金融体制、融资约束与投资——来自OECD的实证分析R.SemenovDepartment of Economics,University of Nijmegen,Nijmegen(荷兰内梅亨大学,经济学院)这篇论文考查了OECD的11个国家中现金流量对企业投资的影响.我们发现不同国家之间投资对企业内部可获取资金的敏感性具有显著差异,并且银企之间具有明显的紧密关系的国家的敏感性比银企之间具有公平关系的国家的低.同时,我们发现融资约束与整体金融发展指标不存在关系.我们的结论与资本市场信息和激励问题对企业投资具有重要作用这种观点一致,并且紧密的银企关系会减少这些问题从而增加企业获取外部融资的渠道。
然而,经济理论表明市场摩擦,诸如信息不对称和激励问题会使获得外部资本更加昂贵,并且具有盈利投资机会的企业不一定能够获取所需资本.这表明融资要素,例如内部产生资金数量、新债务和权益的可得性,共同决定了企业的投资决策.现今已经有大量考查外部资金可得性对投资决策的影响的实证资料(可参考,例如Fazzari(1998)、 Hoshi(1991)、 Chapman(1996)、Samuel(1998)).大多数研究结果表明金融变量例如现金流量有助于解释企业的投资水平。
与上市公司会计信息披露有关的外文文献及翻译Analysis of the Relationship between Listed Companies’ Earnings Quality and Internal Control Information Disclosure* Jianfei Leng, Lu LiSchool of Business, Hohai University, Nanjing, China1、IntroductionThe cases of financial fraud lead to incalculable losses in these years, which are related to firm’s weak system of internal control. Now, both domestic and foreign have issued a series of legal norms. For example, Sarbanes- Oxley (SOX) Act force listed Companies to disclose their internal control information, including internal control deficiencies and internal self-assessment report and external auditor’s audit opinion. We formulate two important files: “Shanghai Stock Exchange listed companies internal control guidelines”and “Shenzhen Stock Exchange listed companies internal control guidelines”. These files require companies to disclose internal control self-assessment report and comments of external auditor’s audit, which greatly improve company’s effectiveness of internal control and quality of financial information. Accounting earnings is the score and one of the most important elements in all of the accounting information, which mainly refers to the company’s ability of forecasting future net cash flow. Higher earnings quality is the key to the effective function of the market and the insurance of the company’s future cash flow. The better quality of company’s earnings inclined to disclose more internal control information and to get more outside investment. Therefore, earnings quality is one of the most important factorsto affect internal control information disclosure. In this article, with the analysis of multiple regressions, we examine the relationship of earnings quality and internal control disclosure of information in the sample of 1273 nonfinancial firms in shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2010.2. Prior Research on Internal Control Information DisclosureListed companies’ internal control information disclosure is mostly voluntary before 2002, but few companies are willing to do so. Since Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act is enforced, many listed companies are forced to disclose their information of internal control, which providing more material and information to scholars who study listed companies’internal control. Researches on internal control information disclosure are mainly concentrated on the following four aspects:1) The current situation and solutions of internal control information disclosure.There are lots of researches on the current situation of internal control information disclosure,Mc. Mullen,Raghunandan and Rama [1] studied 4154 companies during 1989-1993, suggesting that only 26.5% companies are willing to disclose their internal control information, and that only 10.5% provide their internal control report among those companies with deficiencies on their financial reports. It shows that the proportion of companies voluntarily disclosing their internal control information is little, and that the companies with deficient financial report are more unwilling to provide the internal control self-assessment report. Hermanson [2] also did corresponding empirical research on listed company’s internal control information disclosure and got the same conclusion. Minghui Li[3] and Dongmei Qin [4] made related researches on the current situation of internal control information disclosure. They believed that current listed companies’ enthusiasm of disclosing internal control information is not strong, and much internal control information was not substantial but formal. Minghui Li [3] also drawn on the experiences of the United States in internal control information disclosure, and provided a series of suggestions and measures of improving internal control information disclosure. Hua Li, Lina Chen [5], Xiaofeng Dai and Jun Pan [6] analyzed the current situation of internal control information disclosure with internal control theories, and pointed out the problems and put forward the corresponding solution. Xinhua Dai and Qiang Zhang [7] mainly did the research on listed banks’internal control information disclosure, finding that our listed banks’system of internal control information disclosure is not standardized and sufficient. They interpreted the corresponding requirements of the US internal control information disclosure set by “Sarbanes-Oxley Act”, suggesting China to promote the improvement of listed banks’ internal control information step by step. According to relevant provisions of internal control information disclosure required by “Shanghai Stock Exchange Guidelines”and “The Notice on Listed Companies’Annual Report in 2006”, Youhong Yang and Wei Wang [8] analyzed the internal control information disclosure of listed companies on Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2006 with descriptive statistics, and found many problems.2) Impact factors of internal control information disclosure.Bronson, carcello, Raghunandan and Doyle, Ge, McVay suggested that there is a correlation between corporate identityand internal control information dis-closure. Company size, the proportion of institutional investor holding, the number of audit committee and the speed of earnings growth have impact on internal control information disclosure. Many other experts did empirical study on such question. Ge and McVay used a survey method to analyze the sample, discovering that the disclosure of material defects is related to the complexity of the company but there is no direct correlation with company size and profitability. Jifu Cai made a relevant empirical study of A-share listed companies to find impact factors of listed companies’ internal control information disclosure. The results showed that the companies with a better operating performance and higher reliability of financial report are more inclined to disclose its internal control information, and vice versa. This indicates that the company’s operating performance and reliability of financial report affect the listed companies’internal control information disclosure. Adrew J. Lcone selected listed companies who disclosed material defects of their internal control information in their annual reports as samples to study the impact factors of internal control information disclosure. The results show that the complexity of corporate structures, the changes in company structure and the inputs to internal control are all the impact factors of internal control information disclosure. Shaoqing Song and Yao Zhang studied A-share listed companies on Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange from 2006 to 2007, finding that there is a correlation between corporate governance characteristics and internal control information disclosure. Audit committee, annual statistics, company size and the place of listing have a significant impact on internal control information disclosure. Bin Wang andHuanhuan Liang [15] studied 1884 listed companies on Shenzhen Stock Exchange between 2001 and 2004. They made use of their rating reports of information disclosure quality to examine the inherent relationship between listed companies’corporate governance characteristics, characteristics of operating condition and information disclosure quality, finding that corporate governance characteristics and characteristics of operating condition have a certain impact on internal control information disclosure.3) The cost of internal control information disclosure.The studies on the cost of internal control information disclosure are not very much. J. Efrim, Boritz, Ping Zhang thought that the costs of disclosing internal control information is enormous, and the management did not believe that the benefits of internal control information disclosure would surpass the corresponding costs. Maria analyzed the sample which discloses their internal control information in accordance with SEC requirements, primarily study the relationship between the costs of disclosing internal control information and the effectiveness of the internal control system. It is found that the cost of disclosing deficiencies of internal control information is far more than that of defect-free.4) Correlation between internal control and earnings quality.There are many researches on the correlation between internal control and earnings quality. Doyle [11] studied the relationship between internal control and earnings quality, and found that internal control is a motivation of earnings quality. The studies of Chan [18] and Goh and Li [19] are similar. Chan [18] discovered that earnings management of those who disclose thematerial defects of internal control has a higher degree but the return on investment is very low. Goh and Li’s [19] also found that company’s earnings stability can be increased after improving the defects of internal control. Lobo and Zhou [20] made a comparison on companies’discretionary accruals between before implementing “Sarbanes-Oxley Act” and after implementing it, finding that companies’ discretionary accruals decreased a lot after the implementation of “Sarbanes-Oxley Act”. Doyle, Ge and Mcvay [10] divided the internal control defects into two aspects: corporate level and account level, finding that internal control defects on corporate level is influential to earnings quality, but there is no correlation between internal control defects on account level and earnings quality. Guoqing Zhang [21] selected nonfinancial A-share listed companies in 2007 as a research object to study the internal control quality on earnings quality. The results have shown that there is no close link between high quality internal control and earnings quality, but company’s characteristics and corporate governance factors may affect internal control quality and earnings quality systematically. Chunsheng Fang et al. [22] used questionnaire survey to examine the relationship between internal control system and financial reporting quality, finding that financial reporting quality improved after implementation of internal control system. Jun Zhang and Junzhi Wang [23] selected listed companies on Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2007 as sample, and used adjusted Jones model to calculate discretionary accruals and found that discretionary accruals significantly reduced after the review of internal control. Shengwen Xie and Wenhai Lai [24] selected A-share listed companies on Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2007 and 2008 as samples. They analyzed therelationship between internal control deficiencies and earnings quality by using a paired study, and found that listed companies’internal control information disclosure had an effect on earnings quality.Based on the above studies, we can see that internal control gets more attention after the promulgation of “Sarbanes-Oxley Act”. Current researches centralize on the defects of existing laws and regulations, the current situations of listed companies’internal control information disclosure, the relationship between listed companies’internal control information disclosure and their operating conditions, financial report quality and earnings quality. Among the current studies, most have focused on descriptive statistics and the relationship be-tween internal control quality and earnings quality, while there is no study use earnings quality as explanatory variable to reflect its effect on internal control information disclosure. Therefore, this article uses earnings quality as main explanatory variable and disclosure of internal control as the dependent variable to do empirical study, which compensate for the lack of current research to some extent.3. Method3.1. HypothesisHypothesis: the better the quality of earnings is, the higher the level of internal control information disclosure will be.According to agency theory and signaling theory, corporate trustee has obligation to report relevant information to the corporate capital owners, which give help to the operation of business. In the process of reporting, corresponding information is to pass the corporate relevant signal to the capital market. The signal can make the operator affect the flow of resources incapital market in a certain extent to improve the enterprise’s interests. There is the mutually reinforcing relationship between internal control information disclosure and the quality of earnings. A company that can fully disclose its information of internal control means that its managers have a good description of ethics. Meanwhile, a company that can take the initiative to show its internal control information in detail indicates that its company has a higher self-confidence, which will attract more capital market resources, increase its cash flow, enhance the quality of earnings, and improve management capabilities. Conversely, companies with good earnings quality will choose to voluntarily disclose their information of internal control in detail. They can distinguish themselves to the companies with inferior earnings quality and get more favor from investors.上市公司盈余质量与内部控制信息披露关系研究冷建飞,李璐(河海大学商学院,南京)1、前言近年来金融诈骗案件的发生带来了不可估量的损失,这与公司内部控制系统弱是有关系的。
Abstract: With people's awareness of social responsibility rising, corporates are asked to disclosure more and more information about social responsibility. This paper analyzes the status of the information disclosure of corporate social responsibility based on information asymmetry, and then proposes suggestions and countermeasures of perfection. 关键词:企业社会责任;信息不对称;信息披露Key words: corporate social responsibility;information asymmetry;information disclosure 0引言伴随着经济全球化,跨国公司的利益实现机制正在发生改变,在实现自身经济利益的同时,也越来越关注企业所应承担的社会责任。
