e- 1 -Easy-to-use, intuitive operationAll instrument controls may be performed from the front panel. The heat source is positioned away from the panel. This design helps to protect the operator.The main functions on the CTC series are designed with one-key-one-function logic. This means that there are no sub-menus or diffi cult to remember multiple keystrokes neces-sary to access primary functions.The easy-to-read, backlit display features dedicated icons, which help in identifying instrument conditions and oper-ational steps.CTC-140 heating/cooling blockThe model CTC-140 features Peltier elements. In 1834, JeanPeltier, a French physicist found that an ’’opposite thermo-couple effect’’ could be observed when an electric currentwas connected to a thermocouple. Heat would be absorbedat one of the junctions and discharged at the otherjunction. This effect is called the ’’PELTIER EFFECT’’.The practical Peltier element (electronic heating pump) con-sists of many elements of semiconductor material that is con-nected electrically in series and thermally in parallel. Thesethermoelectric elements and their electrical interconnectionsare mounted between two ceramic plates. The plates serveto mechanically hold the overall structure together and toelectrically insulate the individual elements from one another.employ the MVI, thus avoiding such stability problems. TheMVI circuitry continuously monitors the supply voltage andensures a constant energy fl ow to the heating elements.The CTC-140 A does not require the MVI circuitry becausethe Peltier elements are energized with a stabilized DC vol-tage.Set temperatureThe ’’Up’’ and ’’Down’’ arrow keys allow the user to set theexact temperature desired with a resolution of 0.1°C or °F.Instrument setupsThe CTC series stores the complete instrument setup, inclu-ding: engineering units, stability criteria, resolution, displaycontrast, slope (ramp) rate, auto step settings, and maximumtemperature.Re-calibration/adjustmentsThe CTC series has a very easy and straightforward proce-dure for re-calibration/adjustment. There is no need for ascrewdriver or PC software. The only thing you need is areliable reference thermometer.Place the probe in the calibrator and follow the instructionson the display. Third-party labs and calibration facilities willbe able to perform this function if a certifi cate from an inde-pendent source is necessary. Of course, AMETEK can pro-vide you with a traceable calibration certifi cate from our labswhen you require a higher level of confi dence.Fast heating and coolingThe CTC-320 A and the CTC-650 A contain an innovativeheating block profi le. This design heats up in the CTC-320 Ato maximum temperature in just 4 minutes and the CTC-650A in only 10 minutes. The fast performance of the heatingblock is due to the special profi le that minimizes mass andyet, still accepts an insertion tube with a 1-inch outer dia-meter. This design is a balanced compromise between tem-perature stability / homogeneity and rapid heating / cooling.Deep immersion depthThe model CTC-320 B and CTC-650 B models offer a deeperimmersion depth of 200 mm (7.9 in.). If you have liquid-fi lledsensors or other sensors that require a deeper immersiondepth, look for the B versions. While the units do not heat andcool as quickly as their shorter counterparts, they offer thecapability to accommodate longer sensors.MVI - Improved temperature stabilityMVI stands for ’’Mains power Variance Immunity’’.Unstable mains power supplies are a major contributor toon-site calibration inaccuracies. Traditional temperature cali-brators often become unstable in production environmentswhere large electrical motors, heating elements, and otherdevices are periodically cycled on and off. The cycling ofsupply power can cause the temperature regulator to performinconsistently leading to both inaccurate readings and un-stable temperatures.The CTC series calibrators CTC-320 A/B and CTC-650 A/B- 2 -an RS-232 serial interface and the AMECAL-TEMPERATURE software. This WINDOWS ®-based software allows the user to customize his or her calibration routines. The software is easy-to-use so you do not have to be a programmer to con figure your own calibration procedures.Stability indicatorThe bold checkmark (√) on the display indicates that the calibrator has reached the desired set temperature and is stable. The operator may change the stability criteria and establish a greater sense of security in the calibration results. A convenient countdown timer is activated fi ve minutes before the unit reaches stability.Automatic switch testOperators can save a lot of time using the automatic ther-moswitch test function to fi nd values for the ’’Open ’’ and ’’Close ’’ temperatures. Additionally, this feature displays the hysteresis (deadband) between the two points. The feature ensures a very high repeatability when testing thermo-switches. Simply press the »SWITCH TEST « key to activate the function.Auto steppingThis feature saves manpower. The operator may stay inthe control room, or another remote location, monitoring the output from the sensor-under-test while the CTC series cali-brator is placed in the process and automatically changes the temperature using a programmed step value and rate. Up to 9 different temperature steps may be programmed, including the hold time for each step.This feature is also ideal for burning-in new sensors prior to installation; this minimizes initial drift and allows for initialtesting. It is also useful for testing temperature data loggers.The software features prompts, menus, and help functions that guide you through the con fi guration process.The AMECAL-TEMPERATURE software supports automatic calibration for all JOFRA dry-block calibrators equipped with an RS-232 serial data interface including the JOFRA DTI-1000 digital thermometer. For semi-automatic cali-brations, the software also supports liquid baths, ice points, or other dry-block heating and cooling sources. Using the software ’s ’’SCENARIO ’’ function allows for combining instru-ments in virtually any con fi guration.The calibration data collected may be stored on a PC for laterrecall or analysis.Maximum temperatureFrom the setup menu, the user can select the maximum temperature limit for the calibrator. This function prevents damage to the sensor-under-test caused by the application of excessive temperatures. The feature also aids in reducing drift resulting from extended periods of exposures to high temperatures. This feature can be locked with an accesscode.- 3 -AMECAL-TEMPERATURE softwareListed are the minimum hardware requirements needed for running the AMECAL-TEMPERA TURE calibration software.• INTEL TM 486 processor(PENTIUM TM 200 MHz recommended)• 16 MB RAM (32 MB recommended)• 40 MB free disk space on hard disk prior to installation • Standard VGA (640 x 480, 16 colors) compatible screen (800 x 600, 256 colors recommended)• CD-ROM drive for installation of the program • 1 or 2 free RS-232 serial ports, depending on con fi gurationMains speci fi cationsVoltage CTC-140/320/650......115V(90-127) 230V(180-254)Voltage CTC-650 B...............115V(100-127) 230V(200-254)Frequency ..............................................................45 - 65 Hz Power consumption (max.) CTC-140 A.......................150 VA Power consumption (max.) CTC-320 A.....................1150 VA Power consumption (max.) CTC-320 B......................600 VA Power consumption (max.) CTC-650 A/B.................1150 VA Temperature rangeCTC-140 AMaximum..........................................................140°C (284°F)*********************°C (32°F)...........-30°C (-22°F)**********************°C (73°F)...............-17°C (1°F)**********************°C (104°F)...........-2°C (28°F)CTC-320 A/B..............................50 to 320°C (122 to 608°F)CTC-650 A/B .............................50 to 650°C (122 to 1202°F)Resolution (user-selectable)Selectable ........................................................1° or 0.1°C/°F StabilityCTC-140 A.................................................+0.05°C (+0.09°F)CTC-320 A/B................................................+0.1°C (+0.18°F)CTC-650 A/B ...............................................+0.1°C (+0.18°F)Measured after the stability indicator has been on for 10 minutes. Measuring time is 30 minutes.Time to stability (approximate)All models .............................................................10 minutes AccuracyCTC-140 A.....................................................+0.5°C (+0.9°F)CTC-320 A/B.................................................+0.5°C (+0.9°F)CTC-650 A/B ...............................................+0.9°C (+1.62°F)Speci fi cation when using the internal reference. (Load 4 mm OD reference probe in the center of the insert).Immersion depthCTC-140 A (insulation included).................. 115 mm (4.5 in.)CTC-320 A/ CTC-650 B................................110 mm (4.3 in.)CTC-320 B/ CTC-650 B................................190 mm (7.5 in.)Heating timeCTC-140-17 to 23°C (1 to 73°F).............................................4 minutes 23 to 140°C (73 to 284°F).......................................9 minutes CTC-320 A50 to 320°C (122 to 608°F).....................................4 minutes CTC-650 A50 to 650°C (122 to 1202°F).................................10 minutes CTC-320 B50 to 320°C (122 to 608°F)...................................20 minutes CTC-650 B50 to 650°C (122 to 1202°F).................................37 minutesCooling timeCTC-140 A100 to 0°C (212 to 32°F).......................................10 minutes 0 to -15°C (32 to 5°F)............................................16 minutes 140 to 100°C (284 to 212°F)...................................2 minutes CTC-320 A320 to 100°C (608 to 212°F).................................16 minutes CTC-650 A650 to 100°C (1202 to 212°F)................................28 minutes CTC-320 B320 to 100°C (608 to 212°F).................................22 minutes CTC-650 B650 to 100°C (1202 to 212°F)................................62 minutes Switch input (dry contact)Test voltage ...............................................Maximum 5 VDC Test current ................................................Maximum 2.5 mA - 4 -Instrument dimensionsCTC-140 A, CTC-320 A, CTC-650 AL x W x H:..............241 x 139 x 325 mm (9.5 x 5.5 x 12.8 in.)CTC-320 B, CTC-650 BL x W x H:..............241 x 139 x 408 mm (9.5 x 5.5 x 16.1 in.)Instrument weightCTC-140 A..........................................................6.5 kg (14 lb)CTC-320 A............................................................5 kg (11 lb)CTC-650 A.........................................................6.4 kg (14 lb)CTC-320 B.........................................................6.7 kg (15 lb)CTC-650 B.......................................................10.4 kg (23 lb)Insert dimensionsCTC-140 ADiameter x length...........19 mm (0.75 in.) x 100 mm ( 3.9 in.)CTC-320 A, CTC-650 ADiameter x length.................26 mm (1 in.) x 120 mm (4.7 in.)CTC-320 B, CTC-650 BDiameter x