BAISON 900系列数字化超导可视人流仪
BAISON 900系列 数字化超导可视人流仪
• 实现了将高频超声探头小型化设计并保持了普通腔内探头的阵元数量,
• 手术探头与窥器独特的磁吸式固定方式有效避免了目前临床上采用的
1、探头与窥器不固定方式合并------合并不固定,无法通过按压窥器实 时调整和固定超声波扫查方向,达不到术中实时监视的临床目的;
8 图2
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BAISON 900系列 数字化超导可视人流仪
• 实际图例:
• 经腹部的超声波探查方式已经被用来实时监控和指导妇
产科手术,特别是困难的人工流产和上环取环等。但由于 经腹部超声的操作方式需要患者在手术过程中保持膀胱充 盈,患者相对比较痛苦,超声图象效果不理想,手术中一 旦采用麻醉容易造成尿失禁等现象,并且还需要另一操作 者用手持续掌控超声探头,极大的浪费了宝贵的医疗资源, 所以,经腹部探查方式在妇产科手术中的应用受到了很大 的限制。
• 超声影像诊断学是医学领域的三大影像学之一,具备:实时成像、操
作方便无辐射、检查费用低等特点。因此,超声检查已经成为医学检 查领域中应用最广泛的影像学诊断方法。
• 近年来,可监视的微创类手术实施方式被各临床科室广泛采用;随着
生活水准的不断提高,人们对医疗和服务提出了更多的要求,如:能 否进一步减少对患者身体的损害,减少治疗过程中的痛苦,提高医疗 操作的安全性等等;这些都成为刺激医疗技术发展的思路和巨大动力。
术的学术论文”初步搜索有115篇之多。超声波监视下施行手术学术 报告涉及临床范围有: 1、人工流产 2、清宫术 3、节育环嵌顿 4、子宫肌瘤合并 妊娠 5、宫腔镜手术器械定位 6、输卵管通液 等等
Fluke Biomedical VT900A高精度气流分析仪说明书
VT900A Gas Flow AnalyzerThe Fluke Biomedical VT900A is designed to accurately and reliably test all types of medical gas flow equipment—ventilators, insufflators,oxygen meters—especially those requiring high accuracy in ultra-low flow and ultra-low pressure measurements such as anesthesia machines, flow meters and neonatal ventilators.AccurateThe VT900A is Fluke Biomedical’s high-accuracy premium gas flow analyzer. The single, full-range ±300 lpm air flow channel offers built-in oxygen, temperature and humidity measurements tostreamline testing and automatically compensate for environmental conditions. The VT900A features an external trigger input and special ultra-low flow and ultra-low pressure ports.These ultra low-flow and ultra-low pressure ports allow the highest accuracy for devices requiring crucial low volume and pressure testing such as anesthesia machines and flow meters. Designed and tested to world renowned Molbloc-L calibration specifications ensures traceability to global regulatory standards with reliable measurements you can count on.Key features•Streamline your testing procedure, reduce errors and shorten your test time with the ability to create customized test profiles •Avoid confusion and ensure accuracy with one-channel, full-range air flow functionality•Reduce testing time with built-in line sensors which automatically test humidity, temperature and oxygen while compensating for atmospheric pressure and environmental conditions•Ensure patient safety with ultra-low flow and ultra-low pressure for anesthesia machine and and flow meter testing•Have confidence that your measurements comply to globalregulatory standards and adhere to SI units of measurement with the Molbloc-L calibration system•Easily transport and store the lightweight (3.6 lb/1.6 kg), all-in-one device—no extra modules for different tests•Have more control over your testing by selecting your own trigger point with the external trigger input•Streamline your testing procedure by performing a complete Provided by: (800)404-ATECAdvanced Test Equipment Rentals®TraceableThe large on-board memory of the VT900Aallows both short and long term recording andstoring of test data. Transfer data via USB to a PCand upload the generated test file to your CMMSsystem for simple reporting. This device can beeasily adapted to specific testing needs. With theability to create custom profiles and the capacityto take remote commands for automated testing,the VT900A helps to decrease risk and increaseefficiency.Easy-to-useThe VT900A offers a large 7’’ (17.8 cm) touchscreen display, allowing you to view multiplemeasurements at once, and quickly access menuoptions. Review results in graphical or numericaldata in real-time. The global user interfacemakes operating this device straightforward anduncomplicated.PortableWeighing only 3.6 lb (1.6 kg), this compact, all-in-one device is highly portable. The snap-incarrying handle/shoulder strap and rugged designallow you to easily test on-the-go, while its smallunit size and bale (kick stand) allows comfortableviewing for benchtop testing. A universal VESAmount also gives you the option of mounting thedevice to save space. With AC/DC power optionsand an 8-hour battery life, this tester is perfect forlaboratory, clinical or field environments where ACpower may not be available.Onboardmemory and USBfor easy data transferand test file upload toyour CMMS7” (17.8 cm)color touchscreenshowing real-time graphsand test data. Allows forcustomizable test profiles (byuser, test type, or model)and data loggingPortable, light(3.6 lbs/1.6 kg)and rugged designwith 8 hours ofbattery lifeFull-range±300 lpm air flowchannel with built-in