 紫酱色Rubies 酱色Claret 枣红色Dark Blue 深蓝色Malachite Green 孔雀绿Fawn 淡黄褐Royal Blue 品蓝色Flesh Color 肉色Ruby 红玉色Fast Blue 坚牢色Sorrel 红棕色Golden Yellow 金黄色Sky Blue 湖蓝色Golden Brown 黄棕色Scarlet 大红色Grass Green 草绿色Turquoise Blue 翠绿色Grey/Charcoal 灰色Tangerine 桔红色Honey 蜜黄色Violet 紫色Isabella 淡黄色White(off white) 白色(米白)Jade Green 翠绿色Yellow 黄色Mastic 乳白色Red 红色九)物料名词:MATERIAL ITEMAttention Card 注意卡Buckle 字扣,铁扣Back end sticker 外箱检针济贴纸Plastic Butterfly 胶蝴蝶,胶托Button Mould 钮模Boxes 内箱B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)B. Support 胶托(FOR M&S)Button 钮Carton 外箱Inner Carton 内箱Division Pad 内插筒Shoulder Cotton Pad棉织带Carton Tag 箱贴纸Plastic Clips 胶夹PL. Collar Support 胶领圈Paper Collar Stripe 纸领条Collar Stay 插竹Drawstring 棉绳Elastic Band 细橡根Embroidery Patch 绣花章Cum Tape 平橡根Herringbone Tape 人字带Hook and Eye 安全枢(银色)Plastic Hangers 胶衣架Hang Tag 挂卡Interlining 朴Jocker Tag 挂卡(For Tommy)Lace 丝带,花边Box end Label 内盒贴纸(For M&S) Content Label 成份唛Leather Disc 皮牌Exterior Label 旗唛(For ANF)Flag Label 旗唛,皮士唛Luggage Pin 胶针Item Label 旗唛Zipper Pull 拉链头Main Label 主唛Neck Label 领唛Country Origin Labe l 产地唛Pocket/Placket Label袋唛/旗唛Label of Other 其它唛Size Label 西士唛Wash Care Label 洗水唛Yoke Label 担干唛Content/WC/SZ Lab el 成份/洗水/西士唛Metal Clip 叉字铁夹Magic Sticker 魔术贴Nylon Loop 尼龙捆条Nylon String 尼龙绳Small Poly bag 小胶袋Poly bag 胶袋Plastic Clip 胶夹Poly Envelope 胶袋(封口)Golden Field Pocket Fabric 高丰袋布Piece goods (Job costing) 工作用品Paper Belt (纸)腰带(装饰用)Pins 针Cowhide Pager 牛皮纸Plastic 胶针Paper Tag 纸牌Price Ticket (OCR) 价钱牌Ribbon 丝带Rectangle Clip 方型胶夹Rivet 铆钉Poly bag Sticker 胶袋贴纸Carton Sticker 外箱贴纸Sundries 杂物Safety Pins 扣针Shoulder Pad(Tape) 扁带Inner Box Sticker 内盒纸箱Hang tag Sticker 挂卡贴纸Plastic Shirt Band 胶领条Paper Shirt Band 纸领条Shirt Board 纸板Size Sticker 西士贴纸Sticker 贴纸Glee 胶Staple Wire 备用电线Silicon Wrappers 缎带Levis Tab 转移印花Tag Tin 胶针(用枪打)Tissue Paper 纸领条,衬纸Thread 线Twill Tape 斜纹带Waist Band 印字系带,纸腰带作者:温德殿作品编号:644150029945889663877822创作日期:2020年12月20日Waist Tag 腰牌Zipper 拉链Plastic Sticker 胶贴纸十)、车缝常用名词中英文对照Linking 缝合Folding 折Crease 折边Slacks side seam 边缝Lapped seam 叠缝Single lapped seam 单线叠缝Blind stitch felling 暗缝线Flat felled seam 折边缝线Back tuck 回针,往复针Double welt seam 双线针Bar tacking 加固针缝Bound seam 包缝Top stitch 边缘明线Pad stitch 衲缝Triple stitch 三针平车,三针直线缝Run stitch 平缝,缝合Run and Turn 回针缝合Run and Open 开口缝Blind over edging 下摆翻边缝Tucked seam 缝褶Dart sewing 省缝Double stitched seam 双线缝,双层缝合Twin needle stitch 针平缝Stitch and Run 头,反缝Wrapping button shank 绕扣线Straight buttonhole 平眼锁钮孔Piped seam 夹紧缝Single lapped seam at edge 单线打边缝Edge stitched seam 边缘缝Lapped seam 包缝Welt seam 咬口折边,折缝Feltings 双折边叠缝,对折缝Button holing 锁眼扣Button sewing 钉纽扣Rolled seam 包边缝Threefold seam 三折缝Fourfold seam 四折缝Fell seam 双折边缝EGMS 界面常用英文单词翻译一、Personal Information 人事资料Transaction 处理,办理Employee Master 雇员Employee No. 