






(2015?新课标全国卷I语法填空)Abercrombie & Kent,

travel company in Hong Kong, says it regularly arranges quick getaways here for people living (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong. 2.(2015?新课标全国卷II语法填空)The adobe dwellings (土坯

房)built (build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American

Southwest are admired by even the most modern of architects and engineers.

3.(2015*新课标全国卷II语法填空)In addition to their

simple beauty,what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their ability to u air condition" a house without using (use) electric equipment.

4.(2015*新课标全国卷II语法填空)When a new day breaks, the

walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough t° sol

(cool) the house during the hot day; at the same time,

they warm up again for the night.

(2015?广东高考语法填空)Since the plants took a while to grow 9 he started cutting down trees to sell (sell) the wood.

(2014?新课标全国卷 II 语法填空)One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop ,worried about being (be) late for school.

(2014-新课标全国卷 II 语法填空)1 heard a passenger behind

shouting to the driver^ but he refused to stop (stop) (ride). He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting.



7. me

until we reached the next stop.

8. (2014?新课标全国卷 II 语法填空)Still ,the boy kept r


一、非谓语动词的形式及意义 非谓语动词主动语态被动语态


不定式的动作与句中 谓语动词的动作同时 发生

一般式 to do

to be


不定式的动作与句中 谓语动词的动作同时 发生或在其后发生 完成式

to have done

to have

been done

不定式的动作发生在 句

中谓语动词的动作 之前


to be doing


上海地区2006 年高三英语非谓语动词 1. I wouldn ' t advise _______ there by bus, because it is too cowed. A. and go B. to go C. to going D. going 2. They found a ___ old woman ___ on the ground when the door was broken open. A. dying, lying B. dead, lied C. death, laying D. died, lain 3. Jack was a lazy boy. I often caught him _____ in class. A. sleeping B. slept C. to sleep D. sleep 4. His words left me ____ what he was driving at. A. to wonder B. wondering C. wondered D. wonder 5. I feel like ____ a long walk. Would you like _____ with me? A. taking, going B. taking, to go C. to take, to go D. to take, going 6. The teacher forbade _____ our seats. A. us to leave B. us leaving C. to leave D. to leaving 7. He finished his homework and then went on __ me. A. helping B. to helping C. with helping D. to help 8. You had better get a doctor ___ your bad tooth. A. pull out B. to pull out C. pulled put D. pulling out 9. I haven ' t got a chair ______ . Will you make room for me? A. to sit B. to sit in C. for sitting D. sitting on 10. By the way, when did you get your bedroom ___ ? A. to paint B. painted C. painting D. to be painted 11.I ' m afraid your suggestion can 't help _____ the service of their shop. A. improving B. in improving C. improve D. for improving


非谓语动词专练100题 1. The great hall was crowded with many people, _____ many children _____on their parents’ laps. A. including; seated B. including; seating C. included; sat D. included; sitting 2. It’s said that the Olympic Games _____ in Beiji ng in 2008 will cover more events than any other Olympics did. A. holding B. to be held C. held D. to be holding 3. _____ for a long time, most of the crops in this area died from lacking water. A. Being no rain B. There was no rain C. To be no rain D. There being no rain 4. Yesterday a street-beggar bought a lottery ticket purposelessly, _____ him a millionaire overnight. A. making B. makes C. to make D. made 5. In the face of the big fire in October in California, many people in the fire-stricken areas moved out _____. A. to escape burning B. to escape being burned C. escaping burned D. escaping from burning 6. Taking this medicine, if _____, will of course do good to his health. A. continued B. to continue C. continues D. continuing 7. The little boy still needs the _____ 20 dollars to do with some things _____. A. remaining; remained to be settled B. remaining; remaining to be settled C. remained; remained to settle D. remained; remaining to settle 8. _____ his age, the little boy read quite well. A. Considering B. Considered C. Consider D. Having considered 9. _____ from the appearance, it is very peaceful; but in fact, a war will break out soon. A. Judged B. Judging C. Having judged D. To judge 10. —Tom enjoys _____ basketball on Sunday afternoons, doesn’t he? — Yes, he does. But what his sister enjoys _____. A. to play; dancing B. playing; to dance C. to play; to dance D. playing; is to dance 11. His letter, _____ to the wrong number, reached me late. A. having been addressed B. to have addressed C. to have been addressed D. being addressed 12. The Space Shuttle Columbia broke into pieces over Texas as it returned to the earth on February 1, 2003, _____ all seven astronauts aboard. A. having killed B. killing C. being killed D. killed 13. There are lots of places of interest _____ in our city. A. needs repairing B. needing repaired C. needed repairing D. needing to be repaired 14. — What caused the party to be put off? — _____ the invitations. A. Tom delayed sending B. Tom’s delaying sending C. Tom delaying to send D. Tom delayed to send 15. I was afraid _____ to my customers because I was afraid _____ them. A. of talking back; to lose B. of talking back; of losing C. to talk back; to lose D. to talk back; of losing 16. Standing on the top of the hill, I would not do anything but _____ the flowing of the smog