oxygen, humidity,and temperaturemeasurementsHigh anddifferential lowpressure ports. Allsensors have the bestaccuracies on the market,reliably calibrated usingFluke Molbloc-LsystemSpecificationsOrdering informationIncludes:•Bacterial filter (1)•1.2 m (4 ft) silicon tubing (2)•22 mm ID x 22 mm ID tubing adapters (2)•22 mm OD x 22 mm OD tubing adapters (2)•Tapered 15 mm OD x 33 mm OD tubing adapters (2)•Flexible 15 mm ID x 22 mm ID tubing adapters (2)•DISS hand tight nut/nipple to 6.4 mm (1/4 in ) ID hose barb adapter (1)•USB serial cable•AC power adapter•Detachable carrying handle•Detachable shoulder strap•Certificate of Calibration with test dataOptional accessories•VAPOR Anesthesia Tester•ACCU LUNG Test Lung•ACCU LUNG II Test Lung•VESA Mounting system/test armAbout Fluke BiomedicalFluke Biomedical is the world’s leadingmanufacturer of quality biomedical test andsimulation products. In addition, Fluke Biomedical provides the latest medical imaging and oncology quality-assurance solutions for regulatorycompliance. Highly credentialed and equipped with a NVLAP Lab Code 200566-0 accredited laboratory, Fluke Biomedical also offers the best in quality and customer service for all your equipment calibration needs.Today, biomedical personnel must meet the increasing regulatory pressures, higher quality standards, and rapid technological growth, while performing their work faster and more efficiently than ever. Fluke Biomedical provides a diverse range of software and hardware tools to meet today’s challenges.Fluke Biomedical regulatory commitmentAs a medical test device manufacturer, we recognize and follow certain quality standards and certifications when developing our products. We are ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 medical device certified and our products are:•CE Certified, where required •NIST Traceable and Calibrated•UL, CSA, ETL Certified, where required •NRC Compliant, where requiredFluke Biomedical 28775 Aurora RoadCleveland, OH 44139 U.S.A.For more information, contact us at:(800) 850-4608 or Fax (440) 349-2307Email:*************************Web access: ©2018 Fluke Biomedical. Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.A. 12/2018 6009789a-enModification of this document is not permitted Fluke Biomedical.Trusted for the measurements that matter.。
● 3.5MHzR60凸阵探头一个
● 6.5MHzR13弯形探头一个
第 1 页共2页
* 2.1设备配置:B超1台,电动人流吸引器1台,单独配置;
2.3 B超:
2.3.1 灰阶:256级;
* 2.3.2配置:6.5MHz专利弯形阴式探头一个(探头与通用手术窥器就可配合使用,无需与专用窥器相卡接),3.5MHz腹部探头一个(投标商注明探头型号),固定在B超上的万向旋臂一套、液晶显示屏一个;
2.3.3探头探测深度:6.5 MHz探头≥60mm;
2.3.4探头纵向分辨率:6.5 MHz探头≤1mm(深度≤40mm);
2.3.5探头横向分辨率:6.5 MHz探头≤1mm(深度≤40mm);
第 2 页共2页。
PULSE SPA300、SPA600、SPA900功率放大器用户操作手册说明书
User Instructions PULSE SPA300, SPA600, SPA900
Power Amplifiers
Unpacking and Inspection
Carefully unpack the unit. If it appears damaged in any way, return it to the retailer it was purchased from in its original packaging. PULSE cannot accept any responsibility for damage arising from the use of non approved packaging.
JTN-300G 超导可视人流仪简介
JTN-300G 超导可视人流仪简介超导可视人流仪实用的产品功能:该设备适用于在超声实时监视下进行人工流产、取出或放置宫内节育器等妇科手术,尤其是子宫畸形合并妊娠、子宫肌瘤合并妊娠、哺乳期及疤痕子宫妊娠、早早孕等困难的人工流产。
全面的使用范围:围:●主要用于施行孕期在2个月以内的人工流产术并进行全程的定位、监测,还可以用于上环、取环的定位、查验、监测;●子宫畸形合并妊娠、子宫肌瘤合并妊娠、哺乳期及疤痕子宫妊娠、早早孕等困难的人工流产;●诊断性刮宫及清宫术;●困难的取节育器术(绝经后、子宫肌瘤、人工流产术合并取节育器术、子宫畸形);●确保上节育器的准确性;超强的临床应用功能:●专业的特制人流探头与临床特制的阴道诊疗支架相结合,创造性的扩大手术空间;●外置式负压吸引器与仪器完美结合,不占用手术室空间,使用更方便;●局部实时放大精微显示,精度高,操作时间短,提高工作效率,真正达到可视下宫腔手术操作,增加手术安全性,避免手术并发症;●图像具有四级实时变角显示功能可一人单独操作,医生可随意调节探头方向,使图像与医生的操作同步;●探头可采用一次性胶套进行隔离,可药水浸泡,不怕血污,探头可多次使用,避免交叉感染,又经济方便;●无论任何位置子宫,均无需充盈膀胱;●数字超声引导,人工流产手术全程清晰可见,引导放置或取出宫内节育器操作更精确;JTN-300G 超导可视人流仪特点>>JTN-300G 超导可视人流仪应用>>JTN-300G 超导可视人流仪,广泛应用于医院、疾病防控中心等卫生医疗保健机构,J TN-300G 超导可视人流仪的厂家很多,应用广泛,各种产品之间的差别也比较大。
非接触化学浓度监测仪 CS-900说明书
98, Digital valley-ro Suji-gu, Yongin-si Gyeonggi-do 16878 Korea Phone: 82 (31) 8025-6500 Fax: 82 (31) 8025-6599
HORIBA Taiwan, Inc.
8F.-8, No.38, Taiyuan St. Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 30265, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Phone: 886 (3) 560-0606 Fax: 886 (3) 560-0550
HORIBA Instruments Incorporated
12F, Metropolis Tower, No.2, Haidian Dong 3 Street, Beijing, 100080, China Phone: 86 (10) 8567-9966 Fax: 86 (10) 8567-9066 Shenzhen office
Room 1001, Building A, Road HePing Shenzhen China Phone: 86 (1) 39-2227-2957 Xi'an office
Room 2306, Building B, Win International, Evoc City Plaza, No 56, 1st Jinye Road, High-tech District, Xian City, China Phone: 86 (0) 29-8886-8480
HORIBA Instruments (Singapore) Pte Ltd.
