


Measures for the Administration of the Refined Oil Market



































































































































Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 In order to enhance the supervision and administration of the refined oil market, regulate the business activities of refined oil, maintain the refined oil market order and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of refined oil operators and

consumers, the present Measures are instituted under the Decision of the State Council on Setting Administrative License for the Administrative Examination and Approval Items Really Necessary to Be Retained (Order No.412 of the State Council) and the related laws and administrative regulations.

Article 2 The enterprises engaging in the wholesale, retail and storage of refined oil within the territory of the People's Republic of China must comply with the present Measures and other related laws and regulations.

Article 3 A licensing system is applied to the refined oil business activities.

The Ministry of Commerce shall take responsibility to draft the laws and regulations for the administration of the refined oil market, draw up ministerial regulations and organize the implementation thereof, and supervise and manage the refined oil market nationwide under law.

The administrative departments of commerce of the people's governments in each province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government and city specifically designated in the state plan (hereinafter referred to as the administrative departments of commerce of the provincial people's governments) shall take responsibility to formulate the development planning of the fueling stations and storage industry under their respective jurisdictions, and organize and coordinate the supervision and administration of the refined oil business activities under their respective jurisdictions.

Article 4 The term "refined oil" as mentioned in the present Measures refers to gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil and other alternative fuels which satisfy the product quality standards of the state and satisfies the same purposes, such as ethanol gasoline and bio-diesel oil.

Chapter II Application for Refined Oil Business License and Its Acceptance

Article 5 For the purpose of applying for the qualification for engaging in wholesale or storage of refined oil, an enterprise shall submit an application to the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government of the place where it is located, which shall examine the application and report the preliminary examination opinions along with the application materials to the Ministry of Commerce, which shall decide whether to grant a license of refined oil wholesaling or storing or not. Article 6 To apply for the qualification for engaging in the retail business of refined oil, an enterprise shall submit an application to the administrative department of commerce of the municipal people's government (or the level of districted city, same below) of the place where it is located, which shall examine the application and report the preliminary examination opinion along with the application materials to the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government, which shall determine whether to grant a refined oil retailing license or not.

Article 7 To apply for the qualification for engaging in wholesale business of refined oil, an enterprise shall satisfy the conditions as follows:

(1) it must have secular and stable channels to provide refined oil;

(a) it must have an oil refining enterprise which observes the industrial policies of the state, is capable of processing crude oil of at least 1 million tons at one time, and

whose annual productive capacity of gasoline and diesel oil which observe the product quality standards of the state is at least 500,000 tons, or

(b) it must be an import enterprise which has acquired the qualification for refined oil import, or

(c) it has signed with an enterprise which has acquired the qualification for refined oil wholesale and whose annual business volume of refined oil is at least 200,000 tons a refined oil supply agreement for at least one year , which shall be consistent with its business scale, or

(d) it has signed with an import enterprise whose annual import volume of refined oil is at least 100,000 tons a refined oil supply agreement for at least one year, which shall be in line with its business scale;

(2) the applicant must be a qualified Chinese enterprise legal person with a registered capital of at least 30 million Yuan;

(3) where the applicant is a branch of a Chinese enterprise legal person, its legal person must have the qualification for engaging in the wholesale of refined oil;

(4) it must have a refined oil depot whose capacity shall be larger than 10,000 m3 and whose construction shall abide by the local urban and rural planning and oil depot layout planning; the related departments in charge of state land and resources, planning and construction, safety and supervision, public security and fire-fighting, environmental protection, meteorology and quality inspection, etc. shall have checked and accepted the depot ;

(5) it must be equipped with such facilities to unload refined oil as conduit pipes, railway special lines, highway transport vehicles or the ports for transporting refined oil over water whose capacity shall be larger than 10,000 tons.

Article 8 To apply for the qualification for engaging in the retailing business of refined oil, an enterprise shall satisfy the conditions as follows:

(1) it must abide by the local development planning for the fueling station industry and the technical specifications and requirements;

(2) it must have secular and stable channels to supply refined oil, and have signed with an enterprise has acquired the qualification to engage in the wholesale business of refined oil a refined oil supply agreement for at least three years, which shall be in line with its business scale;

(3) the design and construction of the fueling station must abide by the related standards of the state and have been checked and accepted by the related departments responsible for state land and resources, planning and construction, safety and supervision, public security and fire-fighting, environmental protection, meteorology and quality inspection, etc;

(4) it must have professional and technical personnel with regards to the inspection, metrology, storage and fire-fighting and safe production of refined oil;

(5) the marine fueling stations (vessels) and land-based fueling stations (sites) for the supply of refined oil used for vessels must observe, in addition to the above-mentioned provisions, the related provisions on ports, water transportation safety and prevention and control of water pollution, etc; and

(6) as regards the fueling stations built in rural areas and only sell diesel oil, the

administrative departments of commerce of the provincial people's governments shall institute specific conditions for their establishment under the present Measures. Article 9 To apply for the qualification for engaging in the storage business of refined oil, an enterprise shall satisfy the conditions as follows:

(1) it shall have a refined oil depot whose capacity shall be larger than 10,000 steres and whose construction shall abide by the local urban and rural planning and oil depot layout planning; the related departments in charge of state land and resources, planning and construction, safety and supervision, public security and fire-fighting, environmental protection, meteorology and quality inspection, etc shall have checked and accepted the depot ;

(2) the applicant must be a qualified Chinese enterprise legal person with a registered capital of at least10 million Yuan;

(3) it must be equipped with such facilities to unload refined oil as conduit pipes, railway special lines, highway transport vehicles or ports for transporting refined oil over water whose capacity shall be larger than 10,000 tons; and

(4) where the applicant is a branch of a Chinese enterprise legal person, its legal person must be qualified to engage in the storage of refined oil;

Article 10 To set up a foreign-funded refined oil enterprise, the present Measures, the related state policies and the provisions in the laws and regulations concerning foreign investment shall be observed.

If the same foreign investor engaging in the retailing of refined oil within the territory of China has at least 30 fueling stations (including those set up with its investment, those in which it has a holding share and those it has rented), or if the same foreign investor sells different varieties and brands of refined oil from more than one supplier, the foreign party may not hold a controlling share.

Article 11 To apply for the qualification for engaging in the refined oil business, an enterprise must submit the following documents:

(1) an application;

(2) a property right certificate of its oil depot, fueling stations (sites) and the supporting facilities; the approval certificates and acceptance documents on oil depot, fueling stations (sites) and other facilities released by the departments responsible for state land and resources, planning and construction, safety supervision, public security and fire-fighting, environmental protection, meteorology and quality inspection, etc;

(3) Business License for Enterprise Legal Person or Circular for Advance Approval of Enterprise Name as released by the department of industry and commerce;

(4) Hazardous Chemical Business License as released by the department of safety supervision;

(5) Approval Certificate of Foreign-funded Enterprise of the People's Republic of China as regards a foreign-funded enterprise;

(6) Other documents required by the examination and verification organs.

Article 12 An enterprise which applies for the qualification for engaging in the wholesale business of refined oil shall, provide the legal instruments and the related materials on its secular and stable supply of refined oil in addition to the documents as provided in Article 11 of the present Measures.

Article 13 An enterprise which applies for the qualification for engaging in the retailing business of refined oil shall, in addition to the documents as provided in Article 11 of the present Measures, provide the legal instruments and the related materials concerning its secular and stable supply of refined oil and the confirmation concerning fueling station (site) planning as released by the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government.

If an enterprise acquires the land use right of its fueling station (site) through bidding, auction or listing, it shall also provide the advance approval documents concerning approving the applicant to take part in the bidding or auction as released by the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government and the Sales Confirmation of the auction (bidding, listing) of state-owned land use right as released by the department of state land and resources.

With regard to a marine fueling station (vessel), it is also necessary to provide the Opinion concerning Examining the Operating Conditions of Fueling Vessels as signed by the water area supervision department.

Article 14 An enterprise which applies for the qualification for engaging in the storage business of refined oil shall also provide the confirmation document concerning oil depot planning as released by the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government in addition to the documents as provided in Article 11 of the present Measures.

If an enterprise has acquired the land use right of its oil depot through bidding, auction or listing, it shall also provide the advance approval documents concerning approving the applicant to take part in the bidding or auction as released by the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government and the Sales Confirmation of the auction (bidding, listing) of state-owned land use right as released by the department of state land and resources.

Article 15 The administrative department of commerce shall, at its work place, publicize the conditions, procedures, time limit, list of the materials to be submitted and model application letter for applying for refined oil business license.