length.................26 mm (1 in.) x 200 mm (7.9 in.)Weight of non-drilled insert (approximate)CTC-140 A.........................................................73 g (2.6 oz)CTC-320 A......................................................164 g (5.8 oz)CTC-650 A.....................................................506 g (17.8 oz)CTC-320 B......................................................277 g (9.8 oz)CTC-650 B.....................................................858 g (30.3 oz)Shipping (+ std. accessories + carrying case)Weight: CTC-140 A .......................................12.9 kg (28.4 lb)Weight: CTC-320 A.......................................12.2 kg (26.8 lb)Weight: CTC-650 A..........................................13.6 kg (30 lb)Weight: CTC-320 B.......................................13.9 kg (30.6 lb)Weight: CTC-650 B.......................................17.6 kg (38.7 lb)Size: LxWxH...........507 x 232 x 415 mm (20 x 9.1 x 16.3 in.)Shipping (+ std. accessories but no carrying case)Weight: CTC-140 A .........................................9.9 kg (21.8 lb)Weight: CTC-320 A.........................................9.2 kg (20.2 lb)Weight: CTC-650 A.......................................10.6 kg (23.3 lb)Size: (A) LxWxH...410 x 250 x 370 mm (16.1 x 9.8 x 14.6 in.)Weight: CTC-320 B..........................................10.9 kg (24 lb)Weight: CTC-650 B.......................................14.6 kg (32.1 lb)Size: (B) LxWxH..480 x 235 x 440 mm (18.9 x 9.3 x 17.3 in.)Shipping (carrying case only)Weight: ..............................................................5.0 kg (11 lb)Size: LxWxH...........507 x 232 x 415 mm (20 x 9.1 x 16.3 in.)MiscellaneousOptional: Serial data interface ...........RS-232C (9-pin Male)Operating temperature.......................0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F)Storage temperature........................-20 to 50o C (-4 to 122o F)Humidity ............................................................0 to 90% RH Protection class ..............................................................IP-10CE Conformity..............................EN61326-1 : 1997/A1:1998EN61010-1 : 1993/A2:1995Automatic switch testFinds switching temp. .......................Open, close, hysteresis Slope rate, programmable ............................0.1 to 9.9 °C/°F Auto steppingProgrammable....................................................Up to 9 steps Dwell time on each step..................................Programmable Enhanced stabilityUnstable mains protection.................................MVI Circuitry Stability indication............................................Yes, in display Multi-information displayStability indicator..........................................Clear checkmark Countdown timer before stable...............................5 minutes Temperature.........................SET and READ simultaneously Alphanumeric messages...................................................Yes Calibration status icons.....................................................Yes Training mode (heating/cooling block disabled)Simulation of all functions.................................................Yes Simulating heating and cooling........Approx. 100° per minute Service facilitiesAdjustment of the unit from the keypad............................Yes Self explaining guide in display.........................................Yes Other information..............................Displays serial number,software revision level, and last calibration date Setup facilitiesStability criteria..............Extra time before ’’stable indication ’’is shownDisplay resolution..............................................0.1° or 1°C/°F Temperature units...................................................°C and °F Slope rate....................................................0.1 to 9.9°/minute Maximum temperature.......................Any value within range- 5 -Carrying caseThe optional protective carrying case ensures safe transportation and storage of the instrument and all associated equip-ment.Heat shieldAn external heat shield is available and may be placed on top of the cali-brator to reduce the hot air stream around the sensor-under-test. This is especially important for testing thermo-couples having head-mounted transmitters with cold-junction com-pensation.Standard delivery CTC-140/320/650• CTC dry-block calibrator (user speci fi ed)• Mains power cable (user speci fi ed)• Traceable certi fi cate - temperature performance • Insert (user speci fi ed)• 3 pcs. insulation plugs for:6, 10, 13 mm (1/4, 3/8, 1/2 in.) sensors (CTC-140 only)• Tool for insertion tubes• User ’s manual (multi-language)• Reference manual (English)• T est cables (1 x red, 1 x black)• Optional RS-232 cable• Optional calibration software, AMECAL-TEMPERA TUREInsulation tube and plates Improve your calibration uncertainty by insulating the sensor-under-test.Minimize the heat dissi-pation from the top of the block and through the sensor-under-test. This insulation is important for all dry-block calibrators without the dual-zoneheating block.Part no. Description 123198 CTC series, reference manual123199 CTC series, user manual 123408 Carrying case for version A123409 Carrying case for version B122832 Cleaning brush, 4 mm (3/Pkg) 60F174 Cleaning brush, 6 mm (3/Pkg) 122822 Cleaning brush, 8 mm (3/Pkg) 60F135 Mains cable, 115V , USA, Type B 60F139 Mains cable, 220V , Australia, Type F60F138 Mains cable, 220V , Italy, Type E 60F137 Mains cable, 220V , South Africa, Type D 60F141 Mains cable, 230V , Denmark, Type G60F140 Mains cable, 230V , Europe, Type A 60F143 Mains cable, 230V , Israel, Type I 60F142 Mains cable, 230V , Switzerland, Type H60F136 Mains cable, 240V , UK, Type C 105366 RS-232 cable 104203 Test cable set 104216 Heat shield 60F170 Tool for insertion tube123469 Insulation plug (CTC-140 A only) 3 pcs.for 6 mm (1/4 in.), 10 mm (3/8 in.), 13 mm (1/2 in.) 65-F100 Insulation tube 100 mm (4 in.) 105173 10 insulation plates105813AmeCal-Temperature, PC calibration software- 6 --140 A 320 A 650 A 320 B 650 B Probe diameter part no. part no. part no. part no. part no.3 mm 123428 123436 123444 N/A N/A4 mm 60F 451 100177 100196 60F 359 60F 4235 mm 123429 123437 123445 123452 1234606 mm 60F 453 100179 100198 60F 361 60F 4257 mm 123430 123438 122516 123453 123461 8 mm 105185 100182 100201 105190 105195 9 mm 105186 100183 100202 105191 105196 10 mm 105187 100185 105188 105192 105197 11 mm 123431 100188 100204 105193 105198 12 mm 123432 100186 100206 105194 105199 13 mm 123433 60F 339 105189 123454 12346214 mm N/A 100190 100208 123455 123463 15 mm N/A 100191 100209 123456 123464 16 mm N/A 123439 123446 123457 123465 18 mm N/A 123440 122517 123458 123466 20 mm N/A 123441 122518 123459 123467 Multi-hole type 1123479 123475 123476 N/A N/AInserts - predrilled - metric*Note: CTC-140 only: All multi-hole inserts are delivered with a matching insulation plug.140 A 320 A 650 A 320 B 650 B Probe diameterpart no. part no. part no. part no. part no.1/8 in. 60F 450 100176 100195 60F 358 60F 422 3/16 in. 60F 452 100178 100197 60F 360 60F 424 1/4 in. 60F 454 100180 100199 60F 362 60F 426 5/16 in. 60F 456 100181 100200 60F 364 60F 4283/8 in. 60F 458 100184 100203 60F 366 60F 430 7/16 in. 60F 460 100187 100205 60F 368 60F 432 1/2 in. 60F 462 100189 100207 60F 370 60F 434 9/16 in. 60F 464 60F 344 60F 408 60F 372 60F 436 5/8 in. 60F 466 100192 100210 60F 374 60F 438 11/16 in. N/A 60F 348 60F 412 60F 376 60F 4403/4 in. N/A 100193 100211 60F 378 60F 44213/16 in. N/A 60F 352 60F 416 105184 60F 4447/8 in. N/A 60F 354 60F 418 60F 377 60F 446 Multi-hole type 2 123480 123477 123478 N/A N/A Inserts - predrilled - imperial (inch)*Note: CTC-140 only: All multi-hole inserts are delivered with a matching insulation plug.General inserts descriptionInserts for CTC-140 A and CTC-320 A/B are made of alumi-num. Inserts for CTC-650 A/B are made of brass.All speci fi cations about hole sizes are referring to the outer diameter of the sensor-under-test.The correct clearance size is applied in all predrilled inserts Special drilled inserts on request.- 7 -140 A 320 A 650 A 320 B 650 B Inserts part no. part no. part no. part no. part no.5-pack, undrilled insertion tubes 60F448 10017510019460F35660F420Inserts - undrilledUndrilled inserts (CTC-140 A)Multi-hole type 2(CTC-140 A)1/8 in Multi-hole type 2(CTC-320 A/650 A)Multi-hole type 1(CTC-140 A)Multi-hole type 1(CTC-320 A/650 A)Undrilled inserts (CTC-320 A/B)(CTC-650 A/B)AMETEK is a leading global manufacturer of electrical and electromechanical products for niche markets. Listed on the New Y ork Stock Exchange (AME) since 1930, AMETEK ’s annual sales are approaching $1billion. Operations are in North America, Europe and Asia, with about one third of sales to markets outside the United States.ISO 9001ManufacturerModel CTC series dry-block temperature calibratorsOrder number Description Base model number - 1st thru 7th charactersCTC140A CTC-140, -17 to 140°C (-1 to 284°F)CTC320A CTC-320 A, 50 to 320°C (122 to 608°F)CTC650A CTC-650 A, 50 to 650°C (122 to 1202°F)CTC320B CTC-320 B, 50 to 320°C (122 to 608°F). Deep immersion depth CTC650B CTC-650 B, 50 to 650°C (122 to 1202°F). Deep immersion depth Power supply - 8th thru 10th characters 115 115VAC, 50/60Hz 230 230VAC, 50 Hz Mains power cable type - 11th characters A EUROPEAN, 230V , B USA/CANADA, 115V C UK, 240V D SOUTH AFRICA, 220V E IT AL Y, 220V F AUSTRALIA, 240V G DENMARK, 230V H SWITZERLAND, 220V I ISRAEL, 230V Insert type and size - 12th thru 14th characters 003 Metric, pre-drilled, 3 mm 004 Metric, pre-drilled, 4 mm 005 Metric, pre-drilled, 5 mm 006 Metric, pre-drilled, 6 mm 007 Metric, pre-drilled, 7 mm 008 Metric, pre-drilled, 8 mm 009 Metric, pre-drilled, 9 mm 010 Metric, pre-drilled, 10 mm 011 Metric, pre-drilled, 11 mm 012 Metric, pre-drilled, 12 mm 013 Metric, pre-drilled, 13 mm 014 Metric, pre-drilled, 14 mm (Not available for CTC-140) 015 Metric, pre-drilled, 15 mm (Not available for CTC-140) 016 Metric, pre-drilled, 16 mm (Not available for CTC-140) 018 Metric, pre-drilled, 18 mm (Not available for CTC-140) 020 Metric, pre-drilled, 20 mm (Not available for CTC-140) 125 Inch, pre-drilled, 1/8 in. 187 Inch, pre-drilled, 3/16 in. 250 Inch, pre-drilled, 1/4 in. 312 Inch, pre-drilled, 5/16 in. 375 Inch, pre-drilled, 3/8 in. 437 Inch, pre-drilled, 7/16 in. 500 Inch, pre-drilled, 1/2 in. 562 Inch, pre-drilled, 9/16 in. 625 Inch, pre-drilled, 5/8 in. 688 Inch, pre-drilled, 11/16 in. (Not available for CTC-140) 750 Inch, pre-drilled, 3/4 in. (Not available for CTC-140) 813 Inch, pre-drilled, 13/16 in. (Not available for CTC-140) 875 Inch, pre-drilled, 7/8 in. (Not available for CTC-140) M01 Multi-hole insert type 1 (Not available for B models) M02 Multi-hole insert type 2 (Not available for B models) Options - 15th thru 18th characters B RS-232 interface and AMECAL-TEMPERATURE PC-software C Carrying case F T raceable certi fi cate (standard for Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa) G NIST traceable certi fi cate (standard for Western Hemisphere) H Accredited certi fi cate X Placeholder character for unused option CTC650A 230 A M01 CFXX Sample order number (all 18 characters)JOFRA CTC-650 A series dry-block, 230VAC power with European power cord and insert: Pre-drilled multi-hole type 1 (1 x 3mm, 1 x 4mm., 1 x 5mm, 1 x 6mm, 1 x 9mm) including carrying case and traceable certi fi cate.AMETEK Test & Calibration Instruments。
