外刊经贸知识选读 翻译题




外刊经贸知识选读课带中文翻译The Curtain Goes up 竹幕卷起Peking permits foreign investment all along its coastline ― creating differing rules and added confusion中国政府允许外国在沿海投资― 从而差生了不同的法则并引起困惑By Mary Lee in Beijing1. A clearly confident China has rolled up a large section of its bamboo curtain, declared itself "open to the outside world" and hung signs on nearly all its cities inviting foreign investors to come and do serious business.满怀信心地中国卷起大部分竹幕,向世界宣布“对外开放”,几乎所有的城市都张挂起邀请外商来投资作正当生意的招牌。

2. The four special economic zones (SEZs) in Guangdong and Fujian Provinces, 14 coastal cities (all former treaty ports) and Hainan island (19 "open" areas in all) nave specifically designed tax and other incentives for the foreign investor. But every Provincial capital is doing its best to attract foreign investment.广东省和福建省的4个经济特区、14个沿海开放城市(都是以前的通商口岸)和海南岛(总共十九个“开放”区)为外国投资者制定了税收和其他方面的鼓励政策。



第一章1. During the 1950s China exported agricultural products to the USSR and East European countries in return for manufactured goods and the capital equipment required for the country's industrialization programme | which placed emphasis on the development of heavy industry.20世纪50年代,中国向前苏联和东欧各国出口农产品以换取制成品和国家的工业化计划所要求的资本设备,而国家的工业化计划则强调重工业的发展。

2. The growth of foreign trade was distrupted again during the Cultural Revolution when agricultural | and industrial production fell sharply and transportation constraints became m ore serious.在文化大革命期间,外贸的增长又一次被打断了。


3. Exports grew much faster than imports during this period | not only because o f the strong emphasis placed on exporting by China's economic planners, but also because a number of industrial projects were postponed in1979. Official recognition (that foreign technology could play a major role in modernizing the Chinese economy)has caused imports to rise by more than 50 per cent in 1978, placing undue strain on the national economy.在这个时期,出口增长要快于进口增长不仅是由于中国经济计划者着重强调出口,也是因为大多工业项目在1979年被推迟了。



旺旺英语Lesson 13Hong Kong is Tops at Cracking U.S. Shell Eggs香港是美国蛋类的大市场By Michael L. HumphreyWhile most people think of Hong Kong as a small market, it is, in fact, the largest export market for U.S. shell eggs. In 1985, the United States exported over 7 million dozen shell eggs valued as $ 4 million for food use in Hong Kong. That market alone accounted for half of the volume and 40 per cent of the value of total U.S. exports of shell eggs for food use.大多数人认为香港是一个小市场,可它实际上是美国蛋类的最大的出口市场。



Hong Kong consumers enjoy a variety of shell eggs, including fresh hen and duck eggs, dyed eggs for special occasions, eggs cooked in salt or tea leaves, pigeon eggs and preserved duck eggs. Fresh hen eggs, however, are the most popular item.香港的消费者喜欢各种蛋类,包括鲜鸡蛋,鲜鸭蛋,特殊场合下使用的彩蛋,咸鸡蛋和茶叶蛋,鸽子蛋和腌鸭蛋。



旺旺英语Lesson 15Weekly Commodities (telex) 每周商品行情Commodities 1商品行情(-)econews by Kate Kavanagh Oil prices seesaw to three-month low in “big bang week London”, Oct. 31 (afp)—the attention of commodities dealers was last week captured initially by events on the stock exchange, where Monday’s big bang was muffled by computer failures, but turned later to the troubled oil market.(法新社)10月31日电:在“伦敦大爆炸改革周”中,石油价格起伏不定,跌至三个月来的最低点。


The unexpected departure of sheik ahmed zaki yamani from his post as Saudi Arabian oil minister aggravated existing uncertainty concerning the future direction of oil prices in view of severe world oversupply.在国际市场严重供大于求的情况下,沙特阿拉伯石油部长亚马尼的突然离职使本来就起伏不定的油价变得更加难以预料。

Unstable crude prices in turn prompted falls in platinum and gold, the latter to its lowest since early September, aggravated by the withdrawal of investment support as the dollar regained ground.动荡的原油价格反过来又加速了白金和黄金的降价,而且由于美元重收失地,投资者纷纷撤回投资,黄金还降到了九月初以来的最低点。



《外刊经贸知识选读》练习资料-短文翻译翻译题1. The good news for Asian exporters to Europe is that after three years of recession, the 12 European Union economies are creaking back to life. That means consumers are likely to have more money to spend on Asian goods. The bad news is that EU trade officials, under pressure from increasingly strident industry groups, are tightening the screws on Asian imports. These include cars, TV sets, textiles and footwear. The trade friction contrasts with recent efforts by the EU to improve its diplomatic ties with Asia.2.While most people think of Hong Kong as a small market, it is, in fact, the largest export market for U. S. shell eggs. In 1985, the United States exported over 7 million dozen shell eggs valued at$ 4 million for food use in Hong Kong. That market alone accounted for half of the volume and 40 per cent of the value of total U. S. exports of shell eggs for food use. Hong Kong consumers enjoy a variety of shell eggs, including fresh hen and duck eggs, dyed eggs for special occasions, eggs cooked in salt or tea leaves, pigeon eggs and preserved duck eggs. Fresh hen eggs, however, are the most popular item.3.Major projects outside the oil and gas sector in Abu Dhabi(阿布扎比) appear to be on hold. This applies to the Lulu island development and the third crossing project, for which tenders have been invited three times, although the prospects for medium-size infrastructure projects in Abu Dhabi are reasonable. “Look where the money is coming from, what really matters is oil and gas, " a consultant says. The consensus is that these other projects will materialize; they are just not top priority at the moment.4.Yet in its current dour mood, Europe risks almost overlooking the revolutionary step forward it has taken in creating the world’s largest and wealthiest barrier-free market—and on a continent where, for centuries, economic battles have led to some of hist ory’s bloodiest wars. Moreover, a failure to reinforce the single market by pushing forward with European integration could lead to an unraveling of what the internal market program has achieved, some observers say.然而在目前抑郁的情绪中,欧洲几乎冒险忽视了那种前进的革命性步伐,它曾以那种步伐创立了世界上最大的、最富有的自由市场——在一个大洲,那里几个世纪以来经济上的争斗已经导致了一些历史上最血腥的战争。

