





Motoring Technology1.2 million road deaths worldwide occur each year, plus a further 50 million injuries. To reduce car crash rate, much research now is focused on safety and new fuels-though some electric vehicle and biofuel research aims at going faster.Travelling at speed has always been dangerous. One advanced area of research in motoring safety is the use of digital in-car assistants. They can ensure you don’t miss important road signs or fall asleep. Most crashes result from human and not mechanical faults.Some safety developments aim to improve your vision. Radar can spot obstacles in fog, while other technology "sees through" big vehicles blocking your view.And improvements to seat belts, pedal(脚踏)controls and tyres are making driving smoother and safer. The colour of a car has been found to be linked with safety, as have, less surprisingly, size and shape.But whatever is in the fuel tank, you don’t want a thief in the driving seat and there have been many innovations(创新).Satellite tracking and remote communications can also come into play if you crash, automatically calling for help.Accidents cause many traffic jams, but there are more subtle interplays between vehicles that can cause jams even on a clear but busy road. Such jams can be analyzed using statistical tools. Robotic drivers could be programmed to make traffic flow smoothly and will perhaps one day be everyons’s personal chauffeur(司机),but their latest efforts suggest that won’t be soon.1.To reduce car crash rate,many scientists are working hard toA.design fully automatic cars.B.develop faster electric vehicles.C.analyze road deaths occurring worldwide each year.D.improve the safety of cars and develop new fuels.2.According to the second paragraph,most road accidents happen due toA.heavy traffic.B.human mistakes.C.engine failure.D.bad weather.3.Which of the following safety developments is NOT mentioned in the passage?A.Windscreens that can help drivers to improve their vision.B.Radars that can help drivers to see obstacles in fog.C.Devices that can help drivers to see through big vehicles.D.Improvements in seat belts,pedal controls and tyres.4.Satellite tracking and remote communication systems cna be used toA.reduce oil consumption.B.remove the obstacles on the road.C.call for help when one’s car crashes.D.help drivers get out of a traffic jam.5.Which of the following statements is true of robotic drivers?A.It will take some time before robotic drivers are available.B.Robotic drivers are not allowed to driveon busy roads.C.Robotic drivers can never replace human drivers.D.Robotic drivers are too expensive to use.答案与题解:1.C 文章第一段的意思是:在世界范围内,每年发生120万起交通死亡事故,加上5000万起伤残事故,因此正在进行的许多研究的重点是安全问题和新燃料问题,尽管一些电动车和生物燃料的研究旨在达到更快的速度。





Plants and MankindBotany(植物学), the study of plants, occupies a peculiar position in the history of human knowledge. We don’t know what our Stone Age ancestors knew abou t plants, but from what we can observe of preindustrialial societies that still exist, a detailed learning of plants and their properties must be extremely ancient. They have always been enormously important to the welfare of people, not only for food, but also for clothing, weapons, tools, dyes, Medicines, shelter, and many other purposes. Tribes living today in the jungle of the Amazon recognize hundreds of plants and know many properties of each. To them botany has no name and is probably not even recogn ized as a special branch of “knowledge” at all.Unfortunately, the more industrialized we become the farther away we move from direct contact with plants. And the less distinct our knowledge of botany grows. Yet everyone comes unconsciously on an amazing amount of botanical knowledge, and few people will fail to recognize a rose, an apple, or an orchid. When our Neolithic ancestors, living in the Middle East about 10,000years ago, discovered that certain grasses could be harvested and their seeds planted for richer yields the next season, the first great step in a new association of plants and humans was taken. Grains were discovered and from them flowed the marvel of agriculture: cultivated crops. From then on, humans would increasingly take their living from the controlled production of a few plants, rather than getting a little here and a little there from many varieties that grew wild and the accumulated knowledge of tens of thousands of years of experience and intimacy with plants in the wild would begin to fade away.词汇:botany 植物学 yield 产量,收益detailed 详细的,详尽的 marvel 令人惊奇的事(人),奇迹property 特征;财产,资产 logical 逻辑的,合乎逻辑的pyramid 金字塔 variety 品种,变种;变化,多样化accumulate 积累,积聚 welfare 福利,幸福,康乐intimacy 亲近,亲密注释:1.Stone Age:石器时代2.…a detailed learning of plants and t heir properties must be extremely ancient:……对植物及其特点的详细了解一定非常久远3.dye:染料4.the Amazon:亚马孙河5.Yet everyone comes unconsciously on an amazing amount of botanical knowledge,…然而每个人都会无意识中获得大量的植物知识,……come on :偶然遇见;偶然发现。



严格意义上来讲,回忆录是既注重作者本身的生活经历,也注重其所处的时代所发生的事件 的自传性的描述。回忆录作者通常把这些事件作为他们生活的背景。他们详细地描述这些事件并 论述这些事件的重要性。虽然近些年,回忆录这个词似乎开始变得可以和自传互换,但是目前回 忆录也许还没有因外界评论而有所改变。
传记事实上是记录(作者以外).其他人的生活。在很多方面,传记也许是这三种非小说类文 学作品中最难写的了。自传作者知悉他们所写的事件因为他们就生活在其中。但是传记作者不得 不尽量从很多不同的渠道来收集信息。然后他们不得不决定包含哪种事实。他们的目标是用比较 全面的图片来介绍一个人物,并不是过于萝极也不是过于批判。一个公正并详尽的传记也许要花 费许多年来研究并进行书写。
威斯康星大四的学生Katie Rowley肯定了调查结果。“我加入校园组织希望让校园感觉上变得小一些,这样不仅可以投入到校园生活中还可以交到很多朋友”。
第三篇 小心鲨鱼! Shark attack!
克雷格 罗杰斯正坐在他的冲浪板上估算着下一波浪离他还有多远,就在这时冲浪板不动了。他低头向水下看,惊悚的一幕出现了:一条大白鲨正在撕咬冲浪板的前端。“



第十一篇When Our Eyes Serve Our Stomach(当我们的视觉服务于我们的胃口)我们的五官不仅仅让我们感知世界,五官感受还受大脑活动的影响。























”1第一段提到的新的研究发现了什么?A 饥饿的人看每一个单词都比普通的人更清晰B 饥饿的人一直都在想与食物相关的词C 饥饿的人比饱腹的人对食物相关的词汇更敏感D 饥饿的人不是低思维的人2 为什么在测试的那天测试有个延迟?A 因为饥饿的人需要时间吃饭B 因为雷戴尔想要形成两组测试人群,饥饿的和饱腹的人C 因为中午对任何测试都不是合适的时间D 因为雷戴尔需要时间选取身体合格的测试者3 作者想要告诉我们什么?A 人类的五官不仅仅让我们感知世界B 我们的感知怎么受我们的思维支配C 我们大脑的活动受到我们的动机和需求的支配D 思维保证我们感知功能的正常运行4 实验的结果表明?A 80个单词在屏幕上闪的太快以至于参与者不能真正感知它们B 饥饿的人更善于认识中性词C 吃过饭的人更善于识别与食物相关的词汇D 参与者仅仅接受它们需要或者他们渴望的词汇5 从这篇文章我们能推知?A 42个参与者对于一个严格的实验来说数目太少B 用饥饿与不饥饿的参与者得出的实验结果是不可靠的C 我们的思维过程独立于我们的感知D 人类可以感知他们所需要的东西在大脑思维没有介入的情况下第十二篇Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass(佛罗里达遭受冷空气袭击)2003年1月,美国东部2/3的地区处于强冷空气团的控制下,强冷空气团给佛罗里达的柑橘树造成了威胁,同时也使北部的港口处于被冻结状态。



