
1.The EEC's Common Agriltural policy is a dinosaur which s adding £13.50 a week to thefood bill of he average British family. 欧洲经济共同体的农业共同政策早已不合时宜了,它要使 英国家庭平均每周在食品开销上多支出13.0英镑 2.These days,the U.S.economy isn't‘‘graduating enough scientiststo fill the need ofthe coming decades,"fret Charles C. Leighton,"that's a really concern." 近来,美国经''未培养出足够的科学家来满足几十年发展 的需要,''查尔斯C 莱顿抱怨说,“这才是真正需要关注 的问题。”
Please don’t wake a sleeping dog. 请不要惹是生非
将词义具体化引申是指,勇代表抽象概念或属性 的词来表达一种具体事物时,用具体化的事物来 表达,还其具体的本来面目。使读者一目了然
• He is the admiration of the whole school。 • 他是全校所敬佩的人。 • The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green. • 我前头的那辆车停住了,我错过了绿灯
2.In fact, one mould can produce many thousands of articles before it wears out. 事实上,一个模子生产成千上万件产品之后 才会破坏。

修辞引申(Rhetorical Extension)
Every time I come back from a business trip it makes a new man of me.
修辞引申(Rhetorical Extension)
And now for the good news: Stockholm residents enjoy sunbathing in November. Antarctic tourism is booming. Siberia has become the world’s breadbasket.
The bill of lading is to be made out to order and blank endorsed. The new contract would be good for ten years. We hope that you will take your commercial reputation into account seriously and open the L/C at once; otherwise you will be responsible for all the losses arising as a result of your failure to do so.
In reply,we have the pleasure of informing you that the confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit No.7634, amounting to $ 17 000,has been opened this morning through the Commercial Bank,Tokyo. For the time being,therefore, we regret our inability to accept D/A terms in all transactions with our buyers abroad.
商务英语翻译 之 词汇的翻译.txt

商务英语翻译之词汇翻译一:词义的选择(Choice of Meanings)(一)根据汉语的表达习惯确定词义1. a low figure 小数目2.workers on low incomes 低收入工人3.The simplest way to succeed in business is to buy low and sell high.生意成功最简单的途径就是贱买贵卖。
4.The value of the pound has fallen to a new low against the dollar.英镑兑换美元的比值已跌到新的(最)低点5.We sell cheap quality goods.我们销售的商品物美价廉6.We have made you an offer at a very competitive price.我方已按很低的价格向贵方报盘。
7.You will find our prices for these goods very popular.贵方将会看出我方此批货物的价格是很便宜的。
8. Please make us your lowest quotation for bikes.请报自行车最低价。
9.If you feel interested in our business proposal, please send us the samples togetherwith your best terms and conditions.如对我方业务建议有兴趣,请寄样品,并告最惠条款。
10.As we have quoted you our rock-bottom price, we can’t give you any more discount.我方已报最低价,折扣不能再多给了(二)根据词性确定词义1. He gets a 10% commission on everything he sells.他每卖一件商品得百分之十的佣金2. Party B is commissioned by the manufacturers to buy steel plates.乙方受制造厂家的委托购买钢板。

7.0 何谓引申
定义:引申法,就是根据上下文的内在联 系,通过句中词或词组乃至整句的字面意 义由表及里,运用一些符合汉语习惯的表 达法,选用确切的汉语词句,将原文内容 的实质准确地表达出来。
分类:逻辑引申;语用引申;修辞引申; 概念范围的调整
逻辑引申:是指在翻译的过程中,由 于直译某个词、短语乃至整个句子会 使译文不通顺以及不符合目的语的表 达习惯,因而就要根据上下文的逻辑 关系,对该词、短语或整个句子从其 本义出发,由表及里,运用符合目的 语习惯的表现法,选用确切的词句, 将原文内容的实质准确地表达出来。
→beautiful tyrant 美丽的暴君
a damned saint 横行的圣人
它是用两个意思正好相反的词或词组来构成一个 修辞格,其作用是揭示一件事物的矛盾性,同时 也是造成一种出人意外的、引人入胜的效果。
翻译时,它有时需要直译,有时则需要注意词意 的选择和引申,还要照顾汉语习惯 。
7.4 概念范围的调整
词的概念范围常常应在具体的语境中加以调整,或扩大外 延而缩小内涵,或缩小外延而丰富内涵。
Peoty suffers in translation—and the reader suffers with it.
诗歌经过翻译就要遭殃—诗歌遭殃,读者就要跟着受罪。 Torcello, which used to be lonely as a cloud, has
第七章 英汉翻译中词义的 引申
逻辑引申 语用引申 修辞引申 概念范围的调整
具体→抽象 turn thumbs down on
sth 反对
put one’s cards on the table
商务英语翻译6 .2 词义选择和延伸 共25页

6.2 词义的引申
例2 This is a new type of aircraft meter,Electronic Percent Turnmeter for aircraft engines. 这是一种新型的航空仪表:航空发动机电子转速表。(专 业:航空)
例3 Music and meter are closely connected. 音乐和节拍紧密相连。(专业:音乐)
例3 There is too much deposit in a bottle of wine.
6.1.2 根据上下文选择词义
例4 We have found a promising iron deposit. 我们已经发现了一个有开采价值的铁矿床。(语境:铁矿)
你看,南韩产的主板,单价只有190美元,比你方报价要 低得多,而他们的质量和你方的一样好。
6.4 翻译练习
5. Should the letter of credit fail to reach the purchaser before the stipulated date, the contract shall be considered as null and void. 要是买方在规定日期内不开来信用证,本合同即作无效论。
例2 But domestic companies can make things much more cheaply, and their quality is improving. (搭配:公司) 但是国内的企业的产品更为廉价,而且它们的质量也 在提升。

