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查群控总线(MZ1 板)软件故障:核实工作程序版 subidentification (YY) and inform Thyssen
本和次级标志 YY 并通知蒂森公司 VTS 部
Aufzugswerke department VTS !
Error of TCM lift controls TCM 电梯控制装置的故障
Siemens CPU still used.
(storage of position in the event of power failure or if
在电梯特性程序中 QUASI 的 ZSE 开关被删掉,但在 HS is switched off).用 THYSSEN 的 CPU 后备电池的
ZES = destination entry terminal
DCS 复位随之以 05XX ZSE=目的的输入端
CAN connection to respective ZSE.
XX = concerned landing
ZSE 一直作用;检查电源和去相应 ZSE 的 CAN 接线 XX=相关楼层
RAM 芯片(停电或 HS 断开时存储位置信息)
TCM control
TCM 控制
8 k-RAM not recognized; F8 00 will follow
8K-RAM 未识别;随之以 F800
TCM control TCM 控制
8 k-EPROM not recognized; F8 00 will follow8K- 1
initialization terminated); 05 XX will follow
不应有的就绪信息(=初始化终止)随之 XX05
DCS initialization time-out, table start: 05 XX will Failure to initialize destination selection control DSC. -
W/W1 contactor WO/WU Schü tz
Function 01 00 Display of error stack 显示故障堆栈
Example: Error Explanation
Weighting BW
as per:
14 03
AAjob-specific error messag 任务特性故障信息 N emergency stop 紧急停梯
below !
一旦发生此故障须通知 TU 或 VTS 部
来自 TCM 群控的特殊程序故障信息。在指示出下 XX=故障详细数据
Number of lifts of group and/or number of 群内电梯数和/或群控楼层数不能接受
landings of group unacceptable.
DCS 初始化时限到,表尾随之 05XX XX=相关楼层
Check voltage supply and CAN connection to respective ZSE. XX = concerned landing/未能开始目的的选择控制
DCS 检查电源和去 相应的 ZSE 的 CAN 接线
Check ZSE solenoid switch.
TCM: error caused by soldenoid switch ZSE. CPU checks whether more than one ZSE switch is
由磁开关 ZSE 引起的故障/CPU 检查是否有一个以 actuated. All landings XX with ZSE actuated will be
Special program error messages from TCM Inform TU or VTS as soon as this error occurs.
group. Will be output after errors indicated XX = Data for detailed error description
Same program version for all MZ1 circuit boards of -
05 A8
05 b0
05 b1 05 b2 05 b3
05 b4 05 b5
05 C0 06 XX
07 01 07 02 08 01 08 02 09 NN
0A 2F 0A 30 0A 31 0A 32 0A 33 0A 34 0A 46 0A 47 0A AA
..Boperation phase
Significance: Frequency levels of error:
Level 1 infrequent 1 度不频繁发生
Error code number 故障代码
Level 10 frequent 10 度频繁发生
Error 01 XX
group control computer
检查 MZ1 板的程序版本和群控计算机
Error of TCM with destination selection contro (DCS)带目的选择控制(DCS)的 TCM 中的
DCS reset, : 05 XX will follow
ZES always performs. Check voltage supply and -
由磁开关 ZSE 引起的故障/CPU 检查是否有一个以 is actuated. If so, the lift will be stopped and error 04
上 ZSE 开关动作,如果是则停梯并故障连续储存 4 NN stored four times in succession.
次/检查 ZSE 开关/参考来自 21 页的说明
Unexpected response from DCS: Hallo (= XX = concerned landing XX=相关楼层
initialization program: 05 XX follows
来自 DCS 的不应有的响应 HALLO(=初始化程序)
DCS send unexpected ready message (= XX = concerned landing XX=相关楼层 /DCS 送出 -
the group. 群内所有的 MZ1 版本程序相同
Group protocol and group control computer are Check program version of MZ1 circuit board and
not compatible
EPRAM 未识别;随之以 F800
Undefined or wrong operation phase
No provision has been madefor disconnect Disconnect landing not programmed (check data 1
in lift-specific program.
error 03 01.
No provision has been made for fireman’s Fireman’s landing not programmed, etc., same as for
Calls inhibited via monitoring
An 8-kbyte RAM is required in CPU. CPU 中需要一块 1
Quasi ZSE in lift-specific program released, but Use Thyssen CPU with battery-backed RAM chip 1
Seven-segmentfunction display flashing1)
Check-back SR module
Safety circuit
Start/Stop button
LK sensor Run: IS/RS 2) UP direction with IS DOWN direction with IS Program selector wheel LN sensor
XX landing 楼层
S stopping 停止
YY undefined 未定义
M spontaneous message 自发信息
NN explanations from page 21 解释见 21 页 B lift blocked 电梯被锁定
ZZNumber of marking flag 标志编号
02 01 02 02
02 03 02 04 NN
04 XX
05 YY
05 XX
05 42 05 53 05 A0
Error description
Causes, remedy or instructions
Interlock contact RK or RKD is jamming in Check interlock contact or mechanical parts of door 6
landing in lift-specific program.
sheet) or incorrect order number on lift-specific EPROM. 关梯楼层未编程(检查数据表)或电梯特性
EPROM 中的定单号不正确
No provision has been made for parking landing Parking landing not programmed, etc., same as for
上 ZSE 开关动作,所有 ZSE 动作的楼层 XX 都会显 displayed. Check ZSE solenoid switch, for example
示/检查 ZSE 开关/例如消防员梯
fireman’s lift.
Incorrect computer request by group (circuit TCI: Check circuit board MG or group connection 2
landing XX. 门锁触点 RK 或 RKD 在 XX 楼层处卡 in landing XX.
住/在 XX 层检查门锁触点或门的机械部件。在任务 A correct door type must be programmed in the job-
specific program.
board MG defective or fault in group connection). (round cable or flat cable).
来自群控的不正确计算机请求(MG 板损坏或群控 TCM: check group bus (MZ1 circuit board)
接线错误)/TCI:检查 MG 板或群控接线/TCM:检 Software error: identify work program version and
landing in lift specific program.
error 03 01. 消防员
TCI: error caused by solenoid switch ZSE.
TCI: CPU checks whether more than one ZSE switch SM3
Run telegram in incorrect group phase; 05 XX Poor group connection of lift XX XX = lift number
XX 电梯的群控接线不良,
不正确的群控阶段中的运行电报,随之以 XX
Group protocol incompatible