【英语】高三英语非谓语动词专题训练答案及解析 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.(北京)_________ along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience A.Travel B.Traveling C.Having traveled D.Traveled 【答案】B 【解析】考查动名词。句意:沿着丝绸之路旅行是一次既有趣又有益的经历。“____ along the old Silk Road”做主语,要用动名词,故B选项正确。 点睛:动名词是动词-ing形式的一种,兼有动词和名词特征。在句子中可以作主语、宾语、表语、定语。 2.The girl is so grateful whenever she remembers my brother and me ____ her from the icy water. A.to have saved B.to save C.saving D.saved 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:这个女孩是有感恩之心的,无论何时她都记得我和我弟弟把她从冰水里救出的情形。固定短语:remember sb. doing sth记得某人做过某事。故C选项正确。 3.He got up late and hurried to his office, _______ the breakfast untouched. A.left B.to leave C.leaving D.having left 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:他起晚了,没有吃早饭就匆忙赶往办公室。he与leave是主谓关系,即他让......处于某种状态,应该用现在分词表伴随状况,排除A、B;“hurried”和“leaving”两个动作是同时发生的,当两个动作有时间先后关系时,需要使用现在分词的完成式,排除D;leave the breakfast untouched没有动早餐,故选C。 4.Several years ago they found in England a tomb of a man ____ from around 2,300 B.C.A.dated B.dating C.dates D.to date 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:几年前,他们在英格兰发现了一个可追溯至公元前2300年左右的


人教版高中英语必修二 知识点梳理 )巩固练习 重点题型( 常考知识点 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 概念引入: He is a person who never gives up.他是个永远不服输的人。 I found him in the woods,where has a well-known tree. (我是在树林里找到他的,那里有一棵很有名的树。) Our guide,(who was a Frenchman,)was an excellent cook. 我们的导游是个很优秀的厨师,他是个法国人 She was not on the train which arrived just now。 她没在刚刚到达的那辆车上 语法点拨 什么是定语从句? 修饰主语、宾语、表语的句子就叫做定语从句。引导定语从句的关系词有: 关系代词:who,whom,whose,which,that 关系副词:when,where,why 我们把下面两个句子组合成一个复合句: 1.This is our school.It is beautiful. →This is our school which is beautiful. 2.This is our school.W e study in our school. →This is our school which we study in. →This is our school in which we study. →This is our school where we study. 3.Do you know the r oom?It is made of amber. →Do you know the room which is made of amber? 4.I have read the newspaper.It carries the important news. →I have r ead the newsp aper which carries the important news. 从上述定语从句的组合我们可以看出: 先行词和关系词的关系:关系代词实际上是先行词的复指;关系词whose实际上是先行词的所有格。 1.A plane is a machine t hat can fly. the machine=that 2.The boy who brok e the window is called Wangkai. the boy=who 3.The boy whose p arents are working outside was b r oug ht up by his grandfather. the boy’s=whose 【高一英语语法(二)定语从句(二)356521限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句】