1成功的摄影师用光创作摄影作品752动态范围 [EV / f-stops]记录媒介再现媒介动态范围 [EV / f-stops]8灰黑比可调范围的使用—优化工作流程对比度测量:平均值测量:区域测量:直方图0255对比度测量52结构紧凑、得心应手的轻量化设计Array406SIXTOMAT F2凭借其出色的多样性和高性能,SIXTOMAT F2不仅是那些拥有自己摄影棚闪光灯套件的业余发烧友的理想曝光工具,同时也适用于光学测量专家及专业电影摄制组。
通用的SIXTOMAT F2可以在演播室以及室外使用。
人机工程学设计SIXTOMAT F2的布局便于单手操作,只需几个按键,操作简单直观。
9SIXTOMAT F2 10摄影师通用曝光表可以使用光圈或快门优先预选以及曝光值来执行环境光测量。
GMC-I 高美测仪 METRAHIT 27M, 27I and H+E CAR 数字多用表 + 毫
METRA HIT∣27M, 27I and H+E CAR数字多用表 + 毫欧表 + 绝缘电阻测试+ 数据记录器技术参数说明书3-349-206-0311/8.13•METRA HIT 27M便携式毫欧表、数字万用表和测温表通用低阻值测试测量飞机表面低阻值接触电阻测试(防雷和油芯测试)•METRA HIT 27I作为飞机和直升机电子系统的服务及维修工具(电压,绝缘,毫欧及温度测量)除万用表功能外,该表支持GΩ等级的绝缘测试,可选电压量程为50,100,250和500V支持Pt100和Pt1000的传感器进行温度测量•METRA HIT H+E CAR混合动力汽车及电动汽车服务及维修多用测试工具(功能及技术参数与METRA HIT 27I一致)QUALITÄTSMANAGEMENTSYSTEMDQS-zertifiziert nach DIN EN ISO 9001GermanAccreditation BodyD-K-15080-01-01DAkkS Calibration Certificate as Standard FeatureMETRA HIT 27M 特点•功能丰富毫欧表,数字多用表及数据记录器功能兼顾便携及耐用性,可在恶劣条件及实验室使用,满足大部分行业及用户需求•开尔文测量(4线连接)抵消来自表笔电阻及接触电阻对测量结果的影响•测量电流可选择适应多种阻值测量需求并优化电池服务时间•数据保持快速,可靠地测量和存储独立的被测值,如测量电池组中独立单元或应急电源的电压等•过载保护保护设备在测量过程中由于疏忽造成的误操作•DAkkS 校准证书减少用于ISO 9000质量体系的操作成本可溯源性的文档•电池供电3节NiMH电池供电. METRA HIT 27I / METRA HIT H+E CAR 特点包含METRA HIT 27M所有功能,另外还具有以下特点:•绝缘电阻测量用于组件,电缆及导体的绝缘测量,支持50V到500V范围。
RS PRO IPM 242 600A 电流探头测试仪说明书
ENGLSpecifications: (All at 23℃±5℃, ≦80% R.H.)DC/AC VoltageDC/AC VoltageFunction Range Accuracy*DCV 99.99V± (0.7% + 2dgt) 999.9VACV 99.99V ± (1.0% + 5dgt)50 ~ 500Hz 999.9VLPF ACV 99.99V 50 ~ 60Hz ± (1% + 5dgt)>60 ~ 400Hz ± (5% + 5dgt) 999.9V* DCV <1000dgt, add 6 dgt to the accuracy.ACV <1000dgt, add 3 dgt to the accuracy.Overload Protection: 1000VrmsInput Impedance:3.5MΩ // <100pFAC+DC V RMS Accuracy: same as ACV spec. +DCV spec.AC CurrentAC CurrentFunction Range AccuracyACA 99.99A 50 ~ 60Hz ± (1.5% + 5dgt) **>60 ~ 400Hz ± (2% + 5dgt) ** 599.9ALPF ACA 0.10A ~ 99.99A 50 ~ 60Hz ± (1.5% + 5dgt) **>60 ~ 400Hz ± (5% + 5dgt) ** 599.9A** The measured value <1000dgt, add 5 dgt to the accuracy. Overload Protection: 600ArmsPeak Hold (Peak MAX / Peak MIN)Peak Hold : Peak MAX / Peak MIN Function Range AccuracyACV 140.0V± (3.0% + 15dgt) 1400VACA 140.0A± (3.0% + 15dgt) 850AOverload Protection: 1000 V RMS, 600 Arms FrequencyFrequencyFunction Range AccuracyFrequency20.00 ~ 99.99Hz± (0.5% + 3dgt) 20.0 ~ 999.9Hz0.020 ~ 9.999KHzOverload Protection: 1000 V RMS, 600 Arms Harmonic DistortionTotal Harmonic DistortionFunction Range AccuracyACA /ACV 99.9% ± (3.0% + 10dgt)Harmonic distortion measurement Harmonic order Range AccuracyH01 ~ H1299.9% ± (5% + 10dgt)H13 ~ H25 ± (10% + 10dgt)Overload Protection: 1000 V RMS, 600 Arms-If ACV<10Vrms or ACA <10Arms, it will display “rdy”.-If the fundamental frequency out of range 45 ~ 65Hz, it will display “out.F”.Inrush CurrentInrush Current :Function Range AccuracyACA 99.99A ± (2.5% + 0.2A) 599.9A ± (2.5% + 5dgt)Overload Protection: 1000 V RMS, 600 ArmsAccuracy defined for:Sine wave, ACA≧10Arms, Freq. 50/60Hz- Integration time about 100m secActive Power (AC)Active Power (AC)Function Range AccuracyACW 9.999 kW**A,error×V,reading+V,error×A,reading 99.99 kW599.9KW** The measured value<1.000kW,add 10 dgt to the accuracy.Overload Protection: 1000 V RMS, 600 ArmsAccuracy defined for:ACW : Sine wave , ACV≧10 V RMS, ACA≧5 ArmsFreq. 50~60Hz, PF=1.00Power FactorPower FactorFunction Range Accuracy* PF-1.00 ~ 0.00 ~1.00 ±3°±1dgt * ACA<100A, add ±2° to the accuracyOverload Protection: 1000 V RMS, 600 ArmsResistance & Continuity & DiodeResistance & Continuity & Diode Function Range AccuracyResistance 999.9 Ω± (1.0% + 5dgt) 9.999 kΩ± (1.0% + 3dgt) 99.99 kΩContinuity 999.9 Ω± (1.0% + 5dgt)Diode 0.40~ 0.80V ± 0.1V Overload Protection: 1000VrmsMax. Test Current: Approx. 0.5mA.Continuity Check: <30Ω Beep On.>100Ω Beep OFF.Continuity Indicator: 2 KHz Tone BuzzerContinuity Response Time: < 100ms. CapacitanceCapacitanceFunction Range AccuracyCapacitance 3.999 μF± (1.9% + 8dgt) 39.99 μF399.9 μF3999 μFOverload Protection: 1000 V RMS TemperatureTemperatureFunction Range Accuracy°C-50 °C ~ 99.9 °C ± (1% + 2°C)100 °C ~ 399.9 °C400 °C ~ 1000 °C± (1% + 1°C)°F-58 °F ~ 211.9 °F ± (1% + 4°F)212.0 °F ~ 751.9 °F752 °F ~ 1832 °F± (1% + 2°F)Overload Protection: 1000 V RMS。
德国GMC-I高美测仪手持多用表Metrahit energy产品介绍
三行显示的LCD 屏 (尺寸 65 x 36 mm) 带背光功能, 特别适用于昏暗环境下的测量
仪器技术参数可溯源,例如 满足 DIN EN ISO 90000-9004标准要求
TRMS Power Multimeter
Replacement fuses Fuses (pack of 10), FF (UR) 10 A / 1000 V AC/DC
Flexible miniature AC current sensor, measuring range: 3/30/300 A, 1000 mV / 100 mV / 10 mV/A, 1%, frequency range: 20 Hz to 100 kHz, with battery, sensor length: 16 cm
手持式 功率万用表
广泛适用于电气工程 测量行业
如今,万用表仍然是电气工程领域不可或缺的应用很广的测试 工具.专业便携功率表 METRAHIT ENERGY 带电能质量分析功能, 在同类型产品中脱颖而出,卓尔不凡 .
METRAHIT ENERGY 广泛应用于用于电气工程,电气安装,实验室应用,培训,电信等领域。
Windows software
Temperature Measuring Accessories
Standard Pt100 sensor, class A, for surface and immersion measurements, –40 to +600 °C
OMEGA FP85A 4-20 mA流量传感器说明书
Indicator 4-20 mAC. 1 to 5 VDC recorder (C1), 4 to 20 mA indicator (C2), or ground referenced PLC (C3) connections without internal transmitter power supply *Refer to maximum loop impedance specification for minimum operating voltage requirements (section 10).**1/8A fuse recommended (customer supplied)1.1 2-Wire operation (for OMEGA FP-5200, FP-5300, FP-6000, FP-850X flow sensors). Recorder 1-5 VDCPower *Refer to maximum loop impedance specification for minimum operating voltage requirements (section 10).**1/4 A fuse recommended (customer supplied).1.2 3-Wire operation (for OMEGA FP-2541 flow sensors). This wiring is required for powered flow sensors that consume more than 1.5 mA DC current.Power PLC4-20 mA InputOMEGA FP85A Flow Transmitter InstructionsCAUTION!Remove power to unit before wiring input and output connections.1. Loop/System Power Connections2. Compatible Sensor Connections8. OPTIONS (example)7. CALIBRATE (example)9. Accessories123To return to VIEW:quick pressTo restore original value:quick pressChange:Save:Choose:Press &hold2sContrast FlowTotalizerTotalizerOutputOutputLast calibrationUnit/timebase:h,m,s,dK-factorUnits - label only -4 mA setpoint 20 mA setpointFlow K-factorReturn to VIEW before removing powerPress keys in sequence to continue:A ↓H ↑12To return to VIEW:quick pressTo restore original value:Choose:3Save:Change:quick pressPress keys in sequence to continue:2sPress &holdVIEW=VIEW=Totalizer low= τ=700 ms hi= τ=3 s off= 100 msDisplay avergingFlow displayOutputOutputDecimal postion4 mA adjust 20 mA adjustReturn to VIEW before removing powerA ↓E ↑A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.A.B.C.D.E.Menu Functions A - H:A.Selects display contrast: 4 levelsB.Sets flow units (gp m) and timebase (gp m ). Flow units label: Aa - Zz, 0 - 9;Timebase options: s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=days (timebase effects flow display and 4 to 20 mA output)C.Sets flow K-factor: 000.01 to 99999. (see technical notes below)D.Set totalizer units: For label purposes onlyE.Sets totalizer K-factor: 000.01 to 99999. (see technical notes below)F.Sets 4 mA setpoint (4 mA and 20 mA setpoints are reversible)G.Sets 20 mA setpointH.Sets user defined dateTechnical notes:Flow and totalizer K-factors are independent of each other. These K-factors represent the number of pulses generated by the flow sensor for each engineering unit measured (published in flow sensor manual).Menu Functions A - E:A.Selects totalizer reset options: Lock on (enables) or lock off (disables) the VIEW menu totalizer reset security code feature (RST: -- -- -- --).B.Selects display averaging: off = 100ms, low= τ=700ms, hi= τ=3s (also affects 4 to 20 mA output).C.Selects display decimal: **** . to ** .**D.Adjusts 4 mA output: 3.9 to 4.1 mA (overrides 4.00 mA factory calibration)E.Adjusts 20 mA output: 19.8 to 21.0 mA (overrides 20.00 mA factory calibration)O r d e r n o .DescriptionFP85UNM Universal mounting kit, NPT ports FP85UDM Universal mounting kit, DIN portsFP85NM Integral sensor mounting kit, NPT ports FP85DM Integral sensor mounting kit, DIN portsFP8501Integral sensor, 0.5 to 4 inch pipe, Polypropylene body & Titanium rotor pin FP8502Integral sensor, 5 to 8 inch pipe, Polypropylene body & Titanium rotor pin FP8503Integral sensor, 0.5 to 4 inch pipe - PVDF body & Hastelloy C rotor pin FP8501A Integral sensor, 0.5 to 4 inch pipe, Polypropylene body & Titanium rotor pin FP8502A Integral sensor, 5 to 8 inch pipe - Polypropylene body & Titanium rotor pin FP8503A Integral sensor, 0.5 to 4 inch pipe - PVDF body & Hastelloy C rotor pin11. Troubleshooting10. SpecificationsGeneral DataCompatible Sensors:FP-8501, FP-5300, FP-5100, FP-6000, andFP-5200 Series (contact engineering for additional compatible sensors).Display Accuracy:Flow, ±0.1% of readingTotalizers, ±0.03% of reading Enclosure:•Rating:NEMA 4X/IP65•Material:Glass-filled polypropylene •Gasket:Silicone rubber (captive)•Screws:8-32, self-tapping (captive)Display:•Type:8-digit alphanumeric dot matrix •Update rate:Flow=1s, Totalizers=100 mS •Contrast:Variable•Ranges:Flow, 0.01 to 9999.Resettable/permanent totalizers, 0 to 99999999Loop current, 3.90 to 21.00 mAEnvironmentalOperating temperature:-15 to 70 °C (5 to 158 °F)Storage temperature:-15 to 80 °C (5 to 176 °F)Relative humidity:0 to 95%, non-condensingAgency Approvals •CE•Manufactured under ISO 9001Electrical Data Frequency range:0.5 Hz to 500 HzLoop/system power:(2-wire mode) 17 to 30 VDC @ 20 mA max.(3-wire mode) 17 to 30 VDC @ 68 mA max.Sensor power:(2-wiremode)*************.(3-wire mode) 5 VDC @ 20 mA max.Loop:•Impedance: 1 Ω max. @ 17 VDC,300 Ω max. @ 24 VDC,600 Ω max. @ 30 VDC •Accuracy:±0.050 mA •Resolution: 5 µA •Update rate:100 msOutputs:•Current: 4 to 20 mA (adjustable & reversible)•Pulse output:Sensor frequency, optically isolatedopen-collector transistor, max. current sink 10 mA @ 30 VDC(side view)(front view)Dimensions:。
德国GMC-I高美测仪电流传感器 柔性线圈Prosys传感器选型指南