一.安装使用指南 ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.产品概述.................................................................................................................................. 3 2.产品规格及功能表(见表 1) ....................................................................................................3 3.技术指标.................................................................................................................................. 4 4.产品安装.................................................................................................................................. 4 5.面板介绍.................................................................................................................................... 5 6.接线方法.................................................................................................................................... 6 7.操作介绍.................................................................................................................................... 6
LS900-10 产品手册说明书
LS900-10 产品手册匯出日期:2023-11-05修改日期:2023-09-12••关于本手册感谢您购买本公司的机器人产品。
手册内容本手册包含以下说明:机器人的安装机器人的使用••• 机器人的维护阅读对象本手册面向:安装人员维护人员保修本机器人及其选装部件是经过本公司严格的质量控制、测试和检查,并在确认性能满足本公司标准之后出厂交付的。
)但在以下情况下,将对客户收取修理费用(即使在保修期内):1. 因不按照手册内容错误的使用以及使用不当而导致的损坏或故障。
2. 客户未经授权进行拆卸导致的故障。
3. 因调整不当或未经授权进行修理而导致的损坏。
4. 因地震、洪水等自然灾害导致的损坏。
警告1. 如果机器人或相关设备的使用超出本手册所述的使用条件及产品规格,将导致保修无效。
2. 本公司对产品使用而导致的任何故障或事故,甚至是人身伤害或死亡均不承担任何责任。
3. 本公司不可能预见所有可能的危险与后果。
为节约您的时间,联系前请事先准备好下述各项:- 控制器名称/序列号- 机器人名称/序列号- 软件名称/版本- 系统出现的问题••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 目录目录安全关于本章安全术语安全标识风险说明安全特性什么是紧急停止使能开关工作中的安全事项概述关注自身安全操作示教器从急停状态恢复手动模式的安全事项自动模式的安全事项紧急情况处理产品概述机器人系统概述机器人负载能力机器人功能及预订用途手臂基本原理以及应用的主要技术机器人本体概述技术规范规格参数性能参数表工作空间机器人工作空间输出法兰电箱规格波纹管规格附加:针对SCARA 防护方案的补充说明安装环境条件现场安装搬运安装电器连接电缆连接接地说明用户配线IO 接线定义功能测试上电前检查上电异常检查检查机器人原点和各轴方向、软极限自动运行测试程序维护关于维护时的安全故障处理•••••••••维护计划检查间隔与检查项目内六角螺钉的紧固同步带的维护三/四轴同步带维护零点关于机械零点零点标定标定步骤••••••••••2 安全2.1 关于本章说明此章说明安全使用机器人需遵守的内容,在使用机器人之前,请务必详读此章内容。
3 讨 论
在普通 的人 流手 术 中 , 手术者 凭经 验对 官腔进 行 盲操作 , 容易 出现人 T 流产不 全 , 目刮宫 还容 易造 成子 宫 内膜 损 伤 , 盲 患者 出血 多 , 且 可能 出现 漏吸和 子宫 穿孔 等并发 症 , 并 带来 极 大的痛 苦 , 患者术前 不免 出现害 怕焦虑 等情绪 l 3 l 。近年来 随着
计 学意 义 ( P> 00 。而超 导 可视 软 管无痛 人 工流产组 不 全流 产 、 中出血 和 手术 时 间等 明显 减少 , 者满 意度 升 .5) 术 患 高 。两组 比较 , 差异有显 著统计学 意义( P< O0 ) 结论 P C超导 可视软管无痛 人工流产技 术缩短手术 时间 , .1 。 A 减少二
程 度最 小 的手术方 式是 义不 容辞 的责任 。超 导可 视软 管无 痛
人 流是使 患者 处于麻 醉状 态 , 软管 , 阴式 B型 超声 技术 和 用 将 传统 人工 流产技 术相结 合 。其 优点 是 : 可视性 强 , 不损 伤正 常
2 结果
观察组 : 手术平 均时 间( . 27 0±1 0) i, . r n 疼痛 ( 中 0例 , 5 a 术 术后 3例 )吸 宫不 全 1 , 吸 0例 , 宫 穿 孔 0例 , 中 出 , 例 漏 子 术 血 2例 , 者 满 意度 9 .6 ( 1/ 1 。对 照 组 :手术 时 间 患 98 % 7 17 2) 平均 ( . . .0) n 疼 痛 1 9例 ( 中 1 0例 , 后 9例 ) 50 i 0 mi, 0-2 - 8 术 8 术 , 吸 宫不 全 4例 , 吸 1 , 宫穿 孔 1 , 漏 例 子 例 出血 5例 , 者 满 患 意 9 .4 ( 8 /8 。观 察组 的术 中漏 吸 、 宫穿 孔 等情 况 52 % 1 01 9) 子 与对 照 组 比较 , 异 无 统 计学 意 义( > 00 。观 察组 的手 差 P .5) 术 时 间较对 照组 缩短 , 痛情 况改 善明显 , 疼 不全 流产 和术 中 出
B超监视妇产科手术仪一、手术吸引器使用方法:1 、吸引器使用前,首先要调整好适合工作的负压值。
3 、吸引器的动转开关和脚踏开关可任意选用。
4 、使用时应注意不要使第二个储液瓶的液面超过吸液管。
ZEISS KINEVO 900 - 泽伊斯高精度手术微视系统说明书
Advancing Surgical CertaintyMastering the complex.ZEISS KINEVO 900KINEVO 900 – The Robotic Visualization SystemJust like you, we love challenging the status quo.The result? Over 100 innovations to perfect the already acclaimedsurgical visualization platform. KINEVO® 900 from ZEISS is designedto deliver more functionalities than any surgical microscope today.ZEISS KINEVO 900 combines digital and optical visualizationmodalities, offers a unique Micro-Inspection Tool and willimpress you with its Surgeon-Controlled Robotics. All toenable you to gain greater certainty in a virtually disruption-freeworkflow.Designed to meet real needs. To make a real difference!// INNOVATIONMADE BY ZEISSA lot more. And, a lot less too.When treating complex vascular conditions, you typically work at high magnification. Even the slightest vibrations can cause disruptions. And constant manual repositioning to better visualize structures or precisely approach deep-seated lesions can become extremely tedious. Not anymore! ZEISS KINEVO 900 delivers a lot more positioning precision with a lot less effort.PointLockSurgeon-Controlled Robotics adds a complete new level of ease to precise positioning. Imagine being able to focus and move around a structure to visualize the targeted anatomy – reducing any manual hassle. In addition, PointLock enables you to do a KeyHole movement to observe a larger area inside a cavity – a particular benefit