4.物类概念 物类概念
In fact, the Bavarian environment was so charged with Nazi sentiment throughout the 1920s that Hitler's storm troops goosestpped into power in Furth in1930…
词义引申法的 分类与特征
(categories & features) )
1.模糊形象表达 模糊形象表达
The fields ….. stretched themselves in their long winter sleep. 田野要在漫漫的冬眠之中伸展自己.? 田野要在漫漫的冬眠之中伸展自己 伸展自己. 田野要在漫漫的冬眠之中伸伸脚. 田野要在漫漫的冬眠之中伸伸脚. 伸伸脚
原文: 原文: Again remarkably, and despite those limitations, the agency's ranks contained many highly-qualified, dedicated professionals. But inevitably there were others. The unsuccessful. The soured and alienated who preferred comparative solitude to meeting many people. The dedicated self-protectors, avoiding difficult decisions. Alcoholics. The unbalanced. (–Arthur Hailey: Strong Medicine) V1: 当然,尽管有上述不利,该局的雇员中仍引人注目地包 当然,尽管有上述不利, 括许多水平很高,但也不可避免地良莠混杂, 括许多水平很高,但也不可避免地良莠混杂,好些没混出名 堂的人, 堂的人,那些宁愿图个清静而不愿多接触人的失意者和落魄 那些很会保护自己,不愿作出困难决策的人, 者,那些很会保护自己,不愿作出困难决策的人,嗜酒成性 的人,以及神经不健全的人,混迹其间. 艾平等译) 的人,以及神经不健全的人,混迹其间.(艾平等译) V2: 尽管有上述那些不利条件,奇怪的是,这机构里确有不 尽管有上述那些不利条件 奇怪的是, 条件, 少业务精湛,忠于事业的专门人才.但是其他的人也必然存 少业务精湛,忠于事业的专门人才. 有不得志的,有失意的,有宁可离群索居的, 在.有不得志的,有失意的,有宁可离群索居的,有一心保 住自己,只求避免作出困难抉择的,有好酒贪杯的, 住自己,只求避免作出困难抉择的,有好酒贪杯的,有入不 敷出的.(王岱等译) .(王岱等译 敷出的.(王岱等译
chapter 7 英汉翻译中的词义引申PPT课件

lair? 不入虎穴, 焉得虎子?
某种特性、事物、概念等。译成汉语时,往往要将这种含义或短语作 抽象化的引申,用比较笼统概括的词加以表达,以使译文明快达意。
Every life has its roses and thorns.
we have progressed a long way from the early days of electrical engineering。
2. 我们坚持主张国际贸易不应是有来无往。(在 原文中, one-way street 本意为“单行道”,将“单行 道”与国际贸易联系在一起,便不难引申为 “有来无往”这一含义。)
3. The avalanche unleashed by the film provided the best opportunity in a long time for the racial healing to begin。
She sailed into the room
1. They have their smiles and tears. 2. We insist that international trade should not be a one-way street.
1. 他们有自己的欢乐与悲哀。(原文中的smiles and tears 本来是“微笑和眼泪”,但是可以引 申为抽象的“欢乐与悲哀”。)

在确定大笔投资或收购前需要进行尽职调查。 6. The terms of the transaction have been negotiated on an arm‟s length basis.
1. Silver is the main color of choice for luxury vehicles, which make up 8.6% of the car market. 豪华车占汽车市场的8.6%,而银色是主选色调。
2. Our products are manufactured from the choice grades of material and will satisfy you in every respect. 我方产品均用上等材料制成,因此,在各方面都会使贵方满 意。
1. a low figure
2. workers The simplest way to succeed in business is to buy low and sell high. 生意成功最简单的途径就是贱买贵卖。 4. The value of the pound has fallen to a new low against the dollar. 英镑兑换美元的比值已跌到新的(最)低点。
(一)根据汉语的表达习惯确定词义 We sell cheap quality goods.
我们销售的商品物美价廉。 We have made you an offer at a very competitive price. 我方已按很低的价格向贵方报盘。 You will find our prices for these goods very popular. 贵方将会看出我方此批货物的价格是很便宜的。 As we have quoted you our rock-bottom price, we can‟t give you any more discount. 我方已报最低价,折扣不能再多给了。