2014年职称英语(卫生类)新增文章译文及解析——阅读理解第十六篇Eat to LiveA meager diet may give you health and long life,but it’s not much fun—and it might not even be necessary.We may be able to hang on to most of that youthful vigor even if we don’t start to diet until old age.Stephen Spindler and his colleagues from the University of California at Riverside have found that some of an elderly mouse’s liver genes can be made to behave as they did when the mouse was young simply by limiting its food for four weeks.The genetic rejuvenation won’t reverse other damage caused by time for the mouse,but could help its liver metabolize drugs or get rid of toxins.Spindler’s team fed three mice a normal diet for their whole lives,and fed another three on half-rations3.Three more mice were switched from the normal diet to half-feed3for a month when they were34months old—equivalent to about70human years.The researchers checked the activity of11,000genes from the mouse livers,and found that46changed with age in the normally fed mice.The changes were associated with things like inflammation and free radical production一probably bad news for mouse health.In the mice that had dieted all their lives,27of those46genes continued to behave like young genes.But the most surprising finding was that the mice that only started dieting in old age also benefited from70per cent of these gene changes."This is the first indication that these effects kick in pretty quickly,”says Huber Warner from the National Institute on Aging near Washington D.C.No one yet knows if calorie restriction works in people as it does in mice,but Spindler is hopeful.“There’s attracting and tempting evidence out there that it will work,”he says.If it does work in people,there might be good reasons for rejuvenating the liver.As we get older,our bodies are less efficient at metabolizing drugs,for example.A brief period of time of dieting,says Spindler,could be enough to make sure a drug is effective.But Spindler isn’t sure the trade-off is worth it.“The mice get less disease,they live longer,but they’re hungry,”he says.“Even seeing what a diet does,it’s still hard to go to a restaurant and say:‘I can only eat half of that,.”Spindler hopes we soon won’t need to diet at all.His company,Lifespan Genetics in California,is looking for drugs that have the effects of calorie restriction.词汇:meager adj.不足的youthful adj.有青春活力的vigor n.精力,活力metabolize vt.使(一种物质)进入新陈代谢过程genetic adj.基因的rejuvenation n.恢复活力,返老还童注释:1.hang on to:继续保留。

2014职称英语 综合A-阅读理解译文(34-50完美word版+新增)

2014职称英语 综合A-阅读理解译文(34-50完美word版+新增)

2014职称英语综合A 阅读理解(34-50篇)34逃亡在宾馆里闲待一个下午是很无聊的。




























目录1. FordAbandonsElectricVehicles (1)2. WorldCrudeOilProductionMayPeakaDecadeEarlier ThanSomePredict (3)3. CitizenScientists (5)4. MotoringTechnology (7)5. Late-nightDrinking (9)6. MakingLightofSleep (11)7. SugarPowerforCellPhones (13)8. EiffelIsanEyeful (15)9. EgyptFelledbyFamine (17)10. YoungFemaleChimpsOutlearnTheirBrothers (19)11. WhenOurEyesServeOurStomach (21)12. FloridaHitbyColdAirMass (23)13. InvisibilityRing (25)14. JapaneseCarKeepsWatchforDrunkDrivers (27)15. WingedRobotLearnstoFly (29)16. JapaneseDrillingintoCoreofEarth (31)17. ASunshadeforthePlanet (33)18. ThirstforOil (34)19. MusicalRobotCompanionEnhancesListenerExperience (36)20. ExploreroftheExtremeDeep (38)21. PlantGas (40)22. Snowflakes (42)23. PoweringaCity?It'saBreeze (44)24. UndergroundCoalFiresaLoomingCatastrophe (46)25. EattoLive (48)26. MaleandFemalePilotsCauseAccidentsDifferently (50)27. DriventoDistraction (52)28. SleepLetsBrainFileMemories (54)29. I'llBeBach (56)30. DigitalRealm (58)31. HurricaneKatrina (60)32. Mind-readingMachine (61)33. ExpertsCallforLocalandRegionalControlofSites forRadioactiveWaste (63)34. BatteriesBuiltbyViruses (65)35. PuttingPlantstoWork (67)36. ListeningDeviceProvidesLandslide EarlyWarning (69)37. Don'tDrinkAloneGetsNewMeaning (71)38. "LifeFormFound"onSaturn'sTitan (73)39. CloneFarm (75)40. TeachingMath,TeachingAnxiety (77)41. TooLittleforGlobalWarming (79)42. RenewableEnergySources (81)43. ForecastingMethods (83)44. DefendingtheTheoryofEvolution StillSeemsNeeded (85)45. SmallButWise (87)46.AntsHaveBigImpactonEnvironmentas"Ecosystem Engineers" (89)47. ListeningtoBirdsong (91)48. ResearchersDiscoverWhyHumansBeganWalkingUpright (93)49. US.ScientistsConfirmWateronMars (95)50. CellPhonesIncreaseTraffic,PedestrianFatalities (97)1.FordAbandonsElectricVehicles福特放弃电动汽车The Ford motor company's abandonment of electric cars effectively signals the end of the road for the technology, analysts say.分析人士评论,福特汽车公司放弃电动汽车的举动有力地证明了这种技术是行不通的。





Taking Pictures of the WorldMeet Annie Griffiths Belt, a National Geographic photographer. Belt has worked for National Geographic since 1978, and has taken pictures on almost every continent in the world. In fact, Antarctica is the only continent Belt hasn't seen yet.Belt's photographs are well known for their beauty and high quality. They also reflect very different cultures and regions of the world. Belt has photographed the ancient city of Petra, Jordan , as well as the green landscapes of the Lake District in England. Recently, her pictures appeared in a book about undeveloped natural places in North America.Everywhere that Belt goes, she takes pictures of people. Belt has found ways to connect with people of all ages and nationalities even when she does not speak their language. " The greatest privilege of my job is being allowed into people's lives," she has said. "The camera is like a passport, and I am often overwhelmed by how quickly people welcome me ! "Knowing how to break the ice has helped to make Belt a successful photographer, but experts say that anyone can learn to connect with new people. When people speak the same language, greeting and small talk can make strangers feel more comfortable with each other. When people don't speak the same language , a smile is very helpful. Having something in common can also help break the ice. For example , Belt has traveled with her two children , so when she takes pictures of children or their parents, they all have that family connection in common. Even bad weather can help people to connect when they are experiencing it together.Belt has some advice if you are thinking about a career in photography. You can volunteer to take pictures for a local organization that can't afford to hire a professional photographer. You can also take a good, honest look at your best photographs. If you're a real photographer, your photos are good because of your personal and technical skills. Belt also recommends studying and learning from photos taken by professional photographers.Remember, the next time you look as a beautiful photograph, you might be looking at thework of Annie Griffiths Belt. And the next time you meet a new person, don't be afraid to break the ice. the connection you make could be very rewarding.词汇:landscape n. 风景,风景画 rewarding adj. 值得的,有益的privilege n. 特权,优惠报酬的nationality n. 国籍,民族 think about 考虑overwhelm vt. 征服;使受不了使不知所措注释:1. I am often overwhelmed by…我常常被……搞得不知所措。