Article 16 If an administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government which accepts an application deems that the application materials are not complete or fail to be in line with the related provisions, it shall notify, once and for all, the applicant of all the content which needs to be supplemented or corrected within 5 workdays since receiving the application. If it fails to notify the applicant when the time limit expires, the application shall be deemed as having been accepted since the date when the application materials are received.

Article 17 If the application materials are complete and accord with the stipulated form, or if the applicant has supplemented or corrected all the application materials as required, the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government shall accept the application for refined oil business license.

If an administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government accepts an application for refined oil business license, it shall issue a written certificate which bears the special seal of this administrative organ and indicates the date.

If it rejects an application for refined oil business license, it shall issue a written certificate which bears the special seal of this administrative organ, specifies the reasons for rejection and indicates the date, and shall also inform the applicant of the right to apply for administrative reconsideration or to initiate an administrative lawsuit.

Article 18 The administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government which accepts an application shall seriously examine the materials submitted by the applicant and put forward its opinions. Its preliminary examination opinion and the application materials shall, when necessary, be reported to the administrative department of commerce of the higher level for examination and approval by it.

Chapter III Procedures and Time Limit of the Examination of Refined Oil Business License

Article 19 An administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government shall finish the examination and report the preliminary examination opinion and application materials to the Ministry of Commerce within 20 workdays since the receipt of the application for wholesaling or storing refined oil as submitted by an applicant.

The Ministry of Commerce shall, within 20 workdays since receiving the application materials as reported by an administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government, finish the examination and verification. If the application meets the conditions as provided in Article 7 of the present Measures, it shall grant a license for the wholesale of refined oil and release an Approval Certificate for the Wholesale of Refined Oil; if the application meets the conditions as provided in Article 9 of the present Measures, it shall grant a license for the storage of refined oil and release an Approval Certificate for the Storage of Refined Oil; if the application fails to meet the related conditions, it shall inform the applicant of the decision of disapproval and the reasons therefor in written form.

Article 20 An administrative department of commerce of the municipal people's government shall complete the examination and report its preliminary examination opinions along with the application materials to the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government within 20 workdays since the receipt of the application for the qualification for engaging in the retailing business of refined oil.

The administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government shall finish the examination within 20 workdays since the receipt of the materials as reported by the administrative department of commerce of the municipal people's government. If the application meets the conditions as provided in Article 8 of the present Measures, it shall grant a license for the retail of refined oil and release an Approval Certificate for the Retail of Refined Oil; if the application fails to meet the related conditions, it shall inform the applicant of the decision of disapproval and the reasons therefor in written form.

Article 21 If a refined oil wholesaling or storing enterprise newly builds, rebuilds or

expands its oil depot or other storage facilities, it shall abide by the urban and rural planning and oil depot layout planning, and report to the Ministry of Commerce for record after acquiring the confirmation document concerning oil depot planning from the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government and going through the acceptance procedures at the related departments.

If a refined oil retailing enterprise newly builds, rebuilds or expands its fueling station (site) or other facilities, it shall abide by the urban and rural planning and development planning of fueling station industry, and report to the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government for record after acquiring the confirmation document concerning fueling station (site) planning from the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government and going through the acceptance procedures at the related d departments.

Article 22 If a business operating entity of a newly-built fueling station is determined byways of the bidding, auction or listing of state-owned land use right, the tenderee or the auction entrusting party shall organize the bidding or auction after acquiring the confirmation document concerning the planning of the subject matter to be bid or auctioned by the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government of the place where it is located; a bidder may only take part in the bidding or auction after acquiring the consent and advance approval document from the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government.

Article 23 If the establishment of a foreign-funded enterprise or enlarging of its business scope, or the M&A of domestic enterprise by a foreign businessman engaging in any refined oil business, it is necessary to send an application to the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government, which shall accomplish the examination within one month since the date receiving a complete set of application materials and shall report its preliminary examination opinions and the application materials to the Ministry of Commerce, which shall make a decision concerning whether to approve it or not within three months since the date of receiving all application documents.

A foreign-funded enterprise may apply for refined oil business license according to the related provisions of Measures after its establishment, merger or enlargement of business scope is approved by the Ministry of Commerce.

Article 24 The administrative departments of commerce of the provincial people's government shall report the reply documents concerning refined oil retailing enterprises to the Ministry of Commerce for record within 10 workdays, and simultaneously put the basic information of the refined oil retailing enterprises into the enterprise database of refined oil market management information system. Article 25 With regard to an application for refined oil business license, if the administrative department of commerce which accepts the application believes it necessary to hold a hearing, it shall make public announcement to the society and hold a hearing.

Article 26 If a refined oil enterprise intends to set up a branch which engages in the refined oil business, it shall go through the application procedures separately

according to the provisions of the present Measures.

Chapter IV Issuance and Change of the Approval Certificate for Refined Oil Business Article 27 The Approval Certificate for refined oil business shall be exclusively printed by the Ministry of Commerce. The Approval Certificate for the Wholesale of Refined Oil and the Approval Certificate for the Storage of Refined Oil shall be released by the Ministry of Commerce. The Approval Certificate for the Retail of Refined Oil shall be released by the administrative departments of commerce of the provincial people's governments.

Article 28 Where a refined oil wholesaling or storing enterprise intends to change any item of the Approval Certificate for the Wholesale of Refined Oil or the Approval Certificate for the Storage of Refined Oil, it shall send an application to the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government, which shall, if finding it qualified through preliminary examination, report it to the Ministry of Commerce for examination and approval. If it meets the conditions to continue engaging in the refined oil business, the Ministry of Commerce shall release a new Approval Certificate for the Wholesale of Refined Oil or Approval Certificate for the Storage of Refined Oil.

If a refined oil retailing enterprise intends to modify any item of the Approval Certificate for the Retail of Refined Oil, it shall send an application to the administrative department of commerce of the municipal people's government, which shall, if finding it qualified through preliminary examination, report it to the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government for examination and approval. If it meets the conditions to continue engaging in refined oil business, the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government shall release a new Approval Certificate for the Retail of Refined Oil. Article 29 If a refined oil enterprise intends to modify any item of the Approval Certificate for the refined oil business, it shall submit the documents to the application department as follows:

Under the premise that the investor of the business entity remain unchanged, and only the enterprise name is changed, the enterprise shall provide the Circular for Advance Approval of Enterprise Name as released by the administrative department for industry and commerce or the certificate concerning the change of vessel name as released by the administrative department of ship's nationality; the employment certificate and the identity certificate of the new legal representative shall be provided if the legal representative is changed; the certificate on the legal use right of the business place shall be provided if business place which involves no movement of oil depot or fueling station is changed.

If the investor of the business entity changes, the original business entity shall implement the related procedures for deregistering its business qualification, while the new business entity shall apply for the qualification for engaging in refined oil business over again.

Chapter V Supervision and Administration

Article 30 The administrative departments of commerce of the people's governments of each level shall intensify their supervision and inspection of the refined oil market under their respective jurisdictions and investigate and punish the violations conducted by refined oil enterprises.

Article 31 The administrative departments of commerce of the provincial people's governments shall, according to the present Measures, organize the inspection concerning the enterprises which have the qualification for engaging in the refined oil business every year and report the inspection results to the Ministry of Commerce.

As regards a refined oil enterprise which is found to be unqualified in the annual inspection, the Ministry of Commerce and the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government shall order it to rectify within a certain time limit; if it is still unqualified after rectification, its qualification for engaging in the refined oil business shall be revoked by the license-issuing authority. Article 32 The major content of the annual inspection concerning a refined oil enterprise is as follows:

(1) the conclusion and implementation of refined oil supply agreements;

(2) the operation of refined oil by the enterprise in the previous year;

(3) whether the refined oil enterprise and its supporting facilities comply with the present Measures and the related technical specifications and requirements;

(4) the situation of the enterprise in respect of quality, measurement, fire-fighting, security and environmental protection, etc.

Article 33 A refined oil enterprise which is to suspend or stop its business shall go through the suspension or cancellation procedures with the license-issuing authority.

A refined oil wholesaling or storing enterprise may not suspend or stop its business for more than 18 months, while a refined oil retailing enterprise may not suspend or stop its business for more than 6 months. As regards an enterprise which fails to go through the suspension or cancellation procedures without reason by exceeding the stipulated time limit, the license-issuing authority shall revoke its refined oil business license, cancel the Approval Certificate for Refined Oil Business and notify the related departments.

Upon approval of the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government of the place where it is located, a refined oil retailing enterprise which is to be relocated because of the adjustment of urban planning, road widening or any other reason may appropriately extend its suspending period.

Article 34 The administrative departments of commerce of the people's governments of each level shall supervise and manage the refined oil business license and the refined oil market without collecting any fee.

