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8. On 与 about 区别
on与about 二者都是介词,意为“关于,论及” 等,一般情况下,二者可以互相替换,但二者有 点区别:about常用于简单的或浅显的论述等,是 一般用语,多用于讲故事,谈话;思考等; on多 用于系统论述或专题讲演、论著等,具有学术性, 如:The teacher told us a story about Lei Feng. It's very moving. He will give us a talk on the history of the Party.他将给我们做个关于 党史的报告。
It is a book 一本学术著作)
birds. 那是一本论及鸟类的书。(可能是
It is a book birds. 那是一本关于鸟类的书。(可能是一 本供小孩看的故事书)
9. 表 “ 除… 之外 ” 的介词 besides , but = except , except for , except that … 注意: 1) 前面有不定代词、 疑问代词时,多用but
二. 介词搭配 1. 动词+ 介词 rob sb of sth ( clear / inform /cheat / remind / accuse / cure . etc) supply us with sth = supply sth to / for sb ( provide / fill )
1. It is going to rain this afternoon according to the weather forecast.
2. He quarrelled with her yesterday. 3. He succeeded in passing the final examination . 4. I’m still thinking of how I can fulfill the task ahead of time. 5.The professor will give us a talk on how to study
make sth of / from / into 介词+ the + 人体部位 (strike / catch / hit/
prevent sb from doing
persuade sb into / out of doing sth ( advise/ warn /reason)
注意:learn about,read about,quarrel about,hear about, story about 等短语一般涉 及知识的深度,所以不能用on代替about。
We're going to listen to a lecture afternoon He wrote the school. African history this
介词是高考中的一个重要考点,在连续 两年的高考中都有两空是专门考查介词的, 除此以外,介词还频繁出现在完型填空和 短文改错。涉及面较广,考察了学生的词 汇量和对介词的正确使用
介词 ( preposition )
一 介词的分类与语法功能 1.介词是虚词, 不能单独做句子成分, 必须与名词、 代词( 或相当于名词的其他词类、短语、或从句 ) 构成介词短语,在句子中充当一个成分。 介词分为: 简单介词: at 、 in 、 on 、for 、 to 合成介词: within 、 inside 、 onto、 throughout .
11. 不定式复合结构中的 for , of
1)It is clever ______ you to answer such a difficult an
2)It is mean ______ her to give me so little pocket mo
3)It is quite impossible _____ him to explain why .
10 表原因的介词:
for , because of , due to , owing to , on account of , as a result of 1. He didn’t come to the meeting ______ his illness 2. The reason ______ his being angry is that he lost his cell phone. 3. ______ a heavy snow , the highway has been closed up. 4. The accident is ______ the driver’s drinking .
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
4) It is hard ______ you to learn a foreign language
without perseverance . 12 . 兼类词 ( 兼作连词和副词) after since till / until before .
介词 ( preposition )
一 介词的分类与语法功能 1.介词是虚词, 不能单独做句子成分, 必须与名词、 代词( 或相当于名词的其他词类、短语、或从句 ) 构成介词短语,在句子中充当一个成分。 介词分为: 简单介词: at 、 in 、 on 、for 、 to 合成介词: within 、 inside 、 onto、 throughout .
3. He is angry _____ what his e-pal has said for he is tired _____ being laughed at by others . 4. The boy is familiar ______ the fiction because it is very popular ______ teenagers so far .
5. in , after , later in + 一段时间 . 常用 一般将来时。 after + 一段时间 . 常用一般过去时。 after + 点时间 . 用各种时态。 一段时间 + later 过去时
6 . 地点介词 : at , on , in , to , off across , through over , under below , above to ( 静态 ), towards ( 动态 ),along 7. 表示方式、手段、 工具 的介词 by / through ( 表泛指 的方式、手段) by (交通工具类) by / with / in ( 方式、手段) 1.The boy likes writing _____ a pen and especially likes writing _____ blue and black ink . 2. He got full mark _____ his own effort, he often
say to sb ( suggest / explain / apologize / murmur /whisper)
同一介词与不同动词 ( to / for / at … 同一动词与不同介词的搭配 ( look / agree / hear / call /stand …
2. 形容词+ 介词 afraid / angry / anxious / tired / strict / good popular / pleased / known / familiar 1. I’m afraid _____ being late for school because my head teacher is very strict _____ us . 2. Einstein was known ______ his theory of relativity _____ a famous physics scientist ______ the world .
10. between / among (三者以上)
1) Mary is sitting _____ Tom and wang Li.
2) She was busy _____ cooking , washing , sewing and looking after the baby . 3)Shanghai is _____the largest cities in the world 4) A horse can be seen _____ trees now.
3. 名词+ 介词 1. The absence / lack of water is the most serious problem . 2. The girl has a good way _____ studying English . 3. The key _____ success lies in diligence and wisdom . 三 重点介词的用法归纳与辨析 1. 表示世纪、年、月、 季、周 用 in / during , in the 1990s , in May , in spring , in the first week of June 2. 在某一天或某天上、下午、晚上 、前夕 用 on
All but one are here . Nobody but I likes literature . 2) 后接不定式短语为排除对象时,多用but He has nothing to do but wait . 3) 固定短语 have no choice but to do sth (只得做某事) can not but do sth =cannot help but do sth (不得不 but for / but that…(要不是)
English well.
总结 1:介词后常接 名词、代词、动名词 、从句、
不定式组成介词短语。 This machine is in good condition .
Where is the key to my bike ?
Nothing in the world could live without air or water She always thinks herself above others 总结 2 : 介词短语在句子中可作表语、 定语 、状语和 宾补。
buy sth for sb ( leave / get / win / gain / lose )
tell sth to sb ( show / teach / sing / write / read) give sth to sb( allow / promise / pass / hand )
3. 在某一时刻、 或某一点时间用 at .
4. till , until , to 的用法。 1) till / until 与延续动词连用,用于肯定句,与短暂 动词连用用在否定句( 在句首、强调句 不用till ).
2) to 表终结常与from 连用 from … to … from time to time from hand to hand from door to door from house to house from one + 名词+ to another 表 “依次” 名词 + by + 同一名词 one by one …
短语介词: according to 、 out of 、 because of、 by means of、 in spite of 、 instead of
双重介词 : from behind /above / under , until after
分词介词 :considering , including , judging from /b