外刊经贸知识选读 课 带中文翻译 (9)

外刊经贸知识选读 课 带中文翻译 (9)

旺旺英语Lesson 9Prosperity Persists in the UAE阿拉伯联合酋长国持续繁荣The profits of peace and prosperity 和平与共荣益处多多1. In the two years since Iraq was ousted from Kuwait, peace and prosperity have returned to the Gulf region, and the UAE in particular. Major development plans have resumed in Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas sector and Dubai’s trade figures are soaring as more companies adopt the emirate as their regional base. Y et, below the surface calm, defence is still of great concern. The topic dominated discussions at the GCC summit in Abu Dhabi in December, and in February the government announced its biggest-ever investment in defence equipment at IDEX 1993, an exhibition held in Abu Dhabi.自从伊拉克被逐出科威特,两年来和平与繁荣又回到了海湾地区,特别是阿联酋。




外刊经贸知识选读 翻译题

外刊经贸知识选读  翻译题

一、翻译题:1 p30In fact, shantou among the SEZs, and some of the 14 coastal cities plus Hainan are not even equipped with administrative support or infrastructure to cope wit h the responsibilities which the central government has placed on them. 事实上,经济特区中的汕头,14个沿海城市中的一些城市,再加上海南岛,甚至不具备履行中央政府授予的职责所需的行政支持或基础设施。

2、p31 But while the reasons for throwing 19 areas and cities open to foreign investment and technology transfer are clear, how the preferential systemswill operate in not. 尽管为外资和技术转让而开放19个区域和城市的原因是显而易见的,但是优惠体制将怎样操作却无从知道。

3、P 63Clearly, China’s economy is a work in progress, nowhere near realizing the potential of its billion-plus population.显而易见,中国的经济正处于进展中,距离发挥其10多亿人口的潜力还很遥远。

4、p134 An insistence that Europe and Japan create a “level playing field” for trade by agreeing to give U.S. exports the same access to their markets as foreign companies receive in the United States.坚持要求欧洲和日本实行“公平贸易”,即美国出口企业应能以外国企业进入美国市场的同等条件进入欧日市场。



旺旺英语Lesson 14Soft Commodities非耐用商品Many prices are at historic lows, and the IMF expects further falls. Yet there are signs that the worse may be over. One key commodity, sugar, has recovered.许多商品的价格处于历史最低点,虽然国际货币基金组织预计价格还会进一步下跌。



Markets Have Lost Their Allure 市场已失去吸引力For Most people involved in the production and trading of “soft” or agricultural commodities, this is proving to be a grim decade.对于大多数生产并买卖非耐用商品或农业品的人来说,这十年无疑是阴暗的十年。

Prices are in many cases at, or near, historic lows in real terms as markets struggle to cope with floods of surplus produce. And—with most soothsayers forecasting flat, or still lower, prices—the markets themselves have lost much of their allure.许多情况下,产品的价格都在实际意义上处于或接近历史最低价,这是因为市场要应付泛滥成灾的过剩的农产品。



Speculators who profited handsomely from the price volatility of the 1970s have deserted soft commodities for the newer excitement of financial futures or the security and big yields afforded by the equity and money markets.从20世纪70年代的价格不稳中大笔获益的投机者们已经放弃了非耐用商品而寻求金融期货或有价证券带来的新的刺激以及股票和货币市场提供的巨额利润。



Lesson 4 The Economic Scene: A Global Perspective经济景观:全球视野(Excerpts)1. In 1991,for the second year in a row, the economies of low-income and middle-income countries virtually stagnated, as measured by an increase in per capita gross domestic product (GDP). Aggregate output for developing countries advanced by slightly less than 2 per cent during 1991 (similar to the weak performance of 1990), implying an easing in per capita income of 0.1 per cent.1991年,中低收入国家以人均国内生产总值(GDP)测算的经济增长连续两年处于停滞状态。


2. Aggregate statistics for 1991 were influenced by the sharp decline in output in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as by the adverse effects of the Gulf crisis on several economies in the Middle East. Excluding Central and Eastern Europe, growth in developing countries in 1991 was3.4 per cent, compared with 3.8 per cent during the 1980s. Estimates of GDP growth by major geographic region show an acceleration in Latin America and in sub-Saharan Africa; an increase in China’s growth rate helped to sustain high rates of growth in the East Asia region.1991年的总数据,不仅受到了海湾危机对中东几个国家的经济的有害作用的影响,而且也受到了中、东欧国家的产量的急剧下降的影响。

外刊经贸知识选读Lesson 1

外刊经贸知识选读Lesson 1

3.contract n. binding agreement between persons,groups.合同,合约 vt. 订立合同 vt. Make or become smaller. 收缩 e.g. Metals contract as they become cool. 金属冷则收缩。 4.shift from towards/to 从向 转移 e.g. There has been a shift of emphasis from manufacturing to service industries. 重点已从制造业向服务业转移。
11.Sino-: chinese 中国人的 Sino-Japanese relations 中日关系 Chinese officials stress the importance of introducing advanced technology to domestic industry,but the need is for technology of varying degrees of sophistication,not necessarily for advanced technology as that term is understood in the West. need for sth. need for sb to do sth. 需要,必须
USSR:Union of Soviet Socialist 苏联
2.exacerbate v. make worse,aggravate.使 恶化,加剧。 e.g. Her mother’s interference exacerbated the difficulties in their marriage. 她母亲从中干预使他们的婚姻雪上加霜。

外刊经贸知识选读 翻译 3

外刊经贸知识选读 翻译 3

Lesson 3
Beijing Rising
China’s emergence as an economic heavyweight after more than a decade of fast growth makes it likely to supplant Japan as the West’s main trade worry in Asia
By Frank Gibney Jr.
If there is a road to China’s future, Highway 204 out of Shanghai is it. Along its two dusty lanes, local trucks and buses jockey with Cadillacs driven by financiers from Taiwan and Hong Kong investors. Migrant workers crowd the narrow shoulders. Factories line the highway, producing sneakers, toys, plastics, clothes, aircraft components and medical equipment. Eventually industry gives way to ricefields, which is being dug up to build still more factories. Cranes turn overhead as dump trucks and cement mixers nose onto the road. Outside the town of Jiading, one tractor-trailer leaves Asia’s largest container plant every three minutes, carrying goods bound for the Shanghai docks. The traffic on Highway 204 is so thick that the trip from Shanghai to Zhangjiagang –only 115 kilometers away –takes five hours.