Article 35 The Ministry of Commerce and the administrative departments of commerce of the provincial people's governments shall publicize the list of the enterprises which have acquired a refined oil business license and the information concerning the change or cancellation of any enterprise.

Article 36 The Approval Certificate for refined oil business may not be forged, modified, traded, leased, lent or transferred in any other form.

An modified or cancelled Approval Certificate for refined oil business shall be

surrendered to the license-issuing authority, any other entity or individual must not remain it privately.

Article 37 The special refined oil for special users shall be utilized according to the provisions of the state on the quantity, purpose and scope of supply, and may not be sold to any other irrelevant person.

Article 38 A refined oil enterprise shall operate under law. Any of the following acts is forbidden:

(1) engaging in business without a certificate or license or with a certificate and license which are not in line with each other or beyond its authorized business scope;

(2) failing to use a fueling machine or any other measuring instrument or failing to use a tax-control device as required by any of its fueling station;

(3) using any fueling machine which has not been tested or exceeded the term of test or which does not satisfy the requirements for explosion prevention and protection, or modifying the fueling machine without authorization or skimping oil by other ways;

(4) mixing impurities or imitations, passing a fake product as a genuine one or passing a defective product as a high-quality one;

(5) selling the refined oil which has been phased out as expressly ordered by the state or whose quality is incompetent;

(6) trading smuggled or illegally refined oil;

(7) driving up oil prices or dumping oil at a low price by going against the laws and regulations concerning price;

(8) other business activities as forbidden by any law or regulation of the state. Article 39 A refined oil retailing enterprise shall purchase refined oil from the enterprises which have the qualification for engaging in the wholesale business of refined oil.

Any refined oil retailing enterprise may not sell refined oil on a commission basis for any enterprise without the qualification for engaging in the wholesale business of refined oil.

If a refined oil storing enterprise stores refined oil for any other entity, it shall verify the legality of the source of the refined oil and the legality of the certificate of its client.

Any refined oil wholesaling enterprise may not sell any refined oil used for business purpose to any enterprise without the qualification for engaging in refined oil business.

Article 40 If any of the following circumstances occurs, the administrative department of commerce which made a decision to grant a refined oil business license or the administrative department of commerce at the next higher level may, at the request of the interested person or by virtue of its own power, annul the said decision: (1) granting license to an applicant which is unqualified or fails to meet the statutory requirements;

(2) granting license by exceeding the legal authority;

(3) a refined oil enterprise failing to meet the related conditions as provided in Articles 7 through 9 of the present Measures any more;

(4) failing to take part in or pass the annual inspection;

(5) acquiring the business license by such illegal ways as fraud or bribery;

(6) hiding the related information, providing false materials or refusing to provide the real materials which reflect its business activities;

(7) other circumstances under which the administrative license shall be revoked under law.

Chapter VI Legal Liabilities

Article 41 If any administrative department of commerce or any of its staff commits any of the following acts by going against the present Measures, the administrative department or supervisory department at a higher level shall order it to rectify; where the circumstance is serious, the person-in-charge directly responsible and other personnel directly responsible shall be imposed on an administrative punishment:

(1) failing to accept an application which satisfies the statutory requirements;

(2) failing to specify to an applicant the reasons for refusing to accept its application or to grant license;

(3) granting a license to an applicant not satisfying the statutory requirements or by exceeding the legal authority;

(4) refusing to make an approval decision or failing, without justifiable reasons, to make such a decision within the statutory time limit for an applicant satisfying the statutory requirements; and

(5) failing to perform or effectively perform its supervision duty, which has resulted in serious consequences.

Article 42 If any administrative department of commerce charges fees without authorization in the process of granting refined oil business license, it shall be ordered to refund the fees illegally charged and impose administrative punishment on the personnel in charge and the personnel held directly responsible by the administrative department or supervisory department at a higher level.

Article 43 Where any refined oil enterprise commits any of the following acts, if there are specific provisions in any law or regulation, such provisions shall prevail; where there is no such provision in the laws and regulations, the administrative department of commerce of the people's government at or above the county level of the place where the enterprise is located shall give it an admonition under law in light of the specific circumstance, order it to suspend the business for rectification, and impose upon it a fine of not more than three times of the illegal gains or 30,000 Yuan: (1) modifying, reselling, leasing, lending or illegally transferring its Approval Certificate for the refined oil business in any other form;

(2) in violation of the related provisions, selling special oil to the outsiders without authorization by a special user of refined oil;

(3) newly building, rebuilding or expanding any fueling station or oil depot without permit by going against the conditions and procedures as provided in the present Measures;

(4) selling refined oil through such ways as mixing impurities or imitations, passing

a fake product as a genuine one, passing a defective product as a high-quality one or

passing an inferior product as a standard one, or selling the refined oil which has been expressly ordered to be phased out by the state or whose quality is incompetent;

(5) selling any smuggled refined oil;

(6) modifying the fueling machine without authorization or skimping oil by other ways;

(7) selling the refined oil used for business purpose to any enterprise without the qualification for engaging in refined oil business by a refined oil wholesaling enterprise;

(8) purchasing refined oil by a refined oil retailing enterprise from any enterprise without the qualification for engaging in the wholesale business of refined oil;

(9) engaging in business beyond the business scope;

(10) going against the related technical specifications and requirements;

(11) other illegal acts as provided in any law, rule or regulation.

Article 44 If an enterprise that applies for the qualification for engaging in refined oil business commits any of the following acts, the administrative department of commerce shall make a decision of not accepting the application or not granting license and shall give an admonition, and the applicant may not apply for refined oil business license again within one year:

(1) hiding the real situation;

(2) supplying a false materials;

(3) going against the related policies and application procedure, and the circumstance is serious.

Article 45 As regards an enterprise which has acquired an Approval Certificate for the refined oil business as released by an administrative department of commerce at or above the provincial level but still fails to observe the conditions as provided in Article 7, Article 8 or Article 9 of the present Measures, it shall get rectified within 18 months since the date of the promulgation of the present Measures in the case of a refined oil wholesaling or storing enterprise, and within 6 months in the case of a refined oil retailing enterprise; as regards a refined oil business enterprise which still fails to observe the conditions when the time limit expires, the administrative license organ shall revoke its refined oil business license and cancel its Approval Certificate for refined oil business.

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

Article 46 Before the promulgation of the present Measures, the oil refining enterprises which have already been approved under law and accord with the state policies shall apply for and acquire an Approval certificate for the Wholesale of Refined Oil under the present Measures.

Article 47 The Ministry of Commerce shall be the interpreter of the present Measures.

Article 48 The present Measures shall enter into force as of January 1, 2007, and the Interim Measures for the Administration of the Refined Oil Market shall be nullified simultaneously.


市商务局开展成品油市场秩序专项整治 行动工作总结 市商务局开展成品油市场秩序专项整治行动工作总结 为认真贯彻落实省商务厅《关于开展成品油市场秩序专项整治行动的通知》和xx市商务局《关于开展油品升级置换和成品油市场专项整治工作的通知》精神,进一步整顿和规范我市成品油市场经营秩序,严厉打击非法经营行为,确保成品油市场安全运营,我局认真部署,积极组织开展专项整治行动,主要做了以下工作: 一.强化组织领导,研究制定方案 为确保成品油市场秩序专项整治行动落到实处,我局成立了由局长周细良任组长,副局长刘卫兵、向红军任副组长,王志高、杨鸣放、邱立兵为成员的成品油市场安全生产大检查、大整治专项行动领导小组。以加强对开展专项整治行动的组织领导。并以沅商粮字(20xx)28号文件向全市各加油站(点)、油库、中石化沅江石油分公司发出了《关于开展全市成品油市场安全生产大检查、大整治专项行动的通知》,明确了整治行动的工作目标,确定了检查整治的工作重点,部署了整治行动的实施步骤,提出开展专项整治行动的具体工作要求。同时,局综合执法大队制定了《成品油市场打击非法经营行为专项整治行动实施方案》,为全面开展我市成

品油市场安全生产大检查、大整治专项行动奠定了组织和思想基础。 二.深入现场检查,督导自查自纠 为落实企业安全生产主体责任,7月份我局组织成品油管理办公室、安全保卫股、综合执法大队工作人员深入全市辖区内在营78个加油站(点、船),2个油库进行了安全生产大检查。检查中发现有的加油站(点)存在灭火器过期失效、消防砂池不规范、加油员未穿戴防静电工作服等问题。立即责令整改,并发出《整改通知书》38份。同时督导各成品油经营企业自行开展隐患排查,自查自纠。并在检查中发现的无证无照非法加油点、加油船、流动加油车发出责令关闭、自行拆除通知书8份,通过督导检查有效地排除了成品油经营企业的安全生产隐患,提高了经营业主的安全生产责任意识, 三.实行联合执法,集中全面整治 在排查隐患自查自纠的基础上,8月份我局针对非法加油点未自行关闭,整改不到位的向市安委报告,由市安委牵头联合当地镇府、派出所、执法大队一起开展联合执法集中整治行动,分别取缔了三眼塘镇陈志强、曾贱波;共华镇四仁村何光辉;共华镇八形叉村黄翔;草尾镇上码头村何石林;赤山桥北运输公司等5个非法加油点。查处了茶盘洲镇代海