罗氏线圈PRO ~flex 系列订货号型号量程[A] 最大直径 Ø [mm] 带宽 [kHz] 输出信号 [mV/A]接口 供电P-02.710.0ACP 3000/24 30/300/3000 176 20 100/10/1 4mm Battery P-02.712.5ACP 3000/36 30/300/3000 264 20 100/10/1 4mm Battery P-02.712.6ACP 3000/48 30/300/3000 352 20 100/10/1 4mm Battery P-02.713.9ACP 3005/24 30/300/3000 176 20 100/10/1 BNC +3V external or battery P-02.714.0ACP 3005/36 30/300/3000 264 20 100/10/1 BNC +3V external o.battery P-02.714.1ACP 3005/48 30/300/3000 352 20 100/10/1 BNC +3V external or battery P-02.760.0ACP 6000_3/24 60/600/6000 176 20 50/5/0.5 BNC +3V external or battery P-02.760.4ACP 6000_3/36 60/600/6000 264 20 50/5/0.5 BNC +3V external or battery P-02.760.5ACP 6000_3/4860/600/6000352 20 50/5/0.5 BNC +3V external or battery P-02.710.3ACP 3003_3/24 3 x 30/300/3000 176 20 100/10/1 3 x BNC +3V external or battery P-02.713.7ACP 3003_3/36 3 x 30/300/3000 264 20 100/10/1 3 x BNC +3V external or battery P-02.713.8ACP 3003_3/48 3 x 30/300/3000 352 20 100/10/1 3 x BNC +3V external or battery P-02.762.1ACP 6003_3/24 3 x 60/600/6000 176 20 50/5/0.5 3 x BNC +3V external or battery P-02.762.2ACP 6003_3/36 3 x 60/600/6000 264 20 50/5/0.5 3 x BNC +3V external or battery P-02.762.3ACP 6003_3/48 3 x 60/600/60003522050/5/0.53 x BNC+3V external or batteryGMC-I Prosys电流传感器选型指南罗氏线圈MICRO ~flex 系列P-06.460.3ACP 300/2 3/30/300 50 70 500/50/5 4 mm +3V external or battery P-06.460.4ACP 300/3 3/30/300 70 70 500/50/5 4 mm +3V external or battery P-06.460.5ACP 300/4 3/30/300 100 70 500/50/5 4 mm +3V external or battery P-06.690.0ACP 2005/2 20/200/2000 50 100 100/10/1 BNC +3V external or battery P-06.690.1ACP 2005/3 20/200/2000 70 100 100/10/1 BNC +3V external or battery P-06.690.2ACP 2005/4 20/200/2000 100 100 100/10/1 BNC +3V external or battery P-06.690.3ACP 2015/2 20/200/2000 50 1 MHz 100/10/1 BNC +3V external or battery P-06.690.4ACP 2015/3 20/200/2000 70 1 MHz 100/10/1 BNC +3V external or battery P-06.690.5ACP 2015/4 20/200/2000 100 1 MHz 100/10/1 BNC +3V external or battery P-06.600.6ACP 1000/2 10/100/1000 50 20 100/10/1 4 mm Battery P-06.600.7ACP 1000/3 10/100/1000 70 20 100/10/1 4 mm Battery P-06.600.8ACP 1000/4 10/100/1000 100 20 100/10/1 4 mm Battery P-06.600.9ACP 1005/2 10/100/1000 50 100 100/10/1 BNC +3V external or battery P-06.601.0ACP 1005/3 10/100/1000 70 100 100/10/1 BNC +3V external or battery P-06.601.1ACP 1005/4 10/100/1000 100 100 100/10/1 BNC +3V external or battery P-06.600.3ACP 1003_3/2 3 x 10/100/1000 50 100 100/10/1 BNC +3V external or battery P-06.600.4ACP 1003_3/3 3 x 10/100/1000 70 100 100/10/1 BNC +3V external or battery P-06.600.5ACP 1003_3/43 x 10/100/1000100100100/10/1BNC+3V external or battery订货号 型号量程[A] 最大直径 Ø [mm] 带宽 [kHz] 输出信号 [mV/A] 接口 供电AC/DC 电流传感器P RO~flex & MICRO~flex D IN 导轨安装系列P-14.500.3DRP 503/18 3 x 500 132 10 0.667 Screw terminals +12V P-14.500.0DRP 504/18 4 x 500 132 10 0.667 Screw terminals +12V P-14.500.2DRM 503/4 3 x 500 100 10 0.667 Screw terminals +12V P-14.500.1DRM 504/44 x 500100100.667Screw terminals+12VP-12.200.1CP 30 30 25 20 100 4 mm Battery P-12.200.2CP 35 30 25 100 100 BNC Battery P-12.460.0CP 305 30/300 25 20 10/14 mmBattery P-12.230.0CP 41 4/40 25 DC / 15-400Hz Display Battery P-12.480.0CP 410 40/400 25 DC / 15-400Hz Display Battery P-12.601.0CP 1010 100/1000 32 DC / 15-400HzDisplay Battery P-12.600.1CP 1000 1000 32 10 1 4 mm Battery P-12.600.2CP 1005 100/100032 20 10/1 BNC Battery P-12.080.1CP 5_10 5 25 100 1000 - ±10.5 ... ±16VP-12.201.3CP 30_11 30 32 20 100 - +12V P-12.250.0CP 50_10 50 25 100 100 - ±10.5 ... ±16V P-12.390.2CP 150_101502510050-±10.5 ... ±16V订货号 型号量程[A] 最大直径 Ø [mm] 带宽 [kHz] 输出信号 [mV/A] 接口 供电订货号 型号量程[A] 最大直径 Ø [mm] 带宽 [kHz] 输出信号 [mV/A]接口 供电。
STK-CTS P系列电流传感器产品说明书
Sinomags Product DatasheetCurrent SensorProduct Series:STK-CTS/PPart number:STK-25CTS/P6,STK-32CTS/P6Version:V1.2Sinomags Technology Co.,LtdWeb site:CONTENT1.Description (2)2.Electrical data STK-25CTS/P6 (3)3.Electrical data STK-32CTS/P6 (4)4.Frequency band width (5)5.Response time&noise with typical circuit (5)6.Frequency delay performace (6)7.STK-CTS/P6Dimensions&Pins&Footprint (7)1.DescriptionThe STK-CTS/P series current sensor is based on TMR(tunnel magnetoresistance)technology and open-loop design.It is suitable for DC,AC pulsed and any kind of irregular current measurement under the isolated conditions.Typical applications●AC Variable speed drives●Electric welder power supply●Inverter●Switched model power supplies(SMPS)General parameterParameter Symbol Unit ValueWorking temperature T_A℃-40~105Storage temperature T_stg℃-40~105 Mass m g10Remark1:The product will not be damaged when used at105℃Absolute maximum ratinParameter Symbol Unit ValueSupply voltage Vcc V6ESD rating(HBM)U ESD kV4Remark2:the unrecoverable damage may occur when the product works on the conditions over the absolute maximum ratings.Long-time working on the absolute maximum ratings may cause the degradation on performance and reliability. Isolation parameterParamete Symbol Unit Value Comment RMS voltage for AC test50Hz/1min Ud kV4Impulse withstand voltage1.2/50µsÛw kV6Clearance distance(pri.-sec)dCI mm>8Space shortest distanceCreepage distance(pri.-sec)dCp mm>8Shortest distance along the bodyShell material V0according to UL942.Electrical data STK-25CTS/P6Condition:T_A=25℃,Vcc=5VParameter Symbol Unit Min Typ Max Comment Primary nominal current I_pn A25Primary current measuringrangeI_pm A-2525Supply voltage Vcc V 4.755 5.25Current consumption Icc mA510Rated output voltage V_FS V±2(Vout@±I_pn)–VoffInternal output resistance R_outΩ1@Vout Quiescent voltage Voff V 2.48 2.5 2.52Vout@0A Theoretical gain G_th mV/A802V@I_pn Non-linearity Non-L%I_pn0.5±I_pn reaction time t_raµs0.5@10%of I PN Step response time t_resµs1@90%of I PN Delay time t_delayµs1@400kHz-3dB band width BW kHz400Back-end non-RCcircuitNoiseDC~10kHz DC~100kHz Vnoise mVpp1525Accuracy@RT X%of I_pn-11@25℃Accuracy X_TRange%of I_pn-2.5 2.5-40℃~105℃Note:1.Accuracy@RT,X=((Vout@In@25℃)–(G_fit*In+Voff@25℃))/V_FS,Here In is the current test current.G_fit is the normal temperature fitting gain.2.Accuracy,X_TRange=((Vout@In@T_x)–(G_fit@25℃*In+Voff@25℃))/V_FS,The fitting gain of the product at G_fit@25℃is25℃.3.Electrical data STK-32CTS/P6Condition:T_A=25℃,Vcc=5VParameter Symbol Unit Min Typ Max Comment Primary nominal current I_pn A32Primary current measuringrangeI_pm A-3232Supply voltage Vcc V 4.755 5.25Current consumption Icc mA510Rated output voltage V_FS V±2(Vout@±I_pn)–VoffInternal output resistance R_outΩ1@Vout Quiescent voltage Voff V 2.48 2.5 2.52Vout@0A Theoretical gain G_th mV/A62.52V@I_pn Non-linearity Non-L%I_pn0.5±I_pn reaction time t_raµs0.5@10%of I PN Step response time t_resµs1@90%of I PN Delay time t_delayµs1@400kHz-3dB band width BW kHz400Back-end non-RCcircuitNoiseDC~10kHz DC~100kHz Vnoise mVpp1525Accuracy@RT X%of I_pn-11@25℃Accuracy X_TRange%of I_pn-2.5 2.5-40℃~105℃Note:1.Accuracy@RT,X=((Vout@In@25℃)–(G_fit*In+Voff@25℃))/V_FS,Here In is the current test current.G_fit is the normal temperature fitting gain.2.Accuracy,X_TRange=((Vout@In@T_x)–(G_fit@25℃*In+Voff@25℃))/V_FS,The fitting gain of the product at G_fit@25℃is25℃.4.Frequency band widthFig.1the band width of STK-CTS/P series current sensors.The bandwidth of the sensor is in the range of DC~400kHz(-3dB).5.Response time&noise with typical circuitFig.2the step response time of STK-CTS/P current sensors.The light blue is primary current,while the dark blue is output signal of current sensor.。
CrossChip Microsystems CC6904 单芯片霍尔效应电流传感器说明书
CC6904单芯片霍尔效应电流传感器5A/10A/20A/30A 系列概述CC6904是一款高性能单端输出的线性电流传感器,可以更为有效的为交流(AC )或者直流(DC )电流检测方案,广泛应用于工业,消费类及通信类设备。
线性霍尔电路采用先进的BiCMOS 制程生产,包含了高灵敏度霍尔传感器,霍尔信号预放大器,高精度的霍尔温度补偿单元,振荡器,动态失调消除电路和放大器输出模块。
在无磁场的情况下,静态输出为50%VCC 。
在电源电压3.3V 条件下,OUT 可以在0.2~3.1V 之间随磁场线性变化,线性度可达0.4%。
CC6904内部集成的动态失调消除电路使IC 的灵敏度不受外界压力和IC 封装应力的影响。
CC6904提供SOP8封装,工作温度范围-40~125°C 。
特性◆静态共模输出点为50%VCC ◆测量范围宽,5A/10A/20A/30A◆1MHz 斩波频率,高带宽,低噪声,单端模拟输出◆导线引脚到信号引脚有2000V 的安全隔离电压◆低功耗◆常温误差1%,全温误差3%◆温度稳定性好,内部采用了芯进专利的霍尔信号放大电路和温度补偿电路◆抗干扰能力强◆抗机械应力,磁参数不会因为受外界压力而偏移◆ESD (HBM)6000V应用◆电机控制◆负载监测系统◆开关电源◆过流故障保护功能框图订购信息产品名称灵敏度(CC6904SO-05A CC6904SO-10A CC6904SO-20A管脚定义12345678IP+IP+IP-IP-VCC OUT NCGNDSOP8封装极限参数推荐工作环境参数电源电压环境温度直流电流容量参数符号电气特性零电流输出温度系数ΔV OUT(Q)灵敏度温度系数ΔSens典型应用电路典型应用过流故障检测器电流峰值监测应用曲线&波形(若无特别指明,V CC =3.3V @25°C)V OUT vs.IP (正向电流上升沿响应)(20A )V OUT vs.IP (正向电流下降沿响应)(20A )V OUT vs.IP (负向电流上升沿响应)(20A )V OUT vs.IP (负向电流下降沿沿响应)(20A )CH2:OUT CH4:IPCH2:OUT CH4:IPCH2:OUT CH4:IPCH2:OUT CH4:IPt D 响应时间(20A )静态电流vs.VCC 静态电流vs.Ta20A 系列V OUT(Q)vs.Ta(20A)V OUT vs.IP (20A)CH2:OUT CH4:IP468V OUT error vs.Ta(20A)Sens error vs.Ta(20A)封装信息SOP8封装注意:1.所有尺寸单位均为毫米。
德国GMC-I高美测仪多参数电量表Sineax A2XX系列产品介绍
带有系统分析功能的多参数电量表SINEAX A210, A220, A230s, A230带有系统分析的多功能电能监控单元SINEAX A210和A220合理和经济的测量48个被测参数,8个能耗值显示,平均和最大/最小值功能。
显示单元被测物通过高对比度,14 毫米高,可调光的LED进行显示,该LED带有3位数字和符号(电度表为8位数字,频率为4位数字)。
输出有 2 个 S0 输出可用于控制继电器。
SINEAX A230s和A230多功能准确的测量134个测量值,8个能耗值显示,综合平均值和最大值/最小值值函数,THD和谐波分析,不对称电压和零位移电压。
A210A220A230s A230正面尺寸96 x 96毫米144 x 144毫米96 x 96毫米144 x 144毫米连接方式单相,3/4线平衡,3/4线不平衡输入LL: 0 – 500 V, LN: 0 – 290 V, F: 45 – 65 Hz, I: 0 – 1/5A精度U, I: 0,5%;P,Q,S,meters:1%U, I: 0,2%;P,Q,S,meters:0,5%14mm显示3位数字+符号4位数字+符号,可编程电源输出100 – 230 V AC / DC或24 – 60 V AC / DC 2个数字量输出作为脉冲或限值输出被测量85266能量计88平均值5个P,Q和S平均值各种功能THD没有谐波分析没有是15次电压不平衡没有是连接弹簧夹或螺丝夹端子防护等级(前面板)IP66扩展模块扩展了 A210,A220,A230s 和 A230 的功能它们可以简单地卡在基本仪器的背面并从其获取电源。
Proline Promag 10L 电磁流量测量系统说明书
TI00100D/28/zh/16.11技术资料Proline Promag 10L电磁流量测量系统水或污水测量场合中的液体流量测量应用电磁流量计可以进行液体的双向流量测量,被测液体的最小电导率应 50 μS/cm :•饮用水•污水•污泥•流量测量可达162,000 m³/h (731,000 gal/min)•流体温度可达+90 °C (+194 °F)•过程压力可达16 bar (232 psi)•装配长度符合DVGW/ISO 标准 (DVGW :德国气体与水协会)专用测量管内衬采用聚氨酯、硬橡胶或PTFE 材料,通过下列饮用水认证:•KTW •WRAS •NSF •ACS优势Promag 系列流量计可以在多种不同的过程条件下进行高精度测量,是一种经济的流量测量解决方案。
Proline 系列变送器具有下列优点:•高可靠性和高测量稳定性•统一的操作模式Promag 系列传感器经过多次试验和测试,具有下列优点:•无压损•抗振性强•安装和调试简便Proline Promag 10L2Endress+Hauser目录功能与系统设计 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3测量原理 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3测量系统 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3输入 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3测量变量 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3测量范围 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3量程比 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3输出 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4输出信号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4报警信号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4负载 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4小流量切除 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4电气隔离 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4电源 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4测量单元的电气连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4接线端子分配 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5分体式仪表的电气连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5供电电压(电源) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5电缆入口 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5电缆规格(分体式仪表用) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6功率消耗 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6电源故障 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6电势平衡 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7性能参数 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8参考操作条件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8最大测量误差 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8重复性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8操作条件:安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9安装指南 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9前后直管段 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12连接管 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13连接电缆长度 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14操作条件:环境 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15环境温度范围 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15储存温度 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15防护等级 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15抗冲击性和抗振性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15电磁兼容性(EMC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15操作条件:过程 