00096自考外刊经贸知识选读英汉词组互译自考外刊经贸知识选读英汉词组互译1barrier-free market自由/无壁垒市场2test market试销市场3budget deficit预算赤字4capital-intensive investment资金密集型投资5top-of-the-line technology行业内领先技术6visible trade account有型贸易项目7punitive import tariff惩罚性进口关税8intellectual property right知识产权9most favored nation status最惠国待遇10depression销条11trade surplus贸易顺差12deflation通货紧缩13barter trade易货贸易14futures market期货市场15current account经常项目16invisible trade无形贸易17compensation trade补偿贸易18devaluation贬值19per capita income人均收入20infrastructure基础设施21market share市场分额22special economic zone经济特区23exclusive agency agreement独家代理协议24finished goods/manufactured goods制成品25agriculture and industrial production工农业生产26trade balance贸易差额27merger兼并28market force市场力量29monetary policy货币政策30world trade organization世界贸易组织31personal/individual income tax个人所得税32commodity/goods market商品市场33service trade服务贸易34primary goods初级产品35international monetary fund国际货币基金组织36per capita GDP(gross domestic product)人均国内生产总值37convertible currency可兑换货币38customs duties and taxation海关关税39good infrastructure 良好的基础设施40deinflationary policy反通货膨胀政策41trade sanction贸易制裁42at the summit meeting峰会43on a conservative estimate据保守估计44price hike价格上涨45self-sufficient自给自足46liquid assets流动资产47trade fairs and exhibitions贸易展销会48preferential tax rate优惠关税49vested interests既得利益50export quota出口配额51government procurement政府采购52European integration欧洲一体化53bilateral pacts双边条约54countervailing duty反补贴税5524.fledgling industries新兴工业56stock market股票市场57capital transfer资本转移58trade discrimination贸易歧视59bilateral trade双边贸易60European continent欧洲大陆61carbon tax双重税62state-owned enterprises国有企业63competitive advantage竞争优势64balance of payments国际收支65high-tech高技术66portfolio investment证券投资67free market自由市场68trade barriers贸易壁垒69glut of supply供应过剩70equivalent value对等价值71economic recession经济衰退72unfair trade不平等交易73exclusive contract独家经销合同74per capita income人均收入75long-term strategy长期战略76GATT关税及贸易总协定77financial crisis金融危机78trade representative商务代表79physical market现货市场80financial deregulation撤销金融管制规定81sovereignty dispute主权争端82hard currency硬通货83merger of banks银行兼并84a hermit naiton闭关自守的国家85trade negotiation贸易谈判86at a rough estimate据粗略估计87Chinese export commodities fair中国出口商品交易会88foreign exchange reserve外汇储备89debt sevice/interest payment利息付款90sole foreign funded外商独资91technology transfer技术转让92domestic demand国内需求93export oriented出口导向94trade balance贸易差额95certificate of origin产地证书96customs duties进口税97clearing agreement清算协议98real estate房地产99business cycle商业周期100fiscal packages财政一揽子计划101debt service利息付款102 good resistance强阻力103cash crops经济作物104GNP国民生产总值105deinflationary policy反通胀政策106short supply供应短缺107the World Bank世界银行108capital goods资本货物109productive force生产力110foreign exchange earnings外汇收入111profit-remittance 利润汇款112national income国民收入113closing level收盘价。



One1.pattern (n.)式样,样品,方式,方针1)These patterns are quite popular in the international market.这些产品的款式是目前国际市场上比较流行的。

2)A complete range of patterns was sent to you by express airmail yesterday.全套样品已于昨天以航空特快寄给贵方。

3)Each trade in each country has its own patterns of sales channels.任何国家的任何交易都有它自己的销售渠道方式。

4)There patterns of trade are changing.这些贸易方针正在变化。

2.contract (n.)合同,合约1)Contracts have been signed but work hasn’t begun yet.合同已经签订,但工程还没开始。

2)We will have the contract ready for signature.我们将备好合约待签。

(v.)缩小,收缩1)The volume of foreign trade contracted sharply during past two years.过去两年间,对外贸易额大幅下降。

2)Matals contract as they become cool.金属冷却则收缩。

3.account (n.)账目,账户,账单,会计科目1)The account will be used for payment under letters of credit,collection orders and remittances. 本账户用于信用证,托收和汇款的结算。

2)The account sales of your parcel shall be forwarded in my next letter.贵公司寄售商品的销售账单,我们将于下次函寄。