文档,可编辑修改】【最新资料,WORD目录2007年行业市场供需分析及预测....................... . 第一章 ........................年行业在国民经济中地位变化 第一节 2007 ................................................. .一、行业产业链分析. ................................... 二、行业工业总产值占GDP比重变化.......................... 三、行业投资额度占全国投资总额比重变化分析 . ........................................... 四、成品油行业周期性波动..............................年行业供给分析及预测第二节2007 .............................................. 一、供给总量及速率分析................................................ 二、供给结构变化分析........................................... 2008三、~2010年供给预测.............................. 第三节 2007年行业需求分析及 预测 一、需求总量及速率分析.............................................. ............................................... 二、需求结构变化分析 . 2010年需求预测. (2008) 三、~............................ 2007年行业进出口分析及预


成品油市场管理工作总结我县2013年成品油市场监管工作在省市主管部门的正确领导下,我县坚持认真贯彻执行成品油市场管理的有关法规,不断提高依法行政水平,加大成品油市场监管力度,保证市场供应,维护成品油市场健康有序发展,为我县的经济发展做出了显著贡献。现将2013年成品油市场管理主要工作情况报告如下:一、总体布局情况我县成品油市场供应的总体情况是:全县目前共有加油站点61家,其中社会加油站21家、中石化20家、中石油5家;社会加油点16家;没有正常经营歇业的加油站 4家,不合格的1家。二、工作开展情况1、积极做好成品油市场信息的收集、分析和整理上报工作。严密关注本地市场动态,认真了解成品油市场油源供需情况,积极协调中石油、中石化和其他成品油经销单位的关系,努力调解供需矛盾,确保成品油市场的供应,保证了我县成品油市场的健康稳定发。2、严把年审关,进一步规范成品油流通秩序。对存在消防安全隐患,经营油品不达标,短斤少两,不签订成品油供油协议,不按供油协议违规供油,年审资料不全的不予申报换发新证,并责令限期整改和整顿。3、加强监管和整顿,严厉打击违法经营行为。对成品油市场的监管工作,我们坚持“早部署、早行动,早落实,防患于未然”的工作原则;坚持“安全第一,服务第一”的工作意识,使我县成品油市场得到进一步的规范,违规经营成品油的现象得到扼制,成品油市场业主合法经营、竞争有序的意识增强,消费者对成品油经营秩序和服务质量的满意度提高。县商务局对成品油市场监管工作,做到了每季一次,重大节目和敏感时期必查,到各加油站进行监管检查及指导,发现问题及时整改、及时查处。为进一步推动我县成品油市场健康有序发展,按照县政府关于开展成品油市场整治活动要求,我局积极配合安监、公安、消防、工商等部门,共开展各种检查30次,先后共查封取缔无证经营摊点5个,关关闭非法加油点2个,查封加油机2台,截止目前5户非法加油站、点全部依法取缔,消除了安全隐患。三、存在的突出问题随着成品油市场的不断发展和市场的逐步放开,通过近几年的清理整顿,全县成品油市场秩序明显好转。但是成品油市场的存在一些不容忽视的问题,县级商务部门执法权限有限,对非法经营成品油行为难以有力打击,加之成品油市场管理工作涉及部门多,部门协调力度不够,监管难以达到预期效果。四、下一步工作思路(一)完善长效监管机制,落实站点规划布局。认真落实阜阳市加油站“十二。五”规划,严把市场准入关,确保新建、迁建站(点)布局合理,建设规范。(二)做好《成品油市场管理办法》和省、市各项成品油市场监管政策、法规的宣传工作。


附件: 山西省贯彻《成品油市场管理办法》 实施细则(暂行) 第一章总则 第一条为加强我省成品油市场监督管理,规范成品油经营行为,维护成品油市场秩序,保护成品油经营者和消费者的合法权益,使我省成品油市场走向制度化、规范化,根据《国务院对确需保留的行政审批项目设定行政许可的决定》(国务院第412号令)、《成品油市场管理办法》(商务部令2006年第23号)、《山西省危险化学品安全管理办法》(山西省人民政府2005年第184号令),以及国家对成品油市场管理的有关政策,结合我省实际,特制定本细则。 第二条凡在山西省境内从事成品油批发、仓储及零售经营活动,以及各级行使成品油市场管理职能的部门,均应遵守有关法律、法规和本细则。 第三条成品油经营实行许可制度,本细则所称成品油是指汽油、煤油、柴油和其他符合国家产品质量标准、具有相同用途的乙醇汽油和生物柴油等替代燃料。

第四条各相关职能部门在各自职责范围内负责对成品油进行监督管理。 第二章各级商务行政主管部门的职责 第五条省商务厅负责制定全省成品油行业发展规划;负责对市级成品油行业发展规划的核批;负责成品油批发、仓储经营许可的初审;负责成品油零售经营的行政许可;负责组织协调全省成品油经营活动的监督管理。 第六条市(本细则所称的市是指设区市,下同)级商务行政主管部门负责制定本辖区内成品油行业发展规划,组织协调本辖区内成品油经营活动的监督管理;负责对成品油零售经营许可的初审。 第七条县(包括县级市、区)级商务行政主管部门负责本辖区内成品油市场的日常监督管理。 第三章成品油经营的条件 第八条申请成品油批发经营资格的企业,应当具备下列条件: (一)具有长期、稳定的成品油供应渠道: 1、拥有符合国家产业政策、原油一次加工能力100万吨以


成品油市场调研报告(精选多篇) 第一篇:中国成品油市场调研报告2020-2020年中国成品油市场调研与未来前景预测报告目录 第一章国际成品油市场分析 1 第一节国际成品油市场环境分析 1一、全球炼厂产能过 剩矛盾突出,炼油毛利低位徘徊 1二、欧洲市场需求疲软和 产能过剩状态仍将延续 1三、中东油品出口将大幅增长,亚 洲为重要目的地 1四、俄罗斯将加强向远东的石油输出 2五、亚太地区成品油需求增速趋缓 2 第二节2020-2020年国际主要成品油月平均价格 3一、2020年国际主要成品油月平均价格 3二、2020年国际主要成 品油月平均价格 4 第三节发达国家成品油零售市场格局发生重大变化 5一、成品油零售行业转向混业经营 5二、行业投资回报率低,不 符合高回报、高赢利的要求 6三、成品油消费量持续下降, 加油站数量锐减 6 第四节美国成品油销售市场的特点分析 6一、竞争激烈,行业形成期即埋下竞争的种子 6二、金融创新、技术创新和 营销创新齐头并进 7三、油品规格多样,区域间供需不平衡 8四、配送体系高效并富有灵活性 8五、仓储行业竞争激烈,油库数目急剧下降 9六、成品油批发形式多样,炼化企业通 过批发价格影响销售 10七、生产、炼油、销售分离,纵向一 体化程度逐渐减弱 11 第五节亚太地区成品油市场特点分析 12一、亚太地区 油品需求保持高速增长,但未来增速趋缓 12二、亚太地区炼

油能力过剩突出,炼厂开工率将大幅降低 13三、区域贸易仍保持活跃,但进出口总量将减少 14四、区域内务经济体的市场化政策对成品油贸易有显著影响 17五、中国企业将成为亚太成品油市场的重要参与者 18 第二章中国成品油市场供需预测分析 20 第一节 2020-2020年中国成品油供给量 20 第二节 2020-2020年中国成品油需求量 21 第三节 2020-2020年中国成品油供需结构 25一、2020-2020年中国成品油自给率 25二、2020-2020年中国成品油对外依存度 25 第四节 2020-2020年中国成品油供需预测 26一、2020年中国成品油需求将保持较快增长 26二、2020年中国成品油年产量将达3.1亿吨 27 第三章中国成品油市场运行环境分析 28 第一节国内成品油经济环境分析 28一、gdp历史变动轨迹分析 28二、固定资产投资历史变动轨迹分析 29三、2020年中国成品油经济发展预测分析 31 第二节中国成品油行业政策环境分析 35 第四章中国汽油市场分析 40 第一节 2020年中国汽油产销情况 40一、2020年中国各省市汽油产量 40二、2020年东北三省市场成品油产量及消费量分析 41三、东北三省油库情况分析 43四、东北三省成品油市场发展动态 47五、国内合资石油企业发展动态 48六、2020年中国汽油消费量 58 第二节 2020年中国汽油市场价格 59一、2020年中国90#无铅汽油市场价格 59二、2020年中国93#无铅汽油市场价格 61三、2020年中国97#无铅汽油市场价格 66