【英语】高三英语非谓语动词专项训练及答案 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.(山东) There is a note pinned to the door ___________ when the shop will open again. A.saying B.says C.said D.having said 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:在这个句子中note和say是主动关系,所以要用saying。此处saying引导的句子做伴随状语。句意为:门上钉着张纸条,写着这家商店什么时候再营业。故答案选A。考点:考查非谓语动词。 【知识拓展】非谓语动词的选择要根据所填的动词及它所要修饰的逻辑主语之间的关系确定。doing表主动表进行;done表被动表完成;to do表目的表将来。 【名师点睛】本题考查非谓语。先把句子简化:There is a note (which is pinned to the door) saying when the shop will open again.伴随状语是指状语从句的动作伴随主句发生,它所表达的动作或状态是伴随着句子谓语动词的动作而发生或存在的,本题考查的是现在分词做伴随状语,用ing形式。现在分词短语表示与主句的主语在逻辑上有主谓关系,即表示主动意义;而过去分词短语则表示与主句的主语在逻辑上是动宾关系,即被动意义;如:He went to the classroom holding two books; He went to the forest , followed by two dogs. 2.John always gets up early in the morning _____ energetic and ready to start a new day. A.feel B.to feel C.feeling D.felt 【答案】C 【解析】考查现在分词。句意:John总是一大早起床,感觉精力充沛并准备开始新的一天。现在分词做伴随状态。故选C。 3.Several years ago they found in England a tomb of a man ____ from around 2,300 B.C.A.dated B.dating C.dates D.to date 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:几年前,他们在英格兰发现了一个可追溯至公元前2300年左右的男子坟墓。date from表示“追溯到(某一时期),始于(某一时期)”,a tomb of a man(男子的坟墓)与date from之间为主动关系,应使用现在分词短语作后置定语,若用句子表示二者之间的关系,可以说成A tomb of a man dates from around 2,300 B.C.故选B。 4.(北京)___________the early flight, we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.


初中英语语法专题课件 初中英语语法专题课件 一. 知识归纳、分析与总结 1. 名词的定义 名词是表示人,事物,地点或抽象概念的名称。例如: Honey蜂蜜.weather天气.newspaper报纸 worker 工人desk 桌子 hospital 医院 time 时间 honesty 诚实 water水. money钱.etc. 2. 名词的分类 名词分为专有名词和普通名词 普通名词:表示某些人,某类事物,某种物质或抽象概念的名称。 例如teacher 老师 tea 茶 student 学生 专有名词:表示具体的人,事物,地点或机构的专有名称。 China 中国 Asia 亚洲 Beijing 北京 名词又可分为可数名词(Countable Nouns)和不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)。 可数名词有单,复数之分,表示一个或多个。

a book 一本书 some books 两本书 不可数名词:不分单,复数;抽象名词, 物质名词和专有名词一般是不可数名词。 sand 沙 sugar 糖earth.泥土 milk牛奶 . 有少数名词既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,但含义不同。 我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章:雅思写作高分模板:雅思议论文新说之词汇篇雅思写作题目小作文必要的表达方式日语口语学习资料:标准日语句型学习(9)日语常用口语:《标日》初级的语法知识总结(1)日语口语练习:标准日语句型学习(7)日语口语:服装缝纫专用术语盘点日语口语常用教程:与看电视有关的词汇日语口语教材:标准日语句型学习(6)12年gre词汇表:词根cludgre词汇精选:词根juven 初中英语语法:英语中考语法(一)名词专题复习(1) glass 玻璃 glass 玻璃杯 paper 纸 paper 报纸,文件 3. 名词的功能 名词在句中作主语, 宾语,介词宾语,宾语补助语,表语以及名词短语作状语。 The bag is in the desk. bag 作主语。 书包在桌子里边。 I washed my clothes yesterday. clothes 作宾语。


语法:是一门研究英语语言构成规律的学科。 词 法 ———— 语法 ————句法 简单句:在句子中只包含一套主谓结构。 并列句:通常由一个连词连接的并列的句子。 复合句:〖大句套小句〗 一气:虚拟语气 二词:非谓语动词、情态动词 三句:名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句 语法 非谓语动词 一、 在句中不能作谓语的动词叫做非谓语动词 二、 啥样呢? 1. 不定式:To do 2. 动名词:Doing 3. 分词:Done Eg1. The ocean and seas surrounding the islands are deep blue. 围绕着群岛的海洋是深蓝色的 Eg2. My mother ordered the homework to be done. ☆☆非谓语动词的宾补,其逻辑主语为前面宾语 ▲ 方法一:口诀法 非谓语,三要点。 句法 目 的 结 构 形容词 名词 数词 代词 动词 介词 副词 感叹词 冠词 连词 陈述句 疑问句 祈使句 感叹句 简单句 复合句 并列句 时态、语态 非谓语动词 情态动词 词法 名词性从句 状语从句 定语从句