全国2010年7月高等教育自学考试外刊经贸知识选读试题课程代码:00096二、将下列词组译成中文(本大题共10小题,每小题1 分,共10分)16. market share17. raw material18. capital market19. foreign-exchange reserves20. bilateral pacts21. intellectual property22. free trade23. (OPEC)24. hard currency25. consumer goods三、将下列词组译成英文(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)26. 战略性储备27. 服务贸易28. 供应过剩29. 清算协议30. 利息付款31. 特别提款权32. 证券投资33. 生产力34. 合资企业35. 技术转让全国2009年7月自考外刊经贸知识选读试题16. in surplus17. Comecon18. preferred status19. the state apparatus20. productive forces21. exclusive contract22. state-run enterprises23. the wet market24. franchisee25. import quota system26. 海关税27. 易货贸易28. 外汇储备29. 优惠税率30. 证券市场31. 收盘价32. 经纪业33. 可兑换货币34. 主要供应商35. 汇率全国2009年4月自学考试外刊经贸知识选读试题16. vested interests17. wholesaler18. a hermit nation19. buzzword20. insolvency21. take title22. market regulation23. public tender24. countervailing duty25. consortium26.反通胀政策27.贸易制裁28.产地证明书29. 市场动力30. 转让人31. 现货市场32. 经常项目33. 收盘价34.出口配额制35.服务贸易全国自考2008年7月外刊经贸知识选读试题16. invisible account17. SEZ18. soft commodity19. per capita income20. trade sanctions21. strategic stockpile22. managed trade23. brain trust24. carbon tax25. intellectual property26. 试销市场27. 外汇收入28. 中央银行29. 消费品30. 高技术31. 国内需求32. 特别提款权33. 强硬政策34. 产地证明书35. 补偿协议全国2008年4月自考外刊经贸知识选读真题16. fiscal packages17. countervailing duty18. debt service19. liquid assets20. good resistance21. current account22. cash crops23. GNP24. deinflationary policy25. equivalent value26. 市场份额27. 供应短缺28. 世界银行29. 资本货物30. 生产力31. 国内需求32. 外汇收入33. 进口税34. 有形贸易收支35. 利润汇款全国2007年7月高等教育自学考试16. GATT17. portfolio investment18. debt restructuring19. countervailing duty20. glut of supplies21. barrier-free market22. invisible account23. preferential tax rate24. economic heavy weight25. fledgling industries26. 中国出口商品交易会27. 硬通货28. 剩余劳动力29. 试销30. 直接投资31. 资本货物32. 国际收支33. 强硬政策34. 合资企业35. 技术转让全国2007年4月高等教育自学考试16. most-favored nation treatment17. trade surplus18. hard currency19. merger of banks20. liquid assets21. a hermit nation22. trade negotiation23. at a rough estimate24. Chinese Export Commodities Fair25. foreign exchange reserves26. 国民收入27. 国际收支28. 收盘价29. 惩罚性进口关税30. 证券投资31. 商品市场33. 智囊团/ 顾问班子34. 产地证明书35. 对等价值全国2006年7月自学考试外刊经贸知识选读试题16. compensation agreement17. test market18. currency movement19. security20. good resistance21. tough policy22. impose import23. Special Drawing Right24. GNP (gross national product)25. per capita income26. 最惠国待遇27. 贸易顺差28. 硬通货29. 银行兼并30. 易于变卖的资产31. 闭关自守的国家32. 贸易谈判33. 据粗略估计34. 中国出口商品交易会35. 外汇储备全国2006年4月高等教育自学考试16.most-favored nation treatment17.trade surplus18.hard currency19.merger of banks20.liquid assets21.a hermit nation22.trade negotiation23.at a rough estimate24.Chinese Export Commodities Fair25.foreign exchange reserves26.独家经销合同27.经常项目28.清算协议29.人均收入30.无壁垒市场31.双重税32.房地产33.试销34.知识产权35.商业周期全国2005年7月高等教育自学考试16. counter trade17. means of production18. surplus labour19. debt restructuring20. trade reprisal21. certificate of origin22. currency exchange system23. exclusive contract24. foreign exchange earnings25. primary products26. 货币市场27. 利息付款28. 试销29. 新兴工业30. 国内需求31. 直接投资32. 供应短缺33. 大规模销售活动34. 供求模式35. 现货市场全国2005年4月高等教育自学考试16.unfair trade17.exclusive contract18.per capita income19.long-term strategy20.GATT21.financial crisis22.trade representative23.physical market24.financial deregulation25.sovereignty dispute26.利息付款27.外商独资28.技术转让29.国内需求30.出口导向31.贸易差额32.产地证书33.期货市场34.市场份额35.进口税全国2004年7月高等教育自学考试16. visible trade accounts17. assembly manufacturing18. cooperative enterprises19. securities and real estate market20. nominal dollar terms21. government procurement22. fiscal packages23. risk-weighted assets24. carbon tax25. austerity program26. 贴现率28. 新兴工业29. 贸易制裁30. 无壁垒市场31. 惩罚性进口关税32. 外汇储备33. 经常项目34. 技术转让35. 市场多样化全国2004年4月高等教育自学考试16.trade fairs and exhibitions17.preferential tax rate18.vested interests19.export quotaernment procurement21.European integration22.bilateral pacts23.countervailing duty24.fledgling industries25.deinflationary policies26.国际收支27.经济特区28.高技术29.证券投资30.自由市场31.贸易壁垒32.供应过剩33.对等价值34.经济衰退35.贸易制裁全国2003年4月高等教育自学考试16.convertible currency17.customs duties and taxation18.good infrastructure19.deinflationary policy20.trade sanction21.at the summit meeting22.on a conservative estimate23.price hike24.self-sufficient25.liquid assets26,股票市场27.资本转移28.贸易歧视29.双边贸易30.欧洲大陆31.经常项目32.服务贸易33.双重税34.国有企业35.竞争优势全国2002年4月高等教育自学考试2.trade surplus3.deflation4.barter trade5.futures market6.current account7.budgt deficit8.invisible tradepensation trade10.devaluation1.市场力量2.货币政策3.最惠国待遇4.世界贸易组织5.人具所得税6.商品市场7.服务贸易8.初级产品9.国际货币基金组织10.人均国内生产总值六、翻译题(本大题12分)52. Interest in imports from China is high. The Chinese consulate’s commercial section in Dubai reporteda continual stream of visitors in the run-up to the exhibition from companies wanting to do business for the first time with China. More than 4,000 Chinese traders visited the emirates on government and private missions last year. As a result of this activity, China’s exports to the UAE have almost doubled fro m $279.5 million in 1990 to $522.7 million in 1992, according to Chinese government statistics. Dubai’s statistics show that China was the fifth largest supplier in 1990.52.The primary message for people who are interested to invest in the stock market is that they should ignore market timing and buy stocks for the long term. This strategy is simple and yet effective because stocks give good returns over a long period of time.The simplest strategy is the Buy—&—Hold strategy. One does not need to do anything no matter what happens after the initial investment is made. For example, you have $100 and you then decide to keep $60 in savings and use the remaining $40 to buy stocks. Whether the stock market goes up or down, you do not use your savings to buy more stocks or sell stocks to put money back into savings.52.Consumer prices posted their smallest increase in more than 50 years in 2008. A government report today (Friday) said the sagging economy is keeping inflation in check, and slashing demand for energy. Serious U.S. economic problems are at the top of President-elect Barack Obama’s agenda as he tries to rally public support for a plan to stimulate the economy with government spending and tax cuts. Mr. Obama has said he hopes to create half a million jobs with investments in clean energy projects.52.In the most recent talks about farm trade, America has shown a new willingness to compromise on details, doubtless reflecting George Bush’s need for an economic success to boast of in his election campaign. Whatever the motive a spirit of compromise makes sense for America, since it stands to gain a lot more from a successful round than any other country. But the EC continues to hesitate—because of France. French farmers are violently opposed to the reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP) that Europe’s governments agreed to last May.52.For South Korea as a whole, that seems as much a prophecy as an ambition. Like Japan in the 1960s, the country is poised for an assault on the world’s export markets. Its surging $81 billion economy is churning out a flood of increasingly sophisticated products, from shoes, toys and telephones to video recorders and microprocessors. Korea’s mighty conglomerates dominate Middle East construction, and they command key shares of the world’s shipbuilding, textile and steel indus tries.52. But some economists stressed the risks that a more aggressive U.S. policy poses. C. Fred Bergsten,director of the Institute for International Economists and a prominent member of the free-trade establishment, said he saw little evidence for a strategy, except for “a willingness to listen to protectionist appeals” from the automobile, semi conductor, steel and energy industries, among others, and a desire to mollify these industries’ powerful congressional protectors.52.During the past few years a major objective of the Chinese authorities has been to reduce the proportion of agricultural exports, while increasing that of industrial and mineral products. A wide variety of industrial goods are now exported and Chinese capital equipment has been used by a number of developing countries to establish projects in areas such as agriculture, forestry, light industry, food processing, water conservation and transport and communications.六Clearly, China’s economy is a work in progress, nowhere near realiz ing the potential of its billion-plus population. Its gross domestic product last year was, according to the official measure, $420 billion — no more than that of southern California. China remains primarily a nation of farmers, and the transition to an industrial free market is much like the traffic on Highway 204— unpredictable. Few state-owned firms have been sold, and most are laggard behemoths. Growth is driven by new joint ventures, collectives and private businesses, which now account for more than 50 per cent of China’s industrial production.VI. Now, some Western experts are predicting that China could become the world’s dominant economy early in the 21st century. Many economists believe a standard estimate of China’s per capita gross national product ($370) is already two to three times too low. And former World Bank chief economist Larry Summers recently argued that China could surpass both Japan and the United States to become the world’s largest economy by 2020.VI.Barter endured for thousands of years as the primary means of trade. Colonial powers forced bilateral barter upon their client states, making the colonies take expensive manufactured goods in return for bargain-price raw materials, and prohibiting them from trading with other nations. International trade was supposed to be freed from bartering’s constraints in July 1944, when diplomats and economists attended the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.52. Last year China’s trade surplus surged, buoyed by exports of toys, textiles and consumer electronics, Itstrade surplus with the United States hit a record $18 billion. Only Japan’s was larger. With the U.S.Congress due to consider the renewal of China’s most-favored nation trade status in June, officials in Beijing fear the trade imbalance could surpass human rights as a source of U.S. opposition to preferred status for China. “The trade surplus itself will be the No. 1 problem this year,” says one Chinese official.“After Japan, we will be first in line for retaliation. ”Ⅵ.The local Arabic press has given full coverage to the council’s debates and to a series of informal majlis discussions held weekly during Ramadan. In the latter, the issues of youth unemployment, drugs, the role of women and the size of the immigrant population were freely discussed. However, observers say Western-style democracy is not on the political agenda as the majlis system enjoys legitimacy and appears well-suited to the tribal traditions of Gulf society.52.But while the reasons for throwing 19 areas and cities open to foreign investment and technology transferare clear, how the preferential systems will operate is not. This is due largely to the intensity of competition among the 19, coupled with the inexperience of most local authorities both in making decisions and in dealing with the outside world. However, there are important differences between the SEZs and the coastal cities and even among the coastal cities themselves.Ⅵ.The relationship between trade and the environment is the thorniest of all.The difficulty facing rule- makers is this:the benefits of trade depend on the assumption that relative prices in different countries reflect differences in factors of production, productivity and so on. However, if one firm is polluting freely while another bears the cost of cleaning up its pollution, then relative costs will fail to reflect these differences, and trade that looks desirable may not be.。



