Application of Learners’ Motivation and Influence upon English Learnersand Learning ProcessAbstract: Motivation has been accepted as a crucial and decisive factor for learning. Learning motivation is an interior power what can promote students’learning directly. Whether a student has initiative in learning process is very much related to the learning motivation.Key words: learning motivation, English learners,The learning motivation is an internal emotion stimulating and guiding learners’ study as well as a need satisfying one’s target. Learners may be driven by various motivations during their learning process. There are two main motivation types comprised of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation besides Integrative motivation and Instrumental motivation which were proposed by Lamber t and Gardner.It is claimed that learners’positive attitude towards target language group is regarded as “Integrative motivation ”.While instrumental motivation is a preference demonstrated after seeking for the real value and advantages of learning a new language. Learners learning foreign languages with instrumental motivation aim at social, economic returns, such as passing an exam.Intrinsic motivation comes from within an individual and is considered to be more powerful and stable in learning. It generally refersto motivation to engage in an activity because that activity is enjoyable and satisfying to do. Intrinsically motivated activities are ones for which there is no apparent reward except the activity itself. It aimed at bringing about certain internally rewarding consequences, namely , feelings of competence and self-determination. Intrinsic motivation occurs when an individual works simply for an inner desire to accomplish a task successfully. Intrinsic motivation is in evidence whenever students’natural curiosity and interest energize their learning.Interest refers to a state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone; it is equal to curiosity and concern. It comes from the learner s’ inside, and can be explained to be a love of the target language and its culture. Internal motivation becomes very important in educational settings because learning is most likely to take place when the environment provides opportunities for the learners to satisfy their natural curiosity. Interest is the central emotion that accompanies intrinsic motivation. The learners perform the task because it is fun, interesting, useful, or challenging, and not because they anticipate some cognitive or affective rewards from the teacher. And also the persistence of learners is positively affected by having internal interest. If the learners love the subject itself and the learning process, the chances of succeeding in learning will be greatly increased. Therefore, teachers should try to activate learners’interest in accordance with delivering more attractiveinformation to learners.Self-efficacy is also a fundamental aspect in intrinsic motivation. It refers to persons’beliefs in their own capabilities to exert control over aspects on their lives. I t is the belief that one is capable of performing in a certain manner to attain certain goals, and has the capabilities to execute the courses of actions required to manage prospective situations. People with a high sense of self-efficacy have a strong confidence in their capabilities and handle difficult tasks as challenges to be accepted rather than as threats to be avoided. A sense of efficacy for performing well in school may lead students to expand effort and persist at tasks, which promotes learning. Hence teachers should provide meaningful and proper task for learners to accomplish so that they could experience success and their self-efficacy can be improved.Another indispensable aspect accounts to attitude, which refers to an individual’s response tendency, favorable or unfavorable, to a person, an object, or a symbol. Attitude and motivation are closely related. Learners will benefit from positive attitudes while negative attitudes may decrease motivation and ultimately to unsuccessful attainment o proficiency. Therefore teachers are responsible for building a positive attitude for learners. This may depend on deliberate attempts to develop attitudes and the methods of instruction used properly.Extrinsic motivation is caused by the motivating force from outside ofthe learner. It comes from the desire to get a reward or avoid punishment, the focus of which is on something external to the learning activity itself. Environment in learning consists mainly of three aspects: school environment, family environment and social environment. At school some degree of extrinsic reward will always remain important in the language teaching, especially for those with no motivations. Also everything a teacher does in the classroom has a motivational influence on students, which makes teacher’s behavior a powerful motivational tool. Moreover, teachers’ value, beliefs, attitudes, as well as the general level of their commitment towards the students, their learning and the subject matter, constitute some of the most prevailing influences on students’motivation. Teachers are the designated leaders of the class groups and therefore they have a special responsibility for maintaining their own commitment to the teaching process. And they should provide students with extrinsic reward what can elevate learners’ inner interest.。