企业社会责任信息披露中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文The Supply of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Among US FirmsIntroductionCorporate social responsibility CSR activity is an area of intense and increasing interest both on the practice and academic fronts Investor interest in rms that engage in these activities has grown dramatically Between 1995 and 2005 investments of professionally managed assets grew from 7 trillion to 244 trillion while the share of these assets investedin socially responsible investments grew from 639 billion to 229 trillion Social Investment Forum [SIF] 2006 At the same time large institutional investors and multistakeholder groups –including the UN Principles for Responsible Investment project the Global Reporting Initiative GRI 2006 and the CERES a coalition of investors and public interest groups –have focused attention on the materiality of social and environmental information to equity analysis The magnitude and growth of socially responsible investing SRI assets has driven an equally dramatic growth in the need for information The objective of this study is to document the disclosure patterns of CSR by US rmsInvestors are not the only interested parties CSR activity provides an increasing focus of product development and marketing practitioners Research demonstrates that certain types of CSR activity produce value for rms in terms of brand loyalty and marketing advantages Brown and Dacin 1997 Sen and Bhattacharya 2001 As Handleman and Arnold 1999 p 36 notein any community it is common to nd retailers donating to local charities sponsoring little league sports teams and proudly displaying the national ag These actions demonstrate the retailers adherence to unwritten but powerful normative rules of acceptable social conduct such as becoming involved with the community and promoting national pride While the question of what exactly motivates rms to engage in CSR practices is a matter for ongoing research it is clear from the growthin both SRI assets and customer markets for socially responsible goods that there is a need for information on these practices The historical emphasis of traditional nancial information does not answer the needs of these parties who require information not only about future earnings but also about the rms social and environmental responsibility and interactions with the environment and home communities Adams 2004 Anderson et al 2005 The concern with non-nancial factors as well as with equity returns results in a demand for greater accountability from managers According to the SIF p 5 [i]ssues now occupying mainstream consciousness–corporate governance transparency accountability and greater disclosure – have long been central to the practice of social investingMost of the work in this area is directed at examining disclosures from European and Australian rms and nearly all multi-national studies indicate international differences in disclosure behavior In North America Cormier and Magnan 1999 proposed a costbenet approach to environmental disclosures The costs are the costs that other parties other than shareholders will use the information and the benets are the reduction in information asymmetry between managers and shareholders Cormier and Magnan 1999 tested this on a sample of Canadian rms and found that variables such as a rms reliance on capital markets and the trading volume for its stock were associated with increased environmentaldisclosure They also conclude that environmental disclosures are increasing over time and that the increased disclosure in Canada could be a function of the less litigious reporting environment found in Canada as opposed to the United States Alnajjar 2000 examined the 1990 social responsibility disclosures of Fortune 500 companies He found that size and protability affected the quality and quantity of disclosure Since there have been a number of changes in the disclosure environment since 1990 when the data was collected for the Alnajjar 2000 study and since the Cormier and Magnan 1999 looked at Canadian rms it is not clear how US corporations in the 2000s have responded to these increased demands for CSR information Furthermore prior research evaluating the content of CSR disclosures has focused primarily on a single reporting format generally the annual report more recently the corporate website Gray et al 1995 has suggested that the use of a single format for analysis purposes may be signicantly limiting the understanding that can be derived about CSR disclosure behavior We therefore extend this literature by exploring the entire identiable body of public disclosures made by the sample rms during 2004 A major contribution of our paper is the development of a means to assess directly the emphasis that management places on disseminating a given type of information prior research has largely relied upon frequency of disclosure alone as a proxy for emphasis In this paper we evaluate the state of reporting of social and environmentalresponsibility often known as corporate social responsibility or CSR reporting among a sample of US rms to determine what types of information are being provided and through what means of transmission We perform a content analysis on the disclosures made by a size-and industry-stratied sample of 50 publicly traded US rms during 2004 Results suggest that companies disclose a wide variety of CSR information through mandated and voluntary media Consistent with prior research we nd size-and industry-driven differences in disclosure behavior Our results suggest differences in the pattern and volume of disclosure in US rms when compared with other studies examining global enterprisesIn the next section we review the relevant theory and research and present the research questions and hypotheses Then we describe the research method and discuss the results We conclude with the implications of the study for reporting activists accounting rms regulators and academics who are reconsidering the nature of corporate reporting of non-nancial informationLiterature review research questions and hypothesesIt is difcult from an academic and theoretical perspective to disentangle the differences between a rms decision to engage in CSR activities and the decision on why how and when to report on those activities to stakeholders The choice of broad theoretical framework depends on whether the researcher approaches the question of CSR from aneconomic or an ethical standpoint Cetindamar and Husoy 2007 Ethical theories indicate that these activities should be promoted because they are the right thing to doEconomic theories indicate that these activities should be promoted only to the degree that they create shareholder wealth through increasing protVirtually all theoretical approaches carry the implication that it is not enough to partake of a CSR action it is necessary then to disseminate information about the action that has been taken A matter of signicant difference between the theories pertains to what actions should be taken and who should be informed of them To some extent the answer to the rst drives the answer to the second if the primary goal of the activity is to enlist the support of a particular party the rm will of necessity publicize the activity through channels likely to reach that party Therefore before launching an exploration of the approaches to disclosure we offer a brief overview of the why of CSR activity Neo-classical economicsBird et al 2007 adopt a traditional economic approach to the question suggesting that managers should apply net present value NPV analysis to all potential CSR activities and take only the actions that result in a positive NPV and thus increase shareholder wealth An important element of this theory in the CSR context is the neo-classical notion that the shareholder is the only stakeholder of signicant interest This study nds that markets are slow to impound the valuation implications ofnon-event-type actions into market prices with the exception of diversity initiatives While the authors do not explicitly consider the matter of information dissemination the implication of their approach is that disclosure should take place through the channels to which shareholders are accustomed ie mandatory lings such as annual reports and 10-Ks A problematic issue for the traditional neo-classical approach to CSR is that unlike production decisions CSR activities and their outcomes may not yield the mathematical tractability necessary for reliable NPV analysisMarketing strategyAnother stream of inquiry that suggests that CSR may be motivated mainly by wealth concerns is found in the marketing literature see Robin and Reidenbach 1987 for an extensive survey of this literature Brown and Dacin 1997 provide empirical evidence that consumer beliefs about products are inuenced by the information that they possess both about corporate ability the producers competitive advantage and about the producers CSR even though the CSR policies are often unrelated to the companys ability to produce Both items are key elements in creating a good corporate reputation posited by numerous theorists to provide a source of economic benets to an organization see Brown and Dacin 1997 for a review of this literature Brown and Dacin 1997 nd that negative CSR perceptions are shown to exert negative effects on consumer behavior whilepositive CSR perceptions exert positive effects on consumer behavior They note that even though there is potential economic value in doing so it can be difcult to communicate corporate positions built around developing CSR associations a need potentially answered by CSR disclosures in the public forumHandelman and Arnold 1999 provide further evidence on wealth creation through marketing activities subsumed under CSR They suggest that consumers appear to possess a demand for intangible factors indicating congruence with local social norms and values and that the rms promotion of these elements may yield a strategic angle equal to that of competitive positioning and product attributesConsistent with Brown and Dacin 1997 they nd that negative institutional associations exert a signicant negative effect on customer perceptions and behavior and suggest that stakeholders have a minimal level of institutional actions below which even highly positioned rms begin to experience negative consequences Hooghiemstra 2000 suggests that CSR activity is a form of impression management for the rm This image management theory –which encompasses matters of corporate identity and corporate image – is likewise driven by direct economic concerns such as customer perceptions and access to capital markets The marketing-oriented literature on CSR activity suggests these actions are a strategic tool to build and maintain customer loyalty and market shareThe implications for disclosure are that the primary targets for information are the existing customers and members of the public with a general interest and that the content of the disclosure will be chosen to emphasize congruence with customer valuesPolitical economyA third theoretical approach considers these actions through the lens of the political economy Campbell et al 2003 Cormier and Gordon 2001 Deegan 2002Deegan and Gordon 1996Dowling and Pfeffer 1975 Gray et al 1995a Guthrie and Parker 1990 ODonovan 2002 Maignan and Ralston 2002 In this approach the rm is not considered to be an economic entity that can be divorced from its social context it is instead an organic organism that is a party to a social contract with the other members of its context For the rm to survive it must obtain the support and approval of its stakeholders whether those be primary stakeholders those without whose support the rm cannot function at all including customers suppliers or providers of labor and capital or secondary stakeholders who are indirectly afliated but in a position to signicantly inuence the rms success including regulators and media Clarkson 1995 CSR activity and the consequent disclosure is a part of the ongoing communication process required in order to enlist and maintain that support Gray et al 1995a Under this general heading researchers have variously advanced theoretical arguments based on stakeholder theory Clarkson1995Hooghiemstra 2000 Maignan and Ralston 2002 and on legitimation ie Campbell 2000Grayet al 1995a to explain both CSR activities and disclosureLegitimation pertains to efforts on the part of the rm to establish maintain or repair public perception of its dedication to stakeholder norms and values thus evincing respect for the social contract that permits it access to capital and labor markets and other economic resources necessary to ensure organizational survival Dowling and Pfeffer 1975 outline three means to establishing or improving legitimacy adapting operations to conform to existing societal expectations altering social denitions to conform with existing rm operations or engaging in communication to promote its public identication with socially legitimate symbols values and institutions The degree to which the organization is visible andor relies on social and political support drives the concern for legitimacy and consequent access to resources and support Dowling and Pfeffer 1975 A potential issue with applying legitimacy theory to CSR activity is that social norms and values are largely a function of temporal matters – as issues are brought to the attention of society they seem to replace other issues of prior focus Bird et al 2007 Campbell 2000 2003 Campbell et al 2003 Gray et al 1995a Guthrie and Parker 1990 Therefore for legitimacy theory to yield rmly testable hypotheses it must be possible to identify both the population with whom the rm is concernedwith establishing legitimacy and the values that the population holds at the specic point in timeSourceLori Holder-WebbJeffrey RCohenLeda NathDavid WoodThe Supply of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Among US Firms [J]Journal of Business Ethics200984P497-527译文美国公司提供的企业社会责任信息披露引言企业社会责任活动这个领域在实际操作和学术前沿方面正受到越来越多的强烈关注投资者对于从事这些活动的公司的关注急遽地增长从1995年至2005年投资了专业的管理资产从7万亿美元上升到244万亿美元而这些资产的份额投资于社会责任从6390亿美元上升到29万亿美元社会投资论坛[SIF]2006 同时大型机构投资者和多方利益相关团体包括联合国负责投资项目的原则全球报告倡议组织GRI2006年以及投资者和公众的利益集团联盟CERES都集中关注社会和环境信息对股票分析的重要性社会责任投资SRI的资产的规模和增长带动了对信息需求的同步增长这项研究的目的是记录美国公司对企业社会责任的披露方式投资者并不是对这些唯一感兴趣的人士企业社会责任活动导致了人们对产品开发和市场实践的重视日益增加研究表明某些类型的企业社会责任活动对公司的品牌忠诚度和市场优势很有价值布朗和达欣1997森和巴塔查亚 2001正如汉德曼和阿诺德 1999第 36页提到的在任何社会中经常会发现有零售商向当地慈善机构捐赠赞助少年运动队并骄傲地展示国旗这些行动表明了这些零售商遵守着一种不成文但具有强烈约束性的社会行为规定比如密切联系社会各界并增强民族自豪感尽管关于究竟是什么促使企业参与到社会责任活动实践中来这个问题依然在研究当中从社会责任投资财产的增长和社会责任产品的消费者市场的扩大中显而易见的是对这些活动的信息需求传统财务信息通常强调的不是这些群体的需要这些群体需要的不仅仅是未来的收益还有公司社会与环境的职责与环境和家庭社区的相互作用亚当斯2004安德森等2005对非经济因素和股票回报率的关注导致了管理者加强问责制的需要根据SIF第五页占据主流意识的问题公司治理透明度问责制和加强信息披露早已成为社会投资工作的中心在这方面的工作大部分是针对欧洲和澳大利亚的研究几乎所有的多国研究表明在信息披露行为上存在国际差异在北美考米尔和麦格曼1999所提出的成本获利理论是用来应付环境的披露成本费用是指股东以外的其他各方将如何利用这些信息的信息成本成本获利是指在管理者和股东之间的信息不对称性减少考米尔和麦格曼1999测试了加拿大RMS的样本发现了这个变量例如一个资本市场和其股票成交量的依赖和环境信息披露的增加有关他们还得出结论环境信息披露是随着时间不断增加而在加拿大信息披露的增加可能可能会造成诉讼报告环境的减少但是在美国这是相反的纳扎尔2000年审查了1990年财富500强企业社会责任披露他发现规模和资本容量影响信息披露的质量和数量由于从纳扎尔2000研究时搜集的1990的数据以及考米尔和麦格南1999对加拿大公司的研究以来环境的披露已经发生了很大的变化所以目前还不清楚美国公司在21世纪如何应对日益增长的企业社会责任的信息需求此外以前的研究在评估企业社会责任信息披露的内容时主要集中在一个单一的报告格式通常是年度报告以及最近的公司网站等格雷等1995提出以供分析目的而使用单一格式可能在很大程度上限制了对企业社会责任披露行为产生的理解因此我们通过探索样本公司整个2004年期间公开披露的所有信息来扩展了这篇文章我们这篇文章主要的贡献是对直接评价给定类型的信息的传播强调方法的发展以前的研究在很大程度上依赖于作为重点代理的信息披露的频繁度在本文中我们评估社会和环境责任通常被称为企业责任会计或CSR在美国公司的一份样本中的报告状态由此确定什么类型的信息被提供并通过什么方式传播我们做了一份对50家公开上市的不同大小和行业的美国公司的披露做了一份内容分析结果表明企业社会责任信息是通过规定和各种自发媒体来披露的与以前的研究结果一致我们发现披露行为的差异是由规模和行业的不同导致的我们的研究结果表明美国公司的披露与其他全球企业相比在规模和数量上都有差异在下一节我们回顾了相关理论和研究并提出了研究问题和假设然后我们描述了研究方法以及讨论了结果我们对关于报告活动会计师事务所监管学者和对非财务信息的性质重新定义的学者的研究进行了总结文献综述问题研究和假设从学术和理论的角度去理清企业对从事企业社会责任活动的决定和为什么怎么以及何时对利益相关者报告这些活动之间的关系是很困难的研究者是否从经济或道德角度看企业社会责任问题决定了广泛理论框架的选择赛特德尔和赫索2007道德理论表明这些活动应当被推广因为他们是应当去做的正确的事经济学理论表明这些活动不仅应被推广到通过他们增加利润及创造股东财富的程度几乎所有推行的理论方法说明仅仅参与企业社会责任的行动是不够的因此对采取的行动的资料进行传播是十分必要的在理论中涉及的一个重大不同意义的问题是应该采取什么行动以及由谁来负责他们在一定程度上对的第一个以及第二个动因的回答是如果该活动的主要目标是争取一个特定派别的支持公司可能有通过各种渠道宣传活动达到这个派别要求的必要因此在发起披露情况的探索前我们提供了一个为什么要进行企业社会责任活动的简要概述伯德等人 2007 采用传统的经济学分析问题认为经理应该适应净现值 NPV 去分析所有潜在的企业社会责任活动并只执行有利于净现值的行动才能增加利益相关者的财富这个理论在企业社会责任语境的一个重要元素是古典概念即股东利益相关者是唯一重要的利益本研究发现市场渐渐忽视了评估的影响即无效模式伴随着多样性措施进入市场价格虽然作者并不能明确地考虑这件信息传播的重要暗示他们这种披露应该通过股东们习惯的渠道发生即托管的文档如年度报告和10-Ks 传统新古典方法在企业社会责任中运用有一个不确定的问题就是它不像生产决策那样企业社会责任活动及其结果可能不会放弃那个用数学就能容易解决的必要的可靠的净现值分析营销策略在营销文件中发现咨询的另一个分支说明企业社会责任主要可以被财富关系驱使见罗宾和瑞德巴赫1987年的一个广泛的调查文学布朗和达欣 1997 提供实证证据表明消费相信产品受公司所拥有的企业能力生产者的竞争优势和生产者的企业社会责任等有关信息的影响尽管企业社会责任制度通常与公司生产的能力毫无关系这两点都是创造一个良好的企业信誉的关键元素被大量的理论家假设可以带来组织经济利益见布朗和Dacin1997年的文献检阅布朗和达欣 1997 发现负面企业社会责任认知会对消费行为造成不良影响而正面的企业社会责任认知会对消费行为起到积极作用他们指出虽然这样做有潜在的经济价值但难以设立一个围绕发展企业社会责任协会的公司职位一个潜在的需要企业社会责任披露来回答的公共论坛汉德曼和阿诺 1999 提供进一步的证据表明可以通过企业社会责任这种营销活动创造财富他们建议当这个无形因素表明与当地社会规范与价值一致时该公司的推广这些元素可能会得到一种战略性视角从而在使得竞争中的定位和产品属性满足消费者的需求和布朗和达欣 1997 一样他们发现负面的制度组织会对顾客感知和行为产生负向影响建议利益相关者采取低于那些高位置的公司的最小的制度行动去体验负面后果霍格曼特 2000 表明企业社会责任活动是一种有效的公司管理这种形象管理理论包括企业个性和企业形象同样是被直接经济方面例如顾客感知和进入资本市场以市场为导向的文献在企业社会责任活动中建议这些行为是一种用来建立并维持顾客的忠诚度和市场份额的战略工具以披露为主要目标的信息会对客户和公众的兴趣产生影响并且我们披露的内容是经过挑选并强调与客户价值一致的政治经济学第三个理论方法通过政治经济的角度考虑这些行为坎贝尔等人2003考梅尔和戈登2001迪根2002Deegan和戈登1996道林和普弗佛1975格雷等人1995格思里和帕克1990奥多万诺2002麦格曼和拉斯顿2002 在这种方法中公司并不被认为是一个可以脱离其社会脉络的经济实体它代替一个有机的生物体和这个脉络的其他成员都是社会契约的当事人无论是主要的利益相关者没有他们的支持公司不可能正常运转包括客户供应商或劳动和资本提供者还是第二利益相关者那些间接参与但能够显著影响公司的人包括监管机构和媒体为了公司的生存必须得到利益相关者的支持和批准克拉克森1995 为了获得和维持支持企业社会责任活动和随之而来的披露是持续沟通过程的一个部分格雷等人1995在这个大标题下研究人员基于利益相关者理论克拉克森2000Hooghiemstra2000Maignan和拉斯顿2002 和合法化例如坎贝尔2000Grayet等人1995 提出各种先进的理论去解释企业社会责任活动和信息披露合法化在日后如在公司的建立维持等方面起很大作用公司为利益相关者准则和价值观的奉献重塑了这样的公众认知从而显出对社会契约尊重使公司得以进入资本和劳动力市场从而获得其他确保组织生存的必要经济资源道林和普弗佛1975列出三种方法建立或改善合法性用符合现有的社会期望去适应业务改变社会定义使其符合原有公司经营或者在和各类机构从事交流促进社会在公开合法符号价值观上进行认同和或依赖于社会和政治支撑驱使对合法性的关心以及相应的足够的资源和支持的程度对组织是可见的道林和普弗佛1975 在将合法性理论应用到企业社会责任活动中时有一个潜在的问题社会准则和价值观念主要是时间功能作为社会关注的问题时它们似乎取代其它问题成为焦点伯德等人2007坎贝尔20002003坎贝尔等人2003格雷等人1995格思里和帕克1990因此为了合法性理论能产生稳定的可测试假设必须确定建立合法性和价值观念的公司的人口以及他们在特定时间点拥有的价值是可以测定的出处洛瑞候德-韦布杰弗里科恩勒达纳特大卫伍德美国公司提供的企业社会责任信息披露[J]商业伦理杂志200984P497-527外文出处《Journal of Business Ethics》 200984P497-527外文作者 Lori Holder-WebbJeffrey RCohenLeda Nath David。