最新整理国际商务中的常用英语汉译国际商务中的常用英语汉译一、英汉互译:Unit 1Domestic business:国内商务Economic globalization:经济全球化Host country:东道国Intellectual property:知识产权Non-tariff barriers:非关税壁垒国际商务:international business无形贸易:invisible trade国内生产总值:gross domestic products证券投资:portfolio investment“交钥匙”工程:turnkey projectUnit 2National product:国民产值Per capita GDP:人均国内生产总值Durable equipment:耐用设备Staple goods:大路货Creditor country:债权国国民生产总值:Gross National Product(GNP)收入分配:in e distribution经济合作与发展组织:the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD) 基础设施:infrastructure外汇储备:forEign currency reservesUnit 3Customs union:关税同盟Dual-Ministerial Meeting:双部长会议European mission:欧盟委员会Organization of petroleum exporting(OPEC) north: 石油输出国组织American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA):区域经济一体化:regional economic integration自由贸易区:free trade area欧盟:European Union亚太经合组织:Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation(APEC)部长理事会:Council of MinistersUnit 4Board of directors:董事会Day to day running:日常管理The parent MNE:多国公司母公司National economic welfare:国家经济利益The legal jurisdiction:法律管理范围经济全球化:Economic Globalization跨国企业:multinational enterprises股东:shareholder国际经济环境:international economic environment生产设施:manufacturing facilitiesUnit 5self-sufficient:自给自足的farm produce:农产品the endowments of nature:自然禀赋perfect petition:完全竞争output per many-year of labor:人均年产量自然资源分配:the distribution of natural resources 初级产品:the primary modities比较利益论:the theory of parative advantage互利贸易:the mutual beneficial trade资源储备:the reserves of natural resourcesUnit 6Production capability:生产能力Consumption preference:消费偏好Cost advantage:成本优势Large-scale production:大规模生产Tariff barrier:关税壁垒技术创新:technology innovation贸易方式:patterns of trade关税区:customs area自动出口限制:voluntary export restraint名胜古迹:places of historical interestUnit 7International chamber of merce:国际商会Customs clearance:结关EDI:电子数据交换Incoterms:国际贸易属于解释通则Destination port:目的港兼付运费保险费货价:CIF贸易条款:trade terms修改信用证:amendment to the letter of credit 集装箱运输:container transport运费付至:CPTUnit 8Binding obligation:有约束力的义务Trade fair:交易会International trunk call:国际长途The business line:业务范围Force majeure:不可抗力报价:quotation发盘:to make an offer有效期:the validity period付款方式:mode of payment仲裁:arbitrationUnit 9Cross-border contract:进出口合同Clearing system:清算系统;清算制度Leverage: 杠杆作用Trade credit account: 贸易信贷往来账户Centrally planned economy:中央计划经济对销贸易:counter trade实际头寸:net positions双边贸易:bilateral agreement易货贸易: barter垂直合并,纵向组合:vertical bination Unit 10Financial status:财务状况To open account:开立账户Consignment transaction:寄售交易A usance draft:远期汇票Documentary collection:跟单托收汇率浮动变化:exchange rate fluctuation 资信状况:credit status分期付款:periodic payment即期汇票:sight draft付款交单:document against payment(D/P) Unit 11Impassable documents:正确无误单据Correspondent bank:往来行Advising bank:通知行Confirming bank:保兑行Transportation clause:运输条款商业信用证: mercial letter of credit 开证行:the opening bank受益人:the beneficiary转船:transshipment统一惯例:the uniform and practice Unit 12Clean credit:光票信用证Irrevocable credit:不可撤销信用证Sight credit:即期信用证Deferred payment credit:推迟付款信用证Non-transferable credit:不可转让信用证循环信用证:revolving credit保兑信用证:confirmed credit远期信用证:usance credit票面价值:face value资金周转:capital turnoverUnit 13FrEight prepaid:运费预付Prepare documents:缮制单据Consignor:托运人Consular invoice:领事发票Notify party:被通知人收货人:consignee空运提单:airway bill产地证书:certificate of origin运输标记;shipping marks装运港:port of shipmentUnit 14Contract carriers:契约承运人Intermediate product:半成品Inventory :库存Ultimate consumers:最终消费者Natural product province:产品自然领域原始的生产方式:primitive mode of production竞争机制: petition system运输体系:transportation system货物、资本、人员的自由流动:the free movement of goods, capital, and personnel公共承运人: mon carriersUnit 15Time lag:时差Claim on goods:对货物的索赔All risks:一切险,Premium: 保险费Insurer:承保人保证金:margin股票投资:investment in stocks货物保险:cargo insurance外汇储备:foreign exchange services共同基金:the mon poolUnit 16Insurable interest:可保利益Settlement of a claim:理赔Freight forwarder:货运代理行Utmost good faith: 最大诚信原则Valued policies:有价保单代位追偿:subrogation近因原则:the doctrine of proximate cause预约保单:open policy平安险:free from particular average (F.P.A.) 水渍险:with particular average (W.A.)Unit 17Exchange rate:汇率Balance of payment:收支平衡Direct quote:直接标价Buying rate:买入价Financial policies:金融政策金本位制:gold standard平价:par value布雷顿森林会议:the Bretton Woods Conference 间接标价:indirect quote储备货币:reserve currencyUnit 18Financial resources:资金Retained capital:预留资金Grace period:宽限期A specialized mandate:优惠期Direct investment:特殊使命世界资本市场:World capital market借贷成本:the cost of borrowing净收入:net earning产权(股票)投资:equity investment经济结构调整:economic restructuringUnit 19Tax holiday:免税期Greenfield strategy:绿地战略Customer mobility:客户留动Investment returns:投资回报Start from scratch:白手起家合资公司:joint venture并购:acquisition生物遗传学:biogeneties自动出口限制:Voluntary Export Restriction(VER)存货:inventoryUnit 20Secondary capital market:二级资本市场Government stock:政府债券Market maker:股票经营商Standing mittee:常务委员会Underlying securities:基础证券证券交易所:the Stock Exchange(Market)普通股:ordinary share补偿基金: pensation fund金边债券:gilt期权:optionUnit 21Global trade rules:世界贸易规则The reciprocal tariff concession list:互惠关税减让表A uniform tariff system:统一关税体系The optimal use of the resources:资源的最佳利用A provisional treaty:临时条款协商机制:a consultative mechanism双边谈判:bilateral negotiation签约国:the signatory countries充分就业:full employment多边贸易体系:multilateral trade system Unit 22The non-discrimination principle:非歧视原则Escape clause:豁免条款A new economic order:新经济秩序Trade concessions:贸易减让Special drawing rights:特别提款权国际组织:international organizations技术转让:technology transfer商品协议: modity agreement国际货币体系:international monetary system 优惠关税:preferential(customs) tariff。