1 国外研究现状对二十世纪对我国外语教学产生巨大影响的几种教学法,即语法翻译法、听说法、认知法和交际法作一番概述,就其片面性和准确性进行客观分析,以深入探索和准确把握外语教学的本质和规律,对问题有个整体的把握。
1.1 语法翻译法语法翻译法起源于十六世纪拉丁语教学法。
1.2 听说法听说法又称句型教学法。
听说法是以美国语言学上的结构主义为其语言学基础,以行为主义为其教育心理学基础,形成了外语学习中的s—r(stimulus-response) 即刺激—反应理论。
1.3 认知法认知法产生于二十世纪六十年代中期。
认知法试图用认知—符号学习理论(cognition —code approach)来代替刺激—反应学习理论。
英语教学法论文——Teaching ListeningAbstract : In this topic, we started with discussions about the nature of listening, both in real real .language and in language classroom. We believe a better understanding of the listening process and the spoken language will help us to understand the difficulties that the students experience in developing. Listening skills. It will also help us to design better listening activities foe our students. We then focused on a varieties of activities in teaching listening. We have emphasized that teaching listening should focus on the process of listening rather than the result of listening. Listening activities should not merely test the students’ memory as many traditional test-oriented listening exercises do.Keywords : listening, skills, teachingAs to teaching listening , there are some to be clarified.Listening always seems very difficult, but why? As technology advanced, and trade and exchange between countries increase, it become more and more necessary to understand spoken English in many situations such as face-to-face conversations, telephone calls, business meetings, lectures, speeches, television, and so on..Among the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing ), foreign language learners often complain that listening is the most difficult to acquire. In foreign language learning, both listening and reading are receptive skills, but listening can be more difficult than reading. Why? The reasons are as follows: 1. Different speakers produce the same sounds in different ways. 2. The listener has little or no control over the speed of input of spoken material. 3. Spoken material is often heard only once. In most case, we can not go back and listen again as we can when we read. 4. The listener can not pause to work out the meeting of the heard material as can be done when reading. 5.Speech is more likely to be distorted background noise or the media that transmit sounds.Since we are teaching our students English not only to help them pass exams, but also to prepare them to use English in real life, it is import to thank about the situations they will listen to English in real life and then to think about the listening exercise we do in class. Do these exercise help them prepare them for real life use of language? Of course, classroom practice can not always be the same as real life, especially with beginners. We must control the input they receive to some extent, for example, control the vocabulary and the speed, but even at beginning stages, we need to give our students a variety of listening exercise to prepare them for real life use of language.One reason for students’ unsatisfactory listening abilities is that is there is not enough variety in the materials that they listening to. But in reality we listen to far more things, regardless of which language is used.Characters of the listening process:From the previous section we have seen that there is a great variety of situations where we need to listen to English. It is important under stand the characters or processes behind these listening situation so that we as teachers can design appropriate actives to help our students to develop effective listening habits and strategies.Generally speaking, listening in real life has the following characters: 1.While some of the things that we listen to are rehearsed, e. g. radio news, television news and shows, movies and some formal lectures, most of the time during an average day we listen to people speaking spontaneously and informally without rehearsing what they are going to say ahead of time. 2.The context of listening is usually known in real life. In other words, we know relationship between the listener and the speaker. Therefore, the situation helps us to predict what we are going to hear. 3.Most of the time we can see the person we are listening to. This means we can see their facial expression_r_r_r_rs, gestures and other body language as well as the surrounding environment, which is relevant when, for example, people point at objects or in certain directions. These visual clues helps us understand and predict what we hear. Of course, there situations where we can not see the speaker, such as when we listen to the radio or use the telephone. 