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Unit 4


I 词组:

1.let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事

*(let sb. not do sth.)(让某人不做某事)

2. go shopping 去购物

* go doing

3. would like to do =want to do 想要做某事

4. go to many different shops 去许多不同的商店

5. need to buy a lot of things 需要买许多东西

a new pair of jeans 一条新的牛仔裤

7. all right 好的,当然

8. buy you a pair of jeans

=buy a pair of jeans for you 给你买一条牛仔裤

9. at the shops 在店里

10.need to buy a computer book for your dad


11. for myself 为我自己

12. a furniture shop 一家家具店

13. the jeans with the yellow belt 配黄色皮带的牛仔裤

14. the ones with the blue belt 配蓝色皮带的这条


15. the shirt with the long sleeves 长袖衬衫

16. the one with the short sleeves 短袖的这件(衬衫)

17. blue spots 蓝色斑点

18. a sweater with V-neck 一件V领毛衣

19. a sweater with round neck 一件圆领毛衣

20.a pair of trousers with checks 一条格子裤子

21. a pair of trousers with stripes 一条条纹裤子

22. a dress with red spots 一条红色斑点裙子

23. Excuse me. 劳驾,打扰一下。

24. I’m sorry.对不起,我错了。

25. try on the jeans 试穿牛仔裤

26. try them on 试穿他们

5. changing room 试衣间,更衣室

6. too long and loose 太长太松

7. in my size 适合我的尺寸

8. over there 在那边II. 词性转换:

1.different adj.---difference n.

2.shop n.----shop v.

3.need v. /modal v. ---- necessary


4.fashion n.-----fashionable adj.

5.taste v.-----tasty adj.

6.kid n.---v.

7.fun n. ----fuuny adj.

8.spot n.---spotted adj. ---spotless


9.check n. ----- checked adj.

10.stripe n. ----striped adj.

11.change v. ---changeable adj.

12.certain adj. ---- certainly adv.

13.tight adj. ----tightly adv.

---tighten v.

14.loose adj.-----loosen v.

III. 语言点/句型:

1. shop n.商店v. 购物shopping n.购物

There’s a toy shop around the corner.

There are quite a few shopping malls in Shanghai.

It’s easy to shop there.

2. different adj.不同的difference n.区别

The two words are different.

Please tell the difference between these two words?

3. I need to buy a lot of things.

Do you need anything from the shops?

I need a new pair of jeans.

We don’t need to buy anything there.

本例中的四个need 均为实义动词,表示”需要……”。


need + to do sth.;

need + n./pron.


don't / doesn't / didn't+ to do sth.;

don't / doesn't / didn't+ n./pron.

e.g. We need to collect the parcel before we leave for England.

否定:We don’t need…


need + 动词原形

否定:need+ not +动词原形

e.g. He needn't worry about it.

You needn’t say when he asked.