变否定,NOT 前。 哼哈将,时逻关。 七仙女,记心间。 (一) 变否定 (二) 哼哈将 1.动词不定式 主动关系 被动关系 一般式 To do To be done 完成式 To have done To have been done 进行式 To be doing (To be being done) 完成进行式 To have being doing (To have been being done) ▲ 一般式:不定式的动作和谓语动词动作同时发生或在谓语动词之后的动作发生。 A A :谓语动词 B :不定式 ▲ 完成式:不定时动作在谓语动词动作之前发生。 A A :谓语动词 B :不定式 Eg3. Jay Chou taught us to sing 黄河大合唱 last night. ▲ 进行式:不定时的动作和谓语动词动作同时正在进行 A A :谓语动词 B :不定式 Eg4. When his mother entered, the boy pretended to be sleeping. ▲ 完成进行式:不定时的动作在谓语动词动作之前发生,一直持续到谓语动词动作,到谓 语动词动作为止。不定时的动作有可能刚刚结束,还有可能继续延续下去。 A A :谓语动词 B :不定式 Eg5. Mr. Zhong is said to have been working as a teacher for 10 years. 时间关系 逻辑关系 B B B B B B B B


高三英语非谓语动词专项训练及答案及解析 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.(四川)Little Tom sat ________watching the monkey dancing in front of him. A.amaze B.amazing C.amazed D.to amaze 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查形容词作状语。句意:小汤姆坐在那里惊讶地看着猴子在他面前跳舞。amazed感到惊讶的,修饰人,此处作伴随状语,表状态。本题主要考查B、C之间的区别,选项B意为:令人吃惊的,常修饰物;而选项C意为:感到吃惊的,常修饰人。故选C。 2.The lecture mainly deals with the trouble young children have _______ right from wrong. A.distinguished B.distinguishing C.to distinguish D.to be distinguished 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:首先have difficult /trouble doing sth是固定词组。The lecture mainly deals with the trouble young children have distinguishing right from wrong在这个句子中,deal with的宾语是trouble,所以后面的句子是修饰trouble这个词的定语从句。 考点:固定用法考查 点评:对于固定用法,平时一定要多归纳、总结和记忆。 3.IPhone, the world’s largest mobile phone maker, said that over the first nine month s of the year it ________ 23 million handsets in China, an increase of 77 percent ________ the same period a year ago. A.had sold; compared to B.has sold; compared to C.sold; comparing with D.had sold; comparing with 【答案】A 【解析】 考查时态和非谓语动词。句意:IPhone,世界最大的手机制造商,说今年头九个月期间,它已经在中国销售了2,300万台手机,与一年前的同期相比增加了77%。第一空根据主句动词said可知,从句时态也应用过去时态,再根据over the first nine months of the year,判断应用过去完成时态;第二空是非谓语动词的固定句式compared to,意为“与……相比较”。故选A。 4.On the third floor there are two rooms, ________ used as a meeting-room.


高中必修一到必修五主要语法点 必修一:直接引语和间接引语(宾语从句);现在进行时表将来;定语从句 必修二:定语从句(非限定定从、定从中的介词前提);被动语态(一般将来时、现在完成时及现在进行时的被动语态) 必修三:情态动词;名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句及同位语从句) 必修四:主谓一致;非谓语动词(V-ing) ;构词法 必修2 第一单元,非限制性定语从句的第二单元一般将来时的主被动第三单元现在完成时的主被动第四单元 现在进行时的主被动第五单元介词+which/whom的用法 必修3 一二单元情态动词的用法三单元宾语从句和表语从句四单元主语从句 五单元同位语从句 必修4 第一单元主谓一致第二单v-ing作主语和宾语的用法第三单元v-ing作表语,定语和宾语补足语第四单元 v-ing作状语第五单元构词法 必修5 第一单元过去分词作定语和表语第二单元过去分词作宾语补足语第三单元过去分词作状语第四单元 倒装句第五单元省略句 必修一各单元知识点总结 Unit One Friendship 一、重点短语 1.go through 经历,经受get through 通过;完成;接通电话 2. set down 记下,放下 3. a series of 一系列 4 on purpose 有目的的 5. in order to 为了 6. at dusk 傍晚,黄昏时刻 7. face to face 面对面 8. fall in love 爱上 9. join in 参加(某个活动);take part in 参加(活动) join 加入(组织,团队,并成为其中一员) 10. calm down 冷静下来 11. suffer from 遭受 12. be/get tired of…对…感到厌倦 13. be concerned about 关心 14. get on/along well with 与…相处融洽 15. be good at/do well in 擅长于… 16. find it + adj. to do sth. 发现做某事是…