(一)Ford Abandons Electric VehiclesThe Ford motor company’s abandonment of electric cars effectively signals the end of the road for the technology,analysts say.General Motors。

and Honda’ceased production of battery.powered cars in 1 999, to focus on fuel cell and hybrid electric gasoline engines, which are more attractive to the consumer.Ford has now announced it will do the same.Three years ago.the company introduced the Think City two—seater car and a golf cart called the THINK, or Think Neighbor.It hoped to sell 5,000 cars each year and 10,000 carts.But a lack of demand means only about l,000 of the cars have been produced,and less than 1。

700 carts have been sold so far in 2002.“The bottom line is we don’t believe that this is the future of environment transport for the mass market.”Tim Holmes of Ford Europe said on Friday.“We feel we have given electric our best shot”The Think City has a range of only about 53 miles and up to a six-hour battery recharge time.General Motors’EVI electric vehicle also had a limited range。





Making Light of SleepAll we have a clock located inside our brains. Similar to your bedside alarm clock, your internal clock2 runs on a 24-hour cycle. This cycle,called a circadian rhythm,helps control when you wake,when you eat and when you sleep.Somewhere around puberty,something happens in the timing of the biological clock. The clock pushes forward,so adolescents and teenagers are unable to fall asleep as early as they used to. When your mother tells you it's time for bed,your body may be pushing you to stay up3 for several hours more. And the light coming from your computer screen or TV could be pushing you to stay up even later.This shift4 is natural for teenagers. But staying up very late and sleeping late can get your body's clock out of sync with the cycle of light and dark5. It can also make it hard to get out of bed in the morning and may bring other problems,too. Teenagers are put in a kind of a gray cloud6 when they don't get enough sleep,says Mary Carskadon,a sleep researcher at Brown University in Providence,RI7 .It affects their mood and their ability to think and learn.But just like your alarm clock,your internal clock can be reset. In fact,it automatically resets itself every day. How? By using the light it gets through your eyes.Scientists have known for a long time that the light of day and the dark of night play important roles in setting our internal clocks. For years,researchers thought that the signals that synchronize the body's clock8 were handled through the same pathways that we use to see.But recent discoveries show that the human eye has two separate light-sensing systems. One system allows us to see. The second system tells our body whether it's day or night.注释:1.make light of :轻视,不在乎。



阅读理解第34篇What do chicken pox, the common cold,the flu,and AIDS have in common? They're all disease caused by viruses,tiny microorganisms that can pass from person to person. It‘s no wonder1 that when most people think about viruses, finding ways to steer clear of2 viruses is what's on people's minds.Not everyone runs from the tiny disease carriers, though3.In Cambridge,Massachusetts4, scientists have discovered that some viruses can be helpful in an unusual way. They are putting viruses to work,teaching them to build some of the world‘s smallest rechargeable batteries.Viruses and batteries may seem like an unusual pair, but they're not so strange for engineer Angela Belcher, who first came up with5 the idea. At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge,she and her collaborators bring together different areas of science in new ways. In the case of the virus-built batteries,the scientists combine what they know about biology,technology and production techniques.Belcher‘s team includes Paula Hammond,who helps put together the tiny batteries,and Yet-Ming Chiang, an expert on how to store energy in the form of a battery. "We're working on things we traditionally don‘t associate with nature," says Hammond.Many batteries are already pretty small. You can hold A,C and D batteries6 in your hand. The coin-like batteries that power watches are often smaller than a penny. However,every year,new electronic devices like personal music players or cell phones get smaller than the year before. As these devices shrink,ordinary bakeries won‘t be small enough to fit inside.The ideal battery will store a lot of energy in a small package. Right now,Belcher‘s model battery,a metallic disk completely built by viruses,looks likea regular watch battery. But inside,its components are very small-so tiny you can only see them with a powerful microscope.How small are these battery parts? To get some idea of the size,pluck one hair from your head. Place your hair on a piece of white paper and try to see how wide your hair is-pretty thin,right? Although the width of each person‘s hair is a bit different,you could probably fit about 10 of these virus-built battery parts,side to side,across one hair. These microbatteries may change the way we look at viruses7.词汇:chicken pox水痘collaborator n.合作者,协作者microorganism n.微生物pluck v.拔,摘,采metallic adj.金属的注释:1.no wonder:不足为奇的,难怪2.steer clear of:避开,绕开3.though:意思为―然而,可是‖。



2014年职称英语综合类C译文12014年职称英语教材系列——阅读理解综合类C级Telling Tales about People【讲述关于人们的故事】文章中文翻译:讲述关于人们的故事最普遍的非小说类文学作品类型之一就是一些描述人们生活的故事,并且很多人喜欢阅读这类作品。




















Outside-the-classroom Learning Makes a Big Difference【课外学习带来很大不同】文章中文翻译:课外学习带来很大不同让一群大学生去负责募集30万美元的马拉松式的跳舞活动,这种募捐听起来肯定有点儿冒险。