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16介质温度范围 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16电导率 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16介质压力范围 (标称压力) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16密闭压力 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16限流值 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16压损 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18机械结构 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19设计及外形尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19重量 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30测量管规格 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33材料 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35材料负载曲线 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35配套电极 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37过程连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37表面光洁度 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37人机界面 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37显示单元 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37操作单元 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37远程操作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37证书和认证 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38CE 认证 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38C-Tick 认证 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38饮用水认证 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38其他标准和准则 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38订购信息 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39文档资料 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39注册商标 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39Proline Promag 10LEndress+Hauser 3功能与系统设计测量原理根据法拉第电磁感应定律,导体在磁场中运动时,会产生感应电压。
General DescriptionThe MAX4172 is a low-cost, precision, high-side current-sense amplifier for portable PCs, telephones, and other systems where battery/DC power-line monitoring is critical. High-side power-line monitoring is especially useful in battery-powered systems, since it does not interfere with the battery charger’s ground path. Wide bandwidth and ground-sensing capability make the device suitable for closed-loop battery-charger and general-purpose current-source applications. The 0 to 32V input common-mode range is independent of the supply voltage, which ensures that current-sense feedback remains viable, even when connected to a battery in deep discharge.T o provide a high level of flexibility, the MAX4172 functions with an external sense resistor to set the range of load current to be monitored. It has a current output that can be converted to a ground-referred voltage with a single resistor, accommodating a wide range of battery voltages and currents.An open-collector power-good output (PG ) indicates when the supply voltage reaches an adequate level to guarantee proper operation of the current-sense amplifier. The MAX4172 operates with a 3.0V to 32V supply voltage, and is available in a space-saving, 8-pin μMAX ® or SO package.Applications●Portable PCs: Notebooks/Subnotebooks/Palmtops ●Battery-Powered/Portable Equipment●Closed-Loop Battery Chargers/Current Sources ●Smart-Battery Packs ●Portable/Cellular Phones●Portable Test/Measurement Systems●Energy Management SystemsBenefits and Features●Ideal for High-Side Monitoring• 3V to 32V Supply Operation• ±0.5% Typical Full-Scale Accuracy Over T emperature • High Accuracy +2V to +32V Common-Mode Range, Functional Down to 0V, Independent of Supply Voltage• 800kHz Bandwidth [V SENSE = 100mV (1C)]• 200kHz Bandwidth [V SENSE = 6.25mV (C/16)] ●Minimizes Board Space Requirements• μMAX and SO Packages19-1184; Rev 5; 12/20μMAX is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.Click here to ask about the production status of specific part numbers.+Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package.Ordering InformationTypical Operating CircuitPin ConfigurationPART TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGE MAX4172ESA+-40°C to +85°C 8 SO MAX4172EUA+-40°C to +85°C 8 μMAX MAX4172GUA+-40°C to +105°C8 µMAXMAX4172Low-Cost, Precision, High-SideCurrent-Sense AmplifierV+, RS+, RS-, PG .................................................-0.3V to +36V OUT .............................................................-0.3V to (V+ + 0.3V)Differential Input Voltage, V RS+ - V RS- ..........................±700mV Current into Any Pin .........................................................±50mA Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)SO (derate 5.88mW/°C above +70°C) ........................471mW μMAX (derate 4.10mW/°C above +70°C) ...................330mWOperating Temperature RangeMAX4172E_A .................................................-40°C to +85°C MAX4172G_A ...............................................-40°C to +105°C Storage Temperature Range ............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300°C Soldering Temperature (reflow) .......................................+260°C(V+ = +3V to +32V; V RS+, V RS- = 0 to 32V; T A = T MIN to T MAX ; unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at V+ = +12V, V RS+ = 12V, T A = +25°C.)Absolute Maximum RatingsStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Electrical CharacteristicsPARAMETER SYMBOLCONDITIONSMIN TYPMAX UNITS Operating Voltage Range V+332V Input Voltage Range V RS-0032V Supply Current I V+I OUT = 0mA0.8 1.6mAInput Offset VoltageV OS V+ = 12V, V RS+ = 12V MAX4172ESA ±0.1±0.75mV MAX4172EUA±0.2±1.6V RS+ ≤ 2.0V4Positive Input Bias Current I RS+V RS+ > 2.0V, I OUT = 0mA 02742.5µA V RS+ ≤ 2.0V, I OUT = 0mA -325+42.5Negative Input Bias CurrentI RS-V RS+ > 2.0V 05085µA V RS+ ≤ 2.0V-65085Maximum V SENSE Voltage 150175mV Low-Level Current ErrorV SENSE = 6.25mV, V+ = 12V,V RS+ = 12V (Note 1)MAX4172ESA ±8.0µAMAX4172EUA ±15Output Current ErrorV SENSE = 100mV, V+ = 12V,V RS+ = 12VMAX4172ESA, T A = -40°C to 0°C±20µAMAX4172EUA,T A = -40°C to 0°C ±50MAX4172ESA,T A = 0°C to +105°C ±10MAX4172EUA,T A = 0°C to +105°C±15OUT Power-Supply Rejection Ratio ΔI OUT /ΔV+3V ≤ V+ ≤ 32V, V RS+ > 2.0V0.2μA/V OUT Common-Mode Rejection RatioΔI OUT /ΔV RS+ 2.0V < V RS+ < 32V0.03μA/VCurrent-Sense Amplifier(V+ = +3V to +32V; V RS+, V RS- = 0 to 32V; T A = T MIN to T MAX ; unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at V+ = +12V, V RS+ = 12V, T A = +25°C.)Note 1: 6.25mV = 1/16 of typical full-scale sense voltage (C/16).Note 2: Valid operation of the MAX4172 is guaranteed by design when PG is low.(V+ = +12V, V RS+ = 12V, R OUT = 1kΩ, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)Electrical Characteristics (continued)Typical Operating Characteristics1.00.9010OUTPUT ERROR vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE0. (V)E R R O R (%)20300.60.54086-610C/16 LOAD OUTPUT ERROR vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE-4-242V+ (V)E R R O R (%)2030040105095045010SUPPLY CURRENT vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE650550850V+ (V)Q U I E S C E N T S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (μA )203075040PARAMETER SYMBOLCONDITIONSMINTYPMAX UNITS Maximum Output Voltage (OUT)I OUT ≤ 1.5mA V+ - 1.2V BandwidthV SENSE = 100mV800kHz V SENSE = 6.25mV (Note 1)200Maximum Output Current I OUT 1.5 1.75mA Transconductance G mG m = I OUT /(V RS+ - V RS-),V SENSE = 100mV , V RS+ > 2.0V T A = 0°C to +105°C 9.81010.2mA/V T A = -40°C to 0°C 9.71010.3V+ Threshold for PG Output Low (Note 2)V+ rising 2.77V V+ falling2.67PG Output Low Voltage V OL I SINK = 1.2mA, V+ = 2.9V, T A = +25°C 0.4V Leakage Current into PG V+ = 2.5V, T A = +25°C 1µA Power-Off Input Leakage Current (RS+, RS-)V+ = 0V, V RS+ = V RS- = 32V 0.11µA OUT Rise Time V SENSE = 0 to 100mV, 10% to 90%400ns OUT Fall TimeV SENSE = 100mV to 0mV, 90% to 10%800ns OUT Settling Time to 1%V SENSE = 5mV to 100mV Rising 1.3µs Falling6OUT Output ResistanceV SENSE = 150mV20MΩCurrent-Sense Amplifier(V+ = +12V, V RS+ = 12V, R OUT = 1kΩ, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)40-50.1m10m 100m1m1ERROR vs. SENSE VOLTAGE0M A X 4172-04V SENSE (V)E R R O R (%)1051520253035350.010.11101001000POWER-SUPPLY REJECTION RATIOvs. FREQUENCY5POWER-SUPPLY FREQUENCY (kHz)E R R O R (%)151********.00.6-1.80842832OUTPUT ERRORvs. COMMON MODE VOLTAGE-1.4-1.00.2-0.2V+ (V)O U T P U T E R R O R (%)121620-0.6242.982.882.38-50-250125V+ THRESHOLD FOR PG OUTPUT LOWvs. TEMPERATURE2.782.682.582.48M A X 4172-07TEMPERATURE (°C)V + T R I P T H R E S H O L D (V )25507510010µs/div0 to 10mV V SENSE TRANSIENT RESPONSEGNDV SENSE 5mV/divV OUT 50mV/divGNDMAX4172-0810µs/div0 to 100mV V SENSE TRANSIENT RESPONSEGNDV SENSE 50mV/divV OUT 500mV/divGNDMAX4172-09Current-Sense Amplifier(V+ = +12V, V RS+ = 12V, R OUT = 1kΩ, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)Detailed DescriptionThe MAX4172 is a unidirectional, high-side current-sense amplifier with an input common-mode range that is independent of supply voltage. This feature not only allows the monitoring of current flow into a battery in deep discharge, but also enables high-side current sensing at voltages far in excess of the supply voltage (V+).The MAX4172 current-sense amplifier’s unique topology simplifies current monitoring and control. The MAX4172’s amplifier operates as shown in Figure 1. The battery/load current flows through the external sense resistor(R SENSE ), from the RS+ node to the RSnode. Current flows through R G1 and Q1, and into the current mirror, where it is multiplied by a factor of 50 before appearing at OUT.To analyze the circuit of Figure 1, assume that current flows from RS+ to RS-, and that OUT is connected to GND through a resistor. Since A1’s inverting input is high impedance, no current flows though R G2 (neglecting the input bias current), so A1’s negative input is equal to V SOURCE - (I LOAD x R SENSE ). A1’s open-loop gain forces its positive input to essentially the same voltage level as the negative input. Therefore, the drop across R G1 equalsPin DescriptionTypical Operating Characteristics (continued)5µs/divSTARTUP DELAYGNDV OUT 500mV/divV+2V/divGNDV SENSE = 100mVMAX4172-1010ms/divV+ to PG POWER-UP DELAYGNDPG 2V/divV+2V/divGND100kW PULLUP RESISTOR FROM PG TO +4VMAX4172-11PIN NAME FUNCTION1RS+Power connection to the external sense resistor. The “+” indicates the direction of current flow.2RS-Load-side connection for the external sense resistor. The “-” indicates the direction of current flow.3, 4N.C.No Connect. No internal connection. Leave open or connect to GND.5GND Ground6OUT Current Output. OUT is proportional to the magnitude of the sense voltage (V RS+ - V RS-). A 1kΩresistor from OUT to ground will result in a voltage equal to 10V/V of sense voltage.7PG Power Good Open-Collector Logic Output. A low level indicates that V+ is sufficient to power the MAX4172, and adequate time has passed for power-on transients to settle out.8V+Supply Voltage Input for the MAX4172Current-Sense AmplifierI LOAD x R SENSE. Then, since I RG1 flows through R G1, I RG1 x R G1 = I LOAD x R SENSE. The internal current