旺旺英语Lesson 5 U.S. Is Prepared to See Trade Relations Worsen美国已做好准备任凭其贸易关系恶化By Peter BehrWashington Post Service 1. WASHINGTON—The Clinton administration is drawing the first lines of a tougher U.S. policy on trade, signaling to Europe and Japan that it will demand fairer treatment for American exports and is prepared to see relationships with U.S. trading partners get worse before they get better.克林顿政府正计划推行强硬的贸易政策路线,由此向欧洲和日本发出信号要求其更为公正的对待美国的出口,同时也表示美国政府已做好准备对待贸易关系恶化而非改善的状况。

2. The strongest signal came last week, when Mickey Kantor, the U.S. trade representative, moved quickly to cite the 12-nation European Community for “intolerable” discrimination against U.S. companies seeking government contracts within the Community. The administration will begin retaliating in six weeks if EC policies remain unchanged, Mr. Kantor said.美国贸易代表Mickey Kantor在上周发出了最为强烈的信号,他对欧共体12国限制美国公司参与欧洲政府采购计划迅速做出反应,认为这种做法是“不可忍受”的,并且警告说如果欧洲在六周之内不改变其现有做法那么美国将会采取报复性措施。



13. boom vt. 使兴旺;发隆隆声 The guns boomed again. 枪炮又发出砰砰声。 蓬勃发展;兴起;兴隆,繁荣昌盛;(股票、物价 等)暴涨,猛涨,激增;(在规模、重要性、活动 等方面)突然增加;出名 Business is booming since I enlarged the shop. 自从我扩大商店以来,生意日趋兴隆。 The economy reform boomed many new cities. 经济改革使许多城市兴旺发达起来。