阅读理解(1) Bringing Nanotechnology to Health Care for the poorNanotechnology uses matter at the level of molecules and atoms. Researchers are finding different uses for particles with a length of one nanometer, or one-billionth of a meter. These include things like beauty products1 and dirt-resistant clothing. But one area where many experts believe nanotechnology holds great promise is medicine.Last week, speakers at a program in Washington discussed using nanotechnology to improve health care in developing countries. The program took place at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Peter Singer at the University of Toronto says a nanotechnology called quantum dots2 could be used to confirm cases of malaria. He says it could offer a better way than the traditional process of looking at a person’s blood under a microscope.In poor countries, this process is often not followed. As a result, sick people may get treated for malaria even if they do not have it. Such misuse of medicines can lead to drug resistance. Quantum dots are particles that give off3 light when activated. Researchers are studying ways to program them to identify diseases by lighting up in the presence of targeted molecule. 4Experts say nanotechnology shows promise not just for diagnosing diseases, but also for treating them. Piotr Grodzinski of the National Institutes of Health5 talked about how nanotechnology could make drugs more effective. He talked about cancer drugs already developed with nanotechnology. He says if a drug can target a cancer locally in the body, then much less of it might be needed, and that means lower side effects.6Andrew Maynard is chief scientist for the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies at the Woodrow Wilson Center. He noted that Brazil, India, China and South Africa are currently doing nanotechnology research that could help poor countries. But he also noted that there is some risk in using nano-materials. He says nanometer-sized particles behave differently in the body and the environment compared to larger particles7. Experts say more investment in research is needed to better understand these risks.练习:1. Which of the following uses of nanotechnology is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. To make beauty products and dirt-resistant clothing.B. To produce better and lighter building materials.C. To help more accurately diagnose diseases.D. To help more effectively treat diseases.2. How can quantum dots be used to confirm diseases?A. By traditionally looking at a person’s blood under a microscope.B. By letting a person take some kind of medicine.C. By lighting up in the presence of a targeted molecule.D. By subjecting a person to an X-ray examination.3. How can nanotechnology be used to make a drug more effective?A. By making a drug target the focus of a disease.B. By changing the structure of the body cells.C. By lowering the side effects caused by a drug.D. By letting a patient take a dose as large as possible.阅读理解文章及练习(2) Medical Journals医学杂志Medical journals are publications that report medical information to physicians and other health professionals.In the past, these journals were available only in print. With the development of electronic publishing. many medical journals now have Web sites on the Internet, and some journals publish only online. A few medical journals, like the Journal of the American Medical Association, are considered general medical journals because they cover many fields of medicine. Most medical journals are specialty journals that focus on a particular area of medicine.Medical journals publish many types of articles. Research articles report the results of research studies on a range of topics varying from the basic mechanisms of diseases to clinical trials that compare outcomes of different treatments. Review articles summarize and analyze the information available on a specific topic based on a careful search of the medical literature. Because the results of individual research studies can be affected by many factors, combining results from different studies on the same topic can be helpful in reaching conclusions about the scientific evidence for preventing, diagnosing or treating a particular disease. Case conferences and case reports may be published in medicaljournals to educate physicians about particular illnesses and how to treat them. Editorials in medical journals are short essays that express the views of the authors, often regarding a research or review article published in the same issue. Editorials provide perspective on how the current article fits with other information on the same topic. Letters to the editor provide a way for readers of the medical journal to express comments, questions or criticisms about articles published in that journal.1.The main readers of medical journals areA. the general public.B. health professionals.C. medical critics.D. news reporters.2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Many medical journals also publish online.B. A few medical journals are general medical journals.C. Most medical journals publish only online.D. Most medical journals are specialty journals.3.How many major types of articles are mentioned in the passage?A. Five.B. Seven.C. Four.D. Six.4.An article dealing with results from different studies on the same topic is calledA. a research article.B. a review article.C. a case report.D. an editorial.5.Letters to the editor enable readers of a medical journal to express comments onA. any medical event.B. articles published in the same issue.C. articles published in that journal.D. medical development.阅读理解文章及练习(3) Cooking Oil Fumes Cause Tumor厨房油烟可致癌The leading cause of lung cancer among women in the city was cooking oil fumes while men are more likely to develop the disease from smoking, said medical experts after a five-year research study.Doctors announced the results yesterday with analysis on some new tendencies in lung cancer.They said patients are younger, especially women.According to the Shanghai Tumor research Institute, more local residents die of lung cancer in the city than anything else.Following breast cancer, it has the second-highest incidence rate."An unhealthy lifestyle is a very important reason for lung cancer, "said Dr He Yumin from Shanghai Minshen Traditional Chinese Medicine Tumor Diagnosis and Treatment Center.He followed 2,276 lung cancer patients for five years.Among them,l,483 were male.Smoking causes 70 percent of cases among men while only l8 percent of female patients developed cancer from smoking or inhaling second-hand smoke, according to the report.However, more than 60 percent of women with the disease had long term, close contact with strong oil fumes from cooking and complained about1 irritated eyes and throat.About 32 percent of women fried foods in boiling oil in unventilated kitchens and about 25 percent of women's bedrooms were adjacent to2 the kitchen.However, local women were surprised to learn cooking oil fumes could lead to cancer.Some claimed they may change food preparation methods."Unless my family and I don't eat at home every day, I must stay in the kitchen to cook, "said Xu Li, a 45-year-oldlocal woman."I know the fumes are bad for the skin, but it is the first time I heard that it can result in lung cancer.I have already started frying less."Doctors said women's lung cancer had few links to personal health and physical condition, but was closely related to family cancer history, unhealthy dietary habits and weak immune systems.Other experts agreed with he3."Smoking is by far the biggest cause4 of lung cancer for men, "said Dr Tan Binyong, honorary president of the Respiratory Disease Institute at Fudan University's Medical College."It's true that second-hand smoke and cooking fumes are the main causes among women."He's research also warned people not to stand near of stalls selling5 fried foods due to the poor quality of oils used.The chance of catching lung cancer is three times higher if exposed to the fume for a long time, 6experts said.练习:1.What a new tendency in lung cancer is concluded by the researchers?A Men are more likely to develop lung cancer than women.B Women are more likely to develop lung cancer than men.C Patients with lung cancer become older, especially males.D Patients with lung cancer become younger, especially females.2.Which of the following diseases is the most common among the local residents in Shanghai?A Heart disease.B Breast cancer.C Infectious diseases.D Lung cancer.3.What symptoms may be' complained of by most women with lung cancer after long term, close contact with cooking oil fumes?A Irritated eyes and throat.B Severe pain in both lungs.C Continuous cough and headache.D Difficulty in breathin9.4.What was the local women's reaction when they learned that cooking oil fumes could lead to cancer?A Happy.B Surprised.C Angry.D Careless5.Which of the following has relatively little connection with women's lung cancer?A Family cancer history.B Unhealthy dietary habits.C Weak immune systems.D Personal health and physical condition.阅读理解文章及练习(4) Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant WomenA recent study in Tanzania found that when pregnant women took vitamins every day, fewer babies were bom too small. Babies that weigh less than two and one-half kilograms at birth have a greater risk of dying. Those that survive are more likely to experience problems with their development. And experts say that as adults they have a higher risk of diseases including heart disease and diabetes. The World Health Organization1 estimates that every year twenty million babies are bom with low birth weight. Nine out of ten of them are bom in developing countries.The new study took place in Dar es Salaam. 4,200 pregnant women received multivitamins. The pills contained all of the vitamins in the B group along with2 vitamins C and E. They also contained several times more iron and folate than the levels advised for women in developed nations. Pregnant women especially in poor countries may find it difficult to get enough vitamins and minerals from the foods in their diet.The scientists compared the findings with results from a group of 4,000 women who did not receive the vitamins.A report by the scientists, from the United States and Tanzania, appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine,3Wafaie Fawzi of the Harvard University School of Public Health4 led the study. None of the women in the study had HTV, the virus that causes AIDS. The scientists reported earlier that daily multivitamins were a low-cost way to reduce fetal deaths in pregnant women infected with5 HIV. The earlier work in Tanzania also found improvement in the mothers in their number of blood cells known as lymphocytes. Lymphocytes increase the body’s immunity against infection.The new study in pregnant women who were not infected with the AIDS virus found that multivitamins reduced the risk of low birth weight. Just under eight percent of the babies bom to women who took the multivitamins weighed less than 2,500 grams. The rate was almost nine and one-half percent in the group of women who received a placebo, an inactive pill, instead of the vitamins. But the vitamins did not do much to reduce the rates of babies being bom too early or dying while still a fetus. Still, the researchers say multivitamins should be considered for all pregnant women in developing countries.练习:1.How many babies are bom with low birth weight in the developed countries every year according to WHO?A. 20,000,000.B. 18,000,000.C. 2,000,000.D. 38,000,000.2.A pill of multivitamins may contain all of the following substances EXCEPTA. all vitamins in the B group.B. vitamins C and E.C. much iron and folate.D. antiviral substances.3.Which of the following is NOT one of the effects of multivitamins mentioned in the passage?A. To reduce the rate of babies bom too early.B. To reduce the risk of low birth weight.C. To reduce fetal deaths in pregnant women infected with HTV.D. To increase the number of lymphocytes in mothers’blood.4.What a role do lymphocytes play in the human body?A. To reduce the rate of dying while still a fetus.B. To raise the body’s immunity against infection.C. To help prevent the development of heart disease.D. To help prevent the development of diabetes.5.How many percent of babies were bom with low birth weight to women who were not infected with the AIDS virus and took the multivitamins according to a new study?A. Less than 8%.B. About 9.5%.C. L 5%.D 17.5%.阅读理解文章及练习(5) U. S. Eats Too Much Salt 美国人吃盐过量People in the United States consume more than twice the recommended amount1 of salt, raising their risk for high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes, government health experts said on Thursday.They found nearly 70 percent of U. S. adults are in high-risk groups that would benefit from a lower-salt diet of no more than 1,500 mg per day2,yet most consume closer to 3,500 mg per day.“It’s important for people to eat less salt. People who adopt a heart-healthy eating pattern that includes a diet low in sodium and rich in potassium and calcium can improve their blood pressure,”Dr. Darwin Labarthe of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a statement.“People need to know their recommended daily sodium limit and take action to reduce sodium intake,”Labarthe said.The study in CDC’s weekly report on death and disease used national survey data to show that two out of threeadults should be consuming no more than 1,500 mg of sodium per day because they are black or over the age of 40一which are considered high-risk groups.Yet studies show most people in the United States eat 3,436 mg of sodium per day, according to a 2005–2006 CDC estimate.Most of the sodium eaten comes from packaged, processed and restaurant foods. The CDC said it will join other agencies in the Health and Human Services department in working with major food manufacturers and chain restaurants to reduce sodium levels in the food supply.Nationwide, 16 million men and women have heart disease and 5.8 million are estimated to have had a stroke. Cutting salt consumption can reduce these risks, the CDC said.练习:1.Too much salt raises one’s risk forA.high blood pressure.B.heart attacks.C.strokes.D.all of the above.2.How much salt do most American adults eat per day?A.No more than 1,500 mg.B.Closer to 3,500 mg.C.Less than 3,436 mg.D.Closer to 1,500 mg.3.To improve their blood pressure, people should have a dietA.rich in potassium and sodium.B.rich in potassium and calcium.C.rich in calcium arid sodium.D.none of the above.4.The high-risk groups include thoseA.who are black.B.who are over the age of 40.C.who are white and young.D.both A and B.5.Packaged, processed and restaurant foods are known to beA.cheap.B.tasty.C.rich in salt.D.healthy.阅读理解文章及练习(6) Pushbike Peril 自行车的危险Low speed bicycle crashes can badly injure 一or even kill 一children if they fall onto the ends of the handlebars. So a team of engineers is redesigning the humble handlebar in a bid to make it safer.Kristy Arbogast, a bioengineer at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, began the project with her colleagues after a study of serious abdominal injuries in children in the past 30 years showed2 that more than a third were caused by bicycle accidents. "The task was to identify how the injuries occurred and come up with some countermeasures,"3 she says.By interviewing the children and their parents,Arbogast and her team were able to4 reconstruct many of the accidents and identified a common mechanism responsible for serious injuries. They discovered that most occur when children hit an obstacle at a slow speed,causing them to topple over5. To maintain their balance they turn the handlebars through 90 degrees 一but their momentum forces them into the end of the handlebars. The bike then falls over and the other end of the handlebars hits the ground, ramming it into their abdomen6.The solution the group came up with is a handgrip fitted with a spring and damping system.The spring absorbs up to 50 per cent of the forces transmitted through the handlebars in an impact. The grouphopes to commercialize the device,which should add only a few dollars to the cost of a bike. “But our task has been one of education because up until now, bicycle manufacturers were unaware of the problem," says Arbogast.The team has also approached the US Consumer Product Safety Commission to try to persuade manufacturers to adopt the new design. A decision is expected later this year.练习:1.According to the passage, some engineers are trying to improve the handlebars becauseA they are not noble enough.B they may kill children.C they are likely to crash.D they make the bike move at a low speed.2.In paragraph 2,the author mentions a study of serious abdominal injuries A to discuss how abdominal injuries in children occur.B to show that more than a third injuries were caused by bicycle accidents.C to point out what the countermeasures can be.D to tell us why Kristy Arbogast began the project.3.Paragraph 3 mainly discussesA why the children and their parents were interviewed.B when the children turn the handlebars through 90 degrees.C what causes the children to topple over.D how serious injuries occur.4.The passage implies thatA it is not easy to persuade manufacturers to adopt the new design.B the team of engineers has not found any countermeasures.C children like to ride bicycles at a very low speed.D a lot of children were killed in bicycle accidents in the past 30 years.5. In which of the following ways the handgrip work?A It can be commercialized.B It reduces the dangerous forces in bicycle accidents.C It adds a few dollars to the cost of a bike.D It changes the direction of the handlebars in an impact.阅读理解文章及练习(7) Late-night Drinking在深夜饮咖啡Coffee lovers beware. Having a quick “pick-me-up”cup of coffee1 late in the day will play havoc with2 your sleep. As well as being a stimulant, caffeine interrupts the flow of melatonin, the brain hormone that sends people into a sleep.Melatonin levels normally start to rise about two hours before bedtime. Levels then peak between 2 am and 4 am, before falling again.3"It's the neurohormone that controls our sleep and tells our body when to sleep and when to wake,,,says Maurice Ohayon of the Stanford Sleep Epidemiology Research Center at Stanford University in California. But researchers in Israel have found that caffeinated coffee halves the body's levels of this sleep hormone.Lotan Shilo and a team at the Sapir Medical Center in Tel Aviv University found that six volunteers slept less well after a cup of caffeinated coffee than after drinking the same amount of decaf. On average, subjects slept 336 minutes per night after drinking caffeinated coffee, compared with 415 minutes after decaf. They also took half an hour to drop off4一twice as long as usual 一and jigged around5 in bed twice as much.In the second phase of the experiment, the researchers woke the volunteers every three hours and asked them to give a urine sample. Shilo measured concentrations of a breakdown product of melatonin. The results suggest that melatonin concentrations in caffeine drinkers were half those in decaf drinkers. In a paper accepted for publication in Sleep Medicine,the researchers suggest6 that caffeine blocks production of the enzyme that drives melatonin production.Because it can take many hours to eliminate caffeine from the body,Ohayon recommends that coffee lovers switch to decaf after lunch.练习:1. The author mentions "pick-me-up" to indicate thatA melatonin levels need to be raised.B neurohormone can wake us up.C coffee is a stimulant.D decaf is a caffeinated coffee.2.Which of the following tells us how caffeine affects sleep?A Caffeine blocks production of the enzyme that stops melatonin production.B Caffeine interrupts the flow of the hormone that prevents people from sleeping.C Caffeine halves the body's levels of sleep hormone.D Caffeine stays in the body for many hours.3. What does paragraph 3 mainly discuss?A Different effects of caffeinated coffee and decaf on sleep.B Different findings of Lotan Shilo and a team about caffeine.C The fact that the subjects slept 415 minutes per night after drinking decaf.D The evidence that the subjects took half an hour to fall asleep.4. What does the experiment mentioned in paragraph 4 prove? A There are more enzymes in decaf drinkers' urine sample.B There are more melatonin concentrations in caffeine drinkers' urine sample.C Decaf drinkers produce less melatonin.D Caffeine drinkers produce less sleep hormone.5. The author of this passage probably agrees thatA coffee lovers sleep less than those who do not drink coffee.B we should not drink coffee after supper.C people sleep more soundly at midnight than at 3 am.D if we feel sleepy at night, we should go to bed immediately.阅读理解文章及练习(8) Eat Healthy 健康饮食"Clean your plate!" and "Be a member of the clean-plate club1!’’Just about every kid in the US has heard this from a parent or grandparent. Often, it's accompanied by an appeal:“Just think about those starving orphans in Africa!2" Sure, we should be grateful for every bite of food. Unfortunately, many people in the US take too many bites3. Instead of staying "clean the plate", perhaps we should save some food for tomorrow.According to news reports, US restaurants are partly to blame for the growing bellies. A waiter puts a plate of food in front of each customer, with two to four times the amount recommended by the government, according to a USA Today story.4 Americans traditionally associate quantity with value and most restaurants try to give them that. They prefer to have customers complain about too much food rather than too little.Barbara Rolls, a nutrition professor at Pennsylvania State University; told USA Today that restaurant portion sizes began (o grow in the 1970s, the same time that the American waistline began to expand.Health experts have tried to get many restaurants to serve smaller portions. Now, apparently, some customers are calling for this too. The restaurant industry trade magazine QSR reported last month that 57 percent of more than 4,000 people surveyed believe restaurants serve portions that are too large; 23 percent had no opinion; 20 percent disagreed. But a closer look at the survey indicates that many Americans who can't afford fine dining still prefer large portions. Seventy percent of those earning at least $150,000 per year prefer smaller portions; but only 45 percent of those earning less than $25,000 want smaller.It's not that working class Americans don't want to eat healthy. It's just that, "after long hours at low-paying jobs, getting less on their plate hardly seems like a good deal.5 They live frompaycheck to paycheck, happy to save a little money for next year's Christmas presents.练习:1. Parents in the United States tend to ask their childrenA to save food.B to wash the dishes.C not to waste food.D not to eat too much.2. Why do American restaurants serve large portions?A Because Americans associate quantity with value.B Because Americans have big bellies.C Because Americans are good eaters.D Because Americans are greedy.3.What happened in the 1970s?A The US government recommended the amount of food a restaurant gave to a customer.B Health experts persuaded restaurants to serve smaller portions.C The United States produced more grain than needed.D The American waistline started to expand.4.What does the survey indicate?A Many poor Americans want large portions.B Twenty percent Americans want smaller portions.C Fifty seven percent Americans earn $150,000 per year.D Twenty three percent Americans earn less than $25,000 per year.5.Which of the following is Not true of working class Americans?A They work long hours.B They live from paycheck to paycheck.C They don't want to be healthy eaters.D They want to save money for their children.阅读理解文章及练习(9) U. S. to Start $3.2 Billion Child Health Study in JanuaryA study that will cost $3.2 billion and last more than two decades to track the health of 100,000 U.S. children from before birth to age 21 will be launched in January, U. S. health officials said on Friday.Officials from the U.S. government’s National Institutes of Health said they hope the study, to be conducted at 105 locations throughout the United States, can help identify early-life influences that affect later development, with the goal of learning new ways to treat or prevent illness.The study will examine hereditary and environmental factors such as exposure to certain chemicals that affect health.Researchers will collect genetic and biological samples from people in the study as well as samples from the homes of the women and their babies including air, water, dust and materials used to construct their residences, the NIH said.Officials said more than $200 million has been spent already and the study is projected to cost $3.2 billion.“We anticipate that in the long term1,what we learn from the study will result in a significant savings in the nation’s health care costs,”Dr. Duane Alexander, who heads the NIH’s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, told reporters.The study will begin in January when the University of North Carolina and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York start signing up2 pregnant women whose babies will then be followed to age 21.Some of the early findings will be about factors behind pre-term birth3, which has become more common in recent years, according to Dr. Peter Scheidt of the NIH, who heads the study.The people taking part will be from rural, urban and suburban areas, from all income and educational levels and from all racial groups, the NIH said.练习:1.The aim of the study is to find new ways toA. conduct research.B. track public health.C. prevent or treat illness.D. speed up development.2.Researchers will collect all the following EXCEPTA. genetic samples from people in the study.B. biological samples from people in the study.C. samples from the homes of the women and their babies.D. samples of air and water from hospitals.3.It is expected that through the study the nation’s health care costsA. will be lowered in the long run.B. will be significantly increased.C. will be more than $200 million.D. will reach $3.2 billion.4.The babies of the participants will be followedA. throughout their lives.B. for more than two decades.C. from birth to 21 months.D. until they get married.5.Which is NOT true of the people in the study?A. They’ll be from various areas.B. They’ll be from all income levels.C. They’ll be from all educational levels.D. They’ll be from all age groups.阅读理解文章及练习(10) Cigars Instead?Smoking one or two cigars a day doubles the risk of cancers of the lip, tongue, mouth, and throat, according to a government study.Daily cigars also increase the risk of lung cancer and cancer of the esophagus,and increase the risk of cancer of the larynx (voicebox) sixfold1,say researchers at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland.In addition, the report revealed that smoking three or four cigars a day increased the risk of oral cancer to 8.5 times the risk for nonsmokers2 and the risk of esophageal cancer by four times the risk of nonsmokers.The health effects of smoking cigars is one of eight sections of the article “Cigars :Health Effects and Trends". The researchers report that, compared with a cigarette, a large cigar emits up to 90 times as much carcinogenic tobacco-specific nitrosamines.“This article provides clear and invaluable information about the disturbing increase3 in cigar use and the significant public health consequences4 for the country," said Dr. Richard Klausner, director of the National Cancer Institute,in a statement."The data are clear 一the harmful substances and carcinogens in cigar smoke, like cigarettes, are associated with5 the increased risks of several kinds of cancers as well as heart and lung diseases,”he added. “In other words,cigars are not safe alternatives to cigarettes6 and may be addictive. ”"To those individuals who may be thinking about smoking cigars, our advice is —don't.7 To those currently smoking cigars, quitting is the only way to eliminate completely the cancer, heart and lung disease risks,”warned Klausner.According to a National Cancer Institute press release8,there haven't been any studies on the health effects on nonsmokers at cigar social events,but "... a significant body of evidence9 clearly demonstrates an increased lung cancer risk from secondhand smoke. ”练习:1.According to the report, smoking three or four cigars a dayA increases the risk of oral cancer for non-smokers.B greatly increases the risk of oral cancer for smokers.C increases the risk of more than one cancer for non-smokers.D greatly increases the risk of more than one cancer for smokers.。



