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这里所出现的“dial”和“hang up”是电话英语里常见的用法。随着通信技术的发展,相互的沟通通过电话显得越来越便捷。英语通话有其特定的语言规范,英汉电话用语有一定的差异,切忌用汉语的模式来套用。大家几乎都有手机,如果留心地话,会听到一些电话英语,比如说:

·You have an incoming call.(你有一个来电。)

·You have a missed call.(你有未接来电。)

·The subscriber you dialed is power-off.(你所拨打的电话已关机。)

·The subscriber you dialed is busy.Please wait and redial.(你所拨打的电话正在通话中,请稍候再拨。)·

The line is busy/The line is engaged.(线路繁忙。/占线。)


首先,请求接线员/总机接通电话(asking the operator/switchboard to put you through)你可以说:

·Can you help me to r each sb?(能帮我接一下……吗?)

·Can you put me through to extension 911?(能帮我接通分机号911吗?)

·Could you do me a favor and give me extension 911。please?(请帮我一个忙,接通分机号911好吗?)

·Can you connect me with...?(请给我接……好吗?)

I’d like to speak to sb.Please put my call through to sb.(我想给……打一个电话,请帮我接通。)

·I’d like to place a long distance call to…(我想给……打一个长途电话。)

·May I speak to Mr.Wang?(请问王先生在吗?)

·Is this...?(你是……吗?)

·Operator,I was cut off./I’ve been disconnected.(接线员,我的电话断了。)

·Hold the line please.ok,you are through nOW.Receiver is on the line now.Go ahead,spea k up.


其次:我们接电话(answeri’ng a phone call)时,通常会说:“喂,谁呀?”不同于中国人接电话的习惯,西方人一接起电话,不是问对方是谁,而是自报姓名。

·Hello,this is...speaking.Who’S calling?(你好,我是……,你是哪位?)

Hello,this is...here.And who is that?(你好,我是……,你是?)

Hello,Human Resource Department.Whorll am I speaking to?(你好,这里是人力资源部。你是哪位?)


·Speaking./That’s me.(我就是。)

This is he/she(speaking).(这就是。)


Hang on/Hold on/A moment,please.I’ll see if he/she is in.


Let me see whether I can get him/her on the phone.


·Would you please hold the line just a minute?He’ll be right with you.


·Sorry,he/she is out/not in now./Sorry,but he/she is not available now.(对不起,他/她不在。)(对不起,他/她现在不方便接电话。)

Sorry,he/she is tied up right now and couldn’t get to the phone.He/She will call you ba ck later.


·I’m afraid you’ve got/dialed a wrong number.(恐怕你打错电话了。)


·...,your phone call!/...,you are wanted on the phone!(……,你的电话。)

There’s a phone call for you.(这有你的电话。)

·...。somebody is asking for you on the phone.(电话里有人找你。)

·...,telephone!It’s for you.(……,电话!找你的。)


·May I take a message?(要留话儿吗?)

·Would you care/like to leave a message?(您能留个话吗?)

·I’ll tell him that you called as soon as he comes back.(我会在他回来的时候告诉他你来电了。)

·I’ll tell him to call you back later.(我会让他稍后给你回电。)

我们还可以注意一下Friends中出现的其他电话英语情形,第1季第20集中,Joey和Monica他们寓所的对面一直有个人拿着望远镜偷窥他们的一举一动,这让他们非常不自在。通过门房,Joey打听到了偷窥者的名字叫Sidney,遂拨通了他寓所的电话。电话接通后,Joey说:Yeah,is Sidney there?(喂,请问Si dney在吗?)

这种打电话的方式非常随便。你也可以说:Could I speak to Sidney,please?(能不能请Sidney听电话?)或:Hello?Get me Sidney on the phone please.(喂?请Sidney听电话。)本打算斥责一通他的这种不道德的行为,可等对方接了电话他才知道偷窥者是个女的。回答的时候,Joey竟然和人家聊了起来,还说自己平时的运动也就是free weight。所谓“free weight”其实就是举举哑铃(dumbbell)或是杠铃(barbell)什么的运动。