YOUR LOGO Your compa ny n ame 2 0 X X 成品油市场整治工作方案 姓名:XXX 部门:XX部

成品油市场整治工作方案 为进一步加强成品油市场监督管理,促进成品油市场健康有序发展,结合我镇实际,特制定本方案。 一、指导思想 坚持以科学发展观为指导,全面落实各项监管措施,严肃查处各种违法违规行为,逐步建立长效监管机制,确保我县成品油市场安全稳定和健康有序发展。 二、整治原则 (一)依法整治与有序操作相结合的原则; (二)综合治理与突出重点相结合的原则; (三)居委会、分场与部门联动结合的原则; (四)集中整治与长效管理相结合的原则。在集中整治活动期间,要针对存在的突出问题,以点带面,重拳出击,确保实效。 三、整治重点 (一)不符合规划要求,无证、无照经营或未经批准已建或正在建设的加油站(点); (二)不符合安全要求,违反安全规章制度和安全操作规程,不符合消防安全要求,各项安全管理制度未建立健全,安防设施建设未到位,技防设施未正常运行,保险柜质量不达标及设置不规范,存在严重安全隐患的加油站(点)油库。 四、工作职责重岗、大楼管理办,各居委会、分场,青阳工商分局、青阳国土所、供电所、城建办、派出所、安全办等相关单位人员,按照属地管理原则和此次专项整治工作要求,负责辖区内成品油市场专项整治工作,对辖区专项整治工作总负责。

五、整治步骤 此次专项整治工作时间为XX 年1月18日至2月28日,共分四个阶段进行。 第一阶段:宣传发动(XX年1月18日至1月22日);第二阶段:排查摸底,自查自纠(XX 年1 月23 日至1 月25 日);第三阶段:集中整治(XX 年1 月26日至2月12日);第四阶段:检查验收(XX年2月13日至2月28日)。 六、工作要求 (一)强化舆论宣传,实行有奖举报; (二)严格督查考核; (三)严明工作纪律; (四)巩固整治成果; (五)加强协调配合。


甘肃省成品油市场管理办法实施细则 第一章总则 第一条为加强我省成品油市场监督管理,规范成品油经营行为,维护成品油市场秩序,保护成品油经营者和消费者的合法权益,根据〈国务院对确需保留的行政审批项目设定行政许可的决定》(国务院令2004年第412号)、商务部〈成品油市场管理办法》(商务部令2006年第23号)和甘肃省人民政府关于公布行政执法依据的公告》甘政发[2007] 49号),结合我省实际,制定本实施细则。 第二条成品油经营实行行政许可制度。在全省境内从事成品油批发、仓储及零售经营活动应当遵守有关法律法规和本实施细则。 第三条甘肃省商务厅(以下简称省商务厅)负责对全省成品油市场的监督管理;负责全省加油站和成品油仓储发展规划的实施;负责成品油批发、仓储经营许可的初审并上报商务部;负责成品油零售经营的行政许可;负责设立面向农村,只销售柴油的加油网点的设立条件和经营资格的备案程序;负责对各市州商务局实施成品油市场管理工作的指导、监督和检查。 各市州商务局负责对本辖区内成品油市场的监督管理;负责辖区内 成品油仓储企业、零售企业(加油站)和农村加油网点发展规划的实施;负责成品油零售经营行政许可的初审;负责成品油仓储经营、零售经营设施情况的核实;负责按以站带点、站点结合、连锁经营、统一配送”的原则,对农村加油网点经营资格进行初审,并报省商务厅备案;负责对各县(市、区)商务主管部门实施成品油市场管理工作的指导、监督和检查。 各县(市、区)商务主管部门负责本行政区域内成品油零售市场的监督

管理;会同有关部门查处违规建设成品油经营设施与违规经营成品油行为。 第四条本实施细则所称成品油是指汽油、柴油、煤油及其他符合国家产品质量标准,具有相同用途的乙醇汽油和生物柴油等替代燃料。 第五条本实施细则所称成品油批发经营,是指利用油库等经营设施,向成品油零售企业销售或直接批量销售给生产企业的成品油经营行为;成品油仓储经营,是指利用油库等经营设施,向其他单位提供成品油储存、周转业务的经营行为;成品油零售经营,是指利用加油站从事成品油终端销售的经营行为。 第二章申请成品油经营的条件 第六条申请成品油批发经营资格的企业,应当具备下列条件: (一)具有符合下列条件之一的长期、稳定的成品油供应渠道: 1.拥有符合国家产业政策、原油一次加工能力100万吨以上、符合国家产品质量标准的汽油和柴油年生产量在50万吨以上的炼油企业; 2?具有成品油进口经营资格的进口企业; 3?与具有成品油批发经营资格且成品油年经营量在20万吨以上的企业签订1年以上的与其经营规模相适应的成品油供油协议; 4?与成品油年进口量在10万吨以上的进口企业签订1年以上的与其经营规模相适应的成品油供油协议。 (二)申请主体应具有中国企业法人资格,且注册资本不低于3000 万元人民币。 (三)申请主体是中国企业法人分支机构的,其法人应具有成品油批发经营资格。


成品油市场整顿报告 Revised as of 23 November 2020

成品油市场整顿报告 (一)摸清了加油站底数。经过逐站登记审查,摸清了全市加油站基本情况。全市加油站总数63个,其中已停业8个,正常经营的加油站55个。所属分类,石油系统15个,全部国有;农机系统22个,国有11个、股份4个、集体3个、私人4个;其他系统26个、国有2个、股份3个、集体2个、私人19个;全市加油站性质分类,国有28个、股份7个、集体5个、私人23个。(二)掌握了成品油市场状况。市场调查小分队通过对全市25个乡镇的调查,掌握了成品油市场的基本状况。全市现有耕地面积3,045,095亩,其中旱田2,900,895亩,水田145,200亩;春季用油量14650吨,其中旱田用油量14504吨,水田用油量146吨;全市农业机械拥有量14077台拖拉机,其中大中型1049台,小型13028台;掌握了全市25个乡镇190个村屯销售代理、村支书、村长、会计的通讯录。(三)堵塞了市外进货渠道。经过市场整顿管理,市外进货渠道基本堵塞。40个社会加油站已经全部到石油分公司进货。几年来不从分公司进货的哈炼加油站、液化汽加油站、加油站、农机站,部分进货的农机站、加油站,农机站、加油站都已转变态度,绝大部分从分公司进货;重点大户有了突破性进展,哈炼加油站几年来从不在分公司进贷,督查员死看死守后,只能从分公司进货,已在今年一季度进货361吨。截止三月末统计,社会加油站已从分公司进货4552吨,同比增长%。(四)提高了供应服务工作质量。分公司积极采取行动,主动工作,庄严承诺,千方百计开展优质服务工作,整顿内部工作纪律,规范供应措施,改善服务环境,优化工作条件,抽调大量人力搞好社会调查和征求意见。帮助用户解决油品质量、计量、配送、结算、品种、时间等具体问题。经营理念大转变,变官商为行商,以平等心态参与市场竞争;服务作风大转变,热情服务,方便用户,用户至上;运作方式大转变,车辆选择、进货方法都实现了突破性改革。用户满意度大大提高、中油企业信誉度大大提高,供应服务质量大大提高。(五)完成了一季度各项经济指标。今年一季度销售计划16700吨,实际完成18,739吨,超过计划2039吨,超计划进度%,同比增长761吨,增幅为%;一季度批发销售9015吨,同比增长657吨,增长%,占本期计划的%;零售7924吨,同比增长104吨,增长%,占本期计划的%。最引人注意的是市场整顿增加批发销量1862吨,同比增长%,占本期计划的%,可以说一季度的销量增长,绝大部分是市场整顿增加的。(六)增加了石油销售的税源收入。石油分公司销售增值税去年同期为零,今年以来,由于加大市场整顿力度,社会加油站大部分从分公司进货,一至三月末市内批发销售4552吨,预缴增值税19万元;市外批发销售1546吨,预缴