第一篇 (2102.2013.2014)Telling Tales about PeopleOne of the most common types of nonfiction, and one that many people enjoy reading, is stories about people's lives. These stories fall into three general categories: autobiography, memoir, and biography.An autobiography is the story of a person's life written by himself or herself. Often it begins with the person's earliest recollections and ends in the present. Autobiography writers may not be entirely objective in the way they present themselves. However, they offer the reader a good look at the way they are and what makes them that way. People as diverse as Benjarmin Franklin and Helen Keller have written autobiographies. 1Other writers, such as James Joyce,have written thinly fictionalized accounts of their lives. These are not autobiographies,but they are very close to it.Memoirs, strictly speaking, are autobiographical accounts that focus as much on the events of the times as on the life of the author. 2Memoir writers typically use these events as backdrops for their lives. They describe them in detail and discuss their importance. Recently,though,the term memoir seems to be becoming interchangeab1e with autobiography. A memoir nowadays may or may not deal with the outside world.Biographies are factual accounts of someone else's life. In many senses,these may be the hardest of the three types to write. Autobiography writers know the events they write about because they lived them. But biography writers have to gather information from as many different sources as possible. Then they have to decide which facts to include. Their goal is to present a balanced picture of a person,not one that is overly positive or too critical. A fair well-presented biography may take years to research and write.词汇:backdrop /'b k,dr?p/ n. 背景interchangeable /int? 't?end??bl/ adj. 可转换的注释:1. People as diverse as Benjamin Franklin and Helen Keller have written autobiographies. 就像本杰明富兰克林和海伦凯勒一样,各种各样的人们已经写了自传。