文献信息:文献标题:The impact of environmental information disclosures on shareholder returns in a company: An empirical study(企业环境信息披露对股东回报的影响:一项实证研究)国外作者:Ragothaman Srinivasan;Carr David文献出处:《International Journal of Management》,2008,25(4), p613-620字数统计:英文 2030 单词,10523 字符;中文 3653 汉字外文文献:The impact of environmental information disclosures onshareholder returns in a company: An empirical studyThe Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (1986) has mandated Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) disclosures in the United States. This Act requires all manufacturing companies (SIC code 20-39) who employ more than 10 people to provide an annual report about the release of more than 300 specified toxic chemicals. Similar legislation exists in other countries as well. How is this information used by investors and corporations? We develop and test a regression model to answer this question. We also perform a few robustness tests. Our sample comes from TRI disclosures for “top 100” corporate polluters ba sed on COMPUSTAT data. Descriptive statistics and correlation measures are also provided. The higher the return on assets the higher is Tobin’s q (a proxy for firm value or shareholder wealth). The waste disposal variable (toxic air release) is a statistically significant predictor of Tobin’s q. As expected, the sign of the regression coefficientfor waste disposal is negative. In addition, firm size has a significant impact on Tobin’s q. A firm’s beta, P/E ratio, and the corporate governance variable are all statistically insignificant.1. IntroductionThe disastrous Union Carbide accident that occurred in India in 1984 and other smaller chemical accidents have caused anxiety in the public’s mind about the release of chemicals from factories. The Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (1986) has mandated Toxic Release Inventory TRI disclosures. This Act requires all manufacturing companies (SIC code 20-39) in the United States who employ more than 10 people to provide an annual report about release of more than 300 specified toxic chemicals. The TRI program offers environmental performance information to the public and is administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). How is this information used by investors and corporations?EPA’s Environmental Economics Research Strategy (EPA, 2004) identifies measuring the benefits of environmental information disclosures as one of its high priority research areas. Some interesting research results have already been published. For example, Konar and Cohen (1997) report negative stock price reactions to TRI disclosures in 1989. These negative stock returns forced companies to change their behavior. Those firms with the largest negative stock market returns to TRI announcements in 1989 subsequently reduced their emissions more than other firms in their industry. The purpose this research project is to examine the association between the TRI disclosures and firm value as measured by Tobin’s q. The goal of examining the association between the TRI disclosures and firm value will be accomplished through the development and testing of a regression model. A few robustness tests are also conducted. Tobin’s q is a widely used proxy for firm value in the finance literature (Gompers, Ishii and Metrick,2003) and is used in this study as the dependent variable.Several researchers have conducted event studies and documented negative stock price reactions to TRI announcements (Hamilton 1995 and Khanna et al. 1998). Eventstudies examine the stock price reactions on one or two days when the environmental information is disclosed. Klassen and McLaughlin (1996) also reported significant negative stock price reactions to bad environmental news such as oil spills. These event studies do not analyze longer-term stock price trends. These studies have generally used smaller samples. Moreover, they have used data from 1989 which are eighteen years old. To overcome these difficulties, a new regression model is developed which uses more recent data from 2000 TRI disclosures. The TRI disclosure data is compiled from raw data reported to the EPA on a facility-by-facility basis and not on a company-bycompany basis. The difficulty of aggregating to company-level data makes the 2000 TRI disclosures the most recent data currently available.2. Prior ResearchKarpoff and Lott (1993) report that when corporate illegal activities and other fraudulent financial schemes are revealed, stock price declines have been the result. In order to estimate the value of intangible assets, we propose to include environmental performance information among the explanatory variables (see Konar and Cohen 2001). Good environmental performance can translate into a good reputation for the firm as an ecology-friendly company and this can increase investor trust (Ragothaman and Lau, 2000). Similarly, bad environmental performance can lead to stock price declines.This research builds on prior research and expands knowledge in several different and new ways. 1) Data used in this study are more recent (than 1989) and come from TRI disclosures for the year 2000; 2) Tobin’s q is measured in accordance with suggestions from finance scholars; 3) The regression model includes some new variables; and a cross-sectional regression model is used. Descriptive statistics and correlation measures are also provided. New insights are gained about the impact of environmental disclosure programs on stockholders’ wealth. Our formulation for Tobin’s q follows that of Chung and Pruitt (1994) and Hirschey and Connolly (2005), where q is measured as the market value of common shares outstanding plus the bookvalue of total assets minus common equity, all divided by the book value of total assets. Tobin’s q is viewed as a market-based measure of firm valuation. In this paper, the effect of environmental disclosures on the market valuation of firms, proxied by Tobin’s q, is examined.Beta is a measure of the risk associated with owning shares in a firm and is commonly used to measure market risk. Konar and Cohen (1997) utilize beta to control for the systematic risk in security returns. Beta is included in this study as a control variable. Various measures of firm size appear in the literature. Dowell, Hart, and Young (2000) use the logarithm of total assets with mixed results in examining whether corporate global standards create or destroy market value. Hamilton (1995) uses the number of employees as a proxy for firm size in examining the relationship between Toxic Release Inventory data and media and stock market reactions. The logarithm of the number of employees (LEMP) is used as a proxy for firm size, and is included in the model as another control variable.Waste (toxic air release) is measured as waste disposal in pounds per revenue- dollar. Waste should be negatively related to Tobin’s q, as it measures the extent to which firms are “dirty.” Konar and Cohen (1997) use toxic chemi cal releases and the number of lawsuits to proxy waste. Hamilton (1995) uses the number of superfund sites to proxy waste. Return on assets (ROA), defined as net income divided by total assets, is used as a measure of firm-level performance. It is a proxy for profitability. ROA should be positively related to Tobin’s q, since better performing firms should be more highly valued in the marketplace, ceteris paribus. Hirschey and Connolly (2005) use profit margin to measure profitability.Another control variable used in this study is the price-to-earnings ratio. The price-to-earnings (PE) ratio is measured as the market price of a firm’s common stock divided by the firm’s income-per-share of common stock. The PE ratio is included in the model as a control variable to pick up the effect of firm-level growth. Firms that are growing rapidly should have a higher market valuation, as measured by Tobin’s q. Yet another control variable used in this paper is “audit opinion” which is a proxy for the corporate governance mechanism. Li et al. (2005) found that firms with higherstock market return tended to receive more clean (unqualified) audit opinions. In other words, audit opinion is negatively related to market value of the firm. Hodge et al. (2004) conducted an experimental research project and concluded that investors reacted to audit qualifications as if it signaled that management was strategically understating financial results. It could be posited that management was concerned about future performance and consequently understated the current performance. According to Choi and Jeter (1992), audit qualifications indicate that uncertainties associated with future cash flows have increased and consequently, the future market value of the firm can be adversely affected.3. Methodology and data sourcesResearchers at the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts released, in 2004, the list of the top 100 corporate air polluters based on TRI data disclosed by companies in the year 2000. The toxic (air release) waste data are reported in pounds per revenue dollar. Data from COMPUSTAT were used to compute several operating and financial ratios for these 100 firms. The following independent variables were obtained from the COMPUSTAT database: market beta, return on assets, logarithm of number of employees, P/E ratio and audit opinion. Following Hirschey (2005), the following formula is used to estimate Tobin’s q: Tobin’s q = [Total assets + Total market value of equity –Book value of equity] / Total assets. Tobin’s q was also computed from the data obtained from the COMPUSTAT data base. Due to missing variables in the COMPUSTAT database, 9 companies were dropped. One more firm was deleted because of an extreme outlier. The final sample used in this study contains data from 90 companies.The multiple regression model used in this study is:Tobin’s q = f {market beta (risk), logarithm of number of employees, waste discharge per revenue dollar, return on assets, P/E ratio and audit opinion} The research questions are transformed into null hypotheses as given below:H1: Beta has no significant effect on Tobin’s q.H2: Size as measured by number of employees has no significant effect on Tobin’s q.H3: Waste discharge has no significant effect on Tobin’s q.H4: Return on assets has no significant effect on Tobin’s q.H5: Growth as measured by the P/E ratio has no significant effect on Tobin’s q.H6: Corporate governance as measured by audit opinion has no significant effect on Tobin’s q.4. Results and discussionThe descriptive statistics are reported in Table 1. The average Tobin’s q for the sample firms is 2.176. The average amount of toxic air release (waste discharge) is 0.0009 pounds per revenue dollar. The mean for return of assets is 4.648 percent. The average beta (risk measure) is 1.121.Q ratio = Tobin’s QBeta = Market beta (risk)LEMP = Logarithm of number of employeesWaste = Waste disposal per revenue-dollarROA = Return on assetsP/E ratio = Price Earnings ratioAUOP = Audit opinionA correlation analysis of these six explanatory variables with the Tobin’s q and other independent variables was performed. The correlation results are reported inTable 2.The correlation analysis results indicate that Tobin’s q is strongly related to return on assets. The higher the return on assets, the higher is Tobin’s q. Beta, firm size and waste discharge are all negatively related to Tobin’s q. Beta and return on assets have strong negative correlation. Firm size and waste discharge are negatively correlated.Multicollinearity among independent variables may be present in the data and can potentially lead to unstable regression coefficients. A rule of thumb is suggested by Judge et al. (1985) to assess the impact of multicollinearity. They argue that a serious multicollinearity problem arises only when correlations among the explanatory variables are higher than 0.8. In our dataset, the highest correlation is between return on assets and beta at -0.411. Hence, the degree of collinearity present appears to be too small to invalidate estimation results.An ordinary least-squares regression model was developed to investigate the relationship between Tobin’s q and toxic air release, beta, return on assets, growth and other independent variables. Regression methodology permits the testing of six null hypotheses simultaneously. Tobin’s q was the dependent variable and the six explanatory variables mentioned earlier were the independent variables. The regression coefficients, t-statistics (in parentheses), and significance levels are reported in Table 3, column I. The multiple regression model has a respectable adjusted R-squared of 31.3 percent.Thbk 3: Mnhlpie Regression Resultse CONSTANT 2.565 2.450 2.62I 1.416(4.295)*°°(2.273)”(4. t40)*°’(1.320) BETA-0.029 -0.025 -0.025 •0.600(-0.186) (-0. I58) (-0. IG2) (-0.353)LOCi EMPLOYEES -0.363(-3.319)***-0.371(-2.919)**•-0.354(-3.219)***-0.506(-2.880)***WAS SALES -163.186(-2.244)*^-166.038(-2.172)**-137.856(- l.785)•-522.126(-l,846)•RETURH ON 0.1S6 0.157 0.149 0.138 ASSETS (4.343)*••(4.285)*••(4.049)**^ (3.407)**•PPE RATIO 0.013 0.013 0.015 0.010(1.574) (1.569) (1.787)* (1.158)0.030 0.029 0.023 0.I70(0.290) (0.278) (0,213) (1.329)0.016 0. I99(0.129) (1.323) CAPITAL-EXPEN/ -1.413SALES (-0.770)R&D £XP/SALES L236‹i.x8)â7610313 0.3W0.294 0.342 ‘The dependent verieble is Tobin’s O•Sintistically e igaificant at Um l evel**Statistically significant at 5& level***Statistically significant at IN level中文译文:企业环境信息披露对股东回报的影响:一项实证研究在美国,应急计划和社区知情权法案(1986)被授权披露企业有毒排放清单。
外文翻译原文Information asymmetry, corporate disclosure, and the capital markets:A review of the empirical disclosure literatureMaterial Source:Journal of Accounting and Economics 31 (2001) 405–440Author:Paul M. Healy, Krishna G. PalepuFinancial reporting and disclosure are potentially important means for management to communicate firm performance and governance to outside investors. We provide a framework for analyzing managers’ reporting and disclosure decisions in a capital Markets setting,and identify key research questions. We then review current empirical researchon disclosure regulation, information intermediaries, and the determinants and economic consequences of corporate disclosure. Our survey concludes that current research has generated a number of useful insights. We identify many fundamental questions that remain unanswered, and changes in the economic environment that raise new questions for research.1 IntroductionCorporate disclosure is critical for the functioning of an efficient capital market.1 Firms provide disclosure through regulated financial reports, including the financial statements, footnotes, management discussion and analysis, and other regulatory filings. In addition, some firms engage in voluntary communication, suchas management forecasts, analysts’ presentations and conference calls, press releases, internet sites, and other corporate reports. Finally, there are disclosures about firms by information intermediaries, suchas financial analysts, industry experts, and the financial press.In this paper we review research on financial reporting and voluntary disclosure of information by management, summarize key researchfi ndings, and identify areas for future work. Section 2 examines the forces that give rise to demand for disclosure in a modern capital-market economy, and the institutions that increase the credibility of disclosures. We argue that demand for financial reporting and disclosure arises from information asymmetry and agency conflicts between managers and outside investors. The credibility of management disclosures is enhanced by regulators, standard setters, auditors and other capital market intermediaries. We use the disclosure framework to identify important questions for research, and review available empirical evidence.Section 3 reviews the findings on the regulation of financial reporting and disclosure. Much of this research documents that earnings, book values, and other required financial statement information is ‘‘value relevant’’. However, fundamental questions about the demand for, and effectiveness of, financial reporting anddisclosure regulation in the economy remain unanswered.Researchon effectiveness of auditors and information intermediaries is discussed in Section 4. There is evidence that financial analysts generate valuable new