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1. What was the Significance of the Bourgeois Revolution?

The English Bourgeois Revolution is an epoch-making event and the first successful bourgeois revolution in the world history. It swept away the obstacles of feudalism and paved the way for the development of capitalism in England in the next two centuries. It exerted great influence on the French and American revolutions in the 18th century. It marked the beginning of a new era, the era of capitalism. Since then constitutional monarchy has become the system of

government in England.

2. What was the Significance of the American War of Independence?

The American War of Independence was an event of great historic importance. By smashing the fetters of British rule, it gave the colonies their right to national independence and assured U.S. capitalism of a free development. It was the first large-scale revolutionary movement of a colonial people against national oppression---- for political and economic emancipation. The revolution shook the foundation of feudalism all over Europe. It directly led to the French Revolution in 1789 and some fifty years later, to the revolutions in the Spanish

colonies in America.

3. What are the rights the President of American has? 权利

①He has a veto power over bills passed by Congress. If a bill is vetoed by the President and returned to Congress, it can be passed again by a two-third vote of the full membership of both houses of Congress. With this power he can easily

reject a bill he dislikes.

②Under the Constitution, the President can make treaties with foreign countries, but the treaty must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Senators

before it goes into effect.

③President can start and fight a war if he wants to.

4. How do American choose their Presidential?

For nearly two hundred years, the presidential elections, which take place every four years, have been controlled and managed by two political parties: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Generally speaking, there are five


①The Primary ②The National Conventions ③The Election Campaign

④The Election Day ⑤Giving the Electoral Vote

5. Give a brief description of the British Educational System? 教育体制Education in Britain is carried out in three main stages: primary education, secondary education, and higher education. All children must, by law, receive full-time education between the ages of five and sixteen. Primary and secondary education takes place in schools, which may be divided into two categories: the independent schools and the state schools.

6. The Industry of Britain?

Industry in British is widely dispersed, bur it is still possible to distinguish the following as the main geographical concentration:

The Midland area produces vehicles, metal goods, electrical and engineering goods and pottery. This is a coal mining region.

Yorkshire is an industrial region of the woolen and worsted industry. Southeast Lancashire is a region of cotton goods, with Manchester as its center.

South Wales is a coal-mining area, where factories producing plastics,

chemicals and textiles have also been built.

Northeast England features coal mining, iron and steel, chemicals and


Central Scotland is a coal mining area.

Northern Ireland is famed for its linen, but mow it also produces man-made