7. penetrate ['penitreit] vt. 渗透;穿透; 洞察 vi. 渗透;刺入;看透 The heavy rain has penetrated the roof of my house. 大雨渗透了我家的房顶。 penetrated with discontent 深为不满 He has penetrated into high society. 他已经踏进上层社会。
17. ladder Hold the ladder for me, please. 请帮我扶住梯子。 at the top of the social ladder登上社会 的最顶层 climb (或get up) the ladder往上爬 成名,发迹: Twenty years later, he laddered to the top of his profession. 20年后,他达到了自己职业的顶峰。

5. bound [baund] adj. 有义务的;受约束的;装有封面的 be bound to 有 义务要 In doing so, they are bound to raise energy prices. 要达到此项目的,政府必须提高能源价格。 vt. 束缚;使跳跃 n. 范围;跳跃 vi. 反弹;弹起 The ball bounded against the wall. 球弹击墙壁。 bound for开往… The ship is bound for Australia. 船是开往澳大利亚的

外刊经贸知识选读The Development of EU

外刊经贸知识选读The Development of EU
3. The two companies are considering merger as a possibility.
4. 这两家公司在考虑合并的可能性。
2. integration:,inti'greiʃən n. a situation where two or more companies work
Unit 6 The Development of EU
• Vocabulary • Terminology (Technical Expressions) • Language Prger:mə:dʒə 2. n. joining together 并入,兼并
Generally, this work shall be finished before the annual closing of final accounts. 一般这种工作应在年度结算完结前完成。
10. import quota:im'pɔ:t'kwəutə n. limit on the number or type of goods brought
2〕vt. to break the rule or agreement 违约
This agreement shall terminate, if the consignee shall breach any of the terms herein contained.
如果承销人违反合同中之任一条款,本合同自行 终止。
4. soar:sɔ: vt. rise quickly 快速增长
Price soared when war broke out. 战争爆发时,物价飞涨。



外刊经贸知识选读翻译(1)精品⽂档Lesson 12Soft Drink Wars: the Next Battle The reformulation of Coke has given the feuding cola giants a chanee to go at each other again. 可⼝可乐的重新配⽅为长期不和的可乐巨头提供了⼀个新开战的机会。

But Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are spoil ing for yet ano ther fight, and this time they'e pick ing on the little guys: non-cola makers like Seven-Up and Dr Pepper.By Monci Jo Williams 但是可⼝可乐和百事可乐⼀⼼想进⾏另⼀场战⽃,这⼀次它们选中了⼩企业:“七喜”和“佩拍博⼠” 。

In the U.S. soft drink industry, where 1% of the market is worth $ 300 million in retail sales, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo don 'wage mere market share battles. They fight holy wars. These days the fight ing is on two fron ts. One is on the vast pla ins of the cola bus in ess, where the reformulatio nof Coke has Pepsi on the defensive. The other is in the back alleys of the smaller,non-cola market. Un til now these have bee n domin ated by other compa ni es. As growth of high-calorie colas slows, however, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are in vadi ng new territory.在美国的软饮料⾏业,1 %的市场份额就意味着3亿美元的零售额,可⼝可乐公司和百事可乐公司进⾏的不仅仅是争夺市场份额的⽃争,他们进⾏的是“圣战”。



《外刊经贸知识选读》习题集I. INTERNA TIONAL TRADE一、翻译-中译英1. 一个国家贸易规模的相对大小经常通过该国的出口金额占其国内生产总值的比例来衡量。