2018年商务局成品油专项整治工作总结 一、高度重视积极部署 县政府对全县成品油专项整治工作高度重视,主要领导专门做出批示并听取汇报。分管县领导主持召开专题会议,组织对吉府办字[XX]238号文件进行学习,就部署开展本县专项整治工作提出具体要求,指出商务局等相关部门要严格落实行政监管责任,突出重点加强协同,切实维护好我县成品油市场经营环境和秩序。 为确保专项整治工作有序进展,我县印发了《XX县成品油市场专项整治工作方案》,成立了由分管县领导任组长、11个政府部门和2家成品油经营企业为成员单位的专项整治工作领导小组,县商务局为领导小组办公室下设单位及专项整治工作牵头单位。 二、工作成效 1.开展联合排查。对辖区内中石化、中石油及民营加油站点开展联合排查,商务部门检查《成品油零售经营批准证书》、市场监管部门检查《营业执照》、安监部门检查《危险化学品经营许可证》,消防部门检查消防设备及措施。 经查,县内拥有成品油经营许可证的加油站点21处,中石化XX 分公司所属长岭加油站、民营的福民加油站2处站点,因公路改造暂停歇业,其余正常营业的19处站点资质资格证书齐全,但成品油经营许可证在换证期。

2.开展车辆乱停乱放专项整治。结合本次专项整治工作,县商务局与交警大队等5单位同步开展加油站经营区域机动车辆乱停乱放突出问题整治,发布公告明示机动车驾驶员应遵守的交通规则及相应的惩处措施,并在各自职责内加强日常巡查,目前乱停乱放问题已得到有效遏制,降低了加油站点交通安全隐患。 3.发现2处加油站与周边建筑安全间距不足。安监部门认为,XX 镇XX加油站旁住宅楼与加油站最近距离为9.2米,XX镇XX加油站旁在建地基与加油站油罐区距离7.0米,两者未达到《汽车加油加气站设计与施工规范》(GB50156-XX)所明确的安全间距。目前县政府已要求XX镇政府、建设局和企业共同商讨XX加油站搬迁改建方案,XX 镇政府牵头处理XX加油站问题。 4.发现企业设立自用储油库1座。根据群众反映,县商务、安监、消防部门联合对赣江1家采砂企业自用油库进行了检查。检查发现,该油库仅储存柴油,配备了灭火器6套并有专人看管,主要供应企业采砂船、运输车、装载机等。消防部门已要求企业限期拆除油库前面的板房建筑,及时清除油库上方及围墙上的易燃杂草及植物,并为油库建设单独的围墙,加强安全保障。 三、存在的问题 辖区公路上流动加油的油罐车,因机动性强且监管职能涉及数个部门,其经营许可证、道路运输许可及人员信息监督检查难度大,目前未有收获。


江苏省成品油市场管理办法实施细则 第一章总则? ????第一条根据商务部《成品油市场管理办法》,结合我省的实际,制定本实施细则(以下简称细则)。 ???第二条在江苏省境内从事成品油批发、零售及仓储经营活动,应当遵守本细则。 ???第三条国家对成品油经营实行许可制度。江苏省经济贸易委员会(以下简称省经贸委)负责制定江苏省辖区内加油站和仓储行业发展规划,负责组织协调全省成品油经营活动的监督管理。省辖市、县(市)成品油市场主管部门负责本辖区内成品油经营活动的监督管理。 ???第四条本细则所称成品油是指汽油、煤油、柴油及其他符合国家产品质量标准、具有相同用途的乙醇汽油和生物柴油等替代燃料。 ???第五条本细则所称成品油批发经营,是指利用油库等经营设施,向成品油零售企业、批发企业销售成品油或向终端用户批量销售成品油的经营行为。成品油仓储经营,是指利用油库等经营设施,向其他单位提供成品油储存、周转业务的经营行为。成品油零售经营,是指利用加油站(点、船)从事成品油终端销售的经营行为。 ???第二章成品油经营企业基本条件 ???第六条申请成品油批发经营资格的企业,应当具备下列条件: ???(一)具有长期、稳定的成品油供应渠道: ??? 1、拥有符合国家产业政策、原油一次加工能力100万吨以上、符合国家产品质量标准的汽油和柴油年生产量在50万吨以上的炼油企业,或者

??? 2、具有成品油进口经营资格的进口企业,或者 ??? 3、与具有成品油批发经营资格且成品油年经营量在20万吨以上的企业签订1年以上的与其经营规模相适应的成品油供油协议,或者 ??? 4、与成品油年进口量在10万吨以上的进口企业签订1年以上的与其经营规模相适应的成品油供油协议; ???(二)申请主体应具有中国企业法人资格,且注册资本不低于3000 万元人民币; ???(三)申请主体是中国企业法人分支机构的,其法人应具有成品油批发经营资格; ???(四)拥有库容不低于10000立方米的成品油油库,油库建设符合城乡规划及土地利用总体规划、油库布局规划,并通过成品油市场主管部门、国土资源、规划建设、安全监管、公安消防、环境保护、气象、质监等部门的验收; ???(五)拥有接卸成品油的输送管道或铁路专用线或公路运输车辆或1万吨以上的成品油水运码头等设施。 ???第七条申请成品油仓储经营资格的企业,应当具备下列条件: ???(一)拥有库容不低于10000立方米的成品油油库,油库建设符合城乡规划及土地利用总体规划、油库布局规划,并通过成品油市场主管部门、国土资源、规划建设、安全监管、公安消防、环境保护、气象、质监等部门的验收; ???(二)申请主体应具有中国企业法人资格,且注册资本不低于1000 万元人民币;


成品油市场秩序专项治理工作总结 今年以来,**交通运输综合行政执法大队按照上级关于成品油市场秩序专项治理相关文件精神,高度重视成品油市场专项整治管控工作,结合辖区和交通执法工作实际,采取积极有效的措施,努力推进成品油市场专项治理工作取得实效。 一、加强组织领导 成立了以大队主要负责人为组长、分管领导为副组长的成品油市场专项治理领导小组,研究制定了专项整治方案,形成了专项治理责任体系。并进一步进行了职责分工,划定管理范围,细化各执法单元的相关职能和职责,充分与公安交警部门加强沟通和联动,构建联动机制,做到信息共享、查处及时。 二、强化综合治理 加强市场秩序检查,与公安交警部门联合强化路面检查,加强日常巡查,重点检查危险品运输企业资质、危险品运输车辆资格等。整治过程中做到发现一例查处一例,确保了整治工作的主动性,取得了阶段性成果。 一是强化路面稽查力量。将成品油运输专用车辆、厢式普货运输车辆列入近期重点检查对象,从严查处无资质的车辆、从业人员非法从事成品油运输; 二是强化源头督促整改。深入一线道路运输企业、客货运站点、维修企业等经营场所开展检查,督促企业不得非法设置油罐和加油机进行储油、加油; 三是强化部门协作。加强与公安、商务市场监督管理等部门的联勤联动,重点查处成品油运输车辆非法违法经营行为,发现利用运输车辆非法销售成品油的,及时将案件移交商务部门。 截至日前,共查获未取得道路危险货物运输许可从事汽油、柴油运输违规违法经营车辆30台次(公安交警部门移交4台),行政处罚23台,罚没15万元,还有7台正在处理(含省安委会督办、交警三大队移交的部分车辆),已处理车辆均已责令改正违法行为。 三、下步打算 (一)责任落实到位。进一步明确分工压实责任,把专项治理与行业管理工作相结合,同安排、同落实。 (二)监督检查到位。将密切配合其他部门,协调联动、形成执法合力,以强力的措施,严实的原则,强化执法管理手段,确保治理成果。 (三)机制健全到位。坚持“沉到一线、常态巡查”制度,加强运输行业主要节点的管理跟踪,形成常态化执法行动,依法依规查处非法运输汽油、柴油运输等违法行为,保障我区成品油经营秩序和全区人民的生命财产安全。 1


成品油市场专项整治工作情况汇报 为进一步贯彻落实省、市文件精神,确保成品油市场秩序整治到位,我市自2016年12月开始,分四个阶段(宣传动员、自查自纠、综合整治、总结提高)开展成品油市场专项整治整治行动,现将前阶段的整治工作情况汇报如下: 一、加强领导,制定方案,明确职责 成品油市场秩序关系到人民群众生命财产安全,每一个非法站(点)都是一个安全隐患。为此,市委、市政府高度重视,把依法查处无证无照经营成品油、违规建设加油站(点)作为一项政治任务来抓,成立了以市委常委、市人民政府常务副市长李忠岩为组长,市政府正县长级领导干部王发志为常务副组长,市委常委、统战部长陈体秀、副市长邢路生、副市长骆本京、市信访局局长王家文为副组长,市直部门一把手和各乡镇乡镇长为成员的永城市成品油市场专项整治活动领导小组。印发了《永城市成品油市场专项整治活动工作方案》和《关于依法查处无证无照经营成品油违规建设加油站行为的通知》等相关文件资料。同时召开了全市集中整治行动动员大会,与市直职能部门和乡镇人民政府签订了工作责任状,明确职责,做到统一部署,联合行动,形成合力。 二、依法整治,扎实推进,整治工作取得实效