4. Most of the listening in daily life allows the listeners to respond to the speaker, such as in a conversation. This means we can interrupt the speakers and ask for repetition or clarification. 5.In most case, the speaker is talking directly to the listener, so he or she can adjust the way of speaking according to the li steners’ reactions. For example, if the listener indicates that he or she does not understand what is being said, the speaker may rephrase or elaborate.If we want to teach very well, we should obey some teaching principles. There are two major purpose in listening. The first is for social reasons, like when we have a casual conversation with friends or acquaintances to maintain or build social relationships. The second is to exchange information. The second kind is more difficult, according to Anderson and Lynch, and needs more emphasis in the language classroom, especially at intermediate and advanced levels.The skills of listening and reading are often thought of as passive skills. However, in reality, they are not at all passive. People must do many things to process information that they are receiving. First they have to hear what is being said, then they have to pay attention, and construct a meaningful message in their mind by relating what they hear to what they already know. We all know that it is possible to hear people talking without paying attention. We also know that if we do not have enough previous knowledge of what is being said, it is more difficult to make sense of what is said. So, listening is as active a skill as speaking. It is simply more difficult for teacher to judge how well the students are comprehending the messages. So it is very important to design task the performance of which show how well the students have comprehended the listening material.It is also important to develop speaking and listening skills together, because most of the time in real life those two skills are needed at the same time. In the traditional listening classroom, students listen to tapes with headphones and then answer listening comprehension questions. There two problems with this approach. One is that it does not give students chance to practice listening and speaking skills together. The second problem is that the comprehension question only test the students, but do not train the students how to listen or how to develop effective listening strategies.Another problem with many listeners exercises in traditional textbooks is what they test students’ memory, not their listening comprehension. It is important to design tasks that do not ask learners to reme mber details they wouldn’t even remember in their nativelanguage. In fact, psycholinguistic studies have shown that people do not remember the exact form of the message they hear, that is, they don’t remember what they hear word for word, rather, they remember the meaning. The original message is transferred in the brain to a form where the meaning is preserved, but the original surface detail is forgotten.When designing listening task, it is very important to grade the difficult level of the tasks. There are a large number of factors that affect the difficulty level of listening task, but they fall into three main categories according to Anderson and Lynch,: 1) type of language used; 2) task or purpose in listening; 3)context in which the listening occurs.Research in listening has shown that good listeners are good predictors. By helping our students become better predictors, we are helping them better listeners. There are many different activities that can be used to encourage students to predict the con tent of what they are about to hear.If there is a picture with the listening passage, the students can be asked to predict what the passage will contain before they listen. If there is no picture, perhaps the teacher can find or draw a picture that fits the text. Visual aids are immensely helpful in aiding students’ comprehension. “They attract students’ attention and help encourage them to focus on the subject in hand.”Another type of pre-reading activity is to set the students. As we have said before, listening to passages in the classroom can be more difficult than listening in real life, because of the lack of context. So the teacher can help provide the background information to activate learners’ schema, so they will be better prepared to understand what they hear.Whether the teacher can effectively set the scene depends on what he or she knows about the topic in question, what he or she has in hand, and also how well he or she knows about the language level of the students he or she is teaching. In the task above, if the teacher himself does not know much about Michael Jackson, he or she will have to