新编简明英语语言学教程chapter 1 Introduction

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Prescriptive vs. Descriptive

Prescriptive: to lay down rules for “correct and standard” behavior in using language. (modern linguistics) Descriptive: to describe and analyze the language people actually use. (traditional grammar)
studying object--language

e.g. a. What is language? b. How does language work? c. What do all languages have in common? d. To what extent are social class differences reflected in language?

女生做完头发 甲:呀,你理发了! 乙:是呀,今天我男朋友来了。 甲:真漂亮! 乙:还可以吧,我不是很满意。 甲:相当不错,你留这种头发就很好看,我就不行了。 乙:不是呀,你可以试试的。 甲:我不行,我的脸太圆。 乙:说得也是,你为什么不试试瘦脸霜呢?挺好使。 甲:我试过了,也不行呀。 乙:那你用用ⅹⅹ的,听说效果还是不错的。 甲:那个牌子的小丽用过了,没什么效果的。 乙:小丽的脸型多漂亮呀!还用瘦脸霜干什么呀!


甲:就是呀,我觉得她长得多漂亮呀!特别像ⅹⅹⅹ。 乙:哦,对了。听说ⅹⅹⅹ拍了一部新电视剧,你看 了吗? 甲:我也听说了,不过一直没找到什么地方能下载呀。 怎么?你下了? 乙:没有,不过男朋友给我带来了。 甲:你看看,你男朋友对你多好。我男朋友能有他一 半就好了。 乙:你男朋友也不错的,那次你感冒了看把他忙的! 甲:什么呀!我感冒还不是因为他!要不是陪他去买 电影票能感冒吗?乙:哦,那次你们看的什么电影? 甲:是ⅹⅹⅹ,没意思。不过主演ⅹⅹ还是很帅的。 乙:ⅹⅹ?哦,就是演ⅹⅹⅹⅹⅹ的那个吧! 甲:就是了,他其实演技一般,就是那双眼睛特别迷 人。
Ways to study this course
(1) You are kindly required to attend every class and you need to take notes. (2) We are not going to deal with each section. You are required to read important sections in the book.

Synchronic:the description of a language at some point of time in history (modern linguistics).
Diachronic: the description of a language as it changes through time (historical development of language over a period of time)
(4) Please review regularly what you have learned after class, and do additional exercises to strengthen the knowledge in your mind.
Final test
(1) Final Exam 70%
(2) Class attendance and participation 30%
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 What is Linguistics?

Linguistics is the scientific study of language. language----studying object scientific----studying method A person who studies linguistics is known as linguist.
studying object--language

e. 在神圣而美好的结婚典礼上,新郎对新 娘庄严宣告“我爱你”。很显然,这里的 “我”和“你”分别指的是新郎和新娘,在 这样的场景下,我们会觉得这样的告白很浪 漫很温馨。

在恐怖片中,一个变态狂对被他绑架的 女受害人说:“我爱你”。
studying method--scientific
Writing: later developed

Langue vs. Parole (Saussure)

Langue: the abstract linguistic system shared by all members of the speech community.
Parole: the realization of langue in actual use.

Descriptive vs. prescriptive
Synchronic vs. diachronic Langue vs. parole Competence vs. performance

Prescriptive vs. Descriptive

Don't say X. People don't say X. The first is a prescriptive command, while the second is a descriptive statement. The distinction lies in prescribing how things ought to be and describing how things are.

甲:呀,剃头了? 乙:呵呵,剃了。 甲:真“瓜”。 乙:滚!
1.1.2 The Scope of Linguistics

Phonetics Phonology Morphology Syntax Semantics Pragmatics
语音学 音系学 词汇学 句法学 语义学 语音学
1.1.2 The Scope of Linguistics


Psycholinguistics 心理语言学

Applied linguistics
1.1.3 Some important distinctions of linguistics
The Goals for this Course

To get a scientific view on language To understand some basic theories on linguistics. To understand the applications of the linguistic theories, especially in the field of language teaching & learning, cross-cultural communication, etc. To prepare for future research.

Women have more teeth than men. Female students have more talent than male students in learning.

studying method--scientific

Observe and collect language facts. Generalization Formulate some hypotheses Check repeatedly against the observed facts to fully prove their validity.

Prescriptive vs. Descriptive

The nature of linguistics as a science determines its preoccupation with description instead of prescription.
Synchronic vs. Diachronic
Text Books

Baidu Nhomakorabea
戴炜栋,何兆熊主编.《新编简明英语语 言学教程》,上海外语教育出版社
Reference Books

胡壮麟主编.《语言学教程》,北京大学 出版社,2013,第四版(中文版) 刘润清,《西方语言学流派》外语教学 与研究出版社,1995 索绪尔,《普通语言学教程》,商务印 书馆

1.2 What is language?

A tool for communication? A set of rules?
Sapir’s definition(1921)

Language is a purely human and noninstinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols

Competence vs. Performance (Chomsky)

Competence: the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language.
Performance: the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.

乙:嗯,发型也很好的。我做头发的时候看到有个 人 也做的那个发型。 甲:是吗?你在哪里做的?那个发型很难的,我让我 男朋友也做一个! 乙:我在ⅹⅹ发屋做的。 甲:哦,就是ⅹⅹ边上那一家吧! 乙:是呀。那里有个男生可帅了,就是他会!甲:你 说的是长得像ⅹⅹⅹ的那个吧! 乙:嗯! 甲:我也注意他好久了,没想到手艺这么好。 乙:呀,我男朋友已经到了半天了,我下去接他了。 甲:好吧。拜拜。 乙:拜拜。
Ways to study this course
(3) It is advisable to understand linguistic theories, ideas or notions through examples instead of memorizing word by word without comprehension.

Synchronic vs. Diachronic

初则喜正义之伸张,乐法律得施行,不 屑媚俗,安于清贫。久矣疲命于杂务, 掣肘各情形,荒于教子,未尽孝心 ……

Speech vs. Writing

Speech: primary medium of language

Traditional grammar vs. Modern linguistics

Traditional grammar: prescriptive, written, Latin-based framework
Modern linguistics: descriptive, spoken, not necessarily Latin-based framework
Something students need to know

Duration of this course Ways to study this course Final test
Duration of this course
There are 2 teaching hours per week for about 17 weeks in one semester and we are going to cover at least 10 chapters.