mirror multiplies I RG1 by a factor of 50 to give I OUT = 50 x I RG1. Substituting I OUT/50 for I RG1, (I OUT/50) x R G1 = I LOAD x R SENSE, or:I OUT = 50 x I LOAD x (R SENSE/R G1)The internal current gain of 50 and the factory-trimmed resistor R G1 combine to result in the device’s transcon-ductance (G m) of 10mA/V. G m is defined as being equal to I OUT/(V RS+ - V RS-). Since (V RS+ - V RS-) = I LOAD x R SENSE, the output current (I OUT) can be calculated with the following formula:I OUT = G m x (V RS+ - V RS-) =(10mA/V) x (I LOAD x R SENSE)Current OutputThe output voltage equation for the MAX4172 is given below:V OUT = (G m) x (R SENSE x R OUT x I LOAD)where V OUT = the desired full-scale output voltage, I LOAD equals the full-scale current being sensed, R SENSE equals the current-sense resistor, R OUT equals the voltage-setting resistor, and G m equals the device’s transconductance (10mA/V).The full-scale output voltage range can be set by changing the R OUT resistor value, but the output voltage must be no greater than V+ - 1.2V. The above equation can be modified to determine the R OUT required for a particular full-scale range:R OUT = (V OUT)/(I LOAD x R SENSE x G m)OUT is a high-impedance current source that can be integrated by connecting it to a capacitive load.PG OutputThe PG output is an open-collector logic output that indicates the status of the MAX4172’s V+ power supply. A logic low on the PG output indicates that V+ is sufficient to power the MAX4172. This level is temperature dependent (see Typical Operating Characteristics graphs), and is typically 2.7V at room temperature. The internal PG comparator has a 100mV (typ) hysteresis to prevent possible oscillations caused by repeated toggling of the PG output, making the device ideal for power-management systems lacking soft-start capability. An internal delay (15μs, typ) in the PG comparator allows adequate time for power-on transients to settle out. The PG status indicator greatly simplifies the design of closed-loop systems by ensuring that the components in the control loop have sufficient voltage to operate correctly. Applications InformationSuggested Component Valuesfor Various ApplicationsThe Typical Operating Circuit is useful in a wide variety of applications. Table 1 shows suggested component values and indicates the resulting scale factors for various applications required to sense currents from 100mA to 10A.Adjust the R SENSE value to monitor higher/lower current levels. Select R SENSE using the guidelines and formulas in the following section.Figure 1. Functional DiagramCurrent-Sense AmplifierSense Resistor, R SENSEChoose R SENSE based on the following criteria:● Voltage Loss: A high R SENSE value causes the power-source voltage to degrade through IR loss. For minimal voltage loss, use the lowest R SENSE value.● Accuracy: A high R SENSE value allows lower currents to be measured more accurately. This is because offsets become less significant when the sense voltage is larger. For best performance, select R SENSE to provide approximately 100mV of sense voltage for the full-scale current in each application.● Efficiency and Power Dissipation: At high current levels, the I 2R losses in R SENSE can be significant. Take this into consideration when choosing the resistor value and its power dissipation (wattage) rating. Also, the sense resistor’s value might drift if it is allowed to heat up excessively.● Inductance: Keep inductance low if I SENSE has a large high-frequency component. Wire-wound resis-tors have the highest inductance, while metal film is somewhat better. Low-inductance metal-film resistors are also available. Instead of being spiral wrapped around a core, as in metal-film or wirewound resistors, they are a straight band of metal and are available in values under 1Ω.● Cost: If the cost of R SENSE is an issue, you might want to use an alternative solution, as shown in Figure 2. This solution uses the PCB traces to create a sense resistor. Because of the inaccuracies of the copper resistor, the full-scale current value must be adjusted with a potentiometer. Also, copper’s resistance temperature coefficient is fairly high (approximately 0.4%/°C).In Figure 2, assume that the load current to be measured is 10A, and that you have determined a 0.3-inchwide, 2-ounce copper to be appropriate. The resistivity of 0.1-inch-wide, 2-ounce (70μm thickness) copper is 30mΩ/ft. For 10A, you might want R SENSE = 5mΩ for a 50mV drop at full scale. This resistor requires about 2 inches of 0.1-inch-wide copper trace.Current-Sense Adjustment(Resistor Range, Output Adjust)Choose R OUT after selecting R SENSE . Choose R OUT to obtain the full-scale voltage you require, given the full-scale I OUT determined by R SENSE . OUT’s high impedance permits using R OUT values up to 200kΩ with minimal error. OUT’s load impedance (e.g., the input of an op amp or ADC) must be much greater than R OUT (e.g., 100 x R OUT ) to avoid degrading measurement accuracy.High-Current MeasurementThe MAX4172 can achieve high-current measurements by using low-value sense resistors, which can be paralleled to further increase the current-sense limit. As an alternative, PCB traces can be adjusted over a wide range.Figure 2. MAX4172 Connections Showing Use of PC BoardTable 1. Suggested Component ValuesFULL-SCALE LOAD CURRENT(A)CURRENT-SENSERESISTOR,RSENSE (mΩ)OUTPUTRESISTOR, ROUT(kΩ)FULL-SCALE OUTPUTVOLTAGE, V OUT (V)SCALE FACTOR,V OUT /ISENSE (V/A)0.11000 3.48 3.4834.81100 3.48 3.48 3.48520 3.48 3.480.69610103.483.48.348Current-Sense AmplifierPower-Supply Bypassing and GroundingIn most applications, grounding the MAX4172 requires no special precautions. However, in high-current systems, large voltage drops can develop across the ground plane, which can add to or subtract from V OUT. Use a single-point star ground for the highest currentmeasurement accuracy. The MAX4172 requires no special bypassing and responds quickly to transient changes in line current. If the noise at OUT caused by these transients is a problem, you can place a 1μF capacitor at the OUT pin to ground. You can also place a large capacitor at the RS terminal (or load side of the MAX4172) to decouple the load, reducing the current transients. These capacitors are not required for MAX4172 operation or stability. The RS+ and RS- inputs can be filtered by placing a capacitor (e.g., 1μF) between them to average the sensed current.Chip Information SUBSTRATE CONNECTED TO GNDPackage InformationFor the latest package outline information and land patterns (footprints), go to /packages. Note that a “+”, “#”, or “-” in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing pertains to the package regardless of RoHS status.PACKAGE TYPE PACKAGE CODE OUTLINE ND PATTERN NO.SO S8+421-004190-0096μMAX U8+121-003690-0092Current-Sense AmplifierRevision HistoryREVISION NUMBER REVISION DATEDESCRIPTIONPAGES CHANGED012/96Initial release—16/10Clarified 0 to 2V is not a high-accuracy range for the device, removed futureproduct reference, added lead-free options and soldering temperature 1, 2210/12Revised the Package Information 835/15Revised Benefits and Features section146/16Added G-temp grade for 105°C operation and updated Typical Operating Characteristics section1–4512/20Updated the Package Information table8Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. The parametric values (min and max limits) shown in the Electrical Characteristics table are guaranteed. Other parametric values quoted in this data sheet are provided for guidance.Current-Sense AmplifierFor pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please visit Maxim Integrated’s online storefront at https:///en/storefront/storefront.html.。
德国A级高端电能质量分析仪Z安全,直观,灵活地分析电能质量以及功率能耗需求DRANVIEW 7软件应用完全满足 IEC 61000-4-30 标准的 “CLASS A” 级产品业界领先的电能质量分析软件 – 简单, 友好, 专业MAVOWATT 230•满足ClassA级的所有功能(4U/4I)•负载曲线分析和能量测量•符合 EN 50160的电压质量标准,专属报告功能•超高采样:每个周波512个采样值•两个测试频段:16⅔H z和50/60 Hz •事件记录:RMS值和原始波形•前/后触发:最大100个周期•快照功能•USB 和以太网接口•通过GPS时钟进行时间同步(可选)MAVOWATT 240包含 Mavowatt 230的功能,另外 •应答模块•纹波控制信号记录•扩展了事件触发后最多10,000个周波的波形记录•蓝牙接口•无线网络接口MAVOWATT 270包含Mavowatt 240的功能,另外•1 MHz 的瞬态采样针对 2000 V PEAKMAVOWATT 270 – 400包含Mavowatt 270的功能,另外•扩展了400Hz 的测试应用• •直观的操作,包括具有Office外观的现代用户界面和可自定义的工具栏•极高的性能:借助64位处理器,可以快速处理大量数据•专业定制的个性化自动报告数学公式选项,用于各种测量值记算,例如对地漏电流或差值电流•多站点分析,计算和记录来自不同设备的多达 16 个同步数据记录•由于支持 PQDIF,Comtrade,CSV 和其他数据格式,兼容其它厂家的测试数据••用于修复测量数据(时间戳,极性反转)的救援套件,无需重新到现场记录测量值在这些创新产品的帮助下,可以获得所有和电能质量相关的测量数据,这对于供电质量意义重大。
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德国GMC-I高美测仪变压器测试仪Raytech Micro Centurion II 产品介绍
Ask for more.Micro Centurion II90214.FL.1519.mcuMicro Centurion II 是一台基于微处理器控制的高精度全自动微欧计,主要用于获取现场或实验室极小电阻值,此产品集成了滤波器和高精标准单元,测试电流根据客户需求选择,最大200A0.00 µΩ ... 5 Ω± 0.1% Rdg 5 Digits or 0.01 µΩ10 A ... 200 A DC at 5 V -10°C to 60°C 14.4 kg (31.5 lbs.)100 to 250 V AC 50/60 Hz产品简介Micro Centurion II•电流线 2 x 5 meters•Potential cables 2 x 5 meters •电源线•操作手册•2 个卷纸(打印机用)•Toolbox 软件技术参数接口9 Pin RS232串口和25 Pin 并口内存2000组数据存储显示LCD 图形显示带背光前面板密封电镀处理型号Micro Centurion II 尺寸 (field case) L: 521 mm (20.5”) W: 432 mm (17”) H: 216 mm (8.5”)重量14.4 kg (31.5 lbs.)•MCO 101200 A Kelvin 夹•TP 01外部温度探头通用规格附件选件100A 0.00µΩ...40 mΩ±0.1%Rdg ±0.02µΩ 5 Digits or 0.02µΩ50A 0.00µΩ...100 mΩ±0.1%Rdg ±0.04µΩ 5 Digits or 0.05µΩ20A 0.0µΩ...1.0 Ω±0.1%Rdg ±0.1µΩ 5 Digits or 0.1µΩ10A0.0µΩ...5.0Ω±0.1%Rdg ±0.2µΩ5 Digits or0.2µΩ电阻测试范围 精度 分辨率 电流量程操作温度 重量 供电电源。
德国制造德国电子一不来梅股份有限责任公司蓄电池测试仪ACCUMETER S 500型和 ACCU-METER S 750型使用说明书图注:l一冷态测试电流调整2一测试类型选择开关3一局动按键4一开/关功能开关5一测试指示目录1.0安全说明2.0仪器说明3.OI作范围3.l蓄电池测试3.2调节器测试3.3蓄电池大电流负载测试4.0技术数据1.0安全说明~注意!蓄电池测试时可能出现爆炸气体。
2.0仪器说明5500型蓄电池测试仪可以测试12V启动蓄电池的电流范围:80—460A(按照德国工业标准DIN),或者95一530A(按照国际电气电子委员会标准ICE)战者135—770A(按照欧洲标准 EN和美国机动车学会标准 SAE)。
5750型蓄电池测试仪可以测试12V启动蓄电池的电流范围:80—652A按照德国工业标准DIN),或者95—750A(按照国际电气电子委员会标准ICE),或者135—1090A(按照欧洲标准 EN和美国机动车学会标准 SAE)。
MTS temposonice说明书
MTS temposonice说明书MTS位移传感器又称为线性传感器,是一种属于金属感应的线性器件,传感器的作用是把各种被测物理量转换为电量。
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Proline Promag H 200电磁流量测量系统说明书
应用•化工应用场合中的精准的双向液体流量测量,介质的最小电导率应³ 20 m S/cm。