我市成品油市场由于多年历史遗留问题和受利益驱动的影响,加油站(点)违规建设、无证经营、布局不合理、过多过滥等问题比较突出,一证多站、以点代站、超范围经营、消防安全意识淡薄等现象依然存在。经摸底统计,我市共有非法加油站(点)91家,分布在全市的大部分乡镇,整治难度大,任务艰巨。为了防止一哄而上打乱仗,对杜绝互相推诿不作为,在依法行政、稳定和谐中求得工作任务的圆满完成。为此,各级主要领导、分管领导率先垂范,亲临整治第一线,各职能部门认真履职,扎实推进,坚持自查整改和依法打击非法经营相结合,整治工作取得了明显实效。在这次整治行动中,我们坚持宣传动员为先导,张挂横幅、标语2000多条,出动宣传车20多台,在全市东西城区、城乡结合部及交通干线宣传到位。自2016年3月份已经对全市所有的非法加油站点下达自拆通知书,对于逾期不拆的将按照方案部署由市电力部门对其停止供电,截止目前自行拆除的共计4家,其余87家均已停止供电。 三、下阶段的整治工作 我市的这次集中整治行动,虽然前阶段取得了一定实效,但离“彻底到位,长治久安”的目标还有一定的距离。 首先,要加快整治行动冲刺步伐,有效应对挑战,采取坚决有力的综合整治措施,对非法经营时间长、气焰嚣张、态度十分恶劣、置国家法律法规于不顾、拒不拆除的非


山东省成品油市场管理办法(试行) 第一章总则 第一条为加强我省成品油市场监督管理,规范成品油经营行为,维护成品油市场秩序,保护成品油经营者和消费者的合法权益,根据《国务院对确需保留的行政审批项目设定行政许可的决定》(国务院令2004年第412号)和《成品油市场管理办法》(商务部令2006年第23号),结合我省实际,制定本办法。 第二条在山东省境内从事成品油批发、仓储及零售经营活动,应当遵守有关法律法规和本办法。 第三条本办法所称成品油,是指汽油、柴油、煤油及其他符合国家产品质量标准、具有相同用途的乙醇汽油和生物柴油等替代燃料。 第四条本办法所称成品油批发经营,是指利用油库等经营设施,向成品油零售企业、批发企业销售成品油或向终端用户批量销售成品油的经营行为。本办法所称成品油仓储经营,是指利用油库等经营设施,向其他单位提供成品油储存、周转业务的经营行为。本办法所称成品油零售经营,是指利用加油站(点、船)从事成品油终端销售的经营行为。 第五条国家对成品油经营实行许可制度。山东省经济和信息化委员会(以下简称省经信委)依法负责组织协调全省成品油市场流通监督管理;负责制定并公布全省成品油零售和配送体系发展规划;负责成品油批发、

仓储经营许可初审;负责成品油零售经营的行政许可;负责对各市级成品油市场监管行政主管部门工作的指导、监督和检查。 各市成品油市场监管行政主管部门负责辖区内成品油市场的监督管理;负责成品油零售经营许可的初审;负责成品油仓储经营、零售经营设施建设项目竣工的实地情况核实;负责对县(市、区)成品油市场监管行政主管部门管理工作的指导、监督和检查。 县级成品油市场监管行政主管部门负责辖区内成品油零售市场的监督管理;查处或会同有关部门查处违规建设成品油经营设施与违规经营成品油行为。 第二章成品油经营许可的申请条件 第六条申请成品油批发经营资格的企业,应当具备下列条件: (一)具有长期、稳定的成品油供应渠道(符合下列条件之一): 1. 拥有符合国家产业政策、原油一次加工能力100万吨以上、符合国家产品质量标准的汽油和柴油年生产量在50万吨以上的炼油企业; 2.具有成品油进口经营资格的进口企业; 3.与具有成品油批发经营资格且成品油年经营量在20万吨以上的企业签订了1年以上的与其经营规模相适应的成品油供油协议; 4.与成品油年进口量在10万吨以上的进口企业签订了1年以上的与其经营规模相适应的成品油供油协议; (二)申请主体应具有中国企业法人资格,且注册资本不低于3000万


2011-2015年中国成品油市场分析与投资方向研究报告 报告简介 成品油可分为:石油燃料、石油溶剂与化工原料、润滑剂、石蜡、石油沥青、石油焦6类。其中,石油燃料产量最大,约占总产量的90%;各种润滑剂品种最多,产量约占5%。各国都制定了产品标准,以适应生产和使用的需要。 智研咨询发布的《2011-2015年中国成品油市场分析与投资方向研究报告》共八章。首先介绍了中国成品油行业市场发展环境、中国成品油整体运行态势等,接着分析了中国成品油行业市场运行的现状,然后介绍了中国成品油市场竞争格局。随后,报告对中国成品油做了重点企业经营状况分析,最后分析了中国成品油行业发展趋势与投资预测。您若想对成品油产业有个系统的了解或者想投资成品油行业,本报告是您不可或缺的重要工具。 本研究报告数据主要采用国家统计数据,海关总署,问卷调查数据,商务部采集数据等数据库。其中宏观经济数据主要来自国家统计局,部分行业统计数据主要来自国家统计局及市场调研数据,企业数据主要来自于国统计局规模企业统计数据库及证券交易所等,价格数据主要来自于各类市场监测数据库。 报告目录、图表部份 第一章 国际成品油市场分析 第一节 国际成品油市场环境分析 一、全球炼厂产能过剩矛盾突出,炼油毛利低位徘徊 二、欧洲市场需求疲软和产能过剩状态仍将延续 三、中东油品出口将大幅增长,亚洲为重要目的地 四、俄罗斯将加强向远东的石油输出 五、亚太地区成品油需求增速趋缓 第二节 2009-2010年国际主要成品油月平均价格 一、2009年国际主要成品油月平均价格

二、2010年国际主要成品油月平均价格 第三节 发达国家成品油零售市场格局发生重大变化 一、成品油零售行业转向混业经营 二、行业投资回报率低,不符合高回报、高赢利的要求 三、成品油消费量持续下降,加油站数量锐减 第四节 美国成品油销售市场的特点分析 一、竞争激烈,行业形成期即埋下竞争的种子 二、金融创新、技术创新和营销创新齐头并进 三、油品规格多样,区域间供需不平衡 四、配送体系高效并富有灵活性 五、仓储行业竞争激烈,油库数目急剧下降 六、成品油批发形式多样,炼化企业通过批发价格影响销售 七、生产、炼油、销售分离,纵向一体化程度逐渐减弱 第五节 亚太地区成品油市场特点分析 一、亚太地区油品需求保持高速增长,但未来增速趋缓 二、亚太地区炼油能力过剩突出,炼厂开工率将大幅降低 三、区域贸易仍保持活跃,但进出口总量将减少 四、区域内务经济体的市场化政策对成品油贸易有显著影响 五、中国企业将成为亚太成品油市场的重要参与者 第二章 中国成品油市场供需预测分析 第一节 2006-2010年中国成品油供给量


晋城市成品油市场调查报告 晋城市成品油市场调查报告 晋城市成品油市场调查报告 许德民 随着我市经济的持续快速发展,工业化、城镇化进程加快,对成品油的依存度不断提高。为了深入了解我市成品油市场运行情况及存在问题,我们对全市成品油市场进行了专题调研,并对今后如何发展提出一些建议。 一、我市成品油市场的基本现状 (一)成品油市场供应和需求情况。我市经济社会发展进入快速增长期,成品油消费需求也日趋升高。从成品油购进总量看,今年1-10月份全市累计购进成品油总量32万吨,其中柴油21万吨,汽油11万吨,与去年同期相比增加5.8%。中石化晋城分公司、中石油晋城销售分公司占购进总量的92%。 从成品油销售总量看,今年1-10月份全市累计销售成品油总量35万吨,销售总额达36亿元。按销售品种分:其中柴油23万吨,汽油12万吨,分别比去年同期增长6.5%。按照行业分,中石化晋城分公司销售22.6万吨,中石油晋城分销售分公司销售9.4万吨,社会加油站销售3万吨。全市成品油市场供需基本平衡。 从成品油销售价格看,“十一五”期间,受国际原油价格波动及国内费改税政策实施等因素影响,国家有关部门14次调整成品油价格。截止目前,成品油批发价格为:0号柴油7190元/吨,-10号柴油7639元/吨;90号汽油7945元/吨,93号汽油8440元/吨,97号汽油8943元/吨。成品油零售价格为:0号柴油6.49