in areas with narrow access. Simply put: Focus. Activate. Swivel.Active vibration dampingYou know the problems that can be created by the tiniest vibrations. The active damping provided by ZEISS KINEVO 900 minimizes collateral system vibrations, ensuring rock-solid stability. Enabling you to completely, and steadily, focus on what matters most:your treatment.Focus Activate SwivelWhen you need it. Where you need it.The new navigation interface of ZEISS KINEVO 900 is designed to work in concert with your navigation device. When you require precise repositioning to reexamine previously visualized structures or when you need to align with a pre-mapped trajectory, making use of all six axes, the Robotic Visualization System ® delivers precise positioning at the push of a button. Putting you exactly where you need to be – when you need to be there.PositionMemoryWhen working on a tumor case, you may already have identified regions of concern where you want to protect the functional structure. After storing these in PositionMemory , you can come back and visualize them at the exact same magnification, working distance and focus – without losing time for manual repositioning. In a nutshell: Save. Move. Recall.Image-guided surgeryMinimize time-consuming efforts in approaching challenging neurosurgical pathologies. Combine the Surgeon-Controlled Robotics of ZEISS KINEVO 900 with navigation interface to approach deep-seated pathologies in cranial surgery, brain stem or skull base tumor removals –right when you need it.Save Move RecallImage with Brainlab Microscope Navigation SoftwareNew dimensions. Freedom of choice. Working through oculars at extreme angles can sometimes be a pain in the neck. Literally. With no way out, you might have to contend with uncomfortable working positions causing fatigue. Now, relief and revolutionary dimensions in visualization arein sight.The Digital Hybrid Visualization with integrated 4K technology of ZEISS KINEVO 900 welcomes you to a world of heads-up ocular-free surgery, giving you freedom of movement. And freedom of choice to use an optical setup, depending on the application need.Fully integrated 4K camera technologyDuring lateral lumbar or thoracic spine and posterior fossa approaches,ZEISS KINEVO 900’s integrated 4K visualization can be essential. It providesyou with multimodal visualization capabilities – the flexibility to decouple fromthe classic optical approach and to work with outstanding 4K picture qualityand clarity. Even when magnifying tiny details.What’s more… your assistant surgeon, OR staff and residents also benefit from the 4K visual clarity of ZEISS KINEVO 900. They share the same high-resolution, digital image to follow the procedure with comparable fidelity. Delivering indispensable education and training.Critical challenge. Vital solution.Your challenge: When working from an external perspective of a surgical microscope, your visualization of the anatomy is limited to a straight line of sight – missing critical information behind tissue or corners. Efficient and effortless access to this comprehensive information is essential for treatment.Our solution: QEVO® from ZEISSThe unique, proprietary Micro-Inspection Tool from ZEISS complements intraoperative microsurgical visualization, enabling you to discover unexplored areas during the surgical intervention without additional footprint. You can look around corners and eliminate blind spots. And most importantly, you can gain greater insights – for better clinical decisions.To support your surgical workflow, ZEISS QEVO is engineered with an angled design – keeping your hands out of the lineof sight during insertion in the surgical field. And, it allowsfor an easy fit between the ZEISS KINEVO 900 and the situs, eliminating the need to reposition the head of the device. Greater insights, on demand.ZEISS QEVO enables you to inspect the perforator or examine the distal neck of the aneurysm to ensure the clip blades are fully extended.Ease of use. Peace of mind.Surgical certainty is your imperative. Enabling you to achieve it is ours. That’s why, in the development of the Micro-Inspection Tool, we placed a high priority on its ease of use.ZEISS QEVO is truly integrated. You don’t have to plan foran additional device during surgery. Just plug it into your ZEISS KINEVO 900 for a seamless surgical workflow and to easily switch back and forth between views.ZEISS QEVO