information through their earnings forecasts and stock recommendations. However, there are systematic biases in financial analysts’outputs, potentially arising from the conflicting incentives that they face. While theory suggests that auditors enhance the credibility of financial reports, empirical researchh as provided surprisingly little evidence to substantiate it.Section 5 reviews the economic determinants of managers’ financial reporting and disclosure decisions. Researchusing the contracting perspective finds that accounting decisions are influenced by compensation and lending contracts, as well as political cost considerations. Researchusing the capital market perspective documents that voluntary disclosure decisions are related to capital market transactions, corporate control contests, stock-based compensation, shareholder litigation, and proprietary costs.2 The role of disclosure in capital marketsIn this section, we examine the role of disclosure in modern capital markets. Information and incentive problems impede the efficient allocation of resourcesin a capital market economy. Disclosure and the institutions created to facilitate credible disclosure between managers and investors play an important role in mitigating these problems. The framework for disclosure that we discuss in this section is then used to develop implications for research.A critical challenge for any economy is the optimal allocation of savings to investment opportunities. There are usually many new entrepreneurs and existing companies that would like to attract household savings, which are typically widely distributed, to fund their business ideas. While both savers and entrepreneurs would like to do business with each other, matching savings to business investment opportunities is complicated for at least two reasons. First, entrepreneurs typically have better information than savers about the value of business investment opportunities and incentives to overstate their value. Savers, therefore, face an ‘‘information problem’’ when they make investmens in business ventures. Second, once savers have invested in their business ventures, entrepreneurs have an incentive to expropriate their savings, creating an ‘‘agency problem’’.3 Managers’ reporting decisionsResearch on managers’ reporting decisions has focused on two areas. The first area, often called positive accounting theory, focuses on management’s financial reporting choices. We provide a brief review of this literature; Fields et al. (2001) provide a more comprehensive survey of recent research in this area. The second area, the voluntary disclosure literature, focuses on management disclosure decisions.3.1 Positive accounting theory literatureThe positive accounting theory literature focuses on management’s motives for making accounting choices when markets are semi-strong form efficient, there are significant costs in writing and enforcing contracts, and there are political costs arising out of the regulatory process (see Watts and Zimmerman, 1978, 1986). The central focus of this literature is to examine the role of contracting and political considerations in explaining management accounting choices when there are agency costs and information asymmetry. Two types of contracts are examined, contracts between the firm and its creditors (debt contracts), and contracts between management and shareholders (compensation contracts). Political considerations include management’s concern about attracting explicit or implicit taxes, or regulatory actions.Contracts are not the only mechanisms for dealing with information asymmetry discussed in the positive accounting literature. For example, Watts and Zimmerman (1983, 1986) discuss the role of reputation as a mechanism for resolving information problems in the context of auditing.Empirical studies of positive accounting theory test whether managers make accounting method changes or accrual estimates to reduce the costs of violating bond covenants written in terms of accounting numbers, to increase the value of earnings-based bonuses under compensation contracts, or to reduce the likelihood of implicit or explicit taxes. Findings indicate that firms that use accounting methods to accelerate earnings are small and have relatively high leverage. Also, firms’ accrual decisions appear to be affected by compensation contracts.While a majority of positive accounting studies focus on analyzing postcontracting opportunistic accounting choices, some studies view the choice of accounting and disclosure as part of the contracting process itself. Holthausen and Leftwich(1983) , Watts and Zimmerman (1990), Smithan d Watts (1992), and Skinner (1993) argue that the use of accounting information in lending and compensation contracts should be viewed as endogenous. Consequently, the nature of a firm’s assets and its investment opportunity set simultaneously determine its optimal contracting relations and its accounting method choices. Watts and Zimmerman (1983) examine the role of voluntary interim reporting as an ex ante contracting part of corporate governance. The ex ante role of accounting in the contracting process is also examined by Zimmer (1986), Christie and Zimmerman (1994), and Skinner (1993).Although positive accounting theory studies generated several interesting empirical regularities regarding firms’ accounting decisions, there is ambiguity about how to interpret this evidence (see reviews by Holthausen and Leftwich, 1983; Watts and Zimmerman, 1990). For example, size is typically viewed as a proxy for political sensitivity, but is likely to proxy for many other factors. Also, as Palepu (1987), Healy and Palepu (1990), and DeAngelo et al. (1996) P.M. Healy, K.G. Palepu / Journal of Accounting and Economics 31 (2001) 405–440 419 suggest, accounting decisions by managers of highly leveraged firms in financial distress may in part reflect an attempt to conserve cash, or changes in investment opportunities.3.2 V oluntary disclosure literatureResearchon voluntary disclosure focuses on the information role of financial reporting for capital markets (see Healy and Palepu, 1993, 1995). This research supplements the positive accounting literature by focusing on stock market motives for accounting and disclosure decisions.Disclosure studies assume that, even in an efficient capital market, managers have superior information to outside investors on their firms’ expected future performance. If auditing and accounting regula tions work perfectly, managers’accounting decisions and disclosures communicate changes in their firm’s business economics to outside investors. Alternatively, if accounting regulation and auditing are imperfect, a more likely possibility, managers trade off between making accounting decisions and disclosures to communicate their superior knowledge of firm’s performance to investors, and to manage reported performance for contracting, political or corporate governance reasons.Management motives for making voluntary disclosure and their credibility are, therefore, interesting empirical questions.4.ConclusionCapital markets are becoming increasingly global as a result of a variety of developments. Institutional investors are looking to diversify by investing P.M. Healy, K.G. Palepu / Journal of Accounting and Economics 31 (2001) 405–440 433 around the globe; corporations are seeking capital wherever the terms are most attractive; and internet-based trading is making it easier for individual investors to invest in international capital markets. Financial deregulation is encouraging these activities.The globalization of capital markets has been accompanied by calls for globalization of financial reporting. This raises several interesting questions. First, is it optimal to have a global accounting standard setter given wide disparities in the development of financial reporting infrastructure across counties? Second, what economic forces will determine the speed with which convergence of financial reporting institutions will take place? Third, what are the political and economic consequences of such a convergence? Fourth, in the absence of convergence, will financial reporting informativeness be enhanced by global accounting standards?In summary, the increased pace of entrepreneurship and economic change has probably increased the value of reliable information in capital markets. However, the traditional financial reporting model appears to do a poor job of capturing the economic implications of many of these changes in a timely way. There is, therefore, an opportunity for future disclosure research to examine how financial reporting and disclosures adapt to changes in business and capital market environments. In addition, as we note earlier, there are many areas where our understanding of existing disclosure institutions and phenomena are limited. We believe that both opportunities make the disclosure area an exciting area of study for accounting scholars.译文信息不对称,企业信息披露和资本市场:信息披露的实证文献回顾资料来源:[J].会计和经济405-440 31(2001) 作者:Paul M. Healy, Krishna G. Palepu财务报告和信息披露是有潜在的外来投资者的重要手段,企业绩效管理,沟通和治理。
LNTU …Acc附录A会计信息质量在投资中的决策作用对私人信息和监测的影响安妮比蒂,美国俄亥俄州立大学瓦特史考特廖,多伦多大学约瑟夫韦伯,美国麻省理工学院1简介管理者与外部资本的供应商信息是不对称的在这种情况下企业是如何影响金融资本的投资的呢?越来越多的证据表明,会计质量越好,越可以减少信息的不对称和对融资成本的约束。
1企业经营业绩评价系统的理论基础(1) 资本保全理论在市场经济条件下,企业是出资者的企业,是一个资本集合体,所有者是惟一的剩余风险承担者和剩余权益享受者,出资者利益是企业最高利益。
102关于资本市场信息披露的文献综述于 芙(湘潭大学 湖南 湘潭 411105)摘 要:资本市场是一个信息驱动的市场,真实、准确、完整的信息披露,是投资者进行投资决策的先决条件,也是提升资本市场透明度、效率的内在要求。
关键词:资本市场;信息披露;信息披露质量中图分类号:F275.5 文献标识码:A DOI:10.19921/ki.1009-2994.2021-11-0102-034信息披露作为传递公司经营绩效、财务状况和发展趋势信息的重要手段,对资本市场有效运作起到至关重要的作用。
外文翻译原文:Discussion of related party transaction information disclosure normsAt present, the related party transactions of listed companies is widespread, many listed company has become an important part of business activities. In theory, related party transactions are neutral areas of the economy, market behavior is neither simple, nor "black box" trading. Its main role is to make full use of internal resources, lower transaction costs, improve operational efficiency and achieve the company goal of capital operation. However, because the purpose of related party transactions and forms the main body by the micro-economic control, so in practice, many listed companies, related party transactions not in the free competition under market conditions, but controlled by large shareholders. Particularly in the laws and regulations are not perfect, assessment and auditing role of intermediaries has not been fully played, accounting practitioners are not high quality case, related party transactions even easier to become part of the adjustment of profits of listed companies, the means to evade tax . This resulted in varying degrees of distortion of accounting information and misleading investors investment decisions.First, the existence of related party transactions in questionWhile certain related party transactions are conducted in public, but in many cases, related party transactions is not based on a fair and impartial, but to gloss over the party's financial position and operating results, to achieve set a good corporate image, to appease the creditors, incentives of investors. Obviously unfair related party transactions, mainly the following aspects:1. Adjustment of profits. ① The favorable transfer pricing and false sales to the inflated profits. If listed companies well below the market price of raw materialspurchased from related parties or stock merchandise on, he is far above the market price of the sale to related parties, the low prices, then the operating results of listed companies to gradually "brilliant "get up. ②profits through asset replacement regulation. Assets between related parties, the performance in the form of unequal exchange: one related party to purchase quality assets at low prices to listed companies and listed companies or non-performing assets of unequal exchange; two non-performing assets of listed companies and related debt equal to the related party stripped to reduce the financial costs, enhance profitability; three listed companies the market price much higher than the sale of bad assets to related parties in order to obtain significant disposal gains.2. Shift the burden of debt and costs. Between related parties bear the debt and costs, mainly in the following several forms: ① the other party to repay the debt; ②the other party to pay the purchase price; ③pay the other party; ④otherwise the other party to incur obligations and costs.3. Transfer of funds. By listed companies are often higher or lower than the market price, selling goods to related parties or to provide services to achieve the purpose of transfer of funds. In addition, listed companies and financial exchanges between related parties and lending are quite common, although business lending to each other between the acts not permitted by the regulations, but the related party transactions and the lending of funds between the two is difficult to strictly distinguish between , and the method was not responsible for the public.4. Reduce the tax burden. Reduce the tax burden through related party transactions, the main two things: First, the profits of profit-making enterprises will be transferred to the loss-making enterprises, to minimize the tax burden on the whole group; second is the use of different enterprises in different regions and tax incentives tax provisions of the difference , the profits to low tax or even more preferential tax policies related party.Second, the limitations of the relevant laws and regulations binding1. Difficult to control the related party relationship between the behavior of non-associated. In order to truly reflect the economic substance of related partytransactions, promulgated the "sale of assets between related parties, such as the Provisional Regulations on Accounting Treatment." The central element is: listed companies and transactions between related parties, if there is no conclusive evidence that the transaction price is fair, on the obviously unfair trading price of parts, shall be allowed to be recognized as current period profit as a capital surplus shall be dealt with and This part of the difference may not be used to increase the capital, or make up the losses. As the Interim Provisions on non-related party transactions is not to regulate, resulting in a number of listed companies by various means, the association of non-related party relationship, so that the original revenue from related parties into from non-affiliated parties, to achieve the manipulation of profit purposes. In addition, listed companies will be non-association of related party relationships since then replacement of non-monetary assets, monetary transactions: the first non-correlation of related party relationship, then a non-monetary asset exchange transactions, as the two document monetary transaction processing, asset replacement soon had a business into a sale of assets and acquired assets of the two document-monetary transactions to evade the "Accounting Standards for Enterprises - Non-monetary transactions" constraints, to increase the company's profits with .2. Relationship between related parties narrow the scope of the provisions. "Enterprise Accounting Standards - related party relationships and transactions disclosed in", the not give a clear definition of related parties, gave only a standard to judge the relationship between related parties, namely: direct or indirect control, joint control or direct significant impact; two or more parties with the subject's control. But indirect common control, significant indirect effects, with the under common control between two or more parties, not as a related party accounting standards; on the form is not in fact belong to the relationship between related parties, accounting standards only in principle requirements, but no specific requirements. Define the scope of related party relationships too narrow for the listed companies manipulated profits through related party transaction has left more space.3. Pricing policies on related party transaction disclosure requirements is too simple. "Accounting Standards for Enterprises - related party relationships andtransactions disclosure" requires listed companies in the notes to financial statements, the related party transactions pricing policy as one element of their transactions to be disclosed. However, the scope of the pricing policy, to which pricing policies can be used, different pricing policies apply to which types of transactions, etc., not to make provision. Currently, listed companies to disclose the related party transaction pricing policies varied, such as the ex-factory price, price agreements, plans price, contract price, the wholesale price so the choice of pricing policies are also highly irregular, and did not explain the pricing basis, with non-associated party transactions are consistent pricing policies and the amount of Wen Ti the difference, the resulting public right, "Accounting Standards - Related Party Relationships and Transactions disclosure" disclosure requirement widely questioned.4. Disclosure of information on irregular lack of effective monitoring. Currently, listed companies to disclose the actual related party relationships and transactions there are more problems: first, incomplete disclosure of related party relationships. Not many listed companies have a major impact on their companies or controlling shareholders to be disclosed as related party. Major individual investors, key management personnel and their close family members and other related parties, disclosed little. Second is the type of related party transactions do not grasp the accurate disclosure is not sufficient. Between related parties such as the guarantee and mortgage as a contingent liability on the license agreement, and key management personnel compensation, transfer and other receivables, the basic non-disclosure. Disclosure of related party transactions statement is too general, the current focus on disclosure of related party transactions form a large extent the disclosure, and its economic substance, the rationale behind, the production and operation of the parties to the transaction and the extent of current performance of the substance did not make disclosure. Third, the disclosure of related party transactions ambiguous content, such as the type of transaction, the transaction elements of the disclosure, or understatement, or incomplete, so that users of financial statements can not be clear, accurate accounting information. 