relay on what is provided in the textbook. Or if the teacher has collected some photos or albums of the singer, they will be a great aid to set the scene. In addition, the teacher can always ask the students to help set the scene.The third type of pre-listening activity is listening for the gist. It is very important to give students practice in the area, because in real life, they will be not able to listen to something several times. Therefore, it will be impossible for them to catch all the details, so they need to be comfortable with some ambiguity in listening and realize that they can still learn even when they do not understand every single word. Listening for the gist is similar to the concept of skimming a passage in reading. The key is to ask students one or two questions that focus on the main idea or the tone or mood of the whole passage. Notice that students can answer the gist questions even thought they do not understand every word or phrase in the passage. If the passage is recorded well, students will be able to guess the answer simply from the tone of voice of the speakers.While-listening activities:The while-listening stage is the most difficult for the teacher to control, because this is where the students need to pay attention and process the information actively. However, if the teacher provides a reason, goal, or task for the learner, this can encourage and helpthe listener to focus. There are many different kinds of task for students to do while they are listening to a passage. Below are just a few examples:Recent research has shown that by not given students any task the first time they listen to a passage, it can take any anxiety out of listening. This can work well with any kind of material that is interesting, humourous, or dramatic, because learners are likely to pay attention and try to understand in order to enjoy it.A large part of what makes a listening task easy or difficult is what the teacher asks the students to do with the material. If all the students need to do is tick items as they hear them, the task will be much easier.Listen and sequence:There are many different tasks of this type. The students find out the order of things based on what they hear. Students can successfully complete this type of task even when they do not understand every word they hear. This builds up their confidence and helps prepare them for the real word where they certainly will not be able to understand everything they hear.Listening and act:There is a whole method of teaching called Total Physical Response, which concentrates on learning language by listening and response physically to commands or directions. There are many variations of how this can be carried out in a classroom. With beginners, it is easy to start with simple commands such as “Stand up.” “Sit down .” etc. At intermediate levels, the commands can become more complex. Foe example, “ Pretend you are washing through mud.” “ Pretend you are walking through sand.” “ Pretend you are trying your shoes.”。
下面从教师的主观原因上指出大学英语教学中课堂提问存在的几个问题:1. 在提问内容上,难易程度把握不准确。
2. 提问的方法、顺序和节奏都会影响教师的提问效果。
• 并列式:将各个分论点平行并列排开,分别从不 同角度、不同侧面,多管齐下、齐头并进地论证 中心论点。
– 例:“改进英语教学,培养思维能力” – 根据文章的题目和内容可以看出,此文的中心论点就
是文章的题目。即:教师应该改进英语教学,以便培 养学生的思维能力。 – 作者将此中心论点分解以下五个分论点:
• (2)从小处着眼 “小题大做” – 大题目的论文并非不能写,但题目过大,往 往要说的东西太多,结果是什么也讲不深道不 透,三、五千字无法包容其内涵。从小处着眼, 把题域缩小一些,使题目变得具体、实在,有 利于作者更集中、深入地搜集材料、出示论据, 写起来得心应手,做到“小题大作”,从而给读 者更多有益的东西。
• 1.撰写正文
– 正文,也称本论,它与引论(即引言)和结论(即结束 语)一起,被统称为论文的“三论”,是论文的主体。
– 正文是论证论点、完成论文写作宗旨的主要部分,也是 展示作者研究成果和学术水平的主要平台。
– 正文部分包括论点、论据和论证过程。具体地说,包括: 提出问题—论点,分析问题—论据和论证,解决问题— 论证方法与步骤。
• (一)方法型教学论文 – 介绍具体教学方法和经验。这种论文的标题, 通常是用“……的尝试/做法/应用/实践/探索”, 或者是一个具有操作性的句子。 • 1. 阐述运用方法的依据 • 2. 介绍方法的实施过程 • 3. 陈述方法实施的效果 • 4. 陈述应注意的若干事项
• 1)改进词汇教学,培养联想思维能力。 • 2)改进句型教学,培养多向思维能力。 • 3)改进语法教学,培养归纳演绎思维能力。 • 4)进行语义对比分析,培养发散聚敛思维能力。 • 5)进行歧义现象分析,培养创造思维能力。
以读者回应理论(Reader-Response Theory)为理论基础的基于文学的教学法改革了传统以教师为中心的读写课堂,将学生置于主导地位,让学生在真实的语境中感受语言的魅力,自主学习,改变对阅读的态度,在与同学和老师的积极互动中深入理解所读文本,强化语言技能,并培养辩证思维能力,成为符合素质教育要求的终身学习者。
关键词:文学教学法读者回应理论文学文本课堂互动基于文学的教学法(literature-based approach)就是使用高质量文学作品作为教学核心素材提供真实的学习体验和活动,以此教授和强化读写能力。
全语言理论(whole languagetheory)的研究者认为语言学习不论口头还是书面,都应在真实环境中进行,学习那些现实生活中为了满足特定需要而使用的语言。
二、语法翻译教学法语法翻译法(Grammar Translation Method)是外语教学中历史最长,使用最广的方法之一。
8. The Exploration of the Cultivation of meta-Linguistic Awareness in English Teaching in the Primary School 培养元语言意识在小学英语教学的探究
9. Application of Scaffolding Instruction in Senior Middle School English Writing Teaching 在高中英语阅读教学中培养学生的直觉思维
如《国内英语教学法研究的方向与趋势》 《英语教学法研究流派评述》 《国外外语教学改革趋势──语言与内容相结合》等。
第二层次:从理论到实践,即在一个重要的教学法理论指导下,在英语 教学实践中进行研究。
如《非智力因素开发与中学英语教学》、 《基于建构主义学习理论的英语视听说教学研究》、 《跨文化交际与中学英语教学》、 《“输入假设”和“情感过滤假设”在英语听力教学中的运用》、 《语言习得规律与英语教学》 《论交际法语言教学在高中阶段的应用》等。
10. Application of Scaffolding Instruction in Senior Middle School English
Writing Teaching