重要性:商务 英语翻译是商 务活动中不可 或缺的一部分, 它直接影响到 商务活动的顺 利进行和效果。
准确性:商务 英语翻译需要 准确传达原文 的意思和意图, 避免因翻译不 准确导致的误
快速性:商务 英语翻译需要 快速完成,以 便商务活动能 够顺利进行, 避免因翻译速 度慢导致的延
跨文化沟通:了解不同文化 背景,确保翻译的跨文化沟 通能力。
临场应变:在口译过程中 遇到突发情况时,能够迅 速调整策略,确保翻译的 顺利进行。
听解技巧:注意关键词、短语和句子结构,理解上下文 实践方法:通过模拟口译场景,提高听解能力 听解难点:口音、语速、背景噪音等 解决策略:通过反复练习,提高听解速度和准确性
文化差异:注意中西方文化的差异, 避免翻译中的误解和误译
翻译技巧:使用适当的翻译技巧,如 直译、意译、增译、减译等
语言风格:保持原文的语言风格和语 气,使译文更加自然流畅
专业词汇:掌握商务英语中的专业词汇 和术语
校对与修改:翻译完成后,进行校对 和修改,确保译文的准确性和流畅性
定义:商务英 语翻译是指在 商务活动中, 将一种语言的 商务信息准确、 快速地翻译成 另一种语言的

• We sell cheap quality goods.
• W我e方h已a按ve很m低的ad价e格y向ou贵a方n报o盘ff。er at a very competitive price.
基于安全性考虑,我们将为您开立一个新的交易账户,您的资金 将转入新账户,转账成功后将以电子邮件方式向您发送新账户明 细。
1. Every life has its roses and thorns. 每个人的生活都有苦有甜。
2. sleep deficit
词义的引申指的是在一个词所具有的原始意义的基础上, 根据上下文和逻辑关系进一步加以引申,选择适当确切的译 语词汇来表达,避免生搬硬套地逐字死译,这样才能使译语 更加通顺流畅。正如前文所述,英语词义对上下文的依赖性 强,可变性大,因此词义引申在英译汉中尤为重要。
3. The articles of our immediate interest are your “CHUNHUI” brand agricultural washing machines.
5. Due diligence should be done before finalizing any large investment or acquisition.
网络公司兼并造就了如此之多的年轻百万富翁,我们因此 面临一个新话题:风险资本。 (一般公司网址都有“dot and com”,所以此处具体引申为 “网络公司” 。) 2. All the wit and learning in the economic circle will be present at the seminar.

• Page 20 • 注释: underwriter (UW;U/W)核保人; 注释 ; / )核保人; 承保人: 承保人:指保险公司内决定承保与否和进 行风险选择的专业人员。 行风险选择的专业人员。 • 1. Appreciate the translation of “sympathetic” & “do not succeed”. • 2. Any improvement for the two sentences?
• 英语词汇:游移 英语词汇:游移(vacillant)、灵活 、灵活(flexible), 常依据搭配和上下文而变化; 常依据搭配和上下文而变化; • 汉语词汇:精确、固定,对上下文依赖性 汉语词汇:精确、固定, 较小
语域 register
• 英语:hyper-formal —— formal —— 英语: normal —— informal —— hyper-informal • 汉语:书面体、普通体、口语体 汉语:书面体、普通体、 • “government of the people, by the people, for the people, …” • 民有、民治、民享 (书面语) 民有、民治、民享…(书面语) • 归人民所有、由人民管理、为人民办事 (口语) 归人民所有、由人民管理、为人民办事…(口语)
eg. agency
• • • • • • • • an employment agency 职业介绍所 an advertising agency 广告公司 news agency 通讯社 Government agencies 政府机构
一词多义 • 英语词汇:游移(vacillant, context英语词汇:游移 dependent)、灵活 、灵活(flexible),常依据搭配和 常依据搭配和 上下文而变化; 上下文而变化;且英语的词义范围很容易 扩大,英语词汇容易获得新义。 扩大,英语词汇容易获得新义。 • 汉语词汇:精确、固定,对上下文依赖性 汉语词汇:精确、固定, 较小,且词义相对稳定,不易发生变化。 较小,且词义相对稳定,不易发生变化。
76--商务英语翻译大二上学期chapter 6-8词类转化法,词义的引申,虚与实的转换-精选版

A commonplace criticism of American culture is its excessive preoccupation with material goods and corresponding neglect of the human spirit. 译文:人们普遍批评美国文化过于强调对于物 质产品的占有而相应地过于忽视人们的精神生 活。
A developing economy with an impressive development plan requires large imports of capital goods, technology, raw materials and other inputs and consumer goods to car~ out the plan effectively. 译文:一个具有宏伟发展计划的发展中国家, 为了有效地实施其发展计划,可能需要大量进 口资本货物、技术、原材料和消费品及其他产 品。
ll services in business—such as gift wrapping, delivery and credit—have some amount of costs associated with them, and these costs must be covered by higher prices. 译文:商业中所有的服务——诸如礼品包装、 送货以及赊账——都有相应的成本,而这些成 本要靠较高的价格来弥补。 析: cover一词在英语中的意思是“包括, 包含,覆盖”,这里选取任何一个意义来翻译 本例句中cover一词都无法充分再现原文的意 义。将该词引申为 “弥补”才符合地道的汉

as busy as bee
as brave as lion
as black as crow
as sharp as knife
• It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something. • • 它那长长的叶子在风中摆动,好像伸出纤 细的手指去触摸什么东西似的。
根据词义变化和调整的程度不同,也就是 根据引申义和本义的差异之大小,词义引 申可简单分为三个层次:近似、深化、升 华。 近似引申:指接近本义,但又不为本义所 限的引申; 深化引申:指赋予新义,但与本义在字面 上尚有蛛丝马迹的联系; 升华引申:出自本义但在字面上远离本义。
And now for the good news: Stockholm residents enjoy sunbathing in November. Antarctic tourism is booming. Siberia has become the world’s breakfast.
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉 Parallelism 排比, 平行 Euphemism 委婉,婉辞法 Allegory 讽喻,比方(原意“寓言”) Irony 反语 Pun 双关 Parody 仿拟 Rhetorical question 修辞疑问(反问) Antithesis 对照,对比,对偶 Paradox 隽语 Oxymoron 反意法,逆喻 Climax 渐进法,层进法 Anticlimax 渐降法

