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Japan’s first government white paper on the still largely taboo phenomenon of death by overwork has revealed that a fifth of surveyed companies acknowledge their full-time staff works dangerously long hours.


The 280-page report — published almost three decades after Japan legally recognised death driven by overwork, known as karoshi — acknowledged that its contents made for bleak reading.


Nearly 11 per cent of companies surveyed said they had full-time staff working at least 80 hours of overtime a month —a level which, by official acknowledgment, brings an increased risk of death from cardiovascular issues and other problems.


Almost 12 per cent of companies surveyed said they had staff working more than 100 hours of overtime a month.


The white paper, which was for ced into existence by a 2014 private member’s bill obliging the government take responsibility for preventing deaths and suicide through overwork, follows a year in which karoshi compensation claims surged to a record high of 1,456.


Even then, say lawyers who have represented the families of victims, the issue is greatly understated and barely discussed.


The survey had hoped to base its research on responses from 10,000 Japanese companies; in fact, it received replies from just 1,743.


Government efforts have yet to bite, say labour groups.


Gentle slogans urging armies of reluctant salarymen let’s work shorter hours, or more practical measures such as turning office lights out at 7pm, are making no visible dent in a work culture that has devised few mechanisms for evaluating achievement beyond simply counting the hours worked.


The fundamental problem, said Koichi Nakano, a political scholar at Tokyo’s Sophia University, is that neither the government nor the business sector is especially keen to inform workers of their rights and to uphold them.

东京上智大学(Sophia University)政治学学者中野晃一表示,根本问题在于,政府和企业部门都不是很热心于让员工知晓自身权利和支持他们。

At the heart of the issue is a deeply unenlightened but persistent attitude on the part of the government and management that regards selfless dedication to the company shown through long hours at the office as a prime virtue?.?.?.?in reality it is arguably responsible for the steady decline of the Japanese corporate competitiveness, said Prof Nakano.


Reported karoshi deaths in the 2015 financial year ending in March, published by the labour ministry in April, were concentrated on sectors such as social services and construction.


These are on the front lines of Japan’s chronic labour shortage — itself a slow-burning crisis that derives from the country’s long-term demographic decline and historic resistance to large-scale immigration.


The survey underlying the new white paper found 44 per cent of IT companies admitted that some
