

2020-2021学年上海市浦东新区第四教育署七年级(上)期中数学试卷(五四学制) (解析版)

2020-2021学年上海市浦东新区第四教育署七年级(上)期中数学试卷(五四学制) (解析版)

2020-2021学年上海市浦东新区第四教育署七年级第一学期期中数学试卷(五四学制)一、选择题1.(2分)表示“a与b两数和的平方”的代数式是()A.a2+b2B.a+b2C.(a+b)2D.2(a+b)2.(2分)下列说法中,正确的是()A.x不是单项式B.单项式﹣的系数是﹣C.是单项式D.多项式a2b2﹣2b3+1是四次三项式3.(2分)在下列单项式中,与5xy2是同类项的是()A.5ab2B.5xy C.5x2y D.﹣7y2x4.(2分)在下列各式中,计算正确的是()A.a+a=a2B.x3+(﹣x)3=0C.5a2﹣2a=3a D.4m2+(﹣2m)2=05.(2分)下列各式中,不能用平方差公式计算的是()A.(﹣x﹣y)(x﹣y)B.(﹣x+y)(﹣x﹣y)C.(﹣x+y)(x+y)D.(﹣x+y)(x﹣y)6.(2分)若m=272,n=348,则m、n的大小关系正确的是()A.m>n B.m<nC.m=n D.大小关系无法确定二、填空题(本大题共有12小题,每题3分,共36分)7.(3分)单项式﹣2xy2z3的次数是.8.(3分)计算:﹣a﹣2a=.9.(3分)化简:(2a2b)3=.10.(3分)计算:(﹣2a)2•a3=.11.(3分)计算:xy(x﹣y)=.12.(3分)把多项式x3﹣7x2y+y3﹣4xy2按x的升幂排列为.13.(3分)已知﹣3x1﹣2a y b+2与是同类项,则a b=.14.(3分)一个多项式A与x2﹣2x+1的和是2x﹣7,则这个多项式A为.15.(3分)已知a m=2,a n=3,则a m+n=;a mn=;a2m+3n=.16.(3分)若(x+4)(x﹣2)=x2﹣mx﹣n,则mn=.17.(3分)如果a﹣b=4,b﹣c=1,那么(a﹣c)2+3a﹣1﹣3c=.18.(3分)规定=ad﹣bc,若,则﹣11x2+6=.三、解答题(本大题共8小题,第19至22题每题5分,第23、24题每题6分,第25题8分,第26题12分,共52分)19.(5分)化简:3(a2﹣2ab)﹣2(﹣3ab+b2)20.(5分)计算:m2•m4+(﹣2m2)3﹣(﹣m)6.21.(5分)化简:4m(m﹣n)+(5m﹣n)(m+n).22.(5分)计算:(2x+1)2﹣(x+2)2.23.(6分)计算:(x+y+z)(x+y﹣z)﹣(x+y+z)2.24.(6分)先化简,再求值:(x﹣2y)2﹣x(x+3y)﹣4y2,其中x=﹣4,y=﹣.25.(8分)如图所示是一个长方形.(1)根据图中尺寸大小,用含x的代数式表示阴影部分的面积S;(2)若x=2,求S的值.26.(12分)完全平方公式:(a±b)2=a2±2ab+b2适当的变形,可以解决很多的数学问题.例如:若a+b=3,ab=1,求a2+b2的值.解:因为a+b=3,所以(a+b)2=9,即:a2+2ab+b2=9,又因为ab=1所以a2+b2=7根据上面的解题思路与方法,解决下列问题:(1)若x+y=8,x2+y2=40,求xy的值;(2)填空:①若(4﹣x)x=5,则(4﹣x)2+x2=.②若(4﹣x)(5﹣x)=8,则(4﹣x)2+(5﹣x)2=.(3)如图,点C是线段AB上的一点,以AC、BC为边向两边作正方形,设AB=6,两正方形的面积和S1+S2=18,求图中阴影部分面积.参考答案一、单项选择题(本大题共有6小题,每题2分,共12分)1.(2分)表示“a与b两数和的平方”的代数式是()A.a2+b2B.a+b2C.(a+b)2D.2(a+b)解:表示“a与b两数和的平方”的代数式是(a+b)2.故选:C.2.(2分)下列说法中,正确的是()A.x不是单项式B.单项式﹣的系数是﹣C.是单项式D.多项式a2b2﹣2b3+1是四次三项式解:A、x是单项式,原说法错误,故此选项不符合题意;B、单项式﹣的系数是﹣,原说法错误,故此选项不符合题意;C、不是单项式,原说法错误,故此选项不符合题意;D、多项式a2b2﹣2b3+1是四次三项式,原说法正确,故此选项符合题意.故选:D.3.(2分)在下列单项式中,与5xy2是同类项的是()A.5ab2B.5xy C.5x2y D.﹣7y2x 解:由同类项的定义可知,x的指数是1,y的指数是2.A、所含有的字母不相同,不是同类项,故此选项不符合题意;B、x的指数是1,y的指数是1,不是同类项,故此选项不符合题意;C、x的指数是2,y的指数是1,不是同类项,故此选项不符合题意;D、x的指数是1,y的指数是2,是同类项,故此选项符合题意.故选:D.4.(2分)在下列各式中,计算正确的是()A.a+a=a2B.x3+(﹣x)3=0C.5a2﹣2a=3a D.4m2+(﹣2m)2=0解:A、a+a=2a,故原题计算错误;B、x3+(﹣x)3=0,故原题就算正确;C、5a2和﹣2a不能合并,故原题计算错误;D、4m2+(﹣2m)2=8m2,故原题计算错误;故选:B.5.(2分)下列各式中,不能用平方差公式计算的是()A.(﹣x﹣y)(x﹣y)B.(﹣x+y)(﹣x﹣y)C.(﹣x+y)(x+y)D.(﹣x+y)(x﹣y)解:(﹣x﹣y)(x﹣y)=﹣(x+y)(x﹣y)=﹣(x2﹣y2)=﹣x2+y2;(﹣x+y)(﹣x﹣y)=(﹣x)2﹣y2=x2﹣y2;(﹣x+y)(x+y)=﹣(x﹣y)(x+y)=﹣(x2﹣y2)=﹣x2+y2.﹣(x﹣y)(x﹣y)=﹣(x﹣y)2=﹣x2+2xy﹣y2.故选:D.6.(2分)若m=272,n=348,则m、n的大小关系正确的是()A.m>n B.m<nC.m=n D.大小关系无法确定解:m=272=(23)24=824,n=348=(32)24=924,∵8<9,∴m<n,故选:B.二、填空题(本大题共有12小题,每题3分,共36分)7.(3分)单项式﹣2xy2z3的次数是6.解:单项式﹣2xy2z3的次数是1+2+3=6,故答案为:6.8.(3分)计算:﹣a﹣2a=﹣3a.解:﹣a﹣2a=﹣3a.故答案为:﹣3a.9.(3分)化简:(2a2b)3=8a6b3.解:(2a2b)3=8a6b3,故答案为:8a6b3.10.(3分)计算:(﹣2a)2•a3=4a5.解:原式=4a2•a3=4a5,故答案为:4a5.11.(3分)计算:xy(x﹣y)=x2y﹣xy2.解:xy(x﹣y)=x2y﹣xy2.故答案为:x2y﹣xy2.12.(3分)把多项式x3﹣7x2y+y3﹣4xy2按x的升幂排列为y3﹣4xy2﹣7x2y+x3.解:多项式x3﹣7x2y+y3﹣4xy2的各项为x3,﹣7x2y,y3,﹣4xy2,按x的升幂排列为:y3﹣4xy2﹣7x2y+x3.故答案为:y3﹣4xy2﹣7x2y+x3.13.(3分)已知﹣3x1﹣2a y b+2与是同类项,则a b=9.解:∵﹣3x1﹣2a y b+2与是同类项,∴1﹣2a=7,b+2=4,解得a=﹣3,b=2,∴a b=(﹣3)2=9.故答案为:9.14.(3分)一个多项式A与x2﹣2x+1的和是2x﹣7,则这个多项式A为﹣x2+4x﹣8.解:2x﹣7﹣(x2﹣2x+1)=2x﹣7﹣x2+2x﹣1=﹣x2+4x﹣8.故答案为:﹣x2+4x﹣8.15.(3分)已知a m=2,a n=3,则a m+n=6;a mn=8;a2m+3n=108.解:∵a m=2,a n=3,∴a m+n=a m•a n=2×3=6;a mn=(a m)n=23=8;a2m+3n=a2m•a3n=(a m)2•(a n)3=22×33=108.故答案为:6,8,108.16.(3分)若(x+4)(x﹣2)=x2﹣mx﹣n,则mn=﹣16.解:(x+4)(x﹣2)=x2﹣2x+4x﹣8=x2+2x﹣8,∵(x+4)(x﹣2)=x2﹣mx﹣n,∴﹣m=2,﹣n=﹣8,∴m=﹣2,n=8,∴mn=﹣2×8=﹣16,故答案为:﹣16.17.(3分)如果a﹣b=4,b﹣c=1,那么(a﹣c)2+3a﹣1﹣3c=39.解:∵a﹣b=4,b﹣c=1,∴a﹣c=(a﹣b)+(b﹣c)=5,∴原式=(a﹣c)2+3(a﹣c)﹣1=52+3×5﹣1=25+15﹣1=39.故答案为:39.18.(3分)规定=ad﹣bc,若,则﹣11x2+6=5.解:根据题中的新定义化简得:﹣5(x2﹣3)﹣2(3x2+5)=4,去括号得:﹣5x2+15﹣6x2﹣10=4,移项合并得:﹣11x2=﹣1,则原式=﹣1+6=5,故答案为:5三、解答题(本大题共8小题,第19至22题每题5分,第23、24题每题6分,第25题8分,第26题12分,共52分)19.(5分)化简:3(a2﹣2ab)﹣2(﹣3ab+b2)解:原式=(3a2﹣6ab)﹣(﹣6ab+2b2)=3a2﹣6ab+6ab﹣2b2=3a2﹣2b2.20.(5分)计算:m2•m4+(﹣2m2)3﹣(﹣m)6.解:原式=m6﹣8m6﹣m6=﹣8m6.21.(5分)化简:4m(m﹣n)+(5m﹣n)(m+n).解:原式=4m2﹣4mn+5m2+5mn﹣mn﹣n2=9m2﹣n2.22.(5分)计算:(2x+1)2﹣(x+2)2.解:(2x+1)2﹣(x+2)2=4x2+4x+1﹣x2﹣4x﹣4=3x2﹣3.23.(6分)计算:(x+y+z)(x+y﹣z)﹣(x+y+z)2.解:(x+y+z)(x+y﹣z)﹣(x+y+z)2=(x+y)2﹣z2﹣[(x+y)+z]2=(x+y)2﹣z2﹣[(x+y)2+2z(x+y)+z2]=(x+y)2﹣z2﹣(x+y)2﹣2z(x+y)﹣z2=﹣2z2﹣2xz﹣2yz.24.(6分)先化简,再求值:(x﹣2y)2﹣x(x+3y)﹣4y2,其中x=﹣4,y=﹣.解:原式=x2+4y2﹣4xy﹣x2﹣3xy﹣4y2=﹣7xy,当x=﹣4,y=﹣时,原式=﹣7×(﹣4)×(﹣)=﹣14.25.(8分)如图所示是一个长方形.(1)根据图中尺寸大小,用含x的代数式表示阴影部分的面积S;(2)若x=2,求S的值.解:(1)S阴影部分=S长方形﹣S三角形ABC﹣S三角形DEF=12×6﹣×12×6﹣×6×(6﹣x)=72﹣36﹣18+3x=18+3x;(2)当x=2时,S=18+3×2=24.26.(12分)完全平方公式:(a±b)2=a2±2ab+b2适当的变形,可以解决很多的数学问题.例如:若a+b=3,ab=1,求a2+b2的值.解:因为a+b=3,所以(a+b)2=9,即:a2+2ab+b2=9,又因为ab=1所以a2+b2=7根据上面的解题思路与方法,解决下列问题:(1)若x+y=8,x2+y2=40,求xy的值;(2)填空:①若(4﹣x)x=5,则(4﹣x)2+x2=6.②若(4﹣x)(5﹣x)=8,则(4﹣x)2+(5﹣x)2=17.(3)如图,点C是线段AB上的一点,以AC、BC为边向两边作正方形,设AB=6,两正方形的面积和S1+S2=18,求图中阴影部分面积.解:(1)∵x+y=8,∴(x+y)2=64,即,x2+2xy+y2=64,又∵x2+y2=40,∴2xy=24∴xy=12;(2)①(4﹣x)2+x2=(4﹣x+x)2﹣2(4﹣x)x=16﹣2×5=6,故答案为:6;②∵(4﹣x)(5﹣x)=8,∴(4﹣x)(x﹣5)=8﹣,∴(4﹣x)2+(5﹣x)2=(4﹣x)2+(x﹣5)2=[(4﹣x)+(x﹣5)]2﹣2(4﹣x)(x﹣5)=1﹣2×(﹣8)=1+16=17,故答案为:17;(3)设AC=a,BC=b,则S1=a2,S2=b2,由S1+S2=18可得,a2+b2=18,而a+b=AB=6,而S阴影部分=ab,∵a+b=6,∴a2+2ab+b2=36,又∴a2+b2=18,∴2ab=18,∴S阴影部分=ab ==,即,阴影部分的面积为.11 / 11。



2020学年度第一学期期中教学质量自主调研六年级英语(时间75分钟, 满分100分)Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) (共25分)I. A. Listen and choose the right pictures (根据你听到的句子, 选出相应的图片) :(5分)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题, 选出最恰当的答案) :(8分)6. A) A piece of pizza. B) A hamburger.C) A glass of Coca-cola. D) Some rice dumplings.7. A) She will go on a picnic. B) She will go on a trip.C) She will go shopping. D) She will go to the park.8. A) One. B) Two. C) Three. D) Four.9. A) By bike. B) By bus. C) By car. D) By underground.10. A) Once a day B) Twice a day. C) Once a week. D) Twice a week.11. A) In the classroom B) In the library. C) In the bookstore. D) In the office.12. A) Ten minutes B) Fifteen minutes. C) Five minutes. D) Half an hour.13. A) They are seeing the film. B) They are talking about the film.C) They are talking about the book. D) They are reading the book.C. Listen to the passage and say whether the following statements are true or false (听短文, 判断对错) ∶(6分)14. Americans like playing baseball.15. There are more than ten players in each baseball team.16. There are no baseball games in winter. .17. When the two top teams play against each other, all of the baseball fans (迷) go to watch it.18. Millions of baseball fans watch baseball games only on TV.19. After the baseball season, people still talk about the result (结果) and the players.D. Listen and fill in the blanks with the word you hear (听短文, 完成句子内容填写。


19. The dog is ________ ________ becoming the World War I pilot and flying to Paris.
20. Sometimes Snoopy likes to wear a pair of ________ ________.
21. Snoopy is ________ ________all of his friends.
12. Our teeth haveห้องสมุดไป่ตู้at least two important functions.
13. They keep the lower part of our face looking nice, and they grind (磨)up our food.
14. The crocodile has a few tooth problems.
6. A. It’s in Puxi. B. It’s in Pudong. C. It’s next to Shanghai Wild Animal Park. D. It’s near Shanghai Botanical Gardens.
7. A. A Pilot.B. An architect.C. A driver.D. An officer.
IV. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词)(共8分)
18. Do you want to know ________ ________ do Snoopy and his friends take in it?
5.Then the Luck Fairy ________ [ˌdɪsəˈpɪəd].






