The company has raised its joint venture equity to 70% to gain management control, which has tripled its initial investment and is now expanding its product range and manufacturing capacity to meet growing demands.
他们的生活远不止那些政治的、社会的和经济的问题,远不止一时的柴米油盐问题。 ( everydayness“平淡无奇”,此处具体引申为“柴米油盐” 。)
4. The Board tried its best to improve the balance sheet of the company.
董事会已尽最大努力改善本公司的整体财务状况。 ( balance sheet由抽象名词“资产负债表” 具体引申为“整体财务状况” 。)
2. Our products are manufactured from the choice grades of material and will satisfy you in every respect.
1. The premium rates vary with differed interests insured. 保险费率因保险标的的不同而有所差异。

郑州科技学院专科毕业设计(论文)题目Translation of The Meaningsof Inquiry Extended学生姓名专业班级学号所在系指导教师完成时间2009年11月15日探究翻译中的词义引申摘要英语词汇和汉语词汇各有各的特征,存在很大差异。
关键词翻译;词义;词汇ABSTRACTThere exists great differences between English vocabulary and Chinese vocabulary. As a result, we should understanding word meaning expands the motive and the significance, grasp the scope which the word meaning expands, and take the selected words for translation into careful consideration in order to make the translation be loyal to the original and really realize the communication and transplant between two cultures. This essay introduces the common methods of extension of word meaning through the actual examples:logical extension, pragmatic extension, rhetorical extension and adjustment of conpect scale.KEY WORDS Translation ;Word meaning;Lexcology;目录中文摘要英文摘要Introduction1 Expends meaning1.1 Expands is one of English to Chinese translation commonly used techniques1.2 The word meaning expands basis and degree2 Word meaning and motivation2.1 Some general remarks on semantics and meaning2.2 Relationship between meaning and the object2.3 Meaning and Motivation2.31 Phonetic motivation2.32 Morphological motivation2.33 Semantic motivation refers to the motivation based on semantic factors2.4 Main types of word meaning2.41 Grammatical meaning and lexical meaning2.42 Denotative meaning and associated meaning2.43 connotative meaning2.44 affective meaning2.4.5 word meaning and context3 The brief analysis word meaning expands way3.1 Expands is one word meaning secular variation most common way, is also the word meaning interior movement fundamental mode4 English vocabulary in motion4.1 Changes in meaning4.2 Four tendencies in semantic change4.3 Extension of meaning4.3.1 From specific to general4.3.2 From proper nouns to common nouns4.3.3 From concrete to abstract4.3.4 From technical terms to general words4.4 Narrowing of meaning4.4.1 From general to specific4.4.2 Form abstract to concrete4.4.3 From common nouns to proper nouns4.5 Elevation of meaning4.6 Degradation of meaning4.7 Semantic change from the literal use of words to their f igurative use5 The level of implied meaning5.1 Logic extended5.2 Extended abstract5.3 The specific extended5.4 Pragmatic extended5.5 Rhetoric extended5.6 Conceptual realm adjustment6 Grasp the meaning implied should also be noted ConclusionAcknowledgementReference中文摘要 (V)英文摘要 (V)Introduction (V)1 Expends meaning (V)1.1 Expands is one of English to Chinese translation commonly used techniques (V)1.2 The word meaning expands basis and degree (V)2 Word meaning and motivation V2.1 Some general remarks on semantics and meaning (V)2.2 Relationship between meaning and the object (V)2.3 Meaning and Motivation (V)2.31 Phonetic motivation (V)2.32 Morphological motivation (V)2.33 Semantic motivation refers to the motivation based on semantic factors (V)2.4 Main types of word meaning............................................................................................. V I2.41 Grammatical meaning and lexical meaning ............................................................ V I2.42 Denotative meaning and associated meaning .......................................................... V I2.43 connotative meaning ............................................................................................... V I2.44 affective meaning .................................................................................................... V I2.4.5 word meaning and context ..................................................................................... V I3 The brief analysis word meaning expands way............................................................................ V I3.1 Expands is one word meaning secular variation most common way, is also the wordmeaning interior movement fundamental mode ...................................................................... V I 4 English vocabulary in motion ...................................................................................................... V I4.1 Changes in meaning .......................................................................................................... V I4.2 Four tendencies in semantic change .................................................................................. V I4.3 Extension of meaning ........................................................................................................ V I4.3.1 From specific to general ......................................................................................... V I4.3.2 From proper nouns to common nouns ................................................................. V I4.3.3 From concrete to abstract (VII)4.3.4 From technical terms to general words (VII)4.4 Narrowing of meaning (VII)4.4.1 From general to specific (VII)4.4.2 Form abstract to concrete (VII)4.4.3 From common nouns to proper nouns (VII)4.5 Elevation of meaning (VII)4.6 Degradation of meaning (VII)4.7 Semantic change from the literal use of words to their f igurative use (VII)5 The level of implied meaning (VII)5.1 Logic extended (VII)5.2 Extended abstract (VII)5.3 The specific extended (VII)5.4 Pragmatic extended (VII)5.5 Rhetoric extended (VII)5.6 Conceptual realm adjustment ......................................................................................... V III6 Grasp the meaning implied should also be noted ...................................................................... V III Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... V III Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................... V III Reference ..................................................................................................................................... V IIIIntroductionThe language is the cultural carrier, simultaneously is also the cultural important component. The language is the language of the most active factor, the most sensitive reflection of social life and social thought of the change is the language best reflects the cultural identity of the part. The language environment also rooted in culture habits, it will inevitably be translated translated translated into the culture and the culture. Thus, in terms of translation, the translator must understand the different ethnic social and cultural embodied in the discourse of the cultural connotations of words contained in a correct understanding of cultural semantics, the use of appropriate translation methods, such as the original translation of