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distinguish v. 区分,辨别,分清

Could he distinguish right from wrong?... 他能分辨是非吗?

district n.. 区,地区,区域

I drove around the business district. 我开车在商业区转了转。

division n. (算术用语)除

I taught my daughter how to do division at the age of six.


doubt n. & v.怀疑;疑惑

This raises doubts about the point of advertising..这对做广告的意义提出了疑问。No one doubted his ability... 没有人怀疑他的能力。

disturb vt. 扰乱,打扰

I hope I'm not disturbing you. 我希望没有打扰到你。

He had been disturbed by the news of the attack on Hector Coyne.


dive vi. 跳水

He tried to escape by diving into a river...他企图跳入河中逃跑。

Joanne had just learnt to dive.乔安妮刚学会跳水。

divide vt. 分,划分

It will be easiest if we divide them into groups...


dormitory n.(学校等的)宿舍

She lived in a college dormitory.她住在大学宿舍里。


dozen n. 十二个,几十,许多

He ordered a dozen of their best red roses..他订购了12朵他们那儿最好的红玫瑰。

I was sitting only a dozen feet away... 我正坐在只有十几英尺远的地方。

drag v. 拖,拽

He got up and dragged his chair towards the table. 他站起来把他的椅子拖向桌子。

I've been dragged back from Australia for no sufficient reason.


draft n. & v. 草稿,草案;起草,草拟

I faxed a first draft of this article to him.我将这篇文章的初稿传真给他了。He drafted a standard letter to the editors...他起草了一份给编辑的标准信函。


dull a. 单调无味,阴暗

They are both nice people but can be rather dull... 他俩都是好人但非常沉闷。

drug n. 药,药物,毒品

The drug will be useful to hundreds of thousands of infected people.


She was sure Leo was taking drugs...她确定利奥在吸毒。


effective adj.有效的

The project looks at how we could be more effective in encouraging students to enter teacher training.


ease v. 减轻,缓解(难度或严重程度)

I gave him some brandy to ease the pain.我给他喝了些白兰地以减轻疼痛。

The heavily falling snow had eased...漫天大雪变小了。

effort n. 努力

He made no effort to hide his disappointment...他毫不掩饰失望之情。

With an effort she contained her irritation.她努力强压住了怒火。

editor n.编辑,编者

Were you the editor of elle magazine? 你是elle杂志的编辑吗?

elegant 文雅的,漂亮的,精美的

Patricia looked beautiful and elegant as always.帕特里夏一如既往地美丽优雅。

element n. 成分,要素,元素

Fitness has now become an important element in our lives.


embassy n. 大使馆

Gaston will take you to the embassy. 加斯顿会送你回大使馆

elect vt.(投票)选举

The people of the Philippines have voted to elect a new president...


emotion n.情感,感情;情绪

Her voice trembled with emotion. 她的声音因情绪激动而颤抖。

You know, jealousy is a really ugly emotion. 你知道,嫉妒是一种非常丑恶的感情.

empire n.帝国

The incan empire fell quickly 1533. 印加帝国在1533年迅速垮台。

employ vt.雇用

Farms often employ many temporary workers.农场经常雇用临时工。

empathy n.<心>移情作用;同感,共鸣

Having begun my life in a children's home I have great empathy with the little ones.由于从小生活在儿童院,我对小家伙们产生了强烈的共鸣。