11. Application of Crazy English into Junior Middle School English Teaching 疯狂英语在初中英语教学中的应用 12. Reflective Planning for Primary School Teachers 小学英语教师的反思性教学 13. the advantages of multimedia-aided english reading 多媒体辅助英语阅读教学的优点 14. Solving the problems in english learning of high school background students through the three-dimensional teaching approach 通过立体式教学 解决高中后进生在英语学习中的问题 15. On Cultivating Students’ Ability of Oral English Through Retelling in Junior Middle School 如何通过复述培养中学生的英语口语能力
英语教学方法论文(4篇)(共7350字) 第一篇:创新英语教学方法一、采用动静结合,活跃课堂气氛动静结合的英语教学方式是非常适合初中英语教学的,因为这是符合学生的天性和英语学习特质的。
The Application of Task-based Language Teaching in English Oral ClassAbstract: With the development of educational reform, the using of T ask-based Language Teaching i n college English Teaching is ascendant. Based on the task-based language teaching theory, the basic content and design requirements of the task, the text analyses and rethinks the spoken English’s design of the University Teaching, and then discuss what should follow and attention in using of task-based language teaching.Keywords: Task-based language teaching task design case study1. IntroductionWith the development of educational reform, the task-based language teaching which developed on the basis of communicative teaching respected by the majority of foreign language teachers once again in the college English teaching. Task-based language teaching has evolved in response to a better understanding of the languages are learnt. It is through teachers and students together to complete the language teaching task, and make the foreign language learners to complete the task, also to promote foreign language learning progress. Task-based language provides learners with an interactive opportunity to tap into the ability of using language learners, and stimulate their creative use of language vitality.2.Theoretical basisTask-based language teaching is suggested by the former Soviet Union Psycholinguists Vygotsky’s (1962) theory of language and learning. Vygotsky emphasized the social nature of language learning as well as the important role of individual learning that teachers and learners promoted. The acquisition of cultural knowledge is the result of the interaction of people, then into their own knowledge. The right foreign language teaching consists of three processes. First, making students learn the theoretical knowledge about language, then the language of practice, last, the speech training. These three processes are mutually independent and mutual penetration. The theory of language knowledge mainly explains in the classroom by teachers. Linguistic practice is a mechanical imitation of standardized language learning materials. This exercise allows students to develop correct language habits, but language habits are not enough to achieve the goal of using the language for communication purposes, it also need to conduct linguistic practice. Practice is a training which is based on the actual requirement of conducting active language skills. Task-based language teaching provides more opportunities of exercising for training learners to practice the output capabilities. The mid-1980s, linguists regard learning tasks as a tool of studying second language, and promotethem immersed in the task.3. The statue of Oral English TeachingFor now, most college’s oral English teaching situation is not encouraging. Usually, in the universities, spoken English course is just open for students. For non-English speaking students, they often use English class to train and improve English speaking ability. Therefore, in College English curriculum, there are very few colleges and universities set English spoken as a separate course.Then from the current college English listening, the leading role of the teacher and re-light the active participation of students still exist. Since most teachers believe that the current test is still a test that tests students’ reading and writing, and even in CET4 and CET6, the oral exam is not included in the official syllabus, so the current teaching of English is spoken in class awkward position in non-essential. Of course, it’s not realistic to solve all the above problems, but it does not mean that we can not do anything, we can apply task-based teaching speaking to the university classroom, and try our best to mobilize students to participate in classroom activities, enthusiasm, so as to improve most of the students the purpose of oral English.4.The design of Task-based Language Teaching in university oral English classroomIn this paper, an Oral English class topic "Stress’’of instructional design as an example, and through analysis and reflection in this case to discuss how to implement task-based oral classroom teaching.Teaching objectives:1. In order to enable students to correctly understand and learning the pressure oflife, also guidance on how to face their own pressures.2. Through the oral teaching of the lesson to improve their ability about around atopic for discussion.Specific teaching procedures:1. The