language and cultural factors and the translation of basic agreed upon, can be used for such literal translation method, the image applied to law, to borrow a similar law; If the original language of cultural factors and the translation does not, etc., can be taken to seek common ground law, the meaning of the other method, add comments to law, of course, will be translated into different cultures in one language to another language is not easy, but a particular culture, language Habitat in the words translated into similarly reflect the cultural characteristics of the word is even more difficult, and sometimes inevitable rise to misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the translation of the reader. This requires that the translator should be particularly cautious, carefulanalysis of implicit in the words behind the semantics of the conflict prone to cultural factors, depending on the relationship between discourse and logic, from the basic meaning of the term proceeding further extended meaning, choose the more appropriate to Chinese vocabulary to express.1 Expends meaning1.1 Expands is one of English to Chinese translation commonly used techniquesExpands is one of English to Chinese translation commonly used techniques. English and Chinese formed in the long-term development and the use have been rich in the respective characteristic the rhetoric method, the matching custom and the issue document standard. So-called expands the law, is according to the context inner link, through the sentence in the word or the phrase and even the entire sentence's literal sense from outside to inside, carries on expanding which appropriatelies, utilizes some to conform to Chinese custom expression, selects the accurate Chinese words and phrases, expresses accurately the original text content's essence. Expands [1] may divide into four kinds, they respectively are logic expand, the language with to expand, the rhetoric to expand with the conceptual realm adjustment.1.2 The word meaning expands basis and degreeA number of translation theorists have referred to the impact of context on word meaning and constraints, and the translation sector, a wisdom that[2] "there is no context, no sense" (No context, no meaning) also expressed this idea. In addition to the context, but in addition there is no other basis.The basis of implied meaning in the context of its situation, it is a fact. According to the preceding text introduction, our also detectable another basis, that is the translation language performance custom. This is in the "Business English translation of" to have been derived in the definitionof identity, Is defined as follows: "According to the context of the internal relations, by sentence, word or phrase and even the literal meaning of sentence outside to the inside, using a number in line with the performance of Chinese customary law, would accurately convey the substance of the original out." Mentioned here, the internal relations of context, that is, the semantics of the original logic, which is to determine word meaning, choice, and extended the starting point. "Outside to the inside" is implied by the literal sense of deep meaning to the process of excavating, and then is used "consistent with the performance of Chinese customary law," come out of hidden meaning.Although it is said the translator to maintain interaction with the original, but in fact we are simply unable to exert any influence on the original. The original text linguistic environment has indeed provided the basis which the very important word meaning judgment, chooses and expands, for the translator understood accurately the original text has provided the premise and the foundation, But the translation basic task is actually completes in the expression, but must complete this task, the translation language's expression custom then becomes the guidepost and the basis. This view is consistent with the definition of translation Nida, he advocated "translation" is the recipient of the language used in the meaning and style of the level of replication and the source language information on the closest natural equivalent language. So far, this idea has been translated by many scholars as do all the definition of the most scientific, because it "clearly shows that in the end you want to translate what (information, message), also hinted that due to language and culture on the differences between the original and the translation can only be rela Based on the above three keywords, we can this idea be expressed as three simple propositions:tive to the other (closest), also taking into account the acceptability of the translation (natural). " First, the translation is accurate translation of meaning; second, translation should ref Only then does these three some, particularly the third spot, translates as the Trans-Culture human relations function only then calculates displays, because “expresses some thought with certain words and expressions, namely the view, must conform to the language custom, can accept for the people.”lect the original style;third, asked to comply with the language translation of expression. Translation rules have to be extended degrees, otherwise it might fall into Hu translation of the quagmire of chaos translation. As we all know, every language has its own habits and semantics of the logical expression. To express [3] the same meaning in both languages but in different ways, or expressions of similar meaning also the difference is a very common phenome This is because they have the turn of expression which common is established by usage. Native-speaking interaction using the same language. So long as they have received certain education, has certain culture, only if a side or both sides have both used the dialect patois or to achieve some kind of special human relations effect, or talks nonsense intentionally, generally will not say or writes does not conform to the native language to express the custom the words, The translation is a cross-language cross-cultural language exchange activities, there must be two or more languages involved, the same primitive way of expression is often a result of expression of different target language must be extended to certain mea But subject constitution identical The new father wore a proud smile nings. If A new report came in just amoment ago. might to translate is “a new report just sent.” Such mistakes in the beginner is not uncommon among the translation because they are one-sided pursuit of (literally) true, the results can not be asked readers of Health Zaochu accepted view. From this we can conclude that the general translation of the authentic natu re of the reader to accept is the meaning implied by the “degree”.If the reading to flow, and not in conformity with their inherent sense of native language, even if there is no problem on the grammatical structure must also be appropriate retranslation. Of course, "general reader" and "acceptable" are very broad concept, the so-called "general reader" in a number of "special" circumstances be relied upon to. It is probably in the translation of the introduction of reader-response theory and acceptance of aesthetic reason repeated attacks from the bar. The best way still have to analyze specific issues.2 Word meaning and motivation2.1 Some general remarks on semantics and meaningSemantics is a major branch of linguistics devoted to the study of meaning. The term semantics was first used by the French linguist Michael Breal in the 19 century. At that time the term, borrowed from Greek , was not used simply to deal with meaning but with the development and change of mean.Semantics can be [4] divided into several branches , such as his-torical semantics , structural semantics, behavioral semantics. This book will not , however, concern itself with these areas.Meaning can be defined as a reciprocal relation between name and sense.John Lyons, in his book semantics, gives used ten sentences to discuss what meaning is.