is fully autoclavable.So there’s no need forany additional draping. This is another attribute that makes ZEISS QEVO an indispensable tool – always available during surgery. On demand.ZEISS QEVO. Innovation in action.ZEISS KINEVO 900 can support discerning regions that are not directly visualized – avoiding unnecessary bone removal and retraction. During a Vestibular Schwannoma case, for instance, it can help identify the course of facial nerves. And, can support inspection of regions that are not directly visualized by a surgical microscope.For the fluorescence distribution: The IntensityMap enables you to conveniently identify relativefluorescence levels reached during the INFRARED800 observation period.For the speed of the flow: The Speed Mapindicates how fast the fluorescence intensityincreased during the observation period –indicating the speed of the blood flow.For the indicative time: The Delay Map (orSummary Map) provides quick information aboutthe time when the fluorescent signal appeared foreach image point in the map.ZEISS BLUE 4001BLUE 400 is an accessory for a Class 1 surgical microscope. It iscapable of supporting fluorescence-based surgery by providingvisualization in the 620–710 nm range in HD quality.ZEISS YELLOW 5601ZEISS YELLOW 560 is cleared as an accessory to a Class 1 devicefor the visualization of blood flow. It is the first intraoperativefluorescence module to highlight the fluorescence-stained structureswhile visualizing non-stained tissue in its natural-like color.Visualization of fluorescence-stained structures using BLUE 400 during surgery.Visualization of fluorescence-stained structures using YELLOW 560.For a complete picture: The Diagram Functionoutlines assessment of fluorescence intensityvariation over time and fast access to the keyindicators for further analysis.BeforeFor no compromises: The new optimized view option enables you to generate summaries from aAfterSetting new benchmarks. Shaping a new future. When we envisioned the all-new Robotic Visualization System,we conceived a design that can deliver so much more withoutlosing its familiarity. With ZEISS KINEVO 900, we continue tolive our vision of supporting you in becoming one with yourvisualization system – of delivering purposeful innovations.ones that matter the most for you.The Robotic Visualization System: The first of its kind.Surgeon-Controlled RoboticsDelivering precise positioning with a lotless effort – with motors in all axes.ZEISS QEVO – The Micro-Inspection Tool Complementing intraoperative microsurgical visualization to discover unexplored areas during surgical intervention. Gain greater insight. On demand.Integrated Intraoperative Fluorescence –The Power of Four.The redesigned intraoperative fluorescence technologies from ZEISS offer you the Power of Four – so you always have the tools you need.Digital Hybrid VisualizationProviding an opportunity for ocular-free surgery, with the freedom to use a traditional optical setup – depending on the application need.Connecting simplicity and innovation.ZEISS SMARTDRAPEDigital connectivity. Transforming OR’s.ZEISS ConnectZEISS ObserveNeurosurgery, in particular, is a technologically intensive surgical discipline. This has pushed us toward the edge of transformation: to develop leading digital technologies enabling you to expand the boundaries of surgical care – to the next level.ZEISS KINEVO 900 offers full digital connectivity.Manage surgical data wherever you are: ZEISS Connect App 1 enables you to access your surgical data from your iOS device, and also delivers dedicated functionalities for efficient work-flows.Take teaching to new heights: ZEISS Observe App enables you to virtually broadcast your procedure in the OR. Your students can follow the live surgery directly on mobile screens or immerse themselves in a rich VR Experience.Gain value with new digital services: ZEISS Smart Services enables faster support for you and your team with remote connectivity. Benefit from the increased system availability powered by a secure connection to your ZEISS KINEVO 900.Your visualization needs are paramount to us. And, so are the needs of your team. That’s why we gave a special focus to the OR preparation process in the development of ZEISS KINEVO 900.Being an integral part of the optical path, the SMARTDRAPEwith VisionGuard ® from ZEISS is designed together withZEISS KINEVO 900 so you and your team can have the benefits of a vivid view, and effective patient protection. At the same time – the new innovations make the draping process simply simple!