pre-mission stage: though the big screen to show different pictures of socialscenes under heavy pressure for students, to import the module topic, and then teachers provide a detailed description of specific mission and goals about this oral teaching.2. Task phases: after a clear understanding of the lesson’s oral teaching of thespecific tasks and objectives, students are divided into two groups, and ask questions each other, then teachers will detect their questions and answers. The question asked as follows:1)Do you think the people living in the modern society have more stresses than ever before? Whatcauses their stresses in your opinion?2)Have you felt the pressure in your daily life? What do they come from?After the end of this session , students will enter Task II of the implementation phase about the oral teaching of the lesson, the students before class divided by a good four-member team around the following topics for discussion.1) What negative influence does the stress have on all of us from your point of view?2) Do you think having some stress is a good thing for improving yourself in your daily life? Please give your reasons.3) As a college student in the twenty-first century, what should we do in face of many different kinds of stresses in our daily life?End of the discussion is to enter the reporting period, a representative of each group will be appointed to report to the class about their discussions. In this process students should avoid described their views and forget the rest of the team summary view of the situation.3. Task stages: after students’summary, teacher would make a conclusion abouteach group, and make appropriate evaluation.In addition, to enhance the students' enthusiasm to speak, I will reward the good group.Due to many reasons, there are still some undesirable places in the current English-language University, the University of oral English teaching reform is still in its infancy, but it just provides a an unprecedented opportunity for each college English teacher to express their creativity, and engaged in spoken English teaching. As long as we emancipate the mind, forge ahead, and continue to be a bold attempt to review and improve, we will be able to make a good performance in Oral English teaching reform,.References: Vygotsky,L.Thought & language [M].Cambridge,MA:MIT Press.1962.周晓蓉.新课型模式下大学英语口语教学初探[J]. 西南科技大学《高教研究》,2006(4).林榕.任务型教学在大学英语教学中的实践与探索[J]. 教育探究,2007(12).[李秋芳.任务型教学法在大学英语听说教学中的应用[J].中国西部科技,2008(4)。
英语专业教学法毕业论文本科生毕业论文(设计)题目Application of Scaffolding Theory in High School English Writing Teaching 支架理论在高中英语写作教学中的运用研究专业英语院部外国语学院学号姓名指导教师答辩时间二○一五年五月论文工作时间:2014年9 月至2015 年5 月Contents1.Introduction (1)1.1 The National English Curriculum Standards and High School English (1)1.2 The significance of High School English writing teaching(2)1.3 Impact of Scaffold Theory on English writing teaching (2)1.4 Current situation of High School English writing teaching (3)2. Literature Review (4)2.1 An introduction to Scaffolding Theory (4)2.2 Meanings of Scaffolding Theory in education (4)2.3 Estimate of teachers and students on Scaffolding Theory (5)2.4 Current situation of Scaffolding Theory applying on High School writing teaching (5)3. Theory evidence (6)3.1 The origin of Scaffolding Theory (6)3.1.1 Scaffolding Theory and Zone of Proximal Development (7)3.1.2 Scaffolding Theory and Socio-constructivist Theory (7)3.2 The definition and connotation of Scaffolding Theory (8)3.3 The guiding principle of Scaffolding teaching (8)3.4 The structure of Scaffolding teaching (9)4.Research (10)4.1 Research description (10)4.2 Research procedure (11)4.2.1 The applying strategies of Scaffolding theory in High School English writing lesson (11)4.2.2 High School English writing teaching samples guided by Scaffolding Theory (12)4.3 Research aids (12)4.3.1 The test before and after research (13)4.3.2 Questionnaire before and after research (14)5.Data collection and analysis (14)5.1 Test results analysis before and after research (14)5.1.1 Test results analysis before research (15)5.1.2 Test results analysis after research (15)5.1.3 The contrast of Students composition achievement before and after test (16)5.2 The analysis of questionnaire (16)5.2.1 The questionnaire about attitude towards students English writing (17)5.2.2 The questionnaire about reflection English writing teaching guided by Scaffolding Theory (17)6. Conclusion (18)6.1 The advantages of Scaffolding Theory applying in English writing teaching (18)6.2 The limitation and enlightenment of Scaffolding Theory applying in English writing teaching (19)Bibliography (20)Acknowledgments (21)支架理论在高中英语写作教学中的运用研究学生姓名:指导教师:摘要:写作是学生综合技能的重要体现,所以写作教学在英语教学中占有不容忽视的地位。