(1) What is the meaning of …sesquipedalian‟?(2) I did not mean to hurt you.(3) He never says what he means .(4) She rarely means what she says(5) Life without faith has no meaning.(6) What do you mean by the word …concept‟?(7) He means well but he‟s rather clumsy.(8) Fame and richness mean nothing to the true scholar.(9) Dark clouds mean rain.(10) I t was John I meant not Harry .The first sentence may be explained as “ What does …sesquipedalian‟ signify .‟‟It can not be understood as “what is the significance of …sesquipedalian ‟ ?‟‟,because the former is quite different from the latter in meaning .In the second sentence the word intend may be substituted for the word mean ,that is , I did not intend to hurt you .the third and fourth sentence suggest the posibility of saying one thing and meaning another .In the fifth sentence meaning refers to significance or value .the sixth and seventh sentences may be replaced by “what do you intend t o say by the word …concept‟ ? ”and “He intends well but he is rather clumsy .” the senseof mean orsignificance .we may say “Fame and richness have no meaning for the ture scholar .”Or “fame and richness have no significance for the ture scholar .”In the ninth sentence mean can be replaced by are a sign of .The last one can be considered as “It was John that I had in mind not Harry .” Or “It was John ,I spoke of ,not Harry ,”From the examples given above it is evident that meanings of …to mean‟ and …meaning‟ have similarties and differences so that is impossible to say that any one of these mesnings is totally unrelated to the others . therefore meaning is very elusive in the English language and does not seem to be stable , but it depends upon speakers , hearers and context . Why is this so ? It is because this sene of meaning can not be explained or understood except in relation to the notions of intention ,on the one hand ,and signoficance , on the other hand ,which....relevant to the interpretation of at least some of the other senses of meaning and to mean .We know that sentence meaning is important as well as word meaning . So many linguists have been primarily concerned with sentence meaning and its relation to word meaning .In his book SemanticsF.R.Palmer quotes Bierwisch‟s remark that “a semantic theory must explain such sentences as :(1) His typewriter has bad intentions .(2) My unmarried sister is married to a bachelor .(3) John was looking for the glasses .(4) (a)The needed is too short . (b) The needle is not long enough .(5) (a) Many of the students were unable to answer your question . (b) Only a few students grasped your question .(6) (a) How long did Archibald remain in the Monte Carlo ? (b) Archibald remained in Monte Carlo for some time .”From the sentences mentioned above we can see that in recent years some linguistics have tried to limit semantics to sense relations .These sentences prove that there are a lot of linguistic phenomena we should pay close attention to ,such as anomalousness , contradiction , ambiguity and interdependence of sentences in the language .Concretely speaking ,the first one is an example of an anomaalous sentence .The second is of an ambiguous one . the fourth are synonymous sentences . In the fifth sentence ,the meaning of one sentence follows from the other .In the last the first one implies the second one .2.2 Relationship between meaning and the objectAccording to the Swiss linguist Fredinsnd de Saussure the linguistic sign consists of a signifier and a signified ,that is , a sound image and a concept . This island called the sign theory of de Saussure .According to Ogden Richards the symbol is the linguistic element , that is , the word ,sentence ,etc.,and the refernt is the object ,etc., in the world of experience ,while thought or reference is concept . This is called the semiotic triangle .The sign theory and the semantics triangle belong to the the category of the traditional semantics .They are useful to help useful understand meaning and semantic relations .From the figure mentioned above we know that whenever we have a word ,there will be a concept ,from which the meaning of a word is derived .2.3 Meaning and MotivationMotivation deals with the relationship between name and sense . There were two rival schools of thiught ,the Naturalists ,who believed that the origin language lies in onomatopoeia ,that people began talking by creating iconic signs to imitate the sounds heard around and sense ,and the Conventionalists ,who held that the relations between sound and meaning are conventional and arbitrary .In [5] dealing with morphemes we also touched on the problem of motivation ,for example ,worker and blackleg are respectively formed by adding-er to work and combining black-and-leg into one word . This is called morphologyical or grammatical motivation .2.31 Phonetic motivationMany of English words are conventional symbols. But a number of the sounds associated with the things named are called onomatopoeia . These words are echowords in English ,such as :cuckoo, ding-dong , swish , buzz ,coo , mew , and the sounds of these words seem to de appropriate to their senses . But it has to be pointed out that onomatopoeia words constitute only small part of the vocabulary .The forms of words normally have only a conventional relationship with what they refer to . 