2. 最重要的海运单据是提单。


3. 典型的信用证可能要求以下单证:发票、提单、海运保险单、装箱单、磅码单、检验证书及产地证。

4. 国际贸易是一个国家所生产的商品和服务和另一个国家所生产的商品和服务之间的交换。

5. 海关同中央银行紧密地合作,以确保货物只能按照现行的管理条例进口或出口。

二、翻译-英译中1. The issuing bank examines the draft and documents upon receipt, to ensure that the documents conform to the letter of credit. If anything is wrong, the discrepancies are subject to acceptance by the buyer.2. Consular invoices are declarations made at the consulate of the importing country. They confirm the ex works cost of a consignment.3. “Ex works” means that the seller delivers when he places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the seller’s premises or another named p lace not cleared for export and not loaded on any collecting vehicle.4. “Free Carrier” means that the seller delivers the goods, cleared for export, to the carrier nominated by the buyer at the named place.5. “Cost, Insurance and Freight” means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment.6. “Delivered Ex Ship” means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on board the ship not cleared for import at the named port of destination.三、阅读-归纳Passage 1Chinese trade officials remain alarmed at the extent of the abuse of trade compensatory measures against China, although the number of anti-dumping investigations involving China has actually dropped. China remains the world’s largest vic tim of the abuse of anti-dumping measures with 27 investigations having been started into its exports in the latter half of last year, according to latest data from the World Trade Organization (WTO). The large number was partly because China’s exports grew extraordinarily quickly last year against the backdrop of gloomy world economic outlook, said Chinese trade officials. The abuse of anti-dumping measures against China has started to fall as the number was down from 29 investigations into Chinese exports in the latter of 2001, indicated WTO data. Chinese trade officials said China’s WTO membership helped deter foreign countries from discriminatory actions against China. The decrease was also a result of the hard work of the Fair Trade Bureau for Import and Export under the Ministry of Commerce, they said. The bureau, set up immediately after China’s WTO entry in late 2001, has done a lot inhelping domestic companies respond to foreign anti-dumping charges and refraining from vicious price competitions in international market. Officials with the bureau had expected the number of anti-dumping cases involving China would rapidly increase this year, with regard to big growth in Chinese exports last year and reviving international trade protectionism.1. Make a brief summary on the present situation of anti-dumping measures against China.2. Make a brief summary on the reasons which cause the large number of anti-dumping measures against China.3. Make a brief summary on the reasons which lead to the decreased number of anti-dumping measures against China.4. Make a brief summary on the function of Fair Trade Bureau for Import and Export in respond to risk of exportation.Passage 2In January, the United States imported more than $1.2 billion in textiles and apparel from China, up from about $701 million a year ago. Imports of major apparel products from China jumped 546 percent. Last January, for example, China shipped 941,000 cotton knit shirts, which were limited by quotas; this January, it shipped 18.2 million, a 1,836 percent increase. Imports of cotton knit trousers were up 1,332 percent from a year ago. These figures may be understated because China ships a large part of its goods through Hong Kong, and those shipments are not included. Fears that China is going to flood the world market with cheap textile exports have already inflamed tensions between Washington and Beijing because of worries about American manufacturing plants being closed and thousands of jobs being lost. Already, in January, the first month after global quotas were lifted, 12,200 jobs were lost in the United States apparel and textile industries, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Some analysts have predicted that China could capture as much as 70 percent of the American market in the next two years. Before the end of quotas, about 16 percent of apparel sold in the United States came from China. Last year, the United States trade deficit with China set a record of $162 billion, making it the largest trade imbalance ever recorded by the United States with a single country. To be sure, some textile importers say this phenomenon may be a one-time surge. Companies, for instance, may have put off shipping goods at the end of last year to avoid the quotas.5. Make a brief summary on the development of textiles imports to the United States from China after the end of quota.6. Make a brief summary on the connection between the end of quota and unemployment in the United States.7. Make a brief summary on the impact of the end of quota on the economy and society of United States.Passage 3International trade is, in principle, not different from domestic trade as the motivation and the behavior of parties involved in a trade do not change fundamentally regardless of whether trade is across a border or not. The main difference is that international trade is typically more costly than domestic trade. The reason is that a border typically imposes additional costs such as tariffs, time costs due to border delays and costs associated with country differences such as language, the legal system or culture. Another difference between domestic and international trade is that factors of production such as capital and labor are typically more mobile within a country than across countries. Thus international trade is mostly restricted to trade in goods and services, and only to alesser extent to trade in capital, labor or other factors of production. Trade in goods and services can serve as a substitute for trade in factors of production. Instead of importing a factor of production, a country can import goods that make intensive use of that factor of production and thus embody it. An example is the import of labor-intensive goods by the United States from China. Instead of importing Chinese labor, the United States imports goods that were produced with Chinese labor. One report in 2010 suggested that international trade was increased when a country hosted a network of immigrants, but the trade effect was weakened when the immigrants became assimilated into their new country.8. Make a brief summary on the definition of international trade.9. Make a brief summary on the difference between international trade and domestic trade.10. Make a brief summary on the reason that the United States imports labor-intensive goodsfrom China.四、阅读-答问A standard, commercial letter of credit (LC) is a document issued mostly by a financial institution, used primarily in trade finance, which usually provides an irrevocable payment undertaking.The letter of credit can also be payment for a transaction, meaning that redeeming the letter of credit pays an exporter. Letters of credit are used primarily in international trade transactions of significant value, for deals between a supplier in one country and a customer in another. In such cases, the International Chamber of Commerce Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits applies (UCP 600 being the latest version).The parties to a letter of credit are usually a beneficiary who is to receive the money, the issuing bank of whom the applicant is a client, and the advising bank of whom the beneficiary is a client. Almost all letters of credit are irrevocable, i.e., cannot be amended or canceled without prior agreement of the beneficiary, the issuing bank and the confirming bank, if any. In executing a transaction, letters of credit incorporate functions common to giros and Traveler's cheques. Typically, the documents a beneficiary has to present in order to receive payment include a commercial invoice, bill of lading, and documents proving the shipment was insured against loss or damage in transit.Letters of credit (LC) deal in documents, not goods. An LC can be irrevocable or revocable. An irrevocable LC cannot be changed unless both buyer and seller agree. With a revoca ble LC, changes can be made without the consent of the beneficiary.A sight LC means that payment is made immediately to the beneficiary/seller/exporter upon presentation of the correct documents in the required time frame. A time or date LC will specify when payment will be made at a future date and upon presentation of the required documents. Negotiation means the giving of value for draft(s) and/or document(s) by the bank authorized to negotiate, viz the nominated bank. Mere examination of the documents and forwarding the same to the letter of credit issuing bank for reimbursement, without giving of value / agreed to give, does not constitute a negotiation.To receive payment, an exporter or shipper must present the documents required by the letter of credit. Typically, the payee presents a document proving the goods were sent instead of showing the actual goods. The Original Bill of Lading (OBL) is normally the document accepted by banks as proof that goods have been shipped. However, the list and form of documents is open to imagination and negotiation and might contain requirements to present documents issued by a neutral third party evidencing the quality of the goods shipped, or their place of origin or place.One of the primary peculiarities of the documentary credit is that the payment obligation is abstract and independent from the underlying contract of sale or any other contract in the transaction. Thus the bank’s obligation is defined by the terms of the credit alone, and the sale contract is irre levant. The defensive of the buyer arising out of the sale contract do not concern the bank and in no way affect its liability. Article 4(a) UCP states this principle clearly. Article 5 the UCP further states that banks deal with documents only, they are not concerned with the goods (facts). Accordingly, if the documents tendered by the beneficiary, or his or her agent, appear to be in order, then in general the bank is obliged to pay without further qualifications.All the charges for issuance of Letter of Credit, negotiation of documents, reimbursements and other charges like courier are to the account of applicant or as per the terms and conditions of the Letter of credit. If the letter of credit is silent on charges, then they are to the account of the Applicant. The description of charges and who would be bearing them would be indicated in the field 71B in the Letter of Credit.1. What is the major function of letter of credit in international trade?2. What does UCP stand for?3. Which institution is the one that issued UCP 600?4. How should the exporter and the importer be called as parties of a letter of credit?5. What is the major function of issuing bank in a letter of credit business?6. What is the connection between the advising bank and the beneficiary?7. What is the major feature of an irrevocable LC?8. Under which circumstance can an irrevocable LC be amended?9. Which kind of LC does the exporter prefer to use, the revocable ones or irrevocable ones?10. As far as the time of payment is concerned, what are the two types of LC?11. Under which circumstances will the bank pay to the exporter?12. Which document is a title document?13. How to understand “the bank’s obligation is independent from sales contract”?14. Will the banks inspect the goods before making payment? Why?15. Usually, who is responsible for the charges for issuance of Letter of Credit?II. INTERNA TIONAL ECONOMIC RELA TIONS AND COOPERA TION一、翻译-中译英1. 工业化或发达国家是指那些除具有先进的农业和原料采掘技术外,还具有相当水平的制造业和服务业的国家。

