陈述句疑问句感叹句祈使句 高三复习

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基础写作 2
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问题: 1、处理信息能力有待提高。 2、句子重复啰嗦。 3、用词不够正确。 病句: 1. I am amazing/surprising you drop out school to Shengzhen for making money. 2. I think is not very wise you to leave school. 3.Most company are need a lot knowlege people Rather than leave school early. 4. if you leave school and no diploma ,you can find a good job. 5. I am looking forward to you success early. 辍学,离开学校 Leave the school or leave school. quit school.
• 3. 否定由think、believe、know等动词引出的宾 语从句时,应将主句改为否定形式。例如: • She knows why the train is late. • →She doesn’t know why the train is late. • I hope you will send me a card. • I don’t hope you will send me a card. • I think that she will give you a kiss. • I don’t think she will give you a kiss. • They believe that 2012 is the end of the world. • They don’t believe that 2012 is the end of the world.
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5. 特殊句型: 谓语含有had better,要变成had better not,例如: You had better go with me. →You had better not go with me. 主语是“both (all) of +名词” ,要变成 neither(none)of + 名词,如: • Both of them are Americans. • →Neither of them is American.
• 【注】可能涉及部分否定的词语有both, all, always, every等,即not both表示“并非两者 都”,not all 表示“并非所有的都”,not always 表示“并非总是”,not every表示“并 非每个…都”。 • Everyone gave him help.(变全否) • No one gave him help. • He always gives the beggar a meal. (变全否) • He never gives the beggar a meal. • All peole went there. (变全否) • No people went there.
• 2. 当谓语动词是行为动词,而句中又没有情态动 词或助动词时,需要在谓语动词之前加do not, does not或did not 来构成否定句。例如: • I know something about it. • → I don’t know anything about it. • He loves singing old songs. • He doesn’t love singing old songs. • They bought some milk for the baby. • They didn’t buy any milk for the baby. • We spend our holidays abroad every year. • We don’t spend our holidays abroad every year.
• • • • • • • • • • • • 一般疑问句 Are you OK? Do you love me? Have you been to Beijing? Will you come tonight? 选择疑问句 Is she a doctor or a nurse? 反意疑问句 She is a doctor, isn’t she? She isn’t a doctor, is she? 特殊疑问句 What are you doing?
• 1. 对句中的主语或主语的定语部分提问(用 who, what, whose, which提问,原句词序不变) • 1) Peter draws well. (问人物,主语) • →Who draws well? • 2) The girl in the car is his sister. (问哪一个,定语) • →Which girl is his sister? • 3) Our classroom is bright. (问物主,定语) • →Whose classroom is bright?
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7. He has been there for six months. Has he been there for six months? 8. He is working for a big firm. Is he workinng for a big firm? 9. He has already visited a great number of different places. Has he visit a great number of different places yet? 10. He will soon visit Darwin. Will he soon visit Darwin? 11. My brother has never been abroad before. Has your brother ever been abroad before? 12. He is finding this trip very exciting. Is he finding this trip very exciting?
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二、部分否定与完全否定 翻译比较以下句子: All of us laughed when we heard it. 听到这事时我们都笑了。(肯定句) All of us didn’t laughed when we heard it. 听到这事时我们并未都笑。(部分否定) Not all of us laughed when we heard it. 听到这事时我们并未都笑。(部分否定) None of us laughed when we heard it. 听到这事时我们都没笑。(完全否定)
• Drop out of school
• 1. 谓语动词是含有be、have(作“有”讲)或 助动词、情态动词时: • I have some books on this subject. • →I have not any books on this subject. • He can speak English. • →He cannot speak English.
• 4. 祈使句的否定形式是在谓语动词前直接加do not.例如: • Read in bed. • →Don‘t read in bed. • Come here, baby. • Don’t come here, baby. • Tell her the truth. • Don’t tell her the truth. • Be a good boy, ok? • Don’t be a good boy, ok?
陈述句变否定句要注意Hale Waihona Puke Baidu问题
• 一、变否定句时相关词的改变,如将some改为 any,too和also改为either,already改为yet, and改为or等: • There are some birds in the tree. • →There aren’t any birds in the tree. • He likes the girl, too. • →He doesn’t like the girl, either. • We have already seen the film. • →We have not seen the film yet. • He likes singing and dancing. • →He doesn’t like singing or dancing.
• • • • • • • • 1. Postcards always spoil my holidays. Do postcards always spoil your holidays? 2. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. Did you visit museums and sit in public gardens? 3. Every day I thought about postcards. Did I think about postcards every day? 4. I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. Have you just received a letter from you brother, Tim? • 6. He is in Australia. • Is he in Australia?
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1. I am going to offer her the job. I am not going to offer her the job. 2. She will make you a cake. She won’t make you a cake. 3. The boss has given Jack a present. The boss hasn’t given Jack a present. 4. They are from Australia. They are not from Australia. 5. You need teach her Chinese. You needn’t teach her Chinese.
• 2. 对表语或表语的定语提问(用who, whose, what colour, how, how old 等引导) • 1) My father is a worker. (问职业,表语) • →What is your father?/What does your father do? • 2) The teacher is my brother’s friend. (问物主,定 语) • →Whose friend is the teacher? • 3) The book is on the desk. (问地点,表语) • →Where is the book? • 4) He is twelve. (问年龄,表语) • →How old is he?
• Both of us went there. 我们两人都去了那儿。 • →Neither of us went there. 我们两人都没去那儿。 • Both Jim and Mary can sing this song. 吉姆和玛 丽都会唱这首歌。 • →Neither Jim nor Mary can sing this song. 吉姆 和玛丽都不会唱这首歌。 • All of the books are worth reading. 所有这些书 都值得读。 • →None of the books are worth reading. 所有这 些书都不值得读。