阅读理解综合、理工新增第二十九篇I’II Be BachComposer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to develop the software. Now most people can‟t tell the difference between music by the famous German composer J. S. Bach (1685-1750)and the Bachlike compositions from Cope‟s computer.It all started in 1980 in the United States, when Cope was trying to write an opera. He was having trouble thinking of new melodies, so he wrote a computer program to create the melodies. At first this music was not easy to listen to. What did Cope do? He began to rethink how human beings compose music. He realized that composers‟ brains work like big databases. First, they take in all the music that they have ever hear d. Then they take out the music that they dislike. Finally, they make new music from what is left. According to Cope,only the great composers are able to create the database accurately , remember it, and form new musical pattems from it.Cope built a‟huge database of existing music. He began with hundreds of works by Bach. The software analyzed the data:it broke it down into smaller pieces and looked for pattems. It then combined the pieces into new patterns. Before long, the program could compose short Bach-like works. They weren‟t good,but it was a start.Cope knew he had more work to do - he had a \Nhole opera to write. He continued to improve the software. Soon it could analyze more complex music. He also added many other composers, including his own work,to the database.A few years later, Cope‟s computer program, called“ Emmy” , was ready to help him with his opera. The process required a lot of collaboration between the composer and Emmy. Cope listened to the computer‟s musical ideas and used the ones that he liked. With Emmy , the opera took only two weeks to finish. It was called Cradle Falling,and it was a great successl Cope received some of the est reviews of his career,but no one knew exactly how he had composed the work.Since that first opera, Emmy has written thousands of compositions. Cope still gives Emmy feedback on what he likes and doesn‟t like of her music,but she is doing most of the hard work of mposing these days !词汇:original adj.有独创性的collaboration n.合作review n.评论feedback n.反馈注释:J.S.Bach:约翰,塞巴斯蒂安。