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外刊经贸知识选读翻译题一、翻译题:1 p30In fact, shantou among the SEZs, and some of the 14 coastal cities plus Hainan are not even equipped with administrative support or infrastructure to cope with the responsibilities which the central government has placed on them. 事实上,经济特区中的汕头,14个沿海城市中的一些城市,再加上海南岛,甚至不具备履行中央政府授予的职责所需的行政支持或基础设施。

2、p31 But while the reasons for throwing 19 areas and cities open to foreign investment and technology transfer are clear, how the preferential systems will operate in not. 尽管为外资和技术转让而开放19个区域和城市的原因是显而易见的,但是优惠体制将怎样操作却无从知道。

3、P 63Clearly, China’s economy is a work in progress, nowhere near realizing the potential of itsbillion-plus population.显而易见,中国的经济正处于进展中,距离发挥其10多亿人口的潜力还很遥远。

4、p134 An insistence that Europe and Japan create a “le vel playing field” for trade by agreeingto give U.S. exports the same access to their markets as foreign companies receive in the UnitedStates.坚持要求欧洲和日本实行“公平贸易”,即美国出口企业应能以外国企业进入美国市场的同等条件进入欧日市场。

5、P137、Anyone who thinks Europe and Japan will be bullied into meeting American deadlines and priorities isn’t awake to the changes that have occurred.”任何认为欧日会因美国的威胁而按照美国给定的期限和重点来行事的人显然都没有看清形势的发展。

”6、 p171 Moreover, a failure to reinforce the single market by pushing forward with Europeanintegration could lead to an unraveling of what the internal market program has achieved,some observers say.另外某些观察人士表示,如果无法通过推进欧洲一体化来加强统一市场,那将已经取得的市场一体化成果就可能付诸东流。

7、、p230 Prosperity has flowed most readily to the large cities, and to those who founded—or work for—the country’s largest industrial companies. Small businessmen and their employees are still waiting for a bigger cut of Korea’s new-found bonanza.大城市最容易在经济上走向繁荣,还有那些创立了该国最大实业公司的人们或为此工作的人们也很富有。



8、 p275 Major projects outside the oil and gas sector in Abu Dhabi appear tobe on hold.阿布扎比天然气和石油以外的主要工程似乎均在等待之中。

9、p410 What is more, currency movements over the past year have unexpectedly made matters worse for many producers. —and helped to offset—the increasing weaknessof commodity prices. might be expected to give a compensating boost to dollarcommodity prices.而且,过去一年中的货币动态出人意料地把许多制造商的事情搞得更糟。



10、p411 “The behaviour of commodity prices is, to say the least, bewildering,”remarket Mr Alister Mclntyre, the of UNCTAD, at a recent meeting of the body’scommodities committee.贸发会的代理秘书长阿里斯特?迈克因特尔先生在该组织的初级商品委员会最近一次会议上说,“至少可以说,商品的价格行为令人迷惑。

”To many developing countries, the trend is deeply worrying as well as bewildering—the terms of trade have worsened dramatically for them. Between 1980 and 1985,their export earnings from an IMF-selected sample of 17 对于许多发展中国家而言,这种趋势不仅令人迷惑,还令人深深地担忧——贸易条件对于他们已经明显恶化。


inflation. As Lloyds Bank commented recently:相反,对于工业化国家而言,商品价格的下跌是他们在对抗通货膨胀中得到的及时的恩赐。

正如劳埃德银行最近评说的:“The weakness of dollar commodity prices, combined with the decline of the dollar,is having an important tend to boost inflation, weak commodity prices have helpedto prevent relatively rapid GNP growth from being accompanied by acceleratinginflation.”“以美元标价的商品的疲软,再加上美元的下跌,对许多工业国家的通货膨胀起到了重要的抑制作用。


” 商品价格普遍疲软的原因是复杂的。


二、词语及短语复习(包括但不仅限于下列列举内容)capital equipment 固定资本/设备national income 国民收入withdrawal 撤回most-favored nation treatment 最惠国待遇preferred status 优先地位,优先权balance 收支的平衡、均衡balance of payments 国际收支national income 国民收入visible trade account 有形贸易收支invisible trade account 无形贸易收支export economy 出口经济import economy 进口经济compensation trade 补偿贸易foreign-exchange reserves 外汇储备capital stock 资本存量wholly foreign-owned 外商独资的preferential tax rate 优惠税率per capita 按人均计算的per capita income 人均收入GNP(gross national product) 国民生产总值 GDP(gross domestic product) 国内生产总值 punitive import tariff 惩罚性进口关税 productive forces 生产力huge boost 巨大推动作用trade sanctions 贸易制裁trade surplus 贸易顺差Free-Trade Agreement 自由贸易区协定 result-oriented 以结果为导向的direct investment 直接投资indirect investment 间接投资tougher 强硬的the Single market 统一大市场merger 并入、兼并continued integration 一体化进程big bang 重击free-trade zone 自由贸易区draw the line 划定底线reluctantly 不情愿的fiscal package 财政一揽子计划obtain access to a market 得到进入市场的机会 White paper 白皮书trade balance(balance of trade) 贸易差额 trade in service 服务贸易state-of-the-art 最先进技术发展水平的 dumping 倾销anti-dumping 反倾销the Gulf region 海湾地区the Gulf countries 海湾国家on the spin-off 依靠…衍生出来的,靠…的支持 OPEC(organization of petroleum exporting countries) 石油输出国组织,欧佩克crossing project 渡口工程tenders 招标top priority 第一优先historical low/high 历史最低/最高点 financial future 期货money policy 货币政策 capital policy 资本政策 currency movements 汇率变动conventional wisdom 世俗认知、传统智慧 tropical timber and hides 热带木材和皮革drought 缺少 inflation 通货膨胀 anti-inflationary / deinflationary policy 反通胀政策restrain inflation 抑制通胀 boost inflation 增加通胀accelerate inflation 加速通胀。