元/升,-10号柴油6.88元/升;90号汽油6.13元/升,93号汽油6.55元/升,97号汽油7.07元/升。 从成品油库容能力看,我市成品油总库容设计能力为4.1万立方米,(不包括国家储备库、部队油库、企业自备油库),其中汽油库容能力1.7万立方米,柴油库容能力2.3万立方米,煤油库容能力0.1万立方米。总库容能力仅占全省的4.6%,从商业周转角度测算,理论上我市正常的库存量,在外部供应脱节的情况下,仅可以维持不到20天的市场供应。 (二)成品油市场经营主体情况。全市现有2个成品油批发经营企业,即中石化晋城分公司、中石油晋城销售分公司,1个成品油仓储经营企业,即裕丰实业有限公司霍秀油库。全市现有加油站286座,按行政区域分:其中中心城区30座、泽州县境内92座、高平市境内46座、阳城县境内57座、陵川县境内31座、沁水县境内30座。按隶属关系分:其中中石化晋城分公司128座、中石油晋城销售分公司30座、社会加油站128座。按道路情况分:其中高速路服务区加油站4座、国省道126座、县乡路92座、市区及县城道路64座。按经营状况分:正常经营的239座,停业、歇业的47座。 二、我市成品油市场运行特点 建市二十五年来,我市成品油行业无论是市场规模、销售总量、网点布局还是硬件设施和企业管理水平等方面都有了很大提高,市场运行主要呈现四个特点。一是市场竞争激烈。形成了以中石化、中石油两大集团和社会民营企业三分天下的市场竞争格局,促使行业内部结构进一步优化,服务水准大为改善,便利店、洗车、加水等非油品经营业务也成为行业之间竞争的砝码。二是布局趋于合理。成品油零售网络从一开始的无序建设、盲目建设、恶性竞争逐步走上了规划审批、


最新日本、韩国成品油市场分析报告 中华人民共和国商务部商业改革发展司20XX年X月 日本、韩国是石油消费国,原油主要依赖进口,对成品油市场采取逐步开放战略,通过立法以及设立分销商经营资质等手段,对成品油流通实施比较严格的监管,有效地保护了国内石油工业,保证了石油供应安全,成品油市场竞争有序。 一、日本、韩国成品油市场基本情况 1、日本成品油市场基本情况 20XX年,日本国内成品油销售量为2.4亿吨。全国有石油精炼企业19 家,其中,12家为专业精炼企业,7家为精炼与销售一体化企业。全国有成品油批发企业11家,其中,前3家的市场份额为53%,市场集中度较高。到20XX年3月底,全国有加油站51294座(19XX年最多时为60421座),平均单站加油量4680吨;其中,使用批发商品牌的有4.1万座,占加油站总数的80%,品牌集中度可见一斑。日本的加油站普遍提供便利店、汽车维修保养等服务,这些服务逐步成为加油站的主要利润源。日本流动加油点从20XX年的5000个左右逐步减少到20XX年的1900个左右,到20XX年已经全部取缔。从20XX 年起,日本开始发展自助式加油站,到20XX年X月底发展到2522座,约占加油站总数的5%。日本人认为,与欧美国家比日本的自助式加油站比例偏低,以后还要加快发展。

/【智拓精文】最新日本、韩国成品油市场分析报告 20XX年日本成品油批发企业销售份额构成 资料来源:日本经济产业省 2、韩国成品油市场基本情况 20XX年,韩国成品油销售量为10500万吨。韩国有成品油精炼企业5家, 成品油流通渠道以中间商为主,中间商市场份额达88.2%,炼油企业直接销售 仅占11.8%。截至20XX年底,韩国有成品油代理店329个(具有批发权的企业,既可以从事批发经营,也可以从事零售经营,以批发经营为主),登记加油站11138个,实际营业加油站10828个,平均单站加油量6000吨左右(考虑流动加油点因素);其中,使用四大炼油企业品牌的加油站占95.8%,分布情况是:SK 占35.7%,LG 占26.8%,现代占19.9%,S-OiL (双龙)占13.4%。1993年11月韩国取消了城市公路旁2公里半径内只设1个加油站的限制,目前加油站数量增加较快,出现总量过剩和布局不合理现象,加油站的便利服务从布局上看也比较零乱。1997年成品油市场放开前批发企业必须与炼厂合资合作才能批准经营,市场放开后供应商和进口商数量增加,批发企业总量也急剧增加。韩国产业资源部注意到了分销企业总量过剩和布局不合理的状况,当前主要靠市场竞争、城市功能区划或道路变更来自然淘汰,有些加油站特别是无品牌的加油 站已经出现自然减少的趋势。20XX年,韩国有流动加油点7085个,主要销售煤油和燃料油,20XX年开始出现经营萎缩,预计流动加油点在大城市将逐步减少。


https://www.360docs.net/doc/2e4657012.html,专业的论文在线写作平台 2019年成品油市场专项整治总结 2019年成品油市场专项整治总结按照省市局的统一部署,我局快速行动,打响成品油整治攻坚战,具体情况如下:一、高度重视,强化部署我局成立成品油专项整治领导小组,领导小组由分管领导为组长,市场科xx科长为副组长,各监管所所长为成员,领导小组办公室设在市场科,统一领导成品油整治工作并明确要求对成品油市场监管工作做到重点过问、深入研究、把握动态、狠抓落实。各单位要将成品油市场专项整治行动作为当前的重点工作,加强组织领导和工作协调,形成职责明确、协作配合、高效运转的工作格局。我局迅速出台新市监字[2019]3号《关于开展全市成品油市场专项整治行动的通知》文件,强化指导各监管所开展成品油市场整治工作,同时将成品油监管工作作为一项日常工作,常年部署,紧抓不懈。为做好大气污染防治专项督查回头看迎检工作,同时结合新近开展的全省成品油市场集中排查整治,我局召开成品油治理工作专题会议,局主要领导主持会议,并作出部署,会议传达了市委、市政府领导关于迎评及排查整治工作的最新指示和会议精神,要求务必高度重视,工作打好提前量,全力抓好成品油治理。二、明确重点,强化监管一是以柴油为重点,加强成品油市场监督检查。今年以来,各监管所对辖区内加油站销售国Ⅵ标准车用汽柴油情况进行检查,禁止销售普通柴油,严禁在城市城区范围内及高速公路服务(停车)区销售普通柴油。同时对加油站是否按照油品升级要求销售符合标准的油品,是否及时更换油品标号、标识,是否有以普通柴油冒充车用柴油进行销售进行重点检查,核对进货发票、进货台账记录与销售的柴油标号、等级是否一致。重新


中华人民共和国成品油市场管理办法(全文) 在中华人民共和国境内从事成品油批发、零售、仓储经营活动,应当遵守有关法律法规和本办法, 中华人民共和国成品油市场管理办法(全文)。以下是小编为各位收集整理提供的中华人民共和国成品油市场管理办法内容,希望对你有所帮助。欢迎大家阅读参考学习! 2017年中华人民共和国成品油市场管理办法(全文) 第一章总则 第一条为加强成品油市场监督管理,规范成品油经营行为,维护成品油市场秩序,保护成品油经营者和消费者的合法权益,根据《国务院对确需保留的行政审批项目设定行政许可的决定》(国务院令第412号)和有关法律、行政法规,制定本办法。 第二条在中华人民共和国境内从事成品油批发、零售、仓储经营活动,应当遵守有关法律法规和本办法。 第三条国家对成品油经营实行许可制度。 商务部负责起草成品油市场管理的法律法规,拟定部门规章并组织实施,依法对全国成品油市场进行监督管理。 省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市人民政府商务主管部门(以下简称省级人民政府商务主管部门)负责制定本辖区内加油站和仓储行业发展规划,组织协调本辖区内成品油经营活动的监督管理。 第四条本办法所称成品油是指汽油、煤油、柴油及其他符合国家产品质量标准、具有相同用途的乙醇汽油和生物柴油等替代燃料。 第二章成品油经营许可的申请与受理 第五条申请从事成品油批发、仓储经营资格的企业,应当向所在地省级人民政府商务主管部门提出申请,省级人民政府商务主管部门审查后,将初步审查意见及申请材料上报商务部,由商务部决定是否给予成品油批发、仓储经营许可。 第六条申请从事成品油零售经营资格的企业,应当向所在地市级(设区的市,下同)人民政府商务主管部门提出申请。地市级人民政府商务主管部门审查后,将初步审查意见及申请材料报省级人民政府商务主管部门。由省级人民政府商务主管部门决定是否给予成品油零售经营许可。 第七条申请成品油批发经营资格的企业,应当具备下列条件:
