MHRA Data_integrity_definitions_and_guidance_v2 (1)
PDA TR 80 《制药实验室数据完整性管理体系》中英文对照版
The consequences of failing to uncover data integrity problems through selfdiscovery or internal internal audit programs before they are found by regulatory agency inspectors can impact the outcome of the business. Similarly, the business impact on contract manufacturers, contract laboratories, and suppliers can be very serious if they fail to uncover and disclose data integrity problems before regulators or their customers’ auditors do. One of the responsibilities of regulatory agency investigators is to verify the accuracy, reliability, and integrity of data submitted in written form or other media prior to, during, or after an inspection, or as part of a drug submission for market authorization, annual report, mandatory quality defect report (e.g., Field Alert), or Adverse
201501 MHRA数据完整性指南
201501 MHRA数据完整性指南2015-01-2921:33:23| 分类:EDQM | 标签:|举报|字号大中小订阅MHRA GMP Data Integrity Definitions and Guidance for Industry January 2015MHRA的GMP数据完整性定义和行业指南/2015年1月Introduction:背景介绍Dataintegrity is fundamental in a pharmaceutical quality system which ensures thatmedicines are of the required quality. This document provides MHRA guidance onGMP data integrity expectations for the pharmaceutical industry. This guidanceis intended to complement existing EU GMP, and shouldbe read in conjunctionwith national medicines legislation and the GMP standards published in Eudralexvolume 4.数据完整性在药品质量体系中是基本要求,它保证药品具有所需要的质量。
The datagovernance system should be integral to the pharmaceutical quality systemdescribed in EU GMP chapter 1. The effort and resource assigned to datagovernance should be commensurate with the risk to product quality, and shouldalso be balanced with other quality assurance resource demands. As such,manufacturers and analytical laboratories are not expected to implement aforensic approach to data checking, but instead design and operate a systemwhich provides an acceptable state of control based on the data integrity risk,and which is fully documented with supporting rationale.数据管理系统应与EU GMP第1章中描述的药品质量体系相结合。
2015年3月 MHRA GMP 数据完整性定义和行业指导原则
MHRA GMP Data Integrity Definitions and Guidance for Industry March 2015MHRA GMP 数据完整性定义和行业指导原则2015年3月简述:Data integrity is fundamental in a pharmaceutical quality system which ensures that medicines are of the required quality. This document provides MHRA guidance on GMP data integrity expectations for the pharmaceutical industry. This guidance isintended to complement existing EU GMP relating to active substances and dosage forms, and should be read in conjunction with national medicines legislation and the GMP standards published in Eudralex volume 4.数据完整性是制药质量体系确保药品质量的基石。
本指导原则旨在对现有欧盟有关原料药和药物制剂的GMP进行补充说明,需结合国家药品法规及颁布在Eudralex 第四册内的GMP标准进行阅读理解。
The data governance system should be integral to the pharmaceutical quality system described in EU GMP chapter 1. The effort and resource assigned to data governance should be commensurate with the risk to product quality, and should also be balanced with otherquality assurance resource demands. As such, manufacturers and analytical laboratories arenot expected to implement a forensic approach to data checking on a routine basis, butinstead design and operate a system which provides an acceptable state of control based onthe data integrity risk, and which is fully documented with supporting rationale.数据管理体系应该与欧盟EU GMP第一章所述的质量体系结合在一起。
© Crown copyright
Phase la Investigation
Obvious found
Document and Correct Invalid Result
Initiate Phase Ib Laboratory Investigation
Safeguarding public health
Out Of Specification Investigations.
© Crown copyright
How to Use The Investigation of Out Of Specification Flowchart
No Further Investigation Required
Slide 6
© Crown copyright
Phase la Investigation Definition:
Phase la investigation is to determine whether there has been a clear obvious errors due to external circumstances such as power failure or those that the analyst has detected prior to generating data such as spilling sample that will negate the requirement of a Phase Ib and Phase ll investigation. It is expected that these issues are trended even if a laboratory investigation Phase lb or Phase ll was not raised.
记录/台账类电子表格的数据完整性要求MS Excel is used in analytical laboratories for many purposes - for example for calculations, and frequently also for the storage of data. For electronically stored data, there have been requirements since the formation of the EU GMP Guide. They are defined in Chapter 4 (Documentation) and in the complementary Guideline (Annex 11), which both have been revised a few years ago. This year (in March 2015), the British MHRA has summarised and interpreted the existing GMP requirements for data security in a new guideline ("MHRA GMP Data Integrity Definitions and Guidance for Industry"). Please also see the GMP news from February 2015 with regard to the new MHRA Guideline and from April 2015 relative to the short-term revision of the MHRA Guideline for data integrity.MS EXCEL在化验室有很多用途---例如,用于计算,还常用于数据存贮。
加附加页 10.理论上,原始数据的更改是不应发生或不可能发生的。原
始数据只能在例外的情况下被更正,例如:输入错误或书写错 误。如果输入的更正是必要的,更正后原来的信息应仍可读, 更正人应签名和日期。应记录更正原因,如:打印错误,数字调 换,或抄写错误。 11.禁止覆盖,删除或涂抹任何已填写的数据信息,更改信息数 据应用单线划掉需要更改的内容,在其上、下或旁边写上正确 的内容,并签名、注明日期和更正原因。
• 报告与检验记录数据不一致 – 作假 – 缺乏核对 • 信息丢失 – 没有及时记录 – 不清晰,难辨识 • 关键信息不记录 – 实验条件 – 设备设定参数 – 试验顺序
• “数据完整性”还是“数据真实性”? • “数据完整性”问题仅仅是数据采集问题还是包括
一检查记录发现贵公司在杂质检测中对积分参数进行了改动,但没有适当的 文件记录和评估。在员工的抽屉里发现他们在色谱图上贴了手工书写的便条记 录该参数改动。另外,你公司实施了此变更,但没有开启审计追踪,该审计追 踪本来可以追溯到变更日期以及变更人的。
(1)频繁的使用手工积分计算,但未建立手工积 分计算的管理程序
• 系统应经过CSV(计算机化系统验证) • 系统应能按照不同的职能设置权限 • 业务部门不能修改计算机系统时间 • 用户具有单独账号和密码 • 具备审计追踪功能(一旦启用不可关闭) • 受控文件打印输出能受控 • 有一定措施保护数据安全性有可靠的备份和恢复策略 • 影像资料应确认其准确性、真实性 满足以上要求后电子数据与纸质数据等效
以下是一些可能的解决方法:1. 检查数据:首先,检查要插入、更新或删除的数据是否满足表的约束条件。
2. 处理冲突:如果发生冲突,可以通过合适的方式处理。
3. 使用事务:将相关操作放在事务中可以确保数据的一致性和完整性。
4. 检查外键关系:当涉及到外键约束时,确保引用的外键存在于关联表中。
5. 日志记录和错误处理:对于发生的DataIntegrityViolationException异常,应该记录日志并进行适当的错误处理。
6. 数据库优化:有时,DataIntegrityViolationException可能是由于数据库性能或配置问题导致的。
代码管理系统与维护(追溯性实现) 设备:设备编号、资产编号 物料:物料代码 批号系统:入库序号、产品批号
代码与标识系统(一致性、准确性、追溯性的实现) 现场标识:物料标识、标签、设备状态信息卡 文件、记录的编号与控制
数据基本原 则
Contemporaneou s
与操作同步生成/录入 第一手数据,未经改变的
Accura客观 输入错误
2010版GMP 第一百六十八条与本规范有关的每项活动均应有记录,所有记录至少应保 存至药品有效期后一年,确认和验证、稳定性考察的记录和报告等重要文 件应长期保存,以保证产品生产、质量控制和质量保证等活动可以追溯。 每批药品应有批记录,包括批生产记录、批包装记录、批检验记录和药 品放行审核记录等与本批产品有关的记录和文件。批记录应由质量管理部 门负责管理。 第一百六十九条如使用电子数据处理系统、照相技术或其它可靠方式记录 数据资料,应有所用系统的详细规程;记录的准确性应经过核对。如果使 用电子数据处理系统,只有受权人员方可通过计算机输入或更改数据,更 改和删除情况应有记录;应使用密码或其它方式来限制数据系统的登录; 关键数据输入后,应由他人独立进行复核。用电子方法保存的批记录,应 采用磁带、缩微胶卷、纸质副本或其它方法进行备份,以确保记录的安全 ,且数据资料在保存期内应便于查阅。
数据可靠性相关概念 ? 审计追踪 Audit Trial
? 审计追踪是指安全的、计算机生成的、时间标记的电子记录,允许重建 有关创建、修改或删除电子记录的事件过程
? 审计追踪是一份“谁、何时,做了什么和为什么”记录的时序表
? 审计追踪常见缺陷 ? 系统没有配置审计追踪功能 ? 审计追踪能未激活或被禁用 ? 批放行时没有审核审计追踪
FDA作为监管部门,依赖的是企业申报、生产和检测过程的资料,由此来判断企业的产 品是否安全有效,质量过关,由此判断是否批准企业的产品上市。如果数据可靠性出现问 题,则所有判断都存在风险,相互信任的基础也将被打破。
数据可靠性的由来和背景 为什么关注数据可靠性
? GMP要求,用以放置较差的生产行为和错误发生 ? 信任是行业的基石……一旦失去信任,则……!!! ? 多年来官方审计中,数据可靠性问题经常被涉及 ? 一些众所周知的案例,例如:印度Ranbaxy
? 数据或记录从产生之科起,一直保持完整真实不变,未被有意或无意的修改,更换,或 破坏
? 数据或记录在进行任何操作的过程中,如转移,储存,获取的过程中,不被改变 ? 保护数据用于正确的用途上,而非无限制使用
[1] MHRA GMP Data Integrity Definitions and Guidance for Industry March 2015
数据可搜索、可进行联系、且有背景。新的信息更新可用时, 数据实时和近实时更新。数据记录格式表示用户、记录和记 录内容之间的交互关系。
警告信案例:Sharp Global Limited India(WLnUMBER:320-15-01 内容:在审计期间,公司管理者解释实验室的操作是一旦图谱打印出来后原始数据 文件夹就会被删除。 FDA观点:仅仅保存打印出来的图片是不符合要求的,因为打印图谱中不包括进针 顺序、积分方法等信息,没有这些信息,单纯的图谱也没有意义。