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《教学法》期末论文My Teaching Philosophy II have a dream that one day I can be a teacher. During my college life, I have tutored some kids. And I also have taught pupils as a volunteer. In addition, this term, we learned A Course in English Language Teaching. Therefore, I have my own understanding about teaching philosophy by combining theory with practice.1.The role of a teacherK. Patricia Cross has said, “The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate …apparently ordinary‟ people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying win ner: it is in making winner out of ordinary people.” I totally agree with the quote. A teacher is the one who shapes the personality and entire life of children. It is one of the noble professions as it contributes in building the future of the country and overall society. Teachers play a significant and a valuable role as they influence the lives of children who are the future of tomorrow.2. My understanding of good teachingWhen you strive and work to become a good teacher and to create a good class, the following four “Core qualities” are the essential, the skills to convey that knowledge, the ability to make the material you are teaching interesting and relevant, and a deep-seated respect for the student. The first is knowledge, in every survey, students consistently and clearly target as the number one quality of a good teacher exactly what you would expert: knowledge of the subject. You must be an expert in your field. This is a prerequisite. The second core quality is the ability to communicate their knowledge and experience to their students. Give your students an answer and they can solve one problem, but show them the techniques needed to find the answer for themselves and they can become self-sufficient in the field. Students need to show how to apply the new techniques you teach to problems solving. A good teacher starts with a firm knowledge of the subject, and builds on that with a clarity and understanding designed to help students master the material. Good teachers work hard to make their material relevant. They show students how the material will apply to their lives and their careers. And the last one is respect. The creation of a good class requires an immense amount of work. You spend time with your students so you canlearn about holes in their understanding. You read and write and create to build an exciting and interesting class every day. The only thing that would drive you to do that is a concern and respect for the adults in your classroom.3.The ways to correct errorsThere are different ways and techniques for correcting errors, such as direct teacher correction, indirect teacher correction, self-correction, peer correction, whole class correction, etc. As a general rule, indirect teacher correction is encouraged rather than d irect teacher correction to avoid damaging students‟ self esteem and confidence. Indirect techniques include‟ repeating the problem sentence with an emphasis on the problem in a rising tone‟, …asking a question to invite the students to say it again with a hint of a problem‟, …a simple repetition of a correct sentence as a model‟, and …using facial expression or gesture to indicate a problem‟, etc. In practice, self-correction is encouraged before teacher correction or peer correction because if it is a mistake, the student himself/herself will be able to correct it. If the student cannot self-correct, it means there is a lack of competence and the teacher can help with the correction or may ask other students to help correct it. Sometimes, the whole class can be divided to correct as well. For example, you can select the main error types. Write four or five on the blackboard. Put students in pairs for a few minutes to discuss and correct the errors. Then the whole class can do the correction together. The focus can be choice of vocabulary, use of grammar, or pronunciation. With higher lever learners you can also focus appropriate context.4. Motivating students to succeedMotivational speakers inspire all of us. You can take a few tips from them in your own teaching. Put positive mottos or inspirational statements on your syllabus and communicate them to the students in class. Encourage our students to want to excel in your class by helping them to do more than they thought they could.When you describe the goals of the course, do so with enthusiasm. do so with enthusiasm. Personal connections make a big difference. Try to learn your students' names as quickly as possible, and refer to them by name. If you have a large class or if you are notMy Teaching Philosophy IIIn my first draft, I introduced my own understanding about teaching philosophy by combining theory with practice. Now, in the second draft, I will focus on what I will do if I am given a chance to conduct a course in the middle school in the future.How to conduct a course in the middle school1.The context of the courseMy learners will be the middle school students. They have already have had one previous experience of English learning with a basic knowledge. Chinese