4 is a fraud, in order to misconduct. All this, yet the lack of relevant rules and regulations to regulate and control.Third, disclosure of related party transactions on the normative Suggestions1. Stock Exchange's regulatory role to play. Stock Exchange listed company to disclose the contents of the related party transactions should have the power to examine, from the relevant laws and regulations to standardize the system. Establish government regulation, industry self-discipline and social supervision Trinity regulatory framework. Information disclosure in the securities market regulation, in the same time improve the ability of government regulation. Government regulation should be established, industry self-discipline and social supervision Trinity regulatory framework.2. Establish and improve laws and regulations safeguarding the interests of small investors in the system. For related party transactions due to the unfair result of shareholder interests are infringed upon, relevant laws and regulations should be appropriate provisions to protect victims, punish the aggressor. Should gradually establish a complete range of civil, criminal and administrative liability, including multi-level information disclosure regulatory regime, and gradually change the current excessive reliance on administrative control to regulate the securities market information disclosure practices. From the legislative point of view, to give small investors, certain special powers, such as in particular, small and medium investors to ask the court to reject the shareholder meeting, Board of Directors the powers of resolution.3. Expand the scope of related party relationships. Whether an association party relations, In addition to the accounting standards of the provisions, indirect common control, under common control with both sides in or to be considered as associated with. "International Accounting Standards No. 24 - the reveal of the related parties", the indirect joint control or significant influence indirectly, and with under common control between two or more parties, are considered related parties. According to our current situation, this could be reference.4. Increase disclosure of the contents of the related party transactions. Operating performance of listed companies have a significant impact related party transactions, in addition to existing disclosure requirements should be content, but also to disclosethe extent of its influence; involving the transfer of assets, mutual funds, such as guarantees and collateral information, regardless of their the amount of size, should be fully disclosed; on the relationship between related parties has been discharged from the original related parties, such as trade or financial dealings with its occurrence, it should be full disclosure.5. Standard pricing policies related party transactions. Resources or obligations between related parties of the transfer price is the key to understand the related party transactions. However, as "Enterprise Accounting Standards - related party relationships and transactions disclosed in" Related party transactions not provided pricing policy, which led to the pricing policies of listed companies to disclose highly irregular. In my opinion, can learn from the practice of international accounting standards, to make provision for this, such as the widely used internationally comparable uncontrolled price, resale price, cost plus profit price.6. Study abroad and learn from the disclosure requirements of related party transactions. If some countries require listed companies to disclose related party transactions outstanding amount of the settlement period and manner of senior staff or joint venture receivable and notes receivable, with joint ventures, directors and other related-party receivables, payables , director and CEO compensation and related party in the balance sheet of the commitments. Some countries also require listed companies on the amount of related party transactions in large amounts in the balance sheet disclosure of transactions with related parties are disclosed in the income statement. These practices, we should learn from.7. Increase disclosure of related party transactions violation penalties. For listed companies to manipulation related party transactions, accounting statements or to gloss over certain related party transactions it hidden, refused to disclose important information or distort the behavior of the appropriate punishment should be to develop rules and increase penalties. In addition, irregularities of listed companies, listed companies must not only punish, but also on the board of directors and related companies be held responsible in civil and criminal liability.Source: K.C. John Wei. Tunneling or propping: Evidence from connected transactions in China [J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2006(5):26-34. 译文:浅谈关联方交易信息披露规范目前,上市公司的关联交易十分普遍,很多上市公司关联交易已成为企业活动的重要组成部分。
会计信息披露外文文献翻译文献出处:Ebimobowei A. A Study of Social Accounting Disclosures in the Annual Reports of Nigerian Companies [J]. Asian Journal of Business Management, 2011, 3(3): 145-151.原文A Study of Social Accounting Disclosures in theAnnual Reports of Nigerian CompaniesAppah EbimoboweiAbstract: Social accounting is concerned with the development of measurement system to monitor social performance. It is rational assessment of and disclosure on some meaningful domain of companies’ activities that have social impact. Thi s study examines the practice of social accounting disclosure in Nigerian companies. Forty companies from eight sectors quoted in the Nigerian Stock Exchange were randomly sampled. Data were collected from the annual reports of the companies’ for the perio d 2005 to 2007 and the level of disclosure is measured using content analysis and descriptive analysis. The paper found that 82.5% of the companies sampled present social accounting information in their annual reports. The results show that Nigerian companies prefer to disclose social accounting information in the Directors Report, Chairman’s Statement and Notes to the Accounts in the form of short qualitative information. Human resources, community involvement and environment were identified as the most popular themes. Hence, the paper recommends among others that companies should take social accounting as a moral duty; legislation for all companies to disclose social accounting information in Nigeria; social indicators to be developed at thenational level in the area of employment opportunities, environmental control, energy conservation, health care etc and professional accounting bodies in the country should collaborate to expand research in social accounting.Key words: Annual reports, social accounting, social disclosure, NigeriaINTRODUCTIONThe increasing need for every organization to disclose in their annual reports the various activities that affect the society is becoming a very fundamental issue all over the world mostly in developed economies, but this is not the case in developing countries like Nigeria. This is because organizations are particularly more interested in the profit maximization objective to the detriment of the society. According to Iyoha (2010), in developing countries, the concern is about how efficient organizations are in terms of how much profits are made and how much dividends are paid. No serious thoughts are given to social issues in the annual reports of organizations such as environmental protection, energy savings, fair business practice, and community involvements etc. Asechemie (1996) stress that the absence of financial data relating to actions and arrangements for social concern in Nigeria is not in accord with the trend in the USA, Europe and Canada where companies are required to report on the effect of compliance with laws governing corporate social conduct on capital expenditures, earnings and competitive position.The objective of this paper is to examine the social accounting disclosures in the annual reports of Nigerian companies. Therefore, the content of annual reports must provide information to users relating to social factors. AsMathews (2002) suggested in his study, documenting and analyzing what is disclosed in the area of social accounting should be one of the feature of corporate social reporting. Hence, this study attempts to answer two main questions: (i) what are the most popular types of social accounting and how is social accounting disclosed in the annual reports of companies in Nigeria and (ii) where is the location of presentation of social accounting in the annual reports of companies in Nigeria. To achieve this objective, the paper is divided into five sections. The next section discusses the theoretical and empirical literatures adopted for the study. Section three examines the methodology of the study; section four examines the findings and discussions while the last section deals with the conclusion and recommendations.Theories on corporate social accounting disclosure behavior:Gray et al. (1995) in Orij (2007) provided a much cited categorization of social accountingdisclosure studies. They talked about three broad classifications of decision usefulness studies, economic theory and social and political theory. The decision usefulness generally relates to the usefulness of accounting information, which is social accounting in this case. These studies are of two types, ranking of information on its perceived decision-usefulness in the financial community and investigations of information on effects on share prices. The economic theory studies are a periphery of agency theory and Positive Accounting Theory (PAT) research. The social and political theory focuses on legitimacy theory (LEGT) and stakeholder theory (STAKT). LEGT and STAKT are theories developed out of political economies. They are overlapping perspectives in a political-economic framework. Intheoretical term, Guthrie and Parker (1990) also analyse their empirical evidence in relation to a socio-political economy theory of social disclosure and suggest that:a political economy theory of social disclosure is both viable and may contribute toward our understanding of observed developments in national reporting practices. Corporate social disclosures have appeared to reflect public social priorities, respond to government pressures, accommodate environmental pressures and sectional interests, and protect corporate prerogatives and projected corporate image.Prior empirical studies: A number of studies have been published on the subject of social accounting disclosure. A number of these rely on content analysis of annual reports. There are several different methods to the analysis of narratives in annual reports. Bettie et al. (2004) distinguish two categories: subjective (analyst ratings) and semi-objective (disclosure index studies, content analysis, readability studies and linguistic analysis). Content analysis has been selected for this study because it has been widely used in the accounting research, particularly in social accounting disclosure studies. Since this is the method of analysis in the present study, we limit our review to these studies. Table 1 summary the methodology, sample and main results of these studies.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONLevel of social accounting disclosure: Table 2 shows that 33 companies (82.5%) from various industry groupings made social accounting disclosures at least for oneyear in their annual reports. Analysis based on industry, showed that chemical and paints, construction and petroleum marketing had 100 percent disclosure of social accountinginformation. The lowest level of social accounting information was 66.7% contributed by Breweries and conglomerate while companies in the building materials (75%), food/beverages and tobacco (80%), and healthcare (83.3%) level of disclosure from year 2005 to 2007. Therefore, it can be deduced that there is a growing concern for companies reporting social performance in their financial statements.Form of social accounting disclosure: Table 3 shows that in 2005 75% of the companies disclose social accounting information using narrative/pictures and 25% disclose with monetary formats. The year 2006 81% used narrative and 19% used monetary format while in 2007 84% used narrative and 16% monetary format. However, there were also companies that used both narrative and monetary formats of disclosure. Many companies were also found to have used the monetary format to disclose human resource information and environmental contribution primarily related to retirement benefit, training and development and some community based projects such as adopting school, scholarships and donations.Location of social accounting disclosure: Table 4 shows that 4(12.12%) of the sampled companies (Appendix) disclose social accounting information in the chairman’s statement; 17(51.52%) disclose social accounting information in the directors report; 2(6.06%) in the statement of accounting policy; 10(30.30%) in the notes to the accounts. The paper discovers that Directors report is the most popular location where social accounting information is disclosed by companies in Nigeria and also the “notes to the accounts”. This result is also consistent with Mamman (2004) study that Directors report is the most preferred location of social accounting information.Quantification of amount of social accounting disclosure:This study used only number of disclosure as the approach of capturing data through content analysis. Almost all companies disclosed social accounting information in short qualitative discussion and some have extended qualitative discussion where they have sections to disclose the social accounting information especially on human resources andcommunity based projects.Trend of social accounting disclosure: Table 5 shows the trend of social accounting disclosures in Nigeria. Twelve (12) companies representing (36.36%) reveals that human resources is the trend of social accounting disclosure in the annual report; two companies representing (6.06%) says the trend is fair business practice; nine (9) companies representing (27.27%) suggests community development; three (3) companies representing (9.09%) reveals that the trend of social accounting is energy; five (5) companies representing (15.16%) in their annual reports disclosed that the trend is on the environment; and two (2) companies representing (6.06%) disclosed in their annual reports that the trends is on the organization’s products. The analysis therefore reveals that disclosure of social and environmental activities is specifically on the discretion of the companies.CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONThe study examined social accounting disclosure for a three-year period from 2005 to 2007. The type of social accounting disclosure, form and location were identified in the annual reports of 40 companies. This covers eight sectors of the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The study found that 82.5% of Nigerian Companies disclose one type or the other of social accountinginformation in their annual reports. These disclosures were voluntary in nature and largely qualitative; contrary to the developed and some developing countries. The most favoured places of disclosure are in the Directors Report, Chairman’s Statement and Notes to the account. The most popular theme that most companies disclose is human resources followed by community involvement and environment. Analysis done by industry found that the petroleum marketing, food/beverages and tobacco, chemicals and paints sectors provides a higher percentage of social accounting disclosure in Nigeria. Therefore, on the basis of the conclusion above, the following suggestions are provided by the researcher to improve the social accounting practice in Nigeria:﹒Companies should take social accounting disclosure as their moral duty; mere legislation would not solve the problem.