Integrity Guidanceand Definitions; Revision 1: March 20186.11.2 True Copy 必要时,真实副本可以不同于原始记录的电子文件格式存贮,但必须保存必要的元数据和审计追踪以确保数据的全部含义得到保存,且可以重构其历史。
Medicines & Healthcareproducts Regulatory Agency(MHRA)‘GXP’ Data Integrity Guidance a ndDefinitionsGXP 数据完整性指南和定义March 2018目录1. Background 背景 (3)2. Introduction 概述 (3)3. The principles of data integrity 数据完整性原则 (4)4. Establishing data criticality and inherent integrity risk 建立数据关键性和内在完整性风险 (5)5. Designing systems and processes to assure data integrity; creating the ‘right environment’.设计系统和流程确保数据完整性,创建“正确环境” (7)6. Definition of terms and interpretation of requirements 术语定义和要求诠释 (8)6.1. Data 数据 (8)6.2. Raw data (synonymous with ‘source data’ which is defined in ICH GCP) 原始数据(与ICH GCP 中定义的“源数据”为同义词) (9)6.3. Metadata 元数据 (10)6.4. Data Integrity 数据完整性 (10)6.5. Data Governance 数据管理 (10)6.6. Data Lifecycle 数据生命周期 (11)6.7. Recording and collection of data 数据记录和采集 (11)6.8. Data transfer / migration 数据转移/迁移 (12)6.9. Data Processing 数据处理 (12)6.10. Excluding Data (not applicable to GPvP): 除外数据(不适用于GPvP) (13)6.11. Original record and true copy 原始记录和真实副本 (13)6. 11.1. Original record 原始记录 (13)6.11.2. True copy 真实副本 (14)6.12. Computerised system transactions: 计算机化系统处理 (15)6.13. Audit Trail 审计追踪 (15)6.14. Electronic signatures 电子签名 (17)6.15. Data review and approval 数据审核和批准 (18)6.16. Computerised system user access/system administrator roles 计算机化系统用户权限/系统管理员角色 (19)6.17. Data retention 数据保存 (20)6.17.1. Archive 归档 (20)6.17.2. Backup 备份 (21)6.18. File structure 文件结构 (21)6.19. Validation – for intended purpose (GMP; See also Annex 11, 15) 根据既定用途进行验证(参见附录15 和GAMP5) (22)6.20. IT Suppliers and Service Providers (including Cloud providers and virtualservice/platforms (also referred to as software as a service SaaS/platform as a service(PaaS) / infrastructure as a service (IaaS)). IT 供应商和服务提供商(包括云服务提供商和虚拟服务/平台(也请参见SAAS/PAAS/IAAS)) (22)7. Glossary 术语 (24)8. References 参考文献 (25)1. Background 背景The way regulatory data is generated has continued to evolve in line with the ongoing development of supporting technologies such as the increasing use of electronic data capture, automation of systems and use of remote technologies; and the increased complexity of supply chains and ways of working, for example, via third party service providers. Systems to support these ways of working can range from manual processes with paper records to the use of fully computerised systems. The main purpose of the regulatory requirements remains the same, i.e. having confidence in the quality and the integrity of the data generated (to ensure patient safety and quality of products) and being able to reconstruct activities.随着支持性技术的持续发展,法规数据的生成方式也在继续进化,例如越来越多地使用电子签名捕获、系统自动化和使用远程技术;以及供应链复杂性和工作方式复杂性的增加,例如,通过第三方服务商提供服务。
求索进取 护佑众生
– 伪造日期
• 后补文件,但是日期却提前 • 操作过后,后补日期
求索进取 护佑众生
– 伪造数据
• 替换/伪造图谱 • 数据任意删除、更改 • 修改时间以“完成”工作 • 凭回忆记录数据 • 记录的数据与显示不一致
求索进取 护佑众生
求索进取 护佑众生
数据完整性(Data Integrity)
– 药企最担心的问题 – 性质最严重的问题 – 范围最广的问题 – GMP审计必看的问题 – 最容易失去控制的问题 – 论坛、微信最火的话题
为什么要强调数据 完整性?