• Innovative folding: to eliminate guesswork and complexity.• Intuitive attachment: for an effortless and simple self-locking mechanism.• Integrated RFID chip: for easy activation of AutoDrape ®.Designed for ZEISS KINEVO 900.Support whenever you need it.ZEISS OPTIMEIf you rely on high system availability, consider our ZEISS OPTIME service agreements, which are designed to ensure the readiness of our medical equipment when you need it.ZEISS OPTIME service agreements for ZEISS KINEVO 900now come with connectivity for ZEISS Smart Services.1Available soonTechnical DataKINEVO ® 900 from ZEISSQEVO ® from ZEISS and QEVO ECU5°A x i s 6 -25°/ +135°A x i s 4 ±45°A x i s 5 -28° / +20°A x i s 3 n x 360°A x i s1 M o n i t o rR o t a t i o n : ±125°T i l t i n g: -20° / +5° (±3°)c a .530- 1635 mm820m mm a x . c a . 1760 m mTechnical Data Rated Voltage 100 V – 240 V Current Consumption Max. 1.350 VA Rated Frequency 50 Hz – 60 HzElectrical StandardComplying with IEC 60601 1:2005+A1:2012Protection class I, degree of protection IP20Class 2 laser product as perapprox. 525 kgTechnical Data Direction of View 45° upwards Shaft Diameter 3.6 mm Shaft Length 120.0 ± 1.0 mm Total Diameter 13.0 mmField of View 100° ± 5° wide angle view Illumination20 – 35 lumen LED Weight (without cable)250 g Sterilization AutoclavableImage Resolution 1920 x 1080 pixel full HD Length of Cable5000 mmOperation Temperature +10 to +40 °C (500/1000 s intermittent use)QEVO ECU DimensionsLength = 265.0 ± 1 mm, height = 59.3 ± 1 mm and depth = 212.2 ± 1 mm Weight2.5 kgOperating Voltage 24V (+/- 10%) ADC Video OutputDVI-D full HDCable length: 5 m2021Technical Data Your needs. Our packages.Select a ZEISS KINEVO 900 built to fit your typical clinical use-cases. ZEISS KINEVO 900 comes with pre-defined packages giving you a head start in planning the most suitable configuration for your specific needs.Interested in digital visualization? Check out the digital package. That’s our commitment to cover you for tomorrow while keeping your present needs into focus.VideoStereo video camera 3D HD, fully integrated, 2 x 3-chip HD, 1080p incl. 2nd HD 3D monitor 4K video camera, fully integrated 3-chip 4K, 2160p Stereo video camera 4K 3D, fully integrated, 2 x 3-chip 4K, 2160p, incl. 2nd HD 3D monitor Integrated HD video recording, withSmartRecording, low-Resolution recording, editing and streaming 2nd system monitor HD 2DAttachment for consumer (SLR) photo camera External 55" 4K 3D video monitor, with mobile cartIntraoperative FluorescenceBLUE 400INFRARED 800INFRARED 800 Compact INFRARED 800 with FLOW 800YELLOW 560Connectivity / Data Manage- ment DICOM module for image and video data transfer from / to PACS. Patient management by modality worklist management.Shared Network Data storage WLAN option, with WiFi Hotspot Navigation Interface Standard Navigation Interface ExtendedAccessories ZEISS QEVO and QEVO ECU12.5x magnetic wide field eyepieces with integrated eyecups Stereo co-observation tubeFoldable Tube f170 / f260, including the PROMAG function for additional 50 % magnification and integrated rotate functionTiltable binocular tube, swivel range 180°, focal length f = 170 mm14-function, wired foot control panel 14-function, wireless foot control panel 2-function foot switch Mouth switch3-step magnification changerApochromatic OpticsMotorized focus; Varioskop ® with working distance 200 – 625 mmMotorized zoom; zoom ratio 1:6, magnification factor y = 0.4x – 2.4x10x magnetic wide field eyepieces with integrated eyecupsAutoFokus with 2 visible laser dots, automatic mode with magnetic brakesIllumination2 x 300 W Xenon, with automatic lamp exchange Automatic Iris Control for adjusting the illumination to the field of view Individual light threshold settingFocus Light Link: working distance controlled light intensityManual adjustment of diameter of field of illuminationAdditional illumination beam to brighten up shadows, motorizedSystem OperationMultifunctional programmable handgrips Magnetic clutches for all system axes Central user interface with full-screen video XY robotic movement in 6 axes (variable speed)Active dampingManual and motorized PointLock function with variable speed PositionMemoryMotorized XY lateral movement with variable speedMultiVision System (HD), with shutter controlSystem SetupAutoBalanceAutoDrape – air evacuation system 1Park Position Drape PositionVideoIntegrated 3-chip Full HD video camera, 1080p 24" HD video touchscreen on extendable arm, 16:9 aspect ratioIntegrated still image capturing both on HDD and USB-mediaConnectivity / Data Manage- ment Video-in for external HD video sources Remote diagnosis via internet / VPN Sterile DrapeZEISS SMARTDRAPE1Available with ZEISS SMARTDRAPE only.always included always included as INFRARED 800 only optional 2223S U R . 