education system is examination-oriented education. Meanwhile, China‟s educational system determines some learners‟ motivation of learning English-passing examination. Therefore, in the middle school, usually they show great interest in English at the beginning of learning, which may be due to their curiosity and the novelty of English. But with the development of study, their interest decreases and even disappears. The teachers use the same and boring teaching model. And the students have to memory words, phrases, and sentences for examination. In the class, they have no question but only take notes. And in this day and age, English plays more and more important role in China. And our country pays more and more attention to English. This class, I will teach unit 2 which about something about illness, healthy.2.Course aims and objectivesMy course is to describe the knowledge, skills, methods, value of the course by using specific, clear and operational behavior language.Objectives: By the end of the session, most students will be better able to acquire information. This will be achieved by:⑴ . Knowledge Objectives:①Be able to master the pronunciation, meaning and spelling of the name of diseases: fever, sore throat, sore back, stomachache, headache, toothache, cold, cough;② Be able to learn the expression of giving advice: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, take this medicine;③Be able to talk about health problems by using “what is the matter? I havea …” and give advice by using “you should… you should not…”⑵. Ability Objectives:① Be able to talk about one‟s health problems and give advice fluently;② Be able to role play doctor and patient.⑶ Moral Objectives:① Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work and role playing;②Care more about yourself and your family members‟ health.3.Teaching ProceduresStep 1: Warming upGreet Ss by asking them: How are you today? Then I will tell Ss that I am not feeling well today (Write the sentence on the blackboard and guide Ss to read it.) and get Ss to guess the reason freely. If Ss cannot get the answer, I will tell them that I did not have a good sleep last night. So I have a headache. (I say this by doing a gesture) Step 2: Presentation of words about diseases⑴ Show Ss a bandage and tell them there is something wrong in the place where the bandage lies. Then get Ss to guess the health problems. When I do an action, ask Ss: “What‟s the matter?”(write it on the blackboard) For example, when I put the bandage on the stomach, ask Ss: “What‟s the matter with me?” Help Ss say: “I‟m not feeling well. I have a stomachache.” Then teach the other target words: fever, sore throat, toothache, sore back in the following way: Put the bandage on the other part of body and get students to ask: What‟s the matter? Then get other Ss to guess the problem.⑵ Use body language to guide Ss to guess another two names of diseases: cold, cough.⑶ Show Ss pictures of diseases half hidden, and get Ss to guess the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, toothache, sore back, cold, cough.Step 3: Pair workPut the bandage on the part of a student‟s body and ask: “What‟s matter?” andguide him to use t he pattern: I‟m not feeling well. I have a… Then ask Ss to work in pairs and talk about health problems by using the bandage given and using the target language: What‟s the matter? I‟m not feeling well. I have a …Step 4: Presentation of expressions of giving advice⑴ Tell Ss that I have a cold/cough, ask them: What should I do? Ss may give different answers, collect their answers and help them to use: You should/shouldn‟t do… Then show some pictures of other diseases mentioned before and ask them to give advice to each problem by using target language: You should/shouldn‟t do… During this activity, some phrases will be learned: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, drink lots of water, take some medicine.⑵ Show Ss two bags. In one bag, there are pieces of paper with problems while in the other one, there are pieces of paper with advice. Have a competition between boys and girls. Take turns to get paper. For example, one boy gets one paper with problem, and one girl get one paper with advice. The girl should say: What‟s the matter with you? The boy should answer the question according to the problem he got by saying: I‟m not feeling well. I have a…If the girl got the right advice, she should answer it accord ing to her paper: You should… If it is not, she should say: You shouldn‟t, then give the right advice. The one who makes right sentence can get one point.Step 6: Role playingAsk Ss to make a four -people group, one of them is a doctor, the other three are patients. Ask the Ss to role play the dialogue above. Then ask several groups to perform before the class by using some tools: bandage, a uniform, a stethoscope. Ask other Ss to select the best doctor and the best patient.。