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必修2 Unit2 第1课时词汇

主备人:授课人:_________ 授课时间: ________ 评价:_______





1. adv. 现今;现在

2. adj.古代的;古老的(反义词现代的)

3. ______ vi 比赛→n._______比赛→n.__________比赛者

4._________n.志愿者 adj.志愿的 vi,vt 自愿自愿做某事




8. n. 奖章;勋章;纪念章

9._______n.责任,职责→ ______ adj.责任的→_______ adv.责任地

10.________vt取代,代替,替换 11._______ vi,vt收费n.费用,主管12.________vi讨价还价 n.便宜货 13._______ v.应该,值得

14. n. 祖国;本国 15. adj. 规则的;定期的 adv.


1. compete vi 竞争,比赛

He will compete with Jim in the next round. 用法总结:

More than 100 people compete for the post.

He is hoping to compete in the london marathon.

2.admit vt 允许进入,承认;容纳, 容许 admit-- -- admit(to) doing sth 承让做某事 = admit sth. / that-clause

admit sth./sb. to be 承认某人是……

admit sb into⁄to→be admitted to⁄into 允许进入;吸收某人为…的成员e.g T he thief admitted his crime.

I had to admit that I had done wrong.

She admitted having stolen the necklace.

The cinema admits about 2000 people

This ticket admits two people to the football match.

He the Peak University.

He ﹙break﹚the window.

3.replace v 代替,取代replace sth/sb with/by sth/sb用…代替

e.g: He ____a broken window ____a new one.

代替,取代 replace sth/sb=take one’s place

take the place of sth/sb

介词短语 in the place of / in one’s place / instead of / instead

e.g John will be in place of Tom in the game.

=John will ______________ Tom in the game.

John will ______________ Tom in the game.

John will ______________in the game.

4.charge n.负责,管理,收费,控告


Mr. Zhang will take charge of the department. 用法总结:

Mr. Zhang will be in charge of the department.

The department will be in the charge of Mr. Zhang.

②因…控告某人charge sb with sth其被动形式

blame sb for sth 其被动形式

accuse sb of sth其被动形式

e.g He____________ stealing.

③charge sb some money for 索取…的费用

Translation: 修一下鞋要多少钱?


④free of charge 免费

5. bargain v讨价还价,n便宜货

相关短语:make a bargain 达成协议

bargain with sb about/for/over sth 就某事与某人讨价还价

a real bargain 一件便宜货

e.g we ______________ that he will do the shopping and I will cook. Translation:他与老板讨价还价———————————————————————

6.deserve vi. 应该得到vt. 应受,值得

(1)他应该被惩罚。The man deserves to be punished. 用法总结:

The man deserves punishing.

The man deserves punishment. (2)He has worked very hard and deserves to pass the exams.

7.advertise vi. 登广告I must advertise for a new secretary. 我得刊登广告聘请一位新秘书。

v. 为...做广告We decided to advertise our new product.

8.host n./ vt.

n. 主人The host, Mr Brown, is in the kitchen.

n. 东道主,主办者The host team defeated the guest team finally.