8733 R e v D P r i n t e d i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s . C Z -I V /2019 U n i t e d S t a t e s E d i t i o n . O n l y f o r s a l e i n s e l e c t e d c o u n t r i e s .T h e c o n t e n t s o f t h e b r o c h u r e m a y d i f f e r f r o m t h e c u r r e n t s t a t u s o f a p p r o v a l o f t h e p r o d u c t o r s e r v i c e o f f e r i n g i n y o u r c o u n t r y . P l e a s e c o n t a c t o u r r e g i o n a l r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n . S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e s i n d e s i g n a n d s c o p e o f d e l i v e r y a n d d u e t o o n g o i n g t e c h n i c a l d e v e l o p m e n t . R o b o t i c V i s u a l i z a t i o n S y s t e m , K I N E V O , Q E V O , F L O W , A u t o D r a p e , V a r i o s k o p a n d V i s i o n G u a r d a r e e i t h e r t r a d e m a r k s o r r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c A G .© C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c A G , 2019. A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .View of the cerebellar tonsils and medulla. Image courtesy of Dr. Robert F. Spetzler, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (Cover page)View onto cerebellum and lower cranial nerves. Image courtesy of Dr. Robert F. Spetzler, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (Page 2) Front temporal area for STA-MCA bypass procedure. Image courtesy of Dr. Peter Nakaji, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (Page 2)View onto optic nerve and internal carotid artery. Image courtesy of Dr. Peter Nakaji, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (Page 4)Image-guided surgery. Image courtesy of BrainLab AG (Page 6 and 7)View onto spinal cord dura. Image courtesy of Dr. Robert F. Spetzler, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (Page 8 and 9)Small view of the cerebellum through the Retrosigmoid Approach. Image courtesy of Dr. Peter Nakaji, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (Page 10)Left mini-pterional approach for clipping an aneurysm. Image courtesy of Dr. Peter Nakaji, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (page 11)View onto corpus callosum and septum pellucidum. Image courtesy of Dr. Peter Nakaji, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (Page 12)Transnasal transspenoidal for re-exploration and excision of recurrent pituitary Macroadenoma with possible abdominal fat. Image courtesy of Dr. William White, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (Page 13)Right temporal Craniotomy for AVM. Image courtesy of Dr. Robert F. Spetzler, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (Page 14 and 15)Glioma surgery using BLUE 400. Image courtesy of Prof. Dr. Walter Stummer, University Clinic, Münster, Germany (Page 15)Left-temporal craniotomy for tumor resection with YELLOW 560. Image Courtesy of Dr. Peter Nakaji, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (Page 15)Carl Zeiss Meditec AG Goeschwitzer Strasse 51–52 07745 Jena Germany/med /kinevoCarl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.5160 Hacienda Drive Dublin, CA 94568USA/med/us。
Sievers 900产品手册(实验室型在线型便携式)
Sievers 900产品手册(实验室型在线型便携式) Sievers 900产品手册(实验室型在线型便携式)1、引言1.1 目的本产品手册旨在为用户详细介绍Sievers 900实验室型在线型便携式仪器的功能、特点以及操作方法,以帮助用户充分了解并正确使用该产品。
1.2 适用范围本产品手册适用于所有使用Sievers 900实验室型在线型便携式仪器的用户和维修人员。
2、产品概述2.1 产品描述Sievers 900实验室型在线型便携式仪器是一款用于水质分析的高精度仪器,具有便携式设计和实时在线检测功能。
2.2 产品特点- 便携式设计,便于携带和操作- 高精度的水质分析,实时在线检测- 多个参数的测量和监控- 兼容多种检测方法和标准- 提供数据存储和导出功能3、产品结构3.1 外观结构Sievers 900实验室型在线型便携式仪器外观紧凑,具有人性化的操作界面和显示屏。
3.2 内部结构Sievers 900实验室型在线型便携式仪器内部由电路板、传感器、电源和数据处理单元等组成。
4、产品使用4.1 准备工作4.1.1 确认电源供应接通电源之前确保电源输出稳定,并与仪器的电源需求相匹配。
4.1.2 样品准备准备样品并按要求装入样品输入接口,确保样品不受外界干扰。
4.2 仪器操作4.2.1 仪器开机按下开机按钮,待仪器完全开启后,进入仪器的主界面。
4.2.2 参数设置根据实际需求,设置仪器所需的参数,如采样间隔、检测方法和标准等。
4.2.3 启动检测确认参数设置完成后,启动检测程序,仪器将开始实时在线检测并显示结果。
4.3 数据处理4.3.1 数据存储仪器自带数据存储功能,检测结果可自动存储于内部存储器或外接存储介质中。