2020年上海市浦东新区七年级(下)期中数学试卷一、选择题(本大题共6小题,共12.0分)1.所有和数轴上的点组成一一对应的数组成()A. 整数B. 有理数C. 无理数D. 实数2.在下列五个数中①√2,②√(−2)2,③17,④0.777…,⑤2π,是无理数的是()29A. ①③⑤B. ①②⑤C. ①④D. ①⑤3.下列运算中,正确的是()A. √2+√3=√5B. √( √3−2 )2=√3−2C. √a2=aD. ( √a+b )2=a+b4.已知同一平面上的两个角的两条边分别平行,则这两个角()A. 相等B. 互补C. 相等或互补D. 互余5.如图,与∠B互为同旁内角的有()A. 1个B. 2个C. 3个D. 4个6.如图,AB∥CD,那么∠A,∠D,∠E三者之间的关系()A. ∠A+∠D+∠E=360∘B. ∠A−∠D+∠E=180∘C. ∠A+∠D−∠E=180∘D. ∠A+∠D+∠E=180∘二、填空题(本大题共12小题,共36.0分)7.36的平方根是______.8.比较大小:-√10______-3.9.计算:-2713=______.10.如果a4=81,那么a=______.4化成幂的形式是______.11.把√7312.计算:(√2+√5)(√2-√5)=______.13.近似数5.20×105有______个有效数字.14.已知数轴上的点A、B所对应的实数分别是-1.2和3,那么AB=______.415.如图,直线AB和CD相交于O点,若∠AOD=127°,则AB和CD的夹角为______度.16.如图,直线a∥b,点C在直线b上,AC⊥BC,∠1=55°,则∠2=______°.17.如图,∠BAC=90°,AD⊥BC,垂足为D,则点C到直线AB的距离是线段______的长度.18.一张对边互相平行的纸条折成如图,EF是折痕,若∠EFB=32°,则:①∠C′EF=32°;②∠AEC=148°;③∠BGE=64°;④∠BFD=116°.以上结论正确的有______.(填序号)三、计算题(本大题共4小题,共20.0分)19.3√7-12√7+2√7-32√720.12√6×4√12÷23√221. −8134÷|-2|+(449)−12-(-2-√3)022. 已知√2x −3+|y 3+1|=0,求4x -3y 的平方根.四、解答题(本大题共5小题,共32.0分)23. 计算:√426×√8÷√26.24. 作图并写出结论:如图,点P 是∠AOB 的边OA 上一点,请过点P 画出OA ,OB 的垂线,分别交BO 的延长线于M 、N ,线段______的长表示点P 到直线BO 的距离;线段______的长表示点M 到直线AO 的距离;线段ON 的长表示点O 到直线______的距离;点P 到直线OA 的距离为______.25.已知AB∥DE,CD⊥BF,∠ABC=128°,求∠CDF的度数.解:过点C作CG∥AB∴∠1+∠ABC=180°(______)∵AB∥DE(已知)∴CG∥DE(______)∴∠CDF=∠2 (______)∵∠ABC=128°(已知)∴∠1=180°-______=______°∵CD⊥DF(已知)∴∠DCB=90°,∴∠2=90°-∠1=38°∴∠CDF=38°(______)26.如图,已知:AC∥DF,直线AF分别与直线BD、CE相交于G、H,∠1=∠2,说明∠C=∠D.27.将一副三角板中的两块直角三角尺的直角顶点C按如图方式叠放在一起(其中,∠A=60°,∠D=30°;∠E=∠B=45°:(1)①若∠DCE=45°,则∠ACB的度数为______;②若∠ACB=140°,求∠DCE的度数;(2)由(1)猜想∠ACB与∠DCE的数量关系,并说明理由.(3)当∠ACE<180°且点E在直线AC的上方时,这两块三角尺是否存在一组边互相平行?若存在,请直接写出∠ACE角度所有可能的值(不必说明理由),若不存在,请说明理由.答案和解析1.【答案】D【解析】解:所有和数轴上的点组成一一对应的数组成实数,故选:D.根据实数与数轴的关系进行解答.本题考查的是实数与数轴的关系,熟知实数与数轴上的点是一一对应关系是解答此题的关键.2.【答案】D【解析】解:=2,所给数据中无理数有:①,⑤2π.故选:D.根据无理数的三种形式:①开方开不尽的数,②无限不循环小数,③含有π的数,结合所给数据进行判断即可.本题考查了无理数的定义,属于基础题,解答本题的关键是熟练掌握无理数的三种形式.3.【答案】D【解析】解:A、与不能合并,所以A选项错误;B、=|-2|=2-,所以B选项错误;C、=|a|,所以C选项错误;D、()2=a+b,所以D选项正确.故选:D.分别根据二次根式的性质化简即可判断.本题考查了二次根式的性质与化简:(a≥0)为二次根式;=|a|;=•(a≥0,b≥0)等.4.【答案】C【解析】解:如图:∵AD∥BC,AB∥CD,∴四边形ABCD是平行四边形,∴∠B=∠ADC,∵∠ADC+∠CDE=180°,∴∠B+∠CDE=180°.∴同一平面上的两个角的两条边分别平行,则这两个角相等或互补.故选:C.首先根据题意作图,然后由平行线的性质与邻补角的定义,即可求得同一平面上的两个角的两条边分别平行,则这两个角相等或互补.此题考查了平行线的性质与平行四边形的判定与性质.此题比较简单,解题的关键是注意数形结合思想的应用.5.【答案】C【解析】解:∠B的同旁内角有:∠BDE、∠BCE、∠BAC共3个.故选:C.根据同旁内角的定义,结合图形进行寻找即可.此题考查了同旁内角的定义,属于基础题,关键是掌握互为同旁内角的两个角的位置特点.6.【答案】B【解析】解:如图,过点E作EF∥AB,则∠1=180°-∠A,∵AB∥CD,∴EF∥CD,∴∠2=∠D,∵∠1+∠2=∠E,∴180°-∠A+∠D=∠E,∴∠A+∠E-∠D=180°.故选:B.过点E作EF∥AB,根据两直线平行,同旁内角互补表示出∠1,两直线平行,内错角相等表示出∠2,再根据∠E=∠1+∠2整理即可得解.本题考查了平行线的性质,此类题目,过拐点作辅助线是解题的关键.7.【答案】±6【解析】解:36的平方根是±6,故答案为:±6.根据平方根的定义求解即可.本题考查了平方根的定义,解答本题的关键是掌握一个正数的平方根有两个,且互为相反数.8.【答案】<【解析】解:∵-3=-,∴-<-3.故填空答案:<.先把-3变为9算术平方根的相反数,再根据比较实数大小的方法进行比较即可.此题主要考查了实数的大小比较.注意两个无理数的比较方法:统一根据二次根式的性质,把根号外的移到根号内,只需比较被开方数的大小.9.【答案】-3【解析】解:-=-=-3.故答案为:-3.根据分数指数幂的定义直接解答即可.本题考查了分数指数幂的知识,分数指数幂是根式的另一种表示形式,即n次根号(a的m次幂)可以写成a的次幂,(其中n是大于1的正整数,m是整数,a大于等于0).10.【答案】3或-3【解析】解:∵a4=81,∴(a2)2=81,∴a2=9,∴a=3或-3.故答案为:3或-3.根据有理数的开方运算计算即可.本题考查了有理数的乘方运算的逆运算,解题时注意不用漏解.11.【答案】734【解析】解:=,故答案是:.根据分数指数次幂的意义即可求解.本题考查了分数的指数次幂,理解分数的指数次幂的意义是关键.12.【答案】-3【解析】解:原式=()2-()2=2-5=-3.故答案为:-3.结合二次根式混合运算的运算法则进行求解即可.本题考查了二次根式混合运算的运算法则,解答本题的关键在于熟练掌握二次根式混合运算的运算法则.13.【答案】3【解析】解:根据有效数字的概念,知近似数5.20×105的有效数字和5.20的有效数字相同,即有5,2,0,一共3个.故答案为3.有效数字是从左边第一个不是0的数字起后面所有的数字都是有效数字.用科学记数法表示的数a×10n的有效数字只与前面的a有关,与10的多少次方无关.本题考查了近似数和有效数字,对于用科学记数法表示的数,有效数字的计算方法是需要识记的内容,经常会出错.14.【答案】1.95【解析】解:依题意,得AB=-(-1.2)=0.75+1.2=1.95.故答案为:1.95.根据题意可知A点在原点左边,离原点距离为1.2,B点在原点右边,离原点距离为,由此列出算式求AB.本题考查了实数与数轴的关系.关键是明确数对应的点与原点的距离.15.【答案】53°【解析】解:∵∠AOD=127°,∴∠AOC=180°-127°=53°,故答案为:53°.根据邻补角互补可得答案.此题主要考查了邻补角,关键是掌握邻补角互补.16.【答案】35【解析】解:∵a∥b,∴∠3=∠1=55°,∴∠2=180°-90°-55°=35°.故答案是:35根据平行线的性质求得∠3的度数,即可求得∠2的度数.本题考查了平行线的性质,理解性质定理是关键.17.【答案】CA【解析】解:点C到直线AB的距离是线段AC的长度,故答案为CA.根据直线外一点到直线的垂线段的长度,叫做点到直线的距离可得答案.此题主要考查了点到直线的距离,关键是掌握点到直线的距离是垂线段的长度.18.【答案】①③④【解析】解:∵AC′∥BD′,∴∠C′EF=∠EFB=32°,所以①正确; ∵一张对边互相平行的纸条折成如图,EF 是折痕,∴∠C′EF=∠CEF=32°, ∴∠AEC=180°-2×32°=116°,所以②错误; ∵AC′∥BD′,∴∠BGE+∠AEG=180°, ∴∠BGE=180°-116°=64°,所以③正确; ∵GC ∥FD ,∴∠BFD=∠BGC=180°-∠BGE=180°-64°=116°,所以④正确. 故答案为:①③④.根据平行线的性质由AC′∥BD′可得到∠C′EF=∠EFB=32°;根据折叠的性质得到∠C′EF=∠CEF=32°,再利用邻补角的定义得到∠AEC=116°;由于AC′∥BD′,根据平行线的性质得∠BGE+∠AEG=180°,则∠BGE=180°-116°=64°;由GC ∥FD ,根据平行线的性质和对顶角相等得∠BFD=∠BGC=180°-∠BGE=116°.依此即可求解. 本题考查了平行线性质:两直线平行,同位角相等;两直线平行,同旁内角互补;两直线平行,内错角相等.19.【答案】解:原式=(3-12+2-32)×√7=3√7.【解析】根据合并同类二次根式的法则计算可得.本题主要考查二次根式的加减法,二次根式相加减,先把各个二次根式化成最简二次根式,再把被开方数相同的二次根式进行合并,合并方法为系数相加减,根式不变.20.【答案】解:原式=12×4×32×√6×12÷2=3√36=18.【解析】 ↵本题主要二次根式的乘除法,解题的关键是熟练掌握二次根式的乘除运算法则.直接根据二次根式的乘除法计算即可求出答案.21.【答案】解:原式=-27÷2+72-1 =-272+72-1 =-10-1=-11.【解析】先计算分数指数幂、绝对值和零指数幂,再进一步计算可得.本题主要考查实数的运算,解题的关键是熟练掌握分数指数幂、绝对值和零指数幂.22.【答案】解:根据题意知2x -3=0,y 3+1=0∴x =32,y =-1,∴4x -3y =9,∴4x -3y 的平方根为±3. 【解析】 此题主要考查了立方根、平方根定义和非负数的性质,其中求一个数的立方根,应先找出所要求的这个数是哪一个数的立方.注意:(1)一个数的立方根与原数的性质符号相同;(2)一个正数有两个平方根,它们互为相反数;0的平方根是0;负数没有平方根.首先根据绝对值和被开方数的非负性可以求x 、y 的值,再根据平方根的定义即可求解.23.【答案】解:原式=246×223÷216 =276.【解析】先把开方运算表示成分数指数幂的形式,再根据同底数乘法、除法法则计算即可.本题考查了分数指数幂.解题的关键是知道开方和分数指数幂之间的关系.24.【答案】PN;PM;PN;0【解析】解:如图所示:线段PN的长表示点P到直线BO的距离;线段PM的长表示点M到直线AO 的距离;线段ON的长表示点O到直线PN的距离;点P到直线OA的距离为0,故答案为:PN,PM,PN,0.先根据题意画出图形,再根据点到直线的距离的定义得出即可.本题考查了点到直线的距离,能熟记点到直线的距离的定义是解此题的关键.25.【答案】两直线平行,同旁内角互补;平行的传递性;两直线平行,内错角相等;128°;52;等量代换【解析】解:过点C作CG∥AB∴∠1+∠ABC=180°(两直线平行,同旁内角互补)∵AB∥DE(已知)∴CG∥DE(平行的传递性)∴∠CDF=∠2 (两直线平行,内错角相等)∵∠ABC=128°(已知)∴∠1=180°-128°=52°∵CD⊥DF(已知)∴∠DCB=90°,∴∠2=90°-∠1=38°∴∠CDF=38°(等量代换)故答案为:两直线平行,同旁内角互补;平行的传递性;两直线平行,内错角相等;128°(或∠ABC),52;等量代换.根据平行线的判定和性质解答即可.本题考查了平行线的判定和性质、熟练掌握平行线的判定和性质是解答本题的关键.26.【答案】证明:∵∠1=∠2,∠1=∠DGH(对顶角相等),∴∠2=∠DGH(等量代换),∴DB∥EC(同位角相等,两直线平行),∴∠C=∠ABG(两直线平行,同位角相等),∵AC∥DF,∴∠D=∠ABG(两直线平行,内错角相等),∴∠C=∠D.【解析】本题考查了平行线的性质和判定的应用,注意:①两直线平行,同位角相等,②两直线平行,内错角相等,③两直线平行,同旁内角互补,反之亦然,题目比较好,难度适中.根据对顶角相等和已知求出∠2=∠DGH,推出DB∥EC,根据平行线的性质得出∠C=∠ABG,∠D=∠ABG,即可推出答案.27.【答案】135°【解析】(1)①∵∠DCE=45°,∠ACD=90°∴∠ACE=45°∵∠BCE=90°∴∠ACB=90°+45°=135°故答案为:135°;②∵∠ACB=140°,∠ECB=90°∴∠ACE=140°-90°=50°∴∠DCE=90°-∠ACE=90°-50°=40°;(2)猜想:∠ACB+∠DCE=180°理由如下:∵∠ACE=90°-∠DCE又∵∠ACB=∠ACE+90°∴∠ACB=90°-∠DCE+90°=180°-∠DCE即∠ACB+∠DCE=180°;(3)30°、45°、120°、135°、165°.理由:当CB∥AD时,∠ACE=30°;当EB∥AC时,∠ACE=45°;当CE∥AD时,∠ACE=120°;当EB∥CD时,∠ACE=135°;当BE∥AD时,∠ACE=165°.(1)①根据∠DCE和∠ACD的度数,求得∠ACE的度数,再根据∠BCE求得∠ACB的度数;②根据∠BCE和∠ACB的度数,求得∠ACE的度数,再根据∠ACD求得∠DCE的度数;(2)根据∠ACE=90°-∠DCE以及∠ACB=∠ACE+90°,进行计算即可得出结论;(3)分五种情况进行讨论:当CB∥AD时,当EB∥AC时,当CE∥AD时,当EB∥CD时,当BE∥AD时,分别求得∠ACE角度.本题主要考查了平行线的性质,以及直角三角形的性质,解题时注意分类讨论思想的运用,分类时注意不能重复,也不能遗漏.。




Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力共25分)I. Listen to the sentence and choose the right picture. (听句子,选出与内容符合的图片,用A、B、C、D、E、F等表示) (5分)(A) (B) (C)(D) (E) (F)II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. (根据你所听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案,用A、B、C、D等表示) (8分)6. A. In the middle. B. On the left. C. On the right. D. In the centre.7. A. An artist. B.A doctor. C. A policewoman. D. A bank clerk.8. A. In a park. B. On a road. C. In a hotel. D. In a library.9. A. Basketball. B. Table tennis. C. Tennis. D. Volleyball.10. A. At 8:45. B. At 8:15. C. At 8:30. D. At 8:0011. A. This morning. B. Tomorrow morning.C. This afternoonD. Tomorrow afternoon.12. A. Beijing. B. Qingdao. C. Hainan. D. Dalian.13. A. The man is looking for the woman.B. The man is looking for a washroom.C. The man is looking for a sign.D. The woman will take the man to the washroom.III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true orfalse. (根据你所听到的短文内容判断下列句子是否正确,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (6分)Peter’s father’s birthday is coming.Peter has bought her mother a beautiful present.Peter hasn’t got enough money to buy an MP4.Peter doesn’t know what size of shoes her mother wears.Kate asks Peter to buy a picture for his mother.Love is the most expensive present in the world and everyone is happy to get it.IV. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences. (听短文,完成下列句子,每空格限填一词) (6分)It’s ________ news for many Chinese couples(夫妇) to have two children._________ interviewed some primary school students in Hainan.A student said he doesn’t need to _______ _______ his parents by himself if hehas a younger brother or sister.Another student want a brother to do things for him, like washing his _______. Some students don’t want one because they think the baby must be very _______.Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分词汇和语法共45分)I. Look at the phonetic symbol and fill in the blanks. (看音标写单词) (5分)26. Nowadays, the _______ [praɪs] of houses is too high for most people to affordin Shanghai.27. This is the shortest _________ [ru:t]to the railway station.28. His friend sent some new washing _______ [məˈʃi:nz] to his factory last month.29._______ ['hæpɪnəs] is a feeling that lights up your eyes, makes your steps light and makes you want to sing for no reason.II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (17分)A. They’re talking about how to organize the English Evening.C. You should put on more clothes. It cold outside.D. “Open your mouth, please! ” said the doctor.31. __________ tall man over there is a famous writer.A. AnB. /C. AD. The32. Ken taught ________English at home because his family is too poor.A. heB. himselfC. himD. his33. Both teachers and students are busy _________ June.A. withB. inC. onD. at34. The river is polluted, so ________ people come to swim in it.A. a littleB. littleC. fewD. a few Kunming is _________ a City of Spring for its pleasant weather and beautiful views.A. famous forB. full ofC. known forD. known as36. When you work with ______, you will find more about yourself.A. otherB. the otherC. othersD. another37. His sister doesn’t go to the zoo. ____________.A. So am IB. So do IC. Neither am ID. Neither do I38. You’re late. The film __________ for 10 minutes.A. beg anB. has been onC. has begunD. was on39. The heavy rain made him _________ at home all day.A. to stayB. stayC. stayingD. stayed40. Mr. Smith came to Shanghai _________.A. since 2006B. for 10 yearsC. 10 years agoD. next year41. I ________ a new pair of shoes. I need to buy a new shirt.A. don’t needB. needn’tC. don’t need toD.needsA. anything importantB. something importantC. important somethingD. important anything43. Miss Fan prefers the ________ with the V-neck.A. jeansB. handkerchiefC. stockingsD. sweater44. That was really an _______ film. We didn’t know the ending until the last minute.A. excitingB. excitedC. exciteD. excitement45. ________ it’s very late now, my mother is still working hard on her project.A. SoB. AlthoughC. AndD. ButA. Yes, you can.B. Yes, thanks.C. I’d rather not.D. I’d like a cup of coffee.III. Complete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box. Each can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次,用A、B、C、D、E、F等表示) (5分)A. clothesB.spentC. convenientD.andE.becomeF. thanA growing number of Chinese Internet users like Wang have found the joys of online shopping. Most online shoppers are students or young workers. More women shop online 48 men. Clothing and homeuse products (产品) are the most popular online.It was reported that more than 250 billion yuan was 49 on online shopping last year, 80% through Taobao.Taoba o means “looking for treasure” in Chinese. People can find almost everything they need on Taobao, from 50 to books, from candies to DVDplayers. “You may question the security of online shopping,” WangLin said. “It's very safe and 51 .Unless you receive theproducts from sellers and are satisfied with them, the shop ownerwill not get the money.You can also get your money back if you want to return the product.”IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号内所给单词的适当形式完成句子,每空格限填一词) (6分)52. His home is one floor higher than _________ (they).53. Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the greatest __________in the world. (act)54. The film Kongfu Panda III is full of ________ (laugh) and fun.55. Everything is going _______________ (good) than before56. This way, please! The _______ (change) room is on the left.57. The sun __________ (appear) behind the mountain a few minutes ago.V. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (根据要求改写句子,每空格限填一词) (12分)The artist earned a lot of money by selling paintings.(变否定句)The artist ________ earn _______ money by selling paintings.59. Shanghai Disney Amusement Park will open in June this year.( 改一般疑问句)60. My uncle has been an architect since 2001.(划线部分提问)61. Susan can hardly hear the answer.(改为反意疑问句)63. took, me, it, hours, to, three, homework, the, finish(连词成句)____________________________________________________________________Part 3 Reading and Writing ( 第三部分阅读和写话共30分)I. Reading comprehension. (阅读理解): (共20分)Choose the best answer. (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C、D等表示)(5分)As sweet as Hello Kitty: She likes to eat cakes. She loves to make new friends. She asks friends to her tea parties. She is warm and sunny and will always help you. As clever as Snoopy: He goes to school when he is nine. He learns to use a typewriter in two years! He thinks a lot. He is so clever that you like to be with him.As naughty as Mashimaro: He doesn’t look like a good boy. He has sleepy eyes and looks naughty. He always plays tricks on people. So you get angry with him and don’t like him very much. His mind is active and full of ideas. He tries to be big and catch your eyes. But, he’s still a child.If you want to make a friend like Snoopy, he or she must be _______ at least.A. cleverB. naughtyC. activeD. sweetTom’s friend is always warm-hearted with sharp words. He is just like _______.A. Hello KittyB. MashimaroC. SnoopyD. GarfieldThe underlined words “play tricks” probably mean _______.A. plays gamesB. is friendly toC. makes fun ofD. makes friendsMay is a kind-hearted girl. She is always ready to help others. Her favourite foodis cake. Her friends all call her _________.A. Hello KittyB. SnoopyC. MashimaroD. Garfield According to the passage, people love cartoon animals because _________.A. they are the animals that often make people laughB. their personalities(性格)are like the people around themC. the cartoon animals are sunny, warm and full of ideasD. they always help people, think a lot and try to b e bigB. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文,用A、B、C、D等表示) (5分)Long ago, in a small village of Wakefield lived two farmers, Harry and Peter. Harry was very hard-working while Peter was 69 . Every day Harry got up early and came home late, but Peter walked around for fun.One summer there was no 70 and the crops were dying. Harry thought, “I mustdo something to save these crops, or they will die.” With this thought in mind,he went out to find a river so that he could dig a canal(沟渠)to his field. He walkedon and on, feeling tired and thirsty. After a long search, he found a river fullof blue water. He was very happy. He started digging a canal to his field. 71 it was noon, his wife sent their daughter to bring Harry home for lunch. But Harry did not go. He didn’t want to leave his work unfinished. He completed his work 72 at night. Then he went home, had a good meal and fell into a sound sleep.Peter had the same idea. But he was not at all determined(有决心的). He also 73 digging a can al to his field but he didn’t have his work completed. At last his field did not get enough water and all his crops died.Harry’s field would be watered when needed. He had a good harvest that autumn becauseof his hard work.69. A. cruel B. 1azy C. careless D. silly70. A. rain B. wind C. cloud D. river71. A. If B. Although C. When D. Unless72. A. early B. far C. late D. deep73. A. stopped B. loved C. forgot D. startedC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (5分)Don’t be afraid to show people what you are really good at. Talk about the things you like. People will be interested in you if there is s 75 interesting about you.Look people in the eye when you talk to them. That way, they’ll find it easier to talk to you, or people may think you’re not interested in them and may s 76 being interested in you.Be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before talking about”me, me, me”. Ask lots of questions. Show an interest in their a 77 .Try to make friends with the kind of people you r 78 like, respect,and admire (羡慕)-not just with those who are easy to meet. Be friends with lots of people. That way, you’ll have more chances for making friends.D. Read the passage and answer the questions. (根据短文内容回答下列问题) (5分)My Friend Peter was kind and lovely. But as a student, he was bad at maths, English and science because he didn’t have an aptitude(资质)for that kind of study. One day we were playing football and the ball got stuck in a tree. Peter climbed the tree to get it, and one of the teachers, John Marston, who was looking out of the window, noticed that he was a talented climber. Mr. Marston was very goodat climbing. He had climbed many mountains. One weekend Mr Marston invited Peterto climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Peter really enjoyed the climbing. Mr Marston told Peter that he was a talented climber for his age. Peter left school three years later with no qualifications (毕业证), but he kept climbing regularly until he became very good at it. In his early twenties, he became a famous climber. He said, “I alwaysremember Mr Marston because he showed me I had an ability which noone else, including me, knew about.”II.Writing. (作文)84. Write a passage of at least 50 words on the topic “________ is fun ”. (以“_____是快乐的”为题写一篇不少于50字的短文,标点符号不占格) (10分)提示:生活你经常会做一些你喜欢做的事情,如打球、旅游、看电影、看书、上网等等。



2020-2021学年上海市浦东新区第四教育署七年级(上)调研数学试卷一、选择题(共6小题).1.(2分)下列不能表示“2a”的意义的是()A.2的a倍B.a的2倍C.2个a相加D.2个a相乘2.(2分)下列式子中,单项式是()A.3a+1B.C.3a D.x=13.(2分)下列各选项中是同类项的是()A.﹣a2b和ab2B.a2和22C.﹣ab2和2b2a D.2ab和2xy4.(2分)下列运算正确()A.a2+a3=a5B.a2•a3=a6C.(a2)3=a8D.(﹣a)2•a3=a55.(2分)如果M=x2+6x+22,N=﹣x2+6x﹣3,那么M与N的大小关系是()A.M>N B.M<N C.M=N D.无法确定6.(2分)按下面的程序计算,如果输入x的值是30,那么输出的结果为()A.470B.471C.118D.119二、填空题(共12小题).7.(3分)单项式的次数是.8.(3分)x、y两数的平方和减去它们的积的2倍,用代数式表示为.9.(3分)计算:x2•x3•x4=.10.(3分)计算:(x2)5=.11.(3分)比较大小:2543(填>,<或=).12.(3分)化简3a﹣[a﹣2(a﹣b)]+b,结果是.13.(3分)当1<a<2时,代数式|a﹣2|+|1﹣a|的值是.14.(3分)若a与b互为相反数,m和n互为倒数,则=.15.(3分)已知单项式﹣a n b3与单项式﹣2a2b m﹣2是同类项,则m﹣n=.16.(3分)若9×32m×33m=322,则m的值为.17.(3分)如果两个关于x的多项式4x2﹣bx﹣5+c与ax2+2x﹣3相等,则a+bc=.18.(3分)如图,四张大小不一的四方形纸片分别放置于矩形的四个角落,其中①和②纸片既不重叠也无空隙.已知矩形ABCD的周长为a,阴影部分的周长为b那么以下四个正方形中号正方形的边长可以直接用a、b表示,结果为.三、解答题(本大题共8小题,第19至24题每题6分,第25、26题每题8分,共52分)19.(6分)计算:9m2﹣4(2m2﹣3mn+n2)+4n2.20.(6分)计算:x2•x3+(﹣x)5+(x2)3.21.(6分)(a﹣b)2•(b﹣a)3•(b﹣a)(结果用幂的形式表示)22.(6分)已知多项式.(1)把这个多项式按x的降幂重新排列;(2)请指出该多项式的次数,并写出它的二次项和常数项.23.(6分)已知:m2+mn=30,mn﹣n2=﹣10,求下列代数式的值:(1)m2+2mn﹣n2;(2)m2+n2﹣7.24.(6分)化简求值,其中x=2,y=﹣0.5.25.(8分)已知(x3)n+1=(x n﹣1)4•(x3)2,求(﹣n2)3的值.26.(8分)小王家买了一套新房,其结构如图所示(单位:m).他打算将卧室铺上木地板,其余部分铺上地砖.(1)木地板和地砖分别需要多少平方米?(2)如果地砖的价格为每平方米k元,木地板的价格为每平方米2k元,那么小王一共需要花多少钱?参考答案一、单项选择题(本大题共有6小题,每题2分,共12分)1.(2分)下列不能表示“2a”的意义的是()A.2的a倍B.a的2倍C.2个a相加D.2个a相乘解:2个a相乘表示为a2,故选:D.2.(2分)下列式子中,单项式是()A.3a+1B.C.3a D.x=1解:A、3a+1是多项式,故此选项不合题意;B、是分式,故此选项不合题意;C、3a是单项式,符合题意;D、x=1是方程,故此选项不合题意.故选:C.3.(2分)下列各选项中是同类项的是()A.﹣a2b和ab2B.a2和22C.﹣ab2和2b2a D.2ab和2xy解:A.﹣a2b和ab2相同字母的指数不相同,不是同类项;B.a2和22所含字母不相同,不是同类项;C.﹣ab2和2b2a所含字母相同,且相同字母的指数也相同,是同类项;D.2ab与2xy所含字母不相同,不是同类项;故选:C.4.(2分)下列运算正确()A.a2+a3=a5B.a2•a3=a6C.(a2)3=a8D.(﹣a)2•a3=a5解:A.a2和a3不能合并,故本选项不符合题意;B.结果是a5,故本选项不符合题意;C.结果是a6,故本选项不符合题意;D.结果是a5,故本选项符合题意;故选:D.5.(2分)如果M=x2+6x+22,N=﹣x2+6x﹣3,那么M与N的大小关系是()A.M>N B.M<N C.M=N D.无法确定解:∵M=x2+6x+22,N=﹣x2+6x﹣3,∴M﹣N=x2+6x+22﹣(﹣x2+6x﹣3)=x2+6x+22+x2﹣6x+3=2x2+25,∵x2≥0,∴2x2+25>0,∴M>N.故选:A.6.(2分)按下面的程序计算,如果输入x的值是30,那么输出的结果为()A.470B.471C.118D.119解:当x=30时,4x﹣2=4×30﹣2=118,∵118<149,∴继续代入运算得:4×118﹣2=470,故选:A.二、填空题(本大题共有12小题,每题3分,共36分)7.(3分)单项式的次数是3.解:单项式的次数是:3.故答案为:3.8.(3分)x、y两数的平方和减去它们的积的2倍,用代数式表示为x2+y2﹣2xy.解:x2+y2﹣2xy.故答案为:x2+y2﹣2xy.9.(3分)计算:x2•x3•x4=x9.解:原式=x2+3+4=x9.故答案为:x9.10.(3分)计算:(x2)5=x10.解:(x2)5=x2×5=x10.故答案为:x10.11.(3分)比较大小:25<43(填>,<或=).解:∵43=(22)3=26,25<26,∴25<43,故答案为<.12.(3分)化简3a﹣[a﹣2(a﹣b)]+b,结果是4a﹣b.解:原式=3a﹣(a﹣2a+2b)+b=3a﹣a+2a﹣2b+b=4a﹣b,故答案为:4a﹣b13.(3分)当1<a<2时,代数式|a﹣2|+|1﹣a|的值是1.解:∵1<a<2,∴a﹣2<0,1﹣a<0,则原式=2﹣a+a﹣1=1,故答案为:114.(3分)若a与b互为相反数,m和n互为倒数,则=.解:∵a与b互为相反数,∴a+b=0,∵m和n互为倒数,∴mn=1,∴(a+b)+mn=×0+×1=,故答案为:.15.(3分)已知单项式﹣a n b3与单项式﹣2a2b m﹣2是同类项,则m﹣n=3.解:∵单项式﹣a n b3与单项式﹣2a2b m﹣2是同类项,∴n=2,m﹣2=3,解得:m=5,∴m﹣n=5﹣2=3,故答案为:3.16.(3分)若9×32m×33m=322,则m的值为4.解:∵9×32m×33m=32×32m×33m=32+2m+3m=32+5m=322,∴2+5m=22,解得m=4.故答案为:4.17.(3分)如果两个关于x的多项式4x2﹣bx﹣5+c与ax2+2x﹣3相等,则a+bc=0.解:∵关于x的多项式4x2﹣bx﹣5+c与ax2+2x﹣3相等,∴a=4,﹣b=2,﹣5+c=﹣3,解得b=﹣2,c=2,∴a+bc=4﹣2×2=0.故答案为:0.18.(3分)如图,四张大小不一的四方形纸片分别放置于矩形的四个角落,其中①和②纸片既不重叠也无空隙.已知矩形ABCD的周长为a,阴影部分的周长为b那么以下四个正方形中②号正方形的边长可以直接用a、b表示,结果为.解:根据题意得:阴影部分所有竖直的边长之和=AB+CD,所有水平的边长之和=(AD﹣②的边长)+(BC﹣②的边长),则阴影部分的周长=(AB+CD+BC+AD)﹣②的边长×2,=矩形ABCD的周长﹣②的边长×2,∵矩形ABCD的周长为a,阴影部分的周长为b,∴b=a﹣②的边长×2,∴②的边长=,故答案为:.三、解答题(本大题共8小题,第19至24题每题6分,第25、26题每题8分,共52分)19.(6分)计算:9m2﹣4(2m2﹣3mn+n2)+4n2.解:原式=9m2﹣8m2+12mn﹣4n2+4n2=m2+12mn.20.(6分)计算:x2•x3+(﹣x)5+(x2)3.解:x2•x3+(﹣x)5+(x2)3=x5﹣x5+x6=x6.21.(6分)(a﹣b)2•(b﹣a)3•(b﹣a)(结果用幂的形式表示)解:(a﹣b)2•(b﹣a)3•(b﹣a)=(b﹣a)2•(b﹣a)3•(b﹣a)=(b﹣a)2+3+1=(b﹣a)6.22.(6分)已知多项式.(1)把这个多项式按x的降幂重新排列;(2)请指出该多项式的次数,并写出它的二次项和常数项.解:(1)按x降幂排列为:;(2)该多项式的次数是5,它的二次项是xy,常数项是.23.(6分)已知:m2+mn=30,mn﹣n2=﹣10,求下列代数式的值:(1)m2+2mn﹣n2;(2)m2+n2﹣7.解:(1)∵m2+mn=30,mn﹣n2=﹣10,∴m2+2mn﹣n2=(m2+mn)+(mn﹣n2)=30+(﹣10)=20(2)∵m2+mn=30,mn﹣n2=﹣10,∴m2+n2﹣7=(m2+mn)﹣(mn﹣n2)﹣7=30﹣(﹣10)﹣7=3324.(6分)化简求值,其中x=2,y=﹣0.5.解:原式=4x﹣6y﹣2﹣3x﹣2y+2=x﹣8y,当x=2,y=﹣0.5时,原式=2+4=6.25.(8分)已知(x3)n+1=(x n﹣1)4•(x3)2,求(﹣n2)3的值.解:∵x3n+3=x4n﹣4•x6,∴3n+3=4n﹣4+6,解得n=1,∴(﹣n2)3=(﹣12)3=﹣1.26.(8分)小王家买了一套新房,其结构如图所示(单位:m).他打算将卧室铺上木地板,其余部分铺上地砖.(1)木地板和地砖分别需要多少平方米?(2)如果地砖的价格为每平方米k元,木地板的价格为每平方米2k元,那么小王一共需要花多少钱?解:(1)木地板的面积为2b(5a﹣3a)+3a(5b﹣2b﹣b)=2b•2a+3a•2b=4ab+6ab=10ab(平方米);地砖的面积为5a•5b﹣10ab=25ab﹣10ab=15ab(平方米);(2)15ab•k+10ab•2k=15abk+20abk=35abk(元),答:小王一共需要花35abk元钱.。



2020学年度第一学期期中教学质量自主调研七年级英语(满分∶100分考试时间∶75分钟)Part1Listening(第一部分听力)I.Listening Comprehension(听力理解)A.Listen and choose the right picture.(根据你听到的句子,选出相应的图片)A. B. C. D. E.F.1._________2._________3._________4._________5._________B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案6.A.Cats. B.Dogs. C.Birds. D.Parrots.7.A.A.driver. B.A postman. C.A fireman. D.A policeman.8.A.In a flat. B.In an estate agency. C.In the suburb. D.In a shop.9.A.Half an hour. B.10minutes. C.40minutes. D.50minutes.10.A.Tonight. B.Tomorrow morning. C.Tomorrow evening. D.Today.11.A.80yuan. B.100yuan. C.90yuan. D.10yuan.12.A.Her friend. B.Her sister. C.Her mum. D.Herself.13.A.The football match was exciting. B.Alice watched the football match with Jason. C.Jason likes the football match. D.Alice doesn't like the football match.C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用"T"表示,不符合的用"F"表示)14.The elephants are clever and useful to people in Thailand.15.The elephants are so clever that they can take photos for people.16.People in Thailand celebrate Elephant Day on the third weekend of December.17.On Elephant Day the elephants stop working and have a rest.18.Elephants can wear colourful clothes during the festival.19.Elephants enjoy themselves on that day.D.Listen to the passage and complete the sentences.(听短文,完成下列句子)20.The reason why people go hiking is__________________person to person.21.First of all,hiking is___________________exercise,which will improve people's health.22.Finally,hiking is the best way to__________________from everyday life.Part2Phonetics,Vocabulary and grammar(第二部分语音、词汇和语法)II.Look at the phonetic symbol and fill in the blanks.(看音标写单词)1.Xi'an is an ancient city with a long________.[ˈhɪstri]2.This school accepts over200________students every year.[ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl]3.A terrible________[ˈæksɪdənt]happened in Wuxi last month.4.Go straight ahead and you can see it________the post office.[ˈɒpəzɪt]5.The hospital supplies________care for elderly patients.[ˈspeʃl]III.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)6.Kitty and her family will have________8-day trip to Australia.A.aB./C.anD.the7.We are going to visit my uncle and aunt________the end of this month.A.onB.inC.byD.at8.—________is it from Shanghai to Beijing?—Two hours’flight.A.How longB.How soonC.How farD.How fast9.There are over________people travelling to Hainan every day.A.three thousandB.three thousandsC.thousand ofD.thousands of10.He saw a girl________an old woman cross the road on his way home.A.helpedB.helpsC.helpingD.to help11.My brother made quite________mistakes in the test,and he got only a"C".A.littleB.a fewC.fewD.a little12.Helen is talking________me________the movie she saw last night.A.with;forB.to;aboutC.to;withD.with;of13.Mr.Li has invited us________dinner with his family this weekend.A.haveB.havingC.to haveD.to having14.All the stones which our Chinese has collected look________.A.lovelyB.gentlyC.quietlyD.beautifully15.The bedroom in my new flat is________than that in my old flat.A.much biggerB.more biggerC.more bigD.much more bigger16.I can’t go cycling with you________I have too much homework to do.A.butB.soC.becauseD.though17.--Mr.Brown,must we hand in our work today?--No,you.But you must bring it to school tomorrow.A.mustn’tB.needn’tC.may notD.couldn’t18.—________should I feed my puppy?—Three or four times a day.A.How oftenB.How soonC.How muchD.How much time19.—Let’s go to the park and have a picnic this coming Saturday.—________A.You are welcome.B.That’s all right.C.Thank you.D.That’s a good idea.20.--Would you please lend me a hand with my heavy suitcase?--_________.A.Not at all.B.That’s all right.C.Sure.D.Thank you.plete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box.Each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格,用A、B、C、D等表示。



上海市浦东新区(四署)2024届中考联考英语试题含答案注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置.3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效.5.如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.Ⅰ. 单项选择1、I tried two stores for the present I wanted,but ______ of them had it.A.none B.either C.neither D.both2、Lucy, why didn’t you come to the party yesterday?I ______ my little sister at home.A.looked after B.look afterC.will look after D.have looked after3、----It ____ be John who is still working in the office.----I am sure it ___ be John. I saw him off at the airport this morning.A.would; shouldn’t B.may; mustn’t C.must;can’t D.can,;needn’t4、The general ____of the competition is much higher this year, so it's difficult for me to win the first prize. A.standard B.discussion C.exhibition D.instrument5、— No smoking here, sir! — Oh, I that Sorry, I won’t do it again.A.don’t know B.didn’t know C.won’t know D.hav en’t known6、The Hollywood blockbuster A Star Is Born starred by Lady Gaga has received many praises around the world. And the music is fantastic, too. the movie is!A.What wonderful B.How wonderful C.How a wonderful D.What a wonderful7、-The novel Gull iver’s Travel is very nice.-So it is. Could you tell me__________?A.how long I can borrow itB.if I can keep it for another weekC.when should I return itD.that I can borrow it8、—What? We can take buses with just a mobile?—Yes. Buses in Yangzhou began to _____ Alipay app.A.share B.save C.search D.support9、-How do you like your life here in Mile?- It is ____________ city that I have ever been to.A.comfortable B.the most comfortableC.much comfortable D.more comfortable10、- Mr. Smith, please teach me how to draw on the computer today.- Oh, no. _____. You have to get familiar with the keyboard first.A.It’s never too old to learn B.Think twice before you doC.Don’t be a wet blanket D.Learn to walk before you runⅡ. 完形填空11、完形填空阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。



上海市2020-2021学年七年级第二学期期中考试英语试卷分类汇编单项选择上海市浦东新区第四教育署2020-2021学年七年级下学期期中教学质量自主调研英语试卷II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(共15分)27. I have __________ useful guidebook. I borrowed it from my best friend.A. anB. /C. aD. the28. —Peter hasn’t failed the test.—__________________A. So do I.B. Neither do I.C. So have I.D. Neither have I.29. Lisa decides _______ to Shanghai with his sister.A. goB. to goC. goneD. going30. Turn left __________ Green Road and you will find the theatre _________ your left.A. into; inB. to; onC. into; onD. to; in31. I cooked breakfast for ______________ yesterday morning.A. myB. myselfC. meD. I32. If you _________ to the top of the mountain, you will find great views.A. comesB. comeC. comingD. will come33. Let’s _________________ tomorrow, shall we?A. going shoppingB. goes shoppingC. go shoppingD. to go shopping34. I want to buy some food, so I need to go to a _______________.A. toy shopB. clothes shopC. supermarketD. library35. Lisa ______________ any help. She can do it by herselfA. needs notB. needn'tC. doesn't needD. needn't to36. My uncle looks after animals in the clinic. He is a _____________.A. doctorB. nurseC. vetD. dentist37. Emily ____________ in Shanghai since she was born in 2006.A. liveB. livedC. have livedD. has lived38. A policeman's job is _______________ our city a safe place.A. to makingB. to makeC. madeD. makes39. I don't like this pair of trousers. Please show me another _____________.A. oneB. onesC. pairD. pairs40. You don't have to buy ____________ clothes. It's a waste of money.A. a lotB. a fewC. too muchD. too many41. — I am going to Britain to visit my aunt this summer holiday.—Wonderful!A. You are welcome.B. Enjoy your trip.C. rd love to have it.D. My pleasure.答案:27-31CDBCB 32-36 BCCCC 37-41 DBCDB上海市川中南校等40校2020-2021学年七年级下学期期中质量测试英语试题Ⅲ. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)(共15分)26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from othersA. Smoking is not allowedB. Can you teach me how to make a plane?C. Don't pick the flowers in the parkD. We must throw the rubbish into the bin32. I would like to go sightseeing this Sunday.A. onB. inC. atD. /33. Turn right Green Road, you will find the museum your left.A. into ; onB. Into ; inC. on ; onD. on ; in34. I forget the name of the film. Let's take look at the poster.A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. others35. My grandmother glasses when she reads newspapers.A. doesn’t needB. needn’tC. don't need toD. needn’t to36. good advice he has given us !A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a37. The app(应用程序) on the phone is used with your friends freely.A. for chatB. to chattingC. chattingD. for chatting38. Don't forget to your homework to the classroom tomorrow, children.A. takeB. useC. bringD. sell39. They have known each other ten years ago.A. onB. forC. withD. since40. If it snowy tomorrow morning, I will go hiking with my cousin.A. won’t beB. isn’tC. doesn’tD. wasn’t41. ' Hunger Games II' was probably one of last year.A. great filmB. greatest filmsC. the greatest filmD. the greatest films42. We have decided the English Speech Competition.A. take part inB. took part inC. to take part inD. to join43. -Do you like the jeans with the yellow belt?-No, I like the with the blue belt.A. oneB. onesC. itD. them44. Hainan is its sunshine and white sand beaches.A. known asB. famous forC. interested inD. in charge of45. -Sorry, I' m late, Miss Li. There are too many cars on the road.- . Be earlier next time!A. You’re right.B. That’s a ll right.C. You’re welcome.D. That’s right.答案:31. D 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. A 36. A 37. D 38. A 39. D 40. B 41. D42. C 43. B 44. B 45. B上海市长横学区2020-2021学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试题VII. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)14%( ) 32. Take________ look at the film guide. There are six films on at City Cinema.A. /B. theC. aD. an( ) 33. Most of us voted ________ this plan after discussion.A. onB. forC. fromD. with( ) 34.W hen Frank’s parents were not at home, he had to cook dinner by _______.A. heB. hisC. himselfD. him( ) 35. There’s quite ________ milk in the fridge. We don’t need to buy any.A. fewB. littleC. a fewD. a little( ) 36. – I used to eat a lot of junk food.–________.A. So do IB. Neither do IC. So did ID. Neither did I ( ) 37. They have decided ________ in the 8th Campus Original Musical in my school.A. joinB. joinedC. to joinD. for joining( ) 38. This old photo lets my grandfather _______ his childhood.A. think ofB. thinks ofC. to think ofD. thinking of( ) 39. Shanghai is one of the ______ in the world.A. large cityB. largest cityC. largest citiesD. large cities( ) 40. If it ________, we will go out to have a picnic together tomorrow.A. will rainB. rainsC. doesn’t rainD. is raining( ) 41. Do you know who will _____ the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020?A. take placeB. take part inC.enterD.happen( ) 42. You are not good at English.________, you need to practice more.A. ThereforeB. HoweverC. After thatD. Luckily( ) 43. John __________ in Shanghai since he left his hometown.A. livesB. livedC. has livedD. will live( ) 44. I wish you good luck in the competition! –______.A. Not at allB. Thank you very muchC. I agree with youD. You’re welcome( ) 45. –Excuse me. Can I try on this T-shirt, please?–______.A. Yes. Of course.B. It’s a pleasure.C. No, thanks.D. That’s a good idea.答案:32-45 (每题1分) C B C D C C A C C B A C B A上海领科双语学校2020-2021学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试卷II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共16 分)25. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A. We must study hard and realize our dream.B. My mum u sually starts cooking at 6 o’clock.C. My sister used to say dirty words.D. University is a good place to practice ourselves.26. Yesterday was my birthday. I bought __________a computer book in the bookshop.A. meB. myC. mineD. myself27. I don't like this pair of trousers. Please show me another ___________.A. oneB. onesC. pairD. it28. Mrs. Zhang will __________ our class tomorrow because our class teacher is ill.A. in the charge ofB. in charge ofC. be in the charge ofD. be in charge of29. — _____________ going out to play tennis?—A good idea. But when?A. Why notB. Why don'tC. What aboutD. Shall we30. Mr. Smith is one of _________________in our school.A. the most popular teacherB. most popular teachersC. most popular teacherD. the most popular teachers31. I _____________ any pencils now. My mom bought me some yesterday.A. needn’t toB. don’t need toC. needn’tD. don’t need32. If you go to Zhongshan Road, you ______________ many shops.A. will seeB. seeC. have seenD. seeing33. Among all the places of interest in Shanghai. I like ______ Luxun Park and _______Bund best.A. /; /B. /; theC. the; /D. the; the34. They have worked and lived in Shanghai __________ ten years ago.A. forB. sinceC. duringD. in35. They _____________ engineers for 3 months.A. have beenB. have becomeC. becameD. were36. A clock is used ____________ the time.A. to tellB. to sayC. to tellingD. for saying37. –Jack will have a holiday in Yunnan. The view there is really wonderful.–___________ my parents.A. So willB. So areC. Neither willD. Neither are38. ____________ the sun was shining, it wasn’t very warm today.A. SinceB. WhenC. IfD. Although39. ___________ wonderful report the editor has done!A. What aB. WhatC. HowD. How a40.—Kitty ,I’m going to visit my relatives in Europe this summer.-- _____________________________,Joe.A. I’m sorry to hear thatB. I think so, tooC. Have a nice tripD. That’s a good idea答案:25-29 ADCDC 30-34 DDABB 35-40 AAADAC上海市上南中学南校2020-2021学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试题Ⅲ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用 A、B、C或D表示填入空格内):(15分)( ) 29. John would like to be _________ astronaut in the future.A. aB. anC. /D. the( ) 30. I always read the content page before I decide _________ a book.A. buysB. to buyC. buyingD. buy( ) 31. Shanghai is known __________ “the Pearl of the East”.A. forB. byC. asD. of( ) 32. The doctor suggested my father stop _________ as soon as possible.A. smokesB. smokeC. to smokeD. smoking ( ) 33. —I can’t finish my homework in half an hour.— ___________ Alice.A.So canB. Neither doesC. So doesD. Neither can ( ) 34. — _________ film would you like to see?—I’d like to see films about adventures.A.WhoseB. WhichC. What kind ofD. How many ( ) 35. The tickets of the film _________ me forty-five yuan.A.paidB. costC. spentD. took ( ) 36. A policeman’s job is _________ our city a safe place.A.makesB. madeC. to makeD. to making ( ) 37. There will be no lessons tomorrow, so Tom ________ to get up early.A.needn’tB. don’t needC. doesn’t needD. needs ( ) 38. May will not see this film because she __________ it before.A.will seeB. seesC. sawD. has seen ( ) 39. You’ve just had lunch. You _________ be hungry now.A.couldn’tB. can’tC. mustD. may not ( ) 40. ___________ he worked hard, he failed in the exam.A. BecauseB. IfC. WhenD. Although ( ) 41. Our teacher lets us __________ our smart phones to school.A. not bringB. to not bringC. don’t bringD. not to bring ( ) 42. ________ important news the teacher told us this morning!A. What anB. HowC. WhatD. What a ( ) 43. Shanghai Tower is one of ______________ in Lu Jiazui.A. the tallest buildingsB. the tallest buildingC. the taller buildingD. the taller buildings( ) 44. — Would you like me to carry the heavy luggage?—_____________.A.Yes, I’d like to.B. It doesn’t matter.C. Never mind.D. It’s very kind of you.答案:29-34 BBCDC 35-39 BCCDB 40-44 DACAD。




















上海市浦东新区第四教育署2020-2021学年七年级上学期期末考试 英语试卷(含答案解析)

上海市浦东新区第四教育署2020-2021学年七年级上学期期末考试 英语试卷(含答案解析)

2020-2021学年上海市浦东新区第四教育署七年级(上)期末英语试卷(五四学制)Ⅱ. Look at the phonetic symbol and fill in the blanks,(看音标写单词)(5分)1.Would you drop in at my house this afternoon if it is to you?[kən'vi:nɪənt] 2.At last,John broke the and made the final decision. ['saɪləns]3.Joe had three and some chips for breakfast. ['hæmbɜːgəz]4.There to be much sand here,but now you can see many plants.[ju:st]5.First of all,there are not many of them,and secondly,they have little money and,they're hungry. ['θɜːdlɪ]Ⅲ.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共15分)6.This sign tells us how to do something. It's_______ instruction sign.()A.an B.a C./D.the7.We had to hurry up because there was only_______ time left for us to get to the airport.()A.a few B.little C.a little D.few8.A big forest fire happened in California_______ September,2017.()A.on B.in C.at D.by9.This hall can hold about five _______ people.()A.hundred B.hundredsC.hundred of D.hundreds of10.A friend of_______ is going to Beijing next month.()A.my B.her C.him D.his11.Mary_______ worry about this. Everything is going on well with them.()A.needs not B.doesn't need toC.doesn't need D.needn't to12.The music in this Starbucks sounded so_______ that I wanted to stay for a longer time.()A.wonderful B.beautifullyC.friendly D.noisy13.There_______ a school sports meeting in our school next week.()A.will have B.is going to beC.is going to have D.will hold14.When the boy grows up,he doesn't like playing computer games __________.()A.not any longer B.any longerC.no longer D.any long15.I can't decide which to choose_______ there's no difference between these two computers.()A.and B.so C.but D.because 16.Look,it is raining outside. I'd rather_______ at home instead of going out.()A.not stay B.staying C.to stay D.stay17.On my way home,I saw a lot of people from other countries_______ photos in the park.()A.take B.took C.taking D.taken18._______ great fun it is to have a picnic in spring!()A.What B.How a C.What an D.How19.﹣I haven't been to Shanghai Disneyland yet.﹣_______.()A.So do I.B.So have I.C.Neither do I.D.Neither have I.20.﹣I will go on a trip to London for my holiday.﹣_______()A.That's all right.B.It's a pleasure.C.Have a good trip.D.The same to you.pletethefollowingpassagewiththewordsorphrasesinthebox.Eachcanonlybeusedonce (将下列单词或词组填入空格,用A、B、C、D等表示,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共5分)21.(5分)A. project B. looked forward to C. took turns to D. popular E.terrible F. worriedDo you know where your food comes from?Does the pork you eat come from pigs that lived in good places?These days,healthy eating is getting (1).Some animals live in very(2)places. Hundreds of chickens stay in a small cage and pigs have to live in spaces that are not big enough for them to turn around in. Now more and more people are (3)about those animals.Jamie Oliver,a British cook,took part in a(4)about pigs. The activities showed the public what pig farming was like. He also(5)the better meat from these farms.Hope these activities will make people care about eating healthily and saving nature.V. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(共6分)22.Most flashlights work on two. (battery)23.If Linda wants to be a good pianist,she should practice playing the piano.(regular)24.You need to run at half an hour every day to keep fit,David. (little)25.It is for children to have an outing in sunny weather. (please)26.You should put the into the oven to bake for 15 minutes.(mix)27.After the earthquake,many volunteers provided free food for the people.(home)VI. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。





(《峨眉山月歌》)3.___________________,不亦君子乎? (《论语·学而》)4.___________________,小桥流水人家。














6.【甲】诗的作者是___________ (人名),【乙】文出自________ (书名)。




_______________________________________________________________________________9.【甲】乙】中都有想象的语句,【甲】诗中的想象是为了突出_____________________,【乙】文中画线句的想象是为了表现____________________________________ (4分)(三)课外文言文阅读(8分)鲁公治①园,欲凿池,父曰:“无地置.土。


故选 .
本题主要考查了坐标与图形变化 平移,平移中点的变化规律:左右移动改变点的横坐标,左减,右加;上下移动改变点的纵坐标,下减,上加.
A. B. C. D.
A. ;B. 没有平方根C. 的平方根是 D. 的平方是 .
3.在直角坐标平面内将点 向右平移 个单位,再向下平移 个单位后的点坐标为()
A. B. C. D.
4.点 在直线 外,点 在直线 上, 两点的距离记作 ,点 到直线 的距离记作 ,则 与 的大小关系是( )
16.在直角坐标平面内有一个三角形,它的三个顶点坐标分别是 、 、 ,那么这个三角形的面积等于________.
17.如图,已知四边形 的面积是 , ,且 ,点 为 的中点,则 的面积为_______.
(2)如图②,当点 在线段 上时,求 的度数;
(3)当 为等腰直角三角形时, ________度(直接写出客案).
解:∵ ,
∴无理数是: 、 、 、 (它们的位数是无限的,相邻两个1之间6的个数依次增加1个),共4个.



上海市浦东新区第四教育署2020-2021学年七年级上学期期末数学试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.下列分式中,不是最简分式的是( )A .22x yB .222x y xy y ++C .21a a ++D .2222x y x y +- 2.下列各组中的两个单项式是同类项的是( )A .2x y 与22xyB .3x 与3xC .12与1-D .22x yz 与23x y -3.在下列各式中,计算正确的是( )A .495a a a -=B .2()22a b a b --=-+C .23a a a +=D .225(2)1m m -=4.下列各多项式中,能用平方差公式分解因式有是( )A .﹣x 2+16B .x 2+9C .﹣x 2﹣4D .x 2﹣2y 5.下列交通标志既是轴对图形又是中心对称图形的是( )A .B .C .D .6.若分式21a a -的值总是正数,则a 的取值范围是( ) A .0a > B .12a > C .102a << D .0a <或12a >二、填空题7.单项式6abc -的系数为________. 8.328x y 和412x y 的公因式是_________.9.分解因式:268m m -+=________.10.化简:231620x y xy-=________. 11.计算:261-a -9a-3=_____________________ 12.已知2n x =,则3n x =__________.13.当x =_________时,分式242x x--的值为0. 14.将253()xy x y +写成不含分母的形式: _________. 15.若113x y+=,则分式323x xy y x xy y -+++的值为_________. 16.如图所示,△COD 是△AOB 绕点O 顺时针方向旋转35°后所得的图形,点C 恰好在AB 上,∠AOD =90°,则∠BOC 的度数是_____.17.如图,在网格图中选择一个格子涂阴影,使得整个图形是以虚线为对称轴的轴对称图形,则把阴影涂在图中标有数字______的格子内.18.已知大正方形的边长为5厘米,小正方形的边长为2厘米,起始状态如图所示. 大正方形固定不动,把小正方形以1厘米/秒的速度向右沿直线平移,设平移的时间为t 秒,两个正方形重叠部分的面积为S 平方厘米. 当2S =时,小正方形平移的时间为_________秒.三、解答题19.分解因式:(4)(1)6p p -++.20.分解因式:22441x xy y -+-.21.计算:()1111a b a b a b --⎛⎫+÷- ⎪+-⎝⎭. 22.解分式方程:21133x x x-+=--. 23.已知,如图三角形ABC 与三角形111A B C 关于点O 成中心对称,且点A 与1A 对应,点B 与点1B 对应,请画出点O 和三角形111A B C (不必写作法).24.如图是由边长为1的小正方形组成的84⨯网格,每个小正方形的顶点叫做格点,点,,,A B C D 均在格点上,在网格中将点D 按下列步骤移动:第一步:点D 绕点A 顺时针旋转180︒得到点1D ;第二步;点1D 绕点B 顺时针旋转90︒得到点2D ;第三步:点2D 绕点C 顺时针旋转90︒回到点D .(1)请用圆规画出点12D D D D →→→经过的路径;(2)所画图形是_______图形(填“中心对称”或“轴对称”);(3)求所画图形的周长(结果保留π).25.先化简,再求值:222x 14x 112x 14x 2x 4x ⎛⎫+⎛⎫-÷- ⎪ ⎪++⎝⎭⎝⎭,其中x 3.= 26.书店老板去图书批发市场购买某种图书. 第一次用1200元购书若干本,并按该书定价7元出售,很快售完,由于该书畅销,第二次购书时,每本书的批发价已比第一次提高了20%,他用1500元所购该书数量比第一次多10本,当按定价售出200本时,出现滞销,便以定价的4折售完剩余的书. 试问该老板这两次售书总体上是赔钱了,还是赚钱了(不考虑其它因素)?若赔钱,赔多少?若赚钱,赚多少?27.在初中数学学习阶段,我们常常会利用一些变形技巧来简化式子,解答问题. 阅读材料:在解决某些分式问题时,倒数法是常用的变形技巧之一,所谓倒数法,即把式子变成其倒数形式,从而运用约分化简,以达到计算目的. 例:已知:2114x x =+,求代数式221x x +的值. 解:因为2114x x =+,所以214x x+=, 即214x x x+=,即14x x +=, 所以22211216214x x x x ⎛⎫+=+-=-= ⎪⎝⎭. 根据材料回答问题(直接写出答案):(1)已知2112x x x =-+,则1x x+=_______. (2)解分式方程组332523mn m n mn m n⎧=⎪⎪+⎨⎪=⎪+⎩,解得,方程组的解为_______.参考答案1.B【分析】最简分式的标准是分子,分母中不含有公因式,不能再约分.判断的方法是把分子,分母分解因式,观察互为相反数的因式,这样的因式可以通过符号变化化为相同的因式从而约分.【详解】最简分式的标准是分子,分母中不含有公因式,不能再约分.判断的方法是把分子、分母分解因式,并且观察有无互为相反数的因式,这样的因式可以通过符号变化化为相同的因式从而进行约分.解:A 、22x y是最简分式,不符合题意; B 、2212xy+yxy y =不是最简分式,符合题意; C 、21a a ++是最简分式,不符合题意; D 、2222x y x y +-是最简分式,不符合题意; 故选:B .【点睛】本题主要考查了分式化简中最简分式的判断.2.C【分析】所含字母相同,并且相同字母的次项的指数也相同的项叫做同类项,所有常数项都是同类项.(常数项也叫数字因数)【详解】A .2x y 与22xy ,相同字母指数不同,不是同类项;B .3x 与3x ,相同字母指数不同,不是同类项;C .12与1-,是同类项; D .22x yz 与23x y -,所含字母不同,不是同类项;故选C .考核知识点:同类项.理解同类项的定义是关键.3.B【分析】根据整式的加减法则进行计算即可.【详解】A.495a a a -=-,故错误;B.2()22a b a b --=-+,正确;C.23a a a +≠,,不是同类项不能合并;D.2225(2)m m m -=,故错误;故选:B .【点睛】考核知识点:整式加减,掌握去括号方法和合并同类项方法是关键.4.A【分析】利用平方差公式对选项进行判断即可.【详解】−x 2+16=(4+x )(4−x ),而B 、C 、D 都不能用平方差公式分解因式,故选:A .【点睛】本题考查因式分解−运用公式法,熟练掌握平方差公式是解本题的关键.5.D【分析】根据轴对称图形与中心对称图形的概念求解.【详解】A 、是轴对称图形,不是中心对称图形.故A 选项错误;B 、不是轴对称图形,也不是中心对称图形.故B 选项错误;C 、不是轴对称图形,不是中心对称图形.故C 选项错误.D 、是轴对称图形,也是中心对称图形.故D 选项正确;故选:D .此题主要考查了中心对称图形与轴对称图形的概念,轴对称图形的关键是寻找对称轴,图形两部分沿对称轴折叠后可重合;中心对称图形是要寻找对称中心,旋转180度后与原图重合. 6.D【分析】分两种情况分析:当0a >时210a ->;或当0a时,210a -,再分别解不等式可得. 【详解】 若分式21a a -的值总是正数: 当0a >时,210a ->,解得12a >; 当0a 时,210a -,解得12a <,此时a 的取值范围是0a ;所以a 的取值范围是0a <或12a >. 故选:D .【点睛】 考核知识点:分式值的正负.理解分式取值的条件是解的关键点:分式分子和分母的值同号,分式的值为正数.7.16- 【分析】 根据单项式中的数字因数叫做单项式的系数可得16-. 【详解】 单项式6abc -系数为16-, 故答案为16-. 【点睛】此题考查了单项式,解题关键是掌握单项式的系数和次数的定义.8.34x y【分析】分别取系数和相同字母的最大公因数相乘即为所求.【详解】328x y 和412x y 中8和12的最大公因数是4,字母的公因式为x 3y,所以它们的公因式是:4x 3y. 故答案是:4x 3y.【点睛】考查了求公因式,常用的方法是先利用提公因式法和公式法分解因式,然后再确定公共因式. 9.(2)(4)m m --【分析】利用十字相乘法分解因式即可.【详解】解:原式=(2)(4)m m --.【点睛】本题考查因式分解,熟练掌握各种因式分解方法是解题的关键.10.2-45x y 【分析】根据分子与分母的公因式分别约分即可得出答案.【详解】23216-4205x y x xy y-= 故答案为2-45x y 【点睛】此题考查分式的化简,解题关键在于找到公约分数.11.1-a+3【分析】通分后直接计算即可.【详解】261-a -9a-3,=6(3)(3)(3)a a a -++- =(3)(3)(3)a a a --+- =13a -+. 故答案为:13a -+. 【点睛】本题考查了分式的加减法,解题的关键是找出各分母的最简公分母.12.8【解析】∵2n x = , ∴333)28n n x x ===( ,故答案为8.13.2-【分析】分式有意义的条件是分母不为0;分式的值是0的条件是分母≠0且分子=0.【详解】若分式的值为0,则2-x ≠0且24x -=0,即x=-2.故答案为:-2.【点睛】本题考查的是分式有意义的条件:当分母不为0时,分式有意义,并考查了分式值是0的条件.14.1253()xy x y --+【分析】根据负指数幂的意义进行变形即可.【详解】253()xy x y +=1253()xy x y --+故答案为:1253()xy x y --+【点睛】考核知识点:负指数幂,理解负指数幂的意义是关键.15.74【分析】根据分式基本性质,分子和分母同时除以xy 可得.【详解】()()333322323323111111x xy y xy x xy y y x y x x xy y x xy y xy y x y x-++--+÷-+===++++÷++++ 若113x y+= 则32392744x xy y x xy y -+-==++ 故答案为:74 【点睛】考核知识点:分式基本性质运用.熟练运用分式基本性质是关键. 16.20°【分析】由旋转的性质可得∠AOC =∠BOD =35°,进一步即可求得结果.【详解】解:∵△COD 是△AOB 绕点O 顺时针方向旋转35°后所得的图形, ∴∠AOC =∠BOD =35°,∵∠AOD =90°,∴∠BOC =20°.故答案为:20°.【点睛】本题考查了旋转变换的性质,属于基础题型,熟练掌握旋转的性质是解题关键.17.3【分析】根据轴对称的定义,沿着虚线进行翻折后能够重合,所以阴影应该涂在标有数字3的格子内.【详解】解:根据轴对称的定义,沿着虚线进行翻折后能够重合,∴根据题意,阴影应该涂在标有数字3的格子内;故答案为3.【点睛】本题考查了轴对称图形的性质,沿着虚线进行翻折后能够重合,进而求出答案.18.1或6【分析】小正方形的高不变,根据面积即可求出小正方形平移的距离.【详解】S 等于2时,重叠部分宽为2÷2=1,①如图,小正方形平移距离为1(厘米);时间为:1÷1=1(秒)②如图,小正方形平移距离为5+1=6(厘米).时间为:6÷1=6(秒)故答案为:1或6.【点睛】此题考查了平移的性质,要明确,平移前后图形的形状和面积不变.画出图形即可直观解答. 19.()()12p p --.【分析】先去括号,再用十字相乘法因式分解.【详解】解:原式232p p =-+()()12p p =--【点睛】考核知识点:因式分解.掌握十字相乘法是关键.20.(21)(21)x y x y -+-+.【分析】先分组,再用平方差公式进行因式分解.【详解】解:原式()22441x xy y =-+-2(2)1x y =--(21)(21)x y x y =-+-+.【点睛】考核知识点:因式分解.运用分组分解法是关键.21.222()()a b a b a b -+- 【分析】根据负指数幂意义变形,再根据分式加减乘除法则进行计算.【详解】 解:原式11()()()()a b a b a b a b a b a b a b ⎡⎤-+⎛⎫=+÷- ⎪⎢⎥+-+-⎝⎭⎣⎦ 2()()a b a a b a b ab-=÷+- ()2()()a ab a b a b a b =⨯+--- =222()()a b a b a b -+- 【点睛】考核知识点:分式运算.掌握基本运算法则,特别是理解负指数幂意义是关键. 22.2x =.【解析】试题分析:方程最简公分母为(3)x -,方程两边同乘(3)x -将分式方程转化为整式方程求解,要注意检验.试题解析:方程两边同乘(3)x -,得:213x x --=-,整理解得:2x =,经检验:2x =是原方程的解.考点:解分式方程.23.见解析.【分析】连接AA 1,取线段AA 1的中点O,以O 为对称中心,根据中心对称性质可画出B,C 的对称点从而可得到所求三角形.【详解】解:如图所示:所以三角形111A B C 为所求.【点睛】考核知识点:画中心对称.确定对称中心,理解中心对称的性质是关键.24.(1)见解析;(2)轴对称;(3)8π.【分析】(1)根据旋转的定义求解;(2)根据轴对称定义可得;(3)结合图,运用圆周长公式可得.【详解】解:(1)如图为所求.(2)根据轴对称图形定义可得:轴对称图形,故答案为:轴对称;(3)周长90448180ππ••=⨯=. 【点睛】本题考查了旋转、轴对称、弧长公式等,正确画图,熟练掌握相关知识是解题的关键. 25.212x-;25-. 【分析】先根据分式混合运算的法则把原式进行化简,再把x 的值代入式子进行计算即可.【详解】原式=[21212(21)x x x x -++]÷2441()4x x x-- =2412(21)x x x -+×24(21)x x -- =2(21)(21)2(21)(21)x x x x +--⨯+- =212x-, 当x=3时,原式=2123-⨯=25-. 【点睛】本题考查的是分式的化简求值,在解答此类题目时要注意因式分解、通分和约分的灵活运用.熟练掌握分式的混合运算法则是解题关键.26.该老板两次售书总体上是赚钱了,共赚了520元.【分析】设第一次购书的单价为x 元,第二次购书的单价为1.2x 元,根据前后的数量关系可得1200150010(120%)x x+=+,可求出单价. 【详解】解:设第一次购书的单价为x 元,第二次购书的单价为1.2x 元. 根据题意得:1200150010(120%)x x+=+ 解得:5x =.经检验,5x =是原方程的解.所以第一次购书为12005240÷=(本).第二次购书为24010250+=(本).第一次赚钱为240(75)480⨯-=(元).第二次赚钱为200(75 1.2)50(70.45 1.2)40⨯-⨯+⨯⨯-⨯=(元).所以两次共赚钱48040520+=(元)答:该老板两次售书总体上是赚钱了,共赚了520元.【点睛】考核知识点:分式方程的应用.理解题意,弄清数量与单价关系是关键.27.(1)3;(2)75253m n =-⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩. 【分析】(1)模仿例题.取倒数,再化简;(2)先根据例题思路变形,再根据分式性质化简,再利用加减法求解.【详解】(1)因为2112x x x =-+ 所以212x x x-+=所以112x x -+= 所以13x x+= (2)由332523mn m n mn m n ⎧=⎪⎪+⎨⎪=⎪+⎩得 32132315m n mn m n mn+⎧=⎪⎪⎨+⎪=⎪⎩ 即32132315n m n m ⎧+=⎪⎪⎨⎪+=⎪⎩①②由①+②,①-②并组成方程组,得 5581511215n m n m ⎧+=⎪⎪⎨⎪-=⎪⎩③④ ③+④×5,得101815n = 解得253n = 把253n =代入④可得11225153m -= 解得75m =-经检验,原方程组的解是 75253m n =-⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩. 【点睛】考核知识点:解方程组.利用方式的性质进行变形,再运用加减法解方程组是关键.。



Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)I. Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions(根据所给音标填空)22. There are a lot of ________ [‘pɪdʒɪnz] on People’s Square.23. The _______ [djʊ:reɪ(ə)n] of film Police Story is 90 minutes.24. I need to buy a pair of ________ [dʒi:nz]. I’m taller than before.25. My aunt is an _________ [‘ɑːkɪtekt] and she works for a construction company.26. Then the Luck Fairy ________ [.dɪsə’pɪəd]Ⅱ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)27. I have ________ useful guidebook. I borrowed it from my best friend.A. anB. /C. aD. the28. -- Peter hasn’t failed the test.-- ________.A. So do I.B. Neither do I.C. So have I.D. Neither have I.29. Lisa decides ________ to Shanghai with his sister.A. goB. to goC. goneD. going30. Turn left ________ Green Road and you will find the theatre ________ your left.A. into; inB. to; onC. into; onD. to; in31. I cooked breakfast for ________ yesterday morning.A. myB. myselfC. meD. I32. If you ________ to the top of the mountain, you will find great views.A. comesB. comeC. comingD. will come33. Let’s ________ tomorrow, shall we?A. going shoppingB. goes shoppingC. go shoppingD. to go shopping34. I want to buy some food, so I need to go to a ________.A. toy shopB. clothes shopC. supermarketD. library35. Lisa ________ any help. She can do it by herself.A. needs notB. needn’tC. doesn’t needD. needn’t to36. My uncle looks after animals in the clinic. He is a ________.A. doctorB. nurseC. vetD. dentist37. Emily ________ in Shanghai since she was born in 2006.A. liveB. livedC. have livedD. has lived38. A policeman’s job is ________ our city a safe place.A. to makingB. to makeC. madeD. makes39. I don’t like this pair of trousers. Pleas show me another ________.A. oneB. onesC. pairD. pairs40. You don’t have to buy ________ clothes. It’s a waste of money.A. a lotB. a fewC. too muchD. too many41. -- I am going to Britain to visit my aunt this summer holiday.-- Wonderful! ________.A. You are welcome.B. Enjoy your tripC. I’d love to have it.D. My pleasure.Ⅱ. complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once(将Mr and Mrs Clark are 70 years old. They look __42__ and they are very healthy. Why? Let me tell you. That’s because they have a healthy lifestyle.They exercise every day, and every morning they exercise in the park. After that, they usually go to a supermarket. They walk there for about half an hour. They don’t take buses, because they think __43__ is good for their health. And they often take a walk after dinner.They also have a good eating habit. They drink milk every morning. They eat fruit and vegetables every day. As for meat, they __44__ eat is twice a week. Besides that, they __45__ eat junk food. They don’t think coffee or cola at all. You see, they look after their __46__ very well.Mrs Clark likes watching soap operas(肥皂剧)and reading books. She reads books every day. Mr Clark likes Chinese __47__. They usually go to bed at 9:00 pm and get up at 5:00 am.42. ________ 43. ________ 44. ________ 45. ________ 46. ________ 47. ________Ⅱ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)48. I often go to the ________ centre over there with my mother.(shop)49. People put on thick ________ and boots in winter. (sweat)50. December is the ________ month of a year. (twelve)51. If you want to try on this T-shirt, you an go to the ________ room. (change)52. There is an ________ in Sheshan. (observe)53. Lily’s sister is a ________ in an expensive restaurant. (wait)Ⅱ. Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求完成下列句子,每题空格限填一词)54. The book cost him seven dollars.(改为一般疑问句)________ the book ________ him seven dollars?55. Angela has never been to Beijing before.(改为反意疑问句)Angela has never been to Beijing before, ________ ________?56. Lisa has been in Shanghai for 30 years.(保持句意基本不变)Lisa has been in Shanghai ________ 30 years ________.57. It’s a cartoon.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ of film is it?58. you, me, give, can, to, for, my visit, Shanghai, some suggestion(连词成句)_____________________________________________________________________________?Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写)Ⅱ. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)A. Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)When Mary was seven, her family moved to a new town. She usually went to school by school bus, for it was not near her house.One morning, their family clock stopped and when they got up, it was too late for Mary to catch the school bus. Her mother said she would drive Mary to school on her way to the office. “But how can you find the way, Mum?” Mary asked, “You have only been to my school once.”“Yes.” her mother answered. “But you’ve been there by school bus seven times, you know the way.”“Oh, yes.” said Mary. They started out and Mary asked her mother to turn one way or another on their way to school, so she made her mother drive round most of the town before they got there.When they arrived, her mother found it was not really very far from their house. “Why did you make me go such a long way?” her mother asked her.“Well, Mum.” answered Mary. “I know only this way. The bus always goes like this, so the other children can take it to school.”59. Mary usually went to school ________.A. in her mother’s carB. by school busC. on footD. by bike60. One morning Mary got up late because ________.A. her mother forgot to wake her upB. she was not feeling wellC. there was something wrong with the clockD. she wanted to sleep more61. Mary’s mother has been to her school ________.A. only onceB. twiceC. five timesD. seven times62. Which of the following is TRUE about Mary?A. She knew the shortest way to her school.B. She didn’t know the way to her school.C. She knew many ways to her school.D. She knew only one way to her school.63. Mary made her mother go a long way because ________.A. she wanted to stay with her mother longerB. she didn’t want to get to school too earlyC. the school bus always went that wayD. she wanted to take other children to schoolB. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)Once a great lion was __64__. A little mouse came and ran over his face. The lion awoke and caught the little mouse in anger, and was going to kill her. “Oh, dear kind Lion!” said the little mouse. “Please forgive(原谅)me. Let me go. I shall __65__ your kindness.” “Ha, ha, ha,” laughed the lion. “How can a little thing like you help a great lion?” But as he pitied(可怜)the mouse, he set the mouse __66__. “Thank you very much, kind Lion! I hope I shall be able to do you a good return some day,” said the little mouse.Some day, the lion was caught in a __67__. Just then the little mouse came along. At once she ran up to the lion and said, “You were very kind to me __68__. Now I’ll save your life, and repay you the kindness,” Soon she cut the net __69__ her sharp teeth, and the lion was happy to be free again. “Thank you, little Mouse!” said the lion. The lion and the mouse became good friends.64. A. walking B. dancing C. sleeping D. cooking65. A. return B. give C. share D. take66. A. lucky B. happy C. careful D. free67. A. bowl B. net C. car D. river68. A. once B. yesterday C. just now D. today69. A. in B. without C. with D. byC. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)Terry Cross-man is a 63-year-old man. His Chinese name is Gao Tianrui. He became interested in Chinese culture as a teenager when he read the Tao Te Ching by Laozi.At 18, he went to Taiwan to learn Chinese. After that he worked in s__70__ places, including New York, Singapore and Hong Kong. He first came to the Chinese mainland in 1981, when he went to Shanghai and Suzhou.Terry and his family moved to Beijign in 1997. S__71__ then he has lived and worked in Beijing. His parents separated when he was young, and he lived in many d__72__ places in the US, so he n__73__ felt like he had a regular home there. “I had no hometown in the United States,” he said. “Your home is where your things are. In this sense, Beijing is my home.”Later, Terry d__74__ to become a volunteer. He is seen giving t__75__ directions, getting water for a baby and even helping a neighbour sell yogurt. “I like helping others,” he said. “I live in the hutong and my neighbours and I usually help each other .. This is where I live, where my friends are and where I call home.”70. s________ 71. S________ 72. d________ 73. n________ 74. d________75. t________D. Answer the questions (根据以下内容回答问题)Abigial was born on April 14, 1996, in New York City. She has already accomplished(实现)more than most actors ever do. She has an elder brother who is also an actor. Her brother was discovered in a playground when he was three and became a kid actor from then on. And Abigail got her first acting job at the age of three in an advertisement(广告), which soon led to her role (角色)as Mel Gibson’s daughter.After that, Abigail acted in many films with many famous movie stars. This little, but serious girl was not a green hand at acting. She was little, but she played no worse than the others in the movies. As she grew up, Abigail became a hot child actress, and won a lot of awards(奖).And Abigail starred(主演)in Little Miss Sunshine(《阳光小美女》). The movie won Oscars. Abigail works hard. She has made several good movies, and she is busy with her new movie now. Her fans are always eager to see her new films, because Abigail never disappoints(使……失望)them.76. Where was Abigail born?77. When did Abigail get her first acting job in an advertisement?78. Abigail played worse than the others in the movies, didn’t she?79. What do you think of Abigail?80. Do you want to be an actor or actress? Why?Part 4 Writing(第四部分写话)81. Write a passage of at least 50 words about the topic “My dream job”(请以“我理想的工作”为题写一篇不少于50个词的短文,标点符号不计入总词数)Use the following points as a reference.1. What is your dream job?2. Why do you want to be a (an) ...? Give at least two reasons(给出至少两个理由)3. What should you do to realize your dream?参考答案:22. pigeons 23. duration 24. jeans 25. architect 26. disappeared27 - 31 CDBCB 32 - 36 BCCCC 37 - 41 DBCDB42 - 47 BAFCDE48. shopping 49. sweater 50. twelfth 51. changing 52. observatory 53. waitress 54. Did cost 55. has she 56. since ago 57. What kind58. Can you give me some suggestions for my visit to Shanghai?59. A 60. C 61. A 62. D 63. C64. C 65. A 66. D 67. B 68. A 69. C70. several 71. Since 72. different 73. never 74. decided 75. tourists76. In New York City77. At the age of three. / When she was three.78. No, she didn’t.79. She is hardworking / excellent / fantastic ...。



2020-2021学年上海浦东第四教育署七年级五四学制上期中英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、根据句意填空Look at the phonetic symbol and fill in the blanks. (看音标写单词) (5分) 1.Yu Garden is a garden with many _________[ˈeɪnʃənt] buildings in it . 2.They bought a new flat in a big housing ___________ [ɪˈsteɪt]3.What’s the _________ [ˌnæʃəˈnæləti] of that girl? She’s so beautiful! 4.My dream is to be an _________ [ˈɑ:kɪtekt]. I want to work for a big company. 5.In the past, dogs _________ [ˈgɑ:dɪd] the caves and hunted animals for people.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号内所给单词的适当形式完成句子,每空格限填一词) (6分)6.I need more __________ for books in my room .(shelf)7.Tom, you should clean the bedroom by __________. (you)8.On Hainan Island, a lot of __________ (tour) enjoy swimming in the sea and eating seafood.9.Guiding Dogs help blind people cross the road ________. (save )10.You mustn’t be ___________ (kind) to your new kitten. She’s so lovely. 11.Her leg was ____________ in the accident last week. (break)二、单选题13.Charles Green is _______ SPCA officer. He helps save animals from danger.A.a B.an C.the D./15.This summer holiday _________ people came to Beijing to watch The 2015 World Athletics Championships(田径世锦赛).A.thousands of B.thousandsC.thousand of D.two thousand of16.Put the sofa ______ the TV set, then we can watch TV comfortably in it.A.on B.next to C.opposite D.behind[ 17.My new classmate, John is a boy from ____.A.Indian B.AmericanC.Canadian D.Britain18.My father drives sick people to the hospital, because he is a/ an _______. A.teacher B.doctorC.ambulance driver D.fireman19.Planes are _________ than trains and buses.A. more quickly B. fast C. quickly D. faster20.I saw a street cleaner __________ the street when I went to school this morning. A.clean B.cleaningC.to clean D.to cleaning21.The Greens ____________ in China since 2008.A. has lived B. have livedC. lived D. lives22.There’re enough apples and bananas at home. You _______ buy any fruit. A.need to B.don’t needC.need D.don’t need to23.The students should _________ when the teachers give the lessons. A. take notes B. take outC. take turns D. take care of24._________ interesting our school life is!A. What B. What an C. How D. How an25.It takes about _________ to travel from Garden City to Beijing by plane.A.two and a half hourB.two and a half hoursC.two hour and a halfD.two hour and half an hour26.I don’t like this pair of glasses. Would you show me ________?A.other glass B.another pairC.the other pair D.another glasses27.He likes his job because he enjoys __________ children Chinese.A.to teach B.taught C.teach D.teaching28.It is very cold today, _______ we should put on more clothes.A.because B.but C.so D.or29.— ____________________? — I want to buy a ticket to Hangzhou.A.What are you doing B.How old are youC.Where is the station D.Can I help you三、用单词的正确形式完成句子Complete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box. Each can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次,用A、B、C、D、E、F等表示) (5分)Do you have a friend? It’s very special to have a best friend, but it is also 30. to have other friends. That way, you’ll always have friends to play with and you won’t feel lonely(孤独的).So how do you make friends? Well, you could 31. at your school. Are there any kids you would like to play with? Look for chances to say “Hi” to them, smile and be friendly.Offer to share something with them or say something nice about them. 32. someone to play with you or say, “ Do you want to sit here or in the lunchroom?”33.you’re at recess(课间休息时), walk over to the kid you want to play with, be friendly, and say, “Hi, can I paly,too?” Or just join in.The best way to make friends is to be a friend. Be kind, be friendly, share and say nice things, offer to help and pretty soon, you’ll have one, or two, or even 34. new friends. Good luck!四、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required. (根据要求改写句子,每空格限填一词) (12分) 35.She has some bread and milk for breakfast. (否定句)She __________ __________ any bread or milk for breakfast.36.Simon and Lucy have lived in Beijing for many years. (划线提问)_________ _________ have Simon and Lucy lived in Beijing?37.I see Mr Maselling flowersin his shop. (划线部分提问)__________ do you see Mr Ma _________ in his shop?38.Betty’s father is a doctor. Betty’s mother is a doctor, too. (合并为一句)_________ Betty’s father _________ mother are doctors.39.She likes the white cat better than the yellow one.(保持句意相同)She _________ the white cat _________ the yellow one.40.Mary, a, pet, wants, to, the, lovely, keep, bird, as (连词成句)____________________________________________________________________五、阅读单选Choose the best answer. (根据表格信息,选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C、D等表示)41.______ has lived in America for the longest time among the four students. A.Kalumi B.Caroline C.Zhanghui D.Claude42.______ were teachers in their own countries.A.Zhang Hui and Claude B.Zhang Hui and Caroline C.Kalumi and Claude D.Caroline and Claude 43.Of the four persons, _______ has the biggest family.A.Zhang Hui B.ClaudeC.Caroline D.Kalumi44.Zhang Hui and Caroline both _________.A.come from ChinaB.live with their family in the USA.C.like sportsD.like travelling45.These students may ______ together.A.draw picturesB.play basketballC.teach EnglishD.learn English in the same class六、完型填空Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文,用A、B、C、D等表示)We can see walls everywhere in the world. But The Great Wall of China is the 46 of all. The Chinese call it “The Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall.” It goes from west to east,47 mountains, through valleys(山谷) and finally reaches the sea. The Great Wall is more than 6,000 kilometres long, 6~7 metres high and 4~5 metres wide. In some places it is wide enough for five horses or ten men walk side by side along the top.The Great Wall has a history of over two thousand years. People began to build the wall in the Spring and Autumn Period(春秋时期) in Chinese history. Qin Shihuang let people join up all the walls. He thought these walls could keep the enemy out of the country, 48 the Great Wall came to the world.When you visit the Great Wall, you can’t wait to know how the Chinese people could build such a great wall thousands of years ago . 49 any modern things, it is really difficult to build it. They have to do all the work by hand. It takes millions of men hundreds of years to build it. And almost none of them can live when they finish it. So we often say the Great Wall is made of millions of 50Today, the Great Wall becomes a place of interest not only to the Chinese people, but also to people all over the world. We Chinese people all feel proud of it.46.A.nicest B.highest C.longest D.widest 47.A.across B.from C.through D.over 48.A.than B.then C.tomorrow D.yesterday 49.A.With B.Without C.Because D.So 50.A.homes B.trees C.stones D.lives七、填空八、话题作文52.Writing. (作文)Write a passage of at least 50 words on the topic “My dream job ”. (以“我理想的职业”为题写一篇不少于50字的短文,标点符号不占格) (10分)Use the following points as a reference.(以下内容仅供参考)1. What is your dream job?2. Why do you like it? Give at least 2 reasons. (至少给出两个理由)3. What will you do at work?参考答案1.ancient2.estate3.nationality4.architect5.guarded【解析】试题分析:1.句意:御花园是一个里面有很多古老的建筑的花园。


【注释】①差:这里指差不多就能好。②嗔志(chēn huì):恼怒。
7. 解释加点字
8. 用现代汉语翻译下面的句子
佗以 其人盛怒则差
9. 郡守之子在文中的表现是__________________________
10. 华佗采用了哪些办法让郡守“嗔患吐血而愈”的?
【答案】7. (1).(1)信(2).(2)痊愈
2. 《卖油翁》选自《_________》,作者欧阳修晚号___________。
3. 解释加点字
(有卖油翁释担而立:( ) (2)康肃笑而遣之:( )
4. 翻译句子。
5. “公亦以此自矜”在文中有什么作用?
6. 文章强调陈尧咨善射、当世无双、十中八九的目的是什么?
【答案】2. (1).《归田录》(2).六一居士
此题考查翻译文言文句子 能力。解答此类题目要求学生在平时的学习注重积累,尤其是重点篇目,要做到熟记。尤其要注意一词多义、古今异义词、通假字等特殊的文言现象,重点实词必须翻译到位。同时,还要注意查看有无特殊句式。在此题中,要注意“以为(认为)、盛(大)、差(痊愈,这里指差不多就能好)”的意思,必须翻译出来。
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上海市浦东新区第四教育署2020-2021学年七年级(五四学制)6月阶段考试英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、根据音标写单词Look at the phonetics and complete the blanks(根据所给音标完成句子)1.A headmaster is in ________ of a school. [t∫ɑ:dʒ]2.Can I try on that jeans, this pair is too short and ________. [taɪt]3.It is ________ to walk in wet and dirty street. ['ɔ:fl]4.I’d like to have more ________ and trips to other places. [æk'tivitiz]5.We all know the ________ between Mr. Wind and Mr. Sun. [,kɒmpə'tI∫n]二、单选题6.Which of the following underlined parts is different from others?A.They can buy things in large shopping malls.B.There are a number of department stores on Nanjing Road.C.It’s getting w armer because spring is coming.D.Tim grows many flowers in his garden.7.Which of the following is right?A.Kitty and her classmates have just been to Shanghai. ↗B.Turn left, you will see City Cinema on your right. ↗C.Which shops are you going to? ↘D.Will we live on another planet in the future? ↘8.There is ________ ‘h’ in the word ‘honest’.A.an B.a C.the D./9.Is this kite ________? No, ________ kite is under the desk.A.you, my B.your, mine C.you, me D.yours, my 10.We can see sailing boats lean and speed over the sea ________ windy days.A.in B.on C.of D.at11.We should eat ________ vegetables and ________ junk food.A.more, less B.less, moreC.fewer, little D.much, more12.The old man looked ________ when he heard the bad news.A.disappointed B.happily C.excited D.glad13.We ________ buy bread and cakes, there are some in the fridge.A.don’t need to B.don’t need C.need D.need to 14.Animals start ________ because winter is comingA.sleep B.sleeping C.sleeps D.slept 15.The sun is shining, ________ nice weather it is!A.how a B.what a C.what D.how 16.The grasshopper went out to ________ food, but he ________ nothing.A.look at, found B.look for, foundC.find, looked for D.find, looked after17.Judy can draw as ________ as Lucy.A.more beautiful B.more beautifullyC.beautiful D.beautifully18.My father ________ a policeman for quite a few years.A.has been B.was C.is D.be 19.Water turns into steam ________ it boils.A.when B.until C.although D.while20.—I think Mr. Wind is stronger than Mr. Sun. —________.A.I think not B.I don’t think soC.So did I D.Neither do I三、用单词的正确形式完成短文The Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 will ______ in February 2022, together with the Chinese New Year (Spring Festival), the most important holiday in China. ______ people are looking forward to welcoming sportsmen from around the world to enjoy the Chinese New Year festivals, the ______ buildings and the rich cultures of Beijing.This is the ______ time for China to hold the Winter Olympics, and the third time to host an Olympics following the Beijing 2008 Olympics and the Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympics. The 24th Winter Games will _______17 days from February 4th to 20th. Ice sports will be held in five venues (比赛场所) in downtown Beijing. ______ , Beijing will be the first city in the world to stage both Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics.21.________22.________23.________24.________25.________26.________四、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):27.Jimmy got a wonderful present on his ________ birthday. (nine)28.Although Kitty is 12 years old, she can do most housework ________. (she)29.To make a water boat, we need some tape and pieces of ________ paper. (color) 30.Alice is my good friend, we always share our ________ and sadness. (happy) 31.Driver should drive much more ________ when it rains. (safe)32.Look at these ________! I took them in Beijing. (photo)五、句型转换Rewrite the sentences as required(根据所给要求改写句子,每空限填一词):33.I would like to have less homework in the future. (改为疑问句)________ ________ like to have less homework in the future?34.We can live under the sea in 50 years’ time. (保持原句意思)We ________ ________ to live under the sea in 50 years’ time.35.Lily often practices playing violin after school. (就划线部分提问)________ does Lily often practice ________ after school?36.Danny spent too much money on picture books.(改为反义疑间句)Danny spent too much money on picture books, ________ ________?37.your, pieces of, write down, hopes, on, paper. (连词成句)______________________________________________________________________六、阅读单选Life in the future will be different. Many changes will happen. But what will the changes be? The population (人口) is growing fast. There will be many people in the world and most of them will live longer than people live now.Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least (至少) one in every room. And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in schools then. People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and travel. Traveling will be much cheaper and easier. And many more people will go to othercountries for holidays.There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day. Instead they will eat more fruit and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier. Work in the future will be different, too. Robots will do dangerous and hard work. Because of this, many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem.38.In the future there will be ______.A.much more fruit B.more people C.less vegetables D.less people 39.Every family will have at least a ______ in the future.A.robot B.cow C.TV set D.computer 40.In the future people don’t hav e to ______.A.work long hours B.work fast C.walk on foot D.eat meat 41.People may not eat ______ as much as they do today.A.fruit B.fish C.meat D.rice42.One big problem in the future is that ______.A.many people don’t have to workB.many people will not be able to find workC.people have to work fastD.all the work will be done by robots七、完型填空Here are some important rules for you to become a good student at school.◆ Go to school on timeAs a 43 , going to school on time is very important. If you are late, you will not start your lesson at the same time with your classmates so that you will miss some lessons which can influence (影响) your grades. If you are late the teacher will be 44 with you too. So remember to go to school on time.◆ Follow the school rulesDo not 45 the school rules. For example you are not allowed to chew gum or sleep in class. Don’t fight with your classmates and you should be friendly to your classmates and your teachers and be ready to help others who are in trouble. You 46 run in the hallway (走廊).◆ Prepare (准备) lessons before class47 you want to know what you will learn next day, you’d better prepare lessons. Itis good for your study and it can help you get good grades. Besides you should listen to the teachers as carefully as possible.◆ Take part in all kinds of activities at schoolTry to be in all kinds of activities at school. For example sports can not only improve the relationship between you and your classmates but also make you healthier.48 is easy to follow the school rules and you will become a good student. 43.A.classmate B.teacher C.volunteer D.student 44.A.pleased B.angry C.strict D.popular 45.A.break B.make C.change D.follow 46.A.must B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.can 47.A.If B.Although C.Unless D.After 48.A.This B.It C.That D.We八、单词填空“Make-A-Wish” is o49.of the world’s most well-known charities (慈善机构). It makes wishes come true for children who have some illnesses. It gives them hope and helps them forget about their h50.problems.Christopher was a 7-year-old boy, he was very sick. He always dreamed of becoming a pilot to fly in the sky. They gave Christopher a tour of the city in a police helicopter and b51.a space helmet (头盔) for him.There are four kinds of wishes children usually have:I wish to go.Children u52.want to visit some places of interest, like the Statue of Liberty.I wish to meet.Children sometimes want to meet their f53.film stars or sports players.I wish to be.Some children wish to become doctors to help people who don’t have money for medical treatment. (治疗)I wish to have.Some children want to have a computer, a bike or many o54.things.Let’s hope more wishes will come true in the future. People who work in the charity always try for the best. Will you be one of them?九、回答问题Stan Lee, who helped create Spiderman, the X-Men, Iron Man, the Incredible Hulk(绿巨人), Black Panther (黑豹), and many other comic book heroes, has died at the age of 95. Stanley Martin Lieber was born in 1922. When he was just 17, he got a job at a company that made comic books. As a writer, he started using the name—Stan Lee Ⅱ (which sounded like his first name, Stanley). He wrote his first Captain America story in 1941. It was very popular. Before he was 19, he was responsible for all writing for the company, which became Marvel Comics (漫威漫画公司) in the1960s. At the time, most superheroes were almost perfect. They were strong and smart and always knew the right thing to do. However, after working with some artists, Mr. Lee had some new ideas. He made it okay for comic book heroes to have weaknesses. The Incredible Hulk was a really nice guy until he got angry. Spider-Man was never sure he was doing the right thing, but he always seemed to have something funny to say to the bad guys. In 1980, Mr. Lee moved to California. He wanted to try and get his superheroes onto TV and into the movies. Marvel movies have now earned over $24 billion. Mr. Lee has played a small role in most of these movies, usually showing up (出现)on screen for just a few seconds. Mr. Lee is no longer with us, but the heroes he created live on.55.Who created many comic book heroes?56.Did he get a Job at a company that made comic books in 1939?57.What were the new ideas about after Mr. Lee working with some artists?58.How much did Marvel movies earn?59.What do you think of Mr. Lee?十、话题作文60.Write at least 50 words on the topic ‘________ makes me happy’ (以“________让我开心”为题,写一篇不少于50个单词的短文,要求内容适切,意思连贯,标点符号不占格。