仪表特性•介质温度:max. +150 °C (+302 °F)•标称口径:DN 2...25 (1/12...1"),提供多种类型的过程连接•抗真空的PFA内衬和密封圈•两线制变送器,铝外壳•图形化现场显示,从外部操作(触摸键控制)•4...20 mA HART通信•通用型防爆(Ex)认证:ATEX、IECEx、cCSAus (本安型或隔爆型)优势真正回路供电技术,适用于两线制无缝系统集成,结构坚固,满足过程应用要求选型-正确产品选型Applicator -根据实际应用条件,可靠、简便地进行仪表选型安装-简单高效•一体式结构设计•可以安装在危险区域中使用•两线制技术降低了布线成本调试-直观可靠引导式参数设置-“Make-it-run”向导操作-测量适用范围更广泛•体积流量测量•无压损、无移动部件、不受管路振动的影响•诊断;HistoROM自动数据储存通过W@M进行经济的生命周期管理技术资料Proline Promag H 200电磁流量测量系统真正两线制技术的仪表,最小流量测量TI01061D/06/ZH/01.1271195711目录Proline Promag H 2002Endress+Hauser目录文档信息 (3)图标 (3)功能与系统设计 (4)测量原理...................................4测量系统.. (5)输入 (5)测量变量...................................5测量范围...................................5量程比 (6)输出.....................................6输出信号...................................6报警信号...................................7负载......................................8防爆(Ex)连接参数.............................8小流量切除................................10电气隔离..................................10通信规范参数...............................10电源....................................10接线端子分配...............................10供电电压..................................11功率消耗..................................11电流消耗..................................11电源故障..................................11电气连接..................................11电势平衡..................................13接线端子..................................14电缆入口..................................14电缆规格..................................14过电压保护单元.............................14性能参数 (14)参考操作条件...............................14最大测量误差...............................15重复性....................................15环境温度的影响.............................15安装条件 (16)安装位置..................................16安装方向..................................17前后直管段................................17转接管....................................18特殊安装指南...............................18环境条件 (18)环境温度范围...............................18储存温度..................................19防护等级..................................19抗冲击性..................................19抗振性....................................19机械负载..................................19电磁兼容性(EMC)............................19过程条件 (19)介质温度范围...............................19电导率....................................19压力-温度曲线..............................19密闭压力..................................21限流值....................................21压损 .....................................21系统压力..................................21振动.....................................21机械结构 (22)设计及外形尺寸.............................22重量.....................................40测量管规格................................41材料.....................................41配套电极..................................42过程连接..................................42表面光洁度................................42可操作性 (42)操作方法..................................42现场操作..................................43远程操作. (44)证书和认证 (44)CE 认证...................................44C-Tick 认证.................................45防爆认证(Ex)...............................45卫生型认证................................45其他标准和准则.............................45订购信息.................................46应用软件包 . (46)诊断功能 (46)附件....................................46仪表类附件................................46通信类附件................................47服务类附件................................48系统组件..................................48文档资料 (48)标准文档资料...............................49补充文档资料. (49)注册商标 (49)Proline Promag H 200文档信息图标电气图标特定信息图标图中的图标符号Endress+Hauser3Proline Promag H 200功能与系统设计测量原理根据法拉第电磁感应定律,导体在磁场中运动时,会产生感应电压。
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH相序指示器操作说明书
Operating Instructions METRAPHASE1Phase Sequence Indicator3-348-991-3711/12.14(1)Connector sockets for phases L1 ... L3(2)Rotation LEDs for frequency display and direction of phase rotation (3)Direction of Phase Rotation and FrequencyGreen arrow: clockwise rotation;indicates correct phase sequenceIlluminated green LEDs rotate clockwise.Frequency:Indicated by brief, red illumination of corresp. LED.Dashed red arrow: counterclockwise rotation;indicates incorrect phase sequenceIlluminated red LEDs rotate counterclockwise.Frequency:Indicated by brief, green illumination of corresponding LED.(4)Phase LEDs , indicate voltage at L1 ... L3(5)Voltage value LEDs , indicate value of line-to-line voltage 14235208V 120/400V 230/690V400/L3L3L2L2L1L1600 V CAT IVEN 61557 / 1 + 7Table of ContentsPage 1Safety Precautions (3)2Application (5)3Initial Start-Up (5)4Operation (6)4.1Voltage Display (6)4.23-Pole Connection (6)4.32-Pole Connection (7)5Characteristic Values, Phase Sequence Indicator (8)6Maintenance (10)6.1Batteries (10)6.2Housing (10)6.3Device Return and Environmentally Compatible Disposal (11)7Accessories (not included as standard equipment) (11)8Repair and Replacement Parts ServiceCalibration Centerand Rental Instrument Service (12)9Product Support (12)1Safety PrecautionsGeneralThis instrument fulfills the requirements of the applicable European and national EC guidelines. We confirm this with the CE marking. The relevant declaration of conformity can be obtained from GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH.The phase sequence indicator has been manufactured and tested in accordance with safety regulations IEC61010-1 / DIN EN61010-1 / VDE0411-1.When used for its intended purpose, safety of the operator, as well as that of the instrument, is assured. Their safety is however not guaranteed if the instrument is used improp-erly or handled carelessly.In order to maintain flawless technical safety conditions, and to assure safe use, it is imperative that you read the operating instructions thoroughly and carefully before placing your instrument into service, and that you follow all instructions contained therein.Repair and Parts ReplacementWhen the instrument is opened, voltage conducting parts may be exposed. The instrument must be disconnected from the measuring circuit or the device under test before maintenance or the replacement of parts.The following safety precautions must be observed:•The instrument may only be operated by persons whoare capable of recognizing contact hazards and taking the appropriate safety precautions. Contact hazards exist anywhere, where voltages of greater than 30V r.m.s. may occur.•Avoid working alone when taking measurementswhich involve contact hazards. Be certain that a second person is present.•Make certain that the measurement cables are inflawless condition, and that they do not suffer from damage to the conductors or their insulation. This applies to test probes and alligator clips as well.•No measurements may be made with this instrumentin electrical circuits with corona discharge(high-voltage).•Measurements under moist ambient conditions are notpermitted, nor are their results reliable.•Use the recommended batteries.•The instrument is not a voltmeter in the usual sense ofthe word: it only reads out voltages within the indicated ranges.Errors and Extraordinary StrainsIf it may be assumed that the instrument can no longer be operated safely, it must be removed from service and secured against further use.Safe operation can no longer be relied upon,•if the instrument demonstrates visible damage,•if the instrument no longer functions.Meanings of Symbols on the instrumentWarning concerning a point of danger(Attention: observe documentation)EarthContinuous, double or reinforcedinsulationCAT IV The maximum allowable voltage between any givenconnector jack (1) and earth is equal to 600V,category IV .Indicates EU conformityThis device may not be disposed of with the trash. Further information regarding the WEEE mark can be accessed on the Internet at www.gossen- by entering the search term ’WEEE’.!The instrument provides for the following measurement and test functions:•Phase sequence indicator•Voltage display•Frequency displayIn conformity with standard DIN EN61010-031, measure-ments in an environment according to measuring category III and IV may only be performed with the safety cap applied to the test probe of the measurement cable.For establishing contact in 4 mm jacks you have to remove the safety cap by levering out the snap lock of the safety cap with another sharp object (e.g. the second test probe). 3Initial Start-UpBatteriesThe phase sequence indicator is delivered with 4 mignon cells installed and is ready for use. Before initial start-up, please refer to chapter 6.1 “Batteries”.Battery TestIf none of the LEDs light up after a voltage has been applied, or if they are only faintly illuminated, the batteries must be replaced.Automatic ActivationThe instrument is activated automatically as soon as a voltage of at least 100V is applied to any 2 measurement sockets.Automatic Shut-DownThe instrument is shut down automatically when zero voltage is applied in order to extend battery service life.4.1Voltage DisplayVoltage is displayed by means of 3 red LEDs (5), each of which indicates a different nominal line voltage. The highest voltage which occurs between two phases is always displayed. Voltage is displayed for the following nominal values: 120V/208V, 230V/400V und 400V/690V. Missing or Non-Connected PhaseIf one of the phases has not been connected to the phase sequence indicator, or if one phase has not been wired, its potential at artificial neutral is too small and the correspond-ing phase LED does not light up. However, the voltage value LED which corresponds to line-to-line voltage is illuminated. Exception: If no phase has been connected to terminal L1, the voltage value LED displays the next lowest voltage because the instrument is no longer provided with an inter-nal reference point.!Attention!The L1 jack at the METRAPHASE1must always be contacted first, in orderto avoid erroneous measurements.4.23-Pole ConnectionSymmetrical Clockwise RotationWhen a symmetrical, clockwise phase sequence is mea-sured, phase LEDs L1, L2 and L3 are continuously illuminated and a green point of light (rotation LED) rotates around the display dial in the clockwise direction (at approx. 30RPM). Symmetrical Counterclockwise RotationPhase LEDs L1, L2 and L3 are also continuously illumi-nated for a symmetrical, counterclockwise phase sequence, but the color and the direction of the rotating point of light are changed: it rotates in the counterclock-wise direction and is illuminated red.Frequency DisplayThe appropriate frequency LED lights up briefly in red for a clockwise phase sequence at the moment the rotating point of light passes the corresponding position. The frequency LED lights up green for a counterclockwise phase sequence. Devices Connected to N or PEIf one of the devices has been connected to N or PE with an asymmetrical phase sequence the phase LED for the incor-rectly connected phase does not light up. Phase sequence direction is indicated in the same way as it is for symmetrical clockwise or counterclockwise phase sequences.Wiring IncorrectIf wiring is incorrect, e.g. 2 x L1, ambiguous displays are likely to occur.4.32-Pole ConnectionThe phase sequence indicator also allows for the determination of phase sequence direction with only 2connector cables, as long as a line frequency of 50 or 60Hz prevails:ÐFirst connect terminal L1 to phase L1, and terminal L2to phase L2 (see figure A).Phase LEDs L1 and L2, as well as the corresponding voltage value LED, light up red. The two LEDs for 100 and 400Hz are also illuminated, which indicates that the instrument has synchronized itself to phases L1 and L2.ÐDisconnect phase L2 from terminal L2 (see figure B). The two LEDs for 50 and 200Hz light up during this intermediate stage.ÐNow connect phase L3 to terminal L2 (see figure C). Phase LEDs L1 and L3 light up red. L2 is generated internally. Phase sequence direction and line voltage value are displayed.Note!Approximately 2 seconds are allowed for changing over from L2 to L3. If this time period is exceeded, the instrument is no longer able to maintain syn-chronization with the electrical system. This error is indicated by means of simultaneous illumination of the LEDs for 60, 100, 300 and 400Hz. The LEDs for 100 und 400Hz are then illuminated in order to indicate that 2-pole measurement has beenresumed. The same display occurs if phase L2 is inadvertently reconnected instead of changing to phase L3.A B C5Characteristic Values, Phase Sequence Indicator Line Frequency1)<50Hz/>400Hz: both LEDs activeTotal frequency range15 ... 