雇员编号Employee Name 姓名Rack No. 厂卡号Social Security No. 社会保险号Birth Certificate No. 出生证号Identity No. 身份证号Income Tax No. 纳税号Sex 性别Marital Status 婚姻状况Male 男Female 女No. of Children 子女数Date of Birth 出生日期Join Date 入厂日期Effective Join Date 生效日期Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入First Contract Date 第一次签合同日Date Leave 离职日期Home Address 家庭住址Area 地区Phone No. 电话号码Search Detail 查找细则Education Grade 学历Cutting Ticket No. 制单Description 描述Update 更新二、Daily Deduction Entry 扣减输入Process 过程Transaction Date 工票日期Daily Allowance Entry 补贴输入Piece and time rate worker时工和件工PO 定单三、Daily Compensate Hour Entry (COM)补时工输入Supplementary增补,追加Overtime Code加班代号Cutting Ticket No. 制单号Daily production Ticket Adjustment Entry工票修改界面Employee Status Control雇员状况Quantity数量Alter Prod Line组别Compensate Hours Entry补时工输入Factory PO制单号Amount金额Price单价Payroll工帐四、Payroll information : 工资资料Factory Code工厂编号Section Code部门Production Line Code组别代码Operation Code(Op. Code)工序号Employee Type雇员类别Job Level工种级别Job Class工种Pay Type付款方式Cash现金支付Labor Type劳动力类型Direct直接体力劳动Indirect非直接体力劳动作者:温德殿作品编号:644150029945889663877822创作日期:2020年12月20日Remuneration Scheme工资类别Monthly rated月薪Option属性Staff职员Bank Branch Code支行代号Basic Pay Amount基本工资Daily Production Ticket Table Entry工票输入界面Daily Production Ticket By Factory PO Entry工票输入界面Piece rated件薪Time rated时薪Worker工人Bank Code银行代号Bank Account No银行帐户号Employee Status雇员状况五、Piece and Time Rate Worker :计时和计件工人Op. Code工序编号Process Type生产过程描述Cutting裁床Sewing车间Fusing 烫朴Washing洗水Iron 烫部Packing包装六、Daily Production Ticket Normal Entry :工票输入界面Production Ticket Normal Detail 工票输入细则Production Ticket Normal Header工票输入表头Normal Quantity原数Adjust Quantity修改后的数Daily Production Ticket Supplementary Entry追补工票输入界面Daily Compensate Hours Entry补时工输入界面Daily Allowance Entry补贴输入界面Daily Deduction Entry扣减输入界面Employee Group Setting评分输入界面Group ID组别Ratio Value评分Total Hours总出勤时间Normal正常出勤时间OTx1.5平时加班时间OTx 2周六/日加班时间OTx3法定假日加班时间Factory Suspend Hours回工时间Absent 缺勤时间Leave Descrp. 请假描述Print 打印Report 汇总Data Entry Report 输入资料汇总Print Selection 打印区域Production Ticket (Normal ) Report 工票总结From Page No. 从第页To Page No. 到第页七、Monthly Pay Detail 月薪细则Bank Payment 银行支付Allowance Detail 补贴细则Salaries Detail 薪水细则Deduction Detail 扣减细则Over Time Payment 加班工资Compensation Detail 补时工细则八、Daily Production Ticket Inquire 工票查寻界面Factory PO 制单号Amount 金额Price 单价Query Result 查寻结果作者:温德殿作品编号:644150029945889663877822创作日期:2020年12月20日。