2014职称英语 综合B-阅读理解译文(17-33完美word版+新增)

2014职称英语 综合B-阅读理解译文(17-33完美word版+新增)

2014职称英语综合B 阅读理解(17-33篇)17引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔世箅各地的人们都来到大约300米高,接近埃菲尔铁塔顶端的地方涂鸦。







埃菲尔铁塔定期油漆,覆盖那些涂鸦, 但是它仍将继续存在下去。



” Hugues Richard说道。






他在12月27 日逝世,终年91岁。











Sugar Power for Cell PhonesUsing enzymes commonly found in living cells,a new type of fuel cell produces small amounts of electricity from sugar. If the technology is able to succeed in mass production,you may some day share your sweet drinks with your cell phone.In fuel cells,chemical reactions generate electrical currents. The process usually relies on precious metals,such as platinum. In living cells,enzymes perform a similar job,breaking down sugars to obtain electrons and produce energy.When researchers previously used enzymes in fuel cells,they had trouble keeping them active,says Shelley D.Minteer of St Louis University1.Whereas biological cells continually produce fresh enzymes,there’s no mechanism in fuel cells to replace enzymes as they quickly degrade.Minteer and Tamara Klotzbach,also of St Louis University,have now developed polymers that wrap around an enzyme and preserve it in a microscopic pocket.“We tailo r these pockets to provide the ideal microenvironment” for the enzyme,Minteer says.The polymers keep the enzyme active for months instead of days.In the new fuel Cell,tiny polymer bags of enzyme are embedded in a membrane that coats one of the electrodes.When glucose from a sugary liquid gets into a pocket,the enzyme oxidizes it,releasing electrons and protons.The electrons cross the membrane and enter a wire through which they travel to the other electrode,where they react with.oxygen in the atmosphere to produce water.The flow of electrons through the wire constitutes an electrical current that can generate power.So far,the new fuel cells don’t produce much power,but the fact that they work at all is exciting,says Paul Kenis,a chemical engineer at the University of Illinois2 at Urhana-Champaign3.“Just getting it to work.” Kenis says,“is a major accomplishment.”Sugar-eating fuel cells could be an efficient way to make electricity.Sugar is easy tofind. And the new fuel cells that run on it are biodegradable,so the technology wouldn’t hurt the environment.The scientists are now trying to use different enzymes that will get more power from sugar.They predict that popular products may be using the new technology in as little as 3 years.词汇:enzyme n.酶 electrode n.电极platinum n.铂,白金 membrane n.膜,薄膜electron n.电子 oxidize v.氧化degrade v.降解 glucose n.葡萄糖polymer n.聚合物 biodegradable adj.能进行生物降解的microenvironment n.微环境 embed v.埋置,插入proton n.质子试题:1. According to the first paragraph,when can we share our sweet drinks with our cell phones?A When enzymes can be commonly found in living ceils.B When the technology of producing a new type of fuel cell appears.C When the technology of a new type of fuel cell is suitable for mass production.D When the technology of mass producing cell phones appears.2. What trouble did Minteer and Klotzhach have in their research?A They had trouble keeping enzymes in fuel cells active.B They had trouble keeping biological cells active.C They had trouble producing fresh enzymes.D They had trouble finding mechanism for producing enzymes.3. According to Paragraph 5,electrons are releasedA when bags of enzyme are embedded in the new fuel cell.B when glucose from a sugary liquid goes through the enzyme.C when the enzyme oxidizes the glucose from a sugary liquid that goes through a pocket.D when the enzyme oxidizes the sugary liquid that goes through a pocket.4. What is exciting about the new fuel cells?A Their limitless power generation capacity is amazing.B Their limited power generation capacity is a good beginning.C Their limited power generation capacity is the result of great efforts.D Their limitless power generation capacity is a major accomplishment,5. According to the last paragraph,what is NOT true of the new fuel cells?A The new fuel cells run on sugar that is easy to find.B The new fuel cells are environment friendly.C The new fuel cells are biologically degradable,D It will take some time before the new fuel cells can be used in popular products.答案与题解:1. C A和D明显不是正确答案。



