汽车英语交通规则(traffic regulations)

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Dialogue 1
Tom: Do you have any idea__a_s__fo_r_____how many people lost their lives in traffic accidents in a year.
Shelly: I have no idea about that. Tom: 100,000 lives, only in China. _T_h_a_t_is__to__s_a_y____, every five minutes, one
Reading A
Task 2: Read the passage and choose the best answer to complete the statements.
1. “They” in line 2 refers to _________. A. traffic signs and signals.
Task 4 Listen to the dialogues, fill in the missing information, and practice them with your partner.
Dialogue 2 A: I’m sorry about the traffic accident, Mrs. Norris. B: No one was ____h_u_r_t ___, thank goodness. A: We need to ____s_e_n_d__in______ an accident report. And I need to ask you a
( H)7. Two-way traffic(G )8.Falling Rocks
Look at the pictures in Task1 and Task2, ask your partner the following questions, and organize the sentences
模块八 Unit 8 Book 1
Traffic Regulations
Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics
Traffic Regulations
Section I Listening and speaking Section II Reading Section III Grammar Section IV Comprehensive Task
nowadays, but still many __ig_n_o_r_e____ them. Shelly: If only all the people, either pedestrians or motor __v_e_h_i_c_le___ drivers,
observe traffic regulations.
Section I Listen and Speaking
Task 1: Picture recognition Task 2: Read and match Task 3: Speak out Task 4: Listen and practice Task 5: Act out
Can you tell any difference of traffic signs in different countries?
Task 4 Listen to the dialogues, fill in the missing information, and practice them with your partner.
C. traffic signals
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Reading B
Traffic Regulations
Traffic Regulations
Before you get your visa to go to Canada or the USA or wherever, you must study the laws of that country. When you do go abroad, always obey the Laws. Many laws are different in each country around the world. China is very loose with traffic laws, but strict on other laws. Follow these laws. 1) Do not walk in the street. Walk on the sidewalk. Walking in the street is very
man lost his life. Shelly: Why do traffic accidents happen? ___D_o_n_’_t ___we have traffic regulations? Tom: Sure, we have enough regulations. But still accidents happen. They are
Take Task 4 as example, practice dialogues according to the situations provided with your partner.
Situation 1:
Sam and Bill saw a traffic policeman directing the flow of traffic suffering from a car accident. They talked about the responsibilities of traffic police such as relieving traffic jam, checking driving license, directing traffic and so on.
B. pavement markings.
C. traffic control devices.
B 2. “Pedestrians” means_________. A. passengers B. walkers C. passerby
Task 2
3. To make your driving, one should follow__________.
( A)1. No turns
( E )2.Speed limit
( F )3.Keep in line (D )4.No Horn
( C)5. No EntBiblioteka Baiduy
( B )6. Slippery When Wet
( H)7. Two-way traffic(G )8.Falling Rocks
Task 2: Read the traffic signs and make a match.
( A)1. No turns
( E )2.Speed limit
( F )3.Keep in line (D )4.No Horn
( C)5. No Entry
( B )6. Slippery When Wet
___b_a_c_k_in_g__ out of the __d_r_iv_e_w_a_y__. The driver didn’t stop at all and then backed ____ri_g_h_t ___ into me. A: Very well. Now I need to look at your car. B: Okay, fine.
dangerous. A policeman will give you an expensive ticket if he sees you. Plus, your strange activity may cause an accident. 2) Only cross the street at a green light on the corner. Much of China's traffic problems are from walkers (pedestrians) or cyclists (bike riders) not obeying the laws. 3) When driving a car: understand that in some countries they drive on the right side (like China): USA, France, South America, Canada... But some countries they drive on the left side, Britain, Japan, Thailand, Australia...Look both ways before you cross the street. Look twice just to be safe. Be tolerant of different countries’ traffic regulations.
the results of traffic regulation __vi_o_la_t_io_n___. Shelly: Is it so difficult to ___o_b_s_e_rv_e__ traffic regulations? Tom: No. In fact, more and more people realize the importance of the rules
few questions. B: All right. A: What __e__xa_c_t_ly___ was the accident? B: Well, I was driving along Jefferson Street. I wasn’t going fast at all. A car was
Are you familiar with all the traffic signs listed in Task1 and Task2? Can you describe other traffic signs?
In your opinion, what is the function of yellow light?
Situation 2:
Sam and Bill are discussing the reasons of traffic accidents which involve ignoring the speed limit, jumping the lights, driving drunk and so on.
Section II Reading
Reading A
Reading B
Reading A
Task 1 Task 2
Reading A
Task 1 Listen to the passage and fill in the missing information.
Traffic Control Traffic signs, signals and pavement_m__a_r_ki_n_g_s__ are called traffic control___d_e_v_ic_e_s__. They are set up to control the flow of traffic.__P_r_o_p_e_r___ control of traffic makes streets and __h_ig_h_w__a_ys__safer for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians. To be a safe driver, you must _w__a_tc_h__fo_r__and ___o_b_e_y____all traffic signals, signs, and pavements markings. During heavy traffic or in an_e_m__e_r_g_e_n_cy_, an officer may direct traffic. A traffic officer can __o_v_e_rr_u_le___traffic signals. His orders or directions must always be obeyed.
Task 1 In this part, you will hear six statements, please judge which picture is mentioned in each statement.
Task 2: Read the traffic signs and make a match.
A. traffic signals only
B. pavement markings only
C. Both A and B
4. _________ may direct traffic during a heavy traffic.
A. traffic police
B. pedestrians