1.00 (台)
脑电双频谱指数监护仪BISpro smar
1.00 (台)
日期:2022 年 11 月 30 日
2 第
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包 2022
结果:观察组平均手术时间(2.5±1.3) min,平均术中出血量(5.5±2.4) ml;对照组1平均手术时间(2.8±1.3) min,平均术中出血量(5.7±2.5) ml,对照组2平均手术时间(5.6±1.1) min,平均术中出血量(10.2±2.0) ml,观察组与对照组1之间差异无显著性(P>0.05),观察组与对照组2之间差异有显著性(P<0.05)。
[Abstract] Objective:To analyze the advantage of BELSON700 in family planning.Methods:Early pregnancy 121 cases with high risk factors as samples.31 cases artificial abortion in BELSON700 were choosen as test group,30 cases and 60 cases were choosen as control pared BELSON700 with B-ultrasonic in artificial abortion and traditional artificial abortion.Results:The mean operation duration of test group and control group were(2.5±1.3) min,(2.8±1.3) min and (5.6±1.1) min respectively.The mean bleeding volumn were(5.5±2.4) ml, (5.7±2.5) ml and(10.2±2.0) ml respectively.There was no deference between the test group and the control group 1.There was significant deference between the test group and the control group 2.Conclusion:It is safe for visible family planning operation,but it is more convenient with BELSON700 than with B-ultrasonic in Artificial Abortion.[Key words] BELSON700;B-ultrasonic in artificial abortion; Early pregnancy; Artificial abortion人工流产术是目前广泛用于避孕失败后的补救措施,近年来手术质量不断提高,但手术的并发症时有发生,特别在早孕合并畸形子宫、瘢痕子宫、哺乳期子宫、子宫过度屈曲等高危因素者要求人工流产时,手术难度明显加大,又加上常规人工流产术在盲视下施行,全凭术者的经验与手感操作,存在一定的盲目性,易发生手术并发症,给受术者身心造成不同程度影响。
结 果 : 察 组平 均 手 术 时 间(. ̄ . i , 均 术 中 出血 量 (.+ .) ; 照组 1平 均 手术 时间 (. ̄ . mi , 均 术 观 25 1 )m n 平 3 55 24 ml对 28 13 n 平 ) 中 出血量 (. 2 ) , 照组 2平 均 手 术时 间 (. ̄ .) n, 均 术 中 出血量 (02 2o ml观察 组 与对 照组 1之 间差 57 . ml对  ̄ 5 56 11 mi 平 1 . ̄ .) ,
wi ih rs a tr ss mpe . a e riea b rin i t hg ik fco sa a l s3 e s s at ila o t n BEL ON7 0 w r h o e s ts ru .0 c e n 0 h 1 i f o S 0 e e e o sn a e tgo p3 a s a d 6 s c s sweec o sn a o to r u . o ae EL ON7 0 wi .lrs nc i ri ea b rin a d ta i o a rica ae r h oe sc n rlgo p C mp d B S r 0 t B.utao i n a t ila o t n rdt n at i h i f o i l i f l
27 1 第 卷 2 0年0 4 第8 0 月 期
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• 超声影像诊断学是医学领域的三大影像学之一,具备:实时成像、操
作方便无辐射、检查费用低等特点。因此,超声检查已经成为医学检 查领域中应用最广泛的影像学诊断方法。
• 近年来,可监视的微创类手术实施方式被各临床科室广泛采用;随着
• 经腹部的超声波探查方式已经被用来实时监控和指导妇
产科手术,特别是困难的人工流产和上环取环等。但由于 经腹部超声的操作方式需要患者在手术过程中保持膀胱充 盈,患者相对比较痛苦,超声图象效果不理想,手术中一 旦采用麻醉容易造成尿失禁等现象,并且还需要另一操作 者用手持续掌控超声探头,极大的浪费了宝贵的医疗资源, 所以,经腹部探查方式在妇产科手术中的应用受到了很大 的限制。
B型超声波无疑是满足上述需要的最具潜力的手段之一。首先,超声波对 于医生和患者都是安全的,不需要外加的防护;其次,超声波具有穿透 成像的特点,可以在体表检查,也可以在人体自然腔道或术中器官表面 进行扫查成像,而且不受出血影响;第三,不需要造影剂,超声可以显 示血管;第四,现代电子技术的发展,使得超声波仪器可以设计成符合 手术环境的特殊形态以满足术中的监视引导。 妇产科是超声波仪器使用率较高的临床科室之一。目前妇产科人工流产 类手术大都是在盲视状态下进行的,操作人员往往依靠通过器械传来的 “感觉”和经验来进行操作。但是,若操作人员对子宫的形态、大小判 断不准确的话,很可能对子宫造成不必要的损伤,尤其在出现子宫畸形、 宫颈狭窄折曲或子宫肿瘤(子宫内膜瘤等)的情况下对子宫的危险性更大。
学 术 背 景:
• 2003年国际妇产科会议上,纽约大学医学院金斯坦博士提出:“我
可以预言,在每一个妇产科手术室中都要配备一台小型超声波,并在 手术中得到应用”。
• 自2001年以来,各类国内医学杂志刊登的“超声引导下施行妇产科手
术的学术论文”初步搜索有115篇之多。超声波监视下施行手术学术 报告涉及临床范围有: 1、人工流产 2、清宫术 3、节育环嵌顿 4、子宫肌瘤合并 妊娠 5、宫腔镜手术器械定位 6、输卵管通液 等等
• 门诊手术基本在盲视状态下操作,术前凭借单切面超声图片和文字描述
• 施行人工流产等门诊手术过程中医生仅凭经验和手感操作,缺乏有效的
• 宫腔镜下手术过程中只能看到腔道内壁的表面影像,无法实时观测子宫
• 1)如何做到普通腔内高频超声探头基本不占用手术通道
空间,从而使手术医生在得到超声图像支持的情况下顺利 施行手术;
• 2)如何使腔内超声探头可以作360度旋转并自行停留于任
• 3)如何使超声探头做到手术要求的无菌和重复操作的便
BAISON 900系列
女体盆腔矢状解剖图 (模型)
• 据抽样调查结果:
18-32周岁的未婚女性中约63﹪左右有过1次以上的人工流产经历,其 中:沿海地市辖区内(主要是外来人口)重复流产2次以上的未婚女 性高27﹪!
BAISON 900系列 数字化超导可视人流仪
• 实现了将高频超声探头小型化设计并保持了普通腔内探头的阵元数量,
• 手术探头与窥器独特的磁吸式固定方式有效避免了目前临床上采用的
其他经阴道监视设备的如下不足: 1、探头与窥器不固定方式合并------合并不固定,无法通过按压窥器实 时调整和固定超声波扫查方向,达不到术中实时监视的临床目的; 2、探头与窥器通过卡接方式合并------容易卡破隔离胶套,造成污染风 险和无法对手术进行术前预检、术后复查; 3、术中只提供一个矢状超声切面图像,对大角度左右侧屈、宫体异常 及其他需要较大倾斜角度或水平方向扫查的子宫无法实时监视和诊察。
生活水准的不断提高,人们对医疗和服务提出了更多的要求,如:能 否进一步减少对患者身体的损害,减少治疗过程中的痛苦,提高医疗 操作的安全性等等;这些都成为刺激医疗技术发展的思路和巨大动力。
• 传统的手术是以人体解剖学为基础的。医生以组织解剖关系为依据,
结合临床经验,辅之以外科探查工具,用以确定目标和手术途径。随 着现在手术的精细程度越来越高,单凭传统的方式已经很难满足现代 手术的需要,人们迫切需要新的手段来引导和监视手术的过程。
经腹部探查、监视方式 图解
经阴道对妇产科手术进行超声监视已在临床得到了很好的评价,腔内 探头紧贴患者阴道前、后穹隆部位,避免了因腹壁脂肪太厚、肠道气 体干扰及膀胱充盈不足造成成像不佳的缺陷,使盆腔内声像探查更为 清晰;如一些肌层大肌瘤、黏膜层肌瘤,可因紧贴甚至压迫孕囊,在 手术中就容易损伤肌瘤,部分可导致肌瘤变性,同时经阴道超声还能 清晰显示子宫肌瘤位置、大小与孕囊的关系,所以可最大程度避免手 术对人体的损伤,经阴道超声对微弱的心管搏动、卵黄囊的显示率都 要高于腹部超声,而对孕囊过小、子宫畸形、子宫过度倾屈等造成临 床手术不完善的病因诊断更具优越性,将人工流产等手术的危险性及 不完善程度降到最低,对带环受孕患者行人流及取环手术尤有帮助。
BAISON 900系列 数字化超导可视人流仪
• 2010年3月获得国家发明专利的结合方式: 61 9
8 图2
BAISON 900系列 数字化超导可视人流仪
• 实际图例:
BAISON 900系列 数字化超导可视人流仪
• 产品特点和临床优势:
1、磁吸式合并抗干扰能力增强;无卡破隔离胶套风险。 2、与窥器的分离式设计可实现术前单独预检,用以确定“子宫形态、 妊娠囊着床位置、和发现腔道是否存在折曲现象等手术隐患; 3、预检后留置探头在阴道内,将窥器加入形成磁吸合并,方便随时 360°调整方向进行术中引导; 4、术后褪出窥器,将探头留置阴道内做清晰复查用以确定手术最终效 果。