﹒The government should provide some incentives like differentials in tax treatment, subsidies, rebates etc. so that companies can take social programmes.﹒Researchers should provide the basis and means of social accounting quantification as far as possible.﹒The government should put in place suitable legislation for all companies to compel them to make adequate disclosure of their activities to the society.﹒Professional institutes in the country like the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria and the Association of National Accountants of Nigeria should work together for developing social accounting and reporting techniques.﹒Social indicators should be developed at the national level in the areas of employment opportunities, environmental control, energy conservation, health education etc.译文会计信息披露,尼日利亚公司年度报告的实证研究阿帕·艾比莫泊威摘要:会计信息披露关系到对社会绩效监督的评估系统的发展。
【关键词】信息不对称; 关联交易; 信息披露信息不对称是普遍存在的一种现象,我国证券市场也不例外。
spence(1973)、rothschild 和stiglitz(1975)、riley(1975,1976)进一步分析了存在信息不对称的市场中的一般均衡,并发展出信号传递模型,即拥有私人信息的一方会通过某种行为向处于信息劣势的一方发送信号(如提供教育证明以显示自己的劳动能力),以解决因信息不对称而产生的问题,改进市场的运行效率。
一、verrecchia关于信息披露的笔记1999年,研究信息披露的著名学者robert e.verrecchia 受jae (journal of accounting and economics)杂志所托,对在此之前二十几年从经济学角度研究信息披露的文献进行了回顾,并历经四次修改形成最终论文《essays on disclosure》,于2001年发表在jae杂志上。
他将这些关于信息披露的研究分为三个大类:第一类为与披露相关联(association-based disclosure)的研究。
The study found that 72% of these companies have a specified dividend policy。
with larger and XXX。
The study also found a positive XXX and the presence of large long-term private or industrial owners with the XXX.Corporate finance is an essential aspect of any business。
and dividend policy XXX to have a defined dividend policy in place。
The XXX.The study also found a positive XXX and the presence of large long-term private or industrial owners with the XXX。
the results of this study support the use of defined XXX.In n。
this XXX firms have a specified dividend policy。
with larger and XXX。
The study also found a positive XXX and the presence of large long-term private or industrial owners with the XXX.XXX (1956) and Fama and Babiak (1968)。
numerous papers have XXX research has focused on the choice een dividends and share repurchases。
会计与经济研究Accounting and Economics Research 第34卷第5期2020年9月Vol. 34 No. 5Sept 2020避税、信息不对称与企业信息披露赵良玉\林锐尘2(1.武汉大学经济与管理学院,湖北武汉430072;2.上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院,上海200030)摘 要:在企业避税活动日益普遍的背景下,避税对于企业信息披露行为的影响尤为值得关注。
避税活动会导致企业组织架构复杂化、交易活动隐蔽化以及财务报告可读 性降低,加剧信息不对称,进而损害公司价值。
在此情况下,理性的管理层为了缓解信息 不对称,有动机增加信息披露以满足外部投资者的信息需求。
文章采用中国上市公司 2008-2017年数据,研究发现,避税程度高的企业更愿意发布业绩预告,或在强制性预告 要求下提供更为精确和准确的实质性信息。
进一步研究发现,良好的治理机制可以增强 管理层的披露动机,当机构投资者持股比例较高时,避税对于信息披露的促进作用更为明 显。
关键词:避税;信息不对称;信息披露;业绩预告;机构持股中图分类号:F234.4文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-6701(2020)05-0041-15―、弓I 言企业通过避税活动减少税费支出,可以获得实质性的节税收益,因此税收规避成 为一个广泛存在的事实。
以星巴克为例,据英国Financial Times 报道, 星巴克欧洲业务2017年度的净利润为1.62亿英镑,而缴纳的税款总额仅为450万英 镑,有效税率低至2.8%。
中国由于税收征管系统的相对不完善、各地区税收政策的 不同,税收规避现象更为严重。
2017年中国霍尔果斯地区以其优惠的税收政策吸引 了 14,472家企业落户注册,比上年增长了 4倍,然而在这些注册公司中,90%为轻资 产企业且在当地并无实际经营活动①。
例如, 在法律制裁的威胁下,公司高管有义务证明这些报告的准确性;独立会计师需证明财务报表在公认会计准则下财务报表的演示文稿和制备之间的一致性,以及各种各样的公司利益相关者在他们试图评估时机、规模和一个公司的未来现金流风险时要仔细检查并分析这些财务报告。
然而,正如Verrecchia(2001)指出, 这些论文的一个共同假设就是投资者的私人信息是外部赋予的。
放宽这一假设, 几项以私人信息的采集而作出内生决定的研究模型表明,老练的投资者在即将披露的预期上有去获取私人信息的动机。
文献信息:文献标题:Regulation by disclosure: the case of internal control(从信息披露规则角度看企业内部控制)国外作者:Laura F. Spira, Michael Page文献出处:《Journal of Management & Governance》,2010, 14(4):409-433字数统计:英文2253单词,12476字符;中文3543汉字外文文献:Regulation by disclosure: the case of internal control1.Lntroduction: disclosure as a regulatory toolThe traditional framework of corporate accountability relies on disclosure of information to stakeholders. The form, content and reliability of this disclosure have been a matter of concern and debate ever since the establishment of legislative protection for investors and creditors in the mid nineteenth century. Financial scandals typically prompt calls for improvements in disclosure. The assumption underlying this form of disclosure is that stakeholders will be provided with information through which they may hold company management to account for the use of resources provided—a stewardship approach.A different view of the purpose of disclosure underlies developments in standardising financial reporting which have been justified on the basis that users of financial statements need information in order to make a broad range of economic decisions about their relationships with corporations, an assumption which underpins the development of conceptual frameworks for financial reporting.More recently, disclosure has become viewed as a tool of regulation. For example, the UK Companies Act 2006 has required companies to make disclosures relating to risks and futureprospects. This approach to disclosure as a regulatory tool is reflected in recent discussions of European policy. The Winter Report1 of 2002 stated: Disclosure requirements can sometimes provide a more efficient regulatory tool than substantive regulation through more or less detailed rules. Such disclosure creates a lighter regulatory environment and allows for greater flexibility and adaptability. (p. 34) The discussion paper “Risk Management and Internal Control in the EU” states that:…if regulation is necessary, then disclosu re of information should be the preferred regulatory tool because it puts power in the hands of shareholders and markets rather than leaving it entirely with regulators (Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens 2005, p. 4)Disclosure is thus seen to be beneficial from three linked and overlapping perspectives: in securing corporate accountability and the exercise of good corporate governance on behalf of stakeholders; in enabling better investment decisions and the smooth running of capital markets; and as a form of indirect regulation that achieves the goals of regulators.In the US, securities legislation has relied on mandated disclosure since the 1930s. Although disclosure is central to its regime of corporate accountability, the UK approach to corporate legislation has been significantly different: recognition of this difference has been heightened in much of the recent …rules v. principles5 debate following the Enron debacle (Bush 2005). The response to such apparent failings of the system of accountability is typically a demand for fuller disclosure of information.The development of UK corporate governance policy has been characterised by a 'softer' approach, based on the principle of …comply or explain5, under which disclosure of information about compliance becomes mandatory, although code compliance remains voluntary. Arguments in support of this approach rest on the need for flexibility to recognise the range of diversity among companies and their activities and the assumption that the information provided about compliance will allow enforcement through market discipline.Studies of disclosure tend to focus on the readily observable —the content of the disclosures themselves -rather than the behavioural effects in corporate policies and processes which disclosure is intended to secure but which are far more difficult to assess. However, the knowledge that disclosure is required may have an earlier and equally important effect on management behaviour as that produced by market response. This is hinted at in the comment of William L Cary, former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission who wrote in 1967 that:Disclosure is the most realistic means of coping with the ever-present problem ofconflicts of interest. In some instances our conduct is motivated by what we think is right, without regard to anything else. But, perhaps equally important, ethical behaviour-and wise counselling-results from estimating the public reaction to a full knowledge of a planned course of conduct. The requirement of disclosure in certain instances, and its possibility always, is thus a most important regulatory force in our society. Disclosure is the foundation of reliance on self-regulatory approaches to conflict problems and is the clearest alternative to greater governmental or institutional intervention. [Cary 1967: 408] Although statements such as those above identify disclosure as a regulatory tool, Cary's is unusual in that it attempts to describe the mechanisms by which it works. In this paper we focus on a specific form of disclosure-that relating to internal control-in a specific context-that of the UK's “comply or explain” corporate governance regime. Our choice of internal control as a disclosure topic reflects the continuing focus on this area. In 1999 the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) published “Internal Control: Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code” [Internal Control Working Party (The Turnbull Report) 1999]. It was prepared by an Internal Control Working Party chaire d by Nigel Turnbull and is often referred to as “the Turnbull report” or “the Turnbull guidance”. The Financial Reporting Council later set up the Turnbull Review Group which published revised guidance in 2005 (Turnbull Review Group 2005). Almost simultaneously ICAEW published a briefing document “Implementing Turnbull-a Boardroom Briefing” (Jones and Sutherland 1999). We consider the impact of internal control disclosure requirements by examining the nature of the disclosures made in accordance with theTurnbull guidance for directors reporting on internal control. We observe that the format and content of such disclosures may converge into a standardised 'boilerplate' and we discuss the implications of this.In contrast to other recent studies (e.g. Beattie et al. 2004; Beretta and Bozzolan 2004; Abraham et al. 2005; Linsley and Shrives 2005) which have sought to measure disclosure quality through the adoption of a content analysis approach, our research method is informed by grounded theory as an appropriate means of generating insights into the presentation and interpretation of disclosures.The paper begins with an outline of the development of the concept of internalcontrol, noting the difficulties encountered in arriving at a suitable definition for purposes of disclosure, and its recent identification with risk management. Focusing onthe disclosure requirements of the UK Turnbull guidance, we investigate disclosers' responses to the “comply or explain” regime through an analysis of selected disclosure narratives. We conclude by identifying a disclosure life cycle which highlights issuesthat policy-makers endorsing the use of disclosure as a means of regulation may need to address.2.Internal control and its disclosurethe subject of internal control, once a guaranteed remedy for sleeplessness, has made a spectacular entry onto political and regulatory agendas. (Power 1997: 57)In his analysis of the development of the role of audit, Power observes that internal control has become increasingly important as part of a system of regulation which relies on making internal mechanisms visible through forms of self-validation and disclosure. Corporate governance requirements have frequently been couched in the form of codes of practice on the principle of 'comply or explain' rather than prescriptive legislation. The monitoring role of the board of directors, which forms the apex of the internal control system of an organisation, has been emphasised. The influence of particular interest groups has been important in the negotiation of these developments. Auditors, bothinternal and external, can claim expertise in internal control, advancing their organisational position in the case of internal auditors (Spira and Page 2003) and increasing the potential for sales of specialised services in the case of external auditors. Regulators and legislators have focused on internal control issues as a policy response to crises (Cunningham 2004).The use of internal control as a corporate governance device reflects a subtle but significant change in its conception, moving from the original “supportive” notion that internal control systems were an integral part of the structure of an organisation which enabled its goals to be achieved, to the more recent view of internal control as a substantially “preventive” system, designed to minimise obstructions to goal achievement and carrying significantly greater expectations of the effectiveness of such systems. AsPage and Spira (2004) note, companies have also increasingly taken 'risk-based' approaches to internal control because of the increased pace of organisational change—control systems change too fast to be rigidly documented and companies may not even have full documentation relating to some of their IT based systems. For these reasons there has been an increase in 'delegation' of control downwards in the organisation and there is likely to be no central record of control systems.The emergence of risk-based approaches to internal control has resulted in a confluence of internal control and risk management to the point that an influential publication (Jones and Sutherland 1999) issued at the same time as the Turnbull guidance referred frequently to “internal control and risk management” as a single concept in providing practical assistance for boards in complying with the Turnbull disclosure requirements.The demonstration of “good” corporate governance is a challenge for boards of directors but describing structural mechanisms such as internal control processes may be one way of meeting demands for transparency. Thus, what was once an internal interest becomes a means of demonstrating regulatory compliance.Concerns about internal control in the US and the UK arose initially from a desire to establish the boundaries of external auditor responsibility. The difficulties of defining internal control are illustrated in the earliest US experience, as summarised in a lecture by Mautz (1980). He quotes the 1949 AICPA definition: Internal control comprises the plan of organization and all of the coordinate methods and measures adopted within a business to safeguard its assets, check the accuracy and reliability of its accounting data, promote operational efficiency, and encourage adherence to prescribed managerial policies. and describes the concern of firms' legal counsel about the broadness of this definition. This concern led to a new definition issued in 1958 which split the four parts of the original definition between “accounting control” (safeguarding assets and checking reliability and accuracy of accounting data) and “administrative control” (promotion of operational efficiency and encouragement of adherence to prescribed management policies) and defined auditors' responsibility as reviewing accounting controls only. A further narrowing took place in 1972 when the US auditing profession limited the two components of “accounting control” even more.Up to this point, the definition was really only of concern to companies and their auditors but the passing of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in 1977 changed this. The Act was passed in response to bribery scandals and for the first time envisaged the use of internal control as regulation. It was based on a narrow conception of internal control newly described as “internal accounting control”. It also changed the focus of internal control: whereas the concerns of “accounting control” had been at low organisational levels and clerical procedures, the Act now shifted attention to controls at board level for the first time.Further concern about inadequacies in financial reporting led to a private sector initiative which established the Treadway Commission on Fraudulent Financial Reporting in 1987. Its recommendations included a call for a review of the varying concepts of internal control to develop a consistent approach. The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO 1992) subsequently produced an integrated framework for internal control in 1992, defining internal control as: A process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories:•Effectiveness and efficiency of operations.