第十讲非谓语动词:现在分词过去分词 一、热身训练:高考高频短语 1. The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to____. A.make it out B.make it off C.make it up D.make it over 2. If anybody calls,tell them I'm out,and ask them to ____ their name and address. A.pass B.write C.take D.1eave 3.The three sisters decided to hold a family party to ____their parents’silver wedding. A.celebrate B.memorize C.congratulate D.welcome 4.Joe Jones,the eldest of the eight children,had to ____out of high school at the age of 16 to help his father on the farm. A.1eave B.drop C.fall D.go 5. Words.____ me when i wanted to express my thanks to him for having saved my son from the burning house. A.failed B.1eft C.discouraged D.disappointed 6.’一He was in hospital for six months.He felt as if he was ____from the outside world.A.cut 0ut B.cut off C.cut up D.cut through 7. —How about eight o'clock outside the cinema? ---That ____ me fine. A.fits B.meets C.satisfies D.suits 8. Happy birthday,Alice! So you have _____ twenty—one already! A.become B.turned C.grown D.passed 9.They see you as something of a worrier,____ problems which don’t exist and crossing bridges long before you come to them. A.settling B.discovering C.seeing D.designing-- 10.一How do you _____ we go to Beijing for our holidays? 一I think we’d better fly there.It’s much more comfortable. A.insist B.want C.suppose D.suggest Grammar:非谓语动词(2) 现在分词及过去分词 讲解 一、形式 分词是动词的一种非限定形式。分为现在分词和过去分词。分词具有动词的特征,有时态和语态的变化,并可带宾语、状语。分词的否定形式是在分词前加not (not knowing ,not having received , not having been given ) 现在分词: 主动形式被动形式 一般式doing being done 完成式having done having been done


高考英语非谓语动词解析版汇编含解析 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1. ______ the difficult maths problem, I have consulted Professor Russell several times. A.Working out B.Worked out C.To work out D.Work out 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:为了解出那道数学难题,我已经向Russell 教授 咨询过好几次了。非谓语动词中只有不定式可作目的状语,题干中缺少目的状语,故选C。 【知识拓展】不定式在句子中可作什么状语? 1) 目的状语。To?only to 仅( 仅为了), in order to, so as to, so(such) 如此??a以s 便to ??() 如:He ran so fast as to catch the first bus. 他飞快地跑以便赶上第一班车。I come here only to say good-bye to you. 我来仅仅是向你告别。 2) 作结果状语,表事先没有预料到的, 要放在句子后面。如:What have I said to make you angry ?我说什么让您生气了?He searched the room only to find nothing. 他搜查了房间什么也没找到。 3) 表原因。如:I'm sorry to hear your father is ill 听说你父亲病了很难过。考点:考查非谓语动词的用法。 【名师点睛】本题考查不定式作目的状语。本题与2014 年四川卷第7 题相似—Good idea.To find more about it, visit this website. 这里是动词不定式形式的非谓语动词做目的状语。 非谓语动词是高考的重要考点。一般现在分词表示主动的关系,而过去分词表示被动的关系,动词 不定式的用法很多,通常是跟在一个动词后面形成的固定结构,能够分辨出具体试题中的关系就可 以轻松解题。 2.The lecture mainly deals with the trouble young children have _____ right from wrong. A.distinguished B.distinguishing C.to distinguish D.to be distinguished 【答案】B 【解析】试题分析:首先have difficult /trouble doing sth 是固定词组。The lecture mainly deals with the trouble young children have distinguishing right from wrong 在这个句子中, deal with 的宾语是trouble ,所以后面的句子是修饰trouble 这个词的定语从句。 考点:固定用法考查点评:对于固定用法,平时一定要多归纳、总结和记忆。 3.Mrs. White showed her students some old maps _______ from the library