求索进取 护佑众生
数据完整性(Data Integrity)
数据:指在GMP活动期间记录的,并允许充分和完 全的再现和评估GMP活动的所有原始记录和原始 记录经核证无误的副本,包括原始数据和元数据, 以及这一数据的所有的后续转换和报告。
人工观察填写的纸质记录,仪器、设备通过复杂的计算机化系统产生的 图谱或电子记录等
求索进取 护佑众生
原始数据:指原始记录和文件,按原始产生的形式 保留(即纸质或电子)或“真实复制”。原始数据 必须是同步产生的,采用可以永久保留的方式准确 记录。 元数据:提供了解数据所需的上下文信息(语境和 含义等),是数据的附加信息
求索进取 护佑众生
• 准确 • 真实 • 没有篡改 • 不能篡改 • 安全 • 受控 • 追溯
求索进取 护佑众生
数据பைடு நூலகம்靠性相关概念
• 数据备份管理策略 应有明确的备份、归档策略 备份和归档的数据在保存期应可读取,即使旧系统已经被淘汰 备份和恢复以及灾难恢复应经过验证
数据可靠性相关概念 • 系统验证System Validation 计算机化系统的任何流程都需要验证吗? [1]
硬件需要验证 软件需要验证,同时还需要确认其符合预期的用途,如计算过程需
• 为保证数据可靠性所做的工 作,采取的措施做得不好。
• 例如,在审计追踪系统、用 户权限的分级、数据的备份 等方面存在缺失或不完善, 数据对法规的理解和落实问 题,属于规范性问题
我要达成 本月目标
达成本月 目标
FDA警告信案例:海正药业,2015.12.31 • 在检查中,我们审核了36#HPLC系统的电子日志,确定2014年2
月4日其审计追踪没有激活。贵公司一名化验员在当日进样80 针,是某原料药某验证稳定性批次的含量和杂质检测。审计追踪 功能在2014年2月8日重新激活,然后重复了相同的样品检测。
• 数据备份Backup Data • 系统和数据可基于风险分为以下数据保存策略:
周期性备份:需要对产生的原始数据进行周期性备份,用于系统崩 溃后的数据恢复
归档:需要定期对原始数据进行归档以便于检索和查找,归档应保 证数据的完整有效性,长期可保存性;
恢复:需要定期对备份或归档的文件进行周期性恢复测试,确保备 份或归档数据的有效性
2. 为什么FDA关注计算机系统共用登录账户的使用?[1] 如登录账户共用,则无法追溯具体的操作个人,不符合21 CFR Part 211条款要求。
2. 定义2.1.数据:从原始数据派生或获取的信息(如分析结果记录)。
(一般分为业务流和数据流:业务流:生成数据 + 处理数据 + 审核数据 + 报告数据;数据流:生成数据 + 转移数据 + 存储数据 + 恢复数据)2.6.数据完整性:数据生命周期内所有数据完整、一致、准确的程度(MRHA)。
2.7.数据的ALCOA原则:A—attributable to the person generating the data(可追踪至产生数据的人员);L—legible and permanent(清晰,能永久保存);C—contemporaneous(同步);O—original record(or “true copy”)原始(或真实复制);A—accurate(准确)。
maintaing data integrity
主要是约束方面的基本知识维护完整性的 3 种方法:- 应用代码保证( 有点悬,代码万一错误,数据完整性保证不了) 3 最后考虑使用- trigger ( 缺点,开销比较大) 第2 考虑使用- constraint ( 性能高, 开销小) 最优先考虑使用unique 可以为空,并且同列多行都可以为空,因为null 是无法比较的,所以也无法是相同的- NOT NULL ( column 级别)定义table 时可以直接创建not null ( 通常来说,not null 是一个比较小的约束,所以不需要指定约束名字)另外可以使用alter table 再定义或删除之前的约束ALTER TABLE orders MODIFY order_date NULL; -- 删除之前约束ALTER TABLE orders MODIFY order_date NOT NULL; --增加了约束- CHECK ( column 或table 级别)可以在check 中指定条件,必须是boolean 表达式,可以指定同一行的其他列,但是不能使用其他行有些函数不能使用例如ROWNUM, CURRVAL, NEXTVAL 等等一列可以有多个checkcreate table 中可以创建check 约束ALTER TABLE bounds ADD CONSTRAINT CK_NAME CHECK( salary > 0 );- UNIQUE ( column 或table 级别)可以多列组合成UNIQUE 约束,最多32列组合在一起oracle creates a unique index on the unique key columns to enforce uniqueness.如果一个表有1000万记录,如果一个列是UNIQUE的,那么插入时是不是要把1000W数据都确认一下,当然不是,这就是这个索引的作用。
PDA TR 80 《制药实验室数据完整性管理体系》中英文对照版
The spike in enforcement actions, in part, is linked to improved detection capabilities, which have become more prevalent as technological enhancements have extended the level of automation in both pharmaceutical quality control and microbiology laboratories. The extensive use of computer systems and digital media for product testing, as well as in ancillary support systems, provides more visibi than was evident with static paper records. 强制措施的激增,在某种程度上,与检测能力的提升有关,由于技术方面的加强提升了制药质量控制 和微生物实验室的自动化水平,这已经变得更加普遍。在产品检测方面广泛使用的计算机化系统和数 字化媒体,以及辅助性的支持系统,比固定的纸质记录证据提供了更多关于数据完整性的可见缺陷。
PDA TR 80 制药实验室数据完整性管理体系
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GMP 办公室翻译组
Event Report. The regulatory investigators (also referred to as inspectors in some regulatory regions) may detect and document inconsistencies between the information provided and available for review that may suggest data integrity problems that the company will need to correct. Such inconsistencies can or formal written communication. From the regulators' perspective, noncompliance with good data integrity practices is not based solely on the intent to mislead authorities to believe that all laboratory activities are performed according to current good manufacturing practices (CGMP) when they are not. Requirements for appropriate laboratory records and documentation began with the first GMP regulations and expectations have been clarified in other publications such as the FDA Guide to Inspections of Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories published in 1993 (1). 