•Reliability of financial reporting.•Compliance with applicable laws and regulations (COSO 1992, p. 9)However, the Sarbanes Oxley legislation of 2002 introduced a further definition: “internal control over financial reporting”3 which suggests that consistency has not yet been achieved and ambiguity still exists.In the UK, internal control first entered the corporate governance agenda when the Cadbury Committee, reporting in 1992 on the financial aspects of corporate governance, adopted the view that directors5 responsibilities with regard to internal control should be clarified. They recommended that directors should report on the effectiveness of internal control systems and that auditors should report on that statement but passed responsibility for implementing this to the accountancy profession.In 1994 the Rutteman working party defined internal control using the US definition of 1958 and also replaced the Cadbury recommendation that directors should report on the effectiveness of internal controls with the suggestion that they may wish to do so. In 1998the Hampel review of the Cadbury Code weakened this recommendation even further but, forthe first time, suggested that internal control and risk management were related.This link was built on by the internal control working party chaired by Nigel Turnbull which was charged with producing guidance for directors in interpreting the Code's requirements for reporting on internal control, finally grasping the nettle avoided by Cadbury, Rutteman and Hampel. Using a broad definition of internal control, the Turnbull guidance views it as a key component of risk management. In terms of the apparent satisfaction of disclosers and their audiences, the guidance appears to have proved remarkably successful, judging by the responses to the consultation initiated by the Financial Reporting Council Turnbull Review Group in 2005. The guidance has also beenwidely adopted in the public sector.中文译文:从信息披露规则角度看企业内部控制1.引言:作为监管工具的披露传统的企业责任框架依赖于利益相关者的信息披露。
本科毕业论文外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:Study on the Supervision System withV oluntary Information Disclosure文献、资料来源:Journal of Accounting&Economics文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2008年9月院(部):商学院专业:会计学辅修专业班级:会计辅修专业09级姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期:2017年9月17日A Study on the Supervision System with V oluntary Information Disclosurein Chinese Listed CompaniesAbstractThe voluntary information of listed companies is based on corporate image, the investor relates, which is to avoid lawsuit risk besides the compulsory information disclosure. The information, which the companies disclosed on their own initiative, is the important part of disclosure information. It is an effective way that demonstrates their core competitive ability. The author analyzed the problems on voluntary information disclosed, which existed in Chinese mainland listed company, proposed the suggestion of constructing supervision system which listed companies voluntary information to disclose.Keywords: Listed companies, Compulsory information disclosure, V oluntaryinformation disclosure, SupervisionSystem1.As the expansion of the increase of the number of listed companies and the increasingly drastic market competition,the competition has become more difficult in more and more listed companies. In order to catch the scarce resource--the capital, companies tend to choose the way of V oluntary information Disclosure. Listed companies,with voluntary to disclose the information refers to corporate image, the investor relation, avoid lawsuit risk besides the compulsory information disclosure. However, the supervision system is not good enough; the information disclosed voluntarily is hard to be proof the truth. Therefore, it becomes more and more important to build the supervision system with voluntary information disclosure for listed companies.2. Motivation of Compulsory information disclosureInformation, the V oluntary disclosure, is the executives in listed companies on personnel benefit to disclose on own initiative. According to the economic theory of "the economic man rationality", the superintendents balance the behavior and do not take, completely based on the benefit and this behavior which is the costing. The superintende nt’s decision-making is also based on the cost benefit analysis, if the voluntary information disclosure brings the benefit is larger than the cost, then the superintendent can carry on voluntarily disclosed, otherwise, thesuperintendent rather does not carry on the voluntary information to disclose, their manners will change with the cost income relations changing. (Kai Xiang, 2004)With the China capital market gradually development, the business management authority can reduce the average capital cost, enhance the financial analyst and investor's interest, enhance company confidence level, improve investment relations, stand out company competitive advantages, enhance company stocks market fluidity, but also may reduce the company’s lawsuit risk ,bec ause the disclosure is not enough and so on, by disclosing voluntary information besides the compulsory information disclosure. The China capital market information disclosure also can gradually move to the stage of paying equal attention to voluntary and compulsory disclosure, not the simply regarding of the compulsory disclosure, the voluntary information disclosure will certainly to be the effective way,by which listed companies can demonstrate the core competitive ability, communicate with the stakeholders, and describe the company future. (Xianzhong Song, 2006)3. Content of Compulsory information disclosureListed companies, with voluntary to disclose the information is refers to corporate image, the investor relates, avoid lawsuit risk except for the compulsory information disclosure. Learning from foreign listed companies’ experience of disclosing information voluntarily , and according to the situation in China, the listed companies voluntary disclosure of information include:The forward-looking information, based on the company's “core competence”. It contains the operation,the business plan, strategic planning, business environment and so on. All of information can help investors to make rational investment judgments and decision-making;Information communicated with the market intermediaries and investors or the evaluation information from them;Information of human resources. Under the conditions of the knowledge economy society, human capitalbecomes more and more important. Particularly in the high tech, high-growth companies, employees are the company's most valuable asset. Research shows that these companies were significantly better than other companies,in the above-mentioned aspects of the voluntary disclosure of information;According to the accounting standards of the conservative principles, there is also lack of proper disclosure rules or low in requirements disclosure, which is useful for the investmentdecision-making, such as fair value;Corporate governance, environmental protection and social responsibility do not have mandatory disclosure information, because of complexity from the measurement and disclosure (Derong Zhang, 2004).4. Main problems exist in Compulsory information disclosure4.1 Low Voluntary Disclosure Rate and low initiativeA number of listed companies regard voluntary disclosure of information as an additional burden, rather than a kind of obligation or the right, which should be given to the shareholders. Thus they will be passive to disclose the information, that’s to say, they will take less disclosure as less as possible. With time going by, the concept of this understanding is accepted by people, so that the deviation in the information disclosure makes listed companies in a passive response. The main reason is that the listed company is too worry to tell the public the secret in its management, and thus the disclosure of information creates a psychological fear and evasive to them.4.2 Lack of integrity of Voluntary information disclosureToday, Chinese listed companies’ practice of disclosing information voluntarily is not satisfactory. Many listed companies are reluctant to disclose, and some listed companies only disclose the company's financial information;but the "bad news" or involved matters with a certain risk, or other seriously matters, the companies are kept silent.Moreover, many listed companies do not disclose fully credibility, hoping the investors rely on the “popular”, then to help them succeed .Chinese investors are not maturity, particularly in the processing, handling and analyzing information. Therefore, it is very difficult to judge the value of the company through the signal transferred by the company.4.3 The voluntary disclosure of false informationGenerally speaking, the voluntary information disclosure has high credibility. To the non-mandatory requirements information, managers often disclose the less likely to lead to the disclosure of risk information for reducing the risk of litigation and avoiding legal sanctions. In addition, the main motive of high-quality enterprises disclosing the information to the investors is to convey the signal quality of enterprises, so as to reduce monitoring costs. V oluntary information disclosure generally has higher quality. However, the absence of mandatory disclosure is as strict guidelines as regulate, and authorities have the tendency ofopportunism, prone to the problem of moral hazard.What’s more, the poor quality of the enterprises are based o n the theory of signal transduction, transmission of false information, the voluntary disclosure of information is not the same to the mandatory information , as to undergo a rigorous audit. And voluntary disclosure of information is difficult to guarantee the quality.4.4 Content of voluntary information disclosure is not standardAt present, mainly Chinese listed companies are the compulsory disclosure of information, and voluntary disclosure of information in some documents are scattered, in reality, Chinese listed companies ,disclosing voluntarily information, can not meet regulators, securities analysts and investors demand regardless of content or quality.Chinese listed companies in the voluntary disclosure of information content norms. The China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the "public offerings stock, the disclosure of corporate information content and format standards" of the relevant provisions of 1-6 in the annotated "Open-here," although voluntary disclosure of information to the left of the room, but the lack of specific guidelines and the corresponding policy support, the overall level of the listed companies to disclose information voluntarily is low. Therefore, Chinese voluntary disclosure of information is worthy of paying attention and needs to be solved.5. Improve Supervision System of Voluntary information Disclosure in listed companiesAs growing competition of capital in the market and the gradually standardization of legal system, there will be a growing trend of voluntary information disclosure for adapt with the complex and ever-changing and highly uncertain economic environment. For the problems existing in Chinese listed companies voluntary information disclosure, and learning from the practical experience on foreign listed companies, the author makes the following recommendations:5.1 Actively encourage and protect listed companies voluntarily disclose informationWith the gradually maturation of Chinese capital market, on the basis of the management company completing the mandatory disclosure of information provided voluntary disclosure of information. Therefore, the regulatorydepartments should encourage listed companies to voluntary disclosure of information, add clauses in the policies and regulations, encourage listed companies to disclose the voluntary information besides existing laws, regulations and rules, meet the investors’ growing demands. At the same time, in order to avoid some of thecompany's management should not be faced litigation risk and other problems, regulators need to study and formulate relevant policies for the company's voluntary disclosure of information act to protect them. "Deliberate manipulation" and"accidental factors" belong to different nature of the situations and treat them differently. It should investigate the law liability to parties in the first case. Otherwise, only the listed companies have adequate evidences and can explain reasonably, don’t look into their liability.5.2 Strengthen supervising and managing prevent to disclose the false information at will and protect the market orderOnce the voluntary disclosure information published, it must accept the essential surveillance and the restraint equally with the compulsory disclosure information. But voluntary information disclosure is still lack essential surveillance rules currently, should establish a set of voluntary information disclosure supervising and managing system, standard voluntary information quality. For example: to establish voluntary information assurance and compensation system, to perform the heavy fine to the enterprise which misleads the investor and so on. The negotiable securities supervising and managing department and the Exchanges should strengthen supervising and managing to voluntary information disclosure market, prevent to disclose the false information at will, protects the market order. The voluntary information disclosure supervising and managing should contain following several aspects: First, integrity, listed companies voluntarily disclose of the information are both "positive" information, also includes the "negative" information;Second, systemic, whether listed companies from different angles, through various information disclosure to reveal the same, whether formed a distinctive pattern of voluntary disclosure of information;Third, dynamic, long-term voluntary listed companies to disclose certain information, and constantly adjusted to improve the reliability of information;Fourth, widespread, as long as all investors equal access to all listed companies to voluntarily disclose information;Fifth, the comparative, whether the compulsory information disclosure is mandatory or not, it can be the standards of judgment for the quality of reference standards.5.3 Giving full attention to the role of market intermediaries to establish the authority of the disclosure of company information quality evaluation systemListed companies should strengthen communication with institutional investors, brokers, securities analysts and other market intermediaries. Understanding the company's external information needs to reduce the company's asymmetric information through voluntary disclosure of information. Giving full attention to the role of market ntermediaries, establish the listed company disclosure information quality evaluation system by market intermediaries. Acts according to the specialized knowledge and after the company interior information full understanding and the analysis by the market facilitating agency which it has makes the omni-directional appraisal opinion, regularly promotes voluntary information disclosure quality rating results, provides certain authority to information disclosure quality appraisal opinion for the investor, shows the risk by the police which the ordinary investor possibly can face. (HongYin, 2004).5.4 Strengthen CP A audit to voluntary disclosure of informationCPA audit is an independent, objective and impartial system, it can ensure the credibility of the accounting information. V oluntary Information is provided by the authorities. With speculative risks, the authenticity and reliability of voluntary information should be tested by certified public accountant. Although the audit of voluntary information is not as strict as the mandatory information, it should also have forensic capabilities by registered accountants carrying out the necessary scrutiny, to improve and guarantee the credibility of its information. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate and improve audit rules on voluntary disclosure of information, and to increase violation of professional ethics or legal responsibility for the responsibility of a certified public accountant.5.5 Introduction of voluntary disclosure of information regulatory documentsOn a global scale, the voluntary disclosure of information is an irresistible trend of development. With the increasing speed of the change of the economic environment, the requirement for the accounting information relevant are higher and higher, by the extraneous user, the existing compulsory disclosure information will be inevitably difficult to satisfy their information need. Therefore, the extraneous information user on the existence to the businessmanagement authority disclosed voluntarily some information help policy-making the demand. We believed that,every the one which does not fall in the scope of the compulsory information disclosure content stipulation, and be helpful to the benefit counterparts to the policy-making information, all may be defined as the voluntary information disclosure.United States Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in 2001 on the voluntary disclosure of the contents of information provides as follows: "operational data, the analysis of the data management, and forward-looking information, relating to the management and shareholders of the information, not be confirmed in statements of intangible assets". Therefore, China should and must make a comprehensive and in-depth investigation for stakeholder information needs, and model the frame which the Stering committee proposed in FASB, namely confirmed some information is whether useful, by this to decide to provide the information or not, and standardize the content of the information disclosure. When the accounting standard setters sector and the securities regulatory departments are in the formulation of policies and programs should take into account that how to guide enterprises to carry out some of the disclosure of private information, and the securities regulatory departments should be introduced listed companies to disclose information voluntarily charter guidelines as soon as possible, to encourage and regulate listed companies voluntarily information disclosure.References[1]Kai Xiang. (2004). Listed companies to disclose information voluntarily Cause ofEconomic Analysis of the. Accounting Communications, (5).[2]Xianzhong Song. (2006). Enterprise core competencies of the voluntary disclosure ofinformation. Accounting Research, (2)[3]Derong Zhang. (2004). Enterprise voluntary disclosure of information.AccountingDigest, (1)[4]HongYin. (2004). Optimization of China's listed companies Opinion on voluntarydisclosure of information.Accounting Digest, (6)中文译文一个自愿性信息披露与我国上市公司监管问题的研究体系摘要:上市公司自愿性信息是企业形象的基础上,投资者有关,这是为了避免诉讼,除强制信息披露的风险。
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外文翻译原文I nf or ma t i on a s y mme t r y , c or por a t e di s c l os u r e , a nd t he c a p i t a l ma r k e t s:4 40A r e v i e w of t h e e mpi r i c a l d i s c l os ur e l i t e r a t u r e MaterialSource:Journal of Ac counting and Economi cs 31 (2001) 405–Author:Paul M.He a l y , Kr i s hna G. Pa l epuFinancial reporting and disclosure are potentially important means formanagementtocommunicatefirmperformanceandgovernancetooutsideinvestors.Weprovideaframewor k foranalyzingmanag ers’r eportinganddisclosuredecisionsin a capital Markets setting,and identify key research questions. We then reviewcurrentempiricalresearchon disclosure regulation, information intermediaries, andthedeterminantsandeconomicconsequencesofcorporatedisclosure.Our surveyconcludes that current research has generated a number of useful insights. Weidentify many fundamental questionsthatremain unanswered,andchanges in theeconomicenvironmentthatraisenew questionsforresearch.1IntroductionCorporate disclosure is critical for the functioning of an efficient capitalmarket.1Firms provide disclosurethrough regulated financial reports,includingthefinancial statements, footnotes, management discussion and analysis, and otherregulatory filings. In addition, some firms engage in voluntary communication,suchasmanagementforecasts, analys ts’pr esentations and conference calls, pressreleases, internet sites, and other corporate reports. Finally, there are disclosuresabout firms by information intermediaries, suchas financial analysts, industryexperts,andthefinancial press.Inthispaperwereview researchonfinancialreporting andvoluntarydisclosureofinformationbymanagement,summarizekeyresearchfindings,andidentifyareasf or future work. Section 2 examines the forces that give rise to demand fordisclosureinamoderncapital-marketeconomy,andtheinstitutionsthatincreasethecredibility of disclosures. We argue that demand for financial reporting anddisclosure arises from information asymmetry and agency conflicts betweenmanagersandoutsideinvestors. The credibility of management disclosures isenhanced by regulators, standard setters, auditors and other capital marketintermediaries.Weusethedisclosureframework to identify importantquestionsforresearch,andreview available empiricalevidence.Section 3 reviews the findings on the regulation of financial reporting anddisclosure.Muchofthis research documentsthat earnings, book values, and otherrequiredfinancialstatementinformationis‘‘‘valuerelevant’’’. However,fundamentalquestions about the demand for, and effectiveness of, financial reporting anddisclosureregulationintheeconomy remainunanswered.Researchon effectiveness of auditors and information intermediaries isdiscussedinSection4.Thereis evidence that financial analysts generate valuablenew information through their earnings forecasts and stock recommendations.However, there are systematic biases in financial analys ts’ou tputs, potentiallyarising from the conflicting incentives that they face. While theory suggests thatauditorsenhancethecredibilityoffinancialreports,empirical researchhas providedsurprisingly littleevidencetosubstantiateit.Section5 reviews the economic determinantsofmanag ers’fi nancial reportingand disclosure decisions. Researchusing the contracting perspective finds thataccounting decisionsareinfluenced by compensation andlending contracts, as wellas political cost considerations. Researchusing the capital market perspectivedocuments that voluntary disclosure decisions are related to capital markettransactions, corporate control contests, stock-based compensation, shareholderlitigation,andproprietarycosts.2TheroleofdisclosureincapitalmarketsInthissection,weexaminetheroleofdisclosureinmoderncapitalmarkets. Informationandincentiveproblemsimpedetheefficientallocationofresources inacapitalmarketeconomy.Disclosure and the institutions created to facilitatecredible disclosure between managers and investors play an important role inmitigatingthese problems. The framework for disclosure that we discuss in thissectionisthenusedtodevelopimplicationsforresearch.Acriticalchallengefor any economy is the optimal allocation of savings toinvestment opportunities. Thereare usually many new entrepreneurs and existingcompaniesthat wouldlike toattracthousehold savings, which aretypically widelydi str ibu te d, to fu nd their bu sine s s i d ea s. W hil e both sa v ers a nd e ntrepre neu rs w ouldliketodobusinesswith each other, matching savings to business investmentopportunitiesiscomplicated forat least two reasons.First,entrepreneurs typicallyhave better information than savers about the value of business investmentopportunitiesand incentives to overstate their value. Savers, therefore, face ’’whentheymakeinvestmensinbusinessventures. S an‘‘‘informationproblem’econd,oncesavershaveinvestedintheirbusinessventures,entrepreneurshaveanincentivetoexpropriatethe’’.‘‘a gency problem’irsavings,creatingan‘3Manager s’repor tingdecisio n sResearchonmana gers’r eportingdecisionshasfocusedontwoareas.Thefirst area,oftencalled positive accountingtheory, focuses onmanagem ent’s financial reportingchoices.Weprovideabriefreviewofthis literature; Fields etal. (2001)provide a more comprehensive survey ofrecentresearch in this area. The secondarea, the voluntary disclosure literature, focuses on management disclosuredecisions.3.1PositiveaccountingtheoryliteratureThepositiveaccountingtheoryliteraturefocuses on managem ent’s motivesformakingaccounting choices when marketsare semi-strong form efficient, there aresignificant costs in writing and enforcing contracts, and there are political costsarisingout ofthe regulatory process (seeWattsandZimmerman, 1978, 1986). Thecentralfocusofthisliteratureistoexaminethe role of contracting and politicalconsiderationsin explainingmanagementaccountingchoiceswhenthereareagencycostsandinformationasymmetry. Two types of contracts are examined, contractsbetween the firm and its creditors (debt contracts), and contracts betweenmanagementandshareholders(compensationcontracts).Politicalconsiderationsinclude manageme nt’s concernabout attractingexplicit orimplicittaxes, orregulatoryactions.Contractsarenottheonlymechanisms fordealingwithinformationasymmetrydiscussed in the positive accounting literature.Forexample, WattsandZimmerman(1983,1986)discusstheroleofreputationasamechanismforresolvinginformationpro blemsinthecontextofauditing.Empirical studies of positive accounting theory test whether managers makeaccountingmethodchangesoraccrualestimatesto reduce the costs of violatingbondcovenantswritten in terms of accounting numbers, to increase the value ofearnings-basedbonusesundercompensationcontracts,ortoreducethelikelihoodofimplicitorexplicittaxes.Findings indicatethatfirmsthatuseaccountingmethodstoaccelerateearningsaresmallandhaverelatively high leverage.Also,firms’a ccrualdecisionsappeartobeaffectedbycompensationcontracts.While a majority of positive accounting studies focus on analyzingpostcontracting opportunistic accounting choices, some studies view the choice ofaccountingand disclosure as partofthe contracting processitself. Holthausen andLeftwich(1983) , Watts and Zimmerman (1990), Smithan d Watts (1992), andSkinner (1993) argue that the use of accounting information in lending andcompensationcontractsshouldbeviewedasendogenous.Consequently,thenatureofafirm’s a ssetsanditsinvestmentopportunitysetsimult aneously determineitsoptimal contracting relations and its accounting method choices. Watts andZimmerman(1983)examinethe role of voluntary interim reporting as an ex antecontractingpartofcorporategovernance.Theex ante role of accounting in thecontracting process is also examined by Zimmer(1986), Christie andZimmerman(1994),andSkinner(1993).Although positive accounting theory studies generated several interestingempirical regularities regarding firm s’a ccounting decisions, there is ambiguityabouthowtointerpretthis evidence(seereviewsbyHolthausenandLeftwich,1983;WattsandZimmerman,1990).Forexample,sizeistypic allyviewedasaproxyforpolitical sensitivity, but is likely to proxy for many other factors. Also,as Palepu(1987),Healyand Palepu (1990), and DeAngelo et al. (1996) P.M. Healy, K.G.Palepu /Journal of Accounting and Economics 31 (2001) 405–440 419 suggest,accounting decisions by managers of highly leveraged firms in financial distressmay in part reflect an attempt to conserve cash, or changes in investmentopportunities.3.2 Voluntary disclosureliteratureR esearchonvoluntarydisclosure focuses on the information role of financialreporting for capital markets (see Healy and Palepu, 1993, 1995). This researchsupplementsthepositiveaccountingliteraturebyfocusingonstock market motivesforaccountinganddisclosuredecisions.Disclosure studies assume that, even in an efficient capital market, managershave superior information to outside investors on their firm s’e xpectedfutureperformance.Ifauditingandaccountingregulationsworkperfectly,manag ers’accountingdecisionsan ddisclosurescommunicate changesintheir firm’s b usiness economics to outside investors.Alternatively, if accountingregulationand auditingare imperfect, a more likely possibility, managers trade off between makingaccountingdecisionsanddisclosurestocommunicatetheir superiorknowledgeoffirm’s p erformancetoinvestors,andtomanagereportedperformanceforcontractin g,politi cal or c orporate governance reasons.Management motives for makingvoluntary disclosure and their credibility are, therefore, interestingempiricalquestions.4.ConclusionCapitalmarketsare becoming increasingly global as a result ofa variety ofdevelopments. Institutional investors are looking to diversify by investing P.M.Healy, K.G.Palepu/Journal ofAccountingandEconomics31 (2001) 405–4 40 433around the globe; corporations are seeking capital wherever the terms are mostattractive;andinternet-basedtradingis making it easier forindividual investorstoinvest in international capital markets. Financial deregulation is encouraging theseactivities.The globalization of capital markets has been accompanied by calls forglobalizationoffinancial reporting.Thisraises several interestingquestions.First,isitoptimalto have a global accounting standardsettergiven wide disparities inthedevelopment of financial reporting infrastructure across counties? Second, whateconomic forces will determine the speed with which convergence of financialreportinginstitutionswilltakeplace?Third,whatarethe political and economicconsequencesofsuch a convergence? Fourth, in theabsence of convergence, willfinancialreportinginformativenessbeenhancedbyglobalaccountingstandards?Insummary,theincreasedpaceofentrepreneurshipand economic change hasprobablyincreasedthevalueofreliableinformationincapitalmarkets.However,thetraditional financial reporting model appears to do a poor job of capturing theeconomicimplicationsofmanyofthesechangesinatimelyway.Thereis,therefore,anopportunityforfuturedisclosureresearchtoexaminehowfinancialreportingand disclosures adapt to changes in business and capital market environments. Inaddition, as we note earlier, there are many areas where our understanding ofexistingdisclosureinstitutions and phenomena are limited. We believe that bothopportunities make the disclosure area an exciting area of study for accountingscholars.译文信息不对称,企业信息披露和资本市场:信息披露的实证文献回顾资料来源 : [ J ] . 会计和经济 4 0 5 - 4 4 0 3 1 ( 20 0 1)作者:Pa u l M. He a l y, Kr i s h na G. Pa l epu财务报告和信息披露是有潜在的外来投资者的重要手段,企业绩效管理,沟通和治理。