七年级初一(上) 预备篇 正式篇 Unit 1Good morning 问候 学习字母及发音 Unit 2What ’s this in English? 认识事物 拼写单词 What questions Unit 3What color is it? 认识颜色 Unit 1My name is Gina. 含有 be 的一般现在时, what questions ,物主形 容词 Unit 2This is my sister. 指示代词、 who 、人称代词主格、名词复数 Unit 3 Is this your pencil ? 名词性物主代词 ,yes or no questions. Unit 4 Where is my schoolbag? Where,介词, and Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 含有 have 的一般现在时, 性 yes or no questions, 质形容词, but Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 含有 like 的一般现在时, yes or no questions,肯定 和否定陈述,可数及不可数名词 Unit 7 How much are these socks? How much ,this ,that ,those ,these Unit 8 When is your birthday? When ,所有格, how old are you? Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. What,where,when,who


英语专题复习 语法填空 准备好:做好学案,积累本, 词典 双色笔,

Learning Aims: 1. T o master the methods and techniques to fill in the blanks? 2. T o improve the ability of analyzing the sentence structure ? 3. To apply the grammar to practice freely 4. T0 enjoy the pleasure of learning English

一、高考大纲要求 语法填空题考纲要求: 共10小题,每小题1?5分。在一篇约200词左 右的语言材料中留出10个空白,部分空白的 后面给出单词 下文填写空白处所需的内 容(木多于三 个单 词)或所提供单词的正确形衣本部分所需时 间约为10分钟。 亠 i_i | rm 口 j r m=r (不多于二个单 或所 提供单词的正确形衣本部分所需时

【语法填空命题特点】 1.语法和词汇(考试重点);上下文连贯性(语境)0语 法填空题的出题特点:提示性填空题和自由填空两大类O提 填空主要考察动词(包括时态、语态和非谓语动词)、形容 副词(包括形容词和副词之间词性转换和词形转化以及比较级和最高级的变化)以及名词(比较少,但是曾有词性转换方面的题出现)。而自由填 空主要集中在冠词(和名词相生相依)、代词、介词、连 词。 2.语法填空涉及到的语法项目: 1名词2代词3数词4介词和介词短语5形容词6副词7冠词 8. 动词(时态、语态、非谓语动词)9构词法10主谓一致11 连词(并列句、主从句、并列复合句)12句子成分13. 句子种类14省略15倒装16.强调17.虚拟语气18.特殊句式19情 态动词


高考二轮复习英语教案 专题八非谓语动词和独立主格结构 【专题要点】非谓语动词和独立主格结构主要用法如下:1.动名词和动词不定式作主语、宾语; 2.只跟动名词作宾语的动词或动词短语; 3.只跟动词不定式作宾语的常见动词; 4.既可以跟动名词又可以跟动词不定式作宾语,且意义不同的动词或短语; 5.不定式、现在分词、过去分词作宾语补足语的区别; 6.不定式、现在分词、过去分词作定语时的区别; 7.不定式、现在分词、过去分词作状语时的区别;8.动名词的复合结构在句中作状语; 9.there be 结构的两种非谓语形式;10.独立主格结构在句中作状语; 11.with复合结构在句中作状语或定语。 【考纲要求】非谓语动词包括不定式、动词-ing形式和过去分词三种形式。动词的非谓语形式是中学英语语法的重点和难点,也是每年高考热点中的热点, 考纲要求掌握:非谓语动词的时态和语态;他们在英语句子中的作用;非谓语动词的基本用法和含义,非谓语动词在句子中可以充当多种句子成分,比如主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、状语、表语等;掌握非谓语动词充当相同句子成分时的辨析;掌握非谓语动词在不同的语境、语义下的运用。 对于独立主格结构考纲要求掌握独立主格结构的构成方式;在句子中的作用以及with复合结构。 【教法指引】非谓语动词包括不定式、v-ing形式和过去分词,是高中英语学习的难点,也是高考考查的重点。高中英语非谓语动词是一个重要考点,教师在引导学生复习备考中要注意重点突出、训练得当,尤其是对以下要点的复习: 1.不定式、现在分词与过去分词的用法区别; 2.非谓语动词的主动式与被动式; 3.非谓语动词完成式的用法; 4.非谓语动词用作伴随状语; 5.非谓语动词用作目的状语; 6.非谓语动词用作结果状语; 7.非谓语动词用作宾语补足语; 8.非谓语动词的逻辑主语问题; 9.非谓语动词用作主语的问题;10.“(be+)过去分词+介词”结构;11.动名词的复合结构和there be结构的非谓语动词形式。 对于独立主格结构的复习,教师必须要讲清它的构成方式和在句子中的作用以及与with 复合结构和分词之间的辨析的关系。 【知识网络】非谓语动词用法 非谓语动词主要包括不定式、动名词和现在分词。为了区分这三种不同的非谓语动词的用法和含义,我们将分别从三种非谓语动词在句子中做主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、状语、