未能在监管机构检查前的自检或内审项目中发现数据完整性缺陷,会在各种方面影响检查结果,以至 于对经营造成严重影响。同样,如果合同生产商、合同实验室和供应商未能在监管人员或客户审计员 之前发现并揭示数据完整性问题,对经营的影响会非常严重。监管机构检查官的责任之一是确认检查 前、检查过程中或检查结束后以书面等形式提交的数据的完整性、可靠性和准确性,或对药品上市许 可申请、年度报告、强制性质量缺陷报告(如:现场警报)或不良反应报告的审查。监管调查员(在 一些监管区域,称为检查官)可能会发现并记录不符合项:提供信息和可检查信息之间可能体现的公 司需要纠正的数据完整性问题。上述不符合项可被卫生局作为监管行动或正式书面通知的依据。从监 管人员的角度讲,数据完整性实践的不合规,不仅根据其是否意在误导机构相信所有实验室活动都遵 照 CGMP 但其实并不是。对实验室记录和文件的要求从第一份 GMP 法规开始,并且在其它出版物中, 已经说明期望:如 1993 年 FDA 出版的制药 QC 实验室检查指南。
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MHRA GMP Data Integrity Definitions and Guidance for Industry March 2015Introduction:Data integrity is fundamental in a pharmaceutical quality system which ensures that medicines are of the required quality. This document provides MHRA guidance on GMP data integrity expectations for the pharmaceutical industry. This guidance is intended to complement existing EU GMP relating to active substances and dosage forms, and should be read in conjunction with national medicines legislation and the GMP standards published in Eudralex volume 4.The data governance system should be integral to the pharmaceutical quality system described in EU GMP chapter 1. The effort and resource assigned to data governance should be commensurate with the risk to product quality, and should also be balanced with other quality assurance resource demands. As such, manufacturers and analytical laboratories are not expected to implement a forensic approach to data checking on a routine basis, but instead design and operate a system which provides an acceptable state of control based on the data integrity risk, and which is fully documented with supporting rationale.Data integrity requirements apply equally to manual (paper) and electronic data. Manufacturers and analytical laboratories should be aware that reverting from automated / computerised to manual / paper-based systems will not in itself remove the need for data integrity controls. This may also constitute a failure to comply with Article 23 of Directive 2001/83/EC, which requires an authorisation holder to take account of scientific and technical progress and enable the medicinal product to be manufactured and checked by means of generally accepted scientific methods.Throughout this guidance, associated definitions are shown as hyperlinks.Establishing data criticality and inherent integrity risk:In addition to an overarching data governance system, which should include relevant policies and staff training in the importance of data integrity, consideration should be given to the organisational (e.g. procedures) and technical (e.g. computer system access) controls applied to different areas of the quality system. The degree of effort and resource applied to the organisational and technical control of data lifecycle elements should be commensurate with its criticality in terms of impact to product quality attributes.Data may be generated by (i) a paper-based record of a manual observation, or (ii) in terms of equipment, a spectrum of simple machines through to complex highly configurable computerised systems. The inherent risks to data integrity may differ depending upon the degree to which data (or the system generating or using the data) can be configured, and therefore potentially manipulated (see figure 1).Figure 1: Diagram to illustrate the spectrum of simple machine (left) to complex computerised system (right), and relevance of printouts as ‘original data’(diagram acknowledgement: Green Mountain QA LLC) With reference to figure 1 above, simple systems (such as pH