410Hz Total line voltage100 ... 690V 3 Phase ~Line VoltagePhase Sequence DirectionNominal FrequencyDisplay Range Tolerance Band Display 50 Hz 1)49.4 ... 50.7 Hz 49.2 ... 50.9 Hz 50 Hz LED is active —51.1 ... 57.9 Hz 50.9 ... 58.1 Hz 50 Hz and 60 Hz LEDs are active 60 Hz58.3 ... 61.0 Hz 58.1 ... 61.2 Hz 60 Hz LED is active —61.4 ... 97.3 Hz 61.2 ... 97.5 Hz 60 Hz and 100 Hz LEDs are active 100 Hz97.7 ... 102.8 Hz 97.5 ... 103 Hz 100 Hz LED is active —103.2 ... 195 Hz 103 ... 195.2 Hz 100 Hz and 200 Hz LEDs are active 200 Hz195.4 ... 205.6 Hz 195.2 ... 205.8 Hz 200 Hz LED is active —206 ... 298.6 Hz 205.8 ... 298.8 Hz 200 Hz and 300 Hz LEDs are active 300 Hz299 ... 303.4 Hz 298.8 ... 303.6 Hz 300 Hz LED is active —303.8 ... 395.3 Hz 303.6 ... 395.5 Hz 300 Hz and 400 Hz LEDs are active 400 Hz 1)395.7 ... 405.8 Hz 395.5 ... 406 Hz400 Hz LED is active Nominal Line Voltage LED DisplayCorresponding L-L Voltage Corresponding L-N Voltage 120/208V180 ... 300 V 104 ... 173 V 230/400V360 ... 470 V 208 ... 271 V 400/690V 530 ... 800 V 306 ... 462 V Phase DirectionPhase Sequence Display at Phase LEDs Display at Rotation LEDs ClockwiseL1 - L2 - L3L1 L2 L3 light up green LED rotates in clockwise direction Counter-clockwise L3 - L2 - L1L1 L2 L3 light up red LED rotates in counterclockwise directionAsymmetrical Lx - N/PE - Lx connection with N/PE not indicated green or red LED rotates clockwise or counterclockwise depending upon connectionPhase Missing Lx - X - Lxmissing phase does not light up, the other 2 do light up —Reference ConditionsAmbient Temperature+23︒C ±2K Relative Humidity40 ... 60%Battery Voltage4.5V ±0.25V Line Voltage230/400V ±0.5%Line Frequency50Hz ±0.1Hz Line VoltageWaveshapesine, deviation between effective and rectified value <1%Ambient ConditionsStorage Temperature–25 ︒C ... +75︒C Operating Temperature–10 ︒C ... +50︒C Relative Humiditymax. 75%, no condensation Altitudeto 2000m Power SupplyBattery 4 mignon cells, alkaline-manganese per IEC LR6(4 x AA-Size)or 4 mignon cells, zinc-carbonper IEC R6Battery Voltage 4V (6V)Battery Service Life approx. 100 hourswith alkaline-manganese cellsElectrical Safety Protection Class II per IEC 61010-1Measuring Category IVOperating Voltage 600VPollution Degree 2Test Voltage 5.55kV Electromagnetic CompatibilityInterference Emission EN 61326-1:2006 Class B Interference Immunity EN 61326-1:2006Mechanical DesignProtection IP40 per DIN VDE 0470Part 1/EN 60529Extract from table on the signifi-cance of IP codesDimensions84mm x 195mm x 35mm Weight approx. 0.3kg with batteries,without protective rubber coverIP XY (1st digit X)Protection against the penetration of solid foreign matter IP XY (2nd digit Y)Protection against the penetration of water 4≥ 1.0 mm ∅0no protection6Maintenance6.1Batteries!Attention!Disconnect the instrument from the measuring cir-cuit before opening to replace batteries.Before initial start-up and after any period of storage, make certain that no battery leakage has occurred. Inspect for battery leakage at regular intervals as well.If battery leakage has occurred, the electrolyte from the batteries must be carefully and completely removed with a damp cloth, and the batteries must be replaced before the instrument is placed back into service.If none of the LEDs light up after a voltage has been applied, or if they are only faintly illuminated, the batteries must be replaced.The instrument requires four 1.5V batteries in accordance with IEC or equivalent rechargeable batteries.Replacing the BatteriesLay the instrument onto its face, loosen both of the screws at the rear panel and lift out the housing base starting at the side at which the screws are located. The housing base and housing top are fastened together by means of snap hooks at the other side.Replace the batteries in the battery holder with 4 new batteries.Replace the housing base starting at the side with the snap hooks and make certain that they are properly engaged.Refasten the housing base with the two screws.Please dispose of depleted batteries in an environmentally sound fashion, for example at an appropriate collection depot.Note!The phase sequence indicator is not equipped withany fuses!6.2HousingNo special maintenance is required for the housing. Keep outside surfaces clean. Use a slightly dampened cloth for cleaning. Avoid the use of cleansers, abrasives or solvents.GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH 116.3Device Return and Environmentally Compatible DisposalThe instrument is a category 9 product (monitoring and control instrument) in accordance with ElektroG (German Electrical and Electronic Device Law). This device is sub-ject to the RoHS directive. Furthermore, we make refer-ence to the fact that the current status in this regard can be accessed on the Internet at www.gossen- by entering the search term WEEE.We identify our electrical and electronic devices in accordance with WEEE 2012/19EU and ElektroG with the symbol shown to the right per DIN EN 50419.These devices may not be disposed of with the trash. Please contact our service department regarding the return of old devices.If you use batteries or rechargeable batteries in your instru-ment or accessories which no longer function properly, they must be duly disposed of in compliance with the applicable national regulations.Batteries or rechargeable batteries may contain harmful substances or heavy metal such as lead (PB), cadmium (CD) or mercury (Hg).They symbol shown to the right indicates that bat-teries or rechargeable batteries may not be dis-posed of with the trash, but must be delivered to collection points specially provided for this pur-pose.7Accessories (not included as standard equipment)Variable Plug Adapter Set (article no. Z500A)Three self-retaining,contact-protectedtest probes for theconnection of mea-surement cables with4mm banana plugsor with contact-pro-tected plugs for 3.5to 12mm outlets,e.g. CEE outlets, Per-ilex outlets etc.For example, the testprobes fit into thesquare PE sockets at Perilex outlets. Maximum allowable operating voltage: 600V per IEC 61010.Pb Cd HgEdited in Germany • Subject to change without notice • A PDF version is available on the InternetGMC-I Messtechnik GmbHSüdwestpark 1590449 Nürnberg • GermanyPhone +49 911 8602-111Fax +49 911 8602-777E-Mail ************************ 8Repair and Replacement Parts Service Calibration Center and Rental Instrument ServiceWhen you need service, please contact:GMC-I Service GmbHService CenterThomas-Mann-Strasse 2090471 Nürnberg • GermanyPhone +49 911 817718-0Fax +49 911 817718-253E-mail *************************** This address is for Germany only. Abroad, our representa-tives or establishments are at your disposal.9Product SupportWhen you need support, please contact:GMC-I Messtechnik GmbHProduct Support HotlinePhone +49 911 8602-0Fax +49 911 8602-709E-Mail ***************************。
Fluke Pro95i 真实RMS毫安高电流测量表的产品说明书
Environmental Conditions
Operation Temperature: 0°C to 40°C(32°F to 104°F); < 80 % RH Storage Temperature: -10°C to 60°C(14°F to 140°F); < 80 % RH
Explanation Symbols
Model: Pro95i
1. SAFETY INFORMATION ....................................................... 1 2. GENERAL SPECIFICATION................................................. 1 3. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION........................................... 2
Attention refer to operation Instructions.
Dangerous voltage may be present at terminals.
This instrument has double insulation.
EN61010 600V CAT III N2068
Input impedance: 2M
Accuracy 50~500Hz 1.0% + 3dgts
Accuracy 1.0% + 2dgts
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AC/DC and Flexible AC Current Probes and Clamp MetersAC/DC电流探头和钳型表专为与万用表和示波器一起使用而设计,可精确,无干扰地测量AC,DC和复杂电流。
使用先进的霍尔效应技术,AC / DC电流探头可以在DC 至100 kHz的频率范围内以5mA至1000A的1mA分辨率精确测量电流。
示波器电流探头真有效值钳表万用表电流探头AC/DC 电流传感器和真有效值钳表满足您在汽车和工业应用中需求的解决方案先进的霍尔效应技术采用开环和闭环技术2典型应用:■工业和建筑电气安装测试■UPS和电池充电系统■逆变器、开关电源和工控系统的开关信号波形分析■汽车行业:车载电池的漏电流测量,ECU睡眠模式的侦测及电流的绘制都需要高精度和完美的解决方案。
主要特点:■宽带宽和低相移■瞬时输出和真实RMS读数(钳形表)■电力电子应用的出色噪声抑制■直流自动归零和自动关机■高精度,1mA高分辨率3订货号P-12.200.1P-12.600.1P-12.200.2P-12.460.0P-12.600.2P-12.230.0P-12.480.0P-12.601.0型号CP 30CP 1000CP 35CP 305CP 1005CP 41CP 410CP 1010电流量程30 A1000 A30 A30/300 A100/1000 A4/40 A4/400 A100/1000 A最大直径25 mm Ø32 mm Ø25 mm Ø25 mm Ø32 mm Ø25 mm Ø25 mm Ø32 mm Ø带宽DC ... 20 kHzDC ... 10 kHzDC ... 100 kHzDC ... 10 kHzDC ... 20 kHzDC / 15-400 HzDC / 15-400 HzDC / 15-400 Hz输出信号100 mV/A1 mV/A100 mV/A10/1 mV/A10/1 mV/ADisplayDisplayDisplay接口4 mm4 mmBNCBNCBNC供电BatteryBatteryBatteryBatteryBatteryBatteryBatteryBattery柔性交流电流传感器 - PRO~ex & MICRO~ex当与示波器,记录仪或数据记录仪一起使用时,利用 Rogowski 原理的柔性交流电流探头可用于测量高达 6000A 的交流电流。
示波器电流探头万用表电流探头满足您在电能质量,能源管理和能源方面的需求的解决方案 各种工业和电力设施应用,使用Rogowski技术的柔性电流探头43 个示波器探头典型应用:■电气设备维护、维修和机器安装时电流测量■中低压配电电流测试■电动机启动瞬间的测量■电力电子设备的开发和维修■分析谐波,功率测量,测量市电和UPS中的峰值负载主要特点:■提供各种头尺寸■易于将探头插入狭窄的空间■宽动态范围和宽带宽■1000V,CAT III,污染等级2,600V CAT IV,污染等级2■2000 小时的电池寿命和外部电源选项■对电流快速变化的出色响应■紧凑轻巧的设计■无磁滞,饱和或非线性5订货号P-06.600.8P-02.710.0P-06.690.0P-02.713.9P-02.760.0P-06.600.4P-02.710.3P-02.762.1型号ACP 1000/4ACP 3000/24ACP 2005/2ACP 3005/24ACP 6000_3/24ACP 1003_3/3 ACP 3003_3/24 ACP 6003_3/24电流量程10/100/1000 A 30/300/3000 A 20/200/2000 A 30/300/3000 A 60/600/6000 A 3x 60/600/6000 A 3x 30/300/3000 A 3x 60/600/6000 A最大直径100 mm Ø176 mm Ø50 mm Ø176 mm Ø176 mm Ø70 mm Ø176 mm Ø176 mm Ø带宽20 kHz 20 kHz 100 kHz 20 kHz 20 kHz 100 Hz 20 Hz 20 Hz输出信号100 / 10 / 1 mV/A 100 / 10 / 1 mV/A 100 / 10 / 1 mV/A 100 / 10 / 1 mV/A 50 / 5 / 0.5 mV/A 100 / 10 / 1 mV/A 100 / 10 / 1 mV/A 50 / 5 / 0.5 mV/A接口4 mm 4 mm BNC BNC BNC BNC BNC BNC供电Battery Battery+3 V external or battery +3 V external or battery +3 V external or battery +3 V external or battery +3 V external or battery +3 V external or batteryFLEXIBLE ACCURATE带DIN导轨外壳的柔性AC探头基于Rogowski原理,它们适用于几百mA到6000A的交流电流测量。
6显示,存储或数据记录装置F l e x i b l e A C C u r r e n t P r o b e s f o r D I N R a i l M o u n t i n g典型应用:■固定安装和技改升级■能源管理■过程控制■工业厂房的负荷监控 主要特点:■提供多种探头长度和直径■真均方根值(RMS),4至20mA和瞬时输出■多个量程■易于安装订货号P-14.500.2 P-14.500.1 P-14.500.3 P-14.500.0型号DRM 503/4DRM 504/4DRP 503/18DRP 504/18电流量程3x 500 A4x 500 A3x 500 A4x 500 A最大直径100 mm Ø100 mm Ø132 mm Ø132 mm Ø带宽10 kHz10 kHz10 kHz10 kHz输出信号0.667 mV/A0.66 mV/A0.667 mV/A0.667 mV/A接口Screw terminals Screw terminals Screw terminals Screw terminals 供电+12 V +12 V +12 V +12 V7AC 电流互感器交流电流互感器基于交流变压器原理,机械设计尺寸允许在矩形母线或电缆上进行测量,提供各种输出配置,例如电压(AC 或DC)或电流信号(1A 或5A)。
8典型应用:■电能质量应用■监视和控制电机的能耗■能源管理主要特点:■低相移■出色的外部电场抑制■无需电源订货号P-00.440.2P-00.600.1P-00.710.1型号ACP 200 M3ACP 1000 SMACP 3000 H32电流量程200 A1000 A3000 A最大直径Ø15 / 15x17Ø54 / 51x12 / 40x35Ø70 / 100x45 / 120x37带宽10 kHz10 kHz5 kHz输出信号10 mV/A1 mV/A1 mV/A接口4 mm4 mm4 mm供电---定制化解决方案我们的重点是设计,开发和定制用于电流和电压测量以及电参数测量和信号处理的电流探头,钳型表,手持式仪器和系统。
核心优势:■高度灵活,专注并响应客户需求■技术驱动和基于应用开发■与我们的OEM客户一起设计定制产品■基于合同的OEM业务,自有品牌和分销销售■核心技术是霍尔效应,磁通门,Rogowski,磁阻–GMR和AMR关于我们:■GMC-I PROSyS Ltd., 坐落于英格兰西北部, 是德国GMC-I 集团全资子公司。