2.32Morphological motivationWords which were formed by means of morphology structure belong to the category of motivation by morphology .A word like in the English vocabulary are formed by morphological motivation .2.33 Semantic motivation refers to the motivation based on semantic factorsIt is a kind of mental association [6] based on the conceptual meaning of a word . In other words ,it is the figurative sense of the word . A number of words in the English vocabulary may be explained by the motivation of meaning .The original meaning of word bottleneck is the neck of a bottle . From the primary sense the word has developed figurative senses in the course of development of the langua ge .First ,people used the word …bottleneck ‟ to express a narrow strip of road ,between two wide parts ,where traffic is slowed down , or held up . Later ,the word had another sense ,that is , that part of a manufacturing process ,where production is slowed down , for instence ,by shortage of materials . Here the figurative sense of the word …bottleneck‟ is an obstruction in the sense of traffic or production which resembles the obstruction of the neck of a bottle .2.4 Main types of word meaningWord meaning can also be classified according to different perspectives . These meaning are not found in every word ,and in fact some words possess some of them , devoid of others .Some types of meaning may appear more prominent in certain words than in cthers . Some meanings are constant , and others may be transient , existing only in actual contexts . All these form part of the study of semantics and prove of paramount importance in the use of words .2.41 Grammatical meaning and lexical meaningGrammatical meaning contains word-class and inflectional paradigm . Grammatical meaning refers to that part of the meaning of the word which indicates grammatical (nouns ,verbs ,adjectives ,adverbs), singular and plural meaning of nouns ,tense meaning of verbs and their inflectional variants . It is the component of meaning concept or relationships such as part of speech of words. identical in individual forms of different words for instance , the tense meaning in the word forms of verbs (worked ,studied ,taught,etc.);the c ase meaning (boy‟s ,word‟s ); the plural meaning (girl,girls ,child children ,etc.) . when a dictionary lists the funtion of the words , the definition does at least two things , first it describes the lexical meaning of the word . Then it gives the part oe speech of the word which modern linguists call the word-class ,e.g. the word …modern‟ in the dictionary is marked as the adjective and the noun, the …modernize‟as the verb .When we use a word in the sentence we have to take two factors into consideration ,one is the lexical meaning , the other is the word-class to which the word belonged. The inflectional paradigm is the set of grammaterical forms of the word when used in actual speech .Words of nouns ,adjectives and verbs appear in different forms e.g. cat ; mouse ,mice , nice ,nicer ,nicest; walk,walks , walked , walking ; wrute, writes, wrote , written , writing and so on .Functional [7] words, though having little lexical meaning , possess strong grammatical meaning , and their lexical meanings are prominent .Lexical meaning is the meaning of an isolated word in a dictionary . This component of meaning is identical in all the forms of the word . Lexical meaning and grammatical meaning formthe word meaning . Grammatical meaning surfaces only in use , but lexical meaning is constant in all the concent words within or without context as it is related to the concept the word conveys .Every word has a different lexical meaning may be subbivided into the two types of meaning ,namely denotative meaning and associated meaning .2.42 Denotative meaning and associated meaningDenotative meaning (conceptual meaning , logical meaning , cognitive meaning ) is meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word meaning . Denotative meaning , being [8] constant and relatively stable , forms the basis for communication as the same word generally has the same speech community .Denotative meaning is the extensive meaning of a word .Take …The sun rises in the east .‟ for example .The sy sun here means …he burnin g star in the sky aroubd which the Earth moves and from which it recevies light and heat ‟, a concept which is unmistakable to anyone who speaks English .To a great extent ,denotative meaning is the central factor in linguistic communication .One of the functions of the words is to describe something ,such as an object ,a property ,a process , or a state of affairs .Associative meaning is the secretary meaning supplement to the denotative meaning .It differs from denotative meaning in which it is open-ended and interminate , influenced by such factors as culture ,experience , religion,geographical region , class background ,education ,etc . Accordingly ,we can have three types of associated meaning : connotative ,stylistic ,and affective meaning .2.43 connotative meaningConnotative [9] meaning, opposite to the denotative meaning ,is the international meaning which a word suggests or implies . It refers to the overtones or associations .It is not an essential part of the word-meaning ,but social and cultural values that might occor in the mind of particular user of the language .For example ,refers ,denoting a …female parent of a child ‟, is ofen associated with …love ‟, …care ‟, …protection‟ ,‟tenderness‟ , …affection ‟ , …forgiveness ‟, etc .these connota tions are not given in the dictionary ,but associated with the word in the acutal context to particular readers or speakers .Another example is home ,whose denotative meaning is a …place where one lives ,esp.with one‟s family ,friends ,warth ,safety ,love, convenience ‟etc.these connotations are implied in the well-known sayings “East or west ,home is best .”Connotative meaning ,being unstable and varying considerably accounting toculture ,history background ,individual experience ,is of secretary or minor importance to denotative meaning. Suppose someone is prejudiced against during the childhood ,often mocked at ,beaten or scolded at home ,then home to him is nothing but a hell ,naturally the …disagreeable‟ connotations ,indifference ,hatred , unpleasan tness ,disgust and so on .‟Connotative meaning includes the stylistic reference and the emotive charge proper to the word .2.44 affective meaningAffective meaning expresses the speakers‟ attitude towards the person or thing includes in question .this meaning can be overtly and explicitly conveyed simply by the chice of the right words as many have emotive content in themselves ,e.g. vicious villainous ,tyrant ,love ,hate ,anger ,grief ,pleasure . Interjections are generally expressions of emotions such as oh ,dear me ,alas ,hurrah .Words that have emotive values may fall into two types :appreciative or pejorative . Wordsworth of positive overtones are used to show application or the attitude of approval such as famous ,determined , slim black ; words of negative connotations imply disapproval ,contempt or criticism , e.g. notorious ,pigheaded , skinny ,nigger. Affective meaning, just like connotative meaning ,varies according to individuals ,cultures , generationsand societies .Words like freedom ,socialism , democracy ,imperialism have quite different interpretations in different societies and sometimes these emotive overtones are more important in the words use than the denotations. Wordsworth like dog and dragon may have quite different affective meaning in different societies , though their denotative meanings are just the same .2.4.5 word meaning and contextThe context [10] generally shows in what sense the word is used , in its primary sense or its figurative sense . When used literally , words have symbolic meaning . The meaning of the word is defined by the context . The context determines which meaning out of all the possible meanings is to be attached to the word .。