meters and balances) may only require calibration, whereas complex systems require ‘validation for intended purpose’. Validation effort increases from left to right in the diagram above. However, it is common for companies to overlook systems of apparent lower complexity. Within these systems it may be possible to manipulate dataor repeat testing to achieve a desired outcome with limited opportunity of detection (e.g. stand-alone systems with a user configurable output such as FT-IR, UV spectrophotometers).Designing systems to assure data quality and integritySystems should be designed in a way that encourages compliance with the principles of data integrity. Examples include:•Access to clocks for recording timed events•Accessibility of batch records at locations where activities take place so that ad hoc data recording and later transcription to official records is not necessary•Control over blank paper templates for data recording•User access rights which prevent (or audit trail) data amendments•Automated data capture or printers attached to equipment such as balances•Proximity of printers to relevant activities•Access to sampling points (e.g. for water systems)•Access to raw data for staff performing data checking activities.The use of scribes to record activity on behalf of another operator should be considered ‘exceptional’, and only take place where:•The act of recording places the product or activity at risk e.g. documenting line interventions by sterile operators.•To accommodate cultural or staff literacy / language limitations, for instance where an activity is performed by an operator, but witnessed and recorded by a Supervisor or Officer.In both situations, the supervisory recording must be contemporaneous with the task being performed, and must identify both the person performing the observed task and the person completing the record. The person performing the observed task should countersign the record wherever possible, although it is accepted that this countersigning step will be retrospective. The process for supervisory (scribe) documentation completion should be described in an approved procedure, which should also specify the activities to which the process applies.In the following definitions, the term 'data' includes raw data.Term Definition Expectation / guidance (where relevant)Data Information derived or obtained from raw data (e.g. areported analytical result)Data must be:A - attributable to the person generating the dataL – legible and permanentC – contemporaneousO – original record (or ‘true copy’)A - accurateRaw data Original records and documentation, retained in the formatin which they were originally generated (i.e. paper orelectronic), or as a ‘true copy’. Raw data must becontemporaneously and accurately recorded by permanentmeans. In the case of basic electronic equipment whichdoes not store electronic data, or provides only a printeddata output (e.g. balance or pH meter), the printoutconstitutes the raw data.Raw data must:•Be legible and accessible throughout the data lifecycle.•Permit the full reconstruction of the activities resulting in thegeneration of the dataFigure 2: Logical design permitting contemporaneous recording of addition of asingle material in a manufacturing ‘unit of work’. This record is permanentlyrecorded (step 2), with audit trail, before progressing to next ‘unit of work’.Figure 3: Logical design permitting the addition of multiple materials in a manufacturing‘unit of work’ before committing the record to durable media. Steps 1, 3 and 5 arecontemporaneous entries (bar code), but are not permanently recorded with audit trail untilstep 6.Revision History。