高中英语语法总结 第一章主谓一致 (一) 语法一致原则: 即主语为单数,谓语用单数,主语为复数,谓语也用复数. 以下为注意事项: 1. 单数主语即使后面带有with , along with, together with, like(像), but (除了),except, besides, as well as, no less than, rather than(而不是), including, in addition to 引导的短语, 谓语动词仍用单数. 如: Air as well as water is matter. 空气和水都是物质. No one except two servants was late for the dinner. 除了两个仆人外, 没有一个人迟来用餐。 2. 用and连接的并列主语,如果主语是同一个人,同一事,同一概念, 谓语动词用单数, 否则用复数. 如: The poet and writer has come. 那位诗人兼作家来了.(一个人) A hammer and a saw are useful tools. 锤子和锯都是有用的工具. (两样物) 用and连接的成对名词习惯上被看成是一个整体, 如:bread and butter(黄油抹面包), knife and fork(刀叉)等作主语时, 谓语动词用单数。 3. 不定式(短语), 动名词(短语), 或从句作主语时, 谓语动词用单数. 如: Serving the people is my great happiness. 为人民服务是我最大的幸福. When we’ll go out for an outing has been decided. 我们什么时候出去郊游已决定了。 4. 用连接的并列主语被each, every 或no修饰时, 谓语动词用单数. Every boy and every girl likes to go swimming. 每个男孩和每个女孩都喜欢去游泳. No teacher and no student was absent from the meeting. 没有老师也没有学生开会缺席. Each man and (each) woman is asked to help. 每个男人和每个女人都被请去帮忙。5. each of + 复数代词, 谓语动词用单数. 复数代词+each, 谓语动词用单数.如:Each of us has something to say. 我们每个人都有话要说。 6. 若主语中有more than one 或many a/an , 尽管从意义上看是复数, 但它的谓语动词仍用单数。但more+复数名词+than one做主语时, 谓语动词仍用复数. 如: Many a boy likes playing basketball. 许多男生都喜欢打篮球. More than one student was late. 不只一个学生迟到 More persons than one come to help us. 不止一个人来帮助我们。 7. none 做主语时,谓语动词可用单数, 也可用复数; 但在代表不可数的东西时总是看作单数,因而谓语动词要用单数. 如: None of us are (is) perfect. 人无完人。 None of this worries me. 这事一点不使我着急。 8. 名词如: trousers, scissors, clothes, goods, glasses 等作主语时, 谓语动词必须用复数. 如: His clothes are good. 但这些名词前若出现a pair of , 谓语一般用单数.如: A pair of glasses is on the desk. 桌上有一副眼镜。 9. 形复意单名词如:news ; 以ics 结尾的学科名称如: physics, mathematics, economics; 国名如: the United States; 报纸名如: the New Times; 书名如: Arabian Night <天方夜谈>; 以及The United Nations<联合国> 等作主语时, 谓语动词用单数。 10. “a +名词+and a half “, “one and a half + 名词”, “the number of + 名词”等作主语时, 谓语动词要用单数. 如: Only one and a half apples is left on the table. 注意: one or two + 复数名词作主语, 谓语动词用复数形式, 如: One or two places have been visited. 参观了一两个地点。 (二) 内容一致原则: 1.主语中有all, half, most, the rest等, 以及”分数或百分数+名词”做主语时,谓语动词单复数取决于连用的名词.如: The rest of the bikes are on sale today. 剩下的自行车,今天出售。