2014职称英语-阅读理解含译1. A Sun shade for the Planet地球防晒霜Even with the best will in t, he world, reducing our carbon emissions is not going to prevent global warming.It has become clear that even if we take the most strong measures to control emissions,the uncertainties in Our climate modelsstill leave open the possibility of extreme warming and rises in sea level. Atthe same time, resistance by governments and special interest groups makes it quite possible that the actions suggested by climate scientists might not be implemented soon enough.就算怀着最美好的愿望,仅仅减少⼆氧化碳的排放量还是不能制⽌全球变暖。



Fortunately, if the worst comes to the worst, scientists still have a few tricks up their sleeves. For the most part they have strongly resisted discussing theseoptionsforfearofinvitingasenseofcomplacencythatmightthwart effortstotackletherootoftheproblem.Untilnow,thatis.Agrowingnumber of researchers are taking a fresh look at large-scale "geoengineering" projects that might be used to counteract global warming. "I use the analogy of methadone,"saysStephenSchneider,aclimateresearcheratStanfordUniversity inCaliforniawhowasamongthefirsttodrawattentiontoglobalwarming."If you have a heroin addict, the correct treatment is hospitalization, and a long rehab. But if they absolutely refuse, methadone is better than heroin."幸好,如果被逼上绝路,科学家们还有最后⼏招。

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第二十九篇I’ll Be Bach练习:1.The music composed by David cope is about ______.A Classical musicB pop musicC dramaD country music2.By developing a computer software,David cope aimed ______.A to be like BachB to study BachC to write an operaD to create a musical database3.What did cope realize about a great composer’s brain?A It forms new musical patterns all by itselfB It writes a computer programC It can recognize any music patternsD It creates an accurate database4.Who is Emmy?A a databaseB a computer softwareC a composer who helped DavidD an opera5.We can infer from the passage that ______.A David Cope is a computer programmer.B David Cope loves music.C Bach’s music helped him a lot.D Emmy did much more work than a composer.第40篇(2012新增)Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety教数学,教焦虑在最新一项关于小学生学数学的研究中,芝加哥大学的心理学家Sian Beilock和Susan Levine 发现,女教师的想法和女学生的学习之间有着惊人的联系:如果女教师对自己的数学能力感到焦虑,她的女学生很可能认为男孩子数学比女孩学得更好。













来自密苏里大学的心理学家David Geary说"这是一个有趣的研究,但是这只是初步结果,需要用更大的调查样本进行重复验证"。

1. What is the result of the research at the University of Chicago,according to the first paragraph?A Girls comfortable with their own math skills are better than boys at math.B Girls uncomfortable with their own math skills are not as good as boys at math.C Female teachers' math skills have influence over girl students' math skills.D Female teachers' confidence in their math skills is related to girl's math skills.2. What is implied in the third paragraph?A Math teachers,like math learners,do not like the subject due to its difficulty.B A difficult subject like math may affect teachers' confidence in teaching the subject.C Teachers are more anxious teaching math than their students learning math.D Math is so difficult that no teachers like to teach it.3. According to the experiment,those teachers were probably anxious about math when they feltA nervous memorizing the numbers of a sales receipt.B helpless saving the numbers of a sales receipt.C uneasy reading the numbers of a sales receipt.D hopeless filling in the numbers of a sales report.4. The sixth paragraph tells us that the research findingsA prove a strong link between female teachers' math anxiety and their female students' mathachievements.B show that male students are less likely to be affected by their math anxiety than female students.C provide strong evidence that math superstars are more likely to be males than females.D discover a strong link between teachers' math anxiety and their students' math achievements.5. David Geary thinks thatA the study is interesting but it is based on unreliable research process.B the research results need to be retested based on a larger sample.C the research results need to be reinterpreted to be meaningful.D the study is well based and produces significant results.***第46篇(2012年新增)Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as "Ecosystem Engineers"蚂蚁作为“生态系统工程师”对环境影响巨大埃克斯特大学所做的研究表明,蚂蚁作为“生态系统工程师”和食肉动物的行为对当地的环境影响巨大。





Dirk Sanders是该大学生态和保护中心所做的此项研究的作者,他说:“蚂蚁是高效的食肉动物,而且能大量繁殖。











Dr Frank van Veen是本研究的另一作者,他说:“我们的发现是:如果蚂蚁的数量少,其对土壤的营养水平的影响会对动物族群产生积极的效果。






练习:1 .Why are ants compared to ecosystem engineers?A Because they build their own nests.B Because they collect food.C Because their activity affects the environment.D Because they are predators.2. As predators, antsA prey on small as well as large animals.B collect nutritious food from the soilC collect food as decomposers.D prey on species much higher up the food chain.3. Dir Sanders' study centered on how antsA can manage to thrive in huge numbers.B defend their resources and territory against other predators.C attack those invading animals for survival.D produce such a big impact on the environment.4. What does paragraph 6 tell us?A Ants bring about a negative influence to an area when their population is small.B Ants bring about a positive influence to an area when their population is small.C Ants' predation counteracts the positive influence they may have on an area.D At higher density, ants produce a positive influence on an area.5. What still remains unclear about ants, according to the last paragraph?A What roles do ants play in the ecosystem in which they live?B How do ants affect the animal diversity in a given ecosystem?C How do human activities affect ants' influence on a given ecosystem?D How do ants alter the physical and chemical environment?***第48篇(2013新增)Researchers Discover Why Humans Began Walking Upright第四十八篇研究人员发现人类开始直立行走的原因我们大多数人每天都走路而且手里搬着东西。
